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Glogster Rubric

Student Name:_________________________________
Needs Improvement 1 point
Many spelling and grammatical errors throughout poster.


Excellent 4 points
correctly and used correct punctuation and capitalization throughout poster.

Proficient 3 points
errors and left out a few punctuation and capitalization throughout poster. Provides an example of 5 types of solid figures which have been discussed. Provides 2-3 examples of each type of solid figure. Most solid figures are labeled with correct solid figure names.

Satisfactory 2 points
Some spelling errors and left out some punctuation and capitalization throughout poster. Provides an example of 4 types of solid figures which have been discussed. Provides only 1-2 example of each type of solid figure. Some solid figures are labeled with correct solid figure names.

Spelling/Grammar All words spelled Few spelling

Displays all types Provides an of solid figures example of all 6

(i.e., cube, sphere, cone, rectangular prism, pyramid and cylinder) types of solid figures which have been discussed. Provides 3-4 examples of each type of solid figure. Every solid figure is labeled with correct solid figure names. All spacing and organization is wonderful.

Provides an example of 3 or less types of solid figures which have been discussed. Provides only 1 example of each type of solid figure.

Displays proper amount of solid figures

Proper Labels

Few solid figures are labeled with correct solid figure names.


Most spacing and Some spacing and Words and objects organization is organization is are not organized wonderful. wonderful. and are too close together.

Total: _____/20 points

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