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LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012 deparT VancouVer

11:30 AM 3:35 PM Coach to YVR LH 493 to Frankfurt

1 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012


aMsTerdaM, BruGes

10:45 AM 12:10 PM 1:50 PM 2:50 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM

Arrival in Frankfurt LH 992 to Amsterdam Arrival in Amsterdam Pickup by coach at airport Anne Frank House - First Group Anne Frank House - Second Group Transfer to Bruges (240 km) Arrival at Europa Youth Hostel
Europa Hostel Baron Ruzettelaan 143 8310 Brugge/Assabroek - Belgium Tel. +32-50-352679 Fax. +32-50-353732

Welcome to Europe! Amsterdam, the largest city in the densely populated Netherlands (aka Holland) is our arrival point. The poignant Anne Frank House is a piece of modern history that serves as a reminder of a not-so-distant past when Europe was plunged into brutality and tyranny. It is a very personal glimpse into the small space in which Anne Frank spent the last few years of her short life.



If theres anyplace Id like to spend my first night in Europe, this has got to be it. Bruges is a beautifully preserved medieval city that died and was reborn as a key destination for European romantics in the late 19th century.

2 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

saTurday, March 10, 2012



9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM

Walk into Bruges Bell Tower Church of the Holy Blood Lunch Canal Ride Church of Our Lady Shopping / small group time Dinner in small groups Walk to Hostel Europa


Europa Hostel Baron Ruzettelaan 143 8310 Brugge/Assabroek - Belgium Tel. +32-50-352679 Fax. +32-50-353732

Bruges has remained unchanged in many ways since its medieval glory days. Discovered by a new class of Europeans in the 19th century - tourists - this former headquarters of the Hanseatic League has more bicycles than cars, and good thing, as Belgium is known for its great fries, chocolate, waffles (and beer).

3 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

sunday, March 11, 2012


ViMy and paris

8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM

Travel to Vimy (119km) Tour Vimy Ridge Travel to Paris (197km) Lunch on the bus Notre Dame Cathedral Tower Notre Dame Cathedral Tower Place de la Concorde Dinner at Rivoli Transfer to Hotel
Etap Hotel Alle des Guionnes ZA La Cerisaie 93240 STAINS FRANCE Tel : (+33)892683269 Fax : (+33)148217474

Vimy RidgE

In Northern France, the Battle of Vimy Ridge created the first true sense of Canadian unity. Forces from each of the provinces joined together and did what other Allied forces during the First World War had failed to do, storming the ridge and conquering a long-held German stronghold.


Welcome to Paris! Today we ascend the towers of Notre Dame for our first birds eye view of the city. There are many churches with this name in France, but this is THE Notre Dame Cathedral, built over many generations in the High Middle Ages. We will also visit the Place de la Concorde, where thousands of people lost their heads in the aftermath of the French Revolution. It is now guaranteed to be guillotine free.

4 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012



7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:15 AM 12:45 PM 1:45 PM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM

Transfer to Sacre Couer Transfer to Le Louvre Guided tour of the Louvre Lunch at Le Louvre Shopping/Touring in groups Bus pickup at Rivoli Arc de Triomphe / Tomb of Unknown Soldier Dinner at Monte Carlo Transfer to Hotel


Etap Hotel Alle des Guionnes ZA La Cerisaie 93240 STAINS FRANCE Tel : (+33)892683269 Fax : (+33)148217474

With so much to do and see in Paris, today could be nothing but busy. With Rens as our own personal chauffeur, we can fit in twice as much as a Metro tourist, and so we will! Starting with the surprisingly new Sacre Couer, we will get a view out over Paris from its only hill, Montmartre. Then its off the THE art museum of the western world Le Louvre, for an expert guided tour of a few of its tens of thousands of works of art. After lunch its time to cut you loose in your groups for a few hours, followed by Napoleons Arc De Triomphe. What a day.

5 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



8:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 2:35 PM 2:40 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM 9:00 PM

Transfer to Sainte Chapelle Tour of Sainte Chapelle (group 1 - 14) Tour of Sainte Chapelle (group 2 - 33) Tour of Latin Quarter and Lunch Transfer to Versailles Palace of Versailles (group 1) Palace of Versailles (group 2) Dinner at Rivoli Up the Eiffel Tower Transfer to Hotel
Etap Hotel Alle des Guionnes ZA La Cerisaie 93240 STAINS FRANCE Tel : (+33)892683269 Fax : (+33)148217474


We begin our morning with a difficult-to-get group entrance to the Sainte Chapelle church built to house the crown of thorns. Continuing our tour of the Left Bank we will tour the Latin Quarter, full of medieval history and donair stands. In the afternoon, we will tour the Chateau de Versailles - the grandest palace in Europe. After dinner, its up the Eiffel Tower, former tallest structure in the world, to the top level for our last look at the city of lights.

6 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



7:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM

Travel to Verdun (271 km) Early lunch stop Tour of Verdun Travel to Bacharach (275 km) Tour Bacharach Transfer to Hostel Burg Stahlek Dinner in Hostel
Burg Stahlek 55422 Bacharach, Germany phone: +49 6743 1266 fax: +49 6743 2684


The name Verdun was synonymous with death, destruction, devastation to a previous generation. The longest continuous battle in the history of modern warfare saw the end of many young mens lives and an entire region that once included 9 happy rural villages.


Bacharach, former capital of the Holy Roman Empire is one of many quaint little towns along the Rhine River complete with their own castle on the hill. In this town, though, the castle isnt a ruin and we get to sleep in it!

7 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012



8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Travel to Wurzburg (193 km) Wurzburg Residenz Tour Transfer to Rothenburg (67 km) Lunch on bus Cathedral of Rothenburg Kriminal Museum Scanvenger Hunt Rothenburg Transfer to Hotel Dinner in Hotel


Akzent Hotel Schrannenplatz 6 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber Phone: 0 98 61 - 95 50-0 Fax: 0 98 61 - 95 50-150

Though the French Armies of Louis XIV tried to completely demolish this castle, some of it is left standing for us to visit today.


There are actually quite a few Rothenburgs in Germany - but only one that is on the Tauber (river). Here you will compete in a scavenger hunt for the greatest German delicacy of all schneeballe. Mmmm.... Actually, Ill reward the winning team with extra Gelato scoops in Italy. Scavenger hunt on the next page. Those who attempt to bribe me for answers can expect harsh punishment at the Kriminal Museum.

8 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012


nureMBurG and praGue

8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM

Travel to Nuremburg (106 km) Nazi Documentation Centre Travel to Prague (297 km) Lunch on Bus Arrival in Prague - Wenceslas Square Museum of Communism Museum of Communism Dinner RESTAURACE U ESKCH PN
Hotel Yasmin Politickych veznu 913/12 110 00 PRAGUE 1 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 234 100 100 Fax: +420 234 100 101

If youve ever seen old film footage of huge Nazi rallies with Hitler speaking to throngs of supporters - this is where they took place. Hitlers vision of a gigantic Nazi Congress Hall here was never completed - the unfinished building now houses the Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelnde - the Nazi Documentation Centre.


It was in this city that the Soviet/communist hold on Eastern Europe started to lose its grip, as we will discover in the Museum of Communism.


9 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

saTurday, March 17, 2012



9:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM

Walking Tour of Prague old town/Jewish Lunch in groups Walk to Prague Castle Tour of Prague Castle Shopping/Dinner in groups
Hotel Yasmin Politickych veznu 913/12 110 00 PRAGUE 1 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 234 100 100 Fax: +420 234 100 101

The jewel of the east. Prague has been a city of great importance since its heyday as one of the centres of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is where East (Slavic) meets West (German), and one of the few cities in Europe to escape major bomb damage in World War II.


10 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

sunday, March 18, 2012



8:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM

Transfer to Vienna (341 km) Supermarket - buy lunch supplies Tour of Schnbrunn Palace / Zoo Transfer to Wombats City Hostel The Base Dinner at restaurant near hostel
Wombats CITY HOSTEL Vienna THE BASE Grangasse 6, A-1150 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 1 897 23 36 fax: +43 1 897 25 77


As the capital city of a tiny landlocked country, Vienna seems bigger and more self-important than it should be. That is because it was once the capital of an empire that stretched across Europe, and the homeplace of a family (the Hapsburgs) who were a true dynasty, ruling for over 600 years.

11 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012



9:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM

Visit to Natural History Museum Walk to Old Town - Visit Church Lunch in groups Tour of Opera House More Vienna Transfer to Hotel for Opera goers Dinner for Opera goers Drop off of opera goers, pick up of non opera Dinner for non opera goers
Wombats CITY HOSTEL Vienna THE BASE Grangasse 6, A-1150 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 1 897 23 36 fax: +43 1 897 25 77


The city of music, Vienna was home to many great composers, from Beethoven to Mozart, and continues to host some of the most spectacular opera and concerts in Europe.

12 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



8:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM

Transfer to Bled (404 km) Lunch Packets on bus Pletnas to Otok in Bled Bled Grad Hotel Dinner at Hotel

Garni Hotel Jadran C. svobode 12 4260 Bled, Slovenia Tel.: +386 4 579 1365 / +386 4 579 10 00 Fax: +386 4 574 1661 / +386 4 574 18 41 E-mail:


This little village boasts Slovenias only Otok, or island, a cliff hanging castle, and a lovely path all the way around the lake. Tito, former communist dictator of Yugoslavia, of which Slovenia was the northernmost province, had a little lakeside chalet here.

13 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012



8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM

Travel to Skocjan Caves (125 km) Tour of Skocjan Caves Lunch at picnic area Travel to Aquileia (70 km) Tour of ruins of Aquileia Travel to Venice (165 km) Stop at shopping centre/autogrill Arrive in Piazzale Roma, walk to hostel Arrive at Foresteria Valdese

Foresteria Valdese di Venezia Castello 5170 Calle Lunga Santa Maria Formosa, Venice 30123, Italy tel. 041-5286797 fax 041-2416238

skocjAn cAVEs
Slovenians are very proud of their caves. This Unesco World Heritage site was a big highlight on last years trip. Watch out for the human fish.

14 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

day oFF For rens! 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:45 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM


Walk to the Doges Palace Tour of the Doges Palace Tour of Saint Marcs Basilica Walking tour - hidden Venice Split into groups Lunch/Gondolas/Shopping/Dinner Meet at the Rialto for gelato Walk to Foresteria Valdese
Foresteria Valdese di Venezia Castello 5170 Calle Lunga Santa Maria Formosa, Venice 30123, Italy tel. 041-5286797 fax 041-2416238


I love Venice. Its a clich, but its true - Venice is another world. Its the only place I tell tour groups to get lost. With all the Per Marco and Per Rialto signs, youll always eventually find your way back somewhere, unless you take a wrong turn and end up in a canal. Enjoy a romantic gondola ride (not too romantic) with your group, some gelato, and some Venetian cuisine.

15 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012



8:30 AM 9:30 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM

Walk to Piazzale Roma Travel to Pisa (330 km) Road stop for lunch Tour of Campo dei Miracoli Travel to Levanto (104 km) Arrive at hostel Dinner at Moresco
Ospitalia del Mare Via S. Nicol 19015 Levanto (SP) tel. (+39) 0187 802562 Fax: 39-187-803696

Buon giorno! This is the ultimate Italy day. Wake up in Venice, walk one last time through its narrow winding alleys to Piazzale Roma. Then its off to Pisa to stumble up its famous Leaning Tower in the Piazza dei Miracoli. Enjoy being accosted by large groups of salesmen with umbrellas (if its raining), sunglasses (if its sunny), or large hand drums (like the one my wife bought in 2009). Then admire Rens skilled driving as we make our way down the tiny winding road winding roads to our home for the next two nights, a small village on the Mediterranean Sea, Levanto. End the day with the mouthwatering Italian cuisine at Ristorante Moresco. Finally get to bed in Ospitalia Del Mare, a former Roman Catholic Convent. That was one day?

16 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

saTurday, March 24, 2012


cinque Terre

8:30 AM 7:30 PM

Hike Cinque Terre Dinner at Moresco

Ospitalia del Mare Via S. Nicol 19015 Levanto (SP) tel. (+39) 0187 802562 Fax: 39-187-803696

Clocks forward 1 hour tonight!

Rain or shine, the paths linking these five (cinque) lands (terre) along the Mediterranean coast offer a different perspective on hiking. Italian biology students often visit this region to study the unique plant life. And for us, passing through olive groves and lemon orchards, we know were not in BC anymore. The Cinque Terre is in Liguria, the birthplace of pesto. Mmmm... pesto. The five towns that make up the stopping points along the route are all ancient Roman fishing villages, and many of the residents can trace their ancestry in the region back centuries. Devastating floods in October 2011 brought life in Vernazza and Monterosso to a standstill - they will still be digging out when we visit.

cinquE TERRE

17 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

sunday, March 25, 2012



8:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 8:00 PM

Travel to Florence (178 km) Visit Accademia Walking Tour of Florence Lunch/Mercato/Cathedral Dinner at La Bussola
Hotel Panorama Firenze Via Cavour, 60 50129 Firenze T: 39 055 2382043 F: 39 055 264404

The centre of the Renaissance, Florence is the city where Europe finally started to pull itself out of the Middle Ages. This is where the modern world was born. We will visit masterpieces of art and maybe do some bartering at the Mercato Nuevo today,


18 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012



8:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 7:30 PM

Travel to Siena (78 km) Catherines Head Lunch in Siena City Tower Siena Cathedral Dinner at La Bussola
Hotel Panorama Firenze Via Cavour, 60 50129 Firenze T: 39 055 2382043 F: 39 055 264404E

Rival city to Florence in the heyday of Italian city states, Siena failed to thrive the way its wealthier neighbours did during the Renaissance - which is our gain, as it remains a perfect example of Gothic (a.k.a. medieval) Italy. Youre the first LFMSS group to visit - we plan to see the sights around Il Campo, Sienas great central piazza, and perhaps get a glimpse at a very special relic of Catherine of Siena. We wont get to see the famous district vs. district horse race, the Palio, so heres a picture.

19 The Grand Tour

LFMSS Europe Tour 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Go hoMe!


9:20 AM 11:30 AM 1:30PM 2:35 PM 4:45 PM

Fly to Frankfurt (LH 309) Arrive Frankfurt Fly to Vancouver (LH 492) Arrive YVR Bus Arrives at LFMSS

Your Bedroom, Your House Langley, BC, Canada

jouRnAl: TuEsdAy, mARcH 27, 2012

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20 The Grand Tour

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