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Homemade Play-dough!

Ingredients: *Single... (Makes about 2 cups of dough) *Double (Makes about 4 cups of dough) 1 cup flour 2 cups flour cup salt 1 cup salt 2 tbsp. vegetable/cooking oil 3-4 tbsp. vegetable/cooking oil 1 tbsp. cream of tartar 1 tbsp. cream of tartar 1 cup water 2 cups water Extras food coloring (as desired), glitter (1-2 tsp.), spices (1-2 tbsp.), extract (about 1 tsp.), packet of Jell-O, Kool-Aid packet, etc. (I dont necessarily measure exactly I just shake it in, usually adding about 2 tbsp. all together start off with less, because you can always add more!) Instructions: Stir dry ingredients together well in a saucepan. Add in water, oil, & extract (if desired). Stir until a thick batter forms. Cook the batter over medium heat- stirring constantly- until a thick ball of dough forms (it will pull away from the sides, and will look dryer). Turn dough out onto parchment paper & knead until smooth (warm to the touch). Cool & store in air-tight container. Have fun!! Fun Play-dough Ideas: January- Snow Play-dough - plain white with silver/white glitter (add vanilla scent) February- Valentine Play-dough - packet of strawberry or cherry Jell-O & heart confetti March- St. Patricks Day Play-dough- green food coloring with green glitter April- Grape Play-dough add grape Kool-Aid packet (put in plastic eggs) May- Flower Play-dough drops of flower essential oil (dye in pastels) June- Strawberry Play-dough- add in strawberry Jell-O packet July- Blueberry Play-dough- add blueberry Jell-O or Kool-Aid packet August- Lemonade Play-dough lemonade Kool-Aid packet September- Apple Play-dough sour apple Jell-O packet, or red food coloring & apple juice October- Pumpkin Play-dough pumpkin pie spice & orange food coloring (mix red & yellow) November- Gingerbread Play-dough add ginger & cinnamon December- Peppermint Play-dough add peppermint extract (color red and/or green) ***Obviously, if you add in glitter, confetti, flower essential oil, etc. please make sure little ones dont put it in their mouths!! ***

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