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Milivoje Ivanievi


Since 11 July 1995, when the Serbs came back to Srebrenica by force of arms, the same way they were driven away, there have been rumors about a large number of the killed Moslems, primarily innocent Moslem civilians, elderly men, women and children. Over time, the figures were being multiplied to finally become incredible in size making it nowadays possible not only for the Hague Tribunal, Moslem religious and civil authorities, as expected and perhaps logical, but for the officials of other countries as well to talk about genocide. The list contains numerous non-governmental organizations, especially from Sarajevo and Belgrade, financed mostly by Soros, who have been rehashing, multiplying and constantly keeping the issue in the limelight. The dead Moslem fighters of Srebrenica are, now with no blame whatsoever, parts of various combinations of those who have never known them and who nowadays constantly and without any emotional ties laid claim to them and defend them. The imposed Srebrenica cult seems to be still keeping watch over our conscience and becoming a metaphor of almost unbelievable and, above all, even genocidal crime of the Serbian people against the innocent citizens of that Bosnian town misplaced in gorges and wilderness. Is it all true? Moslem campaigns until April 1993 In one of the seized documents of the Bosnian Army, to be mentioned again, we can literally read the following: In late January and early in February 1993, in controlled zone 8, this year has seen a large integrated free territory with the centre in Srebrenica, which includes 95% of Srebrenica commune territory, 90% of Bratunac commune, 60% of Vlasenica commune and 50% of Zvornik commune territory. Direct physical communication has been established with the commune centre of Zepa region.1 At the same time, the Moslems occupied, according to the same source of information, over 850km2 of the territory in the given communes. Only the communes of Srebrenica and Bratunac, out of 93 settlements in which the Serbs were also

Command 8. Srebrenica. 07.03.1994. Defense of the Republic, Military secret. In strict confidence to Morale Sector of the Second Corps, Item for the Chronicle Guidebook A BH. Ref. Conf. No. 04-1-364-2

living, 82 of them were destroyed (except for the villages of Crvica, Lijesce, Petric and Skelani in the commune of Srebrenica; in the commune of Bratunac the preserved, apart from the town itself, were the villages of Dubravuice, Jelah, Krasanovici, Pobrdje, Polom, Rekovac, Repovac and Slapasnica)2. Another 20 destroyed Serbian villages and hamlets in the communes of Vlasenica and Zvornik should be added to that number.3 Out of 9390 Serbs in the same region of Srebrenica commune after the Moslem campaign there remained in their houses 860 of them or 9%, and in Bratunac, out of 11500 ethnic Serb citizens, only 5391 or 47% mostly helped by the Serbs settled in the commune centre itself (3021 persons). Moslem campaign success was largely due to illegal, but in time well organized paramilitary units supplied by the weapons from the storehouse of the reserve police forces and home reserve. Besides, a large number of them, estimated at about 10000 from BH, was sent for military training to the Educational Centre of the Republic of Croatia. Nearly one thousand young men illegally left this region for Croatia. The letter sent to Executive Boards of SDA contains the instructions for sending the candidates to the given training. It was said that everybody was to have a recommendation of the party, etc. It was the indication that a military party unit had already been made. 4 In February 1992, they took from the storehouse of the home reserve factory even a three-barreled 22mm surface-to-air gun. A part of infantry weapons were bought by the bond issues floated in BH for employment purposes. Indeed, it was done secretly and only in the companies in which the managers were Moslems. Explosives were stolen from Sase mine on regular basis. Since the withdrawal of JNA troops from BH on 19 May 1992 until the establishment of Drina Corps of Republika Srpska Army on 1 November the same year the defense of Serbian villages was left to citizens themselves unable to efficiently fight against incomparably stronger Moslem units. Numerical superiority of Moslem military units over the Serbian ones, made at that time, remained evident throughout the war. As the Moslems took the weapons from the storehouses of the police and home reserve units, the Serbs took, sometimes by force, a lot of weapons, vehicles, ammunition, medical supplies, engineering equipment, radio stations from JNA which was withdrawing towards Yugoslavia. Moslem campaign against Serbian villages was a kind of national movement. After the soldiers the occupied villages were flooded by their relatives, neighbors and friends, as the second and third echelons, so called civilians: women, children, elderly people, carrying various implements and tools and taking away to their homes everything they could. According to the livestock statistics and the statements of the refugee citizens, the Moslems looted during their campaigns 7200 heads of cattle, 16200 heads of sheep and 38000 heads of poultry. Although the quantity of grains, particularly wheat and corn, is not known, it is safe to say that it was enough not only for winter needs but also for another season. After all, it

Standing mission SRY with UN, 2. June 1993. Memorandum on war crimes and crimes genocide in astern Bosnia (communes of Bratunac, Skelani, and Srebrenica ) committed against the Serbian population from April 1992. to April 1993, p. 8. 3 Among 82 already mentioned and destroyed villages in the communes of Srebrenica and Bratunac, we shall note only those in which there was the largest number of the killed Serbs. They are as follows: Medje, Oparci, Obadi and Spat, Ratkovici, Loznocka Rijeka, Brezani, Zagoni, Krnjici, Sase i Zapayje, Magasici, Hranca, Podravanje, Fakovici, Boljevici, Sikiric, Bjelovac, Brana Bacici, Jezestica, Kravica, Siljkovici, Skelani 4 Ref.: SDA, No. 1258-3-91, date: 11.07.1991. Signed by Acting Secretary Hasan Cengic. The address of the centre was already given: Strosmajerova St. 80, Zagreb, together with a note that they have to come on Wednesday, 17.07.1991 at 6 p.m The document is filed with the Prosecutors Office of the Tribunal.

was evident in the spring of 1993 when looking at the cultivated fields.5 If we spoke about starvation, it could have hit only the looted Serbian villages and the Serbian population in exile. The worst experience was suffered by the captured Serbs. These were mostly the elderly or the sick, psychically and physically handicapped, bed-ridden person, sometimes even the wounded, but their fate was, without exception, the same. They would be put out of their pains by the Moslem civilians who used tools (axes, metal and wooden bars) carried for breaking into other peoples houses. Some of the victims lost their lives in fire together with the houses used for shelter. In spite of all this and the suffering they were exposed to, the Serbs in Srebrenica region were even at that time under the strong pressure of propaganda that helped hide their sufferings and Moslem crimes. Srebrenica Moslems near defeat Following the formation and consolidation of commands and units of the Drina Corps, ealy in 1993 there began the Serbian counteroffensive that changed the military situation and led to a series of Moslem defeats. In fact, it was a forced Serbian reaction aiming at liberation of the lost villages and enabling the refugees to get back to their homes. The action was successful, in spite of small number of soldiers in the Corps and nearly in all the Brigades, due to educated commanding staff who helped in efficient use of available weapons and perfectly planned operations.6 In April 1993, there was a threat that the Moslem military forces would be defeated and finally crushed. It was an immediate cause to put Srebrenica, on the pretext of protecting civilians, under the protection of UN. The Moslem and their protectors found hard the defeat and expulsion from a larger part of earlier occupied territories. When the Serbs got back to their villages, the size of the destruction and suffering could be seen more clearly. Between April 1992 and April 1993, more than one thousand ethnic Serbs were killed, and out of that number more than a third ended their lives wounded by cold steel, or being burned down or massacred. This was reported by the Yugoslav government in a special Memorandum, transmitted on 2 June 1993 by Ambassador Dragomir Djokic, to the General Assembly and Security Council of the United Nations.7 However, the Memorandum referred only to two communes (Bratunac and Srebrenica and the village of Skelani in Srebrenica region) and the number of over one thousand killed persons together with 2800-3200 wounded people in that region. The text does not mention the sufferings of the Serbs in the outskirts of Vlasenica and Zvornik regions, where the same Moslem forces conducted their military operations as in the town of Srebrenica. The shocking insights were arrived at when the mass graves were disinterred on the hill of Glodjani and other sites in the commune of Zvornik.8 The Moslems cruelly, ritually and in the
Milivoje Ivanisevic: The Chronicle of Our Graveyard, Committee for Data Collection on Crimes against Humanity and International Law, Belgrade-Bratunac, 1994, pp. 106-107. 6 Commanding officer of the Moslem forces, Naser Oric, was educated in the police school while the units of the Drina Corps were commanded by General Milenko Zivkovic, born in the village of Ratkovici, Srebrenica region, and a few tens of senior officers, also born in BH, members of the armed forces of former JNA. 7 Ibid. 2 8 From 16 February 15 March 1993, seven mass graves were disinterred at the site of the hill of Glodjani (3), Kozjak, Tresnjica, Mesapica potok (Mesapic Brook) and Siroki put (Wide Path). A lot of massacred bodies could not be identified. The bodies, taken out of the pits, were decapitated, without one of the extremities, with

manner of holy warriors and jihad, mostly by cold steel, killed nearly 250 civilians and captives from the neighboring villages, the largest number of them being from Serbian hamlets of Kamenica village.9, Naser Oric and nine other outstanding fellow-soldiers were decorated, upon the decree of BH President Alija Izetbegovic, for such a deed by the highest BH Army medal, Golden Lily. The final list of Serbian victims in Srebrenica region, called Birac, which is in the zone of responsibility of the 8th Maneuver Group of BH Army, with the headquarters in Srebrenica and under the command of Naser Oric, was made much later, and was published on the tenth anniversary of Srebrenica liberation on two occasions, first in a special supplement to the most widely read Belgrade newspaper Vecernje novosti of 13 June 2005 and in a later edition only for BH, with the circulation of more than 400000 copies. At the same time, there appeared a special brochure, published by the Center for Crime Investigation against the Serbian Population in Belgrade, with the list of the names of all the given victims (Knjiga mrtvih Srba, postradalih 1992-1995) (Dead Serbs Book, number of victims from 1992-1995). The second, unrevised, edition was published in 2006 and sent to more than one thousand addresses, mostly foreign missions and international organizations with their offices in BH and Serbia. The given list contains the names of 3262 Serbian victims. According to previous data about 27%, or 880 killed persons, were the members of military and police forces. The rest of them, or 73%, i.e. 2383 victims, were civilians. The largest number of victims was recorded in 1992. That year saw in Srebrenica 71% of all victims, and in Bratunac 64%.10 The list of the given Serbian victims is uncontroversial, among other things because the deceased, often with delay, were buried with a proper service, and the names can be found in ministers registers. The photos of most Serbian victims in Srebrenica district, namely Birca, are to be seen in memorial halls of those commune centers that are on the territory of the Republic of Srpska. Even in some companies, as well as in most commune centers of the RS, the monuments or plaques were put up in memory of the local victims. Safe area When the Moslems invasions and crimes were over in Srebrenica region, in this part of the Middle Podrinje, early in February 1993, the Moslem civilians and in a larger measure their soldiers were panic and fear-stricken. They were mostly afraid of being given the same as received. Then a powerful protector appeared, saving them not only from the final defeat but releasing them from any responsibility for the perpetrated crimes and soon afterwards in the public eyes turning them into innocent, sick and starving suffering people without a shelter, bread and medical supplies. The Western media competed in dramatic writing about Srebrenica. A lot of humanitarian organizations were on the alert. Humanitarian aid delivery was intensified. Apart from road transport, airplane one was in action. For more than three months, from March to June 1993 about 1900 tons of food and medical supplies were dropped by parachutes. 11 In the amateur radio station T-91 BIM message, about 3 p.m., on 7 February
nails and iron bars in the skulls, without scrotum, eyes, with chained hands and legs, and the bodies charred by fire. Only three victims were killed by fire-arms. All that was found by an expert team headed by Dr Zoran Stankovic, a pathologist at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. 9 For more details, see: Milivoje Ivanisevic, Zloini nad Srbima u BiH 1992-1995 (Crimes against the Serbs in BH 1992-1995), Udruenje Srba iz BiH u Srbiji i igoja tampa, Beograd, 2005, p. 207. 10 Data filed with the Center for Crime Investigation against the Serbs, Belgrade. 11 Jan Vilhelm Honing and Norbert Bot: Srebrenica Testimonies about a War Crime (Srebrenica ), Radio B-92, Belgrade 1997, p. 93.

1993, a Murat (probably Efendic) from Sarajevo informs a Ibrahim (probably Becirovic) that Soros Foundation pays and sends one page messages on the situation in Srebrenica to New York Times. 12 Soon after that there was an alarming report, better to say a propaganda pamphlet, written by Doctor Simon Mardel, member of the humanitarian organization Doctors beyond Borders, in which it was said that 20-30 people died in Srebrenica every day.13 If it were true, it would mean that there were hundreds of killed a month, the nonexistent number of Moslems since the beginning of war until those days in March 1993. Even Naser Oric in his book says that during two years and a half they had only 1912 killed people.14 Because of the false reports, constantly sent abroad, mostly via amateur radio stations, Philippe Morillon, then UNPROFOR commander in Bosnia, had to send away Dr Mardel from Srebrenica15 The Serbs, being aware of the make-believe and the efforts to protect not civilians but the Moslem army, agreed to stop armed operations. President Radovan Karadi sent a letter to General Valgren reporting as follows: We are not keeping Srebrenica under siege. Moslem forces are still keeping more than ten Serbian villages and we do not know anything about the fate of the Serbs there. As you will probably hear, in the villages we have recently liberated, we have found more than ten mass graves sites and not a living civilian. 16 Security Council passed on 16 April 1993 Resolution 819 and declared Srebrenica a protected zone. The Serbs and Moslem had the task to make Srebrenica safe. The same day, president of the Serb Republic, Radovan Karadzic, respecting the SC Resolution, issued an order to the Army of Serb Republic for cease fire in Srebrenica and the vicinity areas, except in self defense.17 Unfortunately a similar order has never been given either by BH President or BH Army Headquarters (It can be understood as a first sign that Moslems will not respect UN Resolution and agree on disarmament). The following day, the Canadian UNPROFOR unit entered the town with 143 soldiers. Two days after the adoption of Resolution 819 SC (18 April 1993), General Ratko Mladic, on Serbian side, and Sefer Halilovic on the Moslem side, agreed, after hard and long negotiations lasting uninterruptedly for nearly fourteen hours, that the Moslems would hand in their weapons not to the Serb Republic Army, required at first by General Ratko Mladic, but to UNPROFOR not later than 72 hours after the arrival of the Canadian in Srebrenica. It was also agreed to exchange the captives and that the Serbs would allow the Moslems to evacuate

Five radio amateurs could be heard in Srebrenica every day (calling password were T-91BIM, T-91ESR), and from Cerska and Kamenica two radio amateurs, always talking in panic abour starvation, sickness and suffering; the messages were taken over and sent on by an amateur from Macedonia (Zijad Sinanovic, a JNA officer) to Sweden (calling password SM5EMR) and Montenegro (a possible tel. No. 082-53-281). In the message of 31 January 1993, about 4 p.m., the aforementioned Murat said that he had over an embassy (not mentioned) informed in English and Serbian the world public about the situation in Srebrenica and that he would on the following Friday talk about the genocide in Srebrenica. He estimated the war damages on 191.000.000 DM. 13 Nijaz Masic: Srebrenica Aggression, Resistance, Betrayal, Genocide, Srebrenica commune, 1999, p. 151 (Srebrenica agresija, otpor, izdaja, genocide, opstina Srebrenica, 1999, str. 151) 14 Oric Naser: Srebrenica Testifies and Accuses Genocide against the Bosnians in Eastern Bosnia (Middle Podrinje ), April 1992-September 1994, Published by the Commune of Srebrenica, Srebrenica-Malm-Ljubljana, 1995. (Srebrenica svjedoci i optuzuje genocide nad Bosnjacima u istocnoj Bosni (srednje Podrinje, april 1992septembar 1994, Izdavac opcina Srebrenica, Srebrenica-Malme-Ljubljana, 1995). 15 Ibidem 12. 16 War Letter of Dr Radovan Karadzic, International Board for the Truth about Radovan Karadzic, Belgrade, 2004, p. 221 ( , , 2004. . 221). 17 Serb Republic, Presidents office: To the headquarters of Serb republic Army, in strict confidence No. 0153/93. 16. 04.1993. Order in possession of the Hague Tribunal.


by helicopters about 500 wounded and the sick.18 That gesture was another evidence of Serbian side tolerance and the Moslem side never responded the same way. On the contrary, the following day, after the agreement was made and the zone declared protected, the Moslems fraudulently at two different sites killed six Serbian soldiers and many other wounded in an ambush.19 Apart from their treacherous act, General Mladic remained at his previous decision to let the Moslems evacuate their wounded and sick soldiers. Generals Ratko Mladic and Sefer Halilovic, in the document signed on 8 May 1993, agreed that the demilitarized region border would stay within the existent line of confrontation, which was, considering the situation in the field, along the line of five and a half kilometers wide and about two and a half kilometers long.20 Such a territory could only be effectively protected and controlled by UNPROFOR units of medium size mechanized infantry battalion. (The document provided for a smaller unit at least a company with its headquarters and logistics). In the same document it was agreed as follows: Handing in of the weapons (of the Moslem side, of course, authors note) will be monitored by a team of three officers on both sides together with UNPROFOR officer, who will decide on the place to hand in the weapons.21 It was also provided for that:No soldier (referring to both sides, authors note) in the DMZ, or who wants to enter it, except for UNPROFOR members, is not allowed to carry arms, explosives or ammunition.22 However, disregarding the reached agreement of 8 May 1993, the Moslems never either agreed on the establishment of the commission to monitor disarmament or forbid carrying and use of arms in the DMZ. The same refers to UNPROFOR. The Moslems refused to obey the suggested border line as well. They were still keeping under their control, and even make larger, the territory stretching over about 150 km2, which, apart from Srebrenica, partly or wholly also enclosed the villages of babuljice, Bajramovici, Bostahovine, Brakovci, Bucinovici, Bucje, Gornji i Donji Potocari, Dimnici, Dobrak, Fojhar, Gladovici, Karacici, Krusev Do, Kutuzero, Likari, Lipovac, Luka, Ljeskovik, Medje, Miholjevine, Milacevici, Mocevici, Opetci, Osatica, Osmace, Pale, Palez, Pecista, Podgaj, Postolje, Poznanovici, Prohici, Radjenovici, Skenderovici, Slatina, Suceska, Staroglavice, Sulice, Subin, Tokoljak, Zedanjsko. Apart from the mentioned completely or mostly Moslem villages, under their control, or better to say under their occupation, they had a number of Serbian or mostly Serbian villages and hamlets, the situation of which was reported to General Valgren by the Serb Republic President Dr Radovan Karadzic as early as of 4 April 1993.23 The villages are as follows: ievii, Gostilj, Mala daljegota, Medje, Moevii, Osredak, Obadi, Postolje, Podravanje, pribidoli, Pusmulii, radoevii, ratkovii, Viogor, Radovii, Sase. That zone was joined bz a number of Bratunac commune villages: Pirii, Jagljii, Bljeeva, Zagoni, Zapolje.... In Serbian villages there were almost no Moslems, but were controlled by their armed forces without the possibility for the Serbs to get back to their homes. In other words, the Moslems
The document is entitled as follows: Srebrenica and Zepa Demilitarization Agreement, concluded on 08 May 1993 between General Ratko Mladic and General Sefer Halilovic in the presence of General Philippe Morillon. Article 8 provided for the evacuation of seriously wounded or sick to hospitals and places of their choice. 19 The attacks were carried out at the site of Mocevici village and Kvarc hillside, 17 April 1993. The following Serbian soldiers were killed:Milenko (Radenko) Grbic, Dragan (Luka) Lalovic, Elvis Ivancevic, Jugoslav Jungic, Milan Milanovic and Bozo (Danilo) Stevic. (Ibidem 5, p. 94). 20 Ibidem 13, Article 1. 21 Ibidem 13, Article 3 22 Ibidem 13, Article 5. 23 Ibidem 16, p.221

acted at their will and as suited to them. They constantly made efforts to be protected, but in no way disarmed. To control and protect such a large area a battalion unit was not enough but much stronger ones UNPROFOR was not able or did not want to provide. At any rate, it was absurd that so strong and numerous Moslem units should be protected. Similar was, most probably, the UNPROFOR headquarters estimate. It was known that everything had been devastated in the occupied Serbian villages, but it was not known why the Serbs were not allowed to get back to their homes. The occupation and control of the Serbian villages by the Moslems was neither properly reacted by UNPROFOR nor the high UN representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The occupation and control of the protected Serbian villages zone was inexplicable for civil and military authorities of the Serb Republic and considered the break of all agreed standards. There was an impression that the zone was protected against the Serbs to get back to their homes.

Unexpected role of the UN Nobody could believe that the hiding center of Moslem crimes, circulation and spreading of fabricated accusations, even of concrete actions against the Serbs is the very administration of UN. When talking about international organizations, it was believed for a long time, and not without reasons, that the main, and sometimes the only actor of all this was the Hague Tribunal. Apart from international institutions and UN, considered to be neutral, it was known that the NATO members, presenting themselves in public as the international community, had constantly supported secessionist movements who were hostile, together with their supporters, to Serbian nation. There was no difference in their attitude to the Serb in Yugoslavia and to those in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is true that some of the countries were not so harsh, but they were in minority. The surprise is that UN is not neutral and that it supports the Moslem side. It took a long time to realize that, nearly ten years, being constantly doubting the truth of it. Searching for no motives and encouragements of such attitudes, we shall look into some particular cases related to the events in Srebrenica. What was going on and directed by the UN at other regions of former Yugoslavia is something yet to be investigated. These results will help us have additional and clear insights in what we have already reached at about Srebrenica. Only five days after Srebrenica had been proclaimed a safe area, UNPROFOR Commander, Swedish general Valgren, announced in Zagreb as early as on 21 April 1993 that the demilitarization was over. Based on the reports received from my officers in Srebrenica, I can confirm that the town has been demilitarized today.24 Professionally and with officers code of honor, he disowned himself. It was even said that the demilitarization had been finished at noon. If it had not been true, the reporting officers were to be blamed for. In fact, encouraged by the USA and some other western countries, the policy of the UN, strictly followed by the then UN assistant secretary general for peacekeeping operations Kofi Annan, was the intention not to disarm the Moslems. Carrying on such policies, Kofi Annan, only two days later (23 April) sent a confidential message to General Valgren informing him of the visit of Security Council delegation headed by Venezuela Ambassador. The message
Jan Vilhelm Honing and Norbert Both: Srebrenica Testimonies about a War Crime, Radio B92, Belgrade 1997, p. 113.

reads as follows: Having in mind your public statements that Srebrenica is completely demilitarized, I do not see any need for UNPROFOR role in searching for weapons from door to door. Undoubtedly, you will be informed by Security Council delegation, coming to a visit, with a firm view held by several members, that UNPROFOR must not too actively be engaged in disarmament of the victims.25 It was the way, following Kofi Annans intervention, to get around the Resolution of SC and of keeping Moslem armed forces and terrorist gangs in Srebrenica. The same practice was seen in Gorazde and BihacA few years later, the real impact of American and Annans intervention to help the Moslems could have been seen. The Moslem forces became the NATO alliance infantry. It was just the beginning of prejudiced attitude in the case of Srebrenica. A major Yugoslav document on the suffering of the Serbs in Srebrenica was covered up in the UN Secretariat.26 The same document was covered up by Kofi Annan in his report on Srebrenica events to General Assembly on 15 November 1999. In the same report he refers to the book by Naser Oric27, who writes about the sufferings of the Moslems28 but is silent on earlier published and sent book by Milivoje Ivanisevic who writes about the sufferings of the Serbs in Srebrenica.29 At the beginning, in the second passage, he cited an unbelievable untruth of the Hague Tribunal prosecutor: The evidence supplied by the prosecutor describes the scenes of incredible savagery: thousands of men were killed and put into mass graves, hundreds of men were buried alive, men and women were crippled and slit, children killed in front of their mothers, a grandfather forced to eat his grandchilds liver. These are the real scenes of hell written on the darkest pages of human history.30 The Hague Prosecution Office has in vain been looking after the witnesses of these Annans crimes for more than ten years. Nobody has ever seen such things even the Moslems in Srebrenica. What was reported is an unscrupulous deception of the international public and the UN General Assembly. Neither the grandfather was found, and never existed, who was forced to eat up his grandchilds liver, nor the mothers whose children were killed in their presence, nor the crippled and slit men and women, all that were fabricated, together with the Moslems buried alive. The things found in the report written by Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, belong to the darkest pages of propaganda against one people. Due to his attitudes and acts, Mr. Kofi Annan will be remembered as a dishonorable man, diplomat and an official of the UN. And in reference to Srebrenica case, the UN will remain an institution hardly relying on the truth. An eyewitness of what was going on in the UN during the war in BH is Nikola Moravevi, a history professor, and for some time Vice-Chancellor at Illinois University in Chicago. He talked about it in the interview given to Veernje novosti,31 entitled : We are making the same Mistakes. On that occasion he also said the following: I was lucky, while being ViceChancellor at University of Illinois, to meet Boutros Boutros-Ghali who let me have a look into the archives. It is perhaps too much to say that what I found was shocking, but I came to the documents showing that in the Secretariat of the Security Council there was a team adding Serbian crimes to the report from Bosnia and Kosovo, and modifying or nearly hiding those committed by the other side in the conflict. I was also surprised that the information channels
25 26

Ibidem, p. 114. See footnote 2 27 Ibidem 11. 28 Ibidem 9. 29 See footnote 3. 30 Secretary Generals report to the UN General Assembly dated 15 November 1999. 31 Veernje novosti of 18 December 2006.

were mostly pretty clean and that the offices in the Security Council used them as to prove monstrosity of the Serbs. I found and wrote about that in my book32 that the report of the first UN commander in Bosnia Satish Nambiar, concerning the crimes of Bosnian Moslems, was taken off the meeting agenda. It is a regular report submitted the Security Council by Nambiar after a year of commanding the UNPROFOR units in which, among other things, he writes about the crimes the Bosnian Moslems and Croats committed against the Serbian population. Nikola Moravcevic also testifies to the following: Madeleine Albright required from Boutros Ghali to drop Nambiars evidence. The same fate befell a part of Racak report, which was the cause of bombing Serbia.33 The recipe used during the war in Bosnia was quite simple. The reports on the sufferings of the Serbs were put away in the archives and their contents, through the UN, could never be disclosed. On the other side, the reports on the sufferings of the Moslems, rapes, persecution and killings, usually fabricated in secret with the number of suffering people, reached the agenda of the UN Security Council. The consequences were always the same: resolutions were passed with ever severe sanctions against Serbia on both the sides of the Drina. Soon after that, our settlements were attacked by bombing fighters and missiles. Local troubles of Srebrenica citizens There are a lot of testimonies, mostly given by townspeople but also by foreigners coming and staying in the town during the war from May 1992, and especially from 17 April 1993, up to the mid-July 1995, that is until the town was under the protection of the UN. On this occasion we shall mostly take the opinions of Srebrenica people themselves. The experiences of all of them neither speak well about the living conditions in the town nor about the established regime. According to some of them, the local misunderstandings, quarrels, conflicts and intolerance, were caused by underhand dealings with food distribution and other daily needs, especially with humanitarian aid supplied by road and air. Ordinary people complained that most of it was being taken by those already well-to-do and who came there with a lot of supplies taken from occupied Serbian villages. These problems were considered by the local people worse than armed conflicts. The situation should not have been that way. In spring 1993, 12000 people left Srebrenica. That fact made the problem of food supplies easier. In spite of that, there were hungry people, those without firewood at home, without clothes and shoes. At the same time, the local market was full of various goods, especially those coming as a humanitarian aid. That was the cause of permanent discontent of the local people, social unrest, rape, plunder, theft, prostitutionIn most of the houses the only money available was that earned by the girls going out with the UPROFOR soldiers. In one of the two revolts there were scuffles. In the centre of the town a former department store, with humanitarian aid supplies, was broken into, robbed and completely burned down. The same day the police conducted energetic investigation and interrogated tens of people being in the center at that time. Later, the Moslem tried to show the object as the target of Serbian shelling, but the dirtz trick was not successful. The burnt down building remained for a long time an eyesore of the town. The whole situation made a lot of people on flight and desertion from the enclave to other regions under the Moslem control, mostly to Tuzla, and to Yugoslavia and Serbia as

32 33

Nikola Moravevi: Svetlosti Zapada (The Lights of the West), Prosveta, Belgrade, 2003. Ibidem.

well.34 Early in April 1994, two Moslem girls came to Bratunac at an advance stage of pregnancy. Both of them were 15 and were rape victims of Nasers soldiers. We cannot mention their names. Both of them, .S. and V.D., made official statements to the police of Bratunac on 04 April 1994. After the liberation of Srebrenica, a girl from Italy was found in a deserted house. The Italian Embassy in Belgrade was informed about that. After the visit of their military attach, the girl was sent to psychiatric hospital in Sokolac. How did she come to Srebrenica and what was happening to her is still unknown. Otherwise, about the situation in the enclave, as well as the revolts, especially in the town itself, there are numerous testimonies, probably kept in the departments of RS in jurisdiction. It is enough just to refer to the statement of Ibre Mustafic, a former district council chairman and a founder of SDA Srebrenica, given to Junge Welt and published in the Belgrade paper Dnevni telegraf ,35 who says that the Mob ruled the town. He also says the following: Not a dollar received as relief supplies has ever been given to civilians. 36 Other people say that the conflicts were due to reasons of prestige between military and civil authorities and individuals working in the given offices. Arms were more often used in these conflicts than in the previously mentioned cases, the proof of which is the statement given by Ibre Mustafic. He also says that he had no influence in spite of being district council chairman, adding that the local Mob on two occasions tried to kill him. In one of the attacks he was seriously injured. The mob killed a close friend of his, the police chief in Srebrenica.37 The proof that assassinations were not just a rare occurrence is the case of Nurif Rizvanovic. 38 Without doubt, as the most outstanding figure in the armed forces in Srebrenica, Bratunac, Konjevic Polje, Kasabe, Cerska..., a degraded major of the JNA, he was a latent threat for Naser Orics office. However, apart from Naser Oric, he had never been favoured by Alija Izetbegovic. He was killed in an ambush in his homevillage of Glogovo in February 1993 a month or so after a successful campaign against the Serbian villages of Kravica,Jezestica, Siljkovici, which was carried out on 7 January, on the Orthodox Christmas.39 The successful campaign was one of the conflict reasons with Naser Oric. After the murder of Nurif Rizvanovic, the rumor was spread out that he worked for the Serbian intelligence service and that he was a spy. The Moslems accepted it as the truth. The question of responsibility has never been raised. The life in Srebrenica and the neighboring villages was peaceful for a long time. Rare were those who were either unsatisfied or touched by poverty. Especially, it was the case with military establishment and their leader described in an American newspaper article as follows: Lolling on a comfortable couch, dressed from top to toe in camouflage uniform, with American Army badge proudly put oncommander Oric is the strongest man in this Moslem town,40 he is Rambo from Srebrenica. A proper uniform with a proper badge!
It is impossible to cite many hundreds of documents of some brigade headquarters and Division 28 informing a higher command on desertions, most often under arms, sometimes with whole families, to nowhere and requiring to arrest them if noticed in the region. 35 Dnevni telegraf, Belgrade, 21.6.1996. (?). 36 Ibidem. 37 Ibidem 28. 38 Nurif Rizvanovic, a former JNA officer, was, as a German intelligence agent, sentenced to 7 year imprisonment together with a group of collaborators. After completing his sentence, he started the detective agency Laufer in Novo Mesto (Slovenia). Before the armed conflicts in BH, as a chairman of the Moslem National Council, he was purchasing and supplying weapons for the Moslems in the region of Srebrenica. In November 1992, from Tuzla he came to the village of Glogovo (Bratunac commune). 39 R. Motika: Nasers death-firman, Sunday paper Javnost, 13 August 1994, p. 22. 40 Washington Post. Srebrenica report, 14 February, 1994.


Krivaja-95 Campaign It is important to find the causes that led to Srebrenica campaign of 1995 (in military terms perfectly carried out), known and planned in the Drina Corps of the Serb Republic Army as Krivaja-95. The aim of the action was not the expulsion of the Moslem Army, especially of civilians, from Srebrenica. The proof of that are the statements and testimonies of those engaged but also the available documents, especially the commands orders of the brigades that took part in the operation, of the Drina Corps and Supreme Headquarters of the Serb Republic Army. There was no order to occupy Srebrenica. That was the conclusion reached at by the Royal Dutch Institute for Maritime Records. The same opinion was of Jean-Rene Ruez, chief investigator of the Hague Tribunal for Srebrenica. In an interview for Sarajevo weekly Dani he was asked as follows: Do you have elements to prove the plans for these massacres?, and replied: No, there were no plans. Occupation of the enclave was not planned. The plan of the campaign was made on 5 July. The original plan was to reduce the enclave to Srebrenica and make of it an open air refugee camp as to enable the UN to evacuate the zone. A further question: That statement is based on the documents in your possession? Ruez: Yes, completely. 41 The same argument comes from a famous French lawyer, Jacque Verzes, quoting the words of General P. Morillon: I am convinced that the people in Srebrenica were victims of higher interests, those with a center in Sarajevo and New York, but positively not in Paris.42 For the Serbs, the aim of Krivaja-95 campaign was to reduce the territory to the size defined in April 1993 when Srebrenica was declared safe zone, i.e. to the urban area of the town.43 The reasons of Serbian action for the reduction of the territory in possession of the Moslems were sufficiently convincing and uncontroversial. The major ones were frequent Moslem attacks on surrounding Serbian settlements and ambushes behind the Serbian defense lines, resulting in permanent losses of lives. In order to defend the settlements and people against Moslem attacks from the occupied territories, the Serb republic Army had to engage a lot of military capacities for a long time. Of no use were a few warning signs around the zone: DEMILITARIZED ZONE, every military operation is strictly forbidden, Article 60, Protocol 1, Geneva Convention. For the Moslems, the warning did not have any sense. The defense lines of the surrounding Serbian villages had armed units of Bratunac and Milici brigades, together with fortified Skelani battalion and Yvornik brigade. The same tasks were given to the police forces from Bratunac, Vlasenica, Milici and Zvornik. Military and civil authorities of the Serb Republic put up with the situation and tried hard to calm down the local people hoping that the Moslems would be finally disarmed. Such atmosphere lasted for more than two years. On several occasions, a possible revolt of civilians and refugees could break out because they were for unknown reasons found in the safe zone. During that time, the Army of the Serb Republic did not have any major international legal and political ground to refrain from military campaign against 28 Division of BH Army. Those units in Srebrenica, disrespecting the given Geneva Convention, were legitimate military targets for the Serbian armed forces at the very moment of defining the safe zone. The same Serbian right because the Moslems did not withdraw to the safe area, were not
Weekly magazine DANI Sarajevo, 04 May, 2001, p. 20 Jacques Verzes: Justice for Serbian People, Lausanne, 2003. 43 Drina Corps Command: Order for Active Personnel, Strictly conf. No. 04-156-2 of 02 July 1995. Military secret, strictly confidential, copy 3, Krivaja-95.
42 41


disarmed and continued their attacks on the surrounding Serbian villages was legitimate even when the campaign was over in July 1995. However, when the units of the Drina Corps began to realize Krivaja-95 plan, the officials of the UN and especially those in BH felt pretty much uneasy. For the command of this campaign, carried out with inappropriately small number of soldiers and technical equipment, it was a surprise that the Moslems gave up the defense not only of the Serbian safe area but of Srebrenica itself as well. The Moslem forces, following the order and the plan of the higher command, left for Tuzla. No variant of the relatively detailed plan of Krivaja-95 campaign provided for the Moslems to leave Srebrenica. It was also not planned for the Serbian forces to enter the town. Facing the unexpected circumstances, the Serbs did what every army in the same situation would do; they entered undefended and deserted Srebrenica. In July 1995 again, as in the spring of 1993, there was a great concern for the fate of the Moslem army. The rescuing action of 28 Division of BH Army was on the move; quite certain loss of lives and a possible defeat without a substantial help to defend the safe zone and Srebrenica itself could not be allowed. Those soldiers were already planned for operation Balkan Storm, that should have already started, with the battlefield stretching for several hundred kilometers, from Trebinje in the south, via Sarajevo and Srebrenica, to Bosanska Kostajnica and the river Una in the north of the Serb Republic. Soon after that, there was a military review in Tuzla where on the grandstand, among other guests, were one beside the other, commander of 28 Division brigadier Naser Oric and BH Chairman of the Presidency, namely the Supreme Commander of BH Army, Alija Izetbegovic. This review shows that the units did not leave the safe zone without a plan or at will. On the contrary, following the orders, it marched in dignity before the Supreme Commander and the guests of honor. Many indications show that the joint Croatian-Moslem command, following the plan and at the request of the supposed foreign factor, intended just in those days finally to take an action planned as early as of the autumn of 1992. What suggests such a conclusion? Above all, that is an unexpectedly detailed American plan which even then, according to the view of well informed and high-ranking military analysts George Kenney from Carnegie Trust and Michael Duggan, a retired US air force Chief of Staff provided for military, probably NATO campaign in the final combat with the Serbian aggression in the Balkans.44 Serbian

The most interesting part of that plan reads as follows: The third step is the active two-part state of war: first, the destruction of Serbian forces in Bosnia and, second, a concentrated campaign against Serbia itself. In the first part, the USA will use AVAX airplanes and F-15 fighters as to show evident allied supremacy over the whole territory of the former Yugoslavia. Primary targets of air raids, in that sense, are Serbian heavy artillery and armored units in Bosnia. British and French infiltration teams are deploying battery radars in order locate Serbian artillery sites nearby the siege zone. From the base in Italy and off the aircraft carrier in the Adriatic, American fighter F-15, F-16, F-18 and F-111 systematically neutralizes Serbian artillery units, while the fighters destroy them. Desperation, however, can make the Serbs check the determination of the coalition (that is NATO, note: M.I.) by sending fresh forces to BosniaIt could be done by restarting the conflicts in Croatia or starting diversionist war at Kosovo, or anything like that. Such an action of theirs would facilitate the second part: destruction of important targets in Serbia by American fighters and Tomahawk missiles. Carbon filter technology makes possible for us to knock out Serbian electric power stations without destroying it so that it will be in operation after the conflicts have been finished. Another technology can enable us to put crude oil in the oil plants into useless jelly without the destruction of their capacities. We shall destroy their communication systems. At the same time, we shall take over their media stations as to inform the Serbian population that we want to stop the war. It is the war Serbia is not able to win. Necessary military capacities were also mentioned which, apart from the Moslem infantry aiming at taking back their land, have to be engaged. They are as follows: One aircraft carrier in the Adriatic with 60 combat planes, 3 AVAX planes, 1 STARS observation


operation Krivaja-95 most probably was on the way of that plan and the deployments of the forces. The campaign against the Serb Republic was started soon after Srebrenica; the battlefields at Ozren, Vozuce, Sarajevo, Herzegovina, and Bosnian Krajina were active again. That was the first part of the American plan, Balkan Storm. The second, against Serbia, also American, was to be started a few years later. Orders of Radovan Karadzi During the liberation of Srebrenica, the units of the Serb Republic Army went through 42 Moslem or mostly Moslem villages, through 16 By the Moslems occupied Serbian villages in Srebrenica area and five mostly Moslem villages in the commune of Bratunac and searched all the houses, facilities, hiding places. They left no Moslem victims behind themselves. Preposterous is the very idea that the wounded, elderly or the sick, a woman or a child, can run away from the soldiers, especially if they are ready to kill them. The local people in the Serbian villages, who were killed by firearms, knives, axes and mallets, could see all that in the previous few years, Hundreds individual and mass graves could be found in Serbian villages through which the Moslem army was going. In contrast to that Moslem practice, the Serbian Army successfully provided the evacuation of the Moslem civilians. It provided food, water, medical supplies and transportation. They helped children, mothers, sisters and wives of their adversaries to reach alive and well the places where there were their relatives, 28 Division. That was also ordered by President Radovan Karadzic.45 Rare are the occasions in war that an army passes through so many settlements leaving behind itself no civilian casualties. Very soon, the world, probably not accidentally, forgot and disregarded the statement given on 25 July 1995 by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Henry Villand, who for five days interviewed with a team of experts a large number of refugees (over 20000 of them at Tuzla airport). On that occasion, he gave a statement to Londons newspaper The Daily Telegraph: We have not found anybody eye witnessing the crimes.46 It was not just a single estimate. In the book written by Jurgen Elzeser, War Lies, we can find a few testimonies of Dutch soldiers cncerning the behavior of the Serbs at that time. Karel Mulder says: A lot of things said about the Serbs are out of mindI was among the refugees for three days, and the Serbs treated them well.47 Objective and independent interpreters of the events in Srebrenica in July 1995 does mention that at all. It seems, and we are not sure, that the mentioned RIOD is silent on that in its survey. According to available records, the final number of persons who left Srebrenica is 35632, being the number registered in early August by WHO and the Bosnian government.48 That number is not identical with the population number in Srebrenica the estimate of which was sent on 11 January 1994 by the

system, 5-10 oil tankers C-135, 24 combat planes F-15, 18 planes F-111 24 planes F-16 together with guiding systems. Jerusalem Post, George Kenney and Michael Duggan: Balkan Storm Operation, the plan, Jerusalem, 30 (?) November 1992 (See, bulletin BINA, 01 December 1992). 45 President of RS, strictly conf. No. 01-1351/95. Date: 11.07.1995. The document if filed with the Hague Tribunal. 46 George Bogdanic, according to the analysis Srebrenica and the Policy of War Crimes, Serbian Unity Congress, special report, 08 July 2005 (Serbian translation). 47 Jurgen Elsezer: War Lies, From Kosovo Conflict to Legal Proceeding against Milosevic, JASEN, Belgrade, 2004, p.43. 48 Ibidem 38.


municipal office to the BH Bureau of Statistics in Sarajevo, namely to the corresponding department in Tuzla and to the Regional Office of Defense.49 According to the mentioned Ibran Mustafic, such a number of people who left the safe area were a great surprise. He personally said: I am simply convinced that the government did not hope to see so many survived people, they thought, so to speak, there was too many who survived and came from Srebrenica.50 It would have been quite different if the foreign factors and the Moslem actors had not overlooked at least theoretically the possibility that the Serbs nevertheless were not ready to kill anybody. On the contrary, they would do it themselves and the victims would be, as in the case of those killed in Sarajevo in the street of Vasa Miskin and at Markale, credited with the Serbian aggressors who entered the safe area and committed a massacre. The irrefutable evidence for such an argument would be the bodies of the killed Moslem children, women and the elderly people, and, of course, a smaller number of those who left the safe area. As we can see, there was somebody who looked after the Moslem Army and tried to save it from defeat. The Serbs was left to take care of the Moslem civilians and to keep them alive. Both of them, especially the Serbs, did what they had to the best they could. The Serbs were ordered that way by President of the Republic Dr Radovan Karadzic as well in Articles 3 and 4 of the Order on the Appointment of Political Officer for the Commune of Serbian Srebrenica.51 Memorial Center and Mezarje It should not be a surprise that Potocari was chosen for such a large sanctuary and the only place of worship not only of the Moslems in BH and the former Yugoslavia but in Europe as well. It is the birthplace of war leader Naser Oric and, according to the local beliefs, the Memorial Center- Mezarje was erected in his honor. According to the Moslems beliefs, Potocari should become a symbol of genocide against them in Bosnia and Herzegovina. And more than that, they intend to have it for the Moslems what for the Jews is Auschwitz, and for the Serbs Jasenovac. The Moslems extremists believe that the exile of the Moslem in BH has lasted since the Turks were thrown away from this region. They think that it is injustice not to have their own state when the Serbs have Serbia and the Croats Croatia. The Serbs think, being the irrefutable truth, that the Christians, Serbs and

The Municipal Office in the given letter, No. 1 May 1994 of 11 January 1994, signed by District Council Chairman, Fahrudin Salihovic, graduate in veterinary medicine, gives the following notice: The required data are supplied for statistical purposes that should not be available to international organizations because we have presented them the number of 45.000 people. It was previously noted that the local population number was 9.791, the number of the exiled from other communes was 16.708 and the local displaced people from their homes was 756. 50 Slobodna Bosna, , 14. July1996 (Presidium and Chief of Staff Sacrificed Srebrenica The Order was passed in accordance with Article 80 of the Constitution of RS, No. 01-1350/95. Date: 11 July 1995. Article 3 reads as follows: In cooperation with the Home Office a Public Safety Station should be established with the primary task of protecting personal and property rights of the civilians, of protecting business objects and the prevention of crime. Article 4 reads as follows: The Political Officer will take care that civil and military authorities treat as prisoners of war all civilians engaged in the fights against the Army of the Serb Republic, and enable civilians to freely choose the place to live and go. The document is filed with the Hague Tribunal.



Croats, are real indigenous population in BH and that they gave their lives in defense of BH and Christianity against Islam and the Moslems. The question is whether by denying our origins we can claim our right to inherit their land. The forefathers of present day Moslems and the owners of this land were the Christians. For the construction of the given mezarje and the memorial of Srebrenica-Potocari, the High Commissioner Wolfgang Petrich, and after that Paddy Ashdown passed two legal documents. They are the Decisions in which, among other things, the High Commissioner refers to his already given powers according to which he is a final authority in interpreting the Agreement on the Civil Implementation of the Peace Accord.52 It was that way supported the initiative of the Moslem NGO The Association for the Nations in Danger who stated that 10710 Moslems were killed in Srebrenica 1995. What was in fact achieved by the erection of this monument? A part of this answer could be perhaps found even in the report (The controversies over Srebrenica is becoming more and more a political matter, and leads to greater ethnic divisions and pressure on peace keeping forces) the International Strategic Studies Association from Washington published on 19 September 2003. This was observed during the burial of the third identified group and during the erection of the monument at Potocari, the event that made a great pomp in the media worldwide. The practice was kept in the following years on every 11th of Jyly.53 Of course, it would be more logical for the Memorial Center to have been erected at one of the execution sites: Kozluk, Military Academy Branjevo, Pilica, the dam near Petkovacor the site of one of the major primary mass graves such as Glogovo, Kozluk, Branjevo, Orahovac, CerskaThe sites of Kozluk and Branjevo offer themselves first because, according to some testimonies, the executions were carried out and the primary mass graves were found. Moslem Victims Having in mind the purpose of the Memorial Center mezarje Potocari it would be sensible to have a larger number of buried persons. The reputation of the Memorial Center in the world depends on that, of course among the Moslems. It is not disputable that the Moslem soldiers had casualties during the war. In this case the only question is the number of those who ended their lives breaking the Serbian defending lines and in mutual conflicts, and the number of those killed by a firing squad. The question is the number of the killed in July 1995 and the number of those who lost their lives. The most disputable question is that the Tribunal has never launched an investigation against those who killed people by a firing squad. Who engaged those soldiers, on what conditions and who gave them protection, even in the USA?54 Those who did that had influence over the Tribunal. Their arrest and testimonies at the Tribunal would disclose those who ordered the actions. Protecting the perpetrators, the organizer was in fact protecting himself. It is clear evidence that whoever ordered that could
The first decision was signed by the High Commissioner Wolfgang Petrich, and it was passed on 25 October 2000. (It was published in Sluzbeni glasnik of RS, No. 39 of 16 November 2000). The second Decision to establish a Foundation was also signed bz Wolfgang Petrich, and was made on 10 May 2001. (It was published in Sluzbeni glasnik of RS, No. 24 of 05 June 2001). The third decision was made by the High Commissioner on 25 March 2003. (It was published in Sluzbeni glasnik of RS, No. 23 of 05 April 2003, pp. 8-9). 53 Aleksandar Pavic: The Forbidden Truth about Srebrenica, Legenda, aak, 2006, p.69 54 In the summer of 2006, daily papers made public that a Mandic, who took part in the killing of people by a firing squad, was arrested in the USA. The same man was made responsible only for violating the border.


not be from the Serb Republic. There are indications that the engaged soldiers were misled and did not trust judiciary who would bring the captured Moslems to justice. It is hard to believe a presupposition that they carried out the action spontaneously and on their own initiative. In that case they would be the only ones to be blamed and fully responsible and the Tribunal would not have any reasons to hesitate and bring charges against them. After all, even against Drazen Erdemovic, among others one of the direct perpetrators, nothing was don until Belgrade handed him over to the Tribunal. He is the best example that all of them were protected. When the Yugoslav authorities got to know the crime of Drazen Erdemovic, they wanted to prosecute his case but he fled to the Tribunal in fear of the trial and of surely being punished. Not accidentally. His request, not accidentally as well, was joined by the diplomats of the western (NATO) countries. 55 They wanted to have their human rights and freely expressed will respected. In the Tribunal, he was not excused from a long punishment but became the main support of the prosecution office and a witness at all the trials concerned even for Srebrenica. The mystery about who has been hiding behind the initiator and the one to place an order of the perpetrated killings by firing squad the Serbian side has not succeeded to clear out for more than ten years. It seems that it took a long time to find where and when the Serbian enormous crime had happened, which would alert the world public and put the NATO on the move. In April 1993, the American tried to use the case of Srebrenica but the attempt failed. According to a statement given by Alija Izetbegovic himself, who was one of the participants in the negotiations, he could not accept Klintons proposal to let the Serbs into Srebrenica and sacrifice the lives of 5000 people in the town.56 Then, on several occasions, there were efforts to use Sarajevo for the same purpose, but it did not work either. Even a worse choice were Cerska, Gorazde, Zepa, BihacHowever, the idea to make the Serbs perpetrators of an enormous crime against the Moslems in BH had to be brought to light. The place was finally found, those responsible had already been chosen, the number of the victims, at least approximately, was known as well, only the evidence is missing. A fixed game That evidence, according to the idea and expectations of those to get it, should have been the events in the camp at Potocari, where the Moslem civilians were brought some time earlier unprotected and undefended in case the Serbs appear. There, on July 12, the killings and massacres were expected to happen, reasonably hoped to be committed by the Serbs after the memorial service at the graveyard at Bratunac. The motif was known. On the same day in 1992, the Moslems attacked and put to fire several Serbian villages and cruelly killed 68 citizensMothers, children, sisters of these Moslem criminals were at Potocari. However, the people came back home after the memorial service. When the sneak plan with the sacrificed Moslem civilians failed, probably to a great surprise of the initiators, a fresh, forced, way out should have been found. In the following two days, about ten soldiers were picked out at the places where they were having a break. Drazen Erdemovic says, and a question is how much to believe him, that they were 10 Saboteur Unit and Bratunac Military Police Brigade soldiers. Possibly, they were others the identity of whom Drazen Erdemovic and the Tribunal
Kosta avoki: The Hague against Justice, Nikola Pai, Publishing House, Belgrade, 1998, p.71 (Kosta avoki::Hag protiv pravde, IKP Nikola Pai, Beograd, 1998.. 71). 56 The interview with Hakija Meholjic, a representative of Srebrenica in the talks with Alija Izetbegovic in Sarajevo in September 1993, 5000 Thousand Moslem Heads for a Military Intervention, DANI journal, 22 June 1998, Sarajevo.


have been trying to hide. They committed what is nowadays qualified as the crime of genocide. The captured Moslems were killed by firing squads, it cannot be denied. Only the number of the killed is not known; it is beyond dispute that the killed were only the soldiers and not the civilians. How many Moslem soldiers were killed by firing squads and how many of them lost their lives making a breakthrough to Tuzla and in mutual fights? In his answer to this question, Jean Rene Ruez,57 the main investigator of the Hague Tribunal in Srebrenica case for several years, says: The number warfare has been waged from the very start.58 Even today, there is no answer on the number of Moslems killed by firing squads. That is why we shall say something on what is beyond doubt. We are talking about the records which were not taken from Serbian sources but given by the institutions of those countries waging war against Serbia and, when we are talking about the Memorial Center, hose taken from the Moslem sources. The Serbs neither had the influence, in any case, nor the possibility to look into the documents the given records were based on. The first estimates of the number of the victims can be found in the lists of the missing persons, made by the International Red Cross Committee, published here always with a different number of them that was finally fixed at about 7000-8000 number of them.59 In a lot of cases, these lists were under dispute. They contained the persons voting the following year (during the elections of 1996, the electoral roll for Srebrenica contained 3016 persons to be found in the list of the missing persons), those still alive and people of other nationalities. That is why this list cannot have the same importance as before. However, most of those wishing to blame the Serbs for everything refer to that list and, having no reasons, claim that it is the lists of the massacred Moslem civilians. A detailed look into the list showed that out of 8000 missing persons there were only 36 females. These lists are not the lists of the dead, let alone they are the lists of the civilians massacred by the Serbs. Undisputable facts According to our opinion, having in mind the sense of this article, more valid are by far the data found in the documents concerning the exhumated bodies from numerous mass graves. 60 Of special importance are the primary mass graves 61, investigated for the purposes of the Tribunal by Dean menning. According to him, they are as follows: Cerska (150 bodies) 62,

Jean Rene Ruez, before he came to the Hague, had been a Criminal Police inspector, head of Robbery Fighting team in Nice. (Jacque Masse: Our Beloved War Criminals, Klub Plus, DANGRAF, Belgrade, 2006, p. 7). This parochial French inspector, soon after being appointed to a new job, became an outstanding expert of the Hague Tribunal in the investigation of Serbian crimes. 58 Julija Bogoev, an interview with an investigator, Jean-Rene Ruez, Monitor, No. 548 and 549 of 19 and 27 April 2001. 59 Missing persons on the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina, International Red Cross Committee, Searching Dept. (RCSK), geneva. 60 International Criminal Court of the United Nations for the former Yugoslavia, Srebrenica Investigation, Dean Menning Forensic Evidence of the Execution Site and the Mass Grave , 16 May 2000. ( , , - - , 16. 2000. ( unofficial translation into Serbian) 61 The usual classification of graves are as follows: primary, transitional and secondary. The primary ones are those where the bodies were buried for the first time (for number estimates of the bodies they are the most important), transitional ones are temporary, and the bodies are kept here until they are put in new, secondary ones. 62 The grave was exhumated from 07-18. 07. 1996.



Nova Kasaba (4 graves with 33 bodies) 63, Orahovac burial place 1 (130 bodies) and burial place 2 (243 bodies) 64, Branjevo (132),65 Nova Kasaba, 1999 (57) 66, Glogova 1 (191), Glogova 2 (139),67 Kozluk (340),68 Konjevic Polje 1 (9), Konjevic Polje 2 (3),69 Petkovac Dam (234),70 Liplje 2 (158). 71 The total number of mortal remains found in the given graves, according to these data, was 1824. The expertise of Dean Menning showed 1883 exhumated bodies. There were 1656 male bodies and only one female body. With others, it was not possible to determine the sex. The same expertise showed that the mass killings were carried out in Cerska, Kravica, Orahovac, Petkovac dam, military farm Branjevo, Pilica and Kozluk. 72 In the filed charges with the Tribunal, these numbers are quite different and larger. It seems that the evidence disappointed those who ordered the investigations. The Prosecution Office presented the number of the killed Moslems between 4900 and 6700 (At Kravica it was said that admittedly 1000-1500 were killed), at Branjevo from 1200-1500, Orahovac, both the burial places 1000, Petkovac dam 1000, etc.). According to the testimonies of the witnesses, the Moslems, who said that they had seen and survived the execution, the number of the victims got larger. According to them, there were 2500 persons more than estimated by the Tribunal. That amounts to 9200 killed by firing squad, the number even the Tribunal could accept. These disproportions can most clearly be realized in the following three cases. At Branjevo military farm, the killings by firing squad was committed on 16 July between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. A survived Moslem thinks that the number of victims was from 1000-1500, and the Prosecution Office accepted the estimate of Drazen Erdemovic, who participated in the killings, who said that there were 1200 people, but in the primary grave only the bodies of 132 were found. It is supposed that some of the bodies are mainly in the secondary grave on anarski put 12 (this number refers to the number of graves on that road, with the total number of 174 bodies). Taking even that into account, the difference is great. The next case is the site of Orahovac where, according to a few survived Moslem, 2000-2500 people were killed; the Prosecution Office accepted the number of 1000 killed by the firing squad. Out of the primary grave (both burial places) 373 bodies were exhumated. The third case is Petkovica dam. The Moslems said that 1500-2000 people were killed. The Prosecution Office thinks there were 1000, and the number of exhumated was 234. In all the mentioned mass graves, not only in these three, there are the bodies of the soldiers who were killed while breaking the defending Serbian lines as well as those killed in their mutual fights. During the taking of sanitary measures in the fields, especially in summer when
The grave was exhumated , from 20-26. 07. 1996. The grave was exhumated, burial place 1 from 13.07-03.08.2000, burial place 2 from 19.08.-09.09.1996. 65 The grave was exhumated from 10-24.09.1996 66 The grave was exhumated from 18. 8.-06.09.1999. 67 Ibid. Glogova 1 (07.08.-20.10. 2000) and Glogova 2 (11.09.-22.10.1999). 68 Ibid. 24.06-06.08.1999. 69 Ibid. Konjevic Polje 1 (07-09.09. 1999) and Konjevic Polje 2 (exhumated from 10.10.1999). 70 Ibid. 15-25. 04. 98. 71 Ibid. 07-25.08.1998. 72 Beside Dean Menning the investigation was carried out by Prof. Tony Brown, an expert from Exeter University, Great Britain, who investigated ground, rocks and pollen samples collected and compared with mass graves and excavation sites. SU Naval Forces Officers for criminal investigations were also there, Criminaltechnical laboratory experts from Dutch Institute for Criminal Tecxhnology and the experts from Finland.
64 63


the bodies rot quickly, the dead bodies were collected in diameter of several kilometers and buried in standard, it may be said, military mass graves. Finally, how is it possible to estimate the number of victims who fell in the battle, and the number of those killed by firing squad? The number of prisoners in the storehouse of the Cooperative farm at Kravica should not be taken into account here. The Moslem prisoners rebelled over there (nobody mentions that) and on that occasion a Serbian policeman, Krsto (Bogoljub) Dragievi, born at Skelane in 1965, was killed, and the wounded, now deceased, was Rade uturovi, named Officer. The guards, about 30 soldiers, defended themselves with arms, even the hand bombs. The Prosecution Office does not talk about the rebellion and says that there were 1000-1500 killed by firing squad. In two primary graves, in the neighboring village of Glogovo, where the rebelling Moslems were buried, 330 bodies were found. However, apart from that, the total number of the Moslem prisoners killed by firing squad can hardly be less than 407 persons. The same number of hand bandages were found there together with 270 blindfolds (the same person can have both of them). Talking about this we wonder where about one hundred prisoners are captured before that by the Moslems from Srebrenica. Surely, the Serbian prisoners were not taken along untied by the Moslem soldiers. May be they were killed earlier and were not kept in these columns. The bodies of ethnic Serbs were also found in these graves and it is not known how it happened. The bodies of Gojko Todorovi, Biljana Mati and Vojislav Miloevi were found in the primary grave of Orahovac (Burial place 2). The body of Stanko Danilovi was found in the mass grave of anarski put 3 (primary grave Kozluk). A small number of bodies were taken out and identified during the exhumation (Cerska 9 out of 150, Branjevo 13 out of 132, Orahovac 21 out of 373, etc.), less than 5% of the total number of exhumated. The information about the mortal remains of the identified persons will be given in the lists of the buried persons at the Memorial Center Mezarje Potoari. The first burials at this Moslem Memorial site were begun on 31 March 2003. Since then, more than 2442 bodies have been buried here. It means that extra 559 bodies, compared to the number of exhumated persons in the mass graves, were buried here. It is possible to assume that there were a few more individual or smaller group graves and that the estimated number was made larger. All together, with a suitable memorial service, there were six group burials. The first group, buried on 31 March 2003, there were mortal remains of 600 identiified persons. In the second group, buried on 11 July 2003, there were 282 persons. In the third group, buried on 20 September 2003, there were 107 persons.73 In the fourth group, buried on 11 July 2004, there were 338 persons. In the fifth group, buried on 11 July 2005, tehre were 610 persons.74 In the sixth group, buried on 11 July 2005, there were 505 persons.75 Messages of Dr Mustafa Ceri
Srebrenica-Potoari, Memorial Center and mezarje, Supporting and realization Committee. The list of identified persons buried on 31 March, 11 July and 20 September 2003, edited bz Sadik Salimovi and Marinko Sekuli. Publisher: Habdurahman Malki, Srebrenica, 2003. The lists of victims buried on 11 Juy 2005 at the Memorial Center Srebrenica- Potoari, published by Srebrenike novine, 2005. 75 Public Utility Company City Cemetery Visoko: Burial Schedule of the victims in Srebrenica on the day of 11 July 2006 at the Memorial Center Srebrenica-Potoari.
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Since the construction of mezarje there have been efforts to convince the public that the point is about the innocent civil victims of Serbian genocide againsts the Moslems. The same claim has been held both by the Moslems at home and the international factors having their own interests. Not only during the war but even later for years and today, a lot of NGOs in Sarajevo and Belgrade, government institutions and Moslem-Croat Federation media, Moslem religious institutions, even the individuals, have constantly manipulated with enormous sufferings of the Moslems. A confusion appeared among the Serbian population after the message given by Mustafa Ceri, a High Moslem Dignitary, at the first burial, inscribed on the huge stone block. Among nice and God-pleasing words there is a puzzling vow or a request: May the Revenge be Justice! In the name of merciful God, The Pity One We pray to you God Almighty, May the sorrow be Hope! May the revenge be Justice! May the mothers tears Be a prayer: May nobody live to see Srebrenica again! It is a text of the message put at the front of the Memorial Center, and the citizens wonder whether the khoja is calling for revenge. The dead should not be disturbed. The should be left in their burial places and rows irrespective of the reasons the are no longer with their relatives. It seems, however, that it cannot be that way. With a heavy heart we accept that, but it does not mean that we are easily reconciling ourselves with something hard to be reconciled with. The problem of Srebrenica and its Moslem victims is ten years old and it is still alive as when it appeared. We, the Serbs are blamed for their fate. The question of the Serbian visctims and their sufferings for many years in this region has never been raised. Nobody is responsible for them. Who are the persons buried at the Memorial Center- mezarje Potoari? Even in this case, we are talking about men and only two women. All the burials were rituallz carried out and in the presence of high government officials, Moslem religious leaders, members of doplomatic corps and foreign statesmen. The burial took place on 11 July 2005 on the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the events in Srebrenica. Boris tadi, President of the Republic of Serbia was also there. All these events were made spectacles with numerous propaganda messages and accusations for genocide committed by the Serbs. In the name of the truth, we have to say something about the people buried at the memorial center. Out of enormous number of documents we shall try to talk only about the most notable cases. The Abuse of the Dead 1. The lists of the buried victims of July 1995 contain a large number of persons registered in the voting lists in the commune of Srebrenica for the following elections


in 1996. We have their names, but at present we shall give just u numerical review. Out of the number of persons mentioned for the first burial of the alleged victims of July 1995, 271 persons can be found in the voting lists for 1996, for the second burial 85, the third 31, the fourth 140, the fifth 252 and for the sixth burial 135. That amounts to 914 persons or 37% out of the total number of buried persons. It is logical to suppose that they are the persons who died of natural causes in the period between July 1995 and July 2006 when it was the last burial, and not the victims of Srebrenica killed after the Serbs came back to the town. If they had not been alive, the organizer of the elections, OSCE, had more than a year to take them out of Srebrenica voting lists. Hat was not done. There are indications that the same happened in the communes of Bratunac, then in Vlasenica and Zvornik. 2. Another disputable issue is the case of the persons for whom there are court decisions that thez had died of natural causes. Unfortunately, we are not in the position to have even a slight look into the death register in Srebrenica, Bratunac, as well as in other neighboring communes where the soldiers were recruited for 8 operating group of BH Army. In that case, this list would be several times longer. However, and apart from that, it is not disputable that it was the way to enlarge the number of the alleged Moslem victims in Srebrenica, killed in the massacre when the Serbs came back in July 1995, and buried at the Memorial Center mezarje in Potoari. Out of one hundred names, we shall mention just a few of them: Fetahija (Nazif) Hasanovi, 1955. died on 15.12.1996, Srebrenica.76 ukrija (Amil) Smajlovi, 1946 died 2.05.1992, Zaluje.77 Maho (Suljo) Rizvanovi, 1953 died 3.01.1993, Glogova.78 Mefail (Meho) Demirovi, 1970.g. died 10.05.1992, Krasanovii.79 Redi (Ahmet) Asim, 1949 died 22.04.1992, Bratunac.80 3. The mortal remains both of the soldiers and civilians from other sites were transported to the Memorial Center in order to make a false picture of a large number of innocent civilian Moslem victims and then ritually with religious services buried again. Such a deceptive picture covered a couple of hundred persons. We shall note about ten concrete names. After the first burial on 31 March 2003, from the local Memorial center in Kazani, the body of Hamed (Hamid) Halilovi (1940-1982) was taken out and buried again. It is evident that the person had died ten years before the war. After the seciond burial on 11 July 2004, the body of an old man who died before the war was taken out from the same Memorial Center together with a soldier of BH Army. They are: Osman (Ibro) Halilovi (1912-1989) and Nurija (Smajo) Memievi (1966-1993). After the fifth burial on 11. 07. 2005. again were buried: Salih (aban)

Registered upon the Decision of Municipal Court, Lukavac, No. R-591/96 of 30.03.2000. Death 15.06.2000. 77 Registered death upon the Decision of certified death No. R-262/97 of 6.10.1997, Municipal Court of Kalesija. . Death 24.10.1997. Registered death upon the Decision of the Municipal Court of Kladani No. R-36/96 of 21.11.1996. Registered date of death: 29.11.1996. 79 Registered death upon the Decision of the Municipal Court of Tuzla No.R2-379/96 of 5.04.1999. Registered date of death: 29.12.2000. 80 Death registered upon the Death Certificate of the Health Center Bratunac, No..05-202-320/99. Registered date of death : 12.11.1999.



Ali (1969-1992), Mujo (Haim) Hadi (1954-1993), Ferid (Ramo) Mustafi (1975-1993), Hajrudin (Ismet) Cvrk (1974-1992).81 4. For a group of BH Army soldiers we do not know where and when they were killed and where they were buried before, but surely they were not the victims of Srebrenica massacre of July 1995 and that they lost their lives before 11 November 1993 when the document, saying that their families got places to live and necessary provision, was written.82 The members of the group were the following BH Army soldiers: erimovi (Mustafa) Mujo - 12.04.1938, Sebjoina-Vlasenica, Hasanovi (Mujo) Hamed - 09.07.1966; Mali (Ibrahim) Ramiz- 1970. Here-Vlasenica; Omerovi (Alija) Hamed - 1939, Glogova-Bratunac; Omerovi (Mehmed) Adem - 1976. Vrinje-Vlasenica; Omerovi (Nurko) Nurija- 1953. Urkovii-Bratunac; Hasim (amil) Selimovi, 1950; Ramiz (Suljo) Ali, 1942; Jusuf (Safet) Osmanovi, 1947; Ramiz (Hakija) Ali, 1979; Munib (Mujo) Ali, 1962; Jusuf (Juso) Omerovi, 1962; Meho (Mehmed) Osmanovi, 1942; Sead (Osman) Salki, 1960; Safet (aban) Korkutovi, 1960, Omerovi (Habib) Aziz- 01.05.1965., SikiriBratunac. 5. The earlier mentioned document requirung and giving the data for the making of BH Army chronicle contains the names of several hundreds of soldiers killed before 07.03.1994. 83 They are neither the victims nor the killed soldiers in the battles for Srebrenica of July 1995. Here again, in terms of illustration, we shall mention about several tenths of all cases, a few from some brigades of the 8th Operating Group, and then from the 28th BH Army Diivision. They are as follows: Muji (Rizvan) Ibro- 1952., Sueska-Srebrenica, Mehmed (Meho) Hodi, 1960; Hafizovi (Ibrahim) Hajrulah 1973, Opetci-Srebrenica, Ismet (ahmin) Huseinovi, 1947, Mujo (Avdo) Ahmetovi, 1970. Potoari, Mehmed (Meho) Hodi, 1960. Potoari, air (Omer) Mali, 1945. Potoari, Amir (Omer) Omerovi, 1974, Kadrija (Esed) Osmanovi, 1956. Potoari, Jusuf (Juso) Jusi, 1941. Potoari. (Members of the 280th East-Bosnian light brigade of BH Army). Mehmed (Omer) Avdi, 1966; Adil (Redo) Hasanovi, Meho (Mehmed) Ahmetovi, Adil (ean) Hasanovi, Husein (Ibro) Mehmedovi; Omer (ahin) Ahmetovi-Bibo, 1946. Mujo (Avdo) Klempi, 1959. Srebrenica; Abid (Mehmed) Zuhri, 1961. Meho (Ahmo) Durakovi, 1967; Safet (Himzo) Hodi; Mandi (Daut) Jusuf - 1938, Skelani-Srebrenica. (Members of the 281st East-Bosnian brigade of BH Army). Nedad (Munib) Osmanovi, Ramo (Omer) Avdi, Enver (Hamed) Ibrahimovi, Izet (Idriz) Salki, Devad (K) Sulji, Hasan (Mujo) Beganovi, Redo (Avdo) Sulji, Omer (Osman) Smajlovi, from 5. July unit, Tokoljak, policeman Bajro (Hasan) Selimovi Kazani unit, Kadrija (Ibrahim) Avdi, 1965. (Members of the 281st EastBosnian brigade). Avdi (Husein) Mehmed - 1943, Paljevine-Srebrenica, Avdi (emso) Mehmed,1954, Pirii-Bratunac, Begi (air) Mirsad,1955, Luka-Srebrenica, Salihovi (Hasan) Hasib 81 82

Documents of the Center for the Investigation of Crimes against the Serbian Population. A captured report reads as follows: The Military command for Srebrenica, No.697-93 of 11.11.1993 (The list of the killed and dead whose familes got necessary provisions and places to live in Tuzla and the vicinity).

Ibid. 1


1945, Sueska-Srebrenica, Suljo (Sinan) Omerovi, 1922. Srebrenica, Mehmedalija (Sulejman) Hasanovi, 1955. Srebrenica. (Members of the 281st East-Bosnian brigade). Munib (Mujo) Mustafi, 1960, nestao 13.03.1993; Salko (Muhamed) Hodi, 1959. (Soldier of the 284th East-Bosnian light brigade) Commanders and soldiers in Defamed actions 6. This time we shall list the names of Moslem officers in charge and soldiers the data of whose place and time of death are missing. Because of this it is possible that they fell as the victims of firing squads or that thez fell during the breaking of Serbian defending lines. It should not be disputable that they were the members of BH Army and that they fell in July 1995. However, all of them, or most of them, until the end of their lives or the time when they were killed by firing squads, took part in a lot of armed actions against the Serbian population and are responsible for the perpetrated crimes against civilians, for the destruction of villages, for the persecutions and plunder. Among them is a number of various commanding officers and credited soldiers proposed for many rewards and medals. 84 Their names can also be found in criminal information filed with judical organs for the crimes perpetrated in the region of Srebrenica and the neighboring communes. This time, we are also presenting, among the available documents, just a few cases. They are the members of the Headquarters of the 8th operative group in the BH Army: Sadik (Ramo) Sulejmanovi, Luka village, commune Srebrenica, Bego (Jusuf) Tihi, born in 1960, Srebrenica, evket (Seid) ozi, 1951, Srebrenica, Nedib (Abid) Habibovi, Srebrenica, Osman (erif) Osmanovi, Hamed (Hamid) Ali, Amir (Maho) Rizvanovi, Senahid (Abdulah) Tabakovi, Zulfo (Munib) Halilovi i Ahmo (Mujo) Tihi, Srebrenica. They had various commanding positions, and the members of the same unit were decorated soldiers Hamdija (Ahmet) Hasanovi, Nedib (Abid) Habibovi, Hajrudin (Salih) Malagi, Mustafa (Zulfo) Stoevi i Mehmed (Suljo) Mali. They all took part in the armed actions against the Serbian settlements of Gniona, Bljeeva, Osredak, Viogor, Bibii, Orahovica and other places in the vicinity of Srebrenica in May 1992 (13 ethnic Serbian citizens were killed in these plaes). The following month they were in charge of the actions against the villages of Oparci (6 victims), Obadi i pat (9 victims), Ratkovii ( 17 victims), Breane 30 June (19 victims). In July: Zalazje, Sase and the vicinity (47 Serbian victims), in August Jeestica (commune of Bratunac, 9 victims), September Podravanje (32 victims), October Fakovii (commune of Bratunac, 17 victims), November Kamenica (commune of Zvornik, 53 victims), December the villages in the region of Bratunac: Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikiri (60), January 1993: the villages of Jeestica, Kravica i iljkovii (46), Skelani (61 victims). That makes the number of 389 Serbs killed in the actions of the named Moslem soldiers in charge 85

Proposal and opinion of the 28th Command of BH Army, Reg. Conf. No. 04-16/95 of 30.03.1995. for conferring the war award (The Golden Lilly badge). 85 For the list of Serbian victims, see: Center for the Investigation of Crimes Committed against the Serbian Population: The Serbian Victims in the commune of Srebrenica 1992-1995. Earlier given records, Belgrade, 1998.



Criminals turned into victims Hajrudin (efko) Avdi, a Home Reserve Sueska commander and later a securuty commander of the 281st East-Bosnian light brigade, was buried somewhere. He planned, directly commanding and taking part in the attack, plunder and the destruction of Serbian villages of Osredak, Viogor, Orahovica, Zalazje i Sase in the region of Srebrenica. He did the same in the villages of Jeremii, the hamlet of Manovii and Rupovo Brdo, commune of Vlasenica, and Hrana,commune of Bratunac.86 As ca commander, during three months only, Hajrudin Avdi took part in the killings of 74 ethnic Serb persons. The following leading soldiers of the 280th East-Bosnian light brigade were also buried at the Memorial Center in Potoari: Nusret (Salko) Salihovi, Senad (Jusuf) Jusi, Salin (Sejfo) Hodi, Aljo (Ibrahim) Huseinovi, Hajrudin (Nazif) Osmanovi i Hajrudin (Hasan) Sulji. They are responsible for the destruction of the following Serbian villages:Gniona, Jeremii, Serbian helmets of Manovii, Breane, Zagoni, Zalazje, Sase and ithers on .12. jula 1992. (47 Serbian victims), on 8 August Jeestica, commune of Bratunac (9), 24 September Podravanje, commune of Srebrenica (32), 5 October Fakovii, commune of Bratunac (17), 6 November Kamenica, commune of Zvornik (53 victims), 14 December 1992 Bratunac villages of Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikiri (60), 7 January 1993 the village of Kravica, commune of Bratunac (15) and 16 January 1993 the village of Skelani, commune of Srebrenica (61). The victims of their action were 332 ethnic Serbs. The mentioned soldiers were honored with various recognitions for their deeds and criminal acts by their superior officers and commands. Avdulah (Avdo) Ahmetovi (1960), Sueska, was assistant commander, and Hajrudin (Hamid) Avdi, headquarters memeber of the 281st East-Bosnian light brigade. The first targets of their attacks were the villages of Osredak, Viogor, Orahovica, utica, Rupovo Brdo, Breane, Hrana i Jeestica, commune of Bratunac, Podravanje, commune of Srebrenica, Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikiri, Kravica, commune of Bratunac and Skelani, commune of Srebrenica. The following registered perpetrators were the members of the same unit: Adem (Ahmet) Rami, (born in 1937, Srebrenica, Hajrudin (Omer) Ali, (born in 1968), Srebrenica, Mujo (Muharem) Ali, Zulfo (Munib) Halilovi, Hasan (Mujo) Beganovi, Mensur (efko) Mustafi, Hasan (Enez) Hasanovi, Hasan (Hasib) Salihovi (1968), Fikret (Huso) Mehmedovi, Beir (Sinan) Aji (1971) and Hasan (Mehan) Hasanovi. The listed commanders and soldiers persecuted the Serbian population and took part in the killings of 228 ethnic Serb population. Ibro (Husein) Dudi, born in1969, from Srebrenice, a major, the commander of the 282nd East-Bosnian light brigade, was in charge of the attacks on the villages of Ratkovii, Krnjii, Zalazje, Sase, Milanova vodenica, on the way between the villages of Pe and Skelani, Podravanje, Boljevii, Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikiri, Kravica and the region of the village of Skelani. 328 Serbs were killed in the given actions and their property taken to the Moslem villages. The officers Mehmed (Salih) Salihodi, Avdulah (Mustafa) Beirovi i Safet (Hamed) Ahmi held important commanding positions during the war in the Headquarters of the 283rd East-Bosnian light brigade. They organized the attacks on the Serbian villages of Vitez, then Oparci, Loznika Rijeka, Krnjii, Fakovii and
For the list of Serbian victims, see: Center for the Investigation of Crimes Committed against the Serbian Population: The Serbian Victims in the commune of Bratunac 1992-1995. Earlier given records, Belgrade, 1998.


Boljevii, Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikiri i Skelani (the hemlet of Kuii, osii, abokvica, Kostolomci, Bujakovina, and others) The following soldiers took part in the same actions: Sejdalija (Alija) Mehi, Azem (Hirkija) Ali, Liplje, commune of Zvornik; Mirzet (Alija) Rizvanovi, Devad (Kemal) Salihovi, Ahmo (M.) Hasanovi, Hajrudin (I.) Cvrk, Bajro (Fadil) Salihovi i Hasib (Rifet) Ahmi. The total number of the killed Serbs in the given villages was189. Murderers among the buried Ibran (Ibro) Muratovi, born in Bratunac in 1949, took part in the attack on the village of Bljeevo on 6.05.1992 and killed three ethnic Serbs. Senad (Hakija) Hasanovi, 1968, the village of Rovai and Ismet (Omer) Mustafi, 1942, from the same village, members of special, probably local Moslem armed units, intervention unit Rovai, took part in the attack on the Serbian village of Metaljka and in the ambush on the road Zvornik-Vlasenica in the village of Konjevi Polje, when on 27.05.1992 they intercepted the line of trucks owned by DD Boksit from Milii and killed 5 ethnic Serb drivers and burned the vehicles. Kadmir (Ibrahim) Ali from iz Tegare (commune of Bratunac) and Huso (Ramo) Halilovi from Srebrenica took part in the attack on the Serbian village of Breane (commune of Srebrenica) on 30.06.1992 and the killing of 19 ethnic Serbs. Hamdija (Hamed) Alispahi, 1947, from Jagli, took part in the attack on the Serbian village of Jeestica (commune of Bratunac) on 8 August 1992. and killed 9 Serbs. Mirsad (amil) Mehmedovi, Sueska, Mehmed (Edhem) Hajdarevi, Soloua and Sejdin (Sejdalija) Ali, the village of Mee (commune of Srebrenica) took part in the attack on the villages of Osredak, Viogor, Orahovica and other villages in the region of Srebrenica commune on 15 May 1992 and the killing o0f 8 ethnic Serbs. Edhem (Salko) Husi, Zapolje (commune of Bratunac), Hajrudin (Hajro) Halilovi, Srebrenica, Ramo (Ahmet) Salihovi, Moevii (commune of Srebrenica) i Hajrudin (Murat) Salihovi, 1940, Brezovice (commune of Srebrenica), Huso (Zaim) Salihovi, 1964, took part in the attack on the Serbian village of Oparci (commune of Srebrenica) on 01.06.1992 and killed 6 ethnioc Serbs. air (Nurija) Memievi, 1953, Srebrenica, took part in the attacks on the Serbian villages in the region of Bratunac commune, in Bljeevo, on 6.05.1992, on St. george Day, killing three ethnic Serbs, and in the attack on the village of Zagoni on 5.07.1992, killing 14 ethnic Serbs. Alija (aban) Memievi, from Bratunac, took part in the attack on the village of a Zagoni (commune of Bratunac) on 5.07.1992 and killed 14 ethnic Serbs. Azem (Alija) Begi, 1962, village of Luka (commune of Srebrenica) took part in the attack on the Serbian village of Zalazje (commune of Srebrenica) on 12.07.1992 and in the killing of 47 ethnic Serbs.


Devad (Ramo) Babaji, from Glogovo (commune of Bratunac) took part in the attack on the Serbian village of Hrana on 25.07.1992 and in the killing of 8 ethnic Serbs. Nedad (Munib) Osmanovi, 1969, Magaii (commune of Bratunac) took part in the attack on the Serbian village of Magaii on 20.07.1992 and the killing of 8 ethnic Serbs Meho (Mehmed) Suljagi, 1948, Kamenica Gornja (commune of Zvornik) was in the charge of the attack on the Serbian villages of in Kamenica Gornaj (commune of Zvornik) on 24.08.1992 when 4 ethnic Serbs were killed. A Word Instead of the Conclusion about on the Buried Persons at the Memorial Center The warfare bacground or the biographies of the commanders and soldiers of BH Army, already mentioned, is full of the attacks on the Serbian villages and the killings of ethnic Serbs. They did not show any mercy for Serbian villages and their inhabitants. The pieces of evidence are countless. These facts are in a large measure opposed to constantly stressed claim that we have here the victims of genocide and the Moslem civilian victims. It is certainly true that some of them were killed by firing squads after being captured, but much more of them lost their lives in their efforts to break the lines of defense on the way to Tuzla. They also had casualties that happened in the mutual fights. The Hague Tribunal and Srebrenica If there were not for Srebrenica, the Hague Tribunal would soon have no work to do. Having in mind the number of accused ethnic Serbs, only Prijedor can be compared to Srebrenica. The Serbs from Prijedor were taken responsible for the events on the territory of their commune in 1992, and the Serbs from Srebrenica for those in 1995. Until not, being not necessarily the final number, twenty two person have been accused. The are as follows: 1) Slobodan Miloevi, the President of the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for many years; 2) Radovan Karadi, the first President of the Serb Republic; 3) Ratko Mladi, General-colonel, commander of the Headquarters of the Serb republic Army; 4) Radoslav Krsti, General-major, commander of the Drina Corps of the Serb Republic Army(convicted on 35 years of imprisonment); 5) Momilo Perii, General-colonel, Head of Yugoslav Army Staff VJ; 6) Zdravko Tolimir, Lieutenant-General, Chief of Staff assistant commander of the Serb Republic Army for intelligence service; 7) Milan Gvero, LieutenantGeneral, Chief of Staff assistant commander of the Serb Republic Army for moral, religious and legal affairs; 8) Jovica Stanii, Head of State Security Service of the Republic of Serbia; 9) Franko Stamatovi, commander of a special unit Red Berets MUP RS; 10) Radivoje Mileti, General-major, Head of operation-teaching section of the staff of the Serb Republic Army; 11) Vinko Pandurevi, colonel, com,mander of Zvornik infantry brigade of the Serb republic Army; 12) Ljubia Beara, colonel, Head of Security Section of the Chief Staff of the Serb Republic Army; 13) Vidoje Blagojevi, colonel, Bratunac brigade commander of the Serb Republic Army (convicted on 18 years of imprisonment); 14) Ljubia Borovanin, police general, Deputy commander of the special MUP RS brigade; 15) Vujadin Popovi, lieutenant, assistant security commander of the Drina Corps of the Serb Republic Army; 16) Dragan Joki, major, Head of Engineering Section in the staff of Zvornik Brigade of the Serb Republic Army (convicted on 9 years); 17) Dragan Obrenovi, major, Head of staff of the Zvornik Brigade of the Serb Republic Army (convicted on 17 years); 18) Drago Nikoli, second lieutenant, assistant security commander in the Zvornik Brigade of the Serb Republic 26

Army; 19) Momir Nikoli, major, assistant commander for intelligence service of the Bratunac Brigade (27 years); 20) Miroslav Deronji, Head of SDS, commune of Bratunac (convicted on 10 years); 21) Draen Erdemovi, soldier, direct executor and a member of the 10th Diversion unit of the Serb Republic Army (7 godina); 22) Milorad Trbi, security clerk of the Zvornik Brigade of the Serb Republic Army. It is interesting that among the convicted there is not a single Serb from Srebrenica. In this text, we have tried to describe the nature of their crime. A smaller number of the accused have already been convicted on many years imprisonment. The others have been waiting for it. It is true that for some of the sentences have been passed and they have been waiting for the appeal judgment not certain whether the sentences will be shorter or longer. The sentences passed by the Hague Tribunal cover 120 years. When everything has been over, the total sum of the sentences will hardly be less than 700 years of imprisonment in various European casemates. The Hague Tribunal is guided neither by law nor by justice. It 8is guided by the interests of those who finance it and who are responsible for the crimes commited against the Serbs for many years on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. That was stated, without a wish to hide the interests of his country and the purpose of the established Tribunal, Richard Hoolbroke in his interview to BBC: I have realized that the Tribunal for War Crimes is a valuable tool. We used it to get rid of the two most wanted war criminals in Europe and the participants in the Deyton Negotiations and used it to cover all happening after that. 87 At that time, the list of potentially responsible persons contained not only the two mentioned people Richard Hoolbroke was silent about, but it was known that it he referred to Dr Radovan Karadi and General Ratko Mladi. The list contained other military and civil leaders of the Serbian people on both sides of the Drina river who opposed the policz of the USA and other countries of the North-Atlantic Alliance (so called the international community). For the crime of killing 3262 ethnic Serbs just one Moslem was sentenced on two years of imprisonment, the commander of the 28th Division and the organizer of all the campaigns against the Serbs, Naser Ori, who had already served his sentence during the trial.

Command 8. Srebrenica. 07.03.1994. Defense of the Republic, Military secret. In strict confidence to Morale Sector of the Second Corps, Item for the Chronicle Guidebook A BH. Ref. Conf. No. 04-1-364-2

Standing mission SRY with UN, 2. June 1993. Memorandum on war crimes and crimes genocide in astern Bosnia (communes of Bratunac, Skelani, and Srebrenica ) committed against the Serbian population from April 1992. to April 1993, p. 8. 1 Among 82 already mentioned and destroyed villages in the communes of Srebrenica and Bratunac, we shall note only those in which there was the largest number of the killed Serbs. They are as follows: Medje, Oparci, Obadi and Spat, Ratkovici, Loznocka Rijeka, Brezani, Zagoni, Krnjici, Sase i Zapayje, Magasici, Hranca, Podravanje, Fakovici, Boljevici, Sikiric, Bjelovac, Brana Bacici, Jezestica, Kravica, Siljkovici, Skelani 1 Ref.: SDA, No. 1258-3-91, date: 11.07.1991. Signed by Acting Secretary Hasan Cengic. The address of the centre was already given: Strosmajerova St. 80, Zagreb, together with a note that they have to come on Wednesday, 17.07.1991 at 6 p.m The document is filed with the Prosecutors Office of the Tribunal. 1 Milivoje Ivanisevic: The Chronicle of Our Graveyard, Committee for Data Collection on Crimes against Humanity and International Law, Belgrade-Bratunac, 1994, pp. 106-107.

Geoge Bogdani, according to the analysis: Srebrenica and the Policy of War Crimes, Serbian Congess Unity, special report, 8 July 2005 (Serbian translation) and Alksandar Pavi: The Forbidden Truth about Srebrenica A Manual Based only on Foreign Sources, LEGENDA, aak, 2006, p. 28.


Commanding officer of the Moslem forces, Naser Oric, was educated in the police school while the units of the Drina Corps were commanded by General Milenko Zivkovic, born in the village of Ratkovici, Srebrenica region, and a few tens of senior officers, also born in BH, members of the armed forces of former JNA. 1 Ibid. 2 1 From 16 February 15 March 1993, seven mass graves were disinterred at the site of the hill of Glodjani (3), Kozjak, Tresnjica, Mesapica potok (Mesapic Brook) and Siroki put (Wide Path). A lot of massacred bodies could not be identified. The bodies, taken out of the pits, were decapitated, without one of the extremities, with nails and iron bars in the skulls, without scrotum, eyes, with chained hands and legs, and the bodies charred by fire. Only three victims were killed by fire-arms. All that was found by an expert team headed by Dr Zoran Stankovic, a pathologist at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. 1 For more details, see: Milivoje Ivanisevic, Zloini nad Srbima u BiH 1992-1995 (Crimes against the Serbs in BH 1992-1995), Udruenje Srba iz BiH u Srbiji i igoja tampa, Beograd, 2005, p. 207. 1 Data filed with the Center for Crime Investigation against the Serbs, Belgrade. 1 Jan Vilhelm Honing and Norbert Bot: Srebrenica Testimonies about a War Crime (Srebrenica ), Radio B-92, Belgrade 1997, p. 93. 1 Five radio amateurs could be heard in Srebrenica every day (calling password were T-91BIM, T-91ESR), and from Cerska and Kamenica two radio amateurs, always talking in panic abour starvation, sickness and suffering; the messages were taken over and sent on by an amateur from Macedonia (Zijad Sinanovic, a JNA officer) to Sweden (calling password SM5EMR) and Montenegro (a possible tel. No. 082-53-281). In the message of 31 January 1993, about 4 p.m., the aforementioned Murat said that he had over an embassy (not mentioned) informed in English and Serbian the world public about the situation in Srebrenica and that he would on the following Friday talk about the genocide in Srebrenica. He estimated the war damages on 191.000.000 DM. 1 Nijaz Masic: Srebrenica Aggression, Resistance, Betrayal, Genocide, Srebrenica commune, 1999, p. 151 (Srebrenica agresija, otpor, izdaja, genocide, opstina Srebrenica, 1999, str. 151) 1 Oric Naser: Srebrenica Testifies and Accuses Genocide against the Bosnians in Eastern Bosnia (Middle Podrinje ), April 1992-September 1994, Published by the Commune of Srebrenica, Srebrenica-Malm-Ljubljana, 1995. (Srebrenica svjedoci i optuzuje genocide nad Bosnjacima u istocnoj Bosni (srednje Podrinje, april 1992septembar 1994, Izdavac opcina Srebrenica, Srebrenica-Malme-Ljubljana, 1995). 1 Ibidem 12. 1 War Letter of Dr Radovan Karadzic, International Board for the Truth about Radovan Karadzic, Belgrade, 2004, p. 221 ( , , 2004. . 221). 1 Serb Republic, Presidents office: To the headquarters of Serb republic Army, in strict confidence No. 0153/93. 16. 04.1993. Order in possession of the Hague Tribunal. 1 The document is entitled as follows: Srebrenica and Zepa Demilitarization Agreement, concluded on 08 May 1993 between General Ratko Mladic and General Sefer Halilovic in the presence of General Philippe Morillon. Article 8 provided for the evacuation of seriously wounded or sick to hospitals and places of their choice. 1 The attacks were carried out at the site of Mocevici village and Kvarc hillside, 17 April 1993. The following Serbian soldiers were killed:Milenko (Radenko) Grbic, Dragan (Luka) Lalovic, Elvis Ivancevic, Jugoslav Jungic, Milan Milanovic and Bozo (Danilo) Stevic. (Ibidem 5, p. 94). 1 Ibidem 13, Article 1. 1 Ibidem 13, Article 3 1 Ibidem 13, Article 5. 1 Ibidem 16, p.221 1 Jan Vilhelm Honing and Norbert Both: Srebrenica Testimonies about a War Crime, Radio B92, Belgrade 1997, p. 113. 1 Ibidem, p. 114. 1 See footnote 2 1 Ibidem 11. 1 Ibidem 9. 1 See footnote 3. 1 Secretary Generals report to the UN General Assembly dated 15 November 1999. 1 Veernje novosti of 18 December 2006. 1 Nikola Moravevi: Svetlosti Zapada (The Lights of the West), Prosveta, Belgrade, 2003. 1 It is impossible to cite many hundreds of documents of some brigade headquarters and Division 28 informing a higher command on desertions, most often under arms, sometimes with whole families, to nowhere and requiring to arrest them if noticed in the region. 1 Dnevni telegraf, Belgrade, 21.6.1996. (?).


Ibidem. Ibidem 28. 1 Nurif Rizvanovic, a former JNA officer, was, as a German intelligence agent, sentenced to 7 year imprisonment together with a group of collaborators. After completing his sentence, he started the detective agency Laufer in Novo Mesto (Slovenia). Before the armed conflicts in BH, as a chairman of the Moslem National Council, he was purchasing and supplying weapons for the Moslems in the region of Srebrenica. In November 1992, from Tuzla he came to the village of Glogovo (Bratunac commune). 1 R. Motika: Nasers death-firman, Sunday paper Javnost, 13 August 1994, p. 22. 1 Washington Post. Srebrenica report, 14 February, 1994. 1 Weekly magazine DANI Sarajevo, 04 May, 2001, p. 20 1 Jacques Verzes: Justice for Serbian People, Lausanne, 2003. 1 Drina Corps Command: Order for Active Personnel, Strictly conf. No. 04-156-2 of 02 July 1995. Military secret, strictly confidential, copy 3, Krivaja-95. 1 The most interesting part of that plan reads as follows: The third step is the active two-part state of war: first, the destruction of Serbian forces in Bosnia and, second, a concentrated campaign against Serbia itself. In the first part, the USA will use AVAX airplanes and F-15 fighters as to show evident allied supremacy over the whole territory of the former Yugoslavia. Primary targets of air raids, in that sense, are Serbian heavy artillery and armored units in Bosnia. British and French infiltration teams are deploying battery radars in order locate Serbian artillery sites nearby the siege zone. From the base in Italy and off the aircraft carrier in the Adriatic, American fighter F-15, F-16, F-18 and F-111 systematically neutralizes Serbian artillery units, while the fighters destroy them. Desperation, however, can make the Serbs check the determination of the coalition (that is NATO, note: M.I.) by sending fresh forces to BosniaIt could be done by restarting the conflicts in Croatia or starting diversionist war at Kosovo, or anything like that. Such an action of theirs would facilitate the second part: destruction of important targets in Serbia by American fighters and Tomahawk missiles. Carbon filter technology makes possible for us to knock out Serbian electric power stations without destroying it so that it will be in operation after the conflicts have been finished. Another technology can enable us to put crude oil in the oil plants into useless jelly without the destruction of their capacities. We shall destroy their communication systems. At the same time, we shall take over their media stations as to inform the Serbian population that we want to stop the war. It is the war Serbia is not able to win. Necessary military capacities were also mentioned which, apart from the Moslem infantry aiming at taking back their land, have to be engaged. They are as follows: One aircraft carrier in the Adriatic with 60 combat planes, 3 AVAX planes, 1 STARS observation system, 5-10 oil tankers C-135, 24 combat planes F-15, 18 planes F-111 24 planes F-16 together with guiding systems. Jerusalem Post, George Kenney and Michael Duggan: Balkan Storm Operation, the plan, Jerusalem, 30 (?) November 1992 (See, bulletin BINA, 01 December 1992). 1 President of RS, strictly conf. No. 01-1351/95. Date: 11.07.1995. The document if filed with the Hague Tribunal. 1 George Bogdanic, according to the analysis Srebrenica and the Policy of War Crimes, Serbian Unity Congress, special report, 08 July 2005 (Serbian translation). 1 Jurgen Elsezer: War Lies, From Kosovo Conflict to Legal Proceeding against Milosevic, JASEN, Belgrade, 2004, p.43. 1 Ibidem 38. 1 The Municipal Office in the given letter, No. 1 May 1994 of 11 January 1994, signed by District Council Chairman, Fahrudin Salihovic, graduate in veterinary medicine, gives the following notice: The required data are supplied for statistical purposes that should not be available to international organizations because we have presented them the number of 45.000 people. It was previously noted that the local population number was 9.791, the number of the exiled from other communes was 16.708 and the local displaced people from their homes was 756. 1 Slobodna Bosna, , 14. July1996 (Presidium and Chief of Staff Sacrificed Srebrenica 1 Aleksandar Pavic: The Forbidden Truth about Srebrenica, Legenda, aak, 2006, p.69 1 In the summer of 2006, daily papers made public that a Mandic, who took part in the killing of people by a firing squad, was arrested in the USA. The same man was made responsible only for violating the border. 1 Kosta avoki: The Hague against Justice, Nikola Pai, Publishing House, Belgrade, 1998, p.71 (Kosta avoki::Hag protiv pravde, IKP Nikola Pai, Beograd, 1998.. 71). 1 The interview with Hakija Meholjic, a representative of Srebrenica in the talks with Alija Izetbegovic in Sarajevo in September 1993, 5000 Thousand Moslem Heads for a Military Intervention, DANI journal, 22 June 1998, Sarajevo. 1 Jean Rene Ruez, before he came to the Hague, had been a Criminal Police inspector, head of Robbery Fighting team in Nice. (Jacque Masse: Our Beloved War Criminals, Klub Plus, DANGRAF, Belgrade, 2006, p. 7). This parochial French inspector, soon after being appointed to a new job, became an outstanding expert of the Hague Tribunal in the investigation of Serbian crimes.


Julija Bogoev, an interview with an investigator, Jean-Rene Ruez, Monitor, No. 548 and 549 of 19 and 27 April 2001. 1 Missing persons on the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina, International Red Cross Committee, Searching Dept. (RCSK), geneva. 1 International Criminal Court of the United Nations for the former Yugoslavia, Srebrenica Investigation, Dean Menning Forensic Evidence of the Execution Site and the Mass Grave , 16 May 2000. ( , , - - , 16. 2000. ( unofficial translation into Serbian) 1 The usual classification of graves are as follows: primary, transitional and secondary. The primary ones are those where the bodies were buried for the first time (for number estimates of the bodies they are the most important), transitional ones are temporary, and the bodies are kept here until they are put in new, secondary ones. 1 The grave was exhumated from 07-18. 07. 1996. 1 The grave was exhumated , from 20-26. 07. 1996. 1 The grave was exhumated, burial place 1 from 13.07-03.08.2000, burial place 2 from 19.08.-09.09.1996. 1 The grave was exhumated from 10-24.09.1996 1 Srebrenica-Potoari, Memorial Center and mezarje, Supporting and realization Committee. The list of identified persons buried on 31 March, 11 July and 20 September 2003, edited bz Sadik Salimovi and Marinko Sekuli. Publisher: Habdurahman Malki, Srebrenica, 2003. 1 The lists of victims buried on 11 Juy 2005 at the Memorial Center Srebrenica- Potoari, published by Srebrenike novine, 2005. 1 Public Utility Company City Cemetery Visoko: Burial Schedule of the victims in Srebrenica on the day of 11 July 2006 at the Memorial Center Srebrenica-Potoari. 1 Registered upon the Decision of Municipal Court, Lukavac, No. R-591/96 of 30.03.2000. Death 15.06.2000. 1 Registered death upon the Decision of certified death No. R-262/97 of 6.10.1997, Municipal Court of Kalesija. . Death 24.10.1997. 1 Registered death upon the Decision of the Municipal Court of Kladani No. R-36/96 of 21.11.1996. Registered date of death: 29.11.1996. 1 Registered death upon the Decision of the Municipal Court of Tuzla No.R2-379/96 of 5.04.1999. Registered date of death: 29.12.2000. 1 Death registered upon the Death Certificate of the Health Center Bratunac, No..05-202-320/99. Registered date of death : 12.11.1999. 1 Documents of the Center for the Investigation of Crimes against the Serbian Population. 1 A captured report reads as follows: The Military command for Srebrenica, No.697-93 of 11.11.1993 (The list of the killed and dead whose familes got necessary provisions and places to live in Tuzla and the vicinity). 1 Proposal and opinion of the 28th Command of BH Army, Reg. Conf. No. 04-16/95 of 30.03.1995. for conferring the war award (The Golden Lilly badge). 1 For the list of Serbian victims, see: Center for the Investigation of Crimes Committed against the Serbian Population: The Serbian Victims in the commune of Srebrenica 1992-1995. Earlier given records, Belgrade, 1998. 1 For the list of Serbian victims, see: Center for the Investigation of Crimes Committed against the Serbian Population: The Serbian Victims in the commune of Bratunac 1992-1995. Earlier given records, Belgrade, 1998. 1 Geoge Bogdani, according to the analysis: Srebrenica and the Policy of War Crimes, Serbian Congess Unity, special report, 8 July 2005 (Serbian translation) and Alksandar Pavi: The Forbidden Truth about Srebrenica A Manual Based only on Foreign Sources, LEGENDA, aak, 2006, p. 28.


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