Expense Detail

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Total amount of shahid sahib Not reiceved form savbir Left Amount In account Debit

50060 600 49460 48646 814

Total amount deducted Expense detail Evo Milk Stationary



From petty cash 750 Amount left 64 64 rs given to shahid sahib

Uload 2 card Tissue Burger Water supply

TCS charges Bodyweight Ali Fare Atif incentive Ali incentive Grand total Amount to be in hand

1000 330 100 90 100 200 50 560 375 200 2800 600 500 6000 4000 16905 8095


Bonus details Amount given Home Ahsan Party Personal expense Amount left

33700 22000 3000 2000 2060 4640

Amount in hand Ahsan CNg Party Home Received Left

8000 3000 900 1000 500 1200 3300

My expense


Transfer Withdrawl Left Petty cash

108891 45000 10000 53891 23664 25427

My expense Lunch rs

23664 4800 5600


Bilal 150


Petty cash expense

Total Cash withdrawl Expense Detail EVO Milk Stationary TCS Uload Card Tissue Burger Water supply TCS Body weight Farw Total sum Amount left Atif bonus Ali bonus Grand total

25000 1000 330 100 90 100 200 50 560 375 200 2800 500 6305 18695 6000 4000 8695

8095 Expense detail of grand total My expnese

Bonus Detail 33700 22000 3000 7890 810

Home Ahsan My expense Left

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