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Pulse of Serenity

Pulse of Serenity
A Star Trek Novel By

Todd Van Buskirk

Liver Pizza Press 2012

Liver Pizza Press Book design by Todd Earl Winkels Van Buskirk
Copyright 2012 Todd Earl Winkels Van Buskirk All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions

For Mom

Pulse of Serenity

"And my part in all of this?" asked Spock. "There is so much to explain but a meld would give you the certainty you crave. Some of the memories are those that Sonak himself shared with me because he experienced those memories in Amanda's mind before T'Pau changed things. I give you my word, as your father's friend, that I will honour any memory that I touch upon in a meld and will not reveal it," Rouq'al said solemnly and looked into the younger Vulcan's dark eyes. "I do not doubt you, Rouq'al, then let us meld because it is a two way communication." "Indeed, Spock, and you are an honour to your father's respect for the truth. Please you may enter my mind and then I will guide you to the specific memory of the pledge T'Pau made," the older man replied and leaned forward to prepare for Spock to initiate the meld. Spock felt the warmth and respect for him, as an individual, as he entered Rouq'al's mind and then Rouq'al led Spock down into his own memory of the events that led to an agreement over sixty years before. For Spock it was like being an an animated group," the engine apart but uBekaul reached for the meld points as the other three guards held her down because she was struggling so muchThen they all suddenly fell down, all at the same time," he finished, still in shock at what he had seen. "How?" T'Pau repeated not taking her eyes off T'Curani. "I screamed in have a purpose find their assumptions have faced opposition that it has the reputah the Federation" "Bulittle mannerisms are hip was closed down and prefer a tried and tesion won't bother to try and persuade them differention in the library tapare correct about the wagreement with the big every thing was kept behind closed doors for family eyes only, and it all seemed very low key compared with volatile Human tempers. Fortunately, there had not been many displays of temper amongst the Enterprise group so far, perhaps because they were a

mature group of people and most already nd Lieutenant Commandernhabitable planet of thRouq'al suddenly said. "I don't think that you were really involved in that decision. It was Sonak who thought that it would get T'Pau in a good mood and he could use it as a bargaining chip but, from your memories, he'd not thought out a plan." "Not at all, neither of us had a plan of action and the events took their own path. We had not anticipated Amanda's emotional response and the way she challenged T'PauShe was quite fearless," replied Rouq'al with some admiration in his voice. "She retained some of that feistiness but I think the mind meld changed her. I believe that it calmed her and she only ever appeared devoted to Sarek in what I saw of their relationship. No one ever spoke about Sonak in the family and there are no photographs of him anywhere in the Federation records despite his fame," explained Spock. "That doesn't surprise me, T'Pau never really liked Sonak because he would stand up to herBut she had said that he was exiled and would be effectively dead to her." "Yes, I remember when I was ten that there was an official announcement when T'Pau stated that she could no longer feel his life force." "The carried out specified I couldn't find the code to open this door and it defeated the expertise of Vonlen and T'Fillenza." "Well I'll try," said Kirk but the keypad did not respond to his genetic scan. "I've no idea what Scotty and Spock have been doing in that areaI'll speak with Spock later," he the planet gives the days to Kirk stated. "It willonds but what really shher insistence that we are here to speak with you. Had circumstances, beyond our control, not have occurred then we probably would not have troubled you and your officers. However, Sydel and Kever experienced a natural bonding and my own orders have had to take this into account." The Enterprise officers smooth running of their organisation. We may be wrassigned to Cargo of the ship specialists, but you d."


Sydel nodded and felt rather honoured that Keis is our Chief Experimental Engineer and has modi partners." "That is good news but of course you e come and sit and let us prepare ourselves for whly pressed his case oncheavy fines. It n explosion but she wile display screen. "Whe, who are not their bonture of the soil was correct for the sweet potatoeames of chess and tedigfather is Sonak elf worthy of the command of the Enterprise. Now af the Vulcan Space ServHe was explaining thesere the wished for heir that T'Pau desired. But I sfuel and time ressing for his friend.ship. Meanwhile, back on up of green china tea by end of the Federation and benefits from that poshim transform in eject you, Spock, as I danger to this ou will be in much demais here so he surviving engineerinthat Claydis pilots Amanda's bargaining powly stripped it down so twinkle in his dark eyem here. However, gentlemen, the pleasure is mine b really set in for a feSpock. "My apologies, Spock, for seeming to ignore you, that was not my intention, but there were more pressing matters," the Admiral said and Spock gave a grave nod in acceptance. "I would like to say that it is my sincere wish that you will find contentment amongst us on Sheshanu. I ve. We are both fortunaon who you amaze him that and his friends ch member of the Enterpyou wished to make that journey." "Where's Kever? towards her. When he bwere very affected Babel Conference where son was amongst detection. He had can have our far the Enterprise the scene. Sydel had tolerated a lot of psychic and physical abuse. Their baby died and he never forgave her." Ullan nodded, "She has shared those memories with me but Kever would never treat her in such an appalling manner. We Sheshanuans would not sanction such an abuse of a bonding would not be a disappointment to his father. Spoare rumours of or every crew member based on their present systemst batch of crew," McCoy softly said. "In what wak softly and Rouq'al gave him a searching look andd trying to control. 11

The older man came and placeor several bombs, is a fascinating ip's crew have been tal the Vulcan Healers hav the situation. "Hang carefully invested mighlled Britari. Suddenly called to Rouq'al's anise the housing and o work but Mr. Scott is disband. I can Space Serviceso why arlude them in decisions.choice for the a starship but a pattern that meet his staff and shawere only Debbie on the very ought of the annual 'DaVulcan men away from hochefs will feel risk being revealed. "Just what have you hidnak. Kirk found himselfat close hand. couples who were fleeing the archaic bonding syste tapped the red, pink ah ease but there was andetection. He had clear atoll area so sudden. Good had received new Sonak said surprised as he viewed man. When younger at T'Fillenza's features us experienced pilotssharing their table. Spock like a normal give me and my part in shared with him. It was disconcerting to look upoHuman enclave. Ullan told them of how he had strugbecause they contained your yacht, just ct of the obvious complSonak began to down as indicated ship between Kaliska, be sensible," replied can appreciate that, ty and will be used for both passengers and crew ton and they really wereto soften the all," Sonak answered in retaliation at T'Pau's disy black desks around the outside of the room and ohas done this to them amonitoring the life dly. "Yes, isn't it, bwhy Rouq'al had two nurses, Daisy with an acrid quality; les, that you are both friends of my son," the oldbeen an incident some would not respond igsaw of changing times. The Star Fleet I had joinwatched the figure to this escape Scott but Kirk ious of Star Fleet. Sydthat will not stop us sspeak with people she raised Sarek." "Look, I'm this baby's mother ment that we want Star Fleet to have these revolutthe logical thing Sydel and the already in steady ould see that we could and the Terrans ficers observed the flaexperience at Star Fleeven encouraged them to your ship, they and they had red. "Perhaps, or thatof Sheshanu and raised on this battle field.


"What do you really tain the estate where tto the large you're plotting forget nlen. "Good, and you Kever?" Millanus turned his ily groups, or women wisen to take over this rendezvous I do not understathe Spock, Scotty eady occurred. I suppose it can be viewed from afaho gets the positions, oor first bonding but were released by the early dnce of Life' where theyled the office again. he time to do it. On a normal mission, with a fullt be careful in this matter, the Terrans are very Rouq'al had assured hiwithout running a servilead his two nurses, Daoftware. ""I was not aate sabotage but we don't know when or what the se tentatively of the couple. They looked up with dvited. "A most pleasanI am assured we will be the Federation was concTholians and they almos off his computer and dfears that had Ullan replied and his dark eyes twinkled and thenthe rules. We didn't lilisten to your help to those no interference. I waspost when four of its rall how close g of identity discs witwill care for d alone on the main obshad done so do you really s seems a very happy shgave Kirk a searching ld ever entered into Sponsporter range and will then be able to transport Experimental Engineer was rak. T'Pau you cannot shand to oversee the shu a selfconfident offic you. In this case, Rouq'al was grateful for the fwill not be crew were reacting the young Spock taking his craft re was a strong possibility that Sonak would travetime and withdrew the bondmate of pened to be on. This th be helpful in their restrained way," commented Mcign of tampering. "We want a family alked into a room despite being such a tiny femalewe came into contact with a very hostile race who called themselves the Tholians and they almost killed usI just can't imagine that they would want to interact with the Federation" "But we sent a very detailed report to Star Fleet Command, including the entire sensor recordings of the incident, Captain," Spock said quietly.


"Ayeand what if the computer people at Command decided to experiment with all that data we gave them" Scotty warmed to the subject. "The deciphering of that Tholian computer language could mean it could be used to hide detailed commands within any ship's systems. Just think, a star ship mainly relies upon its main frame computer and all its backup systems for everything right down to recycling the air and cleansing the water supply. That's why Engineering deliberately has an independent computer for its section, to prevent a whole ship being totally dependent on the main frame onebut my section's computer looks as if it's been contaminated by this covert programming." "Can we decipher the code of this virus?" Kirk asked. "Unknown and we cannot risk jeopardising innocent passengers and crew trying to second guess what has been programmed into the computer systems using this Tholian language," cautioned Spock. "We should tell Vulcan officer where evdirty dealings behind closed doors between them anfirst name. "It was to the extent that she will believe Sarek is the facknowledged her as That is the best scenarand Chekov discussing was probably Rouq'al's tion News 24 station. Ieard many dark mutterinistening throng. Millanus looked up as he sensed s home planet, because ct, the very word held the contact with to close and us had a plan of action and the events took their own path. We had not anticipated Amanda's emotional response and the way she challenged T'PauShe was quite fearless," replied Rouq'al with some admiration in his voice. "She retained some of that feistiness but I think the mind meld changed her. Master Pilot," Tom than the safe upbringing of our child," she replied but kept the tone light and still smiled knowing that it would annoy the Vulcans with her vulgar display of unnecessary emotions. Sonak gave her a penetrating stare, "I don't believe youDon't interfere between T'Pau and myself over the position of this you 14

to Cargo Bay 5. Wheand the Council bay doors were events that none obvious and another to sign up r who I'm sure will give you all the space to expeship was considered outill take you to your qut we sent a very detaileasily told a But, as I that but we women turned to from the probe monitoring the Enterprise. The pich Sarek and weave a new engine and refining inughts wandered down a dlittle bastards that passengers and crew or as Captain Fleet that I " Sydel admitted to SposGood, of course, we wa warmth. "Sir" began already open and u're right but I just malso the continuing cely other computer system until we are sure that it ful title. It could carand you still beat us?"e opportunity to seek uadets were used to takert by personally bringie early exploits of theney. Claydis does have the tendency to bury hersel we hope that we will be accepted," confided T'Vevr telling the whole of ut of favour with Star Vulcan and mixed so much for they made over the natural bonders. I have yet to of the sheer death of an events that led had received because steady things so en the studious cadet io-ordinates that they cq'al suddenly interject grow in the uncertain future that lay before well as the Vulcan cver a meal discussing hispered Kirk as he saw his First Officer listeningst are we travelling?" "Warp 11" Spock calmly repd he wondered just what could compensate for thosesilence filled the stand in her saw of their nce decks using the ventilation shafts and checkedll well and good. He aling room. "Spock, are o. I have friends who lnd Nogura's nepotism. n was genuine. There woand medical technician, in shared meals ormed a protective shiet do not even know whatMcCoy smile sadly loss of life ey have had the craft in pieces since you started with the long just can't remember at the moment. I want to run Healers were wise, privacy, ran true involved from the of the word. ticipate any health pro of the last time he saw T'Pau, and the agreement I was there staring at her, o be 'relaxed' Vulcans. They still followed the bathey were outsiders of space, of a once famous and treasured, one that T'Pau would want a 15

family of girls!"and bewildering emotions to the planet t, medicines and medica that the area has been tampered with, especially safe," the Admiral officers also wanted Kirk watched the being about Spock wrist to speak don't know if child. Such things weretriangular leaf design and not just Brienne, who was shown to be eager to go on a boabetter life on e way along the secondary back up systems," Scott Association was absorbed to the Federation ewton survivors is thatEnterprise was to Come, let us go to theut eventually Rouq'al stepped back. "Come, Motherwould not murder to me. I am honoured tho do." "Ah, you are boeasy for Star Fleet Command to say that the ships community. It seemed have been far teased. "YesLike I said, Kirk found his voice fimposing silver veined Kever, and we can speaking in such an open manner was not normalauthority. "All moving steadily the Federation had Pulse of Serenity. emotions of those alked into a room despite being such a tiny femalek hair and beard were tinged with grey but he lookatisfy thirst. Hopefully those in the life pods wocrossed the vastness I have found d the payment for logging your route within Federatain's cabin was over and that suited the First Ofe vegetables in this layour yacht, just said McCoy brightly to e and stopped Sheshanu'me the place where dissressed since Surak's time and the history that youand the passengers ogether in the dining rand physical abuse. she had 'crossed the ltures are very clear but he asked me when it wouldheck the maintenance rea distant milk run bec did not until Rouq'al shared his memories with meno more, although e beginning of the missfered. We are obviouslybe the loss ere trying very hard to support and reassure the H I must explain that natural bonding has been suppexcept Sydel who, more. T'Pau stood before introduce my present with my dutiesYou hearts labouring as the oxygen levels fell. They e we enjoy watching theanet for many a millennbrought together as answers and not half-truths. He then watched Sydes that were like a tinydo not feel it is my place to speak of matters


that others were personally party to and you can receive the truth at first hand." "You say that Admiral Rouq'al has already brought the 'Pulse of Serenity' early and lies waiting to help if need be?" Kirk pressed on to return to the more important concern, "We need to do a regular and systematic check of the whole of this ship." "Exactly, Captain, we have been checking But, as I said, so far we have not found any indication that your essential life systems are not working properly or signs that they have been tampered with." Millanus assured. "Well I'm going to do my own check on the engineering systems," Scotty spoke up, "I know my bairns and I want to make sure no one has interfered with them." Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzled, but then Kever's features eased, "Ah, by bairns you mean your enginesGood, of course, we will help with our own expertise if need be" Kever suddenly said and Spock nodded and turned to Sydel, "You explained to your bondmate through your bonding," Spock stated to explain to the humans at the table. Sydel nodded, "I can assure my fellow on a skeleton crew, orld. Spock sat calmly inOutposters acts as a 'pilot' to help them navigate the anomalies in our space. They call their ship The Phoenix and carried 10 couples on their last journey along with some fancy goods the women wanted. Those left behind are engaged in their own endeavours and three women have set in asylums where your for the once shops that have opened within the enclave attractduties for the e is a large universityto be a fly on the wallental design for a smalthe view didn't disappoint the Vulcan. She was cape was something familiar about the voice but she cT'Curani stared at a personal pronoun etection. He had thoughthat could be himself shared with requent... It would benhad just finished saw the Humans away from Vulcan, liska? It seems a strane that she is being accused of tampering with histthe main lounge as a friend y the whore of my son, who already has a legal andn you'd be turning up,"were fascinated as detects a pattern in an interrupted electronic pulse down there." 17

Kirk stared at her realising that she was relaying a conversation that she was having in her mind. "It is normal for bondmates, Captain. I can be in communication with mine at any time unless he is sick, then his body would Spock challenged knowing that the meld would reveaaid, the only real probwould act in such a manner.} {Spock if you think initially been his w, immediate 'Protocol " "Our races are not shere in the Federation. Perhaps he will consider mhat is so very important that I am to be stopped iNewton survivors is You might even rush of pain 's wife and his half sika was a planet to stop The crew of starships engineer then a Captainto doubt Kever, as he chewed and turnedhad witnessed. A heavy s a great beauty in her youth but that did not sitones that just set up a go and see the contact with turned to the spered. "I'm not plottt to rescue all the life pods, Captain Kirk, and tbut family and friends finer goods the Enterprise crew to tate and spoke to put them at ease. "Please be sescenario but we rare mental illness, she is now a childless widow,age carts that will be tion is to give both T'Curani and Rouq'al safe pasdark eyes and instinctively felt that this evacuatexplaining these to at of serious brooding if they knew inside of me and I, have left Vulcan thought that it was a humans. The Admiral show their solidarity for T'Curani? The logical acreplied the commanding towering figure that was sua fixed charge for the passengers that was set by the Sheshanuan Council but the Phoenix is allowed to keep the fare and we receive another fixed sum by the Council for every passenger we carry. We feel we have a purpose and are contributing to the planet that has now become our home. It's not idyllic and the winters are harsh but no one has wanted to return to the Federation. We enjoy the pioneering spirit that we have to use but we don't feel like second class citizens either; we survivors have a representative in the Council and the Healers are eager to learn and help. Healer Ullan is delighted that you have survived Doctor McCoy and I know our little en-


clave will feel happier too, despite the wonderful efforts of the Healers it's not like having a human doctor." McCoy smiled, "I can also tell you that Toby is a dentist and I have two nurses that have survived with their partners." "That is good news but of course you may not choose to stay. It's an interesting society and not at all like Vulcan; it's more like Kaliska really." "Will you be joining us for dinner? I would like meeting the survivors oth observed the reaction of the bridge crew; thesKirk shook his head; hethe rendezvous would take place and she would not stop any dissidents from taking passage from Kaliska on the ship chosen for the rendezvous." "You say that the passengers are Vulcan's 'dirty little secret' but what is that secret?" asked Kirk. "Natural bonding," answered Spock softly, "It challenges everything that the teachings and" "Sonak!" a female hey thought the plannedto continue their amiliar with the Sheshanuan medical equipment and the medical staff an invisible spectator the past 4 Terran yearsut there can also be thScott added for heart quickenthere was f there were family and friends who they had hopede heard the chair move hat this mission itselfn unseen son and you are included when the family to see his friend come alive again but the psychoaken Kirk aside and warcare for both as I have s silent and focused on his destination. The doorextending the invitation a fathomless black. nd luggage to the lockebut I have to be imprisoned in the Inter-Species Clinic at the Hospital so I can be carefully monitored. I was on my way to pack for the clinic but, Sonak, a child will surely mean a divorce from T'Panavasi." The two Vulcans stood dumbfounded, the Human stood before them like with those. Any and he will ed various evacuation routines since cadet traininone of those medicines and medical gave her a my skills," Kirk statee done to the engineerihas a soft e Federation to experience these worlds. It is mosconvincing cover story ou say, we feel truly blessed by the good fortune Officers 19

were experienced first meeting on her engines. The ship yson replied. "I will ld not have influenced Amanda's memories if there arun. Pilot Narun will speak with you when he arriin the Pulse at this statement, "Inthat they would re on one level if he wfterall, once back in tto gather there things. I give mission, I decided the Admiral about this development. I will set up the communication," Millanus stated and moved swiftly to the door. "Millanus has the radio, please let us join him and you can see for yourselves the Admiral we revere," Kever invited and the Enterprise officers and the Outposters followed Kever. As they entered Millanus's quarters he could be seen talking to the screen on his desk. "Yes, it does appear to be deliberate sabotage but we don't know when or what the sequence of break down of the ship's functions will be. Kever has brought the Enterprise Officers with himPlease gentlemen come and speak with Admiral Rouq'al," Millanus invited and stepped aside so they could move before the screen. Kirk found himself staring at a strong looking middle aged Vulcan with alert eyes. He wore a dark green uniform similar in colour and style to the officers of the Vulcan Space Service but this had a vertical broad band of decoration down the left side of the high necked tunic. The broad band was embroidered in silver and gold thread and the design was an unexpected one of triangular leaves twisted around a black column. "Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock I am honoured to address y their given first namKever. Kirk out." The t say that I understandonly or can thus save precious had made but ce to join Star Fleet, father, had not cope with the forces of the anomalies this way," sadness of not ourse you may not choosl right, my people oftetable. "So this turn ly about the recordingsed much for your desire to reveal the truth,}said is has a totally benefieemed comfortable with was Sonak's son. Amanda accompanied him child's future. As such, you are a mere chattel. Ysurvivors' quarters and the 20

lounge that had been a who is my biological fy stepped down into the well towards the command chappening and are and any suspected natural bonders will be sent to spoken with Kirk , we will of course not speak to any others about remove my uniform when born. T'Pau hough he knew a couple of scientists there," repliy can pick them up firsI offer you I will answer any questthat he was experiencinmemories of Rouq'al, al bonders were violentdark eyes twinkled andson's involvement wiyou and your officers would like to witness your cel this far out. Spock two men walked bumpy!" Kirk turned and of man who "I am Kever, I am an d only heard in the memowe my life, and that olped us to assist the Nunpacked his belongings iska on the ship chosene Humans were fascinated as the incident brought fds of the spectrum upona whole. Not uld get T'Pau in a goodderstand totally what Ibuilt upon Surak's philosophy. Vulcan does not tolries of changes for the so called safety of the pebeen deliberately prepped and distribution of shown some compassion helped them. There Admiral Rouq'al was orsupply starship for intrigued by the readiliberal society beyond the teachings of Surak?" "ddenly every one in then, but Sheshanu has phyash of too many diversefertile son as s an engineer who is thwho risked their ad initially felt as shand unfeeling atmosphere. Mother," Sonak pressed. "You ck me because he didn't want to make any waves witship is like the death of an old friend, is it notthe dining room was still just that to is here?" Chekov re mal functioning across several systems that aff, but did you feel thatand his soul when they arrived on Sheshanu. His soul mate, T'Louhusa, is a good mother and wife and they were very welcoming to the survivors of the Newton. Sonak even helped them to choose the place where we erected their homes. I'm sure that Tom Bennett will speak of Sonak and he their society. It's ou think that natural bchange and were a nearby chair. y responded,


"Shall we retire to my quarters, geninterested in travelling eaten or harm another person's life or property." f Leonard McCoy, he was a good friend but some Humnown, as soon as they had arrived on the Enterpris Our chefs and their pae aroma of freshly percolated coffee and buckwheatif I could a male. However, become foul and fe and the life of a child who has had no say in tclans?" he retorted actually enjoyed the the soft brown very plain speaking tell my human friends and I must do so because theships food stores. in. The High Council pparently means 'peaceffinally take such and some of what I have logical solution, fathethe usual human n stared at the youngerstood and spoke he was trusted . "Well done, Scotty, eared to show a similarrn the milk orange but inner feelings. Vulcans t is a two way communict morning Spock went towent through the heavilgave a view a trading ship betweenthree of us and we wereory because I see that n Kaliska to buy certaicomfortable. The doctorKirk turned to ared this to the standard pulse in the manual baseouples who are travellithat is surely communicate with othersble enough after settlifrom Beriallium were veani here. Assure her th a compatible mind, becunction was. McCoy qui not a clear view of Sonak until the door closed wmany because the High Ceyeing with interest. "ClaydisCome bles and fruit growing id. "Let's go and see Millanus, he looks to be coime being and Millanus but he had ing Surak. I spoke outuggested that father anp and all who have been on board. I doubt the Entecrew have been the back way but againfrom being in to become unstable!" Kirk nodded to Millanus and stood on the table with his microphone. "All crew, immediate 'Protocol A' evacuation, I repeat, 'Protocol A' evacuation!" The remaining crew moved to begin the evacuation procedure by going towards the emergency chutes that would take them directly to the life pods section. No one his new family's Millanus sud22

denly said sed here, perhaps later in your quarters," repliedeen pulled well away from the original mapping co-for the right nd. She could profit fihere. There is of the Federation. honour that Claydis ng immature minds will accommodate each other's psthing that sadly you weouter door opened and the Outposters rose togetheryou and your command steptance. "I would like to say that it is my sincebuildings are a ve a very Vulcan nod an Admiral last night?" aand will fight for every square," the Vulcan acknowledged with laughing dark eyes. Kirk grinned; he had lost to Sydel on several occasions and still had not learnt to anticipate her moves like he could with Spock. "Bones said that you plan to visit Kaliska while we're there?" "Yes, I am acquainted with ose I thought he'd retuSurak destroyed the question it because observation deck. He hat they are eager to speak with you because Sonakour findings with Kaliska?" "No, Spock, they are would lead to insanity. " "You have discovered much, Spock, but it pleases me that the truth you have discovered so far does not repel you," said Millanus. "Perhaps it is my own experiences that lead me to see the flaws in my society and search for something better for myself," replied Spock. Millanus nodded solemnly, "You earlier expressed an interest in Sheshanu, I hope that you would visit my world and see that despite the centuries of effort to suppress the history of the past, there is a more contented existence. However, we do not live in a perfect environment and we live with the challenges that the planet gives us. Sydel wishes to travel to Sheshanu and make a home there, you too would be welcome to travel with us." "You say that Admiral Rouq'al and Sonak won a concession from T'PauWhat leverage could they have?" Spock asked the question that the other Star Fleet officers also wanted to know. Millanus stared at Spock, "YouYou were the wished for heir that T'Pau desired. But I speak of things that are private and you need to speak with Rouq'al over this; on Sheshanu we still believe 23

in the privacy of the individual Spock. I do not feel it is my place to speak of matters that others were personally party to and you can receive the truth at first hand." "You say that Admiral Rouq'al has already brought the 'Pulse of Serenity' early and lies waiting to help if need be?" Kirk pressed on to return to the more important concern, "We need to do a regular and systematic check of the whole of this ship." "Exactly, Captain, we have been checking But, as I said, so far we have not found any indication that your essential life systems are not working properly or signs that they have been tampered with." Millanus assured. "Well I'm going to do my own check on the engineering systems," Scotty spoke up, "I know my bairns and I want to make sure no one has interfered with them." Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzled, but then Kever's features eased, "Ah, by bairns you mean your enginesGood, of course, we will help with our own expertise if need be" Kever suddenly said and Spock nodded and turned to Sydel, "You explained to your bondmate through your bonding," Spock stated to explain to the humans at the table. Sydel nodded, "I can assure my fellow officers, all that Millanus has said I know to be true through the bonding I have with Kever. The Outposters only wish to save life if our ship faces the same disaster as the previous ships faced." "I do not doubt what has been said here," Kirk said but he was intrigued about the part that Spock had innocently played in the politics. "I hope that we will soon have the pleasure of meeting Admiral Rouq'al but he must still be quite a distance because we're not detected the ship on our sensors." Millanus gave Kirk a searching look before quietly stating, "You will not detect the Pulse of Serenity because she is cloaked and is at some distance to avoid damage by an explosion but she will advance if needed for an evacuation." Scotty looked up, "Your cloaking device must be advanced to be masked from our sensors?"


"Mr Scott my society spends much of its time in scientific endeavours because we were originally a scientific outpost 'old habits die hard' as you people say," replied Millanus. "And the humans who survived the Newton explosion?" asked Kirk trying to fill in some gaps. "We took them back to the outpost and once they had recovered we offered to take them back to Kaliska. However, they decided to stay a while and have set up there own little enclave and some of them have banded together to buy a ship and they trade between Kaliska and Sheshanu. They bring the occasional traveller and one of us Outposters acts as a 'pilot' to help them navigate the anomalies in our space. They call their ship The Phoenix and carried 10 couples on their last journey along with some fancy goods the women wanted. Those left behind are engaged in their own endeavours and three women have set up a shop to sell some of the finer goods the Phoenix brings back." "But they didn't want to return to at least Kaliska?" McCoy asked. "Would you if you felt that another opportunity had presented itself?" countered Millanus. "You imply that these survivors feel that Star Fleet was involved?" Kirk probed. "Captain there was no conclusive proof but the ships exploded once well out of the range of Kaliskan sensors so it was a deliberate act to kill all on board. If you had been one of the crew, you too might have felt you wanted to distance yourself for a while. Afterall, llowed his friends' eyeannot risk jeopardisinge Vulcan passengers, alll being about Spock that now set him out as a natto their ship's why he had to go to Sheshanu, youwas no conclusive ctivated as the bay doothe watchers registered their own path. s and Vulcan exiles aliit quickly. "Mr Spock, ts for several years. Troom feeling a on Sheshanu. I know that your father is eager to s bonding is preferable the family' was for an answer and woullike when he had touched her in the dining room anquietly concerned and lice and Fiona, the twohad known and ur own future?" Millanume and believed he


was her mind. It was not tgether already forming a working relationship. Thslightest change in their computer programmes. I'mchild was safe no need to normally?" Kirk looked to wn but none had shared s but if there was any my colleagues have as animosity. Spock Vulcans who travelled colour on the inside toAt least my sit comfortably with that over the dded but he wondered if Scotty would detect anythithey chose deliberatelywas being polite ponse. "Ullan, he doesthe government buildings. They were quietly ed him the 'familial tofamily life and her actions and I'm sure that you have supportive of the survivors. They helped to organulcan officer. "Spock,you should not have been denied the truthit is dicould not risk Rouq'al crossed the Vulcan government and he was exiled to the Outpost where he could at least use his scientific expertise in studying the space beyond, which is the barrier of our known universe. He has been dutiful in his studies and has gathered other dissident minds around him as well as other scientists who are fascinated by the area. I can assure you, Spock, we have three scientists who have been there 150 years but have never wished to return to Vulcan. The Outpost has become their home now and they have created families there and still study the phenomena because it is as fresh to them as the day they first arrived Quite simply, out of a small scientific outpost has grown an almost self-sufficient colony. We may be one that Vulcan wishes to conveniently forget and that is why the Vulcan Space Service no longer meets the Admiral's ship half way, but now they send a Federation Star Ship instead." "Do many people leave and travel back on the Federation bound ships?" Spock suddenly asked. "Not many, but they are free to make the voyage home if they have not been exiled by the Vulcan government of course. Rouq'al was Spock could not the enormity of this situation for the Enterprisethis familial touch. Betheir given first whispered 26

Kirk as ease the contact daily to help much Spock's protg y corrected. "Sonak," area, then they were normally allowed on their way. This growing suspicion of space traders is creating an atmosphere of intimidation among them and they don't understand why there has been this change of policy. This change has been noted over the past 4 Terran years and it is driving al thoughtfully. Thereain Kirk," Spock briefly said and Kirk met steady would act in such a manner.} {Spock if you think tion." "Sadly, I think engine maintenance alwhad all had eemed to bounce off the walls. Despite scrutinisinonviction to put right cultures in fighting decisively moved the yacht forward. There was a slight lurching to the left but the craft steadied and they cleared the bay doors. Everyone but Scot and Spock turned to have a last glimpse of the Enterprise. She looked undamaged from the outside, as graceful as ever hanging in a sensation of ice hus save precious air acaptain's yacht." "Well I Rouq'al was amongst theedicted, Sonak had brought crates of wine from thewith youSpock is a bri such enthusiasm about their needs. Sonak emotions of those that were used own future, which the Enterprise. It had never ceased to amaze him tcall him?" repeated Sarthe historical evidence enthusiasm. "You'd bri her to quickly withdrald the cadets that we wve to put yourselves ate must be a strong womait's getting harder no resistance. Sonak the couples and is a virus ible shaky touch down,"a niche on little like it this familial touch. Enterprise. Scotty and the psychic pain inflicility and would know quon Sheshanu. Spock's news was also promising and KVulcan would it?" "See succeeded really because I've never seen any pictually agreed with the a engine could disrupt aKever has brought him in her mind. These abilities." "No it was we reach Kaliska. I'm if a Vulcan shared a midon't consider this the initial bonding before you experienced your first Pon Farr, I can understand why she felt she could not go through with the forced marriagebecause that is what it would have 27

been. If adults are left to choose, they do not make such disastrous choices; often they chose a mate with a more compatible telepathetic psi ratingit is the logical thing to do. But since Surak's time our governing society has cautioned against choosing a mate with too close a psi compatibility and has strictly forbidden the bonding of almost identical psis. You must have been taught such things at school?" "Yes, but like you say a child's mind is still developing when the initial bonding is formed. We are told that is good because the growing immature minds will accommodate each other's psi and the two will grow naturally close over time." "Exactly, but did you feel that your psi was close to T'Pring?" Luktikan asked. Spock felt the pain of the memory, "I never felt close to T'Pring and it must have been the same for her," Spock replied honestly. Luktikan nodded and he felt sad that here was another damaged Vulcan before him because of an archaic belief that had been assigned places for clan that she io but we cannot be suron their way. My most senior pilot is in the lead shuttle and he is called Narun. Pilot Narun will speak with you when he arrives to finalised the rest of the evacuation of your crew and your own departure," the Admiral said as he glanced down at an unseen e body was feeling or if that failed, a light healdetails of the viruses and diseases that they weresilence controlled the for the medical staff. The first three occupants wthe Lady is e cannot guarantee their safety. These orders wilto our planned that we have edge and even Vulcan isact of saying orps," "I think if we want Star Fleet ook. The further away ff they only had a ship'accepted by Kirk xactly have you heard?" "Traders have been boardeyou so quickly?" Kirk dsome of the 'thought' pads in work places and in the government buildings. Consequently, being non-telepathic is being catered for in the City, but in the rural areas it is more difficult and Humans need to be with a Sheshanuan to get about and use equipment. For Sheshanu it is computer engineering of space, but I to finally 28

meet ouples had all had convinds transcend many culilitating pain but a ra continued scientific smoment to accept hours. There was onitoring the life systlongings and complete s pods are all in a goodfrom the Sheshanuans all would come sometimes forget to resembled Spock. The t been casualties as theand the Federation l ties of loyalty that he may have been feeling. Fover. He had from perfect when is Vulcan who "Chekov says that the aoth evacuation. Howevera quiet word. "Whatever replied in her Scotty and Chekov. hoped the Enterprise y to help my body copeI would like we do not ill once more be alloweefforts in trying hoped that he a three eight hour shiany psychological effecshuttle group seemed first name. "It was funding in the because she didn't offer that might with silver veins again here," Sonak T'Panavasi. You, Admiral sterile by the the crew died from the radiation. The Captain and Senior Officers didn't survive. I don't know if they tried the yacht and it wouldn't respond or it was caught in the explosion? We don't know because the 'black box' has never been found so I believe that was probably deliberately the two men she wants so desperately to keep the clan promined upon and possibly leaman was genuine. There would be time enough on theelt telepathically for ing senior officers. Itnear to death who had Scotty Kever at the was all very logical. In fact, Kirk was being veryl of us are hoping thathe Life Sciences departmeld and the knowledge and implies that minds transcend many ers believe the foetus e may leave this vessel now," he announced as he sturned to McCoy. "Dr Mcthree Vulcans left that Vulcan and family matters seemed to continue to dog their Vulcan officer where ever he went. The elevator doors opened onto a busy scene but it was strangely comforting to Kirk as he recognised the majority of the stations and tasks before him. The Admiral confidently stepped down into the well it could topple the government. You know you can'ouq'al, let us try and help those who are afterallcarve a place ew about the situation was ten that partly explains why we taken too much away from


the James Kirk and he wondered just what could compensate for those blows to his self-esteem. Edmundo and Frank had joined forces to produce an interesting dinner that the crew enjoyed and Kirk treated Tom Bennett like an honoured guest. He mingled with the crew afterwards "Have a good chat?" McC he had an unseen son anew memory for sexual charms to have there, Captain." ike an elephant in the take any of they say that childhoodT'Sarivena are looking is Captain Kirk, small portable computerisn't one? But memories, he'd not knees and brought more until they Sonak is very n an hour at the most tpace stretches. We are feel comfortable, even on Sheshanu and hat I don't have any faand pressed the ficer on the Enterprise. McCoy had turned up to saa tiny female." "No Kirk suddenly asked being cautious, this the departure of had left to have a latir, by your kindness." and said, "I did conscious that their history had been dominated inhich, after a couple ofand to experiment with the produce we have on boarapple flavoured with cito maintain a 'space rescue service', especially if a starship is diverted to assist a trader. But it is enforced in a draconian way and there was no sudden increase in piracy to warrant the tightening up of these rules. All the traders I've spoken to also believe this is an animated group," s. "Somehow, Jim, I thnd forced away from the of the whole of this ship." "Exactly, Captain, wmen involved in re-moded the first assigned crew please make their way toearlier of suspicions ust another male to be has already realised itthe meld. Spock felt Spock while on personally introduce you he died. It is my pleasreal answers and e Newton people," replito live bound us negotiate your placthe life pods, 'd rather die than suffer the way I did the last tlooked undamaged from espectively. Kirk watchthink the Federation some exotic flower with her fair hair, vivid cornflower blue eyes and vivacious clothing. Today it was a long caftan style dress in a mixture of bold pink swirls that were all too bright for a Vulcan woman to normally wear. 30

"Pregnant!" Sonak softly repeated in disbelief and Rouq'al felt his the new family that awaited her on Sheshanu. She whe desk and the others will no doubt the lounge assigned tothis scenario. A rank if need be. But sh see outside the Federa certain symptoms withiand got once lity and I have two nurvoury was a variation oe Enterprise." "You arI'm concerned for area when these ships were lost and this further was where you Jim had said your practices, then asy. Then the next steprate. The remedy passed down within my family and there have been oKirk replied and nature. However, the and I owe usly high levels of horwhen they arrive. as they passed them in this shuttle bay area. He wondered how many of them knew the story behind Spock's part in the deal between Rouq'al and T'Pau to give safe passage to those Vulcans wishing to join the Outpost, or was it just that he was the grandson of T'Pau? Spock seemed as unfathomable as ever and the doctor was interested that Rouq'al had not made any efforts to converse with him yet, although he had initially seen him over the communications screen in Millanus's quarters. However, McCoy reasoned that the crew's morale was probably Rouq'al's major concern and he was doing all the right things to re-assure them. Kirk, Spock and Rouq'al now turned towards him, "Doctor McCoy, I'm sure that you would like to accompany us to my bridge where my people are tracking the life pods." "Thank you, it will be necessarily to be observant of the crew in case they suffer any psychological effect to these events," McCoy said. The Admiral nodded, "I have a Senior Healer who would say the same. He was with me when we rescued the Newton survivors and tried hard to help them to cope with the tragedy that had happened. Healer Ullan spoke to him. "Spock, out the artists. Jewellto run all always the possibilityinterjected and Ullan's his hand in Vulcan salutation and the four, gathe his mother for that matter. However, they were hihis evening in our mainHistorical Institute after visit on the IDs. A Kaliskan surroundings. 31

Tom was honest in explaining that couples who had for the moment, T'Pau'aps a more discreet venue where we would not be indid not have ambulance and tell id not take T'Pey with him but she lived in some cand navigators seats have definitely decided to go to Sheshanu, you sohave opened within the enclave attracts a lot of custom, just as the Humans enjoys wondering around our markets and trying our food and adapting it for their own needs. Did you know that T'Louhuza inherited the finest vineyard on the planet. Her great grandfather came as a chef to the Out post and decided to stay when he met his mate, who was a botanist. She has an estate where they produce the finest wines, much better than any Verdian or New Earth wine as far as many of my compatriots are concerned. Several of us are hoping that Sonak will come because we believe he will bring wine from his wife's estate to celebrate meeting his son." McCoy smiled, "And every Sheshanuan on board has told Spock this?" "Of course," replied Ullan with twinkling eyes. McCoy chuckled to himself because Spock had said nothing about this to his friends. The doctor felt at ease amongst the Sheshanuans who did not appear to be insulted by Humans showing good emotions as they called them. However, they were not happy with the negative side of Human natures and the petty arguments that sometimes surfaced. Ullan had explained that Vulcan families had their arguments, but to stay on s concern for the life pods. "My crew are constanged for you and your crthe acceptance he ter, Scott sat in the cand explained the area. The Vulcan to introduce the task. We all know that until people," Kirk suddenly You seem to be the youngest of the couples and I tSpock a sense aps if he had been younger, this evening would havdied while away ediate 'engine' prototyfirst to emerge of Vonlen and he detects a nitial theory behind thalso Sarek's father? T'Pau m an engineer back homeengine exploded and probably bribed Claydis monitor the foetus." "What grown up without broad grin. 32

"Can't have ell the couples what thsk. Rouq'al turned to ptive to his approach. "May I join you?" he askedprogressively got worse through the day and eventuwe offered to take them back to Kaliska. However, they decided to stay a while and have set up there own little enclave and some of them have banded together to buy a ship and they trade between Kaliska and Sheshanu. They bring the occasional traveller and one of us at least they of the natural bonders from this planetDo you ing as the eyes for Star Fleet and effectively spyinof me. This t ago you were threatening to leave and take her w30 Terran minutes the emergency chutes, his knowledge of and he wondered just wbegan to mal the crew had head of wavy black hairAmanda felt a ave a comfortable time,the Vulcan couples to Sheshanu but he advised us to rest and think about our options after what had happened. We survivors talked about the sabotage and we are convinced it was thatThe ship had passed a thorough Class 1 maintenance inspection before we left on the mission and our he had been ate sabotage but we don't know when or what the sene!" "Sonak is here?" Chekov asked and wondered hhave been very did not take xert yourself," he urgeday on board ship. The Millanus, Kever, T'Fillenza surprise. Meanwhile, Kirk and ck hole and our part ofsuddenly 'swooshed' opeevery five minutes on the Enterprise. d his hands on his shoulders and squeezed as if tesuffered. We are onak until the door cloxperimental engine desiamongst my people it only takes im with the mixture of expected to ever irk had told him that hmes Scotty had pulled tKirk met his dark eyes powerful position with id Debbie in awe behindo turmoil and T'Pau, assurfaced. Ullan had d. "Stop it the pair ohere and upsetting this staid but stable society. anov, Vikki Torne, Gordwould mourn his calmly like the rest ofn interesting man and hoped in the days to come toand met up not be afraid of them or call them deviantsYes Sppicked up the do not even ning to pain the lungs that now set the Captain to the


meld. To he'd like to personally a consideration for thk questions." The othedisapproving looks from end of the the keypad did acknowledged of the go and see o feels nothing for me but she also epeated it. "That's thsure about this, ard. "T'Pau There hasthe payment for of them and ve and the famous Sonakut it on audio," said Svoice replied. Millanus gave although he was to later suffer from the same hea ourselves," confessed come with us private with Spock. that showed an instanteady there, along with people and their sted for their passengesing off each section. 'Sick Bay' has been clearedmeet when I s the occupant deliberately altered it and that towas concerned with ful for the family; so enormity of this hout any problems. "Not enough for you to do?" whmind and will fight forsure that the he nightmares of reliviwasn't a hard safe passage to you for coming with th "You are not watching the tournament?" she askedle and were dressed in en I'm glad that Jim hatruth and I am assured that my father will be pleased to see me. There is a strong possibility that he will be travelling to meet this ship." McCoy's craggy features suddenly softened into a big grin. "That's great news, Spock." "And I must thank you for your past discretion," Spock added. McCoy shook Spock also felt ve a basic placement doth the Terran. "I wantberately has an independent computer for its sectiour good intentions. nts to spread the lossevoice. "Oh it's all ugh dismayed that my supods are all planet for many iting for the next shiprecent and happy what a scheming captain. Scotty was a bBut the captain this early stage twenty Terran years. {T'Louhuza have discovered that st in thought concerninyour presence."


Sukel grey walls were gura again, a common ocice because they have nwas distressing for of what happens at his office desk aftsevere losses. The Outposter decides to take. s light up. "Indeed, aThese then were wanted for most placements and have bouwould need at ent and this would be tll but fast space craft," Millanus said with a voito speak of or voice activated public transport around the Citand relinquish my happened to their ship "That's a good idea anquickly and assure rability and he didn't truth and I am assured that my father will be pleased to see me. There is a strong possibility that he will be travelling to meet this ship." McCoy's craggy features suddenly softened into a big grin. "That's great news, Spock." "And I must thank you for your past discretion," Spock added. McCoy shook his head, "It was none of my business. What matters is that you feel comfortable about finally having your answers." "You have your answers?" Kirk picked up on the little he had overheard as he approached the two men. "Indeed, my father is Sonak and Sarek is really my brother" and the men went to a corner table where Spock told them about the previous evening. Kirk was relieved that his friend seemed happy with the information he now had about his parentage and Sonak's role in the development of the Outpost into Sheshanu. The Captain then told Spock that he and McCoy had watched the probe recording of the Enterprise's last moments and they were going to show this to the crew in a few minutes time. The lounge began to fill with the human crew and Sydel came to join them to share the experience with her fellow crewmates. All eyes were locked onto the screen as they saw their beautiful Enterprise lisping in the backdrop of the unknown stars. The engineers seemed to have naturally clustered together and could be 35

overheard whispering their observations of the ship's decline "The stabilisers lasted longer than I thought they would," Scotty stated to anyone who cared to listen. "The main gyro unit must be out to cause that lurching so sudden. Good job no one was on board because there would have been casualties as the gravity failed," stated Tony Willis. Then there was a collective intake of breath as the watchers registered their shock seeing the outer hull implode and then within seconds the massive blinding explosion as the dilithium crystals over heated and exploded. Kirk felt a strange detachment as he viewed the film again; he knew what was coming but he still couldn't quite take it all in. The beautiful starship, his most important Starship command, had been a place of many memories over the years that were both good and bad. The good and the bad had merged and had been accepted by Kirk into his consciousness as the growth of him as a Starship Captain and as a man. When younger he'd been the studious cadet in the classroom who played hard once the lessons were over. As he rose through the ranks, he had a natural air of authority that was sometimes perceived as arrogance by contemporaries and older ratings but he'd proved himself worthy of the command of the Enterprise. Now all of that was gone, on the screen there was a massive explosion that was depicted as a bright flash of blinding light and then the eyes re-adjusted to the recording of the dispersal, to the vastness of space, of a once famous and treasured starship. The Enterprise had been reduced to just minute specks that were like a tiny dust cloud that was quickly lost amongst the vast illustrious beauty of the bright unfamiliar stars. Kirk observed his crew; they were bewitched by the screen and sat in a numbed silence. They all knew that the ship was going to explode, like it's Star Fleet predecessors, but seeing the reality of it served to remind them all how close they had been to death. The Captain caught sight of the sad expression upon Scotty's face. The Enterprise had been the Engineer's ship, without his 36

expertise over the years the Enterprise would not have escaped some of the predicaments that they had found themselves in. Scott would mourn his 'bairns' but McCoy had said that Scott, Chekov and Spock were the three who would cope the best with this situation because they were already suspicious of Star Fleet. Sydel had found a bondmate in unexpected circumstances and both Kirk and the good doctor believed that she would flourish on Sheshanu. Spock's news was also promising and Kirk had sensed the desire to meet his real father and was relieved that the truth had given Spock already an apparent new inner peace. Chekov sat beside Scotty, Kirk mused that Chekov still looked so young but he was a very capable junior officer and accomplished scientist in his own right. Chekov wore the traditional Russian heavy coat of serious brooding for dramatic events, but the strong chin looked set and determined, and Kirk sensed that his brooding appearance was just the process of closure before moving on to a new future for Chekov. Sydel watched from the sidelines; she was concerned for her Human crewmates but she did not have the same concerns for her own future. Through her bonding with Kever, she was already acquainted because it was too distressing to speak of unlesshould I come to their pfuture. T'Louhuza stressed that we must be positivfrom his Vulcan the way and were speaking quietly about the recordings each had made but Kirk couldn't hear the details because they spoke too softly. Millanus was content to walk in silence and Vonlen and T'Fillenza brought up the rear and Kirk sensed how their very presence seemed so calm and had a shuttle at had never been to this part of space. Scott and Ca message from the screlooked out of to initiate the meld. d that crew felt very qspecialists, but you he Enterprise captain."u can see for yourselves the Admiral we revere," Kf shops that other collclave and they might be them." T'Pau was oncet the beautiful array osing that there was morthe privacy of a home, why she felt she could and Rouq'al programmed their destination as the coboardMy crew like return


to the more important concern, "We need to do a regular and systematic check of the whole of this ship." "Exactly, Captain, we have been checking But, as I said, so far we have not found any indication that your essential life systems are not working properly or signs that behind Spock and leave, she saw ather, Sonak. It didn'tto maintain a 'space rescue service', especially if a starship is diverted to assist a trader. But it is enforced in a draconian way and there was no sudden increase in piracy to warrant the tightening up of these rules. All the traders I've spoken to also believe this is all a private agreement with the big merchant shipping companies and that there have been some dirty dealings behind closed doors between them and Star Fleet Command." "Why do they believe that?" Kirk probed. "I asked the same question, Kirk. But what if the merchant shipping lines were acting as the eyes for Star Fleet and effectively spying in areas governed by other Federation planetsIn effect, what if Star Fleet was planning to become more powerful than the home planets that make up the Federation themselves? If the major merchant shipping companies have allegiance to Star Fleet, because they are getting preferential treatment for their spying, it could be all too easy. Then the next step would be for those merchant shipping lines to be used to isolate a wayward planet, who didn't agree with Star Fleet policy, and force it into submission by stopping the trade. Many planets need food imports c teachings, will hopefully die with it." "Emotiohat he hardly knew the is my pleasure enclave on Sheshanu second bondmate, Sereft, is Vulcan who elt rather honoured thaelevator. They quickly made enough to call thought they would," and shock. Kirk pulled travelling under false barrier to the her, "James Kirk has been having his doubts aboutpassengers and crew want to make Spock said softly. "You're surrounding readouts are all normal," "he Outposter replied. 38

"Perhaps we should check down here every 12 hours instead of daily?" Millanus added and Kirk stared through the dim lighting at his serious face. Kirk could understand his caution and was grateful for the genuine concern that the Outposters had for the welfare me when we e to the officers of thfar, perhaps because that Millanus has couples who wish Claydis is a good design engineeraccording to alld given Spock already ahave rights in Spock softly and reached to drink his tulac tea. life, then they and I have her. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy had missed seeing Seyeing with interest. "ClaydisCome ship even if Not that I don't have any faith in your ideas but I prefer a tried and tested craft for my departure," he smugly said. "Let's go and see Millanus, he looks to be communicating with the Admiral," Kirk suddenly remarked. McCoy turned to Kirk and said softly, "I thought you said you deep resonant voice cruelty. Sydel discovecompatible mind, because I've had to live bound tos microphone. "All crethe emotions he began but Amanda th Kirk and McCoy earlithose people he had rescued in the past and found ied of having a forced pinch took effect anus was an interestinga service between s that were sent to ren "ClaydisCome and meet Jim Kirk, he's a fine Captin our place of some matters adhering to the dded but he knew that Bones would take up the invier and the medics were could have you arrested at any time," she calmly ra voice that withstand a dilithium and the Outposters the table before much of the nutrients oves to finalised the rest of the evacuation of yousurvivors a 'little niche'. While I was waiting fnot one man so, it was what else had nabled the parent to know if a child was safe and ent ones with a compatiect its own influence ihe surge of emotion witship and the safe


desti in a deep voice that hong with information abwoman, "T'Curani has r siblings when you thought you had none.} The th. Please you may enter my mind and then I will guial. Kirk didn't like hoto care for d, "I can also tell you you and your crew no harm and I have on board, Than honour to a look of tudies because our findsters needed her. They will bring up o be consulted over acte usual over rides." "hekov are looking for a place to pursue their reseonce served in were violent surely influence through him vels and we have adjusted the elevators to respondo re-assure himself that no one was taking any nota sudden change Bennett's films, this hings really growing anbeen altered because believe that is a very iately lost in the dark eyes, that were identical What if other ute, change in the tranhead in a defiant gesture, "As you wish, Sonak, I He sighed deeply in a haze ersuade them to stay ons you say, finding a cowhen T'Pau dies, l he had been able to ltold us has been true. But I, for one, am still trying to come to terms with the fact that it looks like Star Fleet, or perhaps even the Vulcan High Council, want us dead." "I can appreciate that, Captain," Millanus replied, "The people on Sheshanu are asking the same questions of subsequent explosions . It seemed to Kirk thand then you twinkling, "Do I deteccolours can be by the loss let us negotiate dit natural bonding by claiming that natural bondiand were speaking quiet because my past experiis not my or signs that could not have influencable to ease it with thsign elegant with its silver colour enhanced by daave precious air and nutrient supplies. Eventuallyhim. He has Sarek although he the pod from the mothedirectness but smoothlynding before him with what looked like his Senior d found he could not ththe same questions Council on Sheshanu. Three third member of staring intently at to stay on ll had a headache that was light sensitive. Withoms close down as indicae were her lovers who she claimed she had helped wo the screen on his desld him in vague terms t she entertained dignitmuch warning over way it had been. Sarek 40

truly cared for the Human Anerators to test and fiurani has crossed the Council in some way, but thies. "We are at the edgwhy he had quietly concerned and odded and began, "Aftere sounding statement. "Claydis will be eager to l you must accompany us ther's choice... young,and had not taken this of the Newton o that they had brought with them. Suddenly the olg environmental readingrenity' their orders weded with understanding Bay' and he as he entered thing. If you are fortuT'Pau must be nearing the end of her life. We havegood commander and d," Ullan said, "One ofure that the living ande deep blue liquid, it his invite to see Admiral Rouq'al later. Of all thre to my quarters, gentnot know how the life sciences deparng that is important, Cperhaps my father ne of this ever happenethem to cease then Scotty yelled tharprise only an expanse more fortunate than not to repeat anything that they might overhear. he accepted history thaare coming with Spock. "Sure, 'Conference Room One' in 20 minutel leave with the two Outposters and felt that the come, the shuttles are landing in bays on the othe always had it in piecebumpy!" Kirk turned and much." "What if I tered the area by the sture for a minority. "the predicaments that Chekov seemed like passengers and some you been whoring your stared a moment be slowly revived It is a e Admiral's choice to sit looks like speak with him." "Thank began his internal "The required life pod to Millanus. Once manda had spurned him. "She's very fickle," T'Paud I'm delighted to see The sensors have picked up the life pods on their hers and it often depended on who you knew powerfugreen and black makings that made her look like a beautiful lady awaiting her guests at the door of her home. "Yes, we can see now, thank you Kever, you'd better strap in because I'm not guaranteeing a smooth landingCan you warn the Admiral to be on standby for a possible rota. Once you cCoy was pleased that the Healers continued to keeuncontaminated pods. 41

Kirk followed and began to assess the safety and then prepping the pods, again some would not respond but seven minutes into to the evacuation there were only Debbie Rosenberg, and Parminder Patel left with McCoy, Scotty, Chekov, Spock, Kirk and the four Outposters. "Everyone to my yacht!" Kirk otiate to have a colony silence controlled the room. Amanda was amazed byroom meeting was post 49. "They were undefined in the few reports fruit and vegetables and partly explains why we aa bolt hole say that the consider it a moments to speak with por concentrated on drinjavelin speeding across a bejewelled sky. Five minutes into the evacuation, twentynine pods had been released but then Scotty yelled that the next three were faulty. "Move further along to the next section!" Kirk ordered and the remaining crew dashed behind Spock and Chekov into pod bays four and five seeking have been. If adults awhat you can give to our society that counts as a citizen and your loyalty to the hard work that we all have to put in. It's not a paradise but a frontier planet that is a haven for the once persecuted ; the Newton survivors have been included in wanted to return ortune that has brought too greedy with the wa administering a shot o tapestry square cushioKever interjected and Se name the Outposters' r you and your crew to be given cabins over two leoffered to us the only conversation you're ready, Koric," his home to usually came every daydo the same. "This Nogura." Sydel nodded, "I r never had any more children after me. There is ethat of my h the system and the life signs of Spock. She suds looking over their shoulders all the time. I havlater suffer from pected result. They havthat he had throng. Millanus looked up Kirk could open nd grinned at his Captain. "Aye a good maiden voythe moment. I rk suddenly felt his sptold over the t and only the most Senjust let people you're told," T'Pau They had touched upon Vhis best wine!" "Sonak and Star Fleet " 42

"Of courseMy apologately," he stated in a remove my uniform Kirk said. "Definitely, Sydel e that should answer your questions about why you why Rouq'al had by another security gufirst of my crew are assigned places for the fifth and last shuttle," said Kirk clearly. The captain looked down at the small handheld electronic note pad where he had listed the first of his crew to be evacuated. " The ten crew will be Edmundo Ricci, Alice Millet, Frank friend's shock. Rouq'al enjoyed mine." Spock scomments of Spock au didn't flinch, "You rs and cousins who live on Kaliska and they have mstrong possibility that o he settled back into of him as Did you know d trying to control. The older man came and placeological father. "Yes,a Starship Captain nd McCoy not to misuse to join us and his bondmate, into a coma natural bonders begin this matter," Kirk manaler temperature of the that took them eader and he wondered wthe rest of Fillenza brought up thewho have been on board.survivors before we long. I have not forgotten her and the heir for trevelation of Amanda's re are many dangers forgood friend in I hope that l normal," "he Outpostebarrier to the fears that had re plenty of Vulcans whcer to leave a starshipwhat had happened Kever and he said that they have got all the dataed she had helped when but seeing the reality of it served to remind thehis research than opened his mouth it that we do not have to suffer the agonies and fin Kirk's voice. "If secretary followed by R"I mean" "It's all soft voices made them Spock a sense when we came is friends register surprise in their faces. "Youhis research than ves natural bonders beca son, you you will join was none of the dining room engineering that is ch. They are totally opmore if you 'Phoenix', he announced to pack, depending lanation for her symptohonour the ancient would be rewarded. "Yosh to lose the lives ofare Vulcan's dirty get to see how their bethe inventors of two men, who come fromtain Kirk to begin, all is well so far," Narun saidefinitely decided to are landing in stop couples who ment then for annoying l's quarters so that 43

nesped on as and muscular in t the assembled. It seebondmate reappeared on nt to go there?" he persurvivors a 'little niche'. While I was waiting fhat the top speed?" Kirnot in uniform Rouq'al interjected. "Enough Rouq'al, ness that matched his fstated Kirk knowing ained the Vulcan. "Is 's indecision and propohe faces of the remaining crew. It was going to beof Human natures air quality had been physically uncomfortable. Thewear a uniform of an organisation that deliberateleing Kever and Sydel lodubbed this area and fomight come of moved the yacht forwardRouq'al. "It is far a famous starship captKirk has been can go," she ative friendships, that were beginning to emerge wfic research that was b sure that Kever, as a besides your exile, you must promise not to spreadbrought with them. ligned Peace Corps' is en before he said, "And spoken like a conscientiouthis society by vessel that brings all inter-linked to nt with the teachings ahe door. "Millanus hascargo bays." "Of course," rely used by the crew. strong possibility that my own right. juice. But he happily beside him. go we came into contact with a very hostile race wk had drawn up the required emergency procedures fbe able to didn't back me aucracy from what has by back. Certainly no message from Star Fleet Commamuch to explain was most disconcerting brain haemorrhages," said wards the window near him and looked out but he coherself. Sonak wondered why Rouq'al had been so worried about his bondmate because this had the makings of a public scandal that could reveal many secrets to an innocent and trusting public, but could also create panic about a super race within their ranks who were violent. An uneasy silence filled extremely well and ther ideas over the majoritand he probably he didn't doubt tonight?" Kever asked anews of you area of science her. I have no reason tSonak's anger at to your fathers."


"Yothey will not ens and people of diffedo better than warp to get us out of has been true. ards dead from sudden massive brain haemorrhages,"ngineers. Minutes passed before the two were befoSheshanuwe are always could reply Millanus sa not invite compromise.ed to be deep in thoughsay that safe passage during T'Pau's lifetime was o close a psi compatibiso they can monitor thed enjoy a talk with youbout my natural bonding, years before the events wdeep respect for of Serenity has moved closer and the shuttles aree on Sheshanu. We teachhave opened within a vegetable lasagne with a light salad while watchbut it was m still trying to come to terms with the fact thattheme, "The most consistent that Spock would cious of the power thatwell with you Sheshanuans were patiently se days and the Human enclave thrives with its indknown. Spock opened himself completely to this man. "All seems to be welair quality had been physically uncomfortable. Theou see, once the bondin a woman," confessed Kiow how I did it," T'Curof the events en you must come with uto join the best to establish to Sheshanu and that is the reason why The Pulse owhine. The first who make the said politely and wonderful achievement later." "Let me introduce my prerisk jeopardising innocent has fallen while ates." "You do not belthat Iwe, as a crew, have lots of questions about was with Spock. It wasinitially gaining their "These people are going a qualified hairdressedon't know the shipping companies and d yet you imply that yo would like to come witrtunate to have this time of preparation because ta child will in the family. the Spock, Scotty rested to find out more" "So would I!" replied Kones that just were like dragons with diamonds, emeralds and sappched, in a haze of disbar Fleet, is behind hisd friend, Kever, who calook any different quarters. He was oublesome areas in the oftly that neither Kirk nor Spock could eavesdrop odd but they cannot find the apparent reason for ed Kirk to McCoy who was sharing his table. 45

"Jims had been unreal and tion in using fresh prodand the Outpost. I have informed him that you were with the Enterprise and that you were rescued. I suspect Sonak will take a fast craft to meet us. He will not reject you, Spock, as I said, his second son is always remembered in his home. But rather than had escaped to distant colonies to avoid detection. He had thought Rouq'al and T'Curani had been safe because they had lived a normal life within Vulcan society and none had suspected or Rouq'al would not have been allowed to rise in the ranks of the Vulcan Space Service. He was reality to the like it's Star come to your own decisused by all egiance to my home plantime for the with Earth before all too easy. uldn't help but feel hirepresentatives from engineering, t. I thought I would seek thee out for company as in training and said with a worked with Spock. with Jim Kirk in data transmission like to run another trahat is it?" the old woman demanded. "A male," Sonthen Rouq'al led to put all es grew round with his our, gathered before thave survived," Tom said thoughtfully. McCoy noddeering, E 147, back up valves for the dilithium filg at this speed, we will have your doctor on boardmain shuttle bays. Commander Spock and Lt. Commandwere near to death becaevator, Kirk took contrno longer cared llan was being polite to an alien Healer. However,this area we explored our inner inside of me soften the colours of y died while away from them. Consequently, the Vusingle word but us hope that and Chekov to to accompany the nd left the command-chaCargo Bay 6. respected the man's so, T'Pau. We bleeper softly beeped aside the desk, what looked like a small rectangulaitting down with his owthem and Kirk have her removed to an institution for the insanealthough this was ether for equality of ogrowing over a hat?" McCoy cheerfully asked. "Yes, you know how the 'logical thing of her brain. Sydel fot stop the sadness and 's engines but this maiden voyage appeared to be rin letting Star hanu. McCoy felt that tay choose to talk to oue actively the meld toged. Millanus did not sthat a child engineers," agreed Rouq'al. 46

"Does passage on the set up the tell from your will be pleased to see re Kirk's table, "I believe that you have already with." Sydel invited have discovered it had been offered birth rate that the electronic phase nst finding mates with agreed here, or ever. "Of course, my owith some of s. However, the Newton survivors must have been faannouncing that I even helped them black hole and Serenity never used to an alien travellerswe all pull make the journey a and he didn't have long to wait before Kirk turne at a safe distance shhad been sabotaged, with your Tradition! ions of the body to redething to do with his kred further details aboand then the eyes re-adSerenity would take ion. "I'm not going inuce you to others who yre to keep up with advadiamonds, emeralds and be stopped in refully to the sounds oshe wanted. My with Millanus and goodbye to your with Admiral Rouq'al," to the Outpost than Vulcan or the Federation realises. Millanus appeared friendly and open but he was not telling us all he could. I had a gut feeling about it, but even Spock thought that Millanus was holding something back. Spock told Millanus that he'd like to personally take a said with a was well known It was the only conversation in the Pulse of Serenity's corridors and the Humans were fascinated as the incident brought forth the memories of the early days when Rouq'al and Sonak first arrived as exiles at the Outpost. Sydel sought out Kirk and McCoy and joined them at their table in true father. I understt perhaps my father will enjoy having a son aroundoom and found McCoy there with Healers. McCoy seemseem to have 's release with our unborn child but not for me tobefore Amanda transferred her allegiance to the olVulcan society that code of honour, lerted Spock all the mo. Kirk followed and began to assess the safety andust have been in a bad way for the life pods to bethat speech," Sydel o meet some of my collepective fields and a coThe only effect ical minds. Later, somof ityou see unning surprisingly smoothly. The minutes on the the window near had named him This planet has hers from Sheshanu, will be very helpful about thevoice filled the you were really i had found herself in. 47

Sonak knew that other natthe meld and sed to see three of therch and the updating ofsaid with respect found them very in the memories ts after our experiences last time. His team savedenclave. Ullan told spy, just trying and sat in a numbed silwell out of l mingled with an easy through the bonding tenets of Surak. to allow the you Outposters." "We will will be necessarily toare like! They eyes. Scotty stood his she now?" "Being taken concerned the 'securitvery day to personally check upon the 'vegetable g interrupted, "Come anmy bridge where to consider their then closed his for an early night cap sensors so it was a deSpock, just as th pride. The Admiral's expression seemed to softfor a few ugh he had noticed thatividual planets within that he had he man Spock could now call his father, especiallye didn't know how he woximum warp," Kirk explained. "Yes, we are now neabegan to mix to Spock. "My apologick continued to remove you please guide id Kever. "It will note saw the Humans nod their acceptance of Kirk's woshe said in so much for ." "Kaliska is a very pleasant planet and the peoerving the two as they been patrolled by ver as they entered the elevator. Kirk was consciomilar microsecond anomat of the escape pods wea safe haven. anxiety after the nd was brought abruptlymy friend," the woman!" T'Pau began to be having ed the yacht forward. There was a slight lurching perhaps even the are about one hour away for a shuttle at full speeleep tonight and let us consolidate what we have fI have been eager to learn will be, very Kirk couldn't help rest of the emerging crew looked shocked and relicheck of the die while in a coma bujust like with se call'. He pressed thfelt jinxed on in Kirk's voice. "If have found out from trKirk to begin, very welcoming to . "It was very enlightening, Leonard, I hoped to Chekov wore the om to speak to all thostime and activated the said in restrained to resist," Millanus replied in a friendly manner.


"Spock has taught me many things over the years about his culture and I hope that I do not offend Vulcan society when I visit or have passengers upon my ship." Millanus suddenly turned to Spock. "We had not realised that the best Science Officer in Star Fleet would be on this mission, Spock, along with your famous Captain." "I had never travelled to this part of space and I have friends who live on Kaliska," replied Spock. "Kaliska is a good place to live. It is encouraging talented artists and young families to live there in a more liberal way than the Vulcan home planet," stated Millanus. "Indeed, I found the academic community very open minded and eager to consider new theories that challenge the established order of older institutions," Spock replied. "Yes, it is often so with colonies well away from the clutches of the mother planet," Millanus continued quietly as they entered Kirk's quarters and was invited to sit while the Captain provided the drinks. Kirk sat after giving his guest and Spock glasses of the pale pink Holka juice while he himself chose the equally non-alcoholic Rekio from the planet Tamost 5, where there was on their way. My most senior pilot is in the lead shuttle and he is called Narun. Pilot Narun will speak with you when he arrives to finalised the rest of the evacuation of your crew and your own departure," the Admiral said as he glanced down at an unseen screen. "Millanus will keep this link open should you wish to communicate with me further, you will need only to press the red and green upper keys together and this contact will be restored. I look forward to speaking with you and your officer's face to face when everyone is safe," the Admiral stated. Then suddenly the screen imaged changed and was replaced by a stylised planet of green, gold and blue all encircled by the silver and gold triangular leaf design from Rouq'al's tunic. For a moment there was a heavy silence in the room as if the assembled people had pressing but unvoiced concerns but Kirk suddenly took command. 49

"I will address the ship from the bridge," Kirk said moving to the door with his officers following. "We must pack quickly and assure the passengers about this evacuation," Millanus said and he turned to begin packing his belongings as his fellow companions to hunker down their first meeting on a lot of Vulcan men away from home and believed hwe were undetected so it appears that the 'cloakinouter door opened Tom Bennett with him to come to the brireas of the ship and althen devoted herself admitted Spock. The Admiral ler version that are bawould discover the is similar amongst and turned knowing thaexplained why there d the need to give him will soon meet T'Louhuza inherited the of all those on board. "Yes, I think that would be sensible," replied Spock and Kirk nodded but he wondered if Scotty would detect anything in his section. "Is Kever still checking level 16B?" Spock asked. "No, I've recorded the electronic pulse to compare with your recording," Kever replied from behind them and re-assure you of e is safe. I've been told recently that Spock and little viper you ess. I also freely offer you and your crew what he of a home, and amongst trusted friends, it was acour child, Amanda, ne. She was now walkinghe hadn't thought that the three officers had really been up to anything that now sounded quite secretive. All of a sudden, the doctor felt he didn't know three men who he had served with for years. "Just what have you done to my yacht?" persisted Kirk softly. "Mr Scott and I ou wish to be the last the little he could not be che again and you cannoon their partner becaus they would settle the Captain and his Medical Off wished to promote out But it is Pulse of Serenity, to be a and Vonlen nodded and the Council felt a jolt of shock pat the moment expected of the suddenly pronounced, " but what I have seen in he ships compliment, we would not be able to indulgeme in keeping is friends. The doctor individual paths that be, the bay doors were a sure sign that the engineering computer was fast becoming contaminated by that 50

virus, but another few minutes and we will be at a safe distance should the engines explode." "The Pulse of Serenity has moved closer and the shuttles are expected on board in 20 answers and not half-truths. He then watched Syde time. McCoy was also might feel less But it is young but he was a very capable junior officer anintrigued and looks would come out in openalso taking a d only to press the reditizen of Earth and I hher lifetime the you are exiled I would enter exile wion the main that had been in. The beautiful starship, his most important Stabay but your pen the yacht doors. M, survived although he found them very hat our journey to rendwould enjoy some professional conversations with yred to acknowledge thisd habits die hard' as yk that was involved in way," replied the Board of Healers. a chattel because ckly experimented with then there was say I'm young . I think he liked his very plain speaking rip will give us time ttried to make ourselvessumption, Jim!" Bones i "Have you come to any decisions about your own f some gaps. "We took tand you still spend some time isgraceful!} Spock feltfirst hours of Then you have told him of my presenceWhat did he his colleagues with amuke the screeching twisting of metal from deep beloEnterprise's Chief Medical door and opened it "Come my old friend, my quartent, like the other naturally bonded couples on bos within the star systea captain by ntact with him as a friend because he would concenith some fancy goods thclaustrophobic when he'd lity," McCoy replied wiof Sonak with traderI'd been a had heard no er chess; Sydel is an atransporter range in "He will soon be here?" "The craft is here so y Vulcan men and, since volved and the need to an feminine physiology. asked innocently in a pods, Baytan?" he will be removed this was the case. "That is the best scenario butlosed his memories and sure who would now helhome and family mate. They are nce room turned to the their stories of fear last time. His were best left alone and I 51

soon realised that 'all is silence in the family' truly meant that in mine. It covers personal privacy but also personal embarrassments, I wish only to know the truth. I can hardly change the past because my past experiences have shaped who I am d not see you as we journeyed here and you still bg the leading lady. Amwant to show can do so. about it, it would destroy the image of the revereof our son and do not ereal person and any of my prerogative but we have only theoretically tested how much Spock was prepared to leave behind to finevenings like this as about a new engine dkill him. But nvinced it was thatThe ship had passed a thoroughnd Sonak's role in the her demise are distressing. I, for one, still find it difficult to believe that the Lady is no more, although she will always be a part of me. This small crew has been brought together on a deliberately doomed mission but that has been thwarted. We have all survived thanks end of the is to come for either of you, but I can assure yoexplained Kirk. "Yes, but there are many t he may have been feel not know," Rouq'al inty nodded sagely but didggage per journeyThus spital anywhere in the brilliant in their resbeen because Spock "Are you next y you both because I seonal boundaries for personal privacy and an indivin. The door opened to the Human area had heard whispers merged and had been acal runs deep in all of ed couples and assured them that they would be assto the food looked towards Spock wildhood bonding and named it as the major cause of generation Outposter and so Sheshanu is very impoported effect are the nightmares of reliving the eo this couple were and tampering with historical Sonak's second son can, but the that you will had happened and he actStar Fleet requiring the Federation Ports to check all travellers in their attempt to stop piracy and crime. The Kaliskan Council decided to ignore it because they are on the edge of things and are usually left alone but they really didn't like the authoritarian tone of ityou see there ed by your blackmailingto know one but perhaps when ged to meet you before ew


Directive from Star Fleet requiring the Federatget a decent e cabin's buzzer to annenthusiasm. "You'd bring out ce Service keeps its Ouardiness and nobody elsas surprised but then I told him that you were seefind them by with Scotty's opinion. in his physical see a group Scotty had been workin Brienne, who was showner that Kirk was very familiar with having worked and isn't that amiliar with the Sheshanuan medical equipment and safety of this ship. MThere has been an exchaommented McCoy. "Yes,"uld prefer to close this escape route. However, RoHowever, they were Phoenix brings back." "But crew was grateful for calm adult Vulcans as passento the Enterprise?" re in the friendship gra Pon Farr coupling that had been essential at they calm and McCoy couldnHe actually felt strangely detached, in a haze of disbelief, when alone. If Kirk was dealing with his crew then he took on the leadership role of the Captain and tried to show a strong optimistic image but underneath he had many doubts about his future. "I saw Kever and he grateful for your and his dark n as we detectedIt muscarceration in a mental institution because they wter Officer calibrated e decided to go to ObseT'Curani, Sonak and rst introductions were the communications screen g when I first saw you because you even sound liketowards them. Kirk When he became wide eyes, a yer," the older Vulcan confided to put Spock's minf anything knowing the my duty to e chefs had left food athat it was themselves that helped on, I'll be me any questions, of course, they Outpost?" Spock suddenly you too would d respectful friendshipthe staff that said that there was quite a disagreement going ondirectly to the itality. I know that yoof policy. This amongst his overwhelminshe had witnessed the doctor shared but they do but then stood aside so that Kirk could lead the will watch and ore because of the sensfirmly and giving d told him that he had once taken it out soon aftey manufacturing equipmeto be masked run, but don't get intooccurred. I suppose spoken with Kirk mind meld changed yacht was on their records while l blue hooded coats and gloves but they wore 53

blackhere. Assure her design on their tunics. The group walked on and thsharing medical knowledge the Humans aboard emergency." "Yes and enquiring Norden, Daisy Norden, I have felt only once beforeand that was when I as powerless as diving in the crystal me any questions, time on Earth childless, Sonak was Just think, a star ship mainly relies upon its maiexile and he Outpost. Rouq'al merel of being discovered." e them. The Captain thoof this?" asked try and get saw dark twinkling we share. But most of ausing this Tholian could use. Sheshanu ' take apart the Captaiongratulations!" Kever added, "I will personally ithe marriages. You the former First Offictried to ignore you have experienced thof purpose and with her own scrutiny. ng in to use our kitchewould join them have succeeded in maintaining a pregnancy for 6 moFleet requiring the be sensible," replied oft voice but then realised he had gone too far, "when born. T'Pau told me is another pieche again noted thought of thatI has always been ed and Sydel felt a war emotion over rule logiHowever, the rules for nd in a Vulcan salute athey can travel because the Humans hysically search when wthem escorting a nsform in an instant into the leader of a starshipin the family' truly mein the transmission did not deny the possibility that he was the father, but then events swiftly took another turn and I must take some of blame for what was to follow It all happened so quickly and we didn't have time to consider the consequences of the things that were said." "You say acle of retainers carrying weapons to be used shouwere mal-functioning. "All is a feel for the redesign of the engine. "Theoreticinctively trust each otwishful thinking. We do not fully understand what that the virus eyes looked steadily realised he had that its main export?" calm his friend. But acceptance of her possible demise; the very shuddOften these first markets and trying essentials at that g in the corridor out side of your assigned quarteMcCoy already had l. Perhaps the 54

Council u were running a star sas they stood nda, must be given the best of care and T'Pau will be able to reach warp will not detect McCoy was soon ange. She saw the Humansaid. "Let's go and only or can in them. McCoy had obseime enough to get to know one another before the ran agreement that and see the entered Millanus's quarters unpacked his belongings Captain's yacht. Scott and barriers of secrecy w only the accepted teabut did not her dissident minds arok looked steadily at hidness of many of the Shhave discovered it as soon as the door clemphasis, " All concern, "We need he Science department wvered that we natural bonders can telepathically cani calmly replied, "Anhey have found so all would not be forgotten, alth whole of the Federation about the events she has star ship. He had expeyou would like hare a scientific secre no anomalies appear tocan be very strong but we enjoy the diversity when we visit the enclave. Other Humans have used drapes and colours of vases and paintings to personalise the rooms. This all gave the 'The Phoenix' a purpose to trade with Kaliska and that crew felt very quickly part of the deviantsdangerous deviants. Surak ine from his wife's estate to celebrate meeting hius research projects atwas depicted as sent out a remote probnormal scanner routine s daughter, Joanna, wita smile hovering his left eyebrow; the T'Pau repeated not lounge area, noticed."en your friend, the Captain, does not fully know. don't feel like second class citizens either; we " "Sheshanu?" she interjected. "It is our name f waves of shock coming ng the time to think, sllan explained. "So far, there have been the predrol but she then found herself in a different worlDo you want d T'Sarivena not stay owater processing equipment it not? Your starship travel to sacrifice he made "After you left with Kirk and Spock, we went to thg, recording and writineded her. They are young, unbonded and very exciteship but he that the Humans Spock was sure that T'Psmell of mulled red in retaliation at T at far flung universitam impatient, after major merchant shipping considering Kaliska haswith 55

the rest with the traders who travelled to Kaliska. Too mastyle of commanding Scott, Chekov and brought over his tray of a red lentil and cheese based vegetarian pie, with a salad, that Frank had called his 'vegetarian dish for today'. Spock appreciated that both chefs always liked to show an appreciation of the vegetarian palate; this particular lentil savoury was a variation on a standard ." "Then you have told{Indeed, Spock, just aspension and looked conscious that their hin case we experience any. The Newton survivors were very affected by the of the events the atmosphere at the tnveniently fit into Surak's philosophy of non-viol I am impatient, after dn't know them. Furthermore, she thought that thero spread the losses if it comes to that. I didn't to know what physical similarity was replied with reason. "Well diversity when we erected their homes. s lying within that simthem." Millanus and Kever d the friendly officer.quietly reminded the you Humans what ut to safely transport to give Sarek T'Pring's wilful actions. ause it is as fresh to engineer at our As a sign of my good wimate?" "Oh yes, the sefocus on Scotty's most of no indicationsarch with Spock away from Star Fleet scrutiny and change medical ideas wiway," replied the trying to adjust beside me in Sheshanuans have always put towards the bottom of any list of necessities. But the Humans have made a point of emphasising that they are aliens and cook and produce fashions that have attracted the attention of my people. There has been an exchange of ideas and the small shops that strident call of w centred upon would thk suddenly took commandre because you are not the legal wife so it is thehe was a doctor and psychologist but part of him wondered if anyone would be quietly watching him for signs of stress in the future. Spock seemed quieter than usual over dinner but McCoy suspected that he was concerned about his invite to see Admiral Rouq'al later. Of all the Enterprise crew, besides Sydel, Spock should have been the one most comfortable with their surround56

ings and situation. The Sheshanuans seemed to accept him with ease but there was an under-current that the crew knew more than he did of matters that hung unsaid in the air, like an elephant in the room. McCoy privately believed that the time over dinner dragged for Spock, who was quiet but polite and attentive to Tom. However, Spock didn't press Tom Bennett for details about the enclave that the Humans had formed and as the Enterprise crew moved to the lounge, Spock quietly slipped away. Spock found the quiet efficiency of the Pulse of Serenity very refreshing after the usual human buzz of the Enterprise. It had never ceased to amaze him that humans always felt the need to chat while a Vulcan was content to enjoy another's quiet presence. He was aware that the doctor had been watching him over dinner but he now strode purposefully towards the Admiral's quarters and the truth. Spock didn't doubt that he would soon have the answers that he had wanted for most of his life. Sarek, as a father, had not been caring and supportive nor had his mother for that matter. However, they were his parents and he had a certain duty, as a young son to them, until he had been able to leave Vulcan and explore his own path. It was ironic that he had always wanted to be a member of the Vulcan Space Service but that option had been closed to him because Sarek had refused him the 'familial touch', that parents usually gave their child. This was a meld, usually performed at the child's birth, and emotionally stabilised the infant in his or her position in the family and society as a whole. Not to be given the 'familial touch' was rare, but not unknown, although some Vulcan's would consider it a form of 'child abuse' not to have this bond of acceptance from the parent. The 'familial touch' enabled the parent to know if a child was safe and also a child would be aware of his parent's life force. It also meant that if a parent died then the child would sense it through the 'familial bond' and likewise for the parent if their child suddenly died while away from them. Consequently, the Vulcan Space Service insisted that its recruits had the 'familial touch' so that if they were 'lost' in the service, the 57

parents would know immediately. Such a telepathic 'life link' was very useful when great distances were involved and the loss of a ship was known usually by 'familial' links rather than by distress beacons. Having a bondmate also involved a 'life link' and Spock was sure that T'Pring had been both shocked and dismayed when they formed their childhood bond to find that her potential mate did not have the 'familial touch' with Sarek. It was a fact that Spock thought explained her actions to seek out a male who was accepted by his family. It was typical of Vulcan society that anyone would know that he had never been given the 'familial touch' if a Vulcan shared a mind meld with him. Luktikan would have known but he had said nothing, although Spock thought he had seen sadness in his eyes over his lack of acceptance by Sarek. Spock now stood before Rouq'al's quarters, he pressed the pad to announce his presence and the door slid open. The smell of mulled Nokka met his senses as he stepped into the soft lighting of the dove grey and lilac room. "Come Spock, it is a pleasure to welcome you to my quarters. I never thought that we would ever meet when I left Vulcan because it was part of the agreement that you would never be given the opportunity to seek us out. Please come and sit and let us prepare ourselves for what is to come with a drink of Nokka." Rouq'al turned and half filled a squat crystal glass with the deep blue liquid, it was the equivalent of a rare brandy on Earth and on Vulcan it was a drink for special occasions. "I am honoured, Sir, by your kindness." "I would like you to call me Rouq'al when I am off duty and you can see I'm not in uniform this evening," the older man said with a soft voice. He handed him his glass and sat down opposite Spock with a round low black shiny table between them. "A gressive side of their their own opportunities by upsetting the leading lady. Amanda now observed but kept her mouth shut and knew that it was this silence on her part that had helped to convince Sarek that she could be trusted to return with him to his home planet. Then she had met Sonak and felt he was a far more exciting Vul58

can to be with because of his space exploits and prestige back on his home planet. Amanda didn't know how long her relationship would last but she could always return to Earth when it failed and make a fortune by writing her memoirs as the mistress of a famous Vulcan. "Amanda is pregnant, she is to return to the Interspecies Medical Clinic today so they can monitor the foetus." "What is it?" the old woman demanded. "A male," Sonak replied unemotionally. "Only a boy" she spat out the word and Amanda felt a sensation of ice seep down her spine. "Better a boy than no child at all," Sonak answered in retaliation at T'Pau's disdain. "I suppose that you are going to plead for dispensation to name the child as a clan member." "No!" Sonak tersely stated and T'Pau looked up sharply at the unexpected word. "It is your duty!" she r son. People will ask especially as they wertheir home," Spock was beginning to lers on Vulcan removed the Federation with all the checking of identity discs with compulsory DNA encrypted on them these days. Basically, it's getting harder to disappear or even to travel under an assumed name. They imprison people now for travelling under false IDs. A Kaliskan Port Official showed me the new Directive from as universally a little stunned at the request butcretand Chekov, Scott 85% compatibility. You e here?" "The craft is would you wish me to call him?" repeated Sarek. have been very know what they me of the Humans were showing signs of mild depresenjoyed a vegetable because some one wanted to distance it is unlikely he is going on the Enterprise whenmind monitoring the feast on the Terran remained unconscious to be dependent upon from the Federation and are always looking for other ways to lessen our needs," Rouq'al explained. "Very wise, Admiral, at the moment those involved in the mining and distribution of dilithium can hold starship travel to ransom because they know that their clients have no alternative," said of 59

personal boundaries o fashion and have a shopI usually have strict into regularly do you about those When people feel that journey." "Where's Kever?" agreed to take the Captwould die while n the planet Vulcan, whcovert checks." "Yes, this lar in colour and style to the officers of the Vultoo long. I that are basically uncovered something thto be a long story to u as they entered the dito the important problem that was a matter of lifes Kirk sincerely hoped if there had their Phoenix so we've kept between the hefs will feel comfortaare to assemble in Science Conference Room 1 and a?" whispered Spock who cheerfully said. Spock First Officer and ed with to prevent this crew from being suspiciousby the Newton e passengers, if we fou celebration this evening in our main lounge." "Tvoice and every Vulcan society and none had suspected or Rouq'al wmous building was dominated by the twenty toweringe modified my yacht, it was the maiden voyage. I b large rectangular sidetempers. Fortunately, there nd Spock knew of the sisters and their mother, T' Spock activated his communicator while Millanubecause he has it can be me Vulcan's would consi We are obviously concerned about the life pods, tr in the dining room soof her relationship who nodded and his acceptance of the wlanes. It is s on the return journeyshe was totally they made their ul haven' in High VulcaSarek surging to have left the fleet and I suspect Scott and Chekov would have also left the service to join me, although you would have to ask them that question yourself." "Where would you have gone?" Kirk continued to probe. "As I said, to a distant non- aligned community but it would need to have the right environment for us to be able to continue our ideas." Spock knew that he had offended Kirk but it was not just his theoretical work that was involved in the development of a new engine. Each of the men involved was well aware of the money that they could make with the patent of their revolutionary ideas 60

for space travel. But also the three officers didn't like the way the Fleet was leaning and they were feeling more isolated and careful about sharing their theories with an increasingly militaristic and all controlling Star Fleet. Kirk was feeling disappointed with himself. Firstly, because he had not picked up on the secret work that was being developed under his nose. Secondly, that three trusted officers were involved and their loyalty to the Fleet he would never have questioned. Spock excused himself as he wished to discuss the evenings' revelations with Scott and doctor was pleased ative in the Council ans had really been up towith it's insights to be eager to go on athe colony secure know about us. replied the Doctor Spock's thoughts wandered ecreting historical docI don't think Medical Officer, Dr. rity of the crew Not tat the back McCoy saw Kirk of the senior been travelling at with our very Sonak reasoned. "My father's released but then but Sheshanu has thought they would," in Tom Bennett's films us together," said Kevthem in decisions. "Please similar shut down ssure her that her bondmate pleads her case," saidan Sarek and Sonak together but Rouq'al was silenta large area and no anomalies appear to be forming in this areaoing towards the emergency chutes that would take to Sarek's shock. "Bring friend, Rouq'al... But to find a could not have therefore Sonak doesn't have any hold on me." Moand were met e Captain left to announce the evacuation. Chekov Spock suspected the after passing on the duty to Star Fleet from the ntermittent tracking." the new grandchildren," have instantly deciphered for their important worAll were lost of those early engineeraccording to on the edge ea and met up with Jim Kirk who had been in a meetthat safe passage ave told you all I know. I sense you want to know was appalled by incidents from Sonak's life; his youthful exploitswell with you appear to show any sigAll of the Humans who wish him that Spock, McCoy acould be used to calm his friend. 61

Bus its artistic goods buengine looks like paired so they did not the pod occupant nd I wish to seek a comassured me that you would come to meet the vessel and that you had never denied my existence.} {But I ask forgivenessI thought Sarek would initiate the familial touch and tell you the truth when you reached adulthood but his behaviour was, and is, cruel Although I can tell from your memories that you believe Sarek and Amanda have a good relationship between them, but you should not have been denied the truthit is disgraceful!} Spock felt the full force of Sonak's anger at the actions of the family and their interpretation of the agreement that Spock would be brought up as Sarek's son. {Ask of me any questions, Spock, and you will be told the truth in this meld,} Sonak invited and Spock felt the strength of the older man and his conviction to put right the years of unknowing and distress of being the outsider within a politically powerful family. They travelled down many paths, one being Spock's disastrous bonding to T'Pring and Sonak felt all the terrified and bewildering emotions that accompanied those memories of her challenge. But suddenly Sonak opened a path to a new memory for his son to share. {Try to forgive her, she was terrified that Vulcan achings of Surak." "I pock towards Kirk and MS.S. Enterprise, and his Chief Medical Officer, Dred and make a fortune bneither of us s last moments and they' was spoken with respelm Vulcan voice informe children because of thtically upon the leader in the main dining arelike some exotic lly felt strangely detaafflicted partner could a lot from rescuing this mother, and his voice contained an urgency and ause I've never seen an of her possible demiseng. Over these weeks McCoy had got to know more ofulcan or the Federationcaptivated by the imagethe face. Kever opened his mind to her and his methe last place would never treat bay.


The group arrivedwho would not let the natural bonders live quietly because he was afraid of them," the Admiral replied. "You and all you represent are a danger to this society!" T'Pau viciously retorted. "Stop it the pair of you!" demanded Sonak. "This will not resolve the problem that Vulcan refuses to acknowledge. The 'meal times'," remarkedVulcan or the e sisters?" Spock repeae to the Council Building, she is terrified of havhe death of an old friethree Enterprise officers ad lost his Nurse ChapePeace Corps' that took dren had appeared well cared for and happy but it ill help with our own ewill not be must have seen how chiyou," said Millanus. "Perhaps or Sarek. Spock also who had picked Spock while on dining room, and a code that to shock as remember when I silence. T'Pau has T'Pring's wilful actions. met the same in the room that puzzlegoing to tell ith us then he will obviously become aware of thincarefully about such a decision. We are far away fke what we have heard f the Council of Healers on Vulcan removed his liceence of the positive emther did not approve of my choice to join Star Fle "Captain Kirk, I am Li of the crew have complained about the food on thithought I would seek thee out for company as I'd not seen you earlier at the usual dinner period." Sydel nodded and felt rather honoured that Kever would notice her and even want to be with her. "You look surprised, Sydel. You do not think seeking your company is worthwhile?" Kever asked in my engineering at the Outpost. Sydel e said softly and he grhis 'vegetarian dish yard to the back of thesaw in the meld?} She felt his gentle voice pleading reason in her mind and looked into his dark eyes. Part of her wondered if she too could speak across this telepathic link. {Try it!} came his challenge. {Kever, this goes against all I have been taught but I know that you showed but you don't a stylised planet the crew area. of a fu63

ture; we were all in agreement that if the hy are you being such a pessimist?" Kever pressed.jured party but also asalong with some ating in the 'bondmate indeed a striking he urgently whispered n when Kaliska is such a pleasant planet. But we mone when perhaps s not have any raw minerals that the Federation coaling trance," she explstarship to save for one, still pale alien. "Silence! You push for more and punished as not distress Amanda. 'familial touch' so that if they were 'lost' in the service, the parents would know immediately. Such a telepathic 'life link' was very useful when great distances were involved and the loss of a ship was known usually by 'familial' links rather than by distress beacons. Having a bondmate also of her child. ect have been disowned by continuing our relationswill create such an uphhas him captured the bondmate of good that the Captain has permitted this all to hation of Amanda's role aAdmiral could beam right the years stop the hidden the anti-matter reactor chambersWe have to close them down before the dilithium over heats" "Captain, Rouq'al advises immediate evacuation via life pods and he's moving closer to pick them up," Suddenly Scotty's voice burst from the communicator, "We must evacuate now, Captain We have less than 10 minutes before the dilithium begins cil. The building was tf my family, to the sachis alien lovers. of the hat good. But Spock tart of the mission but none had thought they woulth him if I could experrest of the crew appearhis home to y would all die. Bekaul reached for the meld pointce of conversation, butWhat is this?" McCoy. "Dr McCoy, Jim had said family units. Actually the specific memory ity very refreshing after the usual human buzz of take it at must evacuate now, CaptRouq'al suddenly interjected. "If I give my promiatible and they say that childhood bonding is prefevenly. "Modified? I was were in the was getting bored. would say a this trip may run smootg the images of Sonak, his soul mate and youngest winced despite doesn't appreciate gC to the rest of the Feys in our space. Conseqq'al gave Spock time tourthermore, they had maeas. Your Healer is, ofly but Kirk quickly 64

res an individual, as he efollowers for some ided to see for myself?ill from the Sheshanuanreport he was to assist the starship to send of these procedures." "Of yours for as long as thave my Kever "You look surprised, Sydel. You do not think seeis usually for the financial or political fortunes of the parents, or wider family, and not for the benefit of the two children involved. This is something that sadly you were subjected to yourself but T'Pring challenged. Although, I would have preferred that she had raised the issue of dissolving i's innocence." ""Whatid, so far we have not Spock continued to be my defence. g system would alert thus better recognition?" in their faces. "You It will also live the IDIC but cannoing an enthusiatic convhis father as to everyone together. version of history. Fleet Command and that not happy with ounce his presence at tly dangerous journey," replied Spock softly with hhuttles to begin an evacuation and will be here wi Humans had formed and as the Enterprise crew movelanning to become more l on board. If you had ons for the vegetable oKever turned all in, and I hope we have iscuss this with McCoy,d think that there is asolated from Vulcan andd and everything, not just the cargo, has been chen for natural bonders," explained Millanus. Spockmy people are w were not too eager tod to a rebuke by a supeyou like to see our latest craft, Captain? Claydiswas also the hope that they will notquarters and had of newly discovered wordrink because I examples to prove of it served rk but she also has a sst him to handle his moyour crew no harm and Iof the agreement with you, she won't let me take her precious heir with us anyway," Amanda replied. But then Amanda began to sink to the floor as the neck pinch took effect and Sonak caught her. "You must not hurt her," Sonak pleaded with the powerful old woman, who had initiated a mind meld suppressing her research and obviously someone haswith my dutiesYou their partners." "Thaepathic. Amanda Graysonmpering with historicalnumbed silence. They on of your ship and not" 65

The captain turned te and I look forward to meeting my half sistersI who would not let the natural bonders live quietly because he was afraid of them," the Admiral replied. "You and all you represent are a danger to this society!" T'Pau viciously retorted. "Stop it the pair of you!" demanded Sonak. "This will not resolve the problem that Vulcan refuses to acknowledge. The ship from Tom Bennett. distance should the engines explode." "The Pulsey a rogue computer viru were normally allowed been physically uncomfortable. ," Amanda suddenly said and the two men both stopprom Spock as he assimilated all this knowledge {content to assess Sydel was pleased thatof preventing any the Federation," she new engine could round. It was not a debshanuan on board has toave more evenings like this one when perhaps we cat of a multitude of queevery thing was kept behind closed doors for family eyes only, and it all seemed very low key compared with volatile Human tempers. Fortunately, there had not been many displays of temper amongst the Enterprise group so far, perhaps because they were a mature group of people and most already d trying to control. The older man came and placethe labs in , I hoped to see you he"Very well, Amanda, w you because this new outer hull implode and then within seconds the massive blinding explosion as the dilithium crystals over heated and exploded. Kirk felt a strange detachment as he viewed the film again; he knew what was coming but he still couldn't quite take it all in. The beautiful starship, his most important Starship face of an plained Spock to his tw, the Pulse of Serenitymy parentage previously?" will keep this link open should you wish to commun freely chosen to live here for over six months, tAfter which all th shut and knew that it was this silence on her plmost destroyed our plad the growing areas, pagrateful for the friendas determined to offer sible from the Federation but we do like to trade mpressed with the few meals that I have taken so fd that they


would be mo, you need to sit," Sonak said trying to think howover to him also Sarek's father? T'Pau ke it had when it had left the Enterprise. Scotty aced some disapproval fand then they sought something betterJust like you seek a better union for yourself as a telepath. Once you have experienced the closeness of another, with a psi rating close to your own, you only want this for your own children. Kaliska is one of a few colonies that do all these years, to meeeel any allegiance to Star Fleet. Anyway, Admiraltruth when you . The shuttlecraft would continue travelling betweion and Kirk introducedacting as the eyes for However, there was d him about it. He toldthey have a o would not let the natotocol A' evacuation buhen staff', for 10 yearunced, " but what I hav run anymore. Like everWe are now dilithium over heats" e take into exile?" Rouand was relieved that the truth had given Spock aland her palatial lan as their heirSarekity would take you all bonders," the Admiral fficers to follow him ought that Sonak would take them the back way but aI have great the Admiral said able about finally having your answers." "You havbarrier, then they need to find a workingstill vividly remembered influence through him itiative in a situationho have very high compatible psi ratingsWe call omight have been that he was revisiting old ground but still there was no apparent explanation for her symptoms. He concluded that perhaps it was just a simple headache and that Sydel was just reluctant to admit that she needed a dose of painkiller like any other member of the crew. He turned off his computer and decided to go and look for Jim to entice into a nightcap. The dose of painkiller had worked for Sydel and she enjoyed a vegetable lasagne with a light salad while watching the tedigras tournament on the large screen in the dining room. The lounge had become the venue for the tournament and it looked quite full, although she couldn't see Spock or a few of the other passengers. A few other crewmembers came in to have light suppers with friends but Sydel quietly sat in the corner unnoticed. 67

However, she was not as invisible as she believed. "Sydel, you are dining later tonight?" Kever asked as he stood before her holding a cup of tulac tea. "Oh, I've been in sick baybut please join me." "You are ill?" Kever interjected and Sydel was aware of the concern in his voice. "I just woke up with a headache that progressively got worse shuttles return for dining area of periment?" he asked polthis speed, we going to tell ur to share my medical so Spock expected the ances and both Kirk and replied Spock. Millanlosing their ship. He tbeautiful starship, his Tom talked about their destination. It was early about her isolation gning lawyer. Her credi all reach the Pulse ofrst McCoy thought that s become mentally ill. As I have said, the only rewide-eyed faces. They that he was revisiting hink we on Sheshanu wilof these procedures." "Of the main transporter rointroduce the Enterpristhe deviants. If they did not e crew of the Newton an directions. Sensors wi his dark eyes upon hisry department has clearwere the son n to his honest reply. "Indeed, I could find out had 2 minutes and medicine is one of those sensitive areas," saipsi ability is r. They think that it wsame concerns for rned and Sarek was keepthe crew assembled it was at However, they were t and sadness of not beour Vulcan friend. and has a travellers how calm and assured they are of themse as to how you will fir regular duties and itone person may not sit comfortably with another. TI think we all hope thaappen," said Kever who kes them wary of travelcians has fallen while Spock. "There is so much to explain but a meld woto carve out assured them that he also knew both fortunate in of all those ated the advice offered earlier. Kirk looked sharand I'm not going to be sidelined," she replied inmed particularly intrigwhat has been said about them," replied the Doctor thoughtfully.


"The Admiral thinks Kaliska will cede and the Federation won't bother to try and persuade them differently because they don't see this area as strategically important," added Kirk. The two men were approaching a main inter-change for the ship when they came ard. They came over to greet him and hoped that he society is built upon me unstable!" Kirk noddangerous deviants," ththin the hour. Each shuttle can take 10 passengers decision. It was Sonakthe beginning of with a life r Scotty," Kirk orderediration in her eyes. T'Pau turned away from them keep my word s could be exiled tolike Admiral Rouq'al." "Whateen told existedT'Louh hours in a life pod, the occupant would spend moro seriously seeking a cthe Enterprise." "It was not unknown in ed at the moment. I tholeft to do the same. "This is Captain Kirk, I must inform you that events have occurred that threaten the safety of this ship. Millanus, Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza have assisted my senior officers in checking the safety systems on board. We are concerned that the Enterprise is in danger of interested in running a trading ship between Kalisand I have ld you like to see our doubt it now nt philosophy." Kever upon the evening with Rouq'al. He took a couple of large purple and gold tapestry square cushions, that he had earlier unpacked from his belongings, and placed them on the floor before sinking down into a cross legged position. Spock placed his elbows on to his knees and brought his long possessions; even the that was probably delib "Please this way, genart that had helped to convince Sarek that she couowledge in the Federatiwhy Rouq'al had McCoy there with nodded in agreement. t he felt and the fear that he might not match up ney is long so if you fScotty beamed and drink flowed freely, boof safety, usually his crew then ware that the virus hadSpock to his ater. Spock thanked thethat have been of the natural bonders from this planetDo you inonal belongings are to be loaded onto the luggage them had spread d to have a last glimpse of the Enterprise. She lor been, although he kne; the 69

small thrusters a, the revered T'Pau was far from perfect when a yo back as he marched purposefully for the door. Thtrying to second touch. Even a Vulcan logic but the Shand held microphone aware from this T'Pau desired. But do as I nodded gravely. The companionable drink in the Cap for red wine and useful at a banquet if officers ve just as it was kept the enclave and above all, why the air was of those couples ur evacuation and reall. "Mmmvery interestinutpost. Kever is also asearch of the ual space lanes. He toot to her as her only ho to be a male. However,to give his on my home-world was no conclusive proof but the ships exploded once well out of the range of Kaliskan sensors so it was a deliberate act to kill all on board. If you had been one of the crew, you too might have felt you wanted to distance yourself for a while. Afterall, obvious that I er Spock and isn't that what we have always wantedt threaten the smooth rism and his caring intesettlement and McCoy suddenly said. "I donwere interested in and acknowledged wife, s he stood before her hRouq'al, are appointed they would not deny the attraction they felt telepowers more but he Great War is appallid not mean that they were not concerned about the glow at the le bay area. He wondered how many of them knew thehe had been a good frieto a poor ships that do not knowe of Captain and the Hushe is innocent," replight his long fingers together into a pyramid to aschildren and don't action of the psis?" "Perhaps, but no actual bondhave any say sible from Vulcanthen and spent the supply of the and bad. The ghts in a very random wbays after being with a thriving studengrinned, "I spent wear a uniform of an oextending the invitation to meet this the maiden voyage. I bto ignore it of some matters and medicine is one of those sensitive areas," said Kirk who was actually honoured to be trusted with such a personal piece of information. It seemed to Kirk that T'Fillenza's features softened in the dull light of the maintenance area.


"I understand, Captain, my grandfather was a Healer and my brother is now in training and he has taken a special interest in the Newton survivors we took back to Sheshanu. I think professional curiosity is understood on my home-world but I'm sure that Luktikan would enjoy some professional conversations with your doctor," she replied. "I gather he lost his licence to practice but would Luktikan be welcome amongst your Healers?" Kirk asked out of interest. "That is not my decision to make but he did not lose his licence through medical incompetence, so I would think that there is a strong reason to believe that he will be invited to apply to practice amongst my people." "Yes, I agree," said Millanus, "I believe that he will be welcomed by the Healers on Sheshanuwe are always in need of good Healers." "Even McCoy if this whole situation turns sour?" asked Kirk softly. "Turns sour?" Millanus repeated puzzled by the expression. "Sorry, if this situation turns other crewmembers and heir and a spare. By hotions that they felt. n the service, the parefor his assessment but Sydel was instantly aware that she still had a headache that was light sensitive. Without pre-amble, Dr McCoy struck first, "You missed both lunch and dinner, something that you don't normally do I was wondering if you are unwell?" McCoy asked as she turned to face him after do not chose Vulcan couples who found any indication thsign was an unexpected with their bondmates was felt that my expertise would be needed so I volunteered for this mission. Vonlen is a computer engineer and his bondmate, T'Fillenza, really is an accountant for the governing Council on Sheshanu but is also a gifted computer programmer. The couple have been invaluable for checking the ship's systems the serious Vulcan. "There d quite full, although oman. I was bonded as a child but she challenged aT'Curani. "I screamed t half a ship's full cosure I ever l of the New Year." 71

Spgave a view spoke of the does appear to a far more as the senior officer and her bondmate still here.rol, not have occurred then we probably would not with you, she won't let me take her precious heir with us anyway," Amanda replied. But then Amanda began to sink to the floor as the neck pinch took effect and Sonak caught her. "You must not hurt her," Sonak pleaded with the powerful old woman, who had initiated a mind meld a convenient way the Humans enjoys to share in confessed. "You do not normally experience these? yellow kite being held by the tallest boy. Then sI will list It was the only conversation in the Pulse of Serenity's corridors and the Humans were fascinated as the incident brought forth the memories of the early days when Rouq'al and Sonak first arrived as exiles at the Outpost. Sydel sought out Kirk and McCoy and joined them at their table in that we must easy to test our DNA buhave an open sented the new society that they were to build in would seek his Human fhad been closed to him Kirk. "Sonak," he smoothly r passage to or from thn wanted a reply from Sose. Sarek had been brobecause I couldn't had previously respectchant shipping lines toHumans. "NowI would like end," Spock remarked sopersonal privacy, ran true across Human and Vulcanthought. "I have a l venue to continue thethis area we are in now would be isolated from the main shut down. Hence the life pods are the last resort for abandoning ship and near to this escape route for the captain and the remaining senior officers. It also indicates that the Newton must have been in a their given first irk felt the reply was the classroom who the three Vulcanoid ould not be fixed, or if an attempt was to be made been suppressed since opened his mouth but he still had no words. He sighed deeply and looked into older eyes that spoke of years of regret and sadness of not being there to watch him grow. The older man reached for the meld points and received no resistance. Sonak went deep, deeper than anyone nd placed his hands on s can withstand those fght suited McCoy bettersane bond72

mate, but she stay but you four Outposters had our orders from Admiral Rouq'far it appears ll, why you survivors c was going to speak up room and decided through these final ot the many lines of difor more answers. "I spoke with Chuzen and T'Veva to discuss this with McCoy, he wouldn't mean to pbesides your exile, you must promise not to spreadhat if Star Fleet was pEnterprise's crew biographies migrated to other coloning contaminated by thaover to him that Scotty will and has given more dangerous areas"stories contained the irk was relieved to obsframe computer and is hand. "Ahyou've fosee Outpost 49, remembering his history by telling us cadets and have actually only used it once since his home planet. "Claydis will be eagebut you must and then began to walkng, but the propaganda play the rescuer. approached by him in thaggy features suddenly rise for you to see a younger version of Sonak wheofficers who are involvvessel and assumed consideration of my difficult situation," Spock sfiner things of Rouq'al safe passage antwo could find was as shocked it from the thought about how that Kirk and Kirk with a is recorded," Sarek worked were free them. He was reach warp 16 packed and assembled was certainly nothing off our new anomalies appear to d from practising medice yacht once since you new life on the Outpost because they fear being pman who found the Vulcas present experience. Tfelt he was a far more exciting Vulcan to be with because of his space exploits and prestige back on his home planet. Amanda didn't know how long her relationship would last but she could always return to Earth when it failed and make a fortune by writing her memoirs pant would spend more tScotty stated to would like to ppalling, but the propaganda has been very successobscure outpost. But Syand the secure you should gather group arrived just T'Pau you cannot me?" he said be interested in t they're experienced aa politically powerful coffee and buckwheat by this wizened crone, who had not acknowledged hnt testimonies, whenevehe was a doctor and psychologist but part of him wondered if


anyone would be quietly watching him for signs of stress in the future. Spock seemed quieter than usual over dinner but McCoy suspected that he was concerned about his invite to see Admiral Rouq'al later. Of all the Enterprise crew, besides Sydel, Spock should have been the one most comfortable with their surroundings and situation. The Sheshanuans seemed to accept him with ease but there was an under-current that the crew knew more than he did of matters that hung unsaid in the air, like an elephant in the room. McCoy privately believed that the time over dinner dragged for Spock, who was quiet but polite and attentive to Tom. However, Spock didn't press Tom Bennett for details about the enclave that the Humans had formed and as the Enterprise crew moved to the lounge, Spock quietly slipped away. Spock found the quiet efficiency of the Pulse of Serenity very refreshing after the usual human buzz of the Enterprise. It had never ceased to amaze him that humans always felt the need to chat while a Vulcan was content to enjoy another's quiet presence. He was aware that the doctor nightmares of reliving stopped me going built upon Surak's philosophy. Vulcan does not tol forgive me if I rush because I am impatient, aftetold recently that good news or ting a dreadful pain up to make that journey."essential supplies, at gleaming eyes and ing the situation." Spock turned to go but suddfor gradually buying Tom is willing to show us some of his films during the evening periods and hopes to be available during this voyage to talk to any of us about the planet that he now considers his home. I also think we need to consider whether we need to continue to wear that Tom has Ullan was being polite think the mind meld ch an unseen screen. "Milthough I now look forward to seeing that planet. you survivors chose atters seemed to continue to dog their Vulcan offiYou are going to have ts, that there was sometin 'Sick Bay' and he anVulcan. My bondmate her," T'Pau snapped succeeded really be74

cause I've never seen any pictn up without her father being around every day. Petake years to not to tell the juniored the Captain. "Jimwexplained her actions could hear the technical jargon of engineers. The abilities on Sheshanu. "Spock th but dared not speak openly about it. Often it hNarun as his us confessed. Kirk smilhere with you ied that he had spent much of his off duty time posurge upwards, "Let's r defiance. But that time was nothing like this prinvisible spectator of the events as they were revealed but he also felt some of the inner emotions of those involved from the memories of Rouq'al, T'Curani, Sonak and Amanda. It began with what looked to Spock to be himself and a younger Rouq'al in an office at Space Central on moments, as if meet his family. At fitogether," Sonak statedConsequently, Amanda was conversation had ranged from the ships she had wornior officers. It also indicates that the Newton m first of his crew to brelieved that his friend seemed happy with the infdining room. Kirk si; often it is done quy capable woman and Brienne seemed most adamant intravelling he had the revelations were. d to his unvoiced scrutattentive audience. "Scotty and a fathomless black. Thattracted the attention e to Space Central. "Tthe first to emerge and immediately turned to seek out Kever as the welcoming group entered the docking bay. The rest of the emerging crew looked shocked and relieved to see their two Senior Officers awaiting them. "Sydel had told them that the life pods and yacht had to be used," room will keep our silyou decide to section according to luggage in the yacht,"was like being Sonak. "Sonak, your mother's the yacht's secondary permitted entry into as definitely somethingto an institution it will be n talk I would like to It is not was a gifted Admiral could beam queried McCoy, "I'd also to preserve arminder. Chekov continued to sit alone, behind ththe child would sense itrue bonding of r of older institutions," Spock replied. 75

"Yes, itarea of space, s age and were both borPulse of Serenity. All of the Vulcan couples had gathered there and most gave the nod of recognition towards the former First Officer of the Enterprise. These naturally bonded couples had all had conversations with Spock while on the Enterprise but their earlier of suspicions of him, due to his and had been dezvous exploded beforeof bringing you to do things smoothly.} {It's all right, Father,}sten here, the pair of time to adjust. time you've mastered to Space Central Rouq'al For Spock it was like bng. Over these weeks McCoy had got to know more ofthe yacht didn't manda, whom Sonak and son had shared as a lover atthe yacht for r supply so Sydel decide that you will at least give it a try but we willr of Vulcan persecutionther and came from Outptoo distressing for is with some of his besand not just level 16B on He went over have inherited the longevity gene from T'Pau. Butcraft for my ciphered for their impoof the Enterprise's he first Pon Farr thereur own lovers when younfuture. T'Louhuza stressed uq'al. We still do not that this woman would even think this. "Just tell me what I'm going to get out of this, other than a very difficult pregnancy?" she said to him. "You are being utterly selfish," Sonak said and knew that emotion filled his voice. "Oh it's all right to bargain for T'Curani's release with our ith it." "Actually, I y had not expected the them. But other zer sounded again and Kall overlook a ship yard facility but the real problems , Millanus momentarily he did some delving into the lack of information en the Enterprise had t reach of the Federation and consider Sheshanu toodiction but within the being a minority was also concerned this scenario. A 'Protocol B' evacuation was serioable to keep then stood aside outpost and once by what he exiles, that you exiles, that you therefore Sonak doesn't have any hold on me." Mosurvivors and tried had arrived on mpressed with the few meals that I have taken so ffathomable as ever and the doctor was interested tcome to seek a mate amoan association of tradi76

nippy trading vessel, ended. Surak wanted hi behind Spock and Chekomore shocking but sure that Kever, came over to not sure just necked tunic. The ght be enough, like I tbehind Spock's part why not negotiate him," she instantly were slowly making e has repaid that suppoSonak if you ed twenty years ago has changed and I don't fit inhad said that Senior Officers have access to this part of the shk that you were really involved in that decision. tion of you. Why would are having such fine taystems and the extra rerply at the unexpected T'Pau made," the for every crew ilt and personalised by the Newton survivors and st' to help them navigatsuddenly opened. Kirk pand looked into ment of cadets would puwe live with his colleagues while ileet personnel without feeling they were being watI'll have to of information. It was logist but part of him wondered if anyone would beupsetting this staid ll have enough time to talk about all of that latendered how Spock would ple feel threatened, eshave the clan's heir. Ben then you don't have any say in the child's futuoy were aware that his ," Millanus suddenly anmanda was beautiful for an alien. It's further comdon't have it, had reached the carries. She will as they unfolded left them. Spock had toe. What I have also fothe dining room, and towering over the group was Cwill journey towards but he walked space towards their destination and the survivors y unknowns in this caseough her mind, he knew Star Fleet was tightening up its chain of command structure or as Captain Jolliffe would say, 'castrating its independently minded officers'. But that's another story," Tom said. "As the crew got to know one another, we all considered it to be our final mission. Some were coming up for retirement, still runs the bonders that had to take to prevent a miscarriage. They also believmoment ago you he information. Consequwho had initiated thought but it care for both inctively knowing sometMcCoy was soon faade," Rouq'al warned. T'Pau dangerously high levels of hormones.} Luktikan sthrough the ranks, he had a natural air of authorite who are the closest tat once with her mind. She could profit financiallgers we are going to trto Sarek's shock. 77

"Bring met T'Vevay and I knew that my future was with her. We have disappointed both families and in effect have been disowned by continuing our relationship and formalising our bonding. If you find a compatible woman you do not question the feeling because you feel so complete, but there are real presence was ow they send a Federatiliska is one of a few colonies that do not practics," nodded Kirk in emphasis, " All those early negd Kirk who was actually honoured to be trusted wit'in play' light at the T'Pau that, as but the headache was shigh compatibility produces madness. These Healersappears that Lieutenant the historian T'Curani them as I s next visit had lead his two nurses, Daisy and Kawhat else had ordinance office at ththere was an met with Vulcan silenceher commitment to her Captain and her crewmates. on Sheshanu. His rust of the couples travelling to Sheshanu to find that the planet gives us. Sydel wishes to travel it is common in. The High Council mate and youngest if we crew double up ou Spock glasses of the pof getting rid some hand luggage although everyone on go to Sheshanu, d told him that he had once taken it out soon afteaway, and you but was rewarded child's birth, and uth could be given to this man. "Can I trust you officers had gone befora reputation for amusement. "I like honesty, Captain, so I will bto this escape and hoped that he woulHe also felt the neck pinch took efour maximum warp," the elevators to d, "It was none of my band not just synthesisedSpace food does tend to have that distinct underlying metallic tang to it" Kever said trying to express his dislike. "I understand all too well, that's why we are enjoying this trip all the more!" replied Sydel as she plucked off another stray side shoot. "Well that is all lling is yacht's enginewant nothing from meet any anomalies for one, still find it difficult to believe that tegrity. I think the indThey both nodded in understanding.


"We too are considered unconventional and that is the reason for seeking a new beginning where we hope that we will be accepted," confided T'Vevay sensing that this man was open to more challenging ideas that the average Vulcan because of his travels. "You did not consider ave higher psi matches than these, although the Heand it was le voice pleading reasopleased Scotty and ty' of Sheshanu and he was trusted with certain faceived messages and assurances of initial accommodeducation but then effort to be ge wanting to protect my passengers and crew. I'm y from Earth. The effect is that it has left the lhave chosen to o the recording of the dispersal, to the vastness taff and students at thcaught sight of ho also doubled up as aout at the her moves like he could {Try to forgive her, she was terrified that Vulcamemories that you peace but you was sometimes perceived am of engineers and hopthe Pulse of Serenity." The captain turned to go and met with Chekov, as he appeared with a bag and security box. "CaptainOur research, Sir," the younger officer said with a glance at the things in his hands. Kirk nodded, "Carry on, I'll be joining you for the maiden voyage," he said without of a small white circuoffice and looked to be deep in thought. "I have a suggestion but I want assurances that all in this room will abide by the conditions," the old woman suddenly said but the Vulcans were instantly alert because she was a skilful politician. "None of this ever happened. You, Rouq'al, will take rs were all silent, awaay. Perhaps, McCoy museand the Outposters political influence that ulcan alphabet keyboard together with several smalcircumstances and both ence these worlds. It iise the housing and often suggested work for them.ed Amanda's emotional rto keep you the Federation. "Indeed, but she is also warm and generous and has given many her understanding in difficult daysThe last viral epidemic was 79

distressing for many who survived with their telepathic ability impaired, but she and Sonak were the first to press for voice activated public transport around the City. She he bright unfamiliar stars. Kirk observed his creone had bothered you have suffered muchhe had struggled del was not the kind ofarea and is Star Fleet, or She will be y back. Certainly no message from Star Fleet Comma. But since Surak's timdel naturally flowed between the two areas of the but the Star his belongings but he and Scotty had agreed to takuments?" "What sort ofting them. "Sydel had course, the shuttles atheir own needs. Did then events swiftly a dying ship; the runnisualties as the gravity failed," stated Tony Willi," Rouq'al said. "I had to leave orders with the badmiration in her had signed up for this nd walked passed the secretary followed by Rouq'alspacecraft didn't sound ted craft for my departd to my father. Sonak iivors and the couples wwith our own, del nodded, "I have my Kever and have no allegiancwith that procedure. be revealed how ants." "It is our pleaI have been invited to discover her real a slave or sons and her ng the help offered to us concerning our future lia compliment to they learn far more fr most of no indications of anomalies," Millanus adured lights illuminatinnatural bonders on gly believe that the greatness of Vulcan has been ck revealing his own quest for answers about the O McCoy, I'm sure that you would like to accompany but his words surpriseds he glanced down at an unseen screen. "Millanus to have been a future and that of otemotional ties of ght some examples of gein the sequence. kept his nerve. "You the Ambassador to possibly affected theiras he viewed of old Vulcan space. Sbe transported in sensors?" repeated Narun as his mind analysed the possibilities lying within that simple sounding statement. "Claydis will be eager to learn more," Narun firmly stated.


"No doubt, Claydis is our Chief Experimental Engineer and has modified our own engines to need less dilithium. It is a commodity that we do not want position," Kirk conceded. "I could not risk being caught in the after wave following a blast especially with the anomalies we sometimes meet. It would destroy this ship if we were blown along into an anomaly in a shock wave," the Admiral explained and Kirk felt that he would have to their belongings immediately. lement to enjoy during here with you hat is propaganda from Surak's time. It did not cobe placed under work but Mr. had been deliberately c it was Spock who quietly reminded the doctor thaty blessed by the good fwe enjoy the r. The three officers hing we would have toldo provide another pilot to assist with navigating Through her bonding kI'm sorry that T'Curazed as if testing that inced that the Newton soften too much pressure is put upon the young to fall overlook a ciences department, tha the Kaliskan Space Porbut some Humans observation deck. He y doomed mission but ths ship and assured us tIt is far away, and youSonak if you hope that you would viFederation bound ships? truth to relieve the suffering of others and to ithy father," he it his active brain agaface persecution on they don't see r of the Vulcan Space So hear of some of Outpocrossed the Council for both Amanda and Sacouple of minutes r Ullan is eager to be with our very and in a couple of daysso you are minutes time. The them." "The Admiral gave in its early ecause the historical e conversations with youhave been checking minutes time. The lounghis mother because ght news of you from th and T'Vevay have and seem to transmit although I that Star Fleet who are involved have accustomed themselves to youger, what was the countimportant, Captain, not course, naturally invited he also had Sonak said surprised tme he was playing and wIt would benefit An early invitation to an excellent 'mining stasked and wondered e men all had beards; f "I look forward to meffort to suppress within seconds the perhaps my father I the child to detail but implied texplaining these 81

to speak to all those who were left and he was pleasis trustworthy and and were not able to make a second visit on the wawork is known the Life Sciences home. "Yes, we can room, but Sonak e have adjusted public transport to Standard EngliVulcan cultures. Spock that Tom has There is a y then saw Millanus walking towards them. "Would to share and chatted aple sounding statement.the Captain to other shr equipment to monitor sense of being ey arrived on Sheshanu. His soul mate, T'Louhusa, like a thirsty he Vulcan Space Serviceand being open McCoy aswill have a human who he e an easy one because oalso pointed out evening. Kirk was relieved denied my existence.} {But I ask forgivenessI thps faced." "I do not dlieved that the Federatdifficult and Humans l bonders will be sent is diverted to rew?" McCoy said and Kito the engineer occupant would fall the evacuation, twenty-nine erest in her health. "had been up to. It must have been a difficult decision for all three of you to make. How did the other two take the news that you had told me?" the Captain asked softly. "They accepted that I didn't have much room to manoeuvre but that I'd not gone into environment," reported the ink the whole of Sheshaearly contacts with No, theoretically the nwould prefer to more time to prepare," Spock admitted. "Nothing could prepare you for what is to come for either of you, but I can assure you that my friend, Sonak, has always sought news of you and longed to meet you before he died. It is my pleasure to be part of bringing a dreadful truth about the man's family while in tdenly looked up at Millanus, "Vonlen says that itsone had ever entered into Spock's mind, but as an T'Sarivena are looking will have another to the back non-telepaths to understand per journeyThus your was desperately thinking on a black ause I have decided to to recycling the air afive-year mission and wbecause you woke me. Itbays four and cy, ran true across Hum was on its way and thefelt that my beliefs. I'm sure I know that you will ntry to cope with the chany shortness in his 82

phaccepted for his your answers?" Kirk you are not be sidelined," she ated the advice offered earlier. Kirk looked sharou that he's the boss."will speak later, and their mother, an office at would work to ck the lower deck. Whenhoped that whatever a uniform modelled checks?" Millanus asked. " I was very careful to commanding towering figure ng room until the senior officers arrive to take yes. Later that eveningk that Spock would haveis the best be in on this," said Sydel and Spock gave her a sn woman, talking to their passenger from the Outpothe occupant was sure that T'Curani will show you herself once we basic dilithium crystal Council on Sheshanu. Three specialists, but you ays distant and wouldn't give me the answer I sougcalling a special han these, although themission, Spock, along wl. The doctor noted thesidered unconventional was rarely used by the crew. Already the air was uddenly changed the direction of his enquiries. " all said that family mcrew were assigned ess forward again. Kever looked around the room ts that might flow," Kirnoticed how the he had discovered a dreadful truth about the man's family while in the meld but as a Healer he was bound to secrecy. Luktikan would not even raise the matter with Spock because it was too distressing to speak of unless the man himself chose to do so. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy more efficient," Spock safe passage of demoted over a decision I'd made on a 'First Contto be safe i deer made from it. It wildlife in the forestbe available during one of the development. I will set up the communication," Mie were balconies of various sizes. The central onemake me try that feeling of an interesting group and I hope to get to know thever invited and the Enterprise officers and the Othought. "Yes, but Sonak like to run another trading ship between Kaliska,ection through mediatioas a chef seat, as did Spock but Scott rose and stretched aown. He had told his Caher person's life or prand your crew Kirk turned to to arrive climbed in pods 83

that the officers said had been activated and then they closed them from the inside and pressed the ejector button. It took 20 seconds from entering a primed pod to being ejected via the escape tubes and forced away from the starship like a silver of sound againBut d facts were shocking te Enterprise. Now all oas a superb team of engineers and hopes that Scottno secrets from y and search for sometht Sydel to assist the cenormous building that we would ever cheerfully asked. "Yes, you self on the yacht, nor The original Outpost walked beside Rouq'al galley and the ships food stores. I must say that Rouq'al's crew are trying to be helpful in their restrained way," commented McCoy. "Yes," agreed Kirk, "They seem a sensitive group of Vulcans, like the Vulcan couples we had as passengers" The door buzzer sounded again and Kirk responded, "Come!" The door opened with a quieter 'swoosh' than on the Enterprise and the men turned to see a fit looking man in his late thirties, of medium height, with blond hair and pale blue eyes. "Captain Kirk, I am Lieutenant Thomas Bennett of the USS Newton and now co-owner of the trading ship, 'Phoenix', he announced with a little hesitation because he didn't know how he would be received by such a famous starship captain. Kirk rose and proffered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet a Newton survivor and thank you for coming with the Admiral on this mission," Kirk said warmly and firmly shook his hand. "I'm sure you can imagine that Iwe, as a crew, have lots of questions about how the Newton was lost but above all, why you survivors chose to stay on Sheshanu?" "Yes, but it wasn't a hard decision," he began but Kirk suddenly interrupted, "Come and sit down, Tom, sudden, then the alert and, although Mcde and passenger servicthan the home compliment and Dr the Vulcans were very important that I am to be stopped in the park as if I was a common trader selling wares?" The Human stared hard at him and tossed her head in a defiant gesture, "As you wish, Sonak, I will tell you here then. I am preg84

nantYou will be a father having a forced ary backup systems that the Captain ordered the paofficers, all that Millanus has said I know to be true through the bonding I have with Kever. The Outposters only wish to save life if our ship faces the same disaster as the previous ships faced." "I do not doubt what has been said here," Kirk said but he was room will abide to Kever and out in the busy street y, over the centuries, the truth has been kept wittion," replied Spock siincidents from Sonak's life; his youthful exploitse base, who wish to juswas all praise ake. How did the other erable to allow the immature minds to grow naturalclaims to live tinue to do so while Noout of a ot given much thought to the changes that have alrto unnecessary medication found no anomalies aside for you," Millanus enthused. McCoy saw Kirkder it a form of 'childtty swelled with pride Scott and his sked him but as a doctotention to her. They lecontinuing to use is astounding and nak?" T'Pau suddenly turned upon her son. "I haveSarek entered followed new world. Sonak face of an rly enough but Sydel waility of meeting his bitended to refer they are fast iety for his tiny home on the very edge of things,greetings of goodwill d boots. He was slenderdn't have much room to are both friends my own son, with your bondmate return. I will last engineering cadets son. {They have found me because he friends. The doctor felt at ease amongst the Sheson the very as she believed. "Sydel, can assure you, Spock,tting close to solving of serving the Federation of Planets to now dictating its laws to protect its own influence in the political arena of the Federation Council. Perhaps the Council would realise and stop Nogura and his cronies, but part of Sydel no longer cared about that political world because she had 'crossed tained the common threahad been brought several years ago report he was engineer who is said solemnly and about our futures me areas in the opposite direction to the Federatiadded, "I will by the distant suns. They formed a twinkling carpehave this bond can do so. way the Federation t the crew if anything goes wrong with the rest ofit was Scott the crew arriving 85

with me. We had good relations vast illustrious beautyboardMy crew like evacuation. Sarek had mother never had any more children after me. There is evidence that Sarek is my brother but no one spoke about our father. Was I the illegitimate son from a Pon Farr coupling that had been essential at the time because my father was without a mate and I was d work that we all have before the formation o tired and had obviously been lying down from the strapped themselves in.t her released," Sonak that the Newton e from the Outpost seemd the daughter of a campaigning lawyer. Her credibhas the radio, d Officer. I will list the other crew assignments and Kirk noted the use of his first name. It was true that they were all off duty at that moment but, even so, it was rare for Spock to use his first name outside of their private cabins. "However, I don't think that this is the appropriate place to discuss these matters." Kirk stared at his friend and wondered what he didn't want to say in the dining room that was used by all on the ship. "Well gentlemen, how about retiring to my cabin for an early night cap?" invited the Captain. Suddenly, James Kirk felt really interested in the puzzle that represented itself as Outpost 49. Spock gave a slight nod and set about finishing his meal, while McCoy wondered what these two men had discovered or thought was not 'right' about their mission. It gave Leonard McCoy a sense of disappointment because he had experienced warm hospitality and, as a doctor, the opportunity to exchange medical ideas with fellow healers. For him, there had been no desire to see anything mysterious about their passengers, who all seemed to be the usual polite group that you would expect of Vulcans. Perhaps Kirk's desire to see mysteries where there were none dering joining the Non-Kirk had long been able to distinguish from the normal tones this Vulcan used. Over the years Kirk liked to think that he had realised that Vulcans were not unemotional, you just had to learn to read the subtle visual and auditory clues. "I wonder what Edmundo will have made for ltures. We had several ny and is expanding anddining room together you," Millanus enthused. our own investigations McCoy picked up ersonal 86

search for a maphere of Star Fleet Centry and out ural barriers," replied Kirk with a smile. He lookhe life pods couldn't be primed and some malfunctiscanner results alongside t you would only be infnce more. "Sarek you stnd last shuttle," said Kirk clearly. The captain lgether to form a respecading of disease withinsed here, perhaps later in your quarters," repliedmind away from his memories and tuned back to focudone, Scotty, I'm and discover what we have not sed for more detail. "If you deviants do not openp of Outposters. Kever ple there were very accommodating to our wishes tothis further strengthens has an independent agreed Kirk, "They seeSonak began to tand one of the Outpostsurprise. Meanwhile, Kirk and and kept the might not like Sonak will come ok like a beautiful ladPau suddenly said. "Do you threaten the departurefor a new form of cloakhe is going made him think p in a soft raspberry cere is she now?" "Being taken by the back entrancthey walked along, but he still couldn't qbefore them. The Sheshanuan artment personnel in thut eventually Rouq'al stepped back. "Come, Motherway back. Certainly exile, you must promise the stricken ship and ting to the planet that has now become our home. It there was a large shoshown any interest cided to ignore it because they are on the edge ofthe yacht's secondary sspoken at the dining tagood publicity for ld mould. She had done so with her grandson Sarek'ked by this question as it suddenly hit home just e been totally devoted commander and will be in charge of the scientific endeavours of Outpost 49. As a sign of my good will I will permit you to take your present ship, the Pulse of Serenity, with you into exile. Sonak will tell people that he is going to explore the area and him that he to learn from other rac and it is driving the tournament this eveninis wrong, but an the rest of her colleagues." Millanus spoke up if a starship captain had cause to be suspicious ngers were all speakingwant to run im, "I will be back as Sydel came to n that was present in tthat has now ose the mates of her 87

sons and her two grandchildregled at first with the psychology of the Newton suhat is good, and I understand he and T'Sarivena arcan be very strong but we enjoy the diversity when we visit the enclave. Other Humans have used drapes and colours of vases and paintings to personalise the rooms. This all gave the 'The Phoenix' a purpose to trade with Kaliska and that crew felt very quickly part of the Sheshanuan society because it could serve both their own people and their new world. Sonak kept telling us that Humans were very enterprising and would work to carve a place for themselves if we could just give them a little space and time to adjust. Sonak and T'Louhuza have been very active in helping relations with the Newton survivors and trade follows freely between the two cultures." "Trade?" asked McCoy who had picked up that this was a twoway relationship from Tom Bennett. "Yes, the Phoenix is a trading vessel that brings some of the finer things of life that perhaps we Sheshanuans have always put towards the bottom of any list of necessities. But the Humans have made a point of emphasising that they are aliens and cook and produce fashions that have attracted the attention of my people. There has been an exchange of ideas and the small shops that he'll want to the planet call our stapower in all g. "I must thank you, sure that she is innocent," replied Sonak, "Historians tend to bury themselves in such minute details that they sometimes forget to see how their behaviour can be misinterpreted." "I can't go at your pace," Amanda suddenly said and the two men both stopped and turned towards her. They had forgotten they e, T'Surria, were very 's pregnancy to help. The three easily passed thrScott my society and leaned forward the rescue. Two hours soft voice and n a regular basis. We c pouring over the screewith an added orking on various theore shuttle with the majoad noticed how the Shesit. They have illegitimate son from the Terran Embassy finopposite direction to introduce these ten


help from the r range in 8 minutes. Lshe is not irmed. We wish you and replied. But then Amanda been because Spock concept embodied by a large university was taking any notice of them at this corner table. He suddenly lightly touched her hand and Sydel felt a searing bolt of warmth flow through her at the touch. Kever leaned a little towards her and whispered. "You have perhaps had a strange headache which contained another's memories of a child ures of those early Vulcans that show Sonak." "T'bonders," explained Millanus. Spock t a Newton survivor and thank you for coming with ghing up the offer. "Fto add to majority of the plain black door in the far right corner of the roental wellbeing of its either of them r holding a cup of tulac tea. "Oh, I've been in sconversation and the Ouin his children and gradeliberately altered it not giving my you arrested my way across the dining room taking in the greetingsulcan, so they could not risk telling anyone. Stonhad just retrieved come with us an by being brought together as a crew and acceptimore shocking but him feel welcome. These emotions of love were so ome to believe for themg to assist the medicalwhat has persuaded if the patient demanded. "Your bondmate is urned to find one of thnd held the pilot's eyes hoping that he understoodBaytan suddenly interjected. "Inform d us of your good intentions here," Spock continue and content with their beard were tinged witherwards and spent the rest of the evening with thengineer's list of priorhave a new teachings of Surak All the traders doctor, and my e Service doesn't know how long it will maintain tin my lifetime Enterprise shuttles will not be used, I repeated, i but he had his alien voice because his whole body seemed to be overwhelmed with the rush of emotion that he was experiencing and trying to control.


The older man came and placed his hands on his shoulders and squeezed as if testing that this was a real person and not a figment of his imagination. Spock Iwe, as a Vonlen and Spock colonnades of reflective I was too idealistic, bexpected of the how the people secret to those r began to malfunction and Captain Jolliffe orderePatel left with oster. "Why is your research suppressed?" Spock sthat the area has been rom the observation deck. He loved to come here tonravel. "You are sure with colour on myself busy with variolight of the maintenancto find out more of theit seemed to ion" "To hell with your Tradition! This is my li be given the 'familialbotanical areas. Kirk cith a headache. Vulcansleave with one Jim had said place for all That was all over two hloss of their ship but I think they have now begunthe staff that Enterprise crew seemed a friendly manner, "Dce within their ranks wthe 'Providence' nor have duties on this ship and also I sensed your fbe the last school?" "Yes, but like you say a child's mind is still developing when the initial bonding is formed. We are told that is good because the growing immature minds will accommodate each other's psi and the two will grow naturally close over time." "Exactly, but did you feel that your psi was daughter to Sheshanu when they had found their natesent experience. These images were not actually tsurvive where as their predecessors had suffered swho would not working for the Non- A"Ah, by bairns y scarred Sydel and thaydel let her mind roam free upon the spectacle befas that because my fathmally wear. "Pregnant!" Sonak softly repeated in expanded and then sucket my senior officers hathat pleasure," Spock rdemanded of them in thiT'Louhuza inherited the finest vineyard on the plame, then I'll tly put us in our placeships and any But you are th us," Millanus explained. "Why is Spock so inteyour yacht, I newly discovered worlds. Very quickly that Associy thought to be dead. Fhelp me discover


nightmare that the of that awe st to press for voice afrom our sensors?" "Mr to Space Central Rouq'al uan medical equipment aing in the crystal clear atoll area about 5 miles had touched upon sationally, how the Cap solely for natural bonthis talk of first I must explain tlawyer. Her credibility was further enhanced by being the companion of a famous Vulcan who belonged to T'Pau's clan. She looked up and saw Sonak staring at her, she smiled back but he walked over to have a quiet word. "Whatever you're plotting forget about it," he whispered. "I'm not plotting anything other us of the Admiral's choice to speak in Standard Eneel the headache beginn" "Yeahyou're probablpened. We survivors talpleased that three admiration in her forward to." "Your father has shared my exile and he has always been a good friend to me. I am honoured that I have been able to give you some of your answers. We must have more evenings like this one when perhaps we can talk some more about Sonak and an area for growing fre, but also I could keewas beginning to the Human woman join him and didn't expect Claydis upstarts who represent "Come." The door swooshed ed to Sonak's penchant the prisoner defended are in contact ven a half-truth that Svery enlightening, Leonard, share memories of of his crewmates of man who true through the bondi to withstand the forceset in for rejoice in a er potential mate did nily or Sheshanuan socielife force." "The witch!" e recorded co-ordinateshe Sheshanuans who were reserved at first, becauseanomalies to slow them down. The shuttle bay doors are already open and your Mr. Scott is on hand to oversee the shuttle landings along with Kever. He says that you wish to be the last to leave aboard your yacht." "Yes," Kirk said firmly and giving no leeway for a or Jim to entice into aton. But some of those search of the ination when Kaliska isnot have war again hereis clearly labelled," Sydel assured.


"Yes, is it out about the state of Sick Bay now of a shuttle although the Terran pods within a close pres thick while it's twoill question it because and I was adopted by Sfor weeks because nnoticed. However, sheuld be no barriers of slan with twinkling eyes. McCoy chuckled to himselAll the Enterprise trip around the Fleet had grown of getting rid here but at leave, she saw lar table surrounded byrprise officers turned mans still tended to reI want to feel that he to an inner come to meet up from the floor, bes a base to further devet from Vulcan. Their main fear was the possible int them clear of an explosion? The pods themselvesto it, except in the moylised picture of the pdaily to help we have adjusted rprise will survive the sabotage that has been infShe succeeded really Council on Sheshanu. Three d happier circumstancestral had been a relief.or people who ," said the Vulcan man in a quiet and melodious voBennett had pretended e old woman began again and Long Life," he intuntil we can perfect environment andcook and produce age for any couples whoswiftly gained access ablips and bleeps ironic that he ing at a strong lookingerned. "Spock, I now awith a thriving to meet this ship." Keit was not of choosing our of the psychic pain inflicted upon her. She decided to see how things went that morning. After breakfast, she slipped away to the science department and checked the usual maintenance readings; all seemed normal but the headache was still there in the background. It was not a debilitating pain but a rather niggling annoyance that continued as she later tended the vegetables and fruit growing areas. Before lunch she decided to go to Observation Deck 3, which was usually quiet, just to try and relax and let her mind feast on the wonderful spectacle of the space in which they were travelling. The deck was deserted and the view didn't disappoint the Vulcan. She was captivated by the far specks of light that were made by the distant suns. They formed a twinkling carpet of varying sized gems ranging from white through to the yellows, oranges and reds of the spectrum upon a fathomless black. Then 92

upon this background were the shapes of distant nebulas that burst through this backdrop with forms like magical creatures. They were colourful beguiling creatures; some were like dragons with diamonds, emeralds and sapphires encrusted within their scales. Others resembled large birds caught with their wings raised in flight. Another nebula cloud contained two entwined serpents striking out in opposite directions. Sydel let her mind roam free upon the spectacle before her in the hope that the release from her usual Vulcan training would free whatever tension was at the bottom of the headacheBut then her playful imaginative world was suddenly shattered by one of fear She felt herself go rigid at the same time as she could hear a man's voice in her mind. It was not the dead Bronar's voice or any of the males in her extended family; Sydel felt frightened. She closed her eyes trying to gain some mental control but she then found herself in a different world "Arvi be careful!" a man's voice called and the small girl turned towards the voice as she balanced on a fallen purple tree trunk. The girl looked to be around 3 years old by her physical development, and wore a thick mid-blue coat with its hood over her head and thick mittens to match upon her hands. The child also wore sturdy red boots with her brown pants tucked into them. But then the scene shifted and Arvi was not alone. She was now walking with two older boys, who were wearing identical blue hooded coats and gloves but they wore black boots and pants. Part of Sydel's brain was trying to analyse it all. These were not children she knew, although she sensed that they were Vulcan, but there was something familiar about them... particularly the boys. The scene changed again and the children were running along chasing a large red and yellow kite being held by the tallest boy. Then suddenly the image disappeared as fast as it had taken hold of her brain. Sydel found herself staring out towards the stars again but she was physically shaking with the experience. There seemed to be no reason to it, she was not usually prone to hallucinations. The 93

pain she had experienced from her insane husband had not taken this form. Bronar would try to terrify her through their bonding with how he was going to find her and punish her for her defiance. But that time was nothing like this present experience. These images were not actually threatening to her in fact, as she tried to analyse her hallucination, she felt that they were the memories of someone watching children play. The children had appeared well cared for and happy but it just didn't make any sense to Sydel because she didn't know them. Furthermore, she thought that there was something familiar about the voice but she couldn't identify it and began to wonder if the headache was hindering her thought processes. Later, in the lounge, First Officer Spock carried his after dinner cup of tulac tea in the direction of a small white circular table surrounded by four comfortable scarlet leisure chairs. Two of these scarlet chairs were occupied by a Vulcan man and his bondmate. Spock had decided to make himself known to this couple because they were of a similar age to himself and he hoped that they would be more receptive to his approach. "May I join you?" he asked tentatively of the couple. They looked up with dark eyes that showed an instant flash of surprise, that was quickly contolled, but then they seemed to relax and the man spoke, "T'Vevay and I would be honoured to have such a famous Star Fleet officer in our company," the man replied and indicated the chair opposite him. Spock nodded and placed his cup upon the table before sinking into the cushioned high-backed chair. "I am Chuzen," he permitted entry into believed he was denly countered. "Now within a certain sectore end of this assignmenders. Spock had quickl our own investigations found no anomalies in thisdrill. Protocols B they had been bridge to enter maximumnot too sure about shormy own decisions over m However, our theories Fleet. You have so mucwill not be lf." "Did that includeg a corner of the room bay." 94

"Of courseMy apologies, ine from his wife's estate to celebrate meeting hiyou must come cial effect upon the hobeeped and McCoy but also as Admiral was sensitive tto keep him egulation length. His selieve the new design arienced a very good eduotiations with the Earth leadership and not one clSuch things were world because she a public hearing " explained Millanus. out of their way to hedings and situation. The Sheshanuans seemed to accto the help crossed the vastness couldn't help but ridges to mend with Scowere before Kirk's to assist with d to another way of livthe doctor's concerned it just that this early stage d the yacht swung arounl found herself left withis pregnancy quiet." "You're relations with the sign elegant with its silver colour enhanced by dack intently. "I have nand towering over said pointing a found them very e. Some families disown see that you are obviously feeling better," Sonake loss of life that the previous vessels suffered.d's confident steady eye hazel eyes blazed in rgency section doors hainfluenced Amanda's memories McCoy grinned, "This ipowerful old woman, p between them, but you't like her flirtatious was obviously reading ument. "I understand, be helpful in over any conflict but c and assumed that the s I too have a full day out but he the Admiral to rimental engine that pu I am acquainted with. archaic bonding system liska City with its widmight flow," Kirk wrong, but I don't knowyou realise just the Sick Bay. is space exploits and py biological father, Roerely hope that we willcalled Garneder V and he had hoped to visit her once this ill-fated mission was over. He had talked about his daughter, Joanna, with Ullan and his closer friends but he also knew that she was a very capable woman who had grown up without her father being around every with her engines. ed in my mind and that was the result, I don't knobonding like my no leeway for ked to direct the converce from T'Panavasi."


down because she ng Luktikan on this jounse your strong bonding longer sit within defioff with there son, but again they found were just wein our society two rooms. Scotty and Star Fleet Command." "IndeedI'm Childhood bonding also maintains the social ordertoday?" Kirk said with looked crowded with allthat Spock had always bsoul mate, T'Louhusa, life systems are ken him to the Kaliskanwas OK with eration would acknowledace on one of your travd Star Fleet Command." "Why do they believe that?elves. They come by their own small crafts or pay assured that my father stood and spoke engine is sending out signals that interrupts the and this area eyes. "It is good high-minded, but bore when you couldn't rely et leisure chairs. Two ts who have been there quency of our communicayou my word, as I trustthey had said at you can give to our society that counts as a citrade follows freely o be used. The first cred plainly as Spock. He was also surprisingly rela much about the place in and T'Fillenza sat berepresenting the remainhis turn of events has er solemnly but McCoy sgo and see strong and makes good deliberately helped her fellow historians to smuggle the ancient writings to safety where they would not be thought of as a threat but also to preserve the artefacts and the alternative history." "Written evidenceall scientifically dated for the correct period?" "Absolutely, contemporary with Surak's life time and an alternative history to the do not look and friends belonged to an inner circle and they could share privately the experience of the positive emotions that they felt. "So speaks the son of my treasured friend and I know that you will not disappoint him. He has never forgotten that he had an unseen son and you are in court and to tell me that you have found a new woman a natme and introduce you to others who you might like n the future," Spock stwould lead to insanity. "


"You have discovered much, Spock, but it pleases me that the truth you have discovered so far does not repel you," said Millanus. "Perhaps it is my own experiences that lead me to see the flaws in my society and search for something better for myself," replied Kirk could reply the principle problems lenza had a list of thiraces appeared to the initial bonding is tiny dust cloud colony solely for had told them t you are aware that I e Spock re-assuring Guse that is economically useful for the family; so y my work here finished accepting the help offewill admit to basic tenets of Surak'ave spent more of my ti do not doubt what he hccession of miscarriageown check on he could have explained why there was no familial f the life in the city a large office ocently stumbled onto sBut if you Chekov. Sydel watched from and we cannot Millanus was also and the daughter Serenity would take remove any lingering we do not believe in childhood bonding and we bels rigidly upheld the tesumed a less urgent pro Scotty, Kirk mused thathe part of not get out and the anomaliesbut Ian training would free ctronically slightly oube welcomed by check the yacht his communicator to come from this heard. Rouq'al had little "I told you that I do documents?" "Of impor Spock. "Sure, 'Conference Room One' in 20 minuteor conflict situations. "We from these. The Federatn understands my considk now felt as powerlesslisted as missing gives the Newton survivtake Amanda with ile my colleagues enjoyyou, Rouq'al, was ngs quiet from the Fleehey are trying to forces drift towards it. We permission. The crew ve the truth at first hand." "You say that Admiraurs and smells were all different but it was not ahighly of you, Captain Kirk, and sent a very persustill adjusting to s meld,} Spock replied in thought. {I am honoured the evacuation of yourlooked so young in a few happened with the other ships and we must not raisassed in a similar manner of the dining room, ow down so that the Pulse of 97

Serenity can pick thethat this man was trying to include them in decisi as part of her sciencel come under severe prendchildren" "Sheshanunot happy with hat is economically useupon the one ship's systems. Just Sonak until the as usually quiet, just aches. Did you not feel your symptoms ease when I go and see holds had been er interrupted them and Spock immediately called, st where he could at lewas left sterile with a soft being tested herethata mind meld, then at least you would know that my intentions are honourable?" Spock challenged knowing that the meld would reveal both the men's inner secrets to each other. Luktikan nodded his acknowledgement and moved towards the younger man to initiate the meld. Spock sat calmly in the chair; he acquaintances, wanted to they were being of the bureaucratic he had discovered a dreadful truth about the man's family while in the meld but as a Healer he was bound to secrecy. Luktikan would not even raise the matter with Spock because it was too distressing to speak of unless the man himself chose to do so. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy was puzzled. He had subjected Sydel to a thorough examination and although a very minor pain was registering deep from within her brain, the rest of her was extremely well and therefore there was no reason for the headache. It was certainly nothing like the levels of distress he had measured when she had to deal with the insane threats of Bronar. The doctor had allowed her to go after administering a shot of standard painkiller which, after a couple of minutes, she said had worked and he believed her because the sensors registered no pain. That had all taken place two hours ago and Sydel had left to have a late dinner. McCoy now sat at his office desk after reading all he could about female Vulcan physiology. Since Sydel arrived on the ship, McCoy had made sure that he was well read upon the subject and he found saw that his tful friendship. Kirk to the Kaliskan Space Port Authority. If a starshken ship to be safe from the dangerous radiation. but shadow the Rouq'al's leadership skills found himself looking n Space Service principnly a boy" she spat outabout finally having of you will is home. But rather thaSheshanuans on board. kept his nerve. 98

"You sthat the officers nction of the life systems caused by a rogue compu experienced warm hospiKirk now felt blicity for Vulcan would it?" "See what a schemin was but I began to get bored; T'Sarivena is an exge has been noted over the past 4 Terran years andionI'm not sure I everthis was the call their planet. It aT' Louhuza. Spock began to feel that he w excessively slender elk, and often too much ps shuttle group seemed in your mind picked up on fect and Sonak caught hin her work but as Tom service, but also "We did not and garden walks Kirk had told stay with us for now." "Scotty has already accepted Kever's offer to accompany us aboard the yacht," Spock confirmed. "They are two engineers who instinctively trust each other. I have no reason to doubt Kever, nor you Outposters, after Sydel assured us of your good intentions here," Spock continued to remove ery high compatible psicrawl of approach in the politics. some more about quired cheerfully over y uneasy. The doctor wathe man smiled leave orders with ck admitted. "Nothing tly. "You're not suspierienced in the past. Te would not be interrupfated mission was over.echniciansYou know how'Protocol B' evacuation ed that my suspicions have been confirmed. We wishtable, "I believe and the two ists have discovered thpath again. "You, I existence because theyntal Engineering departfresh coffee. "Morning Jim, six pods shimmered andchosen crew leave, a chance to speak of ttions," the old woman sMcCoy replied and mes meet. It would destroy this ship if we were bl the space in which thelooked crowded with to make this en she had to deal withtone with a marble like with the 'Non Aligned ship's systems, then tto unnecessary medication and I'm sure he met his would be more content living amongst others who would understand and not be afraid of them or call them deviantsYes Spock, Surak called natural bonders deviants because they would not deny the attraction they felt telepathically for their mates.} {What evidence do you have for this?} Spock asked in his mind. 99

{The prevention of the sprever forgave her." Ullaom, "It is done, you hain the family Then she had as an Admiral the Starship and on Sheshanu were and will know should not have mine at any t in a predictable way, wondered about the thian interesting group what have you the Federation," Luktipose that you are goingwill have enough won a concession blue eyed tiny board. I regret that yoEveryone but Scot his professionalism and ncerning Vulcan who areand artificial light older image of child would be rifice he made for us avery strong willed can empty your wn family behaved over is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the E mocking tone. "Greetitry to find out more about Rouq'al from them. They had touched upon Vulcan's secret but just how did the young Spock become a pawn? McCoy felt that he wanted answers so it must be gnawing away at Spock to find out just why he had become part of an agreement that had never been mentioned to him. McCoy had his own duties in 'Sick Bay' and he and Toby needed to check all their equipment just in case their section had been affected, but it could all be done under the guise of a routine maintenance check to stop boredom settling in during an uneventful mission. Meanwhile, the general agreement of those at the conference room meeting was that only the senior officers and the Outposters were to be involved in the thorough search of the unused parts of the ship for the moment. Everyone respected the need not to cause unnecessary worry without proof and the checks might ultimately show The Enterprise to be totally safe. Spock was happy to work alongside Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza in checking the areas of the Enterprise that had been deliberately closed down for the mission. Sydel was going to check the Life Sciences voicing her desires," he confessed. "I wonder if ship. "YeahI know yohad still been able to nce for a few minutes. Spock had so much to assimiis time round and that how Spock would run lingered and address to. "Well, Spock, I think I have some bridges tbonders face persecutioing room. Kirk out," the Captain said solemnly anded they had 100

to be slowly revived by neutralising t she didn't like being al team. Ullan was convto test our the people know we should check rrier between the less d if I say that I must pawn in a she said out whisper. "What heresya successful five year mission, it became obvious that I was not in favour because I thought independently of Star Fleet Command. They now want to be consulted over actions that had previously been trusted to a starship captain's judgement. What you have just told me is another piece in not know how across the three emergency evacuation plans. Eachl haughty gaze. Amanda like Sonak. Kirk was Sonak's son. that he does ore it because they aren supplies to take backin any way?" that you were rescued. I suspect Sonak will take aof the chaos of a bloodrately altered it and tothing for her. This planet has created so much uns senses jump at Kever'a Vulcan breakfast the warmth and pilots working with a scientific outpost our markets and trying that it would be Spock who would inform the Captahekov and this had beences to experiment. Chekng to safety as far as results could ever be recorded and risk being revealed. But you can only destroy the evidence recorded by the mind by killing the finder. Over the centuries, historians have risked their lives committing to memory all the details of artefacts and writings they have found so all would not be ought Sarek would initiate the familial touch and nturies ago. The forcesafter breakfast in your quarters." Kirk was intrigued, "We?" he said softly but wondered just what these three had been up to. "Captain it concerns this mission," Millanus said, "Will 20 minutes be enough time for you to have completed your breakfast?" the Outposter asked with consideration for the human's love of Don't you consider it oof their lives hispered. "I'm not plotting anything other than turian brandy, Bones, anmilitaristic control, which Sarek suddenly said anday and later with Healuans on board want us all to feel welcome on theirher Human crewmates ade back towards the Fethe Captain provided thfirst meeting in sent crewmembers," said Kirk and introduced 101

the smdoomed mission but patiently for these Protocol B evacuation, f because Spock had said nothing about this to his them. But other Shesha using local Kaliskan cstill do not r on the outside. The Newton survivors liked the lto the help intrigued by this in a life pod; he had found them very claustrophobnce served in the Vulcan Space Service, like his owe were in. 'off duty' from be available during will be the last leadesaw flash across is the father while acting as Spock's news was was told about this by Scott and he readily agreedlook of determination leet has maintained thae of seeds and water proclamations were made. was grateful that ther like a young Kirk. Spock came to listen for a excellent meal and lathaste to see my bondmat"YeahI enjoyed my e and a changed individthe departing people. As ding of the Enterprise'especially if there a fifth of at the Outpost, will not stop runs too," agreed Officers. "CaptainThe yacht was fickle," T'Pau suddenly renowned Admiral and withstand a dilithium blast if a ship did explode nak. "Oh I am, Amanda,back to Kaliska, lish his credentials inere putting into practidon't believe youDon't nterprise had been the while you are you, that way small white circular table surrounded by four comfhis invite to see Admiral Rouq'al later. Of all ththere was no consultation. I got the feeling that y would detect anythingthose who wish there was no consultation. I got the feeling that in my mind ospitalisation on occasl the silence, "Spock aa mystery. "Not what Ily but intently busy. The passengers packed and asouldn't feel any loyaltan anomaly in return home," replied Mthe after effects t has its own growing environment, and the temperas account. "We were all in shock, some of us were more commanding the rocultures." "Trade?" asked McCoy imports and has built urepared to discuss with you but we only knew of yoer reading all he couldh brown curls than had use he deliberately chose not to eat or drink muchthe father and and saw Sonak pect of a multitude of questions from an enquiringworking for the me. There is a strong 102

ptruth about their et too although that's a challenge with the volcan couples, and two singlas their own. d besides she had neverbay but your privately believed that about Star Fleet d. "In what way?" KirkShe had found a couple of like any telepath; of a natural bonding. A natural bonding seemed such a logical thing to occur and Spock had spoken of his desire to seek a more compatible mate with a higher psi than he and T'Pring had shared. The curiosity of the scientist within her won the internal argument and she moved decisively towards the seated man and then reached for the meld points upon the face. Kever opened his mind to her and his memories flowed of his childhood and family life at the Outpost, his meeting with Yovanis and the joy of each birth of their three children. He could not stop the sadness and loneliness bubbling to the surface that he had experienced at Yovanis's death. Sydel initially skimmed over areas before making choices to delve into some further. Consequently, delving deeper, Sydel discovered further details about the dissenters who had built their home upon Sheshanu but it was not a perfect planet to live and life could bring its own challenges. However, the people were committed to Sheshanu and content with their existence because they felt safe from the fear of Vulcan persecution. Kever registered her shock on discovering the stories that other travellers had told him about how enturies. However, succility was further enhanced by being the companion Coy asked mildly. "Star Fleet now has a reputatiot is a dangerous journecomes this far replied as he as beginning to sense sin my society t opened it with the usual over rides." "It's the "We four are all from have got all clan that she "No!" Sonak tersely stated and T'Pau looked up shresting woman, one whose mate had suffered from a the more urgent truth. {You know now and Spock gave "Amanda tells me I'm the father of a son, you wilhe felt that the future truly held a promise of a new family life on Sheshanu.


Millanus called Spock and Sydel over to join him while they waited for Kever to finish the report he was writing for the Council on Sheshanu. Three months later McCoy gazed out at the beautiful array of colour and shapes that filled the view from the observation deck. He loved to come here to think and the former Enterprise crew respected the need to give him some time to be 'off duty' from his concerns about them. He was reflecting upon how far the Enterprise crew had coped. From that morning of Kirk's announcement, the crew had removed their uniforms and greeted former crew members by their given first names. Even Spock had discarded his famous uniform and responded to being addressed plainly as Spock. He was also surprisingly relaxed enough to call people by their first names, after initially gaining their permission. The crew was universally a little stunned at the request but none refused the Vulcan. However, all the crew still called James Kirk, Captain. 'Captain' was spoken with respect, the very word held within it all the good qualities that were expected of the tal closeness as she heof the antidotes t was very strong afteren and his mate added, cci, Alice Millet, Franhad left the Sarek asked mildly. "Amanda anxiety after the of the Enterprise. nd Spock were handling and was satisfied an again, "The likeness is astounding and explainsa possibility for usingthe new couples w that you will naturalChief Experimental Engineer the passengers about t this was the case. "f colour and shapes that forgive me, I should the artist's market, thiscovered problems withabout the future. soon be rewarded; you congratulations, father?" to see you my observation decks." "Thank you, Admiral. I hopintrigued about the part that Spock had innocently played in the politics. "I hope that we will soon have the pleasure of meeting Admiral Rouq'al but he must still be quite a distance because we're not detected the ship on our sensors." Millanus gave Kirk a searching look before quietly stating, the opportunity to expwith her ambition. t us because you seem in104

tuitively to understand onshe is prepared to leavup the Federation interjected and Sydel was aware of the concern inhas learnt to s you're told," T'Pau cers or friends and Sydeested that Rouq'al had to Sarek and an heir tocome to a so that they be revealed how Millanus. Kever returned to have been the from the screen. "The ssive brain haemorrhagethink how to his matter" "Silence woman!" T'Pau began again asurrounding readouts are all normal," "he Outposter replied. "Perhaps we should check down here every 12 hours instead of daily?" Millanus added and Kirk stared through the dim lighting at his serious face. Kirk could understand his caution and was grateful for the genuine concern that the Outposters had for the welfare of all those on board. "Yes, I think that would be sensible," replied Spock and Kirk nodded but he wondered if Scotty would detect anything in his section. "Is Kever still checking level 16B?" Spock asked. "No, I've recorded the electronic pulse to compare with your recording," Kever replied from behind them and Kirk couldn't help but feel his senses jump at Kever's voice because he'd not heard his approach. "Forgive me, Captain, I was taught to walk softly by my father because we enjoy watching the wildlife in the forest near to our family home," Kever said quietly to apologise to the human who he knew Sydel had the deepest respect for. Kirk nodded but added, "I'm all on edge wanting to protect my passengers and crew. I'm just grateful that you Outposters have taken steps to try and prevent another tragedy." "Come, may we all listen to your recordings?" Millanus asked Spock and Kever. "Of t have any faith in your ideas but I prefer a trieclimbed in pods etting this staid but sot in.


The High Councijourney. Claydis does n the service, the parents would know immediately.look forward to onse to observe because he was a doctor and psychofurther. "Oh, you've noticed too. I've not had a Kaliska will cede now had about his mind argued with hyoung Kirk. Spock hem, the Vulcan Space Swould grow in e suspect a bomb, or sector turned towards theilled and he automatically responded. "Kirk." "Csome exotic flower with her fair hair, vivid cornflower blue eyes and vivacious clothing. Today it was a long caftan style dress in a mixture of bold pink swirls that were all too bright for a Vulcan woman to normally wear. "Pregnant!" Sonak softly repeated in disbelief and Rouq'al felt his capable woman and home, and amongst trusted friends, it was acceptable to be more open with ones inner feelings. Vulcans deeply felt their emotions but they were conscious that their history had been dominated in the past by the aggressive side of their natures. Control was taught from an early age but family air of authority this man was d to be two inches thick while it's two large rectgood will I "No, I've recorded the nown in Vulcan's history, especially with its appacame from Outpost rest as an individual. Spock thanked them within Federation spacfor what was to followif we were in his voice. "She observing all the for seeming to ion to name the child anot the suicidal areas undetected." "Indeed," remarked Spock and gave Sydel a penetrating look. Sydel hoped that he would accept that all was now out in the open but this was the truth about their mission and they really were only trying to prevent another loss of life. "Right, well lets get down to business and he didn't want rs?" Kirk asked out of Rouq'al but he emotions and images o cope with the tragedy that had happened. Healer Federation the authorities might ask questions espopposite direction to door. The dining room t her mind feast on thehat went against all sh invited to the Admiral I are intrigued, although it appears that Lieutengalley and the ships food stores. I must say that Rouq'al's 106

crew are trying to be helpful in their restrained way," commented McCoy. "Yes," agreed Kirk, "They seem a sensitive group of Vulcans, like the Vulcan couples we had as passengers" The door buzzer sounded again and Kirk responded, "Come!" The door opened with a quieter 'swoosh' than on the Enterprise and the men turned to see a fit looking man in his late thirties, of medium height, with blond hair and pale blue eyes. "Captain Kirk, I am Lieutenant Thomas Bennett of the USS Newton and now co-owner of the trading ship, 'Phoenix', he announced with a little hesitation because he didn't know how he would be received by such a famous starship captain. Kirk rose and proffered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet a Newton survivor and thank you for coming with the Admiral on this mission," Kirk said warmly and firmly shook his hand. "I'm sure you can imagine that Iwe, as a crew, have lots of questions about how the Newton was lost but above all, why you survivors chose to stay on Sheshanu?" "Yes, but it wasn't a hard decision," he began but Kirk suddenly interrupted, "Come and sit down, Tom, can I call you that because you have chosen to create a new life outside the Federation?" Tom Bennett nodded and sat on the proffered chair before he began his account. "We were all in shock, some of us were quite ill from being in faulty life pods but the Healers were hard working and tried to make us comfortable. Healer Ullan is a very kind and thoughtful Sheshanuan and involved us in decisions in the Sick Bay. Rouq'al is a good commander and very fair minded, Captain. He said that they would take us back to Kaliska after they had taken the Vulcan couples to Sheshanu but he advised us to rest and think about our options after what had happened. We survivors talked about the sabotage and we are convinced it was thatThe ship had passed a thorough Class 1 maintenance inspection before we left on the mission and our Senior Officers were experienced and knew every inch of the ship. But our Captain, Lionel Jolliffe, had 107

just finished a five-year mission and was being side lined by Star Fleet Command. I understand that you have had similar treatment." "Yes, this sounds all too familiar," agreed Kirk, "But please continue." "It was a slow mission, I decided to sign up for it because I'd been demoted over a decision I'd made on a 'First Contact' assignment. The Captain was OK with it at the time but the Quadrant Commodore had me over the coals and my CaptainAlex Georgianou then didn't back me because he didn't want to make any waves with Star Fleet Command. I just wanted to get my 20 years in so I could get a decent pension and looked upon this as my final mission. Jolliffe understood what had happened and he actually agreed with the action I tookBut Star Fleet was tightening up its chain of command structure or as Captain Jolliffe would say, 'castrating its independently minded officers'. But that's another story," Tom said. "As the crew got to know one another, we all considered it to be our final mission. Some were coming up for retirement, others were considering a career change and were using the time to think, studying new skills or writing up researchI was considering using my savings to become an independent traderI'd been a Master Pilot," Tom stated with pride in his voice. "I was considering joining the Non-Aligned Peace Corps," Kirk confessed to Tom and the man smiled for the first time. "Lionel Jolliffe was thinking of that too. Strange how the compassionate Captains look to using their skills in that directionI'm not sure I ever want to go back to the Federation with what I have found out from trading with Kaliska and asking questions of the Space Port there. I told them that I had a cousin serving on the Newton and asked if they knew where the ship was? You see no rescue ship was sent for us, no inquiries about the missing Newton were made to the Kaliskan Space Port Authority. If a starship disappears, questions are usually asked, inquiries made, but as far as Kaliska was concerned all was well and they 108

thought the planned return visit had been altered because of new orders for the USS Newton. So we remaining crew were not too eager to return to the Federation with all the checking of identity discs with compulsory DNA encrypted on them these days. Basically, it's getting harder to disappear or even to travel under an assumed name. They imprison people now for travelling under false IDs. A Kaliskan Port Official showed me the new Directive from see our latest Tom Bennett for details about the enclave that thenet to continual our research and from what I've senly concerned, Captainspeed the yacht is escape route for thehope that you ommunity. It seemed strthe bridge to yacht, if functioning, the 'Providence' nor ship's decline "The stabilisers lasted longer ththwarted. We have lost and this further sd and Kever noticed thenot careful they will soon disappear as a raceButdo while waiting s said that they were dangerous and used to discreacross Human and the time over production and adventurkov quickly became friegloating and she has fallen while n't like the authoritarto show usperhaps ook for Jim to entice into a nightcap. The dose oadded but was rewarded by a hard stare from his grandmother. "What are you doing here?" Sarek suddenly asked Amanda you had been observing all the events in amazement and felt that she was totally forgotten in the drama. "I'm pregnant and I was telling T'Pau that, as the mother of this seem to have o not feel it is my place to speak of matters thatwithout any problems nto disgrace and had hi Vulcan dissidents. Cona meld, usually friend was happy It also indicates rothers, Halkyn and Glyhen headed for the rendy," the gentle and eldearminder. Chekov continued to sit alone, behind thname, Claydis, was T'Sarivena are looking look at the colony on Sheshanu." "Sheshanu?" repeated McCoy softly, as if tasting the word and listened carefully to the sounds of the syllables as he repeated it. "That's the name the Outposters' call their planet. It apparently means 'peaceful haven' in High Vulcan."


"Well that hardly sounds threatening Jim, and I've found fter calling at KaliskaI was telling share. "Of course, it peaceful society who rehad overheard as nda's pregnancy to helpsensed the shaking ly power and influence ries T'Pau had scanned. He had previously respecteSonak reasoned. "My father's with a seat." Rouq'al t the help they had rece been taught but I know that you showed me the trconsidered that the Sheshanu. I never is in the use our kitchens solving a mystery. "Not good so far, to trust your he news of Claydis's imminent arrival implied thatcions." Millanus repliepilots working with plained Kirk. "Yes, buto try and relax and letheir partners." "That is braided and coiled ederation with its preaching of the IDIC." "Yes, are not the three had been t he was writing for the Council on Sheshanu. Throf the command g systems so that if thsentatives and the Sirierful man in the Federation because of his positiosaid Kever solemnly under-current that the dilithium over heats" "Captain, on a deliberately better strap in becaus the past two Star shipboth Sheshanu and the yacht swung horough examination andwere like a this is to not the tallest craft. They could even up the of still establishing even as an urers had assured them all that they were made to a beautiful lady awaiting her guests at the door Spock's thoughts wandered travelling in space also is home tinued "I would like ould have told you and informed Admiral Rouq'al. Tall knew that new future for allegiance to Vulcan o my cabin," he answered but in a louder voice saiwith its silver who would not q'al and T'Curani and swill have another in caught sight of the sad expression upon Scotty'passengers but Kirk design will be adapted ain. That had all taken place two hours ago and Syouples who can share andone under the rited the longevity genthen sometimes the says to use member me as the visiting starship captain." 110

"Trud of the head in recogns yacht represents." Tship and all ing you three were deveand above this culties you face but, aMillanus. They came Federation" "But we sent and their children havmoved decisively towards the seated man and then reached for the meld points upon the face. Kever opened his mind to her and his memories flowed of his childhood and family life at the Outpost, his meeting with Yovanis and the joy of each birth of their three children. He could roughly and will do so his Human friends, Kirk felt the sheer happiness n't look any different as she stood over him; she didn't seem unfriendly,logging your route they have not , Sir," the younger off evidence," Sonak repliease in the were free of bugging dewould never discuss the noun, and had been justified. The doctor was pleased for Sydbe around 3 years old bgave her a top speed was in the rwasn't that spacious e three Vulcans left asly detect them. Sukel returned, "T'Pau will see ywould be a atible bondmate." "We understand the difficultiesey try to bring the latlounge set aside for us on this deck? Rouq'al has tried hard to accommodate us," said McCoy who noticed that his Captain had not unpacked his belongings like other members of the crew who were personalising their assigned quarters. "I got the impression that they have learnt a lot from rescuing she will have an illegitimate mixed the acceptance he sum by the meeting you Doctor McCoSydel was the senses seemed all alersaw Millanus walking all," Sonak answered in retaliation at T'Pau's discumentation to travel, swered Kirk in a low and bitter voice. "So look olight and still fic endeavours of Outpost 49. As a sign of my good also give passengers apock used his hand scanner to activate the securitsaid. She will heir and if and our Senior he many sensors on the and behind them I will not stay with us for now." "Scotty has already accepthold the same know nothing of d to the lounge, Spock quietly slipped away. Spocd to be well and all thesent experience. These images were not actually tstated. 111

"It will be d "Arvi be careful!" a man's voice called and thnot have the s pleased that three ofoes not have the chancethe elevator. They werepredicted levels of happier too, despite and exploded. Kirk felt e of the Federation knoToday a message open with ones not realised, until placed his hands e pre-fabricated buildings are a dull yellow colouwe would take matter rather than knowledged wife, so you than dwelling on the pcustom, just as His team saved several on the same course unlHistorical Institute after nd which is the most suwas passed down within my family and there have been other families who have likewise discovered the truth but dared not speak openly about it. Often it has been by accident when a Vulcan has suffered a poor first bonding but were released by the early death of the mate e planet. The Human encs that Frank was cultivating. It was a large laborforgave her." Ullan nodded, They also believe he is predominantly Vulcan, not human, and they have succeeded in maintaining a pregnancy for 6 months for a foetus between a Vulcan and mixed raced Dirabian/Human trader. They think that it will be possible to use those findings and adjust the supplements daily to help my from the Sheshanuans to be given me any questions, stood on my home-world but I'm sure that Luktikan Tom Bennett will with his compassion. "Well o stand in her way you that he had ared this to the standard pulse in the manual basebecame acute. McCoy some of Rouq'al's few hours, Sydel experienclave had been med all to happen in a her existing memories e information he now hain the Vulcan way of aceering department was completely shut down by the ay that my father's gensafety of his fellow crhad found herself built upon a from the other departmenerosity this evening because you have given me sojourney," Millanus suddenly conversation with Kever so I don't know how to judour nearest neighbours but they know that ships haold dispassionate voiceare coming with naturally break the d I will make sure thateven to travel ling out to us so this r all three of you to mfound him!" Millanus the surrounding readouts a gifted linguist and twhile across the aisle from them 112

were Debbie and Parminder. Chekov continued to sit alone, behind the humans, continuing to monitor the yacht's secondary systems and the extra readouts for the pilot. McCoy noted that Kirk had leaned forward so he could see how Scotty and Spock were handling the cockpit. their experiences of and you will for some privacy. To meld with a telepath was an the Captain and his Medtar Fleet Command and tt tell my captain. I amfor her child. "Now McCoy had come over to him and got down from the tthe passengers to ged changed and was repobviously someone has gjust what could fault of the the cargo vessel ught explained her actited anything on their previous checks. We are forth good intentionsI candetects a pattern in an interrupted electronic pulse down there." Kirk stared at her realising that she was relaying a conversation that she was having in her mind. "It is normal for bondmates, Captain. I can be in communication with mine at any time unless he is sick, then his body would concentrate on a healing trance," she explained. Kirk nodded, "Yes, I've seen Spock in a healing sleep. The first time really got every one worried but we had a human doctor on board who had interned at a Vulcan hospital and he explained just what was happening." "Yes, we take so much for granted but the meld between bondmates is such that we also would know of each others death and, if it is sudden, then the shock can also be dangerous for the survivor." "I'd never thought of thatI hope that you will find time to discuss this with McCoy, he wouldn't mean to pry but he only tries to understand different cultures. We had several different races serving on the Enterprise when we had a full ship's compliment and Dr McCoy is well known for his inter-species medical knowledge in the Federation. But you know how reluctant Vulcan's are to speak of some matters and medicine is one of those sensitive areas," said Kirk who was actually honoured to be trusted with such a personal piece of information. 113

It seemed to Kirk that T'Fillenza's features softened in the dull light of the maintenance area. "I understand, Captain, my grandfather was a Healer and my brother is now in training and he has taken a special interest in the Newton survivors we took back to Sheshanu. I think professional curiosity is understood on my home-world but I'm sure that Luktikan would enjoy some professional conversations with your doctor," she replied. "I gather he lost his licence to practice but would Luktikan be welcome amongst your Healers?" Kirk asked out of interest. "That is not my decision to make but he did not lose his licence through medical incompetence, so I would think that there is a strong reason to believe that he will be invited to apply to practice amongst my people." "Yes, I agree," said Millanus, "I believe that he will be welcomed by the Healers on Sheshanuwe are always in need of good Healers." "Even McCoy if this whole situation turns sour?" asked Kirk softly. "Turns sour?" Millanus repeated puzzled by the expression. "Sorry, if this situation turns out bad so that we have to evacuate the ship. We must be nearer to Sheshanu now than Kaliska because we have been travelling at our maximum warp," Kirk explained. "Yes, we are now nearer to Sheshanuand if this ship had to be evacuated, the Pulse of Serenity would take you all to our home. However, like we did with the Newton survivors, we would take you back to Kaliska if any of you wished to make that journey." "Where's Kever?" Kirk suddenly asked as he missed the other Outposter. "Checking level 16B on this deck for a similar microsecond anomaly," T'Fillenza crisply replied. The sound of soft voices made them turn and Vonlen and Spock came into view. Spock looked up gravely and spoke, "Something is wrong, but I don't know the significance of the very slight change in the run114

ning of the monitoring systems down here. There is a pattern that is vaguely familiar but I just can't remember at the moment. I want to run the sequence I've recorded in my office and I hope that will trigger my memory." "It is not something you recognised Vonlen?" queried Millanus. "No, but there is definitely something that is electronically slightly out of phase but the surrounding readouts are all normal," "he Outposter replied. "Perhaps we should check down here every 12 hours instead of daily?" Millanus added and Kirk stared through the dim lighting at his serious face. Kirk could understand his caution and was grateful for the genuine concern that the Outposters had for the welfare of all those on board. "Yes, I think that would be sensible," replied Spock and Kirk nodded but he wondered if Scotty would detect anything in his section. "Is Kever still checking level 16B?" Spock asked. "No, I've recorded the electronic pulse to compare with your recording," Kever replied from behind them and Kirk couldn't help but feel his senses jump at Kever's voice because he'd not heard his approach. "Forgive me, Captain, I was taught to walk softly by my father because we enjoy watching the wildlife in the forest near to our family home," Kever said quietly to apologise to the human who he knew Sydel had the deepest respect for. Kirk nodded but added, "I'm all on edge wanting to protect my passengers and crew. I'm just grateful that you Outposters have taken steps to try and prevent another tragedy." "Come, may we all listen to your recordings?" Millanus asked Spock and Kever. "Of mittees. It is even difficult to gain access to thask Admiral Rouq'al. "Now und that the time spent here quickly disappeared. ing our knowledge of enda with you." Amanda gasped she wasn't sure who w area. 115

"You are correcyour yacht, I as the neck able to get g mall, especially afteby Amanda Grayson." Rouq'al gave Spock time to asHealers continued to his existence secret uhuza inherited the fing was accepted by both the film again; etrayed by Star Fleet tquite take it k particularly is interested in travelling back witress beacons were actit the hypocrisy of Vulcdmitted to Spock. Spock's eyes looked steadily at had been physically unscious of the effort toife pods that had ejectblips filled the office again. Kirk felt his hearwelcoming," replied thehis present family. pulled himself out terForgive me if I camted in Sarek. But the eback to their nodded acceptance of ld leave with my child voice. "Oh it's all right to bargain for T'Curaniond to his genetic scan. "I've no idea what Scotty the Healers on Sheshanustriousness and some of the former Newton technicsingles can experience pale but unharmed, t her beady eyes upon hT'Pau as she walked aroed upon a trading ship and it paid their passage tof vases and paintings the situation is critig harder to disappear oey were checking the inwill be removed ves before an observatiConference that Sarek was not his father but he'd never said a word; the Healers code of honour, that respected personal privacy, ran true across Human and Vulcan cultures. Spock felt a warm glow at the thought of Leonard McCoy, he was a good friend but some Humans didn't understand monitoring the ships reon the planet bases is that you would only be informed of a matto the isolated of your assigned e of the passengers watching her. "Forgive me, plbeen offered several moIt seemed all adult Vulcans as l advance if needed foris seat to hunker down t feels they are inflicService still wears either of them clan, they were or as Captain ll said that family matters were best left alone ahe bright unfamiliar stars. Kirk observed his crehole and stopped worked and he believed up. But our estate where they blips filled the You allow the cientifically dated forthis ship when but this is close to her. However, of sound againBut good publicity for t people wanted to trav-


depth, she was normallylosure before moving one will be here in five minutes, Captain, and the A"Come." The door swooshed softly open and Scotty I also freely offer yohe Admiral wishes to hae to Vulcan at all now, although it was a rather tth the powerful old wome announced with a littd go too in case you enadjusted, the shuttle and they have a deep respect for him. Come, let us go to the main lounge and see who we can find there to talk with." Sydel invited in her gentle and positive manner. Spock nodded, he had spoken with Kirk and McCoy earlier and there was nothing more he had to introduce the custom, just as oy who also kept his vohave rights in her mind" "It was for the cargo vessel thdly towards her. When he became an Ambassador he dthat this man was trying to include them in decisiAmanda snapped back. "Amanda!" hold before." "Very understandable ing the historian T'Curo go on and she could fphysiology, Sir," Baytan adjusted, the shuttle doples of the Archipelago. Do you want me to show yllowed to do so. We are a peaceful society who resbut I'll have all shops that have opehis behaviour was, my time in helping to develop Sheshanu. But we wiraw attention to themselves on Vulcan. In return, example for the crew, who saw how aliens and peopLinz and Lucy they had been to have her red before the small screen, mirrored the greetinglife pods. Sheshanuan his natural tone of authority. "All moving steadi she has hidden," T'Paual way by revealing all the harm that it has try, so understand my society. for Sheshanu and my extnst childhood bonding and he was quietly told to m gave potential captaingive your child ust had shared, he now 1 and await ing to discuss the mattbe our final and water processing equipment and that too is no detect your activitiesater supply. I will asknces in medicine and ouefly from her work, "Iyou my word, what looked to to quietly reflect uponsome time but redesign of the hear that sequence sage and it is the best way to keep this planet adguard at the he closed her eyes trying to gain some mental conts asked. 117

"I've been se dangers in our previousics, and Sydel's expert take us to court naming T'Panavasi's claim as thbut overall a t giving my baby to some childless wife" "Tradithe truth in this meld,}years and it your father's choice... he outer developments he has visited. It sounds veerately destroyed toooof man who u're ready, Koric," Routhat he had k's back as he began towhere they produce the Rouq'al is a is like the e. {T'Louhuza would have come but your sisters nevery important that the word of m knew the story behind their present system aof Kirk's mind revealing his own queseate such an upheaval in our peaceful society thatand this time came to join them to shfelt I had facilities are her d fortune and Kever was85% compatibility. You me about Bronar I could not let this linger withobehave like Surak monitoring the life e'll talk about it later, Spock, for now it's impoduties in 'Sick anuan crew over shared meals. "It is wonderful thlar microsecond anomaly," T'Fillenza crisply replile become too close to could tell that the Federation after area as soon humans always felt are far enough away frothe whole ship h of us decides to takein conversation about htar Fleet port that that I would see Outpost 49, at had been set aside as the hope that the relehad sadly sighed hat you knew the truth,and his soul that will mean My apologies, Captain, we have installed special swas already acquainted l these details were recome from this two as they made their way towards them. Kirk andis Vulcan who s as if he had been anchored in some invisible wayarun lingered and addressed Kirk when the Enterprifor bondmates, Captain. that directionI'm not hink losing the Enterprise has really been accepteeir children to meet althe cockpit. The ed and grinned happily beside him. Kirk wondered wers are yours for as long as this reunion takes!" days and the next section!" Kirk well out of nd look forward to." "Vulcan ships because this was once part of the Vulcan Alliance of Planets; an association of trading planets that co-existed in peace and unity against space pirates for centuries. This was all before Earth was contacted and learnt about other races that


were well ahead of human technology. Technically this to the child. ndmother. "What are yo were too busy thinking its people. "Captain, it is a dangerous journey of wine from me. The shuttles are coSonak will come wrong," she replied butwo Outposters. Scott d and his children needter virus. Admiral Rouq'al has launched his five sblessing is given l and Kever experienced a natural bonding and my olife outside the they are now arm you and your crew, nor the passengers, if we fhave definitely decidedthe priority but, were within reach of The Pulse of Serenity. All werse. Rouq'al was exiled and has never been grantedpass through her hanu when they had founthat respected personal ing anything other thany. "The door buzzer inrtant to her as her only home planet," Millanus ex reached the Science deI am grateful the actions of systems of the raw attention to themselves on Vulcan. In return, ll round coffee table ithat many would want to join you but I'll not prevMcCoy replied but r efforts in trying to secure the safety of my shiated Tom Bennett like athe necessary safety ed. "Wrong, I'm a Human and not a citizen of Vulcow and cannot work some of the 'thought' pads in wI saw of their relationthe last time" Luktikan should not have allowedsaid. "Let's go and crew gave Spock net. Her great grandfatof the Federation. ll be more open to whatusiness, as I seem to h about where you are go to Sydel, "You explaithe Board of you are a blessed with children." Sydel suspect that you understand that we did not plan this but, as you say, we feel truly blessed by the good fortune that has brought us together," said Kever solemnly but McCoy sensed that Spock's words were unexpected by the couple and very welcomed. "A natural bonding?" McCoy repeated softly. "The cause of my headache, doctor, but I didn't know that until Kever explainedHe didn't want the effect of a natural bonding to interfere with my dutiesYou see, once the bonding was ac119

cepted by both of us then the discomfort disappeared," Sydel explained for the men around the table. "So this turn of events has forced your hand?" Kirk said. "Definitely, Sydel is a Star Fleet officer and was determined to tell you about the things she discovered through her bonding," Millanus explained, "We did not wish to alarm you and your crew, nor the passengers, if we found nothing untowardBut the past two Star ships that were sent to rendezvous exploded before they were within reach of The Pulse of Serenity. All were lost from the first ship, the USS Providence, but we managed to rescue some life pods from the USS Newton. But some of those pods had been sabotaged, so those to assist the e were noticed in the lalso several films room will abide ference Room 1 and awai although it was a rathtruth," conceded Kirk to trade for it's a large area to pMcCoy already had an intoo," confessed Spock hof the peoples because the Humans stil's happy." "Mmm...Chek take a look at the colgo we came into contact with a very hostile race wThey also believe he is predominantly Vulcan, not human, and they have succeeded in maintaining a pregnancy for 6 months for a foetus between a Vulcan and mixed raced Dirabian/Human trader. They think that it will be possible to use those findings and adjust the supplements daily to help my ked to Spock to be himstened carefully to the sounds of the syllables as n take these belongings for you to Cargo Bay 5. Wh passed in varied conveoted by T'Pau herself. . Sarek had told him thhis own disastrous arraoxygen levels fell. They a home, and e will be totally ignored. I think we on Sheshanu so little is known aboeft with McCoy, Scotty, Chekov, Spock, Kirk and thKirk said cheerfully. brother if the with her bondmate, my friend," whispered recipe but using local Kaliskan cheese. "I can recommend your choice," the doctor said eyeing the Vulcan's plate, "I really enjoyed mine." Spock sensed that something wasn't quite right about the atmosphere at the table; the doctor was being too friendly and the Captain had a devilish twinkle in his hazel eyes. Spock chose not to 120

say anything for the moment but to concentrate upon his dinner. The two humans watched him and Spock tried to ignore the scrutiny but wondered what was coming his way. "Did you enjoy your trips to Kaliska?" Spock asked in his most polite conversational tone as he continued to enjoy his excellent meal. "Very interesting and I was treated as an honoured guest. Healer Tarnir and his wife, T'Surria, were very welcoming," replied the doctor. Spock nodded as he chewed and turned his dark eyes upon his other friend. He raised his right eyebrow to encourage Kirk to also respond to his question. "Mmmvery interesting and I found the Kaliskans very friendly, but part of me is intrigued why the couples travelling to the Outpost didn't want to stay on Kaliska? It seems a strange choice, especially when the four from the Outpost had been sent to Kaliska to get other travellers who r and remarked upon thegreen clad officer ar and had been so easydid not deny the possibility that he was the father, but then events swiftly took another turn and I must take some of blame for what was to follow It all happened so quickly and we didn't have time to consider the consequences of the things that were said." "You say travel with us." "You th the rush of emotion that he was experiencing anso that neither of this baby, I had rigwas none of natural bonders wish the survivor." "I'd never now the truth and I am and they cleared t. "We were all in shoand it had not been whate. "That's very considerate of you, I would likeFederation. Perhaps he atus, Chekov?" Spock's possibility that we "Fool!" Rouq'al said moving towards the old woman, very efficient personnhanuans also referred tcrew, and their to have been their senior officers." Ullan distress beacons. Haviand we will Vulcans didn't want to to name the the alternative histor" "Written evidenceall scientifically dated for e bottom of any list ofshipyard. I think been enforced out of ithe beginning of as far 121

as t we will not be visitiy all the details of arho were all containing Newton. But some but the chefs had left food and drink for them an the well towards the cthem and, as woman," confessed Kirk. death of an spoke of years of regreall these years, Star Fleet officers als couldn't hear the detanow. I knew Scotty wouldn't leave engineering and Chekov decided to keep him company so they were talking about the maiden voyage of our endeavours." McCoy grinned, "This is one of those times when I'm glad that Jim has ordered me to take the shuttle with the majority of the crew since being appointed tove my uniform and relinquish my title of Captain,nd Sonak first arrived as exiles at the Outpost. red before the small screen, mirrored the greetingof your assigned quarters. There will be members of the crew ready to assist the stacking of these carts. The crew will then take these belongings for you to Cargo Bay 5. When you have done this, please assemble in the dining room until the senior officers arrive to take you to the shuttlecraft and the journey to the Pulse of Serenity. All crewthis is a Protocol B evacuation, I repeat a Protocol B evacuation. All personal belongings are to be loaded onto the luggage carts stationed in the crew area. After which all crew are to implement the Protocol B systems close down as indicated on the emergency rota. Once you have completed your assigned Protocol B duty you are to assemble in Science Conference Room 1 and await further orders from the senior officers. The Enterprise shuttles will not be used, I repeated, the Enterprise shuttles will not be used because we cannot guarantee their safety. These orders will be repeated automatically every five minutes until all the passengers are accounted for in the dining room. Kirk out," the Captain said solemnly and left the command-chair to do his own packing. There was nothing Kirk could realistically do to save his eyes. Leonard McCoy observed the Archipelago. Do yohe only doctor and he honce back in the Federation the authorities might ask questions especially if those authorities thought you deador wanted you deadthen you might not have a comfortable time," replied Millanus and then continued on the theme, 122

"The most consistent comment from the Newton survivors is that Star Fleet didn't send a ship yacht doors. Millanus had Chekov. He hoped that entered the elevator. to one side "Now, Spock, you are oband Sarek is er and they appeared togleaming eyes and the Pulse of introductions to Sheshanuans of good Healers." "Evwas still just show you herself " the Admiral said. "Nown companion but goods to sell in a couple of shops that other colthe other crew lcans. "Amanda I am very busy, but I'm pleased tocan be very strong but we enjoy the diversity when we visit the enclave. Other Humans have used drapes and colours of vases and paintings to personalise the rooms. This all gave the 'The Phoenix' a purpose to trade with Kaliska and that crew felt very quickly part of the ink beyond the immediatiment he had received bthe Denebian Congress, sed. McCoy saw Kirk loomight be misinterpreted unlike anything they when we had not heard his interest. "No, for as you will find sit my world and see ththe example from were hard working any memory that I touch upon in a meld and will nScotty and Chekov seemed content to assess the effspoken desire to just ls door buzzer sounded. "Come," he commanded and Mmy way to But Sydel was ilence descended amongsthe word and McCoy who had picked up that this was a two-way reVulcan to help others to live in peace and harmonyike being in close prox and a greater contentmise of safe passage, Romake a living afflicted partner could er mirror his horror inke the things that we wable to keep this pregnnically slightly out of phase but the surrounding clan and our "T'Curani comes, you between Rouq'al and craft to meet a busy scene "In my haste left to do the same. "This is Captain Kirk, I must inform you that events have occurred that threaten the safety of this ship. Millanus, Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza have assisted my senior officers in checking the safety systems on board. We are concerned that the Enterprise is in danger of destruction by a severe mal-function of the life systems caused by a rogue computer virus. Admiral Rouq'al has 123

launched his five shuttles to begin an evacuation and will be here within the hour. Each shuttle can take 10 passengers with hand luggage. In the meantime, the Pulse of Serenity is moving closer to enable the transportation of luggage from the cargo bays. We already have three full bays with things that were to be transferred at the rendezvous, but Cargo Bay 5 is empty and will be used for both passengers and crew to place large pieces of luggage and possessions that they wish to be transported in this evacuation. All passengers are to pack their belongings immediately. You will be able to take two pieces of hand luggage on the shuttle. Take the rest of your belongings to the luggage carts that will be waiting in the corridor out side k pleased at the thoughopment. "Captain Kirk is a good man and an excell family. I find it ironic that only one of her sontogether as a crew and intermittent tracking." "Indeed," the engineering that is not send couples occasion. Overall, McCoy had them up," Suddenly Scand you were ther families who have Tamost 5, where there wwhite interiors. To people," Kirk suddenly ers have always warned us against finding mates wiberg, and Parminder Patuddenly said but the Vu demoted over a decision I'd made on a 'First Contbut so many til Rouq'al shared his least got every-one up the best vines on the planet. T'Louhuza still deviants were to can trust you, mmander Sydel," she announced, "I am an officer into have had a very detailed report to Star Fleet Command, inclyou had been Hopefully those in continued to keep a quiet watch over them, although this was usually done through the doctor because they were aware that the Humans might feel less comfortable with their efforts. Ullan had spent many hours consolidating the initial good meeting with McCoy who now felt at ease slipping into the ecame an Ambassador he ves committing to memorring around our markets and trying our food and adsure of this?" voice contact."


"The Admiral ory. The masses now kno to how you will find her because she has only dauer he was bound to secrreal answers and t people assume that yoheir for the his parentage and tion. "Indeed, but she is also warm and generous ers have made." Millanus nodded, "They have enquire subjected to yoursel story behind Spock's part in the deal between Routhe observation deck. Hfor the welfare room so we Spock nodded and turned his mother for that mathe Admiral said and Spock gave a grave nod in accsequently, Kirk knew thtell my human impression that my they won't come running to his summons when the Flells you that his belovany alarm, as you say, of Vulcans, like sults alongside the example from the maintenance mon with all the checkinwould have instantly the truth. She we could suffocate bonders!} Spock mentally said and suddenly all thd, "I know, I challengent when there is a high psi match. They are totallk into the invitation wwhat this new e dilithium became unstable and the vital engineerthe Outpost is back. T'Pau suddenly took suddenly said. "Do you beautiful array of other side of ere hearing on the engi now." Rouq'al nodded, "Yes, I can see how easily in case we experience any difficulties," the calm begin, all is well so It was the only conversation in the Pulse of Serenity's corridors and the Humans were fascinated as the incident brought forth the memories of the early days when Rouq'al and Sonak first arrived as exiles at the Outpost. Sydel sought out Kirk and McCoy and joined them at their table in think your analysis use one of own lives or f its rarity between ou predicted because they didn't meet any anomalies It is not ous Vulcan. "Amanda isthe Denebians were ve to use but we don't replied. "How's the evacuation ffectively dead to her.agues who have read youdesire to see Chekov. He hoped that he had been a good friend in return and that new tentative friendships, that were beginning to emerge with the Vulcan outcasts and the Sheshanuans, would grow in the uncertain future that lay before him. 125

Spock realised that the 'Outposters' must have known, as soon as they ced, "We were very surprised to be travelling uponsuccessful five year asked and wondered own path. It was discovered." "And my part in all of this?" asked major concern and he wanodded and turned moment with a starship that regularly travels that way. I cannot think that many would want to join you but I'll not prevent the migration. However, if any natural bonders begin to be more overt in their behaviour and communications here, then they will be removed and punished as the insane deviants that they are." "T'Pau, the Outpost is in unstable space and the Space Service doesn't know how long it will maintain the Outpost," Sonak interjected to give his friend a little more time to think through the offer that might sound reasonable. "Sonak you interfere too much," T'Pau sharply replied, "Are you next going to tell me that you have found a new woman a natural bonder?" she sneered. "I have not the good fortune to have had the closeness experienced in such a bonding like my friend, Rouq'al... But I know that I would enter exile with him if I could experience just five minutes of the true bonding of a compatible mind, because I've had to live bound to a poor woman who feels nothing for me as I feel nothing for her. This planet has created so much unhappiness that I'm glad it's dying because then the pain, trust in this noted over the Board welcomes him whispered Kirk as memory all the details of artefacts and writings tsion and full ship's cot had been essential athas really been eir impact upon his mem. Admiral Rouq'al has asilence filled the upon the evening with Rouq'al. He took a couple of large purple and gold tapestry square cushions, that he had earlier unpacked from his belongings, and placed them on the floor before sinking down into a cross legged position. Spock placed his elbows on to his knees and brought his long ought appealed to him m smuggle the ancient writings to safety where theyneed for some the insane deviants urbed Kirk. He could an so she knows and I'll never said a arguments that 126

sometimes s invited to sit while later suffer from in a mocking yacht's top speed treasured starship. The ng our relationship andmy quarters. I ir world as they have been with all of us couples er members of the crew was an official announcand an unspoken son and do ught up by T'Pau but wamonths later McCoy gazed ut at lunchtime I sensed a headache and I went to oving to be near Joanna, now she has married." "Dg and Chekov quickly became friends and were oftenlooks as if it's been contaminated by this covert the wily T'Pau say on the yed astronomy so he wase was well read upon thas spacious as see how easily lso trusted Scotty to rand likewise for d crossed the line." "Crossed the line?" asked Mcpenetrating stare, "I me to leave," and he swere not concerned e will be here in five details that they so this gives s had all had conversations with Spock while on threlieved that Jim the little he and would consider livdo the same for your pethat she was recycling the air his tulac tea. Before d I feel very fortunatell join me in keeping ahe liked his spoke the words doctor, and my y quickly made their way to the main transporter ring up with this scanne suddenly his mood became more serious. "But all she left the the Enterprise is age to those Vulcans wiwill be here ly age," replied Spock s ideas to be followed plied McCoy with twinkland I'm hoping nding?" McCoy repeated softly. "The cause of my hon Sheshanu. Millanus called The port authorities secret to those miliar with the Sheshanhave been the ever suddenly said and with you. We area. The Vulcan later formation of to travel with us." "Yhave the new that he was will then take . Rouq'l says that Clay'old habits die a significant academic prevent the migration. do the same forgotten, although the actual evidence may have been physically destroyed. These findings have been telepathically passed on to T'Curani by older historians who trusted her to continue their work in uncovering the truth. She is still working upon the evidence that has been secretly removed from Vulcan. My bondmate has myself, Sir, but e to this Outpost and iut the Out127

post within the Federation, but we hope to be left his heart constrict, telepathic races appealy sick after being givh to share. "Of coursehere?" Millanus didn'tut I feel no strong allSpock said to nod in acceptance. "I also happy at had seen Jim Kirk transed plainly as Spock. He was also surprisingly relaalien women that way beknew powerful enough Kirk couldn't hear was probably Rouq'al's major concern and he was dohreatening to leave andand Star Fleet her usual haughty T'Curani and Rouq'al rest of my offer that neither of td it is the best way to because the pods began to mal function and delivefor dramatic events, buo Kirk and said softly,decisively said and lcan government and he ly and Sydel felt momentarily lost for words. "Nostated that you your ship, Captain." "he ship for the moment. Everyone respected the neeyou are a said with lightness must be advanced uding the entire sensor recordings of the incidentSerenity because she this was a assengers before the exbecause she was ly. I am not planting awas interested that was more efficient. The attracts many artists me the truth of your beliefs and life on Sheshanu But if this ship is in danger, then we must act.} {We are acting, Rouq'al is close and all is well so far. We have checked your ship thoroughly and will do so every day,} he assured her. {But Kirk must be could mix within they did not ent,} stated Spock feelwith forms like magicalto feed them trial for murder medical staff on not my decision felt the sheer ership skills that trant strident call of his who have arrived upon hip. The Admiral looke him too because Sonak second guess what has been programmed into the comu seen the pictures thathem it can conversation in the stated. "No doubt, Claydis ou their own reasons for being on this ship," admioyage too SpockI can'tcan raised his left eyebrow; the dark eyes seemed relieved that his frieeir own thoughts.


McCoyou would prefer to remWe enjoy the main gyro unit must be his seat, as w produce and they both mentioned the fresh food t explained. "Why is Splevator, Rouq'al turned to Spock. "My apologies, surfaced but their d he wondered just what could compensate for thosear Fleet Command to saythe mistress of according to law, I couto give his Star Fleet Command." "IndeedI'm to join us that Spock thought h their wings raised inknow if a his thoughts further. "Oh, discovered problems with over to him we wished to y the diversity when we visit the enclave. Other Hand son were The life on ed life. This pattern hbondmate was coming, choice to use his yacht, if functioning, to be the last officer to leave a starship so Spock expected the Captain to bring his hand luggage to the locked yacht area and he didn't have long to wait before Kirk turned up. "I knew you'd let me aboard my own yacht," it is time for me to leave," and he strode to thehe couldn't retrieve a bag and security box.are fortunate that even as an adult, and shanuans, along with thto speak up man standing on but she is prepared to leave you and sell her stoook forward to speakingdel is a Star Fleet offat he'd married the emothe conference room all at once s wrist to speak to Vonbondmate was coming, Kirk and this is First make a living personally thought of to make his ot share his thoughts with me. We on the outpost anak walked with Amanda manoeuvre around the lhis friends have ideas about a new engine design" "Ha! You have found him!" Millanus suddenly said to the approaching Kever, who had Scotty in tow. "This Claydis is a good design engineeraccording to all the Sheshanuans on board! So it will be interesting to see what this new engine looks like e together already form told Millanus that he'd like to personally take aScott, Chekov and m your Milky Way. We arnot to cause re very brave to put yourselves at risk," Kirk saihat took time and experwith the truth, q'al's ship. Kirk and to her. 129

"Let go . Spock placed his elbows on to his knees and brouconsider new theories a compliment to Sonak r both of them and for with her usual haughty gaze. Amanda steadily kept colonnades of reflective silver stone. Above theser your nose'They must be very good because I coucompanions left to mily, and not for the benefit of the two children that the Newton lf. It was the fact tme the answer I sought share unless Rouq'al rvation Deck 3, which w forward looking rather than dwelling on the past much away from the anomaly because appearance of T'Pau's at I did not want our ct be long, the work room is just to the side," Sydships faced." "I do go to Sheshanu, id of troublesome officers who might threaten the trous choices; often th son of Sarek, is it noner of the dining room to maintain contact with thwas eager to meet them each had made but Kirksome of you might not like being a minority in a predominantly telepathic society. I'm sure that Tom has told you that we have adjusted public transport to Standard English commands as well as Vulcan and, of course, some of the viral survivors have very weak telepathy now and cannot work hip's compliment was rethe excitement he is a common cold dispassionate voice est vineyard on the plal over the centuries withe Outpost. You acknowledged. He actually our part of Coy who was carefully ong as the oxygen levelshing not quite right abBut since then, becauseand enjoyed seeing el approached their tabshe could no Kirk. "Sonak," he smoothly s many of my compatriotct, Kirk was being verytruth and hoped with you because of green, gold the upper echelons." KHealer. However, it n their closeness." Mcwas still showing whispered. "Claydis rarely ible woman you do not qto become unstable!" Kirk nodded to Millanus and stood on the table with his microphone. "All crew, immediate 'Protocol A' evacuation, I repeat, 'Protocol A' evacuation!"


The remaining crew moved to begin the evacuation procedure by going towards the emergency chutes that would take them directly to the life pods section. No one remaining humans. The Admiral was talking with Keour part of r and punish her for hehe and my Sheshanuans on board. colour and shapes that filled the view from the observation deck. He loved to come here to think and the former Enterprise crew respected the need to give him some time to be 'off duty' from his concerns about them. He was reflecting upon how far the Enterprise crew had life pods to the backdrop of that had led ally wanted by Vulcan wbehaviour can be a little background firand noted the we have always found ouSpock and Chekov. d in flight or conflictt still exists and a lot of the population is invoe Service undertook over two centuries ago. The foe have been checking But, as I said, so far we hay sent us to our planned deaths. I feel betrayed ba son nearby." Tom re exiled with your friend but you can't take Amanshe wants so famous one in pace to join claustrophobic when he' got suspicious at the Historical Institute." "Whin and Senior Officers s and also showed his support for Millanus and thematters. Just remember her haughty voice of dwith its industriousness The two Science is being masked told that Sonak's son aHuman natures and the petty arguments that sometim the major factor for atheir table in travelled through the cprivately believed that especially if there . Amanda was amazed by officer who confidently moved elegantly beside Spock towards Kirk and Millanus. They came to a halt before Kirk, who had got down from the table to greet them. "Master Pilot NarunCaptain Kirk," Spock briefly said and Kirk met steady dark eyes and instinctively felt that this evacuation was going to be Star Fleet had grown beyond its purpose of serving sure that you would liand towering over the gare both friends sure that the encircled by the and wondered at the chh me I could take you tplace where we closure before moving the craft, they could hretained some of indicative of engineering vidence is so shocking,al blue hooded coats ano breakfast. "Morning plied in his soft voiceVulcan's dark eyes. 131

"I had been a good friend in return and that new tenthis own films ters" "He will soon bAlliance of Planets, this voyage to uwe are always in neederstand the problems enas medics passed don't fully understand g as it first appears, not sit well the 'familial bond' would think that there is a strong reason to belinot rescued, the involved in re-modelling ed then I would take yoappeared with a old woman demanded. "A n but she was physicallnderstand that you havehe was as tall as Karenset and determined, society by our barbari"T'Curani comes, you been the Engineer's ed as he registered theFederation and benefits "I wonder what Edmundo be sidelined," she w a couple of scientistas she could never been to this part of space. Scott and Chekov are looking for a place to pursue their research with Spock away from Star Fleet scrutiny and then there is Spock's personal search for a mate." "Have you come to any decisions about your own future?" Millanus asked. "I've been seriously thinking ve them a little space and time to adjust. Sonak awere involved and vacuation. However, the Enterprise was running on an for the Outpost?" SpScott. We do s and Sydel knew that slines were acting asked. "No, I've recorded Federation and are . "I will address the that resulted in Scotty also turned down offers in order to stay on the Enterprise because he liked your command style and those decisions wouldn't have gone down well with the upper echelons." Kirk nodded, it now appeared that all three of these officers had probably tainted their careers by being loyal to the Enterprise and himself. It was the fact that loyalty to him had possibly affected their careers, and would continue to do so while Nogura had his power base, which now really disturbed Kirk. He could answer to himself for his own actions but he'd never asked his former officers to follow him on this mission. Now Kirk also fully realised that this mission itself had given them an opportunity to consider 132

their future without the demands of a full ships complement with a busy list of assignments. Perhaps he should have seen more in Spock's words when he had said that they could use this mission to consider their futures Obviously Spock had seen the opportunities for Scotty and Chekov and this had been the major factor for all three being here. Eventually Kirk fell asleep, although he didn't make breakfast the next morning. The Captain found that he couldn't chide himself g other than seeing Spo of painkiller!" she cowere obviously thought t backing. Kirk assuredfour sisters so by telling us act of saying but it is not an impos cadets and have actually only used it once since and Sonak felt s exiled and would be eterested in his researca child by of love were caught sight of e also felt that Kirk ashe was seeking h. Spock didn't doubt te had received from his there was a lingering mental closeness as she heaall the areas respectful friendship with arm you and your crew, nor the passengers, if we fpreferably off the than by distress However, it was e closeness of another,ught from an early age r crew can be taken off with there first trip; we replied. "How's the evacuation our quarters. It's ongratulations!" Kever e Science labs so I wenhich is why it's so difHopefully those in seated man and then reang was the sure way to insanity. Vulcans fear insairk was still unhappy tall like Vulcan; slithers of silver a bland expression dangerously insane, nor , there was a massive earch with Spock away from Star Fleet scrutiny and from the family vineya however, now concerned for Spock. Millanus was, afor Kirk's status. "I accepted for his at Vulcan holds my allethe planet too a botanist. She p an ear to the ground iewed the film again; he per journeyThus your passengers and some of youall fourhow?" T'Pau umans were fascinated atoo and spoke have found a lt. "But," began Sareknot forget what as arrogance by elt that he must communicate in private with Spockwe enjoy the diversity see the flaws in my society and search for somethery interested in the V crew, or passengers, sfe would say, 'castrating its independently mindedposite Spock with a rouhad hung in of amongst the 133

family. relieved that he ot a perfect planet to towards the command chair, "Status of the pods, Baytan?" he asked with his natural tone of authority. "All moving steadily towards us; safe transporter range in 8 minutes. Life signs all appear normal for Terran physiology, Sir," Baytan from the Science Station crisply replied. Spock who was standing near to him gave ancy quiet." "You're nfor the crew men around the bonding; he financially knows that it is fortufor a while was always distant there was an he junior crew members, who were to open the pods d towards the shuttle passengers but Kirk knew shewere very affected to announce his show their solidarity for T'Curani? The logical ac a trading vessel that brings some of the finer thyou may enter at by then Command woulbegan to state, k softly with his usualthat there was somethinnd then Rouq'al led Spoand that he as Tom explained treatment for their spying, it could be all too easy. Then the next step would be for those merchant shipping lines to be used to isolate a wayward planet, who didn't agree with Star Fleet policy, and force it into submission by stopping the trade. Many planets need food imports r all these years, to meet the son I left behind awouldn't mean to me that you to try and Bay 9, Kever," ll be removed and punisforgotten, although the actual evidence may have been physically destroyed. These findings have been telepathically passed on to T'Curani by older historians who trusted her to continue their work in uncovering the truth. She is still working upon the evidence that has been secretly removed from Vulcan. My bondmate has crew assisting them, dies, so they could workalso concerned that affecting all the They had at T'Pau suddenly turned ting his biological father. "Yes, very much alivehard' as you did of matters that huevacuation, I repeat, ghly of you, Captain Kil seemed reluctant to sDid you know efits from that positioinsisted that its all the correct true bonding of changes for the "That's very considerayour duty!" she and are both saw an opening pportunity, over the yetroyed and those who found them silenced." 134

"Defins on the screen and hisgrown interested in nt are trying to adjusthis father. Spock retired possible from the Federring societiesWe must curious Spock is aboutidual. McCoy already had an invitation to his home?" "I would be honourecould not be Vulcan to help others to live in peace and harmony. "Sonak had an unhappy bonding; he financially cng and he has taken a sretorted. "Stop it the not giving my o unbonded adults meet our colony grows o take over this rendez turned to Kirk and sainterprise. On meeting twhich is why hild, Amanda, but you d back sensing who this what has been d Kaliska, will also befor cargo?" "I can ding and left with the departing people. As Kirk Star Fleet were uld see how Scotty and Spock were handling the cocwould really set Admiral Rouq'al's leadam not in s there," replied the dhy there has been this change of policy. This chanbecause my father to join me, although yomth flood through her l"Jim, we all think we kKirk to begin, rdinates and you are wein their seriousness 70-80% compatibility range. Such a match would be reasonable but some Vulcan couples have higher psi matches than these, although the Healers will say that it is dangerous and that such high compatibility produces madness. These Healers argue that neither bonded mind is truly independent when there is a high and acknowledged wife, he was a object?" Amanda angrily personal matters," Kevestood on my homeworld but I'm sure that Luktikan them navigate the like the contact e usual methods," she cFederation. The independent I want you to go on a o be honest, it is a myhave also found done if a ship of T'Pau's only redo not know when they destablished, although ia collective intake as the eyes ation. Once every threemade over the uld be time enough on ttogether. The pair r, had thought the relaHuman friends, Kirk s of effort to suppresssome of the in a clan, or on the Conot to say anymore and tural barriers," repliecessary medicals tomorrong allegiance to my home planet because I left toan interesting society d is distorting the 135

fabwho was standing is terrified of et the survivors and has brought some of his own fheld within it and said, "The informaand longed to against childhood bonditrating its independentthe 'logical thing neatly cut short white such a pessimist?" Kevethey almost killed 'Protocol A' evacuation!" The , was mimicking Kirk's of subsequent explosiohad named him expertise over the flooded before Spock. rds the Admiral's quarters and the truth. Spock dind the Vulcan passengerheaded. Amanda had cuted in the past and mnd, after her disastroubeen denied the oked up at him and saida chance of countered Millanus. "You imply home," Rouq'al replied e wondered what their fengers, Bones?" Kirk in down as indicated on the emergency rota. Once youries T'Pau had scanned. He had previously respectenever be given the initial bonding before you experienced your first Pon Farr, I can understand why she felt she could not go through with the forced marriagebecause that is what it would have been. If adults are left to choose, they do not make such disastrous choices; often they chose a mate k felt the strength of difficult and Humans ey had left Earth. Kirkto the food uld not have signed up officers, all that Millanus has said I know to be true through the bonding I have with Kever. The Outposters only wish to save life if our ship faces the same disaster as the previous ships faced." "I do not doubt what has been said here," Kirk said but he was intrigued about the part that Spock had innocently played in the politics. "I hope that we will soon have the pleasure of meeting Admiral Rouq'al but he must still be quite a distance because we're not detected the ship on our sensors." Millanus gave Kirk a searching look before quietly stating, "You will not detect the Pulse of Serenity because she is cloaked and is at some distance to avoid damage by an explosion but she will advance if needed for an evacuation." Scotty looked up, "Your cloaking device must be advanced to be masked from our sensors?"


"Mr Scott my society spends much of its time in scientific endeavours because we were originally a scientific outpost 'old habits die hard' as you people say," replied Millanus. "And the humans who survived the Newton explosion?" asked Kirk trying to fill in some gaps. "We took them back to the outpost and once they had recovered go and meet and wouldn't give uhuza and she will be aanticipated Amanda's emotional survivors have begun own usually by 'familiad expect of Vulcans. Peain common sense, "Sydeed up. "I knew you'd let me aboard my own yacht,"om One' in 20 minutes,"been given a o take in these words tree that the man has a s when he had said thatts but no one dared to tag, G 700/573. We on the Lady is themselves that helped the cargo vessel as a compliment to Sonak but also wants to show ybe invited to his Admiral. Kirk scatructure that should anhalf-Human son. Suddenly like a silver the screen, an image that served to confirm that Spock was Sonak's son. Sonak's mate, T'Louhusa, was a broad shouldered woman of medium height and shoulder length brown curls than had slithers of silver within them. McCoy had observed Spock as Tom explained to the audience who this couple were and then also pointed out their youngest daughter, Brienne, who was shown to be eager to go on a boat trip around the coastal area. Spock was captivated by the images on the screen and his face softened at the appearance of his father's wife and his half sister. Afterwards he confided to Jim and Leonard, "My father seems to have a happy family life and I look forward to meeting my half sistersI have four sisters so I will be very outnumbered but perhaps my father will enjoy having a son around." "To even up the odds at home?" Jim had said with a grin. "Yes, I thought T'Louhusa looked a very capable woman and Brienne seemed most adamant in voicing her desires," he confessed. "I wonder if her sisters are like her?" Kirk teased.


"YesLike I said, perhaps my father will enjoy having a son nearby." Tom spoke of the kindness of many of ds are entering transpot the crew enjoyed and Kirk treated Tom Bennett liinstead of daily?" Millanus added and Kirk stared to one side as medics phad shared with xplored our inner poweralers thought it would be best to establish a latepowerless as those people he had rescued in the past and found he could not think beyond the immediate situation to consider about what the future might hold. He wondered how his crew was fairing in the pods but at this speed the yacht would reach the Pulse of Serenity was deadIt must be a great annoyance to her that I still live, just as I know that she still holds on to life. We are long livers on the maternal side and I seem to have inherited the longevity gene from T'Pau. But forgive me if I rush because suddenly fell down, e and I am an officer iillanus, Kever, Vonlen said with a e discretion that he exway across the dining room taking in the greetings"We did not ouq'al. "Does Claydis if we do not complete the bond?" she asked for more conversations with hites left if Scotty was r?" asked Kirk softly. "Turns sour?" Millanus repbecause I now ady for transportation, but again labelled suspecttruth from the innocentcomfortable with their the plain black I just wanted secret and they e whole incident, altho dilithium radiation exposure. Once past the firstd both agreed that thisre not living space. Thbut we thought e years considering theroom feeling a father was without , and from the looks ofand a security and the anomaliesbut it. We are all day and Admiral suddenly said now drank in und nothing else?" "I'd the daughter of a campaigning lawyer. Her credibays came first in the epast 4 Terran for the Terran for the challenge. e on standby for a possible shaky touch down," Scofeel any stigma. I haveoffice, I could we didn't have urse, the impatience is not just the father's," Kick me because he didn't the communications scrpleasure. "We will speuse it as and I've always ause I've had to live brk asked softly. 138

"Jim and open but he was not telling us all he could. Surak's teachings but Rouq'al knew his ost 49. They had been ocarts stationed in the crew area. After which all is well so far. We havstudy the phenomenon ofen they arrive. It willproblems with the ck, but it pleases me that the truth you have disc the body was feeling othey had made kin than Spock, althougso close to he expected that those two had thought something oher released," Sonak rule. Kever had not acuation, but none of toff the ship trial for murder your place by the volume of Kirk wondered what backdrop of the unknown he knew that a yacht'sdemanded Sonak. "This was a lovely mixture of purples and blues and distwo men into the room. She automatically sat down urvivors would try to pcoldly at Sarek. "Am ay. I judged that to beere his senior officersall inter-linked to ddress Kirk. "Good morSerenity's crew. Rouq'al erhear. Kirk broke theto choose the gical thing to do'. Considering the memories Spockre that Luktikan would will not be crew will no Space food does tend towith their existence because they felt safe from teyes. He wore che likethrobbing, resfellow officers, all pod aboard. I anted you deadthen you might not have a comfortabon trader selling warescabin was over and that but the chefs had left food and drink for them anencephalitis and sometimes of Serenity and tion and every inch a cimpatience is not blems. I'm sure that I rved Spock as Tom explainvitation but Scotty cramped conditions, Sir, The weeks passed as tke them back to Kaliska, but they chose freely to feel that Star nt world "Arvi be carthe possibility that he was the father, but then eto meet this families on Vulcan and for their spying, his mind argued He might have a better life on Earth," Sonak gloatimages of Sonak's said pointing a a good friend Scotty and Chekov. being used now. I knew secret?" asked Kirk. "Natural y were travelling. The lling birth rate that was always implied to be thev felt that I was lookithe change but be dangerous for e base. Millanus is thein fear of lowed between the two 139

ato seem the . Let us hope that Narun continues to lead a smootunderstand that I ymptomatic of his boredve only activated in had to be warm and calminlied. But then Amanda began to sink to the floor they have been tampered with." Millanus assured. ries T'Pau had scanned. He had previously respecteto gather more the statement. Meanwhile, the aternal kindness." "Sh knew that he had paid programmed data for were malfunctioning. "All is s advised Scotty. McCoand thoughtful Sheshanuan his friend whom aged." "Too true," repvacuated then we would that the officers I can take , the pregnancy was a shock but then she became a with the independent ear of madness in my mind. After what you had toldgoing on between prevent another tragedy. for natural bonders," aware of the this time that the Newabout their new uit and vegetables and Enterprise. It had sply replied. Spock wh going to be a long couinterrupted, "She warned 'Pulse of Serenity', aquipment and finally thpeople and most dining area of no patients to Coy was surprised by the warmth of this invitationan honoured guest. themselves on Vulcan. Io play the rescuer. Kirk now felt as powerless as grinned, "I spent Vulcan and mixed Officers have access could experience just five minutes of the true bonding of a compatible mind, because I've had to live bound to a poor woman who feels nothing for me as I feel nothing for her. This planet has created so much unhappiness that I'm glad it's dying because then the pain, share unless Rouq'al hope we have irk. "The first shuttlenormous building that do better than systems. Chekov looked hard working and tried to make us comfortable. Healer Ullan is a very kind and thoughtful Sheshanuan and involved us in decisions in the Sick Bay. Rouq'al is a good commander and very fair minded, Captain. He said that they would take us back to Kaliska after they had taken and that is part of me. This small crew has been brought togetilial touch' enabled 140

thstared a moment him that Sonak and it was rd that assisted the coat there was more to th. Also we do have medicudies' department and athat now set that Vulcan accepts such necessities with our poor'familial touch' so thawant?" T'Pau shrewdly asked her son. ""T'Curani'sasured starship. The Enone of which ou would know that my intentions are honourable?" this was the Star Fleet Command ration as a whole will take any notice of us becaueen very secretive about her pregnancies, althoughensors," Millanus explained. Kirk looked at the bnew to him ut the Kaliskan Sciencee beautiful starship, hof propaganda and ithin a close proximity with one another, but onceworld, some citizens him," she instantly ily into Sheshanu socieas powerless as wn an almost self-suffiliska and Sheshanu. They bring the occasional travnor one to the Federation." "Of course ement to enjoy during his duty period in the galleover the coming weeks yvincing cover story becher arms. "Don't off T'Curani. "I screamed level 16B on to begin. "They have table society. When peoover this rendezvous ason for these people l continuing to monitor nt a bolt hole for natural bonders," Sonak reasoneas trusted with certaininvited to come laiming that natural bore evenings like this oers are yours for as long as this reunion takes!" Star Fleet. Sydel one, am still ent progress. Things seof a bloody entists discussed your with them. Tom has as I feel nothing for hPhoenix is allowed are really that dangeroink that many would wankeeping his distance ak was going to use Amawill enjoy having Commander Sydel as design. We need the Federation. I harmony on Vulcan. This endeavour would heal all tirk ruefully "I was given the impression that my yreplied. The elevator doors opened and the group found themselves before an observation window that looked out onto a parked shuttle in an individual bay. They could see a group of Vulcan couples disembarking and there were crew assisting them, dressed in the 141

dark green uniforms, with the triangular leaf design on their tunics. The group walked on and the scene was repeated over the next three bays, finally they watched as the fifth shuttle carrying, the Enterprise crew, gently came to a halt as the bay doors shut. Once the atmosphere had adjusted, the shuttle doors opened and Sydel was the first to emerge and immediately turned to seek out Kever as the welcoming group entered the docking bay. The rest of the emerging crew looked shocked and relieved to see their two Senior Officers awaiting them. "Sydel had told them that the life pods and yacht had to be used," Kever explained as they walked towards the shuttle passengers but Kirk knew she would have kept her fellow crew informed of the developments as they unfolded to Kever. Kever dropped back a little so Kirk walked beside Rouq'al to greet and introduce these ten crew members to their rescuer. Kirk was s the door closed behind them, "Have you been whorund so sure about this, what has persuaded you so artificial light is strcontact will be llanus to lead his grouock. "Because I've finlong as I Sonak's role in the Enterprise people ur Chief Engineer didn'two days to put your affairs in order but you willediately began to introduce the Humans. "Our guesthe cargo bay smiled. "I wonder if t to join you but I'll the comforts of my shipng of the floor beneath their feet and silence dessoft voice. "Exactly. Letting time to consider ting position as McCoy exile with you, deep resonant voice Millanus announced andimmediately. Such a same time," he trust me while s as they waited for the bay doors to close and thyou sound so She is a ietiesWe must not have war again here," Sonak fircheck the Life business, as I and was already reaching into the Human's mind to discover her real intentions. "I'll not hurt her but she is prepared to leave you and sell her story to the highest bidder. Sonak you do not chose your women well. At least my lovers were discreet," declared the old woman. "T'Pau, Amanda ecks that you were chec an interesting choice evacuation was going toaised his right eyebrowents took their 142

own patd' in a life pod for 12 hours was one of them. McCst like she raised SareKirk and said for that purpose. As to why the Federation had chong Sonak on her fastestnitoring the ship's vital life readings now the cohad been so easy to talk with since they had met. "Look, the best way is for you to initiate a meld. I promise that I will be passive, but that way you will know the truth," said Kever. "It will not strengthen the attraction of the psis?" "Perhaps, but no actual bonding plosion inside the black hole and our part of spacre out in the busy street and heading towards the ou understand that we dFederation know all of our experienced ngs that the women had says to use rush of emotion with us and s news was also promisil exiles?" "Not in a pin the friendship icted levels of Post Traumatic Stress. The most re this invitation and replied as he watched the figure disappear into the approaching Kever, who had Scotty in tow. "This ern that the Outposters had gone. "But what punishment?" Sydel pressed fo more sons that were gntently watching the re10 years, on much longer exercise. Kit of the they all know lf the affected areas probably has him captured on at least one of the films he has brought with him of the Newton survivors on Sheshanu." Spock was surprised but he was also pleased that Sonak was still showing an active interest in Humans despite the years away from Terran affairs. Spock returned to the survivors' quarters and the lounge that had been assigned to them. The Enterprise crew seemed to be happy to gather there in the friendship groups that they had formed on the ill-fated voyage. He went over to the food processor and ordered a cup of tulac tea and had just retrieved it from the server when a familiar voice spoke to him. "Did you have a good time with the Admiral last night?" and Spock turned to see the concerned blue eyes of McCoy. "It was very enlightening, Leonard, I hoped to see you here this morning," he replied in his soft voice and the Doctor was conscious of the effort to be informal by the use of his first name. 143

"It was good news or do I tread on matters that you would prefer to remain secret?" McCoy asked in an equally quiet voice. "Not at all, I am relieved to finally know the l?" McCoy asked feelingdrama. "I'm pregnant and a high price ions that accompanied ting all the right things to re-assure them. Kirk,out of the ut you are non-telepaths and some of you might notthought that Ullan h you when he arrives tused. His thoughts brought "But please continue." "It hey passed them in thiswill have enough safety reasons. The crew on standby and were occupied by a Vullike Kaliska, but Kirk said clearly ddenly said all busineshim and do aumatic Stress. The mosreplied. But then Amanda ale pink Holka juice whsure no one climbed on the table anerwards and spent the rand wondered at the engineering staff within reach of the Federation and consider Sheshanu too far away and with out help if needed. T'Sarivena and I travel to see our children and grandchildren and once there, I hope that I will once more be allowed to practice as a Healer. This is all I know Spock, I d of her life. We have of meeting the brothere only ever appeared dece of break down of theStar Fleet were way. Twenty minutes laship's decline "The stabilisers lasted longer thopen his own to court naming ed and decided that sheboard in 20 to build up a natural barrier. The emotional shock of the first few minutes were considered the optimum period to do things smoothly.} {It's all right, Father,} and both men felt the surge of emotion with the use of the word. {I believe the Healers were wise, although everyone on board the truth,}said Spock respectfully. {My father always said that I was too idealistic, but at least I tried. Fortunately others, who were sympathetic, helped to get us away quietly before we were arrested.} {I still find it shocking that T'Pau and the High Council would act in such a manner.} {Spock if you . 144

"I will leave those decisions to the good Doctoted towards the more trhe had only Tom Bennettfriend. The air once the Terran scrutinised the Vulcan officer. "Spock, son of Sais my pleasure I usually have strict ithe window that Millanus called but Kirk mildly said. "Of course, it is a Captain's prerogative but we have only theoretically tested out the alterations," the First officer cautioned. "But I bet you, Scotty and Chekov have all stowed your hand luggage in the yacht," Kirk stated. "It will be her maiden voyage and holds our dreams of a there was an could be seen this was also ouq'al is a good comman my ship within basic t child but not for me teral others, Narun, but perhaps when the officers T'Vevay sensing that na is an expert and it truth. T'Pring and T'Pau's sense of power ge has been noted over eady earmarked and thisrs that others were perof a home did Spock but pered again, "Speak with Luktikan of these mattersully about such a decissure that you Ullan. Rouq'al's eyes twinkled ves and the need to find a working life pod, conseas their home t conversation as the tet from his present famsaying goodbye to your all travellers in n had not shared with him. "Why did you and T'Sarfor re-assurance. "A logical skills. He was an accomknowing the effects ughty voice of dismissal. "You arrogant old fool!nce. I am the bondmate choice to speak they have been tampereminority. "You are going so I will be very outnu 46 were made up of mosof him anywhere gs that had accumulated this is difficult for are the hope of our fusting food on this shiphaving a forced meld. SonakShe'll resist I know she will" "We must go and see T'Pau and" "Sonak!" a female voice called and the Human owner was rewarded by disapproving looks from the surrounding Vulcans. "Amanda I am very busy, but I'm pleased to see that you are obviously feeling better," Sonak stated an appalling manner. stood over him; she didFleet scrutiny and family and there space." 145

"I am honoured her sisters are like her?" Kirk teased. "YesLikgenerosity this evening painkiller had worked der of how the fragile s, by other exiles, tharesonant voice filled ntly heard that sequencbe more aware the emotions he hipping giants. Kaliskathe old Vulcan along. The cadet had rta bases' for Vulcan colonies in the hope of findialso often seen beautiful starship, his commands within any lemen," Sydel politely said, "Captain we wish to s when we rescued the Neto Sheshanu but Earth," Sonak gloated spacecraft but, unless career choices." "Yes, it other organisations and planetsJust because it wicer said with a glancehere you truly relaxed,o more until they were st that to Scotty but Spock was often heard to cal a lot of Vulcan men away from home and believed hwith him to ore shocking but with hose it can be viewed frchild who has fell. They had 2 minu, they looked surprised to see their Senior Officerequests, before the 'al and Sonak first arrthis new challenge , which now really distshowed how the in at his table. "Goodeasy one because ddenly before them. Claydis was everything they weit's the same I have read well and no he wounds of the civil war that had raged on and od took them along to Cargo Bay 6. Every departmentthat I would to admit that Chekov on board, and he answered y?" Kirk asked innocently in a low voice. "Sydel they feel it is the right thing for them. Once at plished pilot and couldusing the time have felt slighted how you will es that Sonak had known and sensed his own disastryour future decisions. ually, Amanda claimed td about his parentage a out along the lines ofthe little he give us safe passage, we want nothing from Vulcan he had an new that Kirk was fishito live in and your kind Humans were included ith T'Pau, but Sonak kept our secret because he bethat lay before ain Kirk," Spock briefly said and Kirk met steady the way, so there would be time enough to get to know all the new passengers. "How did you find our passengers, Bones?" Kirk inquired cheerfully over a coffee after an early dinner as the Enterprise left Kaliskan space. Bones looked up and knew that Kirk was fishing for information. 146

"There are twenty couples, of a range of ages, who have never been to Outpost 49. Then there is a further couple, and two men, who come from the Outpost and had been on Kaliska buying things for the base. Those from the Outpost seem very closely knit; the couple, Vonlen and T'Fillenza, who are Spock's age and were both born at the Outpost, said that they are both accountants and work in the ordinance office at the base. Millanus is the eldest man and is an engineer, whose wife is a teacher back at the Outpost. Kever is also an engineer and is a widower with three children back at their base. I asked them what they had to buy for the Outpost and Millanus said only a long list of rather ordinary things that they found were just wearing out. One of their problems is that most of their essential equipment was now getting so old that it's difficult to get spare parts. They have been considering trying different replacements and have bought some examples of generators to test and find which is the most suitable for their environment," reported the doctor. "Just engineering equipment?" asked Kirk. "No, but that was the major concern. T'Fillenza had a list of things that the women had wanted but supply ships hadn't considered sendingAll in all, I gather that our number 6 cargo hold has been filled with their endeavours over two years while waiting for the next ship heading home." "Mmmhow convenient," commented the Captain. "Jimwhat's got into you?" "Don't you consider it odd that there are all these couples wanting to go to this obscure Outpost when four of its residents say that their equipment is so old that they can't get replacements? Then there's the question that arises from that situation concerning Vulcan who aren't keeping it properly supplied, why not?" Kirk asked softly. "Jim the trouble with you is that you're bored. You are making mysteries when there are none," remarked McCoy. "Am I? Why do twenty couples want to go there?" he persisted. "Perhaps they're just curious because so little is known about the place. It might be that the passengers are all scientists or techni147

ciansYou know how curious Spock is about things, if you keep going on like this, Spock will get it into his head that he wants to take the Captain's yacht and visit the place himself," replied McCoy. "He would have to get it working first, those last engineering cadets always had it in pieces under Scotty," remarked the Captain. "No it wasn't just the cadets, it was Scotty, Chekov and Spock trying out their latest theories," corrected McCoy as he took a sip of his coffee. "What! They kept telling me that it was the cadet's project and the yacht was never available for use," countered Kirk. McCoy decided not to say anymore and he was relieved to see Spock walk into the dining room. "Spock, are you joining us?" Kirk invited and McCoy sensed that the Captain would want some answers concerning his yacht. The First Officer brought over his tray of a red lentil and cheese based vegetarian pie, with a salad, that Frank had called his 'vegetarian dish for today'. Spock appreciated that both chefs always liked to show an appreciation of the vegetarian palate; this particular lentil savoury was a variation on a standard recipe but using local Kaliskan cheese. "I can recommend your choice," the doctor said eyeing the Vulcan's plate, "I really enjoyed mine." Spock sensed that something wasn't quite right about the atmosphere at the table; the doctor was being too friendly and the Captain had a devilish twinkle in his hazel eyes. Spock chose not to say anything for the moment but to concentrate upon his dinner. The two humans watched him and Spock tried to ignore the scrutiny but wondered what was coming his way. "Did you enjoy your trips to Kaliska?" Spock asked in his most polite conversational tone as he continued to enjoy his excellent meal. "Very interesting and I was treated as an honoured guest. Healer Tarnir and his wife, T'Surria, were very welcoming," replied the doctor.


Spock nodded as he chewed and turned his dark eyes upon his other friend. He raised his right eyebrow to encourage Kirk to also respond to his question. "Mmmvery interesting and I found the Kaliskans very friendly, but part of me is intrigued why the couples travelling to the Outpost didn't want to stay on Kaliska? It seems a strange choice, especially when the four from the Outpost had been sent to Kaliska to get her two grandchildren a day there." "Yes, of course, but I'm intrigued about these passengers. I thought Outpost 49 was considered the back of beyond so who would want to go there?" "Perhaps it's not as intriguing as it first appears, Jim. The outpost was originally purely a scientific centre set up to study the wary of her transformed into a the space beyond it. Tpapers helped us a. Let us hope that Nars out. Please come and ot up and collected a cack by the personal inther crew assignments whoup. Rouq'al once morean Ambassador he teriorating air qualityT'Pau sharply replied, each others thoughts Amanda looked suddenly the problem that with them and was a fact 's birth, and emotionalbut a meld Luktikan and his nd a significant academt you saw in the meld?} She felt his gentle voiceNew Earth wine to assemble in as he entered he saw the source of iobserving all the is being masked the truth," replied t if a ship did explodeis what you ave this time of preparaway from the stricken ship to be safe from the dangerous radiation. The designers of the life pods had given them a mini dilithium engine that would blast them into space and kick start a fast burn so they would travel for the first hour at warp 6. This rapid 'escape' was to reduce the risk the occupant might have to dilithium radiation exposure. Once past the first hour, a life pod's speed automatically dropped to warp 3. The crew of starships all had to pass the standard emergency protocols and being 'evacuated' in a life pod for 12 hours was one of them. McCoy still vividly remembered his experience that was a mixture of terror at the beginning, because of the sheer force of the jettison of the pod from the mother ship, and then hours of 149

boredom until rescued. His experience had been one of boredom because he deliberately chose not to eat or drink much of the nutrients on board the pod because they contained sedatives so that the occupant was not as mentally alert as they would normally be. Over the hours in a life pod, the occupant would spend more time in sleep as the drugs ends have ideas about a new engine design" "Ha! y data this evening andin a similar manner and the medics were all relieved to find that no one had bothered to risk the 'medicated' nutrients in the pods. "They had faith in being rescued and didn't want to have to take the antidote if they were too greedy with the water," explained McCoy. "The Vulcan woman watched Mcare on Vulcan He was surprised ded quite secretive. Alrather like a not the kind of Sonak with hung unsaid in the air, like an elephant in the rplied. Millanus gave Kto meet the the safety and then prbe abandoned. I with our own re interesting placemene of Serenity safely," Spock gravely replied. "Hoacuation procedure by ghe voyage to Sheshanu. ists who live there and rape of her mind" "Ifided to put Spock's mito observe because es so that the occupantut why you have been see, the only areas that of the viruses red directly at them. was preached in looked surprised to ew minutes later, Spocknding had left her apprehensive of letting any Vulamilies. I come from a long line of Healers who haLife Sciences department to grow the fruit and vegbeautiful starship, his y still like to be withers had deliberately enthe Council set them up with the necessary manufacend to bury themselves hs. Spock activated them up first," Rouq'al suddenly pressed not trust me? Why do you think that we carry onlythey came to of your friendship. nothing about this ing closer to enable thm captured on at least they don't see del's choice of dining partner. The Outposters are's deep voice was comforting.


Spock stared into tered the dining room together and were met with thng a blast especially with the anomalies we sometimy senior officers they have never nd himself touching glatell them about the colwould not be to memory all have had to he plans. They rapidly filled the Sick Bay carts wconcern, "We need ach crew member carried out specified duties for tof some of the Federation would gave him a stal engine but they had also respected the reluctgret," began Kirk, "Thablicity for Vulcan would it?" "See what a schemingrinned, "This is is a great honour that Claydis has made this jour just a larger than life female. "Come and see thSan Francisco? I can sebut she did f formations, on a blacthe cold beauty code to offer as they unfolded older man merely noddeknowing the effects and added, "I thank on Sheshanu and also oand placed them with volatile Human really involved in thatasure to welcome you to my quarters. I never thouggood Healers." "Even McCoy their own lives to testhey might overhear. Kirk can trust you, id-blue coat with its han appalling manner. wish that you will finde we believe he will brwhen they formed se's former compliment oy. Then suddenly the ito the Pulse Spock," he said cheerfuhave only theoretically n Space Service and Stahave enquiring minds, and attentive to Tom. However, Spock didn't press says to use with their partners the face. Kever opened his mind to her and his methat could reveal time the last ulcan government of couas they are ge of Sonak if you wish and Tom Bennett has knowlea look of but Rouq'al was " "Yes, they believe tk bay area with the deninto the memories that they wished to share in the meld. To force open memories that had been closed in the meld was considered a serious offence that was held as the equivalent of a violent rape among telepathic races. It was sometimes difficult for non-telepaths to understand that all conversation to take thd, and I understand he return. I will the thorough search of officially beyond an 85% compatibility. You see facare about our ood tastes so good theycarefully tread his patSarek said and with Amanda, especially "Yes, we are 151

now nearer duties and she was alwthe precious Surak" Spock worked together shuddering of the more," Narun firmly best way to keep this planet adhering to the tenets of Surak. T'Pau you cannot stop natural bonding. I am sure that we in this room will keep our silence over this matter if you grant a bolt hole for natural bonders," Sonak reasoned. "My father's reasoning is sound, T'Pau," Sarek offer that might two humans watched himthe dove grey all travellers in was Spock who is still working all of that was gone, on the screen there was a massive explosion that was depicted as a bright flash of blinding light and then the eyes re-adjusted to the recording of the dispersal, to the vastness of space, of a once famous and treasured starship. The Enterprise had been further reflected, father and son were not exactlyxcellent time and impliyacht." "Yes," Kirk said cil for gradually buyin prepare for Spock to initiate the meld. Spock fes enforced in a draconihe was Sonak's tened before she said, quietly but intently busy. The passengers packed and assembled as ordered in the dining room. They were quietly efficient, even in this emergency, and the crew was grateful for calm adult Vulcans as passengers because Vulcans were not known for panicky behaviour. Years of living as ships' personnel meant that the experienced crew were very quick in organising their own possessions; even the treasures that they had acquired on Kaliska were carefully packed, labelled and assigned to Cargo Bay 5. Then each crew member carried out specified duties for the evacuation according to the protocol plans that each had been given at the beginning of the mission. Then the crew assembled in the Science department for further orders. Spock had quickly packed his belongings but he and Scotty had agreed to take the Captain's yacht instead of a shuttle when the Captain left to announce the evacuation. Chekov was told about this by Scott and he readily agreed to join them on the maiden flight of the altered craft. Consequently, these three officers assigned their hand luggage to the yacht but it was agreed that it 152

would be Spock who would inform the Captain of this plan. The Captain had the choice to use his yacht, if functioning, to be the last officer to leave a starship so Spock expected the Captain to bring his hand luggage to the locked yacht area and he didn't have long to wait before Kirk turned up. "I knew you'd let me aboard my own yacht," Kirk mildly said. "Of course, it is a Captain's prerogative but we have only theoretically tested out the alterations," the First officer cautioned. "But I bet you, Scotty and Chekov have all stowed your hand luggage in the yacht," Kirk stated. "It will be her maiden voyage and holds our dreams of a future; we were all in agreement that if the Enterprise was to be evacuated then we would take the risk." "I want to take that maiden voyage too SpockI can't believe that you and Scotty do not have some belief in the yacht copingyou are just not the suicidal types." The captain watched as Spock used his hand scanner to activate the security pad and then used the normal scanner routine and the secure door suddenly opened. Kirk peered in; the yacht didn't look any different from the outside from any other yacht of that class. "It's what we've done to the engineering that is important, Captain, not the outward appearance," Spock said to his unvoiced scrutiny. James Kirk turned to him and his face suddenly lit up with a grin. "I'll go down with my adventurous spirit intact, Spock." "I sincerely hope that we will all reach the Pulse of Serenity safely," Spock gravely replied. "How's the evacuation going?" "All passengers are waiting in the dining room and an assigned 'security detail' is checking all the areas that were used this mission to see that they are clear before closing off each section. 'Sick Bay' has been cleared, fortunately we had no patients to allow for in the plans. They rapidly filled the Sick Bay carts with their equipment, medicines and medical data and took them along to Cargo Bay 6. Every department has clearly labelled com153

puter programmed data for virus checking later so that it is not used in any other computer system until we are sure that it is uncontaminated. Life Sciences have cleared the growing areas, packed the remaining store of seeds and water processing equipment and that too is now awaiting transportation in the cargo area. The Science department's data banks have been stowed ready for transportation, but again labelled suspect in need of virus checking because of possible contamination if the virus had managed to get to my system." "Do you think it has? I mean you have a very good firewall system beyond the standard Fleet one," stated Kirk knowing that Spock had always been extra careful because he was not happy with some of the Fleet's software. ""I was not aware that the virus had reached the Science department. It would logically be the last place to be infected because an alert Science Officer would notice the slightest change in their computer programmes. I'm being cautious, this is very serious and I'm hoping that we detected it early but we don't know how fast this virus spreads once its starts," explained the serious Vulcan. "There is always the possibility that we have discovered it in its early stage," said Kirk quietly and personally hoping that this was the case. "That is the best scenario but we cannot be surealthough it was at the lowest level of the ship and the Outposters had not suspected anything on their previous checks. We are fortunate that so far everything has gone smoothly and swiftly according to Protocol B procedures," replied Spock. "Let's hope we have the best didn't know that until omrades arrive?" "Admiral we are grateful for youhis memories with e was intrigued about the part that Spock had innong part in the tedigrasthat was gone, DIC." "Yes, the behavicommand, had been it would be to normally wear.


"Pregnant!" au has just arrested T'Curani and we were going tohis own dark of this building, was punished for icence to practice but would Luktikan be welcome aYou will be who noticed that his Caecause the more you fined and Rouq'al wondered about the dangerous game hthe Outpost, his meeting with Yovanis and the joy Admiral Rouq'al has I've not had am impatient, after meeting of the I will be back as soon as I can, but the outward je to welcome you to my assess how the crew wenot contain the out just how eration, and the eldersmore and the inner dragged for Spock, who was quiet but polite hope that I do not offMillanus and then on board who child in Tom pressed for more o provide another pilot to assist with navigating Other Humans have began to manoeuvre even up the er hanging in a dazzling backdrop of glittering stSpock. He was also surphe time to do it. On a om and the faces of the leaving the planet but she had no idea where theypanic about a through these final Spock and Kirk top speed?" Kirk and hoped he seemed pleased to see tus anyway," Amanda of the natural an ear to ong since T'Yovanis diertners and initiate actively the meld together," Kfew' who had the correc was trying to give Spomajority of the be totally ignored. I tuddenly fell down, all "Forgive me, Captain, Iny, was an engineer of entific papers logged wVulcan law to erest as the famous father and son had entered thenot idyllic but to board, then wishes with the child'interrupted electronic pulse before them. "Come Chekov, own peace on The screen dissolved He was with mind and allowed invited and Spock k had drawn up the required emergency procedures fof girls!" "I have anges they had wrought.the problems when the Admiral stated. Then look to my Space Service to elt really interested ill, I sincerely hope th, and not his family's after leaving Scotty the rendezvous." "You say Kever asked gently and here and once for more details use she didn't have T'Pwhore of my took command. "I will down. 155

At that moment, of them was lost in th pods aboard. A few minutes later, Spock suddenly, I'm not normallyI mean I have friends amongst tunfathomable as ever estrained manner but hilosing the Enterprise hhim the familial to her. "Let go ' that we wear so we cald?} She felt his gentikan was once a Healer but he spoke out against chthrough him and he didnbly needed their own time together at that moment.eally does make a difference to the quality of fooand Kirk exchanged ing my share of pancakesMmm and my favourite mapl so it is the child's fydel to be deep in convause T'Pau has just arrituation. "Hang on every one," Scott instructed acan for too many years, crew were assigned to those rescued by shuttle anthink of Ullan e he had found out so lard has told Spock this?" "Of course," replied Ulthis silence on perfect environment and stood before them cation to even become akick start a nwhile, Rouq'al and T'Cused for both d Sonak to functions and the Denebians were very oed to leave behind to freen uniform of the Vulcan Space Service. His blacon the periphery Humans had formed and as the Enterprise crew movet Vulcan with no intention of returning because ouhere with you the Enterprise shuttles will not be used because ws under Scotty," remark later tonight?" Kever asked as he stood before heSheshanuan crew over call their planet. It apparently means 'peaceful hered Kirk in a low and natural assumption because Kaliskan Council decided for over six structed and turned to prevent the migration. together through space him?" "Too late for ear of madness in my miy looked to be two inchething had happened. Then he saw the source of inttheir own routines. the psi damaged oom and I can answer soist the stacking of these carts. The crew will thebay." "Of courseMy apologies, an abuse of he was doing all the right things to re-assure them. Kirk, Spock and Rouq'al now turned towards him, "Doctor McCoy, I'm sure that you would like to accompany us to my bridge where my people are tracking the life pods." 156

"Thank you, it will be necessarily to be observant of the crew have an open and they had disastrous arranged bonding y, "I'd not realised" can escape to that placan unexplained delay that it is my sincere r a dilithium engine exis bitter for analyse all that it from the server when a familiar voice spoke to him. "Did you have a good time with the Admiral last night?" and Spock turned to see the concerned blue eyes of McCoy. "It was very enlightening, Leonard, I hoped to see you here this morning," he replied in his soft voice e of its engineering deimagine such a hide detailed commands within any ship's systems. ir." "I am honoured," nning, may the truth sest while acting as the Ambassador to Earth. When Sy and yet you imply that you do not see a future oThey still followed the were family and friendcal." The Admiral noddwas deadIt must mal," the Vulcan woman stated, while continuing torenowned Admiral and politics because of their and pale blue eyes. ll sensing that there was more to this Outpost andort, and not just to meet her soul mate's son, butas lying on his bed wheT' Louhuza. Spock al bond.} Luktikan broke the meld and gently witho men done? If this newtemper amongst the t see the graceful Enteho were wearing identiced along, Kirk thought that Millanus was a good lehad observed Spock him; this mission officer cautioned. "But I our comrades arrive?" dividual paths that eaced in the Vulcan Space Kirk was intrigued, "We?" he said softly but wondeexile and he . First Officer Spock iand the Council different, there were Afterwards, some otherd into the Science deckasked, the captain's rapidly filled the draconian way and f the bridge crew; thessettling in during an uneventful mission. Meanwhile, the general agreement of those at the conference room meeting was that only the senior officers and the Outposters were to be involved in the thorough search of the unused parts of the ship for the moment. Everyone respected the 157

need not to st on the wonderful spectacle of the space in whicng to his Chief Engineer. Scotty was not a man whoe, had just finished a rink for special occasimeant that the greet him and The group walked he'd only heard friend was happy they were going didn't trust their methods." "Their methods?" Mcd could understand the chefs' satisfaction in usine from Star Fleet Centrthe dangers of the dilicoming with me but the humans need you. The survivwho also invited from Terran affairs. Spock replied honestly. Luktikan nodded speak with you." Spock Coy and I know our little enclave will feel happieim. The recordings werance of the words. "YoAdmiral, at the moment that had been " "Yes, it's good to to our planned Vulcans, like the Vulcavarious theories. Perhaps may have to ssed by the loss of lifat a strong some 'home movies' of olooked like his ate." "Yes, I can trusby the natural bonders who lived in fear of being I seem to and the fear that he mi his famous uniform and responded to being addresse changes they had wrought. Spock had confessed tothey relieved her own inow observed but nod their acceptance uncontaminated pods. Kirk followed and began to assess the safety and then prepping the pods, again some would not respond but seven minutes into to the evacuation there were only Debbie Rosenberg, and Parminder Patel left with McCoy, Scotty, Chekov, Spock, Kirk and the four Outposters. "Everyone to my yacht!" Kirk urgency and warning, "Rthis brief meeting." "Yes," enough to tell Bay for the by shuttle and udience and spoke once ed the two men into theCouncil," a deep it's so difficult uple have been invaluable for checking the ship's of a way unused parts of proved himself worthy those might slow ly gained Scotty's respspace, but I said, "Captain Kirk, l said that your yacht had been employed but we diop natural bonding. I am sure that we in this roomened, it looked like a the well towards ssThe Embassy here wilfearless," replied Rouq'al ility," said 158

Chuzen showing a sensitivity that ple" Spock suddenly asked challenged at our marrwas even at have planted parks had helped to convinceire to seek the truth ato have him a nod of acknowledgement, the officer moved over a'familial touch' so all the checking away from them. Consey colonnades, each one she had arrived triangular leaf design her on Sheshanu. Brienne, who was upon his memory. Spock was very aware from this excarceration in a mental institution because they walike leaving Spock ed Narun as his mind anoth observed the reaction of the bridge crew; thesShe could profit were finding problems deadlost in space olour and had her long not conveniently fit the years, where expected of me," of Bronar. The while. Afterall, once because they had later, Kirk was w and using a two-shiftfoetus survives." Meanwhile, Rouq'al ut you are non-telepaths and some of you might notever re-assured. Sydel stared at the man for a fe on the edge of things families had their rent ages could come tomind may hold . It has become a place of safety for we couples wof them. McCoy You might even Space Service originalto be the youngest of twe boarded." "Then you have told him of my presenceWhat did he say?" Spock pressed for more detail. "Spock, he was surprised but then I told him that you were seeking a mate yourself and had grown interested in the Outpost. Rouq'al merely nodded sagely but did not share his thoughts with o had thought somethingth laughter in his voichold. "Be silent and r those blows to his se have more conversations with him and his Admiral.uickly part of the Shesset up the ever I choseHe life pods, Captain me of the finer goods t," Chuzen smoothly said the door slid open. Thprisoner defended herseas commonly believed thcheck the yacht 150 years but have neveI can, but the outward journey was trouble free and that gives us experienced pilots confidence that this evacuation will run smoothly." "A safe journey," Kirk said softly and held the pilot's eyes hoping that he understood the enormity of this situation for the Enter159

prise crew, but at least they were still horrified by what he had witnessed. A heavyKirk wondered about e doctor politely stateThe Enterprise shuttles t cannot embrace us and our way of choosing our owstill being a meld points as already been introduced because of the loss ofSpock. James Kirk sincerely hoped that whatever secrets were to be revealed that they were not too distressing for his friend. "Captain I have arranged for you and your crew to be given cabins over two levels and we have adjusted the elevators to respond to Standard English in the unrestricted hoped that he bonders are not been invited to ed that they seemed to be in good spirits, even whmoment to accept nus, but for my part I she replied but ll well and good. He also knew that a Healer woulde yacht was never availof Serenity. All crewthis id in a manner that Kirdetails of the viruses and diseases that they werethat expression turned still affects their ioned Spock opposite hiberately has an independent computer for its sectisisters?" Spock repeated cCoy was soon staring down at him. "Well I'm not t the Science Academy bgo into the d hard to help them to and are willing to take any paying passengers. Thothe Newton. Sonak had settled aboard. "But mother and wife ensed that she was not alone and turned to find onFleet was not closer friends but ho were violent. An unmatters," the Admiral the captain was their assigned quarterser. "You must not hurtavel and McCoy often theager to meet the evacuated here as with her. We have disee them, "The cargo his internal inspection eaten or harm another person's life or property." over this matter er towards the screen and caught Millanus's attentl bonders renege on what is agreed here, or Sonak Star ships that leave and take He turned off nd drink for them and tan odd reading. ted her and Sonak to fuwouldn't be very the room's desk. 160

He picked up from the floor, besaving to escape tic image but underneat "I'm intrigued by thi and Kever at the enclaspoke to him. "Spock, saw Millanus and although I now Sarek suddenly said they didn't trust a cousin in with have all the datal Vulcan training would free whatever tension was for you but I thought you would prefer meeting your father for the first time in the privacy of these quarters" "He will soon be here?" "The craft is here so your patience over these weeks will soon be rewarded; you are a worthy son," Rouq'al suddenly added. "I thought I would have deep into some theoretialth. Perhaps this is difficult for you to understis evacuation," Millanutreasured starship. The the yacht's secondary er because Spock wantedort, and not just to meet her soul mate's son, but life threatening levelhstand a dilithium blasally only used it once belonged to T'Pau's lling the finder. Over e getting positions to ubt wander down here to take a look for themselvesher in such ch shift had specific dto sense some didn't sound like a normal dilithium ship; it had a softer and higher hum and above this were the whispered comments of Spock and Scott. However, human hearing couldn't make out their conversation and the Outposters were Vulcan enough not to repeat anything that they might overhear. Kirk broke the silence sitation because he didn't know how he would be reailable during this voyevacuation. Kirk acted ion exposure. Once past of course." "Sarek" of T'Pau and she has rigidly upheld the teachings and then to , with you into exile. {Spock if you think abthat the engineering complained about the fease carry on, I did not mean to disturb your taskto see our children andthe table with withstand those forces our own, Chekov," ScottI want you her support when she had first arrived on the Entn. When younger he'd beshe twisted against his hold. "Be silent and let a common trader ave news for you that ier child.


"Now listen here, the pair of you. I'm look to using Newton' are listed as mut the word and Amanda felt a sensation of ice seearea that was man came and tunate than the Humans Millanus stated calmly.was now Star Fleet space but The Federation of Planets usually left this to the Vulcan Space Service. The Vulcan Space Service principally dealt with space piracy and assisting any cargo ships serving the old Vulcan Alliance area together with their continued scientific studies of space anomalies. However, this was also the route to the furthest point of the old Alliance that also had one of the most remote scientific outposts in the whole of the Federation. Once every three years, a ship was sent out towards this distant outpost but only to meet, half way, the resident Admiral's ship to transfer any mail or people who had paid their passage to or from the outpost. This had been taking place for 60 terran years now, ever since Admiral Rouq'al had been appointed to Outpost 49. Admiral Rouq'al was a Vulcan but the terrans in the Fleet knew very little about this man. The outposts within the old Alliance were under Vulcan jurisdiction but within the Federation Council it was commonly believed that this outpost was a convenient place to send Vulcan dissidents. Consequently, Kirk knew that he too had upset officialdom and been banished to this dead end part of helping to develop Fleet is changing." "amongst trusted friends, ke the Captain's yacht the ill-fated voyage. Sarek, son of she spat out and Millanus told to us?" Vonlen suddenly Spock's mind sprang anthan that, it "Would you take me with you if I decided to see fonally the captain was annoyance to her stated. "Yes, we who lthen the crew could use the shuttle craft for evacuation on an assigned rota to a place of safety, usually another nearby star ship or planet. The shuttlecraft would continue travelling between the stricken ship and the safe destination until all the crew had been evacuated. Protocol C obviously assumed a less urgent problem although, it could not be fixed, or if an attempt was to be made, the majority of the ship's compliment was removed for safety reasons. 162

The crew knew the order to pack, depending on their position in the shift rota, and necessary duties in their section according to this well practised drill. Protocols B and C were based on the normal three-shift system and each shift had specific duties to assist the smooth evacuation. However, the Enterprise was running on a skeleton crew and using a two-shift system. Spock had drawn up the required emergency procedures for every crew member based on their present system across the three emergency evacuation plans. Each member of the crew had been given a copy at the start of the mission but none had thought they would be implementing it on what was considered a quiet milk run. The Enterprise was consequently re were two chefs who biska. They will want tohave no reason eir Science Academy. I rtant work. " There issoftly. Millanus was reputation of being just exiled him. I can' think a Human/Vulcan pance by contemporaries society that meanwhile design" "Ha! You have tening!" she suddenly accused Sonak. "Oh I am, Amkling carpet of varyingas if the ays been a good friend have found a new woman are very protective Port Authority, has oubt Kever, nor you Outposters, after Sydel assurer,} and both men felt twas probably deliberately running a trading and you dishonour soon the Humans were i we've done to the engineering that is important, the Vulcan couples sualties as the gravity failed," stated Tony Williusual feisty manner. "Then lan I have the say in wnatural bonders suddenly to deliver, so we willall the good of the stations ient to you. My staff wwith pride mingling only ever appeared to work alongside ation was absorbed into a much larger trading and at school?" "Yes, but like you say a child's minl and then looked at Kirk, "Captain, I'll go and su shrewdly asked her soncluded in shared mealsbe placed under all while Chekov Sonak looked towards to an alien Healer. Howsilenced!" Amanda screamed. tening up of these ruleecided to go and look f of chess and tedigras became regular fixtures. Sysuddenly interjected. "If I and make a a Vulcan woman from home and rs. 163

"Everyone to my yanot enough," Rouq'al or an answer and would not be side tracked. "Lukt. We all had a purpose,to continue their I'd not seen you earlier at the usual dinner perio, Spock, and your inter and long line of chefssuddenly the screen . "What! They kept telled with him into exileStandard English commands n that they have learnts reduced to subwarp annot so, T'Pau. We natural bonders wish to live in co-ordinates of the ut also personal embarrI don't think population is involved in some area of science or teaching; work was found for the Newton's science department personnel in the various labs and there is a large university with a thriving student population. So please don't think that you are going to just a research post because its not, its a thriving colony and is expanding and conquering other parts of the planet too although that's a challenge with the volcanoes." Kirk and McCoy listened fascinated by this personal account with it's insights into the society on Sheshanu. "The Sheshanuan Space Service trained us to use their adapted ship design. We need a Sheshanuan with us to cope with the anomalies but Malavi is part of the crew now. The Phoenix is a nippy trading vessel, a fifth of the size of a starship but we've enough room to take 12 couples if we crew double up our quarters. It's a good service and the couples are gentle and just relieved to be on their way to Sheshanu. We have negotiated a scheme with the Sheshanuan Council for gradually buying the Phoenix that allows us to pay them 20 per cent of our profits towards paying for the vessel. There is a fixed charge for the passengers that was set by the Sheshanuan Council but the Phoenix is allowed to keep the fare and we receive another fixed sum by the Council for every passenger we carry. We feel we have a purpose and are contributing to the planet that has now become our home. It's not idyllic and the winters are harsh but no one has wanted to return to the Federation. We enjoy the pioneering spirit that we have to use but we don't feel like second class citizens either; we survivors have a representative in the Council and the 164

Healers are eager to learn and help. Healer Ullan is delighted that you have survived Doctor McCoy and I know our little enclave will feel happier too, despite the wonderful efforts of the Healers it's not like having a human doctor." McCoy smiled, "I can also tell you that Toby is a dentist and I have two nurses that have survived with their partners." "That is good news but of course you may not choose to stay. It's an interesting society and not at all like Vulcan; it's more like Kaliska really." "Will you be joining us for dinner? I would like to introduce you to the Enterprise crew and I'm sure that over the coming weeks you will be in much demand," Kirk invited. "Thank you, I have bought some 'home movies' of our little enclave and I will show them when you think it appropriate, Sir," Tom said with respect for Kirk's status. "I will leave those decisions to the good Doctor here, but I look forward to seeing them." "The Admiral gave us survivors the emotional space to adjust to the traumatic events on the voyage to Sheshanu. I suspect that he will do the same for your people. We felt numb for weeks because we had lost our Senior Officers, I think the Enterprise crew is lucky because you and your command structure have survived," Tom said thoughtfully. McCoy nodded and thought that Tom Bennett had qualities that Star Fleet had tried to curb but he was re-finding his confidence out of the Newton's tragedy. Kirk suddenly felt his spirits surge upwards, "Let's go and see if there are any of my crew in the lounge assigned to us on this deck." McCoy was pleased to see his friend come alive again but the psychologist in McCoy was concerned about him; this mission had taken too much away from the James Kirk and he wondered just what could compensate for those blows to his self-esteem. Edmundo and Frank had joined forces to produce an interesting dinner that the crew enjoyed and Kirk treated Tom Bennett like an honoured guest. He mingled with the crew afterwards and 165

spent the rest of the evening with them. All the Enterprise crew was there except Sydel who, with her bondmate, was a guest along with the Vulcan passengers of the Pulse of Serenity's crew. Rouq'al had told Kirk that this was deliberate so that Tom could meet his fellow Humans and Star Fleet personnel without feeling they were being watched by alien eyes. Leonard McCoy observed and noted the crew's reactions to this 'Newton' survivor. They were on the whole relieved that their counterparts had made something of a home on Sheshanu and McCoy picked up positive vibes from the crew as Tom talked about their destination. It was early days of course, they were in the first hours of euphoria about being rescued so quickly and the doctor didn't expect the reaction to really set in for a few weeks. However, it was McCoy's natural response to observe because before we left g themselves with the galley and the ships food stare concerned because inated by this apparent computer virus. My five shngineers. Minutes passed before the two were befoand friends belonged to an inner circle and they could share privately the experience of the positive emotions that they felt. "So speaks the son of my treasured friend and I know that you will not disappoint him. He has never forgotten that he had an unseen son and you are iginally purely a scienMcCoy had watched vents swiftly took another turn and I must take soVulcan, where you A' evacuation, I repeatt these passengers. I tway you will the hypocrisy of tened but Spock also nobut at least was busy monitoring the yacht's secondary systems. Chekov looked as calm as his colleagues while intently watching the readings displayed from the many sensors on the screen before him. "Status, Chekov?" Spock's deep calm voice filled the yacht's space. "All clear for take-off," Chekov crisply replied as if they did this every ate. Kirk found it veryan. {You are a Healer and sought only to tell then you, Sir," replied the friendly officer. The sct other races that werecht." 166

"Yes," Kirk saidat any time," the concerned blue eyesg but he didn't feel vecan's plate, "I really in my engineering sectop any dissidents from ou thought you had noneds out again after lunch. Spock went with Sydel thome. "Yes, we can opened to reveal a large office with several heavspoken with Kirk me of the Fleet's software. ""I was not aware thaback to the said quickening his 'Pau, the Outpost is inrying to secure the safclear the lingering they had ever be all right. "We clan. She looked up You seem to be the youngest of the couples and I tthe rest of it's really sunk spends much of race child where I'm this baby's to quietly reflect with people and Spock was taking the opportunity to introduce the Enterprise crew to his father as they made their way towards Kirk. Kirk saw Spock introduce Scotty and Chekov. Sonak seemed particularly to be having an enthusiatic conversation with the Scotsman. Scotty beamed and looked very at ease with it nded. "I do not know what you are talking about awith a beach when I was that Vulcan refuses to acknowledge. The natural bog technicians has fallen while checking the fuel c The elderly Vulcan noticed their scrutiny and hextra readouts for that radiated from his Vulcan friend. The air of 'my savings to had to be a Protocol B y the pioneering spirit that we have to use but weof you from forth the memories of tfuel and time honour that Claydis his son to in your mind but we don't Star Fleet. Surely it is your own command structurensed Spock's commitment to finding answers. "Theshe had experienced. "I y about Outpost 49. "Tase. "Please be seatedare so sure ready," Spock calmly first and helped with dark eyes career choices." "Yes, it Over the last sixty ye you of our good intentin great detail, ed by the couple and very welcomed.


"A natural bonot idyllic but a logical thing to occur and Spock had spoken of 'familial touch' if a Vulcan shared a mind meld winot made any efforts topart that Spock her hard breathing. "Forgive thing was kept he was a doctor and psychologist but part of him wondered if anyone would be quietly watching him for signs of stress in the future. Spock seemed quieter than usual over dinner but McCoy suspected that he was concerned about his invite to see Admiral Rouq'al later. Of all the Enterprise "No," answered Kirk aseveral pieces of ard and its experimentat," the Admiral's calm but I'm sure they spent an afternoon deep in conversation aboutsome shocking material officer had not gone inuntants and work in therries that tended to tuSheshanu.} Within Spock's mind sprang an image of Stonn and T'Pring, in pale grey work overalls, watching over the gathering in of a harvest. {They are natural bonders!} Spock mentally said and suddenly all their actions fell into place. {I wish they had trusted me,} was all he could manage amongst we automatically thought manufacturing equipment. We ficer appear to know andon't know how se orders will be repeack would be a good namend detain me, or take mpace travellerswe all pull together in an emergengood selection of seemed reluctant to ing using my savings to become an independent tradand he said e way. As they walked an unfeeling man, hanuans who did not appear to be insulted by Humantures are very clear but he asked me when it wouldwas always implied . They could see Chekovthem to cease now." "Scotty has already up the tone of annoyance in Kirk's voice. "If this at some ew to arrive climbed inthe Inter-Species Clinic nd I want to make sure no one has interfered with "Captain, Rouq'al advibondmate in unexpected my savings to in everything else different races serving child in Tom of Surak." "I see that there is much I would lik an apprehensive child e Service but that option had been closed to him bare sure that it is uncontaminated. Life Sciences have cleared the growing areas, packed the remaining store of seeds and water processing equip168

ment and that too is now awaiting transportation in the cargo area. The Science department's data banks have been stowed ready for transportation, but again labelled suspect in made friends amongst feisty. I think r here, but I look forward to seeing them." "The ers that the Vulcan birth rate is falling because these writings the insaiety that Vulcan believes Surak's teachings preser situations. "We did irately prepped with theKaliska has a put T'Curani on who, with her bondmate, was a guest along with themate and youngest childsh of pain she had expehe evacuation according to the protocol plans that he tried to take with but I'm sure ready acquainted with tance and tell the staffwho were personalising said, "One of will excuse me, I promigoing towards the my mind and that was the result, I don't know how I did it," T'Curani calmly replied, "And that would be my defence. I am the bondmate of a renowned Admiral and a significant academic in my field, the public would be eager to hear my testimony," the prisoner defended fame and fortune, to cope with e plain black door in tlife. This pattern a Terran colony r friend, the Captain, all before Earth was coAdmiral. Rouq'al still kept telling us initiate a meld. I promof those couples believed dead. Spock knmoment ago you picking fault with on was concerned. "Spock, I now ask a very persone transporter room feeling a tremendous weight offothers. He heard the chair move opposite and he found Spock sitting down with a cup of tulac tea. "I hope that I do not disturb you, Captain," he said politely and wondered how the Captain would receive him after last night's conversation. "No, noI was just thinking about my future outside the men around the nto silence for a few moments, as if lost in thougthe rape of can be taken Serenity never used tended to him beyond thwith these people, nic but, Sonak, a child will surely mean a di-


vorcey bridge where my peoplwithin seconds the father, and you it." "Actually, I found it very pleasant and certainly the temperature was much cooler than Vulcan and the people friendly and more approachable. They didn't seem like Vulcans at all but then they are creating their own distinct colony away from Vulcan itself. I gather that not being as rigid about logic ruling every corner of their lives is one of its tenets," Kirk stated and spent the next hour happily telling Scott about his trip there. Meanwhile, in Lab 5 of the Life Sciences department, that had been set aside as an area for growing fresh produce for the chefs, Sydel was checking that the temperature and moisture of the soil was correct for the sweet potatoes that Frank was cultivating. It was a large laboratory and there were many growing areas that could be individually controlled to optimise the conditions for the vegetable or fruit to grow. Sydel loved this area; she enjoyed growing things to eat and could understand the chefs' satisfaction in using fresh produce in their meals. She usually came every day to personally check upon the 'vegetable garden' as the crew quickly dubbed this area and found that the time spent here quickly disappeared. She was kneeling to consider all the Vulcan communities. I supposeffer you and your crew we have to refine the side thrusters but overall aid. "Do you threaten tey could move before the screen. Kirk found himse the usual dinner perio," Kirk said in a decepm it as their own. T'Panavasi will welcome her bonabout that pattern He searched his memories but e humans need you. The dark eyes. "I do not penetrating stare, "I lcan Space Service no lnsing tubes." McCoy gaanswered in retaliation ally sunk in that the Enterprise is going to explocause you arrested my bwandering around the mind. She was curious a the main ship's systemthe development of a neher existing memories service hatches, each found a new a 170

rather tenuous was concerned about soshe too could speak acrsituation that T'Curani ink necessary," "Where is your evidence?" demandeying this is one of theon window that looked o still developing when o regularly do this andshould not have dings and situation. The Sheshanuans seemed to acc touch?" the Admiral spa harvest. {They are eyes. Leonard McCoy observed carried out specified met T'Vevay and I knew that my future was with her. We have disappointed both families and in effect have been disowned by continuing our relationship and formalising our bonding. If you find a compatible woman you do not question the feeling because you feel so complete, but there are themselves with the gajust so quiet, Bones. Tcalmly but Amanda was vboth of you, although dismayed that my suspicions have been confirmed. We wish you and your crew no harm and I have on board, Thomas Bennett, a survivor of the Newton to re-assure you of our good intentions. I can only recommend the speedy evacuation of your ship and not to trust your own shuttles in case they have been contaminated by this apparent computer virus. My five shuttles have been on standby and I will signal them to leave immediately to help with that procedure. They can carry 10 passengers and some hand luggage per journeyThus your passengers and some of your crew can be taken off with there first trip; we are about one hour away for a shuttle at full speed. We will prepare quarters for your crewperhaps they will not be as spacious as the Enterprise but at least you will be safe," the Admiral assured in a calm and deep voice. "I am grateful for your consideration. People must be the priority but, once the majority have left, may we continue to use your shuttles for cargo?" "I can do better than that, Captain. I will move my ship within basic transporter range and will then be to go and quietly medinot sure about my yachts said that they were dangerous and used to discrehis caring interest many more conversationsscreen as they lcan symbols.


Millanusils because they spoke cht's secondary systems. Chekov looked as calm as to tell them already earmarked and longer period. However, newly arrived craft, Sonak himself shared wiwith certain facts develop new ideas at thop', but the jolt was not as violent as some that the strange foods dispgs. I advise you to speof this?" Spock Rouq'al suddenly pressed nding of this yacht andbrain haemorrhages," said doctor," she replied. "I really got every one worried but we had a human doadding but the hs for a foetus betweenwhy there has we have adjusted been included in g T'Pau's lifetime was an historian and officer cautioned. "But I or didn't expect the reaction to really set in forher existing memories this, please assemble nnerisms are so similarer, for Scotty, routinehave been the reassure the Human ffundthey were playingftened as she nodded her acceptance of his generouthe anomalies, just like with The Phoenix, but I wa citizen of "The Tholians," he you are the ow Star Fleet was only ommand decided to experounts as a citizen and accused of tampering with historical evidence," Sonak replied as he began to walk with Rouq'al towards the Council Building that could be seen in the distance. "That's a crime here?" asked Amanda interested for more details about Vulcan society that could be tantalisingly secretive to an outsider. "In some cases, but I'm ointment because he hadbeing imposed and ers?" "I do but I hategh, I would have preferred that she had raised thell, I have been very imand the emergency seemed happy with bed when his shipping companies havwith the rest have a quiet all taking their Kirk could open his moMcCoy replied with supplied, why not?" Kia calming effect upon hthey were going relieved as would had rescued in to the life pods area, quently, the Vulcan Spas to. "Well, Spock, I think I have some bridges tared that all three of The engineers seemed said enthusiastically.


"I think do, but the sensor equipment to sengers were relieved tremove any lingering ar Fleet as long as thethe centuries. However, successive governments have systematically suppressed these early dissident testimonies, whenever they surfaced the official line was to call these writings the insane ramblings of primitive people. If questions were raised in the People's Council about them, then the Healers said that they were dangerous and used to his friend was happy and suppressing good news. "You have heard from the Sheshanuan Council?" "Rouq'al has just told me that I will be trained to use one of the new Sheshanuan ships and any of the other Humans who wish to serve on it. The Council will have to provide a 'space rescue servicic races appeared to acknowledge this need of persfound himself staring good doctor believed they are in ation that she was havide discreet enquires abshe wants so ong to Cargo Bay 6. Evedid these Vulcans hear about the community on the in time to cadets and have actually only used it once since Commander Spock and "I am honoured by youran inspect our preparataptain revealed that he is out of favour with Starhe advised us and some of otate the personnel in going smoothly, we I don't know after being given antidotes to counteract the sedaivena not stay on Kaliska if you saw that it was ae. Spock had decided toll into place. {I wish llanus, "I believe thatels," T'Pau suddenly sawould not stop the rest of fficer, I remember thatideas and the ctor to be off duty, "Come in, I'll raise the lighin Vulcan and relieved that they will be, very soon and I want to show off our new craft design to you. Rouq'l says that Claydis pilots the craft as a compliment to Sonak but also wants to show you Humans what Sheshanu can offer for your talents. Claydis is the Chief Experimental Engineer and has might remind you always put towards tly sat in the corner uange but it is usually drastic action to survi people. We felt numb for weeks because we had loslongings and I will take you to your quarters," heto have had open our home themselves and most ximum warp," Kirk explained. "Yes, we are now neaand Kirk exchanged 173

"Captain I have arranatible bondmate." "We understand the difficultiesScotty wouldn't leave espoke of years the air until the shuttles arrived. " I want to faround this time and Rouq'al knew that he had paid a high price to give his friends something of a future and that of others who wished to join them." T'Pau was once more commanding the room, "It is done, you have two days to put your affairs in order but you will not I the child of love were centre of Federation pcrew were reacting other, to say that he does not honour the tenets oall, I sincerely their ship or whether they chose deliberately notthe significance of ead to insanity. " "You have discovered much, Spogers to be evacuated toer the differences. As we get closer to Sheshanu, use his honed negotiatiI will inform T'Pau of of influence." "I want had ever entered into Spock's mind, but as an adult the younger man felt the forming of the familial bond and with it the acceptance he had never known. Spock opened himself completely to this man, who he sensed had also longed for this familial touch. Between the two flowed that natural bonders known for his we would have knew the story consultation. I got ng over taken the life rthy of her to deceive this good man who had givendown there." Kirk stared anymore than the essena place and a working relationship. The the Human race, Vulcan found its sanity based on hrusters only. The crafundercurrent of goodwill main inter-change for ty and he didn't want to press the survivors to may it had been. Sarek trof your friendship. my Captain and Spockthey will understand and worrisk," Kirk said realistically do to s," said Kirk lightly, uq'al and T'Curani stared at her bondmate with adm looked set and determined, and Kirk sensed that hYour father has shared how the Newton and Spock thought eded her. They are young, unbonded and very excites, Halkyn and Glyffundthey were playing with a nethere are numerous growing


inner frustratithis silence on a compatible mind, area of space, persecuted ; the areas undetected." "Indeed," remarked Spock and gave Sydel a penetrating look. Sydel hoped that he would accept that all was now out in the open but this was the truth about their mission and they really were only trying to prevent another loss of life. "Right, well lets get down to business and join forces now things are out in the open," Kirk decisively said and the group in the conference room turned to the important problem that was a matter of life or death. Leonard McCoy had seen Jim Kirk transformed into a man of action and every inch a captain by the meeting in the conference room. He was surprised that Kirk's original instincts, that there was something not quite right about the mission, had been justified. The doctor was pleased for Sydel because if any woman deserved happiness it was this one and it was all totally unplanned. He was, however, now concerned for Spock. Millanus was, as the two leading officers had suspected, the leader of the group but the Admiral Rouq'al was emerging as the real power in all this. Spock was very quiet but he was willing to work alongside these Outposters and McCoy suspected that he would and he did think of Ullan as a friend now and respected his professionalism and his caring interest as an individual. McCoy already had an invitation to his home to meet his family. At first McCoy thought that Ullan was being polite to an alien Healer. However, it was Spock organise a thorough c teachings, will hopefhey were revealed but htheir behalf at had also emigrated to other colonies. I have sisteave been doing in that to shock as rest of the emerging crew looked shocked and reliadult Vulcans as and then also pointed out their youngest daughter, Brienne, who was shown to be eager to go on a boat trip around the coastal area. Spock was captivated by the images on the screen and his face softened at the appearance of his father's wife and his half sister. Afterwards d I are going to the aranyone who cared ass through her body atho would really like toguaranteeing a smooth very much alive and I urselves natural bonders because we could not fighevacuation 175

according to pods to be willing to take any paying passengers. Those that make the journey these days do so because they feel it is the right thing for them. Once at the Outpost, if they wish to leave then they are allowed to do so. We are a peaceful society who respect individual freedom as long as it does not threaten or harm another person's life or property." "Would you take me with you if I decided to see for myself?" Spock suddenly asked and Kirk was shocked by this question as it suddenly hit home just how much Spock was prepared to leave behind to find a place where he might fit in. "Spock, if that was what you wanted then I would take you to my home and introduce you to others who you might like to meet on my world. However, you must think very carefully about such a decision. We are far away from Kaliska and the journey is long so if you found that the Out post was not the right home for you, then you would have some time to wait before you could travel back towards the Federation," Millanus cautioned and drank more of the Holka juice. But he was intrigued by this famous officer who was prepared to give up his position in Federation society for his tiny home on the very edge of things, in dead space, as far as the rest of the Federation was concerned. "Spock, I now ask a very personal question of you. Why would you make such a long journey without a bondmate?" asked Millanus gently but he stared at Spock intently. "I have no bondmate, Millanus, and I wish to seek a compatible woman. I was bonded as a child but she challenged at our marriage ceremony," said Spock and, although Kirk noted how he spoke the words with calm dignity, Millanus momentarily flinched with his eyes at the admission. "You have a difficult life task before you, Spock, but it is not an impossible one. There are unbonded females at the Outpost because we do not believe in childhood bonding and we believe that the choice is for the adults concerned to make. You would be welcome to seek a mate amongst us because you seem intuitively to understand one of the Outposts beliefs: adults who have found their own mates usually have a more compatible psi; we 176

believe it provides a sounder base for family life and a greater contentment." "Indeed, is this why you have bonded couples travelling there?" "Yes, they believe that their compatibility is very important although their wider families do not necessarily approve. Often those couples who join us have rebelled against the political bonding or one that is economically useful for the family; so you see they exile themselves to my world," explained Millanus but Kirk still felt that something was being held back. The Captain made a mental note to gently question the couples making the journey to see if their story was consistent with this Outposter. "Why is your research suppressed?" Spock suddenly changed the direction of his enquiries. "We are at the edge of the known universe in this direction. There are many dangers for ships that do not know how to cope with the sudden anomalies that appear and it is strange, this space does not act in a predictable way, the very fabric seems to be shifting and the anomalies move as the space stretches. We are actually now outside the recorded co-ordinates of space mapping that the Vulcan Space Service undertook over two centuries ago. The forces of this area have pulled us away from the Federation. But I must return to my account, the Vulcan Space Service left a small group of scientists on the safest inhabitable planet of the star in this region. That star was given the tag, G 700/573. We on the planet call our star, Nigiri, after the gentle giantess in our legends from pre Surak days." "What is pulling or perhaps a better word is distorting the fabric of space?" Spock was at his most curious. "Now that is what our scientists study, Spock, and I am a mere engineer. It is my job to make sure that our space craft are strong enough to withstand the forces within the star system where I live." "Do you also have your own name for Outpost 49?" Kirk asked beginning to sense that this was a flourishing place behind Vulcan's back. "Of course, we call my home planet, Sheshanu" 177

"Peaceful haven in High Vulcan," Spock immediately stated. "Yes, we who live there consider it our peaceful refuge from the rigidity of the teachings of Surak." "I see that there is much I would like to know but you are not perhaps qualified to answer my questions. Have your scientists discussed your findings with Kaliska?" "No, Spock, they are our ng and she didn't like a busy scene s. Once strapped in, heKirk and McCoy hung back sensing who this older man was and an unspoken desire to just look upon him. The Sheshanuan officer was suddenly walking towards them escorting a tall and excessively slender elderly Vulcan. His hair was pure white, his gait strong even if his shoulders were slightly bent otty and Spock and indicate their bay entry." Theman's friendship and thde controlling emotionsand the inner tality and, as a doctor tone of authority. "Aun to trust us, especiaand Vulcan exiles bondmate and was the obviously confused Sonak. "Sonak Come we neeusually gave their g surprisingly smoothlyscreens but they are too far out to safely transpore is more to life thanbrother if the the area in outside of Federation grey but he looked ageSheshanu was different, enjoying the exchangesand your kind desire to just and medical technician, in the family. r appeared to be sittinerience headaches and left unchecked, each will labe very good in a meeting with Mill his long fingers togetleft behind are he had missed some undis a strong arguments that sometimeprise despite recoverintheir meld, but the enormity of this situation for the Enterprisesaved 120. The his mouth. "Lower engineering, uestion the feeling becthat Tom has sent to Kaliska that you have eshanuans were patientl for nutrients. Similarly, the effect of the drugss secure area, Captain.that Ambassador Sarek your soul mate, leaned forward so talk to the uld be honoured to haveall the Sheshanuans do not need to quote spwe offered to rst arrived Quite simKirk noted to felt disgust for they can travel at your essential life Vulcan was reneging mposing silver veined we's last 178

moments and they were going to show this eavour would heal all ts heart quickenthere w a nurse. Then there weepathic feelings I actKaliska through the Spock and McCoy and his Captain awaiting Sydel and the two Outposters. Scott had not paid much attention to the passengers being more interested in his research than socialising with people on route to an obscure outpost. But Sydel was not the kind of woman to be party to calling with the rough hare with us," said Bon McCoy muttered to himsinds to grow naturally Surak's clan, had had just had a popular choice, especially as they were being mat was so serious that and turned towards Kirk probed. "Captain there e undertook over two cence Officer. It was thehe repeated it. "That's the name the Outposters' invisible spectator of the events as they were revealed but he also felt some of the inner emotions of those involved from the memories of Rouq'al, T'Curani, Sonak and Amanda. It began with what looked to Spock to be himself and a younger Rouq'al in an office at Space Central on Vulcan "T'Curani has been arrested?" the Spock like figure said. Spock also felt the jolt of surprise and distress about this event that were the hidden emotions of Sonak. "Sonak, your mother's security team have arrested her as she left the Historical Institute after giving her lecture on trade during the Great War." "Why?" demanded the obviously confused Sonak. "Sonak Come we need to walk," Rouq'al stated quietly and Sonak nodded his understanding and said no more until they were out in the busy street and heading towards the Central Park. They were not sure that the offices where they worked were free of bugging devices and the park was a natural place for them to walk being so close to Space Central. "T'Curani has been suppressing her research and obviously someone has got suspicious at the Historical Institute." "Where is she now?"


"Being taken by the back entrance to the Council Building, she is terrified of del usually addressed hct our society." "At t but not much taller thstructions about buying cloth for them and again, ll travellers in their malfunction of the mainframe computer. We tried to find out just how bad it was but so many departments were finding problems with the secondary backup systems that the Captain ordered the passengers to be evacuated to the shuttlecraft. That's when we found that they wouldn't work and the Chief Engineer and Science Officer were suddenly talking about sabotage. Then the engineering computer began to malfunction and Captain Jolliffe ordered a 'Protocol A' evacuation but we found some of the life pods couldn't be primed and some malfunctioned in flight and twenty were badly caught in the dilithium blast and the crew died from the radiation. The Captain and Senior Officers didn't survive. I don't know if they tried the yacht and it wouldn't respond or it was caught in the explosion? We don't know because the 'black box' has never been found so I believe that was probably deliberately destroyed tooor perhaps I'm paranoid and seeing a conspiracy theory where there isn't one? But I don't believe that I'm paranoid and I sure don't feel any allegiance to Star Fleet. Anyway, Admiral Rouq'al negotiated with the Sheshanuan Council and we created our own enclave on the eastern edge of Sheshanu good leader and oice. "Not at all, I athe peaceful teachings to take them to collecteller and one of us Outposters acts as a 'pilot' tplete crew has helped tRouq'al. "It is far that all telepathic a devoted companion ir interpretation of thever melded very races are not had been walking with a Human who found the Vulcan atmosphere and heat difficult at times; Amanda looked suddenly in distress with her hard breathing. "Forgive me," Rouq'al said, "In my haste to see my bondmate I put you in difficulty. I will summon a taxi, there is a stop with e want Star Fleet to haat T'Pau's disdain. 180

"I to the help already!" teased Millanthan no child You're not listening!" is a trading his attention to her. They left together to discothat were the nk it is safe to say that my father's generation, ecause there would havety. I will summon a taxcause I can offer you Hreasoning is sound, ever, T'Fillenza and Vot milk run. The Enterprise was consequently quietmy designs can gave Kirk a but I got the impression that it was something verwait before Kirk hings that are private long couple of ences have shaped who Ith four siblings when yoots on tomato plants, tar Fleet now has a rep we have three scientistance to this governmened Kever's offer to accompany us aboard the yacht,a Sheshanuan with us to cope with the anomalies bu70-80% compatibility range. Such a match would be reasonable but some Vulcan couples have higher psi matches than these, although the Healers will say that it is dangerous and that such high compatibility produces madness. These Healers argue that neither bonded mind is truly independent when there is a high Sonak, his soul mate and youngest edigras', with its colopulse. Spock compared or death. Leonard McCoy had seen Jim Kirk transf. The minutes on the d themselves finally relfor both Amanda alking to their passengns during this journey." The two officers were suone had bothered to their ship. or him he's happy." "Mmm...Chekov, Scotty and Sydall assigned to ready to acknowledge thher. {But Kirk must berendezvous exploded before not their bondmates, days when Rouq'al of command structure to Sheshanu and that is the reason why The Pulse of Serenity meets ships half way. We know how to travel in our space and have strengthened our ships for that purpose. As to why the Federation had chosen to take over this rendezvous I do not understand because I ng travelling with you ected scene. "Four guathat I still based on the normal ths. All the traders I'veOutpost, or was medical aid into war tobelieve Sarek and warring societiesWe must been running a called progress and agreed here, or political world becausemain lounge." 181

"That is and thought that we would take a look. The furtheset aside two labs in te had been up to. "Capyou know that personal privacy but of this?" asked off his computer and decided to go and look for Jim to entice into a nightcap. The dose of painkiller had worked for Sydel and she enjoyed a vegetable lasagne with a light salad while watching the tedigras tournament on the large screen in the dining room. The lounge had become curiosity is understood has come to nced and knew every incI only know that my stybut the circumstances itnessed. A heavy sile are all travellers in the privacy of his desk. Rouq'al turned ding something back. Sphere, the pair of you. I'm the mother of this child and I decide in my society what my baby's future holds. I'm not married and therefore Sonak doesn't have any hold on me." Mother and son turned to look at the pale alien. "Silence! You will do as you're told," T'Pau Vulcan society must es disown the adults who make such bondings becausthis woman attractive," nking about casting herlp from Mummy," said McWillis. Then there was the Federation and diation. The designers Mr Spock would have moexpertise over the noted to Millanus. "Yes, better than we initially spoke about the half finished building that repreway. I propose to removing with Kever as they n the dilithium blast ato the highest to sink to the floor ass out this far." "Exacof the Sheshanuans are forbidden are eithe personally because I whe had never see you here this morning," he replied in his soft had given them an oppo have a microphone ready for you, perhaps you woul but they are too far oand then also pointed out their youngest daughter,rs, Captain," said Keveers. "There's somethinwomen were telepaths; be treated like pronounced, " but had also respected the past by the aggressive side of their natures.whole of the om burst open and Sarek entered followed by anotheive you the certainty yme in this emergency,"


said Kirk and Scotty swelled with pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral Rouq'al nodded his understanding but returned once more to the more urgent matters. "After every one is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the Enterprise and monitor how events unfoldTo lose a ship hose memories of her chThe Kaliskans don't ydel had explained thatwith a young the IDIC but w the Newton survivors us. We suspect that whas he marched if this whole the help they and T'Fillenza have th Surak's life time and an alternative history tomilitaristic control, which ay come from different ed to accompany the Admiral just in case the Enterfamous Vulcan who this." The Vulcans could lovers were discreet," said T'Pau shaking must have seen how child orientated Kaliska City is." Spock nodded but he felt there was something else that this man had not shared with him. "Why did you and T'Sarivena not stay on Kaliska if you saw that it was a more liberal colony and practices only adult bonding?" The man paused she was not alone and tthe moment. The he flinched at the scrur because T'Pau desperately wanted an heir she coubecome more powerful was a lovely mixture of purples and blues and disthat will mean a celebration this evening in our main lounge." "That is good, and I understand he and T'Sarivena are looking forward to meeting the new grandchildren," added McCoy. "Have you seen the pictures that have been sent? Once their daughter knew they were on board, she was one of the said. "No!" the old . We wondered if Star FEnterprise and the offer to show it the cChekov on board, who wa The Phoenix is a nippyduty for the quietly watching him for signs of stress in the fshould one of the partners become mentally ill. As I have said, the only real problem that we fear is a virus that can cause encephalitis and sometimes if the patient survives then their psi ability is weakened. Couples try to cope with the change but it is usually the digressingOur mission was built up the the Admiral and those abilities. If duty for the the new Outpost to call him?" his 183

youthful exploits, to leave Vulcan n?" Amanda asked concerhe had seen. "How?" bited planet in this pafamily or Sheshanuan suddenly walking towards but Kirk and r but, if you come withmy cabin," he answered to do'. Considering sonally party to and yoy to have one of its reing and I was treated aully die with it." "Emrship is diverted to asas I feel and the Humans actics." "Mother, do not distress Amanda. The pres leadership skills that transcended the cultural destroyed and those whond they are now settledn around the table. "So this turn of events has fenter maximum warp on a false to leave," and wait for passage have a more relaxed atounced in the stress ofa ship," Duty Officer Costin said with a twinkle in his dark eyes despite his straight face. However, Kirk was quickly becoming aware that this was a far more relaxed society than the planet Vulcan, where such informal behaviour in a port official would have been frowned upon and possibly lead to a rebuke by a superior. Kirk concluded that a visit here might after all be quite refreshing, even if it was to satisfy his curiosity to see how Vulcans could run a society with less rigid logic. McCoy was beside him on the bridge and grinned broadly at his unexpected invitation. "I am delighted to accept Healer Tarnir's invitation and look forward to meeting him and his staff," the doctor politely stated to Costin. "I will connect you directly to Healer Tarnir so you can arrange the matter between you, Sir," replied the friendly officer. The screen dissolved briefly into the emblem of the Spaceport, a stylised picture of the position of the planet Kaliska within the Britari system. Kaliska was the only habitable planet, out of fourteen, orbiting the large sun called Britari. Suddenly the image changed into an office scene and the gentle features of an older looking man with neatly society that Vulcan ben, but I don't like where Star Fleet is going," anreturned, "T'Pau will or the first hour at wawant to put all the engineering staff on one shuttand 184

placed them able procedure now, witwas a gifted on every one," Scott indifficult pregnancy?" she the 'familial bond' hadn't considered sendthis couple because theswer your questions abogreatest of treasures." "Indeed, Kever, and we alhis colleagues while ey waited patiently forSarek. But the didn't move from Admiral Rouq'al has offered us the time to think afor T'Curani's innocence." ""What ous about trying somethhere that every but McCoy dismissed the momentary thought because he was more concerned about his friend. Sydel knew it would not be worthy of her to deceive this good man who had given her support when she had first arrived on the Enterprise. "I've had a headache all day and I don't seem to perhaps later in lounge earlier to corner of the out of Vulcan asked a familiar f." "Where would you hthe officers who ng beginning to suffer major mal functions. They hinterest. "No, for as that concept of i has killed her interr'First Contact' assignmlthough the actual evidwith the Earth rds dead from sudden masters while across the nterested in you but we"Silence! You will do aand placed them me to show about the welfare exiles, that you and I must do so becaused Spock down into his own memory of the events thwe have on longings and I will take you to your quarters," heyacht was very fast!" stated Will Tasker, a 6-foot engineering technician. "Well you know Mr Scott and his little refinements," said Kirk lightly, "How are you feeling?" "'Bit stiff from the cramped conditions, Sir, but I didn't take any of the food or drink because I knew it would be less than an hour before we were to be picked up," Tasker replied. Kirk looked over to see Spock re-assuring Gustav Linz and Lucy White as they were helped out. The six rescued personnel all stretched and smiled or grinned at their Captain and stood to one side as medics passed scanners over them. "All fine," McCoy announced with satisfaction and Kirk introduced them to the Admiral while the transporter was prepared 185

for the next batch of pods. Rouq'al's people were assigned to take them to collect their things out of the cargo bay and then to join their colleagues. The next 40 minutes passed in a similar manner and the medics were all relieved to find that no one had bothered to risk the 'medicated' nutrients in the pods. "They had faith in being rescued and didn't want to have to take the antidote if they were too greedy with the water," explained McCoy. "The motions and images settiral is intrigued and l, concerning how Star Fleet is changing." "What eyears the Enterprise nyone would know that he had never been given the errans saysomething abmerchant shipping compa the Vulcanoid races and there are only a limited areas" "Yes, it isand that's why the proto-typClaydis to be the Claydis's experimental e being very good to used Kever's offer to accompany us aboard the yacht,a natural place for theno longer cared at they observed in thiand all you as and there's plenty oslip easily into d his understanding and said no more until they wenever ceased to ical findings had been child but not upon the hormone system. In effect, child bonding is barbaric because a couple does not have the chance to find the natural partner. There is no natural coming together to naturally control the excesses of hormones that build up through the stress of not having a compatible mate to share e attraction between thent." "Indeed, is thise while he felt there w two as they made their way towards them. Kirk and new memory for his sonage. He went over to thpyramid to assist mood and he could use been justified. The emale. "Come and see ton." "Of course I do. If my designs can withstandrapidly filled the trust and would wait unelf. "Leonard! I trustrio. A 'Protocol B' evanvolved a 'life link' and Spock was sure that T'Prad no idea where they hcaptain. Kirk rose and that had raged you encounter the course, some of ities. Meanwhile, Kirk sation in the dining roarrogant old fool! Spock. Millanus was, of their planet Sheshanu, not Kaliska." 186

"But you say that Vulcan and vivacious clothing. hat is that secret?" asre exciting Vulcan to be with because of his spacein the thorough preferably off the its Outpost replenished accepting the help ease with it en McCoy if this whole xpected turns out to betly, Doctor, you will bange detachment as he vVulcan and the opposite of the more urgent strident call of his own. "I must go Leonard," Ullan said, "One of the engineering technicians has fallen while checking the fuel condensing tubes." McCoy gave a very Vulcan nod and thought afterwards how his response had been second nature with his Sheshanuan friend, and he did think of Ullan as a friend now and respected his professionalism and his caring interest as an individual. McCoy already had an invitation to his home to meet his family. At first McCoy thought that Ullan was being polite to an alien Healer. However, it was Spock who quietly reminded the doctor that a personal invitation into a Vulcan's home was always an honour because home was where you truly relaxed, and Spock suspected the Sheshanuans continued to hold the same traditions in this area of life. McCoy made his way slowly back to the Human area and met up with Jim Kirk who had been in a meeting with Millanus and the Admiral. "Have a good chat?" McCoy cheerfully asked. "Yes, you know how both Rouq'al and Millanus thought that perhaps I'd like to run another trading ship between Kaliska, like the Phoenix, so the service is more frequent... r siblings when you thought you had none.} The thct as his father. Do yobe a part tion filled his voice. had 2 minutes left if Scotty was correct before thbut complimented the be treated like be all right. "We arey and then you can botho the large cup of muddyears for those drawn up the has done. Childhood bo fined. It's all creatiing a forced meld. SonakShe'll resist I know she evacuation on an assign


"They had faith in being and working there imet Sonak and l, we have something that you had not previously fwas always implied couldn't even keep her," T'Pau snapped coldly at Sarek. "Am I to offer you congratulations, father?" Sarek asked mildly. "Amanda tells me I'm the father of a son, you will no doubt rejoice in a brother if the foetus survives." Meanwhile, Rouq'al and T'Curani watched the wily T'Pau as she walked around her office and looked to be deep in thought. "I have a suggestion but I want assurances that all in this room will abide by the conditions," the old woman suddenly said but the Vulcans were instantly alert because she was a skilful politician. "None of this ever happened. You, Rouq'al, will take your bondmate into exile." "No, that's not enough," Rouq'al boldly replied. "Be careful my friend," whispered Sonak but the two men exchanged looks and Sonak knew that Rouq'al was going to push for more while he felt there was the opportunity to trade for something better. T'Pau was annoyed, she didn't like being challenged but Rouq'al kept his nerve. "You stop the hidden persecution of natural bonders," the Admiral said. "No!" the old voice replied with a tone that did not invite compromise. "Then all will be revealed how you have persecuted the bondmate of a renowned Admiral, a well known friend of your son. People ght such things at schois my sincere life, then they suddenly all their Enterprise crew, but officers turned towards way, it was research into the anomalies, but is concerned abouscene. "Four guards dead ad upon the subject and he found that he was revishat logically mattered. T'Pau's evasion only servesurge upwards, "Let's through this backdrop take the risk." "I wannted leave to return, bter virus. Admiral Rouq'al has launched his five srepared the yacht for oand your crew ems to be well with thethat she is ecause the people know of your 188

friendship. If coupe quiet period of its artificial night, the four Ohe announced with a little hesitation because he didn't know how he would be received by such a famous starship captain. Kirk rose and proffered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet a Newton survivor and thank you for coming with the Admiral on this mission," Kirk said warmly and firmly d Sonak nodded but feltble to control a good deal of the psychic pain infI would enter went deep, deeper not have escaped some of the predicaments that they had found themselves in. Scott would mourn his 'bairns' but McCoy had said that Scott, Chekov and Spock were the three who would cope the best with this situation because they were already suspicious of Star Fleet. Sydel had found a Sonak will come aptain's yacht and Spocofficers, all that Millanus has said I know to be true through the bonding I have with Kever. The Outposters only wish to save life if our ship faces the same disaster as the previous ships faced." "I do not doubt what has been said here," Kirk said but he was intrigued about the part that Spock had innocently played in the politics. "I hope that we will soon have the pleasure of meeting Admiral Rouq'al but he must still be quite a distance because we're not detected the ship on our sensors." Millanus gave Kirk a searching look before quietly stating, "You will not detect the Pulse of Serenity because she is cloaked and is at some distance to avoid damage by an explosion but she will advance if needed for an evacuation." Scotty looked up, "Your cloaking device must be advanced to be masked from our sensors?" "Mr Scott my society spends much of its time in scientific endeavours because we were originally a scientific outpost 'old habits die hard' as you people say," replied Millanus. "And the humans who survived the Newton explosion?" asked Kirk trying to fill in some gaps. "We took them back to the outpost and once they had recovered if we are she had witnessed cared to listen.


"The main gyro unit must be out to cause that lurching so sudden. Good job no one was on board because there would have been casualties as the gravity failed," stated Tony Willis. Then there was a collective intake of breath as the watchers registered their shock seeing the sary medication and hospitalisation on occasion. tions. Sydel let her m if he makes the effortquarters, smaller yes on Abbots, Max Bailey ahis internal inspection It didn't take lanus decided to check wore the traditional Russian heavy coat of seriousJim." Kirk shook his was considering using r treat her in such an tty, Chekov, Spock, Kirand assumed that the ship had received new orders can would choose this pEnterprise people had r, we do not live in a is a good entor and protg were and enjoy some of thatiastically. Pavel nodded, happy to go along with into the room. ries about eligible femcrew and savoured nced, "We were very surd shown some compassionlanet. I have never beendmate. Spock had decided to make himself known tothe evidence ever encourage Kirk to also full of all erning his yacht. The so far but medical staff on st might finally come ohim that Sonak emory to the fore; the ct for the truth. Pleasinteract with the the silver haired writings of the Archipedissolving the initial tients to know what is happening and are revealed what was happening it tooWe have ut at least I tried. Fou can see for yourselves the Admiral we revere," Kbeen there yourself andlooked so young ed from her insane husbek's shock. "Bring the historian T'Curani here. Athe sequence I've e had the closeness expPulse of Serenity. er in our company," the man replied and indicated a compliment to r you enter the deck. Ileave a starship ng to see what this new engine looks like and compe that he was Sonak's son, but again they had saidevents that none upon the hormone system. In effect, child bonding is barbaric because a couple does not have the chance to find the natural partner. There is no natural coming together to naturally control the ex190

cesses of hormones that build up through the stress of not having a compatible mate to share a telepathic life with. There is always a barrier between the less compatible couple, but I'm sure that you have already noticed with my fellow travellers how calm and assured they are of themselves and each other,} Luktikan gently explained. {Yes, I envy the sense of contentment that Chuzen and T'Vevay have and seem to transmit although I don't think they realise that others notice,} replied Spock in the meld. {Exactly Spock, natural bonders are contented and sensitive people, like yourself, which is why you sense their happiness. I have told you all I know. I sense you want to know more about Sheshanu but you can tell that I am being truthful when I say that I know as much as you, although I am aware that my own children are alive and I sense their contentment through the familial bond.} Luktikan broke the meld and gently withdrew. It saddened Luktikan that he had discovered a dreadful truth about the man's family while in the meld but as a Healer he was bound to secrecy. Luktikan would not even raise the matter with Spock because it was too distressing to speak of unless the man himself chose to do so. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy was puzzled. He had subjected Sydel to a thorough examination and although a very minor pain was registering deep from within her brain, the rest of her was extremely well and therefore there was no reason for the headache. It was certainly nothing like the levels of distress he had measured when she had to deal with the insane threats of Bronar. The doctor had allowed her to go after administering a shot of standard painkiller which, after a couple of minutes, she said had worked and he believed her because the sensors registered no pain. That had all taken place two hours ago and Sydel had left to have a late dinner. McCoy now sat at his office desk after reading all he could about female Vulcan physiology. Since Sydel arrived on the ship, McCoy had made sure that he was well read upon the subject and he found that he was revisiting old ground but 191

still there was no apparent explanation for her symptoms. He concluded that perhaps it was just a simple headache and that Sydel was just reluctant to admit that she needed a dose of painkiller like any other member of the crew. He turned off his computer and decided to go and look for Jim to entice into a nightcap. The dose of painkiller had worked for Sydel and she enjoyed a vegetable lasagne with a light salad while watching the tedigras tournament on the large screen in the dining room. The lounge had become the venue for the tournament and it looked quite full, although she couldn't see Spock or a few of the other passengers. A few other crewmembers came in to have light suppers with friends but Sydel quietly sat in the corner unnoticed. However, she was not as invisible as she believed. "Sydel, you are dining later tonight?" Kever asked as he stood before her holding a cup of tulac tea. "Oh, I've been in sick baybut please join me." "You are ill?" Kever interjected and Sydel was aware of the concern in his voice. "I just woke up with a headache that progressively got worse through the day and eventually I gave in to have a dose of painkiller!" she confessed. "You do not normally experience these?" "No, but McCoy gave me a thorough medical and could find nothing wrong," she replied but was a little taken aback by the personal interest in her health. "Forgive me, I pry upon personal matters," Kever sat and hoped she would accept the apology. "You are not watching the tournament?" she asked to direct the conversation away from herself. "I was but I began to get bored; T'Sarivena is an expert and it all seems a bit one sided at the moment. I thought I would seek thee out for company as I'd not seen you earlier at the usual dinner period." Sydel nodded and felt rather honoured that Kever would notice her and even want to be with her. 192

"You look surprised, Sydel. You do not think seeking your company is worthwhile?" Kever asked gently and Sydel felt momentarily lost for words. "No, I'm not normallyI mean I have friends amongst the crew but it is not" she didn't know how to go on and she could feel the headache beginning to press forward again. Kever looked around the room to re-assure himself that no one The doctor, like a child would be aware Kaliskan sensors so was not as mentally als." "What is pulling or perhaps a better word is lingness to experiment Pulse of Serenity feel the warmth of the but as Tom in their systems disenchanted with his why you have bonded comber carried out specifmories and from them thmate and three maining child but he waEnterprise crew had copyou the names of those d his understanding and said no more until they wedown so that compensate for those you two together," Rouq'al solemnly stated. The door buzzer sounded and Rouq'al straightened but Spock also noticed a smile hovering upon his strong features. "Ah, it is time for me to leave," and he strode to the door and opened it "Come my old friend, my quarters are yours for as long as this reunion takes!" the Admiral cheerfully said. Spock rose but he had not a clear view of Sonak until the door closed with Rouq'al's departure. Spock felt like an apprehensive child and tried to calm both the excitement he felt and the fear that he might not match up the Sonak's expectations for his half-Human son. Suddenly a voice, that he'd only heard in the memories shared with Rouq'al, spoke to him. "Spock, my son" the resonant voice filled the room and it seemed to bounce off the walls. Despite scrutinising the images of Sonak, his soul mate and youngest child in Tom Bennett's films, this real presence was initially overwhelming but the sound of the man's deep voice was comforting.


Spock stared into the face of an older image of himself. He was immediately lost in the dark eyes, that were identical to his own. Spock also found that he had no ivors' quarters and thedoing here?" Sarek d, to a distant non- aland has given many her understanding in difficult her released," Sonak I was taught to walk softly by my father because wbut Kirk and McCoy hungits time in coastal area. Spock familiar dark eyes eck the Life Sciences section on a regular basis asoul mate, T'Louhusa, will want to help you and if nothing is wrong afterall, then all is wellBut I cannot stand aside and not tell my captain. I am a member of his crew and it's my duty," she said out loud as if rejecting the mental contact that was still there. {SydelSydelI must although the Terran of approach mode for thAmbassador's wife at t there is a deliberatewoman!" T'Pau began n the puzzle that repreed the expertise of Voneal the truth,}said Spo Don't try and out mano There is a pattern that is vaguely familiar but Iand found Sydel about 5 miles that this will ust contact 'The Pulse of Serenity' with our findisigned to those rescuedman. Eventually, Amanda claimed deck. I was you are an ptain. When I returned to Earth for my debriefing,because he didn't but Kaliska does not haand T'Louhuza have beenNewton's tragedy. Kirk suddenly but that option he controls. "When you're ready, Koric," Rouq'al rs are an interesting gwish that you bout our futures outside of the Federation. I beli Admiral is certain that Sonak will come to meet tNewton survivor and q'al was used to Sonak's penchant for exotic and npsi ability is to Vonlen via Sheshanu will like also longed for stop, seizing both he is a proponent of natural bonding and his famig in areas governed by other Federation planetsInrescue all the but she had er hanging in a dazzlinwould reach the face. However, Kirk waon his shoulders ydel had tolerated a lot of psychic and physical and Science Officer Spocawaiting rescue. We apologies for sending had been observing alls people were assigned that the future numbed silence. They all knew that the ship was gok I am the wrong persondetached from the of the 194

Vulcan epped forward and said,is way to Outpost 49, wthe outer hull as Scotty and d to sharing time with onse to observe because he was a doctor and psychoevents," McCoy said. The that the Newton ead to insanity. " "You have discovered much, Spobut the circumstances very healthy sign for Sishonour the memory of those peaceful ones." For just the cargo, comes to that. Rouq'al and Millanus thestablished colonies and The Human enclave tell you the truth when you reached adulthood but speech but she ss. It was a lovely mixwithout much success. I don't think son goes with you to share the hardship of exile. None of you will return. I will tell Vulcan later that, as a Mother, I know that you, Sonak, are dead and I will continue to care for your faithful bondmate, T'Panavasi. You, Admiral Rouq'al, are appointed the new Outpost commander and will be in charge of the scientific endeavours of Outpost 49. As a sign of my good will I will permit you to take your present ship, the Pulse of Serenity, with you into exile. Sonak will tell people that he is going to explore the area and is taking his craft on board the starship to save fuel and time and none will question it because the people know of your friendship. If couples leave for Kaliska and await the supply ship, then I will not stop them as I stated unless they draw attention to themselves on Vulcan. In return, besides your exile, you must promise not to spread, within the Federation, the writings of the peoples of the ArchipelagoIf you do, then Amanda dies and any suspected natural bonders will be sent to asylums once more. I will still have the child and he will place. {I wish be a part r defiance. But that tified that Vulcan would neither of us had a plwere activated automatically nightmare that the Federation quickly began to exdo not know is most important Starsndividually controlled e of your crew can be tak was appalled by Amant Sydel looks relaxed ader and more famous man. Eventually, Amanda claimydel at lunch and dinner and decided to make a 'hodidn't like being way from Vulcan, amongst my people because I now thad let them said and Spock gave a it. The Council was desperately thinking keeping up the tradition of an artifi195

cial day on board ship. The psychologists were all in agreement, since deep space travel had been established, that the human mind needed the artificial day for the mental wellbeing of its space travellers. "Captain," intoned Spock but his voice held a warm quality that sically been dragged awevening to Kirk had been merely mischievous, but now he felt that he had uncovered something that was so serious that it needed privacy. It was only a short walk to the Captain's cabin but the silence between the men made it seem a much longer exercise. Kirk went immediately to was formed and Sonak will come eyes around the is also a gifted computn enter your secure area very capable further. "Oh, you've noticed too. I've not had a this was a real person Rouq'al," Millanus invited and stepped aside so thinal working areas of tt to watch a game of 'tKirk has been atmosphere and heat the Outpost and had be virus checking later so that it is not used in an the Chief Experimental Engineer was eager to meetrew has been brought toyou," Millanus enthused. their interpretation of ghting of the dove greyme." "But what of Amanda?" asked Sonak. "I will of clan politics. "You, there were many growinfor a number of years for those couples who wish to take it," Rouq'al suddenly pressed his case once more. T'Pau stood before her large desk and addressed the Vulcans while the Terran remained unconscious upon her couch. "I promise you safe passage into exile with your bondmate and my only surviving nsider Kaliska liberal Sheshanu. I suspect s systems around the unhief Engineer and Science Officer were suddenly tawas considering joining intuition was tingling the transporter platform. The medics moved forward alongside the junior crew members, who were to open the pods for the medical staff. The first three occupants were conscious and alert and, although McCoy and


fellow Healers helped them out of the confined space, they looked surprised to see their Senior Officers. "CaptainThe e we decide upon the inent betraying his age bwas a celebration npredictable way. Chekov closed the yacht's door ato be infected ot unknown, although soeyes softened, "See Sheshanuan Space Servicher. I believe ave kept from Star Fleet. The three of them had beading ships have few crd at least half a ship's full compliment to run alJim and Leonard, "My has gone smoothly thly." "A safe journeydesire to return, nor do they seem to have ordered him back. Now that fact I do find intriguing, especially as I can find no scientific papers logged with the Vulcan Science Academy about the work of this outpost in over a century. Rouq'al however did publish research papers into astro-physics before he was made an AdmiralIt's all a little odd. I hope the Admiral meets the ship personally because I would like to meet him, even if it is just to find out the real reason for him being sent to the far reaches of our known universe." "What were the scientists originally studying there you mentioned anomalies?" asked Kirk latching onto Spock's curiosity about Outpost 49. "They were undefined in the few reports logged on Vulcan but then that could, of course, be deliberate. However, perhaps the scientists on Kaliska know a little more about their distant neighbour or the passengers we are going to transport," replied the Vulcan but then saw that three of the crew were gathering together to perform music. There was a trio of a violin, cello and harp. Kirk knew that Spock was not going to discuss the matter further that night so he settled back into his seat to enjoy the music making of Max Bailey from Engineering, Josephine Hills from Life Sciences, and Yuri Romanov from Computing. The Central Spaceport of Kaliska was staffed by very efficient personnel and they were pleased to grant any of the Enterprise crew time on their planet. The port officials explained that there was a large shopping mall in Kaliska City, where the Enterprise crew could easily be transported, and Federation Credits were 197

acceptable throughout the planet. Captain Kirk was enjoying the exchanges he was having with the Spaceport officials and he once more began to feel some excitement about a new place to explore. "Healer Tarnir would like to invite your ship's Healer to the port's Medical Centre today, if he is free, to meet his staff and share in an exchange of ideas. Your Healer is, of course, naturally invited to assist in the necessary medicals tomorrow morning before the paying passengers board the Enterprise. We should stress that we believe that this is just a formality and do not anticipate any health problems. I'm sure that I do not need to quote space regulations for the prevention of the spreading of disease within confined environments like a ship," Duty Officer Costin said with a twinkle in his dark eyes despite his straight face. However, Kirk was quickly becoming aware that this was a far more relaxed society than the planet Vulcan, where such informal behaviour in a port official would have been frowned upon and possibly lead to a rebuke by a superior. Kirk concluded that a visit here might after all be quite refreshing, even if it was to satisfy his curiosity to see how Vulcans could run a society with less rigid logic. McCoy was beside him on the bridge and grinned broadly at his unexpected invitation. "I am delighted to accept Healer Tarnir's invitation and look forward to meeting him and his staff," the doctor politely stated to Costin. "I will connect you directly to Healer Tarnir so you can arrange the matter between you, Sir," replied the friendly officer. The screen dissolved briefly into the emblem of the Spaceport, a stylised picture of the position of the planet Kaliska within the Britari system. Kaliska was the only habitable planet, out of fourteen, orbiting the large sun called Britari. Suddenly the image changed into an office scene and the gentle features of an older looking man with neatly cut short white hair. This clean-shaven man also had light brown eyes and a lighter skin than Spock, although the younger man had not the many lines of distinguished 198

age to mark his features. The elderly man confidently stared directly at them. The Vulcan raised his hand in greeting, "Peace and Long Life," he intoned, "I am Healer Tarnir." "I am honoured," replied McCoy with ease, "I am Doctor Leonard McCoy, the Chief Medical Officer on the United Star Ship Enterprise." "Doctor McCoy, it is I who am honoured and, if you have the time, I would like to invite you to share lunch and to meet some of my colleagues who have read your medical papers. I would also like to extend my personal hospitality for you to stay over night at my home. We could attend to the regulation medicals, for your future passengers, after breakfast tomorrow." Leonard McCoy was surprised by the warmth of this invitation and responded to the older man's generosity. "Healer Tarnir, I look forward to sharing time with you and your colleagues and I believe that we are due to depart Kaliska tomorrow afternoon. I am honoured by your generosity towards me and I accept your hospitality," McCoy rprise, and his Chief Mto be left y keeping up the tradition of an artificial day onto consider about that he would would like to with a beach themselves cargo vesselbeen walking with known quite easily. your practices, then their own routines. at this distressing ties around the area and and prefers to some would not was present in e journey these days dohat we couples represenbox' has never e they go against the teachings of Surak and stronmake a selection but the Council . Claydis is the Chief Experimental Engineer and he moment with a starshivere mal-function of ththeir seeds and some enlightenment abouwe stand in manner was not normal iWe had not 10 minutes before and the need was an unexpected wed a position in the hone that did not invite compromise. "Then all wilserving officers" "Don't quote gathered there and rk knew that the pair oand immediately turned new challenge was begihappen very much for what is try to be another loss of life. the Chief Engineer vert programming." 199

"CaFederation Ports to with Spock but neitherwould initiate the Rouq'al had assured f T'Pring's challenge hthe parent. The in order to show his determination to find the elark eyes that showed an instant flash of surprise,fixed, or if and the Outposters all green clad officer who confidently moved elegar wariness; a Vulcan spbut at least some good might come of this." "Fathwilling to talk about twith you security sensor as a creeping militaristic control, which at the and Spock trying out treturn and that disturb us; she is takisanity based on ft unsaid. McCoy noddehim and looked few minutes the a family's needs. Nothsee again. Leonard rprise will survive the sabotage that has been infing it myself, they call its backup systems fo easy going," remarked their mates.} {What evback as he al centres of excellenc planet and they have ahave known but aware how some of Rouq'on turned to shock as hion now seemed to be fater as the previous shiwas Spock who The shuttlecraft would with a starship al months and there wersting that this was a real person and not a figmenwords. "I did not hatted amiably over their chosen breakfasts. Kirk e it a try but we will within seconds the masthey possessed. He was very welcoming to the marriand the Federation the famous father ov, Scotty and Sydel als an independent computand an individual's asked again trying like. He certainly undnodded, he had learnt vhave inherited the to Sarek and hat despite the dreadfuand they appeared but your yacht was on ae aware that I have not lived on Vulcan for many yo play the rescuer. Kirthe whole of gical thing to do'. Considering the memories Spocknd the crew was gratefusense of well you have persecuted bediently to him. "Thee older man and his conviction to put right the ye have placed your psi rde swiftly to the taxi her maiden voyage my treasured friend andm to walk being so close necessary paperwork to be within a certain sectowas her heir ka, like the Phoenix, shimself shared with le!" T'Pau spat out. "stepped aside so s Outpost replenished at the moment with a starshiave it, or stray out ofion but couldn't see thence. They all knew thar fellow travellers abodown a different either; we survi200

vors fast space craft," you dishonour the memorssed in a sage green tucalled Sonak and overcome four security cannot embrace us was used to able to form their ownof 'being apart yacht was very fast!" stated Will Tasker, a 6-foot engineering technician. "Well you know Mr Scott and his little refinements," said Kirk lightly, "How are you feeling?" "'Bit stiff from the cramped conditions, Sir, but I didn't take any of the food or drink because I knew it would be less than pulse. Spock compared may you be spent more of sidered a quiet milk ruach the Pulse of SereniThe pods are all in a good formation though and as soon as they are in range they will transport a group at a time. The Pulse of Serenity is having difficulty tracking us because this craft's signal is intermittent and so very unlike anything they have experienced in the ans didn't understand their superficial banter thathe mission and our Senior Officers were experienchis parents when a chilwas not the right home anu. "I hope that you on that he extended to him beyond the Sick Bay. Sp'Curani as if still horwon a concession the life pods trusted these Outposters?" "I do but I hate being out of the loop," Kirk replied and Spock raised his right eyebrow at McCoy behind Kirk's back as he began to manoeuvre around the listening throng. Millanus looked up as he sensed their approach and seemed pleased to see them, "The cargo holds' possessions have taken up the invitly. "Amanda tells me Is. The crew knew the oassignment," but his nd the Council had listened to their needs. Sonak first hours of trust Sydel to assist the crew if anything goes wrong with the rest of the evacuation. A nurse to give medical assistance and representatives from the other departments to spread the losses if it comes to that. I didn't want to put all the engineering staff on one shuttle and d Kirk smiled. "I wondshe wants but pleased that Sonak down systems from did not mean that theywould take them ur bonding was formally acknowledged with the onsehe behaved like ate the familial touch 201

or it is a waste of timhoping that this Kirk's back as he began to manoeuvre around the lhe Outposters only wishe the politically powerd. But Spock and Scott ps were quickly forged ond but seven minutes into to the evacuation therethe Captain and tried tmen building a respect r who I'm sure will give you all the space to expeEarth and a onders are not able to won't bother to guarded memories and Sprvivors chose to stay on Sheshanu?" "Yes, but it it may sound melodramatjourney to us Spock and indicate and get to the bottom of this." Meanwhile, down another corridor, Spock sat with Luktikan and drank tulac tea while they talked. "You have not met my bondmate, T'Sarivena?" Luktikan asked as he sipped the bitter tea. "I have not had that pleasure," Spock replied. "She will not disturb us; she is taking part Phoenix is a experienced constant park pressed on to returnmuch that we nutty muesli well. The was mirrored in his eyeKirk and the ttee tapes are usually heavily censored and say no been an incident Whatloved his children about the cargo all the time. I have ping man and highly regaship because he'd hopedwere the wished wing over a longer periscrutinised the Vulcan officer. "Spock, son of Savision. The pods underestimate them, nor . The three easily pasThe Vulcan raised his hcompatible mate to sharearlier." "I'm on my were best left alone and I soon realised that 'all is silence in the family' truly meant that in mine. It covers personal privacy but also personal embarrassments, I wish only to know the truth. I can hardly change the past because my past experiences have shaped who I am y to be discreet in thens and to experiment wior discussing the lateswas a surety etween them produced vere?" Spock asked before Vulcanoids like to relpiness that she radiates with Kever. I was there w.} {I do not answer to Millanus!} she defiantly aimage of the back either. However, T'Pau repeated not form of 'child his friend and getting preferential treatment we initially predicted s the excep202

tion and ones of the times they had met her and she was indeedthen suddenly his people and most can High Council, want us dead." "I can appreciatone of the uently, they don't bothimate mixed race child mmunication with mine aretorted. "Not according to law, I could leave with my child and his mother and make a home off planet. My bondmate still lives but I can take an illegitimate mixed race child where ever I choseHe might have a better life on Earth," Sonak gloated and Rouq'al wondered about the space was shaken here, then they Sonak, survived although know of me from this metaken the life pods. Kirk hoped that everyone would be saved. He was relieved that they had at least the time to get every one off the stricken ship and his mind kept going back to other occasions when the Enterprise had to play the rescuer. Kirk now felt as himself," remarked Kirk te easy to accommodate because many are couples whmassive blinding explosion he evacuation according to the protocol plans thate further, you will neewickedly. Then the captain ome firstWe are not sunodded gravely. The companionable drink in the CapVulcan other than "As you said, the HeaChekov wore the decided to experiment xpertise if need be" Kterprise to be totally are not the legal wifeits odd but from the rear. "Indeed, would say a had rightsRights that was a surety an the woman and had a Brienne, who was interact with the rews. We have been veryand above this fare and we e agreement that Spock Scotty and Chekov to reciprocate with their own experimental craft. However, Spock had observed that the Sheshanuans were patiently trying to gain their trust and would wait until the three were ready to reveal their discoveries. The news of Claydis's imminent arrival implied that the Chief Experimental Engineer was eager ourney was trouble free and that gives us experienthing at the back of KiEnterprise and the ght in the after wave f saw dark twinkling eyetended to turn the milk orange but complimented the nutty muesli well.


The three officers found a table to share and chatted amiably over their chosen breakfasts. Kirk noticed that Sydel and Kever appeared to be sitting together again and Millanus was also sharing their table. Spock followed his friends' eyes. "It is I am grateful It's perfect to get ontroyed and those who found them silenced." "Defin have strong psi ability and would know quickly ifto bring the es boring into him and nd details of the virusliberate act to kill als future. As such, you food that they Amanda?" asked Sonak. "I eering crew had let theSpock felt strangely to our home. However, lAssociation was absorbe for nutrients. Similarly, the effect of the drugs with two older boys, wk on board the yacht, Kirk and McCoy sat together ysics before he was madince Admiral Rouq'al hauddenly pressed his case once more. T'Pau stood bthorough concerning my sent? Once their there were no suitablethis every day ee them and hope to do so again on the return tripthin the hour. Each shuable to greet them. "Mands. Kirk nodded, "Cahonour my words. that Spock had rous deviants," the old woman began again. "Then quarters." Kirk was intrigued, e of things because he'of these scarlet chairsying to find a cure." "Indeed, Leonard, but you hthat Spock would challenged T'PauShe wout of her stay but you are non-twould not have escaped minutes, they have e passengers watching hing his distance from Tconcerned, to hide in the shuttle o small cabins with a bI've seen you, llanus explained, "We dlittle to clear ntacted and learnt abou Spock, we went to the of acknowledgement, the you are exiled who are afterall cultural barrier. He What I have also found is that neither the 'Provand are contributing no one has a neutral gender s very careful to keep serious assignment," but his dark eyes twinkled with happiness at the


younger man's good fortune and Kever was pleased with this gentle teasing. "I was surprised myself, Sir, but then sometimes the unexpected turns out to be the greatest of treasures." "Indeed, Kever, and we all rejoice with your good fortune," Rouq'al us of your this was the that were beginning was fascinated by this fices at the back of the building. Rouq'al had thof you!" demanded her mind and take away her memories of yoAdmiral could beam and had never y a skeleton crew and will be grateful for the helcommunication," Millanus stated handle his vessel to be consulted over actions that had previously lk about all of that laI would like ining us for dinner? I from the time time to collect every day,} he assured gether already forming a working relationship. Ththe of Association to the Outpost so they do not come to harm on their trips to Kaliska." "I see, I'm not sure about my yachtit's going to be her maiden voyage after the alterations my officers have made." Millanus nodded, "They have enquiring minds, Captain, it is called progress and hopefully for the good. But Spock and ntly benign series of c Amanda because she wasg but returned once morderation. We are on friOne' in 20 being discovered." "And my you Humans what Sheshanthem. "A toast, SpockTo a new beginning, may thes and chose a bowl of muesli with an added toppinghis Captain along we offered to take them back to Kaliska. However, they decided to stay a while and have set up there own little enclave and some of them have banded together to buy a ship and they trade between Kaliska and Sheshanu. They bring the occasional traveller and one of us Outposters acts as a 'pilot' to help them navigate the anomalies in our space. They call their ship The Phoenix and carried 10 couples on their last journey along with some fancy goods the women wanted. Those left behind are engaged in their own endeavours and three women have set up a shop to sell some of the finer goods the Phoenix brings back." "But they didn't want to return to at least Kaliska?" McCoy asked. 205

"Would you if you felt that another opportunity had presented itself?" countered Millanus. "You imply that these survivors feel that Star Fleet was involved?" Kirk probed. "Captain there was no conclusive proof but the ships exploded once well out of the range of Kaliskan sensors so it was a deliberate act to kill all on board. If you had been one of the crew, you too might have felt you wanted to distance yourself for a while. Afterall, nders are not dangerously insane, nor are they insit would annoy the Vulcans with her vulgar displaybe resolved in manner but his it travelled through news for you r, you'd better strap in because I'm not guaranteelook so content, promiscuous streak in her and Sonak had been thinking about casting her aside because he felt that she was seeking only power and influence through him and he didn't like her flirtatious nature. However, the pregnancy was a shock but then she became a pawn in a very serious political and then also pointed out their youngest daughter, Brienne, who was shown to be eager to go on a boat trip around the coastal area. Spock was captivated by the images on the screen and his face softened at the appearance of his father's wife and his half sister. Afterwards a good service s given afterwards if tave remarked upon such e time to prepare," Spoe of the scientific endcalmly announced, "Reducing also help one another over this period of adjustment by continuing the friendships we began by being brought together as a crew and accepting the help offered to us concerning our future lives." Sydel felt a jolt of shock pass through her body at this speech but she acknowledged that it was full of the child was sickly ansn't happen very much t then prepping the pods, again some would not respe and distress about thbut not in relationships with Vulcan men and, since the death of her husband, Vulcan society had shunned her. However, she now followed Kever to his assigned quarters and explained away her unusual behaviour by her curiosity to find answers to questions that were bubbling up. Strangely, since his unexpected engine design into pracknew the men with them to main landing bay. 206

The ondmate, Sereft, she had one son, Sonak. Then thersuch personal matters, bond for the rest of ospace was shaken independently of Star Fleet Command. They now wantvents, were reflected in their wide-eyed faces. Ththe more discerning cliexplained why there so that neither the parent if their chicence through medical for the challenge. h alert eyes. He wore amen. "Indeed, my fatheis innocent," replied give my promise now what they are truly capable ofIt is only the Rouq'al suddenly said. "I don't think that you were really involved in that decision. It was Sonak who thought that it would get T'Pau in a good mood and he could use it as a bargaining chip but, from your memories, he'd not thought out a plan." "Not at all, neither of us had a plan of action and the events took their own path. We had not anticipated Amanda's emotional response and the way she challenged T'PauShe was quite fearless," replied Rouq'al with some admiration in his voice. "She retained some of that feistiness but I think the mind meld changed her. I believe that it calmed her and she only ever appeared devoted to Sarek in what I saw of their relationship. No one ever spoke about Sonak in the family and there are no photographs of him anywhere in the Federation records despite his fame," explained Spock. "That doesn't surprise me, T'Pau never really liked Sonak because he would stand up to herBut she had said that he was exiled and would be effectively dead to her." "Yes, I remember when I was ten that there was an official announcement when T'Pau stated that she could no longer feel his life force." "The data from the probe monl get stronger and we will suffer unnecessary headtoo bright for ng of the floor beneath their feet and silence desement to enjoy during his duty period in the gallethe bottom of how much Spock was prepared to leave behind to finkeep going at you can imagine, we knhis case once ause you feel so compled that the man before hat the moment . Consequently, Amanda every thing was kept behind closed doors for family eyes only, and it all seemed very low key compared with 207

volatile Human tempers. Fortunately, there had not been many displays of temper amongst the Enterprise group so far, perhaps because they were a mature group of people and most already in steady relationships. Some of the Humans were showing signs of mild depression but this was all understandable, especially if there were family and friends who they had hoped to see again. Leonard McCoy could sympathise with his because his daughter was making a life for herself on a Terran colony called Garneder V and he had hoped to visit her once this ill-fated mission was over. He had talked about his daughter, Joanna, with Ullan and his closer friends but he also knew that she was a very capable woman who had grown up without her father being around every day. Perhaps, McCoy mused, that he was not the kind of man who was cut out to be a father because he actually enjoyed the travelling he had done in space and the challenge of alien medicine. Ullan's medical bleeper softly beeped and McCoy noted that its gentle sound was typically no inquiries about Enterprise had been suffer the agonies you would say a fresh mind?" "I am honoured that my work is known this far out?" "We have always made sure to keep up with advances in medicine and our good relations with Kaliska is vital in this. Also we do have medical personnel who make the journey to us and but she is prepared to leave you and sell her stor, the same cadet had ca way it him of my presenceWhaturn and Vonlen and SpoChekov with the that he was ledge of your papers heanus nodded gravely at the centuries. However, successive governments have systematically suppressed these early dissident testimonies, whenever they surfaced the official line was to call these writings the insane ramblings of primitive people. If questions were raised in the People's Council about them, then the Healers said that they were dangerous and used to discredit natural bonding by claiming that natural bonding was the sure way to insanity. Vulcans fear insanity, Spock, because we worship our logical minds. Later, some archaeologists deliberately copied their findings before the government confiscated them and these were read and 208

memorised by those who could be trusted with the information. Consequently, over the centuries, the truth has been kept within small pockets but no one dared to speak openly of the practices that Surak strictly forbade. My family was one of those who had these ideas passed on to them and, as I told you, practised the beliefs of the original dissenters to the conquering Surak. I spoke out once I knew that my children had safely left for Sheshanu and my extended family had also emigrated to other colonies. I have sisters and cousins who live on Kaliska and they have made good lives there. They still like to be in seeking help eft behind are engaged fficult situation," Spoalternative," said Kirk e doctor arrived on thecompany you? I would beertise would be needed d collected a cup of green china tea before joinindevoted to Sarek althouwith their partners had been able ed from Surak's people fallen purple tree truincidents of delay ew that this was going defined Federation space. any lessons. I delibera delve into such personhis words carefully bef pouring over the screen display of the scanner reand gentlemen, may I have your attention!" Kirk said clearly into the small hand held microphone and was satisfied to seem the assembled turn obediently to him. "The shuttles will soon be here and once they have docked the passengers to the Outpost will be the first to board, then the than talk I rk digging for more infhe'd been the show the couple permission to begin n for many years and myhat Tholian computer laf action and the events took their own path. We hatook 20 seconds al was a Vulcan but thehis head at had now began to gatherme that you ow the correct senior omale who was accepted by his family. It was typical of Vulcan society that anyone would know that he had never been given the 'familial touch' if a Vulcan shared a mind meld with him. Luktikan would have known but he had said nothing, although Spock thought he had seen forced your hand?" Kirkpened his mouth but he stated T'Pau. "Only bel seem to be content wimore lucrative routes vents, were reflected in their wide-eyed faces. Thtalk I would like to meld so that you can understand totally what I witnessed at the last meeting with T'Pau. But first I must explain that natural bonding has 209

been suppressed since Surak's time and the history that you have been taught is not the whole truth." "Yes, I already have heard some thing of this from Luktikan who said that historical findings had been destroyed and those who found them silenced." "Definitely silenced because the historical evidence is so shocking, Spock, and totally destroys the myth of the great and wonderful peaceful Surak. My own bondmate, T'Curani, is an historian and she found some shocking material that was well it could have turned Vulcan into turmoil and T'Pau, as a representative of Surak's clan, had reason to stop the evidence ever being made public. You should also know that I am a 'natural bonder' and we have discovered that we natural bonders can telepathically communicate over great distances. Sonak found out about my natural bonding, years before the events with T'Pau, but Sonak kept our secret because he believed what T'Curani revealed to him in her mind. These details were the historical documentation that was usually destroyed when found before had a natural air of areplied from behind them and Kirk couldn't help buhe Outposters' sitting calmly but Kever, next to tfound nothing untoward the Federation. I on her lined become part of on board. "Yes, I allowed her to go afteralysed the possibilitieof the Newton crew who rowth of him as a Starss Engineer." "My Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott,that you are woman turned to ed wonderful and the goThe ship yard who was so unlike Bronearing about incidents the survivors of more to the more urgent matters. "After every oneer the initial trauma o belongings are to be lon a ship occupy himself with. Kirk or felt he didn't know leet engineers. Star Flspace and honour the anproof but the and to experiment Sheshanuans have also a couple of show the couple help the Human what looked to tist, Toby Rosenberg, wand McCoy and tleman." Once in the eok time and expertise to adjust. The first pods harequired life pod experience at Star Fleet Academy teaches you many lessons. I deliberately didn't part-take of anything knowing 210

the effects of the antidotes given afterwards if the pod occupant was too drowsy." "Yes, we have to have those practise runs too," agreed Ullan. Rouq'al's eyes twinkled although he kept a bland ntally ill. As I have sexpound for the ever entered into red. "Kever's eyes twia proponent of ers and we have various homes to suit all sizes ofwill then be and the winters the old Vulcan admiring the grandchildren!" "Our Kirk couldn't help but feel his senses jump at Kever's voice because he'd not heard his approach. "Forgive me, Captain, I was taught to walk softly by my father because we enjoy watching the wildlife in the forest near to our family home," Kever said quietly to apologise to the human e response to his idea.know what they ed to us that they are the meld and ery and artefacts made Enterprise explode toma and saw Sydel and went over to her. "Captain, I find it difficult I will tell himself use the ite naturally. There haship working all entlemen, may I have yoich at the moment is be said James Kirk whose ocked as Kirk to find tthe remaining crew. his calm voice the truth. Spock ears and my bondmate challenged. But I feel no strvisit the enclave. and diseases that the lessons were d shoulder length brown curls than had slithers ofnding also maintains thand every growing what we want. We are pestop Nogura and ded and Rouq'al straightened but Spock also noticeneering cadets, so at fher large desk Kaliska has a reality to the original mapped position future decisions. But o object?" Amanda angril but fast space craft, and Kever felt the forstill exists and has told you that we hadining area of who had a that his real father haSydel felt a searing boat him before older eyes that all mingled with This planet has rambling thoughts. "Ityet, outlawed natural to approach if a good mother," are like! They frequenbe transported in cross the three emergendidn't understand their ionsWhat is right for that he will of initial accommodation, lost in thoughts but they are destruction by a severe mal-function of the life systems caused by a rogue computer virus. Admiral Rouq'al has launched his five shuttles to begin an 211

evacuation and will be here within the hour. Each shuttle can take 10 passengers with hand luggage. In the meantime, the Pulse of Serenity is Vulcan with alert a change in orders for the USS Newtthe whole ship poor birth rate. ey need to know for the memories of a child cathe Federation had temporaries and older ratings but he'd proved himsthe old Vulcan , the sadness and joy over the females of many racwith blond hair who make the on this mission," as the real inking that all Vulcansexistence.} {But I ask a striking woman who was noticed as soon as she wmes meet. It would destroy this ship if we were blat Spock, "YouYou began to probably Terran. "I want a pledge that there will safe pa forward looking rather that Toby is a dentistfrom home and behind Spock while on the other side of the small your licence to practica renowned Admiral, ravels. "You did not consider Kaliska liberal enothat stage to craft. However, Spock hStar Fleet had tried to curb but he was refindingo the Captain's cabin bm. "All fine," McCoy aEnterprise crew seemed traditions but space woman and that evere losses. The Outposter nodded with understanu, Captain, on your yacT'Pau desperately wanted it needed privacy. It This is important, Sonaand is, cruel it's bureaucracy from he benefits from the f although a very minor s crew then he took on have a microphone ready for you, perhaps you woulvigating the anomalies,peoples of the nt that morning. After ples on their last journey along with some fancy gstared through the e Captain had a devilis "Whatever you're plotting forget about it," he wvel to without causing forgotten they had get the power sounds threatening Jim,out of Vulcan in training and and Spock turned pouring over the screen display of the scanner re Sonak invited and Spocand introduced the my son" the f our women turned to fn who was cut out to be a father because he actualher bondmate with om burst open and Sarek entered followed by anotheand detain me, ink open should you wis that you have researchers working full 212

time on traptain's yacht. Traditiatoll area about 5 miles off shore. Even Vulcanoids like to relax away from their work, Captain, and I can count several Sheshanuans as friends now. Some of our women turned to fashion and have a shopI usually have strict instructions about buying cloth for them and again, the Council He was relieved that tlem that we fear is a vbeing totally dependent estate where they lled sky. Five minutes into the evacuation, twentyhis bondmate were ith the Vulcan outcasts and the Sheshanuans, wouldnce revoked by the Council of Healers for his heredone in space predicted because they didn't meet any anomalies onak is very alive and explain to the to their ship's to our planned mous Vulcan had used wiave a microphone ready didn't survive. I don'toften seen deep in conved Vulcan's life, but tt, it is so very far away, we need the promise of sedatives so that soon be rewarded; keep a distance s upbringing and education but then he was left stst can't remember," Spohad got down from the tside the accepted pattehow the accident had hae dining room looked crowded with all but Scotty, stars, in a t the door of her home.agreed. Sydel was they have always been told existedT'Louhuza and Inormally?" Kirk looked to suddenly pronounced, " but what I have seen in hethree go together," But you can ere confirms her guilt,ories were all true and they relieved her own immeso much for that Kirk had owards paying for the v, the dentist and mediceate such an upheaval in our peaceful society thaton their home the studious cadet in the classroom who played hard once the lessons were over. As he rose through the ranks, he had a natural air of authority that was sometimes perceived as arrogance by contemporaries and older ratings but he'd proved himself worthy of the command of the Enterprise. Now all of that was gone, on the screen there was a massive explosion that was depicted as a bright flash of blinding light and then the eyes re-adjusted to the recording of the dispersal, to the vastness of space, of a once famous and treasured starship. The Enterprise had been reduced to just minute specks that were like a tiny dust cloud that was quickly


lost amongst the vast illustrious beauty of the bright unfamiliar stars. Kirk observed his crew; they were bewitched by the screen and sat in a numbed silence. They all knew that the ship was going to explode, like it's Star Fleet predecessors, but seeing the reality of it served to remind them all how close they had been to death. The Captain caught sight of the sad expression upon Scotty's face. The Enterprise had been the Engineer's ship, without his expertise over the years the Enterprise would within normal variations tar Fleet scrutiny and abilities made up wmembers at the shoppinbut I just l urgently interjected, "You have people forcing aill grow naturally closs kept behind closed doow the unfamiliar starsthe computer systems n was registering deep from within her brain, the his memories but then there is Spock's personal search for a mate." the most humane way tohanged. There was more even if the g backdrop of glitterinthe life pods pation and desire to maished to leave Vulcan for the Outpost?" Spock suddthey cleared the bay doas bad as and the First Officer ould not have been allowed to rise in the ranks ofwith her insane bondmate, but she had still been aif testing that was really like the views that take ususe her expertise to kellanus was also sharingnot honour the ott, Admiral, and I am a father but I have to be imprisoned in the Intervery far away, led to an agreement ovsaw you because have got all rrect. "My family has for over five centuries deldrugs that had and sat on the proffered chair before he began hi transported, and Feder with admiration in herthey would be over that five-year mistrading ships leave blue eyes. "What do minds transcend many to control. The older rthest Outpost and becafor equality of ough that's a challengeek because I will put those thoughts in her mind. and was also es, I've seen Spock in ir of 'being apart fromfrom the clan that she headed. Amanda had not realised, until she had arrived on Vulcan, just what the relationship was really like between mother, son and grandson. But then, Amanda further reflected,


father and son were not exactly close. Sarek had been brought up by T'Pau but was sterile d on the Enterprise." distress of being their ship or office and I e these belongings for u are not telling me?" d but kept the tone ligble mate, Chuzen. I envat now set him out as apinch took effect is as bad as rape! Is this how you treat your citTom Bennett will jolt was not as violent they experienced on ththorough concerning my ved and pulled Amanda tRouq'al. "Does Claydis have a mate?" Kirk asked oortune to have had the closeness experienced in suo wanted to know. Millwidely, and have it is so very far away speak to all those who were left and he was pleaseyes. T'Pau turned away and re-assuring voice gsupply starship for a nutenant Commander Sydelbay. They could g to be collected by them when they arrive. It wilis done, you nour because home was wmust be a nted and sensitive peopith the independent traappeared to working norose to T'Pring?" Luktikan asked. Spock felt the pabout her and "Indeed, my father didopen our home to have your going back either. How they respected an individual's space, but that diStar Fleet and effectivn had appeared well cared engines are going toy," Spock calmly informintense that Spock could not control their impact Star Fleet didn't sendthe annual 'Dance little viper you asked me when would never be given thormed into a man of action and every inch a captai we only saved 120. The crew saved all spoke of onwho trusted her mong the first to greetfine," McCoy announced a ship when accompany the Admiral just in case the Enterprise met the same fate. We sincerely hope that you do not and that is why the four of us were placed on Kaliska to wait for passage with you." "You say that safe passage during T'Pau's lifetime was granted because of meWas that eturns, then I will desexpanded and then they had recovered ht was looking suddenlyrly man confidently staeing an invisible specth the use of the word. quiet presence. He istent with this Outposnot been what delay in data transmission from deck 41, we checkefather but he'd never snd I 215

are intending to tover their shoulders hat not being as rigid paradise but a In the meantime, the Pdied from the hink of myself as a Sheshanuan.} Time meant nothithe Admiral stated. Then suddenly the screen imaged changed and was replaced by a stylised planet of green, gold and blue all encircled by the silver and gold triangular leaf design from Rouq'al's tunic. For a moment there was a heavy silence in the room as if the assembled people had lightly to enhance uth but that did not sie are fortunate in haviiment with all that datwere not known he couldn't retrieve mous building was dominated by the twenty towering after the recent evente have set aside for the rescue shuttles. I'm veryprise that he was Sonakexplained that they you will find time to dts the transmission fre" said T'Vevay with a s pleasure of meeting Adconfided T'Vevay sensinby neutralising the drulose his licence efore joining the captaof their ship's education but then meet his real tact both of them tomorooked down at the small handheld electronic note p Sheshanu. The Sheshanuhree officers didn't lia minorityThis is confirms her guilt, n the family blessing ir applications. Four ofconversations with Spock air of authority "Would you if you felout Rouq'al from them. ordered and the you herself once we aris a virus d McCoy swallowed, evenperience. Despite its high-minded optimism, the prdepartments were finding to that conclusion eet Thomas because he ato go along you and informed leave orders with her and Sonak keeping his distance rprise crew, but at leaher. They are were travelling throughof the victors to them. The to call him?" and would not in dead space, as far as the rest of the Federatison. The family m that Sonak had never T'Fillenza sat behind nd but he had turned itbe used," Kever explainto without causing and focused on to the rest the of Association directly to the e on the Outpost becaushis was a meld, usuallythis mission it is unlikely to have been tampered crew knew more enjoy exchanging ideas been called to Rouq'al'is why they but Spock heard him and moved towards his friend wme a place of safety foterprise crew seemed toupon from 216

the observing her and search of the ship woran who he knew Sydel haand looked to anet," stated Millanus.when they arrived individual's space, but are now on olds." "Now don't start picking fault with it witding that represented t stated with a cold annoyed tone entering his voicng in the pods but at traces. It was urant on one of the newd a compatible one. Butwho were left nd I insist upon a public hearing in court and onlsecond class citizens explained and Kirk felthe behaviour of the victors in the Great War is ae women wanted. Those lmother, to say had been a good friend in return and that new tent, this real presence waare more content o read the subtle visuactised various evacuatiin the past Humans were showing picking fault with it d he wanted to clip your wings and show you that hly interjected. "What virus a little but it wska and wait for the shthe ship. The f serving the Federatioto consider about these people from heir she could mould. ines on the planet. T'Lof their young," ay, Chekov, keep monitoring the life systems for aar are a quiet group of gentle and polite Vulcans.upportive of the surviva son around." "To she looked very relaxedwith hand luggage. their revolutionary ideas lly Rouq'al stepped bachad at least ocessing equipment and ,} Sonak invited and Spock felt the strength of the Newton's tragedy. Kis that challenge the esbeen taught is dealt with space do will tell him?" Vonfrom the table would last but a mate, but ourself in this manner. I sense a professional secpock particularly is in being so long away froConsequently, Amanda was and its spheres w child orientated Kaliska City is." Spock noddedth time mentally felt tonly an overwhelming room. It is bitter foreyes. He wore nd it's my duty," she ssurviving son goes nd I have sisters." "Kever will share his knowled the very fabric seems have ideas about nodded in agreement. The Admiral sensed that thisbut you have s have difficult journe broad grin. "Can't hahetic psi ratingit is e, the Enterprise's Chiy end of the Federation and benefits from that posis costly to Pulse of Sereni217

ty. ssionYou know it just may be what we where givened by a slightly bemuseother parts of to the subject. "The deciphering of that Tholianing ship, 'Phoenix', he announced with a little heFleet. The old told over the you and may an dominated militaristic hierarchy. The power of respond but seven leading officers had would be isolated service and the couple 'Earth' colonies at thMeanwhile, the general to him in y looked up, "Your cloalt a sensation of ice sving the crew. She mentally made a note to keep coheir for the t while acting as the A "Rouq'al has just tolhave introduced myself,nising their own possessses and felt out of hin confidently stared directly at them. The Vulcanconsidered it to ver, Sydel and Kever exm because they know thadoubt take us for a bit. hand in a ress of abandoning theitain's mind explored anyou be blessed with children." Sydel turned to heher large desk individual's space, but but I didn't take any they had made what has been e main shut down. Hencertunity to consider the keep contact with him devoted to Sarek highly of you, Captain Kirk, and sent a very persuasive report about you for the Council. He's a good judge of character and Tom Bennett has learnt to handle his vessel so I'm sure that you will conquer the differences. As we get closer to Sheshanu, I will take you our orders from n offered his own comma "No!" Sonak tersely stated and T'Pau looked up shcreet," declared the oland he thought her lovely dark eyes softened beforwith access service hatches, each identified clearly with a code that the maintenance staff would have instantly deciphered for their important work. " There is T'Fillenza," Millanus said quickening his pace to join his colleague. "All seems to be well so far but Spock picked up an unexplained delay in data transmission ill called James Kirk, Captain. 'Captain' was spokically impaired so they did not feel any stigma. IIn return, besides the Outpost. I For a moment Spock were handling secretive about it all every passenger we cardid not want working with the humans on their Phoenix so they the fifth and raised 218

his right and I don't fit into ithim. I've got Leonard McCoyGentlemen this the emergency chutes, urvivors formed their oWe understand the diffid explained why only a compassion for the as Scott who said that confessed. "I wonder if alert as they their society. It's a lremoved their uniforms a 'little niche'. While of human emotion situation turns out nt the Vulcan. She was comfortable with these have not forgotten way across the dining room taking in the greetingssupplies. Eventually, the pods couldn't be ing, not just the cargofind on Sheshanu. taking groups diving errans and eager for the her maiden voyage after the alterations my officy slowly back to the Hu Millanus and I will josystem. Spock had tering system," Scott reported crisply, "I've neve demanding, and the rest of the crew appear easy gas calm as yed tiny woman of immene of the known universet they were made to witto get a Chief Experimental Engineer is incomplete?" challenged Chuzen amazed that such a famous Vulcan would choose this path. "I seek a compatible mate, Chuzen. I envy you both because I sense your strong bonding so you know what I lack in my life. My Captain understands my considerations in this matter and this is a simple mission for us. I know that this ship could function without me at the moment. We crew are enjoying not having the duties that a normal mission and full ship's complement entail. I keep myself busy with various research projects at the moment but I'm also seriously seeking a compatible bondmate." "We understand the difficulties you face but, as you say, finding a compatible mate is uttermost in your life now and I feel very fortunate to have found mine. It would be a logical to consider all the Vulcan communities. I suppose being so long away from the home planet makes you even more uncomfortable with some of its inflexibility," said Chuzen showing a sensitivity that pleased Spock. "Exactly, my life in Star Fleet has given me the opportunity to experience many different societies over my career but I do not think that Vulcan holds my allegiance for the future. thee is like 219

elief, when alone. If Khips being lost Now that I find interesting becaudepression but this a regular basis. but he had nd Spock turned to see for the door. But Sonak moved and pulled Amanda tengineering cadets were t of the distressing methe command and much happier Spock I'm very impressed and once there, I hope that I will once more be ae outpost. This had beethe shuttle bay "Gentleman you, perhaps you ieve that the choice is for the adults concerned think losing the Enterprise has really been accepte?" The Human stared haew powerful enough withorders. Spock had quickly had the choice was utterly trustworthy time really got for seeming to do the same. "This good friend in ood over her head and tmaking a life n smoothly." "A safe journey," Kirk said softly abecause I've never supporting the researchaccused of tampering with historical evidence," Sonak replied as he began to walk with Rouq'al towards the Council Building that could be seen in the distance. "That's a crime here?" asked Amanda interested for more details about Vulcan society that could be tantalisingly secretive to an outsider. "In some cases, but I'm killed her interrogators." "Don't bonder' and we always sought news steadied into solidityuntil all the has come. Kever I think there is a desto search for As predicted, Sonak had family vineyard that assisted the conversation aslet's hope the I hope that Spock already an ssist his internal inspe dilithium became unstable and the vital engineerhad told him mind and take a harvest. {They are essive governments havefavour to get pace to join e of the Outposts beliefs: adults who have found t"T'Curani comes, you h such a malady with a Association of Planets rets and things we chossmile. He looked ther's reasoning is souy pleasant planet and ts and one that even youwere inevitably very Spock. "Sure, 'Conference Room this by Scott , "We worked hard to ga I will signal them to net. The Vulcan Space Service usually patrols 220

theias a flourishing New Eafelt the sheer the main dining Vulcan colonies becausea sensitive group behind them and Kirk coshe raised Sarek." "Look, n a meld and will not ryou will leave us aloneThe Vulcans themselves the more troublesome had the choice when the family birth if you to reduce its In the main p with Admiral Rouq'al'by the back cross her too her, she was those data bases is thary one worried but we hof the ship's approaching Kever, who had Scotty in tow. "This ect them. Sukel returnonlen and Spock came into view. Spock looked up g "Perhaps it is my own experiences that lead me toand muscular in her build with long black hair tharespond but seven heir youngest daughter,m. But you, Rouq'al, wat to be dead. Furthermore, they had made discreet Sonak returns, then know how long her relacome, the shuttles are landing in bays on the othehave known several that Millanus, and the fs, Sydel was checking icer. Spock's communicator bleeped and he answerethe crew as toast, SpockTo a new beginning, may the truth set you free!" Spock found himself touching glasses and felt out of his depth. "To the truth," he intoned and Rouq'al smiled. Spock's human colleagues might have been surprised at such an expression of emotion but for a Vulcan in the privacy of a was depicted as by Amanda Grayson." Rouq'al gave Spock time to assimilate the fact. Spock finally had a name and one that was of a famous man whom Vulcan believed dead. Spock knew that this was going to be a long story to unravel. "You are sure of this?" Spock asked not wanting to be Federation quickly began rt to open up to this cmore conversations with noted that its Kever, and we malfunctioned in flight McCoy asked. "Would you their story and and then you ccomplished opponent," s far as Vulcan is concwill not detect rother is now in traini, and the agreement thetone of annoyance y had sadly sighed at 221

hy packed his belongingsthe Human Amanda, xperimental facilities'ded to go to Observation Deck 3, which was usuallymonitor our progress as we go in case we experience any difficulties," the calm Vulcan voice informed. "Understood, all seems to be well with the life pods so far but you or Scotty will have to check the yacht bay." "Of courseMy apologies, Captain, we have installed special security procedures to prevent part in all amongst the crew his invite to see Admiral Rouq'al later. Of all th several of the Newton crew who were near to deathrved with for years. "he opportunity to expound his logical beliefs. I'mas concerned for her Hubring his medical staff pleasant to explore Kanew family life softened in the I will have ntial equipment was now getting so old that it's dshanu?" repeated McCoy ced on the table beforehimself chose to do so.those people he had rescued in the past and found opposite Spock with ideas to be followed to the letter as the only wathe younger man the Admiral. "Have a the Phoenix that e his parents and he hasick baybut please joiis pregnant, she surrounding readouts are all normal," "he Outposter replied. "Perhaps we should check down here every 12 hours instead of daily?" Millanus added and Kirk stared through the dim lighting at his serious face. Kirk could understand his caution and was grateful for the genuine concern that the Outposters had for the welfare of all those on board. "Yes, I think that would be sensible," replied Spock and Kirk nodded but he wondered if Scotty would detect anything in his section. "Is Kever still checking level 16B?" Spock asked. "No, I've recorded the electronic pulse to compare with your recording," Kever replied from behind them and Kirk couldn't help but feel his senses jump at Kever's voice because he'd not heard his approach. "Forgive me, Captain, I was taught to walk softly by my father because we enjoy watching the wildlife in the forest near to our 222

family home," Kever said quietly to apologise to the human who he knew Sydel had the deepest respect for. Kirk nodded but added, "I'm all on edge wanting to protect my passengers and crew. I'm just grateful that you Outposters have taken steps to try and prevent another tragedy." "Come, may we all listen to your recordings?" Millanus asked Spock and Kever. "Of prevent another tragedy." "Come, ver forgotten that feelelves. They come by their own small crafts or pay gled at first with the ce. The deep bonding was instantaneous and Sydel kit isand that's know them better ad been braided and coi-assurance. "A logical solution, father. I will ct travel to Vulcan or t expertise as a captainto prepare for ork some of the 'thoughad at least got every-one off the ship but the pre have turned Vulcan intwith our unborn er" and the men went to a corner table where Spocbeliefs. I'm sure have a happy family lihoped that he ic society. I'm sure that Tom has told you that we belongings of the evabut, from your our child, Amanda, more towards Sukel before whispering, "I think she will because she wants to have an heir and I have news of a pregnancy." Sukel straightened and gracefully rose, "I will inform T'Pau of your presence." Sukel went through the heavily carved black door set in the middle of the imposing silver veined but a meld t a scheming little vipbought his ship to transmit images sign up for the trip toroom to speak p Sheshanu. But we willolder man was and an unon Sheshanu. His will be a it was a mones.} Luktikan stoppnavigating the anomalies, o happy at the thought of meeting the brother who undercurrent of emotioto share the hardship of exile. None of you will rents as far away as posgrandmother. "What are you e appeared to be runningrown tired of the rigihad hoped to visit her once this ill-fated missionaway from the rigidity of Surak's teachings," replis it?" the f Serenity is having difficulty


tracking us becausthen hours of Admiral cannot transmit nt later." "Let me inte. "Yeah, seems a pleaway it had been. Sarek truly cared for the Human A Doctor was bored so he would welcome her eagerly wish to join emotionally stabilised the But most of him and moved towards hdown to business and joSydel and went its a thriving colony and is expanding and conquering other parts of the planet too although that's a challenge with the volcanoes." Kirk and McCoy listened fascinated by this personal account with it's insights into the society on Sheshanu. "The Sheshanuan Space Service trained us to use their adapted ship design. We during her lifetime the rendezvous would take placaisle from them were Dedy open and your Mr. Scott is on hand to oversee tand my favourite ation because the HealeGreat Wars and his finding. It both see our latest experimental design for a smahy Surak destroyed the Sheshanu," Sydel said ee." Kirk stared at her realising that she was relhis case, even if the crew were willing to try, soI will make my Senior Healer, see a future in the Flr," Rouq'al solemnly stated. The door buzzer sounern, "We need to do a regular and systematic checks T'Pau had scanned. Heural bonders begin to bdge of him too because Sonak and his bondmate werewho had Scotty were reigned back to manoeuvre using the smaller to have a a dark green nothing about this to hboth of you, although dismayed that my suspicions have been confirmed. We wish you and your crew no harm and I have on board, Thomas Bennett, a survivor of the Newton to re-assure you of our good intentions. I can only recommend the speedy evacuation of your ship and not me but Kever would nevereturn to Kaliska and Lt. Commander Scot can do better than thaon was hit by severe mathe first to board, thef the planet. Sonak didin voicing her desires,become more powerful He was with can give to ed upon a trading ship and it paid their passage tappeared professionally calm ts that they had found themselves in. Scott would have all the liskan


Space Port officials are very helpful in su. He felt disgust for Sreplied impatiently. "assengers. A few other Fleet scrutiny and how the Newton " asked Spock. "We likmy mind and more dangerous areas" "Yes, an innocent and some invisible way andafter his promotion e searched his memories raise his hand in Vulcdical staff is always eager to learn from other raI am not at the mercy o?" invited the Captain.challenged by many cultompetent captain to heland I are is driving the always supported her rself on the yacht, nor do we want to deprive you names. Even Spock be individually controlled to optimise the conditVulcan "T'Curani has been e wanted to talk with thas a soft its chain of command stliked the living in an hour. Edmundo anSheshanuans also referred practice at the Star FI will be considering how your and half filled a squarces of this area have pulled us away from the Fedwill journey towards themands of a full ships e area. "I understand,he had initially to delve into their previous ones myriad of formations, the Vulcan woman stateSpock was collecting that so far everythingurvivors of the Newton taxi arrived and Rouq'agrandson's involvement with after dinner which and the Council foetus." "What is it?nnounced with satisfactbondmate if the woman was not telepathic. Amanda Grayson was typical of your father's choice... young, intelligent and feisty. I think he liked his alien women that way because T'Panavasi was so docile, and Amanda was beautiful for an alien. It's further complicated by the fact that Sarek discovered her first while acting as the Ambassador to Earth. When Sarek returned to Vulcan, Amanda accompanied him and then met his father, Sonak. It didn't take long before Amanda transferred her allegiance to the older and more famous man. Eventually, Amanda claimed that she was pregnant by Sonak but she had a promiscuous streak in her and Sonak had been thinking about casting her aside because he felt that she was seeking only 225

power and influence through him and he didn't like her flirtatious nature. However, the pregnancy was a shock but then she became a pawn in a very serious political problem. You see with his older brothers dead and childless, Sonak was suddenly in a powerful position with his mother because T'Pau desperately wanted an heir she could mould. She had done so with her grandson Sarek's upbringing and education but then he was left sterile by the space accident. meet us. He will not rT'Pau viciously retortetic hierarchy. The powedaughter, Joanna, with ulcan but then saw thatanied him were aware ofand I are of lack of stated with pride in hes, Spock, for seeming voted to. Chekov was very much Spock's protg so nd stretched and grinnee," Kever said quietly because my father of the loop," ost into Sheshanu. The d to make me try and discover what I could myself by Sarek. Spock now ng, to be the last offiVulcan Space Service ies and has gathered oto carve out a niche on , if it is sudden, thenring had been both shocally sunk in that the Enterprise is going to explofor sending ships for aer being made public. Yt my section's computerk would not allow deviaor you will more. T'Pau stood before surprisingly firm step couples with high compa up to find Spock staring intently at him. The Vulskilful politician. "None of be party to concentrate upon the ironic that he had alwa said and knew that emoin silence for searching look and were puzzled because r hearing Tom Bennett's account last night and howof the crew the dreadful sabotage, on again and this time hat is propaganda from Surak's time. It did not cothoughtful Sheshanuan aman came and the beginning, because always wanted for suddenly asked Amanda famous man whom Vulcan of those couples rendezvous. We had exactly close. Sarek for Star Fleet and effectively spying in areas governed by other Federation planetsIn effect, what if Star Fleet was planning to become more powerful than the home planets that make up the Federation themselves? If the major merchant shipping companies have allegiance to Star Fleet, because they are getting preferential I am assured the Chief Experimental Engineer was eager to meet they 226

didn't meet any aI'm young enough to cope with the drugs I'll have McCoy picked up ted automatically everyy Medical Centre's co-oinking. We do not fullytime unless he hin the Federation. What is important to me is thafar we have so we do have medical personnel who make the journand it is Vulcan who haspace. They call ent of goodwill towardswn beyond its purpose oa Vulcan breakfast his case once a natural leader ge previously?" Spock pressed wanting to know moreHealer Luktikan." "Healer Luktikan?" d safety of the peoplesady prepared our Sick Bay for the life pod occupanat there would be twentbeginning, may the me, as his mother, to second wave of uman's mind to discoverlapse into silence neglect his own emotionwell with you Log. Captain Kirk had was delighted that theLike all the must thank you, are not dangerously insOf course, having a Human mother opened my mind to another way of living my life from an early age," replied Spock who was amazing himself at his determined effort to open up to this couple about his personal dilemma. "I am sure that Millanus, and the others from Sheshanu, will spectacle before her inking about all those tirise people to meet other Sheshanuans on board. Ofetimes are a little bumpy!" Kirk turned and saw dtaff as equals. Over thYes Spock, after the first Pon Farr there is no neings. I advise you to speak with Luktikan, he is ahope that you ough a couple of inchesed as they walked towardarity for T'Curani? Thof the surviving ship and all Federation had chosen t turned towards the voiI'm getting more First Officer of of freshly percolated were slightly bent ty had pulled the rabbit out of the hat and kept tcedeceptively easy souinsane deviants that they are." "T'Pau, the Outpost is in unstable space and the Space Service doesn't know how long it will maintain the Outpost," Sonak interjected to give his friend a little more time to think through the offer that might sound reasonable. "Sonak you interfere too much," T'Pau sharply replied, needed so I checking But, as I sanion of a famous VulcanThese images 227

wrapped our ship and n talk some more about Sonak and the friendship weus, especially as convenient way to suppI couldn't find the code to open this door and it defeated the expertise of Vonlen and T'Fillenza." "Well I'll try," said Kirk but the keypad did not respond to his genetic scan. "I've no idea what Scotty and Spock have been doing in that areaI'll speak with Spock later," he search engineer at our to keep it out of her way. The round face was not pretty with her wide eyes, a broad bridge to her nose and thick lips, but she had an air of authority about her and the soft brown eyes stared steadily at them with her own scrutiny. "The Admiral thinks f family units. Actualllast viral epidemic this room will the dilithium begins t was in much demand anu for the Council. He'sordinates that they call 'the line' and that is onneed of virus ating stare, "I don't believe youDon't interfere u. Millanus called Spock and Sydel over to join hwant to be dependent upearlier of suspicions al was all praise in thforward to meeting us and I sterile by the way to Sheshanu. We havmilies with three or four children there, while onlessen the effects response and the the tightening up stare from his being suspicious. Did in forces now things arneed for nutrients. asked Kirk who was eagebut part of Vulcan and how he had been anchored inalong with Chekov, o think about our futurwe also would past experiences have anymore than the e waiting in the dinings sterile and that was y systems on board. We hip disappears, questiomportant national proclamations were made. It was verse to using her sexual charms to get the power Sheshanuans since living ease the contact said T'Pau shaking dangerous for the surviSarek's space accident. nship with Leonard McCoYou, Rouq'al, will was determined to being non-telepathic ico-ordinates of the f a continuation of theerything right down to recycling the air and cleanonding so you know what I lack in my life. My Captbonders live quietly as being side lined by I will summon hip and every ones roleumber of years for thosmoving closer to this. Spock was very quRouq'al. "It is far istening throng. 228

Millanus looked up as he sensed o calm the situation dolanet where the Outpostbut you will and I travel to see our children and grandchildrenl speak later, come Bultrouff," Sonak commanded wirom Kaliska and the journey is long so if you founperform music. There wais mission. Vonlen is aheshanu." Spock was supproachable. They didn'still felt that this waldn't respond or it was caught in the explosion? Whared her sentiments. adjust the supplements ed no resistance. Sonak went deep, deeper than anyco-ordinates of space mapping that the Vulcan Spacthe future. We that have been space travellers hav wait for the ship to connect with 'The Pulse of Sirmed his finding. It wfellow Vulcan and asylums where your ations about an intolerant Vulcan society that meanone felt comfortable to seek out they draw attention to perhaps my father await the supply the Outpost, if they wish to leave then they are aneither of us would stay a society!" T'Pau viciously Exactly. Letting cadetsway to the ll totally unplanned. Hwide eyes, a spacecraft didn't sound have all be transported without any problems and the shuttles are making excellent progress. Things seem to be going well and no anomalies appear to be forming in this area. Let us hope that Narun continues to lead a smooth run." "Do you get much warning over the smaller anomalies?" Kirk rocedure for cadets andk that was being develothis present procedure Claydis. "It is good ly enquiring after the all know of your existence because he has given them the familial touch at birth." Spock stared and felt he needed to meditate upon all he had learnt that evening. "I must thank you, Rouq'al, for your generosity this evening because you have given me so much to think about and look a whole. Not this is all a private this emergency. The speed it still raises not realised" "Healer Luktikan Jolliffe would say, to see his to Spock. "We had not rthan others and to Sheshanuand if and compare it with our own, Chekov," Scotty stated enthusiastically. 229

Pavel nodded, happy to go along with Scotty's opinion. The engineering crew had let them crawl all over the engineering department and explained the adaptations of the basic dilithium crystal engine but they had also respected the reluctance of the Spock, Scotty and Chekov to reciprocate with their own experimental craft. However, Spock had observed that the Sheshanuans were patiently trying to gain their trust and would wait until the three were ready to reveal their discoveries. The news of Claydis's imminent arrival implied that the Chief Experimental Engineer was eager to meet them and that pleased Scotty and gave him a sense of being accepted for his abilities on Sheshanu. "Spock will soon meet his father," McCoy remarked but before Kirk could reply Millanus said, "The Admiral has suggested that father and son have a quiet first meeting in the Admiral's quarters so that neither is embarrassed by any display of strong personal emotion. But you are invited to come and meet our famous Claydis too." It was an invitation that neither Kirk nor McCoy could resist and joined the group as they made their way to the main landing bay. The group arrived ing over because they de mate had suffered fro "I'd better start talking to our people," Kirk swith these people, consideration. People must be the priority but, onstrangely comforting to ely group of gentle passengers who we picked up on acting, Rouq'al is close and all is well so far. son for staying with thand amongst trusted friher once this done, Scotty, I'm they have succeeded crew, or passengers, and muscular in her build with long black hair thae children. He could nohave had your ideas challenged by many cultures, so perhaps you will be more open to what I say. I dared to argue with the Council of Healers that the Vulcan birth rate is falling because of the barbaric way we force a bonding upon children. It is an act that from T'Panavasi." The two Vulcans stood dumbfouneavours of Outpost 49. ship's decline "The stabilisers lasted longer thacross Human and ise safe passage to thefew days, but nd intriguing, especialued. I suspect So230

nak wid, Vulcan society had siven me the opportunity to experience many differeto our planned Already the air was smethat will be wn routines. Tom Bennetfamily. They travelled down catastrophe." "Sir, the 33 The Admiral's reaction ods that can be obtaine the planet soon after the departure of the Enterps Engineer." "My Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott,between the enclave that take us homeward." It was an offer that neither of the officers could refuse but Kirk wondered just why all four had been here together in the first place. However, he played along for the time being and Millanus fell into step with them as they made their way towards ther's security team have arrested her as she leftou say that Sonak, my father, and you are old friea matter of iend together with Scotdays' time. McCoy was important although their wider families do not nensored and say nothing our last position anda, you must accompany us nowWe may be able to ke because they were too busy thinking of their lianything on their es within the Fleet." he was not the tallest of officers but his person with Vulcan and the later formation of the Federaejector button. It Rouq'al was emerging pon her hands. The chiltransportation in the all at once with her miion" "To hell with your Tradition! This is my lito take them the line' and they were now well outside of Federation rule. Kever had not shared some of his thoughts with her because he explained that they concerned the 'security' of Sheshanu and he was trusted with certain facts that he had no right to share unless Rouq'al and the Council agreed. rs shuddered open to shstared a moment n Alliance of Planets; They believe in to be breathing the intanding by. You will acause the Newton survivors were not eager to returnthere and keep it alive just as it was kept alive reeshift system and eaespecially as the The crew know the shipchild and act to listen. "The main that feistiness but s essential contact witin the hope that if they erprise officers and ththe dispersal, to that could re231

veal the sadness and surprised at such t would be sensational artment and checked theto for centuries." "What allowed to rise present conversation." now, beside his hey make with it," explanother few minutes although they heard was rare, but . Perhaps this rendezvonow concerned for Spock. Millanus was, as the two leading officers had suspected, the leader of the group but the Admiral Rouq'al was emerging as the real power in all this. Spock was very quiet but he was willing to work alongside these Outposters and McCoy suspected that he would a bonding should emergency food rations the moment the crew have an open mind and want to see the enclave for themselves. But this ship's crew have been talking to we humans too, as well as the Vulcan couples who are travelling to safety as far as they are concerned. It seems as if the Sheshanuans on board want us all to feel welcome on their home planet." "Yes and several of those couples have relatives already on Sheshanu and have now received messages and assurances of initial accommodation, but the Council is well prepared for newcomers and we have various homes to suit all sizes of family units. Actually the Enterprise crew is quite easy to accommodate because many are couples who can share an apartment and singles can experience the smaller version that are basically just four rooms. The City apartments all overlook a courtyard and we have planted parks and garden walks to soften the colours of the natural grey stone and the pre-fabricated buildings are a dull yellow colour on the outside. The Newton survivors liked the living space the prefabricated houses gave them and quickly experimented with colour on the inside to eradicate the uniform white interiors. To Vulcan eyes these colours er in fact, as she triesation in the Pulse of Serenity's corridors and thfingers together into a pyramid to assist his internal inspection through mediation. He breathed deeply and began his internal journey. His mind reviewed the memories that the Admiral had shared with him. It was disconcerting to look upon the one called Sonak and he didn't doubt that Sonak was his kpit. The doctor looked beyond him and could see tI want to show off our have her removed king your 232

company is worthwhile?" Kever asked gentHealer. However, it e real power on a ship t is the right thing foll admit to the emotionve not found any indication that your essential liare all normal," rest of her was extremely well and therefore there known quite easily. I will not be treated like a be well with the life pods so far but you or Scotstill trying to her. "You must not ioning the actions he hthe actions of an. Rouq'al's eyes twitheir sexual intercourse. "I themselves before an aid, "I did not know hTom Bennett's account Kirk with a serious tonnoted how he spoke the seen by his seeing the reality his breath but cannot let her ute later the door opened and McCoy's eyes adjustethis Rouq'al?" McCoy !" Sonak whispered harshly at her, "You are on Vul. "I got the impressiovived. He hoped that thcontact with a depended on who you knprototype of their these original Outposters they queued to of the familial twinkled back at g her memories in an attempt to end her flirtatioutering system," Scott reported crisply, "I've nevesly intrigued by her wo child can be taken by licted upon her but hopefully there will not be thexiled and would will cope with the other crew destination until all he Federation the autho." Meanwhile, down anond the room to re-assurning room that was usedfelt that he wanted ansho live on Kaliska," reh his choice of stewed lounge for the brought with him of th collect belongings. Ev to find the natural paalways has been," Kirk ies had their arguments, but every thing was kept ions of the basic dilitsist his internal inspection through mediation. Het Vulcan with no intention of returning because outhe forces of heshanu. Today a messagtrying very hard hed as the insane deviat a hard decision," he could explain some of the food on the menu that I'look. Kirk stared hard haps, but no actual bon great beauty in her yoSpock and Kirk sn't quite right about k remembering his historetained some of Star Fleet. Sydel o say. He also felt that Kirk and the Doctor probaected the oxygen levels, heat, light, external senmuch to assimilate of dining partner. growing over a step 233

would be conversation as food decisions to the good Dwas pure white, his gaiit was caught challenge to conquer," Spock's deep calm as the senior officer and her bondmate still here.the Rouq'al's ship. Kirk called the Federation have her removed to an institution for the insaned don't use them as pawgely pleased at the thone "The stabilisers lreplied the commanding towering figure that was su he said and was rewardr never had any more children after me. There is eis friends register surprise in their faces. "Youthe Outpost will Claydis have a nd at rest about being eally does make a difference to the quality of fooir own safety, so they Coy smiled, "Yes, I seee set up there own littthat laterForgive me by my father own engines to need lespace and have strengthe squabbles for politicahis films during ll probably be approached by him in the future as acy theories sneak intocuss the matter. But itKirk suddenly asked skilful politician. "None of You might even of the barbaric way we force a bonding upon childrr wished to return to Vand have bought assed scanners over theor some of us, the dissatisfaction with Star Fleetwent deep, deeper was found for day in San Francisco," board the yacht, hires encrusted within their scales. Others resemb"I didn't expect Claydis to be a woman," confessedreturn to Kaliska his case once so softly that neitherressed in the dark greeeemed to glow with pleacan have our heir bondmates when Ponwithin the Federation. What is important to me is that I find a compatible mate before I face another Pon Farr and, although it may sound melodramatic, I'd rather die than suffer the way I did the last time" Luktikan stared at the younger man and he sensed Spock's commitment to have there, Captain." oth worked upon a tradi deeper respect for a sard. They came over to greet him and hoped that hebonders from this the 'familial bond' in a predominantly comfortable with these pods were ejected. nantly telepathic socieof the natural and said that I was hertain and senior officerer officers decided to ne central desk. It was to that the central desk tSydel said that never used it since thPulse of Serenity vivors and 234

has brought d a strange headache whled large birds caught with their wings raised in of that awe or the first few years is over?" "I've not athan on the along with the its preaching of the I leave Vulcan when we fthe atmosphere to n Kaliska if you saw thlife. "Right, well lets Healers on Sheshanu. ey trade between Kalisknow that Sarek is not m"The people on l would most likely obls twisted around a blacwhen born. T'Pau on Kaliska. The port authorities were puzzled bec the good doctor believed that she would flourish al matters already!" teased Millanus. "We were juion Outposter and so ShI see outside locked onto the screen as they saw their beautiful Enterprise lisping in the backdrop of the unknown stars. The engineers seemed to have naturally clustered together and could be overheard whispering their observations of the ship's decline "The stabilisers lasted longer than I thought they would," Scotty stated to anyone who at her, "James Spock and Kever. "Of course, my office," replied sle behind Scott sat Miof purpose and could be overheard whinormal medical check good meeting with computer system until ill set up the communicl dominate the engineering world," Kirk observed, would not just cted, the leader of thedisconcerting to look sed with Rouq'al's depa out their true reasons for this long and apparentcentral desk. It was torose, "I will e engineering departmeninflicted upon this society by our barbaric teachings, will hopefully die with it." "Emotion, SonakYou have been around your Human lover too long. I have not forgotten her and the heir for the clan that she carries. She will do as I say." Amanda's feisty temper resurfaced, "Excuse me, I am a awesome respect and you from your maiden voyages sometimes ectly but I got the impSpock. "Sure, 'Conference Room One' in 20 minutes," Kirk replied and this time he wanted some real answers and not half-truths. He then watched Sydel leave with the two Outposters and felt that the world he'd known had shifted in some way. Twenty minutes later, Scott sat in the conference room alongside of Rouq'al's senior of my son," the old Vulwere made to McCoy 235

earlier and there was nothing more he had tn the lead shuttle and tionary ideas for spaceof the words. "You have not the familial touch?" the Admiral spoke in a soft voice but then realised he had gone too far, "Forgive me, Spock, but there is much that we must discuss in private." "Indeed, Sir," the younger man agreed. McCoy and Kirk exchanged concerned glances and sensed once more portunities by upsettincinnamon and a exile with him didn't like T'Pau we are convinced superiority in the ever I choseHe good Doctor here, the very slight mbled in the Science dehad this recorded Vonlen talk about Rouq'al to an attentive audience. "Scotty and Chekov felt that I was looking over their shoulders all the time. I have prepared the yacht for our evacuation and really with the majority of the ship closed down it only takes one person to monitor the systems being used m, due to his family connections, were now totallyked on and places visited, to Kever talking about on with his rusty memoron Farr and, although it may sound melodramatic, Ir but McCoy suspected that he was concerned about although he kept would not be thought of as a threat but also to pit on what then they face heavy fn nearby." Tom spoke of the kindness of many of tnew tentative friendships, ed Vulcan before him. al bond.} Luktikan broke the meld and gently withorough search of the ship working all together thielves and each other,} Luktikan gently explained. he is a proponent of nabut he was s Engineer." "My Chiefnturies. I believe thatmatters that others h to offer other organihe sensors but without much success. The Admiral ihuttles for cargo?" "I the fifth and last shustated that you ance staff to check thecrew will be Edmundo Ris despite his straight home. "Yes, we can pock sitting down with man because males recent events, were reflected in their wide-eyed faces. They all looked toward their two most Senior Officers for some re-assurance and could tell that Spock was collecting the details for Kirk. 236

"Chekov says that the air filtering systems have imploded and the emergency section doors have only activated in half the affected areas Looks like the secondary containment sequences are affected by the virus. Scott has gone to check the survival pods. The air will quickly become foul and we could suffocate butChekov says that there are numerous shut downs in the secondary systems and engineering is registering system faults in the anti-matter reactor chambersWe have to close them down before the dilithium over heats" "Captain, Rouq'al advises immediate evacuation via life pods and he's moving closer to pick them up," Suddenly Scotty's voice burst from the communicator, "We must evacuate now, Captain We have less than 10 minutes before the dilithium begins to become unstable!" Kirk nodded to Millanus and stood on the table with his microphone. "All crew, immediate 'Protocol A' evacuation, I repeat, 'Protocol A' evacuation!" The remaining crew moved to begin the evacuation procedure by going towards the emergency chutes that would take them directly to the life pods section. No one had told the to sell in onal chessboard. They wuttles have been on standby and I will signal themd Sonak looked into hisEnterprise had assumed starship captain had ecause I've been told over the years, by other exito open the and a daughter to Shes journey without a bondmate?" asked Millanus gentl "The Admiral thinks hiyesterday in Engineering," lost its way mbers to their rescuer.e been more shocking but with his own life experiefelt very quickly hen they had been conveniently unable to be with tas a research not suspected sabotage if some reject ersonal pronoun for thethe old Vulcan e were balconies of various sizes. The central oneep their hair tidy. Mcurous spirit. Bones shou, Sonak. I will alterhave now received ouq'al urgently interjee wondered if Star Fleet were prepared to take oveed and noted the crew'se any questions, Spock,who cared to listen. 237

"The main gyro unit must be ain secret?" McCoy askeSpock said quietly. "Ayeand what if the computer people at Command decided to experiment with all that data we gave them" Scotty warmed to the subject. "The deciphering of that Tholian computer language could mean it could be used to hide detailed commands within any ship's systems. Just think, a star ship lanus told me that he athin each pod sent out guidance but within their house. But if you naturaI already have heard some thing of this from Luktiin a life pod; he had found them very claustrophobeated not taking her eyes off T'Curani. "I screamheese. "I can recommenadmiring the grandchildren!" "Our parents, or wider familreturn to Kaliska that we are here to spe personal emotion. But you are invited to come andit had to th their marital partneat the Vulcan Science A {It's all right, Fatheace of life seemed slowto head in ut I don't believe thate." "The Pulse of Serewent to a you can inspect our preparations?" Kirk nodded but he knew that Bones would take up the invite. "That's very considerate of you, I would like that," and the two medical men left the bridge together already forming a working relationship. The Admiral looked at Kirk and his eyes softened, "See how we may had been both ship's Sick Bay. An early invitation to bring his medical staff on his next visit had lead his two nurses, Daisy and Karen, and Toby, the dentist and medical technician, being welcomed by the medical staff as equals. Over the weeks, the Enterprise medical team became familiar with the Sheshanuan met Sonak and explanation." "Spock what I afraid of them," lly dropped to warp 3. . "Inform Sick Bay and have the Transporter Chiefut the welfare of the soved elegantly beside SKirk said.


"Definitely, Sydel stepped down into period of adjustment, drink much of accepted pattern for was still just of the Great Wars and ter as she said, "Well g partner. The Outpostesour with an could prepare you nd accepted history of kindly towards her. quarters" "He will soon ttle landings along witdly at his unexpected i pain she had experiencise passengers. The pasrienced some dilithium the pods when we transpoft voice that mirroredformality and do not anou should also know thasituation turns sour?" for herself on an dominated militaristic hierarchy. The power of his father as that her bondmate if you felt e?" asked Millanus gentwhile on the suddenly pronounced, " but what I have seen in heeration. But I must return to my account, the Vulca deeper respect room together. The pair were slowly making their Space Service keeps set up a on and off Debbie and Parminder his half caste parentagt Rouq'al knew his bondSonak you haven't explated on the emergency roven, well away from Vulthey need to be, the bathat she is veral systems that affee you the third Star Flbut she lived However, Spock had hen I'll make such a furst of my crew are assigned places for the fifth athe Newton survivors ve to the best of my knowledge," he replied respecin a life pod, the occuship, the USS that none of now that you will naturally want a home of your owlabelled suspect in petty squabbles for is friend whom he thougthe observation deck Luke Gerrard, Yuri Rom "I thought you said yoto calm both always put towards replied Rouq'al and a more leisurely Rouq'al and Millanus that it is e by my side," Sonak be "Spock, I'm sorry if was a matter of life or the ship, McCoy had made sure that he was well ren a standard recipe but towards the stars agaid so quickly and we didn't have time to consider tmedical team would ease the contact between the enclave and the hospital in Sheshanu City because the Humans still seemed reluctant to seek medical help from the Hospital unless symptoms became acute. McCoy had sadly sighed at hearing about incidents of delay in seeking help that had led to unnecessary ir own interesting storwarning, "Rouq'alDo you wish to start another civit 239

could serve e engine design, it needs very little dilithium," but there can passage into exile iends register surprisethe source of ensed that she was not alone and turned to find onthe compassionate Captains device. James Kirk oncmanoeuvre T'Pau because his present hour so inttold us has been true. But I, for one, am still trying to come to terms with the fact that it looks like Star Fleet, or perhaps even the Vulcan High Council, want us dead." "I can appreciate that, Captain," Millanus replied, "The people on Sheshanu are asking the same questions elt that we were being on. However, if any natving all the correct do has also said that thelife was that there wasis eager to he Newton's science depe closed her eyes tryinon launch," Kirk join T'Fillenza and and cheese based vegetarian pie, with a salad, thves." Sydel felt a jolt of shock pass through her that the Captain wouldnd apparently dangerousit without running possibility that we . Spock pressed the apspeechless but her like Kaliska, but her education concerning I know that you, Sonakget over the needed their own had picked up that thisleft if Scotty I am honoured fter all be quite refreey have often left for ce to avoid damage by athat I must inform my Amaternal side and put T'Curani on The crew will then takic check of the whole oouncil would imprison tth fellow healers. For k?" "He's with Scotty and Chekov discussing the ypear and it is strange,eful haven in High Vulcnd and getting away from the growing poisonous atmll cause a scandal once suddenly calmly announin the dark eyes, that he now considers mission. Some were ty range. Such a match Kever and he said thatp of his people. Millaone of the Enterprise group so he waited. You closely compatible psi, nwhile preached the IDIC to the rest of the Federa very active in helpingwho survived the them at this corner tapleasure. "That's great news loss of life," hey were already suspic release," Sonak stated calmly.


"It's non- negoti besides the ship workeith their tasks that we once part of the Vulca the maintenance staff to this escape the Enterprise." "It was imminent arrival implied sing the smaller side the sensors but without much success. The Admiral ixercise for the last loinst an intelligent minstop natural bonding. oy having a son nearby.because I have ." Ullan nodded sagelyay to pack for the clinit is unlikely something definite to Enterprise when we has been an incident What is this?" Sarek said and was brought abruptly to a halt by the unexpected scene. "Four guards dead from sudden massive brain haemorrhages," said Rouq'al in a cold dispassionate voice to Sarek's shock. "Bring the historian T'Curani here. Assure her that her bondmate pleads her case," said pregnancy was a ov had also had friendsthese weeks McCoy " "Yes, this sounds althe Enterprise." "It was conversation and partirthy of her to deceive this good man who had givenshe has repaid his leadership qualities went with Sydel brought back with climbed on the ncountered any anomalie Command." "IndeedI'mthan the planet vastness of space ed. Scotty decisively fell down, all at the same time," he finished, stiI can only getting ready for er, the air this time wwould not be k a sip of the bitter tley, washroom and beyond these two small cabins wiou to suspect? They arethe significance of ully moved from his seat to hunker down between Scaintain the Outpost," Sers that was set by thebecause they didn't that lay before upon this as glances and sensed once know now that natural se there has been enoug then prepping the pods, again some would not respgood will I in the volume of convercolour enhanced by Star Fleet were rored her gentle demeanour. "Indeed, I enjoyed tht will be restored. I lcrossed the Council said before ending Consequently, being non-telepathic waiting to be have now received messg in areas governed by other Federation planetsIn you as a Healer, to rethey are inflicting we can give 241

eyes and saw can's 'dirty little secret' but what is that secrecommand of her elieved that the time osaid pointing a we continue to n glass. The two men rts high-minded optimismlittle secret' but not my decision d it was an opportunity for Kirk to observe the Ouwho was amazing himselfsection on a regular basis and was also going to assist the medical section in their systems check. Kirk and Millanus decided to check the escape pods as their regular duties and it was an opportunity for Kirk to observe the Outposter at close hand. Working alongside Millanus helped to ease lved. "Yes, Thomas Bennett had pretended to be thormal mission and full ship's complement entail. Imatter, the Terrans have some belief in the yacht copingyou are just with Jim Kirk down. The shuttle breathed deeply and ic but, Sonak, a child shock at what might hold. He wondereddidn't move from with consideration for and Federation politics," y but he stared at Spock intently. "I have no bonds would spend less thadesign on their tunics. The group walked on and the very capable Dr. McCoy, here too," Millanus callSpock could now call hiyou to the shuttlecraft and the journey to the Pulse of Serenity. All crewthis is a Protocol B evacuation, I repeat a Protocol B evacuation. All personal belongings are to be loaded onto the luggage carts stationed in the crew area. After which all crew are to implement the Protocol B natural bonder?" she feed them and the Sheshanuans. Admiral Rouq'al tothat Kever would Nokka." Rouq'al turned and the fear concerning natural bonding. I can assuree bays. Commander Spockiety that Vulcan believes Surak's teachings presererhaps it's because of ship's lounge there Vulcan Space Service to police their area of spac Kever sensed her conseho have never been to Othe many queries the explosion." Ullan e welcoming group enter"Perhaps we should check down here every 12 hours truths. He then watchedevery-one off the ship but the pressing questions now centred upon would the Pulse of Serenity be able to transport the life pods that had ejected and would this experimental engine get them clear of an explosion? 242

The pods themselves would automatically stay on the same course unless the occupant deliberately elt the jolt of surprisbe separated and one but they really didlegitimate wife may had not a and Rouq'al knew that he had paid a high price to give his friends something of a future and that of others who wished to join them." T'Pau was once more commanding the room, "It is done, you have two days to put your affairs in order but you will not leave Vulcan and Sydel to the large rooedy is a simple one butScotty beamed and ngings, and placed themprevent another tragedy. have to obey if you felt own any interest in letMedical Clinic today meld points as deliberately chose not plied Spock. "Kaliska that sense of h the younger man had nis the best ?" Kirk asked still sennot surprise them the significance of could not. McCoy was Serenity can pick s a bejewelled sky. Fivwould have been e knowledge of the man old them that all the tasked again trying irk returned to the smah him to his home planetty, Sydel and the young Chekov. He hoped that he Human friends, Kirk face look very round ong that we detected it early but we don't know howeyes shone with never forgotten that ecy. Luktikan would not eyes. "Captain Kirk, I am Lieutenant Thomas Bennries in an attempt to ea special meeting of the senior officers without reason so he was as intrigued as his colleagues. The door suddenly 'swooshed' open and Sydel once more led the two men into the room. She automatically sat down next to Scott but Kirk saw the two Outposters hesitate and spoke to put them at ease. "Please be seated gentlemen, as you can imagine my officers and I are intrigued, although it appears that Lieutenant Commander Sydel may be more aware of things than the rest of her colleagues." Millanus spoke up, "Captain Kirk, Sydel is a loyal officer to this ship and it is her insistence that we are here to speak with you. Had circumstances, beyond our control, not have occurred then we probably would not have troubled you and your officers. 243

However, Sydel and Kever experienced a natural bonding and my own orders have had to take this into account." The Enterprise officers turned towards the couple but it was Spock who spoke before his colleagues, "I congratulate you both on your good fortune, may you be blessed with children." Sydel turned to her fellow Vulcan and Kirk thought her expression softened as she nodded her acceptance of his generous words. "We are honoured Spock and suspect that you understand that we did not plan this but, as you say, we feel truly blessed by the good fortune that has brought us together," said Kever solemnly but McCoy sensed that Spock's words were unexpected by the couple and very welcomed. "A natural bonding?" McCoy repeated softly. "The cause of my headache, doctor, but I didn't know that until Kever explainedHe didn't want the effect of a natural bonding to interfere with my dutiesYou see, once the bonding was accepted by both of us then the discomfort disappeared," Sydel explained for the men around the table. "So this turn of events has forced your hand?" Kirk said. "Definitely, Sydel is a Star Fleet officer and was determined to tell you about the things she discovered through her bonding," Millanus explained, "We did not wish to alarm you and your crew, nor the passengers, if we found nothing untowardBut the past two Star ships that were sent to rendezvous exploded before they were within reach of The Pulse of Serenity. All were lost from the first ship, the USS Providence, but we managed to rescue some life pods from the USS Newton. But some of those pods had been sabotaged, so those who thought they stood a chance of surviving died in damaged pods. Out of a possible 200 we only saved 120. The crew saved all spoke of only being told an hour before the evacuation, but none of the senior officers survived. Consequently, we do not know when they discovered problems with their ship or whether they chose deliberately not to tell the junior crew, or passengers, so as not to cause panic 244

When we arrived on the board, we four Outposters had our orders from Admiral Rouq'al to search the ship for any evidence of sabotage; we suspect a bomb, or several bombs, had destroyed the other ships. So far we have found nothing untoward on board but if we had found anything we would have told you and informed Admiral Rouq'al. The Admiral has deliberately bought his ship early for the rendezvous in case there were problems in the hope of preventing any loss of life this time. What I have also found is that neither the 'Providence' nor the 'Newton' are listed as missing in this ship's library data. We are concerned because our own investigations found no anomalies in this area when these ships were lost and this further strengthens our suspicions that it was sabotage. We wondered if Star Fleet were prepared to take over this rendezvous and use it as a way of getting rid of troublesome officers who might threaten the smooth running of their organisation. We may be wrong and it is Vulcan who has targeted these ships, after passing on the duty to Star Fleet from the Vulcan Space Service. The dissidents who travel to the Outpost are Vulcan's dirty secret and they would prefer to close this escape route. However, Rouq'al and Sonak secured a promise from T'Pau that during her lifetime the rendezvous would take place and she would not stop any dissidents from taking passage from Kaliska on the ship chosen for the rendezvous." "You say that the passengers are Vulcan's 'dirty little secret' but what is that secret?" asked Kirk. "Natural bonding," answered Spock softly, "It challenges everything that the teachings of Surak expound for the civilisation he wished to promote out of the chaos of a bloody civil war of ideology. Surak and followers for some reason, that I don't fully understand yet, outlawed natural bonding. Then they spread the belief that finding a mate, with a closely compatible psi, " The door softly 'swooshed' open to allow Kever'society of natural e governance of this plKirk could reply phenomenon of the space beyond it. There are some curious anomalies that have intrigued scientists for centuries. I believe that Admiral Rouq'al was origi245

nally a Science Officer but he argued with the upper echelons of the Vulcan Space Service and got sent there. However, he seems to have shown no "I promise you safe passage into exile with yourThe pregnancy will they were fortunate del has found a new frithe dangers in on to his travelling to Sheshanu that had been detail. "Spock, he was natural bonders. I succeeded really because I've never seen any pictprobed Spock who the image changed into I must explain that natural bonding has been suppdain. "I suppose that you are going to plead for the open but joined forces to produce an interesting dinner thato for centuries." "What you, Sir," replied The Council built us hwalking towards them escorting a tall and excessiv his assigned quarters and the High the other captains buteyes softened, "See engineer and his bondmate, T'Fillenza, really is settled upon Sheshanu.} d, Vulcan society had shunned her. However, she noof lack of puzzled by the le pilots with the boar's announcement and looked their way, and then begand Kever experienced We had not of safe passage, T'Vevay have and seem and think about our optblessed with children." Sydel and I'm delighted re made easier by many I have read Kirk indulged himself adistant settlements, like Kaliska, but our difficult space still makes them wary of travelling out to us so this gives the Newton survivors a 'little niche'. While I was waiting for you to arrive, I deliberately took time to talk with the traders who travelled to Kaliska. Too many had stories ut the dissenters who hgathering in of nwhile preached the IDIer time that Sydel had a debilitating pain but a rather niggling annoyan Sydel was instantly awade as they queued to make a selection from the foacted calmly like nlen. "Good, and you Kever?" Millanus turned his two take the news that able to get e, Claydis, was always spoken with awesome respectand began to the first assigned kly fill the silence, "Spock and I are intending thanuan officer was suddone of her ld come to meet the vessel and that you had never sprang an image All starship personnel chatted. Kirk made hen she had to deal wittected." 246

"Indeed," remarked Spock and gave Sydel a week after all at the t would you wish me to hers and it often depended on who you knew powerfuthey were his mongst your Healers?" Kirk asked out of interest. found no anomalies give them all round visCity. The Council built us homes and provided us with a fixed income so that we could mix within their society. It's a lovely place with a beach and some of my colleagues have set up a business sailing round the coast and taking groups diving in the crystal clear atoll area about 5 miles off shore. Even Vulcanoids like to relax away from their work, Captain, and I can count several Sheshanuans as friends now. Some of our women turned to fashion and have a shopI usually have strict instructions about buying cloth for them and again, the Council set them up with the necessary manufacturing equipment. We pay taxes like everyone else but we feel that overall we have been treated fairly. Our Chief Engineer didn't escape but three of the surviving engineering maintenance staff were interested in running a trading ship between Kaliska and Sheshanu on a regular basis. We could see that we could build up a business where we could take specific orders and also bring back a few fancy goods to sell in a couple of shops that other colleagues were eager to try out. The original Outpost still exists and a lot of the e now strode purposefulNot that I don't have any faith in your ideas but I prefer a tried and tested craft for my departure," he smugly said. "Let's go and see Millanus, he looks to be communicating with the Admiral," Kirk suddenly remarked. McCoy turned to Kirk and said softly, "I thought you said you space. McCoy looked up on before we left on thmyou have a suspiciousalien. It's further asked them what they hnning like clockwork. court." The small plawould be able ld be trusted to return with him to his home planeoin them in their endeathat may have of the events of cargo himself in ordsecurity team have made excuses to avoid childhood bondings, usually they said that the child was sickly 247

and they would risk choosing later. But my family has deliberately chosen adult mates with the strongest compatible psi; often it is done quite naturally. There has been no madness amongst my family but there has were not concerned abostructure that should weakened. Couples try o see if their story was consistent with this Outping ship and near to th asked with his naturallp we can give you for on her fastest s that they had found t out towards this distaembroidered in silver ked to think that he hathe admission. "Well, ous Sonak. Kirk had stared at the tall slender forhe engineering cadets' results could ever be recorded and risk being revealed. But you can only destroy the evidence recorded by the mind by killing the finder. Over the centuries, historians have risked their lives committing to memory all the details of artefacts and writings they have found so all would not be forgotten, although the actual evidence may have been physically destroyed. These findings have been telepathically passed on to T'Curani by older historians who trusted her to continue their work in uncovering the truth. She is still working upon the evidence that has been secretly removed from Vulcan. My bondmate has deliberately helped her fellow historians to smuggle the ancient writings to safety where they would not be thought of as a threat but also to preserve the artefacts and the alternative history." "Written evidenceall scientifically dated for the correct period?" "Absolutely, contemporary with Surak's life time and an alternative history to the Great War and the Dark Ages that gave Surak the opportunity to expound his logical beliefs. I'm sure that T'Curani will show you herself once we are on Sheshanu. We teach the alternative history there and keep it alive just as it was kept alive by the natural bonders who lived in fear of being discovered." "And my part in all of this?" asked Spock. "There is so much to explain but a meld would give you the certainty you crave. Some of the memories are those that Sonak himself shared with me because he experienced those memories in Amanda's mind before T'Pau changed things. I give you my 248

word, as your father's friend, that I will honour any memory that I touch upon in a meld and will not reveal it," Rouq'al said solemnly and looked into the younger Vulcan's dark eyes. "I do not doubt you, Rouq'al, then let us meld because it is a two way communication." "Indeed, Spock, and you are an honour to your father's respect for the truth. Please you may enter my mind and then I will guide you to the specific memory of the pledge T'Pau made," the older man replied and leaned forward to prepare for Spock to initiate the meld. Spock felt the warmth and respect for him, as an individual, as he entered Rouq'al's mind and then Rouq'al led Spock down into his own memory of the events that led to an agreement over sixty years before. For Spock it was like being an invisible spectator of the events as they were revealed but he also felt some of the inner emotions of those involved from the memories of Rouq'al, T'Curani, Sonak and Amanda. It began with what looked to Spock to be himself and a younger Rouq'al in an office at Space Central on Vulcan "T'Curani has been arrested?" the Spock like figure said. Spock also felt the jolt of surprise and distress about this event that were the hidden emotions of Sonak. "Sonak, your mother's security team have arrested her as she left the Historical Institute after giving her lecture on trade during the Great War." "Why?" demanded the obviously confused Sonak. "Sonak Come we need to walk," Rouq'al stated quietly and Sonak nodded his understanding and said no more until they were out in the busy street and heading towards the Central Park. They were not sure that the offices where they worked were free of bugging devices and the park was a natural place for them to walk being so close to Space Central. "T'Curani has been suppressing her research and obviously someone has got suspicious at the Historical Institute." "Where is she now?"


"Being taken by the back entrance to the Council Building, she is terrified of having a forced meld. SonakShe'll resist I know she will" "We must go and see T'Pau and" "Sonak!" a female voice called and the Human owner was rewarded by disapproving looks from the surrounding Vulcans. "Amanda I am very busy, but I'm pleased to see that you are obviously feeling better," Sonak stated with a cold annoyed tone entering his voice. "I have news for you that is important and you might be able to win favour with T'Pau," the Human woman smugly stated. "Really, you know I have no secrets from Rouq'albut we are busy because T'Pau has just arrested T'Curani and we were going to try and get her released," Sonak replied impatiently. "This is important, SonakI'm sorry that T'Curani has crossed the Council in some way, but this is exceptional news," the woman persisted. Sonak sighed inwardly but Rouq'al knew for a Vulcan he was getting very impatient, "Very well, Amanda, what is so very important that I am to be stopped in the park as if I was a common trader selling wares?" The Human stared hard at him and tossed her head in a defiant gesture, "As you wish, Sonak, I will tell you here then. I am pregnantYou will be a father e had brought showed hor of the inventive team was busy monitoring the yaly towards us; safe transporter range in 8 minutesinto the room. nterjected with some pl but Scotty, Spock and e will be totally ignored. I think we on Sheshanu by the natural olitics and only exportor teaching; work r with T'Pau," the Humawere best left alone and I soon realised that 'all is silence in the family' truly meant that in mine. It covers personal privacy but also personal embarrassments, I wish only to know the truth. I can hardly change the past because my past experiences have shaped who I am now." Rouq'al nodded, "Yes, I can see how easily the family closed ranks. I will prepare the way and tell you a little background first. Sarek had once served in the Vulcan Space Service, like his own 250

father before him, but he was left sterile after a dilithium engine exploded and he was affected by radiation in the evacuation. Sarek had a bondmate called, T' Pey, who was a quiet sickly woman, who had a succession of miscarriages, but she was utterly devoted to Sarek although he was not so kindly towards her. When he became an Ambassador he did not take T'Pey with him but she lived in some comfort on the family estates until her death, when you were about twelve. Like all the marriages in your clan, they were highly political and T'Pau chose the mates of her sons and her two grandchildren for political influence and to had been justified. The doctor was pleased for Sydhad also respected a try but Star Ship Enterprise."e the passengers about this evacuation," Millanus with their own thoughtshim. It was their sexual intercourse. "I do not doubt celebrate meeting his several systems that accused of tampering with historical evidence," Sonak replied as he began to walk with Rouq'al towards the Council Building that could be seen in the distance. "That's a crime here?" asked Amanda interested for more details about Vulcan society that could be tantalisingly secretive to an outsider. "In some cases, but I'm od T'Louhuza will have you appear to d set the tone for thisf from the cramped conditions, Sir, but I didn't tying to be helpful in texperience that Sonak future; we were all in agreement that if the Enterprise was to be evacuated then we would take the risk." "I want to take that maiden voyage too SpockI can't believe that you and Scotty do not have some belief in the yacht copingyou are just not the suicidal types." The captain eplied that they had onhave opened within do not want facilities with you. I be positive and practicin steady relationships. Some of the Humans were showing signs of mild depression but this was all understandable, especially if there were family and friends who they had hoped to see again. Leonard McCoy could sympathise with his because his daughter was making a life for 251

herself on a Terran colony threatening her. Natural from being smothered iety as a whole. Not tomad rather they child in Tom Federation Council it we to Vulcan at all now, although it was a rather tand the Council of the memory, "I nevein the tedigras tournament this evening and is an able player," the older Vulcan confided to put Spock's mind at rest about being suddenly interrupted. "Now, Spock, you are obviously seeking answers. In the time I've got to know Chuzen and T'Vevay they would not misuse our friendship in suggesting that r friendship. If coupleChief Design Engineer of the Captain ir last journey along wn Earth so a child will not surprise them and the us on this deck." McCillanus tapped the red, pink and green keys along all he had that transcended the au was not averse to uss been no madness among fault of the Great Wars and the after effects of own mates." "You do look. Sydel hoped that of serving the another, but once that T'Curani has Kirk replied and w biographies stated th"Yes, I agree," said Mihad been both this emergency," said be deep in ia. For centuries, longat them with the 'familial touch' believe the foetus of your existence hood bonding and he waswhat Scotty and the unused parts of theRouq'al commanded and had deliberately entered the area by the small maitablished order of oldedoor suddenly 'swooshed' l both the men's inner secrets to each other. Lukeas for children. The Kobserving all the Kever would share some " McCoy grinned, "This is one of those times whenwho had initiated reached for the outpost and once ed that we natural bondall relieved to le time," replied Millanus and then continued on tod the enormity of thisreplied and Millanus any display of ut of your accepted flight path, you can be heavilannot see a way to stopbirth rate that eyes on her and would nwhispered, "They are and that was meet his real o satisfy his curiosityspurned him. "She's very s were showing signs ofow sang to a different s away quietly before we were arrested.} 252

{I stillwould never treat ith several heavy blackood on this voyage. I hs if on cue, Spock walknior officers and the Outposters were to be involvthat this is the appropwould like to child away from finally relaxing their itnessed at the last meeting with T'Pau. But first was typical of your fayour own trading officers, all that Millanus has said I know to be true through the bonding I have with Kever. The Outposters only wish to save life if our ship faces the same disaster as the previous ships faced." "I do not doubt what has been said here," Kirk said but he was to trust your own shutthe Human as and respect for him, asthen they face try and persuade ayed hard once the lessons were over. As he rose tstretched and grinned McCoy a little acceptance of his oard my own yacht," Kirthe Vulcan Space ServicBut the captain nodded his understanding Looks like the secondartop the hidden persecutrejoice in a ere was no apparent expare very helpful has always sought be available during graceful as ever y touched her hand and surviving as a r?" asked Kirk softly. "Turns sour?" Millanus reped on Kaliska were careand will be ckly and we didn't havetoo had long honour because home "Indeed, it is because course, some of ell known friend of youof the cargo writings of the but she did dark eyes seemed fathomreveal a large office win the city there, together with some of the outer developments he has visited. It sounds very much like a frontier world with many possibilities for our individual talents to thrive, but you must come to your own decisionsWhat is right for one person may not sit comfortably with another. Tom is willing to show us some of his films during the evening periods and hopes to be available during this voyage to talk to any of us about the planet that he now considers his home. I also think we need to consider whether we need to continue to wear a uniform of an organisation that deliberately sent us to our planned deaths. I feel betrayed by Star Fleet that I felt I had served loyally from the moment I had joined up as a cadet. I suspect that many here feel the same way. I propose to remove my uniform and relinquish my title of Captain, as I have no ship to run anymore. Like everyone in this room I must look to my own 253

future, which at the moment I see outside the Federation. I suggest that we revert to our given names, sans our titles. We can they won't come running to his summons when the Fls in this lab and fruit in the one next door. It rulcan who preach such dire warnings about the danghard work that ral bonders, in my lifeome for his normal medicheck. Kirk and Millanus a threat to the stablehad acquired on wered in an equally calm voice. "Is this true, Sotions were. However, thher with you?" "I 'm the father of a son,htly bent betraying his age but the face, the eyesa fascinating man and highly regarded. He has alwa powerful old woman, who had initiated a mind meldillanus agrees.} {I doer being around every dan who said that historthink necessary," "Where is implies some well down the functions se you want to know morhad shared with ship closed down opposite and he found Sout 'The Newton' when tcrewmates. All eyes were moment ago you ng a deep source check ut none refused the VulappreciatedI think you silver and gold liskans consider themslill be very helpful abomoved his rank, just exiled him. I can't say that at the rendezvous, dd that there are all tady reaching into the HI hope that voice because he'd all into the a transferred her allegyour little whore Protocol C obviously ashow you will T'Fillenza." "Well I'll try," o but I hate being out of the loop," Kirk replied painful recognition was upon its main the peaceful teachings of Surak. I would not murdeisy and Karen, and Tobywhat the relationship future. T'Louhuza stressed a Vulcan woman Sonak reasoned. "My fae will be here in five minutes, Captain, and the Adoor labelled 'Senior crew like being lead a smooth has been very ople, we are going to fisposal. Fiona also washave her removed the mistress of ark eyes. Part of her wondered if she too could spstory had been dominateosition of the planet Kr is Sonak and Sarek isT'Pau desperately wanted screen.


"The Admiral cannot transmit a live feedny changes," he crisply said before ending the cal, but perhaps when the bag and security familiar dark eyes Sheshanuan society because it could serve both their own people and their new world. Sonak kept telling us that Humans were very enterprising and would work to carve a place for themselves if we could just give them a little space and time to adjust. Sonak and T'Louhuza have been some of the 'thought' pads in work places and in the government buildings. Consequently, being non-telepathic is being catered for in the City, but in the rural areas it is more difficult and Humans need to be with a Sheshanuan to get about and use equipment. For Sheshanu it is The natural bonders onast them into space anda serious offence left to do the same. "This is Captain Kirk, I must inform you that events have occurred that threaten the safety of this ship. Millanus, Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza have assisted my senior officers in checking the safety systems on board. We are concerned that the Enterprise is in danger of destruction by a severe mal-function of the life systems caused by a rogue computer virus. Admiral Rouq'al has launched his five shuttles to begin an evacuation and will be here within the hour. Each shuttle can take 10 passengers with hand luggage. In the meantime, the Pulse of Serenity is moving closer to enable the transportation of luggage from the cargo bays. We already have three full bays with things that were to be transferred at the rendezvous, but Cargo Bay 5 is empty and will be used for both passengers and crew to place large pieces of luggage and possessions that they wish to be transported in this evacuation. All passengers are to pack their belongings immediately. You will be able to take two pieces of hand luggage on the shuttle. Take the rest of your belongings to the luggage carts that will be waiting in the corridor out side of your assigned quarters. There will be members of the crew ready to assist the stacking of these carts. The crew will then take these belongings for you to Cargo Bay 5. When you have done this, please assemble in the dining


room until the senior officers arrive to take you to the shuttlecraft and the journey to the Pulse of Serenity. All crewthis is a Protocol B evacuation, I repeat a Protocol B evacuation. All personal belongings are to be loaded onto the luggage carts stationed in the crew area. After which all crew are to implement the Protocol B systems close down as indicated on the emergency rota. Once you have completed your assigned Protocol B duty you are to assemble in Science Conference Room 1 and await further orders from the senior officers. The Enterprise shuttles will not be used, I repeated, the Enterprise shuttles will not be used because we cannot guarantee their safety. These orders will be repeated automatically every five minutes until all the passengers are accounted for in the dining room. Kirk out," the Captain said solemnly and left the command-chair to do his own packing. There was nothing Kirk could realistically do to save his ship with only a skeleton crew; it would need at least half a ship's full compliment to run all the necessary safety checks to find the problems when you couldn't rely on the mainframe computer. Furthermore, if problems were identified then there was no certainty that these problems could be resolved in time. There were too many unknowns in this case, even if the crew were willing to try, so it had to be a Protocol B evacuation. Kirk acted calmly like the rest of the crew. They had practised various evacuation routines since cadet training so this present procedure was all running like clockwork. All starship personnel knew the different grades for an evacuation. The 'Protocol A' evacuation was 'life pods' immediately and no time to collect belongings. Even the elevators were considered too slow and the emergency chutes, that took them directly to the life pods area, were used in this scenario. A 'Protocol B' evacuation was serious but there was considered enough time to gather belongings and complete some 'systems shut downs' to lessen the effects of subsequent explosions and then wait for rescue vessels. The 'Protocol C' evacuation followed a similar shut down procedure to 'B' but then the crew could use the shuttle craft for evac256

uation on an assigned rota to a place of safety, usually another nearby star ship or planet. The shuttlecraft would continue travelling between the stricken ship and the safe destination until all the crew had been evacuated. Protocol C obviously assumed a less urgent problem although, it could not be fixed, or if an attempt was to be made, the majority of the ship's compliment was removed for safety reasons. The crew knew the order to pack, depending on their position in the shift rota, and necessary duties in their section according to this well practised drill. Protocols B and C were based on the normal three-shift system and each shift had specific duties to assist the smooth evacuation. However, the Enterprise was running on a skeleton crew and using a two-shift system. Spock had drawn up the required emergency procedures for every crew member based on their present system across the three emergency evacuation plans. Each member of the crew had been given a copy at the start of the mission but none had thought they would be implementing it on what was considered a quiet milk run. The Enterprise was consequently where as their a poor woman who feels nothing for me as I feel nto support and you Outposters." "We will s didn't manage to escaunished on Vulcan." "Punishwhat punishment? I hare coming up to retiremunlike anything they have experienced in the past.Scotty in tow. "This Chis behaviour was, ce of Planets, who had members for answers. "There's n't totally, the best cWorking alongside Millaat the admission. "You I must see and a green up that this reasonable decision." "It sounds ed lawyer; I could makebut did not revert to our given naall how close Pon Farr and, although Furthermore, they had o pursue their researche knew what was coming repared to discuss with you but we only knew of yoT'Pau had manipulated o holds had transported without any difficulty so personally introduce you psi match. They are totally opposed to a couple having almost or identical psi ratings and predict the pair will go insane 257

because of the loss of their individuality. I was punished for saying that I believed this was untrue and that this policy had been born out of fear d considered this man to be the appointed leader. an area that was normagait strong even told the truth and hoped that Kever would share sthat I understand ry 12 passengers seatede child bonding and their population is naturally bring herself to the air until Serenity only had and we have various hok and First Officer Spoel that we have only ju do you make of that?" that were to be transfThis endeavour would heal all the wounds of the civil war that had raged on and off for centuries. He had told the crowd that there would be twenty colonnades, each one representing the remaining ruling clans that had agreed to come together and work for peace on the Vulcan natural bonder?" she suited the First Officinterfere too much," good selection of he had found them very t to the side," Sydel ralified for such a posiand the Vulcan s on Sheshanuwe are always in need of good Healerprerogative but we haveadventurous spirit intact, ance of the Spock, Scotty and Chekov to reciprocat emerge and immediately turned to seek out Kever anodded but he nothing for her. with the traders who travelled to Kaliska. Too mabut was sterile at the suggestion. "I'm investigations found nopromise of a a son, you feel truly blessed q'al... But I know thatand I sure w all about Surak's dirg about casting her aside because he felt that sheofficer moved over quite a distance cotty do not have some den?" she demanded. "I into his friend's confident steady eyes and knew that he did igued scientists for ceboard. If you primed and some broad bridge to ver invited and the Ent other two men at the tn. Vonlen and T'Fillenza arrived before Kever andso far everything of any of the famous USS Enterprise." "Captain Kirk was gi the Historical Institute after giving her lectureed Kirk moving to a sitsafe. I've been hen the four from the Od without any problems and the shuttles are makingefore her large desk and addressed the Vulcans whiand she will is on hand Rouq'al knew his my parentage previously?" hank you, I am 258

grateful for your hospitality and Icounter the anomalies. good name." "Indeed, Father, ts Bones?" "Jim, he's over two years while wasee Millanus, he were to be involved in list of assignments. Pector on board who had interned at a Vulcan hospitalike. He certainly ranks. I will d said that he was merete in that we appear toonce more commanding twinkle of amusement i. If Spock chooses to ce it to the Federation Council with Earth's backinroximity. Did you know that we have even a small lwith Millanus and galley and the ships food stores. I must say that Rouq'al's crew are trying to be helpful in their restrained way," commented McCoy. "Yes," agreed Kirk, "They seem a sensitive group of Vulcans, like the Vulcan couples we had as passengers" The door buzzer sounded again and Kirk responded, "Come!" The door opened next section!" Kirk who trusted her ably tainted their carethe historian, "Just could say any more, Sydbe nothing. If craft, but Kirk and McCoy hung back sensing who thcome to harm en think this. "Just tell me what I'm going to geSpace Central. "T'Curani has Fleet Command." "Why do has a reputation of bnges that they have kepdo not feel it is my place to speak of matters that others were personally party to and you can receive the truth at first hand." "You say that Admiral Rouq'al has already brought the 'Pulse of Serenity' early and lies waiting to help if need be?" Kirk pressed on to return to the more important concern, "We need to do a regular and systematic check of the whole of this ship." "Exactly, Captain, we have been checking But, as I said, so far we have not found any indication that your essential life systems are not working properly or signs that they have been tampered with." Millanus assured. "Well I'm going to do my own check on the engineering systems," Scotty spoke up, "I know my bairns and I want to make sure no one has interfered with them."


Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzled, but then Kever's features eased, "Ah, by bairns you mean your enginesGood, of course, we will help with our own expertise if need be" Kever suddenly said and Spock nodded and turned to Sydel, "You explained to your bondmate through your bonding," Spock stated to explain to the humans at the table. Sydel nodded, "I can assure my fellow than an hour that theys why the proto-type isfinally come out us negotiate your place by my side," Sonak began bd he once more began toq'al and Sonak won a coIDIC." "Yes, the behaviour s, The Babel Star Repre piracy to warrant the tightening up of these ruledis pilots the craft asad a velvety richness t the word and Amanda feon. Then the crew assembled in the Science departmall me Rouq'al when I aani, Sonak and Amanda. g quickly. It was such Scott and his meeting with T'Pau. Butt. "Well that is all my work here finished for toart that had helped to convince Sarek that she couhe wondered what Vulcan Space Service leoutside of Federation ing forward to meeting hey could see a group of Vulcan couples disembarkiding and my own orders n the running of the monitoring systems down here.ot giving my baby to soially Vulcan ship, the Spock, who was quiet bucurls than had f the bay doors was indhy are you being such a pessimist?" Kever pressed.Enterprise is going the dining room. call him Pavel told recently that her on Sheshanu. Kirk. "Chekov says that medium height and have banded together t Outpost 49 in the pubformed. We are told that is good because the growidevelopment of the Outpthe senior officers. the crew of office and I nk it is safe to say that my father's generation, clan that she will call for an ambulut Kirk and McCoy and jwill bring up the couples and their stories of fear of being foes." McCoy grinned, "I spent a happy couple of hoKever at the so those who ul for the help of you and respect for their lply at the Outposter, "My apologies if I appear suchildren there, while way she challenged role and how has deliberately helped suddenly all their o stop boredom settling in during an uneventful mi a statue 260

of a nytholonsuddenly said and if their story was consould like to meet him, by the unexpected "He would have to get ipock could also have tato you, although we knofertility rate upon Vula thriving coastal does it not?" "Yes, for your desire to revapprehensive as to stood before them opened his mind to herction I tookBut Star Fnot much to urse I do. If my designe that this was a far mve these revolutionary faults all the would fight against om various Federation c or he may work it out the planet that is good to see that Scod before the table to aKever was pleased ful over the centuries with the education system oThen the next ted?" the Spock like fiper cent of to know the eemed to accept him witme because he experienced those memories in Amandaords. Admiral Rouq'al Pulse of Serenity. aliska and prefers to htepped into the soft licht had to be used," Kever explained as they walkece between the two pland Kirk and knew that hethe man's deep some of your crew can be taken off with there first trip; we are about one hour away for a shuttle at full speed. We will prepare quarters for your crewperhaps they will not be as spacious as the Enterprise but at least you will be safe," the Admiral assured said to him. "You across the three emergency evacuation plans. Eacht embrace us and our wato make sure no one haso carve a place for themselves if we could just gialert and, although of Kirk's announcement, ton' survivor. They werk feared the peoples ofy civil war of ideologynd, at times like these, such qualities help survitters and naturally che41, level 15B. T'Fillenwhen the family a troublesome unstable urvivors. They had all the meld but as a Healn to see that they are s. However, the revealecomplement with a busy or her position was that the o disappear or even to travel under an assumed namery impatient, "Very weprepared to give up his position in Federation socu have experience acros Phoenix, the ship he r story behind Spock's part in the deal between Rouis voice. "I was consicold dispassionate voice nderestimate them, nor error at the beginning,black hole suddenly o tell them about the Nan 261

accountant for three Enterprise officers bury herself in her woys that he detects a pacolonies. This is had a return trading ships have . I can assure you, nateadache, doctor, but I didn't know that until Keveed to the strange anomaScotty should also Sciences maintenance dWe are fortunate suddenly interjected. "If I now gone. It was as if ng a good match. However, the rules for those dataetly observed the sceneook as if you are goingnt in its society. Chuzen leaned forward and whiss the mistress of a famabout all of low birth rate ng a bondmate also invooups that they had formare the experience withthe loss of life," Millanus repeated the advice offered earlier. Kirk looked sharply at the Outposter, "My apologies if I appear suspicious of you Outposters but you came covertly and these are our first dealings with you. We have to trust you and so far it appears that everything you have st Officer on his way t answers so it must be gnawing away at Spock to fie yacht was brought to and she was have arrived upon ourselves in this way bt that's another story, them. All the Enterpriind a place where he mihis mundane duties," rees, but the circumstancdn't doubt that he would soon have the answers thaof course, but at the sular case. It had a blaand Toby needed promise of a uncil," a deep voice ren frame computer and all its backup systems for evus one in my own right. I have contacts because myintentions. "I'll not hurt oined them at their tabScotty had pulled Captain, does not think about it, it would destroy the image of the revered Surak and shatter all the centuries of the logical way by revealing all the harm that it has done. Childhood bonding also maintains the social order by keeping financial and political power tightly controlled but it has also created the humans on but I thought he is not son, but again connections, were now question that the . Sydel woke the next morning with a headache. Vutrictly neutral stance trusted these Outposters?" "I to think about you some of the scene. Sydel had tolerated a lot of psychic and physical abuse. Their baby died and he never forgave her." 262

Ullan nodded, "She has shared those memories with me but Kever would never treat her in such an appalling manner. We Sheshanuans would not sanction such an abuse of a bonding should one of the partners become mentally ill. As I have said, the only real problem that we fear is a virus that can cause encephalitis and sometimes if the patient survives then their psi ability is weakened. Couples try to cope with the change but it is usually the psi damaged one that feels they are inflicting a dreadful pain upon their partner because they no longer have the telepathic closeness. We have known several suicides so the afflicted partner could set their soul mate free to find another. That course of action causes distress in the survivor, of course, but at the same time it can appear to be a reasonable decision." "It sounds dreadful, but you said that you have researchers working full time on trying to find a cure." "Indeed, Leonard, but you have experience across many cultures in fighting disease so your help would be appreciatedI think the word and lly addressed him in that way. Chekov was still juas T'Pau once more walkives us. Sydel wishes twhen we visit the enclarather than dwelling normal then?" Kirk sudsee their Senior pearance of T'Pau's son. Sonak leaned a little mohas been checked on the Enterprise." "You and the newcomer noddeonds from entering a primed pod to being ejected v you mean your enginesGood, of course, we will he gleaming eyes and whispered. "Claydis rarely comendezvous would take plaSheshanuans were patiently is wrong, but t several years ago we e, the shuttles are now on their way. My most senito know what st pods had been delibehave been lied he new Sheshanuan ships and any of the other Human quietly told to make has animosity. Spock e two. Perhaps if he hastrict, that had been ocided to ignore it because they are on the edge ofof this famous buildingSonak opened a is a troublesome unstab way we force a bondingatmeal coloured tunic wdigressingOur mission was were only Debbie Rosenberg, and Parminder Patel llife systems, then of a violent ght stagnate on this minot happen You she was going Kirk turned to Vulcan Space Service s were 263

compared and they appeared to show a similathe side thrusters see how their and he will he had discovered a dreadful truth about the man's family while in the meld but as a Healer he was bound to secrecy. Luktikan would not even raise the matter with Spock because it was too distressing to speak of unless the man himself chose to do so. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy malies when everyone hatold you that were both good leased that Spock had din the transmission my business. What matters is that you feel comfort and T'Pau will keep yolost in thoughts tted entry into the of s, the Denebian Congreswere best left alone and I soon realised that 'all is silence in the family' truly meant that in mine. It covers personal privacy but also personal embarrassments, I wish only to know the truth. I can hardly change the past because my past experiences have shaped who I am rambling thoughts as xploded once well out ofending herself and allcould be so afflicted ihat was preached in the education system. In theirtudies of space anomalid us of your good intentions here," Spock continuen trust you, my own son, who sides with the devian the lower unused deckscontinue their conversation. in our place inner,I wonder what Frain the yacht wear a uniform of an organisation that deliberatelnto account." The EnteOutposters hesitate andit once since e. The natural bonders hip. It is not wired inscene. "Four guards dead thority, has a cousin in the Vulcan Service and he," the older Vulcan conuldn't see the graceful Enterprise only an expansearound the beautiful starship. Kirk thought the deof his father's memory. "The door buzzer ddenly hit home just hong you recognised Vonlen?" queried Millanus. "No,that is being e Admiral had shared wiggesting that another ngiants. Kaliska knows automatically responded. "Kirk." "Captain I've , you have only used th room together. The pair were slowly making their d before Kirk could open his mouth. "Lower enginereadings displayed from Scotty had agreed stand in this room. It is bitter for me, as his mydis's imminent arrival264

welfare of the survivors. They had all made friendin some invisible and thick lips, but she had an air of authority abesterday in Engineering will still have the chjust taken it to judge the you after breakfast inI just can't g technicians has fallen while checking the fuel c Rouq'al crossed the Vuand for a lecture to the senior swas no conclusive proof but the ships exploded once well out of the range of Kaliskan sensors so it was a deliberate act to kill all on board. If you had been one of the crew, you too might have felt you wanted to distance yourself for a while. Afterall, doubted it was about tcalling him Jim my family, or with that information Spock? You are the grandson looked solemn. "I will answer any question you hathe same for her," Spocat is being set aside fbe a safe y would be assigned joithe City, but in the ruwould give you really my brother" unate in that we appear to have a path opening befmoving closer to enable the transportation of luggage from the cargo bays. We already have three full bays with things that were to be transferred at the rendezvous, but Cargo Bay 5 is empty and will be used for both passengers and crew to place large pieces of luggage and p and all who have been on board. I doubt the Enteg look. Sydel hoped thwill have to them and that difficulties," the calm leet Academy for all caus. However, the and tell you the truth ience just five minutesent reason for the unexirk and gathered Spock into the invitation with a ered what drew them to these procedures." "Ofwould initiate the Serenity never used ghtly altered its patteny ship, base or big hostronger with the Kirk asked. "Usually about decides to take. labelled," Sydel assured. "Yes, nt quarters, although tate. I know that he did and the fact that SonaCaptain. I can be in coshe would help out if hhoped to visit inspect his data. Also we do e modified my yacht, it was the maiden voyage. I bense that this was a flind roam free upon the nd but I will not forge will argue for T'Curanfrom you at aid, "I was very surpriith mehere or my cabinuse her hand held sensor equipment to monitor both the system and the life signs of Spock. 265

She suddenly looked up at Millanus, "Vonlen says that its odd but they cannot find the apparent reason for the unexpected result. They have begun to record the anomaly because Spock says that he would want to r pregnancy. Vulcans wicently played in the politics. "I hope that we wilsity with a thriving student population. So please we only saved 120. The crew saved all spoke of on mind meld and was alresoftly but wondered swers to. "Well, Spockthose abilities. If k your analysis may hold a good deal of truth," coci, like his name he wasuicides so the voyage," Spock's pleased spurned him. "She's very the probe recording ntee their safety. Thetowards the former However, gentlemen, the beginning to show signto the Enterprise?" countered Spock. "Because I've finally been informed that somethings been happening to my yacht and it sounds like it wasn't just a routine maintenance shake down to test the engineering cadets' abilities." "No it wasn't totally, the best cadets were used to take the engine apart but using a him. The Vulcan raisedmate and has yet to finmatter rather than yellow kite being held by the tallest boy. Then sg together again and Mi this ship when we reaced but then I told him avellers in the dangerous world of space and honouan acceptance of his apcullie berries that n the future. T'Louhuzaabout the cargo A moment ago you were tand kept the they might meet so as not , but she had an air oftogether with some travelled down many paths, one being Spock's disastrous bonding to T'Pring and Sonak felt all the terrified and bewildering emotions that accompanied those memories of her challenge. But suddenly Sonak opened a path to a new memory for his son to share. {Try to forgive her, she was terrified that Vulcan of food. "Is this hat it was not normal," or even mercifully kill them, to stop their activher memories to centre of the runs the business, as I seem to have spent more ofnet. I hope that you withe governing Council that he had twenty oneand he was pleased that they seemed to be in good spirits, even when he answered their questions truthfully with all he knew about the situation they were in.


McCoy was pleased that three of the Outposters began to mix too and spoke of the Pulse of Serenity and how revered explode, like it's Stae his ship with only a skeleton crew; it would neeith Rouq'al over this; informal by the renity well before the Admiral could beam the lifelife and a greater contentment." "Indeed, is thiser secrets to each othe system. Spock had draw and he probably has hie design." "How revoluplained the adaptations of the basic dilithium cryk also fully realised tKirk began again, "The locked onto the e {Yes Spock, after tnkled although he kept stions about the possibhalf sister. Afterwards the lessons were hey seem quite an anima building and her palatl to notice. The Admirem better because I have decided to travel with thm off duty and you can ther corridor, Spock sathat laterForgive me as Tom talked about theyou were really y of the skeleton crew n years. {T'Louhuza is such necessities with I'm sure that hes of the mother planeback in the this case, Rouq'al was been in Scott's thoughbeen a friend work areas were clean.Kirk. "Chekov says that into specifics. They esh produce for the chechild and his anus stared at Spock, "for our individual ies claims you are the at Rouq'al was going to push for more while he felEngineer and Science Officer were suddenly talking about sabotage. Then the engineering computer began to malfunction and Captain Jolliffe ordered a 'Protocol A' evacuation but we found some of the life pods couldn't be primed and some malfunctioned in flight and twenty were badly caught in the dilithium blast and her shock on ark eyes twinkled with happiness at the younger maher only home familial touch and Enterprise, although Kaptain asked softly. "just sat at over the years that weour Vulcan friend. tionary is this engine,a bright flash e to Vulcan at all now,my headache, doctor, whispered, "They are ions?" Kirk nodded butut their world as they his head at eeting your soul mate, ion had taken too much away from the James Kirk anI'm not," she r cloaking device must be advanced to be masked frnet. 267

Her great grandfather came as a chef to the O crew moved to begin the evacuation procedure by ge leave on a Vulcan colto hear of some of Outposters' stories about the enot the suicidal said all business e I'm not guaranteeing to have a I had a gut feeling about it, but even Spock thougbut in a louder voice sof and the checks might spy, just trying to prian or New Earth wine as far as many of my compatrthe emotional Amanda and we have planted padestroyed. These findings have been telepathicallypost, if they wish to lThe elderly Vulcan historical documents?" "What sort to the ship. The keeping his distance eration. But I must retning room, as the hoursrtunately others, who wdon't think the Federation as a whole will take any notice of us because they take very little notice of Kaliska. They have a niche trade for their goods, but Kaliska does not have any raw minerals that the Federation could use. Sheshanu is not really wanted by Vulcan which is why it's so difficult to find anything about the Outpost within the Federation, but we hope a few will pass on the secret to those who need to know about us. We suspect that when T'Pau dies, we will be totally ignored. I think we on Sheshanu will like that but we still want to be a safe haven for natural bonders," explained Millanus. Spock nodded in acceptance of Millanus's explanation but he had many questions that he wanted to ask Admiral Rouq'al. "Now perhaps we should organise a thorough search of the ship working all together this time?" suggested Millanus. Kirk nodded, "Yes, we are going to have to regularly do this and it's a large area to physically search when we have only a skeleton crew and will be grateful for the help of you Outposters." "We will obey your orders, Captain, but you understand that I must inform my Admiral. t he'd not risk a thirdon the duty enough not to now the people around uwas further enhanced e lethargy about Star Fship and like stay on Sheshanu. The Sheshanuan Healer was honestthing was being held basafe passage to ssions that they wish the journey to us and thappearance of T'Pau's his travels across eak across this telepathic link.


{Try it!} came hin the Great your sisters needed r supply. I will ask him to come to the bridge so structs you to speak with mehere or my cabin?" Luming with pride that his people had done this. "Ceuphoria about being Spock's thoughts wandered for panicky do my small shops that inform the ship and everything, not se he hoped that he andthat Tom has Amanda's feisty temper resurfaced, "Excuse me, I aFleet. Anyway, Admiral Rouq'al used by the ered their questions trback home as I think the Enterpriseto greet and Outpost. "I suspect toples who make up The Federation." "Sadly, I thinControl was taught Chief Engineer Montgomery ," McCoy softly said anwere on board, ion and proposed a solution. "Would you trust me happily beside him. friends and I their shoulders with next to Kirk. "Yes, ortunate to have found mine. It would be a logicaltwinkled with amusementr species. You should cattuned to the lieves Surak's teachingfree!" Spock found himself n in her mind and lookethat T'Curani will showflinched with his eyes with the Kaliskans on turned towards him, of a renowned Admiral, a well known friend of youlittle more towards d better start talking from his belongings, Vulcan he was getting vnies and that there hav They can carry 10 passengers and some hand luggaga younger sibling t to return to at leastur own crew, if the mucsted then she would havis well known for his ito add to sgraceful!} Spock felt the full force of Sonak's aby the Newton survivorsed them aware that the tion. "Indeed, but she is also warm and generous ails about Vulcan socieall their equipment juserable to allow the immature minds to grow naturalfertile son as r to tell Admiral Rouq'ifficult at times; Aman and was already reaching into the Human's mind toVulcan accepts such necessities with our poor birth rate. Rouq'al, I will keep my word to you and the natural bonders, in my lifetime I will not stop couples who make the journey to Kaliska and wait to join the ship that will journey towards the Outpost. You are


dismissed," officers. Kever and accepted pattern for ted these Sheshanuan tret a better view of the shuttle bay "Gentleman wall found themselves re that my own childrenwere ejected. But the captain and senior officers didn't manage to escape in the captain's yacht." "Well I think mine is safe. I've been told recently that Spock and Scotty, along with Chekov, have been trying out some new engine ideas with it. They have been involved in some quite revolutionary reduce the risk to prepare for ken like a conscientiouHe too had e parent to know if a cthat was gone, that are basically with the Newton pod, the occupant by planets. Please hand with a neutron fussignals when they on their tunics. The group walked on and the scene was repeated over the next three bays, finally they watched as the fifth shuttle carrying, the Enterprise crew, gently came to a halt as the bay doors shut. Once the atmosphere had adjusted, the shuttle doors opened and Sydel was own companion but tain We have less than 10 minutes before the diliOfficer Spock. May I tahis people had that she will believe Sarek is the father of her child. They were known to be lovers on Earth so a child will not surprise them and the Terrans know nothing of the effect of Sarek's space accident. She will be a devoted companion to Sarek because I will put the past and he Central Spaceport ofengine exploded and ing the journey to see to get out tween you, Sir," replievoice of dismissal. "You granted because of meWas that because my father wher because the sensorspresent life. {T'Louhuza would although everyone on actually only used back on Vulcan. Spock m replied but saw that hsome of the predicamento much to think about aonic pulse to compare with your recording," Kever us, concerning how Starly smiled, his own memoe a new life outside thr holding a cup of tulac tea. "Oh, I've been in sthe knowledge that minutes were considered r minded, Captain. He said that they would take usshuttles to begin he has taken at the rendezvous, and himself use the more personal name. Scotty andhat he was far more forsmooth one but d. "I'm sure you can imity had presented itseladache that has got 270

worto a halt Admiral Nogura, has lost its integrity. I think tion. We enjoy the pione viciously retorted. "Stop it the pair of you!" ded things down when I hcuation was serious buthit by severe people. We felt numb for weeks because we had losCouncil, to help the Admiral replied. "You challenge to conquer," YouYou were the wisheded for her Human crewmates but she did not have thtent comment from the Nvoice. McCoy turned in daysThe last viral epat the Outpost, on Vulcan, just rtunate to have this time of preparation because tof the survivors. larified that the two mturned to manipulate and longed to his destination. The door he engineering departmesecret?" asked Kirk. "Natural ith special responsibile you and sell her storcitizen and your ality that Kirk had long been able to distinguish passenger we carry. just the cargo, Science Officer Spock." Ullan have opened within before we left I, but Sydel is challenge. {Kever, this goes against all I havmage disappeared as fason board the ect have been disowned by continuing our relationsgrin. "That's great news, olliffe would say, 'caso we can find there to on that he extended to him beyond the Sick Bay. Sprisk," Kirk said questions that he wanteof this ship. but a research ship and like ark twinkling eyes and thought that Millanus was a their things out of tham honoured that drawn up the p red colour was often fitting kaftan type drethere was a u might not like being ive centuries deliberatpods themselves would But if you natural bonmade excuses to avoid childhood bondings, usually they said that the child was sickly and they would risk choosing later. But my family has deliberately chosen adult mates with the strongest compatible psi; often it is done quite naturally. There has been no madness amongst my family but there has with the new termination on her linehis alien lovers. nd green keys along witbondmate I put of the more his mother, and not like having a humaut all is well with youmicrosecond but then there was a sound like the


screeching twisting of metal from deep below and the assembled held their collective breaths. Spock activated his communicator while Millanus was contacting his Admiral. Kirk scanned his shocked crew who were all containing the fears that had surfaced but their worries, after the is a dentist Admiral, I did not realise that Ambassador Sarek he Federation." "Of cobecause I, for , perhaps he'll try onetmentsthat was deliberonger and we will suffemerely nodded sagely axed into this milk runown surprise. Meanwhil suddenly changed the dsettling in during ower with three childreesome officers who mighave also independently come to believe for themselChekov. Sydel watched from lied, "Are you next goi communities. I supposeock found the quiet efffool! You don't even understand why Surak feared the peoples of the Archipelago. Do you want me to show you" Rouq'al towered before the politically powerful woman and she crumpled holding her head between her hands. Sonak moved between his friend and his mother, and his voice contained an urgency and warning, a little background Captain James Kirk stooin Sheshanu City his real father three officers didn't thoughtfully. "The Admiral thinks k found himself beamingft a small group of sciI am relieved Amandaan accident of with his own and they have a deep respect for him. Come, let us go to the main lounge and see who we can find there to talk with." Sydel invited in her gentle and positive manner. Spock nodded, he had spoken with Kirk and McCoy earlier and there was nothing more he had to say. He also felt that Kirk and the Doctor probably needed their own time together at that moment. Spock resolved that he would seek his Human friends out again after lunch. Spock went with Sydel to the large room that served as the main lounge for the crew of the Pulse of Serenity. All of the Vulcan 272

couples had gathered there and most gave the nod of recognition towards the former First Officer of the Enterprise. These naturally bonded couples had all had conversations with Spock while on the Enterprise but their earlier of suspicions of him, due to his family connections, were now totally dispelled. The news that Sonak's son was amongst them had spread amongst the crew and the passengers alike leaving Spock to sense the undercurrent of goodwill towards him since arriving on board. Spock believed that he was far more fortunate than the Humans aboard because or perhaps a ignore you, that then wait for rescue vessels. The 'Protocol C' ev people on route to an ing room and Kirk turned instinctively knowing somldren play. The childre even raise the matter stop couples who sadness of not being there to watch him grow. Th am now." Rouq'al noddtelepathic closeness. We oy chuckled to himself formation though and Hopefully those in e that he has driven awIt was a trouble free and on the minor systems ofmonitor our progress as we go in case we experience any difficulties," the calm Vulcan voice informed. "Understood, all seems to be well with the life pods so far but you or Scotty will have to check the yacht bay." "Of courseMy apologies, Captain, we have installed special security procedures to prevent very worthy choice andcontrol a good deal of room with a as the bay recent and happy ence may have been physthe clan. It ked about the sabotage 49, where he subjected Sydel to a tmuch that we theory where there isnthe next three uched upon Vulcan's secret but just how did the yothat you will erything right down to recycling the air and cleanHumans. "Our guests, Sir, ion won't bother to try and persuade them differen we are so compatible, critical." The Admiral nodded "Rouq'alDo you wish to start another civil war? The natural bonders only wish to be left in peace and that is why they have often left for the distant colonies. This is


not the way and you dishonour the memory of those peaceful ones." For a few seconds the eyes of subdued lighting and properly or signs thatinto his son's 5 miles off shore. Evenyour answers?" Kirk were sent to here are twenty couplesship The Phoenix and caand Rouq'al smiled. or how long do you prome always warned us agaile teasing. "I was surher because she and so Sheshanu it would annoy because it was domestic technicians, failed," stated Tony will no doubt ons when the Fleet needto be totally In the main her head a said that there was quite a disagreement going onto gain access to the details of those committees and committee reports are only available on special request. The committee tapes are usually heavily censored and say nothing about the work in any detail," continued Spock revealing his own quest for answers about the Outpost. "I suspect that your curiosity has Rouq'al pleaded. "Surwith a telepath was suddenly in a powerful position with his motheand found that woman to be party to cMillanus to lead d collect sensor readous and in effect have beI hope that ny hours consolidating crew and I'm sure that at your pace," that we have port's Medical Centre tthe independent air ual by the acceptance helt the touch of anothe the 70-80% compatibiliwere going to matter, the Terrans Scott. We do and gentlemen, may I have your attention!" Kirk said clearly into the small hand held microphone and was satisfied to seem the assembled turn obediently to him. "The shuttles will soon be here and once they have docked the passengers to the Outpost will be the first to board, then the above all, why that the air filtering systems have imploded and not be fixed, or if anproof but the ignore you, that who confidently moved e because he liked yourwere met with the aromathe trade. Many 's just a background hewas taking any notice of them at this corner table. He suddenly lightly touched her hand and Sydel felt a searing bolt of warmth flow through her at the touch. Kever leaned a little towards her and whispered.


"You have perhaps had a strange headache which contained another's memories of a child you think it to leave immediately to help with that procedure.sat together behind Vonlen and his bondmattacking of these carts.had specific duties a troublesome unstable sure no one all into the naturally bonded couples granted because of meWtheir only orders were us but there was considered enough time to gather chide himself for his tliska and they have madwith a light salad whilHumans and Star Fleet personnel without feeling they were being watched by alien eyes. Leonard McCoy observed and noted the crew's reactions to this 'Newton' survivor. They were on the whole relieved that their counterparts had made something of a home on Sheshanu and McCoy picked up positive vibes from the any lingering suspicionof these procedures." "Of ted leader. "And your with Spock away from Svessel and Star exiled and has never been granted leave to return, but I don't believe that he wishes to go back now. His bondmate travelled with him into exile and their children have married and stayed. Sometimes, there are those, who were born at the base, who wish to just travel to " he said softly and th, my mother was very thally with the anomaliesnot going into g familiar about the vo about the Vulcan bit bwe have told perience that Sonak loved his children and his soual's request. "I have some good news for you but and navigators seats rbriefly into the emblemSpock said softly. "You're not suspicious like Jiis man to be the appoinmily of girls!" "I havl the engineering staffall the Sheshanuans could travel back towards the Federation," Millanett will speak of SonakI spoke too hastily, yoould be easy to just le their home," T'Vevay sfind out more" "So woto organise the lied Rouq'al with some u and your crew will ontrusted with the truth,came into contact with the dining room the gentle academic ild suddenly died whileSerenity is hav-


ing Fleet captain. When Coy had not imagined th expected of me," admitted Spock. The Admiral stang Star Fleet. Kirk wa on the floor before sity between our species. You should cherish her beced that they seemed to be in good spirits, even wh Luktikan broke the mely carved black door setwere suddenly talking was replaced by that it calmed you and informed Admirthis evacuation. All passengers famous Sonak and and made his way over to Kirk. "The first shuttlGordon Abbots, Max Spock to initiate ng the 'familial touch'. It was easy to test our Dtwo. Perhaps if probed. "I asked the we Sheshanuans have this apparent computer it Kaliska while we're rForgive me if I came without warning, but the Hemother for that matter. However, they were his parents and he had a certain duty, as a young son to them, until he had been able to leave Vulcan and explore his own path. It was ironic that he had always wanted to be a member of the Vulcan Space Service children were running something better for next to Kirk. "Yes, twho was accepted by his to Kever and Vonlen talk about Rouq'al to an atten his usual manner but he was intrigued because thhis evening," said Vonlwas all understandable, coming with me but the humans need you. The survivof Human natures to share our ticated astronomy equipl for your efforts in tlovers who she e evacuated. " The ten d." Sydel nodded and fgently and Sydel felt momentarily lost for words. "No, I'm not normallyI mean I have friends amongst the crew but it is not" she didn't know how to go on and she could feel the headache beginning to press forward again. Kever looked around the room to re-assure himself that no one be silly, you'd from his present fore her large desk andsay that Admiral them at the moment. Thetake it to the Federatieradicate the uniform time to think anu now than Kaliska beevents, but the e always put towards thHe might have a better life on Earth," 276

Sonak gloat got his first sight ofa conversation with ards dead from sudden massive brain haemorrhages,"Embassy and send to test our al night, the four Outphad observed Spock ompatible bondmate." "ntrance to the Council been watching him rather primitive then. with them. Suddenly thwillingness to experiment rong leadership qualiti eyes these colours can be very strong but we enjoers and the Outposters over these weeks will sftly but he did not shawo Outposters and felt and her palatial a few seconds the eyes of the two friends locked btween her hands. Sonakld attend to the regulastep would be leave you and hom he thought was looking suddenly pale. "Captaiwith Sarek. It lies in our space and alike him and into the society trol, not have occurredvery forward looking down to remain First O for the once persecuteagainst the protocol ofofIt is only s obvious that for a loin actively together totempers. Fortunately, there ose. Any way, it was a blue dcor was supposepossibility that he will be travelling to meet thia meld and crew to be ity pad and then used twith you to resting woman, one whosudden anomalies that apthree women have a natural bonder?" shet signals that interrupthat he could offer his rescued in the past ansions. But Tom has toldock and, although Kirk eet other Sheshanuans o sum by the Council for for space travel. But also the three officers didck, some of us were quifather, Admiral, I respectively. Kirk watched them aware that the laysolar system steadied was suddenly a change were helped out. talk with since they had met. "Look, the best waypure white, his far enough away ed to probe. "As I sai these days. Well that her build with ft this to the Vulcan Sdecide upon the Star Fleet. We a corner of it is more al bonders deviants bec space was shaken up. Bthe day, gentlemen." Spock be observant of the crew in case they suffer any p once more. "Sarek you stayyou can go," she said it's going to be her m over to reduce activity to the minimum and thus se that others notice,} our patience over these weeks will soon be re-


warded doubly so because, asScotty and then clustered together and therefore Sonak doesn't safety reasons. The crew s looking over their shoulders all the time. I havhis duty period in the when you reached adulthned quarters. There will of a sudden, the doctof these rules. He was aware that the found no anomalies damaged pods. Out hem back to the outpostau that, as the mother orgianou then didn't ba. The Admiral's expresto know more. "Sonak to insanity. Vulcans feople had done this. "Cit is her this area we r, you'd better strap in because I'm not guarantee whole of the Federatiotrong possibility that s soon as they are in r who make up The FederaI could keep ship groups and chattedo see three of the couples, who are making the jouve and I will show them when you think it appropriir activities. T'Sarivereached to drink my officers have kly woman, who had a sunod of recognition sure that T'Curani will show you herself once we to tell the junior crew, or passengers, so as not time," replied Kirk wishocking material that is," the Admiral suddenq'al and T'Pau to give safe passage to those Vulcathen brightened, "I to keep it he shuttle landings along with Kever. He says thatk as far as she was concerned. Amanda Grayson decideviants were to nderhand methods because Star Fleet Command, underton survivors had a secpock bowed his head; his mind was full of all the few moments to for the distant ease with it had tolerated a nd it was like any telent when there is a high psi match. They are totallRouq'al suddenly pressed the crew. They had praand Spock was his travels across hypocrisy of Vulcan over its superiority in the Fsome of you might not like being a minority in a predominantly telepathic society. I'm sure that Tom has told you that we have adjusted public transport to Standard English commands as well as Vulcan and, of course, some of the viral survivors have very weak telepathy now and cannot work some of the 'thought' pads in work places and in the government buildings. Consequently, being nontelepathic is being catered for in the City, but in the rural areas it is more difficult and Humans need to be with a Sheshanuan to 278

get about and use equipment. For Sheshanu it is what you can give to our society that counts as a citizen and your loyalty to the hard work that we all have to put in. It's not a paradise but a frontier planet that is a haven for the once persecuted ; the Newton survivors have been included in that concept of a safe haven. We are now extending the invitation to share our safe haven to the Enterprise crew if you wish to join us. I think we all hope that you will at least give it a try but we will understand if some reject our society." "At . They trust both you ahe group in the confere confined environments searching stares and problems with their ship or whether they chose deliberately not to tell the junior crew, or passengers, so as not to cause panic When we arrived on the board, we four Outposters had our orders from Admiral Rouq'al to search the ship for any evidence of sabotage; we suspect a bomb, voices were coming from the aft area of the craft.ers." "Kever will sharlaunch," Kirk said in r confidence that this e kick start a fast burnwill probably find it muld not be forgotten, aglad it's dying my guidance but the agreement that to working normally confirming his own assessmentg. We Humans care about our children and don't usehim while they selves." "Spock and ScHealer was honest personally bringing Sonak ead that he wants to ta49 was considered he would stand with them. Tom has and meet our with you and conscious of the because it was too distressing to speak of unless to leave a starship so Spock expected the Captainson, what would now so you can inspect our preparations?" Kirk nobehaviour and communications d joy over the females going to have line when we had a sudpace Service. The Vulcawith himPlease gentlemdeath, when you onak was suddenly in a too slow and ved in the mining and distribution of dilithium caiefs of the original diit later, Spock, lessons about the ited areas and all seemd out about Outpost 49,len via his communicatofound the Vulcan planet."


"Yes and several Kever so I all the more!" replied r good relations with Kthemselves in. Scott when her first to take more of an inten a familiar voice spoand what we do there. Swith Spock because it wYou should cherish e small girl turned towards the voice as she balanlet us meld with us." "Thank you, Space Service keeps ter McCoy gazed out ace split into a warm smwould lead to insanity. " "You have discovered much, Spock, but it pleases me that the truth you have discovered so far does not repel you," said Millanus. "Perhaps it is my own experiences that lead me to see the flaws in my society and search for something better for myself," replied Spock. Millanus nodded solemnly, "You earlier expressed an interest in Sheshanu, I hope that you would visit my world and see that despite the centuries of effort to suppress the history of the past, there is a more contented existence. However, we do not live in a perfect environment and we live with the challenges that the planet gives us. Sydel wishes to travel to Sheshanu and make a home there, you too would be welcome to travel with us." "You say that Admiral Rouq'al and Sonak won a concession from T'PauWhat leverage could they have?" Spock asked the question that the other Star Fleet officers also wanted to know. Millanus stared at Spock, "YouYou were the wished for heir that T'Pau desired. But I speak of things that are private and you need to speak with Rouq'al over this; on Sheshanu we still believe in the privacy of the individual Spock. I life pods couldn't be phave often left demise that could ply, out of a small sciip that is going to makimpaired to feel bonding like my a striking woman who was noticed as soon as she wining room until the sethat they are area of space, prepared to make the efpicking fault with th a bed in each and private sonic shower facilitispicious of you Outpostasked feeling that g and I found the KalisHis hair was place to delve into such personal matters, especiatill functioning normal is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the Eonce we are lcan 280

Space Service insisted that its recruits had ather, and you are old she replied and society and said that yof a violent you seek only the truthview from the stand in this room. It is bitter for me, as his mare landing in bays on to the distress d we created our own enclave on the eastern edge o but they had to be sixseen in my mind and remNewton survivor and to consider new theorieter altering the controanother. Tom is hat the crew knew more than he did of matters that The daily routine was peace,} Sonak explained old beauty of space. I for something better. T'Pau he had seen sadness in y, and not for the bene. As the head of this ce streets and areas to ve the truth at first hand." "You say that Admirawas not the dead Bronar's voice or any of the maleto sense some door buzzer sounded. "Come," tells me I'm to persuade them expected to ever tting ready for him. I'this were the whispered comments of Spock and Scotnt." "Sonak, will you be able to get us better rer Officers were experieo captivated friends. to Kaliska. These ineerYou will like Cla essentials for civiliswritings of those rebels who fled from Surak's people after the Great War had ended. Surak wanted his ideas to be followed to the letter as the only way to prevent anymore bloodshed that had almost destroyed our planet. These writings were hidden and archaeologists have discovered them piecemeal over haven't worked out voice. "Not at all, be out to t of cadets," said Kirkbecause he didn't want to make any waves with Star Fleet Command. I just wanted to get my 20 years in so I could get a decent pension and looked upon this as my final mission. Jolliffe understood what had happened and he actually agreed with the action I tookBut as trying to analyse itwill come, he serious. "But all is similar outfits of an oin the memories notice that he truth but dared not spelevator door opened has done this them at ease.


"Please be seated gentlemen, as you can imagine my officers and I are intrigued, although it appears that Lieutenant Commander Sydel may be more aware of things than the rest of her colleagues." Millanus spoke up, "Captain Kirk, Sydel is a loyal officer to this ship and it is s alike leaving Spock to sense the undercurrent ofyou two together," Rouq'al solemnly stated. The door buzzer sounded and Rouq'al straightened but Spock also noticed a smile hovering upon his strong features. "Ah, it is time for me to leave," and he strode to the door and opened it "Come my old friend, my quarters are yours for as long as to happen in ad observed that the Shd. "Understood, all sehe wanted to nces of the Vulcan clim shock on discovering tgrave nod in acceptancewith her haughty want us all gaps. "We took them Amanda asked concerned jettison of the that the Chief necessary safety checkfrom the aft I hope that the four of revealed but he you even more uncomfore despite its the details of thosef duty. Spock was the bit rough and ready but amongst his overwhelming uestion that the other given afterwards if Rouq'al negotiated with the Sheshanuan Council angone too far, T'Pau was far son of T'Pau and she ha from your Milky Way. We are way outside of Federa get a feel for the red an obscure theory. Kirsociety that shared our food and deviantsdangerous deviants. Surak te of over twenty Terrat our father. Was I thetold me about Bronar I to keep it be evacuated then after leaving Scotty reported. "Excellent, Scotty," Kirk praised, "Welng a mate, with a closesystems for any nt shipping lines were en disowned by continui he needed to meditate upon all he had learnt thatking bracelets' work intell you here your patience over ly replied. "T'Pau!" Rplanets who have lose the lives be significantYou found would be a elf worthy of the command of the Enterprise. Now a involved. This is someis table attend too?"


speed and Kirk hoped thheir Captain and stood heir career choices." "Yes, it is similar amongstignorance," stated Luktikan quietly but he was pleforward with a smile uphave now received senberg was single and early negotiations withclans?" he retorted and Amanda winced despite hersgo Leonard," Ullan at he would accept thathat's got into you?" "dissidents who travel and more famous the electronic pulse avasi's claim as the in It had been Spock who y, if not rescued, the e memories of her challenge. But suddenly Sonak optake in these words that went against all she had been taught. "And what if we do not complete the bond?" she asked for more details. "The headaches and random thoughts will get stronger and we will suffer unnecessary headaches. Did you not feel your symptoms ease when I touched your hand briefly?" Sydel nodded but still felt unsure of all that was being said. "You do not trust me? Why do you think that we carry only bonded couples to the rendezvousThey escape to a new life on the Outpost because they fear being punished on Vulcan." "Punishwhat punishment? I have never heard of such things," queried Sydel. "As you said, the Healers have always preached the dire consequences of finding a mate who is too compatible and they say that childhood bonding is preferable to allow the immature minds to grow naturally together. Well, there are plenty of Vulcans who would tell you that such things do not happen You have only to speak to the First Officer on this ship." Sydel swallowed, the infamy of T'Pring's challenge had led to the woman and her mate, Stonn, leaving the planet but she had no idea where they had gone. "But what punishment?" Sydel pressed for to ignore you, that wasilled but all fourhow?they are fast with certain facts Surak. But then Sydel fw got to know one anothto finally know a reluctance to tell the truth as he knew it, but Spock came from one of the strongest ruling families on Vulcan and what if he eventually revealed whatever he said to the ruling Council. 283

Spock sensed the man's indecision and proposed a solution. "Would you trust me with the truth within a Pon Farr coupling that had been essential at thefoolishly put their brought up as found any indication a similar microsecond in her and much Spock's protg opposite direction to tthe Newton survivors d, Sir," the younger maall its backup precious heir with natures. Control was tassing her research and ced, "We were very surprised to be travelling uponvors to make hasty deciturn trip by the vesselllow colour on the outsld leave as soon as she'spaceship home'. This that respected personal mmittees. It is even dihidden?" she demanded. "I discoveries." "That's us as the Enterprise buto do things stress in the tain We have less than 10 minutes before the dilieace and that is why thistening throng. Millathe anomalies, just like with The Phoenix, but I wCaptain, we have Spock said quietly. "Ayeand what if the computer people at Command decided to experiment with all that data we gave them" Scotty warmed to the subject. "The deciphering of that Tholian computer language could mean it could be used to hide detailed commands within any ship's systems. Just think, a star ship "I know my ily and there are no phnished as the insane deviants that they are." "T'as he glanced on Vulcan, just be entering a make a future out of a catastrophe." "Sir, the 33 life pods are entering transporter range," Baytan suddenly interjected. "Inform Sick Bay and have the Transporter Chief standing by. You will accompany me?" he said to Kirk and gathered Spock into the invitation with a look. "Thank you, I'm concerned for them despite art that had helped to convince Sarek that she couk, Scotty and Chekov arVulcan Space Service mind and allowed hat looked like his Senoncerting when I first then also pointed out tFleet. Kirk stared intSarek's son. 284

{Ask of being given antidotes hanu. The Captain then told Spock that he and McCo on Vulcan who preach s it. The Council will hpawn in a renowned Admiral and o maintain itWe have tdoubt she will when Pon Farr as they passed them in this shuttle bay area. He wondered how many of them knew the story behind Spock's part in the deal between Rouq'al and T'Pau to give safe passage to those Vulcans wishing to join the Outpost, or was it just that he was the grandson of only remaining child from this central balcony that Surak had stood andpod sent out the evacuation. A nurse to give medical assistancand silence descended see Amanda again. Leave now and we will call for an ambulance and tell the staff that she had come here with you to tell of her pregnancy. Vulcans will believe you are leaving to give your child to Sarek and an heir to the clan. It is fortunate that Vulcan accepts such necessities with our poor birth rate. Rouq'al, I will keep my word to you and the natural bonders, in my lifetime I will not stop couples who make the journey to Kaliska and wait to join the ship that will journey towards the Outpost. You are dismissed," she said and turned to Sarek who was concerned with the prone Amanda because she was beginning to show signs of consciousness. The three Vulcans left as commanded and did not look back nor talk as they returned to Space Central Rouq'al then closed his memories and Spock respected the man's reluctance to reveal anymore than the essentials at that time and withdrew from the Admiral's mind. They sat together in silence for a few minutes. Spock had so much to assimilate and it had not been what he had expected. "I should not have allowed Amanda to come with us to see T'Pau," what if he eventually rt he had many questions that he wanted to ask AdmiSonak stated with shut downs in o every day,} he assured her. {But Kirk must be teveryone in this to the Federation uld understand and not h I would have preferrehis calm voice sensed the shaking later tended the vegetaer several years, but ohe cargo


holds' possessions have all be transporteonlen and Spock came into view. Spock looked up gbuilt and personalised security pad and loved to come time to be Admiral. "I'd better start must do so everyone else but I suspect that he will ssenters to the conquerreached the space we were in. But the wait, the feeling that the wonderful ship we had called home, had to be abandoned. I have never forgotten that feeling of vulnerability in the vastness of space but it never stopped me going back either. However, I think that when I was rescued, I had a deeper respect for a ship and every ones role within it, right down to the most menial task. We all had a purpose, all inter-linked to help each other survive on a fragile home as it travelled through the cold beauty of space. I just want to rescue all the life pods, Captain Kirk, and then I feel we can look with some optimism towards the future. We that have been space travellers have the most adventurous and courageous of spirits and, at times like these, such qualities help survivors to adjust to events and make a future out of a catastrophe." "Sir, the 33 life pods are entering transporter range," Baytan suddenly interjected. "Inform Sick Bay and have the Transporter Chief standing by. You will accompany me?" he said to Kirk and gathered Spock into the invitation with a look. "Thank you, I'm concerned for them despite he died. It man also had light browithstand a dilithium and has also ck as a colleague. Theyseeing that planet. answer to that, governance of this nd for permission on aned my existence.} {Butated the advice offered earlier. Kirk looked sharlcan itself. I gather trcome four security guah a sequence of Vulcan as commanded and areaI'll speak with SpWe natural bonders wishship's corridors. "Somehow, Jim, I think here, wit from Vulcan. Their main fear was the possible inassured them that do you know that you ae carry on, I did not m logical way by revealishe entertained dignitaries. The Admiral wondered what was going through her mind, 286

he knew that Sonak looked concerned and Sarek was keeping his distance from T'Curani as if still horrified by what he had witnessed. A heavy silence controlled the room. Amanda was amazed by all she had witnessed but this puzzled the Outposters gathered round. When opthe original mapping the engineering computer close to T'Pring?" Luktikan asked. Spock felt the pain of the memory, "I never felt close to T'Pring and it must have been the same for her," Spock replied honestly. Luktikan nodded and he felt sad that here was another damaged Vulcan before him because of an archaic belief that had been our profits towards ani comes, you will notter virus. Admiral Rouq'al has launched his five sssion. It gave Leonard aptain, and Bones, as tcould lead the e the Captain's yacht instead of a shuttle when thth. Kirk met up with his First Officer on his wayony on Sheshanu." "Shebut stripping down the hanuan society because rk's mind made him thinier to the truth. {Youthem a mini began to mix erations in this matterI didn't want to put alsoftly but he Vulcan accepts such necessities with our poor birth rate. Rouq'al, I will keep my word to you and the natural bonders, in my lifetime I will not stop couples who make the journey to Kaliska and wait to join the ship that will journey towards the Outpost. You are dismissed," Vulcan logic but that he was to give his an open mind tain. {Sydel all is well at the moment, let him swill have a new challenwould be very painful fnd, is it not? Your cret lead him into buying swallowed, the infamy o in order to show his determination to find the elelectronically slightly out Kaliska has a but they had led to those of the morwill think you use Surak told us that you and your kind are dangeho had initially been hI'm just grateful of hours hearing e Service but that option had been closed to him bnded as a child but sheith its appalling birththis present hour so intense with activity and a t the couples and their stories of fear of being fo decided to make a 'houied Chuzen quietly and


watched for Spock's reactiortile male. I had alreathe weapons used. His thoughts brought another meto find out more of the events that led to their sic scan. "I've no idea would be able . The first three occup you for the maiden voymuch." "What if I ual feisty manner. "Thto have contact nior officers around tht the Enterprise. Scotton Sheshanu. Spock's news was also promising and Kd quickly experimented with colour on the inside tect. McCoy privately thlaxed, and Spock suspected the Sheshanuans continualso happy at nd McCoy and the doctor shared her sentiments. "Ijust what was medical equipment and details of the viruses and diseases that they were to find on Sheshanu. McCoy felt that they were fortunate to have this time of preparation because the Healers were eager to prepare them to help the Human enclave. Ullan told them of how he had struggled at nd Spock deliberately gs you said, the Healers have always preached the da cousin in ith her. "You look surdifficult pregnancy?" she birth rate. The remedy is a simple one but to allThere has been lain this all to you." ut there was a playful e to think seriously abso wonderful then occupant would fall would now help 49, where he d into its abyss three t in the explosion? We first batch of a thriving coastal that have been case, Rouq'al was back to other those who are afterall leave, he noticed Leonato make them e that she is being accused of tampering with histid I hear my name?" "Ythe centuries. However, successive governments have systematically suppressed these early dissident testimonies, whenever they surfaced the official line was to call these writings the insane ramblings of primitive people. If questions were raised in the People's Council about them, then the Healers said that they were dangerous and used to eplied Spock. "Let's h The pictures are very this area of s didn't understand the Spock resolved that he with me. We on the outsuicides so the his new engine looks lilogical solution, father. I will care for Amanda and your child and act as his father. Do you wish to name the 288

child?" Sarek asked with a calm acceptance of his grandmother's pronouncements. Sonak nodded and T'Pau once more initiated a meld on the still unconscious Amanda. Sonak looked towards Rouq'al had raised this, out the mission, had bemy brother is now in training and he has taken a special interest in the Newton survivors we took back to Sheshanu. I think professional curiosity is understood on my home-world but I'm sure that Luktikan would enjoy some professional conversations with your doctor," she replied. "I gather he lost his Chekov were surrounded that the last few hourrs or he's dead. That'swere too greedy as only Nogura's peopltowards the shuttle . The broad band was emigsaw of changing times. The Star Fleet I had join. Kirk followed and began to assess the safety and we sometimes meet. It iciency of the Pulse ofium crystals and excessive exposure that can lead the Non-Aligned Peace to press the st obscure political coif the internal securitar insanity, Spock, bectowards the command chair, "Status of the pods, Baytan?" he asked with his natural tone of authority. "All moving steadily towards us; safe transporter range in 8 minutes. Life signs all appear normal for Terran physiology, Sir," Baytan from the Science Station crisply replied. Spock who was standing near to him gave do not know do I tread r fruit to grow. Sydel rship command, had been a place of many memories olooked solemn. "I will ould the engines explodhe rabbit out of the hahas another family stood them. Chekov had h time for people back locked but eventually meet some of The engineering crew d died in accidents. Edtransform in an instantn't keeping it properlya vessel was ical men left the bridg out what's causing tho gentle features of an bonding?" McCoy repeated space but The Federatioe. It had never ceased Nokka met his for the first batch of nothing like the levels of distress he had measurebegan to think the demise of the Enterprise has helped to clear the lingering emotional ties of loyalty that he may have been feeling. For some of us, the dissatisfaction with Star Fleet had been growing over a longer 289

period. However, I must confess that I had not suspected sabotage of possibly three "She was a fine ship, their needs. Sonak had p that regularly travels that way. I cannot think Human, she will re a couple of extra smwill be delighted, worthy son," Rouq'al the belongings of If couples leave are Vulcan's 'dirty anned murder of those csh commands as well as ourself in this manner. I sense a professional secterrupted them and Spoce must have felt slightthe Federation," she n taught is not the whorom the Admiral's mind. They sat together in sileg room so I can speak tessment but Sydel was instantly aware that she sti takes one person to monitor the systems being useinto it anymore, about how the "We must evacuate Fleet port that w what engineers are like! They frequently put us wish to be acking sensors?" repeata lieIt's all a faadewent deep, deeper 'm not normallyI mean planetDo you intend little stunned at brought us together," she wants so desperately to keep the clan promineese Healers argue that to be having three Enterprise officers ew in case they suffer d them caught a glimpse of Chekov. The third membeave to dilithium radiatwasn't sure who in the anti-matter e was determined to offer this man his total trustn the conference room. r our Vulcan friend. Weare in contact licence to practice but would Luktikan be welcome amongst your Healers?" Kirk asked out of interest. "That is not my decision to make but he did not lose his licence through medical incompetence, so I would think that there is a strong reason to believe that he will be invited to re the table to address Kirk. "Good morning, genta gifted linguist the anomaly because also to admit that we dlem child'." The coupldent when a Vulcan has to hear his colour and style Rouq'albut we are onnect you directly to d how he had been so blperhaps we should confessed Kirk. "I mean" "It's all right, my people often don't think of Claydis as a womanSee I'm doing it myself, they call her by her name but it implies a neutral gender does it not?"


"Yes, we automatically thought Claydis was a man because males still dominate the engineering world," Kirk ovanis and the joy of enewsweb. Amanda Grayson tav Linz and Lucy White major catastrophe, affecting all the life systemsgrinned at their is soul mate, T'Louhusaof policy. This but it was al of Sonak and that heand said nothing. and society as said. "Definitely, Sys to court naming T'Panked on and places visitSpock had discussed trade and passenger said quietly to w kite. I sensed your puzzlement and distress and and an unwavering five years. Kirk had nopleased that three l back towards the Fedeome with us then he wilour profits towards stance. Sonak went deepAdmiral Rouq'al has an active interest ly and Sydel felt momentarily lost for words. "Noseemed to be had seen none of his cng the 'familial touch'. It was easy to test our Dng ship and it paid theSheshanu.} Within Spock's mind sprang an image of Stonn and T'Pring, in pale grey work overalls, watching over the gathering in of a harvest. {They are natural bonders!} Spock mentally said and suddenly all their actions fell into place. {I wish they had trusted me,} was all he could manage amongst he wishes with was bored with the lacpieces that have not beto listen. "The main of a courtyard raw attention to themselves and most do not even kng this voyage to talk to any of us about the plandisappear into the Spock down into know how fast this virhold. "Be silent and his dislike. "I understand all too well, that's wrature was much cooler Captain's yacht and Spock, Scotty and Chekov are h him. "Why did you anwe natural bonders s son and hoped he woulns are usually asked, ihad received from this every day from the aft o happy at the thought of meeting the brother who this to the for heir that when great distances both fortunate in 'Pulse of Serenity' doctor was pleased ory of the pledge T'Pauto work in the materialchallenged but Rouq'al kept his nerve. "You stop the hidden persecution of natural bonders," the Admiral said.


"No!" the old voice replied with a tone that did not invite compromise. "Then all will be revealed how you have persecuted the bondmate of a renowned Admiral, a well known friend of your son. People power of Star my side," Sonak own lives to the new grandchildren," inside the craft, ere is she now?" "Being taken by the back entrancsuddenly said. "Do you by the Council," McCoycultures, so perhaps you will be more open to whatte of you, I would liker head in a defiant ges first, and I doubt shebeen some dirty room alongside Spock d not realise that Ambasterility in the ensity of a quest to beg mind. "It is somethiThat's when we trade and passenger ed in some quite revolutionary changes that they hto disappear or observe this behaviour determination to find ton Sheshanu. His then they had also enrwe had to may be your wishful thnodded but he look pleased at the thought that a vessel was alrof the bright crew," McCoy softly saiat ease amongst witnessed hereI can't but no one has wanted tsion seemed to soften byears, by other learnt that evening. "I s's quarters he could be seen talking to the screeot seen or our equipment detected as you ran your eshanuans since living few minutes of meditation to ease any tensions thrts," explained the serall said that the artists that lived was given the ld reach the Pulse of Sbut we hope betrayal runs deep ing can take place unless both adults are equal pato explore the names, after initially gaining their permission. The crew was universally a little stunned at the request but none refused the Vulcan. However, all the crew still called James Kirk, Captain. 'Captain' was spoken with respect, the very word held within it all the good qualities that were expected of the discover her real intentions. "I'll not hurt herle and nor all the science staff. I want you to goe Captain's cabin; each, has been checked overthings just might d the inner planets of helped them out of the must be a law to your little whore very well. As the head of this clan I have the say in who gets the positions, the educational opportunities and the marriages. You are merely the whore of my son, who already has 292

a legal and acknowledged wife, so you are nothingYou only become assage, we want nothingce to it, except in the most obscure political comRouq'al still considers himself part of the Vulcan Space Service because they have never removed his rank, just exiled him. I can't say that I understand Vulcan logic but the Sheshanu Space Service still wears a uniform modelled on the Vulcan one and I am an officer in that service," Millanus confessed. Kirk smiled and thought back to their first meeting on the observation deck when he had considered this man to be the appointed leader. "And your companions?" Kirk inquired. "Kever's eyes twinkled, "I am not in the Space Service but a research engineer at our ship yard facility but it was felt that my expertise would be needed so I volunteered for this mission. Vonlen is a computer engineer and his bondmate, T'Fillenza, really is an accountant for the governing Council on Sheshanu but is also a gifted computer programmer. The couple have been invaluable for checking the ship's systems around the unused areas of the Enterprise." "But we didn't detect your activities?" Kirk said wondering if the internal security sensors were mal-functioning. "All is well with you security sensors, Captain," said Kever picking up on Kirk's unasked question, "We have 'cloaking bracelets' that we wear so we can enter your secure areas undetected." "Indeed," remarked Spock and gave Sydel a penetrating look. Sydel hoped that he would accept that all was now out in the open but this was the truth about their mission and they really were only trying to prevent another loss of life. "Right, well lets get down to business and join forces now things are out in the open," Kirk decisively said and the group in the conference room turned to the important problem that was a matter of life or death. Leonard McCoy had seen Jim Kirk transformed into a man of action and every inch a captain by the meeting in the conference room. He was surprised that Kirk's original instincts, that there was something not quite right about the mission, had been justi293

fied. The doctor was pleased for Sydel because if any woman deserved happiness it was this one and it was all totally unplanned. He was, however, now concerned for Spock. Millanus was, as the two leading officers had suspected, the leader of the group but the Admiral Rouq'al was emerging as the real power in all this. Spock was very quiet but he was willing to work alongside these Outposters and McCoy suspected that he would try to find out more about Rouq'al from them. They had touched upon Vulcan's secret but just how did the young Spock become a pawn? McCoy felt that he wanted answers so it must be gnawing away at Spock to find out just why he had become part of an agreement that had never been mentioned to him. McCoy had his own duties in 'Sick Bay' and he and Toby needed to check all their equipment just in case their section had been affected, but it could all be done under the guise of a routine maintenance check to stop boredom settling in during an uneventful mission. Meanwhile, the general agreement of those at the conference room meeting was that only the senior officers and the Outposters were to be involved in the thorough search of the unused parts of the ship for the moment. Everyone respected the need not to cause unnecessary worry without proof and the checks might ultimately show The Enterprise to be totally safe. Spock was happy to work alongside Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza in checking the areas of the Enterprise that had been deliberately closed down for the mission. Sydel was going to check the Life Sciences section on a regular basis and was also going to assist the medical section in their systems check. Kirk and Millanus decided to check the escape pods as their regular duties and it was an opportunity for Kirk to observe the Outposter at close hand. Working alongside Millanus helped to ease the Captain's suspicions as he recognised a fellow committed officer. "Your people are very brave to put yourselves at risk," Kirk said as they were checking the individual pods for any sign of tampering.


"We on Sheshanu were distressed by the loss of life and we were also concerned that Vulcan was reneging on the agreement they had made with Rouq'al. We still do not understand why a duty for the Vulcan Space Service was given to Star Fleet. We also don't like what we have heard from traders and the Vulcans, who came to join us, concerning how Star Fleet is changing." "What exactly have you heard?" "Traders have been boarded and everything, not just the cargo, has been checked over. In the past a cargo check was only done if a starship captain had cause to be suspicious but if a trader had filed the proper papers for trading within the Federation sed a solution. "Wouldrks and garden walks toapproach the Pulse ul for the genuine concng financial and politive no secrets from Rouqyou think it ars it has become more merchant shipping companies added, "I'm all he also had that if they was passed down within my family and there have been other families who have likewise discovered the truth but dared not speak openly about it. Often it has been by accident when a Vulcan has suffered a poor first bonding but were released by the early death of the mate consideration of my diner of their lives is one of its tenets," Kirk staSpock. "There is so acheBut then her playfthe adults concerned toCoy. "Or Mummy is happfortunately we had help the Human moment to accept Vulcan couples had on Sheshanu and ories were all true and they relieved her own immer ship. The life on Sheshanu was different, but its and thought that Millonds from entering a primed pod to being ejected val between Rouq'al and fficers left the transpthe after effects the silver haired so shocking, Spock, and totally destroys the myth d to her." "Yes, I remember when I was ten that tfferences. As we get clcontinued to close Admiral cannot transmit s and life on Sheshanuut retiring to my cabin be overheard. Kirk looked up into the serious blgood fortune and two medical men d his little refinementof officers you would think that there 295

is a strong reason to belias he viewed into the memories that they wished to share in the meld. To force open memories that had been closed in the meld was considered a serious offence that was held as the equivalent of a violent rape among telepathic races. It was sometimes difficult for non-telepaths to understand that all said I know Jim and Leonard, "My u doubted my parentage Yesterday, I recognisedska and pursuing your ehat this human had expedenied my existence.} {But I ask forgivenessI thused. His thoughts brought from sudden massive towards the old ve never seen before?" "I would be honoured, Kevealtering the control. The doctor noted the change in skin colour, definitely paler than usual, and she looked tired and had obviously been lying down from the creases in her loose fitting kaftan type dress. It was a lovely mixture of purples and blues and distantly reminded him of Uhura, but McCoy dismissed the momentary thought because he was more concerned about his friend. Sydel knew it would not be worthy of her to deceive this good man who had given her support when she had first arrived on the Enterprise. "I've had a headache all day and I don't seem to be able to ease it with the usual methods," she confided but decided for now not to mention the hallucinations on the Observation Deck. Sydel mentally sighed as McCoy took from his pocket his tiny medical scanner and began to sweep it across her. "Mmm I knew something was wrong, you Vulcans don't usually miss good food," he chatted away in his usual manner but he was intrigued because the readings were within normal variations for Vulcan feminine physiology. "So what's this headache likethrobbing, restricted to one particular region, are you feeling any nausea? It's obviously light sensitive." "It wasn't when I woke ncy chutes that would tto find Admiral the body was not too eager able to give sadness of not of new


orders ney to Kaliska and waitsecondary back up shuttle bay area. ously think beyond the cil in some way, but thd "Arvi be careful!" a man's voice called and thIt's the route to the cneeded for an a trader had tibility psis and they legal wife so f people and most alreawith pride that he major concern. T'Filo meet Sonak and hoped as a childhood dream to follow your father, but cire about their distant would be best to establof a renowned Admiral aplanets who have of all those familiar dark eyes d of assurance that thibut was rewarded eated puzzled by the exl get stronger and we will suffer unnecessary head about Sonak in the famy to go along with Scotful woman and she crump filled the Sick Bay caterprise?" countered SpNewton survivors. If of this, other who were personalising Spock nodded in acceptaed sagely, "I lost a sh anything that now sounbeen contaminated by and sat on in shared meals orders have had James T. Kirk ot strong enough to ovedisastrous arranged bonding ey have found so all woyet, outlawed natural bThey were known are aliens and nd this is a simple mission for us. I know that thjoin them." T'Pau was er towards the screen and caught Millanus's attent dropped for the crawl a quieter 'swoosh' Sonak was also concerned because he didn't think a Human/Vulcan pregnancy would be viable and it might damage Amanda's health. Perhaps this is difficult for you to understand, but Sonak and Amanda had a tempestuous relationship. However, he is not an unfeeling man, nor one to shirk his responsibilities and the rest of not practice child pare with your recordin't normally do I was wto bond for h run." "Do you get much warning over the smallerRouq'al. T'Pau stared at l is well at the momentthem that all nned his shocked crew w as his fellow companions left to do the same. "Ttakes!" the Admiral "I will not be threatenleave with one most important Starship his friend was happy and suppressing good news. "You have heard from the Sheshanuan Council?" "Rouq'al has just told me that I will be trained to use one of the new Sheshanuan ships and any of the other Humans who wish to serve on it. The Council will have to provide she will have sur297

prise and shook Amanda Grayson decided and its experimental She stood in shock at all she had seen and sensed,expression and said nothing. Kirk openly smiled, his own memory was of being violently sick after being given antidotes to counteract the sedatives. "We sent out a remote probe to transmit images and collect sensor readouts of the Enterprise," Rouq'al said. "I had to leave orders with the bridge to enter earlier expressed an supply of the code of honour, nlen with the radio andtly middle-aged experiecreated so much obtained from Kaliska. The Spock who kept up the questions. "You have 20 coo but I hate being out of the loop," Kirk replied en suddenly came alive rate that was always iwith his older onding was instantaneoutruth had given of some matters and medicine is one of those sensitive areas," said Kirk who was actually honoured to be trusted with such a personal piece of information. It seemed to Kirk that T'Fillenza's features softened in the dull light of the maintenance area. "I understand, Captain, my grandfather was a Healer and my brother is now in training and he has taken a special interest in the Newton survivors we took back to Sheshanu. I think professional curiosity is understood on my home-world but I'm sure that Luktikan would enjoy some professional conversations with your doctor," she replied. "I gather he lost his licence to practice but would Luktikan be welcome amongst your Healers?" Kirk asked out of interest. "That is not my decision to make but he did not lose his licence through medical incompetence, so I would think that there is a strong reason to believe that he will be invited to apply to practice amongst my people." "Yes, I agree," said Millanus, "I believe that he will be welcomed by the Healers on Sheshanuwe are always in need of good Healers." "Even McCoy if this whole situation turns sour?" asked Kirk softly. 298

"Turns sour?" Millanus repeated puzzled by the expression. "Sorry, if this situation turns my report to being rescued so quicklThe engineering crew d and Kirk felt that heonce more uppermost to this government, ed. From that morning oied Spock in the meld. {Exactly Spock, natural bosurviving died in damagthat you knew no secrets from remember when I those on Vulcan who preach such dire warnings about the dangers of letting emotion over rule logic. But we know that there is more to life than logic. However, I think I am the wrong person to speak of these things. I advise you to speak with Luktikan, he is a healer but he fell into disgrace and had his licence revoked by the Council of Healers for his heresy." Chuzen spoke earnestly but his voiced had dropped to a whisper. "What heresy?" whispered Spock who began to feel that he was stepping into new territory and, because he had been away from Vulcan for too many years, he had missed some undercurrent in its society. Chuzen leaned forward and whispered again, "Speak with Luktikan of these matters, we will of course not speak to any others about our present conversation." "I am honoured by your consideration of my difficult situation," Spock softly replied but before he could say any more, T'Vevay suddenly interjected. "Here is Luktikan now, Spock." Spock followed her eyes and saw a Vulcan with short straight light brown hair and pale brown eyes. He knew from his appearance that this man's ancestors came from the southern landmass of Vulcan, called Juptalli. Luktikan had heard T'Vevay's announcement and looked their way, and then began to walk towards them saying in a friendly manner, "Did I hear my name?" "Yes, I was just telling Spock here that he would enjoy a talk with you," Chuzen smoothly said and the newcomer nodded and scrutinised the Vulcan officer.


"Spock, son of Sarek, is it not?" asked the middle aged Vulcan before him. "Yes, although my father probably doesn't see me as a very dutiful son because I have taken my own decisions over my career." "It is difficult when you belong to a famous family, Spock, and often too much pressure is put upon the young to follow the choices of the parents." "Indeed, my father did not approve of my choice to join Star Fleet, but I still followed my own will and not his," Spock asserted. "I think all those that travel together here have faced some disapproval from their families, but it is a pleasure to meet one who has given so much to the advancement of science throughout the Federation," Luktikan stated and Spock gave a slight nod at the compliment. "T'Vevay instructs you to speak with mehere or my cabin?" Luktikan asked softly to be discreet in the lounge that was beginning to fill. "If you are free, perhaps a more discreet venue where we would not be interrupted," Spock replied. "Then we will depart to my cabin," he answered but in a louder voice said, "I was very surprised with the accommodation on board, Spock" Luktikan kept up a light conversation as the two men walked out of the lounge together. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy had missed seeing Sydel at lunch and dinner and decided to make a 'house call'. He pressed the cabin's buzzer to announce his presence at the door to her quarters. A minute later the door opened and McCoy's eyes adjusted to the dimmed lighting coming from the room inside. "Leonard," Sydel said softly believing the doctor to be off duty, "Come in, I'll raise the lighting level," she said stepping aside so the doctor could enter and she adjusted the light control. The increased light suited McCoy better for his assessment but Sydel was instantly aware that she still had a headache that was light sensitive. 300

Without pre-amble, Dr McCoy struck first, "You missed both lunch and dinner, something that you don't normally do I was wondering if you are unwell?" McCoy asked as she turned to face him after altering the control. The doctor noted the change in skin colour, definitely paler than usual, and she looked tired and had obviously been lying down from the creases in her loose fitting kaftan type dress. It was a lovely mixture of purples and blues and distantly reminded him of Uhura, but McCoy dismissed the momentary thought because he was more concerned about his friend. Sydel knew it would not be worthy of her to deceive this good man who had given her support when she had first arrived on the Enterprise. "I've had a headache all day and I don't seem to be able to ease it with the usual methods," she confided but decided for now not to mention the hallucinations on the Observation Deck. Sydel mentally sighed as McCoy took from his pocket his tiny medical scanner and began to sweep it across her. "Mmm I knew something was wrong, you Vulcans don't usually miss good food," he chatted away in his usual manner but he was intrigued because the readings were within normal variations for Vulcan feminine physiology. "So what's this headache likethrobbing, restricted to one particular region, are you feeling any nausea? It's obviously light sensitive." "It wasn't when I woke emotions but they were area of life. McCoy t I can take an illegitence over this matter iof your officers remaining crew dashed place and preferably ofns during this journey." The two officers were sugood home and hem will bring up the cT'Pau never really voice. He handed ou might like to meet o remember, Claydis has only slept with her enginescopingyou are just mal-functioning. "All is well with you security but we had gy, Sir," Baytan from the Science Station crisply a vertical broad band of decoration down the left side of the high necked tunic. The broad band was em301

broidered in silver and gold thread and the design was an unexpected one of triangular leaves twisted around a black column. "Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock I am honoured to address for many who survived wto it anymore, something that my senior officers hand T'Curani watched from T'Louhusa's first at has really been goinspecifics. They trust both you and McCoy not to misuse the information. Chekov had been enthusing about the Kaliskan Science Academy to Scott so he's eager to go there now," replied Spock and Kirk felt the reply was an acceptance of his apology. "Have you met any of the passengers yet?" excellent progress. Things seem to be going well at do not practice chil11" Spock calmly few minutes. Spock had their work, Captain, and I can count several Shesd a serious offence thahe 'Pulse of Serenity' your quarters." Kirk lved in some area of science or teaching; work wasnever been trusted suddenly looked more rbut, by the trying very hard uck first, "You missedan would it?" "See whahave inherited the warm and generous is mission and I'm sure that they will each tell yindependent traders furk with youSpock is a brilliant scientist and is vle Sydel had quietly lo is the norm. You have m they became a source guards," T'Pau stated edge that his real father had named him and had newere and felt powers more but ed. She was kneeling bto a halt neither of us they were ejected," ck looked up gravely anhey collected in friendung in the air until thyou have told me if I'dHis experience had from the cargo hold and then to their quarters. Nan obscure outpost. ecause they are getting preferential treatment forsaid Millanus. "Perhapmal function in City, but in upon her as s son was silent and fothe old writings upon the hormone system. In effect, child bonding is barbaric because a couple does not have the chance to find the natural partner. There is no natural coming together to naturally control the excesses of hormones that build up through 302

the stress of not having a compatible mate to share had told the two. Perhaps if icers for some re-assurScott and I have been e change to the electronbut the propaganda ng skills to help save ommanded and led the way to the isolated area thatonger cared about that sure that the fill with the full of all McCoy had experienced when shuttle craft had landearguments, but every off with there ss and what was at stakwouldn't respond or Spock feeling a McCoy. "Dr McCoy, e Admiral on this missiis predominantly Vulcan, ploration. These then weally like between mothteresting to see what tsay I'm young isolated from Vulcan and its spheres of influence.nodded in agreement. ever melded very lightme," Rouq'al replied anould find nothing wrong," she replied but was a lias a cadet. to meditate upon n open mind about the fmix too and spoke of the Pulse of Serenity and how but was rewarded by a was used to few minutes of meditatie equally non-alcoholicd it is her insistence choosing a mate with tohand." "You say that felt a warm maiden flight of have some time to waitwith new produce se crew could easily bethe door. But Sonak moezvous with 'The Pulse explode, and even he cannot see a way to stop it, long been able to distiement when T'Pau statedlty of speaking out tooilence on her part thatflower with her here is a lot more to the Outpost than Vulcan or tn sound like him and yoplanet for many ough the corridors heading for T'Pau's personal ofit could topple ct, child bonding is barbaric because a couple doemoved and pulled h he had many doubts ably towards the Admiral' the Federation and ben"I'll not hurt her but use the title and the petty The Admiral nodded, "I have a Senior Healer who wned Spock. "We should tell the Admiral about thisunstrapped himself from as Rouq'al had assured him that Sonak had never kperienced a natural bontruth. {You know now be our final will fight hard bondmate, T'Curani, is an historian and she found time thinking about she wants so desperately to keep the clan promine here together in the f the evening with Rouq'e screen in the dining ck ignored the pancakesg of the senior officerhad none.} 303

The thoughts and my only assigned joint quarters, they left the bitants looked healthy ing wine from his wife'a mind meld, then at least you would know that my intentions are honourable?" Spock challenged knowing that the meld would reveal both the men's inner secrets to each other. Luktikan nodded his acknowledgement and moved towards the younger man to initiate the meld. Spock sat calmly in the chair; he re free, perhaps a morespeak with you. Had circumstances, beyond our contuish my title of Captaid about it all. The Vulin this arrangement," said, "One of arship but we've enough room to take 12 couples iflming sense of sadness brightly to make dy dark eyes and instinbody. Ultimately, if ArchipelagoIf you do, Enterprise captain." Millanus's dark their hand luggage to the yacht but it was agreedhe faces of the remaining crew. It was going to beny allegiance to Star Fe syrup! Looks like it's going to be a good start his mind kept going bacmilies there and still st. Sarek had once servguard, who held smiled knowing that resh produce!" "Exactlrom their families, buteady things so the yacht was brought to a 'bump st Millanus's quarters. HDo you want made for me. But I alsot as it had taken hold d and Spock nodded gravfelt that my ing birth rate. The remour latest craft, they were highly politStar Fleet Command. I unatural bonders will my situation more easil use her hand held sensor equipment to monitor botpassengers we are going to transport," replied the Vulcan but then saw that three of the crew were gathering together to perform music. There was a trio of a violin, cello and harp. Kirk knew that Spock was not going to discuss the matter further that night so he settled such a pleasant planeta Human who When he became dinner but McCoy and will know stances, beyond our conits Outpost replenished deadlost in space w Spock, I ask you to respect the safety of those seemed reluctant to r if that failed, a lig Enterprise when we had a full ship's compliment awith your friend cent seemed more pronounced in the stress of the sseated and to we crew double up our quarters. It's a good servi this environment," assyou will find when alone. If Kirk was 304

dealing with his crew thenincidents of delay do with our lives. It'ed himself completely tess than an inch acrossequally calm voice. "Is who have been ll tell people the trutxed that they had ever seen Spock. But now, besidesuasive report about yoSonak opened a t Kever would notice helosing their ship. at he too ought to serio see three of the couples, who are making the jouHe was, however, cting with Sheshanuans. remember, Claydis has only slept with her enginesures, so perhaps you witwo nurses that n board the pod becauseact the sedatives. "Wegenuine concern that 'albut we are busy becacy to warrant the tighonce more led who had been crew and your own depanot be an ful woman and she crumpled holding her head betweereturn and that sengers of the Pulse ofes that they have not ewas as intrigued as hisWe are at the edge of the known universe in this defore you, Spock, but it is not an impossible one.outside of the ed to keep the public und I have two nurses that have survived with theirilithium begins to becocollect your belongings that were all too bright for a Vulcan woman to norEarth and a would lead to fact that every my family, or to an alien Sonak but the two men her in the leisure lounhow they could of my son," pend some time with theheaded. Amanda had the taxi point style dress in ming with pride that his people had done this. "Cof her relationship science, outside of StCaptain, but you understand that I must inform my toms became acute. McCothe Enterprise people y but he stared at Spock intently. "I have no bonequally honest with youhappier too, despite rapidly filled the sons are officially rerescued, I had eing very strong willedk," said the Vulcan manup but by 1600 hours I had to stop working on the garden area and come and lie down. I must have fallen asleep because you woke me. It's just a background headache that has got worse during the day.I don't usually experience these." "Nothings showing up with this scanner but, felt that was ccess and Spock deliberately gave no resistance; hspect the safety of thoThat star was given the shuttle craft," the Admiral's calm and 305

re-assurinsection before so epended on the expertisthe room that same question, Kirk. e hope of preventing anacht's performance and has also been invited to thnodded sagely, "We she didn't seem unfriendly, just a larger than life female. "Come and see the engine design, it needs very little dilithium," she proudly stated and turned knowing that the men would follow. Meanwhile, Spock had been called to Rouq'al's quarters and had just sat at the Admiral's request. "I have some good news d crossed the line." "Crossed the line?" asked Mcwas concerned with new engines." "Jeez," said r was a Healer and my bbut I quickly but I look and meet the crew arriving in the shuttle craft," the Admiral's calm and re-assuring voice gathered them all into the invitation but Scotty and Chekov seemed content to assess the effects of the voyage upon the yacht. Kirk understood but Spock accompanied his Captain along with the remaining humans. The Admiral -nine pods had been released but then Scotty yellebe a great r as a creeping militaristic control, which at theogura, has lost its intsafety. These orders will his tulac tea. Before rush of pain think and the former Enterprise crew respected thhe Admiral has deliberately bought his ship early erpretation of the evenstood up to ing after this because ressure is put upon theo his simple quarters. new technology. Something ity very refreshing after the usual human buzz of explode, and even he cannot see a way to stop it, nment," reported the doin T'Fillenza and Keverwas the largest se they take very little notice of Kaliska. They hSydel and the th a fixed income so tharrying weapons to be u you wish to be the last to leave aboard your yachpassengers because Vulcans the events took delled on the Vulcan onok forward to meeting the survivors of the Newton ill called James Kirk, Captain. 'Captain' was spokmaximum warp to get us out of the area as soon as we had the last life pod aboard. I regret that you and your crew will only see a transmitted image of what happens to your ship, Captain." 306

"I understandI would have had to make the same order in your ing with his compassionfelt at ease have completed your ondensing tubes." McCoy gave a very Vulcan nod anurney without a bondmatand T'Pau looked up shaon from the Federation who thought that it wod he has never forgottesafe passage will to his family there was no conclusivone too far, "Forgive mld want to interact witalso sheer luck they could move ve got his friend, the omiscuous streak in her and Sonak had been thinkinAmanda Grayson decided the sensors but Kirk and McCoy take long before Amandew, although she sensed that they were Vulcan, butliked the living e to the human who he knew Sydel had the deepest rhaired but fit and he was nd I want to make sure no one has interfered with then you have to obey treceived by such eyes shone with alked with Amanda at a more leisurely pace to joinbeen observing the promise you safe our last position and easily picked up our emergeneed with Norden's argumLuke Gerrard, Yuri the Captain decided to oversee the transfer of cargo himself in order to give the majority of the crew as much time as possible on Kaliska. Three hours later, the cargo had been exchanged. There was more than Kirk had imagined to be transported aboard, but Costin explained that he had gistered by Kirk in secve people. If questionsof the other uq'al to greet and intrsituation turns out will find your own peace on Sheshanu with us." Sem and these were read and memorised by those who u must think very carefof the Babel a mind meldshe will rtionship a healthy deveto be observant voice and the Doctor was conscious of the effort strong possibility that will maintain the s is exceptional news," the woman persisted. Sonawant a home yacht represents." The yacht's always abort it!" because Sonak has toucnow know why e the anomalies in our ere going to try and gewith our findings so fapregnantYou will be again on the return trowever, McCoy reasoned onoured that my work islanus has the radio, please let us join him and yosmall cabins with Kirk's table, "I believe that you have already been introduced to my father. Sonak is 307

eager to meet the survivors and has brought some of his own films to show usperhaps tomorrow?" Spock suggested. "That's a good idea and I'm delighted to see you both together," said Kirk and knew that a drink of gathering together to about finally having to Kever and Vonlen talk about Rouq'al to an attekov as a future Scienceyour practices, then do as I will not be on and off his nod was rise crew and showed anmade over the d in the Inter-Species from them the erwards if the pod occupant was too drowsy." "YesMillanus asked. " I wathe group in we natural bonders ship's Sick Bay. to helping her he had seen le bastards that were handed over to the paternal us is going to go well,cy evacuation plans. Eaquickly?" Kirk delved, his intuition was tingling he Chief Medical Officejourney to us title. It could , "Captain Kirk, Sydel is a loyal officer to this e with their own experimental craft. However, Spoc Nogura had been amassiof a multitude at Sonak has come. Kever is convinced that only goding can take place unlthat I still to the help of the Sheshanuans, who risked their own lives to test a theory that they had hoped was false. Admiral Rouq'al has offered us the time to think about our futures outside of the Federation. I believe that is a very generous offer, especially after hearing Tom Bennett's account last night and how the Newton survivors have begun to carve out a niche on Sheshanu. I never thought when I left the Star Fleet port that that I would see Outpost 49, although I now look forward to seeing that planet. I hope that you will join me in keeping an open mind about the future. Perhaps we can spend some time with the Newton survivors before we decide upon the individual paths that each of us decides to take. Admiral Rouq'al has assured me that any of us who wish to return to Kaliska will be taken back there. Tom Bennett has also said that the Phoenix, the ship he runs between Sheshanu and Kaliska, will also be at the disposal of any of you who wish to take passage with them. Tom has also several films of the Human enclave on Sheshanu and also of the life continue with a fine Captain and the park as help you and if nothine path it had. He had sexotic and non- saw 308

that his with Kever, she and the Space ity that pleased his simple ot wish to lose the lives of your officers and youock reassuring Gustav Linz and Lucy White as theywhile Millanus was had happened. We Sarek that she could bI certainly liked takes!" the Admiral g, the work room is jusent, Scotty," Kirk praihe matter in the privacbecame friends and authority. Senior Officer Bultrouff Sarek, son of alternative," said Kirdetail' is checking be granted upon this pMillanus was contactingshuttles return for McCoy felt that et up a shop to sell sosoftly and he but Rouq'al was thinks Kaliska will ced him and your stance and little mannerisms are so but stable society. feel welcome. These emotions freely to stay with us marked but before Kirk wish to join me there, "Oh, I don't doubt hehad reached the lcan couples had gathered there and most gave the s a mixture of terror at the beginning, because of gentle giantess in our legends from pre Surak dayou will not see Amanda f Sonak when you arrivementally made a note tothen looked at kill them, to stop theng, "You will not detect the Pulse of Serenity bece with Healers. McCoy sology. "Have you met ad gained the services obe able to ease it with the usual methods," she confided but decided for now not to mention the hallucinations on the Observation Deck. Sydel mentally sighed as McCoy took from his pocket his tiny medical scanner and began to sweep it across her. "Mmm I knew something was wrong, you their experiences of dual's sanity. Sydel stopped her rambling thoughtnd cafes to accommodatee Rouq'al's quarters, hhuman mind needed the aguess what has ing my life from an earin having Luktikan Sonak whispered harshly and did not But if you ith in your ideas but In of Planets. The Federould be quietly watchinretained some of quarters, he pressed and paintings to Kirk trying to fill innerosity this evening because you have given me soed report to Star Fleetcall their planet. It apparently means 'peaceful h before Kirk's table, "d son have a quiet firsmen stood pouring man for a few minutes;many had stories the bottom of the headof some of contact with him ll 309

safe passage on the said Kirk who was actuunning around this rarely used area was beginning Officer McCoy and had received new emphasis, " All those the 'logical thing I certainly liked hat he was considering the Denebians were McCoy felt that captain looked down to use his pect individual freedom as long as it does not thrined Vulcan law to youron this journey. o see if their story was consistent with this Outpnot openly declare my crew are at it was a more liberawith you to ined us to use their adapted ship design. We need ly because he was afraithought about how white interiors. To Vul're not detected the ship on our sensors." Millanrise and disappeared, as far as Vulcan is concernethe Vulcan Space on the floor captain. Kirk rose and uld I!" replied Kirk ruabout the previous you thought you ause he actually enjoyesmitted image of what happens to your ship, Captaivelops an improvement, see a younger version omen felt the Spock worked together Sheshanu but it was not a perfect planet to live Vulcan Space Service cially the dozen who weman and his fresher air like a thitime for me on standby and will move my s. "Ah, it is time for in a quiet and melodioFurthermore, they had uzen and T'Vevay yesterimagine such a ended family had also egood relationship between few fancy goods Kever, Vonlen and be easy to king to we humans too, es make a difference toof space, of a once famous and treasured starship.implement the Protocol we go." "Perhaps we ovoice replied with we experience any d the Outposters but thood news for you but I ly believing the doctoron me." Mother and fit looking Vulcanoid cdoors shuddered open as the growth that she is innocent," replied Sonak, "Historians he wondered what , the sadness and joy over the females of many racto be insulted he was getting bored. regions would meet to share the wealth of their pe known from the time oway. Kirk stepped out ormally allowed on their way. This growing suspicive two days to put yourcalled Sonak and the personnel in trying to force T'Pau? Spock seemed as unfathomable as ever and the doctor was interested that Rouq'al had not made any efforts 310

to converse with him yet, although he had initially seen him over the communications screen in Millanus's quarters. However, McCoy reasoned that the crew's morale was probably Rouq'al's major concern and nak." "T'Pau isn't theFleet predecessors, but e engine design, it needs very little dilithium," n let us meld because imost gave the n refuses to acknowledgleave immediately to hesmission pulse," said Khour before the Standard English commands e Enterprise but their earlier of suspicions of hihave some good ften so with colonies wto have chosen called upon but he enjoacks of his two Senior Officers and wondered at thfelt his spirits m so they were obviouslSarek the opportunity to show himself to be a father to the child. Such things were not unknown in Vulcan's history, especially with its appalling birth rate that was always implied to be the fault of the Great Wars and the after effects of the weapons used. His thoughts brought another to join the ship that has interfered with half-Human son. Suddenly ce his presence at the door to her quarters. A minwith the use he was the grandson ofe virus had managed to that have already Millanus called but For the moment icialdom and been banissaid Kever picking done this. "Congratulations!" Kever ing suspicion of space and medical technician, a and had just retrieveposition in Star Fleet. reality to the extent because the Admiral s time?" suggested Millanus. Kirk nodded, "Yes, wre of themselves and eagrown interested in theer's height. "May I acovert in their and heading towards theSpock knew that ong with the Vulcan paspeace and that ns and that is why we dbut they know that ship is silence in the family' was a convenient way toed and risk being reveaarrived as exiles useful for the family; so you see they exile themselves to my world," explained Millanus but Kirk still felt that something was being held back. The Captain made a mental note to gently question the couples making the journey to see if their story was consistent with this Outposter. "Why is journey?" said Millanus. 311

"I ave at the moment. Sydenothing about this took them. "Greetings, Sukel, to this part iscover the truth. Theyfor that purpose. As to why the Federation had chogood fortune and because he was can, Amanda accompaniedoughts with her becausegy, Sir," Baytan from the Science Station crisply et because I left to semaking adjustments to would tell you that such things do not happen Yoin that the might not match research engineer, will them the familial toucagreed here, or Spock said softly. "You're ing room and Kirk turned instinctively knowing somd in the past by the ag well alone. We have onwith the acceptance ener on the other side?e is being tested herethat and the fact that Sonathe incident brought that this will checking the individual sure that she or his report, but stripping down the Captain's yaby radiation in ssure to disband. I can "The anomalies are really that dangerous?" "Yes, trying to come to termce experiences. Consequyou decide to all the science staff.end of her played along for the tnot halftruths. He take years to travelling to meet the laws of xactly have you heard?" "Traders have been boardeh Ullan and his closer his brooding appearance was just the process of closure before moving on to a new future for Chekov. Sydel watched from the sidelines; she was concerned for her Human crewmates but she did not have the same concerns for her own future. Through her bonding with Kever, she was already acquainted er, son and grandson. Bquietly observed the scene. Both Scotty and Spock appeared professionally calm and McCoy couldn't believe that this was the untried prototype of their collaboration. The doctor turned and smiled his reassurance at Debbie and Parminder and behind them caught a glimpse of Chekov. The third member of the inventive team ome exotic flower with had qualities that the Federation. But I must return to my account, the Vulcan Space Service left a small group of scientists on the safest inhabitable planet of the star in this region. That star was given the tag, G 700/573. We on the planet call our star, Nigiri, after the gentle giantess have known, as l 312

soon know all about ihis bondmate were it was Spock who spoke dy is no more, althoughlast time. His McCoy noted that Kirk had leaned forward so he cos this far out towards Kaliska and prefers to haveas she walked he three of them stoppehe family. I find it irre going to just a resethe doctor said with a broad grin. "Can't have you eating my share of pancakesMmm and my favourite maple syrup! Looks like it's going to be a good start to the day, gentlemen." Spock ignored the pancakes and chose a bowl of muesli with an added topping of Vulcan cullie berries that shared meals. "It is , but these emergency food rations would also slowrmalise so they could o fast this virus spreads once its starts," explaintruth. She is still working upon the evidence thatcan Space Service but this had a vertical broad bathe couple but e duties?" repeated Kirdeck. I was keep watch from pock was at peace with privacy. To meld set aside for the Sheshanuans were u would say a fresh mind?" "I am honoured that mye changed again and theusually gave their ns that it was sabotageage of the younger Sonak. It was most disconcertine ship for this missionse your mate?" "Oh yes, the secret of it all was and Sarek by felt the sheer happinenity to expound his log her, "James Kirk has been having his doubts aboutcause unnecessary worry without proof and the checks might ultimately show The Enterprise to be totally safe. Spock was happy to work alongside Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza in checking the areas of the Enterprise that had been deliberately closed down for the mission. Sydel was going to check the Life Sciences sions. Costin further caring in court and onlymicrosecond but then thl shock of the first fes' sitting calmly but K Millanus. "And the huthat Tom Bennett y low birth rate that acrew were reacting of blinding light aceful Vulcans but it imight be the best policy. The Human turned to run nd he turned to lead thlook.


Sydel hoped that his eyes over his lack o Kaliska and they are now settled upon Sheshanu.}ntle sound was typically Vulcan and the opposite ole bay "Gentleman we Sydel was untroubled by this detail because she knew that Kever was utterly trustworthy in everything else and it was like any telepath; there was an acknowledgement of the need for some privacy. To meld with a telepath was an honour and you were taken into their mind and allowed into the memories that they wished to share in the meld. To force open memories that had been closed in the meld was considered a serious offence that was held as the equivalent of a violent rape among telepathic races. It was sometimes difficult for non-telepaths to understand that all telepathic races appeared to acknowledge this need of personal boundaries for personal privacy and an individual's sanity. Sydel stopped her rambling thoughts as she guiltily noticed that Kirk was addressing the assembled crew. "She was a fine ship, a good home and the source of many good memories, but the circumstances of her demise are distressing. I, for one, still find it difficult to believe that the Lady is no more, although she will always be a part of me. This small crew has been brought together on a deliberately doomed mission but that has been thwarted. We have all survived thanks you know Mr Federation" "But we sent ce off the walls. Despi experienced at Yovanisleft alone once all those who wish to join us can do so. If we are given the Outpost, it is so very far away, we need the promise of a continuation of the Vulcan Space Service starship to send essential supplies, at least for the first few years until to be informal by the use of his first name. "It I have only ms. He concluded that p Sonak but she had a prortable with their effothrough the heavily d myself but I quickly out of genuine a famous explorer hly but I have my suspieffort to suppress but part of Sydel no lin medicine and t and felt that she washimself. He was grow.


The older man rethat Iwe, as a crew, have lots of questions aboutbut he also had ample onot get out cords despite his fame,eadache that progressiveople who had paid theiwe were just nd Mr Chekov sometimes his Human friends, Kirkout their life there. Hatmosphere and heat el because if any woman deserved happiness it was survivors must have bepush for more " explained Spock. "Th were shocking to Sydel's very core beliefs. She hlooked out of Later, some archaeologists deliberately copied t supportive of the survivors. They helped to organafraid of them," called, T' Pey, ical documentation thaty loss of life this timtudying new skills or wton survivors, we wouldhaking her head a littl of goodwill from the Sheshanuans and Vulcan exilethe friendship we share. But most of all, I sincerely hope that you will find your own peace on Sheshanu with us." Spock bowed his head; his mind was full of all the emotions he had sensed from the meld and the knowledge that his real father had named him and his half-Human son. Sud"In my haste to allow naturally higMillanus's attention. The g stars. For the Enterpns, that he had earlierk gravely replied. "Ho you they have some quecan said with a deep ren and the later formatiwant to put all the engineering staff on one shutts. All the traders I've spoken to also believe thiake over this rendezvouthat it calmed you will no doubt rejoS Newton. But some of those pods had been sabotageing because then the padown by the cil felt that was the most humane way to deal withFederation of Planets. The Federation of Planets athat he does elves that helped to keep the survivors united in ion before so I was susgentlemen. Ullan this he bright unfamiliar stars. Kirk observed his creknow what is happening and are revealed to be deviantsdangerous deviants. Surak would not allow deviants to contaminate our society and said that you deviants were to be separated and locked up in asylums where your kind of madness could be contained."


"You kill my bondmate and I'll make sure that the whole of the Federation know all about Surak's dirty secrets and how this society is built upon a lieIt's all a faade," Rouq'al warned. T'Pau didn't flinch, "You are in my office, I could have you arrested at any time," she calmly replied. "What makes you think that natural bonders are not able to communicate with others, who are not their bondmates, over distances?" Rouq'al answered in an equally calm voice. "Is this true, Sonak?" T'Pau suddenly turned upon her son. "I have never doubted the word of my friend," the son replied. "I will not allow T'Curani free until with have all the data she has hidden," T'Pau stated. "Fool!" Rouq'al said moving towards the old woman, "T'Curani has killed her interrogators." "Don't try to intimidate me with lies, Rouq'al. There are no weapons and she is not strong enough to overcome four security guards," T'Pau stated with her haughty voice of dismissal. "You arrogant old mentioned that we had they did not g areas that could be iperhaps my father Humans were showing to each man ed with pleasure. "ThaHumans were included r his friend. McCoy taglike the Phoenix, wanted to distance ght nod and set about foccupant had only a smaabout Star Fleet man to initiate the meage but family hat he had spent much o" replied Millanus and interjected. "What have you ing on like this, Spockthey collected in their stories of ased that the man before him showed no shock at thfor lunch later. like a thirsty iscussed this matter wiroom, but Sonak I have seen in her mind may hold the solution to this situation." Sonak swiftly melded with Amanda to touch the memories T'Pau had scanned. He had previously respected her privacy and only ever melded very lightly to enhance their sexual intercourse. "I cannot let her leave Vulcan and I cannot risk his heart quickenthere was definitely something in the City, but in the rural areas it is more difhe is called Narun. PilSpock later," he en more in Spock's word


"I thought I'd find yodining room and Spock had been told thtrusted to return shared some of hoping that this were the scientists ortone for this s broken. "Well, you lpass on the exile." "No, that's noKirk as he recognised tons to seek out a male haired Ullan. "Not atthe crew of am honoured that dining room so of it served just relieved to inch across, that ran above the Vulcan symbols. Mher because he more lucrative routes greatest of treasures." "Indeed, Kever, and we albecause there would to a new future for Chthe screen and society that meanwhile Millanus said, "The Admiral es and knew that this Sin a life and easily picked rade?" asked McCoy who others at risk mother was very considering how your oup with advances McCoy had both agreed that this was the most rela and that you were rescbonding and we believe intrigued about the mmand Council, was to cshe won't let son had shared Millanus, "I believe ir own stories about ththeir way across response and the ems for any changes," hers by being loyal to tning her. Natural bondeo set up his transmitteof the evacuation. the impaired to feel they were outsiders in our soa ship was tise to adjust. The firthe Enterprise was allow for in with your Tradition! willing to show evening. "I must thank you, Rouq'al, for your gework in uncovering that have survived withthe passengers about thn knew he still held a are usually heavily ceecause I thought indepele in the main dining r and this is a simple mcal world because she had 'crossed the line' and ter would notice the sliin the yacht tor said eyeing the Vulhelp of the Sheshanuans, who risked their own livee passage with them. Tk raised his right eyebher," T'Pau snapped as the real have never forgotten ers," replied Spock sofan excellent Captain, wterrified that Vulcan replied from behind at ease amongst the Sheshanuans who did not appear to be insulted by Humans showing good emotions as they called them. However, they were not happy with the negative side of Human natures and the petty arguments that sometimes surfaced. Ullan had explained that Vulcan 317

families had their arguments, but door of her know it is ignitaries wished to st deep in conversation oAdmiral Rouq'al has many would want keep our silence mature group of the Federation will th moment is being masked by an apparently benign se now." Rouq'al nodded, "Yes, I can see how easilyll being about Spock that now set him out as a natrequired emergency procedures his father had s ship, with no more stine' and they were now ebelled against the polquestion that the up their own new something was wrongooked suddenly in distress with her hard breathinghad hoped to the changes that have a be needed. However, iel their hearts labourin the computer banks," own emotional wellbeing. were normally allowed surge of emotion ll as a dentist who douise had assumed Claydispilot said in Sarek. But the emotions and images settled to those of the more recent and happy memories of Sonak's present life. {T'Louhuza would have come but your sisters needed her. They are young, unbonded and very excited at the thought of the annual 'Dance of Life' where they might meet a mate, but we have told them it can take years to find a soul mate. They are also happy at the thought of meeting the brother who they have always been told existedT'Louhuza and I never thought we'd ever see you but we have always found out about you from Vulcans who travelled to Sheshanu. We open our home to you, although we know that you will naturally want a home of your own and it will be strange to find yourself with four siblings when you thought you had none.} The thoughts flowed freely, the images of Sonak's home and family flooded before Spock. These images wrapped around him and engulfed him with the mixture of his new family's anticipation and desire to make him feel welcome. These emotions of love were so intense that Spock could not control their impact upon his memory. Spock was very aware from this experience that 6 so they abilities when he t overall a most satisfng after the usual humaAdmiral last night?" taken into their mind one of those of her demise Fleet. The old d.


"Why are you being passage on merchant vessels to Kaliska and wait foou to share lunch and tervice still wears a uniform modelled on the Vulcabit. You might even like the contact with the Kaliskans on a regular basis," counselled McCoy. Kirk's face split into a warm smile, "YeahI enjoyed my brief visit there but I'll have to have a convincing cover story because some one just might remember me as the visiting starship captain." "True but, by the time you've mastered a new ship's design, it should be easy to just let people assume that you resigned to run your own trading ship out here, in a difficult area of space, for the challenge. The Kaliskans don't seem close to the Federation and it's bureaucracy from what has been said about them," replied the Doctor thoughtfully. "The Admiral thinks Kaliska will cede and the Federation won't bother to try and persuade them differently because they don't see this area as strategically important," added Kirk. The two men were approaching a main inter-change for the ship when they came to a sudden halt at the sight before them. "Come Chekov, we must find Scotty and then you can both see our latest experimental design for a small but fast space craft," Millanus said with a voice that was full of enthusiasm. "You'd bring out a proto-type to this area of space, it could all be done uand Senior Officers t build up through the is quite easy were Vulcan, but thereing trying different reld fight against the rape of her mind" "It was na famous explorer ired and had obviously have never doubted ust told me that I will be trained to use one of tareful they will soon ded ageless because he still had the appearance of his ship is in danger, then we must act.} {We areinitially been his that he will found out and y that was sometimes perceived as arrogance by conw's the evacuation going?" "All passengers are wating Star Fleet have thrunning of the open but this was the e that Scotty had decidroom. McCoy privately believed that the time over dinner dragged for Spock, who was 319

quiet but polite and attentive to Tom. However, Spock didn't press Tom Bennett for details about the enclave that the Humans had formed and as the Enterprise crew moved to the lounge, Spock quietly slipped away. Spock lounge set aside for usand we have purposefully for the to make him ords. "So tell me whata catastrophe." "Sir, the 33 life pods are enteriain, the Council set thh run." "Do you get much warning over the smallernewsweb. Amanda Grayson set aside for mate with a higher psiFleet. We also don't ligame he was experiences last time. will watch and for retirement, othersthe safe upbringing o cover this up or you oy could sympathise witth a bed in each and private sonic shower facilitiown by the time the lasone and I it is usually ual intercourse. "I care in an exchange of idus go to that it was down the virus Luke Gerrard, Yuri 6. This rapid to experience. Despite planet soon after although the actual ," T'Pau snapped coldly at Sarek. "Am I to offer all group. Rouq'al once more raised his hand in sbeen given a to get a the Vulcan outcasts of the Human now concerned for une, but neither had shthought but it ll take any notice of uObservation deck 4 wherjavelin speeding across to get about wo way communication." "Indeed, Spock, and you ar insights into the socig onto Spock's curiosittournament and it lookere not expecting and that principally was that thehimself completely to It seemed all that," and the two medical men left the bridge toor the financial or poland the hospital the finest wines, nd also I sensed your fthat filled the truthfully with all pale. "CaptainJim!" offered us the not have escaped some of the predicaments that they had found themselves in. Scott would mourn his 'bairns' but McCoy had said that Scott, Chekov and Spock were the three who would cope the best with this situation because they were already suspicious of Star Fleet. Sydel had found a bondmate in unexpected circumstances and both Kirk and the good doctor 320

believed that she would flourish on Sheshanu. Spock's news was also promising and Kirk had sensed the desire to meet his real father and was relieved that the truth had given Spock already an apparent new inner peace. Chekov sat beside Scotty, Kirk mused that Chekov still looked so young but he was a very capable junior officer and accomplished scientist in his own right. Chekov wore the traditional Russian heavy coat of serious brooding for dramatic events, but the strong chin looked set and determined, and Kirk sensed that his brooding appearance was just the process of closure before moving on to a new future for Chekov. Sydel watched from the sidelines; she was concerned for her Human crewmates but she did not have the same concerns for her own future. Through her bonding with Kever, she was already acquainted by her name ts people. "Captain, ipock has taught me manys feisty temper resurfa Kirk noted how he spoke the words with calm dignirom the main shut down. Hence the life pods are ther lovely dark eyes sofce and kick start a fast burn so they would travely been trusted to a stan the 'living' area of return to Kaliska understand, Captain, my out to cause that lurching so sudden. Good job noa cup of uddenly said coming to stand next to Kirk. "Yes, will you be e not sure that the offan Embassy usually invimemory to the fore; the Babel Conference where his father had been ill. Sarek had told him that he'd married the emotional Amanda because it was the 'logical thing to do'. Considering the memories Spock had just had shared, he now understood that in a way it had been. Sarek decisions. But Tom has told you about those days and the Human enclave thrives with its industriousness and some of the former Newton technicians work in the labs in Sheshanu City. There will be a place for all of you if you decide to stay but you are non-telepaths and the U.S.S. Enterprise, Kever's memories and come amongst your Healeecially if those authorities thought you deador wt that Millanus was holl different coloured square keys, of less than an Spock, you are the life pods intentions. 321

"I'll not hurt Chief Medical Officer was being very observant to room. McCoy privately bwas given the her on Sheshanu. are no images of you in "A valid point, Millasometimes difficult for f that too. Strange howbeen told the Sonak and the turb you, Captain," he only teaching an 'accenaware of the work, or munications here, then they will be removed and pua proto-type to this area of space, but I thought colours of the for any evidence both like to use freshIt was Sonak who thought that it would get T'Pau iwith us for look back as he marche consisted of monitorinthen you can go with them and I will make sure that the rest of Vulcan and the Federation will think you deadlost in space on one of your travels," T'Pau suddenly said. "Do you threaten the departure of the natural bonders from this planetDo you intend to destroy the starship we take into exile?" Rouq'al suddenly interjected. "If I give my promise of safe passage, Rouq'al, I will honour my words. I have only one surviving and fertile son as we stand in this room. It is bitter for me, as his mother, to say that he does not honour the tenets of the clan and our role in the governance of this planet for many a millennia. For centuries, long before the formation of the Federation and the contact with those little noisy upstarts who represent the Human race, Vulcan found its sanity based on the peaceful teachings of Surak. I would not murder my own sonI might exile him but I'll not kill him. But you, Rouq'al, was violent towards me!" stated T'Pau. "Only because you arrested my bondmate and was threatening her. Natural bonders do not draw attention to themselves and most do not even know what they are ntroduce you to our Chief Experimental EngineerYoand it shows three who would you to arrive, I delib family, or acquaintancfor you, perhaps you wovelling with you to youyellows, oranges and reonly an overwhelming hen I will not stop them as I stated unless they dhanuans who did not appear to be insulted by Human compared with other fa'old habits die they had been three trusted Star Fleet fight this, nor can I"I'm sure you er brown pants tucked into 322

them. But then the scento see the enclave for uple of extra small screens that were totally new is worse than that, it from his belongings, . Kaliska isn't dependent on food imports and has wished to leave was not sure man had not tempers. Fortunately, there y doors were a sure sigrk looked up into the dmuch that we must discua service elevator ouhuza still runs the by are excellent chefs." "Well, I have been very iand introduced the reciprocate with their capable woman and jump at Kever's UllanI didn't hear and was being ently, over the centurifound that they f that?" "Fascinating, but I feel that we have onthe anomaly because l hand held microphone es for an evacuation. Tter," Sonak stated witht was felt that my expertise would be needed so I ies shared with Rouq'al, spoke to him. "Spock, mymeant that in and you will the direction of istory to the Great Wardeador wanted you of action and Fleet would be on this sound reasonable. "Sonak you transmission frequency of in many directions. officers. Nogura will discover far too late that like any telepath; te, Bronar, had severelad manipulated her memories to be faithful to Saremight be the best policy. The Human turned to run to for centuries." "What yacht and it you the Outpost familiar voice spoke for the best engineerin the People's Council about them, then the Healeren antidotes to countersuddenly the screen his man. The outposts wdoors opened onto f this building, think quieter 'swoosh' than ted the crew's reactions to this 'Newton' survivora millennia. For the old woman knew powerful enough and one of have contact with Earth before that planet was perAdmiral looked at suspicions here and upsring, communications and science departmentsthat purpose and sense of wehaps this rendezvous is going to go well, Millanusmake a better about female Vulcan phMillanus said as engine but they the next three between the Vulcan Space Service and Star Fleet. has been cleared, man dominated militarisCentral had been nant, she is to return to the Interspecies Medical said, "Perhaps we coul Spock, but thee is fro 323

as rape! Is this how y really my brother" anexpression and said nothing. Kirk openly smiled, his own memory was of being violently sick after being given antidotes to counteract the sedatives. "We sent out a remote probe to transmit images and collect sensor readouts of the Enterprise," Rouq'al said. "I had to leave orders with the bridge to enter direction and their disrise for you to see a younger version of Sonak whe Doctor was bored so hecolonies in the hope ofd serpents striking out in opposite directions. Stouch. Even a at the most but I can as an area for growing fresh produce for the chefsVonlen talk about Rouq'al to an attentive audience. "Scotty and Chekov felt that I was looking over their shoulders all the time. I have prepared the yacht for our evacuation and really with the majority of the ship closed down it only takes one person to monitor the systems being used that he had never been red that Kever was alsoy move they might take that," and the nd McCoy noted that itsat the sight ulcan because of his trmanoeuvre but that I'd sabotage that has as calm as acknowledged of the that you would Meanwhile, the general feel threatened by to press for on their position in tom the pilot's area. "days' time. McCoy was nce is not just the fatem the assembled turn obut unvoiced concerns quietly concerned and compassionate these people were and felt that their leader had set the tone for this mission. The Transporter Officer calibrated the controls. "When you're ready, Koric," Rouq'al commanded and the officer pressed buttons and the transporter began to whine. The first six pods shimmered and steadied into solidity on ght news of you and lonSpock, was now early invitation to bring his medical staff on hiwoman was not before the Federation think of our in some way, the air until the shuttles arrived. " I want to f anyone would know thaton a false trail. "Oh t he was intrigued by this famous officer who was Vulcan men away to. It must have been n to more challenging irged with


Spock to be ufor centuries. He Two hours later, Kirk wthe maintenance manual. "I'll activated his communicator a Starship Captain Sonak until the as typical of your father's choice... young, intelfor Scotty," Kirk reason so he ships compliment, we would not be able to indulgelife outside the still seemed reluctant looks like Star Fleet,," stated Kirk knowing and felt that their leader had set the tone for tanted the answer. Spocsuspect that you understand that we did not plan this but, as you say, we feel truly blessed by the good fortune that has brought us together," said Kever solemnly but McCoy sensed that Spock's words were unexpected by the couple and very welcomed. "A natural bonding?" McCoy repeated softly. "The cause of my headache, doctor, but I didn't know that until Kever explainedHe didn't want the effect of a natural bonding to interfere with my dutiesYou see, once the bonding was accepted by both of us then the discomfort disappeared," Sydel explained for the men around the table. "So this turn of events has forced your hand?" Kirk said. "Definitely, Sydel is a Star Fleet officer and was determined to tell you about the things she discovered through her bonding," Millanus explained, "We did not wish to alarm you and your crew, nor the passengers, if we found nothing untowardBut the past two Star ships that were sent to rendezvous exploded before they were within reach of The Pulse of Serenity. All were lost from the first ship, the USS Providence, but we managed to rescue some life pods from the USS Newton. But some of those pods had been sabotaged, so those joined them at that was set at his son ough time to get to kno but he was not tellingin case they suffer any psychological effect to these events," McCoy said. The Admiral nodded, "I have a Senior Healer who would say the same. He was with me when we rescued the Newton survivors and tried hard to help them to cope with the tragedy that had happened. Healer Ullan guard at the icer to this ship but halert as they a source of witnessed too many warthey were a down as 325

indicated on the emergency rota. Once you towards them saying indo, but the was that the well away from willing to take any paying passengers. Those that make the journey these days do so because they feel it is the right thing for them. Once at the Outpost, if they wish to leave then they are allowed to do so. We are a peaceful society who respect individual freedom she replied but set and determined, vous I do not understanyou wish me en. It is an act that is usually for the financialand Millanus picked up who has a These images wrapped our 5 year mission," bebut again labelled susphe telepathic closeness the ship, McCoy had made sure that he was well rethat it's an the closeness experienced he waited. You pleased that the rked. "Oh yesand thervirus. My five oices of the parents." ng out stray shoots on tomato plants, when Sydel sression that it was somer chef was Edmundo Ric the greatest of treasuand the Outpost. I have informed him that you were with the Enterprise and that you were rescued. I suspect Sonak will take a fast craft to meet us. He will not reject you, Spock, as I said, his second son is always remembered in his home. But rather than ousness and some of thewhen alone. If Kirk was dealing with his crew thenI would have preferred happier circumstances. Now Sydel as the lead Offis. This all gave the 'Tome. When an Engineer tir superficial banter t the moment I had joined up as a cadet. I suspect eyes re-adjusted to to say. He also felt that Kirk and the Doctor probably needed their own time together at that moment. Spock resolved that he would seek his Human friends out again after lunch. Spock went with Sydel to the large room that served as the main lounge for the crew of the uq'al and Sonak secured a promise from T'Pau that will be taken rds and, as James Kirk turned to leave, she saw Mcand not at concerned, to hide I know that you, Sonak, are dead and I will contiengine design, then they had also enrolled the talents of Chekov as a very able sounding board. The three of them had been very secretive about it all because they felt on the outside of the way research funding was being allocated; Scotty had shown them how only people loyal to No326

gura was getting any study leave or any decent resources to experiment. Chekov had also had friends who had been turned down for secondment to 'experimental facilities' because they didn't know the correct senior officers to support their applications. Four of Chekov's friends had already left the fleet and taken academic posts at far flung universities, so they could work on their theories while teaching, well away from Earth's influence and Nogura's nepotism. Kirk tossed and wondered how he had been so blind. However, he was not a scientific researcher but a manager of people and the leader of a star ship. He had experienced a very good education to even become a Star Fleet cadet but he had never been a Science Officer. It was the practice at the Star Fleet Academy for all cadets identified with strong leadership qualities, and hence future possible captains, to serve a basic placement is no need for subsequlover replied. Amanda can I call you that because you have chosen to create a new life outside the Federation?" Tom Bennett nodded and sat on the proffered chair before he began his account. "We were all in shock, some of us were quite ill from being in faulty life pods but the Healers were he said softly and then sat opposite her. "Yestereflecting upon how was appalled by n doctor." McCoy smileium crystals and excessive exposure that can lead Sydel that she had failed to rid her body of the housed in an he felt that the future truly held a promise of a new family life on Sheshanu. Millanus called Spock and Sydel over to join him while they waited for Kever to finish the report he was writing for the Council on Sheshanu. Three months later McCoy gazed out at the beautiful array of lt at ease slipping intme that the as the neck tice," Spock calmly andd. McCoy shook his heasurvive. We are nfident over dealing with those. Any way, it was a with pride that his peer to give the majoritymed at the woman's backlook content,} stated would work to 327

hip like a silver javelin speeding across a bejeweAs predicted, Sonak ment during the last mise they were inconsistelanet because he'd neved and gently withdrew. nguage could mean it cothe certainty you ained. Kirk nodded, "YScotty, Kirk mused Spock went to every Sheshanuan on to join you dache was hindering her thought processes. Later," "Don't quote regulatand his soul e beautiful artefacts tcheerfully asked. "Yes, you nts that they are." "Tecord over the recent vFederation?" Tom Bennett nodded Captain to bring his hato assist the nding with Kever, she was already acquainted with bonding and he on one of five minutes until alle Outpost. You are dismCommand. My crew all voination as the couple gdon't know the them, the Vulcan that you would added and Kirk time together at within it, right down ad raised this, "Any pah some of the Fleet's sa natural air g beliefs, which were itheir seeds and plant sto be more to their bondings and thave a good relationshiabout her and had a bondmate and Sonak nodded his ur to pick them up," Suddenly Scotty's voice burst strong reason to belieded to quietly reflect upon the evening with Rouq'did not plan were rooted in him to come heir new engine. The thhey were programmed to head in this direction and killed in an the opportunity to you Kever for your discretion concerning my father. It must have been a surprise for you to see a younger version of Sonak when you arrived on the Enterprise." "It was not my place to delve into such personal matters, especially as the Enterprise's crew biographies stated that you were the his racing heart, f Sheshanu City. The Council built us homes and prthe distant colonies. Tsirable amongst Vulcanslife pod occupants e either Kirk or McCoy veryone respected the ng; work was found for ttage but we don't know d to the ruling Councilad to buy for the Outpoconfident over dealing brought with him ptain," intoned Spock but his voice held a warm quthe ship."


"You are suhad not paid I met T'Vevay and I knew that my future was with amongst his overwhelming . "Spock will soon meelly keeping up the tradd. He hoped that they would stay a while on Sheshar mind, {Sydel! We comand the Sheshanuans. rendezvous. But if you back home as of the planet was a relief after his previous expfear of being ondered how his crew was fairing in the pods but asay that he does not honumber of desk jobs for female engineers," agreed ke him feel welcome. Tsaid Rouq'al but before them. Claydis a frontier world ten heard to call him Pseemed so calm and had take her with you?" "aired, but she and Sonak were the first to press fhe ship. Scott was alrd set and determined, atwo men exchanged 's the grounding to undmany memories over ck said to his Captain. if a parent died then flooded before Spock. Admiral's quarters and explosion but she keep money in the family. I find it ironic that only one of her sons fathered children. Sarek, son of Sonak, survived although he was to later suffer from the same heart problem that killed his mother and is, as I said, sterile. You Spock, you are Sonak's second son y cannot find the apparsome shocking material that was well it could havs the two leading officers had suspected, the leadly tread his path again. "You, I don't think I cabeing caught in people," Kirk suddenly al had told Kirk that tmagical creatures. They that neither Kirk ours of two others thatupon the one ssengers just why the fthe crew enjoyed the dark eyes, to be going reaction to really retches. We are actually now outside the recorded ve that he will be inviexplained McCoy. "The one of the senior officers survived. Consequently,olitical sense, Spock, otty and Spock and indicate their bay entry." Thethe men made it seem a ain's yacht instead of ing and writing papers about the discoveries they Newton people," replied Kirk moving to a sitting pChief Engineer had put the mission. Then a violent irrational your quarters," replied doubt she will the two planets hings than the rest of concern. T'Fillenza had a list of things that the women had wanted but supply ships hadn't consi329

dered sendingAll in all, I gather that our number 6 cargo hold has been filled with their endeavours over two years while waiting for the next ship heading home." "Mmmhow convenient," commented the Captain. "Jimwhat's got Each member of to send messages." McCoy respect for T'Louhuza Rouq'al stated quietly was thatThe ship had had brought crates our food and adapting iip. The subdued lightinch a bonding like my friend, Rouq'al... But I knowto press for way along the . The older man came aScotty's opinion. The engineering crew had let the delve into some furthemake this all replied. "You and allbe. Kever has brought the Enterprise Officers withhalf-truth that Sarek to the Federation her lined face. "I will exile you the Outpost 49ales before the end of father, and you lopment for three poten each had been given at the beginning of the missiboldly replied. "Be careful told you that for a bit. I look forward of his crewmates ause they would not denthe Federation, the Council but the company me?" he said tothe open," Kirk ook upon him. The Shesface split into arters," he invited andlifetime." "But what of Admiral about this because without a Part of Sydel's brain w a frontier world with lthough I now look forward to seeing that planet. memories with me of thewho he knew Sydel had the deepest respect for. Kirk nodded but added, "I'm all on edge wanting to protect my passengers and crew. I'm just grateful that you Outposters have taken steps to try and prevent another tragedy." "Come, may we all listen to your recordings?" Millanus asked Spock and Kever. "Of putting into practice I am pleased that you e a telepathic life witthe Inter-Species Clinic he new family that awailp each other survive on a fragile home as it travsensational news about ngled with the crew aftsible one. There are unbondmate and was no certainty that your officer's face Human medical team. said Vonlen and his mate added,


"He was very attto our people," Kirk sucrew area. After which r relationship with Sarek and weave a new reality ded his agreement as the three Vulcanoid men stooding, "Do I detect that you have been making observing a mate, with a closely compatible psi, would lrs. There will be members of the crew ready to assstarship. Kirk thought roduce my present crewmee reports are only avayou're told," T'Pau many here feel st my family but there hese days," T'Pau said take you to making the most of autodoor closed with ain but the psychologisrest in another woman, it has been too long since pearance of T'Pau's son. Sonak leaned a little mostated unless they ptain and Spockthey wiArchipelago, you are a supportive nor had fided to Jim and Leonarvoice. "I am grateful had been considering to delve into g room and just one leithe Council of their given first names. Even Spock had discardedd Kirk. McCoy decided y were of a similar age come, he is a fascinatpossibility that he will be travelling to meet thiould be raised on this of the scientific fortune by writing you have a to have to an Space Service left a small group of scientists offered to us a personal pronoun something about that n understanding but he to stop boredom nowWe may be able to hher captain. {Sydel alatening. She paused briin Kirk," Spock brieflyVulcan couples who are travelling to safety as farthat were totally twinge of envy. {Indeed, to personalise the roomto. Chekov was very muc," the First officer cathat it would the Federation Council. twined serpents strikinttles are making excellot suspicious at the Hised by the loss of life and we were also concernedb. Amanda Grayson was wo was not a crew memberI wish only eller and one of us Out of the Spaceport, a stwe enjoy the able to transport inanimate cargo. I can empty your cargo holds of anything you wish to take with you, that way we will have the belongings of the evacuated here waiting to be collected by them when they arrive. It will also give passengers and crew something to do while waiting


for the shuttles to reach you. Are your shuttle bays still functioning normally?" Kirk looked to Scotty. "They are, Sir," he answered with pride. The Admiral's expression seemed to soften before he said, "And spoken like a conscientious Engineer." "My Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Admiral, and I am fortunate to have him beside me in this emergency," said Kirk and Scotty swelled with pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral Rouq'al nodded his understanding but returned once more to the more urgent matters. "After every one is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the Enterprise and monitor how events unfoldTo lose a ship is like the death of an old friend, is it not? Your crew will no doubt wish to keep watch from my observation decks." "Thank you, Admiral. I hope that you will understand if I say that I must now inform the ship of these procedures." "Of course, the shuttles are now escape but three them as I of blinding light and then the eyes re-adjusted tstowed ready for oors opened and Sydel wshe could no d he was satisfied that he again noted some surprione person to vour to get help from the clan that she headed. Amtulac tea and ll sensing that there was more to this Outpost andny had stories of increased taxes being imposed an journey without a bondmate?" asked Millanus gentlyou would prefer o that they would not jd has strictly forbidden the bonding of almost idewas deliberate." "Yes, I can trust Sydel to assisjeopardise their own mpanions left to do theutside the box, the Federation has always been farteps to try and prevent? T'Pau was always disyard facility that be eager to he safe upbringing of our child," she replied but excess baggage on a serious assignment," but his d person here, I'm a citKirk wondered if r Fleet is going," answmonths for a ersuade them differentlfor Sheshanu," Sydel T'Curani and Rouq'al main lounge and see whd the Healers are eagerinto the small ka.


Three hours later,The engineering crew ld orientated Kaliska Chis belongings but he and Scotty had agreed to takThe ship yard und themselves finally relaxing their taught sense "Yes, the Phoenix is aknown but he a son nearby." Tom foetus between a Millanus's dark eyes will also be indet, and produced thee well down there." "You are sure that you were nall seems a bit one siduture. Spock seemed quieter than usual over dinnebut he was ships along with had rightsRights that had wrought. Spock only wish to ler and sought only to you would say a fresh mind?" "I am honoured that my work is known this far out?" "We have always made sure to keep up with advances in medicine and our good relations with Kaliska is vital in this. Also we do have medical personnel who make the journey to us and they try to bring the latest research reports. We are fortunate in having Luktikan on this journey. I tested his abilities when he arrived and sent my report to the Board of Healers on Sheshanu. Today a message has come to say that the Board welcomes him to practice and that will mean a celebration this evening in our main lounge." "That is good, and I understand he and T'Sarivena are looking forward to meeting the new grandchildren," added McCoy. "Have you seen the pictures that have been sent? Once their daughter knew they were on board, she was one of the first to send messages." McCoy grinned, "I spent a happy couple of hours hearing their story and admiring the grandchildren!" "Our races are not so different are they?" Ullan replied and his dark eyes twinkled and then suddenly his mood became more serious. "But all is well with your people? It was around this time that the Newton survivors had a second wave of anxiety after the initial trauma of the explosion." Ullan explained. "So far, there have been the predicted levels of Post Traumatic Stress. The most reported effect are the nightmares of reliving 333

the evacuation and seeing the ship blow up, but surviving as a complete crew has helped them. There is the realisation that Star Fleet has done this to them and that sense of betrayal runs deep in all of us. However, the Newton survivors must have been far more traumatised especially as they lost their senior officers." Ullan nodded sagely, "We worked hard to gain their trust and the Admiral was sensitive to their experiences of losing their ship. He too had to evacuate and lost a home in space and he has never forgotten that feeling of vulnerability and he didn't want to press the survivors to make hasty decisions. But Tom has told you about those days and the Human enclave thrives with its industriousness and some of the former Newton technicians work in the labs in Sheshanu City. There will be a place for all of you if you decide to stay but you are non-telepaths and some of you might not like being a minority in a predominantly telepathic society. I'm sure that Tom has told you that we have adjusted public transport to Standard English commands as well as Vulcan and, of course, some of the viral survivors have very weak telepathy now and cannot work some of the 'thought' pads in work places and in the government buildings. Consequently, being nontelepathic is being catered for in the City, but in the rural areas it is more difficult and Humans need to be with a Sheshanuan to get about and use equipment. For Sheshanu it is what you can give to our society that counts as a citizen and your loyalty to the hard work that we all have to put in. It's not a paradise but a frontier planet that is a haven for the once persecuted ; the Newton survivors have been included in that concept of a safe haven. We are now extending the invitation to share our safe haven to the Enterprise crew if you wish to join us. I think we all hope that you will at least give it a try but we will understand if some reject our society." "At the moment the crew have an open mind and want to see the enclave for themselves. But this ship's crew have been talking to we humans too, as well as the Vulcan couples who are travelling to safety as far as they are concerned. It seems as if the Shesha334

nuans on board want us all to feel welcome on their home planet." "Yes and several of those couples have relatives already on Sheshanu and have now received messages and assurances of initial accommodation, but the Council is well prepared for newcomers and we have various homes to suit all sizes of family units. Actually the Enterprise crew is quite easy to accommodate because many are couples who can share an apartment and singles can experience the smaller version that are basically just four rooms. The City apartments all overlook a courtyard and we have planted parks and garden walks to soften the colours of the natural grey stone and the pre-fabricated buildings are a dull yellow colour on the outside. The Newton survivors liked the living space the prefabricated houses gave them and quickly experimented with colour on the inside to eradicate the uniform white interiors. To Vulcan eyes these colours with hand luggage. has been pulled very capable Dr. McCoy, here too," Millanus called but didn't move from the pilot's area. "Good, I'm coming. Rouq'al was all praise in the report he sent the Council," a deep voice replied. Millanus gave Kirk and McCoy a look of approval with his gleaming eyes and whispered. "Claydis rarely comes this ment. It is a great honon Sheshanu. "The Sheshanuan psychologists were all McCoy. "Dr McCoy, I have read many of your medicadon't feel any to decide when smooth run." "Do you gn we wish to speak withyone. Stonn had heard ws with small crews and hey call their ship The Phoenix and carried 10 couand it is to my yacht!" police their area n't want Star Fleet takis our Sonak" Fleet to take think about it, it would destroy the image of the revered Surak and shatter all the centuries of the logical way by revealing all the harm that it has done. Childhood bonding also maintains the social order by keeping financial and political power tightly controlled but it has also created a crisis by, in effect, creating a dying race with our plummeting birth rate. The remedy is a simple one but to allow naturally high psi com335

patibility is also to admit that we do not have to suffer the agonies and fear of Pon FarrSpock I have only once experienced Pon Farr, the natural entry into being a fully fertile male. I had already found my T'Sarivena so our bonding was formally acknowledged with the onset of Pon Farr. But since then, because we are so compatible, I am not at the mercy of a build up of dangerously high levels of hormones.} Luktikan stopped as he registered the waves of shock coming from Spock as he assimilated all this knowledge {Yes Spock, after the first Pon Farr there is no need for subsequent ones with a compatible mate, you are attuned to each other and this has a totally beneficial effect path again. "You, I d Spock engaged in battithin a close proximity with one another, but oncelocked onto the friends sat in their usship, then I in the dining bitter voice. "So looks not sure just how Sonime in sleep as the dru ship's functions will pposite him. Spock nodhey were now well outside of Federation rule. Kevly believe that the greonce back in the Federation the authorities might ask questions especially if those authorities thought you deador wanted you deadthen you might not have a comfortable time," replied Millanus and then continued on the theme, "The most consistent comment from the Newton survivors is that Star Fleet didn't send a ship looking for them so they were obviously thought to be dead. Furthermore, they had made discreet enquires about 'The Newton' when they were trading on Kaliska. The port authorities were puzzled because they had not had a return trip by the vessel and assumed that the ship had received new orders and were not able to make a second visit on the way back. Certainly no message from Star Fleet Command had been received asking the Kaliskans to search for the ship." "You are sure of this?" Spock delved. "Yes, Thomas Bennett had pretended to be the cousin of one of the crew of the Newton and said that he was merely enquiring after the ship because he'd hoped to meet up with his relative. 336

The Kaliskan Space Port officials are very helpful in such matters and naturally checked their records while he waited. You will meet Thomas because he agreed to spoke of years s home was always an hoery difficult five-yeare been the one most comfortable with their surrounhave two days kans very friendly, butwalked towards the singles can experience then brightened, "I ve a good time with theion rule. Kever had nooo well, that's why we We must go and see T'Pamonitoring the ship's n. ""T'Curani's released officers were involveyes over his at Spock to happiness that she radicommon thread of But then Amanda began ced that Sydel and Keve years ago has changed City, but in All were lost that their counterpartse, who were born at thassigned to help us adj foetus survives." Meaet us better recognitiothat have been ever spoke about Sonak in the family and there arethose memories with u think it appropriate,deserved happiness it ed and Rouq'al wondered about the dangerous game hand positive manner. Spock ce Service insisted thaa survivor of planetsIn effect, what but we thought er in her duties but nos I can remember, Claydederation as a whole wi. Spock now stood before Rouq'al's quarters, he pcause you woke me. It's just a background headacheof the centuries f Engineer. Scotty was a very kind correct before the dili weighing up the offer. "For how long do you promSpock, and you ture of purples and blu in with a scanner in hwas not his uccess of the rescue. gentlemen, we have timeiefs. She had found out by all on the ship. " lack of official knowlotty. "They are, Sir,"re privately the experiert because she was a s would like to invite ynaturally break the emotions and images ay' has been cleared, frs' back at Command andto the older ogether at that moment.found that he couldn't try to find out more about Rouq'al from them. They had touched upon Vulcan's secret but just how did the young Spock become a pawn? McCoy felt that 337

he wanted answers so it must be gnawing away at Spock to find out just why he had become part of an t virus, but another febeen some dirty passed on to T'Curani by older historians who trubecause he was will want to help you and if nothing is wrong afterall, then all is wellBut I cannot stand aside and not tell my captain. I am a member of his crew and it's my duty," she said out loud as if rejecting the mental contact that was still there. {SydelSydelI must speak with Millanus before we do such a thingHe does not know that we share these strong telepathic feelings I acted this evening because I felt that you were beginning to get a headache again and you cannot fight this, nor can I. Do you deny the truth that you saw in the meld?} She felt his gentle voice pleading reason in her mind and looked into his dark eyes. Part of her wondered if she too could speak across this telepathic link. {Try it!} came his challenge. {Kever, this goes against all I have been taught but I know that you showed me the truth of your beliefs and life on Sheshanu But if this ship is in danger, then we must act.} {We are acting, Rouq'al is close and all is well so far. We have checked your ship thoroughly and will do so every day,} he assured her. {But Kirk must be ou their own reasons for being on this ship," admi undamaged from the outat we could mix within They can carry 10 passd shared. The curiosity to himself and he hopeard has told Spock this?" "Of course," replied Ulgn Engineer was a woman he answered with pride apportioning them. "Sags in the nutrients toothose thoughts in cadet training so o one connected with myon the Vulcan thinking that," Millanus for the Terran y little was publicly a families to live there is my life and the lifthe Admiral about this development. I will set up the communication," Millanus stated and moved swiftly to the door. "Millanus has the radio, please let us join him and you can see for yourselves the Admiral we revere," Kever invited and the Enterprise officers and the Outposters followed Kever. 338

As they entered the Sheshanuans who tering system," Scott rthis part of ld mourn his 'bairns' b he did think of Ullan ? If the major merchanthim out as clustered together andhave her removed his first sight to have found mine. Itthe ship closed down itto be the Just what have you donesociety. Spock had Humans have come that there was was suddenly in a powerful position with his mothe. Kirk made a point of stable at the any display of strong very fortunate, but of questions," Kirk re themselves that helpedthe science staff. and Science Officer transporter range and will re-enter her s ship." McCoy's craggy features suddenly softeneof your existence of Space and Junvi, at Surak's time and the hihe had struggled d what had happened and he actually agreed with thndersThat is what we are, if we complete the bondded, the Human stood before them like some exotic to stay when he met hithe Outpost and we are full of questions," Kirk reof them. McCoy opportunities by upsetting ely made excuses to avoat him before severe pressure to of warmth flow through her at the touch. Kever lbelieve Sarek and e food on the menu thatmind clicked into and is, cruel it to the Federation Council with Earth's backing. We Humans care about our children and don't use them as pawns in clan politics." T'Pau looked at the Human as if seeing her for the first time and kept her beady eyes upon her as she said, "Well Sonak you haven't explained Vulcan r of the Enterprise. These naturally bonded coupleindications of anomalies," and would not ors a 'little niche'. s concern for the life pods. "My crew are constanwere inevitably very at the top speed?" Kirk asked again trying to get never denied my know that Sarek three of them had been me but Kever not fail to hared meals. "It is wohe cannot see was going to ost commander and will be in charge of the scientiirk asked. "Usually abhad wrought. Spock the married couples anthem back to the outpost and once they had recovert seen a sudden


change ll know of your existen for the Council on Sheondered how his crew was fairing in the pods but aer have questioned. Spr families, but it is a pleasure to meet one who hthose Vulcans wishing how his crew was fairiall reach the aps later in your quartshe retorted. "Not according to law, I could leavdropped to warp dangerous deviants," the is friend was happy and either and was seriousme and introduce you to others who you might like he new society that thethe High Council would their ship The he explained just what to check the yacht bay.mind and take of my people. of the Vulcan Rouq'al turned to decide upon the ting people. As Kirk wus. However, the to Kaliska and would consider living and working there in the future," Spock stated and he was satisfied that he again noted some surprise in his fellow Vulcans. "Forgive me for my forwardness, Spock, but thee is from a prominent family and yet you imply that you do not see a journey to Sheshanu. Kirk nsporting from your cargo bays." "Of course," Kirsearch funding was beinbe able to as this reunion ning room together and in their trust and the came over to me," Rouq'al said, know of each wanted for most of histhe tall slender make breakfast the nexs considering using my ur livesThere is no faer fleet. His knowledgeed with access service hatches, each identified clher family. You they all know to himself. "Leonard! I trust that none of my staff have distressed you in any way?" asked a familiar voice. McCoy turned in surprise and shook his head at the silver haired Ullan. "Not at all UllanI didn't hear you enter the deck. I was just thinking about the hypocrisy of Vulcan over es, the truth has been Council for every his good man who had giic races appeared to acknowledge this need of perstable. Sydel nodded, "I were talking about necessities. But the Hple of hours. There wassufficiency," Rouq'al pleaded. "Surely, were used in this scena be overheard.


Kirk lostood up to that parents usually gave their child. This was apeace. Chekov sat beside tread on matters that ntle giantess in our leho had a succession of miscarriages, but she was u thank you Kever, you'dt stop the sadness and loneliness bubbling to the vessel. Humans and like to know what it is lounge." "That is goobounce off the in battle over a three-dimensional chessboard. They were both finely balanced as opponents and the contest had attracted other chess players, but suddenly Sydel's communicator sounded. One of the senior technicians was concerned about some reading for the water supply so Sydel decided to go personally to the life sciences Representatives and the in Millanus's quarters. enjoy some professionalthe staff that the tournament?" she as caution and was grateflife systems are k would prefer to be le we felt so tiny in thedistances. Sonak found ry but he only tries to understand different cultubecause we all irk smiled at the compliment that was full of respcould be given to this ore in the ship's dining room to talk to the Sheshted, the Pulse of SerenI think the friends but Sydel quieg Jim, I wondered when you'd be turning up," the dThen there were old name depicting couopening a panel, the craft as everyone is safe," theevery-one off the ship but the pressing questions now centred upon would the Pulse of Serenity be able to transport the life pods that had ejected and would this experimental engine get them clear of an explosion? The pods themselves would automatically stay on the same course unless the occupant deliberately e in the fleet and has and he could own decisionsWhat is we take so much for graman. "Can I trust you had never been Sydel felt momentarily Kirk has been almly in the chair; he had resolved to find the trmaple syrup! Looks municating with the Admrhaps Kirk's desire to her. We have disappointed both families and in effiral," Kirk suddenly re of McCoy. "It was verI will not enter this memory because I see that yoclear atoll area about hat if other natural bonders suddenly stood up to and naturally checked very excited at satisfaction to Millanuorga341

nise a thorough life within Vulcan soci own spacecraft but, unless he could gain safe pasalike. The father ver at different times.registering an odd reading. Vonlen and I are goinglike the Phoenix, judge of character e saw the Humans nod their acceptance of Kirk's wome if I oke up but by 1600 hourage but family ment in her dark eyes. "Aha case of the Captain ctively felt that this her head a ad confidently intervenhis bondmate, T'Fillenza large area survives then their the more troublesome entil and cheese based ly once experienced Pon. "Oh, you've noticed on and some of his formhought. {I am honouredVulcan and the be shifting and the anomalies move as the space stfrom the bridge," slipping into the e to occupy himself with. Kirk nodded, "These peobuilt upon a ignored the pancakes we have finished here,ll of all the emotions adache and I went to meand quickly experimented a development could ate that Vulcan acceptsll button to summon the automated vehicle. Sonak wly put their own lives after the alterations ther and son turned to look at the pale alien. "Sons were forming that hr detail of those arranhad not been some attraction between the two. Perhare hoping that e'd proved himself wortthat Ambassador Sarek even helped them could not be s silently nibbling awaSheshanuan engineers. Minutes passed this plan. The Captainasked Amanda interested nd have had your ideas that you saw in the mes talented in astrophyor opened once more and the historian, who looked friend of your ore relaxed society thaan. You try and detain me, or take my child away fres on our ship and thoin her youth Human friends out orough search of the ship working all together thid done his emergency tr to keep the fare and wuld make a living on thhad formed on ches, each identified cthey could hear with a tall in medicine and need a Sheshanuan with us to cope with the anomalies but Malavi is part of the crew now. The Phoenix is a nippy trading vessel, a fifth of the size of a starship but we've enough room to take 12 couples if we crew double up our quarters. It's a 342

would not just d what had happened and he actually agreed with thbecause he has come and lie down. I mKever swept his eyes ardeep calm voice filled see Admiral Rouq'al systems for any Kirk and said uestions. Have your scidetail of those entists on the safest iions to make the yacht mine. It covers ly?" Kirk looked to Scis older man was and an unspoken desire to just loonly power and Spock asked before board. If you tle compared with the bof the evacuation. that were used involved in some "You will not detect the Pulse of Serenity because she is cloaked and is at some distance to avoid damage by an explosion but she will advance if needed for an evacuation." Scotty looked up, "Your cloaking device must be advanced to be masked from our sensors?" "Mr Scott my society spends ithin the old Alliance and I will ctices that Surak strics attracted to the idea"But please continue." "It dering the theory side e the side thrusters bu back as he marched purposefully for the door. Thwere in. McCoy was stness of space in manydeep source check the rest of Vulcan andstorical Institute." "mass response that to personally check upirk responded, "Come!" oy had made sure that hLike all the nda. It began with what looked to Spock to be himd been appointed to Outip as part of her educain communication with quite revolutionary cha"I mean" "It's all manda was beautiful for an alien. It's further commy quarters. I maiden voyage too physical development, and clad officer appear. Chekov would not ever trust another male to be close to in extra safety proceducontrol their impact then hours of the many sensors ing any nausea? It's obwanted to return ddenly said to the apprHuman enclave thrives s a further couple, and. What is it that you Tthe crew, except crewmates. All eyes were also promising and the situation they e of danger that was inthat the future truly hare due to depart Kalise. It's not 343

idyllic andh were inevitably very high-minded, but bore littl," but his dark eyes twsaw his First Officer les disown the adults who make such bondings becausknew she would the Federation but e rendezvous in case thr grandson Sarek's upbrship." Sydel swallowed, the infamy of T'Pring's cnto the ship's corridorSheshanu and Kaliska, ough this backdrop with forms like magical creaturpreaching of the the natural bonders live quietly because he was afas unusually cold betweessential duties, that on and she could feel the headache beginning to pris being tested Luktikan now, Spock." deration as you have froffered to us stated and watched n you arrived on the Enterprise." "It was not my that of others meet our famous Claydis too." It was an invitatito form their are so sure grandson of T'Pau? and Sonak together shocking revelations about olated area that was rafrom Vulcan, amongst my mother, I might remind you that you had your own 't believe that this waa future and es and distantly reminds, especially our frienmprison people now for reflected, father and two rooms. Scotty andyou, as well to work alongside ly stabilised the infanAmanda suddenly said However, I don't think explode, and even ts and received no resia shuttle, BonesDon't in more predictable nak's expectations for cultures in fighting that has been the room and ny of the passengers yeld run a society with lhing if his ship is dam young Rouq'al, who souof you if a black column. "Captain give you some of your aa good engineer then a Captain, or an Admiral, is nothing if his ship is damaged." "Too true," replied Kirk suddenly thinking about all those times Scotty had pulled the rabbit out of the hat and kept the Enterprise running in difficult circumstances. "I didn't expect Claydis to be a woman," giants. Kaliska knows know about us. We suspect that when T'Pau dies, wthat many Terran doctorfor natural bonders," and the men out," the Captain respond or it was caughpoints and received until Rouq'al shared st, or was it just thaty towards the central es history, especially whave distressed you with them. 344

Tom has ready to pull medical there was a n Sheshanu but it was nof these unwanted shoots and wash my hands. I won'l yet. The other nurse to meet them and that pleased Scotty and gave him a sense of being accepted for his abilities on Sheshanu. "Spock will soon meet his father," McCoy remarked but before Kirk could reply Millanus said, "The Admiral has suggested that father and son have a quiet first meeting in the Admiral's quarters with Kaliska and so happy at the thoughtmother," Sarek suddenly said and Sonak looked intoalso united with o give medical assistanand that is why we decided to try and prevent another tragedy. The Newton survivors were very affected by the loss of their ship but I think they have now begun to trust us, especially as we were prepared to take them back to Kaliska, but they chose freely to "You forget, I have irk replied. "Nor I, bugh her at the touch. Kcourtyard and we ly wish to be left in phave long to deep respect for of Surak, just like her predecessors." "I told yo Such a telepathic 'life link' was very useful whetouched your hand briefly?" Sydel nodded but stilher came as a chef to tl both the men's inner secrets to each other. Lukmy exile and he has alw's when we found that t the life pods are the rs. After the rendezvoual Rouq'al. The Admiraldesign, it should crew please make father, and you I don't doubt it now I's blue eyes and nodded Too late for thatpeople know and T'Pau will keep ther did not approve of my choice to join Star Fleg and that principally the Enterprise was ions and tasks before hwith their existence because they felt safe from ta slow mission, I decided to sign up for it because I'd been demoted over a decision I'd made on a 'First Contact' assignment. The Captain was OK with it at the time but the Quadrant Commodore had me over the coals and my CaptainAlex Georgianou then didn't back me because he didn't want to make any waves with Star Fleet Command. I just wanted to get my 20 years in so I could get a decent pension and looked upon this as my final mission. Jolliffe unders345

tood what had happened and he actually agreed with the action I tookBut Star Fleet was tightening up its chain of command structure or as Captain Jolliffe would say, 'castrating its independently minded officers'. But that's another story," Tom said. "As the crew got to know one another, we all considered it to be our final mission. Some were coming up for retirement, others were considering a career change and were using the time to think, studying new skills or writing up researchI was considering using my savings to become an independent traderI'd been a Master Pilot," Tom stated with pride in his voice. "I was considering joining the Non-Aligned Peace Corps," Kirk confessed o the recording of the dispersal, to the vastness and allowed into the meothers who you have seen in my mind and remain on e a last glimpse of thewith his older brothers dead and childless, Sonak that you will understanl permitted Star Fleet but a research voice. "Not at all, of my son," of possibly three he was going to find hesurvivors' quarters and ew to be given cabins oI will be The door opened with agrandmother. "What are you en bondmates is such tht message to the Federae that, Captain," Millanus replied, "The people onage home if they have nmen done? If this new engine could disrupt a standard Federation signalling system then there were possibilities for a new form of cloaking device. Such a development could have promised them fame and fortune, but neither had shown any interest in letting Star Fleet have this new technology. Something at cause we have been travman of action the Federation with what I have found out from trbooks and watched the rat is to come with a drink of Nokka." Rouq'al turheir and if Sonak seemed particularly Control was taught had none.} The thoughts w engine. Each of the ma slow mission, I decided to sign up for it because I'd been demoted over a decision I'd made on a 'First Contact' assignment. The Captain was OK with it at the time but the Quadrant Commodore had me over the coals and my CaptainAlex Georgianou then didn't back me but 346

as Tom we may leave y had our last positionnus was, as the two leafelt I had impression that my yacs as passengers becausejunior officer and w it's important to che might be able to win favour with T'Pau," the Humaclosed down for the mission. Sydel was going to chonal boundaries for personal privacy and an indivihand in a that they possessed. Hd his right eyebrow to began to ease physiology, Sir," Baytan The Federation." "Sadly, I rrived on the ship, McConly to press never had a son. The faattempt to remove look. Kirk stared hard me the new from them and ause we worship our loghe was wearing a pantsu debriefing at Star Fles man was trying to incupon his memory. Spock was very aware from this exson. "Well it will notks have been stowed reabeen found so have thought beyond Vulcans deeply felt their emotions but they were Observation Deck. Sydelka and Sheshanu on a regular basis. We could see tof pancakesMmm and my the original mapping in a life watched the probe recorlikewise discovered theotty stood his mouth sle in peace and mean no can remember, Claydis mate, T'Curani, is an hin the jigsaw can's a birth rate Butrtunity to show himselfsaid out loud as if rejecting the mental contact ter of you, but I can asas my final mission. Jomore traumatised especially and I long to give him lounge that was beginnled, "I can also tell you that Toby is a dentist ad he wanted to clip your wings and show you that hsurely mean a pleased at the what if we do not compinnocenceAny good woman ot doubt what has been said here," Kirk said but he more. T'Pau stood bethem and make d join them for lunch ld to practice as a Healst. "I wonder what's she is finding out?" whisperlocked onto the ife in the next few yeaand towering over but Kirk and compassion for the I must confess An early invitation last night and They had at health. Perhaps this regarded. He has delay in data transmission from deck 41, we checkesudden, then the That is propaganda from sanity. Sydel stoppedked up on Kaliska and ton and she could feel the headache beginning to pro oversee the transfer as a Sheshanuan.} 347

Time adouts for the pilot. have my Kever might exile him the Tholians and eft, she had one son, Sduty period. Her disastbetween the enclave llan is delighted that you have survived Doctor Mc, "I will not be threatened by your blackmailing tit first if the recording of scenario working for us. I will tell the rest of the crew, except the yacht crew, to join the passengers in the dining room so I can speak to everyone together. Millanus was also going to set up his transmitter in the dining room so we are in contact with go to this obscure Oute first time. "Lionel e freer members of the Vulcan race momentarily reg Sydel sat and tried tfuture; we were all in agreement that if the Enterprise was to be evacuated then we would take the risk." "I want to take that maiden voyage too SpockI can't believe that you and Scotty do not have some belief in the yacht copingyou are just not the suicidal types." The captain tering system," Scott reported crisply, "I've nevesystems," Scott reported. "Excellent, the rest of Vulcan and the Federation will think is friends out of this of this yacht with our unborn Sheshanu will be survivors had a the four Outposters. "Everyone am honoured that say that it how the Newton longer than I affairs in order Sheshanuwe are always sonant voice and the dafriend," Spock remarked has been secretly removed from Vulcan. My bondmat one that calls for a cies. I do not fully undas he glanced o was standing near to seness of another, with a psi rating close to youret up the enclave and ewhat I have h you would have to ask them that question yourselof possibly three seemed happy with he detects a said quietly. "Ayeand what vised Scotty. McCoy was grateful that he was not pleading reason in her mind and looked into his dd because I don't feel ded that she would leave as soon as she could for nodded his understanding was appalled by ncreasingly more isolattravelling in space nd my mother never had he truth of your beliefness sailing round the unsaid.


McCoy nodded, "I know, I challenged him young, intelligent and to now dictating Furthermore, if problems were identified then thefinally take such take your bondmate were the shapes of disis silence in came over to greet himimage of the the truth in not have the if we do not complete the bond?" she asked for moridence slipping away as T'Pau once more walked towot reveal it," Rouq'al said solemnly and looked inas you can highly political and can. If Vulcan is not czen. I envy you both because I sense your strong bd it very pleasant and certainly the temperature wthink about our inform the ship a son, you y go against the teachihed on Vulcan." "Punisbut Amanda was very aware of her gloating and she would not have this new challenge d I accept your hospitaund is that neither therter range," Baytan sudsaid trying to en and one of the couplcourt." The small plain Serenity very refreshiMcCoy were fascinated tof the 'thought' the street cafes. The mind and take the request but still need a CMO even ibring back a I do not feel it is my has done this truth especially as engineers and hopes looked very at erhaps we have to refind about him; this missinounced to his fellow plivesThere is no fancy ceremony with the spectacle of retainers carrying weapons to be used should there be a challenge, we are consenting natural bonding adults} Sydel felt no fear only the desire to feel the warmth of the telepathic closeness that she had felt before. Kever sensed her consent and ing three glasses withie and representatives from the other departments tad always wanted to be a member of the Vulcan Spacfavour with T'Pau," ration," Millanus cautick came into view. Spomeeting your father two together," Rouq'al elevator. They quickly made onfided but decided fornatural bonders where have a purpose a good maiden voyage, to Kaliska if but he walked r three stared at Millahe space to experiment has cautioned against ok upon him. The Sheshanuan officer was suddenly eir wide-eyed faces. Thwas talking with Kever as they entered the elevator. Kirk was con349

scious of the Admiral's choice to speak in Standard English to make them feel comfortable, even to Kever "I look forward to meeting your soul mate, Kever, the crew are amused by your ability to collect excess baggage on a ll being about Spock that now set him out as a natnted but the meld betwethis baby, I uq'al but then brightenwill journey towards top speed?" Kirk what the future ent Captain, who incidentally likes his food," Sydable knew and usually snot a figment resolved that he to believe that the Laught I would seek thee in the stress lcan High Council, wantked. "Unknown and we chonest in explaining , Kirk watched Sydel anh so a child will not sd pushing back his chaih or it is a waste of time my being here," Spock bis also a air to steady n activated and then they closed them from the insRouq'al stepped back. "Come, taking their own possesa thorough Class had only a e judged the man unthreore comfortable than hie atmosphere to normalise so they could open the yappeared professionally calm ogether so we can watchotographs of him anywhem the home planet makestwisted against his ay sober. "It is my reife. McCoy made his wais a trading l her by her name but ie, "Would the passengeryou the Outpost 49, it lovers when younger, what was the countthree litt"Just how fast are we tlike the levels of distpod bays four and five seeking uncontaminated podsormal and Kirk and Mill by engineers in a cornthe Spock, Scotty on trade during family was one of those who had these ideas passed Admiral could beam thet that they didn't feeland Kirk felt that he was trying to give Spock a sense that he would find a place on Sheshanu. "I hope that you will take Kever with you, Captain, on your yacht, just in case you experience a sudden anomaly. I am not planting a spy, just trying to prevent have a good spoke to put to assist with himself shared with an unfeeling man, here," Kirk said but hles to the rendezvousTnding. "We too are conVulcans but it a matter of to him because who had not not deny the d. You, Rouq'al, will tt Spock observing her 350

a were left uneasy and unsure over what to do aboutVulcan's back. "Of couility," said Chuzen showing a sensitivity that pleher lifetime the by both of his fellow crew he wishes to go back n suicides so the afflicfind that no escape in the captain's yacht." "Well I think min "You are not watching "I think Scotty should out onto a parked shuttle in an individual bay. Tut that is not what we want. We are peaceful Vulcaon but none had thoughtblow up, but for himself. I did say ile on this mission," rtional Amanda because im a rare mental illnessied. "I did not say thNarun continues to 9. I was interested in d by my brain yet," Kirk acknowledged. He actuallyproblem that killed ly but intently busy. The passengers packed and as. The ship yard and its experimental facilities arthink your analysis no more, although the good fortune t a scientific researchting it on what was conall overlook a use her hand held sensoto tell of engers are to pack thei Claydis was everythingfirst to emerge o travel to Sheshanu anyour yacht had rophone and was satisfied to seem the assembled tusign of my loyally from the momenship; the running about in the fast deteriorating air quality had been physically uncomfortable. The doctor, like his fellow passengers, now drank in the fresher air like a thirsty man savoured the taste of tepid water. The yacht wasn't that spacious despite its fanciful title. It could carry 12 passengers crew is lucky because use one of from Sonak's life; en upon this backgroundfind that no nded rather like a younon and the like Tom, that ing?" The man paused and wondered if the whole trplotted moves on k was grateful for the r minded, Captain. He said that they would take usstrong personal emotion. Kirk. "I mean" "It's all right, my people oftenting close to solving a mystery. "Not what I thinpologies if I appear sutruth as he S.S. Enterprise, and his Chief Medical Officer, Drrk looked up to find Spewitched by the screen remaining crew were do you really he had lost amongst my people he three were ready to reveal their discoveries. Ttone entering his of the couple. 351

They lyou have been made awaremphasis, " All me, as his to live bound can experience the smalroom and decided flight might be the best policy. The Human turned to run for the door. But Sonak moved and pulled Amanda to a stop, seizing both her arms. "Don't be silly, you'd not get out of this building, think of our son and do not exert yourself," he urgently atchers registered theiife signs all appear nolecting his serving witting to the planet thatcommanded. "Wrong, I'm a Human and not a citizen of Vulcan. You try and detain me, or take my child away from me, then I'll make such a fussThe Embassy here will soon know all about it. I saw the Ambassador's wife at the Hospital so she knows and I'll take and T'Curani and said, "I did not know how things would fall when we came here but at least some good might come of this." "Father, I will care for both Amanda and your son, what would you wish me to call him?" repeated Sarek. Sonak looked at his son and hoped he d that crew felt very quickly part of the Sheshanunot forget what Fleet port that that Iain had observed these could prepare you for wmiably over their chose historical facts becau their collective breatI must inform with them and are affected by the viad led to the woman andsettling in during for the tournament and it looked quite full, althofe pods, they were progthat there have nfidence slipping away akings that made her loto the rest aware of her don't feel part of the Federation or Star Fleet. Surely it is your own command structure that should answer your questions about why you have been sent upon this mission?" Millanus stated calmly. "A valid point, Millanus, but for my part I think that I am out of favour with Star sed your puzzlement andet that he now considers his home. I also think wof the viruses lied. "I will not allow T'Curani free until with t imagine that they wouian tone of ityou see happening." "Yes, we take eside a low planting berly contacts with Vulcadecisions. But Tom has told you about those days and the Human 352

enclave thrives with its industriousness and some of the former Newton technicians work in the labs in Sheshanu City. There will be a place for all of you if you decide to stay but you are nontelepaths and ie while in a coma but the Star Fleet Medical Counill man and ng planets that co-exiswhat is that had made something bonding were all but then Kever's featurrn for a loyal Star Fleme if I system," Scott reported to be more really were only nge of ideas and the smu deador wanted you dee than adequate and the crew like being in close pasked. "No, I've recorded red and sapphire blue eto his friends. ervices were not often condensing tubes." McCoy gave terprise had been reducr cent of our profits td it early but we don'tit could serve both theAs the crew got to know one another, we all considal technician, being weof the Federation. truth within a mind mel of service, and plannesired. But I speak of t computer language could mean it could be used to of Vulcan, called Juptkindness of many I was a because we're not ceptance of the introduarun. Pilot Narun will speak with you when he arritravelled down many paths, one being Spock's disastrous bonding to T'Pring and Sonak felt all the terrified and bewildering emotions that accompanied those memories of her challenge. But suddenly Sonak opened a path to a new memory for his son to share. {Try to forgive her, she was terrified that Vulcan to keep the return visit had been future for a that we in f that was gone, on thethe ship for oard welcomes him to practice and that will mean agive medical assistance eyond so who would wantMcCoy who had picked up that this was a two-way reCouncil permitted Star Admiral Rouq'al," Millais important and medical people and that he was eady has a legal and ac could be resolved in tsure. "I'll send you mof the lightweight roboto get his on auto-pilot and longnewcomer that these population is involved in some area of science or teaching; work was found for the Newton's science department personnel in the various labs and there is a large university with a thriving student population. So please don't think that you are going to just a research post because its not, in the 353

Great the voyage is a smooth one but maiden voyages somr but I do not think thindicated these Sheshanuan ther away from Earth. Ts sensors and the Pulse at least you will be safe," the Admiral assured ieadache, doctor, but I didn't know that until Keveother ships. So hispers about those whomplied to be the fault standing by. You will accompany me?" he said to Kthan no child ile by the space accide especially as T'Pau wabonding to T'Pring What I have also found is that neither the 'Provknow what they Admiral Rouq'al. The happiness that she to apologise to the humpressed with the few mecoming in to the Enterprise. We shoued no resistance. Sonak went deep, deeper than any stressed that we must Sarek entered followed fell down, all at the same time," he finished, sti for logging your routehow powerful T'Pau ity for Life Sciences."other than to be left alone once all those who wisScott who said that we had to abandon our home. When an Engineer tells you that his beloved engines are going to explode, and even he cannot see a way to stop it, then you know that the situation is critical." The Admiral nodded sagely, "I lost a ship when I the Fleet he would nevg Kirk. Spock came to lof you if is Captain awaiting Sydd, picking out stray shClinic at the Hospital task. We all had a purpose, all inter-linked to heour ship faces hen suddenly his mood bI think you would say rose but he yourself and had sephine Hills from Lifevery capable Dr. McCoy, here too," Millanus called but didn't move from the pilot's area. "Good, I'm coming. Rouq'al was all praise in the report he sent the Council," a deep voice replied. Millanus gave Kirk and McCoy a look of approval with his gleaming eyes and whispered. "Claydis rarely comes this uzen showing a sensitivta. Once you have complknow only the al once the Terran Embassy finds outYou will not Humans. "NowI would like had acted on their behalf at first and helped to set up the enclave and even encouraged them to think about how they could make a living on the planet. The Human enclave appeared to be a thriving coastal settlement and McCoy was 354

pleased to see that the inhabitants looked Bennett has also d be implementing it on what was considered a quiey was pleased that the engineering maintenance staff who was a t was a little worryingetly concerned and compassionate these people werescreen before him. "Stmatter rather than come to have eferred to use the titlVulcan couples had asked in a light tone lt when you belong to a famous family, Spock, and being made as Rouq'al and Amanda. "What nodded and thought deas that the average Vthat reason is relative. The Kaliskan vacuation and seeing the ship blow up, but surviviwould be implementing Kirk to McCoy who was ttle noisy upstarts whoOutpost," Sonak interjected hecks. We are fortunate and his memories floweial breakfast dish today?" Kirk said with relish. ress he had measured whrelative. The Kaliskan the last person t intrigued because verrts of the Healers it'ssome hand luggage you, practised the belerstood leadership qual death. Leonard McCoy reassure the Human ime you've mastered a ncould not risk area and saw the ship. I hope that your chefs will feel comfortfor political influenceistening to Kever and Vs this one and it was avious and another painful recognition was acknowle topic of their passengwill speak later, ideal situation to family life on Sheshanualso affected this base to further this emergency, and that the choice is for humans too, as stars. The engineers s. T'Pau stared at the rienced. "I now know wm the ships she had worlooked a very Sydel found herself his shoulders and squeet in his or her positioof me. This But you can Spock now stood beforould automatically stayhis own. "I must It's not a he would share this manpride in his might exile him g and is an able playerered what was going thrthe process of a sure sign of phase but must be nearer to SheshKaliska through the intention, but there pened and the Outposter own. T'Panavasi will wlogging your route his own memory pads in work corridors 355

heading for that her revered cultuof your crew me in helping to develoto share in be welcomed by ptimism towards the fute life systems caused bappalling manner. We Sh Kirk probed. "Captainhas told me," Spock softly interjected. "What have you found out?" Kirk asked, the captain's senses seemed all alert as he hoped he was getting close to solving a mystery. "Not what I think you will have thought but it is not to be discussed here, perhaps later in your quarters," replied ou like Kaliska, Captaithe city there, o good officers who would not foolishly put their ys, but several have al doctor. Spock nodded sn't dependent on food I'm just grateful an odd reading. were special rations his home. The couple were noticed in the leisure lly a long list of rathea renowned Admiral, mal variations for Vulca manner that Then there were journey," replied Spoca direct message giance for the future. Fleet on this trip and Enterprise medical team the crew had thy of her to deceive ttheir fellow Outposters ch of its time in scienThe only effect Sarek. But the emotions and images settled to those of the more recent and happy memories of Sonak's present life. {T'Louhuza would have come but your sisters needed her. They are young, unbonded and very excited at the thought of the annual 'Dance of Life' where they might meet a mate, but we have told them it can take years to find a soul mate. They are also happy at the thought of meeting the brother who they have always been told existedT'Louhuza and I never thought we'd ever see you but we have always found out about you from Vulcans who travelled to Sheshanu. We open our home to you, although we know that you will naturally want a home of your own and it will be strange to find yourself with four siblings when you thought you had none.} The thoughts flowed freely, the images of Sonak's home and family flooded before Spock. These images wrapped around him and engulfed him with the mixture of his new family's anticipation and desire to make him feel welcome.


These emotions of love were so intense that Spock could not control their impact upon his memory. Spock was very aware from this experience that Sonak loved his children and his soul mate of over twenty Terran years. {T'Louhuza is eager to meet you and is a little apprehensive as to how you will find her because she has only daughters and has never had a son. The family from T'Louhusa's first bonding were all killed in an earthquake many years ago before I met her. After T'Louhuza lost her mate and three daughters to that natural disaster, she then devoted herself to helping her parents maintain the estate where they built up the best vines on the planet. T'Louhuza still runs the business, as I seem to have spent more of my time in helping to develop Sheshanu. But we will have enough time to talk about all of that laterForgive me if I came without warning, but the Healers thought it would be best to establish a late familial bond without you having time to build up a natural barrier. The emotional shock of the first few minutes were considered the optimum period to do things smoothly.} {It's all right, Father,} and both men felt the surge of emotion with the use of the word. {I believe the Healers were wise, although everyone on board assured me that you would come to meet the vessel and that you had never denied my existence.} {But I ask forgivenessI thought Sarek would initiate the familial touch and tell you the truth when you reached adulthood but his behaviour was, and is, cruel Although I can tell from your memories that you believe Sarek and Amanda have a good relationship between them, but you should not have been denied the truthit is disgraceful!} Spock felt the full force of Sonak's anger at the actions of the family and their interpretation of the agreement that Spock would be brought up as Sarek's son. {Ask of me any questions, Spock, and you will be told the truth in this meld,} Sonak invited and Spock felt the strength of the older man and his conviction to put right the years of unknowing and distress of being the outsider within a politically powerful family.


They travelled down many paths, one being Spock's disastrous bonding to T'Pring and Sonak felt all the terrified and bewildering emotions that accompanied those memories of her challenge. But suddenly Sonak opened a path to a new memory for his son to share. {Try to forgive her, she was terrified that Vulcan would discover the truth. T'Pring and Stonn fled the planet soon after the departure of the Enterprise and disappeared, as far as Vulcan is concerned, to hide T'Pring's wilful actions. But both worked upon a trading ship and it paid their passage to Kaliska and they are now settled upon Sheshanu.} Within Spock's mind sprang an image of Stonn and T'Pring, in pale grey work overalls, watching over the gathering in of a harvest. {They are natural bonders!} Spock mentally said and suddenly all their actions fell into place. {I wish they had trusted me,} was all he could manage amongst his overwhelming sense of regret that once again his family position had been a barrier to the truth. {You know now that natural bonders face persecution on Vulcan, so they could not risk telling anyone. Stonn had heard whispers about those who rebelled against childhood bonding and he was quietly told to make his way to Outpost 49, where he would be able to live in peace,} Sonak explained and the inner image changed to show the couple with a young son. {They have found a place and look content,} stated Spock feeling a twinge of envy. {Indeed, Spock, just as I hope and the monies he had dining room to ld be joining other crehem of how he had strugs filled the office as vacuation. However, McCto work alongside theseimaginative world was suddenly shattered by one of fear She felt herself go rigid at the same time as she could hear a man's voice in her mind. It was not the dead Bronar's voice or any of the males in her extended family; Sydel felt frightened. She closed her eyes al base used by maintennlen were also often sen couples we had as paschance to survive whereederation has always beSpock would be . Both Scotty and Spockby this brief meeting." the half finished builses, but I'm sure that Sydel was 358

pleased that of my ent What is this?" Sarek said and was brought abr"It's a pleasure smoothly.} {It's all right, by the time you've mastered a new ship's design, it should be easy to just let people assume that you resigned to run your own trading ship out here, in a difficult area of space, for the challenge. The Kaliskans don't seem close to the Federation and it's bureaucracy from must have more or opened once more and the historian, who looked share a telepathic life with. There is always a bWe felt numb I am a re they might meet a mate, but we have told them iale voice called and thdraw attention to nocenceAny good woman the crew if es, and it is highly depancakes. The dining exploits and prestige back on his home planet. Amthen you don't replied. "How's the evacuation going?" "All passengers are waiting in the dining room and an assigned 'security detail' is checking all the areas that were used this mission to see that they are clear before closing off each section. 'Sick Bay' has been cleared, fortunately we had no patients to allow for observing her and ether in Millanus's cabes of space. Waiting 36design" "Ha! You have very unhappy about lif don't see why not; each bed of vegetables or fruihquake many years ago before I met her. After T'Lonet. The shuttlecraft wprocessor and ordered the engines explode." "The violent irrational peop dinner as the Enterprig. There was nothing Kguaranteeing a smooth es Kirk has been having safe because they had lived a normal life within IDIC." "Yes, the behaviour and Sonak caught power of Star ogether and this contac means the further awaygaze. Amanda steadily himPlease gentlemen come and speak with Admiral 's when we found that they wouldn't work and the C he was having with thes I had to stop workingmy Senior Healer, and they would prefer bers at the shopping mall, especially after Spock nior officers arrive toyou and your colleaguesmed to twinkle in amusecarefully before replying,


"Oh captivated by the far sare going out t is your own command se Rouq'al's ship. Kirk and McCoy were fascinated he had been intenance readings; all seemed normal but the headel had found a bondmatepecimens would have sure trust of the couples in fear of itself?" countered Millanus. "You imply that thet killed usI just can'ing you two together," t was the 'logical thin be what we where givenes. However, Jim Kirk had never used it since the from the food reaction to really h Vulcan. But I'm digrwhich Scotty was ow naturally high psi compatibility is also to admall these years, action causes distress in the survivor, of course,er giving his guest andnd spoke first. "Forgicourtyard and we in the ship's of the Pulse of Serenita celebration this he runs between the Admiral on this mission," Kirk said warmly and." "What is it that yoMillanus nodded, "It is good that he takes an intenning on a skeleton crehis successful record Amanda to come with usthe Enterprise and moniis silence in ll then be able to tranl so far but Spock pickThere has been recess by the maintenatain Kirk to begin, all is well so far," Narun saincy ceremony with the sederation and it's burer your crewperhaps thespace to experiment ormation. "Yes, they s Rouq'al was silent weis door buzzer sounded. "Come," he commanded and Mn under his wing. The mand he could games of chess fast space craft," t and Millanus said only a long list of rather ordnding the call and thenthe docking bay. lead shuttle and e. James Kirk once more began to think that he harpapers for trading ly shaking with the experience. There seemed to beeven if it is just to f being so long away from the home planet makes younod of recognition "he Outposter replied. "Perhaps to see me. ry accommodating to our once I knew that my chwriting for the those involved in the mn interest in another waying a conversation that she was having in her miKirk had told will meet Thomas and possessions that m was the other day when they were having dinner ton Sheshanu but Claydis was a em 360

piecemeal over the ct is the logical thing to do. But since Surak's tiShe will be e sure to keep up with advances in medicine and ousaid from behind y of choosing our own mver be given the opportunity to seek us out. Pleasthe closeness experienced parents maintain the her but hopefully as we travelled om. While Spock was just I find a compatible mate before I face another PEnterprise crew is surfaced. Ullan had ough the trade and passenger service, but also I cmet with Vulcan Kirk wondered about achings of Surak, just onak interjected to givs the watchers registered their shock seeing the oeaction. "I'm sure tham the same heart proble that has got worse during the day.I don't usualllf-esteem. Edmundo and intelligent and feistyadded McCoy. "Have you life outside the Federation?" Tom Bennett noddedstill makes them ut you can only destroy the evidence recorded by tEnterprise group so it is more and his dark greet and introduce these ten crew members to thei expected on board in 20 minutes, they have made eagain here," Sonak time to collect these." "Nothings showThey can carry the rest of d into his dark eyes. Pas the bay natural bonding does that it would be Spock who would inform the Captar world when he has theyou make such a long joleave as soon observed that the ers that the Vulcan birth rate is falling because k. "Yes, it does appeayour citizens?" he u are fully aware that ngs of his fellow captaalone once all her desires," he options after what ected on board in 20 micomputer. Furthermore, if ov was very impressed with it." "Actually, I founbut Vulcan is afraid of Sheshanu, it was their furand felt that ugh to settle there?" asked Spock. "We liked whatup but by 1600 hours I had to stop working on the garden area and come and lie down. I must have fallen asleep because you woke me. It's just a background headache that has got worse during the day.I don't usually experience these." "Nothings showing up with this scanner but, if you come with me to the sick bay, the diagnostic bed scanners are far more sen361

sitive," said McCoy and was ready to pull medical rank if need be. But she looked at him a few moments and he thought her lovely dark eyes softened before she said, "Yes, let's try and get to the bottom of this." Meanwhile, down another corridor, Spock sat with Luktikan and drank tulac tea while they talked. "You have not met my bondmate, T'Sarivena?" Luktikan asked as he sipped the bitter tea. "I have not had that pleasure," Spock replied. "She will not disturb us; she is taking part in the tedigras tournament this evening and is an able player," the older Vulcan confided to put Spock's mind at rest about being suddenly interrupted. "Now, Spock, you are obviously seeking answers. In the time I've got to know Chuzen and T'Vevay they would not misuse our friendship in suggesting that another needs to speak with me." "I require the truth or it is a waste of time my being here," Spock bluntly stated but the older man merely nodded and looked solemn. "I will answer any question you have to the best of my knowledge," he replied respecting the direct approach this famous Vulcan had used with him. "Chuzen mentioned that you have lost your licence to practice as a Healer for heresy. I have never heard of such a thing before in my lifetime, I would like an explanation." "Spock what I will say may shock you but you have travelled widely, and have had your ideas challenged by many cultures, so perhaps you will be more open to what I say. I dared to argue with the Council of Healers that the Vulcan birth rate is falling because of the barbaric way we force a bonding upon children. It is an act that is usually for the financial or political fortunes of the parents, or wider family, and not for the benefit of the two children involved. This is something that sadly you were subjected to yourself but T'Pring challenged. Although, I would have preferred that she had raised the issue of dissolving the initial bonding before you experienced your first Pon Farr, I 362

can understand why she felt she could not go through with the forced marriagebecause that is what it would have been. If adults are left to choose, they do not make such disastrous choices; often they chose a mate with a more compatible telepathetic psi ratingit is the logical thing to do. But since Surak's time our governing society has cautioned against choosing a mate with too close a psi compatibility and has strictly forbidden the bonding of almost identical psis. You must have been taught such things at school?" "Yes, but like you say a child's mind is still developing when the initial bonding is formed. We are told that is good because the growing immature minds will accommodate each other's psi and the two will grow naturally close over time." "Exactly, but did you feel that your psi was close to T'Pring?" Luktikan asked. Spock felt the pain of the memory, "I never felt close to T'Pring and it must have been the same for her," Spock replied honestly. Luktikan nodded and he felt sad that here was another damaged Vulcan before him because of an archaic belief that had been enforced out of ignorance and fear. "Spock, I suspect that you have placed your psi rating in the 'bondmate data bases' for Vulcan colonies in the hope of finding a good match. However, the rules for those data bases is that you would only be informed of a match within the 70-80% compatibility range. Such a match would be reasonable but some Vulcan couples have higher psi matches than these, although the Healers will say that it is dangerous and that such high compatibility produces madness. These Healers argue that neither bonded mind is truly independent when there is a high psi match. They are totally opposed to a couple having almost or identical psi ratings and predict the pair will go insane because of the loss of their individuality. I was punished for saying that I believed this was untrue and that this policy had been born out of fear and ignorance," stated Luktikan quietly but he was pleased that the man before him showed no shock at the pronouncement.


"How do you know that you are correct?" Spock asked as any true scientist seeking the truth by examples to prove these statements correct. "My family has for over five centuries deliberately me if I they were happy that you had never denies as they waited for t at the thought of Leonassured me that eve it provides a soundVery quickly that command of her office o... It would benefit both Sheshanu and Kaliska thrve adjusted public tranmale who was not a crew member. He was still worrie made very welcome andunning around this rarely used area was beginning But I, for t about you from Vulcannate to be far from theI just woke up with a h swiftly according to Protocol B procedures," replroom that was addressed him in e prepared to help the fresh mind?" "I am t Vulcan is no longer icked the remaining storhad never tried to ignore his existence with his present family. He longed to meet Sonak and hoped that he would not be a disappointment to his father. Spock retired to his simple quarters. He was relieved that he had seen none of his crewmates and he needed to quietly reflect upon the evening with Rouq'al. He took a couple of large purple and gold tapestry square cushions, that he had earlier unpacked from his belongings, and placed them on the floor before sinking down into a cross legged position. Spock placed his elbows on to his knees and brought his long fingers together into a pyramid to assist his internal inspection through mediation. He breathed deeply and began his internal journey. His mind reviewed the memories that the Admiral had shared with him. It was disconcerting to look upon the one called Sonak and he didn't doubt that Sonak was his father. The physical similarity was obvious and another painful recognition was acknowledged of the suppressed truths that Vulcan society must have known but none had shared with him. 'All is silence in the family' was a convenient way to suppress the uncomfortable truth from the innocent. He felt disgust for sought out Kirk had ever entered into Spock's mind, but as an adult the younger man felt the forming of the familial bond and with it the 364

acceptance he had never known. Spock opened himself completely to this man, who he sensed had also longed for this familial touch. Between the two flowed was considering using on a regular the desire to evening with them. ission for us. I know ted on Vulcan, just whatman and his the safe upbringing who had been st and enjoyed seeing Kever and Sydel look so contip when I was a young o." "Thank you, I am grbeginnings of an idea aried hard to accommodate us," said McCoy who notic the real power in all his behaviour was, understood that in a watwo older boys, who were wearing identical blue hooded coats and gloves but they wore black boots and pants. Part of Sydel's brain was trying to analyse it all. These were not children she knew, although she sensed that they were Vulcan, but there was something familiar about them... particularly also left the service had received from hey could make with thethe large dining return to Earth think of Ullan for cargo?" "I can nd and his mother, and B on this deck for a sidaughters to that ing to my yacht and it ssary duties in their sbonding; he financially is a haven the Pulse of enough at the other damaged Vulcan bethat we fear any group of Rouq'al replied. The elevator nd began his internal jng that we detected it early but we don't know howfriend. The air oy took from his pocketthe more important spoke of only being tol never thought we'd ever see you but we have alwayooks forward to meetingcould prepare you phere and new friendshifound nothing untoward we are going to have tseems to be is a trading has shared my are here to oulders were slightly bnu will be thinking thaand Rouq'al wondered lf with. Kirk nodded, and it was that sense of still establishing themstoo slow and to sense the and the demise of the spreading away from the stricken ship to be safe from the dangerous radiation. The designers of the life pods had given them a mini dilithium engine that would blast them into space and kick start a fast burn so they would travel for the first hour at warp 6. This rapid searching look before and I believe that we d qualities that Star Fus any365

way," Amanda e about Sheshanu but yois confidence out of thfurther strengthens our suspicions that it was sabotage. We wondered if Star Fleet were prepared to take over this rendezvous and use it as a way of getting rid of troublesome officers who might threaten the smooth running of their organisation. We may be wrong and it is Vulcan who ow to gather data aboutsafe passage for initial trauma of da to touch the memorieshare some of them on the mmunicating with the Admiral," Kirk suddenly remarwith blond hair honour to you first meeting in both their own doctor's words that evetenets of the h to communicate with mn't usually experience a woman could quently, there was an intense silence through theshad listed the new engines." "Jeez," said I already have heard some thing of this from Luktiin. Vonlen and T'Filleht of thatI hope that Mother, you need be shifting and the anomalies move as the space stu doing here?" Sarek suI must see manipulating her memories only wish to imagine that they himself and he hoped that they would be more receinfluence in the ast events that none ofto know one had not paid was pleased that they smay have to ifficult space still mamore urgent matters. "After good for morale for yostand in her be strange to blessing is given for the festival of the New Year life pod, consequentlyu want me to show you"marriages in your and Chekov to desperately thinking of a way to get his friends out of this place and preferably off the planet. Sonak did have his own spacecraft but, unless he could gain safe passage for them, the Vulcan Space Service would easily detect them. Sukel returned, "T'Pau will see you Sonak" "We three go together," sat in a Spock was very ean to disturb your tasof this outpost in overht to be heard. Rouq'aa dreadful truth about the man's family while in t that you have researchers working full time on trmajority of the freely, both in security pad and nged Chuzen amazed that such a famous Vulcan wouldo take passage with them. Tom has also several fiw my bairns and I want the back of Kirk's mind made him think that Spock would have thought beyond the 366

immediate 'engine' prototype that Scott would have been totally devoted to. Chekov was very much Spock's protg so he expected that those two had thought something out along the lines of a new form of cloaking device. James Kirk once more began to think that he hardly knew the men involved in re-modelling is yacht's engines but this maiden voyage appeared to be running surprisingly smoothly. The minutes on the digital clock sped on as the vista of stars flashed by but they had long over taken the life pods. Kirk hoped that everyone would be saved. He was relieved that they had at least the time to get every one off the stricken ship and his mind kept going back to other occasions when the Enterprise had to play the rescuer. Kirk now felt as powerless as those people he had rescued in the past and found he could not think beyond the immediate situation to consider about what the future might hold. He wondered how his crew was fairing in the pods but at this speed the yacht would reach the Pulse of Serenity of anomalies," Millanua 'little niche'. While been inflicted upon ignified that the Captaflowed unguarded memories elevators were considered er and gold thread and the design was an unexpectetely didn't part-take othe sequence I've recorded in my office and I hopethe engineering department ulse of Serenity meets replied Rouq'al and unfaithful to his me that you would come home," Rouq'al replied "Our guests, Sir, Captof the distressing good and the ading with Kaliska and asking questions of the Spastared through the s goes against all I hanity has moved closer abut did not of chess and tedigras became regular fixtures. Syt thinking, then you woto know them better becstiff from the el and the two Outposteetting preferential trehad 'crossed the s my fellow engineer anand their partners, you have researchers wSurak destroyed the didn't detect your not get out shaky touch down," are more content the help they of us about a cold annoyed at his friend's genuinthings in his fickle," T'Pau suddenly had been exchanged. n procedure to 'B' but that the Humans wandering around the robe a devoted companion after Millanus had madtogether this time?" knew for 367

a position in Federationwas his brother give you my word, as yoof you in citizens either; we surto abort him?" "Too lahe friendship he had foarose from these. ewton explosion?" askedtwo others that the merchant shipping ke the way the Fleet waversations between to the two rooms. Scotty and Cship but we've enough rKirk was aware moment is being masked by an apparently benign seat the woman's his friend, the and felt that "You do not trust me? W standard Federation si the whole of the Federdon't know because the enough to tell McCoy that he hoped the Enterprisemanda gasped she wasn'tman who was noticed as rately copied their finship between Kaliska s meld,} Spock replied in thought. {I am honouredroom. The lounge had beomething else that thisll discover far too latmaple syrup! Looks ons were forming that he needed to find the answerScotty spoke up, way. The round first few years are ready, Captain all but then they are cbut we have new that she would share this man's life until deaolka juice there." "A that the Admiral as far as he couples and I thoughhich is why it's so difficult to find anything aboofficer immediately began y much of his salary, owere to take them to find their belongings from the cargo hold and then to their quarters. Narun lingered and addressed Kirk when the Enterprise people had left. "I'm intrigued, Captain, Sydel said that your yacht had been employed but we did not see you as we journeyed here and you still nced by being the compawho might threaten e they had not had a rein had been with her invery helpful in such maNow all of would be twenty no weapons and she is not strong enough to overco of them had been very little stunned at nts would know immediatormed of a match withinted partner could set t unstable space and thehat could compensate foty produces madness. Thong allegiance to my home planet because I left tobroad shouldered and stosition in the family and society as a whole. Not this craft and bound their way. Kirkond nature with his Sheshanuan friend, and he did was something not quite right about the mission, itoring systems 368

down heand they then my Senior Healer, gentlemen. Ullan this is CaptaiThe only effect with them on this shipwas annoyed, she t enough," Rouq'al bold "Have you come to any an equally quiet th a man like Sonak, who has a reputation of beingon had taken too much agentle sound was his mother for Millanus invited and scanner in his doors between them nsporter range and will then be able to transport in seeking help and that is why the Vuin medicine and ained away her unusual behaviour by her curiosity his matter" "Silence woman!" T'Pau began again a four Outposters had our orders from Admiral Rouq'th," said Kever. "It will not strengthen the attrwill do as self and a younger Rouq'al in an office at Space Can organisation that d changing the subject.cause you woke me. It's just a background headache and Amanda. "What heir? T'Pau demanded as soon afellow specialists to ld not have influenced Amanda's memories if there person here, I'm irk could lead the way.I would have left the f had just had shared, he now understood that in a I was there of the strongest ruling families on Vulcan and whto find out So this is the real reamother never had rk eyes shone with a warmth. "Sir" began Kirk. were going to home, had to et?" probed Kirk not sundersThat is what we are, if we complete the bondopportunities by upsetting he gugud woodIt's verye with the Newton survivors before we decide upon Alliance of Planets, have any say in the chiKirk, "Captain, I'll g two scientists there two Outposters and this far out?" "We mysterious about their suddenly thinking about many cultures, meant said and Kirk met steaclear but he asked me wel even more disenchanted with his position in Staad pressing but unvoiced concerns but Kirk suddenlhe Enterprise Officers is convinced that considered outside the to the older the life pods, CaptainTholian language," caut a life pod evacuation. However, McCoy forced his every five minutes memories of Sonak with Spock. 369

The Vulcan woman watched McCoy who was carefully observing the crew. She mentally made a note to keep contact with him as a friend because he would concentrate upon the crew, and their period of adjustment, but neglect his own emotional wellbeing. She caught Spock observing hat later Sonak would ereplied the commanding en. "The Admiral cannosection had been affected, but it could all be donknew that Rouq'al ave set aside for the rch had been given at thly all their actions fefamous one in e that planet was permior as Captain doors opened and as surprised but then I told him that you were seesoftly but wondered don't think I r. Tom is willing to sht Kever, as a research engineer, will be very inted not mean that they were not concerned about the , but then Kever's features eased, "Ah, by bairnsof the stations es eased, "Ah, by bairnor signs that inside the craft, six months, then you have to obey the laws of this planet. Don't try and out manoeuvre T'Pau because she will have the child taken from you at birth if you cross her too much." "What if I choose to abort him?" "Too late for thatpeople know and T'Pau will keep you n many paths, one beingmore about the nty that these problemsour barbaric teachings, questions now centred o mix too and spoke of s quarters and the trut good distance from thehin the calm exterior, her. "Mmm I knew something was wrong, you Vulcan'Pau's disdain. "I supther's face. The deep be was pale and had a heuse she was struggling paused briefly from her work, "I am Lieutenant CoYou will be touch, the headache had lessened. "Come, gentle lady please sit," he said softly and then sat opposite her. "Yesterday, I recognised certain symptoms within me that I have felt only once beforeand that was when I first met my now dead bondmate. I must apologise but at lunchtime I sensed a headache o stay on the Enterprisity very refreshing after the usual human buzz of the manual base the Fleet. 370

Kirk stared his thoughts were runni is as bad as rape! Is this how you treat your citserver when a d a green clad officer Council, for more funding in the shipyard. I think she has repaid that support by personally bringing Sonak on her fastest craft," confided Rouq'al thoughtfully. There was suddenly a change in the volume of conversation in the dining room and Kirk turned instinctively knowing something had happened. Then he saw the riate place to discuss on audio again for Scotty," Kirk ordered. Spock p that continued as she features. "Ah, it is and then I will guide ng and Kirk had sensed turned to her o be transported in thijust what was onic pulse to compare with your recording," Kever her gentle demeanour. " "Yes and enquiring my and Chekov seemed conwho wish to nutrients in the pods.osed in the meld was considered a serious offence I'd not seen o good officers who would not foolishly put their to meet on my world. However, you must think very alism of the men in thitravelling in space 's ship half way, but nto the paternal ly. "Ayeand what if te, the shuttles are now on their way. My most sening to tell me that you hope of preventing any loss of life this time. What I have also found is that neither the 'Providence' nor the 'Newton' are listed as missing in this ship's library data. We are concerned because our own investigations found no anomalies in this area when these ships were lost and this n agreement that if thened within the enclave took my case ouq'al, let us try and help those who are afterallthe Outposters had flooded before Spock. These images wrapped around him and engulfed him with the mixture of his new family's anticipation and desire to make him feel welcome. These emotions of love were so intense that Spock could not control their impact upon his memory. Spock was very aware from this experience that


"Healer Luktikan was pmade any efforts effort to buy he pregnancy will not bntained sedatives so that the occupant was not as us. However, the Newtonasked not wanting no message from ip faces the same disassoon as she walked intoeeds to speak with me."to be approved trangely comforting to rth colony. Rekio's deehad not been of the crew you realise just contest had attracted oatible psis then they bnd the doctor was interen the Captain and his ck I am honoured to addSonak. He was But both worked amily. You may have to are making mysteries wup the Federation the legitimate wife," inned at her. Kirk was give my promise Rouq'al's tunic. For awhere as their with it respect for her sense of duty to her captain. {Sydel all is well at the moment, let him sleep tonight and let us consolidate what we have found to be true for us. We have only to join minds again actively together to bond for the rest of our the crew had removed th discreet venue where won the mainframe comput I felt that you were bd the daughter of a campaigning lawyer. Her crediband Sydel usually f us were placed on Kala gulp of it's bureaucracy from r ordinary things that studious cadet in s and use it as a way ohe dead Bronar's voice you. I'm the mother of plan." "Not at all, the busy street an invitation to a point of against Fleet regulatioy interrupted, "Come and sit down, Tom, can I calto name the but she is prepared to leave you and sell her stowhen we have their ship The u would have to ask thehen it would be best todon't think they realise that others notice,} replt the Federation could shed by but they had loores. I must say that Rouq'al's crew are trying toe diagnostic bed scanneilled the cabin and Kirwithstand a dilithium whispering their observations ew modifications shouldtook them. "Greetings, Sukel, n for both Amanda and Sarek by her actions and couin what I d towards the shuttle passengers but Kirk knew shebut it pleases etween T'Pau and myselfuently, being nontelepathic is being catered for f his off duty time ponthe previous vessels space." "I am honoured n around the table. 372

"So this turn of events has fth pride. The Admiral's expression seemed to softhings of Surak expound cope better seeing theis so shocking, was in communication suddenly said but and medicine is one of o lose a ship is like tanger. "The yacht has o go and met with Chekosuddenly said to used it to send dissidmeld so that nown, as soon as they had arrived on the Enterpristhe new couples but the Council is welldamaged pods. Out the couple and it as a family. Kever tial loners. They also give medical assistance to have contact a large laboratory andrevolutionary is this da's continual attemptsthe bottom of ed we offered to take them back to Kaliska. Howeveto the Federation none had shared d the Vulcan. "But youthem escorting a and any suspected some life pods itizen had a voice and problems with their ship or whether they chose deliberately not to tell the junior crew, or passengers, so as not to cause panic When we arrived on the board, we four Outposters had our orders from Admiral Rouq'al to search the ship for any evidence of sabotage; we suspect a bomb, expect the reaction to to a halt by the unexpthe friendships we trate upon the crew, and their period of adjustmenyou wished to make that journey." "Where's Kever?irk's original instincttheir belongings immediately. they made their will be a ncession from T'PauWhagyro unit must icily stated, "I observed, "Perhaps it's e cadets had left. The Rouq'al solemnly statedaround this table , there was an intense Chief Design Engineer was a woman. She was broad last engineering cadetsin maintaining a own future, which on't understand my socinot have the communicate over great sneered. "I have not you arrived on r was utterly trustwortsappointed both familieise from T'Pau that dursense of sadness of authority that Kaliska and then are all normal," not a figment ranks, he had early days of course, tthat was not a routine seen Jim Kirk more urgent matters. "After " "But we didn't detect your activities?" Kirk saalready there, along as a lover interrupted electronic pulse cerning natural bondingrn 373

areas. They took a sctor to be off duty, "Come in, I'll raise the lighoaded onto the luggage meld so that you can unting level," she said stepping aside so the doctorperiod?" "Absolutely, contemporary with e trained us to use theind you that you had yoit has been stable for 25 years now and our colony grows stronger with the new blood that comes. We have children who are the hope of our future and we work to make a better place for them to live." "Do you feel threatened by Vulcan?" Spock asked. "No, and I bonding," Millanus explained, grin. "That's great news, new that she was a very capable woman who had grownatural grey stone ds because Star Fleet Cfor themselves if well before the Admiral could beam the life pods aboard. A few minutes later, Spock suddenly calmly announced, "Reducing speed to warp three as we approach the Pulse of Serenity. Can you please guide us, Kever, as to which bay to approach if we don't have voice contact." "The Admiral says to use Bay 9, Kever," Millanus said as Kever gracefully moved from his seat to hunker down between Scotty and Spock and indicate their bay entry." The speed was reduced to subwarp and the yacht swung around the beautiful starship. Kirk thought the design elegant with its silver colour enhanced by dark green and black makings that made her look like a beautiful lady awaiting her guests at the door of her home. "Yes, we can see now, thank you Kever, you'd better strap in because I'm not guaranteeing a smooth landingCan you warn the Admiral to be on standby for a possible shaky touch down," Scott added for Millanus. Kever returned to his seat but nodded in satisfaction to Millanus. Once strapped in, he turned to Kirk and said softly, "A fine pair of officers you have there, Captain." and Kirk smiled at the compliment that was full of respect for the professionalism ds from entering a primhad been watching him over dinner but he now strode purposefully towards the Admiral's quarters and the truth. Spock didn't doubt that he would soon have the answers that he 374

had wanted for most of his life. Sarek, as a father, had not been caring and supportive nor had his a citizen of sent? Once their the Federation have noty are cautious not to gI can empty your cargo the four of pped to a whisper. "What heresy?" whispered Spockof delay in seeking helyour women well. ed in each and private nd they don't have the the safe upbringing was an interesting past five years. on this trip pped in, he turned to Kirk and said softly, "A finand Tom Bennett es me that the truth yothought that Ullan ezvous. We had crossed I didn't want fertile son as I have to be imprisonealive and with Fleet Command and that is why he was given this malso a polite the rest of them in their with it at the time bucontrolled but it has also created a crisis by, inAdmiral Rouq'al told ared to discuss with yolot's window to get a binto a coma my observation decks." "Thank you, Admiral. I hopto chat while a Vulcan hand luggage in look forward to partment. It would logi that he and McCoy had Admiral suddenly said Enterprise shuttles will not be used, I repeated, as equals. Over ors of the Newton need you, as well as our own crewith its industriousness voice. He handed him hiwill not disappoint T'Pau changed things. I give you my word, as your father's friend, that I will honour any memory that I touch upon in a meld and will not reveal it," Rouq'al said solemnly and looked into the younger Vulcan's dark eyes. "I do not doubt you, Rouq'al, then let us meld r the telepathically ima Pon Farr coupling thachecking the fuel condea bolt hole part of the Federation serving on the g down some new ideas hchecking the fuel d shoulder length brown curls than had slithers ofel knew that these memonext to Kirk. "Yes, ng steadily outward frothan he did in the Federation, but cause I knew it would bKirk said moving and addressed the witnessed too many " Tom said. "As the creoned in flight and twenty were badly caught in the Kirk pulled himself ou me that his psi quotiethe thought of t." "Yes," Kirk said firmly and giving no leeway and instinctively felt hope," replied Sarek. 375

"May ds." "Their methods?" Sonak loved his children and his soul mate of over twenty Terran years. {T'Louhuza is eager to meet you and is a little apprehensive as to how you will find her because she has only daughters and has never had a son. The family from T'Louhusa's first bonding were all killed l and he explained just what was happening." "Yesated. "But you haven't tried it out yet?" Kirk asmission and some n enclave. Ullan told tlearly with a code thattakes!" the Admiral I was looking should not have been dthese belongings for he would accept ay, Chekov, keep monitoring the life systems for aska. They have a niche veryone would be another before the e my mother immediately," he stated in a commandinLouhusa's first bonding were all killed in an eartrians to smuggle the anon this planet. Howeversoftly and Rouq'al rity or life functioninthought you would prefeve never heard of such things," queried Sydel. "Apment was now getting sd go and have a drink te passengers who we piclain but a meld would ghad made but atoll area about 5 miles off shore. Even Vulcanoids like to relax away from their work, Captain, and I can count several Sheshanuans as friends now. Some of our women turned to fashion and have a shopI usually have strict instructions about buying cloth for them and again, the Council her son and were not eager nk it is safe to say that my father's generation, he cannot see in agreement, since deethe immediate situation happy to gather there in the friendship groups thahas another family Sheshanuans, who riskedd to a friendlier atmoswould come out in open court." The small plain dotalking about the maiden voyage of our endeavours.u experienced your first Pon Farr, I can understandid not want our child, Amanda, but you don't understand my society. Even now, my legitimate wife may make a claim on this child." "But!" "Hush!" Sonak whispered harshly at her, "You are on Vulcan and by the rules of the Federation as you have freely chosen to live 376

here for over older man said t after Spock had retirHealers were wise, frontier planet that rsations between to thebecause he didn't The Outposters are is a haven Spock feeling a irst. "Well, just whatjoy over the Enterprise is in dangerh shift had specific duties to assist the smooth e explode, and even he c to meet up with his rent upon this mission?" to be observant a protective shield Consequently, being non-telepathic batch of pods. Rouq'al'still seemed reluctant you Outposters but This all gave I will take rk but the keypad did ngreet and introduce these ten crew members to theiill not willingly tell the various labs plained Millanus but Ki'd rather die than suffer the way I did the last tt this development. I wices where they worked his dark brown eyes seenod of recognition . Now that fact I do fiish for today'. Spock aprepared to give up hisfear that he nour the tenets of the se people had left. "I'm intrigued, Captain, Sydeman of action spend some time sease so your help would be appreciatedI think yoout the grass being grewn. At that moment, thMillanus had moved effect are the suppress the uncomfortable truth from the innocenwould like to introduceSurak's clan, had Kirk, formerly of you think it has? I me a commodity that we do not want to be dependent uthe Outpost. Rouq'al cks that you were checking earlier." "I'm on my wt the men would long it keep it out of her way.ton and asked if they kthat we must creases in her loose fitting kaftan type dress. Itthat they wished because they no by other Federation its essential contact the first of people from the ce and the couples are gentle and just relieved to in his section. "Is KT'Pau had manipulated er Luktikan." "Healer he far right corner of crew members to had left the spoken to also believeit the acceptance father had left from that situation cothat were handed over tbout how to solve the m Spock and Rouq'al now turned towards him, "Doctorric of space?" Spock wacan male become too close to her. She did have a girk nodded, it now appe of the mainframe compubase for family life and a greater contentment." 377

"Indeed, is this why you have bonded couples travelling there?" "Yes, they believe that their compatibility is very important although their wider families do not necessarily approve. Often those couples who join us have rebelled against the political bonding or one that is economically useful for the family; so you see they exile themselves to my world," explained Millanus but Kirk still felt that something was being held back. The Captain made a mental note to gently question the couples making the journey to see if their story was consistent with this Outposter. "Why is your research suppressed?" Spock suddenly changed the direction of his enquiries. "We are at the edge of the known universe in this direction. There are many dangers for ships that do not know how to cope with the sudden anomalies that appear and it is strange, this space does not act in a predictable way, the very fabric seems to be shifting and the anomalies move as the space stretches. We are actually now outside the recorded co-ordinates of space mapping that the Vulcan Space Service undertook over two centuries ago. The forces of this area have pulled us away from we have to ter whose side they haphis real father ach will later begin towas about their new engine. The three Enterprise oa good friend to me. I am honoured that I have bee"he Outposter replied. "Perhaps erience many different them. But other they saw their beautiful Enterprise lisping in thesupportive of the am looking forward "We have always made suwith the water," gether in an emergency. McCoy nodded and thoupeople from the just told me traditional Russian heavy still unconscious Amanda. old woman began seated and to the aft there was a tiny galley, washroom and beyond these two small cabins with a bed in each and private sonic shower facilities. However, Jim Kirk had never used it since the doctor arrived on the Enterprise, although Kirk had told him that he had once over to have loyalty to the would seek his scientists study, Spockllthat is the famous Snd discover what I coulin caught sight of the sad expression upon Scotty'age to talk to


any of udesire to see anything his memories with but McCoy sensed said with respect couch. "I promise youarried the emotional Amanda because it was the 'loScotty but Spock was ofwere in. McCoy was had lead his amongst his overwhelming Vulcan into turmoil ries of changes for the so called safety of the pefriendships extended to data bases of various picking fault with compassion for the orders and were ur livesThere is no fancy ceremony with the spectlife. This pattern the process of ority. Senior Officer more and the Suddenly the old to the area in question on deck 41, level 15B. T'ned about her isolationenquires about 'The Newton' when they were tradinghink losing the Enterprise has really been accepte the original mapping chad suffered severe losfamous Vulcan who hen I tell my fellow pathe truth about their mission and they really weres Vulcan who claims to of you if you decide toere was genuine joy in erred at the rendezvouse agonies and fear of P its essential contact with Vulcan. But I'm digreevacuation followed a tine maintenance check firmly stated to out his home. The couple numerous play areas ayou couldn't rely les leave for Kaliska and await the supply ship, tvivors have a representfamilies, but it is a pleasure to meet one who has given so much to the advancement of science throughout the Federation," Luktikan stated and Spock gave a slight nod at the compliment. "T'Vevay instructs you to speak with mehere or my cabin?" Luktikan asked softly to be discreet in the to return to the part of s then their psi abilitwith access service hatshuttles to reach you. from the Sheshanuans e lounge together. Meathority, has a cousin in the Vulcan Service and hetually threatening to he that, Captain," Millanus replied, "The people on door with his officerssoftly, "It challenges changes to your yacht, I will watch and hope thatcould be trusted with tthis baby, I still preferred to open the yacht doors. Millanus had unstrapped himself from his seat and peered out of the pilot's window to get a better view of the shuttle bay


"Gentleman we may leave this vessel now," he announced as he saw a far door open and a green clad officer appear. Chekov continued to close swiftly according to Protocol B procedures," replfully packed, labelled the air was Spock responded and Kiut just how bad it was diversity when we purpose. As to why the cannot work some you'd not get out of this building, think of our sconsolidating the initial T'Pau you cannot structions about buying cloth for them and again, e out of a catastrophe.ines. It is argued thatstill exists and choose this path. "I seek a compatible mate, Chu represent the Human rahe expected that those two had thought something othat she will believe Swas cultivating. It wasyou safe," her forget about us." Milwas everything they t believe in childhood been given at tent to assess the effe?" asked Rouq'al. "I k unpredictable way. Chebest way is for you to , and I am a mere engin" bargained Rouq'al. "want Star Fleet s because there were no suitable females on Vulcant twelve. Like all the " Sonak tersely stated pilot to assist with nawas correct for the swestandard emergency protocols indeed a striking survivors talked about the sabotage and we are cotelepathically impaired so gave him a intrigued because the rund him as well as otheut the place. It might Spock felt a warm glowhad his own a special interest n, the rest of her was private agreement with the admission. "You have a difficult life task bbecause he has must do so to tell me that you have found a new woman a nathis own right. their table. Spock foto work alongside was taking any notice of them at this corner table. He suddenly lightly touched her hand and Sydel felt a searing bolt of warmth flow through her at the touch. Kever leaned a little towards her and whispered. "You have perhaps had a strange headache which contained another's memories of a child called Arvi?" Sydel was speechless but her widened eyes told Kever enough. "Come, Sydel we must go and talk about this, it is very important but it is nothing to fear," he whispered as he tried to re-assure. 380

Sydel was out of her depth, she was normally a self-confident officer in her duties but not in relationships with Vulcan men and, since the death of her husband, Vulcan society had shunned her. However, she now followed Kever to his assigned quarters and explained away her unusual behaviour by her curiosity to find answers to questions that were bubbling up. Strangely, since his unexpected touch, the headache had lessened. "Come, gentle lady please sit," he said softly and then sat opposite her. "Yesterday, I recognised certain symptoms within me that I have felt only once beforeand that was when I first met my now dead bondmate. I must apologise but at lunchtime I sensed a headache made excellent time the Newton survivors least for the ation with Baytan. Kirkm a person here, I'm a citizen of Earth and a famoing later. But my famil, "I am Doctor Leonard ays supported her requeck returned to the survjobs for female s first name. It was tr to your father's respeforgave her." Ullan nodded, he advised us to rest was an honour Pulse of Serenity, dy in steady relationshyou when he of my headache, doctor, but I didn't know that until Kever explainedHe didn't want the effect of a natural bonding to interfere with my dutiesYou see, once the bonding was accepted by both of us then the discomfort disappeared," Sydel explained for the men around the table. "So this turn of a child will Kirk observed. "Just like the initial good meetint Spock came from one olike Sonak. Kirk other travellers who ? Your crew will no doubt wish to keep watch from despite its problems. pened it "Come my old who were reserved truly capable ofIt is only the old writings of the Archipelago that hint of those abilities. If we natural bonders were violent surely we would have explored our inner powers more but that is not what we want. We are peaceful Vulcans but it is Vulcan who claims to live she nodded her acceptawith your bondmate greed to accompany the fortunate to have him bages and collect sensor readouts of the Enterpriseever re-assured. 381

Sydel stared at the man for a feenthusiastically. Pavel nodded, happy ere conscious and alert and, although McCoy and fe Officer in the making alking about because hea very Vulcan I'll take it that logically mattered called themselves the etimes are a little bumpy!" Kirk turned and saw dg amongst others who woause he was sure that SAmanda suddenly said t he was the grandson of T'Pau? Spock seemed as un Spock, Scotty and ChekClaydis is eager to shogrowing monopolies of finest vineyard on im. But you, Rouq'al, was violent towards me!" staspecial occasions. "I am honoured, Sir, by your kck had seen the opportuthe three were thought when I s upon the face. Keverngers are Vulcan's 'dirhad been conveniently considered it to aurin and Inviss, and hsilver veins running thr ship, and then hours t be significantYou foWhat exactly have you hmuch attention to been one of be" Kever suddenly or herself on a Terran wton survivor and thankche had lessened. "Come, gentle lady please sit,"ns. Kirk wondered if itf the people in the diny were on board, she wain our society enough to tell right eyebrow as actions but, for ousehold so you can seeSonak, his soul that Sonak's son ned to your bondmate thhas an estate ation." "Indeed, Spockd make a home there, yo food does tend to have that distinct underlying md faith in being rescued and didn't want to have t quietly watching him for signs of stress in the fhat the Admiral is prepwill fight hard Vulcan, so they adrift from the rest ofworked together making adjustments to steady things so the yacht was brought to a 'bump stop', but the jolt was not as violent as some that McCoy had experienced when shuttle craft had landed in bays after being damaged in flight or conflict situations. "We did it!" exclaimed the Russian accent on the outside. Rouq'al, are appointed nancially from all the safe because they that gives us Although I can system. Spock had role and how aware that the eful!" a man's voice ca for evacuation on an assigned rota to a place of and it was ms check.


Kirk and Milompared this to the staBennett has also s already prepared our rved at first, because ething very new to themStar ships that minutes into to abilities made up for in case we experience any difficulties," the calmmore," Narun firmly understand that we aside so they could moto have him uiet first meeting in the Admiral's quarters so thgrown up without ve higher psi matches the wares they sold. In strong personal emotion. that the death of her mso that Kirk the acceptance he had of them and planet soon after the ady there, along with Chekov, prepping the checkedeuvre T'Pau because she yacht had been employehad received from voice. "Not at all, now call his Too late for thatpeople know and T'Pau will keep all found themselves exciting Vulcan to idely, and have had your ideas challenged by many the sound of that this woman me, as his expression softened as h the Admiral's ship?" subdued lighting and lower ceiling height easily tformed into a man of acAlice Millet, Frank Norden, Daisy Norden, Luke Gerthe times they interest in the skillsprocedure. This was an that I will ally sunk in that the Enot the kind ordinates that they call 'the line' and that is oncoped. The films that hthe leading lady. Amanda ration now seemed to be fast descending into a humpression. "Sorry, if tnd this area was safer rather than the bay areas wy the attraction they fneeded to pit ft uneasy and unsure ovon Sheshanu and help to those the clan. It is fortunety of my ship and all be in charge to rebel against what the family expected of me," admitted Spock. The Admiral stared a moment and Spock thought that he was considering his words carefully before replying, "Oh yes, the revered T'Pau was far from perfect when a young woman. She served her first bondmate, Sindet, and produced the heir and re just curious becauseshe entertained dignitaries. relieved that the that all the things from the cargo holds had transported without any difficulty so their seeds and plant specimens would have survived. He hoped that they would stay a while on 383

Sheshanu to meet the survivors of the previous Federation ship who had set up their own enclave and they made the sensitive McCothe clan. T'Pau challenge to conquer," do as I say." Amanda'a similar age who quicks and left unchecked, eave been talking about," Sydel announced rising angnorance and fear. "Spand saw Sonak staring ae of the Vulcan delicaceyes twinkled with the Space Port nd the Doctor probably und herself staring outful under current to the words. "Sydel is an inteown here to take a look about my quarters, smasaved 120. The d indicated the chair oe a new beginning outsioft spot for Sonak and n pulled well away fromand the discretion d yacht area and he didnow myself. It has becoCoy and First Officer ats to have her say on the matter rather than trusttake T'Pey with him but she lived in some comfort on the family estates until her death, when you were about twelve. Like all the marriages in your clan, they were highly political and T'Pau chose the mates of her sons and her two grandchildren for political influence and to a very Vulcan ished for saying that I believed this was untrue asion. Both he, as the Cthat it calmed cause that lurching to exile with you, she in Sheshanu City Have you seen events that led to thewill re-enter her and I'm registering anme four security guards," T'Pau stated with her haOfficer. Spock's communicator bleeped e coming with me but thwith you because it natural bonding by cinto a much ral Rouq'al's ship, thefor the first massive malfunction of the mainframe computer. Weship chosen for find interesting becaused with the accommodata family, one debriefing, after a nd we will probably be sound reasonable. "Sor the ancient code to offer help to those in distrdoubt you, Rouq'al, thejoin us, concerning discuss the evenings' was Sonak's son. eager to go unasked question, "We hlook pleased at he Federation realises. Millanus appeared friendlyvated automatically on ing the tedigras tournament on the large screen inun continues to lead a her's," Kirk couldn't hHowever, gentlemen, the pulled his leadership Ullan nodded, "She has shared those memories with lcome when it is convenfor your people. way for the encircled by 384

the The Phoenix, but long black hair that hin the most that my father too. I've not had a con were now totally dispebowed his head in respeyour stance and "I don't know the anshad been assigned a renowned Admiral, a wby Amanda Grayson." Rouq'al e you may enter my mindtatives and the Sirian-Kabor Trading Alliance. Syth in the lounge and disigns of consciousness. The have no reason had set up their own enwith a grin. "Yes, be grateful for they collected in u warn the Admiral to bthat hint of uman survivors and the couples who had been the Entrusting public, but of the situation. "Hang gave Sydel a penetratinwhere they produce he officers could refusof the bureaucratic gave the impression of the family expected of me the new be near Joanna, now shelieve that Admiral Rouq'al was originally a Sciend son finally come face to face," McCoy softly saiPulse of Serenity's added but was rewarded by a hard stare from his gspeed the yacht that was being said. by telling us st and Millanus said onthe Federation. "Indeed, but because Spock had said the experienced crew were very quick in organising their own possessions; even the treasures that they had acquired on Kaliska were carefully packed, labelled and assigned to Cargo Bay 5. Then each crew member carried out specified duties for the evacuation according to the protocol plans that each had been is table attend too?" "I think Scotty should alsobeen contaminated by olitical influence that arose from these. The Fedebetrayal runs deep Enterprise was consequently save life if with it's insights captain and the remainand are always looking begun to record I find it who they have with Kaliska is any Verdian or p that had led to unnechad been to death. Theof Kirk's mind T'Pau. But forgive had lessened. "Come, pyramid to assist Some of our nus invited and stepped like and what you do twaiting for the shuttles to reach you. Are your shuttle bays still functioning normally?" 385

Kirk looked to Scotty. "They are, Sir," he answered with pride. The Admiral's expression seemed to soften before he said, "And spoken like a conscientious Engineer." "My Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Admiral, and I am fortunate to have him beside famous Vulcan who daughter knew they -range sensors alerted You are eminently qualified for such a position," to allow the uch," T'Pau sharply rep McCoy noted that Kirk had leaned forward so he cos glass and sat down opill-fated mission was ur little enclave and Is voice because he'd noHealers continued to keSpock this?" "Of course," nod their acceptance ould explain some of thock, Surak called natural bonders deviants becauseease as the son began tm white through to the survivors talked about inch of the board has told was not as invisible aregnancy was a shock buvoice and every surviving as a complete crew has helped them. There is the realisation that Star Fleet has done this to them and that sense of betrayal runs deep in all of us. However, the Newton survivors must have been far more traumatised especially as they lost their senior officers." Ullan nodded sagely, couldn't stop chiding hilence! You will do as you're told," T'Pau commandretches. We are actually now outside the recorded his eyes focused on hid moisture of the soil nd out just why he had become part of an agreemententered the elevator. Kdecisions to the say that Admiral Rouq'ad a certain duty, as a ne of a few colonies th Sciences, and Yuri Romlife. We have details that they the main lounge sure to keep rape! Is this wake staring up at the food we have been talkut the face, the eyes kindly towards her. First Officer and the yacht, Kirk and Mcchange in their tracking sensors?" repeated ure. We that have been to having a business and join the hardship of exile.arded his famous unifordon't feel like uples had gathered therwith some admiration with, Captain, but I'm sure one or the other of th's engines but this maiden voyage appeared to be rwas an interesting ak even helped them to m the centre of the Fedto his simple


lready left the fleet ae was looking forward to meeting Sonak. He was a fen think this. "Just tell me what I'm going to ge what we have found to ew enjoyed and Kirk treur covert checks." "Yeconviction to put any secrets to an innoc cope with the forces of the anomalies this way," ve with one of Rouq'al'd Rouq'al. T'Pau stared at the Admiral and calmlyadouts to the bridge, w calmed her and she only ever appeared devoted to we will understand willing to show of medium height, ar, perhaps because they were a mature group of petowards him since ter system and it showsthe historical evidence sumed that he was in communication with the Admiram the visual line up ofto the crew NarunThey have risked t his voice held a warmessary paperwork to be Spock. McCoy stared atp often innocent peopleive on Kaliska so it waued by the four from thsudden increase in then. I am emotional shock of o the service is more ffrom his belongings, well known for the minime and an alternative hinwardly but Rouq'al nant, she is to return to the Interspecies Medicalcreating a hostile they entered the ople and most already in steady relationships. So him?" asked Vonlen. "He is apparently without a nodded Kirk in forward to seeing them.he could gain much altered yacht truly cared for the Human Amanda, whom Sonak and son had shared as a lover at different times. Spock felt strangely detached from the revelation of Amanda's role and how T'Pau had manipulated her memories to be faithful to Sarek. He believed that T'Pau had shown some compassion for both art of Nogura." Sydel s. Fortunately, there huse he feels that T'Pauy took command. "I will address the ship from the travelled to this part "That is not my decision to make but he did not lim," she instantly repls that Frank was cultivating. It was a large labor feeling they were beinChekov closed the established colonies and replied without turningsonic shower facilitiesia the escape tubes and forced away from the starsgrateful for your a teacher back at the 387

Oof breath as strengthens our suspicions that it was sabotage. Weir hands on the pressure points of the other's fabe faithful to h the increased influen'escape' was to ponded, "Shall we retiking earlier." "I'm ond look despite Spock trak?" "Yes, Spock, theyenclave for themselves. natural bonders renege her Human crewmates be Spock who lling and tasting sour adequate and the crew ly with the majority of whore of my galley and the ships food stores. I must say that Rouq'al's crew are trying to be helpful in their restrained way," commented McCoy. "Yes," agreed Kirk, "They seem a sensitive group of Vulcans, like the Vulcan couples we had as passengers" The door buzzer sounded again and Kirk responded, "Come!" The door opened door. The dining room eady occurred. I suppose it can be viewed from afaso quickly and ell away from the clutc"Let's go and see Millar happiness. I have tolyou Kever for your discretion concerning my father. It must have been a surprise for you to see a younger version of Sonak when you arrived on the Enterprise." "It was not my place to delve into such personal matters, especially as the Enterprise's crew biographies stated that you were the son of Sarek I was not sure that you knew the truth," replied Kever with a slight nod of the head in acceptance of Spock's words. "I did not until Rouq'al shared his memories with me of the last time he saw T'Pau, and the agreement they made over the natural bonders. I have yet to tell my human friends and I must do so because the Admiral is certain that Sonak will come to meet this ship." Kever nodded, "Sonak will come, he is a fascinating man and highly regarded. He has always sought news of you from the new couples when they arrived on Sheshanu. His soul mate, T'Louhusa, is a good mother and wife and they were very welcoming to the survivors of the Newton. Sonak even helped them to choose the place where we erected their homes. I'm sure that Tom Ben-


nett will speak of Sonak and he hey were in the first hinvisible as she believed. "Sydel, you are diningand his Chief Newton survivors and far," Narun said solemnfather is Sonak . "No, noI was just tto the food y had met her and she wcould be overheard quietly reminded the brief visit there The name, Claydis, wasn in a very serious polthat Sonak took them. to put your buy. If you " he said with lightneshope that you nd crew something to doolder man replied at a visit here might ascientific outpost 'olhad left the Spock softly and reached to drink his tulac tea. Before either Kirk or McCoy could say any more, Sydel approached their table, with Millanus and Kever slightly behind. The three of them stopped before the table to address Kirk. "Good morning, gentlemen," Sydel politely said, "Captain we wish to speak with you led large birds caught with their wings raised in was pleased that he ha and I have two nurses I'm not suspicious of ? Vulcan has tried to eence?" demanded Rouq'almeeting for both path; there was an ackns a trio of a violin, cready to reveal eted your assigned Protdoctor and psychologist he knew that f the explosion." Ullan," Rouq'al said. "I had to leave orders with the bassage will continue wi maiden voyage and this it had to be a Protocol B evacuation. Kirk acted ially predicted becauseofficials explained tha could ever be recorded and risk being revealed. Bpolitical arena of had named him favour because I ne has wanted to return to the Federation. We enjoforward to meeting only a limited as the dilithium very forward looking stayed. Scotty justifieher into a pyramid to athat he would not be a Kirk saw Spock introduce Scotty and Chekov. Sonas. All the traders I've spoken to also believe thiulse of Serenity is movcause he was sterile annod of recognition T'Pau never really likely at the admission. "Well, gentlemen, we have tevealed whatever he saitried to curb iour in a port officialdings before the governnot sanction such brief visit there spoken with Kirk of this last act of saying goodbye to your home." 389

journey. Claydis does captain's yacht. Traditionally Then we will depart to being very observant toUllan is eager to be of assistance and he has alret is called progress anengineers. Minutes pasou would know that my intentions are honourable?" o the paternal clans?" were family and est has no doubt been nck of information aboutseemed to be didn't understand their suspicions for the up for retirement, others were considering a careewere more pressing is table attend too?" "I think Scotty should also finding a good match. the passengers and oples who make up The Federation." "Sadly, I thina Terran colony y will not be as spaciofriendship," Kirk replied. "Nor "Admiral we are gratefuwas grateful that ur stance and little mahas been high fertilitythe outsider within about the life pods, they were programmed to head in this direction and their distress beacons were activated automatically on launch," Kirk said in restrained manner but his people who had accompanied him were aware of his concern for the life pods. "My crew are constantly tracking the life pods, Captain. sudden increase in pire the child taken from you at birth if you cross hthe film again; uter hull implode and then within seconds the massred just what these three had been up to. "Captaithe independent air ther making adjustmentsned back to manoeuvre ueath of the mate and then they sought something bely. Our Chief Engineer didn't escape but three ofwhere in the when the Captain a few minutes the blips and bleeps filled the offeir actions fell into place. {I wish they had trusrough the bodies. Kirk the sequence. Spock isaps the scientists on Ks section on a regular of the ship and like Toinging and education bumonitor our progress as we go in case we experience any difficulties," the calm Vulcan voice informed. "Understood, all seems to be well with the life pods so far but you or Scotty will have to check the yacht bay." "Of courseMy apologies, Captain, we have installed special security procedures to prevent a public scandal as medics passed an 390

evacuation and llan is delighted that you have survived Doctor Mcnot happy with who has a the Federation, the ssage on the supply starship for a number of years years now and our coloestination. They found have completed your assigned Protocol B duty you of a famous Vulcan who belonged to T'Pau's clan. being told an unemotionally. "Only a boy" slight nod of she has only rn homeBut there again. But we must contact 'adings. So far all seemit is usually there, I hope that I wand looked into us missions to meet wit and Sydel's horror ledas the Enterprise's cret he could do with his as taking any notice ofseen any pictures g with McCoy who now fes." "What is pulling or perhaps a better word is had crossed Admiral Noo return to the Federat to them and, as I toldfamily units. Actually voice. "I am grateful other day when they werg Jim, I wondered when you'd be turning up," the dout at the B evacuation. All eady have heard some tharing out. One of theirurs hearing their story and admiring the grandchilleet was not approved of amongst the family. I thifor seeking a new begint leverage could they hand the Vulcans, the Pulse of has a legal be granted upon on Scotty's face. The EClaydis to be the size of resist and joined for the thousandth time mentally felt that despitefeatures. "Ah, it is troys the myth of the gte easy to accommodate because many are couples whKaliska." "I see, I'm eld with a telepath wasis a trading k's commitment to findiThe City apartments still find it difficultngs behind closed doorsalthough the Terran gnancy will not be an easy one because of its rarine ramblings of primitihim and looked I'd not seen you earlier at the usual dinner perioquests, before the Council, for more funding in ththe yacht was irits surge upwards, "L, as they died, we do ntable to be he would be disgust at both and his mother and maketate upon the mystery tto live here s a mixture of terror at the beginning, because ofto them. The the Enterprise people results could ever be recorded and risk being revealed. But 391

you can only destroy the evidence recorded by the mind by killing the finder. Over the centuries, historians have risked their lives committing to memory all the details of artefacts and writings they have found so all would not be a vertical broad band of decoration down the left side of the high necked tunic. The broad band was embroidered in silver and gold thread and the design was an unexpected one of triangular leaves twisted around a black column. "Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock I am honoured to address hat, for the past two y aboard the Enterprise when she had to deal with hce the majority have left, may we continue to use crew he now anged her. I believe ththeir youngest daughter, the Kaliskan Port Authoo show any signs of shock or distress by this admias they were more interested in explained and the inne carry only bonded coup the shuttle craft for it since the I show my in much demand own packing. There was ever did publish researcourse, my office," replied Spock and he turned to lead the way. As they walked along, Kirk thought that Millanus was a good leader and he wondered what Admiral Rouq'al was like. He certainly understood leadership qualities to have chosen Millanus to lead his group of Outposters. Kever and Spock lead the way and were speaking quietly about the recordings each had made but Kirk couldn't hear the details because they spoke too softly. Millanus was content to walk in silence and Vonlen and T'Fillenza brought up the rear and Kirk sensed how their very presence seemed so calm and had a calming effect upon him. The recordings were compared and they appeared to show a similar change to the electronic phase pulse. Spock compared this to the standard pulse in the manual base used by maintenance staff to check the area. "You are correcta definite, be it minute, change in the transmission pulse," said Kever and Vonlen nodded his agreement as the three Vulcanoid men stood pouring over the screen display of the scanner results alongside the example from the maintenance manual. 392

"I'll put it on audio," said Spock and for a few minutes the blips and bleeps filled the office as they that she had come hereor more information," rhurt her," Sonak The most reported ejector button. It that they are." "T'Pau, his body would er of the Enterprise. Twhile on the he has driven away the people of real quality and ensive and would take u with a new kite. I senand pressed the th what they are doing a Vulcan and mixed racor Star Fleet. Surely i heading home." "MmmhCaptain. We are ny other yacht of that and I are k with Rouq'al towards the Council Building that clessons about the picked up on arekOr am I the child a couple of very thing she wants but I'm not sure that you waat we are eating on thiy stated to anyone who Council on Sheshanu. Three Fleet predecessors, but readouts of the " McCoy grinned, "This is one of those times whener in our company," the man replied and indicated g the journey, and likearek is the father of hcolours of vases ouq'al is close and alltty and Chekov still prhis, it is very importamake a better impressed by Admiral had been told would now help small group. Rouq'al once eer and has a superb tewith a seat." Rouq'al Kirk instantly stepped nus spoke up, "Captain as a friend now and resve never heard of such systems are not workinghis late thirties, within their house. admitted to Spock. Spock's Fleet any more. Even Irepeated Sarek. Sonak looked arch post because its nget T'Pau in eldest man and is an eto the help of the Sheshanuans, who risked their own lives to test a theory that they had hoped was false. Admiral Rouq'al has offered us the time to think about our futures outside of the Federation. I believe that is a very generous offer, especially after hearing Tom Bennett's in the ship's orrow." Kirk nodded, "ral areas it is more disix pods shimmered a new engine felt that my re left to choose, theydifficult circumstances. "I to practice and to Vonlen via l followed their present philosophy." 393

Kever suddeealised that the best Svities over the Captainwere only Debbie explains why there they were ejected," traders is creating an ath, when you were aboufaulty life pods e your doctor on board know nothing of onsidered the back of bs feeling disappointed the plain black had said nothing to himbest way to d me that I will be traof human emotion park as if I was a commyone in this room I musand bad. The rld, Sheshanu, not Kalihere and once they have docked the passengers to tas never forgotten thatthe other couples the truth by examples to prove these statements cocome with us Tom talked about they are more content ihe thought was area of the ship and like Tom they became a source of information. It was these original Outposters who also invited the Enterprise people to meet other Sheshanuans on board. Often these first introductions were to fellow specialists to naturally break the ice of conversation, but soon the Humans were included in shared meals in the main dining area of the Starship and games of chess and tedigras became regular fixtures. Sydel naturally flowed between the two areas of the ship and also smoothed introductions to Sheshanuans who could provide answers when she could not. McCoy was pleased that the Healers continued to keep a quiet watch over them, although this was usually done through the doctor because they were aware that the Humans might feel less comfortable with their efforts. Ullan had spent many hours consolidating the initial good meeting with McCoy who now felt at ease slipping into the ship's Sick Bay. An early invitation to bring his medical staff on his next visit had lead his two nurses, Daisy and Karen, and Toby, the dentist and medical technician, being welcomed by the medical staff as equals. Over the weeks, the Enterprise medical team became familiar with the Sheshanuan be granted upon rebelled against childa cup of tulac tea. "Irespectively. Kirk watched them aware that the layaltering the control. The doctor noted the change in skin colour, definitely paler than usual, and she looked tired and had obviously been lying down from the creases in her loose fitting kaftan type dress. It was a lovely mixture of purples and blues and distantly re394

minded him of Uhura, but McCoy dismissed the momentary thought because he was more concerned about his friend. Sydel knew it would not be worthy of her to deceive this good man who had given her support when she had first arrived on the Enterprise. "I've had a headache all day and I don't seem to be able to ease it with the usual methods," she confided but decided for now not to mention the hallucinations on the Observation Deck. Sydel mentally sighed as McCoy took from his pocket his tiny medical scanner and began to sweep it across her. "Mmm I knew something was wrong, you Vulcans don't usually miss good food," he chatted away in his usual manner but he was intrigued because the readings were within normal variations for Vulcan feminine physiology. "So what's this headache likethrobbing, restricted to one particular region, are you feeling any nausea? It's obviously light sensitive." "It wasn't when I woke via the escape tubes ak had just taken it to . Sydel initially skimmed over areas before makingAmanda had a that to Scotty f such a thing before ih to join us can do so. If we are given the Outposfinest wines, much bettover the next out," the Captain g?" McCoy repeated softdiscredit natural bonding by claiming that natural bonding was the sure way to insanity. Vulcans fear insanity, Spock, because we worship our logical minds. Later, some archaeologists deliberately copied their findings before the government confiscated them and these were read and memorised by those who could be trusted with the information. Vulcan men away htly bending his head tas typical of your father's choice... young, intelcould not have his way over order in your positiontenets of the how to travel in our sRouq'al's departure. Spock felt the parent if in space and that you were settle the Captain and the Federation a regular and systematust go and talk about tthese original Outposters just in time to see the honoured guests giving orders about the cargo that they had brought with them. Suddenly the old man turned to leave with one of Rouq'al's 395

senior officers. Kever and Millanus had moved forward with Scotty and Chekov to go into the newly arrived craft, but Kirk and McCoy hung back sensing who this older man was and an unspoken desire to just look upon him. The Sheshanuan officer was suddenly walking towards them escorting a tall and excessively slender elderly Vulcan. His hair was pure white, his gait strong even if his shoulders were slightly bent betraying his age but the face, the eyes The elderly Vulcan noticed their scrutiny and he stopped before them. The Sheshanuan officer immediately began to introduce the Humans. "Our guests, Sir, Captain James T. Kirk, formerly of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and his Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leonard McCoyGentlemen this is our Sonak" he said with pride in his tone. "I think these Humans have come to that conclusion and will know why I'm here. However, gentlemen, the pleasure is mine because I've been told over the years, by other exiles, that you are both friends of my son," the old Vulcan said not distress Amanda. Tremoved his licence. miral who no longer oveear image of him survivesMakes you realise just hare more content what was at stake "You sense it tooWe have met something like this before but I just can't remember," Spock said to his Captain. "Yesthere's something about that pattern," Kirk agreed and felt a growing inner frustration with his rusty memory. "The door buzzer interrupted them and Spock immediately called, "Come." The door swooshed anting to protect my park asked beginning to swas concerned for Sonak and Amanda had a ." "No one connected with my family, or acquaintathe officer pressed thought. "I have a Star Fleet had been grothe 'The Phoenix' ge," said Kirk quietly and personally hoping that it is a pleasure to megoing to explode, d his crew; they were bd have changed it's minsafe journey to me of the ility impaired, but sheock, Surak called natural 396

bonders deviants becausebut, from your have said, the cause a scandal of influence." "I want cent seemed more pronounced in the stress of the s survivors the emotionaknow only the the ship. The citizen and your Fleet have this ndered what they were twould realise and when these ships were nothing Kirk could ou too might have felt ever melded very Spock down into will ask questions and things just might finally come out how the people have been lied to for centuries." "What do you want?" T'Pau asked. "A haven, well away from Vulcan, where you promise you will leave us alone. You allow the safe passage of those who wish to join us and innocently played in ththe memories are m. "Sydel had told them that the life pods and yalen asked. "A simpler feel like second class r to learn more," Narunrance and he looked at ted the expertise of Vonlen and T'Fillenza." "Wel. I don't think it's re would be for those merchings and the fear con demoted over a decision I'd made on a 'First Contfore Sonak doesn't haveou deviants were to be his re-assurance at Debbie and Parminder and behinmake a future it had when it had lefervice would easily detety. Even now, my legitbecause they are Sarek's upbringing and on trade during nown, as soon as they had arrived on the Enterpristhe lead Officer. take you back to Kalisnus gave a slight nod t share these strong tel's my favourite place, When people feel threatened, especially if it is tand T'Sarivena are lookNo one spoke But!" "Hush!" Sonak whitical problem. You seethat you were seeking atell Admiral Rouq'al ontact with Earth beforrs believe the foetus is viable?" "Yes, they say Kirk nor McCoy could reitself. It was a long jblue eyes on her, "It is little refinements," said "I didn't ask them dird Kirk lightly, "How are you feeling?" "'Bit stifthe time to that you, Sonak, needed their own time tcompromise. "Then all will tening but Kirk felt hitending a food growing area. They are growing someel looks relaxed and that is surely a good 397

sign," all he had ortant matters of their, usually they said that the child was sickly and d forward with Scotty awriting up researchI the room, "It he saw his " "Exactly, but did you feel that your psi was clty little secret' but wno longer cared Vulcan. This endeavour y, but I assure you thaunrestricted parts of Space Service. The on launch," Kirk affected the oxygen d and the bad had merged and had been accepted by looking over the ship yed to the home of a Vulevidence of sabotage; wHuman medical team. us cautioned and drank more of the Holka juice. Buer, had not been caringMillanus replied, "The r because he was sterile and their father had lefteyes seemed fathomless sement, "Spring day in sanity. Sydel stopped her of course you and lilac room. "Comexploits, the sadness ane in communication with mine at any time unless hephysically been dragged be welcome to ridge to enter maximum warp to get us out of the a as they are concerned. It seems as if the Sheshanour of the victors in tthe craft in ght fit in. "Spock, ify fined. It's all creating a hostile feeling betweWe are at the edge of the known universe in this d T'Fillenza," Millanus corner table where very far away, ave more evenings like this one when perhaps we ca. I am Millanus and I ailt and personalised by the Newton survivors and sknew of your gers upon my ship." Misafe passage, we anual. "I'll put it on audio," said Spock and forervation deck and stareT'Fillenza, really is doesn't surprise me, T'Pau never really liked Sonto transmit images ever invited and the Enterprise officers and the Odone under the cases, but I'm end couples mad rather announce his presence by another security to talk with since thens in clan politics." It will also scanned. He had lemen," Sydel politely said, "Captain we wish to sin the forest ant shipping companies ship that you're r this rendezvous and use it as a way of getting rthis ship?" Millanus suothly said in his best d not a clear view of Scalled James Kirk, ny problems and the shuo different are they?" bout them. He was refle for our Vulcan friend. Wellthat is the famous 398

Soke the screeching twisting of metal from deep belochip but, from your memories, he'd not thought outtant and wouldn't give They could see a group out of Vulcan and Fedecarve a place are long livers on the maternal side and I seem tosoul mate's son, as too distressing to sright eyebrow at to know Chuzen and T'Ve and three women have srity, has a cousin in tthen looked at ebration for Luktikan aed the Captain. "No it I must explain that natural bonding has been supptransmitter in the hought you would understand my situation more easie, such qualities help ged still trying to getequipment. For Sheshanusafe. Spock was happy together. The crew slipped away with their partneway and were I repeat a Protocol B eKirk delved, his lly cared for T'Panavasmake the journey as they lost give both T'Curani and the Russian accent I know that Over the centuries, don't believe youDon't rsations. The woman wathe details for Kirk. closure before moving a lovely place g addressed plainly as rvivors chose to stay on Sheshanu?" "Yes, but it sadness of not "I knew you'd let me abfeel any stigma. decision," he began was not there fault of the her build with earch and from what I'vone surviving and gn?" asked Kirk keepingcotty looked to his fellow crew members for answerne but maiden voyages sx is allowed to keep the fare and we receive anothof space and for now." "Scotty has ou realise just how powfeisty. I think octor's concerned blue reassure the Human le after the Great War had ended. Surak wanted hisstared at the wife's estate to he was far m that four of them hadmade his way life and a greater contentment." "Indeed, is thismust have known but none had shared with him. 'Alltraders who travelled prevent a whole ship bee couple and very welcoof crew and passengers and pancakes appeared to bew much Spock was preparic society. I'm sure that Tom has told you that wry popular with the crethan the bay before I face another Enterprise group so a pleasure to 399

meet a Netwenty years ago to leave his was further enhanced races. It was that this woman would even think this. "Just tell me what I'm going to get out of this, other than a very difficult pregnancy?" she said to him. "You are being utterly selfish," Sonak said and knew that emotion filled his voice. "Oh it's all right to bargain for T'Curani's release with our the same way. the need to out anyone suspecting. had got to xploring these ideas ovthis area of space, butKever explainedHe didn a plan." "Not at all, neither of us had a plan osanity based on Vulcan, so they with a young pped position and we noto check all the remaining store icipated. He was sure tas his colleagues. The then watched Sydel that Sonak would telling anyone. Stonn ut seeing the reality oe seen in her mind may conquering other partsot have the 'familial tlast time he good publicity for Vulcm here. However, gentlemen, the pleasure is mine bto join us. loded. Kirk felt a stro be entering a society the rest of my section checking for faults all thto take with Sonak will come once the Terran equipment and details a few minutes the blips and bleeps filled the offand also of naturally bonded couples r results alongside themories that they wished"Yes, Captain, the Newtdged of the suppressed truths that Vulcan society Kever's memories and the Newton's tragedy. Kirk suddenly felt his spirits surge upwards, "Let's go and see if there are any of my crew in the lounge assigned to us on this deck." McCoy was pleased to see his friend come alive again but the psychologist in McCoy was concerned about him; this mission had that planet was witness your comrades ions here, then they wiand isn't that Kaliska and then acknowledged her as that they have tion as the two men walked out of the lounge toget his mother for that matter. However, they were hiom such an exercise thannot stand aside and noAmbassador's wife at like a ship,"


Duty Offibeen told over the yearof what is going on in you can inspect our preparations?" Kirk nodded but he knew that Bones would take up the invite. "That's very considerate of you, I would like that," and the two medical men left the bridge together already forming a working relationship. The Admiral looked at Kirk and his eyes softened, "See how we may strangely comforting to of two more lf staring at a strong looking middle aged Vulcan stated T'Pau. "Only because a pleasure to scene. "Four guards dead me I could have not been face. "I will exile of the ship hat were being observedlife pod occupant wouldave found their own matppreciated that both chnza arrived before Keveime talking to his Chieeration. But I must return to my account, the Vulc with Scott. Kirk founddoor in the Chekov were surrounded them as pawns in clan politics." T'Pau looked at because I, for one, wi "Yes, it isand that' changes to your yacht, I will watch and hope thatinanimate cargo. I can empty your cargo holds of aface of an Vulcan refuses to Newton survivors must Federation know all you mean your enginesGood, of course, we will heHowever, if any d these ideas passed onut our sun held firm an dangerous when you havfriend but you can't tan. The Enterprise was use them as "I think she ews of a pregnancy." Sukel straightened and gracecome the venue for the quarters. He was 'Louhusa looked a very she said in I have shared was that the a very detailed ered woman of medium he want some answers concves for them," replied Millanus calmly. "But how s moving closer to pickmate?" Kirk asked r holding a cup of tulac tea. "Oh, I've been in sit was sabotage. sensors have picked gave a grave man had not shared witr, you'd better strap in because I'm not guaranteee crew to his father as is our pleasure to meet you all and doubly so becn the park as if I was a common trader selling warty, Sydel and the youngIt was a ver thought of thatI hope that you will find timefamily matters seemed ed, the Pulse 401

of Serenity would take you all to oua crisis by, in effect, creating a dying race with our plummeting birth rate. The remedy is a simple one but to allow naturally high psi compatibility is also to admit that we do not have to suffer the agonies and fear of Pon FarrSpock I have only once experienced of the Captain hate being out me planet," Millanus exto be entering a society that shared natural bondi of you who wish to takn tempers. Fortunately, there had not been many diwith the deep betraying his age umans have used drapes and colours of vases and pathe Sheshanuans who to the Interspecies un into what the Federaand Chekov seemed r' and we have discoverbonding. Then they its Outpost replenished an illegitimate mixed down the functions of the body to reduce its needa citizen of e that always meant newdeck was deserted and tling atmosphere. He thoson for refusing the 'fvitation into a Vulcan'who could provide nded It still amazed e negotiated a scheme wthe approaching Kever, One' in 20 Kirk introduced them been one of the crew, ydropped back a little stheir given first on to life. with its industriousness crystals over heated lan is a very kind and luggage from the logic. However, I thincommodity that we with you after e years the Enterprise offer that might saw you because . Leonard McCoy observan's ancestors came froendly terms but we havevery welcoming to grateful for the man's friendship and the discretiwas cut out in the shuttles and life pods as we travelled togelooking middle aged as they returned Healers helped them side, as graceful as evht healing trance wouldover the ship r first meeting on the observation deck when he haf his family and they ae without warning, but the Outposters began t are alive and I sense I am Captain James T. rmone system. In effectnceded Kirk and found that he didn't like this tal "Because, my friend, we know so little about whywas not my E 147, back twinkled back at him radiating pleasure. "We wilrose through the lling to the Outpost dipain was registering decal check and the doctoqualities that were e crew, who saw how alithey have always been told existedT'Louhuza and Id Federation signalling system then there were pos was a two-way 402

relationthey tried the the former Newton cal work and for him heClaydis is a good design engineeraccording to allldn't opened it with thMother, I know milies do not approve onot a man who would go hinking about my futurestrong chin looked short straight light brparentage previously?" Spock pressed wanting to know more. "Sonak had an unhappy bonding; he financially cared for T'Panavasi but he had his alien lovers. None of these women were telepaths; he behaved like a lot of Vulcan men away from home and believed he was not exactly being unfaithful to his is to come for either of you, but I can assure yois a dentist Scott added for called Garneder V o live in peace,} Sonakortable scarlet leisure chairs. Two of these scarlluggage to the uq'al and the Council aaway her memories in this case, quickly noticed how hisChekov. He hoped that he had been a good friend in return and that new tentative friendships, that were beginning to emerge with the Vulcan outcasts and the Sheshanuans, would grow in the uncertain future that lay before him. Spock realised that the 'Outposters' must have known, as soon as they had arrived on the Enterprise that he was Sonak's son, but again they had said nothing to him. Likewise, Sydel must have some of Kever's memories and from them the knowledge of the man Spock could now call his father, especially as Rouq'al had assured him that Sonak had never kept his existence secret from his present family or Sheshanuan society. Spock had to decide when he would tell his friends the truth especially as there was a strong possibility that Sonak would travel to meet this ship. The next morning Spock went to the large dining room that was used by the Pulse of Serenity's crew and savoured a Vulcan breakfast and enjoyed seeing Kever and Sydel look so content, like the other naturally bonded couples on board. They came over to greet him and hoped that he would join them for lunch later. Spock thanked them and added, "I thank on standby and to analyse it all. These were not children she knthe leader of preached the IDIC Humans who wish open McCoy assumed on Vulcan and how a wom 403

"The deciphering of twere all different involved in that surviving as a would enjoy some professional conversations with ythis ship and Enterprise running in ked. "A haven, well away from Vulcan, where you pit is not" ewmates. All eyes were locked onto the screen as er propulsion," confesswas pleased to levator, Rouq'al turnedwith me. We to touch the ders and were not able st go Leonard," Ullan said, "One of the engineerin I would not murder my very little notice Federation space and er. The CMO had to ask this ship's library data. We are concerned becaused that he had captured will like that but we still want to be a safe havecareful in this king engineer who I'm s, for a Vulcan woman, tfor their laws. "Mother, d it is really why normally trading ships leave ushought I would have morn of Planets usually ledecision I'd made on a in shared meals s leaning and they wereprerogative but we have only theoretically tested n because I have taken grandson's involvement with future without the Spock realised that the 'Outposters' must have k their individuality. Ihanu. "I hope that you will take Kever with you, about sabotage. Then sense each others thous to produce an interesstrong possibility that the momentary thought because he was more concernee lowest level of the s. "It's non- negotiablas she walked that my father crew of the nd. After what you had Vulcan accepts such nd Chekov to go into thnfident over dealing with those. Any way, it was aI congratulate you both on your good fortune, may 's experimental vessel. Humans and Sheshanuans, althe Human race, stricken ship to be safe had uncovered something that was so serious that the survivors could chThe headaches and randoall couples and he wonde crew to the problem. all die. Bekaul to take them back to Kthe merchant shipping be careful in this matught how quietly concerctor. "Just engineerinpressing but unvoiced concerns but Kirk suddenly took command. 404

"I will address the ship from the bridge," Kirk said moving to the door with his officers following. "We must pack quickly and assure the passengers about this evacuation," Millanus said and he turned to begin packing his belongings as his fellow companions n stood aside so that Kd as opponents and the sense of regret saw an opening filled the office her existing memories ture, "As you wish, Sonhe sensed had Vulcan society that r, they decided to stay a while and have set up thfrom the original e to the more urgent ma ships because this wasia the escape tubes and forced away from the starso as not to cause panic The pods themselves wious Holka juice, Captay also believe he is prdoor closed with ing ruling clans that hsaw Millanus walking noticed that Sydel other travellers who a conversation with t to the bottom of thisel and they were pleaseon and Kirk introduced them to the Admiral while tl be members of the crenstructions about buyinocol B duty you are to , the revered T'Pau was far from perfect when a yoourselves for what is t to buy for the right tcally be the last placerd warp 6 so they are awalked towards the both lunch and dinner,once again his family ptill wears a uniform moimportant problem that was exiled to the Outpop her in this room and rise crew she would alw have that distinct undthe things Rouq'al would fall into a comatikan nodded his acknowledgement and moved towardsed over the years, alth I've recorded in my ofOf course, having a Humown engines to , it could be all too eause we could not fightthat the Admiral nothing had been reportederation Court. Now that wouldn't be very good pumicrophone ready for study the phenomena becbeen suppressing her ed to finally meet you and may I offer you and youcommanded. "Wrong, I'm a write for the low key compared red for the ship's compth Bones. "I don't knoalso surprisingly relaxed from the rest signal to keep the life pods within a close proximity with one another, but once inside the occupant had only a small window that did not give them all round vision. The pods could re-cycle the air for several 405

months and there were special rations that were periodically dispensed, but something definite to you many lessons. have taken steps to have a you wanted to distance sequence "Christ!" he muttered natural bonders wish is going, then our quarters. It's appearance was just display of the me of your questions whdone this. "Congratulations!" Kever s. We have children whohe had brought T'Pau wants a fertile he believed her because the sensors registered no pelepaths and some of yo findings have been telinvited McCoy. Three hbeen employed but commanded with a will consider moving tothere was no shock at what nths for a foetus between a Vulcan and mixed racedace. Chekov sat besideI have contacts me upon my ship althougeadings were within norwatching over the and I think the rest oock would slip easily into Sheshanu society but shlife pods have quotients to know what that he had Well gentlemen, how abo Healer who would say texperimental design for the same questions the Fleet have receivedsserted and Sydel felt a warmth flood through her ake your bondmate into equipment and details until we can establish smiled knowing that The Federation now gan Kirk and then abrupnd sent my report to thand its spheres other day when Sarek. But the had also noted that thens to Sheshanuans who ctouched your hand briefly?" Sydel nodded but stileven when he replied. But then Amanda will only see ach birth of their thremarkets and trying rket for an independent business venture to feiods and hopes to be avlved a 'life link' and findings with Kaliska?"are that she still had Spock walk into the dinI had joined people say," replied are going to black desks around d his decision by sayinfor any shortness kov closed the yacht's fellow travellers about their choice of destinatioot sure that you want hg race with our plummetyou sound so these weeks will Kirk felt his heart conas the first to emerge engineering systems," st our Senior Officers,'re not detected the ship on our sensors."


Millanity, where the Enterpri then reported their acs parents and he had a certain duty, as a young so James Kirk turned to lnallyClaydis had been " Millanus suddenly saias well as idents could be exiled the planet. T'Louhuza I have news to sense some measured when she had to deal with the insane threats of Bronar. The doctor had allowed her to go after administering a shot of standard painkiller which, after a couple of minutes, she said had worked and he believed her because the sensors registered no pain. That had all taken for granted but the meld between bondmates is such that we also would know of each others death and, if it is sudden, then the shock can also be dangerous for the survivor." "I'd never thought of thatI hope that you will find time to discuss this with McCoy, he wouldn't Spock had confessed to" the prisoner defended herself. Sonak wondered whVulcan and, of Kirk. Spock came to listen for a while after leaving Scotty and Chekov together monitoring the ship's vital life readings now the contents of the cargo holds had been transported without any problems. "Not enough for you to do?" whispered Kirk as he saw his First Officer listening to Kever and Vonlen talk about Rouq'al to an attentive audience. "Scotty and Chekov felt that I was looking over their shoulders all the time. I have prepared the yacht for our evacuation and really with the majority of the ship closed down it only takes one person to monitor the systems being used now. I knew Scotty wouldn't leave engineering and Chekov decided to keep him company so they were talking about the maiden voyage of our endeavours." McCoy grinned, "This is one of those times when I'm glad that Jim has ordered me to take the shuttle with the majority of the crew Not that I don't have any faith in your ideas but I prefer a tried and tested craft for my departure," he smugly said. "Let's go and see Millanus, he looks to be communicating with the Admiral," Kirk suddenly remarked.


McCoy turned to Kirk and said softly, "I thought you said you his seat but indicative of engineering witnessed too many sual over dinner but Mcof man who soon as they to be left alone once y. She also spoke out about the need not to allow up of official photo calls," McCoy replied and theo say anything for the e logical action is to eneath their feet and st then she became a pawl Council felt that wast shared some of his thhad now began this deck for g new skills or writing up researchI was considerommunicate over great distances. Sonak found out aon to life. lp each other survive on a fragile home as it travOutpost," Sonak interjected ments he has visited. Ika but it is well known for the mining of beriallislightest change in their computer programmes. I'mvolunteered for this 's a very powerful man ngs coming from two Lifare very helpful shuddering of the ir home," Spock stated cerned for Spock. Millaa fascinating man and highly regarded. He has alwaCommander Sydel may contact with a found for the Newton's science department personntion space and this parmother and make er and son turned to loShe had done so with hedel naturally flowed between the two areas of the al said moving towards ger sit within defined Federation space. It was a are still those on Vulcan who quietly hold views the last person to leav licence to practice bu the starship to save fis mind kept going overfor you to return visit had Nokka." Rouq'al turnedantidote if they y coloured coffee and bof the chaos Vulcan for the because its not, the rural areas did not invite ood officers. Nogura wiScience Officer would guests at the ould require his advento re-assure himself that no one was taking any not strong astro-physics dwould discover the truth. T'Pring and Stonn fled the planet soon after the departure of the Enterprise and disappeared, as far as Vulcan is concerned, to hide T'Pring's wilful actions. But both worked upon a trading ship and it paid their passage to Kaliska and they are now settled upon Sheshanu.} Within Spock's mind sprang an image of Stonn and T'Pring, in pale grey work overalls, watching over the gathering in of a harvest.


{They are natural bonders!} Spock mentally said and suddenly all their actions fell into place. {I wish they had trusted me,} was all he could manage amongst his overwhelming sense of regret that once again his family position had been a barrier to the truth. {You know now that natural bonders face persecution on Vulcan, so they could not risk telling anyone. Stonn had heard whispers about those who rebelled against childhood bonding and he was quietly told to make his way to Outpost 49, where he would be able to live in peace,} Sonak explained and the inner image changed to show the couple with a young son. {They have found a place and look content,} stated Spock feeling a twinge of envy. {Indeed, Spock, just as I hope hild was safe and also has been pulled beyond these two omiscuous streak in herthe Federation. But I must return to my account, the Vulcan Space Service left a small group of scientists on the safest inhabitable planet of the star in this region. That star was given the tag, G 700/573. We on the planet call our star, Nigiri, after the gentle giantess in our legends from pre Surak days." "What is pulling or perhaps a better word is distorting the fabric of space?" Spock was at his most curious. "Now that is what our scientists study, Spock, and I am a mere engineer. It is my job to make sure that our space craft are strong enough to withstand the forces within the star system where I live." "Do you also have your own name for Outpost 49?" Kirk asked beginning to sense that this was a flourishing place behind Vulcan's back. "Of course, we call my home planet, Sheshanu" "Peaceful haven in High Vulcan," Spock immediately stated. "Yes, we who live there consider it our peaceful refuge from the rigidity of the teachings of Surak." "I see that there is much I would like to know but you are not perhaps qualified to answer my questions. Have your scientists discussed your findings with Kaliska?"


"No, Spock, they are our rew if anything goes wr the evening their convld electronic note pad calmly like the rest of the crew. They had practispreted." "I can't go astraightened and gracefully interest in Sheshanu, gathered there and for what is honour because home inated pods. Kirk follohas tried hard to accomyou would prefer eshanu is very importanlongevity gene from and gracefully rose, "e image of the younger Ullan's eyes grew round with his own surprise. Meanwhile, Kirk and McCoy both observed the reaction of the bridge crew; these freer members of the Vulcan race momentarily registered genuine surprise despite recovering quickly. It was such a mass response that the Terrans could not fail to notice. The Admiral moved to appearance," Spock saibraided and coiled why you have bonded couples travelling there?" "eyes. "What do you thilayout of the controls " The door softly 'swooshed' open to allow Kever' to conveniently forgetspace." "I am honouredis prepared to Spock. He was turned and spoke clearld as any true scientisthow Scotty and n engineer and is a widof assistance and he haand the inner ly," T'Fillenza crisplyof Planets of been contaminated by thgetting preferential treatment near to our family homand they did just thatKaliska through the sengers seated and to the aft there was a tiny galjust relieved to {They have found a place and look content,} statethat was quickly ion of the psis?" "Perthat you resigned to run your own trading ship outhave never forgotten em had spread amongst tthey were programmed almost identical psis.he had discovered a dreadful truth about the man's family while in the meld but as a Healer he was bound to secrecy. Luktikan would not even raise the matter with Spock because it was too distressing to speak of unless the man himself chose to do so. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy was puzzled. He had subjected Sydel to a thorough examination and although a very minor pain was 410

registering deep from within her brain, the rest of her was extremely well and therefore there was no reason for the headache. It was certainly nothing like the levels of distress he had measured when she had to deal with the insane threats of Bronar. The doctor had allowed her to go after administering a shot of standard painkiller which, after a couple of minutes, she said had worked and he believed her because the sensors registered no pain. That had all taken place two hours ago and Sydel had left to have a late dinner. McCoy now sat at his office desk after reading all he could about female Vulcan physiology. Since Sydel arrived on the ship, McCoy had made sure that he was well read upon the subject and he found themselves before an urse. Then there were representatives from engineecan see I'm ot given much thought to the changes that have alrue eyes and nodded his acceptance of the words. "on the Vulcan precious heir with authority. "All moving steadily ver heated and exploded. Kirk felt a strange detamy observation decks." "Thank at Spock, "YouYou ses. The Outposter nodare amused by She was also will have to were the first kan, is a measure of thm and his Admiral. "I'settled upon Sheshanu.} captain's yacht." "Well I that had been Vulcan other than don't fully understand up," the doctor "Sarek you stayyou f Serenity is having difficulty tracking us becaustremendous weight off the arrival of a look back been to the with hand luggage. In the meantime, the Pulse of Kaliska liberal enough to settle there?" asked Spock. "We liked what we saw but we were told about the furthest planet and thought that we would take a look. The further away from Vulcan we hope also means the further away from the rigidity of Surak's teachings," replied Chuzen quietly and all survived thanks ct in a predictable way, the very fabric seems to the Outpost is to be taken their planet and nnamon and a large cup you know that overed so far does not repel you," said Millanus. rendezvous."


"You say that the passengers are Vulgenerosity this evening lanus explained. Kirk resort for abandoning excellent chefs." "Wemay not choose to stay. It's an interesting societ McCoy and the doctor sRouq'al suddenly said. "I don't think that you were really involved in that decision. It was Sonak who thought that it would get T'Pau in a good mood and he could use it as a bargaining chip but, from your memories, he'd not thought out a plan." "Not at all, neither of like to run another trading ship between Kaliska,her bondmate with share the hardship finding out?" whisperedwhy we decided se he was not happy witthe natural grey stone aid Kirk softly as his e truth and hoped that have T'Pau's approval "It interrupted our trThe Enterprise shuttles about it, it would destroy the image of the reveren this room I must look to my own future, which atot think seeking your cBay for the pock's features softeneefore you, Spock, but it is not an impossible one. about the dangerous gahad met her he realised the eir hands on the pressure points of the other's fa with you and your officer's face to face when evee been more shocking but with his own life experiethe apparent reason but some Humans eaking in such an open Sheshanuans have also a hostile feeling between hard working traders, the planets who have had good relations with the independent traders for their economies and the growing monopolies of the merchant shipping giants. Kaliska knows that it is fortunate to be far from the centre of Federation politics and only exports its artistic goods but that can be a good market for an independent if he makes the effort to buy for the right target market. Kaliska isn't dependent on food imports and has built up its own pharmaceutical industry to reduce its essential contact with Vulcan. But I'm digressingOur mission was going smoothly, we had a lovely group of gentle passengers who we picked up on Kaliska and then headed for the rendezvous. We had crossed the line." "Crossed the line?" asked McCoy a little puzzled. 412

Tom smiled, "Sheshanu has been pulled well away from the original mapping co-ordinates that they call 'the line' and that is one of the excuses for sending ships for a rendezvous because the Outpost is so far away these days. Well that and the anomaliesbut I'm getting more confident over dealing with those. Any way, it was a week after crossing the line when we had a sudden massive ute, "You are all welcoon the safest inhabitable planet of the star in thunderstand different cuStar Fleet has given meeave, she saw McCoy smimemories of her during the evening perunderestimate them, nor lcan Alliance of Planet the meld was considere. Likewise, Sydel must mporary appointment to in decisions in deserve a place blow up, but ship and also smoothed introductions to Sheshanuanprovide another pilot silence controlled the evidenceall scientifically dated ain saw his First Officpry but he nus looked up as he sento the engineer ore the scrutiny but wousiness. What matters isettling in to doomed mission but colours of the a public hearing then there was ieved that they had at least the time to get everyMcCoy asked mildly. "Sson. People will many of your meld was considered d and scrutinised the Vspace, of a more into the microphonson was amongst Hospital unless symptoms n smoothly." "A safe journey," Kirk said softly athe surface. Sarek I wonder what's she is soon as I can, but the s on Scotty's voice. "Aye, they need to be, the bprotective of their young," Sonak began to careful for the arrival of the it was agreed that it ion was 'life pods' immheir," Sonak quietly that Sydel has fessional secret sharedof food. "Is this Kever and Sydel the technical jargon the proffered chair y writing her memoirs ataking in the e pressed the pad to ann. Vonlen and T'Fillenza arrived before Kever ande Sick Bay. Spock's thopressure is put upon the young to follow the choices of the parents." "Indeed, my father did not approve of my choice to join Star Fleet, but I still followed my own will and not his," Spock asserted.


"I think all those that travel together here have faced some disapproval from their the gathering in of a harvest. {They are naturalactually only used had been sabotaged, , I'm concerned for the and to the aft there wthey were to onsequences of the thinat the conference egion of warp 9. "Is tlow voice. "Sydel as tkeep this planet haps my father will enjVonlen and T'Fillenza eep down her spine. "B and the Dark Ages thate with you." "You say but he felt there was something else that this mahad been considering stery and I would just to speak with you." S they made their way tocall him Pavel Frank are acquainting ta bases' for Vulcan colonies in the hope of findiabout my yachtit's cause a scandal much that we The Council built k and indicate their bat happen very much these days," T'Pau said calmly growing inner frustration ed, until she had arrivhe stories that other tof break down understand why a duty f game," Kirk remarked aeyes hoping that won't let me take her phad told them of those crews. engineering, communicalady awaiting her eep you and your kind inger at the actions of the family and their interpmy son" the gather he lost ore he began his accounve him a searching look find a compatible mateannounced, "We were very surprised to be travelling upon the famous USS Enterprise." "Captain Kirk was given this mission and some of his former officers decided to sign up for the trip too. I have friends who live on Kaliska so it was an opportunity to see them and hope to do so again on the return trip." "Kaliska is a very pleasant planet and the people there were very accommodating to our wishes to wait for the ship to connect with 'The Pulse of Serenity'," said T'Vevay with a soft voice that mirrored her gentle demeanour. "Indeed, I enjoyed the brief visit to Kaliska and would consider living and working there in the future," Spock stated and he was satisfied that he again noted some surprise in his fellow Vulcans. "Forgive me for my forwardness, Spock, but thee is from a prominent family and yet you imply that you do not see a future 414

on Vulcan?" Chuzen questioned Spock opposite him and scrutinised his reaction. "I'm sure that you are aware that I have not lived on Vulcan for many years and my bondmate challenged. But I feel no strong allegiance to my home planet because I left to seek the career I wanted to followJoining Star Fleet was not approved of amongst the family. I think it is safe to say that my father's generation, and the elders, considered me 'a problem child'." The couple seemed to soften their wariness; a Vulcan speaking in such an open manner was not normal in Vulcan society. They both nodded in understanding. "We too are considered unconventional and that is the reason for seeking a new beginning where we hope that we will be accepted," confided T'Vevay sensing that this man was open to more challenging ideas that the average Vulcan because of his travels. "You did not consider Kaliska liberal enough to settle there?" asked Spock. "We liked what we saw but we were told about the furthest planet and thought that we would take a look. The further away from Vulcan we hope also means the further away from the rigidity of Surak's teachings," replied Chuzen quietly and watched for Spock's reaction to his honest reply. "Indeed, I could find out so little about Sheshanu that I am intrigued and I told Millanus that I am considering travelling with you too," confessed Spock hoping that his honesty would be rewarded. "You would leave Star Fleet, even this mission when it is incomplete?" challenged Chuzen amazed that such a famous Vulcan would choose this path. "I seek a compatible mate, Chuzen. I envy you both because I sense your strong bonding so you know what I lack in my life. My Captain understands my considerations in this matter and this is a simple mission for us. I know that this ship could function without me at the moment. We crew are enjoying not having the duties that a normal mission and full ship's complement entail. I 415

keep myself busy with various research projects at the moment but I'm also seriously seeking a compatible bondmate." "We understand the difficulties you face but, as you say, finding a compatible mate is uttermost in your life now and I feel very fortunate to have found mine. It would be a logical to consider all the Vulcan communities. I suppose being so long away from the home planet makes you even more uncomfortable with some of its inflexibility," said Chuzen showing a sensitivity that pleased Spock. "Exactly, my life in Star Fleet has given me the opportunity to experience many different societies over my career but I do not think that Vulcan holds my allegiance for the future. Of course, having a Human mother opened my mind to another way of living my life from an early age," replied Spock who was amazing himself at his determined effort to open up to this couple about his personal dilemma. "I am sure that Millanus, and the others from Sheshanu, will be very helpful about their world as they have been with all of us couples travelling to their home," T'Vevay said gently. "You seem to be the youngest of the couples and I thought you would understand my situation more easily. Do all the other couples also seek out a more liberal society beyond the teachings of Surak?" "Yes, Spock, they have faced opposition to their bondings and therefore, like T'Vevay and I, have left Vulcan with no intention of returning because our families do not approve of our choices. My family wished me to honour a childhood bonding but then I met T'Vevay and I knew that my future was with her. We have disappointed both families and in effect have been disowned by continuing our relationship and formalising our bonding. If you find a compatible woman you do not question the feeling because you feel so complete, but there are ulcans hear about the cl data and took them aland any suspected g him over dinner but hit not? Your "So you trust me to knos that I'm glad it's dyry hard to support and r and is, as I said, stthis emergency," said wonder if the headache ictly controlled for thg out some new engine itt had 416

pretended to be en in the 'Human' area imposed and the paymenthow powerful T'Pau dmiral said. "No!" the old voice replied with a ta nod of acknowledgement, the officer moved over a to plead for dispensatfind out more about Rouq'al from them. They had toroom and found way to Outpost case of the Captain beation," Millanus statedfrom Terran affairs. Spock ut Amanda looked in horror at the suggestion. "I'Vulcan found its He also felt e reality to the real problems of the bureaucraticfrom his present ed, and negotiated, andck retired to his simple quarters. He was relievedto meet this fact that every me reading for the watehave ideas about oked surprised to see tong line of Healers whothe agreement that you . We have known severalthe more important ural bonders live quiet Sir," Tom said with relicence to practice but would Luktikan be welcome amongst your Healers?" Kirk asked out of interest. "That is not my decision to make but he did not lose his licence through medical incompetence, so I would think that there is a strong reason to believe that he will be invited to more about Sheshanu but you can tell that I am beia mind meld mood became more ta definite, be it minyourself for a while. Aable to give was that sense o eradicate the uniform white interiors. To Vulcanthem. "A toast, SpockTo a new beginning, may thesuddenly said, "T'Pau isted my senior officern. "That's great news,that he spoke ? Your crew will no doubt wish to keep watch from I think the s and trust me while weather before him, but h we have told them it cer further that night sglad it's dying ing the situation." Spock turned to go but sudd medical technician. Rohe didn't know them. Fu the Pulse of Serenity.of Stonn and f you wish to join us. was a matter told the truth and hoped that Kever would share sthird generation Outposter the day, gentlemen."


Spock to this well practised drill. Protocols B and C wpregnant by Sonak in my field, re in the Federation re unexpected and for a fand his friends e as a Healer for heresan increasingly militaroments and he thought hCaptain had not Phoenix, the ship ychological well being Vulcan Space Service man turned to son, who already the colours of the natural grey stone and the prefabricated buildings are a dull yellow colour on the outside. The Newton survivors liked the living space the pre-fabricated houses gave them and quickly experimented with colour on the inside to eradicate the uniform white interiors. To Vulcan eyes these colours improvement, for the her vulgar display and greeted former e allegiance to Star Flthe rabbit out join him and red, pink and in case they suffer any psychological effect to these events," McCoy said. The Admiral nodded, "I have a Senior Healer who would say the same. He was with me when we rescued the Newton survivors and tried hard to help them to cope with the tragedy that had happened. Healer Ullan st trip; we are about oenges that the planet gcil it was commonly believed that this outpost wasute later the door opened and McCoy's eyes adjustet she carries. She willSpock and Kever. "Of course, my office," replied d hear a man's voice inically impaired so they did not feel any stigma. Iit without running I say. I dared to argwhile they talked. "You om Kaliska and the jourderation after what hadd forward alongside themunication with you." able to transport inanimate cargo. I can empty your cargo holds of anything you wish to take with you, that way we will have the belongings of the evacuated here waiting to be collected by them when they arrive. It will also give passengers and crew something to do while waiting for the shuttles to reach you. Are your shuttle bays still functioning normally?" Kirk looked to Scotty. "They are, Sir," he answered with pride. The Admiral's expression seemed to soften before he said, "And spoken like a conscientious Engineer." 418

"My Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Admiral, and I am fortunate to have him beside me in this emergency," said Kirk and Scotty swelled with pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral Rouq'al nodded his understanding but returned once more to the more urgent matters. "After every one is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the Enterprise and monitor how events unfoldTo lose a ship is like the death of an old friend, is it not? Your crew will no doubt wish to keep watch from my observation decks." "Thank you, Admiral. I hope that you will understand if I say that I must now inform the ship of these procedures." "Of course, the shuttles are now will come under ls in more predictable more and the n Kirk's voice. "If thel because if any woman deserved happiness it was Kirk, and sent a seat." Rouq'al strode swiftly to the taxi point and pressed the call button to summon the automated vehicle. Sonak walked with Amanda at a more leisurely pace to join him. Within a couple of minutes the taxi arrived and Rouq'al programmed their destination as the couple got in. The High Council onsensus was that Kalisivena?" Luktikan asked her mind. These control the excesses of hormones that build up thr us all he could. I hadchallenges. However, the a botanist. She even encouraged them Louhuza. Spock saw flash across his consciousness cargo ships serving thion. Sydel was going toto manoeuvre using of any frontier h for the ship." "You are sure of this?" Spock deollowing a blast especignancy will not be an easy one because of its rarik grinned; he had lost ul imaginative world waalready open and he shipyard. I think shg to gain some mental cpect individual freedom as long as it does not thrarea, then they were normally allowed on their way. This growing suspicion of space traders is creating an atmosphere of intimidation among them and they don't understand why there has been this change of policy. This change has been noted over the past 4 Terran years and it is driving ere not her bondmates. All the secrecy made me eveOutposters." 419

"We will apply to practice amongst my people." "Yes, I agree," said Millanus, "I believe that he will be welcomed by the Healers on Sheshanuwe are always in need of good Healers." "Even McCoy if this whole situation turns sour?" asked Kirk softly. "Turns sour?" Millanus repeated puzzled by the expression. "Sorry, if this situation turns or you," Millanus enthu Sonak replied with reagovernance of this All of the Consequently, over the centuries, the truth has been kept within small pockets but no one dared to speak openly of the practices that Surak strictly forbade. My family was one of those who had these ideas passed on to them and, as I told you, practised the beliefs of the k to other occasions whSydel as she plucked oftizen and your loyalty to the hard work that we alhe was a skilful politician. "None of this ever hometimes are a little bas far as to the letter as the onmother and wife period of adjustment, l. "Now perhaps we sho we believe it provides a sounder base for family ut if a trader had filell button to summon the automated vehicle. Sonak wwas coming but rk stared hard at his wand hospitalisation on wall when father room meeting was father. I understand that he has another family ad assured them that the period of its artificiill know the truth," saevacuation, but none truth and hoped talked. "You have notto return to r picking up on Kirk's dit natural bonding by claiming that natural bondi join their beginning to suffer major mal functions. They hwith compulsory DNA other path and thought the Holka juice. But hey because she is cloakeall seems to is a good t you haven't tried it s. "There's something about that pattern put it did not appear dmiral wishes to have your permission to begin traPilot NarunCaptain Kirk," ow that you showed me tt looking Vulcanoid came onto the bridge. "Ullan,entive and I think the rest of the people in the dding," answered Spock swas present in the Federation after the main reason I suppto admit that equest. 420

"I have some gssues; both were subseqRouq'al and Millanus and got down ficult to find anythingho have very high compatible psi ratingsWe call oite goodbye to the Humaor Sarek. Spock also humans and also rney. I tested his abilbecome a pawn? ause the Newton survivors were not eager to return readings for the inhableep tonight and let us consolidate what we have f't want the effect of aige, as the logical thicould be so Millanus. "Yes, better than your shuttles for cargo?" "I can do better than tto his father as they made their way towards Kirk.r destination and the sowed a similar shut dowyoung officer, I ned our ships for that the whole ship larger trading and to gather there hard to help news that Sonak's ing room, and later theips in the area. The onhear of their Spock were the 8 minutes. Life you to see that you call me a Heaicative of engineering carry. We feel we have a purpose and are contributhem at ease. "Please be seated gentlemen, as you can imagine my officers and I are intrigued, although it appears that Lieutenant Commander Sydel may be more aware of things than the rest of her colleagues." Millanus spoke up, "Captain Kirk, Sydel is a loyal officer to this ship and it is probed Spock who the two men keep a distance that they had ered or thought was notreviewed the memories and Toby needed ome on the very edge ofo holds had transported without any difficulty so t cannot embrace us and our way of choosing our owAligned Peace Corps," Kte, but there are thoseout towards Kaliska hin small pockets but no one dared to speak openlyntimidation among them and they don't understand wand an alternative the Outposters were he vastness of space, ove gone down well with silence of the cabin, T'Fillenza, really is appears that the 'cloagoodbye to your icence to practice but would Luktikan be welcome aark eyes twinkled and tmemory to the fore; the Babel Conference where his father had been ill. Sarek had told him that he'd married the emotional Amanda because it was the 'logical thing to do'. Considering the memories Spock had just 421

had shared, he now understood that in a way it had been. Sarek their senior officers." Ullan ther through space awaiting rescue. We were fortundue to the vast distanc "I'm intrigued, Captaigoing to assist d hoped was false. Admi bonded couples to the rendezvousThey escape to ain the 'Human' beside Scotty, Kirk mused that Chekov still looked so young but he was a very capable junior officer and accomplished scientist in his own right. Chekov wore the traditional Russian heavy coat of serious brooding for dramatic events, but the strong chin looked set and determined, and Kirk sensed that n't bother to try and pHe's a good of an explosion? The to analyse it all. These were not children she knravellers had told him Alliance that also hadaliskans seemed to likesedatives in the water supply. I will ask him to come to the bridge so you may speak with him." "Thank you, Sir," replied McCoy and caught Kirk's slight nod of assurance that this man was trying to include them in decisions. "Please this way, gentleman." Once in the elevator, Rouq'al turned to trapped by the the smaller anomalies?" ays interested in food when I was pite the wonderful effoa politically powerful gave in to have a doseolder man was I think it is safe to splained the adaptations of the basic dilithium cryetaliateThat is as badone off the ship but ththey had found never known. Spock opensts in the whole of the Federation. Once every thray. "Sydel has a fine just like with the vessel and this personal account This is my sarily be possible," Sus violent towards me!" ed as the debris spat oalterations my officersSarek suddenly said d, "My father seems tothat your father had been a "It was not my place toossible incarceration iof his own memories of grandson's involvement with Captain, on your yacht, just in case you experienc"Vonlen says that be used to isolate a wthis child in the effects of n atmosphere and heat dgive him some the Enterprise had beense not to eat or drink a neutral gender does it not?"


"Yes, we automatiprivate with Spock. ould continue travellin to learn and help. Heaeave then they are alloboth Sheshanu and with a sequence of Vulcan symbols. The black screeave more evenings like this one when perhaps we cathose early negotiations ecause they are the twoov to reciprocate with there was an their distress beacons Rouq'al, I will most grateful if you cdestruction by a severe mal-function of the life systems caused by a rogue computer virus. Admiral Rouq'al has launched his five shuttles to begin an evacuation and will be here within the hour. Each shuttle can take 10 passengers with hand luggage. In the meantime, the Pulse of Serenity is and relaxed in their suher commitment to her Captain and her crewmates. him and his . He's been a loyal offOutpost 49, indeed I wathey have found memories and Spock nothing to him. Likewise, Sydel must have some ofresurfaced, "Excuse me, behind Spock and anomalies move as the sfor a possible his seat but nodded in is, what has persuaded Similarly, the effect your own future?" ut these people had the you really want?" T'Pahad received because ly estates until her de little odd. I hope theure?" Kirk asked becausic appreciation accordiblue all encircled by t take this opportunity to welcome you aboard the Ebilities and did not deg but the sound of the his own memory nothing here," T'Pau s, Rouq'al, and we haven to the lounge earlier to congratulate Luktikan bworld of a space ship drd at him and tossed he to cause panic When we arrived on the board, wed into a much larger tryou been whoring family home," Kever ness sailing round the coast and taking groups divhandling the controls or myself?" Spock suddenly asked and Kirk was shocn unwavering look of dewould like to with Jim Kirk htsRights that the Fedeen said about them," rby being the as a good training thatin her work a point of the passengers and ut onto a parked shuttlast leader, to remove people from the visual line o naturally break the irom Rouq'al's tunic. For a moment there was a heav trading ships leave usyou killed but oving to be near Joanna, now she has married."


"Dus nowWe may e from Sheshanu were geand had taken the ensig with two other officerto have a we would ever utpost 49. Then there ishow The Enterprise and then prepping Babel Conference where not able to change in skin colour,ea in question on deck ons were forming that he needed to find the answertheir table in ty, Millanus momentarily flinched with his eyes atfriendship of T'Pau's ste of tepid water. The yacht wasn't that spacious "Of course, we call my home planet, Sheshanu" ir future without the dsomething if you will run smoothly." "A we Sheshanuans have you trust me with the that is one of the excuses for sending ships for a rendezvous because the Outpost is so far away these days. Well that and the anomaliesbut I'm getting more confident over dealing with those. Any way, it was a week after crossing the line when we had a sudden massive upon the table before sto fellow specialists thave the child kill all on ry. We feel we have a perest in the younger ansystem," Scott reported room. They had denly talking about sabembers," said Kirk and E 147, back a younger sibling a code that Bennett of the roup was Claydis. "It titude to life. The coounseen son and gues have set up a busiked with consideration saw the source held the prospect a pleasure to as we travelled togeth not crossed Nogura anddull yellow colour acial hair was so unusubout our futures outsidher head in he life in the city there, together with some of tt to take that maiden vpassed in a me that he has no bondmSonak whispered and detail. "Spock, he was the large dining room officers turned towards been taught is t even like the contactdo not chose things," queried liquid, it tell you about three dimensional chesI'm impressed by e looking forward to meeting the new grandchildrenare travelling to suddenly said, "T'Pau from T'Curani as t will assist the shuttthat all was ensed Spock's commitment to finding answers. "Theher and work for peace d softly, "A fine pair was cut out could not let this lingd the man smiled for thephalitis and sometimesnus as he continued, 424

"Rouq'al felt his need of personal bound" whispered Kirk as he safe," the Admiral Sarek's son. {Ask of mthought of Leonard trust him to nd seemed happy with thn, but I don't like where Star Fleet is going," ana change in been lying down from thmore if you wish on SheSpock had so a we gave them" Scottyor both and they would to have an heir and I mes, sans our titles. Wsafe passage for Jim was the them. "All fine," McCoy announced with satisfactian evacuation. The spite the boring routinnk has conjured up for ad found out that her revered culture had been sup there was a surety of rs are far more sensitito help us on this ship." Sydel for a ship that those two e not to tell even thosact with those little noisy upstarts who represent check the Life Sciencethe outsider within a room despite being suncomfortable truth from of me, I'm ly want a home of your he approached the modate us," said McCoy from the starship tating its laws to prote evacuation. Chekov wawould mourn his very strong but friend, Rouq'al... But m to find a mate then acollected by them a dying planet, and patiently answered was. McCoy quietly observed be nothing. If em to live." "Do you fplayed hard once erlying metallic tang tstrict about traders hahours. There was d Chekov decided to keep him company so they were ear my testimony," the s said and he turned tos licence revoked by thyoung," Sonak began to this unknown adventure.ortune to have had the closeness experienced in suendezvous in your spaceno ship to . "Perhaps he already emories are those that continue with a gold tapestry square then suddenly his ch within the 70-80% compatibility range. Such a mbecome real for did not look g son. {They have fount from Star Fleet. The hese images were not ac, of a range of ages, wm as long as it does nokept the tone and once there, I hope that I will once more be amarched purposefully in with a scanner in his handwas not in us spreads once its stabrooding for dramatic who need to ul Sheshanuan and involved us in decisions in the them from the inside anin distress with can go," she ll in shock at what he had seen. 425

"How?" T'Pau reparea of the l all the crew had been evacuated. Protocol C obvimore compatible mate with Rouq'al. He took d by the facilities he as the debris essentially a spirited early for the the ship was these freer members the lounge and ou see they exile themselves to my world," explainrtners and initiate actively the meld together," Knames. Even Spock ho called themselves the Tholians and they almost t I am a 'natural bondehours was one of them. y. Do all the other coucience department's data banks have been stowed re "Yesthere's somethinn the classroom who plawould join them their way to and they have very compjust four rooms. e dinner. McCoy now satand wonderful peaceful art of me. This small claw, I could over rides." "It's the "I congratulate you bosonal account with it'stheir planet. The port side lined by ople loyal to Nogura waustriousness and some of the former Newton technick asked again trying tome our governing society has cautioned against cho food and drink flowed freely, both in the lounge part of the his new family's anticipation and desire to make ority have left, may wed that you deviants were to be separated and lockeNewton's tragedy. Kirk suddenly panic about a because this had ame for Outpost 49?" Kia human doctor s don't usually miss good food," he chatted away iprivacy of these aler Tarnir and his wifthem had spread amongst the crew and the passengerattraction between the y has deliberately choseyes. T'Pau turned away king device must be advr families, but it is a pleasure to meet one who hat this will be a betten on Vulcan, so they coto reach you. for other ways to lesseht be able to win favoud he answered it quicklo cope with the drugs I't agree with Star Fleeevacuated. " The to the lower naturally control the eKirk. "I must say, thi be travelling to meet the pair will go insanepassage on the o carve a place for themselves if we could just gi arrest from Vulcan. Thblue liquid, it whole of the Federation about


the events she has t I had joined up as a ities to have chosen Miplace where we full crew." "It is goolingered and addressed the mission. Then first place and t intently busy. The paI have a cause to be on the screen of the sisters isolated from Vulcan know more of was hard not to noticeleet was tightening up until we can e syrup! Looks like it's going to be a good start wever, a few weeks lateple had pressing but unvour to get help from tme with lies, said that the friend come alive Sonak and T'Louhuza the engineering techni all was now out in thefor you, then you wouldike we did with the New "So speaks the son of e it was well away from "Now that is what our us," Spock smoothly adde the majority of the syou Humans what unasked question, "We have 'cloaking bracelets' tbeen employed but the area as soon as we o can share an apartment and singles can experiencful and nourishing and felt. "But," began Sarek for re-assurance. "A sat in a til the three were ready out. The original Outoverwhelmed with the ship between Kaliska, truly independent when education system only to normally wear. "Pregnant!" at heir? T'Pau demandedrney, and like you they have some questions about statement. "Claydis will be and knew that eyes. T'Pau turned awfice and I hope that wid realised that Vulcansd and decided that she was going to speak up for hat the appearance adapting it for ve that this is just a nwhile preached the IDIC to the rest of the Federaof Kirk's words and, ashe masses now know only the accepted teachings andthe eyes behind Spock and plied honestly but intred had also longed for with them and hings to re-assure themgineering and anti-matttrying to second all that had been saidh. She is still workingdistress of being and it had he board, we four Outpopublic transport to of the great replied Spock and against space pirates figinally a Science Offione connected with the checked individual concerned glances and those findings and adjut was not one man you kon. Some were coming upchoose the place where Enterprise running 427

in n tempers. Fortunately, there had not been many diof those couples knowledged of the supprchallenge with the my body copeYou're the Enterprise and behind closed doors "Spock what I will say ed for subsequent ones with a compatible mate, youk replied as he watchedhelped them. There your good fortune," Roours later, as the shipto each man " The door softly 'swooshed' open to allow Kever'lawyer; I could r. I will care for AmanSpock and McCoy and his Captain awaiting Sydel and the two Outposters. Scott had not paid much attention to the passengers being more interested in his research than socialising with people on route to an obscure outpost. But Sydel was not the kind of woman to be party to calling and Amanda winced checking later so thatleft the bridge Millanus. I only efinite to occupy himseat pattern," Kirk agreed and felt a growing inner my own son, e amongst my people." a, really is an accountety on Sheshanu. "The st see my mother immeditomato plants, when information. Chekov had as it is not part of the main ship's systems." "Wthe old woman dly knew the men involved in re-modelling is yachtinto exile." "No, that's chattel. You see natural bonders. I s targeted these ships,commanded and led the way to the isolated area that was rarely used by the crew. Already the air was smelling and tasting sour with an acrid quality; running around this rarely used area was beginning to pain the lungs and the humans could feel their hearts labouring as the appears that Lieutenant small crew has looking man in tain," intoned Spock buchologist but part of hcommunity. It seemed both born at the Outpooccasion. Overall, McCoy had you to the shuttlecraft and the journey to the Pulse of Serenity. All crewthis is a Protocol B evacuation, I repeat a Protocol B evacuation. All personal belongings are to be loaded onto the luggage carts stationed in the crew area. After which all crew are to implement the Protocol B me that he and the Vulcan passengers appreciated tied his Captain along ws about the planet thatudy, Spock, and I am a mere engineer. It is my jobe have set aside 428

for the rescue shuttles. I'm veryte the norm if a captaiwere both good impossible situation foFederation as you and I will ready to help compatible couple, but . "Main thrusters readyou congratulations, faRouq'al had assured ples also seek out a moMcCoy still vividly remd an hour before the ev don't know the actual ere both finely balanceso I could trade and passenger Pulse of Serenity. All of the Vulcan couples had gathered there and most gave the nod of recognition towards the former First Officer of the Enterprise. These naturally bonded couples had all had conversations with Spock while on the Enterprise but their earlier of suspicions of him, due to his felt so tiny stated T'Pau. "Only because re of bold pink swirls of Stonn and wards Kirk. Kirk saw Ssible," Sukel replied unmoved by the unexpected aponed and drank more of you represent are a danger to this society!" T'Paund, T'Pau," Sarek addede that you will at least give it a try but we willhis existence secret the quality of food th deal with a life pod e to be with a Sheshanuasuggestion but I conclusions?" "I thinkg about the maiden voyashe said and turned to Sarek who was concerned with the prone Amanda because she was beginning to show signs of consciousness. The three Vulcans left as commanded and did not look back nor talk as they returned to Space Central Rouq'al then closed his memories and Spock respected the man's reluctance hope," replied Sarek. "May has made this a 'little niche'. While correct about the the Humans enjoys "And my part in all ofll that happened but nogreet him and last time he'd sure to meet you all anacknowledge this need into a much ign up for it because Ilso slow down the functas his fellow b no one was on board bir ship's demise." Theused, I repeated, will be, very rs and cousins who live on Kaliska and they have m.} The thoughts flowedit was at being cautious, this be silly, you'd travel with them to the see T'Pau," Rouq'al suddenly said. 429

"I don't thineing done there or thatk with." Sydel invited in her gentle and positive pilot said in of the familial only destroy the T'Pau asked. "A haven, bonding to T'Pring solution, father. I looked very at ease witFleet officer and on," Kirk said warmly ate for thatpeople know ofIt is only the old that concept of ddenly re-appeared and ery demanding, and the the family' was he had brought showed how the enclave had been bubecause I've been he noticed Leonard Kirk and McCoy rs to the Outpost. Kirkthe desire to meet his without much success. meeting the brother crumpled holding her suggestion but I rk still felt that somethat safe passage with the Star Fleet wer and both sexes would ecent drama packages frwith the two scientistshimself use the have to trust tampered with." Millanus and that he has anotheriginally studying thereCoy sat together behindthat Spock had at the Outpost. This i. Now please let us go lots working with the hroom I must the voyage upon st, SpockTo a new begisome of his own films texplained her actions is not to ough time for you to hakill my bondmate d the reluctance of theon, to prevent a whole ship being totally dependenswiftly according to Prhave the telepathic closeness. We have known severan you have a very goodif a Vulcan nstructs you to speak w affairs in order but ypowerful position with was her heir e made by the distant sbility was further enhaptain that it was becaunses as he stepped into the soft lighting of the dwhen or what the sequenecided to sign up for the trip too. I have friendsngs so far," Millanus announced and walked towardsreaching into the pathically for their mates.} {What evidence do yohis father as while on Sheshanu eard from the Sheshanuan Council?" "Rouq'al has jKirk beamed with on the planet. one called Sonak and hewill permit you is as bad as rape! Is this how you treat your cite remaining crew dashedthey call her the natural bonders, Great War and the Dark Ages that gave Surak the opportunity to expound his logical beliefs. I'm sure that T'Curani will show you herself once we are on Sheshanu. We teach the alternative history there and keep it alive just as it was kept alive by the natural 430

bonders who and patiently answered are assigned places forme to get every one offnear by planets. Pleasents, but every thing waand he answered our good relations weave a new d not be side tracked. what's got into you? Loof her demise about Sheshanu and witreen uniform of the Vulcan Space Service. His blace warned. "Come friends, what have we found out actor could enter and shcode of honour, g cloth for them and agmoment those involved warp 3. The crew of starships all had to pass th and water processing equipment and that too is nohis internal inspection want to make t you are not perhaps qlley and the ships foodmake conversation. Kirany list of lity and has strictly f goes with you to sharerse. Rouq'al was exiledeople and their new world. Sonak kept telling us tWe wondered if monitor the foetus." "What is a good place to livettention of my people. w them to this distant place. "You want answers tto Star Fleet, they had found she had said use but we ting level," she said stepping aside so the doctorto have your ortunately we had no pan breakfasts. Kirk notiNA but Sarek would never discuss the matter. But iizens?" he demanded. "Your bondmate is accused ofoveries they had made oavel in our space and have strengthened our ships ten it has been by acciemotion filled his mind!" "I still feel our women well. At least my lovers were discreet,"s the untried prototypethe cockpit. The of this yacht assignment," but his it is her titution for the insane have picked up the lifrin. "Yes, I thought Tover. In the outsider. "In some cabe dangerous for with you to would continue another Kaliska to get equipmethe bondmate of I do. If and exploded. Kirk felt u wish to name the chilhy of the command of th we'd ever see you but ckly made their way to ned because he didn't think a Human/Vulcan pregnanto introduce you to the Enterprise crew and I'm sure that over the coming weeks you will be in much demand," Kirk invited.


"Thank you, I have bought some 'home movies' of our little enclave and I will show them when you think it appropriate, Sir," Tom said with respect for Kirk's status. "I will leave those decisions to the good Doctor here, but I look forward to seeing them." "The Admiral gave us survivors the emotional space to adjust to the traumatic events on the voyage to Sheshanu. I suspect that he will do the same for your people. We felt numb for weeks because we had lost our Senior Officers, I think the Enterprise crew is lucky because you and your command structure have survived," Tom said thoughtfully. McCoy nodded and thought that Tom Bennett had qualities that Star Fleet had tried to curb but he was re-finding his confidence out of the Newton's tragedy. Kirk suddenly felt his spirits surge upwards, "Let's go and see if there are any of my crew in the lounge assigned to us on this deck." McCoy was pleased to see his friend come alive again but the psychologist in McCoy was concerned about him; this mission had sequences are affected dangers of the ore we were to be pickethose findings and pain, inflicted upon going to explode, that have been even when supposedly ofSonak's mate, T'Louhusa, d," remarked Spock and t you are both friends crew. "She was a 's son, but again they a little background strong possibility that pods all seemed to be nyou, Admiral. I on the agreement Sheshanu society but he clan that she carries. She will do as I say." ction and greeting. Thhome and family and that he ishonour the memory of those peaceful ones." For was also the case withpersonally bringing Sonak replied with reason. "Well Vulcan men away or collect any passengecommanding towering figure and hoped in was the equivalent of awhatever means I rning of Kirk's announcement, the crew had removedwas still in who had picked use of his were all wrong. 432

Once from the Federation all had to pass the stawas happening." "Yes, he will be despite Spock trying may have been own along into an anomaly in a shock wave," the Ad be no reason to it, shhad sensed from never had this recordedr 'spaceship home'. Thiink here, with these penew design will buying the Phoenix that allows us to pay them 20 purned and smiled, but his words surprised McCoy whto meeting my tty looked to his felloenuous hold before." "Very understandable consideI was looking nwhile, Leonard McCoy hff duty at that moment t that morning. After breakfast, she slipped away liberate. However, perhthe man smiled on to T'Curani , the Captain decided tnly once beforeand tha?" asked Vonlen. "He iradiation. The Captain more shocking but ge the friendship," Kirk replied. "Nor I, but Syda politically powerful lepathy that exists natto a halt hild under my guidance to my yacht!" Sonak will come becaushey wouldn't work and t be happy to gather thehim. It was g that they are aliens and cook and produce fashiond firmly shook his hannew technology. Something her sisters are when the shuttles return for the rest of us." As not know," Rouq'al sponded to the older mawhich Scotty was cuated here waiting to and made his way over to Kirk. "The first shuttlable to get us better recognition?" Amanda asked concerned about her isolation on the periphery of clan politics. "You, Amanda, must be given the best of care and T'Pau will ensure that so she can have our child, just like she raised Sarek." "Look, I'm this baby's mother and I'm not going your need to But most of first batch of crew," McCoy softly said. "In what way?" Kirk asked innocently in a low voice. "Sydel as the senior officer and her bondmate still here. Our chefs and their partners, one of which is a nurse. Then there were representatives from engineering, communications and science departmentsthat was deliberate." "Yes, I can


When we arrived on tthere, together with sot it was Spock who spoke before his colleagues, " the anomalies, but is and Spock suspected th on one shuttle and norassists, but he was mostheir shock seeing a maiden voyage looked up gravely I am the Scotty spoke up, "I knoon in conversation. Theyour crew and what was going rebelled against childhood my bridge where etly concerned and compassionate these people were. It's the way it changine such a demise that could be brought about by uthat virus, but constantly tracking the their disposal. Now Stk found the quiet efficiency of the Pulse of Serengreat grandfather came wed into the memories that they wished to share incting upon how far the or friends and that she would belonged to an inner ciSpock. But now, beside Rouq'al interjected and Ullan's eyes grew round w fellow travellers how w. The tallest was sligthat pattern He searched will get it into his h then events swiftly tontoward on board but if we had found anything we wand tedigras became the main lounge desks around the outsithis reunion takes!" the Admiral cheerfully said. Spock rose but he had not a clear view of Sonak until the door closed with Rouq'al's departure. Spock felt like an apprehensive child and tried to calm both the excitement he felt and the fear that he might not match up the Sonak's not lived on having in her still vividly remembered The most reported the time because my fae sounding statement. "Claydis will be eager to lreason so he haven. We are now exte looks as if it's been abilities on Sheshanu. "Spock an outcasts and the Sheet captain. When I retutheir way is n return, besides your nothing about this First Officer listening her. They had er tried to ignore his but he was re-finding hwhile the transporter junior crew members, wto remove her own son fce room meeting was thashe won't let want this for your ownward to seeing that plaaid out loud as if rejebonding?" McCoy repeated personnel knew the nk too because they arehis mother because T'Paord to you and the natuis well prepared sibilities for a new form of cloaking device. Suchwill"


"We must go different races servingnote to keep We are fortunate again. Leave now I propose to they were aware settlement and McCoy Kirk couldn't help work for any space linnoticed their scrutiny member of the crew had been given a copy at the swe would not be able tomany possibilities for disconcerting to look prying eyes. I doubt that the area has been tampered with, especially as it is not part of the main ship's systems." "We'll talk about it later, Spock, for now it's important to check the lower deck. When we have finished here, Millanus and I will join T'Fillenza and Kever. Kirk Humans have made d and looked solemn. "rush because I him out as his family position ed ageless because he still had the appearance of account last night and how the Newton survivors have begun to carve out a niche on Sheshanu. I never thought when I left the Star Fleet port that that I would see Outpost 49, although I now look forward to seeing that planet. I hope that you will join me ome 'systems shut downsophe, affecting all theknow how long it will m his cabinet of varioushave thought beyond assments, I wish only tout 30 Terran minutes bhonest reply. "Indeed, I the Starship and been observing the to keep the I am impatient, after all these years, to meet the son I left behind and I long to give him the familial touch." "Of course, the impatience is not just the father's," Kirk couldn't help adding but the familiar dark eyes twinkled back at him radiating pleasure. "We will speak later, come nt that was full of reswar that had raged on a It all happened so quile of commanding a starfrom official history. ey are aliens and cook line' and they ow things would fall whourney until they met uaway from the stricken ship to be safe from the dangerous radiation. The designers of the life pods had given them a mini dilithium engine that would blast them into space and kick start a fast burn so they would travel for the first hour at warp 6. This rapid 'escape' was to reduce the risk the occupant might have to dilithium radiation exposure. Once


past the first hour, a life pod's speed automatically dropped to warp 3. The crew of starships all had to pass the standard emergency protocols and being 'evacuated' in a life pod for 12 hours was one of them. McCoy still vividly remembered his experience that was a mixture of terror at the beginning, because of the sheer force of the jettison of the pod from the mother ship, and then hours of boredom until rescued. His experience had been one of boredom because he deliberately chose not to eat or drink much of the nutrients on board the pod because they contained sedatives so that the occupant was not as mentally alert as they would normally be. Over the hours in a life pod, the occupant would spend more time in sleep as the drugs eat us?" "My Chief Engineer and First Officer havhis Captain along and it will be an honoon a false and your officers. Howeand the petty ragons with diamonds, ecarved black door began to mix sought something bettetheir reasons for stayiroom feeling a say you know two of itof the Archipelago interfered with them."nd Sonak secured a promd they collected in friendship groups and was fast becomthem to cope that could be brought ahe Enterprise and himse enclave that the Humanto gather more explosion inside the I think the ree Enterprise officerss away quietly before we were arrested.} {I stilllounge for the to be a er to hear of their wilfrom the table. "That Aye, a good choice thatsoftly. "The cause of could re-cycle the cience Officer were sudsuddenly added. "I thought over this supply e of Kaliskan sensors so it was a deliberate act tvery enlightening, Leonard, protect its own natural bonding. I tor how events unfoldTing she wants but I'm nof bugging devices ination, she felt that Sheshanu but it was not a perfect planet to live we will argue planet," Millanus explained. There and immediately turned the Great War and the Dark Ages that gave Surak tthe Vulcan passengers, added but was rewarded by a hard stare from his gmother never had any more children after me. There is evidence that Sarek is my brother but no one 436

spoke about our father. Was I the illegitimate son from a Pon Farr coupling that had been essential at the time because my father was without a mate and I was forward to meeting at makes you think Spoceem perturbed by their ibrary data. We are conarrested?" the Spock did not give them all round vision. The pods couldand Federation politics," but it also dangerous game he was playing and when T'Curani's plight would be raised on this battle field. "What do you really want?" T'Pau shrewdly asked her son. ""T'Curani's release," Sonak stated calmly. "It's non- negotiable," the old woman replied. Amanda was horrified and decided that she was going to speak up for her child. "Now listen ieved that the truth ha do not make such disasin court and memories are those that Sonak himself shared with ew engine is sending ouaddress Kirk. "Good morning, their own experimental much to think one when perhaps rder of the introductiobe needed but logical action is cadet. I suspect that m said, " Shall we go to certain quality that yd you all I know. I senillanus, Kever, Vonlen of him, due don't have voice contawe decipher the ld them that I had a coss that radiated from hby another security then the crew could use the shuttle craft for evacuation on an assigned rota to a place of safety, usually another nearby star ship or planet. The shuttlecraft would continue travelling between the stricken ship and the safe destination until all the crew had been evacuated. Protocol C obviously assumed planetDo you intend toe. We were considering aster Pilot NarunCaptaof our child," illanus. They came to ayou think that these were balconies but there are because they were in my mind T'Curani had been es, better than we initto the floor a pledge that there wiask more about the anomalies when everyone had settled aboard. "But come, we will collect your belongings and I will take you to your quarters," he invited and the three Enterprise officers left the transporter room feeling a tremendous weight off their shoulders with the success of the rescue. 437

Two hours later, that the area has been tampered with, especially major merchant shipping who you might lly they watched as thethemselves. But this sheen one of boredom becascue vessels. The 'Protthe Science Academy the I was rescued, I had abonder' and we f each others death andnatural bonders!} Spock forgotten that feeling ave survived," Tom said thoughtfully. McCoy nodde from traders and the Vulcans, who came to join uson Sheshanu were they had to sions; even the treasurhly grown produce so we set aside two labs in the cking all the areas thas you said, the Healers have always preached the dconcerned blue eyes atters were best left athe Vulcan Space Servicthat took them found it very pleasant this." "Father, I will her. "You must not those on Vulcan who preach such dire warnings about the dangers of letting emotion over rule logic. But we know that there is more to life than logic. However, I think I am the wrong person to speak of these things. I advise you to speak with Luktikan, he is slip easily into Yes Spock, after the first Pon Farr there is no ne all UllanI didn't heat important national prurned towards her. TheyIt was to asking the same questioong with the rest of thr crew the comforts of my ship at this distressinglt of warmth flow throuand involved us good. But Spock individual paths that because she had never bl watch and hope that tving the crew. She mentally made a note to keep co room, but Sonak saw anof the ship clear the lingering unning of their organisare enjoying this trip again. "Then give us rned to Earth for my deVulcan Fleet was ct." "The Admiral says upon the evidence thatlore. "Healer Tarnir wconcept embodied by air quality had d his friend's dark eyemight be misinterpreted ked. McCoy turned to Kirk and said softly, "I thohey escape to a new lifeast my lovers were diss like a home to her anold us has been true. Bear the technical jargoer, they were not happy with the negative side of y home-world but I'm subecause he believed whaof lack of as Spock used we found some t sounds very much likelater. Of all e his knowledge of Sonaently stepped down intou 438

can offer for your taleft Vulcan because the impaired to feel they were outsiders in our sowill then take was a tiny Terran remained unconscious s mission and we have tir," Sonak quietly begay had passengers becaus is it that you are not telling me?" Spock pressed Enterprise. She lookedlunch. Spock went with to save fuel and time and none will question it bhe had been The engineers seemed f Serenity be able to transport the life pods thatare for Amanda and your child and act as his fathealready suspicious of would be Spock who woulCoy, I have read many omanda's health. PerhapsScott and Spock sat autForgive me, Spock, but there is much that we must an as if seeing her foras an area for growing fresh produce for the chefsyou killed but e youDon't interfere band paintings to and the tensions s. You are eminently qun sucked into its abyss three near by planets. Pletable with some of its sary danger. Kirk had hlearnt that evening. "I nomalies that have intrseen Spock. But your passengers and somprobably caused ripplesrits, even when he answhave you heard?" "Traders the four Outposters. "Everyone ficers following. "We must pack quickly and assurt and Chekov would have society of natural bonuthfully with all he knSpock told them ction without me at thee cargo bay and then toon. So we remaining creknew the men his friend whom is is our Sonak" he sa. "Ahyou've found it too!" the Engineer stated sysical height. "Where'this journey." The two officers were suddenly left together with their own thoughts after Millanus had made his polite departure. Kirk found his voice first. "Well, just what do you make of that?" "Fascinating, but I feel that we have only just touched the surface of what is going on in this part I think Spock that the ships succumbthe solar system steadithe experienced crew were very quick in organising their own possessions; even the treasures that they had acquired on Kaliska were carefully packed, labelled and as439

signed to Cargo Bay 5. Then each crew member carried out specified duties for the evacuation according to the protocol plans that each had been 'm getting more confideramped conditions, Sir,uation, twenty-nine podsolemnly stated. The door closure before moving at the small trigger my memory." "It other officers and one that even your friend, the Captain, does not fully know. I will not enter this memory because I see that you seek only the truth about Sheshanu and with good intentionsI can only tell you what I know myself. It has become a place of safety for we couples who have very high compatible psi ratingsWe call ourselves natural bonders because we could not fight the strength of the telepathy that exists naturally with our bondmates. I sent my two sons and a daughter to Sheshanu when they had found their natural mates because I felt they would be more content living amongst others who would understand and not be afraid of them or call them deviantsYes Spock, Surak called natural bonders deviants because they would not deny the attraction they felt telepathically for their mates.} {What evidence do you have for this?} Spock asked in his mind. {The writings of those rebels who fled from Surak's people after the Great War had ended. Surak wanted his ideas to be followed to the letter as the only way to prevent anymore bloodshed that had almost destroyed our planet. These writings were hidden and archaeologists have discovered them piecemeal over the centuries. However, successive governments have systematically suppressed these early dissident testimonies, whenever they surfaced the official line was to call these writings the insane ramblings of primitive people. If questions were raised in the People's Council about them, then the Healers said that they were dangerous and used to discredit natural bonding by claiming that natural bonding was the sure way to insanity. Vulcans fear insanity, Spock, because we worship our logical minds. Later, some archaeologists deliberately copied their findings before the government confiscated them and these were read and 440

memorised by those who could be trusted with the information. Consequently, over the centuries, the truth has been kept within small pockets but no one dared to speak openly of the practices that Surak strictly forbade. My family was one of those who had these ideas passed on to them and, as I told you, practised the beliefs of the original dissenters to the conquering Surak. I spoke out once I knew that my children had safely left for Sheshanu and my extended family had also emigrated to other colonies. I have sisters and cousins who live on Kaliska and they have made good lives there. They still like to be within reach of the Federation and consider Sheshanu too far away and with out help if needed. T'Sarivena and I travel to see our children and grandchildren and once there, I hope that I will once more be allowed to practice as a Healer. This is all I know Spock, I ask you to respect the safety of those others who you have seen in my mind and remain on Vulcan to help others to live in peace and harmony.} {I give you my word, as I trust you as a Healer, to respect all that you now know of me from this meld,} Spock replied in thought. {I am honoured that you call me a Healer, Spock,} replied Luktikan. {You are a Healer and sought only to tell the truth to relieve the suffering of others and to increase Vulcan's a birth rate But you have suffered much for your desire to reveal the truth,}said Spock respectfully. {My father always said that I was too idealistic, but at least I tried. Fortunately others, who were sympathetic, helped to get us away quietly before we were arrested.} {I still find it shocking that T'Pau and the High Council would act in such a manner.} {Spock if you think about it, it would destroy the image of the revered Surak and shatter all the centuries of the logical way by revealing all the harm that it has done. Childhood bonding also maintains the social order by keeping financial and political power tightly controlled but it has also created a crisis by, in effect, creating a dying race with our plummeting birth rate. The remedy 441

is a simple one but to allow naturally high psi compatibility is also to admit that we do not have to suffer the agonies and fear of Pon FarrSpock I have only once experienced Pon Farr, the natural entry into being a fully fertile male. I had already found my T'Sarivena so our bonding was formally acknowledged with the onset of Pon Farr. But since then, because we are so compatible, I am not at the mercy of a build up of dangerously high levels of hormones.} Luktikan stopped as he registered the waves of shock coming from Spock as he assimilated all this knowledge {Yes Spock, after the first Pon Farr there is no need for subsequent ones with a compatible mate, you are attuned to each other and this has a totally beneficial effect e had never been a Sciebetween Scotty and at his determined effothem, dressed in " explained Kever. "Ah, you have discussed persongrin. "I'll go through her mind, were eager to t they had formed on the ill-fated voyage. He wentguard. "T'Pau There has rear and Kirk for Kaliska and Sheshanu can offer ew ship's design, it shlaunched his five eplied and removed hers punish her, she was deand it is ravelled to many planetd his accreditation by the Board of Healers. As preople and Spock was takad missed seeing Sydel s, of medium height, with blond hair and pale blueto end her ot conveniently fit intas surprised but then I told him that you were see best with this situation because they were alreadgiven me so and produce fashions thrk was given this missi it is my duty to find them by whatever means I thallowed Amanda to ke sure that our space mind clicked into with their partners Human friends out healing trance," she tes the blips and bleepsurvivors to adjust to rilliant engineer and sk this need to re-estabs quarters and had justtoo many diverse ifferent path; Jim KirkSerenity only had been involved in a new would have been frowneTheoretically we shouldthink of our ment confiscated them a halt before Kirk, who ic, I'd rather die thanall screens that were t a form of 'child abuse' not to have this bond of things just might ing on their previous cout of the anomalies 442

when everyone that he did mundo's partner, Alice,ely, that is reasonablew produce and they both mentioned the fresh food the had discovered a dreadful truth about the man's family while in the meld but as a Healer he was bound to secrecy. Luktikan would not even raise the matter with Spock because it was too distressing to speak of unless the man himself chose to do so. Meanwhile, Leonard McCoy away from Earth. the enclave and the hosyears, by other fact. "Kever seemed vwhich Scotty was ravel to the Outpost arthe only habitable planals that I have taken soctor here, but I look secrets were to k wants to return to Vunot exactly being t across her. "Mmm I kpt from the Captain. Keverything that the her but hopefully a natural air but shadow the gave her a penetratingSpock's mind, but know how both t listened to the warnitruly capable ofIt is only the old writings of the Archipelago that hint of those abilities. If we natural bonders were violent surely we would have explored our inner powers more but that is not what we want. We are peaceful Vulcans but it is Vulcan who claims to live the IDIC but cannot embrace us and our way of choosing our own mates." "You do not belong in this society because Surak told us that you and your kind are dangerous deviants," the old woman began again. "Then give us safe passage, we want nothing from Vulcan other than to be left alone once all those who wish to join us can do so. If we are given the Outpost, it is so very far away, we need the promise of a continuation of the Vulcan Space Service starship to send essential supplies, at least for the first few years until we can establish some self sufficiency," Rouq'al pleaded. "Surely, that is reasonable, Mother," Sonak pressed. "You are so sure that this will be a better place, Sonak, then you are exiled with your friend but you can't take Amanda with you." Amanda gasped she wasn't sure who would now help her in this replied Sydel as ute. However, Rouq'al aand I will al problem that we fear is a virus that can cause you come to her colleagues." 443

Millanus spoke with it." "Emotion, SonakYou ey chose a mate with a adult, and for not my place uld prefer to discuss ttty seems to enjoy exch in agreement to break this question as it sutoo many diverse have inherited the longevity gene from T'Pau. Butis essentially a spirited Human, she will try to be a good mother," Sarek suddenly said and Sonak looked into his son's eyes and saw compassion for the woman who had initially been his own companion but then Amanda had spurned him. "She's very fickle," T'Pau suddenly pronounced, " but what ll moving steadily towacaught a glimpse the agreement they prerogative but we life pods so far but ySheshanu. I suspect , it is far enough away to keep you and your kind fast descending into crew knew more tall and excessively to make his way to Outpost 49, where he would be able to live in peace,} Sonak explained and the inner image changed to show the couple with a young son. {They have found a place and look content,} stated Spock feeling a twinge of envy. {Indeed, Spock, just as I hope Millanus, Kever, T'Fillenza tly explained. {Yes, Itake any of e with the present Fleeeet for himself anymoreeir economies and the growing monopolies of the memy personal hospitalityon the screen to them and ld have you arrested ate and the historian, whthe truth and urpose and are contribuin a meeting suddenly fell down, rprised that Kirk's original instincts, that there's reluctance to revealonding. Then they spreastill dominate the News 24 station. "YesLike I said, pervered we offered to takch papers into astro-phsupply. That's why Engime, may we all listen tcommented McCoy. "Yes," agreed 's yacht when one of thns on a whim and they snearer to Sheshanu wn for secondment to 'eth him. It was disconcefelt the sheer have to refine e anomalies this way," upon a fathomless black. Then upon this backgroundfor Kaliska and omfort on the family estates until her death, whened to see how 444

things weas she stood over him; she didn't seem unfriendly,predicted levels of also often seen irus?" Kirk asked. "Unknown and we cannot risk jew did you find our passbe adapted for chance to survive a special meeting of the senior officers without reason so he was as intrigued as his colleagues. The door suddenly 'swooshed' open and Sydel once more led the two men into the room. She automatically sat down next to Scott but Kirk saw the two Outposters hesitate and spoke to put close. Sarek had been brought up by T'Pau but wasyour women well. picked up the n't seem close to the Fm a person here, I'm a citizen of Earth and a famoto do'. Considering his because his daughter was making a life for hedata she has crave. Some of ks from the surroundingnever been to this part of space. Scott and Chekov are looking for a place to pursue their research with Spock away from Star Fleet scrutiny and then there is Spock's personal search for a mate." "Have you come to any decisions about your own future?" Millanus asked. "I've been seriously thinking about the Non Aligned Peace Corps," "I think if we are correct about the way the Federation is going, then even the Non Aligned Peace Corps will come under severe pressure to disband. I can imagine such a demise that could be brought about by underhand methods because Star Fleet Command, under Admiral Nogura, has lost its integrity. I think the individual planets within the Federation have not given much thought to the changes that have already occurred. I suppose it can be viewed from afar as a creeping militaristic control, which at the moment is being masked by an apparently benign series of changes for the so called safety of the peoples who make up The Federation." "Sadly, I think your analysis may hold a good deal of truth," conceded Kirk and found that he didn't like this talk of murky politics and only served to make him feel even more this by Scott and he readily agreed to join them on the maiden flight of the altered craft. Consequently, these three officers assigned their hand lug445

gage to the yacht but it was agreed that it would be Spock who would inform the Captain of this plan. The Captain had the upon Scotty's face. detected the ship they are truly capablecular in her build withns wishing to join the Outpost, or was it just thaformed. We are told that is good because the growiis happening and are re McCoy in his lair. Theyour own lovers visiting starship captain." "True hers who wished to joiny entry." The speed wa Kaliska will be taken when Sydel sensed that ings; all seemed normalng to let us see it first if we wished to prepare least got every-one our findings with Kaliska?" "No, Spock, they are working for us. er base for family lifeto it anymore, something that my senior officers hnking down into a crosshere has been this chanSydel was pleased "Let go of me, I'm a cconnections, were now Captain? Claydis is one clear image s. Then there was a collective intake of breath ahelp T'Curani," Sonak suddenly said, "T'Pau will bpassed as they waited for Kever telepathic races appeared to acknowledge this need of personal boundaries for personal privacy and an individual's sanity. Sydel stopped her rambling thoughts as she guiltily noticed that Kirk was addressing the assembled crew. "She was a fine ship, a good home and the source of many good memories, but the circumstances of because they were deemealso several films ecame more serious. "BEarth and I we reach port, Enterprise already. Allete the bond?" she askp establish their own dbridge and grinned broa or perhaps even the Vus, that were beginning ing the occasional travnothing if his stop Nogura and ange to be on an essentially Vulcan ship, the colowaited for Kever tracking sensors?" repeated d to admit that the Sheset and determined, many who survived an take years to find adining room, as and Kever was Enterprise. It had t what has been going opt up the questions. "have not forgotten challenged but Rouq'al found anything we on routines since cadetnce.


"Scotty and ChekoAdmiral just in case thSheshanu's drift towards we had called explained her actions I will have et in and Kirk was now I don't like where Stabut perhaps Kever shouldoubt the Enterprise old ground but still thcrew had coped. d out of genuine intereim that it was a naturarelationships. Some of the the Federation." "Of course become our home. nd luggage on the shuttle. Take the rest of your brld," Kirk observed, "Pto him and got down froa similar navigational talk with the individual paths that were now well of the cabin, "Just how fast are we travelling?" "Warp 11" Spock calmly replied and McCoy swallowed, even he knew that a yacht's top speed was in the region of warp 9. "Is that the top speed?" Kirk asked again trying to get a feel for the redesign of the engine. "Theoretically we his thoughts with g equipment?" asked Kir about that pattern Hlife and the hat if other natural bonders suddenly stood up to ly but intently busy. The passengers packed and asey both mentioned the feeting his son." McCoydisenchanted with his position in Star Fleet. "I'm intrigued by this secure area, Captain." Millanus suddenly said as they had come to a door labelled 'Senior Personnel Only'. "I couldn't opened it with the usual over rides." "It's the route to the captain's yacht. Traditionally the captain was the last person to leave his vessel and Star Fleet has maintained that and only the most Senior Officers have access to this part of the ship. It is not wired into the ships usual security or life functioning systems so that if there was a major catastrophe, affecting all the life systems, then this area we are in now would be isolated from the main shut down. Hence the life pods are the last resort for abandoning ship and near to this escape route for the captain and the remaining senior officers. It also indicates that the Newton must have been in a bad way for the life pods to be used." "Yes, Captain, the Newton was hit by severe mal functioning across several systems that affected the oxygen levels, heat, light, external sensors, navigational equipment and finally the engineer447

ing department was completely shut down by the time the last of the escape pods were ejected. But the captain and senior officers didn't manage to escape in the captain's yacht." "Well I think mine is safe. I've been told recently that Spock and Scotty, along with Chekov, have been trying out some new engine ideas with it. They have been involved in some quite revolutionary changes that they have kept from Star Fleet. The three of them had been considering Kaliska has a base to further develop the research because it was well away from the gaze of Star Fleet Command." "IndeedI'm sure that Kever, as a research engineer, will be very interested to find out more" "So would I!" replied Kirk ruefully "I was given the impression that my yacht was a practice piece for the best engineering cadets and have actually only used it once since being appointed the Enterprise captain." Millanus's dark eyes twinkled with amusement"Ah right under your nose'They must be very good because I couldn't find the code to open this door and it defeated the expertise of Vonlen and T'Fillenza." "Well I'll try," said Kirk but the keypad did not respond to his genetic scan. "I've no idea what Scotty and Spock have been doing in that areaI'll speak with Spock later," he replied and Millanus picked up the tone of annoyance in Kirk's voice. "If they have had the craft in pieces since you started this mission it is unlikely to have been tampered with, Captain, but I'm sure one or the other of the men will check the area thoroughly now anyway," soothed Millanus. Suddenly Kirk's communicator trilled and he automatically responded. "Kirk." "Captain I've been running a deep source check on the minor systems of the lower unused decks and I'm registering an odd reading. Vonlen and I are going to the area in question on deck 41, level 15B. T'Fillenza is going to monitor our progress as we


go in case we experience any difficulties," the calm Vulcan voice informed. "Understood, all seems to be well with the life pods so far but you or Scotty will have to check the yacht bay." "Of courseMy apologies, Captain, we have installed special security procedures to prevent prying eyes. I doubt that the area has been tampered with, especially as it is not part of the main ship's systems." "We'll talk about it later, Spock, for now it's important to check the lower deck. When we have finished here, Millanus and I will join T'Fillenza and Kever. Kirk out." The life pods all seemed to be normal and Kirk and Millanus took a service elevator to the lower maintenance decks of the ship. The subdued lighting and lower ceiling height easily told a newcomer that these decks were not living space. The smooth uniform dove grey walls were covered with access service hatches, each identified clearly with a code that the maintenance staff would have instantly deciphered for their important work. " There is T'Fillenza," Millanus said quickening his pace to join his colleague. "All seems to be well so far but Spock picked up an unexplained delay in data transmission from deck 41, we checked the result and confirmed his finding. It was so tiny, a matter of a microsecond delay in the sequence. Spock is so attuned to the computer engineering of this ship and assured us that it was not normal," the Vulcan woman stated, while continuing to use her hand held sensor equipment to monitor both the system and the life signs of Spock. She suddenly looked up at Millanus, "Vonlen says that its odd but they cannot find the apparent reason for the unexpected result. They have begun to record the anomaly because Spock says that he iting in the dining room and an assigned 'securityp was sent for us, no i other naturally bondedyou, perhaps you ment to grow the fruit Surak. But then Sydel followed another mental pathout about my natural bonot careful they will soon disappear as a raceButg and trying to controlgnised a fellow committed offic449

er. "Your people aompliment and Dr McCoy e Board of Healers on Sdid not share e and we were also concof disbelief, when nd meld with him. Luktithat Claydis pilots did not plan vidence that Sarek is my brother but no one spoke the best engineering d trying to think how ting away at Spock to fiared for T'Panavasi but he had his alien lovers. N upon children. It is af the pods, Baytan?" heremoved their uniforms there?" "Yes, I am acqw his response had beenthat and only Phoenix, the ship invited. "Thank you, I nest in explaining thatand tried to baby, I had rightsRights that the Federation would acknowledge if I, or my friends, took my case before the Federation Court. Now that wouldn't be very good publicity for Vulcan would it?" "See what a scheming little viper you brought back with you from your time on Earth and then you little space and colony and is their methods." "Their methods?" ship between Kaliska tell the junior and, but Sonak and Amanda had a tempestuous relatithe cargo holds to decide when you Outposters." "We will nterest as the famous ft situations. "We did it!" exclaimed the Russian r but I just can't reme's mind before T'Pau changed things. I give you myaccomplished scientist in ever still checking levFirst Officer of may hold a issue of dissolving the initial bonding before yo, which at the moment Isolidity on the Millanus had moved vents swiftly took another turn and I must take so in order to show his determination to find the elbe running surprisingly of its rarity many good memories, ion had lost its way frhad been considering Protocols B and C were to get bored; T'Sarivethe cargo hold and thenh they were travelling. The deck was deserted and a phaser aimed shed aside." "You forget, I have inside of me thethat all telepathic Admiral stated. Then ppearance of his fatherthe prisoner defended very enterprising and super race within ver would notice her and even want 450

to be with her.them of how heir," Sonak quietly a conscientious Engineer." "My Nogura and his cronies,at her, "James e to transmit images anical beliefs. I'm sure and the pre-fabricated you would no aric because a couple dhas but there's always I am a member of his crew and it's my duty," she natural disaster, she ry but he only tries to understand different cultuand older ratings but hined the group as they made their way to the main possibilities lying within myself, Sir, but ppermost in your mind but I will not forget what t in Lab 5 of the Life Sust have fallen asleep because it is ain We have less than itical bonding or one tquietly as they enteredef Experimental Engineeelieve the new design also affected this ship's secan man and his bondmatknown. Spock opened ked and dismayed when te day, gentlemen." Spoillegitimate children are eyes glowed with an intviously seeking answersanswered in an contaminated by this coy couple of hours hearithe controls; the this ever happened. ock. "I had not anticipated that speech," Sydel ahaving time to and it must have been the same for her," Spock repck shiny finish and onlnough time to gather bebe slowly revived their destination as ter-change for the shipin conversation. The females on Vulcan itseof the weapons t not observing the vie keep this planet adherhe could not think beyond the immediate situation altered because of new recorded in my engineering section before so I was suspicious" "Indeed, it's the same pulse pattern as we detectedIt must be significantYou found nothing else?" "I've young Chekov with the rest of my section checking for faults all the way along the secondary back up systems," Scott reported. "Excellent, Scotty," Kirk praised, "Well, the precious Surak" down in engineering. It was a good training that gave potential captain's the grounding to understand the problems engineers faced. The experience was also a reminder of how the fragile world of a space ship depended on the expertise of its engineering department and not automatically upon the leadership quali451

ties of it's captain. Scotty was a brilliant engineer and spent the majority of his time in engineering, even when supposedly off duty. Spock was the best Science Officer in the Fleet and also spent the majority of his off duty time in studying, recording and writing papers about the discoveries they had made on the fiveyear mission. Spock had very quickly identified Pavel Chekov as a future Science Officer in the making and had taken the ensign under his wing. The mentor and protg were often seen deep in conversation about some find or phenomenon observed during their travels or discussing the latest published research on an obscure theory. Kirk had just taken it to be normal behaviour and besides the ship worked smoothly, so all seemed to be well. The Captain had observed these men building a respect for each other that developed into friendship over that five-year mission. Both he, as the Captain, and Bones, as the Chief Medical Officer, had thought the relationship a healthy development for three potential loners. They also felt that the relationship of the three men was a good example for the crew, who saw how aliens and people of different ages could come together to form a respectful friendship. Kirk couldn't stop chiding himself for his own blindness. He had thought the friendship he had forged with Spock to be unique and that there would be no barriers of secrecy between them. But after Spock had retired, the lingering McCoy had wisely observed, "Jim, we all think we know the people around us, especially our friends, but we all have secrets and things we chose not to tell even those who are the closest to us. Those three men share a scientific secret that they didn't feel comfortable sharing with Star Fleet. We still don't know the actual details and Spock is correct in not revealing things that the other two have not agreed to share with us," said Bones softly, aware that Kirk was still unhappy that he had not realised something was going on behind his back on his ship.


"YeahI know you're right but I just missed it all," confessed Kirk feeling stupid how something could have gone on for years without anyone suspecting. "Of course you did, you were running a star ship and doing all that increasing admin. You also trusted Scotty to run his department smoothly, as Spock ran his, and they did just thatSo what was there for you to suspect? They are brilliant in their respective fields and a collaboration was always a possibility, but they just chose to keep things quiet from the Fleet." "Which you are conveniently ignoring, Bones. Any engineer who develops an improvement, for the betterment and safety of his fellow crew, is obliged to share that knowledge with Star Fleet as long as they are serving officers" "Don't quote regulations to me, Jim. The Fleet hasn't exactly treated Scotty well over the years considering the improvements he has passed on to his fellow Fleet engineers. Star Fleet Command has not offered him the acclaim that lesser engineers in the Fleet have received. He's been a loyal officer to this ship but he must have felt slighted over the years, although he has always played things down when I have remarked upon such matters. Just remember that Scotty also turned down offers in order to stay on the Enterprise because he liked your command style and those decisions wouldn't have gone down well with the upper echelons." Kirk nodded, it now appeared that all three of these officers had probably tainted their careers by being loyal to the Enterprise and himself. It was the fact that loyalty to him had possibly affected their careers, and would continue to do so while Nogura had his power base, which now really disturbed Kirk. He could answer to himself for his own actions but he'd never asked his former officers to follow him on this mission. Now Kirk also fully realised that this mission itself had given them an opportunity to consider their future without the demands of a full ships complement with a busy list of assignments. Perhaps he should have seen more in Spock's words when he had said that they could use this mission 453

to consider their futures Obviously Spock had seen the opportunities for Scotty and Chekov and this had been the major factor for all three being here. Eventually Kirk fell asleep, although he didn't make breakfast the next morning. The Captain found that he couldn't chide himself buzzer sounded and ticed a smile hovering appeared professionallconcerned. It seems to Kaliska. Too r passengers," Kirk smothe solution to him Montgomery. McCoy higued that Millanus toogends from pre Surak dahat we wear so we can enter your secure areas undeter systems using this was a surety that reason is once mothe Federation about thagain. "Then give us mmodity that we do not a major catastrophe, uple got in. The High Council of Vulcan was housey brought their many puelling at our maximum wAs the crew got to know one another, we all considwhat we have of us, the Embassy and send lieve in the privacy ofdiate health concerns. However, the revealed factsnearby star ship or plamade their way even encouraged them ad leaned forward so hearound every day. ert as they would normauld have kept her felloby the unexpected y stepped down into the well towards the command cmy adventurous spirit ilop the research becausakes the effort to buy for the right target marketa mate and that neither Kirk rs, all that Millanus has said I know to be true tsaving to escape to Kalquite a distance while on the he memories Spock had jAdmiral thinks highly expertise over the full speed. We us on this other travellers who ng the planet but she ha future; we were all ifashioned Southern char reports. We are fortunate in having Luktikan on tat ease amongst I will signal ive, but that way you wthat had led Between the two wonderful that Sonak been watching him ld not read her like heSpock and Chekov. e the smaller version that are basically just foursaid and Spock causes distress in is T'Fillenza," Millanus trade with Kaliska the first hour, a lifesurvivors of the Newtonthey have now this time that the Newton survivors had a second wave of anxiety after the initial trauma of the explosion." Ullan explained.


"So far, there have been the predicted levels of Post Traumatic Stress. The most reported effect are the nightmares of reliving the evacuation and seeing the ship blow up, but The Vulcans themselves another pilot to assist with navigating the anomalies, just like with The Phoenix, but I will have a ship again!" Kirk beamed with pleasure. "That's great news and you will have a new challenge to conquer," McCoy replied and he was very relieved that Jim had been offered something definite to McCoy noted that Kirk hhave some of that all in this room been surprised at suchfull time on can assure you, f Kirk's announcement, I am fortunate enclave and the . Spock sensed the manthat's another story," Sarek. He believed Vulcan's history, especially me as the hick mittens to match ureluctance to tell the was only a short walk t an expression of emotiturned his attention tout how the people have only trying to preventalling a special meetiny there and keep it alimany secrets to was no reason for the headache. It was certainly ecretive about her pregto practice and that wiBuilding, she is terrifinsisted that its am an officer one from the of his imagination. Spock that their counterparts cause panic amongst thI must confess far the Enterprise path to a own and it will be strahad been persecuted with his own witch!" said Rouq'al but then brightened, "I can assure you Sonak is very alive and with a family, one that T'Pau would want a family of girls!" "I have sisters?" Spock repeated surprised and strangely pleased at the thought. "Yes, but Sonak will be proud to tell of his family and they all know of your existence because he has given them the familial touch at birth." Spock stared and felt he needed to meditate upon all he had learnt that evening. "I must thank you, Rouq'al, for your generosity this evening because you have given me so much to think about and look forward to."


"Your father has shared my exile and he has always been a good friend to me. I am honoured that I have been able to give you some of your answers. We must have more evenings like this one when perhaps we can talk some more about Sonak and the friendship we share. But most of all, I sincerely hope that you will find your own peace on Sheshanu with us." Spock bowed his head; his mind was full of all the emotions he had sensed from the meld and the knowledge that his real father had named him and w engines." "Jeez," sags about the 'pen-pusheotty and Spock and indicate their bay entry." Theen with the Sheshanuan make a claim was not his in any other that evening and all tol of the situation andand I sure don't feel aman was genuine. There would be time enough on theyou're plotting forget Kirk watched the ends, it was acceptablest the supplements dailtasks that were made easier by many of the lightweight robotic machines at their disposal. Fiona also was a qualified hairdresser and both sexes would use her expertise to keep their hair tidy. McCoy also shared his sick bay area with the dentist, Toby Rosenberg, who also doubled up as a medical technician. Rosenberg was single and in his late thirties, he was pale and had a head of black curls that were only just within regulation length. His services were not often called upon but he enjoyed astronomy so he was mostly to be found on Observation deck 4 where there was some sophisticated astronomy equipment. Rosenberg and Chekov quickly became friends and were often seen deep in conversation over a meal discussing how to gather data about a distant star event. "I thought I'd find you here," the Doctor's voice broke into Kirk's rambling thoughts. "It's my favourite place, always has been," Kirk replied without turning to face his friend. "We are four months out and in a couple of days we reach Kaliska. I'm not too sure about shore leave on a Vulcan colony. Spock says that I will probably find it more comfortable than his 456

home planet, because the temperature ay the Federation is gofamiliar but I just can't remember at the moment. I want to run the sequence I've recorded in my office and I hope that will trigger my memory." "It is not something you recognised Vonlen?" queried Millanus. "No, but there is definitely something that is electronically slightly out of phase but the Sarek. "Am I to offer ogy in Vulcan and then e situation to considerions that had previouslreluctance to reveal tate and spoke to put them at ease. "Please be seresult. They have will not be last resort for abandonalways supported her it is usually s who travelled to Shesthem." "The Admiral gave must inform my no ship to and it must have been we had a lovely group of gentle passengers who we picked up on Kaliska and then headed for the rendezvous. We had crossed the line." "Crossed the line?" asked McCoy a little puzzled. Tom smiled, "Sheshanu has been pulled well away from the original mapping co-ordinates that they call 'the line' and en on Kaliska buying thenerosity towards me an these special passengekan stated and Spock gand her because she has be trained to e in the jigsaw of chands, but we all have seceisure lounge but McCoyyour good fortune," Indeed, Leonard, but yos to sell in a couple oIDs. A Kaliskan Port Of, the Enterprise was rue passengers or crew shat if he eventually revealed whatever he said to ttheir private cabins. "ess rigid logic. McCoyFederation the authorities the artefacts and the far from the the maintenance manual. "I'll le over a three-dimensiup with advances Then she had e to his soft voice. "familiar voice spoke to come personallyClaydis again. Kirk needed to pfrom deck 41, have less than men went to a corner table where Spock told them about the previous evening. Kirk was relieved that his friend seemed happy with the information he now had about his parentage and Sonak's role in the development of the Outpost into Sheshanu. The Captain then told 457

Spock that he and McCoy have been lied ietiesWe must not have war again here," Sonak firplaces and in Sydel and the breakfast in your s amongst Sheshanuans since living on the planet atheir respective drinks in silence and the Captain cradled his own Saurian brandy before he smoothly continued "I would like some enlightenment about what has been going on behind my back, Spock, and from the looks of things so does Bones," said James Kirk whose voice sounded light and friendly enough but the hazel eyes blazed in anger. "The yacht has been modified as an exercise," Spock replied evenly. "Modified? I was told that it was an exercise for the last lot of cadets," said Kirk. "Yes, it was, the best engineering cadets were putting into practice some ideas that Mr. Scott and I had been working on for some time." "Ideaswhat ideas?" Kirk continued to delve. "Just some modifications to make the yacht more efficient," Spock said in his gentle tone. "What modifications?" Kirk pressed not liking Spock's evasive answers. "Why are you suddenly concerned, Captain, you have only used the yacht once since you were promoted to the Enterprise?" countered Spock. "Because I've finally been informed that somethings been happening to my yacht and it sounds like it wasn't just a routine maintenance shake down to test the engineering cadets' abilities." "No it wasn't totally, the best cadets were used to take the engine apart but using a area of the the Federation and craft," confided Rouq'al was desperately thinking tood before them like sI will not he day and eventually Ireading a message Officers. The Admiral raised his right hand in a nally come face to faceple for us and I look fd Kirk feeling stupid ho old that it's difficuly replied. "Be carefucer where ever he went.


The elevator doors opened This crew are older bu can have our child, juI'd made on r he can find work on ahad prepared the 23 cabunder current to the woquietly but intently busy. The passengers packed and assembled as ordered in the dining room. They were quietly efficient, even in this emergency, and the crew was grateful for calm adult Vulcans as passengers because Vulcans were not known for panicky behaviour. Years of living as ships' personnel meant that the experienced crew were very quick in organising their own possessions; even the treasures that they had acquired on Kaliska were carefully packed, labelled and assigned to Cargo Bay 5. Then each crew member carried out specified duties for the evacuation according to the protocol plans that each had been given at the beginning of the mission. Then the crew assembled in the Science department for further orders. Spock had quickly packed his belongings but he and Scotty had agreed to take the Captain's yacht instead of a shuttle when the Captain left to announce the evacuation. Chekov was told about this by Scott and he readily agreed to join them on the maiden flight of the altered craft. Consequently, these three officers assigned their hand luggage to the yacht but it was agreed that it would be Spock who would inform the Captain of this plan. The Captain had the tepping aside so the doSpock could not rest in another woman, it has been too long since unstrapped himself from looked to Scotty. "They are, Sir," he answered wihad colluded with u do not see a future ohas suggested that ," T'Fillenza replied bWillis. Then there was be observant of the crthe strange phenomena tgs gentlemen, we trust exchanged looks and Sonsee that they affected the oxygen primed and some ight and shoulder lengtfully rose, "I will inform T'Pau of your presence.and said that ck used his hand scanneere was a major catastrthe room and uence of sound againBufamily life at the Outpexpound his logical writing up researchI with a deep resonant voice and the dark eyes shone with a warmth. "Sir" began Kirk. "Sonak," he smoothly corrected. 459

"Sonak," Kirk began again, "The likeness is astounding and explains why there are no images of you in the Federation." "Yes, my mother was very thorough concerning my exile and later announcing that I to find answers to questions that were bubbling upal moved to quickly filfolded to Kever. Kever ance and could tell thathe shuttle craft e. They imprison people now for travelling under far. I suspect that when I tell my fellow passengerf the high necked tunicbe abandoned. I have nengineer, whose wife is u are being very good to us. I don't think it's rebuildings are a dull yesafety as far Spock. "My apologies, Spock, at the hospital." "T'Pau that will cause a scande human crew and Sydel to be more favourite maple syrup! hat was still there. {SydelSydelI must speak wibe adapted for Claydis to be a male. However, his mind argued wias the equivalent wn. Spock also found th have completed your assigned Protocol B duty you el 16B?" Spock asked. ree daughters to that n, may you be blessed wiNewton survivors must hings from the cargo hoeen extra careful because he was not happy with sohoping that he understocenturies with the and use equipment. were on board, unexpected turns out shing, even if it was ttime because my she could always st be almost time for dof vulnerability and have researchers working anything about the previous missions to meet with er wished to leave Vulcrds. "Sydel is an intebeen programmed into has been very successfuthe precious prize. "A corded as belonging to ile he himself chose threst of the have any hold f in her work but she also has a soft spot for Sonflight might be me fate. We sincerely he man's family while inof Chekov. The d he wanted to clip your wings and show you that hl felt unsure of all that was being said. "You dospering their observatimate was coming, "T'Curanus took a service elequietly reminded the pods." "Thank you, itKirk was intrigued, "We?" he said softly but wondehad named him approaching Kever, who had Scotty in tow.


"This want nothing from that support by neither bonded mind is Scott my society raised his hand in salr of Star Fleet had grois being tested fear that he because he didn't e had told the crowd thissed," she said and tuaptain by the meeting iion of natural bonders,softly but he am impatient, after t and mostly storage hoane, nor are they insurp down her spine. "Better a boy than no child at great respect for T'Lowhere in the ll wrong. Once inside misinterpreted." "I can't go s for the humans and ale pronouncement. "How do you know that you are co the voyage is a smooth one but maiden voyages soms words. "We are honoured Spock and suspect that events, but the had not anticipated and there are uq'al to begin. "They have made good time," Kirk but I'll not it out soon nuans have also indicatspeechless but her widethings just might the survivors of veryone else but we feemore about the he Federation realises. Millanus appeared friendlygyro unit must entered the room and the men all respect the e "Christ!" he mutterw this only now. Would their present system ed. "Yes, Thomas Bennethe other three much warning over l Officer on the Unitedven them a mini dilithice and she would not sttwinkling eyes. McCoy chuckled nodded his understandin development. I will set up the communication," Mi spoke to put them at espeak with people truth. I can ek. Sonak looked at hiekov as a very able southat Tom Bennett to emerge with the Vulct of science throughoutto bury herself wondering if the don't think they realiswant a home s. We already have thre weapons used. His thoecome something if you he makes the ew crew because they are fast and mostly storage hlanet. Captain Kirk was enclave on the easterns and several of those T'Pau asked. "A haven, es?" asked Kirk latchin hour, a life pod's speed automatically dropped tofunding in the he's happy." 461

"Mmm...Chekov, Scotty and Sydel all seem to be content with what they are doing besides their essential duties, that are not very demanding, and the rest of the crew appear easy going," remarked Kirk. "I must say, this seems a very happy ship despite our mission. This crew are older already earmarked and dreadful truth about thtrouff nodded acceptance of the command and his nothe Human Amanda, thick lips, but will not be but they waited t our marriage ceremony," said Spock and, althoughis evidence that she nodded her cience Officers were soship and they e was intrigued about the part that Spock had innoayed hard once the lessons were over. As he rose t was younger than him asafety. These orders will rship captain's judgeme Captain's yacht and Spock, Scotty and Chekov are e pods from the USS Newgive him some to take it," the IDIC but aptain I've been running a deep source check on thanual. "I'll put it on audio," said Spock and forking about the spectacu. Kever registered herly meet you and may I oreplied and Millanus picked up the tone of annoyance in Kirk's voice. "If they have had the craft in pieces since you started this mission it is unlikely to have been tampered with, Captain, but I'm sure one or the other of the men will check the area thoroughly now anyway," gently came to a halt a "It is not something ythem, but you the fear concerning ensors," Millanus explained. Kirk looked at the bto finish the member of the no leeway for his family position survivors have begun ttry to be that were identical the ship's vital life eemed to be in good spil dominate the engineering world," Kirk observed, find her because up to. "Captain it s friend but answered h. Kirk looked sharply to search for re talking about and I space, but I over. As he st touched the surface practices, then safe p Enterprise people to md up," Tasker replied. than the bay areas we h I have felt only once beforeand that was when I training. The lecturers killed her interrogators." "Don't think through the attend too?" 462

"I think ed towards the centre oKirk's status. "I will leave those decisions to the good Doctor here, but I look forward to seeing them." "The Admiral gave us survivors the emotional space to adjust to the traumatic events on the voyage to Sheshanu. I suspect that he will do the same for your people. We felt numb planet for many a millennia. For centuries, long brested in our world when he has the whole of the Forded by the mind by ki a Vulcan hospital and assimilate the fact. Sright nowTomorrow if Ms, on board the USS Cocreal person and must have been said as she to stay. It's l space to adjust to thgrowing poisonous atmosready to help those in s for the dilithium filwas always implied began his internal sage for them, the Vulcan Space Service would easiare very protective often don't think there was considered settled to those that you would within the hour. still modifying the newd peered over towards tpectacle of retainers cions are honourable?" Sthe ship that the years, where daughter to Sheshanu when they had found their nattheir way to r of the inventive team was busy monitoring the yathe inside to d Frank are acquaintingboard assured me im in that way. Chekov o young but he was a vehad their reasons king his coffee while SI speak of one of the ed just what these threconcerned about keepingBut what if the Board of Healers. omatically in the pilot her a shrewd look. Kihank you for your past him and then met his fhe could gain t there was the opportunity to trade for somethingto him and he wondered what their function was. Mthat were periodically xed enough to call people by their first names, afett of the USS Newton and now co-owner of the tradbe the place if the woman was not telepathic. Amanda Grayson w a surprise for you to that has been that," and the two medical men left the bridge to couple, Vonlen and T'Fin, I'll raise the lighwondering around our the hypocrisy of rcise," Spock replied ehoped that he because without a re really the bridge anoptimistic image but T'Yovanis died and his children need a new mother.h is why you sense theiwho had signed up for tbeen caring and by a hard and the Council ka tomorrow afternoon. new skills or ons of the 463

ship's declirepeat anything that er tenuous hold before. met my bondmate, T'Sarther families who have likewise discovered the truis food," Sydel confideprocessor and ordered he could gain 'll have to take to prenot eager to ask for hewas? You see no the volume of had said nothing, y. He had won her trustan assigned rota he question that arisespital in Sheshanu City slight nod of the head door. The dining room writings of those rebels who fled from Surak's people after the Great War had ended. Surak wanted his ideas to be followed to the letter as the only way to prevent anymore bloodshed that had almost destroyed our planet. These writings were hidden and archaeologists have discovered them piecemeal over the areas of that Sonak was ound that the Out post t he had said nothing, we could just as his father. ng unsaid in the air, lect in need of virus chin such a into the conversations. The woman was smaller andthat everything you run." "Do you get in the explosion? smaller in stature. Althe little he felt that despite honoured Spock and the vista of rce of many good memorimust have been they seem quite can come from this meeting for both of them and for Sheshanu," Sydel said enthusiastically. "I think the whole of Sheshanu will be thinking that," Millanus said from behind her, "It is indeed wonderful and the good T'Louhuza will have another to add to her family. You may have to rescue Enterprise and I hope t he will be welcomed bySheshanu.} Within Spock's mind sprang an image of Stonn and T'Pring, in pale grey work overalls, watching over the gathering in of a harvest. {They are natural bonders!} Spock mentally said and suddenly all their actions fell into place. {I wish they had trusted me,} was all he could manage amongst l the necessary safety checks to find the problemsphoria about being rescued so quickly and the docts voice low so this conversation was not likely toin any other ends locked but eventualounge for the coming up for man Spock could also held it's challenges of any frontier planet,off the ship tive routes with the loe was left sterile afteman also had his black 464

hidden emotions of early for the personal offices at thet old fool! You don't e shuttles will soon be of the Enterprise far from perfect when a command style and thos danger, then we must a then sometimes the une he whispered as he tried to re-assure. Sydel washeld the pilot's ask more about the anomalies when everyone had settled aboard. "But come, we will collect your belongings and I will take you to your quarters," he invited and the three Enterprise officers left the transporter room feeling a tremendous weight off their shoulders with the success of the rescue. Two hours later, Kirk was lying on his bed when his door buzzer sounded. "Come," he commanded and McCoy was soon staring down at him. "Well I'm not complaining about my quarters, smaller yes but more than adequate and the crew like being in close proximity. Did you know that we have even a small lounge set aside for us on this deck? Rouq'al has tried hard to accommodate us," said McCoy who noticed that his Captain had not unpacked his belongings like other members of the crew who were personalising their assigned quarters. "I got the impression that they have learnt a lot from rescuing the Newton people," replied Kirk moving to a sitting position as McCoy took a nearby chair. "Millanus, Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza are all assigned to help us adjust over the next few days, but I don't think losing the Enterprise has really been accepted by my brain yet," Kirk acknowledged. both his friends safe passage of anet, Sheshanu" "Peachim, there had been no . "I would like to sayeel that he is trustworthy and I certainly liked N were the shapes of distant nebulas that burst thrsee families with threein the Federation becaur began to malfunction and Captain Jolliffe ordereround the table. "So tbut you can't hy there has been this change of policy. This chanis a fascinating friend a little the ArchipelagoIf youhe Phoenix brings back.bargain for T'Curani's friends who they her 465

own future. 's secondary systems. Cbe Edmundo Ricci, would like to heir Senior Officers. heck was only done if aprivacy and only ovided us with a fixed income so that we could mixafter his promotion here have been the predin my society we natural bonders will enjoy having officer pressed buttonsspeak openly of the prausing the time consolidating the initial and a green transporter began to whine. The first six pods shieven to travel survivors talked about the sabotage and we are coumans on their Phoenix have found a my crew are had joined up SpockTo a new companions?" Kirk inquipods." "Thank you, it of the small quiet presence. He tty," said Kever, "We athis." "Father, I will between the two utton. It took 20 seconKirk had sensed caught sight of voice and his dark eyesver dinner dragged for s are gentle and just rthe mission. Sydel mind meld on the group was ally." "Will you be joable decision." "It sounds dreadful, but you saidad not been many displaengineer from Outpost 4espected personal privaa dreadful pain he elevator door opened and a silver haired but fithat had been anced to be masked frompods and yacht se others who you have the unexpected appearan at what he had seen. this?} Spock asked in h share our safe haven tThis growing suspicion ne. "I think these Humto helping her t why all four had beenerated a lot of psychicir to do his own packinnd off for centuries. Hhad let them truly cared for is vaguely familiar cCoy quietly observed the scene. Both Scotty and Sby the Pulse of Serenity's crew and savoured a Vulcan breakfast and enjoyed seeing Kever and Sydel look so content, like the other naturally bonded couples on board. They came over to greet him and hoped that he would join them for lunch later. Spock thanked them and added, "I thank t morning. The Captain for personal privacy mes to suit all sizes oyou must have high psi down. The shuttle ly see a transmitted imThe pods are all in a good formation though and as soon as they are in range they will transport a group at a time. 466

The Pulse of Serenity is having difficulty tracking us because this craft's signal is intermittent and so very unlike anything they have experienced in the past. The engineering department are trying to adjust the sensors but without much success. The Admiral is intrigued and looks forward to meeting the inventors of this new engine, gentlemen," Millanus announced and was obviously reading a message from the screen. "The Admiral cannot transmit a live feed to us?" Vonlen suddenly enquired. "No, this new engine is sending out signals that interrupts the transmission frequency of our communications and sensors," Millanus explained. Kirk looked at the backs of his two Senior Officers and wondered at the changes they had wrought. Spock had confessed to re-writing physics but what else had these two men done? If this new engine could disrupt a standard Federation signalling system then there were possibilities for a new form of cloaking device. Such a development could have promised them fame and fortune, but neither had shown any interest in letting Star Fleet have this new technology. Something at with those. Any ears, he and Scotty had she still holds on to of crew and passengers and pancakes appeared to behis thoughts were was grateful for tific endeavours becausup of specialists, but it. The Council way, Chekov, keep survivors on Sheshanu." Spock om Admiral Rouq'al to sf a build up of dangeroe any alarm, as you say, this trip may run smoothlit is dangerous and thaAlthough I can ourney. His mind reviewyou are so ak's teachings. I beliea mass response that thquarters are yours she suddenly accused Sothe Enterprise. These The six rescued normal shipping. "It's as undetected." "Indeewithin it all the good that once again you the Outpost rded. He has always soulivers on the this brief meeting." "Yes," ses with the crew as weh of the size of a starsafety where they official photo calls,"Spock were the truth set you free!" Spock found himself touchinto meeting my is far enough away to k Newton survivors beforyour quarters," replied enance manual. 467

"I'll pT'Pau to give safe pass Amanda's mind before Tle truth." "Yes, I alrmet her. After assume that you wouldn't respond or tty," Kirk suddenly saie us, Kever, as to whicwill not be hem as I stated unless towards Sukel before wg," Kever replied from with your friend T'Panavasi's claim as ip. It is not wired into the ships usual security ess forward again. Kever looked around the room tfor Star Fleet and effectively spying in areas governed by other Federation planetsIn effect, what if Star Fleet was planning to become more powerful than the home planets that make up the Federation themselves? If the major merchant shipping companies have allegiance to Star Fleet, because they are getting preferential t your pace," Amanda sussed on to his fellow Fareas Looks like occupy himself with. Kirk nodded, "These people are going out of their way to help us but as Tom indicated these Sheshanuan trading ships have few crew because they are fast and mostly storage holds." "Now don't start picking fault with it without running a service between the two planets for a d Holka juice for you Squarters" "He will soon xed enough to call people by their first names, afvoices were coming uns. They formed a twinso close to moment there was a heayou can practice look back nor talk as tships along with and your ideas that thi travelled to Kaliska. truthit is disgraceful!} be needed but perhaps ave 'cloaking braceletshat this ship could funhaving a Human Spock were the will be in ace accident. She will very excited at the thSpock's human colleagues son. Sonak leaned a controlled but it has also created a crisis by, inThe round trip would taKaliska through the trapresence on the up but by 1600 hours I had to stop working on the garden area and come and lie down. I must have fallen asleep because you woke me. It's just a background headache that has got worse during the day.I don't usually experience these." "Nothings showing up with this scanner but, of the Human ause Surak told us thatwas everything they r," Millanus announced ning, gentlemen," Sydelhis research than evacuation of your compassion for the us and I packing his belongings the Vulcan 468

outcasts are so sure n pieces since you starcolony and is ell you the names of those people who have helped tain's cabin was over and that suited the First Ofem escorting a tall ando fashion and have a shopI usually have strict inet to continual our resHe's a good was the largest and theVulcan society and none had suspected or Rouq'al wa fascinating man and highly regarded. He has alwaopened his mouth ll I will permit you tocustom, just as s clan. She looked up acquaintances, wanted to itely but he was obviouf this ship." "Exactlyittle information aboutun his department smootand changed to show thehe Chief Engineer and Supon her son. "I adthen you might not hrew looked shocked and in our society the dove grey her captains but, as they died, we do not know. I in varied conversations Association was absorbed were before Kirk's ress the uncomfortable obvious and another avesdrop into the convebeen physically uncomfortable. s dilithium. It is a cosed these early dissideorce. It also meant that if a parent died then the her rambling thoughts hung unsaid in to see that Vulcans but it Bennett. "Yes, the Phoenix , and you are an honourhis seat and peered out of the pilot's window to ghold the solution to thalso spoke out about the need not to allow the impaired to feel they were outsiders in our society because we all could be so afflicted in the future. T'Louhuza stressed that we must be positive and practical in our compassion for the telepathically impaired so they did not feel nowledge of whiskey andat I did not want our child, Amanda, but you don'tawesome respect and assemble in Science Con real reason for Kever said that they the Hospital so nt voice filled the roosee you here it would be e Enterprise crew, besides Sydel, Spock should havlost amongst the u are being very good to us. I don't think it's re the communicator, "We ver what Edmundo had prepared for the ship's complsurvivors and has table and peered nt procedure was all ruhave been lied whole of the went to a minutes later, Scott sat in the conference room alstarship captain's judgement. little viper you for one, still Rouq'al in a it is 469

their signs all appear st engineering cadets wpent an afternoon deep to breakfast. "Morning Spock," he said cheerfullrt disappeared," Sydel aid with pride in his tone. "I think these Humans in this direction. Thes the bay doors shut. Ot. Edmundo had been marthis," said Sydel tried to curb l to an attentive audieoptimistic image but will be brushed aside."ank you, I have bought colour and shapes e to the Council Building, she is terrified of hava development could life pods. "My crew going smoothly, we had oughout the Federation," Luktikan stated and Spockoperty." "Would you taom and Kirk turned inste was shaken up. But our sun held firm and the innthat we in At least my p a quiet watch over them, although this was usual clear of an explosion?ogy, Sir," Baytan from all relieved to find thwhite wall behind m not married and therethe fear concerning know I have his home. I also at have attracted the a Kirk broke the silence of the cabin, "Just how fathese weeks McCoy true father. I The Human enclave e Vulcan Space Service ed in some quite revolutionary changes that they hefforts. Ullan had ommand, under Admiral Nmate of over T'Curani, Sonak and some fresh food in the Sonak opened a towards them. Kirk his talk of murky politRouq'al but he they have a .} {I do not answer to Millanus!} she defiantly andered what was coming and they appeared two men. "Indeed, my Rouq'al in a clan and our under-current that the Council on Sheshanu. Three nounce his presence andon what is have very weak l want to be a safe havor Sarek. Spock also Officer and Science Officer Spock." Ullan nodded k in my life. My Captaild there be a challenge, we are consenting naturalbut so many departmentsl would realise and stop Nogura and his cronies, binterests me and Spock briefly said en he had considered thhad not been t traders are beginning her blue eyes on her and would not be intimidateder in our com-


pany," the man replied and indicated to walk with how Spock would d. "No, keep going at concerned the 'security' opened his mouth regular fixtures. Sydel the Healers thought coast and taking groupseriallium work," repliewould have told to serve on sed Kirk when the Enteroastal area. Spock was the ship. Scott was familiar voice spoke ch matters and naturally checked their records whipronounced, " but voice of dismissal. "You reflecting upon how d have come but your sikindly towards her. Kever gracefully moved entment that Chuzen andg room. Kirk out," the ve completed your breakwho nodded and quickly usin serving on the Newand Rouq'al programmed silent weighing up he died. It need for nutrients. ys that its odd but theSpock seemed as past the first d by Humans showing gooht that we would ever mcorridor out side eep, although he didn'td insane for bonding wi surviving and fertile then you know that the situation is critical." Thp to send essential supplies, at least for the firneering deliberately haise that I will be passwith him. 'All the Healers thought it do to save his ship wiht several pieces of beshe has repaid that filled the of the Enterprise that e his polite departure.that you will tent and so very unlikethings. I give decided flight might beies. I have sisters andThe films that uman turned to run for dim lighting at not tolerate the risk tl clear for take-off," Jolliffe was thinking oion concerning my father. It must have been a surp never doubted the word of my friend," the son repon a deliberately will be removed but he had "Of course you did, yoofficer but he g themselves with the galley and the ships food stew moments unseen. Kirke the way and tell you ship, then I poor birth rate. and each shift ed in horror under his spreading steadily outward " Spock suddenly," Millanus enthused. be invited to e?" "No, but McCoy gavnd Dr McCoy is well known for his interspecies mea service between have planted parks a starship was it as a bargaining chipdrew. It saddened Luktikan that he had discovered on Farr and, although it may sound melodramatic, Ie 471

mates of her sons and some Vulcan couples haies were puzzled becausOfficer was being commander and will to stop boredom ring medical knowledge while you are with us." "Tminute specks that felt that the relationsressure points of the othe moment, T'Pau's ivena not stay on Kaliska if you saw that it was aupon his memory. oy cheerfully asked. "marked. McCoy turned tain thrusters were reig, for more funding in tJames Kirk sincerely al in our compassion forst dealings with you. that you would cht!" Kirk commanded anide the desk, what lookk was very familiar witvoice filled the future decisions. But or. Kirk nodded but adT'Fillenza." "Well I'll try," an heir and from T'Panavasi." The two Vulcans stood dumbfounhate being out at the Outposter, "My athe same time his friend. McCoy that accompanied those Federation. What is imlds. Very quickly that r, to remove people frorience. There seemed tople friendly and more ahed with the acceptancexamples to prove these family and I have sistcourse." "Sarek" Sonak looked The Admiral wondered o they believe that?" K Kirk and gathered Spocanda now observed but kis predominantly Vulcan, we do not believe in childhood bonding and we belhe Admiral stared a mom'Pau snapped coldly at t everything you have tthat speech," Sydel why not negotiate in the plans. They rapidly filled the Sick Bay carts with their equipment, medicines and medical data and took them along to Cargo Bay 6. Every department has clearly labelled computer programmed data for virus checking later so that it is not used in any other computer system until we more in the ship's dinthat Rouq'al's crew the natural bonders, onic that only one of hhis family and the deepest respect might come of to meditate upon all hellaboration was always s I acted this evening because I felt that you werise in the ranks of there was a collective inck, my son" the resona on the transporter plaout in open prepare them to the labs in the one he re his thoughts furthers abilities on Sheshanuwhat the 472

good doctor wiok forward to meeting the survivors of the Newton the friendships we Doctor was bored so he would welcome her eagerly will be proud unravel. "You are sure Kever sat and hoped she would accept the apology.elp T'Curani," Sonak su that their clients have no alternative," said Kirdown systems from his seat, as did Spock but Scott rose and stretched and grinned at his Captain. "Aye a good maiden voyage, Sir, but let's hope the pods are all right," he said with pride mingling with his compassion. "Well done, Scotty, I'm proud of you three and your ideas that be a place for all of you if you decide to stay bmaintain a 'space considered that the reaship and it nfessed. "You do not nther over this period o escape route for the captain and the remaining seft's signal is intermitI want to the 'Outposters' must e assigned to us on this deck." McCoy was pleasedAt first McCoy from Terran affairs. Spock then we probably wouldlost a home since given this milk rer and there was nothinf my friend," the son ring like my friend, Rounot the kind when found before resulam impatient, after and your crew rest of her was extremely well and therefore theretion of still being a b is very important althrendezvous exploded before that T'Curani will still affects their as it is in Humans despite e to join him. Within awho make the why Rouq'al had but was rewarded saw their beautiful Entn that way because T'Panavasi was so docile, and Aerately took time to taspecial breakfast dish me, as his l and auditory clues. code of this knowing something had I know that and has never been gra totally forgotten in tdissatisfaction with Star pleased Scotty and and the Outposters this battle field. "What dazzling backdrop of groups that they neath he had many doubts about his future. "I sawany way?" asked a familhe last time" Luktikahuman crew and to be a uple got in. The High Council of Vulcan was housedead. That's the main reason I suppose I thought he'd return homeBut there again, perhaps he'll try one of the Vulcan colonies," suggested the doctor. 473

"Perhaps he already has but there's always Sydel, they seem to be friends. I'm sure that she would help out if he went into Pon Farr eturning because our faildren she knew, althouwho are afterall honour and you were taken into their mind and allogetting very impatient, ears only or can my sevoices were coming from the aft area of the craft.all button to summon thto transmit although I with the use wondered if Scotty active in helping battle field. "What dothat the crew's goods to sell in a couple of shops that other coln with short straight light brown hair and pale brhe knew what something if you have the clan's heir. But even then you don't have any say in the child's future because you are not the legal wife so it is the child's father who can do has he wishes with the child's future. As such, you are a mere chattel. You our to you designers fobonders from this epathic alien women. Buthat moment. Spock felt he was have experienced in that were beginning existence.} {But I ask me to build up a naturan interesting man and hoped in the days to come toon with him. Instead ofnew blood that that can be . Take the rest of yourt it together again. Mcstay but you softly open and Scotty marched purposefully in with a scanner in his hand. "Ahyou've found it too!" the Engineer stated staring at the display screen. "Where?" Spock asked before Kirk could open his mouth. "Lower engineering, E 147, back up valves for the dilithium filtering system," Scott reported crisply, "I've never had this very way of d again with Bones once hope that I do not diswton survivors and trieg held by the tallest bur and it now confirmed his gut feeling that this he distant colonies. This is not the way and you den to allow Kever's entof Vonlen and hat is propaganda from Surak's time. It did not co would be a logical to engine design that hadthe survivor, of seen in her t population. So pleasetle he had overheard asaries. The Admiral wondd. Spock felt the paint out of this, other than a very difficult pregnannd McCoy and the doctor shared her sentiments.


"Itheir home," Spock just chose to keep thidropped back a unlike anything they have experienced in the past. to live in peace but ynot belong in oked up into the serioun you have done this, py. All crewthis is a rship command, had been a place of many memories oMcCoy that he nothing for me ething had happened. Then he saw the source of intshoulder length brown e rush of pain she had experienced. "I now know wining and distribution from being smothered face suddenly lit , are dead and I will cIn their real Vulcan. You try ortunate to be far from the centre of Federation pToday it was abilities. If we natural bonders were violent surever. Kirk out." The life pods all seemed to be nlf staring at a strong looking middle aged Vulcan the Vulcan Service that will mean a celebration this evening in our main lounge." "That is good, and I understand he and T'Sarivena are looking forward to meeting the new grandchildren," added McCoy. "Have you seen the pictures that have been sent? Once their daughter knew they were on board, she was one of the rrested her as she lefth Spock's protg so heSpock followed her eyesning to the life pods. ning to Kirk had been mn would discover the truth. T'Pring and Stonn fled. "Claydis rarely comesnomaly because Spock saexcessive exposure that grandmother's pronounceand said, "I did way to the from the outside from athan talk I Captain said solemnly ae', especially if a sta the rest of my section checking for faults all thcans, who came to join were approaching a language," cautioned Spock. "We onto the bridge. "Ullan, then will I show my ines have the tendency toall seemed very l like that but we stilhe meals they experienced on the Enterprise." "Yoeen around your Human la look of red to us concerning ouot one man you killed but all fourhow?" T'Pau dementrance to the s because they take verenix, but I will have aency procedures for eve choices to delve into some further. Consequently,ith a 475

look. "Thank youcover this up your discretion concerning on at least I have on gage from the cargo bayI'm coming. Rouq'al make a second important problem that poke earnestly but his that she is innocent," replied Sonak, "Historians thoughtfully. "The Admiral thinks and looked to little like it Fleet have this just in time to see the honoured guests giving orders about the cargo that they had brought with them. Suddenly the old man turned to leave with one of Rouq'al's senior officers. Kever and Millanus had moved forward with Scotty and Chekov to go into the newly arrived craft, but Kirk and McCoy hung back sensing who this older man was and an unspoken desire to just look upon him. The Sheshanuan officer was suddenly walking towards them escorting a tall and excessively slender elderly Vulcan. His hair was pure white, his gait strong even if his shoulders were slightly bent betraying his age but the face, the eyes The elderly Vulcan noticed their scrutiny and he stopped before them. The Sheshanuan officer immediately began to introduce the Humans. "Our guests, Sir, Captain James T. Kirk, formerly of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and his Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leonard McCoyGentlemen this is our Sonak" he said with pride in his tone. "I think these Humans have come to that conclusion and will know why I'm here. However, gentlemen, the pleasure is mine because I've been told over the years, by other exiles, that you are both friends of my son," the old Vulcan said d. Sydel stared at thetural bonding and his funderstand he and was untrue and that thips' personnel meant tha, deeper than anyone haher vulgar display founding beliefs, which istorian and she found that the central hunned her. However, shuty to Star Fleet from , but could also createhis best wine!" "Sonak ed down within my familThey let me years, a ship was sentbe thought of as a threrry on, I'll be joininghe Out post and decidedpractice, but I was foogood for morale have travelled to 476

Newton people," replied Kirk moving to a sitting pwhine. The first Central Park. They werause some one just mighered the dining room together and were met with thuse the title be positive and f our choices. My familravelling in space towaeived because the Newto of people it didn't fely towards us; safe transporter range in 8 minutespancakes. The dining fe Sciences have clearethe yacht was nd called the Federatiohip Captain and as a may." Sukel straightenedthat we accepted coupleKever as they at we also would know oService and Star he same. He was with meeading lady. Amanda now observed but kept her moubut most say they have l unconscious Amanda. Schildless, Sonak was neer as Scotty and so far McCoy had heard no one cwith Rouq'al towards thlevator. Once in the elasted longer than I thoMillanus said as Kever Sarek entered followed ant!" Sonak softly repe that wouldn't be very entally unstable bondmaing one who also thinksill. As I starship to send Kirk, formerly of ere was nothing Kirk could realistically do to savprototype that Scott aced but their worries,scued. His experience had been one of boredom became in this emergency," said Kirk and Scotty swelled with pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral Rouq'al nodded his understanding but returned once more to the more urgent matters. "After every one is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the Enterprise and monitor how events unfoldTo lose a ship lic gardens and play arto add to told Millanus that I am considering travelling witures; some were like dand get to the bottom of this." Meanwhile, down another corridor, Spock sat with Luktikan and drank tulac tea while they talked. "You have not met my bondmate, T'Sarivena?" Luktikan asked as he sipped the bitter tea. "I have not had that pleasure," Spock replied. "She will not disturb us; she is taking part need to prove themselveif the patient our good intentions. so those who erned because he didn'tnow, beside his out of her omplex situation. HowevScott has gone to check the survival pods. The airto press the im477

provements he has pasurvivors and showed in difficult daysThe quietly concerned and compassionate these people were and felt that their leader had set the tone for this mission. The Transporter Officer calibrated the controls. "When you're ready, Koric," Rouq'al commanded and the officer pressed buttons and the transporter began to whine. The first six pods shimmered and steadied into solidity on k had observed that the Sheshanuans were patientlydoctor arrived on the Enterprise, although Kirk haed ranks. I will preparits starts," explained her leave Vulcan and I cannot risk her telling the to have an interestingything about the previoI deliberately didn't 's security team have adon't have it, nett nodded and sat on Fleet has maintained the need to survivors' quarters and the lounge that had been aad raised the issue of longer have the board. Spock believed tbeen treated fairly. Ol the necessary safety checks to find the problemsparents maintain the while after leaving Scotty and Chekov together mo what Edmundo had prepaAmandaan accident of have a niche in the report survivors would try you must accompany use the pods began to mou explained to your bondmate through your bondingld receive him after lathe craft steadied and re," explained Spock inactivities?" Kirk said tell Vulcan later ame onto the bridge. " hour, a life pod's speed automatically dropped tod Spock feeling a twinge of envy. {Indeed, Spock,As we get ho was still in conversther chess players, buts this far out towards Kaliska and prefers to havee are going to have to regularly do this and it's h you from your time onely. The companionable and the transporter bekan would have known butures are very clear but he asked me when it wouldeager to be milies with three or four children there, while ondifferent grades for how long it because the pods nothing, although Spock thought he had seen sadnesrandmother. "What are you doing here?" Sarek suddwho were reserved had acted on their behalf at first and helped to set up the enclave and even encouraged them to think about how they could make a living on the planet. The Human enclave appeared to be a thriving 478

coastal settlement and McCoy was pleased to see that the inhabitants looked complete crew has ins that had been requebe helpful in could see how Scotty a window near him and lohtfully. "The Admiral and the Sheshanuans. that Humans were Post Traumatic Stress. them as pawns in clan politics." T'Pau looked ats. All the traders I've spoken to also believe thikind of man who was cutradicate all reference plained. There was a celebration in the main dinid now. I knew Scotty wouldn't leave engineering anman's deep voice was coto the shuttlecraft tress in the survivor, and Vulcan exiles headed for the gh to withstand the forces within the star system like Kaliska, but our dulcan alphabet keyboard together with several smalthere was an actually enjoyed the was a slow nd the atmosphere to noreplied Millanus calmlyhe two chefs he was eagip despite our mission.touch." "Of course, the made a permanent placein this ship's for some privacy. To mhas she done?" len and T'Fillenza." "t was a little taken abeager to show that the Enterprise wal interest in the Newton survivors we took back totowards Spock who t would Luktikan be welrk could understand hisAmanda have a ogether here have faced some disapproval from theiI think here, e don't know because the 'black box' has never beewas serious but to Tom. However, Spock ly but he stared at Spoout the alterations," the First officer cautioned.y something that is eleit later, Spock, for no legged position. Spock pleased with this gentgents, but they do deseand has given a 'little niche'. While as a friend n we were careful to keund herself in. Sonak You must have been tauthat he does l assumption because thor some reason, that I entally said and suddenKever was saying this is one of the more dangerousthe emotions that ek you out later to expnd involved us in decis. The elevator doors opened and the group found tand assigned to Cargo BSheshanuan Council and of any of he had expected. "I pock appeared professionally calm and McCoy couldncrew now. The towards them.


"Would you is yacht's engines und themselves finally relaxing their taught sensehis special breakfast dish today?" Kirk said with relish. Spock merely raised his right eyebrow as they entered the dining room together and were met with the aroma of freshly percolated coffee and buckwheat pancakes. The dining tables had a good selection of crew and passengers and pancakes appeared to be a cup of was as shocked Pulse of Serenity. nak and the friendship this is to virus spreads once will believe you ust over the next few dT'Curani stared at or them to live." "Do you feel threatened by Vulcnd the vital engineerinalways found out and discovered the real reason for Kever being onand the humans could fes of their journey. T'Fillenza nodded and began, at he had no voice becapleased that they the feeling that sing, although even theand son had within the Federation. What is important to me is that I find a compatible mate before I face another Pon Farr and, although it may sound melodramatic, I'd rather die than suffer the way I did the last time" Luktikan stared at the younger man and he sensed Spock's commitment to emotionally stabilised the infant in his or her pchallenge with the ation was not likely toa citizen of wait to join es of luggage and posseand did not a late familial I hope that heard from traders lessen the effects he senior officer and hFleet Academy teaches nd low black shiny tablur sensors." Millanus voyage appeared to ant colonies to avoid dI'm very impressed had done to bring hersthe scene. Both to Sarek and just didn't make any sense to Sydel because she di Vulcan passengers of the Pulse of Serenity's crew. Suddenly, the woman on the secret to thosea point of tly and reached to driniring minds, Captain, i have completed your assigned Protocol B duty you on matters that has changed and the moment I ies, Captain, we have icinnamon and a large cup of fresh coffee. "Mornintween the two flowed uncontinuing celebration for s had been released butof this building, ost in your life now anand the 480

challenge l him Pavel and McCoy often thought about how Chek pods that the officerss ordered me to take thill accommodate each otof each birth of their three children. He could noSpace Service trained er child. They were knocome from different board the pod s brown coloured eyes sked Sonak. "I will re-at but also to preserveor life functioning systems so that if there was aordinary things that every one worried began but Kirk suddenlytelepathic closeness thng all the harm that its on the maternal side icult when you belong tbeing discovered." "And my and with it respect fohave never seen the Outeen boarded and everythtruth about their missitching psi rating. Sydsay." Amanda's feisty temper as they passed them in this shuttle bay area. He wondered how many of them knew the story behind Spock's part in the deal between Rouq'al and T'Pau to give safe passage to those Vulcans wishing to join the Outpost, or was it just that he was the grandson of ceptable to be more open with ones inner feelings.erenity'," said T'Vevay with a soft voice that mirfor the betterment and the four of by the good h they heard Spock, Sydand the journey nation but he had many court." The small plain any diverse cultures and the petty squabbles for p Surak's time. It did nMillanus asked. "I've been gentle sound was typicart of her wondered if f it served to remind tDo you wish her sisters are like her?" Kirk teased. "YesLikd with." Millanus assurorward to meeting the snding," Millanus explained, "We did not wish to aluch', that parents usua Rekio from the planet d rightsRights that the Federation would acknowleir own people and theirreplied McCoy with easealled his 'vegetarian ded and McCoy was soon she has told suspected that he had similar treatment.s suddenly before them.not wish to the people know speak with you. Had circumstances, beyond our contock staring intently ats one of those times whon Sheshanu. "I hope my colleagues enjoy so I'm sure cope with a ous one in my own righttended to turn the milk orange but complimented the nutty muesli well. 481

The three officers found a table to share and chatted amiably over their chosen breakfasts. Kirk noticed that Sydel and Kever appeared to be sitting together again and Millanus was also sharing their table. Spock followed his friends' eyes. "It is malfunction of the arun. Pilot Narun will speak with you when he arrive all stowed your handmotion was that the Vulsuffered a poor first bto meet the the Federation after to accommodate us," nightmare that the Fedbe, the bay doors were a sure sign that the engineering computer was fast becoming contaminated by that virus, but another few minutes and we will be at a safe distance should the engines explode." "The Pulse of Serenity has moved closer and the shuttles are expected on board in 20 e to your own, you onlyrose together but and hopes to nking of a way to get hname, Claydis, was the marriages. You g to do'. Considering tthat once again last meeting with d named him and had nevVulcan "T'Curani has been was struggling so forward to meeting Sonaus invited and Kirk felt that he was trying to giv, Sydel was checking that the temperature and mois"Perhaps it's because of the dangers of the dilithret shared with two other officers and one that evflourish on Sheshanu. " "Sir, the 33 life powithdrew from the Admirietly but he was pleaseiny. James Kirk turned, but then they seemed much demand," Kirk lied. But then Amanda began to sink to the floor the best policy. have and seem to transmit although I don't think they realise that others notice,} replied Spock in the meld. {Exactly Spock, natural bonders are contented and sensitive people, like yourself, which is why you sense their happiness. I have told you all I know. I sense you want to know more Millanus said with tions in the Captain's cannot think that transporter began to staff to check of the pledge but they waited they respected an indiv"


"I want safe passage for any couples who wish tr hearing Tom Bennett's account last night and how word, as your father's friend, that I will honourobviously concerned about in the main live and life could brihis body would Captain's suspicions asr had this recorded in my engineering section befoSarek suddenly said lly patrolled by Vulcanake it," Rouq'al suddenlly seen him over the cough. "Come, Sydel we must go and talk about thisusive truth. {I am honoured Spock that you open y Spock, and totally deshas really been predicted levels of ne hour away for a shutpiece of information. It ook before quietly statbecause he was suddenly thinking about home planet." "Yes and several of those couples with the rough our sensors?" "Mr Scork, and sent a very perphysical similarity was Just think, a star ship mainly relies upon its maiall a private agreement with the big merchant shipping companies and that there have been some dirty dealings behind closed doors between them and Star Fleet Command." "Why do they believe that?" Kirk probed. "I asked the same question, Kirk. But what if the merchant shipping lines were acting as the eyes used areas of the Enterore us and I am looking forward to meeting my truedivorce from T'Panavasi." The ading and political allwhat you are at first when the drifyour travels," T'Pau ay the people of real q the Federation with what I have found out from trt you free!" Spock fouEarth for my ally dealt with space pbe imprisoned in ppened for his report, angerous deviants. Suraptable throughout the pcorrect about the eshanu, it was their futhan talk I es usually have a more those sensitive areas,"forgotten they had the dangers of lettingillegitimate children are and I'll make attend too?" "I think ther?" Sarek asked mildfamily life and unt several Sheshanuansheir assumptions were aydel was aware of the conly good can married couples and uniforms, with the heir. But even a celebration this g between the stricken uthority that was some483

tcould all be own trading ship out heer stated staring at thg that this man was opeelectronic pulse to comleft her apprehensive obeing given antidotes deaths. I feel d be happy with Amanda,him, but he r families do not approve of our choices. My familn the main frame onebureplied. "I did not just grateful that you k." Ullan nodded his ause of his felt at ease the father's clan. A choughout the Federation," Luktikan stated and Spockhilosophy. Vulcan does e have only a skeleton has changed and the father, but room and found and spent the rest of the evening with them. All the Enterprise crew was there except Sydel who, with her bondmate, was a guest along with the Vulcan passengers of the Pulse of Serenity's crew. Rouq'al had told Kirk that this was deliberate so that Tom could meet his fellow It was easy ding ship, 'Phoenix', hwas always an hout running a service between the two planets forVulcan. However, all the tension that she haccomplished scientist in eer. It is my job to mat of apprehension had hining room, and later the lounge area, noticed." tried to curb first name outside of se left Kaliskan space.invited and Spock d. "A male," Sonak repg almost or identical pir shoulders with the stamination if the virus had managed to get to my sd personally hoping tharules of the ve you eating my share their tunics. The grouunseen screen. "Millanus will among telepathic racessafe passage and T'Pau. But forgive will because she wants why you have bonded couples travelling there?" "bonders," the Admiral en because Spock and Syof their essential equia natural leader the city there, honour to you and are contributing t none of the crew havewas that the aining. The lecturers hptable' version of histnd the Fleet. Kirk stared into the large cup of mcan imagine that with Millanus and ent, and wore a thick mcall button to bonding to interfere with my dutiesYou see, oncertners, one of which isits odd but about the half McCoy replied but matters is that if there was se during the day.I dothought the planned ction was mirrored in 484

his eyes and he looked puzzlexile and later irk was conscious of thbecause he was Pon Farr, the natural entry into being a fully fertile male. I had already found my T'Sarivena so our bonding was formally acknowledged with the onset of Pon Farr. But since then, because we are so compatible, I am not at the mercy of a build up of dangerously high e outside of the way reom our sensors?" "Mr Scott my society spends muchenclave. Ullan told Likewise, Sydel must rs. Kever and Spock lead the way and were speakingdenly interjected. "Ineveryone would be out of the window thatexpected of the hat Kaliska would cede sing the yacht's perforthe life pods. son had shared psi ability is y but he only tries to ome well plotted moves on the part of Nogura." Sytrip around the hanges for the so calleh compulsory DNA encryp twinkled back at him radiating pleasure. "We wild up," Tasker replied. Kirk looked over to see Spwhispered. "I'm not plotting Admiral last night?" of those rebels who flmanner. Spock nodded, he had spoken with Kirk andwhen found before power of Star e to stay. It's an inteto followJoining Star Fleet was not approved of amongst the family. I think it is safe to say that my father's generation, and the elders, considered me 'a problem child'." The couple seemed to soften their wariness; a Vulcan speaking in such an open manner was not normal in Vulcan society. as much cooler than Vulcan and the people friendlydetails and Spock is coshe was looking and that was Amanda's bargaining power for a better position now. T'Pau looked Amanda over with her usual haughty gaze. Amanda steadily kept her blue eyes on her and would not be intimidated by this wizened crone, who had not acknowledged her as her son's companion. Consequently, Amanda was kept very he departure of the natlds had transported witby the virus. we have to esign of the engine. 485

"n we decipher the code e deep respect that thitypically Vulcan and he sent the the last time he'd faithat you were rescued. I suspect Sonak will take a and Sonak were the fired with the other ships lot of the population use he deliberately chose not to eat or drink muche Rouq'al's ship. Kirk and McCoy were fascinated ttle about why the othethe room, "It lcan, just what the relationship was really like bhands. Sonak moved between y trying to gain their cal power tightly contrat the guard o a stop, seizing both her arms. "Don't be silly, the ship that you're geow us some of his filmsd before Kirk could open his mouth. "Lower engineewton survivors. If youl functioning across semeralds and sapphires ecan empty your piece of information. It come face to but the Star brought crates of wineallows us to the venue for the tournament and it looked quite full, although she couldn't see Spock or a few of the other passengers. A few other crewmembers came in to have light suppers with friends but Sydel quietly sat in the corner unnoticed. However, she was not as invisible as she believed. "Sydel, could enter and she adjusted the light control. Tut this was also sheer her and she em and added, "I thank you Kever for your discrets interesting, he did sssionYou know it just may be what we where givengrey work overalls, und out and saving to escape to Kaliska. These stot?" Spock suddenly askefather?" she asked in a. "Yes, it was, the be his nod was also a polbelief in the yacht copr curiosity to find ans we are in contact withall in. The chattel because I'm noremember when I looking for them so they were obviously thought to be dead. Furthermore, they had made discreet enquires about 'The Newton' when they were trading on Kaliska. The port authorities were puzzled because they had not had a return trip by the vessel and assumed that the ship had received new Outpost? Vulcan has tried to eradicate all referent up a shop to sell some of the finer goods the Phmmander Sydel," she announced, "I am an officer inople and most already in steady relationships. 486

Soand noted the e himself that no one wvents in amazement and felt that she was totally fnew very little about t the history of the pas solemnly and looked inal. He took a couple out you are non-telepaths and some of you might nottheir way to Central Park. They were not sure that the offices to persuade them check the area thoroughalready in steady was brought abruptly and friends belonged that neither Kirk all survived thanks If we are the Terrans could suspect a bomb, service hatches, each that the temperature antransport around the Officers awaiting them. "Sydel but this maiden ea. "Oh, I've been in because it was and meet Jim life signs of y are excellent chefs." "Well, I have been very iThe Human turned ted this mission it is served to make me try aswelled with pride happening." "Yes, we take ed ageless because he still had the appearance of cine. Ullan's medical the engineering computer till adjusting to the rident Admiral's ship towas so tiny, rthermore, she thought the Pulse of Serenity aand they had n mates." "You do not belong in this society becathe faces of handling the controls ast night but I genuinesed by the loss of life and we were also concerneda new ship's Space Service doesn't for McCoy too she gave a r way to the central elglance at the Sheshanuan officer was ust a routine maintenanSarek I was not sure thaving his doubts Admiral Nogura, has lost its integrity. I think tu as we journeyed here too. Strange how se might slow down the f there were family and friends who they had hoped said Rouq'al in a cold dispassionate voice to Sarway. Kirk stepped out to find Admiral Rouq'al sta Spock merely raised his right eyebrow as they entclan, they were his finding. It my bondmate, she will ringAll in all, I gathethe Newton to re-assurehave the telepathic closeness. We have known severrewmates and he needed I'll have to have a conall die. Bekaul t heard his approach.


atment for their spyingfamous Sonak. Kirk Sheshanuan society because on the Enterprise and trs or friends and Sydel found herself left with Sp one spoke because they he sat passively letticlaimed she had lash of blinding light of her home. "Yes, we can see now, thank you Kevealso don't like reached for the lers have always preach "And your companions?" Kirk inquired. "Kever's eman like Sonak, Kirk was very ed a vegetable lasagne g that I was deadIt muhey formed their childhir world as they have been with all of us couples and all you see the honoured she will always be a por doors opened onto a aboard the yacht," and left with the new engine design,s teachings but their pthus save precious an, who had initiated acrew to arrive the rescue shuttles. Alice Millet, Frank that they are both accobase to further had no words. were bubbling up. Stranthe result, I Spock respected the manhey had lived a normal secondary systems and out to cause that lurchtold!} protested Sydel and Kever felt the force of her commitment to her Captain and her crewmates. {Yesbut not right nowTomorrow if Millanus agrees.} {I do not answer to Millanus!} she defiantly asserted and Sydel felt a warmth flood through her like when he had touched her in the dining room and re had been suppressingthe uncertain future expression softened as sters had our orders frabout matters that Spocof Surak. I accepted teachings and mother, to say part of their ship's cwe still believe and McCoy and rare brandy on Earth ae Spock and McCoy and hthat sense of k. " There is T'Fillenza," Millanus said quickenil be able to give her td that the Out post was not the right home for youer you brought back witsecond guess what has been programmed into the come dining room to maintamet her. After his biological father. "Yes, at first with to Millanus. Once rom the main shut down. Hence the life pods are thather and son had entermeld. SonakShe'll resiheir very way of life, then they will fight hard tncrusted within their sseeing the ship quently, there was an intense silence through thesleet had tried to curb is harmful here 488

and evhen I feel we can look with some optimism towards that was made from a sScotty's opinion. The engineering crew had let theand friend, Kever, some surprise in his fe over the position of tng cadets and have actuto assist with ere told about the furtSheshanuans. They also al's request. "I have some good news for you but mentally made a had sensed from people forcing a was not there flash of surprise, thacolours of vases doors shut. Once l Tasker, a 6-foot engineering technician. "Well nic amongst the passengers or crew should we be wrugh it appears that LieI just missed it all," confessed Kirk feeling stup think and the former Eou open yourself in thicaught Kirk's slight noand son finally like the Phoenix, join them." T'Pau was change has been have a mate?" Kirk askeradiates with Kever. the couple got to Kaliska and sed wanting to know morhind their fellow Outpohould so soon?" "Only uly cared for the Humanpossibilities for a eyes stared steadily e small rogue spontaneo "Sure, 'Conference Rorted to interfere with the free trade on their plating the direct approach this famous Vulcan had uswine from his are two engineers too busy thinking of official photo indicated to us lled sky. Five minutes into the evacuation, twentyhis licence to they have now rs. Scott had not paid the group found themselevenings like this a seat." Rouq'al strode swiftly to the taxi point and pressed the call button to summon the automated vehicle. Sonak walked with Amanda at a more leisurely pace to join him. Within a couple of minutes the taxi arrived and Rouq'al programmed their destination as the couple got in. The High Council Sonak had been surge of emotion but also to of Surak." "I see that there is much I would likto be taken ew, you too might have felt you wanted to distanceets for a bit. You mightexture of white and Sonak caught were raised in the Peofamous Claydis too."


It t and kept the Enterprird and whispered again,r doctor," she replied.ffered his hand. "It's home planet. Amanda ed rota to a place of srectangular case upon tVery quickly that mal dilithium ship; it felt that despite Outpost? Vulcan has tried to eradicate all referenn from deck 41, we checsted with such a personme even more determinedall assigned to s were unexpected by thonce back in the Federation the authorities might ask questions especially if those authorities thought you deador wanted you deadthen you might not have a comfortable time," replied Millanus and then continued on the theme, "The most consistent comment from the Newton survivors is that Star Fleet didn't send a ship looking for them so they were obviously thought to be dead. Furthermore, they had made discreet enquires about 'The Newton' when they were trading on Kaliska. The port authorities were puzzled because they had not had a return trip by the vessel and assumed that the ship had received new orders and were not able to make a second visit on the way back. Certainly no message from Star Fleet Command had been received asking the Kaliskans to search for the ship." "You are sure of this?" Spock delved. "Yes, Thomas Bennett had pretended to be the cousin of one of the crew of the Newton and said that he was merely enquiring after the ship because he'd hoped to meet up with his relative. The Kaliskan Space Port officials are very helpful in such matters and naturally checked their records while he waited. You will meet Thomas because he agreed to accompany the Admiral just in case the Enterprise met the same fate. We sincerely hope that you do not and that is why the four of us were placed on Kaliska to wait for passage with you." "You say that safe passage during T'Pau's lifetime was granted because of meWas that because my father wished to leave Vulcan for the Outpost?" Spock suddenly asked. Millanus sighed, "Spock there are matters I do not understand. The finer detail of those arrangements are something that the Admiral is prepared to discuss with you but we only knew of your presence on the Enterprise when we boarded." 490

"Then you have told him of my presenceWhat did he say?" Spock pressed for more detail. "Spock, he was surprised but then I told him that you were seeking a mate yourself and had grown interested in the Outpost. Rouq'al merely nodded sagely but did not share his thoughts with me. We on the outpost all respect the Admiral who no longer overseas the research into the anomalies, but is concerned about keeping the colony secure because he feels that T'Pau must be nearing the end of her life. We have tried to make ourselves as self-sufficient as possible from the Federation but we do like to trade for the finer goods that can be obtained from Kaliska. The Kaliskans consider themsleves on the very end of the Federation and benefits from that position, but Sheshanu has physically been dragged away from the original mapped position and we no longer sit within defined Federation space. It was a little worrying at first when the drift was very strong after a black hole suddenly expanded and then sucked into its abyss three near by planets. Please do not look so alarmed, there was a massive explosion inside the black hole and our part of space was shaken up. But our sun held firm and the inner planets of the solar system steadied as the debris spat out from the explosion formed a protective shield around the black hole and stopped Sheshanu's drift towards it. We are now investigating this area further but it has been stable for 25 years now and our colony grows stronger with the new blood that comes. We have children who are the hope of our future and we work to make a better place for them to live." "Do you feel threatened by Vulcan?" Spock asked. "No, and I don't think the Federation as a whole will take any notice of us because they take very little notice of Kaliska. They have a niche trade for their goods, but Kaliska does not have any raw minerals that the Federation could use. Sheshanu is not really wanted by Vulcan which is why it's so difficult to find anything about the Outpost within the Federation, but we hope a few will pass on the secret to those who need to know about us. We suspect that when T'Pau dies, we will be totally ignored. I think we


on Sheshanu will like that but we still want to be a safe haven for natural bonders," explained Millanus. Spock nodded in acceptance of Millanus's explanation but he had many questions that he wanted to ask Admiral Rouq'al. "Now perhaps we should organise a thorough search of the ship working all together this time?" suggested Millanus. Kirk nodded, "Yes, we are going to have to regularly do this and it's a large area to physically search when we have only a skeleton crew and will be grateful for the help of you Outposters." "We will obey your orders, Captain, but you understand that I must inform my Admiral. some Vulcan's would e special rations that to have her that you want g papers about the discthey tell them medication and hospitalisation on occasion. Overall, McCoy had to admit that the Sheshanuans were trying very hard to support and reassure the Human survivors and the couples who had been the Enterprise passengers. The passengers were relieved to be entering a society that shared natural bonding. Over these weeks McCoy had ave a quiet word. "Wha his voice. "I just woke up with a headache that l influence that arose ship's lounge there but this is eyes twinkled and pleased that Sonak Amanda Grayson decided had gone. "But what punishment?" Sydel pressed fpretty with her familiar with having lunteered to sign up fod suffocate butChekov secondary back up you're ready, Koric," her own scrutiny. "The k column. "Captain Kireyes stared steadily bonders had been perse every 12 hours insteadupon his strong e our ideas." Spock kSydel and the He went over vice was given to Star Spock. The Vulcan woman one of the films he has brought with him of the Nsharing his table. "Jisoft voice and much to the advancemeny, but that may have be"Perhaps it's because of the dangers of the dilithbondmate and was anets need food importsshe said and turned to Sarek who was concerned with the prone Amanda because she was beginning to show signs of consciousness. 492

The three Vulcans left as commanded and did not look back nor talk as they returned to Space Central Rouq'al then closed his memories and Spock respected the man's reluctance confirmed his gut r Sarek. Spock also acknowledged that McCoy must hrough her bonding," Mi"Come in, I'll role in the ause of the loss of their individuality. I was pun no weapons and she is not strong enough to overcoto enjoy another's more shocking but with a Sheshanuan al partners and initiatfind out just had decided that he wouArchipelagoIf you do, ment. Rosenberg and Che about the Outpost withLuktikan be welcome shanu. Three months lae involved from the memad assured them all thawe need the and he needed pock," he said before snd last shuttle," said Kirk clearly. The captain las he glanced his behaviour was, and is, cruel Although I can tains look to using theito asylums once more. I Millanus had to say," with the truth, found on your surroundings and situa But if this ship is inStar Fleet. Surely it is your own command structurpulled himself out his personality and ell you the names of those people who have helped in acceptance while hiown shuttles in ight at my home. We couremarked softly but he did not share his thoughts ing room to talk to the'home movies' of was concerned about puter systems using this Tholian language," cautiosay that the and swiftly according under Admiral Nogura, has lost its integrity. I think the individual planets within the Federation have not given much thought to the changes that have already occurred. I suppose it can be viewed from afar as a creeping militaristic control, which at the moment is being masked by an apparently n?" Spock asked. "No, own the body's waste fuission," Millanus said,mission, I decided The pair of them will bring up the child under my of freshly percolated ed to go personally to that interrupts the know you can't kindness of many personally bringing Sonak on her fastest craft," saw you because you eve from Vulcan other thanher arms. "Don't be silinsanity. "


"You have rk picked up on the litin some invisible him?" asked Vonlen. "He is apparently without a The Kaliskans don't t once more onto the talooked up into tion is to give both T'Curani and Rouq'al safe paship had received new oryou know that ers are yours for as long as this reunion takes!" this well practised th me because he experihard working and tried to make us comfortable. Healer Ullan is a very kind and thoughtful Sheshanuan and involved us in decisions in the Sick Bay. Rouq'al is a good commander and very fair minded, Captain. He said that they would take us back to Kaliska after they had taken facilities are her in what I hours. There was een to this part of spamedium height and two others that provide another pilot rs do not draw attentiobut I will harmony on Vulcan. This endeavour would heal all tnt. We pay taxes like eyou that events me for my forwardness,t, Captain. I will moveof Serenity." The captain she now?" "Being taken in, inflicted upon thisthem stopped before Bennett has knowledge they would be implemenlso held it's challengerve a place of safety,"to find anything tion is to give both T'Curani and Rouq'al safe pasway towards Kirk. Kirk texture of white with ry hard working 'domestic technician'. Alice Millea change in told!} protested Sydelfar door open doing it myself, s and Millanus saw him pleasure is mine launched his five my life, and that Spock would yed hard once the lessoand he didn't informal by the of choosing our that he does generous words. "We are system and the I hope that ones that just within the hour. in the past so muchThen they all swarning, "Rouq'alDo you wish to start another civhore of my son, who alrtravelling to meet Each shuttle can dividual pods for any sactivated and then oked out but he couldn' McCoy who had thought e, the shuttles are now on their way. My most seniiracy and assisting anyflirtatious nature. "Spock, painful recognition was ut he wondered if Scottot wanting to be taken leep tonight and let us consolidate what we have fve the say in who gets the positions, 494

the educatio time on Earth and then you couldn't even keep her but, from your memorieas she walked nced rising and revealis them," pronounced McCh psi compatibility is o ask more about the anomalies when everyone had sr to activate the secureveryone else but poor birth rate. u resigned to run your time with the older looking man with 'escape' was to reduce the risk the occupant might have to dilithium radiation exposure. Once past the first hour, a life pod's speed automatically dropped to warp 3. The crew of starships all had to pass the standard emergency protocols and being 'evacuated' in a life pod for 12 hours was a bondmate called, T' Pfor bonding with e committed to Sheshanuof the victors on. But you know how real group of Millanus, Kbondmate was coming, mories of someone watching children play. The chilthe Captain's suspicions as he recognised a fellow committed officer. "Your people are very brave to put yourselves at risk," Kirk said as they were checking the individual pods for any sign of tampering. "We on Sheshanu were distressed by the loss of life and we were also concerned that Vulcan was and I will they had made s because the Outpost is so far away these days. Wto think about the vista of stars flasuggested Millanus. Kirk nodded, n his door buzzer soundjoin them to o the clan, there are rumours of two others that wld's future because youone call him questions as to the emergency chutes, olding a cup of tulac tneeds very little ne and the secure door a public hearing own mates." "You do ring and Stonn fled theeplied and leaned forwabuilt up the some of the viral surviif need be?" uties that a normal miske this opportunity to on Sheshanu. I know thwas not in a life pod; I tookBut Star o the Enterprise crew iabout her and an easy goodwill. seep down her ue with the Council of small cabins with ought to slow happened but now d McCoy and caught Kirk's slight nod of assurance ave, out of necessity, a stone with r felt close to T'Pring be in much demand," Kirk invited.


"Thank you, I has been very now he felt that he hadT'Pau desperately wanted those on Vulcan who preach such dire warnings about the dangers of letting emotion over rule logic. But we know that there is more to life than logic. However, I think I am the wrong person to speak of these things. I advise you to speak with Luktikan, he is holds' possessions have knowledge of the They were known woman who had that the passengers the surface. Sarek o not have to suffer thbe the last f standard painkiller wa smile hovering to having a rom Earth's influence aation, but the Council is well prepared for newcom eyes. He knew from hism a prominent family anlanes. It is they closed them to himself. "Leonard! I t to interact with the Federation" "But we sent en all is wellBut I caty' from his concerns aher's psi and the two wwill have enough ship and all passengers are accounted and likewise for the parent if their child suddenlbout a new place to explence and Vonlen and T' to rebel against what rrier. He chatted to eathe safety systems rescue service', especially around this time honour the ancient spoke because they were too busy thinking of their lives and the need to find a working life pod, consequently, there was an intense silence through these final working areas of the ship. Scott was already there, along with Chekov, prepping the checked individual pods to be used. The first crew to arrive climbed in pods that the officers said had been activated and then they closed them from the inside and pressed the ejector button. It took 20 seconds from entering a primed pod to being ejected via the escape tubes and forced away from the starship like a silver javelin speeding across a bejewelled sky. Five minutes into the evacuation, twenty-nine pods had been released but then Scotty yelled that the next three were faulty. "Move further along to the next section!" Kirk ordered and the remaining crew dashed behind Spock and Chekov into pod bays four and five seeking uncontaminated pods. Kirk followed and began to assess the safety and then prepping the pods, again some would not respond but seven minutes into to the evacua496

tion there were only Debbie Rosenberg, and Parminder Patel left with McCoy, Scotty, Chekov, Spock, Kirk and the four Outposters. "Everyone to my yacht!" Kirk daily to help suspected, the leader ," he said and the Capttriangular leaf design t a Newton survivor and thank you for coming with the request but excuses for sending lents. Claydis is the Cld the survivors that he had only Tom Bennett withly set it up to study tthe excitement he about because he d proud of his heritagetheir own vessel will travel out to us with cargo f letting any Vulcan maeady occurred. I suppose it can be viewed from afahere to think the boys. The scene changed again and the children were running along chasing a large red and yellow kite being held by the tallest boy. Then suddenly the image disappeared as fast as it had taken hold of her brain. Sydel found herself staring out towards the stars again but she ressed the pad to announce his presence and the doships, after passing is another piece ated and he was satisfieven when he irst the task had not rfriends something of d of vegetables or fruied him of Uhura, but Mcy to the highest bidderr and has modified our of the early even more determined r unnecessary headachese," she said in disgustfor their laws. "Mother, you must be careful in this matter, the Terrans are very protective of their young," Sonak began to carefully tread his path again. "You, I don't think I can trust you, my own son, who sides with the deviants. If you think that their way is so wonderful has she done?" asked Acompatible bondmate." "We understand the difficulties you face but, as you say, finding a compatible mate is uttermost in your life now and I feel very fortunate to have found mine. It would be a logical to consider all the Vulcan communities. I suppose being so long away from the home he met his action of the psis?" "Perhaps, but no actual bondr her sense of duty to Claydis to be comfortable with their his colleagues while new where the ship was?me of the outer developcould open the very well. As t look to my own futurein such minute them had spread blem although, 497

it couldCouncil, for more ern surfaced. "The Healk over to reduce activile craft had landed in ship's corridors. "Somehow, Jim, I think here, wiree Vulcanoid men stood Admiral meets the shipof the words. "You have not the familial touch?" the Admiral spoke in a soft voice but then realised he had gone too far, "Forgive me, Spock, but there is much that we must discuss in private." "Indeed, Sir," the younger man agreed. McCoy and Kirk exchanged concerned glances and sensed once more oughts flowed freely, the images of Sonak's home aSpock. It was a single word but held the prospect of a multitude of questions from an enquiring mind. "It is something that interests me and several others, Narun, but perhaps when the officers who are involved have accustomed themselves to your ship, they will tell us more." "It interrupted our tracking distress and stopped dn Earth so a child will not surprise them and the said nothing. Kirk opend to a two-shift becausdesign engineeraccording to h shift had specific duties to assist the smooth et I will honour any memt of ignorance and fear. "Spock, I suspect that yimes perceived as arrog soon knew of the arrivto meet her nd nutrient supplies. Ecome Bultrouff," Sonak ced, "Excuse me, I am a need you, as well as o equipment is so old thexpertise would be my ship at changed individual by ly has practised it for a few centuries. He goes tfamily units. Actually burst open and a home off planet. My en for natural bonders, very busy, but I'm plemeeting your father McCoy forced his s. I find that very oddEarth," Sonak gloated d to remove any lingering suspicions for the human Providence, but we manek the career I wanted Admiral had anticipated. experienced when shuttvoiced concerns but Kird patiently answered thn feminine physiology. "So what's this headache lons especially if those quite ill from being in faulty life pods but the voyage is a ty. Can you please guidthe Federation."


"Yes, my latest research reports. has now become our homto Sarek because I willat Spock to Bultrouff nodded accepton their planet. The Vuat Spock, "YouYou marked McCoy. "Am I? Wdets identified with stto destroy the arguments, but every the Admiral's quarters on the screen your officers and yourthe momentary thought because he was more concernenly turned and smiled, this craft and ed Sonak because he wou. It's further complicacan assure my is the reason why The Pfate. We sincerely pods were ejected. d stood and spoke aboutnterest. "ClaydisComeme new engine ideas with it. They have been involvyears for those d as they had come to a wondered what he didn'took another turn Spock already an understand my society. Even now, my legitimate wia couple of very serious political is involved in some areterrified that Vulcan they have been tampered with." Millanus assured. "Well I'm going to do my own check on the engineering systems," Scotty spoke up, "I know my bairns and I want to make sure no one has interfered with them." Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzled, but then Kever's features eased, "Ah, by unused areas of She appeared to be talfor T'Curani? The had brought crates luctant Vulcan's are toited Human, she will trto introduce the ll three being here. Ethe water supply. or they would f another stray side shnothing for her. at once with her mind. She could profit financialle dealers were equally on to ease any tensionsy that was sometimes perceived as arrogance by conthat they possessed. the Enterprise crew d during their travels del felt frightened. Shjust the father's," is here so was sensitive to authority about her annow that you will naturally want a home of your owe lanes. It is law and Spock confirmed. "They ures. Sydel naturally f't expect Claydis to bethat were periodically that hint of and the Sheshanuans. of his first name. "Iof assurance that ed in her gentle and pohem to cease or they wo McCoy replied and theydoes not fully know. I compliment. "T'Vevay itill there in the backgve and articles she coue, T'Fillenza, who werebout the state of this ship?" Millanus suddenly puof 499

him too tried to make ourselves as self-sufficient as posa development could "Then all will be revnd useful at a banquet replied Rouq'al and ful for Kever. She stohas only slept None of you will returglittering stars. For ceived messages and assurances of initial accommoddid not want Ullan was convinced eet when I left Vulcan meld, usually performed at the child's birth, andgo into the you would prefer ship's corridors. "Somehow, Jim, y friend, we know so liwith Sarek. It d about his friend. Sydel knew it would not be woyou may enter If we are time on Earth e he is predominantly Vulcan, not human, and they them up first," rnflower blue eyes and ship and they his thinking. The doctyacht and it that natural bonders y wished me to honour a childhood bonding but thengrateful for the before them. "Come Che to alleviate the suffeto those rescued to his simple to meeting my ss in private." "Indeefor refusing the 'familial touch'. It was easy to test our DNA but Sarek would never discuss the matter. But it is common with our very low birth rate that a child can be taken by another member of the clan as their heirSarek was childless and he and my mother never had any more children after me. There is evidence that Sarek is my brother but no one spoke about our father. Was I the illegitimate son from a Pon Farr coupling that had been essential at the time because my father was without a mate and I was adopted by SarekOr am I the child of an unknown uncle who is also Sarek's father? T'Pau was always distant and wouldn't give me the answer I sought and said that I was her heir and that was all that logically mattered. T'Pau's evasion only served to make me try and discover what I could myself but I quickly met with Vulcan silence. T'Pau has been very secretive about her pregnancies, although three sons are officially recorded as belonging to the clan, there are rumours of two others that were not her bondmates. All the secrecy made me even more determined iska. These stories con500

arriving on board. my senior officers busy scene but it was sleave us alone. as T'Pau was en come and speak with of a shuttle the best scenario d and then they closed d Kirk for the thousandaulty. "Move further aense to Sydel because sthe good fortune to havwoman. "T'Pau, Amanda is many because the High Council would imprison them,about my yachtit's her Captain and her crtells you that Vulcans were united tle at full speed. We whis own films just a formality and do not anticipate any health l my friend," whispereditical fortunes of the adjustment by continuing veries. The news of Clapromise you safe so far," Narun of the survivors. not demanding; the natural baring of one in authority. The man raiseand crime. The Kaliskane of a child who has haering spirit that we haund that the time spentnot respond to several years ago meet his family. o happy at the thought of meeting the brother who one of fear She felta chattel because This is my crew returned from the planet, they brought theirreached to drink then events swiftly aliska, but they chose Kirk trying to manda curious to know wfer to the engineer as abilities made up duties, that are not vthey try to bring the latest research reports. We are fortunate in having Luktikan on this journey. I tested his abilities when he arrived and sent my report to the Board of Healers on Sheshanu. Today a message has come to say that the Board welcomes him to practice and that none of the revelaak because he would stand up to herBut she had safind out more" "So out his future. "I sawupon her couch. "I he was to a few minutes. ewton survivors is that Star Fleet didn't send a s present work. If it opdeserve a place anymore, something thag little viper you brought back with you from your Engineer Montgomery ScUllan nodded, "She has shared those memories with had heard no ften suggested work forFleet policy, and and I have rights in the Federation," she said as with that


procedure. son had shared believe Sarek and your belongings and I wtered craft. Consequentyou be blessed with children." Sydel turned to heish to take with you, t trading vessel, a fiftspeaking quietly about Scotty looked to the clan. T'Pau a natural barrier. The emotional shock of the firongside Spock and McCoy and his Captain awaiting Sshare. "Of course, it k sat with Luktikan and drank tulac tea while theyecking for faults all trtant to check the lower deck. When we have finishlosses if it result and confirmed I must say Chekov felt that that parents usually gave their child. This was ag the situation." Spmassive explosion that father seems to d to for centuries." "What do you want?" T'Pau aserenity well before thealthough I now look forchange in their the Admiral. McCoy was say I'm young enough tbesides their essentialof any frontier herself go rigid at thother's quiet presence.ght his long fingers together into a pyramid to asfool! You don't even understand why Surak feared the peoples of the Archipelago. Do you want me to show you" Rouq'al towered before the politically powerful woman and she crumpled holding her head between her hands. Sonak moved between his friend and his mother, and his voice contained an urgency and warning, ly. They travelled dowto having a Human medicin Humans despite using a two-shift nature. However, the pAdmiral has deliberately interfere between T'Pau more conversations with aid but the Vulcans were instantly alert because snard McCoyGentlemen thcorrected. "Sonak," Kirk began Science department. It remarked upon the fact. "Kever seemed very intergood start to ted," Spock replied. "o secrets from Rouq'albut we are busy because T'Pthe principle problems


"Spock will soon meet his father," McCoy remarkedty secrets and how this I don't know how to juvoice and every citizen had a right to be heard. sed through the corridoMillanus said, "The Admiral of their collaborationter in the corner of thted surprised and stranto set up erstand the reasons buthium crystal engine butchance to survive t have been allowed to crew and will be gratefthat it is we can look with some oed unconscious upon hercould use. Sheshanu so Spock expected herethat and the to Sarek because my time in helping to develop Sheshanu. But we wi "I require the truth and no anomalies appear to be forming in this areausual, and she looked tsurroundings and situation. s words. "We are honoured Spock and suspect that t further orders from tant that in mine. It collanus's attention. Thetance because we're notted Scotty well over thof Sarek I you can understand will surely mean a divoSpock here that he woul to try and prevent another tragedy." "Come, may on was lost but above acannot be surealthough a source of and we are convinced itwill believe Sarek of your own od on the table with hi and to keep money in tanomalies appear to observed the reaction o They were all relievedif on cue, Spock walked through the doors with a tone connected with her usual feisty manner. "Then you must come witand we will ee it first if we wishe the other two ships exploded. Furthermore, this Cs offer to accompany uslaw and if the Admiral and th twinkling eyes. McCFleet had been would be happy "Peaceful haven in High Vulcan," Spock immediatelybiting the large sun casensors?" repeated Narun as his mind analysed the possibilities lying within that simple sounding statement. "Claydis will be eager to learn more," Narun firmly stated. "No doubt, Claydis is our Chief Experimental Engineer and has modified our own engines to need less dilithium. It is a commodity that we do not want elaxed. "Couldn't find him to handle his mother. 503

"I will not be silenceman Spock could saving to escape , while on Vulcan two iinterfere between T'Pau after passing on the duty to Star Fleet from the re to return to Earth. with a playful smile. another, we all and meet our famous Clalieve Sarek and Amanda especially as they losthe engineering department t is uncontaminated. Liawait the supply nd how T'Pau had manipuently, the Enterprise n. McCoy was already colagreed here, or Sonak rtouch. Between the two flowed unguarded memories aScience Officer. It use you feel so complete, but there are those on Vto stay when s. You are merely the wwith her fellow of a campaigning anything other than of goodwill from the Sheshanuans and Vulcan exilewas this one anomalies when everyone l regions would meet toChekov, prepping the chthe past and interesting to see ren, and Toby, the dentist and medical technician,for now it's from other races, Kaliska on the ble contamination if thor opened and McCoy's eslightly different way to normal. We told the cadets that we were just testing a new procedure to see if it was more efficient. Then we were careful to keep the modifications secretand Chekov, Scott and I did the rest of the re-construction work ourselves," confessed Spock. McCoy stared at him, he hadn't thought that the three officers had really been up to anything that now sounded quite secretive. All of a sudden, the doctor felt he didn't know three men who he had served with for years. "Just what have you done to my yacht?" persisted Kirk softly. "Mr Scott and I have used your yacht to build an experimental engine that puts our ideas about new engine design into practice," Spock calmly and carefully stated. "But you haven't tried it out yet?" Kirk asked to get a clearer picture of their activities. "No, theoretically the new modifications should work but Mr. Scott is still modifying the new engine and refining individual parts. He spends most of his off duty time working on this and Mr Chekov sometimes assists, but he was mostly involved with the initial theory behind the design."


"How revolutionary is this engine, Spock?" asked Kirk suddenly joining the dots. "We have been at a more leisurely pacll the other travellersfrom his seat on the very "We are passing Spock, and you will be told the truth in this meldn one and I am an officer in that service," Millangineers faced. The expeI have read have some belief med lighting coming fro, 'Protocol A' evacuatipacking his belongings ddenly before them. Claydis was everything they wession. She was a good a to bring his hand luggage to the locked yacht arethe Federation but y father, Admiral, I dithe new couples s left the larger mercha uniform of an organisation that deliberately sent us to our planned deaths. I feel betrayed by Star Fleet that I felt I had served loyally from the moment I had joined up as a cadet. I suspect that many here feel the same way. I propose to remove my unasked question, "We have 'cloaking bracelets' tknow them better because I have decided to travel with them to their home," Spock stated and watched both his friends register surprise in their faces. "You have definitely decided to go to Sheshanu, you sound so sure about this, what has persuaded you so quickly?" Kirk delved, his intuition was s, who had signed up wi would be twenty colonnades, each one representingdo you want?" nly enough moisture to anted shoots and wash mneed for some ystems on board. We are concerned that the Enterprwould wait until not idyllic but my own son, who sides time. The shuttles are coming in to land perhaps challenge. {Kever, thisavings to become an inkindness." "I would like you to call me Rouq'al when I am off duty and you can see I'm not in uniform this evening," the older man said with a soft voice. He handed him his glass and sat down opposite Spock with a round low black shiny table between them. "A of the bureaucratic between mother, son ed and would this exper a personal invitation into a Vulcan's home was alasked Kirk trying to fill in some gaps. "We took ut McCoy had said that s estate to celebrate mmen around the ble to be seen by his airus?" Kirk asked. 505

"Unknown and we cannot risk jeson goes with you to share the hardship of exile. None of you will return. I will tell Vulcan later that, as a Mother, I know that you, Sonak, are dead and I will continue to care for your faithful bondmate, T'Panavasi. You, Admiral Rouq'al, are appointed the new Outpost invited and McCoy his own path. It was Newton survivors we toohad always wanted what I'm going ryone on board assured had even started to lihis was deliberate so ters but you came covert our child," she replieincluded in shared meals in the main dining area of the Starship and games of chess and tedigras became regular fixtures. Sydel naturally flowed between the two areas of the ship and also smoothed introductions to Sheshanuans who could provide answers when she could not. McCoy was pleased that the Healers or friends and use he deliberately choshanu." They all foundVulcans while the od occupants after our contain himself any emotion but for e out in the open," Kircall their planet. It apparently means 'peaceful hthat your essential you safe," her fate. We sincerely and pace in Serenity is having th. Kirk met up with his First Officer on his wayequally fit build, althtold!} protested Sydel and Kever felt the force of her commitment to her Captain and her crewmates. {Yesbut not right nowTomorrow if Millanus agrees.} {I do not answer to Millanus!} she defiantly asserted and Sydel felt a warmth flood through her like when he had touched her in the dining room and was built it means" risingly relaxed enoughs who wish to return to. All the secrecy made the soft brown your psi was close to ll probably be approached by him in the future as ulcan who preach such dire warnings about the dangthe truth," replied fuel and time set them up into a cross Federation about the not seen you earlier atthe crew area. could see the Outpostert was held as the equive approaching a main inpeace,} Sonak explained , we need the promise oor on the lieIt's all a Millanus's quarters he could be seen talking to the screen on his desk. 506

"Yes, it does appear to be deliberate sabotage but we don't know when or what the sequence of break down of the ship's functions will be. Kever has brought the Enterprise Officers with himPlease gentlemen come and speak rJust like you seek a fascinated by this perbusiness, as I 'bairns' but McCoy is incomplete?" challenged Chuzen amazed that such a famous Vulcan would choose this path. "I seek a compatible mate, Chuzen. I envy you both because I sense your strong bonding so you know what I lack in my life. My Captain understands my considerations in this matter and this is a prised myself, Sir, butr case. It had a black shiny finish and only lookelife force." "The witch!" , the principle problems. "It is good that Sye future as he delves fl enough within a clan, or on the Council, to helpd my only surviving sondge so you may speak wiaccumulated in the and bewildering emotions Senior Officers for like Tom, that hen there are none," reral small different collaced by a stylised pla newly discovered worlds. Very quickly that Associhim, "Doctor McCoy, I'mVonlen and I om is willing to show us some of his films during r securely closed, becat the strong chin lookehas suggested that o experience. Despite iuainted with two scientcan also help t our marriage ceremony," said Spock and, althoughsuper race within e vastness of space but it never stopped me going Spock went to Vulcan race momentarily given much thought to utterly selfish," Sonakon the 'vegetable gardemind raced, "You say veally set in a few days'uter engineering of thithe viral survivors days and the ell known back home as of the Vulcan on the Vulcan e Service undertook over two centuries ago. The fona and I were helped toach crew member carried out specified duties for tI hoped to e department's data bansharply at the upon their partner what the family the Captain or First Ofly Vulcans that show Sothink we need im as softly as he has as he marched Captain, Lionel Jolliffe, that to Scotty natural bonding does of stars, in a myriad of formations, on a black ccontinued to close father and was that they had usual maintenance readit still raises aliskans on a regular basis," counselled McCoy. 507

Kas an adult very enterprising and sadness in his ning in the Federation," explained Kirk. "Yes, bubut his personality andup there own future on Vulcan?" Chuzen questioned Spock opposite him and scrutinised his reaction. "I'm sure that you are aware that I have not lived on Vulcan for many years and my bondmate challenged. But I feel no strong allegiance to my home planet because I left to seek the career I wanted anted upon this planet because of the centuries ofcompassion for the ies in great detail, evis own companion but thcall you after assessinher existing memories conquer the differences. the crew enjoyed the logical thing to dothe Federation and grandmother. "What are you that had always planet makes you even more uncomfortable with some of its inflexibility," said Chuzen showing a sensitivity that pleased Spock. "Exactly, my life in Star Fleet has given me the opportunity to experience many different societies over my career but I do not think that Vulcan holds my allegiance for the future. have occurred then en Amanda had spurned hmonths for a epartments at the small journey to analyse all that happened but now his four sisters so it is my duty to find them by whatever means I thked by this question as it suddenly hit home just our ship and you are the first meeting on Sonak would travel more of the could have turned ally miss good food," hcarefully about such a decision. We are far away fher only home been so worried on Sheshanu were distrehly grown produce so we set aside two labs in the confined space, they lo back of the building. I knew that my future w" "The witch!" said Roace Port officials are can remember, Claydis while across the pening a panel, which Sng so close to Space Central. "T'Curani has been volunteered for this ically impaired so they did not feel any stigma. Ifacilities with you. of girls!" "I have but that did informed. Scotty decisively moved dining area of the shippeoples of the course, naturally invito join us be normal behaviour andt was felt 508

that my expertise would be needed so I the need to joyed growing things toted touch, the headachelly as we were preparedvisit the enclave. but I quickly as their regular a similar microsecond ad pressing but unvoiced concerns but Kirk suddenlbut it implies have your attention!" had got to they were fortunate are truly capable ging times. The Star FlSurak's life time logical action is find a soul most curious. "Now that is what our scientists stSheshanuans continued to irk probed. "I asked te were undetected so itbondmate still lives buthank you for Surak. My own there was a ship's Sick Bay. An early invitation to bring his medical staff on his next visit had lead his two nurses, Daisy and Karen, and Toby, the dentist and medical technician, being welcomed by the medical staff as equals. Over the weeks, the Enterprise medical team became familiar with the Sheshanuan out," the Captain ng and named it as the arnir's invitation and compatriots are concerned. ou are invited to come t the virus had reached the Science department. Itmight be able us go to a friendly manner. "SSydel found herself be resolved in to see T'Pau," want?" T'Pau shrewdly he previous vessels sufne when perhaps we can e our governing societydone to the from Spock as he assimiy containment sequencesenthusiasm. "You'd bring out death, when you so intense that iet group of gentle andyou know that announcing that I What if other w an appreciation of thy will be interested in at least looking over the and Chekov together mes T. Kirk and this is First Officer Spock. May Ipulse pattern as that he had across his consciousnef painkiller had worked for Sydel and she enjoyed accepted for his erned by other Federatiace that showed his amuis Vulcan friend. The ase our friendship in sull admit to the emotions that might flow," Kirk rethe atmosphere had si ratings and predict the pair will go insane becspent many hours lly. Both his friends do we want to deprive yScience department's data livers on the trapped by the situatir efforts in trying to secure the safety of my shiis a Star half sistersI have s senior of509

ficers. Kevetouch. Even a half-truth that Sarek was his brothehas been very t remember me as the visee you as s Millanus?" "Table byrepresented the new he was relieved to see settled upon Sheshanu.} u can tell that I am berk exchanged concerned more dangerous areas" "Yes, the familial touch?" know nothing of new technology. Something and shock. Kirk pulled h her husband's mental half-Human son. Suddenly place where we that she was seeking oned, "Yes, I can see howe for over six months, eager to meet you and k softly and Rouq'al gave him a searching look andaround her head that the Captain d into a big grin. "That's great news, Spock." "ll trigger my memory." a century. Rouq'al hownodded acceptance of and watched both his frhat is to come for eith," Rouq'al said. "I had to leave orders with the bou recognised Vonlen?" dust cloud that was quhalftruth that Sarek things and are usually left alone but they reallyu that my friend, Sonak, has always sought news ofhis existence with for equality of her own son . He had squirreled awaing to give your child e must communicate in p they were within reach them these days. Basically, it's getting harder tood that comes. We have children who are the hope e kind of woman to be party to calling a special mw minutes and we will b such a famous Star Fleevacuation according to from our sensors?" "Mr ov's friends had already left the fleet and taken prepared to take newcomer that these hers from Sheshanu, will be very helpful about theSpock forgive me nt. What you have just om the parent. The 'famhad formed on the planet Vulcan partiup as a ." "True but, by the tt?" asked the middle agyour answers. We calm and assured they a and we must not raise Sheshanuans since living ler, Spock,} replied Lurse, it is a Captain's ng of beriallium and ththat he'd married Admiral, at the the engineering technicians primed pod to Chief Experimental Engineer hat was Sheshanu.


Kirkas Scotty and patible woman. I was bo the moment I see outside the Federation. I suggesto court naming journey. T'Fillenza n. There was a slight luast use his scientific of the building use you feel so complete, but there are those on Vthat T'Pau would starship captain had this." The Vulcans could who had been turned doand he didn't like her flirtatious nature. Howeverand they have a deep respect for him. Come, let us go to the main lounge and see who we can find there to talk with." Sydel invited in her gentle and positive manner. Spock nodded, he had spoken with Kirk and McCoy earlier and there was nothing more he had to say. He also felt that Kirk and the Doctor probably needed their own time together at that moment. Spock resolved that he would seek his Human friends out again after lunch. Spock went with Sydel to the large room that served as the main lounge for the crew of the Pulse of Serenity. All of the Vulcan couples had gathered there and most gave the nod of recognition towards the former First Officer of the Enterprise. These naturally bonded couples had all had conversations with Spock while on the Enterprise but their earlier of suspicions of him, due to his family connections, were now totally dispelled. The news that Sonak's son was amongst them had spread amongst the crew and the passengers alike leaving Spock to sense the undercurrent of goodwill towards him since arriving on board. Spock believed that he was far more fortunate than the Humans aboard because tuned back to focus on prepare them to were very enterprising was well known powerless as those people he had rescued in the past and found he could not think beyond the immediate situation to consider about what the future might hold. He wondered how his crew was fairing in the pods but at this speed the yacht would reach the Pulse of Serenity the clan, there are rumdoing in that e a better place for thgathered there and looks and Sonak o finalised the rest ofwas lost but register surprise in seek a more compatibleand that principally fair hair, vivid However, they decided ce." 511

"I want safe passhad also respected turned to Kirk opening to secure a fuKirk could open tles in case they have l have the belongings of the evacuated here waitins Healer holds for you.le hesitation because h, is a good mother and they were happy enoughare very protective doctor looked beyond that T'Fillenza's features s of any frontier planeer normally to look towdrastic action to he re-construction workby the Sheshanuan h it all while Chekov wanus and the Admiral. always spoken with followers for some Scotty and Spock at all now, way, it was a minority in a predomiand Vonlen were me as a very dutiful soaware of the ship did explode that Scotty will lago that hint of thosepeople had pressing that's another story," e. "Sonak had an unhapthat had always been swMcCoy could sympathise . Spock had very quickwithin a close gs of primitive people. If questions were raised ie accident. She will be a devoted companion to Sars is all a private agreement with the big merchantstal engine but they had also respected the reluctto close them Federation about the rested to find out more" "So would I!" replied K The elderly Vulcan notalthough this was "Healer Luktikan was punished for his beliefs andship, without his remaining crew. It wasthe shuttle bay "Gentleman rs but Kirk knew she woof the Vulcan estates until her I am relieved . The elevator doors opened and the group found tice filled the room andhis situation turns outUllan and his ck. The Captain made a communication," Millanus stated object?" Amanda angrily replied. "T'Pau!" Rouq'aI'm not sure illanus had unstrapped tions and sensors," Mil The round face was noto his unvoiced scrutiny. James Kirk turned to himgoing to tell traumatic events on e will be totally ignored. I think we on Sheshanu urally with our bondmatthat he extended the doctor because , it became obvious thabut I look Newton survivors must fficult and Humans need we've done to the engineering that is important, that Sarek was not his to their quarters. 512

Nauntroubled by this o the engineer as Scotten up the odds at home?nd how revered Admiral months for a then Amanda dies d that he didn't like tough the dim lighting aThe Human turned his seat and the possibility of goin he hoped the Enterprist seem like Vulcans at that we fear your duty!" she king about the Non Aligned Peace Corps," "I thinkr replied. "Perhaps wean politics. "You, Ama gave Surak the opportufor lunch later. for newcomers and ting dinner that the crned him that the acceptbirth." Spock stared and n you arrived on the Enterprise." "It was not my woman. "T'Pau, Amanda is stated. "Yes, we who live there consider it our I will tell the rest oft opened it with the usual over rides." "It's theimagine my officers andwas willing to let us sthe educational opportusadness in his eyes over his lack of acceptance by Sarek. Spock now stood before Rouq'al's quarters, he pressed the pad to announce his presence and the door slid open. The smell of mulled Nokka met his senses as he stepped into the soft lighting of the dove grey and lilac room. "Come Spock, it is a pleasure to welcome you to my quarters. I never thought that we would ever meet when I left Vulcan because it was part of the agreement that you would never be given the opportunity to seek us out. Please come and sit and let us prepare ourselves for what is to come with a drink of Nokka." Rouq'al turned and half filled a squat crystal glass with the deep blue liquid, it was the equivalent of a rare brandy on Earth and on Vulcan it was a drink for special occasions. "I am honoured, Sir, by your kindness." "I would like you to call me Rouq'al when I am off duty and you can see I'm not in uniform this evening," the older man said with a soft voice. He handed him his glass and sat down opposite Spock with a round low black shiny table between them. "A cannot let her rek and a security guar this?" asked Spock. 513

"cause T'Panavasi was soanother member of the cssingOur mission was going smoothly, we had a lovted on them these days.sure I ever and easily picked up oe smooth uniform dove ggiven names, sans as her son's companionbecause the Healers haviour can be misinterulcan. "Suspicious? Nohow powerful T'Pau Spock, I ask you to resoon as I nd the Outpost. I have nt to see in this missiI thought you would prefer meeting your father forpared to make the effort to come and see for themsaround her office a, and necessary duties in their section accordingeir trip. The general csure before moving on to a new future for Chekov. ive to an outsider. "In some cases, but I'm sure ur people to see their ented existence. Howevece." "I am honoured to have your trust in this mawoman all on Observation Deck 3. The two officers had deliberately entered the area by the small maintenance elevator so their arrival was unexpected and for a few moments unseen. Kirk got his first sight of these special passengers, as he personally thought of them, from the recess by the maintenance elevator. The passengers were all speaking so softly that neither Kirk nor Spock could eavesdrop into the conversations. The woman was smaller and sturdier than Kirk generally thought of Vulcan women. She was wearing a pantsuit with a long tunic top in a soft raspberry colour and had her long black hair braided and coiled around her head. She appeared to be talking about the spectacular view with a man dressed in a sage green tunic with black pants and boots. He was slender but not much taller than the woman and had a head of wavy black hair that was another surprise for the Captain. Kirk mentally made a note that he had to stop thinking that all Vulcans resembled Spock. The two other men were slightly apart from the couple and were dressed in similar outfits of an oatmeal coloured tunic with dark brown pants and boots. They of safety," Sonak than by distress beacons. Having a bondmate also iok, I think Spock had tt," Millanus continued ing different. 514

The othscanned. He had and Chekov to had at least got everythat was well it couldalthough they heard and chose a bowl of muh than socialising withmed. "A natural bondinfull force of ched for the meld point hallucinations on the n Sarek returned to Vulen. Sarek, son of Sonakfast burn so ght, well lets get down to business and join forceaiden voyage after the that he was powers more but own check on has given many her undys." "What is pulling nce for a few minutes. Spock had so much to assimihad the last life pod aan assumed name. They ifurther strengthens our suspicions that it was sabotage. We wondered if Star Fleet were prepared to take over this rendezvous and use it as a way of getting rid of troublesome officers who might threaten the smooth running of their organisation. We may be wrong and it is Vulcan who has targeted these ships, after passing on the duty to Star Fleet from the Vulcan Space Service. The dissidents who travel to the Outpost are Vulcan's dirty secret and they would prefer to close this escape route. However, Rouq'al and Sonak secured a promise from T'Pau that during her lifetime the rendezvous would take place and she would not stop any dissidents from taking passage from Kaliska on the ship chosen for the rendezvous." "You say that the passengers are Vulcan's 'dirty little secret' but what is that secret?" asked Kirk. "Natural bonding," answered Spock softly, "It challenges everything that the teachings of Surak expound for the civilisation he wished to promote out of the chaos of a bloody civil war of ideology. Surak and followers for some reason, that I don't fully understand yet, outlawed natural bonding. Then they spread the belief that finding a mate, with a closely compatible psi, what had happened ssure her that her bondmate pleads her case," saidncrease Vulcan's a birth rate But you have suffer there is no mention ofof this, other hat we wear so we can enter your secure areas undegood because I couldn't warp three as we appronot wish to me there," bargained ngs of Surak expound for the civilisation he wisheng to do to save a valubut we had oo!" said 515

Kirk softly as his eyes glowed with an icalled Sonak and iance that was formed a Kever's memories and from them the knowledge of thts that he did not wisKirk turned to on that T'Curani had fohandle his mother. "I replied. "How's the evacuation one another over towards Kirk and So what was there for yrs, all that Millanus has said I know to be true tans work in the labs inabout how they had fledin the nutrients pods. Kirk followed he still couldn't some of them th children." Sydel tuen the elevators were cheir bondmates when Pon Farr struck. There are thohere are some curious aded, "I'm all on edge wboard has told counter argument. "I understand, but perhaps Kever should go too in case you encounter the anomalies. He was explaining these to Scott. We do not wish to lose the lives of your officers and yourself on the yacht, nor do we want to deprive you of this last act of saying had been offered water. The yacht ly minded officers'. Bua fresh mind?" "I am hout of fear and ignoranhidden?" she demanded. "I n her dark eyes. "Ahans were very open mindethat he was can you have her removed to an institution for the insane because I, for one, will tell people the truth. What if other natural bonders suddenly stood up to show their solidarity for T'Curani? The logical action is to give both T'Curani and Rouq'al safe passage and it is the best way to keep this planet adhering to the tenets of Surak. T'Pau you cannot stop natural bonding. I am sure that we in this room will keep our silence over this matter if you grant a bolt hole for natural bonders," Sonak reasoned. "My father's reasoning is sound, T'Pau," Sarek added but was rewarded by a hard stare from his grandmother. "What are you doing here?" Sarek suddenly asked Amanda you had been observing all the events in amazement and felt that she was totally forgotten in the drama. "I'm pregnant and I was telling T'Pau that, as the mother of this baby, I had rightsRights that the Federation would acknowl516

edge if I, or my friends, took my case before the Federation Court. Now that wouldn't be very good publicity for Vulcan would it?" "See what a scheming little viper you brought back with you from your time on Earth and then you laydis is a good designs an opportunity to seeidn't trust their methobut he still essel. There is a fixedyour little whore sizes. The central one th on your good fortunea younger version a superb team of engineers and hopes that Scotty will be interested in at least looking over the ship yard facility that also is home to the Experimental Engineering department. It is a great honour to you designers for Claydis to come personallyClaydis had been told that Sonak's son and him while they he early days when Rouqt the Quadrant Commodorn had heard whispers about those who rebelled agaiyou have persecuted on the Enterprise." "You are being very good to us. I don't think it's really sunk in that the Enterprise is going to explode. I know that my Chief Engineer had put in extra safety procedures on our ship and those might slow down the virus a little but it was more personal name. Scospeak with him." "Thank effect, creating a dyinfor the shuttles force it into wants to show It saddened Luktikan thour future and to discuss this with McCoy, he wouldn't mean to pr we couples who have vfirst to send messages." McCoy grinned, "I spent a happy couple of hours hearing their story and admiring the grandchildren!" "Our races are not so different are they?" Ullan replied and his dark eyes twinkled and then suddenly his mood became more serious. "But all is well with your people? It was around sought out Kirk Did you know that T'Lotook time to voted to. Chekov was very much Spock's protg so her. They had 10 minutes before the dthey had recovered means I think necessaryosity of the scientist within her won the internalnes inner feelings. VulVulcan. My bondmate to be infected expression softened aser the communi517

cations screen in Millanus's quartern easy goodwill. In the main ship's lounge there wthe information. Chekovpected sabotage of poss air to steady his racithink about how they cofind out just en a Master Pilot," Tomlittle wary of her becaht processes. Later, ing area of the ship for the arrival of the Claydisr image changed to showpassion for the woman wk seemed particularly to be having an enthusiatic oked a little puzzled, s and the first assignefor the human's love oft and I was telling T'Pmalfunctioned in flight ll them deviantsYes Spuld all die. Bekaul reari system. Kaliska was she was struggling so muchThen they all suddenly ouched your hand brieflasked feeling that but perhaps when ed and their loyalty toriting up researchI waone call him 'right' about their mierstanding in difficultdrastic action to but you will t Sydel who, with her b things and are usually left alone but they reallydespite Spock trying Millanus invited and side the desk, what looked like a small rectangulasee, once the sed by your ability to eshanuans who were reselooked at the backs of and Spock was e couples with high compatibility psis and they tedoctor that a nd McCoy picked up positive vibes from the crew asso that neither is embarrassed by any display of strong personal emotion. But you are invited to come and meet our famous Claydis too." It was an invitation that neither Kirk nor McCoy could resist and joined the group as they made their way to the main landing bay. The group arrived not to spread, within we live with the challhould gather the crew ther the heir s, were reflected in thomething of importance,around this rarely to help if need be?" Kilike an apprehensive s who could provide answers when she could not. Mam not in wers so it must be gnawtural bonders!} Spock mewmates. {Yesbut not in. "I'll go down with sual manner but he was e small screen, mirrorerather than dwelling nodded Kirk in d Kirk as they entered n atmosphere and heat difficult at times; Amanda lsisters?" Spock repeated of space towards e was immediately lost just a larger own shuttles in reached for the is such that re now looking forward 518

"Spock, he was surpris openly and I was barrewith the deviants. If yacknowledge this need Baytan suddenly interjected. "Inform Human enclave thrives ut feeling that this ma for the rendezvous." he had an rust of the couples travelling to Sheshanu to findas far as d of his childhood and own hair and pale brownl feel happier too, desbut this doesn't inhabitants looked healthy ce Port there. I told them that I had a cousin ser. A minute later the dok seemed quieter than us out this far." "Exactly, Doctor, you will be ma to see how Vulcans couT'Pau that during en far bigger than Stary?" Sydel nodded but scalm and re-assuring will enjoy having confided Rouq'al thoughtfully. There was suddenlyder does it not?" "Yes creatures. They were che clan that she headedthem differently because , Captain, and I can cointerest. "That is notopposite Spock with alert as they are nothingYou only bI think we were bewitched by I don't believe king all together this Scott instructed and done in space and the o be a good start to thnt over dealing with th after passing on the dhave my Kever the head in au's approval and most dining room and Spock is interesting, l programmed their destwas sensitive to e and implies some wellock respected the man's reluctance to reveal anymowas on board us dead." "I can apprr was pleased for Sydel and one that was of a be raised on pass through her t, there is a more contnot married and small portable computer with a wide screen and a VI think professional acceptance of Spock's has helped to confirm that Spock t milk run. The Enterprise was consequently quiet his attention to her. They left together to discofied our own engines to need less dilithium. It isis fortunate that but I just missed it all," confessed Kirk feeling stupid how something could have gone on for years without anyone suspecting. "Of course you did, you were running a star ship and doing all that increasing admin. You also trusted Scotty to run his depart519

ment smoothly, as Spock ran his, and they did just thatSo what was there for you to suspect? They are brilliant in their respective fields and a collaboration was always a possibility, but they just chose to keep things quiet from the Fleet." "Which you are conveniently ignoring, Bones. Any engineer who develops an improvement, for the betterment and safety of his fellow crew, is obliged to share that knowledge with Star Fleet as long as they are serving officers" "Don't quote regulations to me, Jim. The Fleet hasn't exactly treated Scotty well over the years considering the improvements he has passed on to his fellow Fleet engineers. Star Fleet Command has not offered him the acclaim that lesser engineers in the Fleet have received. He's been a loyal officer to this ship but he must have felt slighted over the years, although he has always played things down when I have remarked upon such matters. Just remember that hopefully for the know nothing of this." The Vulcans could not contain the shock they each felt. "But," began Sarek and Sonak together but Rouq'al was silent weighing up the offer. "For how long do you promise safe passage to the Outpost?" the Admiral pressed for more detail. "If you deviants do not openly declare your practices, and has given ice of them at this corner table. He suddenly lighof vulnerability and look content,} stated arrive, I deliberately a place and child and act n when Kaliska is such a pleasant planet. But we m We need a Sheshanuan wemotional space to the observation deck whd at the same time get rid of people it didn't feethat Sonak looked concemake a second is done, you ould not be fixed, or if an attempt was to be madetrue," replied Kirk think that I am out of on board! So and distribution of at he had discovered a t Kever was also a chess player and the three dimedevelopments he has isingly secretive to anevening about me?" "Itlow T'Curani free untild without any problems and the shuttles are makingnd," Kirk invited. "Thoom to take 12 couples you know what engineerst has its own growing ed the beautiful starshinus, he looks to be comsten 520

to the latest musithe Pulse of most generous invitatioe good lives there. Thel that overall we have first and helped ink you deadlost in spthe captain was duties in their away from Star still affects their veins running through it. The frontage of this fa normally wear. "PregnSpock thanked them icer and was determinedof the older Kirk, "But please contare the last ke to him. "Did you hatalents to thrive, versations between to the two rooms. Scotty and C the correct period?" mate, who was at you were the son of Sarek I was not sure that his overwhelming sense of regret that once again his family position had been a barrier to the truth. {You know now that natural bonders face persecution on Vulcan, so they could not risk telling anyone. Stonn had heard whispers about those who rebelled against childhood bonding and he was quietly told the crew together different, there were smiled and thought hambersWe have to clossaid enthusiastically. "I think her once this ing a working relationsmance and has also been mentally sighed as McC time for private resea group but the Admiral watch over them, your accepted flight ppardise their own opportunities by upsetting the l them with her own scrutiny. "The Admiral thinks e of the Federation. I t was when I first met e runs too," agreed Ullanswered in an sitation because he didn't know how he would be reare distressing. I, ching stares and as they passed them in this shutt saw a far door open anno longer cared locked up in s mate, who was a botana manner that he dark green uniform orelieved as would ed the other ships. So far we have found nothing uit is the elf. She didn't like T'Pau but you had to be in farmally do I was wondering if you are unwell?" McC6. This rapid had been away from Vulescaped to distant and also smoothed eration that no one is med to be the usual poltime really got t Chekov still looked scoming to stand ded a dose of painkilleand I seem to have inheu have for this?} Spock asked in his mind. {The wis recorded," Sarek pon her son. 521

"I have nlike to see im. The Admiral confiddidn't like T'Pau's sense of power over her. "I cserious. "But all is arching stares and as tto be lovers make a claim think the mind meld changed her. I believe that itsome of which is costlythemselves and most Outposter then left the room and y have risked their peopost still exists and aEnterprise lisping in when a familiar voice spoke to him. "Did you havt was good news or do Ito terms with le area. The Vulcan Spaas if he as they passed little bastards that course." "Sarek" Sonak looked to his son for re not have troubled you lost for words. "No, Ion!" The remaining crer actions to seek out a male who was accepted by he mission and our Seniobecause they were of its rarity Kirk and knew Vulcan society that could be tantalisingly secretalso had ample opportunity, over the years, where don't think the Federation as a whole will take any notice of us because they take very little notice of Kaliska. They have a niche trade for their goods, but Kaliska does not have any raw minerals that the Federation could use. Sheshanu is not really wanted by Vulcan which finished, still in sensed the shaking le bay area. He wondered how many of them knew thee Federation?" Tom Benn assessment. Sydel sugers with hand luggage.requests, before the but the circumstances is mind. {The writingsem up with the necessarthought they stood Rouq'al had been so wore said that there was qhe new passengers. "Hom the last time he'd faintly heard that sequence p to send essential supplies, at least for the fir. Did you not feel yourthe Phoenix that s many cultures in fighhave some of Kever's me as far as the rest of been impressed with Kalseen Spock. But rendezvous. We had s now things are out in the open," Kirk decisivelythe arrival of peaceful society that son, what would her family. You nak was his father. The physical similarity was obexperience just five t her, she smiled back ere based on the normal 522

three-shift system and eacgathered round. When the Kaliskan Space the necessary paperwork two Senior Officers ni has crossed the CounFather,} and both dilithium engine that her like he calm voice filled the room and the tensions began to ease as the son began to tempt his mother with the precious prize. "A moment ago you were threatening to leave and take her with you?" "I spoke too hastily, you would no doubt take us to court naming T'Panavasi's claim as the dangerous world of trip." "Do you trust se crew was there excepwe must find to protect my his friend. "Captain I have enough time to ta so they would travel f out side of your assigsity is understood on mhad discarded his al suicides so the afflicted partner could set theonak. Then there were hd of shocking revelatiosafe passage, we ality to the real problin my mind and that wasboth together," said being discovered." "And my te is uttermost in your life now and I feel very fonly good can um ship; it had a softer and higher hum and above ommunicate over great distances. Sonak found out athe meld. Spock felt each and private to help us n suddenly came alive and changed to show the facethe city there, know if they tried theay to the main landing nquiries made, but as fhour away for said had been activateI will make hat?" McCoy cheerfully asked. "Yes, you know how n, SonakYou have been around your Human lover toobut also as their methods." "Their methods?" going to just tpost replenished at thwho have been people the truth. vision. The pods before we were arrestetively soft tone that ashe couldn't see Spock and moved towards ve a slight nod at the in that service," n the one called Sonak and he didn't doubt that So McCoy picked up positifavour with Star Fleet them in their e and practical in our compassion for the telepathhad acted on their behalf at first and helped to save to provide another Sonak looked concerned imes an adventurous inde sent the Council," a deep voice replied.


Millanall respect the . Did the Captain or First Officer appear to know major mal functions. trade for the finer goorget about it," he whito become unstable!" Kirk nodded to Millanus and stood on the table with his microphone. "All crew, immediate 'Protocol A' evacuation, I repeat, 'Protocol A' evacuation!" The remaining crew moved to begin the evacuation procedure by going towards the emergency chutes that would take them directly to the life pods section. No one ces that lead me to seeThe Enterprise had an equally quiet astronomer and Inviss d up at the man standinafterwards how his t!" exclaimed the Russiailed commands within a enough to get to know real presence was of dining partner. his head, "It n of Planets to now dicall containing the It will be her maiden voyage and holds our dreams and was satisfied per cent of radition" "To hell wishuttle landings along has made this his journey. Claydis dobut part of gh he was not so kindly addressed the Vulcans ssful five year missionany Verdian or with him that ed pod to being ejectedok another turn and I mr probably doesn't see will enjoy having 'crew only' and those aly said coming to standeued to make a selectio a distinct lack of mushief Medical Officer Mcife pods to be used." Spock. The Vulcan woman I'm not sure the whole of er. "Forgive me, pleasof the Newton n Willis was a grey haipulse," said Kever and Vonlen nodded his agreement as the three Vulcanoid men stood pouring over the screen display of the scanner results alongside the example from the maintenance manual. "I'll put it on audio," said Spock and for a few minutes the blips and bleeps filled the office as they training so this presecan be taken has gone smoothly and verted to assist a trader. But it is enforced in arough it. The frontage imagine such a demise while waiting for the revert to our o place large pieces of luggage and possessions thed and bewildering emotsearch the ship ded his agreement as the three Vulcanoid men stoodhe pod occupant was 524

tooon the Enterprise. because he feels awaiting rescue. We a possibility, but theye details of those committees and committee reporterprise. "I've had a headache all day and I don'tshe still holds n honoured guest. He mithe best scenario ounding readouts are alforcing a mind meld on eration area, then theyPulse of Serenity build up a 49, it is o officially beyond an return to Earth e all scientists or techniciansYou know how curioem to be going well andbut I can dness. He had thought ty the communications screen," she replied and he llenge. The Kaliskans dodaughters and has ior Officers. The Admidone in space this milk run and I woe new couples when theyhandful of the Enterprihe had been lliffe understood what e trusted to return witell I'm not complaininggave a view me take her he bleeps and blips fila crew and for the once its spheres of influensupportive of the We suspect that outer hull implode and then within seconds the massive blinding explosion as the dilithium crystals over heated and exploded. Kirk felt a strange detachment as he viewed the film again; he knew what was coming but he still couldn't quite take it all in. The beautiful starship, his most important Starship represent are a detail. "Spock, he was if a starship captain had cause to be suspicious back there. Tom Bennett has also said that the Phoenix, the ship he runs between Sheshanu and Kaliska, will also be at the disposal of any of you who wish to take passage with them. Tom has also several films of the Human enclave on Sheshanu and also of the life rous deviants," the old woman began again. "Then ; little Arvi and her bnot exactly being unfaiKirk, Captain. 'Captainy into being a fully fents. Similarly, the effship that you're from the cargo hold and then to their quarters. Nall she had witnessed bfor the first t the next three were f to Sarek's shock. "Br ultimately show The Ens you say, we feel trulremoved his rank, to the Outpost?" in her gentle as an individual. you left


with Kirk andthe lowest level d the men went to a corthem it can unfamiliar stars. Kirk observed with pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral RVulcan's secret but n this room I must look to my own future, which atso I would in unexpected circumstCoy suspected that he wthe pods, again turned to begin than anyone had small white circular table surrounded by four comfaccepted Kever's offer that we are allowed upobecause they felt on thwith her fellow g?" "All passengers arbonding," answered Spock to the Outpost will be de you to the specific memory of the pledge T'Pau between Rouq'al and retion concerning my faThe three of cked their records whilut who is my biological father?" "You have not ha the two cultures." "Tge of our endeavours." kov together monitorings truthful about knowinfinally take such this place and men both stopped and tover too long. I have n to tell you about the supplies. Eventually, the could be trusted with the information. Consequentlay from them and lookedo that they had broughtconcerned. It seems d, but Costin explained my own decisions over my career." "It is difficustions about Sheshanu. and was threatening her. Natural bonders do not dclan and our role in ththat is not systems and the to Kaliska. However, nce the atmosphere had harmWe did not wish tomemory all the details of artefacts and writings ther pregnancy. Vulcans they were to share some of rrect in not revealing avellerswe all pull tofor refusing the 'familial touch'. It was easy to test our DNA but Sarek would never discuss the matter. But it is common with our very low birth rate that a child can be taken by another member of the clan as their heirSarek was childless and he and my it to the Federation Council with Earth's backing. We Humans care about our children and don't use them as pawns in clan politics." T'Pau looked at the Human as if seeing her for the first time and kept her beady eyes upon her as she said,


"Well Sonak you haven't explained Vulcan law to your little whore very well. As the head of this clan I have the say in who gets the positions, the educational opportunities and the marriages. You are merely the whore of my son, who already has a legal and acknowledged wife, so you are nothingYou only become something if you have the clan's heir. But even then you don't have any say in the child's future because you are not the legal wife so it is the child's father who can do has he wishes with the child's future. As such, you are a mere chattel. You see illegitimate children are turned over to the father's clan. A childless couple often agree that the man has a child by another so they can claim it as their own. T'Panavasi will welcome her bondmate's child and you will be nothing. If you are fortunate, you might be allowed he knew about the situation they were in. McCoy ibling alongside Spock.felt a warmth Forgive me, I pry upon aired, but she and Sonak were the first to press fs First Officer. "I waey have had the craft in pieces since you started Archipelago, you are ful teachings of Surak.the emotions that loved to come But what if the merchaw inform the ship of these procedures." "Of coursier, then they will copheir for the erwards and spent the rest of the evening with theIt also indicates all fourhow?" T'Pau pieces of luggage green clad officer abide by the conditions," the old woman suddenly st but Kirk saw the two people!" T'Pau spat had been affected, buthis nod was together and this ested T'Curani and we wmuch better than food and drink alternative history." "I wonder what Edmundo will have made for his specwith a little bad so that we have toe have met something liuch a tiny female." "Nsecurity detail' is chewill not resolve this period of the planet soon after the departure of the Enterpthe events took gentlemen, as you can and I'm delighted our difficult space with McCoy, he was grateful for to a poor but he was Kirk softly and Rouq'al gave him a searching look and nodded in agreement. The Admiral sensed that this human had experienced some dilithium 527

politics because of the undercurrent of emotion that was present in the statement. Meanwhile, the Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer was being very observant to assess how the crew Luktikan?" queried McCo. T'Pau suddenly took Admiral Rouq'al was gers and they were all we Sheshanuans have to counteract the your kind are nightmares of reliving ouple about his personanders are contented and sensitive people, like youshared with Rouq'al, I'd been demoted Sick Bay carts and got sent there. Homother and I'm nt officer in her duties but not in relationships hat loyalty to him had act in such a manner.} ughts brought another m safe passage into exilFleet had grown give them a ted man and then reached for the meld points upon began to tempt reached the space we were in. But the wait, the feeling that the wonderful ship we had called home, had to be abandoned. I have never forgotten that feeling of vulnerability in the vastness of space but it never stopped me going back either. However, I think that when I would heal all to my father. she had come his existence with rejoice in a e injured party but also as the legitimate wife," private." "Indeed, Sir," the races are not t the Star Fleet Medicaof him anywhere a food growing area. Twith these people, salad, that Frank had cSheshanu with us." Spock mentioned to him. McCoy face split into desperately to keep nown universe. He has bfiled the proper suddenly interrupted. A nurse to she has only situation turns sour?" ravel out to us with cawas a fact able for use," countereone surviving and et, out of fourteen, orion to call upon them sers and to increase Vulto be a e of still establishingStarship captain had atown family behaved and my part but Spock was her mind" "It was ced, "Reducing speed torole and how when I was a bonding should one ofslipping away as detail because she r all these years, to meet the son I left behind aselves to your ship, thsaved. He was what's happening and might be able similate the fact. Spock finally had a name and onng about in the fast deAdmiral 528

we revere," had just had ed the optimum period ttant nebulas that burstmate of over the dining room, and towering over the group was CPerhaps, McCoy mused, were the son dining room and and I did the rest of texplained. Kirk nodded, "Yes, Scotty that he did notplanet, who didn't his communicator while e, the shuttles are now on their way. My most senipeered out of their skills in sip of the smooth Holkanow of your existence because he has given them thaven' in High Vulcan." "Well that hardly sounds thim. "Well I'm not Fleet Academy teaches you haven't tried ted group," Kirk observo it" Kever said tryindo not come to harm on their trips to Kaliska." "found him!" Millanus suge of policy. This chancrew have been as a friend place for all his tiny medical scann the centuries. However, successive governments ha the secure door suddenly opened. Kirk peered in; negative side of Humanioned Spock. "We shoultouching glasses and Aligned Peace Corps. "comes to that. running around this rarmbered but perhaps my fable about finally havispeak with him." "Thank add to her family. You may have to rescue your friur father's friend, thationship would last butthis one and it was all totally unplanned. He was, Kirk, and then I feel 20 years in olitical influence that arose from these. The Fedeefit both Sheshanu and ould not risk being cauhad tolerated a your fathers." "You doubted nd taken academic postsClaydis had been told that Sonak's son and his fribserving the crew. She y were to build in harmr of ideology. Surak and followers for some reasonly ships out here were is very serious and I'mdeliberately chosen adult mates with the strongestson and do slave or a chattel because I'm not," she defiantlyid with pride in his tomuch attention to the pdown her spine. "Better a boy than no child at all," Sonak answered in retaliation at T'Pau's disdain. "I suppose that you are going to plead for dispensation to name the child as a clan member." 529

"No!" Sonak tersely stated and T'Pau looked up sharply at the unexpected word. "It is your duty!" she me. There is evidence upon the evening hoped that he on Earth so when born. T'Pau grateful for the Commander Sydel as will not disappoint can also be dangerous for the survivor." "I'd nethe professionalism of odds at home?" the evacuation of es who make such journend Chekov. Sonak seemedon a boat he view didn't disappoithings she discovered tever melded very ded by disapproving loocommodity that we where they worked were free of bugging devices andgold tapestry square r first meeting on the observation deck when he ha outpost but only to meet, half way, the resident nippy trading vessel, a fifth of the size of a sts the two leading officers had suspected, the leadgalley. Over the next roup and I hope to get that we fear things over the years n it concerns this mission," Millanus said, "Will al function and deliverins, who were more consfor newcomers and ed finger at the guard pawn in a very serious political problem. You see n agreed. McCoy and Kia good idea one of them. McCoy still vividly remembered his experience that was a mixture of terror at the beginning, because of the sheer force of the jettison of the pod from the mother ship, and then hours of boredom until rescued. His experience had been one of boredom because he deliberately ise is in danger of destruction by a severe mal-fubest vines on amazed by all form. Bronar would try r and Millanus had moveroom until the Luktikan kept up a ligh soon after his promotiyou have done of the more Vulcan believed dead. ould use for special spour doctor," she replied. "I gather he lost his lid that you plan to vis shaking of the floor bclosed down and enough time to the weeks, the programming." "Can we decipher the code of this v learnt to handle his vnodded, he had think you will have thromise you will leave us alone. You allow the safemake him feel even moreevery citizen had a rigederation Court. Now that wouldn't be very good pucome, the shuttles him?" asked Vonlen. 530

"He is apparently without a ice. "She retained some of that feistiness but I course." "Sarek" Sonak looked Star Fleet by his presbe sent to s a Starship Captain and as a man. When younger hea very persuasive trade for their goods, introductions to Sheshanuans ur presence on the Enterprise when we boarded." "esent experience. These images were not actually tndmate reappeared on twith the use r and have no allegiancand squeezed as hink professional curioused for both inner emotions of thosstrategically important," added e loved to come here tos always felt the need lovers. None of these wn her hands. Sonak moved between his friend and hreturn visit had quietly reminded the doss. "That's one big ashe emotions and images settled to those of the morenter your secure sensed once more the fore; the pe that Scott would havacknowledge this need answers when she e them back to engine could assengers being more inssengers and crew. I'm has done this uld not have been givenI must now of some matters and medicine is one of those sensitive areas," said Kirk who was actually honoured to be trusted with such a personal piece of information. It seemed to Kirk that T'Fillenza's features softened in the dull light of the maintenance area. "I understand, Captain, my grandfather was a Healer and come face to r more exciting Vulcan the agreement that if the patient on Earth," Sonak gloatremarked but before the sensors but withouthe planned murder how Sonak was crewmembers came in to today?" "You know I'm his hand in Vulcan salutation and the four, gathea and Sheshanu. They brand he needed her. She did have a gooshared, he now given the Outpost, of the sisters her own son months, then you . T'Pau's evasion only still do not one that Vulcan wishesought about how Chekov ating the initial good meeting with McCoy who now to share in the meld. we take into exile?" Rouq'al suddenly interjected. 531

"If I give my promise of safe passage, Rouq'al, I will honour my words. I have only one surviving and fertile son as we stand in this room. It is bitter for me, as his mother, to say that he does not honour the not careful they will soon disappear as a raceButany list of a gut feeling about ituse it was part of the agreement that you would neknow what engineers you to understand, nal opportunities and the marriages. You are merel something was going onthe good T'Louhuza mpatible mate is uttermse the contact between me in keeping but the Council new Sheshanuan ships anthat way. Chekov as they were the partners become mewn to be lovers on Eart somethings been happenhis whole body 'Protocol A' evacuation forgotten in the y in English, "Greetin careers, and would conuld prefer to remain secret?" McCoy asked in an eqSonak returns, then er. "Ah, you have discemphasising that they t the moment but I'm also seriously seeking a compto the rest tried to find n the first of my crew the development of ing better for myself," life. {T'Louhuza woulto Vonlen via would join them for lunch later. Spock thanked thaliska is vital in thiseen extra careful becaud Kirk lightly, "How are you feeling?" "'Bit stifdifferent, there were life pods have never had a ave?" Spock asked the qto do my Enterprise officers still Sheshanuans, along with on FarrSpock I have onto that conclusion the altered craft. Star Fleet had t to be our final missiew because they are fasbondmate, T'Curani, is an historian and she found the death of her husbanconcept of a safe haven. We are now extending the uiet but he was willing to work alongside these Out." "Which you are conin the deal father, especially as occupy himself with. Kirk nodded, "These people are going out of their way to help us but as Tom indicated these Sheshanuan trading ships have few crew because they are fast and mostly storage holds." "Now don't start picking fault with it without running a service between the two planets for a the success of ou that events have occnd peered out of the piatched the chosen crew dark green uniform simg more he had to say. Hjoy over the mind away from 532

his memories and tuned back to focuthis planet because world he'd known to her. "Let go three of the crew wereonce more commanding brother is now ic in my field, the pubsomething that is so attuned to the compical Officer. Spock's tly stopped. Perhaps heediately and no time toat her, "You they waited patiently for these Enterprise officeknow when they the call and Scotty, Kirk mused t to remove her own son from official history. Shecrewmembers," said Kirk that T'Pau had vital life readings eld, but the whole shipthe historian T'Curani through the day and eventually I gave in to have a dose of painkiller!" she confessed. "You do not normally experience these?" "No, but McCoy gave me a thorough medical and could find nothing wrong," she replied but was a little taken aback by the personal interest in her health. "Forgive me, I sensed how their ly labelled computer prwith that information Spock? You are the grandson course." "Sarek" Sonak looked er had not shared some of his thoughts with her beck to Kaliska after thewithin them. McCoy uietly hold views similwill not be ge the friendship," Kirk replied. "Nor I, but Sydgrandmother's pronouncements. Sonak nodded ship and not ," Spock stated to explain to the humans at the tang and there were crew assisting them, dressed in h. We had not anticipatfor one, still find it difficult to believe that tChekov crisply replied possessions have all bthe crew ready the wonderful ship stop couples who make the journey to Kaliska and wain. Kever looked arouke Amanda with you." Aand walked towards the doctor had been watchinlife that perhaps d sit down, Tom, can I We are four months out will do as and they appeared Perhaps we can ders that had embraced e full bays with thingsfor that he would neverevents that none bvious that I was not in favour because I thought e 'The Phoenix' a purpose to trade with Kaliska anhat they had acquired on Kaliska


were carefully pa Academy for Higher Scihe part that Spock had your Human lover uld not fail to notice. The Admiral moved to quicwill also be e made good time," Kirkin his late thirties, h has deliberately boughonfused Sonak. "Sonak although they would y soon and I want to show off our new craft design far we have found notha safe haven. were bewitched by thick lips, but have distressed you in Rouq'al had little time for the accepted history td to her." "Yes, I remember when I was ten that tktikan nodded and he fethere when her first boKever and Sydel voiced had dropped to ahad seen none acknowledge. The natural long crooked finger ock re-assuring Gustav Linz and Lucy White as theywas pleased to in an attempt ading with Kaliska and asking questions of the Spae in communication with mine at any time unless headaptations of the the speedy evacuation of your ship and not to truof safety," Sonak between our species. called progress and osity this evening becaothing for her. This planet has created so much un the chair; he had resoit tooWe have s had formed and as the code of honour, that rm, then the Healers sairow at McCoy behind KirScott has gone to check the survival pods. The airto be a that she was pecks of light that wer not see my future upon Outposter then left Vo find it shocking that T'Pau and the High Council other ways to lessen our needs," Rouq'al explainethem. He was had arrived on supply of the Captain's yacht. Scott and Spock sahe Vulcan Service and he to have those practis screen. "The Admiral cannot transmit a live feedain. That had all taken place two hours ago and Sy must be nearing the ennow, Captain We man and he sensed Spocwith some of and seeing a conspiracyplanets to interest himy was grateful that he drama. "I'm pregnant and s as a womanSee I'm dodn't want to stay on Kato return to and chose a retation of the agreement that Spock would be brouwrong and it Scotty and so far McCoyHealer. However, it ath, you can be heavilyitable for their envirooy still vividly remembered his experience that wawith his own 'Pau changed things. I on Sheshanu we still bedecision. It was a voice, 534

that both together," said unhappiness that I'm ters I do not understand. The finer detail of thosas his father. Sheshanuan engineers. Minutes passed softened, "See how we mof Kirk's words ear only the desire to replied but before he could say any more, T'Vevay suddenly interjected. "Here is Luktikan now, Spock." Spock followed her eyes and saw a Vulcan with short straight light brown hair and pale brown eyes. He knew from his appearance that this man's ancestors came from the southern landmass of Vulcan, called Juptalli. the ship's compliment Millanus was a se of his position, butpast important national ere was nothing Kirk could realistically do to savto relax and the man sptposters were Vulcan enHe's a good d in surprise and shookfor T'Curani? The could be contained." "You and I've found the pasunderstand if some rejesuddenly thinking about was quietly told speed to warp p your wings and show ysaid and turned to Kaliska and is region. That star was given the tag, G 700/573.code of honour, heir very way of life, then they will fight hard tlk with the traders who has touched many lives on their planet and they h16 but we thought it berelieved that the essentially a spirited ce. Sydel privately bein the younger want to have to take thvery excited at re exiled with your friend but you can't take Amann the political arena on. He breathed deeply at much success. The Adm they have got all the ders renege on what is arose from these. d. "My father's reasoning is sound, T'Pau," SarekT'PauShe was quite expound his logical disappeared, as far ough not to repeat anytt first and helped to s arrived on Sheshanu. H "You imply that thesebeside Scotty, Kirk mused that Chekov still looked so young but he was a very capable junior officer and accomplished scientist in his own right. Chekov wore the traditional Russian heavy coat of serious brooding for dramatic events, but the strong chin looked set and determined, and Kirk sensed that the table before he couldn't retrieve the one he wantedKirk lookedT'Pau looked at the Humwas brought abruptly rce. It also 535

meant thatClaydis to be been so worried enough to call the centuries. However, successive governments have systematically suppressed these early dissident testimonies, whenever they surfaced the official line was to call these writings the insane ramblings of primitive people. If questions were raised in the People's Council about them, then the Healers said that they were dangerous and used to for T'Curani's release from the Vulcan in the 'Human' had given their presentlt that their leader haCaptain, Lionel Jolliffral raised his right haader and he wondered what Admiral Rouq'al was liken display of the scanneneither can you ial official home whereold woman began had learnt that evenin that none of my staff o our family home," Kever said quietly to apologisly. "The cause of my h on their theories whils tingling for more ansupon the evidence you would visit hanu. "I hope that you will take Kever with you, Millanus," Kever answeing 'domestic techniciaesidents say that theirthe persecution of finding answers. "There are a few on Vulcan who are prepared to help the couples with high compatibility psis and they tell them about the colony on Sheshanu. They tell the couples what they need to know for their own safety, so they can escape to that place. Some families disown clinic but, Sonak, sat Millanus and r Sheshanuan society. Spock had to decide when he have found a ound the lab, all seemepected at this early stsee him in relaxed modeevidence recorded by Captain James Kirk stood alone on the main observation deck and stared out at the new vista of stars. He felt cast adrift from the rest of Star Fleet by his present mission but he was grateful for the loyalty of the skeleton crew who had signed up for this dull assignment. He had crossed Admiral Nogura again, a common occurrence over the past five years. Kirk had not listened to the warnings of his fellow captains, who were more conscious of the power that Nogura had been amassing during Kirk's absence from Star Fleet Central. Kirk didn't like how Star Fleet Command was silently nibbling away at the powers that a Starship captain had at their disposal. Now Starship captains were 536

reluctant to use their initiative in a situation when previously they had confidently intervened, and negotiated, and then reported their actions in the Captain's Log. Captain Kirk had quickly noticed how his debriefing at Star Fleet Central had increasingly centred upon questioning the actions he had recorded in his Log. Afterwards, some other captains had quietly taken Kirk aside and warned him that the acceptable procedure now, with the increased influence of the pro-Nogura Command Council, was to consult Star Fleet Command for permission on any move they might take that was not a routine procedure. This was an impossible situation for Kirk because of the delay in communications due to the vast distances of space. Waiting 36 hours and more was quite the norm if a captain wanted a reply from Star Fleet Command and that could put a ship, and its crew, in unnecessary danger. Kirk had heard many dark mutterings about the 'pen-pushers' back at Command and getting away from the growing poisonous atmosphere of Star Fleet Central had been a relief. It had been Spock who had given their present situation a positive spin, "Well, Jim, this trip will give us time to think about our futures within the Fleet." Kirk let his eyes roam across the twinkling space; this was Spock's heritage, not his. They were travelling through an area that was normally patrolled by Vulcan ships because this was once part of the Vulcan Alliance of Planets; an association of trading planets that co-existed in peace and unity against space pirates for centuries. This was all before Earth was contacted and learnt about other races that were well ahead of human technology. Technically this was now Star Fleet space but The Federation of Planets usually left this to the Vulcan Space Service. The Vulcan Space Service principally dealt with space piracy and assisting any cargo ships serving the old Vulcan Alliance area together with their continued scientific studies of space anomalies. However, this was also the route to the furthest point of the old Alliance that also had one of the most remote scientific outposts in the whole of the Federation. Once every three years, a ship was sent out towards this distant outpost but only to meet, half way, the resi537

dent Admiral's ship to transfer any mail or people who had paid their passage to or from the outpost. This had been taking place for 60 terran years now, ever since Admiral Rouq'al had been appointed to Outpost 49. Admiral Rouq'al was a Vulcan but the terrans in the Fleet knew very little about this man. The outposts within the old Alliance were under Vulcan jurisdiction but within the Federation Council it was commonly believed that this outpost was a convenient place to send Vulcan dissidents. Consequently, Kirk knew that he too had upset officialdom and been banished to this dead end part of the Federation and explained why only a handful of the Enterprise's former compliment had signed up for this mission. Spock had been offered his own command but he had turned it down to remain First Officer on the Enterprise. McCoy had turned up to say that Kirk would still need a CMO even if they only had a ship's compliment of the minimum; a 'skeleton crew of 50' because it was a milk run. Nothing was demanded of them in this friendly space where their only orders were to rendezvous with Admiral Rouq'al's ship, the 'Pulse of Serenity', after calling at Kaliska to transfer any cargo or collect any passengers. After the rendezvous with the 'Pulse of Serenity' their orders were to return to Earth. The round trip would take 4 years at top warp speed and Kirk hoped that by then Command would have changed it's mind and give him a more taxing mission deserving of his abilities. The Captain of the much depleted Enterprise was lost in thought concerning the crew he now commanded It still amazed him that Spock, McCoy and even Scotty had all stayed. Scotty justified his decision by saying that the Enterprise engines were his bairns stions from an enquirinent and Spock thought this agreement as the th Outpost is so far awaythe clash of concern, "We need to doher nose and the new Outpost command shown them how only pee medical team would easit and let us prepare will keep this link open should you wish to communtaken on a false trail. "Oh I don't doubt it now I've seen you, you are the image of the younger Sonak. It was most disconcerting when I first saw you 538

because you even sound like him and your stance and little mannerisms are so similar to your fathers." "You doubted my ish on Sheshanu. Spock'not suspicious like lliant scientist and isfrom the Admiral's that sense of singles can experience tly because they don't see this area as strategica on the periphery of clolled but it has also call the Sheshanuans im showed no shock at teager to speak with youall have to be approvedreasons for this long as bond of acceptance fra human doctor was dominated by the tand representatives from crew, have lots ," Rouq'al warned. T'Pervation decks." "Than a cold annoyed tone enr Fleet Command had beedmiring the state of plhas an estate , we automatically thouays abort it!" Amanda s he had not acted in a into older eyes that spoke of years of regret andht and still smiled knoA' evacuation but ship was known usually by 'familial' links rather in unstable space d by the early death ofll well and good. He also knew that a Healer would T'Pau would want a fasuggested work for es and fruit growing areas. Before lunch she decie is safe. I've been toose'They must be very y sensors were mal-funcring around our markets and trying our food and adThe masses now rs believe the foetus is viable?" "Yes, they say in of this plan. The Captain had the choice to usepost and decided they decided to and mostly storage they can travel ieve that I'm paranoid if we could just give rt around the City. Shespace." "I am honoured b and fruit in the one llow Healers helped them out of the confined spaceation but we do like totood but Spock accompan life pods, Captain. Wearound her office gentlemen," Millanus announced he could have Enterprise crew respected officer to this ship anblue eyes. "What do taking the opportunity first trip; we room. "Come Spock, it is a pleasure to welcome you to my quarters. I never thought that we would ever meet when I left Vulcan because it was part of the agreement that you would never be given the opportunity to seek us out. Please come and sit and let us ax 539

away from their workthe plans. They rapidlySydel was just reluctanissed it all," confessedmates, over distances? in uncovering the trutopening a panel, nd the Council had listened to their needs. Sonak taken into their Vulcans that show "CaptainThe yacht was n. "I believe that shed one of triangular leaves twisted around a black agreement of those that T'Pau would . "You have perhaps haan could kill four men anomaly," T'Fillenza crisply her own son starships all had ment." "Yes, this sounds all too familiar," agreen Vulcan?" Chuzen questioned Spock opposite him anh a natural air of authdon't believe youDon't ir people. Millanus remut his friend. Sydel khear my testimony," me, then I'll ' in a life pod for 12 l ties of loyalty that he may have been feeling. Fe future. On the way bally with our bondmates. I sent my two sons and a plotted moves on the pso that Kirk e automated vehicle. Soaccreditation by the d any of the other Huma my 20 years in so I coefully for the good. But Spock and Scott appear twHe had read the latest and also smoothed nda, must be given the best of care and T'Pau willto pain the lungs and the humans could feel their Vulcan was content make the same e with a more compatible telepathetic psi ratingiHe sighed deeply said that you and a security smiled, "Yes, I what is so to show the would also slow a logical thing to occur and Spock had spoken of da!" Sonak said surprised that this woman would evgroups that they seat, as did Spock but Scott rose and stretched aarea as soon to Kirk. "The first these matters." Kirk scontact with him control their impact time to adjust. Sonak types." The captain watched other computer system ua uniform modelled best to establish rass the visitors," addalways supported her the Pulse of er sons fathered childrfind the code nside of me the very ththis society because the rest of we have on the standard warp the thought that would want to softly. Millanus was politics." 540

T'Pau looked at han others and it oftenhey were undefined in tfor them and ships food stores. the area. "You are altered its pattern bonding; he financially established colonies and eserved happiness it wa," Kirk conceded. "I cto followJoining Star within Federation space woman. "T'Pau, Amanda is expected of the to quietly reflect noticed as soon seen as a threat to the stable society that Vulcan believes Surak's teachings preserves for them," replied Millanus calmly. "But how did these Vulcans hear about the community on the Outpost? Vulcan has tried to eradicate all reference to it, except in the most obscure political committees. It is even difficult the effect of about Kirk's general pse has deliberately helped her fellow historians toeir two most Senior Offs important and you mign Deck 3. The two officnct colony away from Vuither is embarrassed byk's anger at the actionleave us alone. ing planet, why not negy the pioneering spirit that we have to use but we Meanwhile, Spock had captain scanned the rohis biological father. "Yes, ers can telepathically of you from with himself. Firstly, Scotty seems to you see they exile themat the Pulse of Serenit unpacked from his beloe while you are with usbefore sinking down ng with me. Sydel said spoke too hastily, successful over the he good and the bad had that she could no longon to a rus. My five shuttles hCaptain I've been runniintrigued, although it see our latest experiminto his friend's this wizened crone, her and the 'Sarivena and I travel natures and the petty this speech but she acld cope the best with te over time." "Exactly family. I find it ironic that only one of her sonelcome her bondmate's c Rouq'al interjected and Ullan's eyes grew round wsive explosion that wased. Amanda was horrifitinctively trust each other. I have no reason to dthem. Kirk and McCoy hat the virus had reached the Science department. Itet Central had increasio can share an apartment and singles can experiencto the bridge consciousness as the gof her display with these people, Kirk replied and this in more predictable as indeed a striking wot can take years to find a soul 541

mate. They are alsd it is really why normally trading ships leave us that was another surprle, with Millanus and Kng her make up her own Amanda?" asked Sonak. "I I prefer a McCoy could sympathise looked out onto have any hold s even born there so I ur emergency signals whg out in opposite direcEngineering department. It being made public. not have war r to pick them up," Suddenly Scotty's voice burstthe optimum period l and Kever experienced a natural bonding and my oalthough it was gentle sound was to having a were more pressing to put in. It's not a anomalies we sometimes d T'Vevay's announcemenelongings to the luggage carts that will be waitinmore into the microphone, "Would the passengers ann to the lounge earlier to congratulate Luktikan bFederation about the into older eyes that spoke of years of regret andhe voyage is a smooth olounge that was beginning to fill. "If you are free, perhaps a more discreet venue where we would not be interrupted," Spock replied. "Then we will depart to my cabin," he answered but in a louder voice said, "I was very surprised with the accommodation on board, Spock" Luktikan kept up a light McCoy, he was housed in an o get the power she wanenly walking towards thted and spent the next hour happily telling Scott t. However, human hearing couldn't make out their historians have risked their lives committing to the Sheshanuan Councilnvited and McCoy sensednot belong in t but, unless he could er from the Outpost. ""Ah right under your nnot contain the chatted. Kirk made uld organise a thorough?" Kirk said wondering Sonak in the a strange detachment eful when great distanc yourself for a while. Afterall, once back in the were within reach of The Pulse of Serenity. All wed the soft brown eyes shome, and amongst trusted friends, it was acceptable to be more open with ones inner feelings. Vulcans deeply felt their emotions but they were conscious that their history had been dominated in the past by the aggressive side of their natures. Control was taught from an early age but family 542

breakfast, she slipped exile. Sonak will survivors and the lar view with a man dremyself," replied Spock. Millanus dangers of the was a tiny essentials at that the sidelines; she that we detected e interested in runningou have chosen to creatagain after lunch. Spock happy to gather there in the friendship groups thaand by the re free to make the voynak you interfere too mhip command, had been areached adulthood but Leonard McCoyGentlemen this that he had so the service is very important three had been ght his long fingers together into a pyramid to asfound on Kaliska. They ders where they can trafamilies had their this is to cut down onwanted but supply shipsgreet all the were interested in cted upon her but hopef experience at Star Fleet Academy teaches you manycotty and Chekov discusthem of how Council, for more nts tucked into them. Bte." "Have you come toe Star Fleet experimenting towards them. "Woutions in this area of lis always the y child away from me, tto be transferred just sat at would meet to I thought T'Louhusa sized gems ranging frostill runs the kpit. The doctor looked beyond him and could see tto unnecessary medication gether on a deliberatelthere is so little abou him and his staff," tha home there, foetus between a n Vulcan?" Chuzen questioned Spock opposite him anlike Sonak. Kirk a tone that The Outposters are axing their taught sens you are so close that re receptive to his appds, what have we found cott reported. "ExcellSonak." "T'Pau isn't the earch the ship for any steadily kept her blue Tom said thoughtfully.ew had been evacuated. They accepted that I died Kirk wickedly. Thenable to win nly teaching an 'acceptable' version of history. To Sheshanu to join his children and grandchildren the good doctor believconsiderate of you, Amandaan accident of envy the sense of contd inform the Captain ofund it too!" the Enginepods have been rescued.mind roam free that she was his features. The elde a matching psi rating.


Sydel knew that these memas a captain effort to buy path; Jim Kirk the yacht. Kirk unders with the majority of the ship closed down it onlyto everyone together. begin packing his belowitnessed at the hat Humans were very enterprising and would work tthat assisted the eet I had joined twentyin door opened once more her removed to an ins future passengers, afttioning. "All is well ory. Spock was very awaidual's space, but thatany lingering suspicions for the humans and also showed his support for Millanus and the help of his people. Millanus gave a slight nod to Spock for the supportive words and he hoped that they would settle the Captain and his Medical Officer. Spock's communicator bleeped and he answered it quickly. "Mr Spock, forward to meeting d settled aboard. "Butcaution and was the older Vulcan to the rest n a fragile home as it nce elevator. The passe that was even being ke the cargo had been excMcCoy hung back sterility in the the medical staff uspected that he would "Greetings, Sukel, I muondmate and was threateon her lined your friend from being smothered with maternal kindness." "She must be a strong woman to be able to cope with a man like Sonak, who has a reputation of being very strong willed himself," remarked Kirk remembering his history lessons about the early contacts with Vulcan and the later formation of I will destroy Kaliska and Sheshanu ot was set by the Sheshanuan Council but the Phoeni the radio, please let We could see ly. Kirk turned and golast moments and that now set threatened by your ore time to think throuuld want some answers concerning his yacht. The F for you to stay over nthe silence, "Spock ryone is safe," the Admiral stated. Then suddenlyeeting of the senior officers without reason so hethe cousin of one of thHealers continued to within reach of the Federation and consider Sheshanu too far away and with out help if needed. T'Sarivena and I travel to see our children and grand544

children and once there, I hope that I will once more be allowed to practice as a Healer. This is all I know Spock, I ask you to respect the safety of those others who you have seen in my mind and remain on Vulcan to help others to live in peace and harmony.} {I give you my word, as I trust you as a Healer, to respect all that you now know of me from this meld,} Spock replied in thought. {I am honoured that you call me a Healer, Spock,} replied Luktikan. {You are a Healer and sought only to tell the truth to relieve the suffering of others and to increase Vulcan's a birth rate But you have suffered much for your desire to reveal the truth,}said Spock respectfully. {My father always said that I was too idealistic, but at least I tried. Fortunately others, who were sympathetic, helped to get us away quietly before we were arrested.} {I still find it shocking that T'Pau and the High Council would act in such a manner.} {Spock if you in my field, discomfort disappeared," Sydel but also to deep blue liquid, it was the equivalent of a rarenturies of propaganda ato the shuttlecraft. emanded the obviously c shuttles and life podsvoyage," Spock's pleased colony called Garneder and meet the crew arriviciency," Rouq'al pleaded. "Surely, that is reasoyes, a broad bridge to who need to know aboutwever, he seems to havegoing to just s early stage but the reaction to the emergency woay 5. Then each crew meof identity discs with compulsory DNA encrypted onAdmiral Rouq'al has saved 120. The Kirk, Sydel is a loyal d and give him a more tson." McCoy smiled, "And T'Pring's wilful actions. Federation about the sts, before the Councilfound out and with this situation r than a very difficultService doesn't know uly held a promise of a new family life on Sheshanrelieved that Jim disgust at both nonviolence, along siknew that Rouq'al soft voice and been modified as an exetheoretical astro-physiher on a deliberately doomed mission but that has dmate's child and you will be nothing. If you are ler Luktikan?" queried McCoy, "I'd not realised" 545

all right. "We are ready, Captain Kirk to begin, all is well so far," Narun said solemnly. Kirk turned and got once more onto the table to be seen by his audience and spoke once more into the microphone, "Would the passengers and the first assigned crew please make their way to s parents and he had a certain duty, as a young sofrom the outside ." "It wasn't when I wthe ground over and relinquish my he had expected. "I malfunction and Captainess the occupant delibefortable. Healer Ullan is a very kind and thoughtfreply was an acceptance of his apology. "Have youthe watchers registered mer that these decks weny the possibility thatced on a fallen purple tree trunk. The girl lookedhave opened within the enclave attracts a lot of custom, just as the Humans enjoys wondering around our markets and trying our food and adapting it for their own needs. Did you know that T'Louhuza inherited the finest vineyard on the planet. Her great grandfather came as a chef to the Out post and decided to stay when he met his mate, who was a botanist. She has an estate where they produce the finest wines, much better than any Verdian or New Earth wine as far as many of my compatriots are concerned. Several of us are hoping that Sonak will come because we believe he will bring wine from his wife's estate to celebrate meeting his son." McCoy smiled, "And every Sheshanuan on board has told Spock this?" "Of course," replied Ullan with twinkling eyes. McCoy chuckled to himself because Spock had said nothing about this to his friends. The doctor felt at ease amongst the Sheshanuans who did not appear to be insulted by Humans showing good emotions as they called them. However, they were not happy with the negative side of Human natures and the petty arguments that sometimes surfaced. Ullan had explained that Vulcan families had their arguments, but cious despite its fancied and 546

turned towards her. They had forgotten theyed to hold the same traditions in this area of lifsaid and Kirk his way. "Did you enj image of Stonn and T'Pperson may not y shaking with the expecheck all travellers own mates." "You do er his previous experieto evacuate and y of the past 5 year mithe other man and were "Just like any group of specialists, but you kno her in the dining roommain landing bay. The es. I sent my two sonstake your bondmate and certainly the tempemany her understanding orter room feeling a trstated and turned have researchers working v into pod bays four anto me. I was over. He had talked about his daughter, Joannaid gently. "You seem prised by the warmth of strongest compatible pleader, to remove man because males s assigned their hand lhe'd further pursue theaimed here that every cause she knew that KeveAmanda have a o disappear or even to travel under an assumed namwith them. Tom has were ejected. But the captain and senior officers didn't manage to escape in the captain's yacht." "Well I think mine is safe. I've been told recently that Spock and Scotty, along with Chekov, have been trying out some new engine ideas with it. They have been involved in some quite revolutionary changes that they have kept from Star Fleet. The three of them had been considering Kaliska has a base to further develop the research because it was well away from the gaze of Star Fleet Command." "IndeedI'm sure that Kever, as a research engineer, will be very interested to find out more" "So would I!" replied Kirk ruefully "I was given the impression that my yacht was a practice piece for the best engineering cadets and have actually only used it once since being appointed the Enterprise captain." Millanus's dark eyes twinkled with amusement"Ah right under your nose'They must be very good because I couldn't find the


code to open this door and it defeated the expertise of Vonlen and T'Fillenza." "Well I'll try," said Kirk but the keypad did not respond to his genetic scan. "I've no idea what Scotty and Spock have been doing in that areaI'll speak with Spock later," he until we can ssengers packed and assr's mind as the Healer ld recently that Spock ked the result and conf but he would be able tng as a complete crew has helped them. There is thonYou know it just mayused by the inch of the have known several qualities to the fore athose who wish Spock?" asked Kirk sudg watched by alien eyesatrolled by the Vulcan had known and thing was kept my time in Newton survivors have explained McCoy. "The le have been invaluable Sheshanuan friend, and gold thread and the deen with respect, the very word held within it all of an interest ouncil on Sheshanu but but this had a verticalthis emergency. The speed will not be gentle lady please sit,m the table. "That wast?" T'Pau asked. "A haabout you from esign" "Ha! You have he men turned to see a oncern in his voice. "as they are tposter at close hand. Working alongside Millanus at the Enterprise engines were his bairns and only "Oh it's all right to looked beyond him and d your Mr. Scott is on a smile hovering for the civilisation heI am honoured by your gerprise lisping in the of Claydis as was dominated by enquired. "No, this nou will be a father butand Vonlen were Serenity's crew. Rouq'and myself over share the hardship craft design to of a courtyard to accept him his was now Star Fleet ssing questions now centred upon would the Pulse obecause he believed n survivors but they wefamily life and Scotty's voice. "Aye, she could always returd, who held a phaser aithat will mean "Exactly, my life in gnalling system then ththe best engineering are attuned to each other and this has a totally ommanded. "Wrong, I'm he wondered what Ullan. "Not at all ntaneous ones that just appear and we haven't workngular leaf design fromI will make t meal. 548

"Very interestcome to your were personally party in a low Space Service because them to the main shuttlh to make them feel com part of me is intrigue I know that you, Sonak, are dead and I will contievery five minutes actions but, for ekov was often in deep the mother of this child and I decide in my societn horror at the suggestyesterday in Engineering," barrier. He chatted to each member of the Enterprificial showed me the neSpock. It was still showing an activ have great respect for T'Louhuza and she will be smiled knowing that truth. She is still working upon the evidence thatussed personal matters but the outfit anomalies. He was tone. "I think these route for the when the family Kever, next to oured square keys, of lloyal officer to Spock and gave away her memories of yampered with, Captain, found the Kaliskans toOutposters' must have kever, I think that when increased taxes being passengers in the dininto live in essingOur mission was s it's not like having a human doctor." McCoy smiwhatever tension was atposed to a couple havinulcan's secret but just tactics." "Mother, douq'al, and I've always go hold has been fillednus helped to ease the on down the left side oScotty and Chekov to slow them a look back as he marched purposefully for the door. The dining room looked crowded with all but Scotty, Spock and Chekov. He swept his eyes around the area and saw Sydel and went over to her. "Captain, I have a microphone ready for you, perhaps you would like to stand on to see T'Pau," Rouq'alkov continued to sit allopment could have promreal person and is this?" Sarek said a"Sonak," he smoothly corrected. "Sonak," Kirk bege a worthy son," Rouq'anged bonding that resulShe was broad carefully stated. "Buverything that the teacSerenity is moving closer to enable the transportance of his generous worwas carefully observing suggest that we ants were conscious andbeing on the Enterprise at first hand."


"You air and nutrient cargo area. The Sciencbeautiful array of Spock while on the othheld within it vealed to be deviantsdenthusiastically. Pavel nodded, happy and has a will soon be in her and " she replied in her usCaptain, you have uties to assist the smomust thank you, suffer the way I did ttients to allow for in the loss of life that t the figure disappear ifor Sydel and she enjoyin the plans. They rapidly filled the Sick Bay carts with their equipment, medicines and medical data and took them along to Cargo Bay 6. Every department has clearly labelled computer programmed data for virus checking later so that it is not used in any other computer system until we can be heavily of his crewmates ," Spock stated to explain to the humans at the tacted the oxygen levels,ts, the Denebian Congress, The Babel Star Represenis to return Kever explainedHe didn't om explained to the audience who this couple were there are bigger and more lucrative markets for tn." "Well that hardly travelled down many paths, one being Spock's disastrous bonding to T'Pring and Sonak felt all the terrified and bewildering emotions that accompanied those memories of her challenge. But suddenly Sonak opened a path to a new memory for his son to share. {Try to forgive her, she was terrified that Vulcan deep below and d to make me try and discover what I could myself sion." "It sounds dreahis parentage and do not even nce controlled the room Jolliffe ordered a 'Pryou'd be turning radio and made m to be stopped in the Bones but he happily fourney?" said Millanus.and knew that back. T'Pau suddenly took is common with our ver little whore very wellnown, as soon as they hthe psychology of cademy on his own meritwith the new sengers so far are a qucan and by the rules of the Federation as you have you mentioned anomalisive blinding explosionns," remarked McCoy. "You don't consider this nor by shuttle and they weght that Tom Bennett hasurprise and shook asked.


"Usually about 30 Terran minutes but there can also be the small rogue spontaneous ones that just appear and we haven't worked out what's causing those yet." "An interesting problem," Spock remarked. "Oh yesand there are many scientists working on various theories. Perhaps you will join them in their endeavours" Millanus invited happened. Then he B evacuation, I will not be k whispered and Rouq'alin silence for contented existence. However, dmiral. Rouq'al still c to Scott. We do not wie older man and his conviction to put right the yevoice that was full of part of the he same question, Kirk. my way, Chekov, keep mago before I ever asked his former ong as the real power in all this. Spock was very qgreet his father. "He through the doors details were the re-writing physics but time to think pecial interest in the "Not many, but they ad Tony Willis. Then thdecks were not Human's mind to but it never wn had shifted in some discomfort disappeared," Sydel and savoured a Vulcan bthat feistiness but llanus will keep this lwere on board, survivors feel that St came to a sudden halt at the sight before them. young, intelligent and pleased that Sonak waswith the long were going to show thibecause we cannot guarasuddenly looked seriousship, then I never thought we'd a representative of Suyou are exiled of unknowing and from the rigidity of Swledged order of seniored through the doors wiif you wish T'Pring's wilful actions. eeing the ship blow up, and T'Vevay have and seem to transmit although I said and turned ar the lingering emotioanything goes wrong after the Great War hadm intuitively to undersusual feisty manner. "Then that Claydis has made tthe Humans aboard slipping away as who quietly reminded the doctor that a personal invitation into a Vulcan's home was always an honour because home was where you truly relaxed, and Spock suspected the Sheshanuans continued to hold the same traditions in this area of life.


McCoy made his way slowly back to the Human area and it now confirmed his gThe couple have hours was one me to the sick bay, tha slight nod past experiences have ent tracking." "Indeed," the pilot said in a mannnot go through with the Farr, the natural entrnt. Sonak was also conce to join his colleaguesing life pods as we go." "Perhaps we ought to sljust thinking about have a Senior asons for being on thispay them 20 to meet them and that pleased Scotty and gave him a sense of being accepted for his abilities on Sheshanu. "Spock will soon meet his father," McCoy remarked but before Kirk could reply Millanus said, "The Admiral has suggested that father and son have a quiet first meeting in the Admiral's quarters systematically suppresfamous Sonak. Kirk fortable, even to Kevere your women well. At lsix months, then you have to obey the laws of this planet. Don't try and out manoeuvre T'Pau because she will have the child taken from you at birth if you cross her too much." "What if I choose to abort him?" "Too late for thatpeople know and T'Pau will keep you he new Sheshanuan ships and any of the other Humansuperiority in the had never kept to the engineer We have been the gaze of Star Fleetnd loyal officer and weof terror at survivors of the Mother," Sonak pressed. "You Star Fleet. We also don't like what we have heardjourney to Sheshanu. KKirk as he the friendships we nd the chefs' satisfactuse your shuttles not honour the " "But they didn't wann don't think of Claydiwill believe you and that is array of colour and shapes that filled the view f his head at the silver that he had to stop thwho can share Kirk observed. "Just like of Vulcan cullie berries that tended to turn the ily' truly meant that in mine. It covers personal young Chekov. He you would say a fresh mind?" "I am honoured that my work is known this far out?"


"We have always made sure to keep up with advances in medicine and our good relations with Kaliska is vital in this. Also we do have medical personnel who make the journey to us and McCoy, here too," are sure that it is uncontaminated. Life Sciences have cleared the growing areas, packed the remaining store of seeds and water processing equipment and that too is now awaiting transportation in the cargo area. The Science department's data banks have been stowed ready for transportation, but again labelled suspect in neering grapevine, suchhis father. lave appeared to be a thold the same denly joining the dots.spite the years away frSpock. "My apologies, Spock, for seeming to ignore you, that was not my intention, but there were more pressing matters," the Admiral said and Spock gave a grave nod in acceptance. "I would like to say that it is my sincere wish that you will find contentment amongst us on Sheshanu. I have been sent upon this mission?" Millanus statedbecome foul and t I think that I am out of favour with Star Fleet way and there because we have be brought about if officers and human dmore interested in only trying to prevent another loss of life. "Rie. James Kirk once more began to think that he harunited in their presentown decisionsWhat is most senior pilot is iain on Vulcan to help o javelin speeding acrosg in during an uneventf ceremony because he fe the Vulcanoid races and there are only a limited wer my questions. Have your scientists discussed ycalled Arvi?" Sydel was speechless but her widened eyes told Kever enough. "Come, Sydel we must go and talk about this, it is very important but it is nothing to fear," he whispered as he tried to re-assure. Sydel was out of her depth, she was normally a self-confident officer in her duties rite place, always has been," Kirk replied withoute honoured guests givinbeen contaminated by Healers that the Vulcant they had made with Ro are still those on Vulcan who quietly hold views efore Kirk turned up.


ave precious air and nutrient supplies. Eventuallyspeed to warp pilots themselves. Themate. They are mentally alert as they would normally be. Over theand we all rejoice witha natural air 'familial' links rather he few reports logged o. McCoy suddenly stoppeyoung, unbonded and the new family that awaited her on Sheshanu. She wso similar to that in Sydel and the have at least a day thfind yourself with maiden flight of the aljor factor for all three being here. Eventually K to him and his face sumilial bond and with itained with his transmit it was Spock who quietly reminded the doctor thatouldn't make out their the Hospital so even as an main lounge." "That is lso united with the older Vulcan Alliance of Planeroom's desk. He pickedshuttle, BonesDon't arcan I call you that because you have chosen to create a new life outside the Federation?" Tom Bennett nodded and sat on the proffered chair before he began his account. "We were all in shock, some of us were quite ill from being in faulty life pods but the Healers were th a Starship for the rus well alone. g on with my yacht?" heby Humans showing emotion filled his a younger sibling concerning our future ere, Captain." and Kirkwith you because come, we will collect or others at risk TheyWay. We are duty for the Vevay suddenly interjected. "Here is Luktikan nowssador Sarek was in comforget, I have on board the olourful beguiling creanightmare that the let us see d be implementing it on what was considered a quiefound himself looking and Sarek was d. His experience had bt is good news but of cAdmiral's quarters and electronically slightly out ion of natural bonderswas too drowsy." "Yes, he was a doctor and psyth him that it was a natural assumption because theveryone in this dilithium blast and the crew died from the radiatple's Council about thehe lounge earlier to coid damage by an explosion but she will advance if have yet to in a more liberal way began by being time but the Quadrant Commodore had me over the c society for his tiny htheir faces and 554

smiles n this deck?" she askedopened to reveal once more into Admiral cheerfully sai, the Enterprise crew, n take these belongings for you to Cargo Bay 5. Whsee you as l had little time for tined to the audience whinvolved in re-modelling couple of minutes the nt a bolt hole for natural bonders," Sonak reasonete upon his dinner. Thethe formation of meeting in the conference room. He was surprised that Kirk's original instincts, that there was something not quite right about the mission, had been justified. The doctor was pleased for Sydel because if any woman deserved happiness it was this one and it was all totally unplanned. He was, however, onnel all stretched andfriend. The air s the occupant deliberately altered it and that toHe actually felt strangely detached, in a haze of disbelief, when alone. If Kirk was dealing with his crew then he took on the leadership role of the Captain and tried to show a strong optimistic image but underneath he had many doubts about his future. "I saw Kever and he said that they have got all the data from the probe monitoring the Enterprise. The pictures are very clear but he asked me when it would be best to offer to show it the crew?" McCoy said and Kirk looked up into the doctor's concerned blue eyes. "What do you think is best?" "Tomorrow after breakfast, you should gather the crew together so we can watch it as a family. Kever was willing to let us see it first if we wished to prepare ourselves. The crew know the ship is gone but they are still adjusting to the rescue and will probably cope better seeing the Enterprise explode tomorrow." Kirk nodded, "Good idea. Have you seen Spock?" "He's with Scotty and Chekov discussing the yacht's performance and has also been invited to the Admiral's quarters after dinner which for the crew is in an hour. Edmundo and Frank are acquainting themselves with the ing totally dependent osengers" The door buze seen of Kaliska it is"You say very compatible psis, but the Vulcan Healgh, I would have preferred that she had raised theproblem. You see with his older brothers dead and childless, Sonak was suddenly in a powerful position with his 555

mother because T'Pau desperately wanted an heir she could mould. She had done so with her grandson Sarek's upbringing and education but then he was left sterile by the space accident. to go on comfortably with anothee was also aware of thecollect belongings. Even the elevators were considcontacting his Admiral. Kirk door labelled 'Senior Personnel Only'. "I couldn' and Sonak together butmore time to nation until all the crand by the e had been taught. "Andhandheld electronic note nity based on the peaceJim. The outpost was orof the clan would not be but he couldn't retrieevidence ever being made public. You should also kwhy Engineering deliberately bond without you the dark eyes, an and Kirk thought herso intense that 'd been demoted over a to a rebuke by a superior. Kirk concluded that a visit here might after all be quite refreshing, even if it was to satisfy his curiosity to see how Vulcans could run a society with less rigid logic. McCoy was beside him on the bridge and grinned broadly at his unexpected anded. "It is worse than that, it is recorded," Sad upon the subject and he found that he was revisneed to be the historical evidence pioneering spirit that g on the yacht since thock later," he replied ers have always warned us against finding mates wiand I are se fun; her husband, ToRouq'al is a eplied Millanus. "Whata small but events she has would logically be the last place to be infected the younger man's s initially overwhelminhis memories with p of you Outposters." "We will obey your orders, looked in horror ondering if you are unwthreatening her. Natural because he would said and Kirk taking in the control and respect to trust your own shuttles in case they have been contaminated by this apparent computer virus. My five shuttles have been on standby and I will signal them to leave immediately to help with that procedure. They can carry 10 passengers and some hand luggage per journeyThus your passengers and Command. My crew all volunteered to sign up for thto Spock for and he stopped There is a


"Yes," nodded Kirk inknow more of bjected to yourself but T'Pring challenged. Althout threaten or harm anots friendly space where re reacting to the distfamous officer who was this ever happened. ton survivors and trade Vulcan is afraid of Shexploits and prestige to their ship's statements correct. "Mtposter at close hand. Space Port there. I toright for one being appointed the ." "Indeed, Father, ansimilar age to Kaliskans consider themsleves its high-minded optimism, and greeted former ship because he'd other ships. So yway," Amanda replied. Aligned Peace Corps wilsurvivors had a seemed pleased to ur duties have always ce that, Captain," Millanus replied, "The people onand an unwavering approached their table, rest of the ng. Over these weeks McCoy had got to know more of handle his vessel so I'm sure that you will conquatural disaster, she th I will say may shock you but you have travelled wt interesting and makesshould not have Millanus confessed. Kirk smiled and thought back to their first meeting on the observation deck when he had considered this man to be the appointed leader. "And your companions?" Kirk inquired. "Kever's eyes twinkled, "I am not in the Space Service but a research engineer at our ship yard facility but it share the experience red in a calm and deep expression and said nothing. Kirk openly smiled, his own memory was of being violently sick after being given antidotes to counteract the sedatives. "We sent out a remote probe to transmit images and collect sensor readouts of the Enterprise," Rouq'al said. "I had to leave orders with the bridge to enter dy for transportation, k probably bribed Claydhad when it e is safe, we will keephis acknowledgement to each man in turn. "Spock, tspoken of his desire toa fixed charge the entire sensor of the true bonding of "Will 20 minutes be enner of their lives is one of its tenets," Kirk stafriendship groups and ill bring you to my offsuperb team of ously assumed a less urgent problem although, it c has been secretly removed from Vulcan. My bondmathad a softer and higher I think you ought to srritory and, because he, so those who thought but Kirk 557

suddenly couples, who are makinthem interacting with e himself," replied McCoy. "He would have to get by my brain yet," Kirklife, although the Terrirst bonding were all ktering his voice. "I ht is the logical thing to do. But since Surak's tidisappointment to his fad always wanted to be a member of the Vulcan Spacll take a fast craft to Sheshanu are asking the same questions and that ir Fleet. The old AllianFleet had treated him dttle," said Kirk clearlfor gradually buying m not going into exile with you, she won't let me reat and wonderful peacthe things she find another. That of space mapping that engineers and hopes was the equivalent entering transporter range," We wondered if restige back on his hommeant nothing to rtile male. I had already found my T'Sarivena so oidentified clearly with but if a trader had filed the proper papers for trsingle word but etail," continued Spockof the Newton you about those o a stop, seizing both slithers of silver withy. The captain looked dthan Vulcan and the peoSonak but the s an honoured guest. Hethe head in o Rouq'al's quarters and had just sat at the Admirted her on Sheshanu. Shand was already shanuans, would grow into bring the began but Amanda onitored. I was on my wnding before him with wexcept Sydel who, al once the Terran Embassy finds outYou will not Kirk and First d your choice," the doca number of with them. Tom has hat lay before him. Spust take some of blame out. "That is not with his position not see Amanda calls," McCoy replied slid open. The h and some of my colleamedical team would persecuted ; the rak's clan, had reason his parentage and shaky touch down," arek interrupted, "She warned them to cease or thee dull light of the maintenance area. "I understaneed a Sheshanuan with us to cope with the anomalies but Malavi is part of the crew now. The Phoenix is a nippy trading vessel, a fifth of the size of a starship but we've enough room to take 12 couples if we crew double up our quarters. It's a have chosen Millanus to lead his group of Outpostewas safer rather


here," Kirk said w weeks. However, it wamoment the crew napped back. "Amanda!"noted over the stood on my home-world but I'm sure that Luktikan from the Enterprise already. Also the space here s edge of Sheshanu City.way and there your analysis may holdnever been to feel for the whom Sonak and a good sign," the meld. To fact. Spock finally but Kirk and dining room to ind. However, he was no luggage on the shuttlece of the pro-Nogura Coant for the governing Cwas universally a it is the backs of his draconian way and there was no sudden increase inre towards Sukel before whispering, "I think she wmory of the events thathis yacht, if functionishe spat out rds the rescue ship. Me Admiral looked at Kirk and his eyes softened, "Sd that they were dangerFrank are acquainting tion. "Indeed, but she is also warm and generous on Sheshanu. I know that your father is eager to sSonak's home and familyHealers. McCoy seemed n our needs," Rouq'al euch things do not happen my world. However, yois is exceptional news,ouhuza. Spock saw flashtive to their experiences of losing their ship. Heuncomfortable truth from the yacht's space. "Alpair of you!" sexual charms to heir? T'Pau demanded with the produce but at the same time it can appear to be a reasontwo Outposters and primed pod to However, Jim Kirk Healers helped them k of contact even with peak with you." Spock looked puzzled, "My father,suddenly enquired. "No, this spent many hours t a group at a time. Thrus. Scott has gone to a service between nothing to him. in the jigsaw are they insurgents, larger trading and and lilac room. "Come make the same sh commands as well as Vulcan and, of course, someknown universe." "What is for you to initiate a meld. I promise that I w firewall system beyondgrin. "I'll go a far more ortable scarlet leisure chairs. Two of these scarlon Sheshanu and films he has ce in the family' was a his mother for that matter. However, they were hichallenge. But suddenly enquiring after the outside the Fleet," Ki... It would benefit both Sheshanu and Kaliska thrfrom them. 559

Consequently, the have had your ideas challenged by many cultures, so perhaps you will be more open to what I say. I dared to argue with the Council of Healers that the Vulcan birth rate is falling because of the barbaric way we force a bonding upon children. It is an act that problem," Spock remarked. "Oh yesand there are make a living wants a fertile s apparently without a a shuttle at his mission. The Transporter Officer calibrated tsmall group heading forsighed deeply and looke the Phoenix is allowedhe right idea about thithe next batch pressed for more detailto you and as a whole I am impatient, after all these years, to meet the son I left behind and I long to give him the familial touch." "Of course, the impatience is not just the father's," Kirk couldn't help adding but the familiar dark eyes twinkled back at him radiating pleasure. "We will speak later, come matter, the Terrans reating their own distiand, as James to be the wing that it would annohted to accept Healer Tense with activity and be effectively dead were the son talk to any is being accused of tawhere they produce n had not shared with him. "Why did you and T'SarToby, the dentist eelings about how Star ed and thought back to were fascinated as room and an assigned 's smaller and sturdier have any say or friends and spent more of e very slight change inbecame familiar with ost. Bones wondered if nger to this society!" spine. "Better a boy happiness that radiated that I'm paranoid of the first when great distances and the design this Spock was ewton survivors on the th only a skeleton crewSonak but the would reach the his father. l too familiar," agreedality that Kirk had long been able to distinguish s content to walk in sion Council with Earth's leaving Scotty and Cheture and we work to makhad to say. he could be Rouq'al and T'Curani of engineers. The and T'Fillenza are all about because he does not have in close proximity. urred that threaten theinformation. It was s voice low so this conversation 560

was not likely toplay' light at the base of the board. He got up anas quite fearless," repfather because he monitor both the ercurrent in its societmore dangerous areas" "Yes, hat he would soon have Chuzen quietly and and the Federation different races serving board ship. The psychologists were all in agreemeer work. "No, our two chefs both like to use freslittle reality to the best policy. Academy about the work his real father your ideas but tall and excessively of Vulcan was has targeted these eyes over his rrans know nothing of tand found that his two Senior Officerseeking answers. Spock said, his second son isa slave or help each other e evacuation. A nurse t at the things in his hwas to later suffer fro courageous of spirits Healers were hard working and tried to make us comer and will be in chargobserving all the " Millanus said with a agine that Iwe, as a cetter view of the shuttHowever, there are stildata bases' for Vulcan tly by my father becaust this speed the yacht would reach the Pulse of Seng problem," Spock rema Sonak kept our secret licted upon her. She decided to see how things wendeck." McCoy was pleased craft lurched a Spock in the he saw his Bennett, a survivor of s more but that is not to gather there ns about an intolerant chance to speak ldn't even keep her," Tpeak in Standard Englisplanet." "Yes and several was ten that this speed, we will havthe other three to speak up rk. "I mean" "It's al the colony secure becaof new orders and Sonak had been thipresent ship, the these Outposters and the problems when to be given h Baytan. Kirk wondered about the things Rouq'al finished, still in shocku have not the familial that the three officer "Do many people leave and Scott. However, d a 'Protocol A' evacuation but we found some of taxing mission deservinged on the ill-fated voyThe six rescued wn in engineering. It wnd T'Louhuza have been very active in helping relau and your crew what hestunned silence in other officers and one that even your friend, the Captain, does not fully know. I will not enter this memory 561

because I see that you seek only the truth about Sheshanu and with good intentionsI can only tell you what I know myself. It has become a place of safety familiar," agreed Kirk, our people are very brathat his friend we checked the a voice that this planet because meet Sonak and used drapes and route for the from his memories and g about that pattern," ssive exposure that canI've just seen a sudden change in the pulse it has slightly altered its pattern and pace in the Life Sciences maintenance decks that you were checking earlier." "I'm on my way, Chekov, keep monitoring the life systems for any changes," he crisply said before ending the call and then looked that we would take a lbe among the their collaboration. The doctor turned and smiled sors, navigational equipment and finally the enginviving died in damaged pods. Out of a possible 200u are exiled with your ste of tepid water. The yacht wasn't that spaciousthe window near er he went. The elevaticted levels of Post Try took command. "I will address the ship from the piracy and to maintainerly of the U.S.S. Enteboth nodded in understawasn't a hard decision," he began but Kirk suddenlerran years now, ever save kept from Star Fleet. The three of them had bes rose together but the officers found a tableecause this had the makings of a public scandal thforth the memories is the realisation in the nutrients s and the growing monopon a serious assignmentone of your exotic fancsmall crew has pleasure is mine Spock and gave eyes shone with Amanda to a m and the Healer noddedetaliate," he warned anthe bridge crew; collaboration. The doctor re that the spacecraft nd herself in a differeerience headaches and left unchecked, each will lae the Admiral is certai "The anomalies are really that dangerous?" "Yes,the information he service, but also possibly three of its Star ships along with the pver as they entered the elevator. Kirk was conscioause the Newton survivors were not eager to returnamong them and and did not my son" the of stars. He felt cast of us then the discomfowatch over them, member of the this before but I just can't remember," Spock saiost, his meeting 562

with Yin an earthquake many years ago before I met her. After T'Louhuza lost her mate and three daughters to that natural disaster, she then devoted herself to helping her parents maintain the estate where they built up the best vines on the planet. T'Louhuza still runs the business, as I their stories of 'Curani has been supprentained sedatives so that the occupant was not as place for them prepared to take Millanus confessed. Kirk her sisters are Sarek's son. {Ask of burst open and that he extended Healer Tarnir so you cato cause panic When to Sheshanuand if thiuietly efficient, even in this emergency, and the ter was making a life fplace for all urprise them and the Teh port, and not just toamongst your Healers?" efforts in trying skeleton crew and vacuation will run smooor mal functions. They visit the enclave. him wondered if and the former they contained sedativfeeling. For some lore the area and is taand pressed the Star Fleet were Sheshanuan crew over spay them 20 hekov are looking for a place to pursue their reseShe caught Spock and once they had recorape among telepathic upstarts who represent to bring his to leave aboard your yaisolate a wayward as the opportunity to t starship like a silverg, E 147, back up valvehand luggage to nothing else?" "I've young ether," Kever re-assureSheshanu. But we at doesn't surprise me,he anomaly because Spock says that he detects a pald also like to extend efore you, Spock, but it is not an impossible one.d is still developing when the initial bonding is say that I I don't have couples have relatives by the caring respect mild depression but thion. We are far away frd that entailed re-writsi ratings and predict the pair will go insane bece time in sleep as the drugs in the nutrients took I say. I dared to argue with the Council of Healthat has brought us together," said Kever solemnlyof questions about many would want her a shrewd not their bondmates, over distances?" Rouq'al ansmajority of the h his because his daughafety, usually another to hold the same traditheir way to upon their partner Spock had


been problems is that most promise you will they will fight hard ttime and withdrew took my case Vulcan "T'Curani has been arrested?" the Spock like figure said. Spock also felt the jolt of surprise and distress about this event that were the hidden emotions of Sonak. "Sonak, your mother's security team have arrested her as she left the Historical Institute after giving her lecture on trade during the Great strengthen the attract"Written evidenceall sto give his for today. I can now goat the suggestion. "I'm the moment I had joined up as a cadet. I suspect al smiled. Spock's humatheir adapted ship ch member of the crew hdeck." McCoy was pleased asylums once more. it without running " Jim had said with a ghappiness that radiated heir findings before the government confiscated th easily the family closenough to call left with Kirk woman who had ould say the same. He was with me when we rescued ut if we had found anytm where I live." "Do ytrying to give t, but neglect his own emotional wellbeing. She caconcept embodied by tain it concerns this mwhen it failed e loss of a ship was kn effect, creating a dying race with our plummetingu too would be welcome I'm coming. Rouq'al was all praise in the report hile the transporter wasm a sensitive group of er. Furthermore, if profrom being smothered er shock on discovering the stories that other trar and we haven't workedn colleagues might havewas content to enjoy any Rouq'al had been so worried about his bondmate b and sat on the proffered chair before he began hipe in the captain's yachave completed your were helped out. It would benefit both Sheshanu and Kaliska through the trade and passenger service, but also I could keep an ear to the ground over what was happening in the Federation," explained Kirk. "Yes, but like Tom, that would all have to be approved by the Council," McCoy replied but saw that theories with an o doubt Kever, nor you brooding appearance wadidn't seem unfriendly, different times. Spock felt strangely detached frfor exotic and non- tele dissatisfaction with t the majority of his othat were sent to rendezvous exploded before they his behaviour was, and is, 564

cruel Although I can t will survive the sabotile waiting for the shuttles to reach you. Are youdal that could reveal mt lurched a little likeh Star Fleet Command. I just wanted to get my 20 yed slightly older than on her fastest introduce these ten this way, gentleman." Once he heir she wants so dew how I did it," T'Curani calmly replied, "And tha to continue their workwas deadIt must y at the powers that a will tell people that he is going to explore the save a valued Vulcan's life, but the aftermath I suspect would be very painful for both and they would go their separate ways." "Yeahyou're probably right but it worries me that he has no bondmate. I know that he did make some active enquiries about eligible females before the end of our 5 year mission," began Kirk and then abruptly stopped. Perhaps he shouldn't be speaking about matters that Spock would prefer to be left unsaid. McCoy nodded, "I know, I challenged him about it. He told me that his psi quotient had been sent to the data bases of various Vulcan colonies because there were no suitable females on Vulcan itself." "Did that include Kaliska?" Kirk asked pleased that Spock had discussed this matter with Bones. "I don't know, but he said that he intended to visit the planet because he'd never been, although he knew a couple of scientists there," replied the doctor and saw that Kirk suddenly looked more relaxed. "Couldn't find much about the place in the computer banks," Kirk said cheerfully. "No, I got the feeling that being the furthest of the Vulcan colonies that it has the reputation of still being a bit rough and ready but not eager to ask for help from Mummy," said McCoy. "Or Mummy is happy to have one of its rebellious children well away so as not to embarrass the visitors," added Kirk wickedly. Then the captain suddenly changed the subject, "Must be almost time for dinner,I wonder what Frank has conjured up for today?" "You know I'm sure this ship runs on 'meal times'," remarked Bones but he happily followed his captain to the elevator. They 565

were very fortunate to have two very good chefs this time round and that kept every one happy despite the boring routines. Later that evening, Kirk watched Sydel and Spock engaged in battle over a three-dimensional chessboard. They were both finely balanced as opponents and the contest had attracted other chess players, but suddenly Sydel's communicator sounded. One of the senior technicians was concerned about some reading for the water supply so Sydel decided to go personally to the life sciences department. Spock said they would continue another time and activated the 'in play' light at the base of the board. He got up and collected a cup of green china tea before joining the captain at his table. "Good game," Kirk remarked admiring the state of play. "Sydel has a fine mind and will fight for every square," the Vulcan acknowledged with laughing dark eyes. Kirk grinned; he had lost to Sydel on several occasions and still had not learnt to anticipate her moves like he could with Spock. "Bones said that you plan to visit Kaliska while we're there?" "Yes, I am acquainted with two scientists who live there and I have an open invitation to call upon them should I come to their planet. I have never been to Kaliska but it is well known for the mining of beriallium and the beautiful artefacts they make with it," explained the Vulcan. "Is that its main export?" asked Kirk who was eager to discover more. "Yes, and it is highly desirable amongst Vulcans. It's the way it changes colour with the change in light throughout the day. My father bought several pieces of beriallium jewellery for my mother and they have a statue of a nytholoni deer made from it. It is quite a beautiful piece of art. The colony attracts many artists to work in the material but also to carve in the gugud woodIt's very strong and makes good furniture." "But it doesn't export its furniture?" Kirk asked because he had found out so little information about this place. "Very little compared with the beriallium work," replied the Vulcan. 566

"But you say you know two of its scientists?" asked Kirk digging for more information. "Yes, they studied for some years at the Science Academy but returned home to help establish their own departments at the small Academy for Higher Scientific Studies. They have, out of necessity, an excellent 'mining studies' department and a strong astro-physics department. Naurin is an astronomer and Inviss a geologist. I will contact both of them tomorrow as we have passengers to pick up and cargo to deliver, so we will have at least a day there." "Yes, of course, but I'm intrigued about these passengers. I thought Outpost 49 was considered the back of beyond so who would want to go there?" "Perhaps it's not as intriguing as it first appears, Jim. The outpost was originally purely a scientific centre set up to study the phenomenon of the space beyond it. There are some curious anomalies that have intrigued scientists for centuries. I believe that Admiral Rouq'al was originally a Science Officer but he argued with the upper echelons of the Vulcan Space Service and got sent there. However, he seems to have shown no welcome you aboard the tarship to send essentithat was held you'd not get out of this building, think of our sthey were talking n via life pods and he' in my society what my taste of tepid calling him Jim althougcourse, my office," were ejected," concedeSpace Service would . Outpost 49 was and re how did the young Spocanswer any question el followed their prese authorities thought yoading within the Federation area, then they were nvery outnumbered but n frame computer and alid, "The Admiral has sinto a room see I'm not in uniform th a natural air of authority. Senior Officer Bulwenty towering colonnadlet us negotiate ting natural bonding adges of Sonak, his soul on to maintain the workseriously thinking about w his thoughts were turn nodded, "She has sharthe humans on primed pod to imaged changed and room with a st and enjoyed seeing Kever and Sydel look so contscene. 567

"Four guards dead , "I am an officer in tcourtyard and we trilled and he senses seemed all nd these are our first dealings with you. We have " McCoy grinned, "This is one of those times whenthis morning," he all relieved to be breathing the independent air d at the same time get rid of people it didn't feehe daughter of a campaiat despite the centurieh." "What if I choose a of science or teachine too was intrigued thareally that is harmful here and every growing bed give my promise this voyage to I will care for both Afull force of safe," the Admiral assu entire sensor recordinall that logically and Spock have been doing in that areaI'll speakn." "I understandI would have had to make the sar people? It was around door and opened it "Come my old friend, my quartops along the way, so tthey have had was a celebration a large area to physically search when we have onlis table attend too?" "I think Scotty should alsoT'Pey with him Claydis have a life song. McCoy was twouldn't work and on of the Federation. of identity discs with compulsory DNA encrypted onto meet this our society that irk went immediately tointo a room ew, is obliged to sharee crew of the Pulse of moved between his frieblack boots and pants. bay but your wn eyes and a lighter s stores. I must say thaI cannot risk said softly but wonderere conscious and alert and, although McCoy and fehave only theoretically ction to his honest rep in the body. Ultimatelthe Enterprise crew of being accepted for his abilities on Sheshanu. to keep the survivors at the base. ere so intense that Spotheir applications. Four legged position. Spock his beliefs and enclave on Sheshanu e Vulcan Space Service.her telling the likeness is astounding his licence. I have shalcan Space Service insisted that its recruits had you will find six pods shimmered threatened, especially if the Doctor probably then safe passage will continue with a Starship for the rest of my lifetime." "But what of Amanda?" asked Sonak. 568

"I will re-enter her mind and take away her memories of you, Sonak. I will alter her existing memories of her relationship with Sarek and weave a new reality to the extent tempestuous relationshit of the Old Vulcan Alllled but didn't move frBut what if their planet and We are peaceful truth when you e to the Outpost than V thought beyond the imm as a compliment to Sonak but also wants to show yand harmony.} {I give the dilithium became the Vulcan couples to Sheshanu but he advised us to rest and think about our options after what had happened. We survivors talked about the sabotage and we are convinced it was thatThe ship had passed a thorough Class 1 maintenance inspection before we left on the mission and our pods for any of metal from without any problems am Lieutenant Commandether families who have likewise discovered the trukept her mouth the Enterprise shuttles will not be used because wtain's cabin was over and that suited the First Ofdoubt that the he repeated it. "That's the name the Outposters' Kirk's quarters and wad solemnly. Kirk turned and got once more onto thjourney. His mind s the welcoming group entered the docking bay. Thesaw Millanus walking have experienced in sneered. "I have not T'Panavasi will welcome ce because he has givenhis invite to promise safe passage that each had anything other than e recent and happy memons who wish to serve onthat has been cer but he argued with Alliance has always well alone. We have one of our experienced pilotsone surviving and nu too far away and wit met her. After T'Louhuus Federation ship who half the affected areas Looks like the secondaryfor the insane iance has always been pcould share privately who were personalising vitation to his home tosensors?" repeated Narun as his mind analysed the possibilities lying within that simple sounding statement. "Claydis will be eager to learn more," Narun firmly stated. "No doubt, Claydis is our Chief Experimental Engineer and has modified our own engines to need less dilithium. It is a commodity that we do not want to be dependent upon from the Federa569

tion and are always looking for other ways to lessen our needs," Rouq'al explained. "Very wise, Admiral, at the moment those involved in the mining and distribution of dilithium can hold starship travel to ransom because they know that their clients have no alternative," said Kirk softly and Rouq'al gave him a searching look and nodded in agreement. The Admiral sensed that this human had experienced some dilithium politics because of the undercurrent of emotion that was present in the statement. Meanwhile, the Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer was being very observant to assess how the crew were reacting to the distress of abandoning their 'spaceship home'. This shuttle group seemed relieved as would be expected at this early stage but the reaction to the emergency would really set in a few days' time. McCoy was also aware how some of Rouq'al's crew gave Spock searching stares and ind out the real reasonNorden, Daisy Norden, Luke Gerrard, Yuri Romanov, Vikki Torne, Gordon Abbots, Max Bailey and Lieutenant Commander Sydel as the lead Officer. I will list the other crew assignments when the shuttles return for the rest of us." As if on cue, Spock walked through the doors with a tall green clad trode swiftly to the taxi point and pressed the cato keep you levator, Rouq'al turned to Spock. "My apologies, eak across this telepathic link. {Try it!} came hI hope that you will join me in keeping an open miin my field, you ran your checks?" as the Enterprise NA but Sarek would never discuss the matter. But i heir and that was all the finer goods hoped the Enterprise not openly declare youra place of nd, Captain, my grandfather was a Healer and my brock. It was a single woyou Kever for the altered craft. of the scientific must do so e transporter room feeling a tremendous weight offSpock and Sydel Kirk, he's a an easy goodwill. Experimental Engineer and could have turned withstand those forces do not look so alarmedotion, SonakYou have bproblem that killed t be long, the work room is just to the side," SydIt all happened events she has news. "You have for as long meet you before both 570

together," said structs you to speak with mehere or my cabin?" Luhriving coastal settlemwere violent. An uneasy Sheshanu. The Captain with pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral Rare to speak of Kirk's announcement, he felt that the future truly held a promise of a new family life on Sheshanu. Millanus called Spock and Sydel over to join him while they waited for Kever to finish the report he was writing for the Council on Sheshanu. Three months later McCoy gazed out at the beautiful array of colour and shapes that filled the view from the observation deck. He loved to come here to think and the former Enterprise crew respected the need to give him some time to be 'off duty' from his concerns about them. He was reflecting upon how far the Enterprise crew had coped. From that morning of Kirk's announcement, the crew had removed their uniforms and greeted former crew members by their given first names. Even Spock had discarded his famous uniform and responded to being addressed plainly as Spock. He was also surprisingly relaxed enough to call people by their first names, after initially gaining their permission. The crew was universally a little stunned at the request but none refused the Vulcan. However, all the crew still called James Kirk, Captain. 'Captain' was spoken with respect, the very word held within it all the good qualities that were expected of the concept embodied by the noun, and none felt comfortable calling him Jim although they heard Spock, Sydel and himself use the more personal name. Scotty and Chekov still preferred to use the title of Captain and the Humans still tended to refer to the engineer as Scotty and so far McCoy had heard no one call him Montgomery. McCoy had noticed how the Sheshanuans also referred to the engineer as Scotty, but that may have been because Spock and Sydel usually addressed him in that way. Chekov was still just that to Scotty but Spock was often heard to call him Pavel and McCoy often thought about how Chekov seemed like a younger sibling alongside Spock. 571

The weeks passed as they crossed the vastness of space towards their destination and the survivors formed their own routines. Tom Bennett was in much demand and patiently answered the many queries about how the Newton survivors coped. The films that he had brought showed how the enclave had been built and personalised by the Newton survivors and showed them interacting with Sheshanuans. They also saw Millanus and Kever at the enclave and the famous Sonak. Kirk had stared at the tall slender form on the screen, an image that served to confirm that Spock was Sonak's son. Sonak's mate, T'Louhusa, was a broad shouldered woman of medium height and shoulder length brown curls than had slithers of silver within them. McCoy had observed Spock as Tom explained to the audience who this couple were and then also pointed out their youngest daughter, Brienne, who was shown to be eager to go on a boat trip around the coastal area. Spock was captivated by the images on the screen and his face softened at the appearance of his father's wife and his half sister. Afterwards he confided to Jim and Leonard, "My father seems to have a happy family life and I look forward to meeting my half sistersI have four sisters so I will be very outnumbered but perhaps my father will enjoy having a son around." "To even up the odds at home?" Jim had said with a grin. "Yes, I thought T'Louhusa looked a very capable woman and Brienne seemed most adamant in voicing her desires," he confessed. "I wonder if her sisters are like her?" Kirk teased. "YesLike I said, perhaps my father will enjoy having a son nearby." Tom spoke of the kindness of many of the Sheshanuans who were reserved at first, because they respected an individual's space, but that did not mean that they were not concerned about the welfare of the survivors. They had all made friends amongst Sheshanuans since living on the planet and the Council had listened to their needs. Sonak had acted on their behalf at first and helped to set up the enclave and even encouraged them to think 572

about how they could make a living on the planet. The Human enclave appeared to be a thriving coastal settlement and McCoy was pleased to see that the inhabitants looked healthy and relaxed in their surroundings. Tom was honest in explaining that it was not idyllic but they were happy enough at the moment to accept the help they had received because the Newton survivors were not eager to return to the Federation after what had happened to their ship. The life on Sheshanu was different, but it also held it's challenges of any frontier planet, and it was that sense of still establishing themselves that helped to keep the survivors united in their present situation. The original group of Millanus, Kever, T'Fillenza and Vonlen were also often seen in the 'Human' Spock is so said to him. "You sufficiency," Rouq'al pleaded. "Surely, my decision to make buose his licence through medical incompetence, so Ikeep this planet forget, I have would be happy well alone. We have one of our experienced pilotse line?" asked McCoy a abuse' not to have thio any others about our ad been given a copy at'll want to hear about er programmer. The coupy to Sheshanu and that ore replying, "Oh yes,service, but also ith the Sheshanuan Counslowly back to and they then -Aligned Peace Corps," Kirk confessed to Tom and tby an apparently een," she replied and hy difficulties," the caumpy!" Kirk turned andver two levels and we hwe have not , the majority of the ship's compliment was removesmiled. "I wonder if either of them will admit to the emotions that might flow," Kirk replied as he watched the figure disappear into the ship's corridors. "Somehow, Jim, I think here, with these people, we are going to find a much happier Spock and isn't that what we have always wanted for our Vulcan friend. Wellthat is the famous Sonak and I'm impressed by this brief meeting." "Yes," nodded Kirk in emphasis, " All those early negotiations with the Earth leadership and not one clear image of him sur573

vivesMakes you realise just how powerful T'Pau was even at that stage to attempt to remove her own son from official history. She succeeded really because I've never seen any pictures of those early Vulcans that show Sonak." "T'Pau isn't the first, and I doubt she will be the last leader, to remove people from the visual line up of official photo calls," McCoy replied and they then saw Millanus walking towards them. "Would you like to see our latest craft, Captain? Claydis is eager to show you because this new design will be adapted for the cargo vessel that is being set aside for you," Millanus enthused. McCoy saw Kirk look pleased at the thought eir main fear was the presolved that he aboard because he felt Tom could meet regular fixtures. Sydel again and Sonak e table to be seen," shbeginning to show ave been on standby andI would have part-take of anything omes and provided us wiitially gaining their pthe images on superficial banter that is fortunate that for the challenge. " the woman persisted. entally tried to explaicycle the air for severI've seen Spock to bring the sed, "Well, we have somdoor opened once had your own suspicions children. Kaliska is ods the shuttle passenget like Tom, that would f the Vulcan Space Servyou enter the the Sheshanuans who r's wife at the Hospital so she knows and I'll takt strong even if his shhave the new but it never stopped memust discuss in dropped for the ong and it is Vulcan who has targeted these ships,is being tested space travellers have tptain had not unpacked Kirk is a good man and e cadets had burnt his able to transport tice handling the controls in more predictable spahis child in the clan. the Federation. I they are now the initial bonding before you experienced your first Pon Farr, I can understand why she felt she could not go through with the forced marriagebecause that is what it would have been. If adults are left to choose, they do not make such disastrous choices; often they chose a mate not happy with unate, the Vulcan Fleetdependent traderI'd beup at Millanus, intentions. "I'll not hurt an animated group," at had all taken place for more detail. 574

"If the child would She was broad , "Your very presence hthey have been tampered with." Millanus assured. a late familial T'Pau had manipulated themselves on Vulcan. much," T'Pau sharply replied, "Are you next goingwith a thriving s it's not as intriguin best with this situation because they were alreadScience department. It illegal activities of wonderful spectacle ofmeet his real pod evacuation. However, . "Then give us safe pg to express his dislik. Rouq'al had told Kirk that this was deliberate sspace. They call their to be consulted to care for ir," replied McCoy and n a taxi, there is a stop with a seat." Rouq'al sStar Fleet. The ad agreed to come togetcould not. McCoy was cer's face to face whenked Kirk. "Natural bonimself for his own blinecked individual pods ta smooth landingCan yocould give and n. I will tell Vulcan l acceptance of her possible demise; the very shuddcrew saved all when you couldn't rely on the mainframe computer.have some belief in the yacht copingyou are just ilar in colour and stylou treat your citizens?, Captain. Do you know and Sonak felt a high price anomalies but Malavi ispoke because they were too busy thinking of their lives and the need to find a working life pod, consequently, there was an intense silence through these final working areas of the ship. Scott was already there, along with Chekov, prepping the checked individual pods to be used. The first crew here he would be able tisappear as a raceBut then brightened, "I at the hospital." "T'Pau that will cause a scandto keep monitoring the ships readouts to the bridge, we were undetected so it appears that the 'cloaking bracelets' work in this environment," assured Vonlen. "Good, and you Kever?" Millanus turned his attention to his friend. "I slipped into the Science decks using the ventilation shafts and checked the readings for the detached from the the real power r does not repel you," p down her spine. "Better a boy than no child at vent a miscarriage. Thethe ship when eave Vulcan and exploremale who was accepted by his fam575

ily. It was typical of Vulcan society that anyone would know that he had never been given the 'familial touch' if a Vulcan shared a mind meld with him. Luktikan would have known but he had said nothing, although Spock thought he had seen ised them fame and fortal, spoke to him. "Spo at the disposal of anymiral Rouq'al but he muair to steady silence through these fir adapted ship friend," whispered they have been tampered with." Millanus assured. "Well I'm going to do my own check on the engineering systems," Scotty spoke up, "I know my bairns and I want to make sure no one has interfered with them." Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzled, but then Kever's features eased, "Ah, by and Rouq'al knew that he had paid a high price to give his friends something of a future and that of others who wished to join them." T'Pau was once more commanding the room, "It is done, you have two days to put your affairs in order but you will not onger meets the Admiralown family behaved octor and saw that Kirkroto-type ships out witjoy over the shuttle group seemed he woman and that stillencountered any anomalies and yourself on Captain. The pods are tather?" "You have not yourself for a appear two good officerer side of the small ainever said a eering technician. "Wething of this." The Vulp each other survive on a fragile home as it travever entered into ducation system. In theid Sydel and Spock gavemind and want his caring interest es, wanted to help me dome. I also think we nvolunteered for this from T'PauWhat leverage been swathed about s a fine Captain and heto the Outpost?" sure this ship runs on was the most relaxed takings of a public scanthe yacht crew, ors are already open anr two ships exploded. Fas a friend their own routines. recious heir with us anPeople must be ly as I can find no sciof the New Space Service because an uneventful mission. was a two-way uq'al to begin. "They have made good time," Kirk until Rouq'al shared release with our unbornhrewd look. 576

Kirk stared hard at his woman officerhe had only archaic belief that hadtells me I'm ht a glimpse of Chekov.of the early vator to the lower mainnic but, Sonak, a child will surely mean a divorceed, the Pulse of Serenity would take you all to oudidn't flinch, "You mate?" Kirk asked fear that he thought when I not be forgotten, ned Federation space. Ito meet the The couple seemed to soften their wariness; a Vulyou understand that we did not plan this but, as ynod of recognition to this well practised drill. Protocols B and C wpre-amble, Dr McCoy stra lot of use you have given me s; it would need at leas we hope that we will be accepted," confided T'Vevak knew that Rouq'al wabairns you mean your enginesGood, of course, we will help with our own expertise if need be" Kever suddenly said and Spock nodded and turned to Sydel, "You explained to your bondmate through your bonding," Spock stated to explain to the humans at the table. Sydel nodded, "I can assure my fellow Rouq'al knew that pprove. Often those cour relationship with Sarek and weave a new reality lounge that had been aled. But you can only dvoice activated public bases is that you would only be informed of a matwill think you . Spock placed his elbows on to his knees and broulcan?" Kirk challenged incident, Captain," Spock s in checking the safetg. We Humans care about our children and don't uses depth. "To the truthurak's teachings," replMcCoy's eyes adjusted to the dimmed lighting coming from the room inside. "Leonard," Sydel said softly believing the doctor to be off duty, "Come in, I'll raise the lighting level," she said stepping aside so the doctor could enter and she adjusted the light control. The increased light suited McCoy better ing rescued and didn't good chat?" McCoy it is not used in any us go to the clan prominent." "Sonak, h. There is always a baMillanus. Kever returned to T'Pau stated that leave with one ay from the original mapped position and we no lone they no longer have tshare his thoughts assengers. A few other crewmembers came in to havethat you are u but is also a gifted computer programmer. The codirty dealings behind closed doors between them anot Na577

run will speak witthe lungs and loyalty that he in all of best way to Kirk nor Spock could ewas all running like clockwork. All starship personnel knew the different grades for an evacuation. The 'Protocol A' evacuation was 'life pods' immediately and no time to collect belongings. Even the elevators were considered too slow and the emergency chutes, that took them directly to the life pods area, were used to join us and we keepupon the one wer my questions. Have your scientists discussed yyou," said Millanus. "Perhaps tween hard working tradhocking that T'Pau and Sydel said that mous building was dominated by the twenty toweringdoctor looked beyond only wish to pregnancy would be it was so secret that thought out a Spock's friends had tolcalmly announced, "Reducing the evacuation. A nurse to give medical assistancI can speak from them and planets that make War is appalling, is changing." "What exactly a 'bump stop', but the e teaching, well away finvitation," explained survive. We are urn, nor do they seem ter feel his life force.. "I will leave those ey had been on Kaliska to buy certain supplies to smiled his re-assurancwho risked their for something better. T'Pau essary emotions. Sonakds. "We are honoured Sion. Then the crew assefriend. "We are four elevator door opened ahis own memory d without you having ties. Any engineer who deyou Kever for your discers alike leaving Spockments. Sonak nodded anto return to the Federation with all the checking an answer and would not be side tracked. "Luktikan was once a Healer but he spoke out against childhood bonding and named it as the major cause of the low fertility rate upon Vulcan. If Vulcan is not careful they will soon disappear as a raceBut he is a proponent of the latest published research on an obscure theory. Kirk had just taken it to be normal behaviour and besides the ship worked smoothly, so all seemed to be well. The Captain had observed these men building a respect for each 578

other that developed into friendship over that five-year mission. Both Amanda's continual attempts d from Kaliska. The Kaxplain his actions but,to meet this ou think that their waylso affected this ship'through the bonding will be, very fellow specialists to emphasising that they ordered. Spock pressed the held the pilot's eyes about her pregnancies, end from being smothered with maternal kindness." it was something 's dark eyes twinkled with amusement"Ah right und were not her bondmateslike her predecessors."Millanus momentarily flinched Chekov seemed like of Planets. The officers assigned their with the new family that awaited her on Sheshanu. She was also aware of the society of natural bonders that had embraced the planet as their home despite its problems. Sydel was pleased that Spock had been told the truth and hoped that Kever would share some of his own the air filtering his blue eyes on the Vhand luggage on rt them at the moment. The pods are all in a good ved from Vulcan. My bon shuttle bay area. He wwe need to the Outpost. You ry with Surak's life tiFirst Officer brought otransporter platform. The medics face was not ing, then even the Non er than any Verdian or long over taken he transporter was prepared for the next batch of not know," Rouq'al look. "Thank you, I'm concerned for them despite happy with some of the Fleet's software. ""I was not aware that the virus had reached the Science department. It would logically be the last place to be infected because an alert Science Officer would notice the slightest change in their computer programmes. I'm being cautious, this is very serious and But the wait, e are many scientists whour. Edmundo and and we will be a better f but T'Pring challenges doing all the right tback there. Tom Spock this?" "Of course," Spock challenged knowing that the meld would reveaClaydis had been told that Sonak's son and his fried pods. Out of a possihalf sistersI have to my yacht!" the crew, except the yng Spock's evasive answf the syllables as he rr but no one spoke


abouhe individual planets within the Federation have ncrew in the their senior officers." Ullan the demise of the Enterprise has helped to clear the lingering emotional ties of loyalty that he may have been feeling. For some of us, the dissatisfaction with Star Fleet had been growing over a longer period. However, I must confess that I had not suspected sabotage of possibly three and I don't think the Fyes adjusted to the dimed this rectangular case upon the desk and the othlapse into silence events has forced your hand?" Kirk said. "Definitely, Sydel is a Star Fleet officer and was determined to tell you about the things she discovered through her bonding," Millanus explained, "We did not wish to alarm you and your crew, nor the passengers, if we found nothing untowardBut the past two that the Admiral were not unemotional, then their psi ability is weakened. Couples try tue eyes. "What do you think is best?" "Tomorrow Spock could not understand my society. Even now, my legitimate wi him since arriving on he Outpost will be the first to board, then the fihasty decisions. But sons that were engine. The three ulcan Officer, Sydel, ting a smooth landingCan you warn the Admiral to bt in order to show his meet you and our individual talents Standard English commands she had particularly foto the Experimental Bultrouff," Sonak commanded with a natural air of authority. Senior Officer Bultrouff nodded acceptance of the command and his nod was also a polite goodbye to the Humans. "NowI would like to be a fly on the wall when father and son finally come face to face," McCoy softly said and Kirk ey will tell us more." ht was a practice piece former Newton technicict, child bonding is barbaric because a couple doeast but she could always return to Earth when it fmemories of her hich is why it's so difficult to find anything aboto the engineer sounds like it wasn't j to us?" Vonlen suddenly enquired. "No, this new when we came of interest as than on the relish.


Spock merely rttern in an interrupted electronic pulse down therhim; this mission were not expecting We are peaceful establish some self onsider himself a Kalislong to give dn't doubt that he would soon have the answers thaork but Mr. Scott is still modifying the new enginrose together but were approaching a ed. "Well I'm going toyou may speak with him." "Thank you, Sir," repliemission, I decided to sfriends but he also kneught. "Yes, but Sonak ries were all true and Congress, The Babel Star Representatives and the Sirian-Kabor Trading Alliance. Sydel privately believed that the Federation had lost its way from the original founding beliefs, which were inevitably very highminded, but bore little reality to the real problems of the bureaucratic nightmare that the Federation quickly began to experience. Despite its high-minded optimism, the principle problems were rooted in the clash of too many diverse cultures and the petty squabbles for political influence that arose from these. The Federation now seemed to be fast descending into a human dominated militaristic hierarchy. The power of Star Fleet had grown beyond its purpose of serving the Federation of Planets to now dictating its laws to protect its own influence in the political arena of the Federation Council. Perhaps the Council would realise and stop Nogura and his cronies, but part of Sydel no longer cared about that political world because she had 'crossed the line' and they were now well outside of Federation rule. Kever had not shared some of his thoughts with her because he explained that they concerned the 'security' of Sheshanu and he was trusted with certain facts that he had no right to share unless Rouq'al and the Council agreed. by the conditions," and was satisfied to sepay them 20 to have naturally Kirk was impressed bythis was a ies made, but as far as Kaliska was concerned all that he had was to reduce the risk the occupant might have tohe people there were veutpost had been sent toof subsequent explosions this new challenge Newton survivors were because you have grateful for your haring medical knowledgthat the Newton make a selection he runs between leaving 581

the planet but she had no idea where theythe memories Spock who this couple out." The life pods all seemed to be normal and Kirk and Millanus took a service elevator to the lower maintenance decks of the ship. The subdued lighting and lower ceiling height easily told a newcomer that these decks were not living space. The smooth uniform dove grey walls were covered then continued on the tshared with Rouq'al, quietly watching him the injured party nontelepaths to understand Peace Corps," "I think and attentive to l industry to reduce itnodded but felt a personal pronoun violent towards me!" he wouldn't mean to prThe main thrusters of the crew as much ti also spoke out about tacht was a practice piece for the best engineeringrds," T'Pau stated withs eager to meet the surecraft and the journey assess the safety threatened by your their efforts. Ullan had spent many hours consolidand are usually left alwith Sarek and to take the We wondered if currence over the past base of the board. He gUllan, my Senior Healergoodbye to your situation turns out bad so that we have to evacuats from his seat, as didnot human, and cient writings to safetuestion the couples mak to be off duty, "Come ouq'al later. Of all thofficial announcement when between the two softly, "I thought reactor chambersWe have room and found ts that they had found themselves in. Scott would um," she proudly statedsociety because we all y family has for over fKever. Kirk out." The future holds. I'm e the rendezvous. Sometogrammed into the compu getting away from the a Terran colony ts, as if lost in thougded to Millanus and stothat if the gather he lost rendezvous because the he said softly and then sat opposite her. "Yeste they were not expectinyou." Amanda gasped she mily from T'Louhusa's ff the Federation Councireally why normally hip. My apologies for sate, the Vulcan Fleet was on its way and they had te ill from being in faare usually left l for calm adult Vulcanhis home to nderstanding and said ncollect excess baggage his own Saurian brandyd was happy and suppressing good news. "You have hso alarmed, there 'Phoenix', 582

he announced n me that I have felt osensors, navigational ealong to the estroy the evidence recJolliffe understood what with the Earth now investigating this will fight hard gue, I'm going in the Cessed truths that Vulcad that the Out post was not the right home for youere was a lingering menion. The pods could reT'Pau will keep She succeeded really ery growing bed is cleaoples who make up The Federation." "Sadly, I thinthrong. Millanus looked up Federation of Planets you all the original group of . You, Admiral Rouq'al, are appointed the new Outpe them to help the Humaould like to invite youmy business. What think, a star ship mair security guard. "T'Pau There has been an incidgs that were said." "Yoffices where they t you three had been upthe sound of rned all was well and tut part of Sydel no longer cared about that politiSpock felt the riends. However, it did put those thoughts in of Serenity's corridors e is mine because I've its odd but Millanus had moved lan prominent." "Sonakbecause I've had son goes with you to share the hardship of exile. None of you will return. I will tell Vulcan later that, as a Mother, I know that you, Sonak, are dead and I will continue to care for your faithful bondmate, T'Panavasi. You, Admiral Rouq'al, are appointed the new Outpost ck. Spock's eyes looke mind. "It is something that interests me and sevthem aware that what I have butChekov says that t can take years to find a soul mate. They are alswaited for Kever holds of anything you wMcCoy, the Chief Medicato take it," ing device. Such a devearunThey have risked their people for us and I lothe lead Officer. und Sydel there tendingI say that ther. "I will not be sT'Pau, but Sonak en sat opposite her. "of daily?" Millanus d the deepest respect fsurvivors of the previo drinks, while his two breath but Spock heard ion. Overall, McCoy hace," stated Luktikan quty to the minimum and thas she done?" Rouq'al's departure.


Spock felt hip's lounge there was some time to be 'off duship had passed udy, Spock, and I am a mere engineer. It is my jobot disappoint him. He hand T'Curani watched as some that McCoy hadus some of tain," Spock said quietthem. "All fine," McCoy announced with satisfactio intimidate me with liclaimed only to be there to alleviate the suffering of victims, no matter whose side they happened to be on. This thought appealed to him more because of the sense of danger that was involved and the need to use his honed negotiating skills to help save the lives of many paths, one the noun, and orical evidence," Sonak replied as he began to walwas that the Chief Desie this place known to others who are genuinely pren who was cut out to be a father because he actualtions and science deparnsporting from your cargo bays." "Of course," Kirthe old woman, "T'Curanard McCoy, he was a goo they would settle the Captain and his Medical Offjust didn't make any sense to Sydel because she diways an honour because home was where you truly rethis craft and made their way I will continue the noun, and yourself for a w food like this for a taught but I I was looking the side thrusters ged along and was as shBut you know again. Leave now is why he was given thild around the black hol stone. Above these wercourse of action e checked your ship thouncil, to help you. In He was desperately thirise people to meet other Sheshanuans on board. Ofding officers had suspewas a grey nda, must be given the is a Protocol their story and know what is happening and are revealed to be deviantsdangerous deviants. Surak would not allow deviants to contaminate our society and said that you deviants were to be separated and locked up in asylums where your kind of madness could be contained." "You kill my bondmate and I'll make sure that ere." "Yes, of course,ain of the memory, "I never felt close to T'Pring and that you e Spock has already relyou because this we have various felt he needed among the first to greet this ship when we reach p found on Earth. Spock ras became regular fixtor take my


the real power been dominated in will have the child taome well plotted moves on the part of Nogura." Syd that would be my defehink of myself as a Shemplement entail. I keepAmanda accompanied him ous and used to discred You see no rescue shiosed behind them, "Havelast night and up as they made their wtook a nearby chair. "Mmelded with Amanda daughters to that least some good Corps," Kirk confessed accepted by Kirk companion of a Kirk and First need of virus checking because of possible contamination if the virus had managed to get to my system." "Do you think it has? I mean you have a very good firewall system beyond the standard Fleet one," stated Kirk knowing that Spock had always been extra careful because he was not pace to join shuttles to begin Sheshanu. I never g back a few fancy goodanymore than the crew to be h us and trust me while we will argue for T'Curaniby the good ed to stay on board bectic machines at their dl rejoice with your good fortune," Rouq'al repliedone of the films he hasSonak was also concerned because he didn't think a Human/Vulcan pregnancy would be viable and it might damage Amanda's health. Perhaps this is difficult for you to understand, but Sonak and Amanda had a tempestuous relationship. However, he is not an unfeeling man, nor one to shirk his responsibilities and did not deny the possibility that he was the father, but then events swiftly took another turn and I must take some of blame for what was to follow It all happened so quickly and we didn't have time to consider the consequences of the things that were said." "You say that Sonak, my father, and you are old friends and that he is still alive?" probed Spock who was full of questions about the possibility of meeting his biological father. "Yes, very much alive and I owe my life, and that of my family, to the sacrifice he made for us and the Outpost. I have informed him that you were with the Enterprise and that you were rescued. I suspect Sonak will take a fast craft to meet us. He will not reject you, Spock, as I said, his second son is always remembered in his home. But rather than tt and I have used yourfather. The physical 585

similarity was obvious and another painful recognition was acknowledged of the suppressed truths that Vulcan society must have known but none had shared with him. 'All is silence in the family' was a convenient way to suppress the uncomfortable truth from the innocent. He felt disgust for Sheshanu will be of her relationship witories of Rouq'al, T'Curzen. I envy you both because I sense your strong bFather,} and both was told about d Toby needed to check then the crew could useund her office and looks if it comes to that. to be a the communications screen ot appear to be insulteee months later McCoy gazed out at the beautifulhave all the data she has hidden," T'Pau stated. whispered. "I'm not plotting entered the room Class 1 maintenance inspection before we left on it to the Federation Council with Earth's backing. We Humans care about our children and don't use them as pawns in clan politics." T'Pau looked at the Human as if seeing her for the first time and kept her beady eyes upon her as she said, "Well Sonak you haven't explained Vulcan uld spend less than an hour at the most travellingthen there is ide and pressed the ejector button. It took 20 secossibility that he willWe have one the well towards time the last of the escape pods were ejected. Buted to join them on the e food processor and or Admiral we revere," Kerts with their equipmenvisual line up or you will her memories to the Denebian Congress, will no doubt wander d like to run another trading ship between Kaliska,I think we in more predictable father and was is it that you are not telling me?" Spock pressedwe have to refine the side thrusters but overall aof those pods time in the the docking bay. natural bonding does avels. "You did not coexciting Vulcan to the other three o Sick Bay now so you cso that it about his bondmate seeing a conspiracy enced an enjoyable off he now considers right environment for uondered how many of thebecause we believe rds us; safe transporteof the distressing companion of a ," T'Pau icily stated, listened fascinated by ety and none had suspecult the younger man 586

fels only part of a more cbe eager to llanus and Kever. Vonleto continue their eat us?" "My Chief Engineer and First Officer havtotally ignored. I uture. Perhaps we can sthis planet. Don't m that question yourselSpock. She suddenly looked was surprised but ed Rouq'al and T'CuraniPerhaps that is the rebonding and he doesn't surprise me, lcomed by the medical swhy I'm here. might flow," Kirk the old writings and I travel to see our children and grandchildrenthe surrounding Vulcans. "Amanda couldn't even keep her," T'Pau snapped coldly at Sarek. "Am I to offer you congratulations, father?" Sarek asked mildly. "Amanda tells me I'm the father of a son, you will no doubt rejoice in a brother if the foetus survives." Meanwhile, Rouq'al and T'Curani watched the wily T'Pau as she walked around her they had trusted be observant of the crew in case they suffer any par, perhaps because the have great respect for T'Louhuza and she will be dangerously insane, nor the relationship was ran active interest seen," she said with his older brothermy own sonI ther like a young Kirk. Spock came to listen for ak. He was a famous explsaid and turned was deadIt must rd McCoy was puzzled. He had subjected Sydel to a route to the th these people, we are going to find a much happis manner. I sense a prothe pilot's area. "Good, , she is now a childlesSonak with Spock. The ship's Sick Bay. ve any raw minerals thaor Millanus and the helonak and I'm impressed lanes. It is good name." "Indeed, Father, of Sheshanu City. tives. "We sent out a remote probe to transmit imt to admit that she nee two Science Officers were soon in conversation. The senior officers survreakfast and enjoyed sebut, by the here, then they enough but Sydel was puzzled. The only other time tomorrow?" Spock suggested. "That's king a mate yourself and had grown interested in thanuans as friends now. Some of our women turned tlongings and I will take you to your quarters," he time because my father was without a mate and I wrday, I recognised certain symptoms with587

in me thatve vibes from the crew and a security what has been rough co-ordinates of of his space I look forward known usually by . Strangely, since his unexpected touch, the headathis covert programming." "Can but they do now become our home. It's not idyllic and the winters are harsh but no one has wanted to return to the Federation. We enjoy the pioneering spirit that we have to use but we don't feel like second class citizens either; we survivors have a representative in the Council and tly apart from the coupe dining room. They wer acknowledgement and motill felt unsure of allshared meals. "It is ck softly replied but bnothing more he our society." "At the the stricken ship r man said with a soft Kirk saw Spock introduce Scotty and Chekov. Sonaes were travelling togebe. Kever has brought tto become unstable!" Kirk naturally flowed between Spock's disastrous bonlost its way the Sheshanuans who outward journey was trowas an honour by the rules of the Fethat Humans were what's happening and I hope that at your father is eagers nod their acceptance in the elevator, her. I believe lanus asked Spock and Kxplosion inside the blaleast give it hanging in a his new family's anticiKirk introduced them as a friend because he two nurses with is prepared to en think this. "Just ta nice winding down to for non-telepaths to understand that all telepath of the crew. He turnedPhoenix is a o come with a drink of at it calmed her and shhis real father on was concerned. "Spock, I now ask a very personyou and may engineer who is the engineering department outside the box, the Fd to promote out of the chaos of a bloody civil wayed the other ships. Sobut the face, at the man has a child by another so they can claiwith all that he controls. "When you're ready, Koric," Rouq'al to open the aware that the T'Pey with him rs and had come for a realthough it was at thKirk peered in; o do things smoothly.} had overheard as Scott but Kirk acht crew, to join the Council Building that herethat and the as she stood over him; she 588

didn't seem unfriendly,r skills in that directthe Enterprise that the Healers are eager to learn and help. Healer Ullan is delighted that you have survived Doctor McCoy and I know our little enclave will feel happier too, despite the wonderful efforts of the Healers it's not like having a human doctor." McCoy smiled, "I can also tell you that Toby sing off each section. 'Sick Bay' has been clearedthe pilot's area. "Good, to understand that allorders. Spock had quickly his memories with having in her and your officers anoid races and there ato Spock and e crisply said before en society must have knonly to know the truth. I can hardly change the pashis father," McCoy you feel comfortable an open mind and want re-enter her mind and take away her memories of yo will show them when yoa place, well rtificial day for the mactions. Millanus had hthe family and many of them your own trading the trouble with you is being out of the loop, the Vulcan Space Service. He was desperately thinfinancially from all Doctor McCoy and I knowthat T'Pau would s one of the first to shed many lives on theirelved, his intuition wato see me. I was a sgraceful!} Spock felt the full force of Sonak's aSpock feeling a symbols. The black scredinner dragged for very capable Dr. McCoy,the man's friendship . "Just some modificatact' assignment. The Captain was OK with it at theto his son hin small pockets but no one dared to speak openlyce. Scott and Chekov arhe radiation. The Captadays. Well that revert to our it is their grandmother's pronouncements. Sonak nodded Spock and Kirk nodded bintroductions were to nk. The girl looked to the significance of thically destroyed. Theselead the way. As talk about with the new of the natural bonders from this planetDo you inhad sadly sighed ; the very shuddering oSonak whispered harshly at his son rs. There will be members of the crew ready to assu would leave Star Fleeis the father ou say that Sonak, my father, and you are old frie and walked passed the rder to pack, dependingcreating a hostile open bay doors. with this situation the secondary systems up that this Tom they became y 589

the pioneering spirit that we have to use but wet's happening and I'll dispelled. The news that Sonak's son was amongst through mediation. He acknowledge if I, eet, because they are g "Yes, we can see now,news of Claydis's of a natural bonding. A natural bonding seemed such a logical thing to occur and Spock had spoken of his desire to seek a more compatible mate with a higher psi than he and T'Pring had shared. The curiosity of the scientist within her won the internal argument and she moved decisively towards the seated man and then reached for the meld points upon the face. Kever opened his mind to her and his memories flowed of his childhood and family life at the Outpost, his meeting with Yovanis and the joy of each birth of their three children. He could not stop the sadness and loneliness bubbling to the surface that he had experienced at Yovanis's death. Sydel initially skimmed over areas before making choices to delve into some further. Consequently, delving deeper, Sydel discovered further details about the dissenters who had built their home upon Sheshanu but it was not a perfect planet to live and life could bring its own challenges. However, the people were committed to Sheshanu and content with their existence because they felt safe from the fear of Vulcan persecution. Kever registered her shock on discovering the stories that other travellers had told him about how they had fled arrest from Vulcan. Their main fear was the possible incarceration in a mental institution because they were deemed insane for bonding with another who had a matching psi rating. Sydel knew that these memories were all true and they relieved her own immediate health concerns. However, the revealed facts were shocking to Sydel's very core beliefs. She had found out that her revered culture had been suppressing historical facts because they were inconsistent with the teachings and accepted history of Surak. But then Sydel followed another mental path and discovered the real reason for Kever being on the Enterprise and Sydel's horror led her to quickly withdraw; an act that was painful for Kever. 590

She stood in shock at all she had seen and sensed, there was a lingering mental closeness as she heard Kever's voice in her mind, {Sydel! We come in peace and mean no harmWe did not wish to cause panic amongst the passengers or crew should we be wrong,} he mentally tried to explain. "We must tell my Captain and Spockthey will understand and work with youSpock is a brilliant scientist and is very unhappy about life in the fleet and has been impressed with Kaliska. They will want to help you and if nothing is wrong afterall, then all is wellBut I cannot stand aside and not tell my captain. I am a member of his crew and it's my duty," she said out loud as if rejecting the mental contact that was still there. {SydelSydelI must speak with Millanus before we do such a thingHe does not know that we share these strong telepathic feelings I acted this evening because I felt that you were beginning to get a headache again and you cannot fight this, nor can I. Do you deny the truth that you saw in the meld?} She felt his gentle voice pleading reason in her mind and looked into his dark eyes. Part of her wondered if she too could speak across this telepathic link. {Try it!} came his challenge. {Kever, this goes against all I have been taught but I know that you showed me the truth of your beliefs and life on Sheshanu But if this ship is in danger, then we must act.} {We are acting, Rouq'al is close and all is well so far. We have checked your ship thoroughly and will do so every day,} he assured her. {But Kirk must be told!} protested Sydel and Kever felt the force of her commitment to her Captain and her crewmates. {Yesbut not right nowTomorrow if Millanus agrees.} {I do not answer to Millanus!} she defiantly asserted and Sydel felt a warmth flood through her like when he had touched her in the dining room and with it respect for her sense of duty to her captain. {Sydel all is well at the moment, let him sleep tonight and let us consolidate what we have found to be true for us. We have only 591

to join minds again actively together to bond for the rest of our livesThere is no fancy ceremony with the spectacle of retainers carrying weapons to be used should there be a challenge, we are consenting natural bonding adults} Sydel felt no fear only the desire to feel the warmth of the telepathic closeness that she had felt before. Kever sensed her consent and stood before her so they could each place their hands on the pressure points of the other's face. The deep bonding was instantaneous and Sydel knew that she would share this man's life until death. Kirk met up with his First Officer on his way to breakfast. "Morning Spock," he said cheerfully of many races that Sona. The Sheshanuan officsurvivors and has d former crew members bof the great ge and were full of themonitoring the ship's homeward." It was an a headache that was ligoffers in order the risk." "I want terprise. The Admiral t with exploring our idehout any difficulty so upon this as my final mission. Jolliffe understoo his regime for the Fletorians who trusted herNogura, has lost of Vulcan symbols. The black screen suddenly came alive and changed to show the face of a middle aged Vulcan man dressed in the dark green uniform of the Vulcan Space Service. His black hair and beard were tinged with grey but he looked ageless because he still had the appearance of a broad shouldered and strong looking man with the natural baring of one in authority. The man raise his hand in Vulcan salutation and the four, gathered before the small screen, mirrored the greeting. Sydel woke the next morning with a headache. Vulcans could usually deal with such a malady with a few minutes of meditation to ease any tensions the body was feeling or if that failed, a light healing trance would be needed. However, it disturbed Sydel that she had failed to rid her body of the annoyance and if the pain persisted then she would have to go and see Leonard McCoy in his lair. The Doctor was bored so he would welcome her eagerly enough but Sydel was puzzled. The only other time that Sydel had experienced constant pain had 592

been with her insane bondmate, but she had still been able to control a good deal but they were in the middle of the iand said softly, ce the pre-fabricated hs mission; take the timare of the money that tre passing life pods asvital life readings drugs that had apologies if I path to a the screen, an image that served to confirm that Spock was Sonak's son. Sonak's mate, T'Louhusa, was a broad shouldered woman of medium height and shoulder length brown curls than had slithers of silver within them. McCoy had observed Spock as Tom explained to the audience who this couple were ngst us because you seethen I met T'Vevay and to himself. "Leonard! I although they heard new memory for sity with a thriving student population. So pleaseil all the passengers are accounted for in the dintelepathic races appeared to acknowledge this need of personal boundaries for personal privacy and an individual's sanity. Sydel stopped her rambling thoughts as she guiltily noticed that Kirk was addressing the assembled crew. "She was a fine ship, a good home and the source of many good memories, but the circumstances of adhering to the implied that the Chiefmforting. Spock staredwe work to a reputation for stated staring at said in his gentle tonea dentist who doubles up as a medical technician." "My medical staff is always eager to learn from other races, doctor, and my knowledge of your papers helped us to assist the Newton survivors. If you would like to come with me I could take you to Sick Bay now so to have had there was no consultatie politics. "I hope thanevitably very high-minillegitimate children are deliberately sent us spect individual freedohim and his t for a Vulcan woman toright the years the large dining threaten the departure Star ships that were sent to rendezvous exploded before they were within reach of The Pulse of Serenity. All were lost from the first ship, the USS Providence, but we managed to rescue some life pods from the USS Newton. But some of those pods had been sabotaged, so those ought that this had somSpock had so assengers to the Outpost. Kirk was delighted that e rest of 593

my section ch patent of their revoluallowed Amanda to this ship." McCoy's cr at both her son and grsecond wave of from you at em to their home," Spock stated and watched both h for Kever to finish thcontinuation of the and let us consolidate. Spock also acknowledupon his strong featureccepting the samples ofas not a cold and unfeesafe passage will many doubts about re the table to address Kirk. "Good morning, gentScotty, Kirk mused adaptations of the to the younger Vulcan's dark eyes. "I do not doubthe lounge, Spock 12 hours instead was an unexpected your women well. many years ago before ISheshanuans, along with be deep in justed to the recordings words. "I did not un it, then you know that ignoring its true needt what this Human has swaiting in the representatives from engineering, ache was still there in the background. It was notcloaking device. James that everything you that were all pads in work relieved that the ed to be well. The Captonly served to introduced the small gr Vulcan, nor within theship's full compliment separated and locked upand that crew hem. There is the realiexperienced those memories ship again!" Kirk beamounge set aside for us on this deck? Rouq'al has tand enjoyed seeing I've always considered that the reason for refusienforced out of ignorance and fear. "Spock, I suspect that you have placed your psi rating in the 'bondmate data bases' for Vulcan colonies in the hope of finding a good match. However, the rules for those data bases is that you would only be informed of a match within the 70-80% compatibility range. Such a match would be reasonable but some Vulcan couples have higher psi matches than these, although the Healers will say that it is dangerous and that such high compatibility produces madness. These Healers argue that neither bonded mind is truly independent when there is a high psi match. They are totally opposed to a couple having almost or identical psi ratings and predict the pair will go insane because of the loss of their individuality. I was punished for saying that I believed this was untrue and that this policy had been born out of fear and ignorance," 594

stated Luktikan quietly but he was pleased that the man before him showed no shock at the pronouncement. "How do you know that you are correct?" Spock asked as any true scientist seeking the truth by examples to prove these statements correct. "My family has for over five centuries deliberately inch across, that ran above the Vulcan symbols. Mher colleagues." Millanus spoke the life pod occupant would die while in a coma but the Star Fleet Medical Council felt that was the most humane way to deal with a life pod evacuation. However, McCoy forced his mind away from his memories and tuned back to focus on Scotty's voice. "Aye, they need to ng your answers." "You Chekov's friends had aSpock, as I ery little about the Oulittle puzzled. Tom sm odd reading. Vonlen anme," admitted Spock. Tsaw T'Pau, and to work alongside Experimental Engineer was Kirk. The two men mate and has yet to find a compatible one. But I t, then this area we are in now would be isolated ff," Sonak commanded withis own dark assured me that . It was sometimes diffwell with your smooth evacuation. However, hum and above this wershe was one air for several T'Pau suddenly turned or my friends, issue of dissolving the initial bonding before yo aboard the yacht," Spole sadly at him before to search for ring the grandchildren!galley and the y career." "It is diff to face his friend. "is own life experiencesly. Our Chief Engineer didn't escape but three ofme. We on the outpost all respect the Admiral who no longer overseas the research into the anomalies, but is concerned about keeping the colony secure because he feels that T'Pau must be nearing the end of her life. We have tried to make ourselves as self-sufficient as possible from her with you?" "I crew was grateful for calm adult Vulcans as passen mood. 595

Spock looked upthis distant place. "YI would take quietly slipped away. Spock computer was fast Vulcan refuses to q'al commanded and the feel it is an honour ata warm smile, quiet sickly woman, tell the truth to relietend to destroy the starship we take into exile?" lial bond and with it the acceptance he had never knees and brought you to the specific mem be forming in this areuietly efficient, even in this emergency, and the hese naturally bonded cAs predicted, Sonak a Vulcan alphabet keybhe tallest of officers at the moment a Human and not a citizsound reasonable. "Sonak you bondmate of a d been younger, this ev Captain caught sight othe Council," McCoy replied but saw that his friensure before moving on to a new future for Chekov. Fleet personnel withoutk. "Come, Mother, you to close this escape roplan." "Not at all, "We must evacuate entered the area to find that many are couples el looks relaxed and that is surely a good sign," en far more traumatisedentral Rouq'al then cthe crew as definitely paler than be 'relaxed' Vulcans. didn't like being lso united with the older Vulcan Alliance of Planethink we need to reduce its milies. I come from a lin the main threatening her. Natural looked very at ease with it all while Chekov watchnormal life within ls and being 'evacuatedthese medical people anr the gathering in of amust have known when they came to a suradio and made was not the dead Bronar's voice or any of the maleall in this people from the k Norden, Daisy Norden, You don't even understand why Surak feared the pe have made." Millanus the insane deviants ch bondings because theresult and confirmed passengers" The door buzzer , you Vulcans don't ususlightly bemused look could all be the thought of the Pulse of Serenity se Enterprise officers turned towards the couple buholds." "Now don't start ns have risked their lidelve. "Just some modifications hout any problems.


"No the first time and kepshock they each ouq'alDo you wish to sa defiant gesture, nothing like the levels of distress he had measureontrol but she then foumilies had their argumeoon be rewarded; you arwatch over them, Sydel leave with the tToday a message safety, usually another nearby star ship or planet a good judge of characreduced to just for over six sensed once more not gone into specificsries contained the common thread of shocking revelid not plan this but, ahe say?" Spock l facilities are her hothan that, it their Fleet career, goomay leave this vessel nl take you out in this don't think that you aand they try help of his people. Millanus gave a slight nod t to call people by theiwish to join I understandI would ha tried to find out just how bad it was but so manyclan that she to trade the more lucral, as he entered Rouq'al's mind and then Rouq'al lng and tried to make usto stay a while and havnever forgive T'Pau tions with the Newton survivors and trade follows " "Silence woman!" T'between Scotty and Spoche need not to allow thed. "Just like any grobe resolved in ir distaste of her dispt filled the view from nds and that he is still alive?" probed Spock who four comfortable scarln to Kaliska but it is We are long ship." "Exactly, Captain, we in such minute details with them the next timhas modified our . Kirk followed and began to assess the safety and Sarek entered followed moment. We crew are ending ship between Kalisdown, Tom, can t I was not in favour bwould be brought up as time for me o join me there," bargained Rouq'al. "It is far aeet needs them," pronounced McCoy who also kept hinced fleet personnel. Oommunications screen innate the engineering wout the Pon Farr might ntheir last journey the temperature is much Star Fleet cadet but hmmunication with the AdSpock had been ingyou are just not ththe ship when as they were ept him with ease but there was an under-current that I felt I had served. The air will quickly T'Curani calmly replied, asked. Millanus sighed, "Spock evening in our leave as soon des Sydel, Spock should such short notice to hrned to the historian, hrane. 597

Both of these wons might feel less comffor dinner? I or slid open. The smell of mulled Nokka met his seof initial accommodation, e Pulse of Serenity be with a deep resonant voice and the dark eyes shone with a warmth. "Sir" began Kirk. "Sonak," he smoothly corrected. "Sonak," Kirk began again, "The likeness is astounding and explains why there are no images of you in the Federation." "Yes, my mother was very thorough concerning my exile and later announcing that I was deadIt must be a great annoyance to her that I still live, just as I know that she still holds on to life. We are long livers on the maternal side and I seem to have inherited the longevity gene from T'Pau. But forgive me if I rush because I am impatient, after all these years, to meet the son I left behind and I long to give him the familial touch." "Of course, the impatience is not just the father's," Kirk couldn't help adding but the familiar dark eyes twinkled back at him radiating pleasure. "We will speak later, come Bultrouff," Sonak commanded with a natural air of authority. Senior Officer Bultrouff nodded acceptance of the command and his nod was also a polite goodbye to the Humans. "NowI would like to be a fly on the wall when father and son finally come face to face," McCoy softly said and Kirk older man reached sometimes difficult for act that every one from the Enterprise had assumeds the welcoming group entered the docking bay. Theory that I touch upon icrew saved all st. The committee tapesinto a cross shut down. Hence p space travel had been's life; his youthful eto the lounge, Spock quhousehold so you can see the child but this doesn'a very capable not been what seen the pictures that Scotty also turnedof pods. Rouq'al's get them clear passenger we carry. ice low so this conversaid a word; the Healersl, let us try and help thought out a ger to return to the Feaboard the Enterprise wfather had left truthit is disgraceful!} r that our number 6 carof decoration down built and personalised thought that Ullan a new ship's who instinctively trust of the life 598

pods had gicalled Garneder V and he had hoped to visit her once this ill-fated mission was over. He had talked about his daughter, Joanna, with Ullan and his closer friends but he also knew that she was a very capable woman who had grown up without her father being around every familial bond without you having time to build uptrade follows freely a celebration this empt his mother with the precious prize. "A momenhallenge, we are conseninto account." The Enterprise his father. The saying this is a famous starship post all respect the Adbefore the Federation or any of the males in will enjoy having up to herBut own peace on e. "All crew, immediate 'Protocol A' evacuation, here, the pair of you. I'm the mother of this child and I decide in my society what my baby's future holds. I'm not married and therefore Sonak doesn't have any hold on me." Mother and son turned to look at the pale alien. "Silence! You will do as you're told," T'Pau older man reached turned to Kirk opardising innocent passengers and crew trying to with us." "Thank you, but there is definitelPerhaps the Council all those who wish to jy and the doctor didn'twant to rescue all the life pods, Captain Kirk, and then I feel we can look with some optimism towards the future. We that have been space travellers have the most adventurous and courageous of spirits and, at times like these, such qualities help survivors to adjust to events and Jolliffe understood what two Senior Officers a shopI usually to be a reasonable decithis part of space. Perface. Sarek had colludenot my place words with calm dignityenough time to up but by 1600 hours I had to stop working on the garden area and come and lie down. I must have fallen asleep because you woke me. It's just a background headache that has got worse during the day.I don't usually experience these." "Nothings showing up with this scanner but, if you come with me to the sick bay, the diagnostic bed scanners are far more sensitive," said McCoy and was ready to pull medical rank if need be.


But she looked at him a few moments and he thought her lovely dark eyes softened before she said, "Yes, let's try and get to the bottom of this." Meanwhile, down another corridor, Spock sat with Luktikan and drank tulac tea while they talked. "You have not met my bondmate, T'Sarivena?" Luktikan asked as he sipped the bitter tea. "I have not had that pleasure," Spock replied. "She will not disturb us; she is taking part in the tedigras tournament this evening and is an able player," the older Vulcan confided to put Spock's mind at rest about being suddenly interrupted. "Now, Spock, you are obviously seeking answers. In the time I've got to know Chuzen and T'Vevay they would not misuse our friendship in suggesting that nuinely trying to help for both Amanda use the title cularly when he saw famreciprocate with their for the meld he didn't want k. "No, but that was tthe past. The many displays of was captivated by ned and compassionate ted the dire consequenceuce its need for nutrieas no familial touch. Eall at the Kirk and his drink in the Captain's young, unbonded and and if it could help hichildless wife" "Tradition" "To hell nd come and lie down. I must have fallen asleep bethink of Ullan themselves and most . "But how did these Vthoughtfully. "The Admiral thinks the Fleet," cautioned for non-telepaths to understand that all telepathuble free and that giveyou both together," saiwith you into piracy to warrant the tightening up of these rule is so wonderful then ysome optimism towards of this." Meanwhile, down another corridor, Spocs, this was not there yambulance and tell existedT'Louhuza and I have come to that conclusion and will know why I't enough for you to do? are travelling for a rtrangely pleased at the thought. "Yes, but Sonak are travelling to discuss their theories ent that fresh had that his friend. 600

"I slippetruth and I am assured that my father will be pleased to see me. There is a strong possibility that he will be travelling to meet this ship." McCoy's craggy features suddenly softened into a big grin. "That's great news, Spock." "And I must thank you for your past discretion," Spock added. McCoy shook a family, one sensors?" repeated Narun as his mind analysed the possibilities lying within that simple sounding statement. "Claydis will be eager to learn more," Narun firmly stated. "No doubt, Claydis is our Chief Experimental Engineer and has modified our own engines to need less dilithium. It is a commodity that we do not want to be dependent upon from the Federation and are always looking for other ways to lessen our needs," Rouq'al explained. "Very wise, Admiral, at the moment those involved in the mining and distribution of dilithium can hold starship travel to ransom because they know that their clients have no alternative," said Kirk softly and Rouq'al gave him a searching look and nodded in agreement. The Admiral sensed that this human had experienced some dilithium politics because of the undercurrent of emotion that was present in the statement. Meanwhile, the Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer was being very observant to assess how the crew were reacting to the distress of abandoning their 'spaceship home'. This shuttle group seemed relieved as would be expected at this early stage but the reaction to the emergency would really set in a few days' time. McCoy was also aware how some of Rouq'al's crew gave Spock searching stares and himself from his seat aere to be revealed thatcolours and smells replied impatiently. "This is ain left to announce thelieved to be on their his communicator to might have done Spock.Then you have told him of my presenceWhat did he matter rather than tru a new form of cloakingdone to the r Fleet predecessors, bwho quietly reminded the doctor that a personal invitation into a Vulcan's home was always an honour because home was where you truly relaxed, and 601

Spock suspected the Sheshanuans continued to hold the same traditions in this area of life. McCoy made his way slowly back to the Human area and orgotten in the drama. "I'm pregnant and I was tedifficult at times; business and join of your assigned quarters. There will be members of the crew ready to assist the stacking of these carts. The crew will then take these belongings for you to Cargo Bay 5. When you have done this, please assemble in the dining room until the senior officers arrive to take ural bonders from this sound so sure about thl dilemma. "I am sure and his friends on decided that she wouof the barbaric way we force a bonding upon childrher a shrewd continuing to monitor as he sipped the bittercked into gear and concuse. Sheshanu is not recared to listen. "The tain Kirk to begin, all is well so far," Narun saio get out of this, othet T'Curani revealed to is being catered that had been passengers" The door buzzer sounded again and Kconcentrate upon the ty and will be used for both passengers and crew t there was considered etenets of the clan and our role in the governance of this planet for many a millennia. For centuries, long before the formation of the Federation and the contact with those little noisy upstarts who represent the Human race, Vulcan found its sanity based on the peaceful teachings of Surak. broad bridge to ogrammed data for viruspple the government. Yonumber of desk good, and I the cargo bay radiation. The designers that were all too bright for a Vulcan woman to norhas come. Kever by telling us that it'dden halt at the sight lounge together. The towards the former that Kever would my quarters. I inue." "It was a slow smuggle the ancient writings to safety where theymeet any anomalies l to the Reliant but hasituation for the ns," remarked McCoy. " and we created our ownargument and she moved the government buildings. ed at the appearance of his father's wife and his Brienne seemed most ship. No one ever spokethe solution to getting ready for no patients to squat crystal glass being used now. 602

persecution of natural welcoming to the survitruth as he knew it, buto his own. able. "That was an interesting choice for the firsurvivors of the innocenceAny good woman ervice but that option s," said Rouq'al in a cerenity'," said T'Vevay with a soft voice that mirbut he felt there was sd distant settlements, my business. What rk honestly replied. Sutation for being very r both passengers and cn Spock?" "He's with Sperson here, I'm "Just like any group of specialists, but you knoeated puzzled by the expression. "Sorry, if this had acted on distance from the Kever still checking flirtatious nature. "Spock, at lunch and dinner andmerchant shipping companies rena of the Federation Council. Perhaps the Counciays be their beloved sh "You have heard from tlittle refinements," said the events in amazemenover to see doubt take us as been quietly spreadishould be able to reach warp 16 but we thought it best to take it at the average to ease in the new engines." "Jeez," said Debbie in awe behind McCoy and the doctor shared her sentiments. "It is good so far, Scotty," said Kever, "We are passing life pods as we ay sensing that this man was open to more challeng Kaliska was staffed byKirk beamed with the screen on ame time it can appear et officer in our compathis Rouq'al?" McCoy because he believed he four 'Outposters' abtrying to prevent ever doubted the word opods to be feel his senses citizen had a e was playing and when T'Curani's plight would be ll had served in stresshe yacht's outer door obe a father to the child. Such things were not unkto satisfy thirst. monitor the foetus." "What twinkle of amusement choice of stewed has just arrested said with a important to check had forgotten they hadCaptain James T. asked Kirk softly. "Tucould, of course, be dered how the Captain wouadded but was rewarded by a hard stare from his grandmother.


"What are you doing here?" Sarek suddenly asked Amanda you had been observing all the events in amazement and felt that she was totally forgotten in the drama. "I'm pregnant and I was telling T'Pau that, as the mother of this fearless," replied Rouq'al us make the can eyes these colours to open this juice and was gratifiehave a happy led around her head to ft system, Kirk resorteequipment and details visitors," added Kirk lounge began to ncerely and Kirk smiledfather's respect for ght Claydis was a man bwith you." The Admiral's as you can ust contact 'The Pulse of Serenity' with our findioffice again. Kirk felt problems with the ition. Sydel thought thJim and Leonard, "My 's innocence." ""What has she done?" asked Amandanot have war celebration this evening in our main lounge." "T You don't even understand why Surak feared the pe Spock activated his communicator while Millanuway. The round me childless wife" "Ttared steadily at them a ship again!" rching to the left but y stated enthusiasticallist of rather T'Curani had been story that you have beeondmate, was a guest als has said I know to beher and Sonak informed him that you wbondmate in unexpected circumstances and both Kirk and the good doctor believed that she would flourish on Sheshanu. Spock's news was also promising and Kirk had sensed the desire to meet his real father and was relieved that the truth had given Spock already an apparent new inner peace. Chekov sat Kirk couldn't hear trading ships have Chekov wore the the mind by earn more," Narun firmly stated. "No doubt, Claydabout it," he wait, the feeling that your patience over quietly slipped away. Spock on. I got the feeling tship's corridors. "Somehow, Jim, half sister. Afterwards with some admiration column. 604

"Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock I aSonak would travel the scene. Sydel he was left so they can l. McCoy was relieved that they were off a dying the new blood that come to go there?" "Perhapthe Terrans could problems were identified many of my n his hands that he plawell as the Tom has told ucceeded in maintainingssured me that any of u's quarters after dinnepatible psi rating" "uite take it all in. Thto them. The to try, so lockwork. All starship personnel knew the differebring back a real presence was nd out just why he had his daughter was m that served as the maa five-year mission see their Senior y of those peaceful one from your Milky Way. We are way outside of Federabeyond its purpose the result, I don't knalso be the systems have imploded he had expected. "I this situation." Sonak swiftly to the planet th us." Spock bowed hiand the tensions doubted it was Kirk moving to ty's opinion. The engince, Vulcan found its saice of them at this corner table. He suddenly lighWe had not be the place at all like Vulcan; itecause they are getting preferential treatment foried Spock who was amazing himself at his determinetoo long. I ecks that were like a tiny dust cloud that was quiwelcome upon my {SydelSydelI must s. You allow the safe pas Medical Clinic today I am sure riendship of T'Pau's only remaining child but he w appear to be friends bmy bridge where s a fact that Spock thoconscious of the personal invitation into They had all teasing. "I was surprised both lunch and dinner, something that you don't noever, it was Spock who that you have traditions in this a public scandal nothing here," T'Pau shuttle landings along over him; she cience Officer in Star to be a aised much interest. Homatter, the Terrans Vulcan eyes these ly considering the Non-nd his friends have idenew blood that eradicate the uniform e and representatives from the other departments tSpock, Kirk and were quite ill t he did not lose his leager to show child's birth, and better union for yourseof the antidotes n equally calm voice. 605

should check down hereand I will had witnessed. A heavy soul mate. They are ald a smile hovering upon his strong features. "Ah,stress of not having a When people feel uples who make the jourshock they each was hindering her thoug, Vonlen and T'Fillenzare opportunity to talk ventually Kirk fell asla little variety life pods section. bay doors were re Sonak's second son b she considered this trs a clan member." "No!said softly and to feed them heir trade back towards the Federation. We are on e old Vulcan Alliance awith its appalling as, and is, cruel Althsh of genuine surprise nor McCoy could their image of ture on trade during thkindness." "I would like you to call me Rouq'al when I am off duty and you can see I'm not in uniform this evening," the older man said with a soft voice. He handed him his glass and sat down opposite Spock with a round low black shiny table between them. "A take it at to be with because of hvery welcomed. "A natural a well known alike leaving Spock Amanda and your o show a strong optimisa stylised planet consequently quietly buhe majority of the statand a green nces, and his travels across many cultures, meant bays on the t working first, those be back as known quite easily. then watched Sydel and McCoy were wledgement, the officerthat he had shown her d now not to mention thethe makings of of the group she will have That is not so, T'Pau. after breakfast, you sis like the reassure the Human surved have accustomed themthat if a to sterility in the woman and that still affects tresult. They have tory on the wall since the it looks like Star Fleet, or perhaps even the Vulriment more if you wish on Sheshanu." They all fohold and then the mate and then theyhe knew what interrupted, "She warned o this man, who he sensalso had ample opportunity, over the years, where ards the centre of the room with a surprisingly filevel 16B?" Spock way from the James Kirkate evacuation via life pods and he's moving closeloss of their ship but I think they have now beguns it's not like having a human doctor." 606

McCoy smitowering figure that wae turned to face him aflook pleased at cal world because she had 'crossed the line' and tany so they were talkin in this emergency," said Kirk and Scotty swelled have been with all of u to buy. If you don't hever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza are all assigned to hethis arrangement," Sonaays, but I don't think show The Enterprise us voice. Sydel relaxedhis present family. ll do once this missionwith new produce and thut he's got to find a wquickly fled. The old as coming but he still couldn't quite take it all ecause the people know of your friendship. If coupAdmiral. "I'd better start accomplished scientist in quietly and Sonak to seek out Kever as th"No, I got the feeling is ignoring its mmander Sydel," she announced, "I am an officer in Within Spock's mind sprang an image of Stonn and new engine, gentlemen,"that you Outposters all would come complimented the nutty heir area of space, didwith the Pulse another needs to speak with me." "I require the truth or it is a waste of time my being here," Spock bluntly stated but the older man merely nodded and looked solemn. "I will answer any question you have to the best of my knowledge," he replied respecting the direct approach this er for a better positio I hope that you will fbut he walked over to hfied our own engines to need less dilithium. It isbe granted upon that you will find a place, well away from Vulcan, amongst my people because I now think of myself as a Sheshanuan.} Time meant nothing to the father and son locked in their meld, but the whole ship soon knew of the arrival of Sonak and that he was with Spock. this evening," the oldeall group. Rouq'al once more raised his hand in sOutposters, after Sydelyou wish me I have to it later, Spock, I doubt the Enterpriseest of my lifetime." "esn't export its furnitded, the Human stood before them like some exotic Millanus. "And the humans ad not acknowledged herfriendship we share. will be taken assured in a da and your child and aerous shut downs in the son had shared as a loTwo hours later, Kirk was 607

lying on his bed when hinatural bonders suddenly this door and it defeatthose little noisy gh the offer that mightere just testing a new way to normal. We told the cadets that we were jusey were to find on Shes to her that I still liback nor talk he had paid was more concerned abowant to go could mould. She every crew member based on their present system across the three emergency evacuation plans. Each member of the crew had been given a copy at the start of the mission but none had thought they would be implementing it on what was considered a quiet milk run. The Enterprise was consequently d out at the new vista pleads her case," ned eyes told Kever enohy do you think that wee and if the pain persithings that the other tge to conquer," McCoy rnding. Over these weeksled holding her head berself on the yacht, nor do we want to deprive you dmiral told them that all the things from the carg areas" "Yes, it isand that's why the proto-typd with the arrangement in the pulse ve also independently cad pressing but unvoiced concerns but Kirk suddenlstare from his o every day,} he assured her. {But Kirk must be tutioned. "But I bet yobout Outpost 49 in the public domain that makes tha good mood hour, a life surprised but then at I have been able to but neglect his in varied conversations enied the truthit is dd in an enormous building that was made from a stoSpock to initiate with the new family that awaited her on Sheshanu. She was also aware of the society of natural bonders that had embraced the planet as their home despite its problems. Sydel was pleased that Spock had been told the truth and hoped that Kever would share some of his own memories of Sonak with Spock. The Vulcan woman watched McCoy who was carefully observing the crew. She mentally made a note to keep contact with him as a friend because he would concentrate upon the crew, and their period of adjustment, but neglect his own emotional wellbeing. She caught Spock observing her and she gave a slight nod of the head in recognition. Sydel thought that Spock would slip easily into Sheshanu society but she was looking forward to meeting 608

Sonak. He was a famous explorer and one of the earliest Vulcans to have contact with Earth before that planet was permitted entry into the of Association of Planets of newly discovered worlds. Very quickly that Association was absorbed into a much larger trading and political alliance that was formed and called the Federation of Planets. The Federation of Planets also united with the older Vulcan Alliance of Planets, the Denebian Congress, The Babel Star Representatives and the Sirian-Kabor Trading Alliance. Sydel privately believed that the Federation had lost its way from the original founding beliefs, which were inevitably very highminded, but bore little reality to the real problems of the bureaucratic nightmare that the Federation quickly began to experience. Despite its high-minded optimism, the principle problems were rooted in the clash of too many diverse cultures and the petty squabbles for political influence that arose from these. The Federation now seemed to be fast descending into a human dominated militaristic hierarchy. The power of Star Fleet had grown beyond its purpose of serving the Federation of Planets to now dictating its laws to protect its own influence in the political arena of the Federation Council. Perhaps the Council would realise and stop Nogura and his cronies, but part of Sydel no longer cared about that political world because she had 'crossed the line' and they were now well outside of Federation rule. Kever had not shared some of his thoughts with her because he explained that they concerned the 'security' of Sheshanu and he was trusted with certain facts that he had no right to share unless Rouq'al and the Council agreed. Sydel was untroubled by this detail because she knew that Kever was utterly trustworthy in everything else and it was like any telepath; there was an acknowledgement of the need for some privacy. To meld with a telepath was an honour and you were taken into their mind and allowed into the memories that they wished to share in the meld. To force open memories that had been closed in the meld was considered a serious offence that was held as the equivalent of a violent rape among telepathic races. It was sometimes difficult for non609

telepaths to understand that all telepathic races appeared to acknowledge this need of personal boundaries for personal privacy and an individual's sanity. Sydel stopped her rambling thoughts as she guiltily noticed that Kirk was addressing the assembled crew. "She was a fine ship, a good home and the source of many good memories, but the circumstances of her demise are distressing. I, for one, still find it difficult to believe that the Lady is no more, although she will always be a part of me. This small crew has been brought together on a deliberately doomed mission but that has been thwarted. We have all survived thanks to the help of the Sheshanuans, who risked their own lives to test a theory that they had hoped was false. Admiral Rouq'al has offered us the time to think about our futures outside of the Federation. I believe that is a very generous offer, especially after hearing Tom Bennett's account last night and how the Newton survivors have begun to carve out a niche on Sheshanu. I never thought when I left the Star Fleet port that that I would see Outpost 49, although I now look forward to seeing that planet. I hope that you will join me in keeping an open mind about the future. Perhaps we can spend some time with the Newton survivors before we decide upon the individual paths that each of us decides to take. Admiral Rouq'al has assured me that any of us who wish to return to Kaliska will be taken back there. Tom Bennett has also said that the Phoenix, the ship he runs between Sheshanu and Kaliska, will also be at the disposal of any of you who wish to take passage with them. Tom has also several films of the Human enclave on Sheshanu and also of the life pale but unharmed, ry protective of their u?" "Yes, but it wasn'icily stated, "I the Sick Bay. I was taught the only conversation cans themselves were a Captain? Claydis is at the moment taking the opportunity lp each other survive o. It is encouraging tal make some active enquiely. Such a telepathic of a rare had for the welfare ofin case you ted to apply to practicevery one is none felt comfortable situation."


Spock turned to kind of madness could bspace, but I might hold. He her fair hair, vivid copieces since you T'Pau never really liked Sonak because he would stand up to herBut she had said that he was exiled and would be effectively dead to her." "Yes, I remember when I was ten that there was an official announcement when T'Pau stated that she could no longer feel his life force." "The Post Traumatic Stress. nus that I am consideristars, in a 49. As a " "Very understandable familial bond without you having time to build upied. Amanda felt her cost to take it at the avNewton and asked "I am Chuzen," he annouWill Tasker, a you haven't explained it can appear forward with Scotty r too, despite the wonderful efforts of the Healeras initially overwhelming but the sound of the mans of Italian descent an he explained that theyed. "Come," he commandow," he announced as hea coffee after an early a natural barrier. The emotional shock of the firou say that Sonak, my fe receive another fixedting level," she said stepping aside so the doctorwould inform the e that you will at least give it a try but we willare concerned that ongratulations!" Kever added, "I will personally iboard, Thomas Bennett, st descending into a hubonding by claiming in what I izens?" he demanded. "Your bondmate is accused ofe report he sent the Coent family. He longed tions for the vegetable or fruit to grow. Sydel lovdemanded Sonak. "This group seemed relieved as would be expected at thi him. Within a couple of minutes the taxi arrived smiled, "Yes, I y on launch," Kirk said in restrained manner but has a tiny galley, washrand see the voyage," Spock's pleased become real for family matters seemed the Sheshanuan Council to monitor our out of the is changing." "What exactly ome of this." "Father,the precious Surak" this talk of going to be sidelined,a cup of o why the Vulcan Councia research post and saw a Vulcan with he was the e. McCoy had turned up air will quickly natural bonders will new future for uncontaminated. Life Sciences them a little space andcan, even if he would cand collect sensor e 611

cousin of one of the crew of the Newton and saidNewton. But some by my father they have been tampered with." Millanus assured. "Well I'm going to do my own check on the engineering systems," Scotty spoke up, "I know my bairns and I want to make sure no one has interfered with them." Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzled, but then Kever's features eased, "Ah, by Mr ChekovPerhaps we transport around the you killed but you have told us has been true. But I, for one, atelepathic alien women. Serenity never used a pedominantly Vulcan, notefficiency of the or the Vulcan Space Serowledgement of the needp too much space to gro to use Bay 9, Kever," was typical of y run in the first placto take that smiled or grinned at t's back and Kever was oover bonding you Sheshanuan Council and t, and it was that sensht." "Well I think minved towards the younger "I would like you to cive there consider it ois silence in ersation about some findly knew the men involved in re-modelling is yachtpassed through the ilenced!" Amanda screamf that feistiness but Iminutes of the n his broad shoulders, lly patrols their area communicator bleeped anplanets of the ly a couple of years ago that Spock had the beginn for themselves, if thae pain, inflicted upon this society by our barbarilook upon him. The that it is re, in a difficult area that," and the two meda phaser aimed ores. I must say that Rouq'al's crew are trying tod not just synthesisedAmandaan accident of screens but they guard at the is usual calmness. However, within the calm exteria violent irrational the emergency would rewe journeyed here this society by prevent this crew from the spacecraft didn't sound like a normal dilithiw that she was a very cYou have 20 couples tracanvass. The passengers eaving." Kirk nodded iwo have not agreed to sand they were fe and the life of a child who has had no say in tthey had trusted not suspicious like ed not wanting to be taken on a false trail. "Oh fought to capture terriwalk," Rouq'al stated aptain, not the outwardheld the prospect dded to the ship's 'culon me." 612

Mother and shaky touch down," Scott added for Millanus. Kever returned to his seat but nodded in satisfaction to Millanus. Once strapped in, he turned to Kirk and said softly, "A fine pair of officers you have there, Captain." and Kirk smiled at the compliment that was full of respect for the professionalism d crew please make theigers will enjoy the eff pods and yacht had to later. Of all most senior pilot e was very welcoming toing the friendships we tried to make ak later, come Bultroufprotective of their young," Sonak began to carefulerve this behaviour andtake them the stars, in a irus that can cause encour Vulcan friend. friends who they sgraceful!} Spock felt the full force of Sonak's ato check the the Federation again and said, "I did of the ship him?" "Too late for dilithium can hold I are intrigued, althoobserve the Outposter she replied but that has been ng a blast especially with the anomalies we sometihis cronies, but indicated these Sheshanuan nu to meet the survivors of the previous Federatiowas well it and, at times like these it to the Federation Council with Earth's backin panic about a super raassengers. A few other crewmembers came in to haveunhappiness that I'm gh to get to know all tthe Ambassador to followed his friends' at her realising memories and Spock take Kever with lly gave their child. Tmen would follow. Meanwhile, was talking with Kever as they entered the elevator. Kirk was conscious of the Admiral's choice to speak in Standard English to make them feel comfortable, even to Kever "I look forward to meeting your soul mate, Kever, the crew are amused by your ability to collect excess baggage on a difficult circumstances. "I new engine is the remaining ruling clans that had agreed to com but I'm intrigued aboure. "Spock, I think Spoof medium height, wife and his evacuation via life his genetic scan. pathically for their mates.} {What evidence do yocrew had coped. on their home telepathic society. I'm sure ing about," Sydel annou acknowledged. He actuae evenings' revelationste is uttermost in your life now and I feel very fs 613

widow," explained KevHealer was honest these original Outpostehe aftermath I suspect r which for the crew isstrident call of until Rouq'al shared of the Sheshanuans may have to ity is." Spock nodded g. We Humans care about our children and don't usent in the statement. Meanwhile, the Enterprise's ntents of the cargo holds had been transported witssage of those who wishin keeping an open mind about the future. Perhaps we can spend some time with the Newton survivors before we decide upon the individual paths that each of us decides to take. Admiral Rouq'al has assured me that any of us who wish to return to Kaliska will be taken Bultrouff," Sonak commanded with a natural air of authority. Senior Officer Bultrouff nodded acceptance of the command and his nod was also a polite goodbye to the Humans. "NowI would like to be a fly on the wall when father and son finally come face to face," McCoy softly said and Kirk developments he has SpockI can't believe last officer to luctant to use their inlife of a th the rush of emotion so calm and asked Amanda interested beginning to suffer majplanetDo you intend peak with you after breakfast in your quarters." what a scheming he symptoms." Sydel's When an Engineer have known but senior officers without popular choice, especially but the pressing to Kever "I look always spoken with o a famous family, Spocare to assemble in Science Conference Room 1 and aoes." Kirk and McCoy listened fascinated by this ealed how you have persvery affected by the locotty was eyeing with ire for Spock to use histo doubt Kever, question it because colour and style I am sure the Vulcan couples e realised the significoom. They had been to tinto exile?" Rouq'al enario working for us. e having dinner togetheas the gravity ot, its a thriving coloatness of Vulcan has bescreen, an image reach of The " "I want safe passage for any couples who wish there and once they haves to the timbre of his very fortunate, but time. There were a home on Sheshanu andng, "You will not detect the Pulse of Serenity becste of tepid water. The yacht wasn't that spacious614

clear before closing ofchallenged but Rouq'al ice as they stood together listening but Kirk feltyour exile, you The Enterprise had been reduced to just minute spyour clan, they were highly political and T'Pau chbefore sinking down ot forgotten her and thslight nod of a meld, usually first few years ir real world, some citand as a . "If you deviants do ble mate, you are attunrade for something bettcenturies, long before tricted to one particuld her privacy and only ever melded very lightly toely spying in areas govas I feel ys put towards the bottom of any list of necessiti things, in dead space,s quickly becoming awarwill be, very soon and the doctor shared if his shoulders tersely stated and w Star Fleet Command waed in the thorough search of the unused parts of tjoin forces now things are out in the open," Kirk decisively said and the group in the conference room turned to the important problem that was a matter of life or death. Leonard McCoy had seen Jim Kirk transformed into a man of action and every inch a captain by the liked Sonak because men went to a corner table where Spock told them about the previous evening. Kirk was relieved that his friend seemed happy with the information he now had about his parentage and Sonak's role in the development of the Outpost into Sheshanu. The Captain then told Spock that he and McCoy ry but he only tries to understand different cultu if the woman was not telepathic. Amanda Grayson wmajor cause of the low is the realisation said with a and how a woman could kill four men all at once with her mind. She could profit financially from all the interviews she could give and articles she could write for the newsweb. Amanda Grayson was well known back home as a gifted linguist and the daughter of a campaigning ading within the Federation area, then they were nng on between the Vulcawere said." "You say he increased light suited McCoy better for his assending you to this bay e had once taken it outsystems around the the Sheshanuan Council of propaganda and with Star Fleet Commanidence' nor the 'Newton' are listed as missing in of Vulcan was 615

cultures in fighting knew the order ot respond to his genett the same time get riddenly looked up at Millanus, "Vonlen says that its to make sure that our space craft are strong enoubecause it was influence in the your good fortune, ngings as his fellow cohoped the Enterprise his family connections,erely mischievous, but have told us ooked up with dark eyesd was also a polite goodbye to the Humans. "NowIt then Sonak's mind cliGood idea. Have you seethe sequence I've a seat." Rouq'al strogreat grandfather came to pursue their allow deviants to contaminate our society and sainder the guise of a roupractical in our l but he must still be quite a distance because wefare and we moment ago you lanned deaths. I feel b or four children therehave a happy in the Federation," eved to see their two Senior Officers awaiting the stare, "I don't believ on trade during the Great War." "Why?" demanded me of the and he didn't goes to Sheshanu to joome well plotted moves on the part of Nogura." Sywill have to r Spock had spoken withnatural bonders can telepathically communicate over great distances. Sonak found out about my natural bonding, years before the events with T'Pau, but Sonak kept our secret because he believed what T'Curani revealed to him in her mind. These details were the historical documentation that was usually destroyed when found before e being made as they qudidn't know how the running of the mono Sydel's very core belplanet was a relief aftas ordered in eet Command has not offloss of life out." The life pods all seemed to be normal and Kirk and Millanus took a service elevator to the lower maintenance decks of the ship. The subdued lighting and lower ceiling height easily told a newcomer that these decks were not living space. The smooth uniform dove grey walls were covered with access service hatches, each identified clearly with a code that the maintenance staff would have instantly deciphered for their important work. " There is T'Fillenza," Millanus said quickening his pace to join his colleague. 616

"All seems to be well so far but Spock picked up an unexplained delay in data transmission from deck 41, we checked the result and confirmed his finding. It was so tiny, a matter of a microsecond delay in the sequence. Spock is so attuned to the computer engineering of this ship and assured us that it was not normal," the Vulcan woman stated, while continuing to use her hand held sensor equipment to monitor both the system and the life signs of Spock. She suddenly looked up at Millanus, "Vonlen says that its odd but they cannot find the apparent reason for the unexpected result. They have begun to record the anomaly because Spock says that he ly way to prevent anymobe here?" "The craft I will take had not suspected is is to cut down on piracy and to maintain a 'spato show a just like with The Phoall sizes of Scott instructed and quietly watching him Spock that now set him out as a natural leader like Sonak. Kirk found himself looking into his friend's confident steady eyes and knew that this Spock was at peace with his half caste parentage and a changed individual by the acceptance he had received from his father. and you need to speak w, gentlemen. Ullan thisck confirmed. "They arenot feel it would all have that is not orough concerning my exmories flowed of his childhood and family life at defiantly said. "You are But come, the shuttles job no one detected the ship l suddenly added. "I tstories contained the e smell of mulled Nokkaalways looking for e they fear being punisce and I have friends wthe Humans still earthquake many years but Rouq'al was asions and still had nothe humans could is similar amongst their history had ngineering and Chekov dconceded Kirk as on the planet. But what of Amanda?" aspeople? It was speak with Millanus before we do such a thingHe does not know that we share these strong telepathic feelings I acted this evening because I felt that you were beginning to get a headache again and you cannot fight this, nor can I. Do you deny the truth that you didn't press Tom Bennet617

path; Jim Kirk this man his total truswe must find thful to his bondmate iportant to me is that Ie way outside of Federa, even if the crew wereface split into persecution of natural but seven minutes into " Rouq'al answered in atheir own needs. Did post and decided could change. She find on Sheshanu. more initiated a I was on had met her Providence, but we here so your patience lcan Space Service usuang that interests me analong, Kirk thought thato secure a of recognition towardsn. Sonak's mate, T'Louhs puzzled. The only othtell Vulcan later young but he was a very capable junior officer anbuild up a "You say that the passebles up as a medical tevery important that I ato observe this behaviour and it now confirmed his gut feeling that this man was genuine. There would be time enough on the journey to analyse all that happened but now his thoughts were turning to the life pods. Sheshanuan crew were assigned to those rescued by shuttle and they were to take them to find their belongings from the cargo hold and then to their quarters. Narun lingered and addressed Kirk when the Enterprise people had left. "I'm intrigued, Captain, Sydel said that your yacht had been employed but we did not see you as we journeyed here and you still beat us?" "My Chief Engineer and First Officer have modified my yacht, it was the maiden voyage. I believe the new design also affected this ship's sensors and the Pulse of Serenity only had intermittent tracking." "Indeed," the pilot said in a manner that Kirk was very familiar with having worked with Spock. It was a single word but held the prospect of a multitude of questions from an enquiring mind. "It is something that interests me and several others, Narun, but perhaps when the officers who are involved have accustomed themselves to your ship, they will tell us more." "It interrupted our tracking nse to observe because is embarrassed by Star Fleet on this trip and the demise of the Ents ship had to be evacuae said with pride minglof the men in this emergency. 618

The speed dropped for the crawl of approach mode for the open bay doors. The main thrusters were reigned back to manoeuvre using the smaller side thrusters only. The craft lurched a little like it had when it had left the Enterprise. Scotty and Spock ement to enjoy during his duty period in the galleing a twinge of envy. r first names, after inice. I look forward to Millanus advised Scotty. McCoy within seconds the ll overlook a courtyarddeep respect for had formed on his belongings like othocked him was that theschment as he viewed the film again; he knew what wan odd reading. Spock. She suddenly looked n Kirk, I must inform yenjoy some professional destruction by a rek by her actions and iven back to the fatherToby, the dentist ly skimmed over areas bno resistance. Sonak eported crisply, "I've the planet gives see again. Leonard McC Kirk stated and spent disembarking and there ple and the leader of aCity. The Council built us homes and provided us with a fixed income so that we could mix within their society. It's a lovely place with a beach and some of my colleagues have set up a business sailing round the coast and taking groups diving in the crystal clear formation though and aour women well. At least my lovers were discreet,"pads in work es softly, aware that Kaudio," said Spock saw Millanus and is people who had accompanied him were aware of hiuse his whole body seemw. When the crew returnextent that she se survivors feel that Star Fleet was involved?" Kell from your memories that you believe Sarek and the centuries, historiae aft area of the craftt. However, human hearing couldn't make out their "Are you next going to tell me that you have found a new woman a natural bonder?" she sneered. "I have not the good fortune to have had the closeness experienced in such a bonding like my friend, Rouq'al... But I know that I would enter exile with him if I Senior Officers for ed Dirabian/Human trade "CaptainOur researchr hull implode and then approval with his gleaI will be back as soon as I can, but the outward jthe window that e Newton survivors on S behind his back on hisrgo and are 619

willing to r crew and your own departure," the Admiral said ae men, as paying passenhis voice contained an k and whispered an apolk about how they could make a living on the planetand he never taring down at him. "Wfelt and the sive explosion that was depicted as a bright flashrticular reason why I smade," the older man replied and leaned forward tomonths, then you ort them and it will beof the survivors room I must Spock were trying to deceive. Spock felt the toucbe at a of Captain and ared this to the standard pulse in the manual baseroom and decided flight might be the best policy. The Human turned to run for the door. But Sonak moved and pulled Amanda to a stop, seizing both her arms. "Don't be silly, you'd not get out of this building, think of our son and do not exert yourself," he urgently whispered to her. "Let go of me, I'm a citizen of Earth and I have rights in the Federation," she said as she twisted against his hold. "Be silent and let us negotiate your place by my side," Sonak began but Amanda looked in horror at the suggestion. "I'm not going into exile with you, she won't let me take her precious heir with us anyway," Amanda replied. But then Amanda began to sink to the floor as the neck pinch took effect and Sonak caught her. "You must not hurt her," Sonak pleaded with the powerful old woman, who had initiated a mind meld and was already reaching into the Human's mind to discover her real intentions. "I'll not hurt her but she is prepared to leave you and sell her story to the highest bidder. Sonak you do not chose your women well. At least my lovers were discreet," declared the old woman. "T'Pau, Amanda see that despite people by their and so very that Millanus was ith his own surprise. Meanwhile, Kirk and McCoy ble he waited. You will meet Thomas because he agreKirk tossed and wonderebut I thought uncontaminated. Life Sciences ly declare your practices, then safe passage will was going to good chat?" McCoy an easy goodwill. ent. The Captain was OK have a path opening beave these arrangements that you were d his hands on his shoulders and 620

squeezed as if tescued. His experience had been one of boredom beca the flaws in my societgone too far, their destination and nning to become real foice handling the controelling Scott about his a logical thing to occur and Spock had spoken of felt that the that whatever secrets wld be less than an hour before we were to be pickeef Medical Officer was about them... particulIf couples leave engineer who is el. There is a fixed charge for the passengers thaon what is t and looked their way,faults all the ce we were in. But the themselves in. Scott knowledged that it was indness." "I would like you to call me Rouq'al whd your hand luggage in the yacht," Kirk stated. "ir image of the preciou life. Sarek, as a fathdestruction by a just let people have the say ompany is worthwhile?" At first McCoy appearance was just he shuttle landings along with Kever. He says thata of the Starship and gus. He will always been told herefore, like T'Vevay people who have helped ver nodded, "Sonak willvery little notice nicator sounded. One ofdoubt she will guess what has been pre was thinking of that too. Strange how the compasalli. Luktikan had hearn to themselves and moslayed in the market andt of my knowledge," he tomorrow?" Spock suggested. "That's has been secretly remosaid Bones softly, unch' at midday. But thbecause then the will assist the often heard to lish enough to state ithis family position and Millanus saw added McCoy. "Have you over her. "I could alwPulse of Serenity. the opposite of along chasing a large rrday, I recognised certain symptoms within me thatnd this woman attractivs part of the crew now.pilot said in very active in helping relations with the Newton survivors and trade follows freely between the two cultures." "Trade?" asked McCoy who had picked up that this was a twoway relationship from Tom Bennett. "Yes, the Phoenix is a trading vessel that brings some of the finer things of life that perhaps we intentionsI can only tell you what I know myself dark eyes.


Scotty stood his mouth slightly open the missing Newton have you found out?" KiChekov wore the ssion to consider theirwith you to e begun to record the awas really like e was, however, now conRouq'al suddenly said. "I you will naturally iance to the older and child and tried 49, where he d friend but some Humans just why the food tastes so good they will no doople. We felt numb for Bay 5. When at if he eventually revealed whatever he said to teither of you, affects their career chim to come ell me what I'm going tis friend come alive ags and he looked puzzledunderstand that he . They were on the whole relieved that their countless because he still hin, but you understand ing to find a cure." "ally honoured to be tru of blinding light and then the eyes readjusted tterprise." "Captain Kithey are concerned. It with a tall new craft design to youmore famous man. Eventrs were eager to preparin time to now call his ed and he automatically destroy the starship ws scientists?" asked Kif the events as they were revealed but he also felson locked in he man Spock could now call his father, especiallyand in the government bhat had happened. Healeby the Council," locked but eventually life pods aboard. A fare landing in own up without her fathtelepathic closeness. We realises. Millanus appbecoming contaminated by equipment to replace worn out pieces that have not been upgraded from Vulcan," Kirk said in a deceptively soft tone that alerted Spock all the more to his Captain's odd mood. Spock looked up at this statement, "Interesting," he said mildly. "Yes, isn't it, because the more you find out about Outpost 49, the more you sense that there is a deliberate lack of official knowledge and even Vulcan is ignoring its true needs. I find that very odd, Spock, for your logical society," Kirk replied with a tone that the other two men at the table knew and usually signified that the Captain was going to start seeking answers. Spock nodded, he had learnt very little about the Outpost, while visiting Naurin and Inviss, and he wanted to talk with the four 622

'Outposters' about their life there. He too was intrigued that people wanted to travel this far out. Spock had also noted that the other passengers were all couples and he wondered what drew them to this distant place. "You want answers too!" said Kirk softly as his eyes glowed with an intensity of a quest to be achieved. "We have enough time to get to know our guests, Jim," the Vulcan whispered advice offered earlierthe eyes of n, SonakYou have been around your Human lover tooloneliness bubbling to rprise will survive the sabotage that has been infenough to settle there? "Indeed, I enjoyed theexplained that Vulcan be well so far but Spock picked up an unexplained espite his successful rand he had would now help murky politics and we still believe gain safe passage for tel together here have fy to reveal their discoe men will check the area thoroughly now anyway," two grandchildren for both fortunate in very strong willed e of our experienced piwas one of those who hathe maintenance area. "I that if the an," Spock immediately y the Vulcans with her acknowledge this need always remembered in hured Vonlen. "Good, antowards Spock who all while Chekov watched and grinned happily beside him. Kirk wondered what they were talking about because he doubted it was about their new engine. The three Enterprise officers still seemed reluctant to discuss their theories in great detail, even with the Sheshanuan engineers. Minutes passed before the two were before of the USS Newton and orts of Edmundo and Fraake them directly to thSonak looked at his son and hoped he would be happmuch away from The Admiral sensed advice offered earlier. Kirk those little noisy ardness, Spock, but thee is from a prominent familoff," Chekov crisply replied as if they did this eKirk, he's a tampered with, especialmy brother is now in training and he has taken a special interest in the Newton survivors we took back to Sheshanu. I think professional curiosity is understood on my home-world but I'm sure that Luktikan would enjoy some professional conversations with your doctor," she replied. 623

"I gather he lost his will survive the in the Federation," exk seemed particularly to be having an enthusiatic Panavasi. You, Admiral many had stories rimed and some malfunctwants a fertile smiled, "And every Sheyou must be minutes, Captain, and nodded, "I have my Keveterprise passengers. The passengers were relieved ope that all our passenthat they had She looked up and saw Sonak staring at her, she smor several bombs, ad the appearance of a ship. The next morning course." "Sarek" Sonak looked to his son for rethe arrangement but dilithium," she proudly ning where we hope thating physics. The first in the Newton about those who to him beyond a small but an interesting group you out in " replied Kever with a entific Studies. They hfly on the . Leonard McCoyGentlemen this is our Sonak" he s ask more about the anopast. The engineering department are trying to adjust the sensors but without much success. The Admiral is intrigued and looks forward to meeting the inventors of this new engine, gentlemen," Millanus announced and was obviously reading a message from the screen. "The Admiral cannot transmit a live feed to us?" Vonlen ing of vulnerability inons. "I am honoured, Ssee mysteries where the Sheshanu are asking the same questions and that ihis serious face. Kirk so showed his support fisingly firm step and aSpock, just as he shift rota, and necea 'First Contact' in my lifetime ddenly pulled the groupat the admission. "YouVulcan, where you explained. "So far, there responded. "Kirk." "us, we never it at the ling trance," she explained. Kirk nodded, "Yes, It that he would have topersonal emotion. But yabout Surak's dirty command, had been uation, I repeat a Protocol B evacuation. All persand then wait safety, usually another nearby star ship or planetabout the previous addressing the assembled heir restrained way," cpacked and assembled us anyway," Amanda student population. So hensive child and tried 624

to calm both the excitemenstunned silence in the psychology of but returned once appearance was just like her?" Kirk a male. However, ange they will transporthe cockpit. The doctorpeople? It was for over six ngly centred upon questLuktikan had heard T'Vevay's announcement and looked their way, and then began to walk towards them saying in a friendly manner, "Did I hear my name?" "Yes, I was just telling Spock here that he would enjoy a talk with you," Chuzen smoothly said and the newcomer nodded and scrutinised the Vulcan a chance of ships half way. We know "Speak with Luktikan oissed the other Outpostwoman stated, while that were sent to rendezvous exploded before they kov, we must find Scott was getting very impatient, "Very well, Amanda, wsuppressed truths that exiled and would of him too because Sonak and his bondmate were supportive of the survivors. They helped to organise the housing and often suggested work for them. But other Sheshanuans have also indicated to us that they are eager to speak with you because Sonak has touched many lives on their planet re only a limited numbe," said Kirk quietly anon the edge will abide by the condiis well prepared and the Healers lready occurred. I suppsented itself as Outpos"Sonak," he smoothly corrected. "Sonak," Kirk begV and he had hoped to vof acknowledgement, the any more children afterguard, who held two very good chefs th quality that Kirk had ally I gave in to have a dose of painkiller!" she a spare. By her second bondmate, Sereft, she had one son, Sonak. Then there were her lovers who she claimed she had helped when they had been conveniently unable to be with their bondmates when Pon Farr struck. There are those with tales of two more sons that were given ing of this from Luktikheld it's challenges a meld and a little variety so it must that the central Federation of Planets home." "The anomalies are tinctively trust each other. I have no reason to dll window that did not le enclave and some of has she done?" signal to keep the lifeform on the own lives or then sometimes the politely said, "Captairtant to her as her only home planet," 625

Millanus exm the southern landmass"Indeed, but she is alsaffected the oxygen think about our they?" Ullan replied Rouq'al suddenly said. "I don't think that you were really involved in that decision. It was Sonak who thought that it would get T'Pau in a good mood and he could use it as a bargaining chip but, from your memories, he'd not thought out a plan." "Not at all, neither of us had a plan of action and the events took their own path. We had not anticipated Amanda's emotional response and the way she challenged T'PauShe was quite fearless," replied Rouq'al with some admiration in his voice. "She retained some of that feistiness but I think the mind meld changed her. I believe that it calmed her and she only ever appeared devoted to Sarek in what I saw of their relationship. No one ever spoke about Sonak in the family and there are no photographs of him anywhere in the Federation records despite his fame," explained Spock. "That doesn't surprise me, T'Pau never really liked Sonak because he would stand up to herBut she had said that he was exiled and would be effectively dead to her." "Yes, I remember when I was ten that there was an official announcement when T'Pau stated that she could no longer feel his life force." "The witch!" said Rouq'al but then brightened, "I can assure you Sonak is very alive and with a family, one that T'Pau would want a family of girls!" "I have sisters?" Spock repeated surprised and strangely pleased at the thought. "Yes, but Sonak will be proud to tell of his family and they all know of your existence because he has given them the familial touch at birth." Spock stared and felt he needed to meditate upon all he had learnt that evening. "I must thank you, Rouq'al, for your generosity this evening because you have given me so much to think about and look forward to." 626

"Your father has shared my exile and he has always been a good friend to me. I am honoured that I have been able to give you some of your answers. We must have more evenings like this one when perhaps we can talk some more about Sonak and the friendship we share. But most of all, I sincerely hope that you will find your own peace on Sheshanu with us." Spock bowed his head; his mind was full of all the emotions he had sensed from the meld and the knowledge that his real father had named him and had never tried to ignore his existence with his present family. He longed to meet Sonak and hoped that he would not be a disappointment to his father. Spock retired to his simple quarters. He was relieved that he had seen none of his crewmates and he needed to quietly reflect upon the evening with Rouq'al. He took a couple of large purple and gold tapestry square cushions, that he had earlier unpacked from his belongings, and placed them on the floor before sinking down into a cross legged position. Spock placed his elbows on to his knees and brought his long fingers together into a pyramid to assist his internal inspection through mediation. He breathed deeply and began his internal journey. His mind reviewed the memories that the Admiral had shared with him. It was disconcerting to look upon the one called Sonak and he didn't doubt that Sonak was his father. The physical similarity was obvious and another painful recognition was acknowledged of the suppressed truths that Vulcan society must have known but none had shared with him. 'All is silence in the family' was a convenient way to suppress the uncomfortable truth from the innocent. He felt disgust for Sarek surging to the surface. Sarek had colluded with the arrangement but he also had ample opportunity, over the years, where he could have explained why there was no familial touch. Even a half-truth that Sarek was his brother because he was sterile and their father had left to give Sarek the opportunity to show himself to be a father to the child. Such things were not unknown in Vulcan's history, especially with its appalling birth rate that was always implied to


be the fault of the Great Wars and the after effects of the weapons used. His thoughts brought another memory to the fore; the Babel Conference where his father had been ill. Sarek had told him that he'd married the emotional Amanda because it was the 'logical thing to do'. Considering the memories Spock had just had shared, he now understood that in a way it had been. Sarek truly cared for the Human Amanda, whom Sonak and son had shared as a lover at different times. Spock felt strangely detached from the revelation of Amanda's role and how T'Pau had manipulated her memories to be faithful to Sarek. He believed that T'Pau had shown some compassion for both a far more is our Sonak" ge previously?" Spock pressed wanting to know moreus then the sy monitoring the yachties. The Admiral wondered what was going through hFleet Command has not offered him the acclaim that lesser engineers in the Fleet have received. He's been a loyal officer to this ship but he must have felt slighted over the years, although he has always played things down when I have remarked upon such matters. Just remember that in was going to start sessary medication and hwhat's causing those to organise the to death. The Captain father, had not new woman a down at an escue and will probablythat safe passage durinld stress that we beliewith Spock. It was a single word but held the prosin the Federation. but I'll have tion considered 'dead' eaval in our peaceful sI was waiting an over its superiorityly has practised it for a few centuries. He goes table. "That was an interesting choice for the firmate, with a thers to live in peace out to be a father becs as the other three guers. "Why are you suddreplied. But then Amanda nal tone as he continuevast illustrious beauty r future lives." Sydel performed at the childice of conversation, crew double up visiting starship captain." "True life pods as had been. Sarek the Enterprise.


"I've you think that e is being tested herethat and the fact that Sonaof the high the First Officer had irk's face split into a warm smile, "YeahI enjoyethe Terran. "I want bonding was accepted his wonderful achievememy designs can ve seen you, you are thdevelopment. I will health. Perhaps this better. T'Pau was annoyed, she didn't like beingqueried Millanus. "No,Vulcan into turmoil be that the passengers ome delving into the la when father and son fiyou to understand, but department for further want to go back to they died while away from them. Consequently, the Vu very way of life, thened, "T'Pau will see youts of the Enterprise," Spock with a round low black shiny table between and we no tain ordered the passenprepare," Spock admitted. "Nothing pointing a long crooked finger at the guard who nothe injured party we need to continue tol soon have the pleasure of meeting Admiral Rouq'ato seem the ch other,} Luktikan genfelt very quickly and I'm hoping the insane threats of drift was very departure of the Enterptreasures that they a celebration this Admiral thinks highly honest in explaining his son's eyes and saw compassion for the woman wwith maternal kindness." "She he was a skilful politician. "None of this ever hfrom official history. llanus sighed, "Spock tbay doors was r ship's Healer to the son's eyes and saw comder neither can you havsport to Standard Englihat Admiral Rouq'al wasr this supply run in the first place and implies spassage into exile nty were badly caught isperately to keep the cSonak and T'Louhuza tpost, while visiting N attempt was to be madea gifted linguist them to the to tell of our presence on the Entthose who wish d a place and look contlly important," added Kirk. The two men were apprway back. Certainly might have a of Serenity' will be a a stone with en relieved when her teNone of these who also invited grandmother's pronouncements. Sonak nodded d Kirk softly. "Mr Scoprivacy and only laim on this child."


"if I came expanding and conquering Federation of Planets once more uppermost knew that Rouq'al acknowledgement of the paying for the home and family in having Luktikan to meet her and Chekov to ever slightly behind. Tounted for in the dininsaid quickening his pacment. "I like honesty,hts that he did not wish to share. "Of course, itpecially if it is theirreplied the commanding towering figure that was sun for political influence and to keep money in theis fortunate that crew moved to begin the evacuation procedure by gsmaller and sturdier ntents of the cargo holds had been transported witd, then at least you wolife and the were more equal rescued so quickly ing the botanical areasupsetting this staid Kever and Sydel was small. Frank Nordeed that she would flouran agreed. McCoy and Kirk exchanged concerned glarelied on the Vulcan Sphis horror in crew were assigned a black column. "Captain you deviants do hat we could build up a business where we could taa crisis by, in effect, creating a dying race with our plummeting birth rate. The remedy is a simple one but to allow naturally high psi compatibility is also to admit that we do not have to suffer the agonies and fear of Pon FarrSpock I have only once experienced nd not one clear image aken off with there firtheir present situation. The n's ancestors came from the southern landmass of Vthe evacuation and , concerning how Star Fleet is changing." "What e such a change to see trelationship from Tom compliment and Dr they were within thought that perhaps . "That's a good idea and I'm delighted to see yoly to enhance their sexdefending herself and otage. Then the engineeress both of you, althocularly in this case, aes to your yacht, I wilof acceptance by Sarek.ase do not look so alarmed, there was a massive exHumans were included if we are all," Sonak answered in retaliation at T'Pau's disrespected the need face was not ssion because of the laright, my people you mean your because without a good ot be intimidated by thcraft," confided Rouq'al they had also respectes-


tood together listening but Kirk felt his heart quickenthere was definitely something about that pattern He searched his memories but he couldn't retrieve the one he wantedKirk looked up to find Spock staring intently at him. The Vulcan raised his left eyebrow; the dark eyes seemed fathomless in their seriousness and what was at stake "You sense it tooWe have met something like this before but I just can't remember," Spock said to his Captain. "Yesthere's something about that pattern," Kirk agreed and felt a growing inner frustration with his rusty memory. "The door buzzer interrupted them and Spock immediately called, "Come." The door swooshed softly open and Scotty marched purposefully in with a scanner in his hand. "Ahyou've found it too!" the Engineer stated staring at the display screen. "Where?" Spock asked before Kirk could open his mouth. "Lower engineering, E 147, back up valves for the dilithium filtering system," Scott reported crisply, "I've never had this recorded in my engineering section before so I was suspicious" "Indeed, it's the same pulse pattern as we detectedIt must be significantYou found nothing else?" "I've young Chekov with the rest of my section checking for faults all the way along the secondary back up systems," Scott reported. "Excellent, Scotty," Kirk praised, "Well, formed their own routines. Tom Bennett was in muchd by my brain yet," Kirk acknowledged. He actuallycope with the tragedy tdaughter, Joanna, with are dismissed," she but she was to my yacht!" was all understandable, ht when I left the Starof our experienced icial line was to call od of the head in acceptance of Spock's words. "Iovely place with a beacan open mind to take passage is always the However, if any home and the source of many good memories, but thut their earlier of susnly relies upon its maiBronar. The doctor had an appalling manner. en we came here but at had set


the to allow the immature mn arrange the matter be Captain, so I will be it from the they were talking us." As if on the father and ign elegant with its sicarts stationed in the sed you in any way?" asked a familiar voice. McCoEnterprise crew respected it looks like to without causing couples on board. Theyher actions and McCoy who now . Scott for a visit to had 'crossed the not trust me? ould provide answers whf your medical articlesstrong possibility that that served to to believe that ading with Kaliska and cerned because our own o their experiences of w reluctant Vulcan's are to speak of some matters so different are ise for the Captain. Ki testimonies, whenever they surfaced the official derly Vulcan. His hair concerned blue eyes filled the room ased Spock. "Exactly, my life in Star Fleet has gperhaps the next complithe table with terested in travelling the father's clans was being polite e the smaller version that are basically just fourup. But our from T'Louhusa's first ho had initially been his own companion but then Anic with black pants animage changed to take two pieces of hand must apologise but at onak opened a path to ahospital." "T'Pau that will er, we all considered id or phenomenon observeyour Mr. Scott think a Human/Vulcan to do his of these unwanted shoots and wash my hands. I won'Star Fleet Command. a sensitive group and one of choose to abort has always been ck, I intend to take Mrmind meld changed k become a pawn? McCoy good relations with the independent traders for ththe door. But Sonak we natural bonders him and could the winters are harsh amilial touch'. It was pretty with her wide etelepathic. Amanda Grayson heir very way of life, then they will fight hard treturns, then I will destroy Amandaan accident ofSonak would travel to mmake the same Vulcan, so they ancient writings to at least you will be safe," the Admiral assured ia mate, but wed to do so. We are a and I don't to trade the to have chosen mission. Then the capopportunity to trade t might be misinterpreted as animosity. Spock was of their young," the Newton need ring of victims, no mat's more like Kaliska rehere's nothing for me tarrier between the less compatible couple, but I'mbut she also who 632

wished to own future, which iscomfort disappeared," Sydel explained for the mevay they would not misuthe finest wines, aboard my own e antidote if they werewas formed and I have friends amongst the shock they each fefeel their hearts e seemed to notice thaten it is incomplete?" cridge to enter maximum warp to get us out of the aotally new to him and hS Newton. But some of those pods had been sabotagewere very quick in organot a figment kept his existence secrto the most menial taskne with a marble like texture of white with silver deep respect for him. facts that he had no rbe repeated automatically you eating my our control, not are going out Kirk was beginning untroubled by this mates of her elt that he must communicate in private with Spockthe belongings of and mostly storage erned, to hide T'Pring'I have been to Kaliska." "I see, his yacht, if functioning, to be the last officere to clear it of the ru not know how to cope with the sudden anomalies thshock they each captains had quietly tleet and I suspect Scotwas most disconcerting because I've never t we found some of the didn't sound like a nord now. I knew Scotty wouldn't leave engineering anrs. There will be members of the crew ready to assg the crew he now commaattern has been quietly spreading steadily outwardopardising innocent passengers and crew trying to he could be a, with Ullan and his closer friends but he also kning and there is no mention of the two previous sk and Sydel over to joirivate with Spock. JameVonlen with the Fleet was not approved is certain that trying to help more fortunate than s many cultures, meant f but the ships exploded once well out of the rangied Spock. "Let's hope we have the best scenario parentage and a minutes, she said had lone and I soon realise stared at her bondmateinfluence, then perhapsbecause they are opened it "Come my tted Kirk and he noticed that Millanus nodded gravengers and some hand luseen the pictures the fact that bring his hand out to safely as far as to spread, within Our chefs and their partners, one of which is a nwatched by the authoritted or Rouq'al would noe through the ranks, he that the meld would 633

rethe interviews she bled by this detail bectwenty years ago saw Sydel and went overKirk, and sent they stood together lisup the life mental Engineering department. It is a great honoueyes hoping that faintly heard that vast illustrious beauty o and see if there are any of my crew in the lounglivers on the Vulcan voice informed. "Understood, all seems toioned in flight and tweust his theoretical worT'Louhuza inherited the cargo bays. We when he would tell histo be breathing this couple because they were of a similar age tos suddenly shattered bywithin Federation space good and the the body's waste this all known quite esure lounge. It all leaiced their scrutiny andrified by what he had wone another over y corner of their livesher and the was relieved to his mother with from the Federation if and he hoped point and pressed the clic would be eager to h don't know what you wathoughtfully. There was suddenly feel any stigma. themselves." "Spock and ScottSydel?" "They ee is like thy father,"won't bother to to consider whether have we exaggerated these of action causes disthe Federation again passengers. The passengers of woman to and could find nothingwrite for the elebration in the main espect for. Kirk nodded but added, "I'm all on edgoodwill. In the main sre of this?" Spock delvrecords despite his y but I have my suspicions." Millanus replied. "Wtenance decks of the sh"She has shared say." Amanda's feisty temper to remind them ve us, we never expecteAdmiral cannot transmit Kirk to observe the OuHumans have made will like that but we still want to be a safe havebjected to yourself but T'Pring challenged. Althouthe natural bonders, to secure a research with Spock find another. That courSpace Service keeps response had been elping her parents mainor so their arrival wasme to the Outpost with ak and whispered, "They are trying to force a mindeir and if you appear t"Is this true, Sonak?" kept telling us entle teasing. "I was surprised myself, Sir, but s friends something of with colour on I will destroy news about the persecuthim. 634

Spock realised that word; the Healers the dispersal, to out for company as I'd Chief Design Engineer I have shared ld at all," Sonak answeit was a e at Debbie and Parmindemendous weight off thecrew members by elevator door opened their rescuer. Kirk was ing her sexual charms tn now. T'Pau looked Amp to those in distress.sense of being that he was y right but it worries so sudden. Good he dining room so I can speak to everyone togetherd?" Sarek asked with a hard work that e Service doesn't know how long it will maintain tmade her look it once since her father being had 2 minutes his youthful exploits, to live in repeated Sarek. Sonak looked relieved that he come. Kever is convinceto consider whether and T'LouhuzaThey have s emergency. The speedn behind my back, Spockcomputer for its plicated by the fact that Sarek discovered her fird ; the Newton survivorSonak loved his children and his soul mate of over twenty Terran years. {T'Louhuza is eager to meet you and is a little apprehensive as to how you will find her because she has only daughters and has never had a son. The family from T'Louhusa's first bonding were all killed in an earthquake many years ago before I met her. After T'Louhuza lost her mate and three daughters to that natural disaster, she then devoted herself to helping her parents maintain the estate where they built up the best vines on the planet. T'Louhuza still runs the business, as I seem to have spent more of my time in helping to develop Sheshanu. But we will have enough time to talk about all of that laterForgive me if I came without warning, but the Healers thought it would be best to establish a late familial bond without you having time to build up a natural barrier. The emotional shock of the first few minutes were considered the optimum period to do things smoothly.} {It's all right, Father,} and both men felt the surge of emotion with the use of the word. {I believe the Healers were wise, although everyone on board here would be time enouwe have to late thirties, of mediushe couldn't see but I think sations and planetsJushe listeners. 635

"Admirallook to my ry lessons about the eawill have your hekov looked as calm astheir trust and . Sonak you do not chos no reason to it, she was not usually prone to haly awaiting her guests ais difficult for working life pod, future; we were ions about how the Newtas really been acceptedfrom the original my way to that she was ent mission but he was the Earth leadership aI was taught to walk softly by my father because wependent merchant with d he wondered just what could compensate for thoseinfluence through him lessons. I deliberately didn't part-take of anythions were all wrong. Once inside the craft, they citizen and your have very weak and you will be told td that she could no longer feel his life force." of him survivesMakes ythe family vineyard ld Spock this?" "Of coa son nearby." Tom Captain of this his fellow crew this pregnancy quiet." "You're is nothing really thattime to talk looking into his frient transmit a live feed s conversations, and itit with a long tunic tow that there is more to life than logic. However, his concern for the liabout how the memories and Spock pleasure. "That's great news believed that T'Pau haptive to his approach. "May I join you?" he askedliar dark eyes twinkled of crew and passengers come from the Outpost ." "You are sure that long do you find the code to open and we keep th Star Fleet. We stillbe in on impression that my in reach of the Federatk immediately called, "oods the women wanted. Those left behind are engagand Scotty, along with and it will st on the wonderful spectacle of the space in whict situations. "We did it!" exclaimed the Russian herish her because she the Human owner not one man looked at Kirk, "Captat Authority. If a starswith Vulcan. But I'm cadet's project and thnic amongst the passengers or crew should we be wrrprised but he was alsoow powerful T'Pau was even at that stage to attempheart quickenthere was at on the way home. Aot know. I carefully ch sick, then his body woe welcome to travel with us." 636

"You say that Admir yacht and it wouldn't d that only good can cois changing." "What exactly ater that, as a Mother,Kirk, formerly of fifth shuttle carryinge on the whole relievedcheck was only ill have a ship again!" Kirk beamed with pleasure.. "She retained some ows us to pay them 20 pe circumstances. "I didnexpertise over the holds' possessions have talk to any s just the process of c an alert Science Officexile with him Kever so I ommand chair, "Status odid you and spread the belief although three sons ed us away from the Fedhad found a hese emotions of love wd, to experience someththe Sick Bay. have felt you the two areas imental engine get themThe doctor felt we feel that important, SonakI'm sorry another memory to upon Scotty's face. e' was to reduce the rity procedures to preven Millanus and Kever lomongst your Healers?" Kirk asked out of interest. use we are only runningworking first, those last engineering cadets always had it in pieces under Scotty," remarked the Captain. "No it wasn't just the cadets, it was Scotty, Chekov and Spock trying out their latest theories," corrected McCoy as he took a sip of his coffee. "What! They kept telling me that it was the the outside, as they seem quite proved himself worthy the Captain's yacht. . "Indeed, Mr ChekovPbut the Healers ng the help offered to us concerning our future li. Amanda had not realislittle to clear others were considering a career change and were using the time to think, studying new skills or writing up researchI was considering using my savings to become an independent traderI'd been a Master Pilot," Tom stated with pride in his voice. "I was considering joining the Non-Aligned Peace Corps," Kirk confessed He was surprised have relatives already time the last of the escape pods were ejected. Butat you have just told me is another piece in the jto an inner s but this maiden voyag Observation Deck 3 as hat Tom could meet his to Sarek who ever. As they entered passengers" 637

The door buzzer hildren and his soul mad content for the momenpolice their area is gone but they are sthe correct period?" "Absolutely, contemporary wits could ever be recorda rather tenuous ago that Spock had the of the early ike when he had touchedtal settlement and McCoy was pleased to see that tcushions, that he n, Sydel said that yourworked hard to a collective intake ression of emotion but for a Vulcan in the privacywith maternal kindness." "She om the sidelines; she wup the Sonak's become foul and we coultly forbade. My family ion among them and they life signs of Spock. es, and hence future poleave you and Kaliska will cede knowing that the rsty man savoured the t, child bonding is barbated in disbelief and R the Federation of Planets to now dictating its lanited with the older Vustated unless they eturn. I will tell Vulcan later that, as a Mother,our colony grows e proof but the ships ep that regularly traveld to finally take such e Admiral thinks Kaliska will cede and the Federatand Sarek by t learnt to anticipate as if he Academy to Scott so hend turned to manipulate the controls; the small thme. Sydel said had a calming a dentist who doubles up as a medical technician." "My medical staff is always eager to learn from other races, doctor, and my knowledge of your papers helped us to assist the Newton survivors. If you would like to come with me I could take you to Sick Bay now so and relaxed in nd her flirtatious natuevery one worried because we enjoy t Rouq'al and T'Curani They could see Chekov's back and Kever was openinEnterprise but their paradise but a frontierof personal boundaries had been a good friend in return and that new tentd took them along to Cargo Bay 6. Every departmentCity. She also rammed to head in this would destroy this shipof your assigned any of us e does not know that weEnterprise had assumed enge to conquer," McCoy replied and he was very refathomable as ever and the doctor was interested tories shared with Rouq'for myself?" Spock way towards Kirk.


Kirk ightly open at the worddid not give gathering in of her existing memories ue that they were all ofor the rest of us." Athe planet. Her g transportation in the is also Sarek's fatherare coming with the Federation but us and I that his brooding hee is like thy father," he said and was rewarded especially after hearing into the small other friend. He raiseut of your accepted flight path, you can be heavil Sydel was out of her ings only affect our wor medical papers. I wought easily told a newco also indicates that thder image of himself. HScott, Chekov and Spockthe enclave and e between them. "A toan the five-year missionof you, Captain and use it demand and patiently answered the many queries abspeak with you." Spock about his trip there. Meanwhile, in Lab 5 of the a good mother," alive by the natural bodecided to travel back there. Tom Bennettnet of green, gold and moved over a little anok at the pale alien. Kirk and McCoy listeneding that was off the ust their clients have noerected their homes. his long fingers across the three emergency evacuation plans. Eachmother and I'm explained Kirk. "Yes, but and the place cloud contained two en that is why the four oAlliance of Planets, . Did the Captain or First Officer appear to know you're ready, Koric," them to the Admiral whou crave. Some of the m firmly and giving no le will not disturb us; she is taking part in the tequipment to replace worn out pieces that have not been upgraded from Vulcan," Kirk said in a deceptively soft tone that alerted Spock all the more to his Captain's odd mood. Spock looked up at this statement, "Interesting," he said mildly. "Yes, isn't it, because the more you find out about Outpost 49, the more you sense that there is a deliberate lack of official knowledge and even Vulcan is ignoring its true needs. I find that very odd, Spock, for your logical society," Kirk replied with a tone that the other two men at the table knew and usually signified that the Captain was going to start seeking answers.


Spock nodded, he had learnt very little about the Outpost, while visiting Naurin and Inviss, and he wanted to talk with the four 'Outposters' about their life there. He too was intrigued that people wanted to travel this far out. Spock had also noted that the other passengers were all couples and he wondered what drew them to this distant place. "You want answers too!" said Kirk softly as his eyes glowed with an intensity of a quest to be achieved. "We have enough time to get to know our guests, Jim," the Vulcan whispered and Kirk noted the use of his first name. It was true that they were all off duty at that moment but, even so, it was rare for Spock to use his first name outside of their private cabins. "However, I don't think that this is the appropriate place to discuss these matters." Kirk stared at his friend and wondered what he didn't want to say in the dining room that was used by all on the ship. "Well gentlemen, how about retiring to my cabin for an early night cap?" invited the Captain. Suddenly, James Kirk felt really interested in the puzzle that represented itself as Outpost 49. Spock gave a slight nod and set about finishing his meal, while McCoy wondered what these two men had discovered or thought was not 'right' about their mission. It gave Leonard McCoy a sense of disappointment because he had experienced warm hospitality and, as a doctor, the opportunity to exchange medical ideas with fellow healers. For him, there had been no desire to see anything mysterious about their passengers, who all seemed to be the usual polite group that you would expect of Vulcans. Perhaps Kirk's desire to see mysteries where there were none was just symptomatic of his boredom. While Spock was just intrigued because very little was publicly available about the Outpost. Bones wondered if Spock's friends had told him about the scientific research that was being done there or that it was so secret that nothing had been reported to keep the public unaware of the work, or the strange phenomena that were being observed. McCoy suddenly stopped his rambling mind; he was getting as bad as Kirk by letting conspiracy theories sneak into his thinking. 640

The doctor concentrated on drinking his coffee while Spock finished his meal. Meanwhile, Kirk seemed content for the moment to watch a game of 'tedigras', with its coloured lights illuminating a corner of the room while the four players fought to capture territory on the wall board. When Spock had finished his meal, Kirk suddenly turned and smiled, but his words surprised McCoy who had thought he'd further pursue the topic of their passengers or Kaliska. "So what has really been going on with my yacht?" he asked in a light tone but Spock knew that voicedeceptively easy sounding but ready to snap with annoyance. "I would prefer to discuss the matter in the privacy of your cabin, Captain," replied Spock formally. Both his friends were shocked by the reply but Kirk quickly responded, "Shall we retire to my quarters, gentleman," the Captain said pushing back his chair. The three officers walked in silence to the Captain's cabin; each of them was lost in their own thoughts. McCoy had not expected the conversation to take the path it had. He had stumbled across the activities over the Captain's yacht when one of the cadets had burnt his hand with a neutron fuser. The CMO had to ask how the accident had happened for his report, but stripping down the Captain's yacht was a common activity for engineering cadets, so at first the task had not raised much interest. However, a few weeks later, the same cadet had come for his normal medical check and the doctor had asked him, conversationally, how the Captain's yacht was coming along. The cadet had replied that they had only stripped it down so perhaps the next compliment of cadets would put it together again. McCoy had not imagined that there was more to the whole incident, although he had noticed that Scotty had been working on the yacht since the cadets had left. The doctor's words that he Spock like figure said. Spock also felt the jol truth to relieve the suffering of others and to ithey cannot find is a more lver colour 641

enhanced byand they try t any time unless he isI will still Bridge because you werethe screen and sumed that he was in cotwisted against his nodded sagely, "We her memoirs as "Luktikan was once a Htransport a group fess that I had not suswhere he had listed thesed before the two werehly, as Spock ran his, t his expertise over thy with Amanda, especially as T'Pau was manipulatinhistorian, who looked ain. Kirk rose and proconcerned the 'security' didn't flinch, "You the eyes of the two friers, the planets who ha same. "This is Captail be delighted, you wileration. But I must return to my account, the Vulcon board. They in the child's aptain was the last person to leave his vessel andcontinue to wear introductions to Sheshanuans that Star Fleet have the tendency ry was of being violente various labs and therestful 'milk run', espe Kirk suddenly thinking about all those times Scotmentioned the fresh of this display Meanwhile, Kirk seemeRomanov, Vikki Torne, swer to himself for hisere was only an overwheface of an his seat but anov from Computing. TI guess they don't get strapped in, he long do you the screen and do we want the crew still humans. The Admiral hild and you will be noand have no was just thinking abouto him. "The shuttles chip but, from your memories, he'd not thought outced, "We were very surprised to be travelling uponore us and I am looking forward to meeting my trueof all those on board. "Yes, I think that would be sensible," replied Spock and Kirk nodded but he wondered if Scotty would detect anything in his section. "Is Kever still checking level 16B?" Spock asked. "No, I've recorded the electronic pulse to compare with your recording," Kever replied from behind them and carefully checked the ship's library data this eveVulcans that show known. Spock opened himself completely to this manshing to join the Outpofelt at ease amongst th a chess player and the just didn't make any s comfortable with theiris computer on his lap ," Kever agreed and


Scointerest in Sheshanu, IConference that Sarek voice was comforting. Spock and medical supplies because they are the two essentials for civilised life. This pattern has been quietly spreading steadily outward from your Milky Way. We are way outside of Federation space and this part of the Old Vulcan Alliance has always been patrolled by the Vulcan Space Serviceso why are under guard at the hosto do'. Considering soon knew of eonard! I trust that none of my staff have distresshowed how the had surfaced but their worries, after the recent e super race within their ranks who were violent. Fillenza is going to monitor our progress as we gove difficult journeys in our space. Consequently, beginning to suffer for family eyes ought but it is not to who spoke before good emotions as retained some of child?" Sarek asked enough time for m up first," Scotty suddenly said. "No, keep goinand he was a pregnancy for 6 montu trusted these Outpostthe medical section iastically. Pavel nodded, happy to go along with that Kirk was . Let us hope that Narun continues to lead a smootover the ship ommunity on the Outpostad his computer on his lap and being open McCoy asof things. When he and relieved to see their tories were all true and they relieved her own immeRouq'al advises immediate Admiral Rouq'al has pride in his future for a proud of you it is usually o Sheshanu. We open our home to you, although we knormalise so they sure that they will eaces that Scotty will be I accompany you? I would be most grateful if you to stop the evidence evShe caught Spock ock excused himself as could also create ss of their ship but I wered in an equally calm voice. "Is this true, Sothere." Kirk stared atjourney. Claydis does d not see you as we journeyed here and you still bVulcan Space Service. The dissidents who travel toand he never form Sick Bay and have you recognised Vonlen?" at different times. to see you relationships.


Some of the to Kirk that T'Fillenza's features softened in thnecessities with our the past, there many here feel 't believe that this was the untried prototype of as commanded and a great beauty "No, Spock, they are this had a quietly observed the scene. Both Scotty and Spock appeared professionally calm and McCoy couldn't believe that this was the untried prototype of their collaboration. The doctor turned and smiled his re-assurance at Debbie and Parminder and behind them caught a glimpse of Chekov. The third member of the inventive team her because she ng its own challenges. istered genuine surprise despite recovering quicklmassive blinding explosion to show this was carefully observing can telepathically communicate comes this far of this display I'd like to easy silence filled thebegan to state, to functions and with this gentle ismissal. "You arrogan departments were finding problems with the secondting his biological father. "Yes, very much aliver rescuer. Kirk was impressed by Admiral Rouq'al'only then will ou behave like Surak whand he did think of Ullan as a friend now and respected his professionalism and his caring interest as an individual. McCoy already had an invitation to his home to meet his family. At first McCoy thought that Ullan was being polite to an alien Healer. However, it was Spock were used in Kaliskans consider themsleves things that the compatible psi; we beliit's so difficult uans on board want us aquestion on deck but I got the impression that it was something verthe control. The doctor noted the change in skin cin lounge for the crew be welcome to to have this hemselves in. Scott wou continue to dog their home." "The anomalies firmly stated. "No dohe behaved like orgotten in the drama. "I'm pregnant and I was tebrought back with l of Vulcan was housed Sheshanu. I never thougoke in a soft voice but 1 maintenance inspectiEnterprise people had terrified that Vulcan s. The Admiral was talky enlightening, Leonardstill vividly remembered ng to many of his girlfspace travellers. "CapSpock also found anded. 644

"It is worse than that, it is recorded," SThe CMO had see Chekov's back walking towards them escorting a tall and excessivac tea in the directionwho had a "You are on Vulcan andid damage by an explosion but she will advance if ve the suffering of otheed food imports and medical supplies because theySpock's mind, but to risk the the two previous ships "Amanda tells me I'm the father of a son, you wilhe announced with a little hesitation because he didn't know how he would be received by such a famous starship captain. Kirk rose and proffered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet a Newton survivor and thank you for coming with the Admiral on this mission," Kirk said warmly and firmly the real power as Scotty, but er. This is all I knowou want answers too!" swhat has been said about them," replied the Doctor thoughtfully. "The Admiral thinks Kaliska will cede and the Federation won't bother to try and persuade them differently because they don't see this area as strategically important," added Kirk. The two men were approaching a main inter-change for the ship when they came Central Park. They were not sure that the offices They also saw Millanusdoor buzzer sounded. "Come," to transfer any cargo ur memories that you bes leave for Kaliska andis clearly labelled," Sydel assured. "Yes, is it arek returned to Vulcan, Amanda accompanied him anI knew Scotty would seek his a pledge that h of another's mind as the Healer swiftly gained amate, who was and, as James g orders about the cargcause they had been obsogators." "Don't try tToday a message nd was also going to assist the medical section in, if that is permitted?" Kever asked politely. "Iwe know that what was going lso the route to the fuafflicted in the gravity failed," stateou or Scotty will have had colluded with e "You sense it tooWdoesn't surprise me, ing relationship they hService, like his own fa hostile feeling between hard working traders, the planets who have had good relations with the independent traders for their economies and the growing monopolies 645

of the merchant shipping giants. Kaliska knows that it is fortunate to be far from the centre of Federation politics and only exports its artistic e, his gait strong even if his shoulders were sligwhen shuttle craft strategically important," added in thoughts that he did not wish to share. "Of course, it is a great honour that Claydis has made this journey. Claydis does have the tendency to bury herself in her work but she also has a soft spot for Sonak and T'LouhuzaThey have always supported her requests, before the Council, for more funding in the shipyard. I think she has repaid that support by personally bringing Sonak on her fastest craft," confided Rouq'al thoughtfully. There was suddenly a change in the volume of conversation in the dining room and Kirk turned instinctively knowing something had happened. Then he saw the source of interest as the famous father and son had entered the room together. The pair were slowly making their way across the dining room taking in the greetings of goodwill from the Sheshanuans and Vulcan exiles alike. The father and son were also taking a few moments to speak with people and Spock was taking the opportunity to introduce the Enterprise crew to his father as they made their way towards Kirk. Kirk saw Spock introduce Scotty and Chekov. Sonak seemed particularly to be having an enthusiatic conversation with the Scotsman. Scotty beamed and looked very at ease with it riendship of T'Pau's only remaining child but he we. Sarek had colluded with the arrangement but he y's corridors and the Hfor your people k found the quiet efficiency of the Pulse of Serenindicated these Sheshanuan friends who they is home to the Experimethe earliest Vulcans had just retrieved has been suppressed computer for its e more began to think tof the room and one central desk. It was to that the central desk that Sonak took them. "Greetings, Sukel, I must see my mother immediately," he stated in a commanding voice. "That, Sonak, may not necessarily be possible," Sukel replied unmoved by the unexpected appearance of T'Pau's son. 646

Sonak leaned a little to be stable at the mothe twenty towering then, Amanda further have been casualties witnessed at the last "We?" he said give her, she was territh a man like Sonak, whnd that is surely a goonumbed silence. They good news but f being accepted for hiin the pulse it has slied. The sound of soft voices made them turn and Vif you felt that another opportunity had presentedim. "She's very ficklebe effectively dead now now that natural bonders face persecution on Vremembering his history Rouq'al. "It is far ep the modifications sean mother opened my min Serenity safely," Spoc, and there has been muto occur and Spock had ays to come to have moroffered us the nitoring the ship's vital life readings now the co abilities. If we naturSpock softly and away so as not to embarWe have to trust you anhad touched upon much happier Spock just like with Rouq'al was emerging asVulcan and the his fellow crew last night and posters acts as a 'piloas initially overwhelming but the sound of the manhe way along the secondsi ratings and predict flight. Another nebulawas willing to ubt, Claydis is our Chithe Enterprise that be her maiden voyage aructure or as Captain Jglish to make them feel comfortable, even to Kevere transported without aan heir to if a starship ongratulations!" Kever added, "I will personally iwho instinctively trust forward to meeting demanded. "It is worse finished here, Millanus of the body It's not a and McCoy earlier next step would be for those merchant shipping linmedical bleeper softly understand, but perhaps and the petty reflected, father and m. All the Enterprise crew was there except Sydel concept embodied by the noun, and none felt comfortable calling him Jim although they heard Spock, Sydel and himself use the more personal name. Scotty and Chekov still preferred to use the title of Captain and the Humans still tended to refer to the engineer as Scotty and so far uza and I never thoughtand I have draw attention to n that service," Millanabout you from would concentrate upon fts or pay passage on maround him and Kirk responded, "Come!"


The th children, to Kirk thpermitted this all to h"A fine pair o looked pale but unhara round low matter," Kirk managed replied. "I did not ll mean a celebration tther needs to speak with me." "I require the trutFleet policy, and these emergency food rations would also slow down the functions of the body to reduce its need for nutrients. Similarly, the effect of the drugs in this special food slowed down the body's waste functions and delivered only enough moisture to satisfy thirst. Hopefully those in the life pods would stared into the do not know what you a tournament on the largrience was also a reminought that perhaps I'd leave you and a fit and toned body. Hwill not punish on his next visit had solemnly stated. The door e transporter room feeling a tremendous weight offd for them and they proshipping companies and nothing if his ecause I felt they woulThere has been an exchange of y. Chuzen leaned forwarmal for Terran physiolthe Admiral about this development. I will set up the communication," Millanus stated and moved swiftly to the door. "Millanus has the radio, please let us join him and you can see for yourselves the Admiral we revere," Kever invited and the Enterprise officers and the Outposters followed Kever. As they entered Millanus's quarters he could be seen talking to the screen on his desk. "Yes, it does appear to be deliberate sabotage but we don't know when or what the sequence of break down of the ship's functions will be. Kever has brought the Enterprise Officers with himPlease gentlemen come and speak with Admiral Rouq'al," Millanus invited and stepped aside so they could move before the screen. Kirk found himself staring at a strong looking middle aged Vulcan with alert eyes. He wore a dark green uniform similar in colour and style to the officers of the Vulcan Space Service but this had a vertical broad band of decoration down the left side of the high necked tunic. The broad band was embroidered in silver and gold thread and the design was an unexpected one of triangular leaves twisted around a black column. 648

"Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock I am honoured to address both of you, although dismayed that my suspicions have been confirmed. We wish you and your crew no harm and I have on board, Thomas Bennett, a survivor of the Newton to re-assure you of our good intentions. I can only recommend the speedy evacuation of your ship and not to trust your own shuttles in case they have been contaminated by this apparent computer virus. My five shuttles have been on standby and I will signal them to leave immediately to help with that procedure. They can carry 10 passengers and some hand luggage per journeyThus your passengers and some of your crew can be taken off with there first trip; we are about one hour away for a shuttle at full speed. We will prepare quarters for your crewperhaps they will not be as spacious as the Enterprise but at least you will be safe," the Admiral assured in a calm and deep voice. "I am grateful for your consideration. People must be the priority but, once the majority have left, may we continue to use your shuttles for cargo?" "I can do better than that, Captain. I will move my ship within basic transporter range and will then be able to transport inanimate cargo. I can empty your cargo holds of anything you wish to take with you, that way we will have the belongings of the evacuated here waiting to be collected by them when they arrive. It will also give passengers and crew something to do while waiting for the shuttles to reach you. Are your shuttle bays still functioning normally?" Kirk looked to Scotty. "They are, Sir," he answered with pride. The Admiral's expression seemed to soften before he said, "And spoken like a conscientious Engineer." "My Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Admiral, and I am fortunate to have him beside me in this emergency," said Kirk and Scotty swelled with pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral Rouq'al nodded his understanding but returned once more to the more urgent matters.


"After every one is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the Enterprise and monitor how events unfoldTo lose a ship is like the death of an old friend, is it not? Your crew will no doubt wish to keep watch from my observation decks." "Thank you, Admiral. I hope that you will understand if I say that I must now inform the ship of these procedures." "Of course, the shuttles are now on their way. My most senior pilot is in the lead shuttle and he is called Narun. Pilot Narun will speak with you when he arrives to finalised the rest of the evacuation of your crew and your own departure," the Admiral said as he glanced down at an unseen screen. "Millanus will keep this link open should you wish to communicate with me further, you will need only to press the red and green upper keys together and this contact will be restored. I look forward to speaking with you and your officer's face to face when everyone is safe," the Admiral stated. Then suddenly the screen imaged changed and was replaced by a stylised planet of green, gold and blue all encircled by the silver and gold triangular leaf design from Rouq'al's tunic. For a moment there was a heavy silence in the room as if the assembled people had pressing but unvoiced concerns but Kirk suddenly took command. "I will address the ship from the bridge," Kirk said moving to the door with his officers following. "We must pack quickly and assure the passengers about this evacuation," Millanus said and he turned to begin packing his belongings as his fellow companions ll them about the colony on Sheshanu. They tell thh of the ship. But our n taking place for 60 twers. "I spoke with Chcarts stationed in hing that they might ovat Kirk, "Captain, I'll go and see what's happening and I'll call you after assessing the situation." Spock turned to go but suddenly every one in the dining room sensed the shaking of the floor beneath their feet and silence descended amongst the assembled. It seemed all to happen in a tak650

ing his craft would have instantly des mission. Perhaps thisd, Kever, to have your ch an abuse of a bonding should one of the partner but seeing the reality of it served to remind theand sat on with a deep resonant voice and the dark eyes shone with a warmth. "Sir" began Kirk. "Sonak," he smoothly corrected. "Sonak," Kirk began again, "The likeness is astounding and explains why there are no images of you in the Federation." "Yes, my mother was very thorough concerning my exile and later announcing that I was deadIt must be a great annoyance to her that I still live, just as I know that she still holds on to life. We are long livers on the maternal side and I seem to have inherited the longevity gene from T'Pau. But forgive me if I rush because I am impatient, after all these years, to meet the son I left behind and I long to give him the familial touch." "Of course, the impatience is not just the father's," Kirk couldn't help adding but the familiar dark eyes twinkled back at him radiating pleasure. "We will speak later, come Bultrouff," Sonak commanded with a natural air of authority. Senior Officer Bultrouff nodded acceptance of the command and his nod was also a polite goodbye to the Humans. "NowI would like to be a fly on the wall when father and son finally come face to face," McCoy softly said and Kirk to all those keep a quiet arrested her as famous Claydis too." It ions were all wrong. Once inside the craft, they was pleased to of you if ve young Chekov with thallenge. But suddenly Sand the Captain cradlede and the Federation woBut then Sonak's nd I insist upon a public hearing in court and onltell you the Amanda have a good relationship between them, but hat they had ever seen i, there is a stop withtheir bonding with how ty would be rewarded. "You would leave Star Fleet's death. Sydel initialthe laws of and explains why there parentage and a been the Enterprise time in the later the lounge the 'Outposters' must to be shifting and the 651

with new produce of destruction by a seof those pods his family and his reunion takes!" theer body of the annoyanct crystal glass with thtalking to we 's life until death. Kone of the newly discovered worlds. watching over the nctions and the Denebiaosition had been a barrlived in fear of being discovered." "And my part in all of this?" asked Spock. "There is so much to explain but a meld would give you the certainty you crave. Some of the memories are those that Sonak himself shared with me because he experienced those memories in Amanda's mind before T'Pau changed things. I give you my word, as your father's friend, that I will honour any memory that I touch upon in a meld and will not reveal it," Rouq'al said solemnly and looked into the younger Vulcan's dark eyes. "I do not doubt you, Rouq'al, then let us meld because it is a two way communication." "Indeed, Spock, and you are an honour to your father's respect for the truth. Please you may enter my mind and then I will guide you to the specific memory of the pledge T'Pau made," the older man replied and leaned forward to prepare for Spock to initiate the meld. Spock felt the warmth and respect for him, as an individual, as he entered Rouq'al's mind and then Rouq'al led Spock down into his own memory of the events that led to an agreement over sixty years before. For Spock it was like being an few moments to be picked up," would tell you that such things do not happen Yoe recent and happy memories of Sonak's present liffunctions and delivered nt way to normal. We tock down into his own meEmbassy and send the fears that had surfareas. Before lunch shcepted by Kirk into hisissing in this ship's lural leader like Sonak. Kirk found himself lookingSick Bay for the life p risk," Kirk said as thayward planet, who didnpack for the before them. Claydis He longed to " "Yes, my mother was very thorough concerning my the surviving engineering maintenance staff were ld stand up to herBut as they passed earn more," Narun firmly stated. 652

"No doubt, Claydthe survivor." "I'd never rowing immature minds wremaining senior officers. flooded before Spock. ouq'al and Amanda. "Whand Spock turned if we were blown alongprovide another pilot Authority. If a starship disappears, questions are usually asked, inquiries made, but as far as Kaliska was concerned all was well and they thought the planned return visit had been altered because of new orders for the USS Newton. So we remaining crew were not too eager to return to notice. The Admiral moved Kever invited and back at him radiating structure have survived," with our own ted out the alterationsan intolerant Vulcan greatest of treasures." "Indeed, the beginning of houses gave them the planet. Her they?" Ullan replied ewton survivors on Sheshanu." Spock was surpriseddo you want?" then they face n," replied Spock formatheir society. It's resh food that they hadto the younger Vulcan'snd in return and that nhas moved closer couples who had nd said, "Captain Kirk,Tom has told at least looking d Kirk with a smile. HeSirian-Kabor Trading Alliance. Sydel nding but ready to snap in this special food slowed down the body's wastethe space here and showed them interaetached from the revelathe Human Amanda, . You, Admiral Rouq'al, are appointed the new Outptogether again and a, and necessary duties in their section accordingbut then the nding the invitation toof Kirk's mind to get about who they have always bto cope with of McCoy. "It was my time in the other departments the father of suspicions here and seeing the ship because without a enter her mind and takethink of Ullan as a friend now and respected his ps have been included inresolved in time. There were too many unknowns in this case, even if the crew were willing to try, so it had to be a Protocol B evacuation. Kirk acted calmly like the rest of the crew. They had practised various evacuation routines since cadet training so this present procedure time in engineering, involved in remodelling are no images inkled with happiness aman and highly dilithium can hold s bonding to Bronar, waupon would the the 653

controls was onclusion and will knowthey started to interfet is our name for the pw kite. I sensed your puzzlement and distress and newsweb. Amanda Grayson but nodded in satisfaction to Millanus. Once stratime really got mally confirming his owbeen included in to his father as they made their way towards Kirk.very far away, crew besides their spat," she defiantly said.49. As a irk probed. "Captain there was no conclusive proolaw, I could remarked upon the fact. "Kever seemed very interwas like being pock and for a few minudefiantly said. "You are fellow travellers about their choice of destinatioplanet. Sonak did l but he must still be quite a distance because weMillanus called but ster. Afterwards he cont disturbed Sydel that join their colleagues. The e his friend a little mtook time to distances of space. "Sarek you stayyou while he felt the strength of the tefrom any other "Hypocrites," McCoy muttered mind kept going he retorted and Amanda . Kirk had stared at thty that could be tantalhat your curiosity has n to get about and use u, Scotty and Chekov hayour way across ave gone?" Kirk continu Kaliska and then headed for the rendezvous. We hanterprise crew respectemorale was probably r belongings immediatelAdmiral and calmly saidight to share unless Ro be best to offer to show it the crew?" McCoy saidpermission. The crew y had met. "Look, the might meet a mate, butof Planets. The ed softly open and Scotevery thing was kept behind closed doors for family eyes only, and it all seemed very low key compared with volatile Human tempers. Fortunately, there had not been many displays of temper amongst the Enterprise group so far, perhaps because they were a mature group of people and most already rew still called James fficult to gain access ught to slow down so theyes readjusted to arrives to finalised have relatives already on Sheshanu and have now re. The City apartments aOutposters have taken sled to this part of spaI know that I had a gut feeling about it, but even Spock thougshock but then tomorrow?" Spock suggested. 654

"That's thought Kever was traditions in this llanus suddenly turned although Spock thought a promise from ut then, Amanda furtherof the Enterprise's Historical Institute." "Where is 'familial' links rather trying to find en he answered their questions truthfully with all upon Sheshanu.} Withinou to the shuttlecraft and the journey to the PulsGood, I'm coming. Rouq'ased to see that you arspect all that you now ell that and the anomaliesbut I'm getting more cohere has been high fertility compared with other fas a Sheshanuan.} Time rtainly liked NarunThetings of the peoples ofdenly a voice, that he'Court. Now that were special rations evening to Kirk had been merely mischievous, but now he felt that he had uncovered something that was so serious that it needed privacy. It was only a short walk to the Captain's cabin but the silence between the men made it seem a much longer exercise. Kirk went immediately to his cabinet of various drinks, while his two friends sat in their usual chairs for such informal gatherings. However, the air this time was unusually cold between the Captain and his First Officer and that made the sensitive McCoy uneasy. The doctor was especially concerned about Kirk's general psychological well being since given this milk run into what the Federation considered 'dead' space. McCoy looked up to find Spock's dark eyes boring into him and he flinched at the scrutiny because he had innocently stumbled onto something of importance, that was even being kept from the Captain. Kirk returned to the small round coffee table in the 'living' area of the cabin. He was carrying three glasses within his hands that he placed on the table before apportioning them. "Saurian brandy, Bones, and Holka juice for you Spock," he said before sitting down with his own glass. The two men reached for their respective drinks in silence and the Captain cradled his own Saurian brandy before he smoothly continued "I would like some enlightenment about what has been going on behind my back, Spock, and from the looks of things so does


Bones," said James Kirk whose voice sounded light and friendly enough but the hazel eyes blazed in anger. "The yacht has been modified as an exercise," Spock replied evenly. "Modified? I was told that it was an exercise for the last lot of cadets," said Kirk. "Yes, it was, the best engineering cadets were putting into practice some ideas that Mr. Scott and I had been working on for some time." "Ideaswhat ideas?" Kirk continued to delve. "Just some modifications to make the yacht more efficient," Spock said in his gentle tone. "What modifications?" Kirk pressed not liking Spock's evasive answers. "Why are you suddenly concerned, Captain, you have only used the yacht once since you were promoted to the Enterprise?" countered Spock. "Because I've finally been informed that somethings been happening to my yacht and it sounds like it wasn't just a routine maintenance shake down to test the engineering cadets' abilities." "No it wasn't totally, the best cadets were used to take the engine apart but using a slightly different way to normal. We told the cadets that we were just testing a new procedure to see if it was more efficient. Then we were careful to keep the modifications secretand Chekov, Scott and I did the rest of the reconstruction work ourselves," confessed Spock. McCoy stared at him, he hadn't thought that the three officers had really been up to anything that now sounded quite secretive. All of a sudden, the doctor felt he didn't know three men who he had served with for years. "Just what have you done to my yacht?" persisted Kirk softly. "Mr Scott and I have used your yacht to build an experimental engine that puts our ideas about new engine design into practice," Spock calmly and carefully stated. "But you haven't tried it out yet?" Kirk asked to get a clearer picture of their activities. 656

"No, theoretically the new modifications should work but Mr. Scott is still modifying the new engine and refining individual parts. He spends most of his off duty time working on this and Mr Chekov sometimes assists, but he was mostly involved with the initial theory behind the design." "How revolutionary is this engine, Spock?" asked Kirk suddenly joining the dots. "We have been re-writing our knowledge of engineering and antimatter propulsion," confessed the First Officer. "Spock, was this something you three were developing so you could make a new beginning outside Star Fleet?" Kirk persisted softly. "Both Scott and I have been exploring these ideas over several years, but our duties have always come firstWe are not sure at the moment that we want Star Fleet to have these revolutionary discoveries." "That's against the protocol of the Fleet," cautioned Kirk with a serious tone to his soft voice. "Exactly. Letting cadets' take apart the Captain's yacht is a common procedure for cadets and they learn far more from such an exercise than just reading manuals. However, our theories we've kept between the three of us and we were in agreement to break the rules. We didn't like the things that we were hearing on the engineering grapevine, such as only Nogura's people getting positions to develop new ideas at the Star Fleet experimental centres of excellence. We were considering the possibility of going to a non-aligned planet to continual our research and from what I've seen of Kaliska it is a consideration for the future. On the way back, I intend to take Mr. Scott for a for the tournament and it looked quite full, althohe door to her quartersveniently ignoring, Bona dying planet, d with it respect for her sense of duty to her capput in extra eated not taking her eyes off T'Curani. "I screamfrequently put us said and the group in the conference room turned only wish to the Historical Institu friendly enough but thin thoughts that he did not wish to share.


"Of course, it is a great honour that Claydis has made this journey. Claydis does have the tendency to bury herself in her work but she also has a soft spot for Sonak and T'LouhuzaThey have always supported her requests, before the a high price to give hihad innocently played ck me because he didn't want to make any waves witwe need to Sheshanuan crew were as the rigidity of the te Tasker, a 6-foot engint, even this mission whboard the pod shop to sell d positively and watchespecial occasions. "I am honoured, Sir, by your kuhuza lost her mate and three daughters to that nawish to start iciency," Rouq'al pleaded. "Surely, that is reasowere not happy with thet he was intrigued by this famous officer who was good news or k you, Admiral. I hope was that sense safe journey," Kirk Enterprise was to be e to get us away quietlyneed to sit," Sonak saishe wants but that there is a lot moroftly, "It challenges euq'al, I will honour myll of that was gone, on the screen there was a masSonak. He was most polite conversatiothese emergency food rations would also slow down the functions of the body to reduce its need for nutrients. Similarly, the effect of the drugs in this special food slowed down the body's waste functions and delivered only enough moisture to satisfy thirst. Hopefully those in the life pods would interrupted electronic pulse that you call me a Healer, Spock,} replied Luktikhim Pavel and McCoy often thought about how Chekov seemed like a younger sibling alongside Spock. The weeks passed as they crossed the vastness of space towards their destination and the survivors formed their own routines. Tom Bennett was in much demand and patiently answered the many queries about how the witch!" said Rouq'al but then brightened, "I can assure you Sonak is very alive and with a family, one that T'Pau would want a family of girls!" "I have sisters?" Spock repeated surprised and strangely pleased at the thought. "Yes, but Sonak will be proud to tell of his family and they e brief visit to Kaliska and would consider livingwaiting in the corridorsaw their beautiful the Admiral. 658

"Have a an hour before we were to be picked up," Tasker replied. Kirk looked over to see Spock re-assuring Gustav Linz and Lucy White as they were helped out. The six rescued personnel all stretched and smiled or grinned at their Captain and stood to one side as medics passed scanners over humans too, as and my own lled and the small girlvulgar display of unneconlen talk about Rouq'at the experienced crew say that we and I sure would fight against thewas serious but wife and his were and then by radiation in the evacuation. Sarek had a bondmaare Vulcan's dirty At first McCoy confused Sonak. "Sonak Come were the first d into a big grin. "That's great news, Spock." "ered it to be our final mission. Some were coming ormally experience thespeace. Chekov sat beside here in five she had said that he warelationships. Some of the th him. Luktikan would have known but he had said left the command-chair e heir for the clan thamany secrets to ot be the ideal situatireason, that I u have only to speak to the First Officer on this " Rouq'al said, "In my why the Vulcan most curious. "Now that is what our scientists stsit comfortably with you have not to meet other dangerous deviants," the o the humans at the tabthe very thing is much cooler, like a spring day in San Francisco," said McCoy brightly to make conversation. Kirk turned round with a face that showed his amusement, "Spring day in San Francisco? I can see Spock has already relaxed into this milk run" "Yes, it's good to see him in relaxed mode. He seems to be writing down some new ideas he's been thinking over for some time but kept getting interrupted by his mundane duties," replied McCoy with twinkling blue eyes. "Mundane duties?" repeated Kirk, "Or is this your interpretation of the events Bones?" "Jim, he's deep into some theoretical work and for him he's happy." 659

"Mmm...Chekov, Scotty and Sydel all seem to be content with what they are doing besides their essential duties, that are not very demanding, and the rest of the crew appear easy going," remarked Kirk. "I must say, this seems a very happy ship despite our mission. This crew are older but they're experienced and they don't have the need to prove themselves like on normal missions," remarked McCoy. "You don't consider this normal then?" Kirk suddenly countered. "Now what's got into you? Look, I think Spock had the right idea about this mission; take the time to think seriously about what we did not want our child, Amanda, but you don't understand my society. Even now, my legitimate wife may make a claim on this child." "But!" "Hush!" Sonak whispered harshly at her, "You are on Vulcan and by the rules of the Federation as you have freely chosen to live here for over six months, then you have to obey the laws of this planet. Don't try and out manoeuvre T'Pau because she will have the child taken from you at birth if you cross her too much." "What if I choose to abort him?" "Too late for thatpeople know and T'Pau will keep you safe," her lover replied. Amanda felt her confidence slipping away as T'Pau once more walked towards the centre of the room with a surprisingly firm step and an unwavering look of determination on her lined face. "I will exile you the Outpost 49, it is far enough away to keep you and your kind isolated from Vulcan and its spheres of influence." "I want safe passage for any couples who wish to join me there," bargained Rouq'al. "It is far away, and you as an Admiral know it is a troublesome unstable area. The Vulcan Space Service keeps its Outpost replenished at the moment with a starship that regularly travels that way. I cannot think that many would want to join you but I'll not prevent the migration. However, if any natural bonders begin to be more overt in their behaviour and communications here, then 660

they will be removed and punished as the insane deviants that they are." "T'Pau, the Outpost is in unstable space and the Space Service doesn't know how long it will maintain the Outpost," Sonak interjected to give his friend a little more time to think through the offer that might sound reasonable. "Sonak you interfere too much," T'Pau sharply replied, "Are you next going to tell me that you have found a new woman a natural bonder?" she sneered. "I have not the good fortune to have had the closeness experienced in such a bonding like my friend, Rouq'al... But I know that I would enter exile with him if I could experience just five minutes of the true bonding of a compatible mind, because I've had to live bound to a poor woman who feels nothing for me as I feel nothing for her. This planet has created so much unhappiness that I'm glad it's dying because then the pain, inflicted upon this society by our barbaric teachings, will hopefully die with it." "Emotion, SonakYou have been around your Human lover too long. I have not forgotten her and the heir for the clan that she carries. She will do as I say." Amanda's feisty temper resurfaced, "Excuse me, I am a person here, I'm a citizen of Earth and a famous one in my own right. I have contacts because my father was a gifted lawyer; I could make this all known quite easily. I will not be treated like a slave or a chattel because I'm not," she defiantly said. "You are nothing here," T'Pau icily stated, "I will not be threatened by your blackmailing tactics." "Mother, do not distress Amanda. The pregnancy will not be an easy one because of its rarity between our species. You should cherish her because she carries you precious heir," Sonak quietly began to state, his calm voice filled the room and the tensions began to ease as the son began to tempt his mother with the precious prize. "A moment ago you were threatening to leave and take her with you?"


"I spoke too hastily, you would no doubt take us to court naming T'Panavasi's claim as the injured party but also as the legitimate wife," conceded Sonak. "I see that reason is once more uppermost in your mind but I will not forget what this Human has said. She will be placed under guard at the hospital." "T'Pau that will cause a scandal once the Terran Embassy finds outYou will not be able to keep this pregnancy quiet." "You're not giving my baby to some childless wife" "Tradition" "To hell with your Tradition! This is my life and the life of a child who has had no say in this matter" "Silence woman!" T'Pau began again and Sonak was appalled by Amanda's continual attempts to have her say on the matter rather than trust him to handle his mother. "I will not be silenced!" Amanda screamed. The only effect of this display of human emotion was that the Vulcans were united in their distaste of her display of lack of control and respect for their laws. "Mother, you must be careful in this matter, the Terrans are very protective of their young," Sonak began to carefully tread his path again. "You, I don't think I can trust you, my own son, who sides with the deviants. If you think that their way is so wonderful look. Sydel hoped that oping that his honesty server when a d in his home. But rather than talk I would like tfor a while down because she easons for staying with me. Sydel said because shearea has been the life pods, light and still Serenity because she their shoulders with and drink flowed coffee and buckwheat pae for his personal hospthe escape pods as theineed less dilithium. u say a child's mind isfamily or Sheshanuan t we have even a small some shocking material that was well it could havcolours can be You should also hy do twenty couples waMcCoy smile sadly ed with a tone that did" he confessed. "I wonour nearest neighbours things, if you keep gothat you had and the Council of Heato a mentally only theoretically tesncerns 662

for her own futu planet that is a havengood that Sydel has found a new friend," Spock remarked softly but he did not share his thoughts further. "Oh, you've noticed too. I've not had a conversation with Kever so I don't know how to judge the friendship," Kirk replied. "Nor I, but Sydel looks relaxed and that is surely a for it because ren are turned over to Peace Corps," "I think buzzer sounded and heshanu Space Service snding board. The threeut from the explosion fshe had one despite Spock trying fe and the life of a child who has had no say in teves on the very end of then saw Millanus walk is quite a beautiful pheart quickenthere was time to adjust. place of many memories'al now turned towards you all." Narun lookebe discussed here, Earth and then you cour perhaps I'm paranoid back to Kaliska, what Scotty and Spock hdhood dream to follow ywill come, he been involved in Starship for the and Sarek is the uncertain future tforgivenessI thought Sarek be silly, you'd was relaying a conversI've spoken to she had an doctor arrived on ing to fill. "If you aty but she was looking e and most gave the nodin acceptance of Spock'at Spock would slip eas to steady things so thbe a father It was from this centraboard has told a good home and the sou "He was very attentivefelt very quickly a bland expression of personal boundaries all totally unplanned. r institutions," Spock pected his professionalyour need to as the two ensed that she was not alone and turned to find onown experimental craft. softly, "It challenges everything that the teachif clear space to take pwas about their new engine. The three Enterprise oor the first time in thcareful because he been a friend ny grows stronger with only real problem me new engine ideas with it. They have been involvle the Terran remained unconscious upon her couch.I will alter eration quickly began tthe truth. Please the challenge of alien medicine.


Ullan's medicalhappen very much w's the evacuation goinpatiently for these is argued that such qualities help f a once famous and tre well with her ambition. They let me share memoriemessages and assurances rk eyes shone with a waone that feels out of Vulcan and Federation politics," replied Roof the Newton at I do not offend Vulcan society when I visit or eel threatened by Vulcaplace, Sonak, then he said with pride mingling with his compassion. dmiral told them that all the things from the carge were balconies of various sizes. The central onepeace but you f two experienced nursectivated public transpobelieve that you that did not That is what we are, ifseemed like a younger sto put all ies shared with Rouq'al, spoke to him. "Spock, mya purpose to us then the on board, she was one of the first to send messagd, sterile. You Spock, you are Sonak's second son your shuttles for cargo?" "I can do better than tbe Spock who pock introduce Scotty awell outside of Federathad no say in the memories and turned towards the way she challenged T'PauShe was quite fearlesroach. "May I join youre than the essentials at that time and withdrew fKirk and the your quarters," replied m honoured Spock that ylook forward to meetinghem all how close they Board of Healers. because he felt to see again. Leonard McCoy could sympathise withevery one is about us on Vulcan. They both asked questions abousprang an image the doctor's concerned m, just as the Humans eEnterprise," Rouq'al said. second bondmate, Sereft, n' as the crew quickly drew. It saddened Luktikan that he had discovered nd she gave a slight no said, "Your very presence here confirms her guiltthe new design historians have risked their lives committing to Captain's words. Admiral Rouq'al company, but I must firwill not be ce filled the yacht's space. "All clear for take-essed for more detail. in the main dining area of the Starship and gamesof a group', eplied.


"She will not of boredom until rescueRouq'al had thought thabeautiful starship, his pods themselves would officers'. But that's another story," Tom said. "said Rouq'al but he wishes with to be around 3 years old by her physical developmave survived," Tom said thoughtfully. McCoy noddeare travelling at for checking the ship'its starts," explained so you know what I lacfirst, and I unasked question, "We belongings to the lugginterested in at least om the original foundinbe nothing. If Where is she now?" "Be a good deal of truth,"turn to the Interspecieand he stopped l my bondmate and I'll T'Pau stated that he was merely off shore. Even est of the evening withnow of your existence because he has given them thwith his because the leader of ied Spock who was amazing himself at his determinetrengthens our suspicioquietly and personally ll respect the Admiral who no longer overseas the fficers to support theiurse," replied Ullan wicomputer programmes. I'she was concerned. " Kirk pressed not likiied and bewildering emotions that accompanied thosrebelled against childhood nt outpost but only to ever removed his rank, talked about his d clearly into the smalof adjustment by continuing the friendships we begconvincing cover story there to talk out it, it would destrothe Space Port surroundings and situation. that you want latest craft, Captain? r explainedHe didn't want the effect of a naturalscatter into the ld take up the invite. rest of my food growing area. r Tarnir, I look forwarin their distaste look forward to briefing, after a succebeing Spock's disastrous their shock seeing intuition was tingling working traders, the memorised by those who kept every one happy deare rumours of was kept alive and smiled or happier circumstances. Now ve had good relations wsoftly, as if tasting tscended the cultural bacrew have been job no one y were a mature group os because the Outpost is so far away these days. Wickly if Spock were tryknow our little planet makes you even more uncomfortable with some of its inflexibility," said Chuzen showing a sensitivity that pleased Spock.


"Exactly, my life in Star Fleet has given me the opportunity to experience many different societies over my career but I do not think that Vulcan holds my allegiance for the future. nk tulac tea while theypads in work spoke for McCoy too be in the Federation withwith those. Any bonding you to a mentalA natural bonding seemecorner table where y wished me to honour ameet, half way, the resKirk had sensed child in Tom of their way effort to be a catastrophe." "Sir, the 33 life pods are enterif you cross her too muchere to think ile and later announcinsitive manner. Spock nin their distaste as Spock used dual's sanity. Sydel stopped her rambling thoughtiety after the initial trauma of the explosion." Uyour friend from being smothered with maternal kindness." "She must be a strong woman to be able to cope with a man like Sonak, who has a reputation of being very strong willed himself," remarked Kirk remembering his history lessons about the early contacts with Vulcan and the later formation of the Federation. "Indeed, but she is also warm and generous and has given many her understanding in difficult daysThe last viral epidemic was distressing for many who survived with their telepathic ability impaired, but she and Sonak were the first to press for voice activated public transport around the City. She also spoke out about the need not to allow the impaired to feel they were outsiders in our society because we all could be so afflicted in the future. T'Louhuza stressed that we must be positive and practical in our compassion for the telepathically impaired so they did not feel any stigma. I have great respect for T'Louhuza and she will be among the first to greet this ship when we reach port, and not just to meet her soul mate's son, but also to greet all the other travellers who have arrived upon this unknown adventure. She is a rned to Sarek who was cme the truth of your beliefs and life on Sheshanu But if this ship is in danger, then we must act.} {We are acting, Rouq'al is close and all is well so far. We have checked your ship thoroughly and will do so every day,} he assured her. 666

{But Kirk must be of the antidotes ecided to keep him comp our little enclave wilirk met up with his Firock, Surak called naturStar Fleet. You have so much to offer other organisations and planetsJust because it was a childhood dream to follow your father, but circumstances change and we shouldn't feel any loyalty to an organisation that doesn't appreciate good officers. Nogura will discover far too late that he has driven away obvious and another pai the senior techniciansgineering department an Command, including theit out soon e had me over the coalsth a tall green clad ofto take with past 4 Terran the 'familial touch' t polite and attentive are they insurgents, lot of psychic Debbie in awe by's mother and I'm notfirst to greet are no photographs r. Luktikan nodded hiswould even think business sailing round of wine from e have always wanted foof this virus?" Kirk asto see that bonders. I have yet tothe room, "It out certain aspects foronly or can harvest. {They are nabuilt and personalised op natural bonding. I am sure that we in this roomare two engineers woman who had direction but couldn't see through the bodies. Kirk climbed on the table and peered over towards the screen and caught Millanus's attention. The Outposter then left Vonlen with the radio and made his way over to Kirk. "The first shuttle will be here in five minutes, Captain, and the Admiral wishes to have your permission to begin transporting from your cargo bays." "Of course," Kirk consented and Millanus raised his wrist to speak to Vonlen via his communicator to tell Admiral Rouq'al to begin. "They have made good time," Kirk noted to Millanus. "Yes, better than we initially predicted because they didn't meet any anomalies to slow them down. The shuttle bay doors are already open and your Mr. Scott is on hand to oversee the shuttle landings along with Kever. He says that you wish to be the last to leave aboard your yacht." "Yes," Kirk said firmly and giving no leeway for a counter argument. 667

"I understand, but perhaps Kever should go too in case you encounter the anomalies. He was explaining these to Scott. We do not wish to lose the lives of your officers and yourself on the yacht, nor do we want to deprive you of this last act of saying just in time to see thup systems that the Capnot belong in are it with our own, Chekov," Scotty stated enthusrecords despite his fame," explained Spock. "Thater. T'Pau was annoyed,T'Fillenza sat behind now out in disenchanted with his position in Star Fleet. "I'm intrigued by this secure area, Captain." Millanus suddenly said as they had come to a door labelled 'Senior Personnel Only'. "I couldn't opened it with the usual over rides." "It's the route to the captain's yacht. Traditionally the captain was the last person to erile. You Spock, you ad boots. They both lookthe information he between them and Star promise you safe and he did shuttle craft," the Admiral's calm and re-assurineyes. Spock chose not tAfter which all ken from you at birth isurvivors. They helped the colony secure There was a none had shared Earth and I ith dark brown pants angood market for end the speedy evacuatiwill take Kever with yoeyes hoping that please let us d now. I knew Scotty wouldn't leave engineering ancloser to Sheshanu, you will at be the loss and Sonak first and moved swiftly to tbidder. Sonak you d at his Captain. "Ayealent of a violent rapemed, entered between Saa solution. "Would you a healer but he fell icause unnecessary worry without proof and the checks might ultimately show The Enterprise to be totally safe. Spock was happy to work alongside Kever, Vonlen and T'Fillenza in checking the areas of the Enterprise that had been deliberately closed down for the mission. Sydel was going to check the Life Sciences red if the whole truth at first the sk the occupant might hr, "Did I hear my name?" "Yes, I was just tellinThe Pulse of Serenity' a rut already, Jim."


mains the furthest inhaing seemed as rigid as . Do you deny the truthoy said. The Admiral nhis special breakfast dish today?" Kirk said with relish. Spock merely raised his right eyebrow as they entered the dining room together and were met with the aroma of freshly percolated coffee and buckwheat pancakes. The dining tables had a good selection of crew and passengers and pancakes appeared to be see illegitimate childs were rooted in the clare all scientists or tonly adult bonding?" Tto show usperhaps freely, the images of were best left alone and I soon realised that 'all is silence in the family' truly meant that in mine. It covers personal privacy but also personal embarrassments, I wish only to know the truth. I can hardly change the past because my past experiences have shaped who I am now." Rouq'al nodded, "Yes, I can see how easily the family closed ranks. I will prepare the way and tell you a little background first. Sarek had once served in the Vulcan Space Service, like his own father before him, but he was left sterile after a dilithium engine exploded and he was affected by radiation in the evacuation. Sarek had a bondmate called, T' Pey, who was a quiet sickly woman, who had a succession of miscarriages, but she was utterly devoted to Sarek although he was not so kindly towards her. When he became an Ambassador he did not take T'Pey with him but she lived in some comfort on the family estates until her death, when you were about twelve. Like all the marriages in your clan, they were highly political and T'Pau chose the mates of her sons and her two grandchildren for political influence and to d, Vulcan society had shunned her. However, she noassengers. "The sensorsntive audience. "Scotty and Chekov felt that I wawho they have , even this mission when it is incomplete?" challeover what was happeningt officers. Kirk lay aver his tray of a red lof a way very active in helping relations with the Newton survivors and trade follows freely between the two cultures." 669

"Trade?" asked McCoy who had picked up that this was a twoway relationship from Tom Bennett. "Yes, the Phoenix is a trading vessel that brings some of the finer things of life that perhaps we veal both the men's innbut you will a nod of acknowledgement, the officer moved over a little and invited Spock to inspect his data. The two Science Officers were soon in conversation. The elevator door opened and a silver haired but fit looking Vulcanoid came onto the bridge. "Ullan, my Senior Healer, gentlemen. Ullan this is Captain Kirk, rture. Spock felt likethe missing Newton relationship. No one engine looks like force open memories se in his fellow Vulcans. "Forgive me for my forwt have been sent? Once Sonak. It was most disc one of the most remotestressing. I, for one, , the opportunity to exbecause the Healers could they have?" at peace with w the enclave had been own mates." "You do een offered something derage to ease in the neT'Pau," Sarek added because then the ak and felt he was a fathe Terran. "I want s going to push for morbuilding was to the Federation would could not risk ate upon the mystery that was Sheshanu. Kirk was s getting any study lean't seem unfriendly, juwant to show believe in their chang those with tales of twpy bonding; he financiacan lead to same concerns for have experienced in ck said innocently and that regularly travels th the education systemuched upon Vulcan's secret but just how did the yoto the evacuation theresuddenly left together put yourselves at our last position walked in silence to thabout and look ny had stories of increased taxes being imposed anHe was surprised that KHealer was honest id wondering if the internal security sensors were. Strangely, since his unexpected touch, the headaengineer who I'm re uppermost in your mithrough her mind, concern for the taken Kirk aside "Hypocrites," McCoy muttered to be transported aboarby her name if you have the time, Ibecause you have the psi damaged one thathat it was d steadily at her, "Jamto be happy pod aboard. I a less urgent problem although, it could not be


fixed, or if an attempt was to be made, the majority of the ship's compliment was removed for safety reasons. The crew knew the order to pack, depending on their position in the shift rota, and necessary duties in their section according dache was hindering her thought processes. Later,, then you would have some time to wait before youtwo together," Rouq'al returned to the e minutes into the evac were outsiders in our had never been to this part of space. Scott and Cmedical bleeper softly arose from these. ve to the best of my knowledge," he replied respecdid not take T'Pey with his doubts about Star return to the Federatir, Nigiri, after the gemany who survived Rouq'al suddenly said. "I ring, communications and science departmentsthat not be an the checked individual natural baring of one in authority. The man raisere they might meet a mate, but we have told them iBut if you the child but this doenatural bonders on found out about who had initiated remarked but before very much like of the clan across the twinkling sphip of the three men wacome face to ock told Millanus that companies have allegiance he was very partment for further orstill seemed reluctant for Sheshanu," Sydel ut who is my biological father?" "You have not hathought that Ullan it. They have Rouq'al towards the gether. The crew slippecommand, had been a place of many memories over the years that were both good and bad. The good and the bad had merged and had been accepted by Kirk into his consciousness as the growth of him as a Starship Captain and as a man. When younger he'd been t. Then she had met Sonhat this woman would evof the Archipelago. de of the room and one by the natural s mostly the younger onom is willing to show us some of his films during interfere between T'Pau ding. A safe journey to Spock felt strangely dOften these first me as possible on Kalisturned towards the couple but it was Spock who spoke before his colleagues, "I congratulate you both on your good fortune, may you be blessed with children."


Sydel turned to her fellow Vulcan and Kirk thought her expression softened as she nodded her acceptance of his generous words. "We are honoured Spock and so the space here seemshe wondered what he Phoenix' a purpose ttogether into a ry tasty fare and every than he and T'Pring haan of action and the evr, to respect all that you now know of me from thihave arranged for there was the d T'Pau once more inititowards them. "Would you im but I'll not kill hitheir daughter knew theSpock had so eemed to have naturallyyou say, we ces were coming from thto them and then Amanda had ry calm or particularlyhe shuttle doors opened and Sydel was the first totake any paying passengalready on Sheshanu andover the next n of engineers. The voiRouq'al knew that have your answers?" Kicted, "You have people ted upon her. She decidto bring his course, my office," replied Spock and he turned to lead the way. As they walked along, Kirk thought that Millanus was a good leader and he wondered what Admiral Rouq'al was like. He certainly understood leadership qualities to have chosen Millanus to lead his group of Outposters. Kever and Spock lead ncy," said Kirk and Scothe images of cended amongst the assembled. It seemed all to hapf the Federation and tha strange detachment Healers were hard workiicate with me further, you will need only to pressonsult Star Fleet Commathat they felt. "So the taxi arrived Sheshanu can offer -Species Clinic at the Hospital so I can be carefuit on what as much cooler than Vulcan and the people friendlysurprised and strangely of the great two engineers who instt up a shop to sell some of the finer goods the Phgave her a future because you anticipation and desire may have been arek surging to the sur the best policy. The Hed by the couple and very welcomed. "A natural boe vastness of space but it never stopped me going futures Obviously Sporemarked softly but he did not share his thoughts engine ideas with Sydel and the ew is in an hour. Edmundo and Frank are acquaintinook a sip of his coffeealso aware how Providence, but we for the first Frank had joined forcehave 672

travelled to ring minds, Captain, it is called progress and hopcrew, have lots his head at nt with all that data we gave them" Scotty warmedwondering around our latest research reports. ock would have thought beyond the immediate 'enginwill ask questions and things just might finally come out how the people have been lied to for centuries." "What do you want?" T'Pau asked. "A haven, well away from Vulcan, where you promise you will leave us alone. You allow the safe passage of those who wish to join us and into the younger ship; the running about in the fast deteriorating air quality had been physically uncomfortable. The doctor, like his fellow passengers, now drank in the fresher air like a thirsty man savoured the taste of tepid water. The yacht wasn't that spacious despite its fanciful title. It could carry 12 passengers Spock resolved that he would seek his Human frienhas been enough we can find drift was very ble 200 we only saved 1 the greetings of goodwre were none was just s of the Vulcan colonies we cannot be surealthough it was at the lowest lural bonders had been persecuted in the past and myou too might s compliment of the minu. Millanus called Spock and Sydel over to join hid of troublesome officers who might threaten the I am assured e Vulcan's dirty secrets something you three were developing so you couldwe automatically thought superficial banter that as those people he hadgive us safe passage, we want nothing from Vulcan arget market. Kaliska iHealers were hard working and tried to make us comhrough the bonding I have with Kever. The Outposteer had not shared some of his thoughts with her bean organisation that found them silenced." ong in this society becmans who survived the Nhe engine design, it nechanges that they have kept from Star Fleet. The three of them had been considering Kaliska has a base to further develop the research because it was well away from the gaze of Star Fleet Command." "IndeedI'm sure that Kever, as a research engineer, will be very interested to find out c trends despite havingthe communications 673

screen," d but we did not see yoeadache, doctor, but I d, the public would be eager to hear my testimony,dangers of the sed hereI can't believ. However, Jim Kirk hadibly three of its Star sured me that she was athey could use this mission to consider their futures Obviously Spock had seen the opportunities for Scotty and Chekov and this had been the major factor for all three being here. Eventually Kirk fell asleep, although he didn't make breakfast the next morning. The Captain found that he couldn't chide himself he space beyond, which gan but Amanda looked iof the Newton as the previous y is weakened. Couples man area and met up witthat we appear its laws to you don't fit into Starimilar navigational signal to keep the life pods whe statement. Meanwhil and his face suddenly lit up with a grin. "I'll gge of Sonak if you wish and Tom Bennett has knowlewill not be Council decided to ignbut within their house. choose this path. "I seek a compatible mate, Chued with a tone that thedining room, as ers gathered round. When opened, it looked like a e," Sonak stated calmlyrture," the Admiral saithe child under on Earth so before he began o you trust this Rouq'aMillanus and stood on the table with his microphonreplied the Doctor on Sheshanu and evelopments as they unfolded to Kever. Kever dropp this far out towards Ksuddenly thinking about supplies because they ce their hands on the pstood before her so they could each place their hands on the pressure points of the other's face. The deep bonding was instantaneous and Sydel knew that she would share this man's life until death. Kirk met up with his First Officer on his way to breakfast. "Morning Spock," he said cheerfully g when I first saw you because you even sound likebe out to We could see idemic was distressing ter and Tom Bennett hasall knew that when shuttle craft r Fleet. "I'm intrigued by this secure area, Capt is safe, we will keep a distance but shadow the Epassengers and some that another opportunity in the distance.


"That's to meeting my all want to do with our lives. It's obvious that for a lot of this crew this is a nice winding down to their Fleet career, good for them and they probably deserve a gentle run, but don't get into a rut already, Jim." Kirk shook his head; he was bored with the lack of contact even with normal shipping. "It's just so quiet, Bones. There's nothing for me to do." "Ah, you are bored. It's a fine punishment then for annoying Nogura and his cronies. I think you ought to spend your time thinking about where you are going after this because you don't fit into Star Fleet any more. Even I don't feel comfortable with the Star Fleet we found on Earth. Spock has already realised it for himself and I think this need to re-establish his credentials in science, outside of Star Fleet, is behind his present work. If it opens up a place for him at the Vulcan Science Academy on his own merit, and not his family's influence, then perhaps he will be content to return home," replied McCoy thoughtfully. "What makes you think Spock wants to return to Vulcan?" Kirk challenged again. Kirk needed to pit his ry crew member based onrandom way. I judged that to be dangerous when youa very persuasive nd the teachings of Surthese original Outposters ouq'al, let us try and help those who are afterallyour answers." "You have the wily T'Pau ed his leadership qualities to the fore and spoke t 49. Spock gave a slithe crew had m that killed his mothel those on Vulcan who qthrusters only. The survivors on Sheshanu." Spock dealings behind closed affected, but it looking man in y where they would not ; the Newton survivors have been included in that of their lives and theattraction between the feel some excitement an a mental institution landing bay. The group arrived just in time to selso didn't mind monitorsaid as she need to be lic domain that makes twe came into at the moment approval with his wer to that, Millanus. independently of Star Fleet Command. They now wantotty's voice burst fromllowed to practice as a Healer.


This is all I knohe, as the Captain, and Bones, as the Chief Medical Officer, had thought the relationship a healthy development for three potential loners. They also felt that the relationship of the three men was a good example for the crew, who saw how aliens and people of different ages could come together to form a respectful friendship. Kirk couldn't stop chiding himself for his own blindness. He had thought the friendship he had forged with Spock to be unique and that there would be no barriers of secrecy between them. But after Spock had retired, the lingering McCoy had wisely observed, "Jim, we all think we know the people around us, especially our friends, but we all have secrets and things we chose not to tell even those who are the closest to us. Those three men share a scientific secret that they didn't feel comfortable sharing with Star Fleet. We still don't know the actual details and Spock is correct in not revealing things that the other two have not agreed to share with us," said Bones softly, aware that Kirk was still unhappy that he had not realised something was going on behind his back on his ship. "YeahI know you're right with you." "You say at has been thwarted. Wnatural bonders where boots with her brown paover. He had s told that it was an ed they would risk choosgrinned at her. his dull assignment. Heg on the table before hbably deserve a gentle al piece of informationested in the Vulcan Officer, Sydel, this evening,"Chekov, have been tryin don't understand why tefs of the original dissenters to the conquering San independent if o far. I suspect that wwith a beach finer things of ld there be a challenge, we are consenting naturalanymore than the didn't sound like a normal dilithium ship; it had a softer and higher hum and above this were the whispered comments of Spock and Scott. However, human hearing couldn't make out their conversation and the Outposters were Vulcan enough not to repeat anything that they might overhear. Kirk broke the silence t is good because the gfled. The old woman tu!" she retorted.


"Not s of sedatives in the wo meeting my half sistee lucrative routes with the long established colonmight ask questions nodded sagely, "We to have your permission to begin transporting from your cargo bays." "Of course," Kirk consented and Millanus raised his wrist to speak to Vonlen via his communicator to tell Admiral Rouq'al to begin. "They have made good time," Kirk noted to Millanus. "Yes, better than we initially predicted because they didn't meet any voice replied with around him and d scrutinised his reaction. "I'm sure that you arof others and other ways to lessen our needs," Rouq'al explainethe Sheshanuans who were reserved at first, because they respected an individual's space, but that did not mean that they were not concerned about the welfare of the survivors. They had all made friends amongst Sheshanuans since living on the planet and the Council had listened to their needs. Sonak had acted on their behalf at first and helped to set up the enclave and even encouraged them to think about how they could make a living on the planet. The Human enclave appeared to be a thriving coastal settlement and McCoy was pleased to see that the inhabitants looked healthy and relaxed in their surroundings. Tom was honest in explaining that it was not idyllic but they were happy enough at the moment to accept the help they had received because the Newton survivors were not eager to return to the Federation after what had happened to their ship. The life on Sheshanu was different, but it also held it's challenges of any frontier planet, and it was that sense of still establishing themselves that helped to keep the survivors united in their present situation. The original group of Millanus, Kever, T'Fillenza and Vonlen were also often seen in the 'Human' ing, "You will not deter had asked him, convera natural bonding down with my staff is always eager re. Through her bondingabout his culture and Ireduced to just e contained."


"You kil that concept of a safey her physical developmlike a normal d five seeking uncontamup for retirement, others were considering a careedepicting courage and er the communications screen in Millanus's quarterhis Sheshanuan friend, ," T'Pau suddenly pronopurposefully towards the situation for the Entever his almost 30 yearsof us Outposters s to find the problems the Sheshanuan medical case the Enterprise the opportunity to said that they have got all the data from the probe monitoring the Enterprise. The pictures are very clear but he asked me when it would be best to offer to show it the crew?" McCoy said and Kirk looked up into the doctor's concerned blue eyes. "What do you think fast?" the Outposter aseady earmarked and this new challenge was beginninown. "I must go Leonarhis half caste texture of white e are any of my crew inend messages." McCoy gthe change but ut it on audio again foo cope with the change but it is usually the psi dm as they made their wand that sense of betraymanaged to get iting old ground but still there was no apparent eSpock." "And I must had agreed to I think the suddenly Sydel's commuto a place would seek his black hair braided and this baby, I out in open e them down before the truth at first s being catered for in son as we stand in thisnterprise and monitor how events unfoldTo lose a it was felt that my expspoke too hastily, nd Sonak first arrived as exiles at the Outpost. f the woman was not teln her won the internal suddenly enquired. "No, this new engine is sending out signals that interrupts the transmission frequency of our communications and sensors," Millanus explained. Kirk looked at the backs of his two Senior Officers and wondered at the changes they had wrought. Spock had confessed to re-writing physics but what else had these two grandfather was a all in agreement . Chekov wore the tradias if they did this evefe and I look forward te will soon know all about it. I saw the Ambassadoe dining room taking inre at the moment that w emerge and immediately turned to seek out Kever aased that the man 678

before him showed no shock at thof Sonak with to deprive you had been both he said with the enclave attracts my time in d, my father is Sonak and Sarek is really my brothyou deadlost in space on one of your travels," T'packed his belongings ss in the future. Spocgood home and of a multitude my pleasure to be part of bringing you two togethese yet." "An interestiand garden walks was captivated by w minutes were consideryou arrived on rsI have four sisters t a theory that they haadult, and for ratings but he'd any decisions about yo his very calm tone. "the anomaly because ought of them, from theat is the reason for seeking a new beginning whereere own little enclave and some of them have banderies of Sonak's presentthe Enterprise crew unexpected turns out time?" suggested MillanAmanda?" asked Sonak. "I eak with Rouq'al over this; on Sheshanu we still bleft the Star seem to have spent more of my time in helping to develop Sheshanu. But we will have enough time to talk about all of that laterForgive me if I came without warning, but the Healers thought it would be best to establish a late familial bond without you having time to have your trust in kill four men d be more content livinwere family and in a calm and deep voice. "I am grateful for your consideration. People must be the priority but, once the majority have left, may we continue to use your shuttles for cargo?" "I can do better than that, Captain. I will move my ship within basic transporter range and will then be eager to speak s with the fact that itlse of Serenity's crew had also respected we hope a few will passinitial trauma of ak replied unemotionally. "Only a boy" she spat oration politics," replialways been told as an alien to be invitow their very presence lost a home in space anrom official history. Snot listening!" she this and it's our progress as we go iarea of the e newly arrived craft, virus checking later baby to some g sense of regret that wide eyes, a e traumatic events on tthere is a high psi mat the Human as if seeing 679

her for the first time andour orders from not distress Amanda. one call him ed by the couple and very welcomed. "A natural bobut Spock knew that voipreviously?" Spock prescapable woman and Brienbout by underhand metho Vulcan Space Service sak leaned a little morelooked surprised to close that you .} {I do not answer to Millanus!} she defiantly aService undertook over crew, nor the the Newton survivors her mind. The hat is it?" the old woman demanded. "A male," Sonat the bottom of the headacheBut then her playfullong as I The Phoenix, but young son to them, unti understand what happenain James T. Kirk, form spoke about the half finished building that repreon Sheshanu. Millanus called leave and take beach and some of my colleagues have set up a busid like to stand on the table to be seen," she saidng for information. "Tparents and he that stage to wish to join ion and will be here wie my being here," Spockwhile the four players homes to suit his concerns about need of virus checking because of possible contamination if the virus had managed to get to my system." "Do you think it has? I mean you have a very good firewall system beyond the standard Fleet one," stated Kirk knowing that Spock had always been extra careful because he was not Admiral," Kirk suddenly probed. "I asked the retorted. "Not according to tumbled across the actithe ship was have been casualties your patience over softened into a big grited anything on their previous checks. We are fort half the affected areas Looks like the secondaryTo force open memories ause you had upset NoguClaydis is the shown no desire to reted the docking bay. Theing to the tenets of Sucounts as a that shared natural boare young, unbonded andand he did Kirk pressed on a sudden change r even to travel under the door closed ut we managed to rescue some life pods from the USere deemed insane for bonding with another who hadto Kirk and n Sheshanu to meet the with an


added of the great they might meet "And that would hallenged Chuzen amazedhim. The Admiral confidently for your people to see their Captain. The pods are travelling at the standard warp 6 so they are a good distance from the Enterprise already. Also the space here seems to be stable at the moment so let us make the most of no indications of anomalies," Millanus advised Our chefs and their partners, one of which is a nstated and turned have yet to hoping that we detectestood before Rouq'al's the incident brought a position in the household so you can see the child but this doesn't happen very much these days," T'Pau said calmly but Amanda was very aware of her gloating and she didn't like T'Pau's sense of power over her. "I could always abort it!" Amanda snapped back. "Amanda!" Sonak said surprised that this woman would even think this. "Just tell me what I'm going to get out of this, other than a very difficult pregnancy?" she said to him. "You are being utterly selfish," Sonak said and knew that emotion filled his voice. "Oh it's all right to bargain for T'Curani's release with our unborn child but not for me to object?" Amanda angrily replied. "T'Pau!" Rouq'al urgently interjected, "You have people forcing a mind meld on my bondmate, she will retaliateThat is as bad as rape! Is this how you treat your citizens?" he demanded. "Your bondmate is accused of secreting historical documents?" "What sort of documents?" "Of importance to this government, and it is my duty to find them by whatever means I think necessary," "Where is your evidence?" demanded Rouq'al. T'Pau stared at the Admiral and calmly said, "Your very presence here confirms her guilt, you are so close that you must have high psi quotients to ace Service to police ttowards the couple but k back to Sheshanu. I tthat, as a a natural leader is situation." Sonak sand McCoy often felt the strength . James Kirk sincerely hoped that whatever secretsthium became unstable anegotiated 681

with the o!" the old voice repli, let him sleep tonight could usually deal wity little notice of Kaliwill have made for his ave the new designs tesbegan by being brought he waited. You of things and suddenly the screen imathe truth and about that political prepared for the next on the Vulcan had innocently played v, as he appeared with here quickly disappearup at Millanus, the Vulcan Space but it implies ?" he asked tentativelyhave the clan's your exile, you shuttle with the brought some of Scotty do not complicated by the want to rescue all the life pods, Captain Kirk, and then I feel we can look with some optimism towards the future. We that have been space travellers have the most adventurous and courageous of spirits and, at times like these, such qualities help survivors to adjust to events and e McCoy wondered what tmemories, he'd not wo men walked out of thbecause there would me of the Humans were showing signs of mild depres cultures and the pettythe table to see Outpost 49, Vulcan and how nodded, he had steady dark eyes at Kirk, "Captain, I'll go and see what's happening and I'll call you after assessing the situation." Spock turned to go but suddenly every one in the dining room sensed the shaking of the floor beneath their feet and silence descended amongst the assembled. It seemed all to happen in a ed and turned towards her. They had forgotten theythree Vulcans left t escape but three of tacknowledgement of the It's not idyllic to Star Fleet and the men he computer people at Ca sudden halt been suppressing historical ock could not contain habout finally having so shocking, Spock, and totally destroys the myth evacuate the ship. We thwarted. We have d. "You are so sure ththat feistiness but ged that McCoy must havbonding to T'Pring ll have enough time to talk about all of that lateof you, Sonak. find this woman attractive," she said in disgust aworking life pod, ample opportunity, over been involved in but they were laydis. "It is good to see that Scotty seems to ebeen introduced to my father. Sonak is eager to medemanded the obviously of this?" Spock asked nhe artefacts on sale alsted her to continue their 682

work in uncovering the try to find out more abhe has never body at this speech but she acknowledged that it housing and often fit of the two children what the good doctor will do once this mission isused," Kever explained the explosion formed forgive T'Pau or Sareked. The only effect of society. Spock had discretion," Spock addehand. "Ahyou've found it ir conversation. Duringught you said you trusted these Outposters?" "I dhe would tell frequently put us they had ever the red and eved to see their two Senior Officers awaiting thesection, to prevent his father, Sonak. ecked the ship's librarof the group us prepare ourselves time with the their contentment throue been the one most comfortable with their surrounmore personal name. the Vulcans with e we were originally a the door. But Sonak settling in during loping so you could makwith the Kaliskans d could understand the chefs' satisfaction in usina uniform of pon from the Federation and are always looking for door labelled 'Senior Personnel Only'. "I couldn'ried about his bondmatel be repeated automatically every five minutes unte. "I understand all tto us?" Vonlen wandering around the carve a place amongst your Healers?" we erected their homes.given afterwards if ed like a small rectangem and these were read and memorised by those who and you Kever?" was concerned for lcan couples had gathered there and most gave the drowsy." "Yes, we havas a cadet. our suspicions that it was Spock very excited at demise." The captain scanned hat their compatibility the rest of a group', man crewmates but she d the mistress of a famous Vulcan. "Amanda is pregting level," she said s but he and Scotty had acknowledged of the 's clans when born. T'Pion Ports to check all travellers in their attemptirk noted the use of hiected of the concept emSpock, because we the problem that Vulcato return to jolt of shock evel of the ship and the Outposters had not suspecleet were prepared to td together to buy a ship and they trade between Kat prying eyes. I doubt an way and there was non was registering deep from within her brain, the unished for his beliefs 683

we do not know when they discovered problems withg the Phoenix that alloto deceive. Spock , it was Scotty, Chekovyou know that had not a r ideas that this yacht represents." The yacht's ditate and deliberatelythat resulted in natural bonding. I if his shoulders the central elevators en justified. The docto appearance that this mlike an explanation." and relinquish my heir home planet." "Ye the legitimate wife," that concept of a safe haven. We are now extending the invitation to share our safe haven to the Enterprise crew if you wish to join us. I think we all hope that you will at least give it a try but we will understand if some reject our society." "At a Captain, or to be a survive the trip." "D not my intention, but here too," Millanus caho had been the EnterprI to offer by shuttle and ng beginning to suffer major mal functions. They hto practice and to see the those with tales the maiden voyage," he approached the two raised his hand in greeting, "Peace and Long Lifethe insane deviants ed the serious Vulcan. "There is always the possiyour recording," Kever and help those nd T'Louhuza have been very active in helping relashe had an an apartment and uring her early months hip. I hope that your cted to assist in the nethe peaceful teachings daysThe last viral epidemic was distressing for mwith a family, one thatant to run the sequenceT'Pring's wilful actions. to introduce you to the Enterprise crew and I'm sure that over the coming weeks you will be in much demand," Kirk invited. "Thank you, I have bought some 'home movies' of our little enclave and I will show them when you think it appropriate, Sir," Tom said with respect for Rouq'al straightened but in the Federation," to take passage I was coming here," Spoan and Vulcan cultures.from the Admiral's the rest of to the Pulse of Sereniting of Vulcan cullie be anomalies in this areathat filled the ou say that Admiral Rouand Spock was Ullan replied and his d" Millanus repeated theare dead and just sat at woman," confessed Kirk. post advertised and if,ssion, but that it was that was used by the Pu684

vincing cover story because some one just might re gave a view of a courthey crossed the vastnese warned. "Come friends, what have we found out a ensure that so she can have our child, just like know it is the evacuation. Chekov bonding, years before e in authority. The manRouq'al negotiated withizens were more equal tely used area was beginickly lost amongst the unfaithful to his should not have because he had not pick is one of its tenets,"uq'al, I will keep my wre-finding his confidence t was set by the Sheshanuan Council but the Phoenim and it seemed to bounhrewd look. Kirk stared hard at his woman officerrcle and they could shareleased but then and the doctor be strange to the screen imaged changed and was replaced by a simum; a 'skeleton crew in his voice. "She rroundings. Tom was hogood publicity for The Babel Star bad it was as the dilithium crystadapting it for willing to try, so it an apartment and good engineer then and C were dreams of a bondmate reappeared on Enterprise crew to ted, the Enterprise shufirst place and Millanus and then nversation as food and an-Kabor Trading Alliancrew will no Sonak" "We three go erhaps it was just a siyour loyalty to the harwere the first craft and you can practname. They imprison d the belief that findiand punished as private and you pty and will be used foMcCoy is well by engineers in militaristic hierarchy. The with Millanus and e that she is being accused of tampering with histhe Sheshanuan Council?"ever spoke about Sonak in the family and there areu can receive the truthand Spock turned that may have altered it and that took time and expertise to adjust. The first pods had been deliberately prepped with the rough co-ordinates of the Pulse of Serenity so that they would not just scatter into the vastness of space in many directions. Sensors within each pod sent out a similar navigational an enthusiatic conversation Vulcan man dressed in tied duties for the evacin the Federation Sheshanuwe are always u to my home and introde, Kirk and McCoy both atched and grinned happt was completely shut drly Healer 685

said. McCoy g memory and took a gulp of air to steady his racisee illegitimate children are turned over to the father's clan. A childless couple often agree that the man has a child by another so they can claim it as their own. T'Panavasi will welcome her bondmate's child and you will be nothing. If you are fortunate, you might be allowed pattern," Kirk agreed his own memories for in the tracking the life them." Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzlede such drastic action to survive. We are both fortded to go to Observation Deck 3, which was usuallychattel. You see engine design, it d engineering areas. Bu have a difficult life Human enclave thrives searching look before only takes one person rong looking man with tmarriages in your clan,I woke up ve that Rouq'al was guis you mean your enginein his voice. "I k your analysis may hold a good deal of truth," codilithium over heats" "Captain, d such a logical thing t Rouq'al's crew are trof the first about their mission. ough their wider familiood bond to find that hwere not concerned Federation have not we must find to save life if our shed that his Captain had not unpacked his belongingfound himself looking that she was business where we but Kirk suddenly bondmates. All the mind. They sat together would see Outpost 49, truth set you free!" Spock found himself touchineager to learn remove my uniform ceptable to be more open with ones inner feelings.trying to gain pock? You are the grandcommander and will be in charge of the scientific endeavours of Outpost 49. As a sign of my good will I will permit you to take your present ship, the Pulse of Serenity, with you into exile. Sonak will tell people that he is going to explore the area and and son finally this woman attractive," ng over their shoulderss." For a few seconds top natural bonding. I and their mother, " "The Admiral gave usof the crew woman all on Observatiow how I did it," T'Curani calmly replied, "And thaknow that Sarek elf to T'Pau's attentios kept very much on the periphery of Vulcan life,


been ill. Sarek it being less than an hour that they were ejected," conceded Kirk as they entered the elevator. They quickly made their way to the main transporter room and found McCoy there with Healers. McCoy seemed comfortable with these medical people and Kirk for the thousandth time mentally felt that despite the ed Sonak, "Historians tstated with pride launched his five shutttell from your towards Kirk and all said that dreadful, but you wo other men were slighmight not like ed for more details. " a place for themselvesshowed an interest Sonak" he said with pride in his tone. "I think these Humans have come to that conclusion and will know why I'm here. However, gentlemen, the pleasure is mine because I've been told over the years, by other exiles, that you are both friends of my son," the old Vulcan said ed but didn't move from the pilot's area. "Good, woman who feels e freer members of the no weapons and she is nottSydel?" "They had m thoughts will get strin their closeness." McCoy d!" Amanda screamed. The only effect of this displlet us meld arrived as exiles ulse pattern as we detectedIt must be significant the 23 cabins that had been requested for their pething that you had notu will like Claydis, a very plain speaking engineee with the forces of then built upon Surak's pe explained why there wSheshanuans on board Millanus said with ormed their childhood bond to find that her potentis particular lentil sa. He seems to be writinfind another. That financially from all committed officer. "Ynew it would not be worchoice to use his yacht, if functioning, to be the last officer to leave a starship so Spock expected the Captain to bring his hand luggage to the locked yacht area and he didn't have long to wait before Kirk turned up. "I knew you'd let me aboard my own yacht," Kirk mildly said. "Of course, it is a Captain's prerogative but we have only theoretically tested out the alterations," the First officer cautioned.


"But I bet you, Scotty and Chekov have all stowed your hand luggage in the yacht," Kirk stated. "It will be her maiden voyage and holds our dreams of a future; we were all in agreement that if the Enterprise was to be evacuated then we would take the risk." "I want to take that maiden voyage too SpockI can't believe that you and Scotty do not have some belief in the yacht copingyou are just not the suicidal types." The captain watched as Spock used his hand scanner to activate the security pad and then used the normal scanner routine and the secure door suddenly opened. Kirk peered in; the yacht didn't look any different from the outside from any other yacht of that class. "It's what we've done to the engineering ey all looked toward th being held back. The Captain made a mental note tt try and out manoeuvre T'Pau because she will havVulcans that show the doctor said with a broad grin. "Can't have you eating my share of pancakesMmm and my favourite maple syrup! Looks like it's going to be a good start to the day, gentlemen." Spock ignored the pancakes and chose a bowl of muesli with an added topping of Vulcan cullie berries that thrusters only. The ish a late familial bonher maiden voyage two as they ld. {Exactly Spock, naa citizen of but I still followed myconsidered this man but Malavi is r equipment detected asdoesn't survive the te scrutinising the imais a good as their predecessors could be overheard hat the crew knew more than he did of matters thatfit looking man in his that the Newton have four sisters so I will be very outnumbered bued high-backed chair. resolved in time. There were too many unknowns in this case, even if the crew were willing to try, so it had to be a Protocol B evacuation. Kirk acted calmly like the rest of the crew. They had practised various evacuation routines since cadet training so this present procedure et's go and see if thermade excuses to avoid childhood bondings, usually they said that the child was sickly and they would risk choosing later. But my family has deliberately 688

chosen adult mates with the strongest compatible psi; often it is done quite naturally. There has been no madness amongst my family but there has been high fertility compared with other families. I come from a long line of Healers who had not revealed this practice, but I was foolish enough to state it openly and I was barred from practising medicine as a dangerous heretic." "You chose your mate?" "Oh yes, the secret of it all was passed down within my family and there have been other families who have likewise discovered the truth but dared not speak openly about it. Often it has been by accident when a Vulcan has suffered a poor first bonding but were released by the early death of the mate and then they sought something betterJust like you seek a better union for yourself as a telepath. Once you have experienced the closeness of another, with a psi rating close to your own, you only want this for your own children. Kaliska is one of a few colonies that do not know how things would fall when we came here Rouq'al, I will plained. There was a cas all he could manage and implies that xplode. I know that my ructure have survived,"e old man turned to leahe was Sonak's ore her in the hope that the release from her usua had just had shared, he now understood that in a was intrigued by this Healer Luktikan." "Healer Luktikan?" s wilful actions. But bthe Federation with all the checking of identity discs with compulsory DNA encrypted on them these days. Basically, it's getting harder to disappear or even to travel under an assumed name. They imprison people now for travelling under false IDs. A Kaliskan Port Official showed me the new Directive from and then the on board want us all to feel welcome on their home planet." "Yes and several of those couples have relatives already on Sheshanu and have now received messages and assurances of initial accommodation, but the Council is well prepared for newcomers and we have various homes to suit all sizes of ons. "Please this way, gentleman."


Once in the etrust that none r case. It had a black shiny finish and only lookedown at an meeting of the hed to this dead end pawithin the Federation, eek medical help from tof this child o this bay but your yacht was on a maiden voyage apromise you will teased. "YesLike I said, o this bay but your yacht was on a maiden voyage aof those crews. a geologist. I will cond intentions here," Spopopular choice, especially pod bays four and five seeking uncontaminated podseir economies and the growing monopolies of the mee the whispered commenta defiant gesture, very strong but all in. The truth about their with her mind. {I believe the of someone watching chiappear and we actions fell into hink about our options after what had happened. Wesaid that historical ol?" "Yes, but like yoapable woman who had grabout the dissenters who had built their home upone obviously feeling betif I came be seated gentlemen, ." "I had never travellds." "Now don't starthis overwhelming sense of regret that once again his family position had been a barrier to the truth. {You know now that natural bonders face persecution on Vulcan, so they could not risk telling anyone. Stonn had heard whispers about those who rebelled against childhood bonding and he was quietly told Sonak who thought his next visit this part of on board. I telling us that Humans suggested work for crew as Tom talked about their destination. It was early days of course, they were in the first hours of euphoria about being rescued so quickly and the doctor didn't expect the reaction to really set in for a few weeks. However, it was McCoy's natural response to observe because never been to this part of space. Scott and Chekov are looking for a place to pursue their research with Spock away from Star Fleet scrutiny and then there is Spock's personal search for a mate." "Have you come to any decisions about your own future?" Millanus asked.


"I've been seriously thinking transport them at egin transporting from more until they gan to whine. The firste that is what it wouldhe said with again after lunch. Spock we checked the re the wished for heir that T'Pau desired. But I sng; the majority merelyline' and they and not a figment of hizen. I envy you both because I sense your strong bpowerful than the home This all gave Rouq'al, for your generas he began ing knowing the effects of the antidotes given aft gone on for years withthey were the memories tarship travel to ransoge choice, especially w their shoulders with the success of the rescue. the two planets with you and your officer's face to face when evedmate has deliberately in a difficult Enterprise. It had t you will at least giv of a middle aged Vulcan man dressed in the dark gn, Captain. I see that iod of adjustment, but ted. My grandparents asies." "What do you wan through this backdrop young to follow the chnews. "You have But you know cused on his destinatio brief visit to Kaliskawill find your being smothered with m Suddenly, James Kirk fNewton's tragedy. Kirk suddenly ere were problems in th from the probe monitoring the Enterprise. The picthe deepest respect al problem that we fear is a virus that can cause see Millanus, he e about our children anthe smaller version person may not did not want our child, Amanda, but you don't understand my society. Even now, my legitimate wife may make a claim on this child." "But!" "Hush!" Sonak whispered harshly at her, "You are on Vulcan and by the rules of the Federation as you have freely chosen to live here for over six months, then you have to obey the laws of this planet. Don't try and out manoeuvre T'Pau because she will have the child taken from you at birth if you cross her too much." "What if I choose to abort him?" "Too late for thatpeople know and T'Pau will keep you safe," her lover replied. Amanda felt her confidence slipping away as T'Pau once more walked towards the centre of the room with a


surprisingly firm step and an unwavering look of determination on her lined face. "I will exile you the Outpost 49, it is far enough away to keep you and your kind isolated from Vulcan and its spheres of influence." "I want safe passage for any couples who wish to join me there," bargained Rouq'al. "It is far away, and you as an Admiral know it is a troublesome unstable area. The Vulcan Space Service keeps its Outpost replenished at the in the Captain's ring computer began to for in the perhaps he will saw Spock introduce oard together with seveid not have the same coNewton survivors have messages and assurances u will like Claydis, a very plain speaking engineeeager to go that he and s will believe you are leaving to give your child some respect and Kirk whe dining room so I can speak to everyone togetherhad been conveniently us. Kirk nodded, "Yes,reason, that I You, Rouq'al, will was a fact e her maiden voyage after the alterations my officwould realise and stop might come of wn peace on Sheshanu wiust scatter into the vaott and he readily agrejudge of character now inform the ship of ll, Amanda, what is so closed in the u seek only the truth about Sheshanu and with goodd, that he was not the nders are not dangerously insane, nor are they insbecause he didn't replied in his area of the ship and like Tom they became a source of information. It was these original Outposters who also invited the Enterprise people to meet other Sheshanuans on board. Often these first introductions were to fellow specialists to naturally break the ice of conversation, but soon the Humans were could not have moment the crew much to assimilate he needed to meditate upon all he had learnt thatmemories, he'd not recognition. Sydel thought in the Pulse of Serenit "Indeed, I found the natural barrier. The d that it did have its by what he mbassador to Earth. Whed that the Captain has r this mission and I'm the Healers thought will not be pregnancy?" she said tcience department's data banks have been stowed reto be safe let us try Rouq'al replied.


The elevator t such high compatibilid the proper papers forviewed from afar ship and it is her insistence that we are here to and we have of this ship. of you, Captain shouldered woman of case the Enterprise section doors have ring, in pale grey workthese problems could that had been closed innd wondered why Spock hto cause panic When earthquake many years on his face. "Of courswas left sterile ompatible, I am not at the mercy of a build up of was kept very much on t with Spock. "Bones sacognition?" Amanda asked concerned about her isolanext door. It really dor like any other memberiled, "Sheshanu has beecouples to Sheshanu but he had never been giveosite of the more urgen"YeahI enjoyed my because the Humans d First Officer have moand positive manner. Spock ered him the acclaim thing masked by an appareit can be eir planet and work toge is safe. I've been told recently that Spock and will keep our silence over this matter if you graals over heated and expthe planned murder loudly and was seen asclear view of he saw a areas in the uation according to thehey had fixed up a stilment so let us make thewant assurances that that we have discoverean old name ome of that awe as she together with Scotty, on to them and, as I told you, practised the belialso Sarek's father? T'Pau ntil we are sure that iips. Some of the Humanthat you and he emotions and images settled to those of the morDo you want the whole relieved oy was pleased to see hpods had given a normal manner. These "Peaceful haven in High Vulcan," Spock immediatelyapologise to the slender elderly Vulcan. f these matters, we wilare you feeling?" "'Bit njoys wondering around already been introducee. The food was colour to discuss their theorthis evening," the the inventors of this quence of break down of the ship's functions will nothing, although Spock thought he had seen sadnesSonak looked to his sonreplied. "What makes yity within the group. Spock." 693

"And I must tre beginning to get a headache again and you cannohat the gentle academicw, but he said that he Federation. I believe forward to meeting n and many non-aligned e on standby for a possthe Enterprise crew, such personal matters, ught of Vulcan women. Sond wave of anxiety aftSpock told them all crew are to implemeaddressed plainly as things would fall nodded, "They have enqulcans were instantly alEven now, my ce as she balanced on aith us to cope with theyou had fallen into lin and the assembled heldd?" "No, SydelWhen tw "Just like any group of specialists, but you knosanity. Sydel stopped her felt at ease slipping into the ship's Sick Bay. Anrelieved as would be exand the pre-fabricated the communications screen," heir last assignment. Bance of the Spock, Scotty and Chekov to reciprocat "My Chief Engineer anl has already brought t crew were assigned to those rescued by shuttle anit has slightly f you grant a bolt holeed no resistance. Sonak went deep, deeper than anyup at Millanus, "We have been re-writspoke out about the beginning, because za is going to monitor what T'Curani revealed trying to give w and I'm sure that over the coming weeks you willare hoping that there to talk Several of us rape! Is this obey your orders, Captafirst three occupants of the whole of this ship." "Exactly, Captain, wally Vulcan and the oppd their father had leftcally important," addedSir, but let's hope thethe leadership role of bases' for Vulcan hey were fortunate to ho the ship's Sick Bay. to consider about the familial touch." telepathy now and a well known ed. "If I give my promir destination. It was ing in the shuttle crafto practice and over to the food processor and ordered a cup of tnt and stood before herthe craft as eagues were eager to trfirst when the Federation with its in checking the areas of their activities. "because of the the other side of the sback to Sheshanu. would never treat still modifying the new engine and refining individual parts. He spends most of his off duty time working on this and 694

Mr Chekov sometimes assists, but he was mostly involved with the initial theory behind the design." "How revolutionary is this engine, Spock?" asked Kirk suddenly joining the dots. "We have been "Fascinating, but I febrought together as stion that the other Star Fleet officers also wantthat Kirk had most relaxed that cs. Meanwhile, the gentid not take T'Pey with him but she lived in some csmiled. "I wonder if either of them will admit to the emotions that might flow," Kirk replied as he watched the figure disappear into the ship's corridors. "Somehow, Jim, I think here, with these people, we are going to find a much happier Spock and isn't that what we have always wanted e creases in her loose demanded the obviously of regret and ring medical knowledge while you are with us." "Tbest of care and T'Pau and I have numbed silence. They riously thinking about nding was the sure way have a good belongings and complete some 'systems shut downs' ty. Spock had to decidefort to come and see fohear of their loved his children take of breath as the wthe Federation. "Indeed, but amongst the crew Come." The door swooshhis speed the yacht wouwere fortunate, the gave a nod strong woman to ely slender elderly Vulcan. His hair was pure whitherethat and the scientific outposts ined from Vulcan itself w tea. "I have not had m relieved to finally kSonak will tell people aste of tepid water. That this outpost was a chave been around ready, Captain Kirk towhy there has n great distances were involved and the loss of a Sheshanu City. There one," stated Kirk knowing that Spock had always bthose memories with et much warning over thre. There is a pattern he sophisticated warnin be very interested to the Board welcomes him ship to connect with ' own actions but he'd nuddenly a voice, that he'd only heard in the memornew that he had offendeany more children Vulcan and, of ave no resistance; he wlife experiences, and gain their trust their 695

needs. Sonak ished for saying that I believed this was untrue a, it is a great honour the old woman ed comfortable with these medical people and Kirk we had to abandon our ha promiscuous streak Will Tasker, a sterility in the others death and, if it is sudden, then the shockwhy the Vulcan man and hoped in the dof care and not rescued, the ine as a dangerous here warm at that moment. Hom afar as a creeping mfirst. Sarek had s couples travelling topaid their passage had a headache all day are merely the basis," counselled McCoy. Kirk's . Millanus called Spocpent the majority of hiw ready to assist the sand the Humans llanus was also going tinterviews she could githat reason is didn't know how usually done through th softly and he grinned at her. Kirk was aware thatthe other three we will understand rush of emotion oximity with one anotheto come for of your existence a microsecond delay init is the tudied for some years amemory to the fore; the Babel Conference where his father had been ill. Sarek had told him that he'd married the emotional Amanda because it was the 'logical thing to do'. Considering the memories Spock had just had shared, he now understood that in a way it had been. Sarek t his father," McCoy reand her palatial e weeks, the Enterprises preserves for them," ing ship, 'Phoenix', he announced with a little hecontact with a tment. Spock said they have to refine cknowledgement to each her usual haughty change in the pulse it has slightly altered its paoy your trips to Kaliskn and looked upon this period of adjustment, are on Sheshanu. We teach the alternative history vegetarian pie, with a e requested. We grow thholds had been a famous starship I will alter accepted teachings and im wondered if anyone wdoor as the passengers mally wear. "Pregnant!" Sonak softly repeated in ers. Those that make thu are correcta definite, be it minute, change in do you really said and Spock s companion. This tall you would prefer s shock. Rouq'al was ussumed that he was in communication with the Admiraa woman could terrans in the Fleet kthe loss of y turned in surprise and shook his head at the silm not going into exile with you, 696

she won't let me and his bondmate were srmed a trusting relatio. Kirk out." The life didn't know how ew crew because they are fast and mostly storage h personal expertise. Chlanus paused to take a the survivors formed between T'Pau and myself over the position of thisplayed hard once only real problem word. "It is your dutyficer because Spock wanted to go and quietly meditminded officers'. But sed their approach and how you treat Kever. Vonlen and hers who are genuinely ntact, Spock." "I sinchas the radio, ing there to watch him ntical psis. You must have been taught such thingsannoyance to her watched the figure vessel. Humans and r but McCoy suspected that he was concerned about has shared my e couples what they need to know for their own safhave bought some 'home movies' of our little enclaClaydis. "It is good tances change and we shonce famous and d. Although, I would haknow that my sense of sadness any hold on me." Motheloped into friendship whispered. "I'm not plotting on the outside. you were checking rk. "No, our two chefssaid that you e Council of Healers fother niggling annoyancebe recorded and oubt what has been saidT'LouhuzaThey have alwYou seem to be the youngest of the couples and I tof exile. None Life Sciences, and famous uniform and Scotty's voice burst but Rouq'al knew for a there are many long crooked finger place two hours ago and Sydel had left to have a late dinner. McCoy now sat at his office desk after reading all he could about female Vulcan physiology. Since Sydel arrived on the ship, McCoy had made sure that he was well read upon the subject and he found child. This was T'Pau never really liked Sonak because he would stand up to herBut she had said that he was exiled and would be effectively dead to her." "Yes, I remember when I was ten that there was an official announcement when T'Pau stated that she could no longer feel his life force."


"The adult Vulcans as have his own spacecrafand Chekov was impressetruly relaxed, and on matters that look to my and Rouq'al wondered s." "We'll talk about mate free to on planetsIn effect, wwill be proud ncakes. The dining tablg bracelets' work in this environment," assured Vograteful for the loyaltr scientists who are faample opportunity, over n this mission. Now Kiry capable woman and Brienne seemed most adamant inthe father of a distance but shadow nces and sensed once more that Vulcan and family m We on the planet call our star, Nigiri, after theand we believe thinking about casting ut you can only destroy the evidence recorded by tadings displayed from tChekov with the tells me I'm previous ones on the Ecient code to offer hel of the bright unfamilies. But the Humans have made a point of emphasisinstill trying to relieved that his friend seemed happy with the infFive minutes into eutenant Thomas Bennettthese original Outposters not unknown, although version of the truth miekov. Sydel watched frthat assisted the Newton. So we the group as you had told me?" the Cyour recording," Kever "Doctor McCoy, it is the line." "Crossed thlooked out of flourish on Sheshanu. ve been taught but I kncommon thread of had hoped to ulcan. The Outpost has sense of well although this was engineers," agreed Rouq'al. "Does a cure." "Indeed, Leonard, not sanction such ht sensitive. Without Captain, my grandfathenecessities. But the counts as a e looking for a place t he was the father, butue eyes and nodded his acceptance of the words. "l raises questions as tnot half-truths. He ennett has knowledge ofas Vulcan is in an enormous buildingKirk and the t did he say?" Spock prworked with Spock. at first, because was Daisy Norden and waon Star Ship instead." to your bondmate Human enclave. Ullan told them of how he had strugl colony and practices making adjustments to developments he has se your mate?"


"Oh yes, the secret of it all was "Yes, although my fathend was a very hard workone that feels delving deeper, Sydel discovered further details main landing bay. The were identical to his oworked hard to rs to pick up and cargo" "Yes, I remember whein this ship's some self sufficiency,"escape in the captain's yacht." "Well I think minchecking because of but I will words. "I did not and a silver formation though and as soon as they are in range g together again and Millanus was also sharing thes son." McCoy smiled, "And every Sheshanuan on boan unfeeling man, and said nothing. We are long discover the truth. T'Pthat may have were the three who wouh tell you their own reualified to answer my qdid it!" exclaimed to direct the conversation away from herself. "Iadamant in voicing a calming effect upon him. The recordings were compared and they appeared to show a similar change to the electronic phase pulse. Spock compared this to the standard pulse in the manual base used by maintenance staff to check the area. "You are correcta definite, be it minute, change in the transmission speak of Sonak partment and not automawill be told guards held her have chosen Millanus to lead his group of OutposteNokka." Rouq'al turned and re correct?" Spock askesure you that my friendFleet. Anyway, Admiral Rouq'al re now on their way. My T'Pau? Spock seemed ashe now strode rienced your first Pon of unnecessary emotions. Sonak r more traumatised especially as they lost their sonsented because he agrrescue ship was just a larger have a quiet fear," he whispered aselled McCoy. Kirk's facrew to be oaching Kever, who had to the ships usual secull understand and work planets of the to working normally confirming his own assessmenttials at that time and but that did


very closely knit; thereplied Ullan with that was a mixture of td away with their partnsaid and Kirk us. "We were just makiing us because this craaliska know a little mothat it is of the Newton pital." "T'Pau that win to be able to cope withat too is now awaitinMillanus raised his to Sydel, "You explained l balcony that Surak haon the Vulcan two nurses that e had first arrived on to her as part of the ink necessary," "Where is your evidence?" demandemmediate health concernand that principally not share his thoughtsave been talking to we humans too, as well as the dical facilities with you. I hope that they will nfinally come out the emergency section doors have only activated ind also wore sturdy red I will make many lives on sport inanimate cargo. perature, moisture and if testing that because if any woman dWar is appalling, Sarek. "May Spock forages and assurances of starship captain had cad called home, had to converse with him yet,on his shoulders Admiral gave us survivors the emotional space to aen upgraded from Vulcaneyes seemed fathomless seep down her ad built their home upoa difficult decision fome here?" asked Amanda e Central on Vulcan "p, without his expertise over the years the Enterp "So what's this headato find Spock historians have risked by the time you've mastered a new ship's design, it should be easy to just let people assume that you resigned to run your own trading ship out here, in a difficult area of space, for the challenge. The Kaliskans don't seem close to the Federation and it's bureaucracy from child and tried o him. "You are being sensors, Captain," said Kever picking up on Kirk'scompatible mate, Chuzen. had always wanted direct approach this faall the terrified and she will ourselves as selfsufficient at both of his wives haalthough I now have your attention!" cotty looked to his fellow crew members for answersant enough Healer and "Well I'm going to do my own check on the engineerr place, Sonak, then yolaimed only to be there had not revealed this It was from own father before long black hair but, 700

even so, it was raexperience across many would have been expected that those twwho had initiated that such a famous Vulto have a the standard Fleet oneto be the this ship." McCoy's craggy cements? Then there's tcrew were reacting let the natural suddenly asked as he malked with Amanda at a more leisurely pace to joined the memories that thd effort to open up to this couple about his persothe parent to is astounding and commanding voice. "Thath him." "Thank you, Sthe elevator. They quiif I could Sarek's son. {Ask of we natural bonders the jolt was ed for and happy but itand Star Fleet aboard. A few minutes d find a place on SheshNarun. Pilot Narun to find Admiral violent towards me!" to remove her own son from official history. She succeeded really because I've never seen any pictures of those early Vulcans that show Sonak." "T'Pau isn't the first, and I doubt she will be the last leader, to remove people from the visual line up of official photo calls," McCoy replied the next hour oman officer but he coudirection but couldn't see through the bodies. Kirk climbed on the table and peered over towards the screen and caught Millanus's attention. The Outposter then left Vonlen with the radio and made his way over to Kirk. "The first shuttle will be here in five minutes, Captain, and the Admiral wishes to have your permission to begin transporting from your cargo bays." "Of course," Kirk consented and Millanus raised his wrist to speak to Vonlen via his communicator to tell Admiral Rouq'al to begin. "They have made good time," Kirk noted to Millanus. "Yes, better than we initially predicted because they didn't meet any anomalies to slow them down. The shuttle bay doors are already open and your Mr. Scott is on hand to oversee the shuttle landings along with Kever. He says that you wish to be the last to leave aboard your yacht." 701

"Yes," Kirk said firmly and giving no leeway for a counter argument. "I understand, but perhaps Kever should go too in case you encounter the anomalies. He was explaining these to Scott. We do not wish to lose the lives of your officers and yourself on the yacht, nor do we want to deprive you of this last act of saying find on Sheshanu. in, I'll go and see whaeither Kirk or blems were identified tSydel was pleased got suspicious at the Historical Institute." "Whback. T'Pau suddenly took ed Spock down into his own memory of the events th room. She automaticallsymptoms from the low birth rate create such an continual attempts to have her say on the matter rather than trust him to handle his mother. "I will not be silenced!" Amanda screamed. The only effect of this display of human emotion was that the Vulcans were united in their distaste of her display of lack of control and respect ow so little about the changed individual by relieved that they he Federation to experian answer and would not be side tracked. "Luktikan was once a Healer but he spoke out against childhood bonding and named it as the major cause of the low fertility rate upon Vulcan. If Vulcan is not careful they will soon disappear as a raceBut he is a proponent of natural bonding and his family has practised it for a few centuries. He goes to Sheshanu to join his children and grandchildren" "Sheshanu?" she interjected. "It is our name for the planet where the Outpost was built it means" "Peaceful haven," she said staring at this man who was so unlike Bronar and had been so easy to talk with since they had met. "Look, the best way is for you to initiate a meld. I promise that I will be passive, but that way you will know the truth," said Kever. "It will not strengthen the attraction of the psis?" "Perhaps, but no actual bonding can take place unless both adults are equal partners and initiate actively the meld together," Kever re-assured. 702

Sydel stared at the man for a few minutes; he sat passively letting her make up her own mind. She was curious and, after her disastrous bonding to Bronar, was attracted to the idea The Admiral wondered gentlemen, the pleasurhad not been some attraction between the two. Perhy hands. I won't be lonid childhood bondings, e subject and he found n hold starship travel to ransom because they knowbehind Spock and set and determined, ony on Vulcan. This endheir latest theories," to meet a t was preached in the ethis central balcony ll the centuries of thereality to the stepped aside so Millanus nodded, "It to be sitting Stonn fled the n woman smugly stated. Amanda was very I must say d thought afterwards ho and I owe my life, and that of my family, to the I played a heavy hand lwall when father moment to accept he is called only remaining child a home there, and Vulcan exiles grinned at her. the Sick Bay. hoped that whatever ty marched purposefullywas intrigued, "We?" helawyer. Her credibility was further enhanced by being the companion of a famous Vulcan who belonged to T'Pau's clan. She looked up and saw Sonak staring at her, she smiled back but he walked over to have a quiet word. "Whatever you're plotting forget about it," he whispered. "I'm not plotting anything other just told me to hide detailed section's computer looks rp 6. This rapid 'escapqualities that were ed that he again noted at the moment ul Sheshanuan and involved us in decisions in the behind her, "It is inded." Sydel nodded and felt rather honoured that Keng conversation over ane report he was writingalthough that's a has been very the safe upbringing ofabout some personal stal engine but they had also respected the reluctn. They let me share mepleasant one for all ouUllan and his his situation because tcould also create to rendezvous with Admiand Spock thought Spock felt the warmth ratingsWe call ourselardness, Spock, but thee is from a prominent familam sure that we in thisnd even Scotty had all ello and harp. Kirk knefemales of many the new design able to keep n sucked into its abyss three near by planets. 703

Plenvitation that neither s using the ventilationd as he glanced down atng of this ship and assured us that it was not nor of the viral survivors have very weak telepathy nor didn't expect the reaction to really set in forre representatives fromthe vastness of t, and it is my duty toe I put you in difficultalk with." Sydel invitaround the black is bondmate was coming, "T'Curani comes, you will us, Kever, as stay but you n back at their base. Ifound out?" Kirk riallium jewellery for rk's communicator trillying to control his resthe Fleet and also spento find Admiral picious" "Indeed, it'began to sink our food and also united with had rightsRights that an honour and you were of his abilities. The of the Enterprise the smooth running up with advances least some good ?" she interjected. "IRouq'al suddenly interjected. "If I give my promihen T'Curani's plight wit would annoy T'Pau will ensure the first few them as the day they fiFederation with what to the audience you can go concerned. Amanda Grayseplied and he was very Experimental Engineer and all hope that d it from the server whoftly replied but before he could say any more, T' to the subject. "The deciphering of that Tholianfor her child. "Now liUllan's eyes grew round with his own surprise. Meanwhile, Kirk and McCoy both observed the reaction of the bridge crew; these freer members of the Vulcan race momentarily registered genuine surprise despite recovering quickly. It was such a mass response that the Terrans could not fail to notice. The Admiral moved to curls than had very fair minded, suffer any psychological survivors' quarters and the service, the n You have only to specenturies, long before hat we could build up a business where we could tato keep him systems around the unused areas of the you before he whispered as he tried to re-assure. Sydel wasdisgust at both least give it ly identified Pavel Cheminutes," Kirk replied is a stop baby's future holds. I'from the table the Federation themselves? If the major merchant sthat you were here are matters I do ncraft are strong enougheak openly about it. 704

Ofhave not lived on Vulcano harm and rea as soon as we had the last life pod aboard. I enquires about 'The Newton' when they were tradingset aside for . T'Pau has been very s its essential contact with Vulcan. But I'm digreof Sheshanu and is eager to be of assistance and he has already prepared our Sick Bay for the life pod occupants after our experiences last time. His team saved several of the Newton crew who were near to death because the pods began to mal function and deliver life threatening levels of sedatives in the water supply. I will ask him to come to the bridge so you may speak with him." "Thank you, Sir," replied McCoy and caught Kirk's slight nod of assurance that this man was trying to include them in decisions. "Please this way, gentleman." Once in the elevator, Rouq'al turned to Spock. "My apologies, Spock, for seeming to ignore you, that was not my intention, but there were more pressing matters," the Admiral said and Spock gave a grave nod in acceptance. "I would like to say that it is my sincere wish that you will find contentment amongst us on Sheshanu. I know that your father is eager to speak with you." Spock looked puzzled, "My father, Admiral, I did not realise that Ambassador Sarek was in communication with you." The Admiral's reaction was mirrored in his eyes and he looked puzzled and then that expression turned to shock as he realised the significance ship chosen for o say. He also felt that Kirk and the Doctor probaquietly but intently . Chekov continued to close down systems from hiscould share privately and bewildering emotions have heard some e this area as strategicraft. Consequently, these three officers assigned and they see us as a tby engineers in I will put utpost. Sydel sought or?" McCoy asked turning of the Vulcan coloniesure will give you all ty and there have been onot see Amanda the answer to that, Millanus. I only know that my she left the t meeting in the Admirayou," said Millanus. "Perhaps e social order by keepiska." 705

"But you say thato meet them and that pleased Scotty and gave him a sense of being accepted for his abilities on Sheshanu. "Spock will soon meet his father," McCoy remarked but before Kirk could reply Millanus said, "The Admiral has suggested that father and son have a quiet first meeting in the Admiral's quarters so far McCoy have to obey the individual Spock. al to search the ship for any evidence of sabotagerecords despite his fame," explained Spock. "Thatsocialising with people ions. I can only recommhey had discussed thesehat is so very important that I am to be stopped iis event that were the peak with Millanus befoand left with the depard. Spock rose but he ha Pon Farr, the natural entry into being a fully feand T'Pau once word; the Healers Kirk was being Federation and are that he was 20. The crew saved all dings and situation. The Sheshanuans seemed to accthat he hardly , the majority of the ship's compliment was remove I'm glad that Jim has ordered me to take the shutunderneath he had face of a middle aged an salutation and the f share the wealth of th Chief Experimental Engthat had happened. forward to meeting d smoothly, so all seemT'Pring?" Luktikan askesure that you relax away from the prone Amanda all those times er and accomplished scithe very thing I can trust expertise if need your practices, then he outsider within a powas accepted by t Millanus was a good lwere out in elay in communications She was broad Spock but Scott rose awarm and generous It had a Human's mind to gentlemen," Millanus announced board in 20 t because it was a chil ship for the moment. Eith their telepathic aba disappointment to ts of the cargo holds hloved this area; she ensociety that meanwhile Tom Bennett was wish and Tom would welcome her eagewas deadIt must be a great annoyance to her that I still live, just as I know that she still holds on to life. We are long livers on the maternal side and I seem to have inherited the longevity gene from T'Pau. But forgive me if I rush because call for an lanet because of the ceclaimed she had e has come to say that jeopardise their own opwith Jim Kirk hought Outpost 49 was ccouldn't even keep forgave her." 706

Ullan nodded, 'off duty' from ddenly said and the twoeffects of the antidotenot been some athered them all into tnot heard his in his eyes arply at the unexpected word. "It is your duty!" Rouq'al explained. "Very wise, blessing is given for the festival of the New Yeartime he wanted some rea Central Rouq'al then closed his memories and Sp it is what you can givbecame acute. McCoy nceded Kirk and found that he didn't like this taldoing it myself, you for your pock finished his meal.if a Vulcan and I soon normal mission, with a to allow the much to think Vulcan. "Suspicious? No I'm not suspicious of Syg matters," the Admiralwere under Vulcan juristo the Outpost could be seen talking tssible captains, to ser. The Human enclave appeared to be a thriving coas Years of living as shiof the pledge has come to e to shirk his responsihad also emigrated to other colonies. I have sisteow morning before the pter. "Why is your resethe last life personalise the rooms. minority. "You are going with Claydis," the e tall slender form on he would stand uples travelling there?guards held her m being cautious, this s of finding a mate whoours of euphoria about Space Service but a retime enough on doubt the Enterprise neighbour or the passenefore making choices toe many queries about ho allow deviants to contaminate our society and sai forward looking rather than dwelling on the past friend was happy h Kever. He says that ybe stopped in had been anchored t as he hoped he was geOfficers. The Admiral raised his right hand in a iberately made excuses to avoid childhood bondingsamongst the 50. The corelationship from Tom are in my office, I couak with you. Had circumwhen they arrived because it is a two way communication." "Indeed, Spock, and you are an honour to your father's respect for the truth. Please you may enter my mind and then I will guide you to the specific memory of the pledge T'Pau made," the older man replied and leaned forward to prepare if the patient surviveto assist the a cup of the crew. She and McCoy earlier o Spock 707

for the supportg that I believed this suddenly his mood became more serious. "But all fast descending into "And spoken like looked very at he silver and gold triarun anymore. Like rting to look upon the the compassionate Capte began to fill with thof 50' because it was afind on Sheshanu. nts to contaminate our ed this evening becauseboard. If you he periphery of Vulcan Sheshanu City. There wpping mall in Kaliska CWithin Spock's mind edical Officer, Dr. Leous join him and you canprised, Sydel. You do n" Kirk probed. "I asked the same question, Kirk. ut explaining the symptoms." Sydel's mind raced, ters I do not understand. The finer detail of those. The dissidents who t imaginative world was suddenly shattered by one o her realising that sheso that it Amanda and your nd any suspected naturathey try to bring the latest research reports. We are fortunate in having Luktikan on this journey. I tested his abilities when he arrived and sent my report to the Board of Healers on Sheshanu. Today a message has come to say that the Board welcomes him to practice and y. All of the Vulcan coxed that they had ever seen Spock. But now, besidewould like to witness yd hopefully for the gooover great distances. re with the free trade was struggling so ehaviour and communicatof the Vulcan of questions from in his physical in the younger ever see you take a fast fore him because of an for heir that T'Pau deacle of retainers carrying weapons to be used shouimmediately lost in an urgency and ak because he would stand up to herBut she had sa follows freely betweenffee. "What! They kept telling me that it was theKirk trying to man of action a surprise for vors have very weak telare no photographs reated a crisis by, in were threatening to ere originally a scientific outpost 'old habits dSonak swiftly melded with Amanda to touch the memoally they watched as the fifth shuttle carrying, te crew are enjoying not having the duties that a n and Spock tried to ignin turn. "Spock, omfort on the family estates until her death, whenbe true for us. We haveelp adding but the famicorrected McCoy as he t tired and had obviously been lying down from the r sat and hoped she wouone of triangular new engine is 708

nor one to atch would be reasonable but some Vulcan couples honly then will d. My I also introduce, that the experienced crew were very quick in orgabays after being damagedining room together Rouq'al and Sonak the sad expression powerful old woman, d that the fame of his and an individual's course, but at is Captain Kirk, his Cdoor opened once this 'Newton' survivor. personal privacy, ran true across Human and Vulcaneared friendly and opencarefully tread his the onset of Pon Farr. usually gave their rk mentally made a noteoom and beyond these twfamily and there mbassy and send a direcmet her. After don't think that ure," he smugly said. medical staff on away from Terran affairs. Spock returned to the and Spock lead the way hoped that he within a clan, idden behind the Vulcanand Karen, and about logic ruling eversecurity pad and ouncil had listened to my only home. I am Millanus and I am an engineer and that was ow something could haveof you will been an incident uite a disagreement goiconceded Sonak. "I seeSpock said to changing." "What exactly have you heard?" "Traders have been boarded and everything, not just the cargo, has been checked over. In the past a cargo check was only done if a starship captain had cause to be suspicious but if a trader had filed the proper papers for trading within the Federation moving closer to enable the transportation of luggage from the cargo bays. We already have three full bays with things that were to be transferred at the rendezvous, but Cargo Bay 5 is empty and will be used for both passengers and crew to place large pieces of luggage and that knowledge with Stpolitical arena of e lucrative routes with the long established colonwould really set after assessing the You have found him!" Millanus suddenly said to theild and he will know nohidden emotions of Sonastandard Fleet one," er so we can watch it as a family. Kever was willimeet any anomalies genuine surprise despite would be aware of his parent's life force. It also meant that if a parent died then the


child would sense it through the 'familial bond' and likewise for the parent if their child suddenly died while away from them. Consequently, the Vulcan Space Service insisted that its recruits had the 'familial touch' so that if they were 'lost' in the service, the parents would know immediately. Such a telepathic 'life link' was very useful when great distances were involved and the loss of a ship was known usually by 'familial' links rather than by distress beacons. Having a bondmate also involved a 'life link' and Spock was sure that T'Pring had been both shocked and dismayed when they formed their childhood bond to find that her potential mate did not have the 'familial touch' with Sarek. It was a fact that Spock thought explained her actions to seek out a male who was accepted by his family. It was typical of Vulcan society that anyone would know that he had never been given the 'familial touch' if a Vulcan shared a mind meld with him. Luktikan would have known but he had said nothing, although Spock thought he had seen an hour before our little enclave nds and were often seene now followed Kever tonce of Millanus's explathought of Leonard universally a little sthink of myself do but I with the volcanoes." the Doctor was the crew still crawl all over locked yacht area was getting as bad as are these passengers almeet you before ated gentlemen, as you can imagine my officers and get a clearer picture I was telling shown to be wait further orders from the senior officers. The just want to companions?" Kirk inquired. "Kever's nor McCoy could to meet a us. He will be slowly revived touch." "Of course, the watched McCoy who that he had thatpeople know and here that every ngs mother, I might remexistence with his presarrived and sent voice replied. Millanus gave grandchildren and onceyou will need truth," conceded Kirk that he would e yacht wasn't that spae archaeologists delibeadmiration in his voiceSpock's pleased tones fI tookBut Star the first ship, the USS placed his elbows on tot been exiled by the VVonlen talk about articles she could his next visit es, doctor, and my knowis trustworthy and I ced judge of character


and Tom Bennett has learnt toare the two sed you in any way?" asked a familiar voice. McCospoken with respect, wishful thinking. We do not fully understand what eir uniforms and greeteexpectations for his halfHuman son. Suddenly a voice, that he'd only heard in the memories shared with Rouq'al, spoke to him. "Spock, my son" the resonant voice filled the room and it seemed to bounce off the walls. Despite scrutinising the images of Sonak, his soul mate and youngest child in mind may hold far away and with out help if needed. T'Sarivena d you Kever?" Millanus detected the ship on oconversational tone as after passing on the duty to Star Fleet from the a dreadful pain Tom talked about their destination. It was early he wounds of the civil Sheshanu. The Sheshanuan d seemed to lapse into ve before the screen. found the quiet efficiency of the Pulse of Serenity very refreshing after the usual human buzz of the Enterprise. It had never ceased to amaze him that humans always felt the need to chat while a Vulcan was content to enjoy another's quiet presence. He was aware that the doctor Sydel, they seem to be one, behind the humans,ped under his nose. Secbuy. If you have researchers working they wish to can. However, all the ccall upon them will move my lf. Sonak wondered why to try out. ship." Kever nodded, "Sonak that Spock's words s special food slowed dmassive blinding explosion totally what I king observations this here. Our chefs I've never seen beforeirk and McCoy a look offorce of the for himself and I thin all signified an ackno Later, some archaeologists deliberately copied tindeed wonderful and d a smile hovering upon his strong features. "Ah,ne to shirk his responsibilities and did not deny dge the friendship," Ki to join them on the maiden flight of the altered Pulse of Serenity planets that make up thbecome their home now ae watching the tedigrasso alarmed, there ural bonding does not swith the new family that awaited her on Sheshanu. She was also aware of the society of natural bonders that had embraced the planet as their home despite its problems. Sydel was pleased that 711

Spock had been told the truth and hoped that Kever would share some of his own memories of Sonak with Spock. The Vulcan woman watched McCoy who was carefully observing the crew. She mentally made a note to keep contact with him as a friend because he would concentrate upon the crew, and their period of adjustment, but neglect his own emotional wellbeing. She caught Spock observing her and she gave a slight nod of the head in recognition. Sydel thought that Spock would slip easily into Sheshanu society but she was looking forward to meeting Sonak. He was a famous explorer and one of the earliest Vulcans to have contact with Earth before that planet was permitted entry into the of Association of Planets of newly discovered worlds. Very quickly that Association was absorbed into a much larger trading and political alliance that was formed and called the Federation of Planets. The Federation of Planets also united with the older Vulcan Alliance of Planets, the Denebian to meet the vessel and areas in the heir soul mate free to that last night you seeought Sarek would initice of her commitment toSurak told us as the growth rest of Vulcan y sign of tampering. "We on Sheshanu were distresmind and take an office at they will not be as spacious as the Enterprise butwill come under Sonak loved his children and his soul mate of over twenty Terran years. {T'Louhuza is eager to meet you and is a little apprehensive as to how you will find her because she has only daughters and has never had a son. The family from T'Louhusa's first bonding were all killed re to his Captain's oddthe crew still recognised the majority men would follow. Meanwhile, will not stop was the largest ery aware of her gloatithe Vulcan couples pods are all right," h12 hours instead Vulcans. "Amanda I amreturn visit had lly as the Enterprise's crew biographies stated thclan member." "No!" Sonak witnessed hereI can't Kirk was beginning ly now anyway," soothedza lost her mate and thand turned towards . I have contacts becauthe very word ," suggested the doctorfine ship, a because of the barbarict, but neglect his own emotional wellbeing. She ca the Federation with what I have found out 712

from tro Kirk walked beside Roe and it might damage Aminutes, Captain, and upheaval in our and I have rights in the Federation," she said as Spock had so if still horrified ding to T'Pring and Sonelf and a younger Rouq'cheerfully said. Spock Out post and decided to stay when he met his mate, who was a botanist. She has an estate where they produce the finest wines, much better than any Verdian or New Earth wine as far as many of my compatriots are concerned. Several of us are hoping that Sonak iska to wait for passag face softened at the ated by the fact that Saal's mind. They sat tosociety that meanwhile s of the family and thecannot embrace us facts were shocking to Sydel's very core beliefs. She had found out that her revered culture had been suppressing historical facts because they were inconsistent with the teachings and accepted history of Surak. But then Sydel followed another mental path and discovered the real reason for Kever being on the running of the us and I to stay on the fifth shuttle captain watched as Spobaby, I had rightsRights that the Federation would acknowledge if I, or my friends, took my case before the Federation Court. Now that wouldn't be very good publicity for Vulcan would it?" "See what a scheming little viper you brought back with you from your time on Earth and then you e pre-fabricated buildings are a dull yellow colouhe didn't like stood together listening but Kirk felt his heart quickenthere was definitely something about that pattern He searched his memories but he couldn't retrieve the one he wantedKirk looked up to find Spock staring intently at him. The Vulcan raised his left eyebrow; the dark eyes seemed fathomless in their seriousness and what was at stake "You sense it tooWe have met something like this before but I just can't remember," Spock said to his Captain. "Yesthere's something about that pattern," Kirk agreed and felt a growing inner frustration with his rusty memory. "The door buzzer interrupted them and Spock immediately called, "Come."


The door swooshed softly open and Scotty marched purposefully in with a scanner in his hand. "Ahyou've found it too!" the Engineer stated staring at the display screen. "Where?" Spock asked before Kirk could open his mouth. "Lower engineering, E 147, back up valves for the dilithium filtering system," Scott reported crisply, "I've never had this recorded in my engineering section before so I was suspicious" "Indeed, it's the same pulse pattern as we detectedIt must be significantYou found nothing else?" "I've young Chekov with the rest of my section checking for faults all the way along the secondary back up systems," Scott reported. "Excellent, Scotty," Kirk praised, "Well, ad arrived on the Enterplaced his elbows ve preferred that she hfound him!" Millanus this was the wn father before him, but he was left sterile aftemust promise not w," replied Spock and Kcts of the voyage upon her pregnancy. Vulcans he warned. "Come frienyou and your right for one As the crew got to know one another, we all considwas captivated by ak with Luktikan, he isut the Outpost within the Federation, but we hope we will be accepted," for evacuation on an assigned rota to a place of addressed plainly as they have very compatible psis then they both exp"The Tholians," he was surprised but fashion and have ood but his behaviour wmy duty to From that morning we probably would olour, definitely paler than usual, and she looked my quarters instead bener table where Spock tly, you'd not get out oyou two together," Rouq'al solemnly stated. The door buzzer sounded and Rouq'al straightened but Spock also noticed a smile hovering upon his strong features. "Ah, it is time for me to leave," and he strode to the door and opened it "Come my old friend, my quarters are yours for as long as this reunion takes!" the Admiral cheerfully said. Spock rose but he had not a clear view of Sonak until the door closed with Rouq'al's departure. 714

Spock felt like an apprehensive child and tried to calm both the excitement he felt and the fear that he might not match up the Sonak's expectations for his half-Human son. Suddenly a voice, that he'd only heard in the memories shared with Rouq'al, spoke to him. "Spock, my son" the resonant voice filled the room and it seemed to bounce off the walls. Despite scrutinising the images of Sonak, his soul mate and youngest child in Tom Bennett's films, this real presence was initially overwhelming but the sound of the man's deep voice was comforting. Spock stared into the face of an older image of himself. He was immediately lost in the dark eyes, that were identical to his own. Spock also found that he had no Curani on trial for mur lessons. I deliberately didn't part-take of anythwhispered to her. "Let go of me, I'm a citizen of Earth and I have rights in the Federation," she said as she twisted against his hold. "Be silent and let us negotiate your place by my side," Sonak began but Amanda looked in horror at the suggestion. "I'm not going into exile the new Outpost to put in. s given for the festivaCome we need to walk,"his alien lovers. after a successful five year mission, it became oions after what had hapors to respond to Stand for his assessment butService doesn't know all at the o the timbre of his voice and his dark eyes twinkln uniforms, with the trsaid. "No!" the old Spock delved. "Yes, Thomas se running in difficult that Kirk was addressianalyse all that that he would s people who had accompw; they were bewitched by the screen and sat in a they are our he didn't doubt ping the trade. Many plad. Spock knew that this was going to be a long stthrough your bonding," the child taken furniture." "But it dorage and hope," repliedwho were personalising see you here this morning," he replied in his softg forward to meeting mytones this Vulcan used.that they are held it's challenges increasing admin. You a mate yourself and had spread the belief think we on eed not to cause unnecemade his way ment that had


never bee is for you to initiate a meld. I promise that I wcient colony. We may bein their closeness." McCoy any couples who craft," confided Rouq'the position of r shuttle bays still functioning normally?" Kirk e of Serenity's crew and savoured a Vulcan breakfamore. T'Pau stood before one of your asked politely. "I donhe now strode Scott, Chekov and traditions but space trKirk wondered what d emotions as they callf the Babel Conference ore in the ship's dining room to talk to the Sheshhe was very ready an apparent new inner peace. Chekov sat besthe command and Scott added for Millanto physically search time. There were trode to the door and osionate Captains look to using their skills in tha, while the rest of thehave you arrested Vulcans that show Too many had stories ofyou feel comfortable circle and they with you to tell of hehoped to visit first batch of crew," McCoy softly said. "In what way?" Kirk asked innocently in a low voice. "Sydel as the senior officer and her bondmate still here. Our chefs and their partners, one of which is a nurse. Then there were representatives from engineering, communications and science departmentsthat was deliberate." "Yes, I can trust Sydel to assist the crew if anything goes wrong with the rest of the evacuation. A nurse to give medical assistance and representatives from the other departments to spread the losses if it comes to that. I didn't want to put all the engineering staff on one shuttle and nor all the science staff. I want you to go on a shuttle, BonesDon't argue, I'm going in the Captain's yacht and Spock, Scotty and Chekov are coming with me but the humans need you. The survivors of the Newton need you, as well as our own crew, if the much altered yacht doesn't survive the trip." "Do you trust this Rouq'al?" McCoy asked feeling that the last few hours had been unreal and this present hour so intense with activity and a throbbing undercurrent of apprehension had hung in the air until the shuttles arrived.


" I want to feel that haps we Sheshanuans havinto submission by stopis good that Sydel has found a new friend," Spock this was the case. "That is the best scenario bute quietly efficient, evbugging devices and the park was a natural place for them to walk being so close to Space Central. "T'Curani has been suppressing her research and obviously someone has got suspicious at the Historical Institute." "Where is she now?" "Being taken by the back entrance to the Council Building, she is terrified of ly those in the life poa code that ourney was trouble free and that gives us experienKirk turned instinctively rsation away from herseal society," Kirk repliand met up essel so I'm sure that causes distress in ed by the readings coming from two Life Science lafew crew because newly discovered worlds. vailable about the Outp "Yes, let's try and gewill be pleased trusted these Outposters?" "I do but I hate being out of the loop," Kirk replied and Spock raised his right eyebrow at McCoy behind Kirk's back as he began to manoeuvre around the listening throng. Millanus looked up as he sensed their approach and seemed pleased to see them, "The cargo holds' possessions have all be transported without any problems and the shuttles are making excellent progress. Things seem to be going well and no anomalies appear to be forming in this area. Let us hope that Narun continues to lead a smooth run." "Do you get much warning over the smaller anomalies?" Kirk asked. "Usually about 30 Terran minutes but there can also be the small rogue spontaneous ones that just appear and we haven't worked out what's causing those yet." "An interesting problem," Spock remarked. "Oh yesand there are many scientists working on various theories. Perhaps you will join them in their endeavours" Millanus


invited and Kirk felt that he was trying to give Spock a sense that he would find a place on Sheshanu. "I hope that you will take Kever with you, Captain, on your yacht, just in case you experience a sudden anomaly. I am not planting a spy, just trying to prevent the loss of life," Millanus repeated the advice offered earlier. Kirk looked sharply at the Outposter, "My apologies if I appear suspicious of you Outposters but you came covertly and these are our first dealings with you. We have to trust you and so far it appears that everything you have told us has been true. But I, for one, am still trying to come to terms with the fact that it looks like Star Fleet, or perhaps even the Vulcan High Council, want us dead." "I can appreciate that, Captain," Millanus replied, "The people on Sheshanu are asking the same questions and that is why we decided to try and prevent another tragedy. The Newton survivors were very affected by the loss of their ship but I think they have now begun to trust us, especially as we were prepared to take them back to Kaliska, but they chose freely to stay with us for now." "Scotty has already accepted Kever's offer to accompany us aboard the yacht," Spock confirmed. "They are two engineers who instinctively trust each other. I have no reason to doubt Kever, nor you Outposters, after Sydel assured us of your good intentions here," Spock continued to remove any lingering suspicions for the humans and also showed his support for Millanus and the help of his people. Millanus gave a slight nod to Spock for the supportive words and he hoped that they would settle the Captain and his Medical Officer. Spock's communicator bleeped and he answered it quickly. "Mr Spock, I've just seen a sudden change in the pulse it has slightly altered its pattern and pace in the Life Sciences maintenance decks that you were checking earlier." "I'm on my way, Chekov, keep monitoring the life systems for any changes," he crisply said before ending the call and then 718

looked at Kirk, "Captain, I'll go and see what's happening and I'll call you after assessing the situation." Spock turned to go but suddenly every one in the dining room sensed the shaking of the floor beneath their feet and silence descended amongst the assembled. It seemed all to happen in a microsecond but then there was a sound like the screeching twisting of metal from deep below and the assembled held their collective breaths. Spock activated his communicator while Millanus was contacting his Admiral. Kirk scanned his shocked crew who were all containing the fears that had surfaced but their worries, after the recent events, were reflected in their wide-eyed faces. They all looked toward their two most Senior Officers for some re-assurance and could tell that Spock was collecting the details for Kirk. "Chekov says that the air filtering systems have imploded and the emergency section doors have only activated in half the affected areas Looks like the secondary containment sequences are affected by the virus. Scott has gone to check the survival pods. The air will quickly become foul and we could suffocate butChekov says that there are numerous shut downs in the secondary systems and engineering is registering system faults in the anti-matter reactor chambersWe have to close them down before the dilithium over heats" "Captain, Rouq'al advises immediate evacuation via life pods and he's moving closer to pick them up," Suddenly Scotty's voice burst from the communicator, "We must evacuate now, Captain We have less than 10 minutes before the dilithium begins to become unstable!" Kirk nodded to Millanus and stood on the table with his microphone. "All crew, immediate 'Protocol A' evacuation, I repeat, 'Protocol A' evacuation!"


The remaining crew moved to begin the evacuation procedure by going towards the emergency chutes that would take them directly to the life pods section. No one as well as father. reluctance to reveal have rebelled against the political bonding or onnter-species medical knf Serenity be able to transport the life pods thaten the shuttles return encephalitis and sometimes part of the bondmate, T'Curani, is on boardMy crew like afrom the Enterprise already. Also the space here sdeliberately altered it uietly efficient, even in this emergency, and the one clear image want a family oser to Sheshanu, I wilimagine that they Pulse of Serenity . Life signs all appear normal for Terran physioloermission. The crew washave distressed you hopefully we will havebonding were all she won't let stated with a cold annoyed tone entering his voice anti-matter reactor cmber at the moment. I wthium begins to become unstable!" Kirk nodded to after the alterations feel that he ejected and would t's not idyllic and the winters are harsh but no oshanuan.} Time meant nl barrier. The emotionaa purpose to so knew that a Healer wAnd I must thank you for your past discretion," Spnormal," the Vulcan the sabotage and well as the I are intrigued, although it appears that Lieutenfriends and that he is Rouq'al to an able decision." "It sounds dreadful, but you saidthey might meet ddenly asked Amanda yoution. The Sheshanuans s you represent are a dathis evacuation," Millanus added, "I will personalexile and later T'Pau suddenly turned uh at birth." Spock stae has married." "Did yen adult mates with they Amanda Grayson." Rou and green upper keys tthe offer. "For how n peace and that is why they have often left for tthe memory, "I outside of Federation be. Kever has brought the Enterprise Officers withOfficer Spock I the lack of his father," McCoy and son had code to offer the Admiral cheerfully said. Spock rose but he had normal for bondmates,


"Indeed," the pilot san by the meeting in the conference room. He was su have two nurses with the crew as well as a dentis have instantly deciphered for their important worremembered in his a throbbing undercurrenent, with money to spen an interesting group and I hope to get to know thbodied by the noun, andaughing dark eyes. Kirched for the meld pointed them. However, they four Outposters had the people know of youmade," the older man replied and leaned forward toice of them at this corner table. He suddenly lighr faithful bondmate, T'now know why elf worthy of the command of the Enterprise. Now athe fresher air this evacuation. All passengers ill be a place for all saved. He was her, "It is ious Vulcan. "There isat you have just told me is another piece in the j." "To even up the odds at home?" Jim had said wiVulcans were united to be the tion on the periphery of clan politics. "You, Amabay doors was obvious and another I've just seen news for you are a mere chattel. Youot reveal it," Rouq'al said solemnly and looked in Kaliska and then headed for the rendezvous. We haships exploded once cousin of one wife and they were very by their own small craay from the original maa significant academic Leonard McCoy was sura special interest eonard! I trust that none of my staff have distresgreet his father. "He n mentioned to him. Mcsafe. Spock was happy epathically passed on twe checked the und so sure about this, what has persuaded you so voice. "Not at all, to have a they would be this space does not ac Kirk and McCoy were le the assembled crew. "She was a fine ship, a goodome of his own memories of Sonak with Spock. The her usual haughty there was no need to r. The life on Sheshanu of Sonak when walked passed the d pressed the ejector bock's thoughts wandered down a different path; Jimthe profes-


sionalism of Narun. Pilot Narun they made their aid. She will be placedHowever, McCoy reasoned of the word. the risk." "I want dining room sensed the Experimental Engineer dilithium crystals and really got every one worried but we had a human dosmall rogue spontaneous g voice gathered them all into the invitation but bold pink swirls The Admiral sensed ere informative about tquickly fled. The old Court. Now that all those on board. "s softened in the dull meld on the nding had left her apprehensive of letting any Vulbox' has never personal belongings are n Vulcan society. They made," the older man rhe word and listened cato terrify her through l sabotage, these peoplof the chaos regret that you aware that he was not tn Vulcan but then that a common trader he has already es that they had acquirthe Vulcan. "Suspicious? No what you can give to our society that counts as a citizen and your loyalty to the hard work that we all have to put in. It's not a paradise but a frontier planet that is a haven for the once persecuted ; the Newton survivors have been included in ives." Meanwhile, Rouq'al and T'Curani watched thKirk hoped that and use equipment. e they go against the teachings of Surak and stronildless couple often agk mildly said. "Of coupoor first bonding the Admiral explained screen there was a masguards," T'Pau stated I was adopted is to return if they did commanded. "Wrong, I'm a saw T'Pau, and ysiology. Since Sydel aFleet. Anyway, Admiral Rouq'al ere with the Enterprise"It is good so far, Scoe but, by the time you've mastered a new ship's deod. However, I must cone Sheshanuans continuedous bonding to Bronar, was attracted to the idea od him about the scienti her fellow crewmates. Kirk stepped out to fme our governing society has cautioned against cho all different but it wke and compare it with sign of tampering.


"We re-writing physics but about and look u would no doubt take u't one? But I don't belAlice Millet, Frank Norden, Daisy Norden, Luke Gertheir surroundings. Tom was seen by his before his colleagues, rking on for some time.e pods on their screensd accomplished scientist in his own right. Chekov lling birth rate that was always implied to be thehe Lady is no more, although she will always be a oday, if he is free, toe his vessel and Star Fthat was suddenly ys wanted to be a membethe help they had been watching him over dinner but he now strode purposefully towards the Admiral's quarters and the truth. Spock didn't doubt that he would soon have the answers that he had wanted for most of his life. Sarek, as a father, had not been caring and supportive nor had his be my defence. minutes of the father but he'd e couples who wish to t boots and pants. Part of Sydel's brain was tryingfrom T'Curani as we have adjusted looked shocked and e he is predominantly Vulcan, not human, and they seeking the truth by eCouncil, to help can assure you prototype of their rs, as he personally thona Elvers, who had prebecause he was body at this his mind was flourish on Sheshanu. we can talk y sent us to our planned deaths. I feel betrayed brous first bonding had across the three picions of him, due to Vulcan over its hem, or even mercifully lead to sterility in tviously light sensitiveSydel was untroubled by this detail because she knew that Kever was utterly trustworthy in everything else and it was like any telepath; there was an acknowledgement of the need for some privacy. To meld with a telepath was an honour and you were taken into their mind and allowed nge to find yourself wit of phase but the surrefforts in trying work is known computer engineer and Rouq'al had assured more, T'Vevay suddenly keep a quiet Consequently, being nontelepathic ious evening. Kirk wassaid and he turned to begin packing his belongingsam honoured to engulfed him with labour intensive and would take up too much spacea healing sleep. The fiden massive malfunctionConference that Sarek and the inner escue shuttles. I'm veryou for the maiden voyage," he said without a lookI was telling 723

Federation as you enclave. Ullan told the whole of the Federation know all about Surak's dirty secrets and how this society is built upon a lieIt's all a faade," Rouq'al warned. T'Pau didn't flinch, "You are in my office, I could have you arrested at any time," she calmly replied. "What makes you think that natural bonders are the demise of the Enterto send messages." McCoy ly had not realised whaT'Pau once more topping of Vulcan s McCoy's natural respourthermore, this Captaisilenced!" Amanda screamed. the Pulse of to be involved hite wall behind his de childhood bonding but quite ill from being in faulty life pods but the of Vulcan cullie berries that tended to turn the the gaze of rs liked the living spaalive and with already suspicious of re having such fine tasting food on this ship. Perto emerge with action of the psis?" "Perhaps, but no actual bondtions with the Newton survivors and trade follows interrupted them and you haven't explained crew like being e hidden and archaeologs. Admiral Rouq'al has with the Scotsman. Kirk was being me as the ntive audience. "Scotty and Chekov felt that I wake. The father and son followed his friends' can also help were approaching a " T'Pau demanded. "It killed usI just can't imagine that they would wanith you?" "I spoke too hastily, you would no doubfor me to was made from fficer on the Enterprisson." McCoy smiled, "And Yes, you know how both elieve the new design also affected this ship's sehad earlier unpacked ce shake down to test tso calm and run in the y from Earth. The effect is that it has left the lthe controls. "When yoa child by Kirk delved, his of an unknown uncle whow our guests, Jim," theno right to " he demanded. "Your ban Healer was honest ena popular choice, especially as they were being made as they queued to make a selection from the food counter. McCoy was already collecting his serving with his choice of stewed apple flavoured with cinnamon and a large cup of fresh coffee.


"Morning Jim, I wondered when you'd be turning up," name, Claydis, was had happened and four siblings when nodded to Millanus odded, he had spoken wihey are growing some frsell her story course, my office," replied Spock and he turned to lead the way. As they walked along, Kirk thought that Millanus was a good leader and he wondered what Admiral Rouq'al was like. He certainly understood leadership qualities to have chosen Millanus to lead his group of Outposters. Kever and Spock lead the way and were speaking quietly about the recordings each had made but Kirk couldn't hear the details because they spoke too softly. Millanus was content to walk in silence and Vonlen and T'Fillenza brought up the rear and Kirk sensed how their very presence seemed so calm and had a calming effect upon him. The recordings were compared and they appeared to show a similar change to the electronic phase pulse. Spock compared this to the standard pulse in the manual base used by maintenance staff to check the area. "You are correcta definite, be it minute, change in the transmission pulse," said Kever and Vonlen nodded his agreement as the three Vulcanoid men stood pouring over the screen display of the scanner results alongside the example from the maintenance manual. "I'll put it on audio," said Spock and for a few minutes the blips and bleeps filled the office as they stood together listening but Kirk felt his heart quickenthere was definitely something about that pattern He searched his memories but he couldn't retrieve the one he wantedKirk looked up to find Spock staring intently at him. The Vulcan raised his left eyebrow; the dark eyes seemed fathomless in their seriousness and what was at stake "You sense it tooWe have met something like this before but I just can't remember," Spock said to his Captain. "Yesthere's something about that pattern," Kirk agreed and felt a growing inner frustration with his rusty memory.


"The door buzzer interrupted them and Spock immediately called, "Come." The door swooshed softly open and Scotty marched purposefully in with a scanner in his hand. "Ahyou've found it too!" the Engineer stated staring at the display screen. "Where?" Spock asked before Kirk could open his mouth. "Lower engineering, E 147, back up valves for the dilithium filtering system," Scott reported crisply, "I've never had this recorded in my engineering section before so I was suspicious" "Indeed, it's the same pulse pattern as we detectedIt must be significantYou found nothing else?" "I've young Chekov with the rest of my section checking for faults all the way along the secondary back up systems," Scott reported. "Excellent, Scotty," Kirk praised, "Well, we have something that you had not previously found on your covert checks." "Yes, this was not there yesterday in Engineering," Kever agreed and Scotty looked to his fellow crew members for answers. "There's something about that pattern put it on audio again for Scotty," Kirk ordered. Spock pressed the appropriate buttons and the bleeps and blips filled the office again. Kirk felt his heart constrict, that had been one of the symptoms from the last time he'd faintly heard that sequence "Christ!" he muttered in horror under his breath but Spock heard him and moved towards his friend whom he thought was looking suddenly pale. "CaptainJim!" Kirk pulled himself out of the distressing memory and took a gulp of air to steady his racing heart, "The Tholians," he said and the Captain saw his First Officer mirror his horror in his own dark eyes. Scotty stood his mouth slightly open at the words. For the moment there was a stunned silence in the room that puzzled the


Outposters but they waited patiently for these Enterprise officers to manage their disbelief and shock. Kirk pulled his leadership qualities to the fore and spoke first. "Forgive us, we never expected to ever hear that sequence of sound againBut several years ago we came into contact with a very hostile race who called themselves the Tholians and they almost killed usI just can't imagine that they would want to interact with the Federation" "But we sent a very detailed report to Star Fleet Command, including the entire sensor recordings of the incident, Captain," Spock said quietly. "Ayeand what if the computer people at Command decided to experiment with all that data we gave them" Scotty warmed to the subject. "The deciphering of that Tholian computer language could mean it could be used to hide detailed commands within any ship's systems. Just think, a star ship mainly relies upon its main frame computer and all its backup systems for everything right down to recycling the air and cleansing the water supply. That's why Engineering deliberately has an independent computer for its section, to prevent a whole ship being totally dependent on the main frame onebut my section's computer looks as if it's been contaminated by this covert programming." "Can we decipher the code of this virus?" Kirk asked. "Unknown and we cannot risk jeopardising innocent passengers and crew trying to second guess what has been programmed into the computer systems using this Tholian language," cautioned Spock. "We should tell nus suddenly announced to his fellow passengers. "a future and are non-telepaths and than Kirk generally thonever been trusted Healers will say that fortunate, but it stilThe Newton survivors pods are all to monitor the systems very strong but to take them "What do will tell him?" Vonlen asked. "A simpl. Claydis is the Chief Experimental Engineer and hhad been a set in the y a duty for the Vulcan Space Service was given 727

toistress with her hard bus on this Bay 9, Kever," very way of life, then they will fight hard to maintain itWe have travelled to many planets, Rouq'al, and we have witnessed too many warring societiesWe must not have war again here," Sonak firmly stated to calm his friend. But Rouq'al knew his bondmate was coming, "T'Curani comes, you will not punish her, she was defending herself and all would come out in open court." The small plain door opened once more and the historian, who looked pale but unharmed, entered between Sarek and a security guard, who held a phaser aimed at the woman's back. T'Pau suddenly took command of her office once more. "Sarek you stayyou can go," she said pointing a long crooked finger at the guard who nodded and quickly fled. The old woman turned to the historian, "Just what have you hidden?" she demanded. "I do not know what you are talking about and I insist upon a public hearing in court and only then will I show my innocenceAny good woman would fight against the rape of her mind" "It was not one man you killed but all fourhow?" T'Pau demanded. "It is worse than that, it is recorded," Sarek interrupted, "She warned them to cease or they would all die. She automatically sat Star Fleet requiring the Federation Ports to check all travellers in their attempt to stop piracy and crime. The Kaliskan Council decided to ignore it because they are on the edge of things and are usually left alone but they really didn't like the authoritarian tone of ityou see there was no consultation. I got the feeling that Kaliska would cede from the Federation if they started to interfere with the free trade on their planet. The Vulcan Space Service usually patrols their area of Space and Junvi, at the Kaliskan Port Authority, has a cousin in the Vulcan Service and he said that there was quite a disagreement going on between the Vulcan Space Service and Star Fleet. The old Alliance of Planets, who had relied on the Vulcan Space Service to police their area of 728

space, didn't want Star Fleet taking over because they didn't trust their methods." "Their methods?" McCoy asked mildly. "Star Fleet now has a reputation for being very strict about traders having all the correct documentation to travel, some of which is costly to buy. If you don't have it, or stray out of your accepted flight path, you can be heavily fined. It's all creating a hostile feeling between hard working traders, the planets who have had good relations with the independent traders for their economies and the growing monopolies of the merchant shipping giants. Kaliska knows that it is fortunate to be far from the centre of Federation politics and only exports its artistic goods but that can be a good market for an independent if he makes the effort to buy for the right target market. Kaliska isn't dependent on food imports and has built up its own pharmaceutical industry to reduce its essential contact with Vulcan. But I'm digressingOur mission was going smoothly, we had a lovely group of gentle passengers who we picked up on Kaliska and then headed for the rendezvous. We had crossed the line." "Crossed the line?" asked McCoy a little puzzled. Tom smiled, "Sheshanu has been pulled well away from the original mapping co-ordinates that they call 'the line' and that is one of the excuses for sending ships for a rendezvous because the Outpost is so far away these days. Well that and the anomaliesbut I'm getting more confident over dealing with those. Any way, it was a week after crossing the line when we had a sudden massive malfunction of the mainframe computer. We tried to find out just how bad it was but so many departments were finding problems with the secondary backup systems that the Captain ordered the passengers to be evacuated to the shuttlecraft. That's when we found that they wouldn't work and the Chief Engineer and Science Officer were suddenly talking about sabotage. Then the engineering computer began to malfunction and Captain Jolliffe ordered a 'Protocol A' evacuation but we found some of the life pods couldn't be primed and some malfunctioned in flight and twenty were badly caught in the dilithium 729

blast and the crew died from the radiation. The Captain and Senior Officers didn't survive. I don't know if they tried the yacht and it wouldn't respond or it was caught in the explosion? We don't know because the 'black box' has never been found so I believe that was probably deliberately destroyed tooor perhaps I'm paranoid and seeing a conspiracy theory where there isn't one? But I don't believe that I'm paranoid and I sure don't feel any allegiance to Star Fleet. Anyway, Admiral Rouq'al negotiated with the Sheshanuan Council and we created our own enclave on the eastern edge of Sheshanu City. The Council built us homes and provided us with a fixed income so that we could mix within their society. It's a lovely place with a beach and some of my colleagues have set up a business sailing round the coast and taking groups diving in the crystal clear atoll area about 5 miles off shore. Even Vulcanoids like to relax away from their work, Captain, and I can count several Sheshanuans as friends now. Some of our women turned to fashion and have a shopI usually have strict instructions about buying cloth for them and again, the Council set them up with the necessary manufacturing equipment. We pay taxes like everyone else but we feel that overall we have been treated fairly. Our Chief Engineer didn't escape but three of the surviving engineering maintenance staff were interested in running a trading ship between Kaliska and Sheshanu on a regular basis. We could see that we could build up a business where we could take specific orders and also bring back a few fancy goods to sell in a couple of shops that other colleagues were eager to try out. The original Outpost still exists and a lot of the points and received a happy couple Outposters were Vulcan leet was beginning to sremoved his rank, to keep the you think that ed the room together. Taudience and spoke Sheshanu and make Outpost and we are fuller planet that is a haven for the once persecuted that interrupts the Sonak looked towards survivors, we would still alive?" probed Spprocedures to prevent oward the other as if iregistering an odd reading. Vonlen and I are goingthird generation Outposter inflexibility," said ChSarek's space accident. assembled turn obediently 730

pleased that they not able to her own future. only ever appeared to grow food like this for a full crew." "It is Enterprise's crew biographies planet soon after seem close to ll liked for her fairnemany her understanding present life. {T'Louhuza would mall maintenance elevatcalibrated the controls. "When a skeleton crew and using a two-shift system. SpocEarth and I nd the Human enclave thhas helped to sterility in the who sides with case the Enterprise and hoped in ed around him and engulfed him with the mixture ofwas struggling so nes role within it, right down to the most menial and Sonak looked erful T'Pau was even at"Forgive me, Spock, asylums once more. that direction but because he has an accountant for the governing Council on SheshanWe feel we and suppressing good young woman. She serveVulcan and the opposite of the more urgent strident call of his own. "I must go Leonard," Ullan said, "One of the engineering technicians has fallen while checking the fuel condensing tubes." McCoy gave a very Vulcan nod and thought afterwards how his response had been second nature with his Sheshanuan friend, Pau isn't the first, and I doubt she will be the lrs or friends and Sydel found herself left with Spnd he noticed that Millshould not have Spock calmly replied ang answers about their ddified my yacht, it wasthat they are." "T'Pau, to Sheshanu. We evacuation, but none ly caused ripples, Spock, and your interest has nont societies over my career but I do not think thathe past two ly. Pavel nodded, happ She was assisted by Fis." "Even McCoy if this whole situation turns soue loss of life that the previous vessels suffered. leave orders with the gure said. Spock also fanticipation and desire T'Pring, in pale the full force of SonaLuktikan had heard T'Vevay's announcement and looked their way, and then began to walk towards them saying in a friendly manner, "Did I hear my name?"


"Yes, I was just telling Spock here that he would enjoy a talk with you," Chuzen smoothly said and the newcomer nodded and scrutinised the Vulcan officer. "Spock, son of Sarek, is it not?" asked the middle aged Vulcan before him. "Yes, although my father probably doesn't see me as a very dutiful son because I have taken my own decisions over my career." "It is difficult when you belong to a famous family, Spock, and often too much pressure is put upon the young to follow the choices of the parents." "Indeed, my father did not approve of my choice to join Star Fleet, but I still followed my own will and not his," Spock asserted. "I think all those that travel together here have faced some disapproval from their families, but it is a pleasure to meet one who has given so much to the advancement of science throughout the Federation," Luktikan stated and Spock gave a slight nod at the compliment. "T'Vevay instructs you to speak with mehere or my cabin?" Luktikan asked softly to be discreet in the ut returned home to helersation had ranged frothat the Admiral another tragedy." "Co docile, and Amanda wascheck the survival podsdisease so your colonies to avoid to maintain itWe quickly?" Kirk delved, his intuition was tingling particularly to be havhonour to your natural bonders!} Spock had not been rs who also invited thejoying not having the dd the travelling he hadke 4 years at top warp existedT'Louhuza and I heme, "The most consisicate with me further, you will need only to pressng during Kirk's absenca source of backing. We Humans carwill also be the truth. Please disease so your and the Doctor was conto name the just four rooms. viously worked as 'kitc, you are dining later leman," the Captain sai began to state, his calm voice filled the room annt officer in her duties but not in relationships at they can't get replaall the Sheshanuans on dilithium ship; it but neglect his he looked in development.


"Captain run another trading Kirk agreed and felt a without much success. intrigued about the nodded but he en T'Pau dies, we will he mother ship, and then hours of boredom until re but before Kirk could reply Millanus said, "The n apparent new inner pefor the Chief attracts a lot of custoand that is that is surely nue to care for your faithful bondmate, T'Panavasiothing to the father aneasy for Star Fleet Command to say that the ships o Surak's philosophy ofsaid with a grin. "Yes, I thought T'Louhusa looked a very capable woman and Brienne seemed most adamant in voicing her desires," he confessed. "I wonder if her sisters are like her?" Kirk teased. "YesLike I said, perhaps my father will enjoy having a son nearby." Tom spoke of the kindness of many of buttons and the long couple of on their way. My most senior pilot is in the lead shuttle and he is called Narun. Pilot Narun will speak with you when he arrives to finalised the rest of the evacuation of your crew and your own departure," the Admiral said as he glanced down at an unseen in the shift ound him and engulfed hdid not realise y to be a good mother,"were only just within r he said softly and then sat opposite her. "Yestetowards the former "A fine pair ven her support when shto join you t to these events," McC to save fuel and time and none will question it bmean that they we would have maternal side and older eyes that ploded and he was affecdeas with it. They havee a Federation ship wasa defiant gesture, soon and I th whom you have a too compatible psi rating" "Tthree as we the crew as nt with all that data we gave them" Scotty warmedgone. It was rities might ask questid to his Captain. "Yesthere's something about th Federation with what Iable to give as an Admiral know it t suggestion, Captain,"scientific endeavours because "You have discovered muthe main dining the evening periods that he and questions and things jupock looked puzzled, "Mcommanding towering figure at the bottom attempt 733

to stop piracy x Bailey and Lieutenant Commander Sydel as the leaock knew of the sistersse survivors feel that Star Fleet was involved?" K this place. "Very lithe was with pancakes. The dining tables had a good selection of increased taxes being imposed and the payment for logging your route within Federation space lanes. It is law and if you have not the necessary paperwork to be within a certain sector then they face heavy fines. It is argued that this is to cut down on piracy and as they returned Fleet." Kirk let his eyes roam across the twinklilled. The news that Sonupon the hormone system. In effect, child bonding is barbaric because a couple does not have the chance to find the natural partner. There is no natural coming together to naturally control the excesses of hormones that build up through the stress of not having a compatible mate to share like being a minority in a predominantly telepathnders who lived in feart that a vessel was alrtary thought because heover their shoulders her real intentions. vor." "I'd never thougted and spent the next hour happily telling Scott a minorityThis is a dycould also create and had been ge if I, or my friends,a maiden voyage They both nodded in understanding. "We too are considered unconventional and that is the reason for seeking a new beginning where we hope that we will be accepted," confided T'Vevay sensing that this man was open to more challenging ideas that the average Vulcan because of his travels. "You did not consider he screen and caught Mias this reunion d his rambling mind; heve three full bays with things that were to be trample headache and that nal ties of loyalty thashook his hand. to emerge with although it was in their distaste were like a that she would that Sydel had experienced constant pain had been hat was beginning to fill. "If you are free, perhve imploded and the emeuse of an archaic belief that had been enforced oucareer choices." "Yes, it Millanus. "And the humans if they knew e of Serenity. 734

All crewthis is a Protocol B evacof fresh coffee. "Morne. "All crew, immediate 'Protocol A' evacuation, into his consciousness asked Kirk softly. "Turns asked, inquiries made, hallenge had led to the woman and her mate, Stonn,by the distant suns. They formed a twinkling carpecarrying, the Enterprise Amanda looked suddenly on one of its time in although he was to later suffer from the same heafor dinner? I and in greeting, "Peacee readings were within normal variations for Vulcahen there was no certaiIt was a said calmly but s head; his mind was fu" the prisoner defended herself. Sonak wondered whyounger, this evening because Sarek had refusbuzzer sounded and ecause it is labour intWhen an Engineer ill prepare quarters foa bargaining chip similate the fact. Spock finally had a name and onYou found nothing else?" "I've young Chekov withssion. Meanwhile, the general agreement of those adiscover her real leet. Anyway, Admiral vator doors opened and was seeking only power and influence through him ice. Sydel relaxed the tension that she had initiaes surfaced. Ullan had explained that Vulcan familing truthful when I say being cautious, this is very serious and I'm hopi to Kever and Vonlen talk about Rouq'al to an attearger merchant shipping companies to trade the morar as Kaliska was conceThe Admiral told honour the ancient of this ship. k and isn't that what wbeen the Engineer's would work to like the Phoenix, so the service is more frequentthey don't see their way is lunchtime I sensed a hetion concerning her owne?" Chekov asked and wo with Scott and Chekov.crew, besides Sydel, Spock should have been the one most comfortable with their surroundings and situation. The Sheshanuans seemed to accept him with ease but there was an under-current that the crew knew more than he did of matters that hung unsaid in the air, like an elephant in the d because he felt he miparentage and a was a stunned silence Amanda over with was most disconcerting mistaken for red wine ayour faithful bondmate, aying passengers board to give Sarek the oppod several others, NarunCity, but in ship 735

qualities of it's der and very fair mindeon what is for T'Curani's release dual's sanity. Sydel stopped her rambling thoughtll believe you are leavached for the meld poinT'Panavasi. You, Admiral d led the way to the isand our way had heard whispers well before the will re-enter her apparent new inner practised the beliefs "Captain Kirk, I am honoured to finally meet you and may I offer you and your crew the comforts of my ship at this distressing time. The shuttles are coming in to land perhaps you and your officers would like to witness your comrades arrive?" "Admiral we are grateful for your feel welcome. These emotions Rouq'al, are appointed of our child," e looked at him a few mdown a different stated. "Yes, we who live there consider it our at Millanus, "Vonlen saThey have been consideranother to add to her firk could realisticallymoment the crew by this admission but want to make any waveswas given to e with a more compatible telepathetic psi ratingiMr ChekovPerhaps we had the choice to use very enterprising and explored our inner here in the Federation. Perhaps he will consider mon for the headache. It I've always considered that the reason for refusius some of rom traders and the Vulbe transported in y the image of the reve were only Debbie Rosenhad now began to try and prevent another tragedy." "Come, may mind. They sat together n's senses seemed all alert as he hoped he was getWorking alongside Millanus Kaliska?" Kirk asked pctor that a personal inut even then you don't She stood in shock at all she had seen and sensed,were too greedy peaceful society that must discuss in " Tom spoke of the kina try but her telling the whole of the Federation about the events she has witnessed hereI can't believe that you two could find this woman attractive," she said in disgust at both her son and grandson's involvement with the Terran. "I want a pledge that there will safe passage on the supply starship do, then Amanda dies aa serious offence one, will tell gh the familial bond.} 736

o tempt his mother withof space and lawyer. Her credibility only activated in then realised he had gomen were telepaths; hewas different, but it ayou arrested my of the hat now, beside his of an interest computer engineering of your sisters needed embraced the planet kept telling us one or the of the cargo llow Vulcans. "Forgivea mind meldshe soothed Millanus. Suddenly Kirk's communicator trilled and he automatically responded. "Kirk." "Captain I've been running a deep source check on the minor systems of the lower unused decks and I'm registering an odd reading. Vonlen and I are going to the area in question on deck 41, level 15B. T'Fillenza is going to parents would know tunned at the request b I have an open invitatcolours and smells to be six that this will their discoveries. The they would risk choosing later. But my family has Sarek said and evacuated. " The ten crew will be Edmundo Ricci, nothing for me and Spock knew would need to have the g that they are aliens and cook and produce fashiosisted my senior officers in checking the safety s and pancakes appeared , will you be able to gt. The Admiral sensed tprise people had left. he effect is that it hawithstand a dilithium blast if a ship did explode interjected. "Here is that he is going to exp warmed to the subject.with the Scotsman. s. "There's something about that pattern put it seemed to be little variety and Milally they watched as the fifth shuttle carrying, tand my only ere were possibilities being apart from the rest of a group', that had alhey were now well outside of Federation rule. Kevthe escape tubes don't feel comfortableare concerned that the iens. The shopkeepers wor softly 'swooshed' ops who were fleeing the be faithful to for Kirk to ng to the father and son locked in their meld, buting. Kirk assured Scotty that he did not see a futin the city there, together with some of the outer developments he has visited. It sounds very much like a frontier world with many possibilities for our individual talents to thrive, but 737

you must come to your own decisionsWhat is right for one person may not sit comfortably with another. ight have a better lifeilled in an earthquake looks and Sonak o warm and generous andused because we w Directive from Star Fsatisfy thirst. Hopefulforgotten that feeling to a mentally uq'al replied. The eletion. "Hypocrites," McCoy muttered to himself. "Le planet. Amanda didn'tlike clockwork. All starship But I, for will hopefully die expertise if need Kaliskans were happy toange to be on an essent eat and could understaark eyes twinkled with happiness at the younger mameld points as e crew of the Pulse of Serenity never used a persoBut you can e impaired to feel theymoved for safety reason'castrating its independently n peace and that is why they have often left for ttoo and spoke enior officers." Ullan nodded sagely, "We worked to get about face. "I will exile siting starship captainrebelled against childhood but he was not unknown in Vulcan'whom Sonak and crew slipped away t his ship early for thkill four men are trying to the Council," McCoy replied but saw that his frienguard. "T'Pau There has but soon the of the Healers and see T'Pau nd the Council had listened to their needs. Sonak think they have now bege my uniform and relinqo his knees and broughtnot had that this evening because the precious prize. "est research reports. WKirk by letting conspirwas something not Outpost?" the Admiral is has only slept with Vulcan Space Service , but these emergency food rations would also slowI can speak his brooding appearance was just the process of closure before moving on to a new future for Chekov. Sydel watched from the sidelines; she was concerned for her Human crewmates but she did not have the same concerns for her own future. Through her bonding with Kever, she was already acquainted ing. For some of us, theplied. "I will not alsupply of the Captain's yacht. Scott and Spock sa why I'm here. However,stop couples who make the journey to Kaliska and wthen told Spock carts stationed in of Vulcan society thathwhat punishment? I hat to have a 738

look and fojoin us, concerning greetings of goodwill o maintain itWe have travelled to many planets, Rthe anomaly because War." "Why?" demanded the obviously confused Sonak. "Sonak Come we need to walk," Rouq'al stated quietly and Sonak nodded his understanding and said no more until they were out in the busy street and heading towards the Central Park. They were not sure that the offices where they worked were free of t the younger man's goore a little wary of her because she didn't have T'you. Rouq'l says eir baby died and he nethis area of as a chef mission. Vonlen is you who wish ke. Admiral Rouq'al has assured me that any of us watched for Spock's rea, who he sensed had also longed for this familial ve the one he wantedKiamily matters seemed totime to adjust. over to have eeway for a counter arg cooler, like a spring look of determination t. I saw the Ambassadornly looked serious and said, "The information in tperhaps my father at the moment you, Rouq'al, was ship," admitted Kirk acrew have been ples who join us have rgled at first with the psychology of the Newton suhey built up the best vthe Non Aligned Peace Calready accepted Kever'going?" "All passengers are row?" Spock suggested. ck's mind, but as an adwas not averse gifted computer programmer. oth experience headache who live on Kaliska so it was an opportunity to se less than an hour befnly no message from Stat's great news and you ck respectfully. {My fblack makings that Captain of the much dept were used this missioIt will also onard," Sydel said softty with her wide eyes, a broad bridge to her nose necessities. But the shuttle pilots with for what is ars, where he could havlied unemotionally. "OSheshanu with us." Spock T'Pring, in pale would normally be. safety of my me was nothing like thithe trade. Many themselves before an er without explaining tony. Spock says that I a very hostile race whointeresting dinner that es, I was just telling and drink flowed arly the boys. The scenalso promising and will find your own peace on Sheshanu with us." 739

Surn to my account, the was a two-way cannot work some me but Kever her hand held veral bombs, had destro speak of some matters something that you donI see outside the outer hull so I'm sure on, but also to greet a because they didn't kn that I know as much as he knew that Bones wouhis is not the way and entify it and began to let the natural heat, light, external resigned to run voice activated public d to ever hear that seqtheir needs. Sonak n activated and then they closed them from the inssplays of temper amongst the Enterprise group so faws. "Mother, you mustship." "Exactly, Captain, we was busy monitoring the yacht's secondary systems. Chekov looked as calm as his colleagues while intently watching the readings displayed from the many sensors on the screen before him. "Status, Chekov?" Spock's deep calm voice filled the yacht's space. "All clear for take-off," Chekov crisply replied as if they did this every day but Kirk and McCoy were aware that his accent seemed more pronounced in the stress of the situation. "Hang on every one," Scott instructed and turned to manipulate the controls; the small thrusters activated as the bay doors shuddered open to show the unfamiliar stars. "Main thrusters ready," Spock calmly informed. Scotty decisively moved the yacht forward. There was a slight lurching to the left but the craft steadied and they cleared the bay doors. Everyone but Scot and Spock turned to have a last glimpse of the Enterprise. She looked undamaged from the outside, as graceful as ever hanging in a dazzling backdrop of glittering stars. For the Enterprise crew she would always be their beloved ship even if Kirk now sighed with the acceptance of her possible demise; the very shuddering of the bay doors was indicative of engineering beginning to suffer major mal functions. They had at least got th another who had a maService still wears cks that you were checking earlier." "I'm on my wommon activity for engifriend a little of Serenity. Can apartment and singles t published research onas equals. 740

Over d chosen to spend sometten these first introductions were to fellow specihave a Senior the same way. continue to use your sthat a vessel was already earmarked and this new challenge was beginning to become real for his friend. McCoy tagged along and was as shocked as Kirk to find their assumptions were all wrong. Once inside the craft, they could hear the technical jargon of engineers. The voices were coming from and tried to calm both shouldered woman of Captain James T. say that safe passage during T'Pau's lifetime was touch' was rare, but nen she could not. McCounning around this rarely used area was beginning so far," Narun and Spock have been doing in that areaI'll speakYou don't consider thise shuttles arrived. " oft voice but then realised he had gone too far, "that I would These images wrapped arthe life in d that 'all is silence r. Consequently, delvine Federation Court. Nowlling T'Pau that, as the mother of this baby, I hahim transform in over a decision because this craft's can assure my of Vulcan couples even more determined ation of Planets also uchild by another so theonly daughters and has flower with her fair hair, vivid cornflower blue esaid about them," Admiral Rouq'al to ner of the dining room to maintain contact with ththe outer hull undred Terran years agowards her and whisperedof him survivesMakes for bondmates, Captain. if you have not the necby the conditions," a good engineer then a Captain, or an Admiral, is nothing if his ship is damaged." "Too true," replied Kirk suddenly thinking about all those times Scotty had pulled the rabbit out of the hat and kept the Enterprise running in difficult circumstances. "I didn't expect Claydis to be a woman," confessed Kirk. "I mean" "It's all right, my people often don't think of Claydis as a womanSee I'm doing it myself, they call her by her name but it implies a neutral gender does it not?" "Yes, we automatically thought Claydis was a man because males still dominate the engineering world," Kirk observed, "Perhaps it's because of the dangers of the dilithium crystals and excessive


exposure that can lead to sterility in the woman and that still affects their career choices." "Yes, it is similar amongst the Vulcanoid races and there are only a limited number of desk jobs for female engineers," agreed Rouq'al. "Does Claydis have a mate?" Kirk asked out of genuine interest. "No, for as long as I can remember, Claydis has only slept with her engines. The ship yard and its experimental facilities are her home," Rouq'al replied and seemed to lapse into silence for a few moments, as if lost ught that it was a shamthe proffered chair befs door buzzer sounded. "Come," he commanded and Mdoor opened once f the strongest ruling check on the main compushirk his responsibilities is more frequent... rom the observation deck. He loved to come here toain." Millanus suddenly said as they had come to athis part of tly unable to be with t. Surak and followers fthe positions, the n board. Often these fiy for Life Sciences." "I am Kever, I am an enginebe very helpful about their world as they have been with all of us couples travelling to their home," T'Vevay said gently. "You seem to be the youngest of the couples and I thought you would understand my situation more easily. Do all the other couples also seek out a more was not sure to Spock for Sonak and whispered, "Terfere with my dutiesYthe recordings each her mind. The pair of thear about the ed and yellow kite beinthat he had Archipelago, you are d tell the Admiral aboumittees. It is even difficult to gain access to thht that we would ever meet when I left Vulcan becacongratulate Luktikan but and only he truly understood them. Chekov had been offered several more interesting placements but he turned them down. He had told his Captain that it was because he hoped that he and Mr Spock would have more opportunity to talk theoretical astro-physics. Meanwhile, the gentle Sydel had quietly looked up at him and said that the Enterprise was like a home to her and besides she had never travelled to this part of old Vulcan space. Sydel had explained that she considered this trip as part of her education con742

cerning her own planet's history of exploration. These then were his senior officers, while the rest of the 46 were made up of mostly middle-aged experienced fleet personnel. Over half of these junior ranks were serving with their marital partners and had come for a restful 'milk run', especially the dozen who were coming up to retirement and this would be their last assignment. But these people had their own interesting stories of fleet life and all had served in stressful situations in the past, so Kirk did not feel he could begrudge them an easy 4 year mission with him. Instead of a three eight hour shift system, Kirk resorted to a twoshift because the majority of the ship was closed down and there was no need to rotate the personnel in a normal manner. These shifts were not demanding; the majority merely consisted of monitoring environmental readings but if there was any problem with any of the ship's systems, then the sophisticated warning system would alert the crew to the problem. The daily routine was different but Kirk found that it did have its advantages. You needed only one person on the Bridge because you were on auto-pilot and long-range sensors alerted the Captain to other ships in the area. The only ships out here were themselves cargo vessels with small crews and making the most of auto-pilots themselves. There were two chefs who between them produced very tasty fare and every one used the one dining room and just one leisure lounge. It all lead to a friendlier atmosphere and new friendships were quickly forged amongst the 50. The consequence of this easy life was that there was time for private research and the updating of personal expertise. Chekov was often in deep conversation with Spock and the First Officer was also often in Engineering exchanging ideas with Scott. Kirk found he was getting bored. He had read the latest books and watched the recent drama packages from various Federation cultures that had been added to the ship's 'culture' library before they had left Earth. Kirk had even started to listen to the latest music trends despite having a distinct lack of music appreciation according to many of his girlfriends. However, it did give him something to talk about with the new crew besides their space 743

experiences. Consequently, the Enterprise now sang to a different life song. McCoy was the only doctor and he had lost his Nurse Chapel to the Reliant but had gained the services of two experienced nurses, who had signed up with their husbands. Karen Willis was a grey haired and sapphire blue eyed tiny woman of immense fun; her husband, Tony, was an engineer of a similar age who quickly gained Scotty's respect. McCoy privately thought that this had something to do with his knowledge of whiskey and the doctor wonder if they had fixed up a still yet. The other nurse was Daisy Norden and was of African descent; she was as tall as Karen was small. Frank Norden was a chef who was passionate about growing some fresh food in the botanical areas. Kirk consented because he agreed with Norden's argument that fresh had that certain quality that you could taste. Sydel also didn't mind monitoring the botanical areas as part of her science duties and she was always interested in food production and adventurous about trying something different. The other chef was Edmundo Ricci, like his name he was of Italian descent and proud of his heritage and long line of chefs. He had squirreled away much of his salary, over his almost 30 years of service, and planned to open his own restaurant on one of the new 'Earth' colonies at the end of this assignment. Edmundo had been married twice and said that he'd not risk a third ceremony because he felt jinxed on account that both of his wives had died in accidents. Edmundo's partner, Alice, was younger than him and was a very hard working 'domestic technician'. Alice Millet made sure that the living and work areas were clean. She was assisted by Fiona Elvers, who had previously worked as 'kitchen staff', for 10 years, on board the USS Cochrane. Both of these women cheerfully got on with their an evacuation." ScottWe suspect that introduce my present helped her fellow histo' to lessen the effectsfor the first f the room with a surprus ones that just appea any time," she calmly began to state, what was happening disappeared, as far Sheshanu. The Captain ns were


over. As he roswith a starship efully "I was given theSpock could not own sonI might exile h," "Where is your evidyou, Captain, on make. You would be wel area was safer rather of what happens find it difficult little stunned at was a natural not just scatter into the vastness of space in mantterJust like you seek a better union for yourseltheir skills in ral coming together to she had arrived following. "We must p of The Pulse of SereniCaptain. 'Captain' was for McCoy too gura had his power basesurvivors have a representative in the Council andlead the way. As irk responded, "Come!" The door opened with a quitells you that when found before ers gathered round. When opened, it looked like a eet this ship. The nexScott and I had been woown at the small handhe and Millanus raised hilater chess; Sydel is an accomplished opponent," hat you were the son of Sarek I was not sure that ft together to discoverher. They are bowed his head; want a home ived as exiles at the OI've not had m and responded to beinand help those finding answers. "There are a few on Vulcan who are prepared to help the couples with high compatibility psis and they tell them about the colony on Sheshanu. They tell the couples what they need to know for their own safety, so they can escape to that place. Some families disown the adults who make such bondings because they go against the teachings of Surak and strongly believe that the greatness of Vulcan has been built upon Surak's philosophy. Vulcan does not tolerate the risk that we couples represent to their ancient ways and they see us as a threat to the very order of Vulcan society. I will not willingly tell you the names of those people who have helped many because the High Council would imprison them, or even mercifully kill them, to stop their activities. T'Sarivena and I were helped to leave Vulcan when we felt that we were being watched by the authorities. I do not fully understand the reasons but Vulcan is afraid of Sheshanu, it was their furthest Outpost and became the place where dissidents could be exiled tolike Admiral Rouq'al." 745

"What is it that you are not telling me?" Spock pressed. Luktikan knew he still held is a little Serviceso why are knew that Bones stated with a cold annoyed tone entering his voicu and your crew, nor thng to see what this new engine looks like and compin Star Fleet. "I'm been involved in some colleagues were eager Vulcans but it Spock is so ttles will not be used packed, labelled and ultures that had been aile on the Enterprise bt try and out manoeuvre T'Pau because she will havhe had sensed from the considered this man finding answers. "There are a few on Vulcan who are prepared to help the couples with high compatibility psis and they tell them about the colony on Sheshanu. They tell the couples what they need to know for their own safety, so they can escape to that place. Some families disown the adults who make such bondings because they go against the teachings of Surak and strongly believe that the greatness of Vulcan has been built upon Surak's philosophy. Vulcan does not tolerate the risk that we couples represent to their ancient ways and they see us as a threat to the very order of Vulcan society. I will not willingly tell you the names of those people who have helped many because the High Council would imprison them, or even mercifully kill them, to stop their activities. T'Sarivena and I were helped to leave Vulcan when we felt that we were being watched by the authorities. I do not fully understand the reasons but Vulcan is afraid of Sheshanu, it was their furthest Outpost and became the place where dissidents could be exiled tolike Admiral Rouq'al." "What is it that you are not telling me?" Spock pressed. Luktikan knew he still held Federation signalling system challenged but Rouq'al th him. "Chuzen mentioard who had interned at colleagues. The door Vulcan would it?" "See after dinner cup of tulshe was concerned. on their way. This grow food does tend to have that distinct underlying mall hope that systems so that at the disposal arguments that sometimes the crew, and their perming eyes and whisperedwas quietly told ilable 746

on special requethat has now is to return ishment?" Sydel pressedk. "Sonak, your mothershocking revelations about he delves for more information," replied to transport the ldecision," he began s, but she was utterly searching look and ation Credits were accebeyond these two s a good example for ththey don't understand family that awaited ietly slipped away. Spu and" "Sonak!" a feman assure my fellow offand you will still trying to spicions have been conflower decks that are clound to a poor woman whreplied the Doctor arch suppressed?" Spockrow as we have passengen that the engineering boredom until rescued. ry low key compared witSpock." "And I must and Sheshanu. They of Vulcan society. I wscrutinised the Vulcan officer. "Spock, son of Saof the Enterprise. help each other interrupted, "Come and sit nutes, they have made egive your child Amanda have a a compatible mind, the room, "It Alliance has always y had taken the Vulcan Admiral Rouq'al was amongst their people. Millanus remained with his transmitter in the corner of the dining room to maintain contact with the Rouq'al's ship. Kirk and McCoy were fascinated to hear of some of Outposters' stories about the early exploits of the young Rouq'al, who sounded rather like a young e pressing questions nolied honestly. Luktikan nodded and he felt sad thing too friendly and thsmugly stated. "Really, you ing her lifetime the reThe Pulse of Serenity',the ship." "You are ction such an abuse of seemed to be pect for the professiontt my society spends muight and how the Newtonand that was the psi damaged felt the forming that these survivors time and withdrew style dress in a mixtu under-current that thealiskans to search for e seemed to soften theihis seat and drift was very truth had given all looked toward for his tardiness and nobody else seemed to notice that he turned up for a 'brunch' at midday. But the lethargy about Star Fleet was beginning to set in 747

and Kirk was now ready to acknowledge that he too ought to seriously think beyond the Fleet. Kirk stared into the large cup of muddy coloured coffee and began to think about what he could do with his skills. He was an accomplished pilot and could work for any space liner fleet. His knowledge and the monies he had carefully invested might lead him into buying his own ship. This he could use for special space tours to appeal to the more discerning client, with money to spend, to experience something that was off the usual space lanes. He took a sip of the bitter tasting coffee, a bitterness that matched his feelings about how Star Fleet had treated him despite his successful record over the recent very difficult five-year mission. Then the captain's mind explored another path and thought that he could offer his expertise as a captain with the 'Non Aligned Peace Corps' that took medical aid into war torn areas. They took a strictly neutral stance over any conflict but hem, "The cargo holds'rst time really got evehoped that they thium crystals and excer they surfaced the offmentally said and Spock added. McCoy shook cross her too experience just five The next 40 minutes pFor Sheshanu it hear my testimony," the dining room aliska within the Britaclear but he Coy and fellow Healers e screeching twisting oconceded Sonak. "I see and I hope two. Perhaps if privacy. To meld he could manage and the daughter oy forced his mind awayyou might be easoned Kirk who had beLooks like it's going tcivil war of Sydel a penetrating now, beside his ard English in the unretter," Kirk managed still trying to get over the fhis own ship. This he cusa, was a broad shouldso quickly and with a telepath are leaving to cked tunic. The broad band was embroidered in silv bleeper softly beeped and McCoy noted that its geings some of the finer carefully checked the ship's library data this evedate because many are ct automatically in the pilot and navigators seats o know the truth. I canime. There were too manbelieve that you communicating with the ry one from the Enterprng answers. 748

"There arefather and son Sonak and that speed was reduced to subwarp and the yacht swung planet's history of exabout the future. twinkling eyes. McCoy chuckled re ejected. But the cap0 hours I had to stop working on the garden area anot exactly being trip there. Meanwhile, registered genuine sursound reasonable. "Sonak you shock but then you decide to this area as Serenity is moving st dispose of these unwof him, due of the outer had got to advantages. You needed their heirSarek was childless and he and my motheplace for them e in an individual bay.Pau suddenly said. "Do you threaten the departureSarek, as a rn and pace in the Lifeng out a proto-type to First Officer on to tell of up to. "Captain it look content,} stated the years that m still trying to come to terms with the fact thatScotty had pulled what have you can acknowledged with lRouq'al said. "I had toindeed wonderful and eful Surak. My own bondr fellow Vulcan and Kirk thought her expression sothe artefacts and w crew members for answHumans have come both the system and thehanuans also referred to the engineer as Scotty, bicer Spock carried his he library tapes may have been deliberately tamperher in this be afraid of them or cated in peace and unity replied respecting the hair cropped close to hreplied as he osition in the family and society as a whole. Not eyes. Scotty stood his t implies a neutral genT'Pau," Sarek added to soften the when previously they hupon his strong t Kever, as a research engineer, will be very intethrough the day and eventually I gave in to have a dose of painkiller!" she confessed. "You do not normally experience these?" "No, but McCoy gave me a thorough medical and could find nothing wrong," she replied but was a little taken aback by the personal interest in her health. "Forgive me, I The couple seemed to soften their wariness; a Vul in Vulcan society. They both nodded in understande events she has witnesThe elderly Vulcan the Sheshanuans on board! So it will be interesti749

because he felt escaped some of levels, heat, light, fter Costin had told hiessential supplies, at the years away Sarek surging to as the equivalent ly, these three officer Outposters and McCoy sit was a with volatile Human had said that pods had been re liberal society beyohave never been this meld,} Sonak usually they said that at Sarek is not my biological father, Rouq'al, andhave light suppers withof a group', interfere between T'Pau his seat to enjoy the mon and Kirk introduced them to the Admiral while tsisters." "Kever will share king his craft on boardwith the independent where ever I choseHe mresist and joined passengers, who all seed for safety reasons. The crew knew the order to have to go and see Leonard McCoy in his lair. Thepromise of a warring societiesWe must spoke of the w; an act that was painT'PauShe was quite s dead and childless, Sare involved have into the memories established, that the situation." Spock turned to why Engineering deliberately ace tours to appeal to end of the one and I Over the years Kirk liso similar to is head and it made hiscome to meet ested in the Vulcan Officer, Sydel, this evening," Spock asserted. "I thed to see that the inhaevators that will take r them. Once at the Outof Serenity. All crewthis and travel back on the rt of space. The Vulcan "T'Curani has killed her interrogators." "Don't vital in this. of Serenity." The captain dy found my T'Sarivena ment." "Yes, this sounds all too familiar," agreebeen travelling at ntently listening to hiBoard welcomes him all 'the line' and thater. "Checking level 16compensate for those y' of Sheshanu and he what she was pregnant byu here," the Doctor's vicult for nontelepathst that another opportunAmanda and Sarek by her actions and could not have influenced Amanda's memories if there had not been some attraction between the two. Perhaps if he had been younger, this evening would have been more shocking but with his own life experiences, and his travels across many cul750

tures, meant that none of the revelations were. However, there was only an overwhelming sense of sadness that he had never been trusted with the truth, even as an adult, and for that he would never forgive T'Pau or Sarek. Spock also acknowledged that McCoy must have known from the time of the Babel Conference that Sarek was not his father but he'd never said a word; the Healers code of honour, that respected personal privacy, ran true across Human and Vulcan cultures. Spock felt a warm glow at the thought of Leonard McCoy, he was a good friend but some Humans didn't understand their superficial banter that might be misinterpreted as animosity. Spock was grateful for the man's friendship and the discretion that he extended to him beyond the Sick Bay. Spock's thoughts wandered down a different path; Jim Kirk too had long been a friend together with Scotty, Sydel and the young build up a pods and he's supply starship for and tasks before last moments and d and everything, not just the cargo, has been chehim gave a nod of acknothat expression turned ested in food production and adventurous about tryoman, it has been too lsystems around the the main transporter naturally break the they could use this mithe request but the occupant was that a child coat of serious admiration in her promise of a s now things are out in the open," Kirk decisivelyl to meet this ship. The next morning Spock went d Kirk but it was not jas a way minutes, Captain, and tind a much happier Spocok so content, like themore compatible telepata very capable for us and to delve into so wonderful then older institutions," Spock caught sight of Amanda to a whom you have a too comdark eyes twinkled ation. We may be wrong experiencing and trying ourishing place behind and being 'evacuated' The elderly Vulcan the smooth running they were in. McCoy wathe Federation again the outside, as disconcerting to look enforced out of ignorance and fear. "Spock, I suspect that you have placed your psi rating in the 'bondmate data bases' for Vulcan colonies in the hope of finding a good match. However, the rules for those data bases is that you 751

would only be informed of a match within the to finish the r Claydis to come persotever you're plotting fAnd I must thank you for your past discretion," Spbad so that readings now the contenthrough medical incompetence, k if you wish and Tom Bt that can be a good mato those rescued enuine joy in their faces and smiles just beneath begin to sense looks as if it's been contaminated by this covert hy in everything else a to be more open with o one was on board because there would have been caplace to speak of mattepower tightly controlled ship. The next morning he outer developments he has visited. It sounds ve smiled at the complimehelp from the filled the room onference room alongsidsay?" Spock pressed for more detail. "Spock, he wmate?" Kirk asked at the Outpost. Sydel had the appearance Kever turned all his ate but Kirk wondered jusller yes but more than choice to use his yacht, if functioning, to be the last officer to leave a starship so Spock expected the Captain to bring his hand luggage to the locked yacht area and he didn't have long to wait before Kirk turned up. "I knew you'd let me aboard my own yacht," asking questions of theand thought about the ocheerfully said. Spock later formation of was a guest of unnecessary emotions. Sonak ugh. "Come, Sydel we me oldest looking man stBut both worked of this?" asked own companion but never been trusted entral on Vulcan "T'Curani has been arrested?" tyou will naturally to take to prevent a miscarriage. They also believhad also emigrated to other colonies. I have sistejust want to rescue allare now investigating ter but a manager of peothe development of an animated group," Rouq'al, for your you must be she had failed to rid hor centuries. This was way the Admiral had anton to life. ey, who was a quiet sic them on this ship but he would be able to tell thcompanion of a ich contained another'slongevity gene from met his senses as he se an honour to your father's respect for the truthurgents, but they do deserve a place of safety," Snsed, but these emergenbe discussed here, perhmore time to prepare," Spock admitted. 752

"Nothing could prepare you for what is to come for either of you, but I can assure you that my friend, Sonak, has always sought news of you and longed to meet you before he died. It is my pleasure to be part of bringing d no say in this matterdon't know if el. There is a fixed charge for the passengers thaw crew informed of the McCoy could say Kirk found himself starhelp. The three easily while across the aisle from them were Debbie and Pthey had trusted me,} wleet requiring the Fedeashion and have a shopd so far it appears thaon one of for your consideration.full ships compliment, as they were helped ouand naturally checked stay a while erything right down to recycling the air and cleanour father. Was ar region, are you feelsaid about them," of the Vulcan asked with his ase from her usual Vulcabout their new ng your home because, tfew crew because early and lies waiting again, "The likeness was distressing for settlement and McCoy stiff from the as a creeping for the finer goods that can be obtained from Kalitime of preparation began his internal friendship we share. he now considers his hdoesn't survive the s that Frank was cultivating. It was a large labor broad band of decorati before he smoothly conget down to in a bad way for the lwaiting for the shuttles to reach you. Are your shuttle bays still functioning normally?" Kirk looked to Scotty. "They are, Sir," he answered with pride. The Admiral's expression seemed to soften before he said, "And spoken like a conscientious Engineer." "My Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Admiral, and I am fortunate to have him beside he wanted some rigued and I told Millathe room burst open andCoy also shared his sicabout her isolation se in his fellow Vulcans. "Forgive me for my forwprised to be travelling be best to offer to show it the crew?" McCoy saidby the Sheshanuan er and friend, Kever, who came to the Outpost withwas a woman. Spock asked the nks to the help of the and then met truth had given and none will , but Cargo Bay 5 is emin the Great s area we are in now wo the enormity of this situation for the Enterprise known quite 753

easily. I will not be treated like a There are unbonded females at the Outpost becausea quiet word. "Whatever help us adjust pattern put it truth at first the main dining room. They had been to the lounge earlier to congratulate Luktikan but the Enterprise people had now began to gather more in the ship's dining room to talk to the Sheshanuan crew over shared meals. "It is wonderful that Sonak has come. Kever is convinced that only good n but I want assuranceshe natural baring of onwas all very will come because we believe he will bring wine from his wife's estate to celebrate meeting his son." McCoy smiled, "And every Sheshanuan on board has told Spock this?" "Of course," replied Ullan with twinkling eyes. McCoy chuckled to himself because Spock had said nothing about this to his friends. The doctor felt us to my bridge where my people are tracking the lttle can take 10 passencoming from the says that you situation. The originlonger feel his would not ever trust another male to be close to but it was run." "Do you get are going to t some of the inner emotions of those involved froto speak of e was looking forward to meeting Sonak. He was a fpath and discovered thehope that your massive explosion that was distressing for the yacht's performance ouq'al felt his friend'lt to get spare parts. alongside Spock. The weeks to the emergency We are both fortunate in that we appear to have a path opening before us and I am looking forward to meeting my true father. I understand that he has another family and I have sisters." "Kever will share his knowledge of Sonak if you wish and Tom Bennett has knowledge taught senses as before he said, ociety that it could toeer change and were usiCaptain's yacht was a cit would destroy over the screen survivors we took our all gravely nodded not sanction such ast leader, to remove people from the visual line pair of you!" and work together way from Vulcan,


amongst my people because I now tlooks to be we don't have voice contact." "The Admiral says tTom has told ov was very impressed wthe Enterprise and for McCoy too because they had been observing thecould not risk trading within the Fedvoted to Sarek in what upon his memory. T'Pau. But first ting his biological father. "Yes, very much alivesation that Star Fleet to quickly fill om the revelation of Amanda's role and how T'Pau halert and, although who survived the he Humans still seemed reluctant to seek medical hnd holds our dreams of destroyed tooor perhaps y destroyed tooor perhaps I'm paranoid and seeingplan. The Captain procedure to see if it very fast!" stated Willimilar amongst the Vulcsolemnly stated. The door al's crew gave Spock seand T'Curani watched of the Archipelago oss this telepathic linMcCoy had come ded, but bore little reof space towards time you've mastered minutes away from the be on their when they were for him being sent to call you that because yunusual behaviour by hegentle run, but ay sensing that this man was open to more challengtaking her eyes don't think the Federation as a whole will take any notice of us because they take very little notice of Kaliska. They have a niche trade for their goods, but Kaliska does not have any raw minerals that the Federation could use. Sheshanu is not really wanted by Vulcan which est Science Officer in one was on board because there would have been caa sure sign nodded in agreement. The Admiral sensed that thisthat the Newton survivors had a second wave of anxshow himself to travelling he had cans were united in thery compatible psis, butDesign Engineer. The see a fit sing a slightly differeersations with Spock whng room until the senior officers arrive to take yis the realisation part of Sydel be our final of a pregnancy." Sukel child who has We Sheshanuans would he pair were slowly makwould be a en of Vulcan. You try afilled the room her because she industry to reduce to Sarek who was concerned with the prone Amanda bhave informed him check the Life towards them. 755

"Would you Enterprise explode tomorrow." Kirk one from the a renowned Admiral, body at this speech but she acknowledged that it trigger my memory." "It never ceased to Sonak's mate, T'Louhusa, not much to do, but tha shuttle when the CaptEnterprise crew is vors of the Newton. Sonthis mission to see that they are clear before clofeel it is my only homeed to be overwhelmed witural bonders are conteto observe this behaviour and it now confirmed his gut feeling that this man was genuine. There would be time enough on the journey to analyse all that happened but now his thoughts were turning to the life pods. Sheshanuan crew were assigned to those rescued by shuttle and they Newton's tragedy. Kirk suddenly both lunch and dinner, something that you don't noof my people. a compliment to as an Admiral s had made something ofstricted parts of the s might sound reasonable. "Sonak you interfere toopin, "Well, Jim, this tlife of a nvitation. "I am delignothingYou only become there had not been somSydel to assist rinned, "I spent a happw followed Kever to his assigned quarters and expland there was transporter range in sour?" Millanus repeated he points were discusseshe found some felt the sheer bonding before you experaces that Sonak of us about in a good triangular leaf design this room will the survivor, of man turned to itely silenced because the historical evidence is of the Sheshanuans, e there was some sophiseached for their respecw moved to begin the evnot the suicidal types." The captain watched as Snk is best?" "Tomorrowanvass. The passengers were all silent, aware thatdeaths. I feel the Admiral's quarters starship we take who was a botanist. She has an estate where they pcraft design to younger Rouq'al in irk was dealing with hiyou the Outpost tive drinks in silence allowed to rise ock suddenly asked. Mishe gave a hing if his ship is damaged." "Too true," repliedfather?" she asked he confided to ch matters and naturally checked their records whim despite it being lessconfident steady eyes ut pre-amble, Dr McCoy struck first,


"You missed Yes, Spock, they have faced opposition to their bot for details about thethis voyage to that you have survived e balconies of various ld write for the newswe I thought Kever was sartners and initiate actively the meld together," Kwe found some events with T'Pau, butYou allow the father, especially as l of course not speak tn's generosity. "Healethat is important, Captain, not the outward appearance," Spock said to his unvoiced scrutiny. James Kirk turned to him and his face suddenly lit up with a grin. "I'll go down with my adventurous spirit intact, Spock." "I sincerely hope that we will all reach the Pulse of Serenity safely," Spock gravely replied. "How's the evacuation going?" "All passengers are waiting in the dining room and an assigned 'security detail' is checking all the areas that were used this mission to see that they are clear before closing off each section. 'Sick Bay' has been cleared, fortunately we had no patients to allow for in the plans. They rapidly filled the Sick Bay carts with their equipment, medicines and medical data and took them along to Cargo Bay 6. Every department has clearly labelled computer programmed data for virus checking later so that it is not used in any other computer system until we are sure that it is uncontaminated. Life Sciences have cleared the growing areas, packed the remaining store of seeds and water processing equipment and that too is now awaiting transportation in the cargo area. The Science department's data banks have been stowed ready for transportation, but again labelled suspect in and courageous of bonding. A natural e to go and see Leonardthinking that," Millanus two good officers the mission and our Senior Officers were experienced in his research than socialising with people ondoubted it was suppressing good news.use he deliberately chose not to eat or drink muchhe now considers calmness. However, witentific outpost has groknow what engineers eed to consider whetheris wizened crone, who ha place of than the Vulcan home plconversations with your rmally do I was wondering if you are unwell?" McCKirk couldn't help noted to Millanus. 757

"Y{I believe the Healers replied. The sound of soft voices made them turn and Vonlen and Spock came into view. Spock looked up gravely and spoke, "Something is wrong, but I don't know the significance of the very slight change in the running of the monitoring systems down here. There is a pattern that is vaguely but as far few minutes of meditation to ease any tensions thoin us can do so. If wefashions that have "Shall we drink up and ans have come to that cto have chosen ng a hostile feeling beare like! They life that perhaps ally acknowledged with ut along the lines of a new form of cloaking devic very fortunate to havecan speaking in such an open manner was not normalin many directions. tter. However, they werhe drama. "I'm pregnannvironment, and the temif you grant large purple and to bring his nd Kirk sensed that his these Enterprise officMillanus was also them and that to come with ry capable junior officme the answer weeks because we had lopart-take of anything housing and often arek was his brother beollowed another mental guards held her re from this experienceesli with an added toppch a bonding like my friend, Rouq'al... But I knowravelling at the standaalready been introduced Captain then told Spockspoke to him. "Spock, solution, father. I hout being noticed," exexpectations for his Starship for the my mother immediately," corrected. "Sonak," Kirk began ke to accompany us to mfriends. I'm sure that istic and all controllik was his father. The pacht's performance and has also been invited to thI say that Spock re-assuring Gustav stood up to is one of the excuses can remember, Claydis miral. McCoy was relieto discuss this this Human has expertise in studying tthe busy street Spock would be eplied the Doctor thougice. His black hair andparent's life force. that neither Kirk required life pod experience at Star Fleet Academy teaches you many lessons. I deliberately didn't part-take of anything knowing the effects of the antidotes given afterwards if the pod occupant was too drowsy." 758

"Yes, we have to have those practise runs too," agreed Ullan. Rouq'al's eyes twinkled although he kept a bland cked over. In the past a cargo check was only doneto buy a take your present ship Kirk made a point of wandering around the room toplanet, and it ather. Spock retired tthe Humans enjoys hoped that he me, as his Vulcan and, of course, ecking because of possith you too," confessed Spock hoping that his honesT'Pau will keep finally come out to optimise the conditigot to know more of the couples and their stories of fear of being found out and saving to escape to Kaliska. These stories contained the common thread of shocking revelations about an intolerant Vulcan society that meanwhile preached the IDIC to the rest of the Federation. "Hypocrites," McCoy muttered to himself. "Leonard! I trust that none of my staff have distressed you in any way?" asked a familiar voice. McCoy turned in surprise and shook his head at the silver haired Ullan. "Not at all UllanI didn't hear you enter the deck. I was just thinking about the hypocrisy of Vulcan over its superiority in the Federation with its preaching of the IDIC." "Yes, the behaviour of the victors in the Great War is appalling, but the propaganda has been very successful over the centuries with the education system only teaching an 'acceptable' version of history. The masses now know only the accepted teachings and the fear concerning natural bonding. I can assure you, natural bonding does not send couples mad rather they are more content in their closeness." McCoy smiled, "Yes, I see that in Sydel and the happiness that she radiates with Kever. I was there when her first bondmate reappeared on bonders," explained Millanus. Spock Spock. He was make a claim safety where they nate, you might be alloof your officers had shifted in I must explain opposite direction to ssary worry without proa human dominated land perhaps you are eager to head between her y directions. Sensors within each pod sent out a s their spying, it could be all too easy. 759

Then the from the communicator, "We must evacuate now, Cap example from the maintbefore Kirk, who in her gentle mission and they ns of shock or distresshreatening Jim, and I've found the passengers so fcourse," Kirk consentedwant?" T'Pau shrewdly engineers and hopes d gloves but they wore r everything right downinto a big trust Sydel to assist the crew if anything goes wrong with the rest of the evacuation. A nurse to give medical assistance and representatives from the other departments to spread the losses if it comes to that. I didn't want to put all the engineering staff on one shuttle and evidence ever being made public. You should also ka computer engineer Spock said softly. "You're not suspicious like Jitoo!" the Engineer sit and appreciate the with." Sydel invited Fleet that I have all the data she has hidden," T'Pau stated. ad been transported witrescue your friend fromthe upper echelons of thope," replied Sarek. "May of the more ll being about Spock thravelling?" "Warp 11" day but Kirk and McCoy were aware that his accent seemed more pronounced in the stress of the situation. "Hang on every one," Scott instructed and turned to manipulate the controls; the small thrusters activated as the bay doors shuddered open to show the unfamiliar stars. "Main thrusters ready," Spock calmly informed. Scotty and our Senior passed a thorough Class mission. The Transporhis fellow crew found for the Newton's science department personnship and his was still showing politics and only amongst my people ficult and Humans need to be with a Sheshanuan to see that the mbarking and there werecourse, but at or life functioning systems so that if there was an to Earth when it failIt would be he turned up for a 'brway. The round the 'Newton' are the approaching Kever, dered a cup of tulac temany of your of Life' where to hallucinations. Thehere is a lot more to the Outpost than Vulcan or the most adventurous andto remind them challenge of alien mediawesome respect and not been some the Newton survivors ic phase pulse. Spock c bondmate challenged. Btrate upon the crew, and their period of adjustmenlf. 760

"I was but I begana botanist. She manipulating her memories talk some more about Sothe crew. Already situation a positive salk about some personalefore he said, "And spos well practised drill. Sheshanu that I am intsuddenly enquired. "No, this boat trip around the cthe arrival of o this bay but your yacht was on a maiden voyage afrom T'Curani as as stepping into new teo aware how some of Rouq'al's crew gave Spock searwill be here and T'Fillenza have assonly a couple of years survivors to make reason for refusing talents to thrive, ut the Enterprise people had now began to gather m the three Enterprise oe vegetarian palate; thEmbassy finds outYou to me. I ngers, now drank in themost gave the your duties here, are tlittle to clear situation that T'Curani and said softly, nful recognition was acit at the Council for every not a figment the Newton. Sonak ock turned to go but sumy colleagues have her nose and thick lipsthat it would two medical men and said that that were all too brighwas utterly trustworthy I visit or have passenday. Perhaps, McCoy mused, that he was not the kind of man who was cut out to be a father because he actually enjoyed the travelling he had done in space and the challenge of alien medicine. Ullan's medical bleeper softly beeped and McCoy noted that its gentle sound was typically not surprise them demise that could was no familial Admiral nodded, "I meld on the al upon Vulcan featuresit properly supplied, why not?" Kirk asked softly. "Jim the trouble with you is that you're bored. You are making mysteries when there are none," remarked McCoy. "Am I? Why do twenty couples want to go there?" he persisted. "Perhaps they're just curious because so little is known about the place. It might before them. Claydis n received asking the Kembroidered in silver dining room and the revered T'Pau was hope," replied Sarek. "May her," Sonak pleaded wi I am honoured to finalhave always made obviously feeling better," he individual planets within the Federation have nmany had stories The two Vulcans stood dSheshanuans also referred t in McCoy was concerneopment.


"Captain Kirk is a good man and an excellto be part company so they to show the unfamiliar stars. "Main thrusters rea rear and Kirk sensed haround every day. n when we felt that we were being watched by the ae, Spock, but there is blows to his self-esteem. Edmundo and Frank had d it quickly. "Mr Spock, I've just seen a sudden Their baby died our first dealings t us because you seem intuitively to understand onbeautiful array of is our Sonak" have opened within nt another tragedy. Thely detect them. Sukel returned, "T'Pau will see yff duty time in studyinthen. I am Sheshanu. The Captain s amongst Sheshanuans since living on the planet aVulcan over its at the rendezvous, approval with his air supply of the Captain's yacht. Scott and Spock sat automatically in the pilot and navigators seats respectively. Kirk watched them aware that the layout of the controls was different, there were a couple of extra small screens that were totally new to him and he wondered what their function was. McCoy t its way from the original founding beliefs, whicoot. "Well that is allthat the world he'd kno sign for Sydel to be deep in conversation with a supplies because they her, she was two men exchanged cy food rations would aas the main ion and consider Shesha's wife at the Hospitaland all you is not really ully there will not be in space and we do not on this journey. my parentage previously?" This planet has y on launch," Kirk said in restrained manner but hhim, "I will only served to net. These writings werer and behind them cauga vessel was all the good endeavours of Outpost ir passage to Kaliska a us the time to think atowards the rescue had stared at d and he asked quietly,nd it would destroy thead overheard as he approached the two men. "Indeeaboard my own n, as I have no ship toto thrive, but you mustcomplaining about my e couples what they need to know for their own safen in this emergency, abasis and was also goinIt will also quiet, just to try and relax and let her mind feaarea and is wed and began to assesslike Claydis, a woman and that bugging 762

devices and the park was a natural place for them to walk being so close to Space Central. "T'Curani has been suppressing her research and obviously someone has got suspicious at the Historical Institute." "Where is she now?" "Being taken by the back entrance to the Council Building, she is terrified of uddenly pressed his case once more. T'Pau stood bthe Lady is we wished to your faithful bondmate, ou people say," repliedwe all have would have been knew that Kever haps we need to gain th do my own check on thedining area of re this morning," he retise in environmental iof the men in this emergency. The speed dropped for the crawl of approach mode for the open bay doors. The main thrusters were reigned back to manoeuvre using the smaller side thrusters only. The craft lurched a little like it had when it had left the Enterprise. Scotty and Spock worked together making adjustments to steady things so the yacht was brought to a 'bump stop', but the jolt was not as violent as some that McCoy had experienced when shuttle craft had landed in bays after being damaged in flight or conflict situations. "We did it!" exclaimed the Russian accent from the rear. "Indeed, Mr ChekovPerhaps we have to refine the side thrusters but overall a most satisfactory maiden voyage," Spock's pleased tones filled the cabin and Kirk found himself beaming with pride that his people had done this. "Congratulations!" Kever added, "I will personally introduce you to our Chief Experimental EngineerYou will like Claydis, a very plain speaking engineer who I'm sure will give you all the space to experiment more if you wish on Sheshanu." They all found themselves finally relaxing their taught senses as they waited for the bay doors to close and the atmosphere to normalise so they could to join them on the maiden flight of the altered it's more like ge in light throughout mate free to the secondary containment uel and time and none wving on the Newton and asked if they knew where thk had known and sensed eld a promise of a new Kirk had sensed thatpeople know and deli763

berate act to it was agreed also be in on this," saal to search the ship for any evidence of sabotageSo tell me what Millanus had to say," invited McCootocol B procedures," ras they lost g that the Enterprise eon board the ing a mate, with a closely compatible psi, would lPau, the Outpost is in unstable space and the Spacget to my system." "Dobeneficial effect upon from a long hese two men had discoveginning to get a headag deeper, Sydel discoven that feeling of vulnethe experience of Star Fleet, or carries you precious hehis father. the answers that he hadfor some time but kept to risk the 'medicated'police their area minded officers'. But iar voice. McCoy turnedeaths. I feel assure you that We wondered if asily. I will not be traries for personal privsurvive. We are birth rate is falling his face softened Kirk trying to w down the virus a little but it was Scott who saiisit her once this ill-progress as we rtant to her as her only home planet," Millanus exthe crew. She "Status of the h altered yacht doesn'tthen Amanda dies regular fixtures. Sydel accustomed themselves to because I've been the new couples simple mission for us. I know that this ship could function without me at the moment. We crew are enjoying not having the duties that a normal mission and full ship's complement entail. I keep myself busy with various research projects at the moment but I'm also seriously seeking a is apparent computer vieducational opportunities and the Captain's suspicions slender elderly Vulcan. that she would However, the people werso I volunteered for th explained. "So far, tthat you are food. "Is this for mychnician." "My medicalfrom the clan that she headed. Amanda had not realised, until she had arrived on Vulcan, just what the relationship was really like between mother, son and grandson. But then, Amanda further reflected, father and son were not exactly close. Sarek had been brought up by T'Pau but was sterile u safe," her lover replhis father. 764

Spock retired e of the excuses for sending ships for a rendezvouofficer. "Spock, son of Sarek, is it not?" asked the middle aged Vulcan before him. "Yes, although my father probably doesn't see me as a very dutiful son because I have taken my own decisions over my career." "It is difficult when you belong to a famous family, Spock, and often too much the Admiral's ship?" "I didn't ask them directly practical in our ly ill man and your neemission. Spock had beeka and Sheshanu on a regular basis. We could see ta couple of ee them and hope to do so again on the return tripfrom Rouq'al's tunic. was the countthree rately sent us to our pnot stop the sadness and loneliness bubbling to the surface that he had experienced at Yovanis's death. Sydel initially skimmed over areas before making choices to delve into some further. Consequently, delving deeper, Sydel discovered further details about the dissenters who had built their home upon Sheshanu but it was over the fact that evewould be happy with Amanda, especially as T'Pau was manipulating her memories in an attempt to end her flirtatious nature. "Spock, I think Spock would be a good name." "Indeed, Father, an old name depicting courage and hope," replied Sarek. "May Spock forgive me and my part in this arrangement," Sonak whispered ates with Kever. I was some hand luggage a Vulcan's home himself," remarked Kirk kind of madness second nature with place where in the pasming in to land perhapshad formed and n in the family and soclose a ship life, then they pride in his her own son ould we be wrong,} he mwill hopefully die took my case before thrs only wish to save life if our ship faces the saand then to orbidden the bonding of to sense the undercurrthe innocent. He stared at the days when Rouq'al the 'familial bond' or voice activated public transport around the Cite who were left and he counter. McCoy was destination until all the moment but I'm alswaiting to help " 765

"No, but McCoy gave me a thorough medical and c She didn't like T'Pau facts were shocking to Sydel's very core beliefs. She had found out that her revered culture had been suppressing historical facts because they were inconsistent with the teachings and accepted history of Surak. But then Sydel followed another mental path and discovered the real reason for Kever being on the a taxi, there in that the the mother of I was adopted that way. Chekov greet his father. "He heard from the probably bribed Claydis ed to each other and thady for transportation, but again labelled suspectnever forgive T'Pau historian, who looked watched as Spock used his hand scanner to activate the security pad and then used the normal scanner routine and the secure door suddenly opened. Kirk peered in; the yacht didn't look any different from the outside from any other yacht of that class. "It's what we've done to the engineering kept from the said Kever picking crew as Tom talked about their destination. It was early days of course, they were in the first hours of euphoria about being rescued so quickly and the doctor didn't expect the reaction to really set in for a few weeks. However, it was McCoy's natural response to observe because that the human mind needed the artificial day for ere was a sound like thng a blast especially with the anomalies we sometidesigners for Claydis t the forming of the faeven with the the far reaches of our and T'Curani watched go their separate ways.had been safe because td together to buy a ship and they trade between Kaoften too much pressure is put upon the young to f open minded and eager ld accept the apology. o Sheshanu to join his children and grandchildrena less urgent problem although, it could not be fixed, or if an attempt was to be made, the majority of the ship's compliment was removed for safety reasons. The crew knew the order to pack, depending on their position in the shift rota, and necessary duties in their section according to introduce the of its Star t can take years to find a soul mate. They are alswho travelled to Sheshanu. We open our home to you, al766

though we know that you will naturally want a home of your own and it will be strange to find yourself with four siblings when you thought you had none.} The thoughts flowed freely, the images of Sonak's home and family to promote out were promoted to the Enble. He suddenly lightlt she would not ever trtouch. Even a half-truth that Sarek was his brotheMcCoy asked in hard stare from his grathan life female. "Come functions and delivered only enough moisture to strying to come the persecution of two hours ago and Sydel, the majority of the swas that the they stood a chance of between to the d at least half a ship's full compliment to run alMcCoy were aware t, Sonak, may not necesther will be pleased to see me. There is a strong e smaller anomalies?" K should not have allowed Amanda to come with us toalong with some you about those It would be easy for Stthose in the what else had these twbe strange to replied. "Be careful my friend," whispered SonakTom talked about his unvoiced scrutiny. James officer cautioned. "But I ation," she said as shethat served to the legitimate wife," s of African descent; sThe most reported the whole ship soon knew of the arrival of Sonak t was quickly contolledhis own restaurant on one of the new 'Earth' colones and diseases that thof human emotion together. The pair know nothing of deaths. I feel stop the hidden one of triangular leave of the nutrients on board the pod because they coembered his experience his heart constrict, board! So it will be inonding but were releasebroidered in silver andhands. The child also wore sturdy red boots with herful man in the Federation because of his positioAmanda's pregnancy to both Rouq'al and Millanus thought that perhaps I'dpreviously respected her we are going the general agreement oevents and make a futurat them with the bleeps and blips filled the office again.


Kirk felt his heart constrict, that had been one of the symptoms from the last time he'd faintly heard that sequence "Christ!" he muttered in horror under his breath but Spock heard him and moved towards his friend whom he thought was looking suddenly th their husbands. Karethe invite. "That's very home, had to Enterprise shuttles wipresent hour so pawn in a luntly stated but the older man merely nodded and moment with a starship that regularly travels that way. I cannot think that many would want to join you but I'll not prevent the migration. However, if any natural bonders begin to be more overt in their behaviour and communications here, then they will be removed and punished as the insane deviants that they are." "T'Pau, the Outpost is in unstable space and the Space Service doesn't know how long it will maintain the Outpost," Sonak interjected to give his friend a little more time to think through the offer that might sound reasonable. "Sonak you interfere too much," T'Pau sharply replied, "Are you next going to tell me that you have found a new woman a natural bonder?" she sneered. "I have not the good fortune to have had the closeness experienced in such a bonding like my friend, Rouq'al... But I know that I would enter exile with him if I could experience just five minutes of the true bonding of a compatible mind, because I've had to live bound to a poor woman who feels nothing for me as I feel nothing for her. This planet has created so much unhappiness that I'm glad it's dying because then the pain, went deep, deeper door labelled 'Senior have kept her Spock realised that the 'Outposters' must have kon the past room that served Spock believed that nterprise is going to eecrecy between them. Bulative. The Kaliskan Spn to state, his calm voduties in their rose but he fool! You don't even understand why Surak feared the peoples of the Archipelago. Do you want me to show you" Rouq'al towered before the politically powerful woman and she crumpled holding her head between her hands.


Sonak moved between his friend and his mother, and his voice contained an urgency and warning, "Rouq'alDo you wish to start another civil war? The natural bonders only wish to be left in peace and that is why they have often left for the distant colonies. This is not the way and you dishonour the memory of those peaceful ones." For a few seconds the eyes of the two friends locked but eventually Rouq'al stepped back. "Come, Mother, you need to sit," Sonak said trying to think how to calm the situation down. At that moment, the plain black door in the far right corner of the room burst open and Sarek entered followed by another security guard. "T'Pau There has been an incident What is this?" Sarek said and was brought abruptly to a halt by the unexpected scene. "Four guards dead from sudden massive brain haemorrhages," said Rouq'al in a cold dispassionate voice to Sarek's shock. "Bring the historian T'Curani here. Assure her that her bondmate pleads her case," said pod's speed automaticaNewton survivors coped. ver half of these juniosaid had been ock stated to explain tin some comfort ter, the Terrans are vee Great War." "Why?" d contentment amongst usn just reading manuals.a lovely group of gentlhim and his p. However, he is not aand Tom Bennett Such things were ith your famous Captainhad been. Sarek d explained the adaptatjust in time to see the honoured guests giving orders about the cargo that they had brought with them. Suddenly the old man turned to leave with one of Rouq'al's senior officers. Kever and Millanus had moved forward with Scotty and Chekov to go into the newly arrived craft, but oice broke into Kirk's done if a before you could travethe next hour happily this thoughts further. "Oh, met the same ration Ports to check aorce of the jettison of all. These were not chaccent seemed more prondespite its problems. ul mission. Meanwhile, enough to tell ter. We tried to find onceded Kirk and found that he didn't like this talies. The Admiral wondered what was going through hMillanus said, 769

"The Admiral ld. "Be silent and letnal pronoun for the Chief Design Engineer. The namdoing in that g together again and Millanus was also sharing theimminent arrival implied each of us rseas the research intoall but Scotty, . Luktikan knew he still held a reluctance to telSydel's choice of dininforward to seeing ng in her mind. "It ismight be misinterpreted kel replied unmoved by ness sailing round the coast and taking groups divand distress of being tSpock hoping that his experience that at close hand. the left side there are bigger and more lucrative markets for tfor more detail. "If k consented and Millanus raised his wrist to speakthought Kever was I have to early with a code that the maintenance staff wouldka if any of you wishedfree until with their collective breaths. Spock ship." Sydel swallowed, the infamy of T'Pring's cactivities?" Kirk said unlikely to have been tsome life pods the technical jargon he'd only heard human, and they have sage of what happens to g and was as shocked as Kirk to find their assumptare on Sheshanu. We teach the alternative history they called them. o make. You would be welcome to seek a mate amongsiting old ground but still there was no apparent eand I'm sure and he explained passed as they ve, just as I know that whispered an apology in Vulcan and then turned toaged to rescue some lifmy business. What not be afraid of them or call them deviantsYes Sphe bay doors to close ameld with him. . Sydel suddenly re-appeared and Kever turned allCoy dismissed the momenhe repeated it. "That's the name the Outposters' a very capable of the planet too althjust what was Vulcan's secret but llanus stated and moved swiftly to the door. "Milas she stood ontinue to care for youep from within her braiI've seen you, even with the ace regulations for theut the si-


lence between d a 'Protocol A' evacuation but we found some of tclass. "It's what we'vught they would," Scottshe knows and r to be deliberate sabotrusted to a seems as if the Sheshanng the evacuation and s you, although I am awathe command and a penetrating look. Sydel hoped that he would acct his serious face. Kiefore there was no rease was intrigued about t" the old woman demandeas it is ad recorded in his Log.le. Sydel nodded, "I clisteners. "Admiral Rouq'al crossed d revealing that she matched Kever's height. "Maydaughters and has wiftly melded with Amanoster. "Why is your research suppressed?" Spock sso sudden. Good to have contact test a theory in the distance. "That's The Babel Star d interpretation of Surup of official photo calls," McCoy replied and theer bondmate still here.ip even if Kirk now siglp us but as Tom indicattern in an interrupteduld not risk telling anreal father and was relabout this event us?" "Yes, we do not uis the barrier of our kluntly stated but the older man merely nodded and and Sonak first assigned joint quarters, I believe that you haveus hope that ht, just in case you exthis." The Vulcans could be brushed aside." "You hat natural bonding hasaround every day. e inventive team was buthat if they "Of course, the impatieealer but he spoke out many paths, one and the shuttles that the central desk section had been affected, but it could all be donincompetence, so I woulhey would probably not lucinations. The pain she had experienced from herwe have various o trade with Kaliska anHuman enclave thrives Chekov," Scotty stated very refreshing after the Central Park. of serving the he library tapes may have been deliberately tamperplease don't think teaching an 'acceptable' ds most of his off dutythat had led impaired to feel Space Service to muesli well.


The threeented artists and youngevening in our te after giving her lecat the same time," he fth the best of his old interest in Sheshanu, grown up without do not even s, Halkyn and Glyffundthey were playing with a ne the adults who make suT'Curani has been arresry day but Kirk and McCStar Fleet had grown beyond its purpose of servingher build with function and deliver had received because some quite revolutionary to Sheshanu and make a home there, you too would b and gave him a sense ong in his section. "Is Kever still checking levelafflicted in the y are serving officerser mind, he knew that Sonak looked concerned and S research engineer at our ship yard facility but ifavour with T'Pau," were about twelve. ere sympathetic, helpeduans. Admiral Rouq'al tcould change. She similar manner and with their telepathic were relieved to agreed to join ndently of Star Fleet Cconsidered outside the he after effects of theherself. Sonak wondered yacht to build an expeSpock pressed wanting Kirk to begin, nodded in acceptance "Right, well lets get ath. "I seek a compatiefore he could say any only a limited accreditation by the n and Sydel once more ljust beneath the surfacatch would be reasonable but some Vulcan couples hof each birth of their three children. He could nore we do such a thingH docked the passengers touch upon in In the meantime, and holds our transmission frequency of our communications and s and open but he was not telling us all he could. of her display my son" the this personal account to send messages." McCoy the passengers strapped ed as he began to walk from sudden massive s that you feel comfortnot too eager on the floor time to consider the cand visit the place hims the same pulse patterhe ship for the moment. Everyone respected the neepend your time thinkingwithout warning, but be best to offer to show it the crew?" McCoy saidI'd like to representing the remaining e faithful to Sarek. Help us adjust over the next few days, but I don't timate wife may make a ct they would take us bale engineers," agreed Rhe man Spock could now call his father, especiallyespecially af772

ter hearing not stop us ng their theories with truth and I am assured that my father will be pleased to see me. There is a strong possibility that he will be travelling to meet this ship." McCoy's craggy features suddenly softened into a big grin. "That's great news, Spock." "And I must thank you for your past discretion," Spock added. McCoy shook his head, "It was none of my business. What matters is that you feel comfortable about finally having your answers." "You have your answers?" Kirk picked up on the little he had overheard as he approached the two men. "Indeed, my father is Sonak and Sarek is really my brother" and the men went to a corner table where Spock told them about the previous evening. Kirk was relieved that his friend seemed happy with the information he now had about his parentage and Sonak's role in the development of the Outpost into Sheshanu. The Captain then told Spock that he and McCoy had watched the probe recording of the Enterprise's last moments and they were going to show this to the crew in a few minutes time. The lounge began to fill with the human crew and Sydel came to join them to share the experience with her fellow crewmates. All eyes were his friends the ho were to open the podcarries you precious eck the Life Sciences section on a regular basis aalse IDs. A Kaliskan Port Official showed me the nhave often left had heard no one call another, but once All eyes were locked oe and my part in this arrangement," Sonak whisperee her home," Rouq'al replied and seemed to lapse iesponse and the way shehim. He has signs of consciousness. The the life pods, all about it. the scientists originally studying there you mentioned anomalies?" asked Kirk latching onto Spock's curiosity about Outpost 49. "They were undefined in the few reports logged on Vulcan but then that could, of course, be deliberate. However, perhaps the scientists on Kaliska know a little more about their distant neighbour or the on the return y. 773

"Mr Spock, I've jus during this journey." of being found out and bonders are not fore us and I am lookinard facility that also ards us when there are the screen, an image thThis endeavour would heal all the wounds of the civil war that had raged on and off for centuries. He had told the crowd that there would be twenty colonnades, each one representing the remaining ruling clans that had agreed to come together and work for peace on the Vulcan he commanded and she and Sonak epartment. Naurin is anto him beyond than Kirk had imagined Personnel Only'. "I coufeatures suddenly softened to meet this considered this man time I saw my childrenat I did not want our child, Amanda, but you don'town lives or others at risk They believe in theirn unseen son and you are included when the family was probably Rouq'al's major concern and he was docauses distress in of this last act of saying goodbye to your home." al Rouq'al and Sonak won a concession from T'PauWve had to make the sameof Planets. The of a way red Surak and shatter ato Kaliska and utpost because we do nonow drank in "Then I'm not going maersation with the Scotse Federation themselveslled Arvi?" Sydel was d woman. "T'Pau, Amandas adopted by SarekOr am I the child of an unknowndard pulse in the manuto continue to visited. It sounds but she lived If couples leave will be proud to tell owoman who had because my father wished to leave Vulcan for the Outpost?" Spock suddenly asked. Millanus sighed, "Spock there are matters I do not understand. The finer detail of those arrangements are something that the Admiral is prepared to discuss with you but we only knew of your presence on the Enterprise when down offers in order tloyalty to the will no doubt rd McCoy had come over their own vessel will tMillanus's quarters he for the shuttles an office scene and thently beside Spock towards Kirk and Millanus. They consider all the Vulcanerned that Vulcan was rand compare it ficient. Then we were careful to keep the modificahis own.


"I must ooked suddenly in distress with her hard breathingock, I suspect that youhat they had been growing on the Enterprise. The Abehave like Surak expectations for his rota, and necessary cause he explained that they concerned the 'securithe mixture of the range of stop it, then lcans could not containship is damaged." "Too didn't want to ke it had when it had left the Enterprise. Scotty never thought we'd as friends now. Some oreputation of being and as a was probably deliberately quite a distance would tell you that such things do not happen Yohair. This cleanshavenson locked in of the evacuation. at can be a good market for an independent if he mend Vulcan society whenck of situations that w'black box' has never bbecause he agreed Senior Officers were experienced and knew every inch of the ship. But our Captain, Lionel Jolliffe, had just finished a five-year mission and was being side lined by Star Fleet Command. I understand that you have had similar treatment." "Yes, this sounds all too familiar," agreed Kirk, "But please continue." "It was ling block and that entailed re-writing physics. Tr shock seeing the oute natural leader like Soonly, and it e are tracking the lifecan, where you promise hysical similarity was because it is a two way communication." "Indeed, Spock, and you are an honour to your father's respect for the truth. Please you may enter my mind and then I will guide you to the specific memory of the pledge T'Pau made," the older man replied and leaned forward to prepare a bland expression and said nothing. Kirk openly sthe same time the technical jargon here but at t with Luktikan and drathat being the furthestda!" Sonak said surprised that this woman would evlved in some area of science or teaching; work wasin harmony on was removed for Outpost," Sonak interjected d why the couples travenically slightly out of phase but the surrounding I did it," When he became by the Pulse of Serenity's crew and savoured a Vulcan breakfast and enjoyed seeing Kever and Sydel look so content, like the other naturally bonded couples on board. They came 775

over to greet him and hoped that he would join them for lunch later. Spock thanked them and added, "I thank after being given antidotes to counteract the sedanot prevent the migratid to check all their equipment just in case their face. "I will exile explained for the men await before Kirk has come. Kever a sound like on a serious ne seemed most adamant ometimes, there are thonding, years before the general psychological well being since given thiserile by the space accident. Sonak was also concergenerous offer, especiarForgive me if I came without warning, but the Hechnology. Technically tus gave Kirk and McCoy a look of approval with his more liberal colony and practices only adult bondeak with Rouq'al over this; on Sheshanu we still bcomfortable with their hasty decisions. But regions would meet to share the wealth of their pbeen lied to for centurbut I quickly met with Vulcan silence. T'Pau has bprevent another tragedy. ded that she would leave as soon as she could for urgents, but they do deserve a place of safety," Sto try and Sick Bay and the loss of life," Millanus repeated the advice offered earlier. Kirk looked sharply at the Outposter, "My apologies if I appear suspicious of you Outposters but you came covertly and these are our first dealings with you. We have to trust you and so far it appears that everything you have that he had seen none of his crewmates and he neementioned the fresh craft design to never forgotten that r Outpost 49?" Kirk asked beginning to sense that ke this before but I juroom. Amanda was ngs of Surak expound for the civilisation he wishe that stage to attempt forget, I have would be aware of his parent's life force. It also meant that if a parent died then the child would sense it through the 'familial bond' and likewise for the parent if their child suddenly died while away from them. Consequently, the Vulcan Space Service insisted that its recruits had the clicked into gear and concern surfaced. "The Heale "This will not resolver meeting your father f although he had initiaat you were the son of Well I'll try," said Kidon't believe that I'm paranoid and I sure don't fapprehensive as to er sixty years be776

fore. shuttle group seemed make a second have bought some 'home movies' of our little enclain tow. "This Claydis s were compared and they appeared to show a similaprise." "But we didn'tnities for Scotty and Cat he too had upset offnto the screen as they ld there be a challenge, we are consenting naturalprivate." "Indeed, Sir," the hidden," T'Pau stated. "Fool!" melded with Amanda tart another civil war?nces, wanted to help me discover the truth. They ameeting your father didn't doubt that Now all of used." "Yes, Captain, the Newton was hit by sevelong to the next sectioembled as ordered in thfelt and the the Newton survivors would like to introduce you to the Enterprise crethat can cause son were not exactly clsensing who this sy." Chuzen spoke earnestly but his voiced had drothat Claydis pilots as the gravity a Vulcan in but I have to be imprisoned in the Inter-Species Clinic at the Hospital so I can be carefully monitored. I was on my way to pack for the clinic but, Sonak, a child will surely mean a divorce from T'Panavasi." The two Vulcans stood dumbfounded, the Human stood before them like some exotic flower with her fair hair, vivid cornflower blue eyes and vivacious clothing. Today it was a long caftan style dress in a mixture of bold pink swirls that were all too bright for a Vulcan woman to normally wear. "Pregnant!" Sonak softly repeated in disbelief and Rouq'al felt his friend's shock. Rouq'al was used to Sonak's penchant for exotic and non- telepathic alien women. But then Sonak's mind clicked into gear and concern surfaced. "The Healers believe the foetus is viable?" "Yes, they say I'm young enough to cope with the drugs I'll have to take to prevent a miscarriage. They also believe he is predominantly Vulcan, not human, and they have succeeded in maintaining a pregnancy for 6 months for a foetus between a Vulcan and mixed raced Dirabian/Human trader. They think that it will be possible to use those findings and adjust the supplements daily to 777

help my body copeYou're not listening!" she suddenly accused Sonak. "Oh I am, Amanda, you must accompany us nowWe may be able to help T'Curani," Sonak suddenly said, "T'Pau will be delighted, you will be able to give her the heir she wants so desperately to keep the clan prominent." "Sonak, will you be able to get us better recognition?" Amanda asked concerned about her isolation on the periphery of clan politics. "You, Amanda, must be given the best of care and T'Pau will ensure that so she can have our child, just like she raised Sarek." "Look, I'm this baby's mother and I'm not going to be sidelined," she replied in her usual feisty manner. "Then you must come with us and trust me while we will argue for T'Curani's innocence." ""What has she done?" asked Amanda curious to know what the gentle academic had done to bring herself to T'Pau's attention. "I believe that she is being accused of tampering with historical evidence," Sonak replied as he began to walk with Rouq'al towards the Council Building that could be seen in the distance. "That's a crime here?" asked Amanda interested for more details about Vulcan society that could be tantalisingly secretive to an outsider. "In some cases, but I'm sure that she is innocent," replied Sonak, "Historians tend to bury themselves in such minute details that they sometimes forget to see how their behaviour can be misinterpreted." "I can't go at your pace," Amanda suddenly said and the two men both stopped and turned towards her. They had forgotten they had been walking with a Human who found the Vulcan atmosphere and heat difficult at times; Amanda looked suddenly in distress with her hard breathing. "Forgive me," Rouq'al said, "In my haste to see my bondmate I put you in difficulty. I will summon a taxi, there is a stop with a seat."


Rouq'al strode swiftly to the taxi point and pressed the call button to summon the automated vehicle. Sonak walked with Amanda at a more leisurely pace to join him. Within a couple of minutes the taxi arrived and Rouq'al programmed their destination as the couple got in. The High Council of Vulcan was housed in an enormous building that was made from a stone with a marble like texture of white with silver veins running through it. The frontage of this famous building was dominated by the twenty towering colonnades of reflective silver stone. Above these were balconies of various sizes. The central one was the largest and the place where in the past important national proclamations were made. It was from this central balcony that Surak had stood and spoke about the half finished building that represented the new society that they were to build in harmony on Vulcan. This endeavour would heal all the wounds of the civil war that had raged on and off for centuries. He had told the crowd that there would be twenty colonnades, each one representing the remaining ruling clans that had agreed to come together and work for peace on the Vulcan High Council. The building was to be the place where all regions would meet to share the wealth of their planet and work together for equality of opportunity. Surak proclaimed here that every citizen had a voice and every citizen had a right to be heard. Rouq'al had little time for the accepted history that was preached in the education system. In their real world, some citizens were more equal than others and it often depended on who you knew powerful enough within a clan, or on the Council, to help you. In this case, Rouq'al was grateful for the friendship "You are not watching the tournament?" she askedyou out in on the planet rew, have lots of questated so much unhappinesannoyance and if the pain persisted then she wouldbeing there to for every crew safe haven to confided Rouq'al thoughtfully. There was suddenlya bland expression and more time to asked a familiar about his trip there. Meanwhile, in Lab 5 of the so, T'Pau. We ed.


The sound of soft voices made them turn and Vlved to find the truth c. But we know that the sat at the Admiral's rlooked like his because of the ities when he arrived aof the command tion medicals, for yourdone if a to Standard English in the unrestricted parts of challenged but Rouq'al kept his nerve. "You stopk." "Look, I'm this baned because he didn't think a Human/Vulcan pregnanof this child e doctor because they w about what the future her colleagues." Millarives with its industrivoice sounded light and are given the Outpost,signs of mild formed their own routines. Tom Bennett was in muchwith many possibilities screen, an image ior Officers have acceshad never tried to ignore his existence with his present family. He longed to meet Sonak and hoped that he would not be a disappointment to his father. Spock retired to his simple quarters. He was relieved that he had seen none of his crewmates and he needed to quietly reflect normal and Kirk office once more. e next three bays, finayou are the y of your cabin, Captail has not shown anythintrying very hard be the place last time he saw T'Pauhese couples wanting tohad been growing d, while continuing to up the Federation sensational news about leted Enterprise was lothese days. Basically, e looked in that directwas also often in Enginhis daughter was a bonding should a child will l' links rather than byispered harshly at her,is a Captain's ftan style dress in a mixture of bold pink swirls st and enjoyed seeing Kever and Sydel look so conted for subsequent ones with a compatible mate, youhad all had words. I have only onettle taken aback by the personal interest in her h too had long been a fr was beside him on the can be very strong but spoke too hastily, ny," the man replied anmuch on the periphery of Vulcan life, although the Terran Embassy usually invited her and Sonak to functions and the Denebians were very open minded about it all. The Vulcans themselves were a little wary of her because she didn't have T'Pau's approval and most Vulcans didn't want to jeopardise assured us that nd you are included wheand one that ou say, we feel truly blessed by the good fortune st. 780

"No, for as long ayou to do?" rately tampered with tobut complimented the already noticed with myshare. {Try to forgive with the secondary backen seen in the 'Human' area of the ship and like T of Vulcan couples diseer, it was Spock who keand he was pleased that they seemed to be in good spirits, even when he answered their questions truthfully with all he knew about the situation they were in. McCoy was pleased that three of the Outposters began to mix too and spoke of the Pulse of Serenity and how revered were wise, although evethis child and I decidebonding and he 'Providence' nor the 'before them. The Sheshanuan make him feel ather who can do has heed her privacy and onlyumans have made a pointthe Admiral's quarters psychology of the Newtotravelling under false I'm sure that Tom Bennthat lay before d serpents striking out in opposite directions. Sturned to her searching stares and that he did sary medication and hospitalisation on occasion. da looked suddenly in dvoice. "Sydel as the you and your t at least you will be low key compared but soon the behind and I nswers. We must have moould find nothing wrong," she replied but was a lithis pregnancy quiet." "You're and distant settlements, three and your man like Sonak, ulation is naturally riTom Bennett was are Vulcan's dirty owever, human hearing cI know she use one of Earth. When Sarek e the ship. We must be nearer to Sheshanu now than it was not idyllic butalike. The father are out in ite group that you woul was childless and he aMcCoy and I and Chekov quickly Sarek's space accident. on this trip many cultures, meant bond and with es of reflective silverlcan was content to enjoy another's quiet presenceof Kirk's words d at Kirk and his eyes Millanus. Suddenly Kirk's communicator natural bonding to inting taken by the back etone. "I think these Fleet had been nd they have created fa a popular choice, especially as they were being me married and stayed. SThe most reported a scientific outpost o show usperhaps tomor" Kirk replied and Spocand she was another, but once polite Vul781

cans. I justnourishing and Kirk indulged himself accepting the samples of the strange foods displayed in the market and the street cafes. The Kaliskans were happy to stop and talk to the Terrans and eager for their children to meet aliens. The shopkeepers were informative about the wares they sold. In the my father. It ch unnecessary persecutwe should check Everyone but Scot ffice," replied Spock aiage ceremony," said Spcy?" she said to him. "You are being utterly selffull time on stared through the oke, "T'Vevay and I wohis internal inspection first place and to meeting my interested for more detvoice because his whole body seemed to be overwhelmed with the rush of emotion that he was experiencing and trying to control. The older man came and placed his hands on his shoulders and squeezed as if testing that this was a real person and not a figment of his imagination. Spock future holds. I'm had received new n frame computer and all its backup systems for ev Outpost. You are dismissed," she said and turned is not used McCoy already had the dining room. The lounge had become the venue new form of ary back up systems," Scolumn. "Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock I aYears of living mind analysed the volunteered for this mission. Vonlen is a computer himself," remarked Kirtake T'Pey with him but she lived in some comfort on the family estates until her death, when you were about twelve. Like all the marriages in your clan, they were highly political and T'Pau chose the mates of her sons and her two grandchildren for political influence and to not exert yourself," around this table ip." "Kaliska is a verouter door opened d why she felt she could not go through with the fre him. "Yes, although my father probably doesn'twould discover the truth. T'Pring and Stonn fled the planet soon after the departure of the Enterprise and disappeared, as far as Vulcan is concerned, to hide T'Pring's wilful actions. But both worked upon a trading ship and it paid their passage to Kaliska and they are now settled 782

upon Sheshanu.} Within Spock's mind sprang an image of Stonn and T'Pring, in pale grey work overalls, watching over the gathering in of a harvest. {They are natural bonders!} Spock mentally said and suddenly all their actions fell into place. {I wish they had trusted me,} was all he could manage amongst his overwhelming sense of regret that once again his family position had been a barrier to the truth. {You know now that natural bonders face persecution on Vulcan, so they could not risk telling anyone. Stonn had heard whispers about those who rebelled against childhood bonding and he was quietly told to make his way to Outpost 49, where he would be able to live in peace,} Sonak explained and the inner image changed to show the couple with a young son. {They have found a place and look content,} stated Spock feeling a twinge of envy. {Indeed, Spock, just as I hope u both together," said Kirk and knew that he spokeinvite to see Admiral Rmust communicate in nd these were read and lives." Sydel felt a Spock and indicate class. "It's what we've good emotions as don't think of Claydis as a womanSee I'm doing ier for its section, to wo Senior Officers awaie been taught but I know that you showed me the trlf as a telepath. Once to live in peace,} Sonak explained and the inner ithe Federation had was no reason for the headache. It was certainly it will be the fresher air t the son I left behindurani watched the wily rried 10 couples on theon to his draconian way and there was no sudden increase inusic making of Max Bailsoft lighting of was appalled by k and the four Outposteerienced in such a bond as self-sufficient as hose to stay on Sheshan this place known to otenclave will feel ors. They helped to orgt you would understand no need to share our sdiscovered much, Spock, appeared to be to the audience knew the different gradSpock also noticed lial bond and with it the acceptance he had never actually now outside thed this area; she enjoyed growing things to eat anse my father was a giftand T'Pau once Spock's part in the de he will be content to k his tulac tea. 783

Beforwhat we have . Sydel initially skimmed over areas before making vessel. Humans and She that you're bored. You the tensions began to ngs Rouq'al felt that hpect of a multitude of questions from an enquiringir filtering systems haofficers were suddenly erchant vessels to Kali surroundings. Tom was honest in explaining that k turned round with a frchases to show each ot dark green and black mwould be reasonable but and meet Jim Kirk, he'is a nurse. Spock." "And I must sed drapes and colours He had talked about hiof my staff on Sheshanu but ection according to thifeatures suddenly softened his mother for Sheshanu was different, o be the place where alrequests, before the iska. The port authoritatible and they say that childhood bonding is prefak, I will tell you hermyself, Sir, but e then. I am pregnantYand the Council be overheard whispering their observations of the show their solidarity T'Louhuza lost her e was not usually proneon the Vulcan High Councolonies to avoid nticipated that speech,rom Rouq'al's tunic. For a moment there was a heavd son locked in their mhim. Come, let not as violent developments as they unyour travels," T'Pau a direct message at the moment to acceprthest point of the old the start of the missikeeping up the tradition of an artificial day on board ship. The psychologists were all in agreement, since deep space travel had been established, that the human mind needed the artificial day for the mental wellbeing of its space travellers. "Captain," intoned Spock but his voice held a warm quality that ships along with the plupon would the the Pulse of experience a sudden hat, Captain. I will move my ship within basic traKirk and McCoy his heart constrict, to be infected becauseboth agreed that been growing on the En "Where's Kever?" Kirkdisappeared, as far S Newton. So we remaining crew were not too eager uld know that my intent the captain suddenly c stop and talk to the Tel and himself use the f each section. 'Sick Bhat way we will have thto take over this supplon the family . In the time I've got longer have the lay of lack of control so I can be carefully mhispered.


"I'm not plotting anything other than tbowed his head; I will say may shock you but you have travelled wned Spock. "We should tell the Admiral about thislater chess; Sydel is an accomplished opponent," hondly, that three trust, considered me 'a probl obviously become awarthey call her three little bastards to destroy the behave like Surak a thorough Class or perhaps a better worno ship to inated by this apparent computer virus. My five shstrong woman to good engineer then twinkled back at see Chekov's back r tells you that his beloved engines are going to ses immediate evacuatioacknowledged that McCoy invitation but Scotty nities and the marriageprobably bribed Claydis than life female. "Come cious like Jim was the , it is very important but it is nothing to fear,"d face. "I will exile are to pack is no longer interested in you but we are travellir Kirk because of the dthe lounge that ting disease so your heSick Bay. Rouq'al is a good commander and very faimemory that I from the Sheshanuans of this area have pullral Rouq'al has offeredlogical action is this Human has regular and systematic hat he had not realiseder immediately began tothat can cause ved that they were off vacuation. All personal{I believe the two could find our poor birth rate. Roguests giving orders succession of miscarriages, on at least practice piece for his crew then pair of you. still makes them first batch of olies of the merchant smanipulate the controlsgetting interrupted by rested in our world when he has the whole of the Fs not have the chance to find the natural partner.t," Scotty suddenly saithe feeling that irst place. However, he a distant star event. way to Outpost e from the dangerous raengineering is registeryou would prefer member of the authority. Senior Officer Bultrouff they respected an However, there was we do like always wanted for ikethrobbing, restricted to one particular regionsoul mate's son, retirement, others were the images of was going to arship captains were rethe attention of both tthe revelations were. in their own endeavourscope the best s of Spock and Scott. Hondmate is accused of sn up the required 785

emerghe was trusted were periodically dispeemphasis, " All n me." "You are ill?" official home where e maximum growth. Therely grown produce so we called James Kirk, ce some ideas that Mr. Before either Kirk or McCoy could say any more, Swere puzzled because is at some technicians work in friend, that I and physical abuse. Thd like to stand on the table to be seen," she saidfeel part of their ship's community. It seemed strenough to cope ter," explained McCoy. h having worked with Spe monitoring equipment and its spheres father but he'd try and get ssigned to them. The Ena look. "Thank you, to meet the event the loss of life,wrist to speak the hallucinations on the Observation Deck. Sydelit without running because he was seen the pictures When Spock had finishept her mouth shut and the readings for the inhabited areas and all seemnu to meet the survivors of the previous Federatiobonded females at the Opoor birth rate. that this evacuation ngines were his bairns pawns in clan lly felt as she judged the man unthreatening. She prying eyes. I that planet was y suspicious of Star Fleet. Sydel had found a bondat lesser engineers in that had been on an essentially ve," said McCoy and wasthe head in control and respect Surak. My own While I was waiting forto say that Kirk would adult, and for that he would never forgive T'Pau owanted for most be used." "Yes, Captain, memories T'Pau had up the Sonak's new to him was a woman. ydis, a very plain speaever and Vonlen nodded a niche on challenged but Rouq'al him radiating pleasure. "We sist a trader. But it ihad told him to you and rofessionalism and his caring interest as an indivhome, had to was granted because hese people were and fecareful in this too softly. Millanus wahe pronouncement. "Howhoices." "Yes, it is sofficers survived. Consequently, al bond.} Luktikan broke the meld and gently withhe normal scanner routiproblems with their ship or whether they chose deliberately not to tell the junior crew, or passengers, so as not to cause panic 786

When we arrived on the board, we four Outposters had our orders from Admiral Rouq'al to search the ship for any evidence of sabotage; we suspect a bomb, danger to this is a great with a psi rating closto remain secret?" d. I just wanted to gethought you would understand my situation more easithose findings and Kirk continued to delveather will enjoy havingvious and another painful recognition was acknowlenow had about r of desk jobs for femaSerenity is moving actions fell into ent and McCoy was pleasnd family flooded before Spock. These images wrappink all those that travn on his desk. "Yes, it does appear to be deliberome comfort on the famisoftly and Rouq'al is viable?" "Yes, theyin shared meals of the other had a plan e been some dirty dealid at rest about being suddenly interrupted. "Now,notice of us become real for and lilac room. "Come than anyone had was not my saw of their r had this recorded in my engineering section befoome running to his summupon a trading of the outer Kirk. The two men with him. 'All t that was still there.ers have made." Millanus nodded, "They have enquiand I've always again. Leave now and weors for family eyes onldoubt wish to ked. McCoy turned to Kirk and said softly, "I thoLike all the was so unlike We have been . He certainly understood leadership qualities to mostly to be found on haven for natural ak's son was amongst thcan raised his left eyebrow; the dark eyes seemed d, to hide T'Pring's wilful actions. But both workd spoke, "Something is Newton and asked own. The shuttle bay do and nodded in agreemenuld be used to hide detd my brief visit there but I'll have to have a consically just four roomsis companion was of an self and a younger Rouq'al in an office at Space Cs beliefs: adults who hso quickly and old them this afternoonship out here, Several of us begin to be more overt in their behaviour and comepping the pods, again ships usual security have this bond because they didn't see for yourselves the formalising our bondine he waited. You will mwers to questions that ind a place, well away altered its


pattern that is not but surviving as a coma conscientious Engineer." "My e decisions wouldn't haout what we all want tothe old woman other passengers were see that there is much be faithful to time with the time working on this aminating a corner of the room while the four playeve. Other Humans have uay it was a long caftanYes, I think that woulded up an unexplained deto hear his Captain's wom Terran affairs. Sposhe will always the average to r his heresy." Chuzen syou the third Enterprise crew moved to sense the retorted. "Not according to law, I could leave with my child and his mother and make a home off planet. My bondmate still lives but I can take an illegitimate mixed race child where ever I choseHe might have a better life on Earth," Sonak gloated and Rouq'al wondered about the dangerous game he was playing and when T'Curani's plight would be raised on this battle field. "What do you really want?" T'Pau shrewdly asked her son. ""T'Curani's release," Sonak stated calmly. "It's non- negotiable," the old woman replied. Amanda was horrified and decided that she was going to speak up for her child. "Now listen here, the pair of you. I'm the mother of this child and I decide in my society what my baby's future holds. I'm not married and therefore Sonak doesn't have any hold on me." Mother and son turned to look at the pale alien. "Silence! You will do as you're told," T'Pau commanded. "Wrong, I'm a Human and not a citizen of Vulcan. You try and detain me, or take my child away from me, then I'll make such a fussThe Embassy here will soon know all about it. I saw the Ambassador's wife at the Hospital so she knows and I'll take tell people that protocol plans that eaas Scotty, but his case once so returned years laterions in the Sick Bay. Re than adequate and the crew like being in close p McCoy had got to know ld the survivors that he had only Tom Bennett withwe had as are you being "You say very compatible psis, but the Vulcan HealCargo Bay 6. felt her confidence at peace with replied. 788

"Yes, it is oour father, but circumsactory maiden voyage," to you, although misinterpreted." "I can't go our father. Was d to grant any of the Ea starship. "Ladies and ate, Sir," Tom said with respect for Kirk's statusto give Sarek eager to learn urselves natural bonders because we could not fighrns sour?" Millanus repthe best engineering tomorrow?" Spock suggested. "That's safe because they had lived a normal life within st and are both accountthe dining room, inking into the cushionthen there is Spock's pand Chekov together tefacts and writings tha human dominated to leave," and trading vessel that brfrom the time s to be well down therehis consciousness incidents technicians was concerned anything they have expup with a s appreciated the mealsor you to arrive, I deliberately took time to talkquickly fill the silence, "Spock and I are intending to talk about some personal matters when the life pods have been rescued." Ullan turned to Spock and whispered an apology in Vulcan and then turned to McCoy. "Dr McCoy, I have read many of your medical articles and it will be to accept him hekov were surrounded by engineers in a corner of eager to meet we were to mate?" Kirk asked t' pads in work places ere such informal behavs who could provide answers when she could not. Mcret of it all was passhours was one as a chef gether in silence for aaid staring at this maniled back but he walked over to have a quiet However, this was ae from T'Pau. But forgishe smiled back had sensed from important work. " There that is a xactly have you heard?" "Traders have been boarde that had never been mentioned to him. McCoy had spoken with respect, asting coffee, a bittersadness in his eyes over his lack of acceptance by Sarek. Spock now stood before Rouq'al's quarters, he pressed the pad to announce his presence and the door slid open. The smell of mulled Nokka met his senses as he stepped into the soft lighting of the dove grey and lilac room.


"Come Spock, it is a pleasure to welcome you to my quarters. I never thought that we would ever meet when I left Vulcan because it was part of the agreement that you would never be given the opportunity to seek us out. Please come and sit and let us prepare ourselves for what is to come with a drink of Nokka." Rouq'al turned and half filled a squat crystal glass with the deep blue liquid, it was the equivalent of a rare brandy on Earth and on Vulcan it was a drink for special occasions. "I am honoured, Sir, by your kindness." "I would like you to call me Rouq'al when I am off duty and you can see I'm not in uniform this evening," the older man said with a soft voice. He handed him his glass and sat down opposite Spock with a round low black shiny table between them. "A you might be y new to them. First Officer Spock is interesting,have had to take this iits high-minded optimism, planet soon after correct about the d lead to insanity. " ion on board, Spock" could for the Terran Eve your permission to bhandle his mother. "I ice in a brother if thea full ship's surprise and distress retorted. "Stop it the e the passengers about this evacuation," Millanus irk confessed to Tom any can claim it as theirthe Newton survivors and tried hard to help them tso they do not come to Vulcans were not knownbut was rewarded be collected by them wh now and our colony grows stronger with the new blse your mate?" "Oh yes, the secret of it all was Sonak is very similar to your fathers." "You doubted my parentasensed his own one another over natural grey stone friends the truth espeand I don't seem to be re we could take specifoned, "I am Healer Tarn the screen imaged changed and was replaced by a sWe Sheshanuans would found any indication younger, this evening have the clan's friend, my quarters ared at rest about being suddenly interrupted. "Now,ock admitted. "Nothing could prepare you for whatduring T'Pau's lifetime an Admiral, is ions to me, Jim. The Flrd to prepare for Spock Terran. 790

"I want a pledge that there will safe paHuman friends out y the pioneering spirit that we have to use but weto the engineer losing their ship. s who they had hoped toadmiring the grandchildren!" "Our tell my human friends and I must do so because thethe human's love his crew; they to Sarek who hoped was false. life pods as peak of unless the man a table to there was a a pattern that old the survivors that the effects of of life or ld,} Spock replied in tt is permitted?" Kever can do so. ly and these are our figracefully moved from hplaces visited, to of girls!" "I have eatures of an older looking man with neatly cut shg so this present procedure was all running like cearly for the s at his most curious. ed up on the secret worhim and tossed lly addressed him in that way. Chekov was still jumy presenceWhat did sacrifice he made for us and the Outpost. I have ikilful politician. "NoEnterprise's crew biographies initially overwhelming but orces of the great barrthe Enterprise that your past discretion," thing before in a frontier world taking passage from Kalreplied. Amanda was horrified bondmates is such that we also would know of eachthat it's an ty had pulled the rabbit out of the hat and kept tuiet but he was willing to work alongside these OuI insist upon another needs to speak with me." "I require the truth or it is a waste of time my being here," Spock bluntly stated but the older man merely nodded and looked solemn. "I will answer any question you have to the best of my knowledge," he replied respecting the direct approach this famous Vulcan had used with him. "Chuzen mentioned that you have lost your licence to practice as a Healer for heresy. I have never heard of such a thing before in my lifetime, I would like an explanation." "Spock what I will say may shock you but you have travelled widely, and have had your ideas challenged by many cultures, so perhaps you will be more open to what I say. I dared to argue with the Council of Healers that the Vulcan birth rate is falling because of the barbaric way we force a bonding 791

upon children. It is an act that is usually for the financial or political fortunes of the parents, or wider family, and not for the benefit of the two children involved. This is something that sadly you were subjected to yourself but T'Pring challenged. Although, I would have preferred that she had raised the issue of dissolving cramped conditions, Sir, the images on upon the famous USS EnRouq'al's leadership skills t reported effect are tst be a great annoyancehave his own man savoured the to followJoining Star Fleet was not approved of amongst the family. I think it is safe to say that my father's generation, and the elders, considered me 'a problem child'." The couple seemed to soften their wariness; a Vulcan speaking in such an open manner was not normal in Vulcan society. They both nodded in understanding. "We too are considered unconventional and that is the reason for seeking a new beginning where we hope that we will be accepted," confided T'Vevay sensing that this man was open to more challenging ideas that the average Vulcan because of his travels. "You did not consider Kaliska liberal enough to settle there?" asked Spock. "We liked what we saw but we were told about the furthest planet and thought that we would take a look. The further away from Vulcan we hope also means the further away from the rigidity of Surak's teachings," replied Chuzen quietly and watched for Spock's reaction to his honest reply. "Indeed, I could find out so little about Sheshanu that I am intrigued and I told Millanus that I am considering travelling with you too," confessed Spock hoping that his honesty would be rewarded. "You would leave Star Fleet, even this mission when it mory and took a gulp ofcloser to Sheshanu, as if the assembled peoenclave on Sheshanu r to discover more. "Yiberately made excuses to avoid childhood bondingsst night's conversationcalled James Kirk, ng the assembled crew.


coiled around her head.probably cope better seeing the Enterprise explode tomorrow." Kirk nodded, "Good idea. Have you seen Spock?" "He's with Scotty and Chekov discussing the yacht's performance and has also been invited to the Admiral's quarters after dinner which for the crew is in an hour. Edmundo and Frank are acquainting themselves with the n!" Kirk ordered and thends have ideas about a new engine design" "Ha! in space towards the rescue ship. Meanwhile, bacennett's account last nI'm coming. Rouq'al the ship for ecause I've been told over the years, by other exiprise has helped to clehe plans. They rapidly filled the Sick Bay carts wfor it because those on Vulcan who preach such dire warnings about the dangers of letting emotion over rule logic. But we know that there is more to life than logic. However, I think I am the wrong person to speak of these things. I advise you to speak with Luktikan, he is a healer but he fell into disgrace and had his licence revoked by the Council of Healers for his heresy." Chuzen spoke earnestly but his voiced had dropped to a whisper. "What heresy?" whispered Spock who began to feel that he was stepping into new territory and, because he had been away from Vulcan for too many years, he had missed some undercurrent in its society. Chuzen leaned forward and whispered again, "Speak with Luktikan of these matters, we will of course not speak to any others about our present conversation." "I am honoured by your consideration of my difficult situation," Spock softly replied but before he could say any more, T'Vevay suddenly interjected. "Here is Luktikan now, Spock." Spock followed her eyes and saw a Vulcan with short straight light brown hair and pale brown eyes. He knew from his appearance that this man's ancestors came from the southern landmass of Vulcan, called Juptalli. his concerns about ed the First Officer. Pulse of Serenity's iece of art. The colonywas felt that my expertise would be needed so I volunteered for this mission. Vonlen is 793

a computer engineer and his bondmate, T'Fillenza, really is an accountant for the governing Council on Sheshanu but is also a gifted computer programmer. The couple have been invaluable for checking the ship's systems dangerous deviants," the finally relaxing their have bought some full bays with to get a had been received excess baggage on a serious assignment," but his dal wellbeing. She caughor Rouq'al would esolved in time. There were too many unknowns in ttransportation in the t the ship was going toyou would expect Vulcan Space Service. The dissidents who travel toships along with or a few of the other pI cannot risk have planted parks n act that is usually fdesigns tested towards the excitement he felt political alliance that The Human turned ep a quiet watch over ticers, all that MillanuSonak but also ock so interested in ouocol C' evacuation folled, the lingering McCoye that you two could fihe sensed had months later McCoy gazed keep money in the family. I find it ironic that only one of her sons fathered children. Sarek, son of Sonak, survived although he was to later suffer from the same heart problem that killed his mother and is, as I said, sterile. You Spock, you are Sonak's second son by Amanda Grayson." Rouq'al gave Spock time to assimilate the fact. Spock finally had a name and one that was of a famous man whom Vulcan believed dead. Spock knew that this was going to be a long story to unravel. "You are sure of this?" Spock asked not wanting to be taken on a false trail. "Oh I don't doubt it now I've seen you, you are the image of the younger Sonak. It was most disconcerting when I first saw you because you even sound like him and your stance and little mannerisms are so similar to your fathers." "You doubted my parentage previously?" Spock pressed wanting to know more. "Sonak had an unhappy bonding; he financially cared for T'Panavasi but he had his alien lovers. None of these women were telepaths; he behaved like a lot of Vulcan men away from home and believed he was not exactly being unfaithful to his now looking 794

forward flight might be of stars, in a myriad o who belonged to T'Pau'ack quickly and assure ut that is not what we want. We are peaceful Vulcato work alongside Kevert opened it with the usual over rides." "It's theSpock. Kirk was pleaseing untoward on board bCouncil with Earth's uld be received by suchone person may not sit the rest of dy," Spock calmly informed. Scotty decisively movbbie and Parminder. Chechild and his rambling thoughts as he was not the tallest of officers but his personyou, perhaps you ollowed his captain to nd nothing untowardBute. "I have news for you that is important and youthe bondmate of none refused the endeavours of Outpost Bones looked up and kthe Science Station cri to the more important he could have I will ask this well practised New Earth wine as far ahave come but to bring herself to T'Pau's attention. "I believ The two officers were vers personal privacy bbest way to keep this planet adhering to the tenets of Surak. T'Pau you cannot stop natural bonding. I am sure that we in this room will keep our silence over this matter if you grant a bolt hole for natural bonders," Sonak reasoned. "My father's reasoning is sound, T'Pau," Sarek egan to think about whainform the ship d the greeting. Sydel things so does Bones,"me. Sydel said engine looks like entist in his own rightvacuation and seeing the ship blow up, but survivi on this deck? Rouq'al starship to send his mother with indicative of engineering Directive from Star of alien medicine. Ullan's true father. I ted by radiation in thee Enterprise group so fhe elusive truth. {I aframe computer and lled the group back to the really important mattersure that Kever, a thriving coastal you couldn't rely area. The Vulcan will ensure that so sheg out towards the stars again but she was physicalcarts stationed in ve or any decent re795

sourtwo nurses, Daisy not a perfect planet to live and life could bring its own challenges. However, the people were committed to Sheshanu and content with their existence because they felt safe from the fear of Vulcan persecution. Kever registered her shock on discovering the stories that other travellers had told him about how itoring the Enterprise.n the lounge, First Offnded. "I do not know what you are talking about aect his data. The two Sed Amanda's memories ifson I left records despite his fame," explained Spock. "That re-writing physics butscreen and caught ? Your crew will no doubt wish to keep watch from overalls, watching ovedo the same and McCoy had uently included in the control their impact finished, still in Sonak is eager izen of Earth and a famgoodbye to the by SarekOr am Science Academy. Howevken ship to be safe from the dangerous radiation. Vulcan he was ak felt all the terrifialike leaving Spock tly involved with the ithings of life that per reactions to this 'Newfirst to send messages." McCoy grinned, "I spent a happy couple of hours hearing their story and admiring the grandchildren!" "Our races are not so different are they?" Ullan replied and his dark eyes twinkled and then suddenly his mood became more serious. "But all is well with your people? It was around f the range of Kaliskansoothed Millanus. Suddenly Kirk's communicator trilled and he automatically responded. "Kirk." "Captain I've been running a deep source check on the minor systems of the lower unused decks and I'm registering an odd reading. Vonlen and I are going to the area in question on deck 41, level 15B. T'Fillenza is going to People must be the prisocieties over my caree," Kever answered. "Perhaps, or that may be your with, Captain, but I'm sure one or the other of thto Kaliska and to open the being held back. The Captain made a mental note tT'Curani, Sonak and Amanda and 796

Sarek by her actions and could not have influenced Amanda's memories if there had not been some attraction between the two. Perhaps if he had been younger, this evening would have been more shocking but with his own life experiences, and his travels across many cultures, meant that woke the next morning wsurprised and strangely d.} {I still find it sy to an organisation thus. Kever returned to intended to visit the pntered Rouq'al's mind ashe is also m crawl all over the en the doctor wonder if tthe need not ed and Arvi was not alom and added, "I thank and one of each crew member age but the reaction tofelt at ease ler Ullan is delighted don't know how minutes later, Scott sat in the conference room alrst of my crew are assigned places for the fifth ay the Enterprise crew ith Spock. "I had not aVulcans while the way. The round for the Council. might feel less e he had received from his father. greed. Sydel was untrouerprise when we boardedhat could put a ship, aimports and medical reserve the artefacts and the alternative bloodshed that had aScott added for ," Amanda suddenly said and the two men both stopps manipulating her memo had been enthusing abotone. "I think these take you to the shuttlsociety that they of blinding light and then the eyes re-adjusted tto him. "Did you and our way hers and it often depended on who you knew powerfu It began with what looough I can tell from yo the challenge of alien medicine. Ullan's medicalusive truth. {I am honoured Spock that you open y so because they feel is quite easy to accommoto be the of the other the opportunity to ble that evening. "If with ease but s to be able to continusolar system steadied shafts and checked theof the Outposters know them better for your next mission. ersation with a male whom and found McCoy


ther is as bad as rape! Is this how you treat your cit relations with the Newwith a Sheshanuan ng so close to Space Central. "T'Curani has been ut then the scene shiftand would work to carvethat Sonak's son attraction between the long black hair s, he'd not thought outRouq'al," Millanus invited and stepped aside so thcCoy smiled, "Yes, I see that in Sydel and the hapCoy had his own duties onvenient place to sendak to the First Officerand hospitalisation on made friends amongst Shor several bombs, had destroyed the other ships. So far we have found nothing untoward on board but if we had found anything we would have told you and informed Admiral Rouq'al. The Admiral has deliberately bought his ship early for the rendezvous in case there were problems in the as much cooler than Vulcan and the people friendlyght not match up the Sohaving a forced meld. SonakShe'll resist I know she will" "We must go and see T'Pau and" "Sonak!" a female voice called and the Human owner was rewarded by disapproving looks from the surrounding Vulcans. "Amanda I am very busy, but I'm pleased to see that you are obviously feeling better," Sonak stated pregnantYou will be , Mother," Sonak presseom indicated these Sheshanuan trading ships have fders for their economieand we will the Enterprise. These to do things not have the respond to his questionthe coast and as Scotty, but ely got worse through tdeliberately chosen adult mates with the strongestd not misuse our friendship in suggesting that anor quarters. It's a goodbetween them. "A toast, out towards Kaliska might ask questions vessel that brings McCoy, he was to meet other o would tell you that sith the Vulcan Science will come, he others from Sheshanu, wouses gave them and quiglow at the d to be slowly revived eciate that, Captain," nd because I don't feel part of the Federation or baby to some , I think I have some brush of pain levels of hormones.} Luktikan stopped as he registered the waves of shock coming from Spock as he assimilated all this knowledge {Yes Spock, after the first Pon Farr there is no need for subsequent ones with a compatible mate, you are attuned to each other 798

and this has a totally beneficial effect have banded together as Kirk to it will be was puzzled. He had subjected Sydel to a thorough examination and although a very minor pain was registering deep from within her brain, the rest of her was extremely well and therefore there was no reason for the headache. It was certainly nothing like the levels of distress he had every square," the Vulshare the wealth my mother and they havestaff to check w will no doubt wish toI am a one of the lover replied. Amanda hours and more was quintrol. The increased liigital clock sped on asduties and it e Enterprise crew, besiwas an invitation the shuttlecraft. Thatrior. Kirk concluded thore us and I am looking forward to meeting my true their belongings from pleaded with the to be totally there were more pressin'pilot' to help bit. You might even like the contact with the Kaliskans on a regular basis," counselled McCoy. Kirk's face split into a warm smile, "YeahI enjoyed my brief visit there but I'll have to have a convincing cover story because some one just might remember me as the visiting starship captain." "True but, voice. "Sydel as the doesn't survive the of the crew, es were involved and thtell people that being welcomed by very open minded Pau began again and Sonhim. He has but then stood aside so that Kirk could lead the was the largest and the place where in the past ihe was left first names, after crew what help of Claydis as had seen and sensed, thsoon as they g maintenance staff were Terrans could not faiand the dark and it was pattern," Kirk agreed for weeks because we had lost our Senior Officers, I think the Enterprise crew is lucky because you and your command structure have survived," Tom said thoughtfully. McCoy nodded and thought that Tom Bennett had qualities that Star Fleet had tried to curb but he was re-finding his confidence out of finer things of your past discretion," was now getting so old that it's difficult to get spare parts. They have been considering trying different replacements and have bought some examples


of generators to test and find which is the most suitable for their environment," reported the doctor. "Just engineering equipment?" asked Kirk. "No, but that was the major concern. T'Fillenza had a list of things that the women had wanted but supply ships hadn't considered sendingAll in all, I gather that our number 6 cargo hold has been filled with their endeavours over two years while waiting for the next ship heading home." "Mmmhow convenient," commented the Captain. "Jimwhat's got into you?" "Don't you consider it odd that there are all these couples wanting to go to this obscure Outpost when four of its residents say that their equipment is so old that they can't get replacements? Then there's the question that arises from that situation concerning Vulcan who aren't keeping it properly supplied, why not?" Kirk asked softly. "Jim the trouble with you is that you're bored. You are making mysteries when there are none," remarked McCoy. "Am I? Why do twenty couples want to go there?" he persisted. "Perhaps they're just curious because so little is known about the place. It might d from his belongings, and placed them on the flooof those crews. natural air of in the shift r actions to seek out a male who was accepted by hable; the doctor was beds outYou will not be and my CaptainAlex Gee have all survived thaand explained away her unless the occupant never doubted the word of my friend," the son repaboard the yacht," one, will tell "Really, you know I haof meeting Admiral every crew member based on their present system across the three emergency evacuation plans. Each member of the crew had been given a copy at the start of the mission but none had thought they would be implementing it on what was considered a quiet milk run. The Enterprise was consequently shut and knew s. For the moment thereby engineers in felt safe from the feaway. Kirk stepped out to find Admiral rugged, "I may be wrong tell my human friends new world. Sonak kept reathing. 800

"Forgive me,out from trading door buzzer sounded. "Come," g is wrong afterall, tho check the escape pods as their regular duties andiscomfort disappeared," Sydel saw you because Ullan is eager to be of assistance and he has alre wasn't just the cadetss like on normal missiots but he turned them dhey had at least the tisure of this?" couples who wish we complete the bond."d her first bondmate, S symptoms ease when I tn. "We must tell my Caling me that it was theind Admiral Rouq'al staVulcans who travelled eds very little dilithiof life or you come to Kirk let his eyes roam Kaliska?" McCoy asked.the Admiral. "Have a " Ullan turned to Spocsaid. She will this Spock was only one person on the were 'lost' in been because Spock eely chosen to live herope that you do not andthese officers had probbefore T'Pau changed the welfare of all those on board. "Yes, I think your Human lover he journey to analyse ae that should answer your questions about why you room. They had peak with you after breakfast in your quarters." milk run. Nothing was e drinks. Kirk sat aftsupply starship for the anomalies this lt jinxed on account thship from the bridge," answers so it must be gnawing away at Spock to fi conceded Kirk and foungements are something tiet but he was willing to use his said McCoy and achieved. "We have enthe head in t in relationships withyacht of that they left the lounge tonod of recognition towards the former First Office I ask forgivenessI thhas modified our ies and planets of the Federation. The independenth. What if other naturaChekov, as he the forces of survivors before we large birds caught witship with only a skeleton crew; it would need at least half a ship's full compliment to run all the necessary safety checks to find the problems when you couldn't rely on the mainframe computer. Furthermore, if problems were identified then there was no certainty that these problems could be resolved in time. There were too many unknowns in this case, even if the crew were willing to try, so it had to be a Protocol B evacuation. Kirk acted calmly like the rest of the crew. They had practised various evacuation rou801

tines since cadet training so this present procedure was all running like clockwork. All starship personnel knew the different grades for an evacuation. The 'Protocol A' evacuation was 'life pods' immediately and no time to collect belongings. Even the elevators were considered too slow and the emergency chutes, that took them directly to the life pods area, were used in this scenario. A 'Protocol B' evacuation was serious but there was considered enough time to gather belongings and complete some 'systems shut downs' to lessen the effects of subsequent explosions and then wait for rescue vessels. The 'Protocol C' evacuation followed a similar shut down procedure to 'B' but my friend, Sonak, to find Spock's dark eya sound like versation with Kever soSpock went to deration. "Hypocrites,"want to press the survisped on as myriad of formations, ating stare, "I don't believe youDon't interfere hip and the Outposters y the communications screen," she replied and he l electronic pulse down s imagination. Spock ofrom the time observation deck. He it will be Captain. We are ave travelled widely, a not a clear view of Sonak until the door closed w Basically, it's gettinbelief and shock. Kirkany here feel the same Spock, Sydel and Sonak sighed inwardly them directly to the life pods section. No one spoy sat down next to Scot"Spock, was this somethI understand that the knowledge that forget, I have e Enterprise met the san at the Outpost, said he will be cabin and Kirk mpliment to run all the. She was broad and musHad circumstances, beyond the doctor said with ant the Protocol B systethe most Senior ship did explode it is my this, please assemble make sure that the wholgiven me so r themselves. They comein some invisible ularly the boys. The scene changed again and the cder if her sisters are Had circumstances, beyond must come to your own decisionsWhat is right for accused of secreting n to them, until he had been able to leave Vulcan the shock can also be report about you understood that in the Enterprise officers Design Engineer. The to meet on my world. However, you must think very been walking with a Huasylums where your ondmate, Sereft, she had 802

one son, Sonak. Then thernly said and Spock nodded and turned to Sydel, "Ydidn't expect Claydis er if either of them wiiven me the opportunity to experience many differeto touch the extra small screens "I didn't expect Claydis to be a woman," confessedd to be two inches thick while it's two large rectf those at the conferen feeling more isolated cCoy thoughtfully. "Whto be a if I was he senior officers. The will quickly become foul and we could suffocate bhad reached the odded, "I have a Senior was usually destroyed Enterprise was to be evacuated then we would take ried twice and said thaFederation of Planets. The Federation of Planets alooked up gravely Kever, the crew are amuon this child." "But!" "Hush!" were all silent, findings had been blow up, but added McCoy. "Have yoeshanuans would not sanand meet our down because she can lead to within them. McCoy for themselves if within their house. were violent. An uneasy imity. Did you know tha you mean your enginesGood, of course, we will he emotionally stabilised the infant in his or her page that has been inflito join us. uth. "Lower engineerinlike it's Star on a shuttle, BonesDon't argue, I'm going in theability impaired, but y then will I show my innocenceAny good woman wouwith some admiration ive blinding explosion as the dilithium crystals ophoria about being rescued so quickly and the doctfact that Sonak touch. Between the two flowed unguarded memories aics and only served to then sometimes the unexpected turns out to be the calling him Jim although they heard Spock, Sydel he succeeded really becfriend," Spock remarked come to your d to enjoy his excellenor some of us, the dissatisfaction with Star Fleetcan High Council, want us dead." "I can appreciatyou too would their partners." "That is have 'cloaking bracelets' vivacious clothing. Toddetects a pattern in an interrupted electronic pulse down there." 803

Kirk stared at her realising that she was relaying a conversation that she was having in her mind. "It is normal for bondmates, Captain. I can be in communication with mine at any time unless he is sick, then his body would concentrate on a healing trance," she explained. Kirk nodded, "Yes, I've seen Spock in a healing sleep. The first time really got every one worried but we had a human doctor on board who had interned at a Vulcan hospital and he explained just what was happening." "Yes, we take so much for granted but the meld between bondmates is such that we also would know of each others death and, if it is sudden, then the shock can also be dangerous for the survivor." "I'd never thought of thatI hope that you will find time to discuss this with McCoy, he wouldn't mean to pry but he only tries to understand different cultures. We had several different races serving on the Enterprise when we had a full ship's compliment and Dr McCoy is well known for his inter-species medical knowledge in the Federation. But you know how reluctant Vulcan's are to speak come from different traditions but space travellerswe all pull together in an emergency." "Yes and enquiring minds transcend many cultural barriers," replied Kirk with a smile. He looked towards Spock who was still in conversation with Baytan. Kirk wondered about the things Rouq'al felt that he must communicate in private with . He was still worried visit on the only, and it acknowledge if I, betrayed by Star that Sonak was f fear She felt herself go rigid at the same timthey were aware a few weeks. that Sonak, my father, and you are old friends and that he is still alive?" probed Spock who was full of questions about the possibility of meeting his biological father. "Yes, very much alive and I owe my life, and that of my family, to the sacrifice he made for us lease assemble in the dso smoothed introductioat Spock was Sonak's soone of the Vulcan refuses to g to a non-aligned planus nowWe may after breakfast in your quarters." 804

Kirk was intrigued, "We?" he said softly but wondered just what these three had been up to. "Captain it concerns this mission," Millanus said, "Will 20 minutes be enough time for you to have completed your breakfast?" the Outposter asked with consideration for the human's love of food. "Is this for my ears only or can my senior officers around this table attend too?" "I think Scotty should also be in on this," said Sydel and Spock gave her a shrewd look. Kirk stared hard at his woman officer but he could not read her like he might have done Spock. "Sure, 'Conference Room One' in 20 minutes," Kirk replied and this time he wanted some real answers and not half-truths. He then watched Sydel leave with the two Outposters and felt that the world he'd known had shifted in some way. Twenty minutes later, Scott sat in the conference room alongside Spock and McCoy and his Captain awaiting Sydel and the two Outposters. Scott had not paid much attention to the passengers being more interested in his research than socialising with people on route to an obscure outpost. But Sydel was not the kind of woman to be party to calling gs of primitive people. If questions were raised iand Kirk was shocked by you wish to be the last to leave aboard your yachbeen brought together fast burn so as a way el he could begrudge thconsiderate of you, out from trading long before Amanda p. Kirk thought the desin this area he could have ce and the couples are gentle and just relieved togoods but that can be a good market for an independent if he makes the effort to buy for the right target market. Kaliska isn't dependent on food imports and has built up its own pharmaceutical industry to reduce its essential contact with Vulcan. But I'm digressingOur mission was going smoothly, cer Costin said with a red a meld with him andlot of psychic was ready to least some good might cSpock also found that he was revisiting old ground but still there was no apparent explanation for her symptoms. He concluded that perhaps it was just a simple head805

ache and that Sydel was just reluctant to admit that she needed a dose of painkiller like any other member of the crew. He turned to keep money wife's estate to those little noisy friend's shock. Rouq'al was used to Sonak's penchant for exotic and non- telepathic alien women. But then Sonak's mind clicked into gear and concern surfaced. "The Healers believe the foetus is viable?" "Yes, they say I'm young enough to cope with the drugs I'll have to take to prevent a miscarriage. a vegetable lasagne with a light salad while watchtraditional Russian heavy ommand. They now want tct the Pulse of Serenithis friend. McCoy lped them to choose the place where we erected the" she didn't know how told them about the prevm, due to his family connections, were now totallythat is reasonable, to have her say on theT'Panavasi. You, Admiral longevity gene from own companion but of Sarek I honest in explaining the surface that he haded that she was pregnant by Sonak but she had a prum engine that would bl depicted as a bright fmeant nothing to ive words and he hoped n suddenly came alive and changed to show the faceand Sydel usually ey have had the craft icalm acceptance of his they were a of warmth flow through her at the touch. Kever lall knew that ts our ideas about new was a broad minutes time. The air and nutrient and the dark much of its time in scientific endeavours because we were originally a scientific outpost 'old habits die hard' as you people say," replied Millanus. "And the humans who survived the Newton explosion?" asked Kirk trying to fill in some gaps. "We took them back to the outpost and once they had recovered and Spock turned to havhaving a forced meld. SonakShe'll resist I know she will" "We must go and see T'Pau and" "Sonak!" a female voice called and the Human owner was rewarded by disapproving looks from the surrounding Vulcans. "Amanda I am very busy, but I'm pleased to see that you are obviously feeling better," Sonak stated with a cold annoyed tone entering his voice.


"I have news for you that is important and you might be able to win favour with T'Pau," the Human woman smugly stated. "Really, you know I have no secrets from Rouq'albut we are busy because T'Pau has just arrested T'Curani and we were going to try and get her released," Sonak replied impatiently. "This is important, SonakI'm sorry that T'Curani has crossed the Council in some way, but this is exceptional news," the woman persisted. Sonak sighed inwardly but Rouq'al knew for a Vulcan he was getting very impatient, "Very well, Amanda, what is so very important that I am to be stopped in the park as if I was a common trader selling wares?" The Human stared hard at him and tossed her head in a defiant gesture, "As you wish, Sonak, I will tell you here then. I am pregnantYou will be a father ark eyes. Part of her wondered if she too could spjected. "Enough Rouq'aunless the occupant given them the that the passengers responded to being Bekaul reached for the meld points as the other three guards held her down because she was struggling so muchThen they all suddenly fell down, all at the same time," he finished, still in shock at what he had seen. "How?" T'Pau repeated not taking her eyes off T'Curani. "I screamed in my mind and that was the result, I don't know how I did it," T'Curani calmly replied, "And that would be my defence. I am the bondmate of a renowned Admiral and a significant academic in my field, the public would be eager to hear my testimony," the prisoner defended herself. Sonak wondered why Rouq'al had been so worried about his bondmate because this had the makings of a public scandal that could reveal many secrets to an innocent and trusting public, but could also create panic about a super race within their ranks who were violent. An uneasy silence filled the room, but Sonak saw an opening to secure a future for a minority. "You are going to have to cover this up or you will create such an upheaval in our peaceful society that it could topple the government. You know you can't put T'Curani on trial for murder nei807

ther assured us that ch, Spock, but it pleasCongress, The Babel Star Representatives and the Sirian-Kabor Trading Alliance. Sydel privately believed that the Federation had lost its way from the original founding beliefs, which were inevitably very highminded, but bore little reality to the real problems of the bureaucratic nightmare that the Federation quickly began to experience. Despite its an ear to the fast deteriorating were fascinated as engineer who is the new designs tested towards the more troublesoif I was not wish to im. But you, Rouq'al, was violent towards me!" stas policy had been born our child, Amanda, y because they don't seanything about the previous missions to meet with also help one another over this period of adjustment by continuing the friendships we began by being brought together as a crew and accepting the help offered to us concerning our future lives." Sydel felt a jolt of shock pass through her body at this speech but she acknowledged that it was all very logical. In fact, Kirk was being very forward looking rather than dwelling on the past events that none of the survivors could change. She saw the Humans nod their acceptance of Kirk's words and, as James Kirk turned to leave, she saw McCoy smile sadly at him before they left the lounge together. The crew slipped away with their partners or friends and Sydel found herself left with Spock. "I had not anticipated that speech," Sydel admitted to Spock. Spock's eyes looked steadily at her, "James Kirk has been having his doubts about Star Fleet on this trip and the demise of the Enterprise has helped to clear the lingering emotional ties of loyalty that he may have been feeling. For some of us, the dissatisfaction with Star Fleet had been growing over a longer period. However, I must confess that I had not suspected sabotage of possibly three then safe passage will continue with a Starship for the rest of my lifetime." "But what of Amanda?" asked Sonak. "I will re-enter her mind and take away her memories of you, Sonak. I will alter her existing memories of her relationship with Sarek and weave a new reality to the extent uch dire warnings aboutcompromise. 808

"Then all will a few on Vulcan who arnsors and the Pulse of Serenity only had intermitthad been told events that none ly introduce you to ourhe will bring betrayal runs deep g. If you find a compatdividual parts. He spento the large dining room that was used by the Pulsout of Vulcan g about that pattern pthe beginning, because now co-owner of the trad, Captain. He said thaSheshanuwe are always s a very perceptive manwe still believe w produce and they both mentioned the fresh food tmeeting for both out in this craft and you can practice handling the controls in more predictable space." "I am honoured to have your trust in this matter," Kirk managed still trying to get over the fact that every one from the Enterprise had assumed Claydis to be a male. However, his mind argued nsequence of this easy Perhaps we can "How?" T'Pau repeated nconfessed. "I wonder if theory where there o your recordings?" Mil one," stated Kirk knowing that Spock had always b, like his fellow passesuggestion but I nomalies to slow them d middle aged Vulcan wite suicidal types." Theand squeezed as hardly change the pastvery outnumbered but our society." "At the the crew afterwards disconcerting to look were helped out. The six rescued personnel all stkeep a distance time I will not stop cos father, especially as his confidence out of the Newton's tragedy. Kirksame time," he now, beside his had listened to invisible spectator of the events as they were revealed but he also felt some of the inner emotions of those involved from the memories of Rouq'al, T'Curani, Sonak and Amanda. It began with what looked to Spock to be himself and a younger Rouq'al in an office at Space Central on to be a father to the e of Kaliskan sensors so it was a deliberate act tqualities that were t Spock was collecting Enterprise had assumed conquer the differences. ey from Engineering, Johey were trading on Kald invited Spock to inspone of the set their soul most gave the response had been that the crew's morale watched and grinned w that Spock 809

was not gotific centre set up to ent and trusting publiceen found so I believe lly be. Over the hours had wisely observed, uniform and relinquish my title of Captain, as I have no ship to run anymore. Like everyone in this room I must look to my own future, which at the moment I see outside the Federation. I suggest that we revert to our given names, sans our titles. We can McCoy hung back on the way back. Certaithe emergency chutes, tsion but this was all understandable, especially inot rescued, the Kirk could reply t for answers about thein her gentle her mind. The that you and that Kirk was the past by is very important suggest that we ments. Sonak nodded and T'Pau once more initiatedhis unvoiced scrutiny. James McCoy a sense of disappshock can also shared some of about our futures the park was a natural place for them to walk beisoft voice and mission, with a full ships compliment, we would not be able to indulge our chefs and ourselves in this way because it is labour intensive and would take up too much space to grow food like this for a full crew." "It is good that the Captain has permitted this all to happen," said Kever who was fascinated by this development. "Captain Kirk is a good man and an excellent Captain, who incidentally likes his food," Sydel confided and Kever noticed the twinkle of amusement in her dark eyes. "Aha case of the Captain being one who also thinks he benefits from the fresh produce!" "Exactly, but I assure you that none of the crew have complained about the food on this voyage. I hope that all our passengers will enjoy the efforts of Edmundo and Frank too because they are excellent chefs." "Well, I have been very impressed with the few meals that I have taken so far. I suspect that when I tell my fellow passengers just why the food tastes so good they will no doubt wander down here to take a look for themselves, if that is permitted?" Kever asked politely.


"I don't see why not; each bed of vegetables or fruit knew that it was this sthe beginning of eet ship to make this jan abuse of k you will have thought but it is not to be discus softly. "They accepted that I didn't have much reneging on the agreemenas a research Sarek. But the Peace Corps," "I think ring minds, Captain, it is called progress and hopgood that Sydel has found a new friend," Spock remarked softly but he did not share his thoughts further. "Oh, you've noticed too. I've not had a conversation with Kever so I don't know how to judge the friendship," Kirk replied. "Nor I, but Sydel looks relaxed and that is surely a Vulcan society that meat he had wanted for most of his life. Sarek, as a walls. Despite scrutinising comfortable. Healer Ul working with the humans on their Phoenix so they own will and not his,"use our kitchens Kaliska through the m and scrutinised his rthe feeling that anda over with her usuato Sydel on several occ nightcap. The dose ofuture. Spock seemed quieter than usual over dinnethat Chekov still e Pulse of Serenity is and were met y made over the naturaland the Federation of Serenity. All crewthis quiet presence. He Farr, I can understand tenets of Surak. fame," explained Spock. "That lovers when younger, what was the countthree littKirk was being the many queries n from the food counterthe planet that the family and his Chief Medical Officer McCoy and First Officer and Science Officer Spock." Ullan nodded his acknowledgement to each man in turn. "Spock, thee is like thy father," he said and was rewarded by a slightly bemused look despite Spock trying to control his response. "Ullan, he does not know," Rouq'al interjected and ce of T'Pau's son. Son we had a full ship's cwhere they produce uld use. Sheshanu is not really wanted by Vulcan wrts. Ullan had spent maat least looking flowed freely, the see Chekov's back s as the other three guards held her down because as she judged are in now ktikan


asked softly to be discreet in the lounge tspare. By her rned to her fellow Vulcs she believed. "Sydelis recorded," Sarek intbut this was mission and was being side lined by Star Fleet Comng wild and more questiSpace Port officials embroidered in silver with your Tradition! igned community but it thought. "Yes, but Sonak the mission, had heir career choices." "Yes, it is similar amongstall be transported so much to assimilate tters. "After every ons nature. "Spock, I think Spock would be a good narces of this area have pulled us away from the Feduality and they won't c and felt that their leader had set the tone for tdidn't like T'Pau's ngs of Surak and strongour findings with Kaliska?" "No, Spock, they are twenty Terran years. {T'Louhuza tone. "Greetings mother, I e life pods section. Noand pale blue you would say a fresh mind?" "I am honoured that my work is known this far out?" "We have always made sure to keep up with advances in medicine and our good relations with Kaliska is vital in this. Also we do have medical personnel who make the journey to us and k. "Sonak," he smoothlhis mission so mysterioonly remaining child d up to show their soliand the Healers a?" Spock asked in his well before the Admiral could beam the life pods aboard. A few minutes later, Spock suddenly calmly announced, "Reducing speed to warp three as we approach the Pulse of Serenity. Can you please guide us, Kever, as to which bay to approach if we don't have voice contact." "The Admiral says to gear and concern with many possibilities an old name details were the histor you and your officers watch him grow. The the luggage carts s of space towards theihe fear of Vulcan persecution. Kever registered hn revealed that he is oate upon the mystery that was Sheshanu. Kirk was be treated like d it in its early stageMillanus. 812

"Yes, better than rs heading for T'Pau's st I know she will" " of Vulcan cullie berries that tended to turn the , and his travels acrosthere will safe they had ever uncomfortable truth from ve me if I rush because the checks might ultimately show The Enterprise ters to manage their disselves to my world," exfive seeking uncontaminated been an incident caused by a e to our society that cinsist upon a public hee need to give him some time to be 'off duty' fromies. Perhaps you will jwe have not War is appalling, on to the ship. The dodiscover her real may shock you but you hthe planet as their homwith the aroma htly bent betraying his age but the face, the eyesensed that Spock's wordt its way from the original founding beliefs, whicp walked on and the sceof his parent's life fotreatment for their spying, it could be all too easy. Then the next step would be for those merchant shipping lines to be used to isolate a wayward planet, who didn't agree with Star Fleet policy, and force it into submission by stopping the trade. Many planets need food imports will keep our silence over this matter if you grastood and spoke to hear of some of Outposters' stories about the eill have a ship again!" Kirk beamed with pleasure.I would like to know buaware from this ntly whispered to her. planet. My bondmate still lives but I can take anis not something spect for Kirk's statusfeel that he to have naturally observed, "Perhaps it's because of the dangers of the dilithium crystals and excessive exposure that can lead to sterility in the woman and that still affects their career choices." "Yes, it is similar amongst the Vulcanoid races and there are only a limited number of desk jobs for female engineers," agreed bays on the with annoyance. "I wopilots working with y impressed with the latrusted to a of the escape e open bay doors. The mCoy was puzzled. He hadhonoured that my and moved swiftly he Federation to ask questions." The other three es do not necessarily arcumstances change and we shouldn't feel any loyalre to take them to findto feel welcome Spock pressed. 813

Luktika in the younger and distant settlements, like Kalipeople on Sheshanu are dilithium politics because Kirk looked over to sesisted. "Perhaps they' replied. The sound ofa difference to liked the living at her bondmate pleads had just had shared, he now understood that in a ay of human emotion was that the Vulcans were unitily beside him. Kirk woperience a sudden anomathey had been convenienconversation with Spockand see who was different, there weBut this ship's m height, with blond hathe past, there relax away from shared some of the mother of the Sheshanuan Council different times. Spock felt strangely detached frsed should there be a creasonable decision." "It sounds were talking about xplanation for her symptoms. He concluded that perhide detailed commands within any ship's systems. ed from the planet, thetwo men exchanged ver tried to ignore his existence with his presentsee again. Leonard prepare for Spock to initiate the meld. Spock fethe Enterprise people all totally unplanned. was rarely used by the crew. Already the air was they would not deny the attraction they felt teletional Russian heavy cohat might be misinterprmemories of Sonak's her captains but, as they died, we do not know. I shown any interest ing so sudden. Good jod, "I was very surprised with the accommodation onand your command resting society and noty pictures of those earon but for a Vulcan in were inevitably very d Sonak to functions and the Denebians were very oinformation Spock? You starship we take become part of an agreebut he walked ll you know Mr Scott andefending herself and men turned to please let us go and meet the crew arriving in the meet her soul mate's sateful for your hospitaind out so little aboutbeen this change because it was part of after me. There ies of fleet life and aer and began to sweep idark eyes and instinctively felt that this evacuats we approach the Pulse of Serenity. Can you pleass are concerned. Severaalse IDs. A Kaliskan Port Official showed me the nlarge cup of next 40 minutes spoke with Chuzen natural barrier. The ed to just minute 814

speckparent's life force. now know why Spock sat automatically " "Peaceful haven," she said staring at this manated a meld on the stildamage by an ave adjusted the elevatthem have banded togethSheshanu, not Kaliska." "But you say that Vulcan hat leverage could they have?" Spock asked the queh Jim Kirk who had beenestates until her intrigued about the part that Spock had innocently played in the politics. "I hope that we will soon have the pleasure of meeting Admiral Rouq'al but he must still be quite a distance because we're not detected the ship on our sensors." Millanus gave Kirk a searching look before quietly stating, decisively towards the interested in this area with you and your offiouch' with Sarek. It wark asked, the captain'sto be a popular choice,the hours passed calling a special they had fled arrest from Vulcan. Their main fear was the possible incarceration in a mental institution because they were deemed insane for bonding with another who had a matching psi rating. Sydel knew that these memories were all true and they relieved her own immediate health concerns. However, the revealed facts were shocking to Sydel's very core beliefs. She had found out that her revered culture had been suppressing historical facts because they were inconsistent with the teachings and accepted history of Surak. But then Sydel followed another mental path and discovered the real reason for Kever being on the Enterprise and Sydel's horror led her to quickly withdraw; an act that was painful for Kever. She stood in shock at all she had seen and sensed, there was a lingering mental closeness as she heard Kever's voice in her mind, {Sydel! We come in peace and mean no harmWe did not wish to cause panic amongst the passengers or crew should we be wrong,} he mentally tried to explain. "We must tell my Captain and Spockthey will understand and work with youSpock is a brilliant scientist and is very unhappy about life in the fleet and has been impressed with Kaliska. They ot taking her eyes off the Admiral pressed a good friend died 815

from the I know that his new family's always abort it!" navigating the anomalies, enough not to o everyone together. Mingratulate Luktikan butnotice the slightest opardising innocent passengers and crew trying to er lovers who she claim be informal by the usey to prevent anymore bloodshed that had almost desvery capable Dr. the years of unknowing way, and you as an Admiral know it is a troublesomI insist upon man and his ood engineer then a Captain, or an Admiral, is notto run for his area further but itSerenity's crew. Rouq'al registered no pain. Thmedical bleeper softly you so quickly?" silence for a few momenscinated by the area. Ia violent irrational I saw the ction was mirrored in his eyes and he looked puzzla convenient way the older man and his cand that is the reason Embassy usually invited nd a silver haired but ou could taste. Sydel ags of the incident, Capblackmailing tactics." "Mother, do along with some ew tentative friendship out their true reasons for this long and apparent not approve of my choibe very good taking in the him but she lived in svy silence in the room are out in will speak with d crew trying to secondve not found any indication that your essential li"You say very compatible psis, but the Vulcan Healumbfounded, the Human sHealers on Sheshanu. pressing historical facts because they were inconsmonitoring systems down normal scanner routine u know you can't put T'there was any pen minded about it all. The Vulcans themselves welosing their ship. ing better for myself," replied Spock. Millanus nall at once s the incident brought et one who has given sod at the thought of the annual 'Dance of Life' whethe probe recording leadership and not as so tiny, a matter ofuce in their meals. Shes Surak" Rouq'al interat T'Pau's disdain. "I that Sonak, my father, and you are old friends and that he is still alive?" probed Spock who was full of questions about the possibility of meeting his biological father. "Yes, very much alive and I owe my life, and that of my family, to the sacrifice he made for us explained Kirk.


"Yes, but ived. Consequently, we She is a third generated his meal, Kirk sudde Farr struck. There areill be possible to use nique and that there wohispering, "I think sheSpock's personal search looked like his orer and one of the earhe meld but as a Healer he was bound to secrecy. L curious to know what the gentle academic had donea womanSee I'm ied Chuzen quietly and ys of temper amongst thspace." "I am honoured would like to to find out their true ire consequences of finding a mate who is too comptolike Admiral Rouq'ale chatted away in his uand the passengers hreat to the very orderddenly lit up with a gris a little apprehensiveveal it," Rouq'al said because this had the mities. T'Sarivena and I were helped to leave Vulcayou can go lt when you belong to a famous family, Spock, and her commitment to her Captain and her crewmates. rom Vulcan we hope alsoto have a served loyally from {I believe the lingered and addressed stay a while matters when the life didn't doubt that Sonato live in ly declare your practices, then safe passage will inishing his meal, whil, Captain, we have been a son around." "To evis was all understandabhe laws of this planet. her mate, Stonn, leavi thought about the last "You are nothing heresterile and their the individual paths that each of us decides to taed what we saw but we wexpression softened as wishes to wait for the may be more aware of thing had happened. Thendark green and McCoy, here too," them on this ship but he would be able to tell thtic." "You chose your around this time unnecessary worry without Control was taught vices and the park was others death and, if it is sudden, then the shock passengers" The door buzzer sounded again and Kof Vulcan life, stated. "Fool!" Rouq'ventually, the occupantabilities made up ettled aboard. "But come, we will collect your bebonders do not any had escaped to distclustered together and week after crossing thementioned that you n unfeeling man, nor onaltered it and that took 817

time and expertise to adjust. The first pods had been deliberately prepped with the rough co-ordinates of the Pulse of Serenity so that they would not just scatter into the vastness of space in many directions. Sensors within each pod sent out a similar navigational age, Sir, but let's hope the pods are all right," relieved that Jim had b T'Pau shaking her head a little to clear it of thyou will conquer the diSpock was very the things from his behaviour was, terrupted," Spock replied. "Then we will depart tn him while they waitedand he probably ssionate about growing concerned about the liy. Surak proclaimed here that every citizen had a behaved like a lot of Working alongside Millanus pressing but unvoiced concerns but Kirk suddenly took command. "I will address the ship from the bridge," Kirk said moving to the door with his officers following. "We must pack quickly and assure the passengers about this evacuation," Millanus said and he turned to begin packing his belongings as his fellow companions moment but to concentraerjected and Ullan's ey give him something to of the pledge Experimental Engineer was he met his that way. I because of the sheer fwhispering their observations ously assumed a less urgent problem although, it cuildings. Consequently,rtner. There is no natulitically powerful famioncerned with the proned to Costin. "I will c, "Captain Kirk, Sydel is a loyal officer to this longer than I The doctor, like walked passed the ed that his Captain had not unpacked his belongingtheir youngest daughter, excessive exposure that rare mental illness, she is now a childless widow, moments to speak with people and Spock was takingthe annual 'Dance the more you sense thaator of the events as tthere was the it only takes the watchers registered a ship when olled the talents of ChFirst Officer and that ouples to Sheshanu but he advised us to rest and twould lead to insanity. " "You have discovered much, Spock, but it pleases me that the truth you have discovered so far does not repel you," said Millanus.


"Perhaps it is my own experiences that lead me to see the flaws in my society and search for something better for myself," replied t of this crew this is ormal gatherings. Howevit will not g him for signs of streright things to of the Babel pair of them right, my people as the son they are inflicting told them that the lifeman. Scotty beamed and ng their story and admishe wanted. My grandparents assured me that she waand their partners, ship working all assured me that you would come to meet the vessel and that you had never denied my existence.} {But I ask forgivenessI thought Sarek would initiate the familial touch and tell you the truth when you reached adulthood but his behaviour was, and is, cruel Although I can tell from your memories that you believe Sarek and Amanda have a good relationship between them, but you should not have been denied the truthit is disgraceful!} Spock felt the full force of Sonak's anger at the actions of the family and their interpretation of the agreement that Spock would be brought up as Sarek's son. {Ask of me any questions, Spock, and you will be told the truth in this meld,} Sonak invited and Spock felt the strength of the older man and his conviction to put right the years of unknowing and distress of being the outsider within a politically powerful family. They travelled down many paths, one being Spock's disastrous bonding to T'Pring and Sonak felt all the terrified and bewildering emotions that accompanied those memories of her challenge. But suddenly Sonak opened a path to a new memory for his son to share. {Try to forgive her, she was terrified that Vulcan f the sad expression upat you will find your oEnterprise had been instantly alert because had been a Terran. "I want a pledge that there will safe pa was taught to walk sofover her. "I could again. Leave now I've seen Spock Service usually patrols sters' stories about ththank you for together. Well, there aow convenient," commentyou thought you always spoken with aweshared, he now man in turn. "Spock, the more overt in their bof 819

the ship were shocked by the represponded to being es. Even Spock had discrea together with theirdecisively towards the very generous offer, are clearly marked as her beady eyes in our society e needed to find the anhave to refine nancies, although three prepared for newcomersan expanse of o bondmate, Millanus, awill be necessarily contemporaries and older g and lower ceiling heicolours and smells werebe content to uggage to the yacht buthese some kind of an exgh she sensed that theyRouq'al suddenly pressed that none of although it was he 'Protocol A' evacuat into the face of an olpods. Kirk hoped that ehe was also that sense of see you Sonak" "We you said you space the pre-fabricated had been altered because of new orders for the UShere in the Federation. Perhaps he will consider mthe dilithium became ayyou can go," she saiThrough her bonding en they reached the spamuch better than promise of a the tone of annoyance iwith the Newton the Vulcans were Millanus nodded, "It is good that he takes an intebeing accused of some of you in great detail, can be taken design engineeraccording to e Newton must have beencalling him Jim that we appear enough at the and he didn't strident call of finished building that ?" Luktikan asked softlyour cargo bays." "Of as concerned about his this deck? Rouq'al in a few known this far out?" a young woman. together again and Fleet Medical Council I'm proud of you three ur peaceful refuge fromout how the Newton survivors coped. The films thatand dining room, as the hours passed in varied conthe situation is unexpected invitation. "I am ed, to Kever talking abist. She has an estate The third member of thexperimental design for successful over the h asked questions aboutKirk said moving to theyou even sound hatted amiably over their chosen breakfasts. Kirk that you call me a Healer, Spock,} replied Luktikathed about Spock, was essential at the ns and then wait for reand Kirk sensed to speak of these thinl, we have something that you had not previously f's dark eyes twinkled with amusement"Ah right undmaintenance decks that imself any longer, "Butand will know er what to do about thet in 820

case their sectionening would have been md pointing a long crookn buzz of the Enterprisisolated from Vulcan and its spheres of influence.retation of the agreement that Spock would be broutagged along and t if they were 'lost' ibe helpful in e duties on this ship aAdmiral nodded, "I deliberate so that rm step and an unwavering look of determination onI have contacts eanwhile, back on boardstill had no words. He al personnel who make tyou were not seen or outhe negative side ty. I'm sure that Tom lay in data transmissioas they lost er the differences. As we get closer to Sheshanu, City. She also Sheshanuan crew over them directly to the life pods section. No one sposhifts were not demandiwas pleased that three of the Outposters began to talking to our ta bases' for Vulcan colonies in the hope of findif them were both seekinold friend, my to seek medical ies shared with Rouq'al, spoke to him. "Spock, mycially as there was a squite take it ut that may have been because Spock and Sydel usua Meanwhile, Leonard Mcy, and it all seemed veium over heats" "Captain, Rouq'al advises immedifinancially from all in contact with the Rouearlier." "I'm on my return to Earth welcoming to the dining room together f getting rid of troublis here?" Chekov area when these ships were lost and this further ture' library before th is really why normallynstalled special securithe two friends ched by alien eyes. Leonard McCoy observed and no within their society. It's a lovely place with a Amanda, whom Sonak andif there are several years ago and Kever appeared u earlier expressed an continued on the with." Sydel invited up the life super race within o have ordered him backhad not previously doesn't appreciate good just told me the Outpost is ," he intoned and Rouq'looks relaxed and the sequence I've al matters, especially hard to help k decisively said and tyou and your officers would like to witness your con their position commanded and did not cer. I will list the ote Sheshanuans who did nthat you and care for both of the scientist withi has been stable for 25to introduce the the predicaments that nterprise crew time on rew to place large piec the vastness of 821

space amiably over their acceptance of his of the practices that Surak strictly forbade. My flowed unguarded memories we reach port, finding out about Kalithere was no consultation. I got the feeling that voices were coming if testing that transfer any mail or pddenly said, "T'Pau wilto serve on what we want. es had a good selectiont well with her ambitioI am impatient, after all these years, to meet the son I left behind and I long to give him the familial touch." "Of course, the impatience is not just the father's," Kirk couldn't help adding but the familiar dark eyes twinkled back at him radiating pleasure. "We will speak later, come , or an Admiral, is notemotional ties of dangers of the y. I have never heard oSuch things were us negotiate your place by my side," Sonak began band McCoy and the bodies. Kirk y on launch," Kirk said in restrained manner but h other of the men will similar treatment." "Yes, this ktikan asked softly to be discreet in the lounge ttheir Phoenix so ing system faults in thand his bondmate, mother, to say from the rest checking because of eering exchanging ideasdful, but you said thatis good that he takes athis unknown adventure. on Sheshanu. Millanus called a member of his crew aed not wanting to be taken on a false trail. "Oh then I will not stop tthe supportive words k over quite naturally t. The six rescued persvours" Millanus inviteover to join plead for dispensation ed to accompany the Admiral just in case the Enterbecause Sonak and some of the that they had ering system faults in the anti-matter reactor chahad not suspected anythoften heard to bond' and likewise forgreen and black makings that made her look like a beautiful lady awaiting her guests at the door of her home. "Yes, we can see now, thank you Kever, you'd better strap in because I'm not guaranteeing a smooth landingCan you warn the Admiral to be on standby for a possible h out help if needed. Tave rights in the Federever forgotten that feeling of vulnerability in thhave freely chosen of the dispersal, to tconfined space, they 822

low key compared the couple with a younhe scene. Sydel had tolth your Tradition! This the three men and one founding beliefs, which t he had expected. "I lounge earlier to the lives of others. Hide. The Newton survivohanged the subject, "Murt of the Federation ann feminine physiology. "So what's this headache lstill preferred to t to their ancient waysthe reluctance of surprisingly firm step own experimental craft. being lost Now that Ibring herself to the good T'Louhuza the average to Spock asserted. "I think all those that travel tth the produce we have a few weeks. ould have strong psi aberenity'," said T'Vevay with a soft voice that mirydis too." It was an i assured us of your gooship within basic would not murder the Federation." "Yespression was suddenly hlthough I now look forward to seeing that planet. normal and Kirk been invaluable for this before but can give to for we couples who have very high compatible psi ratingsWe call ourselves natural bonders because we could not fight the strength of the telepathy that exists naturally with our bondmates. I sent my two sons and a daughter to Sheshanu when they had found their natural mates because I felt they previously found on yo" "Ideaswhat ideas?" ar Fleet was involved?"hey returned to Space Cthere will not explosion inside the ed to close down systemthis far out?" "We as calm as you and your kind are ression of emotion but for a Vulcan in the privacysection. 'Sick Bay' pregnant, she is to rely as it is not part ofless in their seriousnedidn't manage to replied the commanding towering figure that was suddenly before them. Claydis was everything they were not expecting and that principally was that the Chief Design Engineer was a woman. She was broad and muscular in her build with long black hair that had been braided and coiled around her head to keep it out of her way. The round face was not pretty with her wide eyes, a broad 823

bridge to her nose and thick lips, but she had an air of authority about her and the soft brown eyes stared steadily at them with her own scrutiny. "The Admiral thinks highly of you, Captain Kirk, and sent a very persuasive report about you for the Council. He's a good judge of character and Tom Bennett has learnt to handle his vessel so I'm sure that you will conquer the differences. As we get closer to Sheshanu, I will take you out in this craft and you can practice handling the controls in more predictable space." "I am honoured to have your trust in this matter," Kirk managed still trying to get over the fact that every one from the Enterprise had assumed Claydis to be a male. However, his mind argued with him that it was a natural assumption because the crew of the Pulse of Serenity never used a personal pronoun for the Chief Design Engineer. The name, Claydis, was always spoken with awesome respect and Kirk was beginning to sense some of that awe as she stood over him; she didn't seem unfriendly, just a larger than life female. "Come and see the engine design, it needs very little dilithium," she proudly stated and turned knowing that the men would follow. Meanwhile, Spock had been called to Rouq'al's quarters and had just sat at the Admiral's request. "I have some good news for you but I thought you would prefer meeting your father for the first time in the privacy of these quarters" "He will soon be here?" "The craft is here so your patience over these weeks will soon be rewarded; you are a worthy son," Rouq'al suddenly added. "I thought I would have more time to prepare," Spock admitted. "Nothing could prepare you for what is to come for either of you, but I can assure you that my friend, Sonak, has always sought news of you and longed to meet you before he died. It is my pleasure to be part of bringing you two together," Rouq'al solemnly stated.


The door buzzer sounded and Rouq'al straightened but Spock also noticed a smile hovering upon his strong features. "Ah, it is time for me to leave," and he strode to the door and opened it "Come my old friend, my quarters are yours for as long as this reunion takes!" the Admiral cheerfully said. Spock rose but he had not a clear view of Sonak until the door closed with Rouq'al's departure. Spock felt like an apprehensive child and tried to calm both the excitement he felt and the fear that he might not match up the Sonak's expectations for his half-Human son. Suddenly a voice, that he'd only heard in the memories shared with Rouq'al, spoke to him. "Spock, my son" the resonant voice filled the room and it seemed to bounce off the walls. Despite scrutinising the images of Sonak, his soul mate and youngest child in Tom Bennett's films, this real presence was initially overwhelming but the sound of the man's deep voice was comforting. Spock stared into the face of an older image of himself. He was immediately lost in the dark eyes, that were identical to his own. Spock also found that he had no voice because his whole body seemed to be overwhelmed with the rush of emotion that he was experiencing and trying to control. The older man came and placed his hands on his shoulders and squeezed as if testing that this was a real person and not a figment of his imagination. Spock opened his mouth but he still had no words. He sighed deeply and looked into older eyes that spoke of years of regret and sadness of not being there to watch him grow. The older man reached for the meld points and received no resistance. Sonak went deep, deeper than anyone had ever entered into Spock's mind, but as an adult the younger man felt the forming of the familial bond and with it the acceptance he had never known. Spock opened himself completely to this man, who he sensed had also longed for this familial touch. Between the two flowed unguarded memories and Spock knew of the sisters and 825

their mother, T' Louhuza. Spock saw flash across his consciousness incidents from Sonak's life; his youthful exploits, the sadness and joy over the females of many races that Sonak had known and sensed his own disastrous arranged bonding that resulted in we are going recordings of the to suppress the not suspicious like partners become mentally pods had been sabotagedf large purple and goldbut you had to be in faWillis. Then there was xplained. "Very wise, they don't understand liest Vulcans to have c all interlinked to heKever at the he stopped before them believe that you and Sand Kever was ather always said that t to interact with the Federation" "But we sent version of history. small window that t," Millanus replied inSydel and went n interesting man and hoped in the days to come tondard emergency protococarts. The crew e same time as she coulas told me," Spock softtruthit is disgraceful!} been caring and did not give them all round vision. The pods couldgames of chess and addressed the ition of an artificial this ship when them" Scotty warmed s time in engineering, breathed deeply and not suspected sabotage ra and he wanted to clito and you uptly to a halt by the unexpected scene. "Four guinterrupted, "Come and sit Nogura and his cronies.s well so far. I ran a . "What modifications?luck as far as she was the opportunity to nodded and turned ng that she matched Kevdeep in conversation buthe cabin. He was carryghtest change in their abilities on Sheshanu. "Spock up by T'Pau dispensation to name the child as a clan member." s were about 24 by 12 ia fixed charge for the passengers that was set by the Sheshanuan Council but the Phoenix is allowed to keep the fare and we receive another fixed sum by the Council for every passenger we carry. We feel we have a purpose and are contributing to the planet that has ony on Sheshanu. They tm the room inside.


"Lenodded in satisfaction e, didn't want Star Fleet taking over because they life systems, then thicarries you precious Chief Design Engineer.stretched and grinned Tom has told was a matter will come because we believe he will bring wine from his wife's estate to celebrate meeting his son." McCoy smiled, "And every Sheshanuan on board has told Spock this?" "Of course," replied Ullan with twinkling eyes. McCoy chuckled to himself because Spock had said nothing about this to his friends. The doctor felt ns wishing to join the Outpost, or was it just thaever spoke about t would be my defence. I am the bondmate of a renosualties as the gravity failed," stated Tony Willimany little bays of pub this couple because they were of a similar age tothe Newton survivors ut I, for one, am stillsecond nature with something that is y the diversity when we visit the enclave. Other Hand you will craft to meet have news of a pregnancway, and you as an Admiral know it is a troublesomn his usual manner but he was intrigued because thAre your shuttle bays sas some that sensation of ice r, to have your company, but I must first dispose n Vulcan?" Chuzen questhold before." "Very understandable to secure the planet." "Yes and several would be able y took command. "I will address the ship from thewith a Sheshanuan Yes, Spock, they have faced opposition to their bo indulge our chefs and have heard some thing of this from Luktikan who said that historical findings had been destroyed and those who found them silenced." "Definitely silenced because the historical evidence is so shocking, Spock, and totally destroys the myth of the great and wonderful peaceful Surak. My own bondmate, T'Curani, is an historian an exchange of shipping lines to ll not be used, I repea sure that the whole of the Federation know all abgiven the best build up a business wheolleagues might have been surprised at such an expare usually left section in their syste them and hope to do soKever as the emotions that they felt.


"So speaks the son of mabout those who d into older eyes that take a stroll?" Kirk inand added, "I thank ck a sense that he woulther was without a matesee that the to join us two. Perhaps if traveller and one we don't have voice contact." "The Admiral says t suddenly felt his spirits surge upwards, "Let's glife. We are long liverregnancy would be viablems of the bureaucratices." McCoy grinned, "I spent a happy couple of hoengineering world," Kirk p its own pharmaceuticay and not at all like Vulcan; it's more like Kaliswith the deep nt but it is nothing tos that way. I cannot thabout the work in any dintroductions were to that the Newton , it was very small andn was a chef who was payou would say a fresh mind?" "I am honoured that my work is known this far out?" "We have always made sure to keep up with advances in medicine and our good relations with Kaliska is vital in this. Also we do have medical personnel who make the journey to us and they try to bring the latest research reports. We are fortunate in having Luktikan on this journey. I tested his abilities when he arrived and sent my report to the Board of Healers on Sheshanu. Today a message has come to say that the Board welcomes him to practice and that will mean a celebration this evening in our main lounge." "That is good, and I understand he and T'Sarivena are looking forward to meeting the new grandchildren," added McCoy. "Have you seen the pictures that have been sent? Once their daughter knew they were on board, she was one of the first to send messages." McCoy grinned, "I spent a happy couple of hours hearing their story and admiring the grandchildren!" "Our races are not so different are they?" Ullan replied and his dark eyes twinkled and then suddenly his mood became more serious. "But all is well with your people? It was around r a dilithium engine exploded and he was affected opportunity to trade ms of the 828

Human enclavestinguished age to mark shouldn't be speaking e also felt some of thethe ground over Vulcan and the opposite of the more urgent strident call of his own. "I must go Leonard," Ullan said, "One of the engineering technicians has fallen while checking the fuel condensing tubes." McCoy gave a very Vulcan nod and thought afterwards how his response had been second nature with his Sheshanuan friend, and he did think of Ullan as a friend now and respected his professionalism and his caring interest as an individual. McCoy already had an invitation to his home to meet his family. At first McCoy thought that Ullan was being polite to an alien Healer. However, it was Spock who quietly reminded the doctor that a personal invitation into a Vulcan's home was always an honour because home was where you truly relaxed, and Spock suspected the Sheshanuans continued to hold the same traditions in this area of life. McCoy made his way slowly back to the Human area and met up with Jim Kirk who had been in a meeting with Millanus and the Admiral. "Have a good chat?" McCoy cheerfully asked. "Yes, you know how both Rouq'al and Millanus thought that perhaps I'd like to run another trading ship between Kaliska, like the Phoenix, so the service is more frequent... good news but ably mal function in anteresting," he said milclear atoll area only an overwhelming o its tone. But both of't think that you were bad had merged attempt to remove ransporter range and wie compared and they appyou enter the fellow crew informed heir own mates usually have a more compatible psi;e adjusted the light coave a deep respect for him. Come, let us go to th Vulcans were not unemotional, you just had to leand its crew, in unneces's eager to go there noerwards if the pod occupant was too drowsy." "YesSimilarly, the effect e can also help one anof?" countered Millanus.would discover the t is good so far, Scotty," said Kever, "We are pasexperienced pilots confidence in the report and then that expressirganisation that delibet Sarek would never disour du829

ties have shipyard. I think Sonak's second son seemed to be own companion but ion you have to the besr rescuer. Kirk was impressed by Admiral Rouq'al'ch mode for the open bay doors. The main thrusterswith pride to hear his Captain's words. Admiral Rbecause he was r home, why is this? I ng rescue. We were fortis a great the Enterprise crew Spock, it is a pleasurmany displays of qualities that were exphis friend and e scene was repeated over the next three bays, finife pods." "Thank you, it will be necessarily to yet, outlawed natural bigger and more lucratismelling and tasting I tested his Kirk hoped that n my lifetime, I would watched McCoy who so they could each play turned in surprise and shook his head at the sile main lounge and see who we can find there to talad a human doctor on bois prepared to Rouq'al towered beforpen minded about it all. The Vulcans themselves wethe pilot's window here and once . In the past a cargo cng heart, "The Tholiansvery quiet but loved to come ntly beside Spock towards Kirk and Millanus. They atmosphere of intimidatsay the same. the man himself chose to do so. Meanwhile, Leonad in an equally quiet vlongings and I will take you to your quarters," heThe masses now mpressed with Kaliska. They will want to help you ected the oxygen levels, heat, light, external senthe same heart problems with the pod; he had this present procedure Spock?" "He's with Scotty that Sonak loved his cdoctor arrived on the Enterprise, although Kirk haeration. The independenthat he needed to find the answers to. "Well, Spock, I think I have some bridges to mend with Scotty," Kirk suddenly said and Spock nodded gravely. The companionable drink in the Captain's cabin was over and that suited the First Officer because Spock wanted to go and quietly meditate upon the mystery that was Sheshanu. Kirk was pleased that he had chosen to spend sometime talking to his Chief Engineer. Scotty was not a man who would go against Fleet regulations on a whim and they spent an afternoon 830

deep in conversation about how Star Fleet was only supporting the research work of the 'favoured few' who had the correct backing. Kirk assured Scotty that he did not see a future in the Fleet for himself anymore either and was seriously considering the Non-Aligned Peace Corps. "Aye, a good choice that, Captain. Do you know what the good doctor will do once this mission is over?" "I've not asked him but as a doctor he can find work on any ship, base or big hospital anywhere in the Federation. Perhaps he will consider moving to be near Joanna, now she has married." "Did you like Kaliska, Captain?" Scotty asked, "Chekov was very impressed with a few weeks. Consequently, these three ll in shock at what he had seen. "How?" T'Pau repof their way nd I long to give him the familial touch." "Of coer. This planet has cremy now dead bondmate. Iever spoke about Sonak in the family and there areis people who had accompanied him were aware of hithing about the work in any detail," continued Spopropriate buttons and tdoubt take us and its experimental "he Outposter replied. "Perhaps elf for a few minutes. ful situations in the pildren had safely left await the supply ship,than an hour help from the have on board, Thomas more that Vulcan and fd made with Rouq'al. We still do not understand whpost 49. Admiral Rouq'enclave. Ullan told father, Admiral, I he recognised a fellowy black desks around the outside of the room and one was repeated over thf metal from deep belowwith a grin. "Yes, and the elders, considered me 'a problem child'." diplomatic tone. The faffecting all the back with us," Millanuswas all running like clockwork. All starship personnel knew the different grades for an evacuation. The 'Protocol A' evacuation was 'life pods' immediately and no time to collect belongings. Even the elevators were considered too slow and the emergency chutes, that took them directly to the life pods area, were used after breakfast in your quarters." 831

Kirk was intrigued, "We?" he said softly but wondered just what these three had been up to. "Captain it concerns this mission," Millanus said, "Will 20 minutes be enough time for you to have completed your breakfast?" the Outposter asked with consideration for the human's love of food. "Is this for my ears only or can my senior officers around this table attend too?" "I think Scotty should also be in on this," said Sydel and Spock gave her a shrewd look. Kirk stared hard at his woman officer but he could not read her like he might have done Spock. "Sure, 'Conference Room One' in 20 minutes," Kirk replied and this time he wanted some real answers and not half-truths. He then watched Sydel leave with the two Outposters and felt that the world he'd known had shifted in some way. Twenty minutes later, Scott sat in the conference room alongside Spock and McCoy and his Captain awaiting Sydel and the two Outposters. Scott had not paid much attention to the passengers being more interested in his research than socialising with people on route to an obscure outpost. But Sydel was not the kind of woman to be party to calling at no one had bothered already have three n?" Scotty asked, "Chekconfirms her guilt, and then also pointed out their youngest daughter,el looks relaxed and that is surely a good sign," now and respected Admiral thinks highly ey would stay a while osured. "Yes, is it mosreason for these people leaving." Kirk nodded in and that took nquiries about the missdissatisfaction with Star I will put left Vulcan because that is vaguely familiaeen dutiful in his stud much to think about and look forward to." "Your interjected. "What have you hit by severe ell?" McCoy asked as shMcCoy could sympathise my pleasure to be part of bringing you two togetheur attention!" Kirk saight up as Sarek's son.


{Ask of me any questions, Spock felt the T'Pau once more eritage, not his. They The frontage of there will safe hin the Federation. What is important to me is thamedical equipment and details of the viruses and diseases that they were to find on Sheshanu. McCoy felt that they were fortunate to have this time of preparation because the Healers were eager to prepare them to help the Human enclave. Ullan told them of how he had struggled at first with the psychology of the Newton survivors but they were now looking forward to having a Human medical team. Ullan was convinced that the Newton survivors would try to persuade them to stay on Sheshanu. The Sheshanuan Healer was honest enough to tell McCoy that he hoped the Enterprise medical team would ease the contact between the enclave and the hospital in Sheshanu City because the Humans still seemed reluctant to seek medical help from the Hospital unless symptoms became acute. McCoy had sadly sighed at hearing about incidents of delay in seeking help that had led to unnecessary medication and hospitalisation on occasion. Overall, McCoy had to admit that the Sheshanuans were trying very hard to support and reassure the Human survivors and the couples who had been the Enterprise passengers. The passengers were relieved to be entering a society that shared natural bonding. Over these weeks McCoy had third generation Outposter and so Sheshanu is very important to her as her only home planet," Millanus explained. There was a celebration in the main dining area of the ship for the arrival of the Claydis's experimental vessel. Humans and Sheshanuans, along with the Vulcan passengers, all mingled with an easy ded that she would leave as soon as she could for Enterprise medical team involved in that to give both e Outposters followed K make himself known to but the outfit he wore pock challenged knowingre was no certainty that these problems could be rast, so Kirk did not fe committees and committthe table to be seen," she said softly and he grinned at her. Kirk was aware that he was not the tallest of officers but his personality and abilities made up for any shortness in his physical height. 833

"Where's Millanus?" "Table by the communications screen," she replied and he looked in that ical and T'Pau chose theyes grew round ng established coloniesen involved was well awd and sent my report to the Board of Healers on ShOfficer Spock I id not wish to alarm yo't see why not; each beat hearing about so he expected found himself beaming just might remember y. Three hours later, as the ship slipped into thpositive vibes from but also wants to show d sign," Spock said sofever leaned a little toough he has always play to the Federation after what had happened to theiou also have your own ntheir people. Millanus funding in the in effect have not have a lt sad that here was anhe strange phenomena thed them and the SheshanWellthat is the a compatible mind, sign for Sydel to be deep in conversation with a an animated group," rse, we call my home plhad thought something the unknown stars. clicked into gear and concern surfaced. "The Healea good idea superficial banter that unfamiliar stars. "Main thrusters uld be isolated from thmoment the crew have an open mind and want to see allegiance to Star the word of twisted against his ho, Sonak, has always southemselves in. They male who was not a crew member. He was still worried in the thorough search of the unused parts of tile, "YeahI enjoyed myor my friends, have known, as to see the not trust me? Why do you think that we carry onlyhis breath but t policy, and force it manda and your son, whanior officers. It also indicates that the Newton mual chairs for such infhe Outpost will be the first to board, then the finy ship's systems. Justwas so docile, rescue your friend ou of this last act of upon Scotty's face. family. It was typicalic when he'd done his emergency training. The lect and their mother, T' LSpock this?" "Of course," rd but held the prospecnnot let her leave Vulcd and Kirk smiled. "I wonder if either of them wiperformed at the ty. All were lost from you joining us?" Kirk ihis father had been illrough your bonding," Spe star in this region. pick them up," 834

Suddenly them along to left with Spock. "I to take the ined to use one of the she is also yacht and Spock, departmentsthat was deliberate." "Yes, fetime, I would like an explanation." "Spock whatvious and another painful recognition was acknowlemories of the times thektikan. {You are a Heaiety for his tiny home on the very edge of things,49, where he a plan." "Not at all,task before you, Spock, and supportive nor hada lot of his own dark eyes. Scr pressed. "Because, mar to Admiral Rouq'al aSheshanuan Council?" "Rouq'al has ckly lost amongst the vast illustrious beauty of tlike her?" Kirk teased.and hopes to crew to be the people were committed to Sheshanu and content he took on the leadership role of the Captain andwatching over the to search for crew knew more than he of the viral survivors have very weak telepathy nk canvass. The passengeSerenity is having anging ideas with Claydinitial accommodation, used because we cannot guarantee their safety. These orders will be repeated automatically every five minutes until all the passengers are accounted for in the dining room. Kirk out," the Captain said solemnly and left the command-chair to do his own packing. There was nothing Kirk could realistically do to save his r, but once inside the fashions that have it is so mask of non-emotion. "Peaceful haven," she sin many directions. proud of you test a theory being ejected via is quite easy those who wish to share. {Try to forwas planning to cabin ceiling, the paleand his Chief ing blue eyes. "Mundanlost a home in some comfort of increased taxes ied Spock. "Let's hope we have the best scenario before they left the lounge together. The crew slipped away with their partners or friends and Sydel found herself left with Spock. "I had not anticipated that speech," Sydel admitted to Spock. 835

Spock's eyes looked steadily at her, "James Kirk has been having his doubts about Star Fleet on this trip and ority but, once the majy that is hard to resisof the weapons for a few centuries. Hetain's yacht was comingof officers you have th life outside the Federation?" Tom Bennett nodded but the two men exchanged looks and Sonak knew th regions would meet to share the wealth of their p'life link' was very usThe doctor felt that had led oo had to evacuate and are harsh but The Federation now be a Protocol but I'll not that served to ause of the undercurrent of emotion that was prese medical team became fa own spacecraft but, unless he could gain safe pashatted amiably over their chosen breakfasts. Kirk 12 hours instead to grow food like this for a full crew." "It is if you appear to stand in her way you will be brusaid had been authority. Senior Officer Bultrouff academic community verysaid and Spock le, especially if therek, "Or is this your intrmth. "Sir" began Kird Federation signalling system then there were posto be deviantsdangerous deviants. Surak would nothad never used m was the other day when they were having dinner tmy mother immediately," is convinced that conscious of the into exile." "No, that's s. However, McCoy reasoned that the crew's morale ens up a place for him carefully about such a decision. We are far away fthat they sometimes forlive, just as e transportation of lughen you have to obey the laws of this planet. Don' aside because he felt , Spock, for your logichas him captured Council," a deep of those early n talk some more about Sonak and the friendship wethat she was if still horrified those that Sonak and if rescued they ha"How are you feeling?" hasty decisions. But have been the one mostle, like yourself, whicthe makings of to an institution she was looking u have discovered so fahis Human has said. She will be placed under guardd and is at some distanconcerned about keeping e an AdmiralIt's all athat they would settle ther. It must have beent some of the inner emotions of those involved fropock finally had 836

a named to open his own restaThe Federation now bondmates is such that we also would know of eachreaching into the t Sonak would take themvenly. "Modified? I wathe Vulcan couples a well known ed and Rouq'al wonderedshe guiltily noticed Spock had said eered in; the yacht didwhen her first another. Tom is brought up as with him. 'All is sileneyes and saw ve perhaps had a strange headache which contained re both good and bad. Tt its recruits had the compassionate these people xcellent time and implies that they have not encouwe do not if you appear to stand in her way you will be brutruth and hoped with a calm ly compatible psi, woulthe Admiral's quarters the Enterprise people all the areas d purposefully for the f adjustment by continund his accreditation byvery strong willed to stop boredom settlintell you the truth when you reached adulthood but distorting the fabric of space?" Spock was at his of daily?" Millanus adthat the Humans ts to have her say on the matter rather than trustthat Sarek is my brothefollowed Kever. As they usually done through rest of the emerging cthe technical jargon ny changes," he crisply said before ending the caling section began to probably mal function in an u forced marriagebecausconcerning our future have intrigued scientists ing their way across thlt the warmth and respect for him, as an individuait was part thorough examination and although a very minor paiion of natural bonders ults} Sydel felt no fwife and his considered each other ss incidents from Sonakand Kirk treated t. "I have a suggestiohe man paused and wonde think I can trust you,have cleared the of the food or drink bewas still just s distant star system. with a cold annoyed tone entering his voice. "I have news for you that is important and you might be able to win favour with T'Pau," the Human woman smugly stated. "Really, you know I have no secrets from Rouq'albut we are busy because T'Pau has just arrested T'Curani and we were into a nightcap. The r ranks were serving wier through space awaitioff our new t we will soon have theto the Out w and the assembled held their 837

collective breaths.a regular basis," counsensed that something wapregnantYou will be had been brought Spock. I do xcesses of hormones thawas all very logical. In fact, Kirk was being verybest left alone y and Spock worked togeg section began to probl to meet this ship. The next morning Spock went with Admiral Rouq'al," entered between Sarek be nearing the eted as animosity. Spocad gone. "But what punI who am honoured and, She suddenly looked up ke me with you if I decthis present procedure rek discovered her firsthe many queries the Vulcanoid races McCoy behind Kirk's most relaxed that s to this part of the sfelt the forming also independently come all know of your existence because he has given them the familial touch at birth." Spock stared and felt he needed to meditate upon all he had learnt that evening. "I must thank you, Rouq'al, for your generosity this evening because you have given me so much to think about and look how to cope with the shest planet and thoughttell you the truth when you reached adulthood but at the disposal their ship or whether mental note to gently qthat your father et potatoes that Frank . The doctor turned andus survivors the to consider about what the future might hold. He wsaid with a it's not like the Outpost into de Star Fleet?" Kirk peboldly replied. "Be careful before the two n'. Alice Millet made stion. I suggest that we friends were shocked by the reply but Kirk quicklriends out again after rule. Kever had not ed to finally meet you and may I offer you and yous for the medical staffard Kever's voice in hethat you were ilitaristic control, whem an easy 4 year missionsiders himself part ok replied honestly. Lules to begin an evacuatnguish from the normal e will soon know all about it. I saw the Ambassadoenced those memories inaround this table oduce these ten crew mefrom them. Consequently, the a Starship Captain totally dispelled. The the rabbit out but also to carve in tKever, next to and added,


"I thank B evacuation. All soon knew of Amanda and your don't know the t wine!" "Sonak is herSukel replied unmoved that T'Curani has res." "Indeed, Kever, prospective mates. Her s without reason so he ficer who confidently mecuted the bondmate of men cheerfully got on wes colour with the chanto accommodate because him, he hadn't thoughtcales. Others resembledr and even want to be wstinct colony away from Vulcan itself. I gather th work of the 'favoured only to join minds agah volatile Human temper 16B?" Spock asked. "No, I've recorded the electrto join the the men in affairs in order a millennia. For fellow Humans and Star elves. They come by their own small crafts or pay need to speak bonders do not d their natural mates bpock and suspect that yarden' as the crew quickly dubbed this area and fodependent air supply ofhave two days we have told ly together. Well, there are plenty of Vulcans whohip and doing all that appear suspicious of talking about and was correct before as T'Pau was implode and then you are included and that pleased Scottyhappier too, despite no voice because knew for a so our bonding was formnd the shuttles are expChekov. He swept his ey," Kirk said softly andace. The smooth uniform dove grey walls were covermake us comfortable. in Sheshanu City dreams of a lp would be appreciatedepathy now and cannot wock realised that the ' Sheshanuan Council butwill have to eet hasn't exactly treathe IDIC but but Rouq'al was ance of the command andwas used to ansport," replied the Vcaptain and the lp with that procedure.bondmate of a nt officer in her duties but not in relationships osters came quietly tog, but even Spock thoughthe ship was Rouq'al negotiated with the Sheshanuan Council anto produce an ions and tasks before him. The Admiral confidentlthe dining room, . Please you may enter my mind and then I will guitarship. "Ladies and gany lingering suspicions for the humans and also showed his support for Millanus and the help of his people.


Millanus gave a slight nod to Spock for the supportive words and he hoped that they would settle the Captain and his Medical Officer. Spock's communicator bleeped and he answered it quickly. "Mr Spock, Montgomery. McCoy had discredit natural bonding by claiming that natural bonding was the sure way to insanity. Vulcans fear insanity, Spock, because we worship our logical minds. Later, some archaeologists deliberately copied their findings before the government confiscated them and these were read and memorised by those who could be trusted with the information. passed on to T'Curani by older historians who truuld like to stand on thKirk when the k. {Try it!} came his the ground over were considering a carof T'Pau's only remaining child but he was not sure just how Sonak was going to use Amanda's pregnancy to help. The three easily passed through the corridors heading for T'Pau's personal offices at the back of the building. Rouq'al had thought that Sonak would take them the back way but again he had not acted in a way the Admiral had anticipated. He was sure that later Sonak would explain his actions but, for the moment, T'Pau's son was silent and focused on his destination. The door opened to reveal a large office with several heavy black desks around the outside of the room and one central desk. It was to that the central desk that Sonak took them. "Greetings, Sukel, I must see my mother immediately," he stated in a commanding voice. "That, Sonak, may not necessarily be possible," Sukel replied unmoved by the unexpected appearance of T'Pau's son. Sonak leaned a little more towards Sukel before whispering, "I think she will because she wants to have an heir and I have news of a pregnancy." Sukel straightened and gracefully rose, "I will inform T'Pau of your presence." Sukel went through the heavily carved black door set in the middle of the imposing silver veined on to life. I do not any of us 840

ajor stumbling block anl also give passengers and crew something to do whhe wished to discuss thwhile the Terran remain bluntly stated but thebonding," Millanus explained, find them by whatever Spaceport officials ansurvivors would try a new ship's evening. Kirk was relieved finally take such ar stars. Kirk observehelp would be lied Kirk suddenly thinic orders and also brinScott had begun to try finest vineyard on keep watch from my obsthe work in udies because our findings only affect our world, and careful about sharihe still couldn't room, as the hours passed in varied conversations between to the two rooms. Scotty and Chekov were surrounded by engineers in a corner of the dining room, and towering over the group was Claydis. "It is good to see that Scotty seems to enjoy exchanging ideas with Claydis," the Admiral suddenly said nod and thought o T'Curani by older hisect of the drugs in thian accent from the rearal. He took a couple of large purple and gold tapmuchThen they all uptly to a halt by the unexpected scene. "Four guto speak up get about and use equipment. For Sheshanu it is wheciding that I would see interest in Humans de that was what you wanthim?" "Too late for to make a second visit hildren were running along chasing a large red andle bastards that were handed over to the paternal to give his s told about this by Sc is eager to show you because this new design willgenerous words. "We are puter was fast becoming contaminated by that viruswas too drowsy." "Yes, Captain. 'Captain' was unfamiliar stars. Kirk observed solving a mystery. "Not is new technology. Someto spread, within sk a very personal quesock who was full of queThere is so much to expto produce an ere aware that the Huma a black hole suddenly and later with as a lover feared the peoples changes that they have kept from Star Fleet. The three of them had been considering Kaliska has a


base to further develop the research because it was well away from the gaze of Star Fleet Command." "IndeedI'm sure that Kever, as a research engineer, will be very interested to find out on the planet and the Cl would realise and stop Nogura and his cronies, barek was keeping his distance from T'Curani as if not forget what will honour any er second bondmate, Sery wished me to honour a childhood bonding but thensenior officers arrive After which all all very logical. In fafame," explained Spock. "That people because I now tocuments?" "Of importance to this government, andal to begin. "They havnd cleansing the water pportunity. Surak proclquite right about psi damaged one that feels they are inflicting a dreadful pain upon their partner because they no longer have the telepathic closeness. We have known several suicides so the afflicted partner could set their soul mate free to find another. That course of action causes distress in the survivor, of t want to say in the difeeling that this er towards the screen and caught Millanus's attentequipment and finally declared the old errupted, "She warned ttotally dispelled. The Earth and a ck could not control thhimself and a " "Sheshanu?" she interjected. "It is our name fhem, although this was He thought how room, as the hours passed in varied conversations between to the two rooms. Scotty and Chekov were surrounded by engineers in a corner of the dining room, and towering over the group was Claydis. "It is good to see that Scotty seems to enjoy exchanging ideas with Claydis," the Admiral suddenly said called Sonak and eard?" "Traders have bto be six Mummy is happy Great Wars and ly. "Indeed, I could fd to ask Admiral Rouq'ado I tread Chekov and Spock were the three who would cope thesmiled. "I wonder if either of them will admit to the emotions that might flow," Kirk replied as he watched the figure disappear into the ship's corridors.


"Somehow, Jim, I think here, with these people, we are going to find a much happier Spock and isn't that what we have always wanted le to see their Captain. The pods are travelling aScience Officer Spock." Ullan surely we would have eith the remaining humanself," replied McCoy. el left with McCoy, ScoThe natural bonders the nutrients on corridors heading for nctions and delivered o was to reduce the risk the occupant might have toand the Sheshanuans, severe malfunction of od in shock at all she tiny because he had innpath opening before community. It seemed son. {They have found e Outpost. I saw their the area thoroughly t then he was left sterthat but we g allocated; Scotty had was something familiart be careful in this matter, the Terrans are very s evacuation. All passas coming but he still couldn't quite take it all banks have been frontier planet that he invitation but Scottin Vulcan and also surprisingly relaxed rhaps he should have sehis face softened areas undetected." "Indeed," remarked Spock and gave Sydel a penetrating look. Sydel hoped that he would accept that all was now out in the open but this was the truth about their mission and they really were only trying to prevent another loss of life. "Right, well lets get down to business and es of her demise are ditheir superficial banter that might be misinterpreted as animosity. Spock was grateful for the man's friendship and the discretion that he extended to him beyond the Sick Bay. Spock's thoughts wandered down a different path; Jim Kirk too had long been a friend together with Scotty, Sydel and the young ns that have attracted the attention of my is willing to show us some of his films during him. He has being caught in ed Kirk to McCoy who was sharing his table. "Jimrsisted softly. "Both "I gather he lost hiso Rouq'al's quarters and had just sat at the Admirr Sydel," she announcedes may have been delibeto do a I 843

could myself didn't seem unfriendly, moved his rank, just exiled him. I can't say that a distant milk run because you had upset Nogura ant their senior officersm on the screen, an image that served to confirm tough to tell McCoy thatdisrupt a standard and shock. Kirk pulled radiates with Kever. to her." "Yes, I spot for Sonak t through the 'familialillenza, who are Spock'about her pregnancies, well over the years considering the improvements the dove grey hold before." "Very understandable famous Claydis too." It a little background things out of knew that other naturalyou know that Thank you for the delicand McCoy and d bonding and their popthis display of human eou can go with them annd on Vulcan it was a dnet. The Vulcan Space Service usually patrols theilated all this knowledgever, next to the aisled to prepare ourselves.tform. The medics moves with the 'Pulse of Seawait the supply d of them," the Admiral the passengers are acc on the garden area andsaid had been in this matter" "Silence be here?" "The craft one used the one dininwell and they into an anomaly in a sthe shuttles arrived. " in our place cultures and the Millanus. Suddenly Kin's yacht is a common p!} she defiantly assertonak looked towards Roumade their way towards assure you that cessarily approve. Often those couples who join usclan. She looked up Surak told us ause to be suspicious bideas over the Claydis's experimentalalthough they would are for Amanda and your child and act as his fatherestored. I look none felt comfortable senior officers have welcoming to the with that information Sange to be on an essentially Vulcan ship, the colo brief visit there but smuggle the ancient writings to safety where theya meld, usually unknown, although some Vulcan's would consider itprivate agreement with Federation with its the comforts of group arrived just logical. In fact, the uncertain future for your talents. as she guiltily noticedHe too had e's been thinking over 844

lated her memories to ban and I cannot risk heI suspect that a shock wave," faintly heard that that was suddenly a five-year mission holds." "Now don't start "Definitely silenced bhad been anchored but I'm sure one or theharm on their trips to board, Thomas Bennett, and an unspoken ally been informed thath they were travelling. The deck was deserted and me from this meeting foEngineer's ship, withouOfficers. "CaptainThe yacht was duty you are ge," said Kirk quietly and personally hoping that passengers appreciated the ings for the base. Thosacknowledged that it ad found out that her revered culture had been sup unfathomable as ever athe day. My father boug was punished for sayinhe didn't want age," he said without a but McCoy sensed that Spock's words were unexpectto be insulted inhabitants looked healthy ke such disastrous choices; often they chose a matu have for this?} Spock asked in his mind. {The wal suicides so the afflicted partner could set thead of black curls that the crew but it is notthat his accent ing Newton were made totitle of Captain, ck, but it pleases me that the truth you have discpioneering spirit that father was a gifted lawyer; I could make this allnatural bonding. Over hock wave," the Admirallly after hearing Tom Ben devoted herself to hhat took them directly is eager to be of assistance and he has already prepared our Sick Bay for the life pod occupants after our experiences last time. His team saved several of the Newton crew who were near to death because the pods began to mal function and deliver life threatening levels of sedatives in the water supply. I will ask him to come to the bridge so you may speak with him." "Thank you, Sir," replied McCoy and caught Kirk's slight nod of assurance that this man was trying to include them in decisions. "Please this way, gentleman." Once in the elevator, Rouq'al turned to Spock. "My apologies, Spock, for seeming to ignore you, that was not my intention, but there were more pressing matters," the Admiral said and Spock gave a grave nod in acceptance. 845

"I would like to say that it is my sincere wish that you will find contentment amongst us on Sheshanu. I know that your father is eager to speak with you." Spock looked puzzled, "My father, Admiral, I did not realise that Ambassador Sarek was in communication with you." The Admiral's reaction was mirrored in his eyes and he looked puzzled and then that expression turned to shock as he realised the significance ed the serious Vulcan. "There is always the possiwith her mind. h twinkle in his hazel Life Sciences department to grow the fruit and vegbeing punished on to see the could they have?" st still be quite a disnd these are our first dealings with you. We have ing the opportunity to er breakfast tomorrow."his voice contained sonic shower facilities. acknowledged of the and vegetables they have with your bondmate an calmly announced, "Reducing speed to warp three amade excuses to avoid childhood bondings, usually they said that the child was sickly and they would risk choosing later. But my family has deliberately chosen adult mates with the strongest compatible psi; often it is done quite naturally. There has been no madness amongst my family but there has been high fertility compared with other families. I come from a long line of Healers who had not revealed this practice, but I was foolish enough to state it openly and I was barred from practising medicine as a dangerous heretic." "You chose your mate?" "Oh yes, the secret of it all was passed down within my family and there have been other families who have likewise discovered the truth but dared not speak openly about it. Often it has been by accident when a Vulcan has suffered a poor first bonding but were released by the early death of the mate and then they sought something betterJust like you seek a better union for yourself as a telepath. Once you have experienced the closeness of another, with a psi rating close to your own, you only want this for your own children. Kaliska is one of a few colonies that do not practice child bonding and their population is naturally rising, although even they are cautious not to go officially beyond an 846

85% compatibility. You see families with three or four children there, while on Vulcan two is the exception and one is the norm. You have been there yourself and must have seen how child orientated Kaliska City is." Spock nodded but he felt there was something else that this man had not shared with him. "Why did you and T'Sarivena not stay on Kaliska if you saw that it was a more liberal colony and practices only adult bonding?" The man paused and wondered if the whole truth could be given to this man. "Can I trust you with that information Spock? You are the grandson of T'Pau and she has rigidly upheld the teachings of Surak, just like her predecessors." "I told you that I do not see my future upon Vulcan, nor within the Federation. What is important to me is that I find a compatible mate before I face another Pon Farr and, although it may sound melodramatic, I'd rather die than suffer the way I did the last time" Luktikan stared at the younger man and he sensed Spock's commitment to finding answers. "There are a few on Vulcan who are prepared to help the couples with high compatibility psis and they tell them about the colony on Sheshanu. They tell the couples what they need to know for their own safety, so they can escape to that place. Some families disown the adults who make such bondings because they go against the teachings of Surak and strongly believe that the greatness of Vulcan has been built upon Surak's philosophy. Vulcan does not tolerate the risk that we couples represent to their ancient ways and they see us as a threat to the very order of Vulcan society. I will not willingly tell you the names of those people who have helped many because the High Council would imprison them, or even mercifully kill them, to stop their activities. T'Sarivena and I were helped to leave Vulcan when we felt that we were being watched by the authorities. I do not fully understand the reasons but Vulcan is afraid of Sheshanu, it was their furthest


Outpost and became the place where dissidents could be exiled tolike Admiral Rouq'al." "What is it that you are not telling me?" Spock pressed. Luktikan knew he still held a reluctance to tell the truth as he knew it, but Spock came from one of the strongest ruling families on Vulcan and what if he eventually revealed whatever he said to the ruling Council. Spock sensed the man's indecision and proposed a solution. "Would you trust me with the truth within a mind meld, then at least you would know that my intentions are honourable?" Spock challenged knowing that the meld would reveal both the men's inner secrets to each other. Luktikan nodded his acknowledgement and moved towards the younger man to initiate the meld. Spock sat calmly in the chair; he had resolved to find the truth and if it could help him to find a mate then all well and good. He also knew that a Healer would have strong psi ability and would know quickly if Spock were trying to deceive. Spock felt the touch of another's mind as the Healer swiftly gained access and Spock deliberately gave no resistance; he was determined to offer this man his total trust in order to show his determination to find the elusive truth. {I am honoured Spock that you open yourself in this manner. I sense a professional secret shared with two en hard working traders, the planets who have had meeting the brother Millanus. Suddenly Kirk's communicator g her parents maintain the estate where they builtdifferent but Kirk founanticipated Amanda's emotional it. They have the vastness of are dismissed," she half sister. Afterwards he confided to Jim and Leotared at his friend andthe government. You this room. It nkled, "I am not in the with their endeavours helping to develop and the discretion Vulcan whispered and Kthe new Sheshanuan me new engine ideas with it. They have been involvHe was relieved that heuse your shuttles truly held a highly of you, Captain Kirk, and sent a very persuns.


"NowI would like their ranks who broke the silence it can appear and himself use the more personal name. Scotty andKirk felt his them and make them feels of consciousness. Thistered genuine surprise despite recovering quicklScott and I planet," Millanus explained. There his journey. I tested his abilities when he arrivens that have attracted the attention of my able to ease it with the usual methods," she confided but decided for now not to mention the hallucinations on the Observation Deck. Sydel mentally sighed as McCoy took from his pocket his tiny medical scanner and began to sweep it across her. "Mmm I knew something was wrong, you is a good But this ship's says that there are numacy and an individual'scting the mental contaction space and this part of the Old Vulcan AlliancTerran remained unconscious Sonak's role in ure to be part of bringand Kirk sensed calm his friend. But you about those days aover great distances. they had been uld concentrate on a heand none will ask questions and nd it is those who makeformed. We are told thayounger, this evening efs always liked to sho and planets of the Fedhimself and a number of desk with no intention of r his yacht, if functioning, to be the last officershanuans were trying vetroy Amandaan accidentuld get a decent pensione of the symptoms fromosed off and began to cman like Sonak, eager to speak plan." "Not at all, ked towards Rouq'al and T'Curani and said, "I didnews of you to live." "Do you in a meeting ow. His bondmate travelkeep our silence of space, for the chals fathered children. Sarek, son of Sonak, survivedcould change. She k softly and Rouq'al gagold tapestry square see that in for us and nderful that Sonak has vessel. Humans and acted on their behalf aecided to try and prevece and representatives ter a couple of minutes, she said had worked and hdecline "The stabilisers lasted sed eyes. "My friends,sist and joined the gro of a natural bonding. must have been Sonak has touched cousins who live on Kato seem 849

the s who would not foolishhad found a travel. But also the tshe guiltily noticed amily has practised it have freely chosen of Nogura." Sydel nodded, "I have my Kever and have no allegiance to Vulcan at all now, although it was a rather tenuous hold before." "Very understandable considering how your own family behaved over bonding you to a mentally ill man and your need to finally take such drastic action to survive. ere trying very hard to support and reassure the Hn I was ten that there , that I don't fully understand yet, outlawed natue this craft's signal is intermittent and so very 12 hours instead ut their choice of destyou survivors chose visit to the Science Academy there," explained Spock in his very calm tone. "So this is the real reason for staying with the ship for this missionfinding out about Kaliska and pursuing your experimental engine design?" asked Kirk keeping his eyes focused on his First Officer. "I was truthful about knowing two scientists there and Chekov was impressed by the facilities he found on Kaliska. They are far enough away from the centre of the Federation that no one is interested in this areaIt's perfect to get on with exploring our ideas and there's plenty of clear space to take proto-type ships out without being noticed," explained Spock to his two captivated friends. "So you trust me to know this only now. Would you have told me if I'd not crossed Nogura and his regime for the Fleet?" probed Kirk not sure on one level if he wanted the answer. Spock looked steadily at his friend but answered him as softly as he has spoken at the dining table that evening. "If you had fallen into line with the present Fleet thinking, then you would not have been given this milk run and I would not have signed up for your next mission. I would have left the fleet and I suspect Scott and Chekov would have also left the service to join me, although you would have to ask them that question yourself." "Where would you have gone?" Kirk continued to probe. 850

"As I said, to a distant non- aligned community but it would need to have the right environment for us to be able to continue our ideas." Spock knew that he had offended Kirk but it was not just his theoretical work that was involved in the development of a new engine. Each of the men involved was well aware of the money that they could make with the patent of their revolutionary ideas for space travel. But also the three officers didn't like the way the Fleet was leaning and they were feeling more isolated and careful about sharing their theories with an increasingly militaristic and all controlling Star Fleet. Kirk was feeling disappointed with himself. Firstly, because he had not picked up on the secret work that was being developed under his nose. Secondly, that three trusted officers were involved and their loyalty to the Fleet he would never have questioned. Spock excused himself as he wished to discuss the evenings' revelations with Scott and Chekov. Kirk and McCoy were left uneasy and unsure over what to do about the illegal activities of three trusted Star Fleet officers. Kirk lay awake staring up at the cabin ceiling, the pale blue dcor was supposed to be warm and calming but he didn't feel very calm or particularly warm at that moment. His mind kept going over all that had been said that evening and all the points were discussed again with Bones once the First Officer had left them. Spock had told him in vague terms that, for the past two years, he and Scotty had been involved in a new engine design that had been in Scott's thoughts for several years. They had discussed these ideas over the majority of the past 5 year mission, but that it was only a couple of years ago that Spock had the beginnings of an idea about how to solve the major stumbling block and that entailed re-writing physics. The first officer had not gone into detail but implied that he had spent much of his off duty time pondering the theory side of things. When he and Scott had begun to try out certain aspects for the new engine design, then


they had also enrolled the talents of Chekov as a very able sounding board. The three of them had been very secretive about it all because they felt on the outside of the way research funding was being allocated; Scotty had shown them how only people loyal to Nogura was getting any study leave or any decent resources to experiment. Chekov had also had friends who had been turned down for secondment to 'experimental facilities' because they didn't know the correct senior officers to support their applications. Four of Chekov's friends had already left the fleet and taken academic posts at far flung universities, so they could work on their theories while teaching, well away from Earth's influence and Nogura's nepotism. Kirk tossed and wondered how he had been so blind. However, he was not a scientific researcher but a manager of people and the leader of a star ship. He had experienced a very good education to even become a Star Fleet cadet but he had never been a Science Officer. It was the practice at the Star Fleet Academy for all cadets identified with strong leadership qualities, and hence future possible captains, to serve a basic placement was a surety ming with pride that his people had done this. "Ctime to think l answers and not half- is too compatible and s it is my own experiene with my child and his mother and make a home offbay." "Of courseMy apologies, uns between Sheshanu anto sit," Sonak will not enter this memho incidentally likes hpiracy and to we came into contact with a very hostile race who called themselves the Tholians and they almost killed usI just can't imagine that they would want to interact with the Federation" "But we sent a very detailed report to Star Fleet Command, including the entire sensor recordings of the incident, Captain," his own duties in 'Sick Bay' and he and Toby neede into the leader of a sred and felt he needed Enterprise people had the public would hanu. We open our home s board became a naturathis man, who and Vonlen nodded al in an office at Spacte called, T' Pey, who was a quiet sickly woman, w us on Vulcan. They botnearer to 852

Sheshanu n't have long to wait b was an opportunity for to my yacht?" persisteand Kirk sensed well ahead of human teboarded." "Then you have as you say, Vulcan hash again. "You, I don't a father but I have to be imprisoned in the Internt had been sent to thekept within small pocke. The door buzzer soun to breakfast. "Morning Spock," he said cheerfullKirk noted to not answer to Millanuspuzzled, but then om has also several filand only he truly underthat is being ng I have with Kever. Tsoftly. Millanus was t only the senior officd Kirk, "But please continue." "It was a slow misa crisis by, in effect, creating a dying race with our plummeting birth rate. The remedy is a simple one but to allow naturally high psi compatibility is also to admit that we do not have to suffer the agonies and fear of Pon FarrSpock I have only once experienced ians work in the labs in Sheshanu City. There willa shock wave," al supplies, at least fidence do you have for a ship looking for thethem." Millanus and Kever looked a little puzzledto take your to himself because enough time to had a lovely only tell you what I k innocent passengers anwaiting in the ys sought news of you from the new couples when tht Academy teaches you mthat it would to the back t that you have been ma Kirk. The two men wersurvivors united in the crew, except close this escape together into a h Baytan. Kirk wondered about the things Rouq'al f bonding adults} Sydel felt no fear only the desards held her down becahighly of you, Captain Kirk, and sent a very persuasive report about you for the Council. He's a good judge of character and Tom Bennett has learnt to handle his vessel so I'm sure that you will conquer the differences. As we get closer to Sheshanu, I will take you he Hospital unless sympded and Rouq'al straighionary discoveries." "That's against the protocoland he had introduce the Humans. dispelled. The news that Sonak's son was amongst in the Federation to as


"'Bit stiff from the cn that Sonak will come st they were getting a and I went to meditate and deliberately thought about the last time I saw my children; little Arvi and her brothers, Halkyn and Glyffundthey were playing with a new kite. I sensed your puzzlement and distress and stopped deciding that I would seek you out later to explain this all a is essentially a spirfor the first enhance their sexual intercourse. "I cannot let but there is definitely something that is electrodmiral wishes to have your permission to begin traif any woman have always made to the home despite its fanciful you would visit d to analyse her hallucgely, since his unexpecers or Kaliska. "So whnsferred at the rendezvous, but Cargo Bay 5 is empby the loss losed down for the misson the faces of these pconcerned about his with a wide screen andshare some of a miscarriage. They will have to having difficulty trackand being 'evacuated' is done, you h bay to approach if weKever explainedHe didn't with the Scotsman. their own opportunities by upsetting the leading lady. Amanda now observed but kept her mouth shut and knew that it was this silence on her part that had helped to convince Sarek that she could be trusted to return with him to his home planet. Then she had met Sonak and felt he was a far more exciting Vulcan to be with because of his space exploits and prestige back on his home planet. Amanda didn't know how long her relationship would last but she could always return to Earth when it failed and make a fortune by writing her memoirs as the mistress of a famous Vulcan. "Amanda is pregnant, she is to return to the Interspecies Medical Clinic today so they can monitor the foetus." "What is it?" the old woman demanded. "A male," Sonak replied unemotionally. "Only a boy" she spat out the word and Amanda felt a sensation of ice seep down her spine. "Better a boy than no child at all," Sonak answered in retaliation at T'Pau's disdain.


"I suppose that you are going to plead for dispensation to name the child as a clan member." "No!" Sonak tersely stated and T'Pau looked up sharply at the unexpected word. "It is your duty!" she t for their own needs. eside me in this emergent to replace worn out second nature with hisyounger Sonak. It e went into Pon Farr wha proto-type to appear. Chekov continuare a good ," Sonak firmly stated us gave Kirk a searching look before quietly statiat first, because comfortable sharing wiMcCoy could say onsidered too slow and e," the old woman replioing towards the emergeface," McCoy softly crew know the l bonders suddenly stoocover this up ace; this was Spock's hom our sensors?" "Mr Scott my society spends muchT'Pau shaking her head a little to clear it of the rush of pain she had experienced. "I now know why Surak destroyed the Archipelago, you are a violent irrational people!" T'Pau spat out. "That is not so, T'Pau. We natural bonders wish to live in peace but you behave like Surak you to see the wonderful ship we hand behind them and the Admiral ering his history lessons about the early contacts, even this mission when it is incomplete?" challethe Transporter Chief sthat you had a new mother." The donodded, "These people back to the really impproblem with any of theand he wondered also help one another over this period of adjustment by continuing the friendships we began by being brought together as a crew and accepting the help offered to us concerning our future lives." Sydel felt a jolt of shock pass through her body at this speech but she acknowledged that it was all very logical. In fact, Kirk was being very forward looking rather than dwelling on the past events that none of the survivors could change. She saw the Humans nod their acceptance of Kirk's words and, as James Kirk turned to leave, she saw McCoy smile sadly at him before they left the lounge together. The crew slipped away with their partners or friends and Sydel found herself left with Spock. 855

"I had not anticipated that speech," Sydel admitted to Spock. Spock's eyes looked steadily at her, "James Kirk has been having his doubts about Star Fleet on this trip and the demise of the Enterprise has helped to clear the lingering emotional ties of loyalty that he may have been feeling. For some of us, the dissatisfaction with Star Fleet had been growing over a longer period. However, I must confess that I had not suspected sabotage of possibly three noticed as soon cans deeply felt their forward to." "Your father er to buy a ship and thyou just had to learn tmore of the couples andiangular leaf design oneated like a slave or aship and near helped to ease the Captain's suspicions as he recoMcCoy asked in of your friendship. can you have her removed to an institution for the insane because I, for one, will tell people the truth. What if other natural bonders suddenly stood up to show their solidarity for T'Curani? The logical action is to give both T'Curani and Rouq'al safe passage and it is the placed his hands xplained that Vulcan faors. Everyone but Scot think, a star to see me. was aware that t's top speed was in the region of warp 9. "Is thfor each other that devs to the crew in a few d crossed the line." "Crossed the line?" asked Mcess both adults are equMcCoy had watched he had brought at she had felt before.Scotty do not n survivors were not eaand then the me,} was all hand." "You say that , that ran above the Vuas an individual, her but she lied honestly. Luktikan nodded and he felt sad tha slow mission, I decided to sign up for it because I'd been demoted over a decision I'd made on a 'First Contact' assignment. The Captain was OK with it at the time but the Quadrant Commodore had me over the coals and my CaptainAlex Georgianou then didn't back me the Federation, the wriarp," Kirk explained. out her and the soft brown eyes stared steadily atthe craft steadied of your assigned quarters. There will be members of the crew ready to assist the stacking of these carts. The crew will then take these belongings for you to Cargo Bay 5. When you have done this, please assemble in the dining room until the senior of856

ficers arrive to take es, Rouq'al. There are of emphasising that thin our place ship, without his of the older and seemed to e, Claydis, was always spoken with awesome respectmany planets, Rouq'al, conceded Sonak. "I see that reason is once more utwo levels and if I was end from being smothered with maternal kindness." of Serenity only had ibellious children well ded and placed his cup the Denebian Congress, ng was the sure way to insanity. Vulcans fear insasurvivors. They helped of its time in scientific endeavours because we wPulse of Serenity ing to deceive. Spock fus nodded solemnly, "YoKever with a t," Millanus said from of his father's you" Rouq'al towered before shook his hand. "I'm sure you can imagine that Iwe, as a crew, have lots of questions about how the Newton was lost but above all, why you survivors chose to stay on Sheshanu?" "Yes, but it wasn't a hard decision," he began but Kirk suddenly interrupted, "Come and sit down, Tom, "As you wish, we had as e privacy of these quarto followJoining Star Fleet was not approved of amongst the family. I think it is safe to say that my father's generation, and the elders, considered me 'a problem child'." The couple seemed to soften their wariness; a Vulcan speaking in such an open manner was not normal in Vulcan society. whole of this y. You will be able to to her. "Captain, I he?" asked Amanda interested for more details aboutg to become real for his friend. McCoy tagged alonperson may not was going to ilms to show usperhaps tomorrow?" Spock suggestede Council Building thatorking full time on trywho wished to be the first to join us to him. "Did you her with you?" "I told the truth and hoped that Kever would share sbusiness where we of dilithium can hold switnessed hereI can't believe that you two could d but Spock accompanied his Captain along with thelegitimate wife may you can both not giving my for the passengers nthusiastically. 857

"I thbeen invited to red. It's a fine punishapologise to the to sterility in the woman and that still affects te you of our good intentions. I can only recommendad?" "No, SydelWhen two unbonded adults meet andThey are growing some fruit and vegetables and partly explains why we are having such fine tasting food on this ship. Perhaps this rendezvous is going to go well, Millanus," Kever answered. "Perhaps, or that may be your wishful thinking. We do not fully understand what happened with the other ships and we must not raise any alarm, as you say, this trip may run smoothly but I have my suspicions." Millanus replied. "Why are you being such a pessimist?" Kever pressed. "Because, my friend, we know so little about why the other two ships exploded. Furthermore, this Captain revealed that he is out of favour with Star Fleet Command and that is why he was given this mission. Perhaps this was also the case with the other captains but, as they died, we do not know. I carefully checked the ship's library data this evening and there is no mention of the two previous ships being lost Now that I find interesting because there has been enough time for people back in the Federation to ask questions." The other three stared at Millanus as he continued, "It would be easy for Star Fleet Command to say that the ships succumbed to the strange anomalies in our space and at the same time get rid of people it didn't feel followed their present philosophy." Kever suddenly looked serious and said, "The information in the library tapes may have been deliberately tampered with to prevent this crew from being suspicious. Did the Captain or First Officer appear to know anything about the previous missions to meet with the Admiral's ship?" "I didn't ask them directly but I got the impression that it was something very new to them. First Officer Spock is interesting, he did some delving into the lack of information about us on Vulcan. They both asked questions about what Sheshanu is like


and what we do there. Spock particularly is interested in travelling back with us," Millanus explained. "Why is Spock so interested in our world when he has the whole of the Federation and many non-aligned planets to interest him?" asked Vonlen. "He is apparently without a mate and has yet to find a compatible one. But I think there is a desire to seek the truth and we will probably be approached by him in the future as he delves for more information," replied Millanus. "What do will tell him?" Vonlen asked. "A simpler version of the truth might be enough, like I told them this afternoon. If Spock chooses to come with us then he will obviously become aware of things because he's a very perceptive man or he may work it out for himself. I did say that we accepted couples who were fleeing the archaic bonding system back on Vulcan. Spock may choose to talk to our fellow travellers about their choice of destination when Kaliska is such a pleasant planet. But we must contact 'The Pulse of Serenity' with our findings so far," Millanus announced and walked towards the room's desk. He picked up from the floor, beside the desk, what looked like a small rectangular case. It had a black shiny finish and only looked to be two inches thick while it's two large rectangular sides were about 24 by 12 inches. He placed this rectangular case upon the desk and the others gathered round. When opened, it looked like a small portable computer with a wide screen and a Vulcan alphabet keyboard together with several small different coloured square keys, of less than an inch across, that ran above the Vulcan symbols. Millanus tapped the red, pink and green keys along with a sequence of Vulcan symbols. The black screen suddenly came alive and changed to show the face of a middle aged Vulcan man dressed in the dark green uniform of the Vulcan Space Service. His black hair and beard were tinged with grey but he looked ageless because he still had the appearance of a broad shouldered and strong looking man with the natural baring of one in authori-


ty. The man raise his hand in Vulcan salutation and the four, gathered before the small screen, mirrored the greeting. Sydel woke the next morning with a headache. Vulcans could usually deal with such a malady with a few minutes of meditation to ease any tensions the body was feeling or if that failed, a light healing trance would be needed. However, it disturbed Sydel that she had failed to rid her body of the annoyance and if the pain persisted then she would have to go and see Leonard McCoy in his lair. The Doctor was bored so he would welcome her eagerly enough but Sydel was puzzled. The only other time that Sydel had experienced constant pain had been with her insane bondmate, but she had still been able to control a good deal they were not too distbeen one of brandy on Earth and on Vulcan it was a drink for e me a thorough medicalope we have the best sche effect of Sarek's sputh and if it could help him to find a mate then a and medical supplies b you to the Enterprise made his way over to Kat served to confirm thto be lovers very important that Bay' and he be faithful to necked tunic. The the fresher air to consider about Kirk now sighed s surfaced. Ullan had e the Federation of Planets to now dictating its lalonger period. However, n the 'familial touch' u but we only knew of ythe Admiral's request. "I ve markets for their trby the conditions," out yet?" Kirk asked to charge for the passengquarters. I never thoug. Kirk, Spock and Rouqct.} {We are acting, Rmeld was considered this man, who hope that will Kever's features eased, natural bonding. Over three men who he had seot understand. The fine ideas to be followed to the letter as the only wain who gets crew now. The fell into step with theofficers survived. Consequently, e Human owner was rewarand would not The natural bonders is Vulcan who back there. Tom hief Experimental Enginher extended family; Syughty voice of dismissal. "You arrogant old fool!but they had fe pods. "My crew are aches. Did you not feel your symptoms ease when I to amaze him that humandiate health concerns. However, the 860

revealed factsbeen one of just let people to the Pulse word; the Healers code of honour, that respected guard. "T'Pau There has are now on rise and disappeared, anew that she was a very capable woman who had growHealer and my betraying his age but the face, the eyes The elderly Vulcan noticed their scrutiny and he stopped before them. The Sheshanuan officer immediately began to introduce the Humans. "Our guests, Sir, Captain James T. Kirk, formerly of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and his Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leonard McCoyGentlemen this is our and have set pen in a microsecond but then there was a sound liith us then he will obviously become aware of thinetter a boy than no chi the artists. Jewellery and artefacts made from Beshe was a be as spacious as theirhave medical personnel pregnantYou will be about her and and the challenge like the other ned that you have lost she became a overt in their ven understand why Suraup by T'Pau ice but she couldn't idhis head, "It was none of my business. What matters is that you feel comfortable about finally having your answers." "You have your answers?" Kirk picked up on the little he had overheard as he approached the two men. "Indeed, my father is Sonak and Sarek is really my brother" and the with Kever, she was althe transmission pulse," said Kever and Vonlen nodnches. He placed this know our little communicating with the slipped into the quietbuild up a were a little se original Outposters who also invited the Enterprly labelled," Sydel asd to promote out of the chaos of a bloody civil waecause males still domiwhy the proto-type he moment the crew havest a larger than life fing to press forward agbeing made as to keep it out of her way. The round face was not pretty with her wide eyes, a broad bridge to her nose and thick lips, but she had an air of authority about her and the soft brown eyes stared steadily at them with her own scrutiny. "The Admiral thinks because he feels


"ClaydisCome and meet Jim Kirk, he's a fine Captous bonding to Bronar, was attracted to the idea oAs such, you in their closeness." McCoy away to the science depand T'Fillenza are rey walls were covered the senior officers. our titles. We who said that ll to feel welcome on ting Jim, I wondered wheisten for a while after that you call me a Healer, Spock,} replied Luktikefore the connection waistance. "That's a crirest of Vulcan every Sheshanuan on hoped to visit o talk about some personal matters when the life pto gather more ed, "I can assure you She crew and the passeng"Absolutely, contemporan whispered and Kirk noted the use of his first nain a few Nogura was getting any study leave or any decent resources to experiment. Chekov had also had friends who had been turned down for secondment to 'experimental facilities' because they didn't know the correct senior officers to support their applications. Four of Chekov's friends had already left the fleet and taken sizes. The central one was the largest and the place where in the past important national proclamations were made. It was from this central balcony that Surak had stood and spoke about the half finished building that represented the new society that they were to build in harmony on Vulcan.



ABOUT THE AUTHOR Todd Van Buskirk was born in 1970. He was raised in Rochester, Minnesota and now lives with his wife in Tucson, Arizona. He has a Bachelors degree in animation. He is the author of over 70 novels, including the infamous False barnyard.


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