Islam and Scholorship in The Federal Republic of Germany

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ISLAM AND SCHOLORSHIP IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY The giga institute of middle east studies and the

goethe in stitute intend that the islam research lasting assistance towards the establishment of links between researchers.this should boost transfers of knowledge as part of ongoing dialogue, optimising co-operation between research institutions and mediators of culture. The islam research directory is this viewed as an instrument for the pormotion of dialogue. That objektive is pursued by way of sistematic stock-taking and net warking between scholars,journalists,and political decision-markers in islamic countries and their countertparts in german and european research set-ups and mediator institutions. The islam research directory receives financial support from the german federal ministry of co-operation. ISLAM DAN BEA SISWA DI FEDERAL REPUBLIC JERMAN Institut Giga studi timur tengah dan institut goethe bermaksud bahwa dictory penelitian islam harus memberikan bantuan yang langgeng bentukan hubungan antara peneliti. Ini harus meningkatkan transfer pengetahuan sebagai bagian dari dialog yang sedang berlangsung. Oftimising kerja sama antara lembaga penelitian dan mediator budaya. Direktori penelitian islam adalah ini dipandang sebagai alat untuk memajukan dialog,tujuan itulah dikejar dengan cara sistematis,saham mengambil dan kerja bersih antara akademisi,wartawan, dan pembuat keputusan politik dinegara negara islam dan rekan-rekan mereka di jerman dan set-up penelitian eropa dan lembaga mediator. Direktori penelitian islam menerima dukungan keuangan dari kementrian jerman kerjasama. 1. What the islam research boost something? 2. As the islam research directory viewed? 3. By what this objective is pursued 4. From where the islam directory receives financial support

EXPRESSION One the main objectives of the III &E in north america is to elevate the image of islam and muslims,and complementary objective is to integrate new muslims into the muslim comunity and train them islamically.

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