1 Term - Computer Networks Exam - January

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1st term - Computer Networks Exam - January, 24th 2012

Name: Rules: Write your answers in the empty spaces below. Duration 2 hours. 1. A 5.000-byte message is sent from computer A to computer B. The route from A to B goes through 9 different routers. Two alternatives are considered: (L1) 500-byte or (L2) 1.000-byte packets. Each data packet has a header (H) 100 bytes long. All links are 250 meters long and their propagation speed is 2.5 x 108 m/sec and 1 Gbps. a) What is the fastest choice?

b) According to the previous result: Can we affirm It is always better to use larger/smaller packet size? Explain why (or show a counterexample to prove it wrong).

2. Detail the application protocol dialog (client+server) required for obtaining an empty html file (one that just contains html begin and end tags: <html></html>). Assume HTTP version you want.

3. What is MIME? What is it needed for?

4. Write a few Java lines of code required for the detailed actions (no need to define classes, imports or methods. Ignore exceptions). a) A program connects using TCP to server server.upv.es port 99, it sends the text line Hello\r\n and it shows (on the standard output) the response line received.

b) A program that sends a UDP datagram containing the text string Hello\r\n to all the computers in the same subnet by using the broadcast address and destination port 99.

5. What are digital certificates for? How do you use them? Who does create them?

6. A client/server application uses a TCP connection. Client sends a 600-byte request. Server replies with a 3.400-byte response. Both ends MSS is 500 bytes. INS(C)=5.000, ISN(S)=8.000 (ISN stands for Initial Sequence Number) , WIN(C)=WIN(S)=1.500. Remember that initial congestion window is 2*MSS bytes. Both ends use delayed acknowledgements. Detail the evolution of the TCP connection from beginning to end in the next table: Sender ( C or S) Seq. Number Flags Ack. Number Data (first-last byte)

Fill the next table with the values (in bytes) just before closing the connection: CongWin Client Server Questions' score: 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 1 2 1 3 Threshold

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