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ae ee oot Serrano Set esate Seeyammesdtne oan [Engh Translation with compete Muhammad 0 ce ect nos ” See aounne a IMAM GHAZZAU iene a ou tis th —— Minha) ul "Abidin ‘By Muhammad Saved Sidi’ Yy jannati Rabbil’Alamin 4 Siratun-Nabi (Volumes) Imam Abu ‘nam Yahya mum Abs Baby al-Khassat Rendered Into English BY in Sharad: Rahman i ‘Mughal za : ‘ ‘Adab AL-Qadl i 4 Volumes 2 Rlyad apSalhin@ Volumes ae jal - KAZI PUBLICATIONS LAHORE - PAKISTAN bee BC nt ‘ ) 2 ate ¢ 4 ANNAN KIMIYA-I-SA‘ADAT (Alchemy of Eternal Bliss) BY IMAM GHAZZALI Rendered into English by Muhammad Asim Bilal Revised by Justice Dr. Munir Ahmad Mughal KAZI PUBLICATIONS Lahore-Pakistan Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Publishers. First Edition, 2001 WORLDWIDE COPYRIGHT © 2001 KAZI PUBLICATIONS LAHORE - PAKISTAN Published by: KAZI PUBLICATIONS 121-Zulgamain Chambers, Ganpat Road, Lahore-Pakistan Fax: 92-42-7117606 E-mail: URL: pk/~kazip Composed by: BOUNTY ENTERPRISES Imran Park, Outfall Road, Near Saggian Bridge, Lahore Pakistan, Printed at: ‘T’amir-e-Adab Press 43-Baba Farid Road, Lahore Pakistan, ti PUBLISHER'S NOTE Hujat-ublslam Imam Ghazzali (Allah's mercy be upon him) has a distinguished place in Islamic history He was first-rate genius who popularized moral knowledge among the Muslims. According to some well known thinkers and historians of modern world Ghazzali’s greatest achievement consisted in dethroning philosophy from the highest pedestal of knowledge and enthroning spiritualism in its place. He is like a fountain of Islamic history and will be praised till the sun rises. In the course of discussing any subject, he himself formulated the questions, those could arise in the minds of readers and the very next moment he answered the same in the light of Qur'an and Hadith. He will be remembered and appreciated in the hearts of masses by dint of his work, especially who have been persuaded towards the basics of Islam. In some eminent personalities of Islamic period. his name is dazding equally in the East and the West as well. In honour of his services for Islam we have no words to write, which is enough to say. May Allah Almighty accept his efforts and rest his soul in peace in the life Hereafter Amin! Mr. Muhammad Asim Bilal translated this book into English with great care and skill. He has full command on both the languages. Thanks are due to Justice Di. Munir Ahmad Mughal who devoted his precious time to revise the manuscript entirely and correct it wherever necessary giving valuable and precious suggestions which have added to the beauty of the translation. May Allah reward him with His blessings in the both worlds Amin! By the Grace of Allah Almighty, we have published more then 200 books on various topics of Islam in English including ‘The Noble Qur'an’ in 9 volmes, ‘Sahih al-Bukhari’ in 9 volumes, ‘Ibn Majah’ in § volumes, ‘Sunan Nasa'i’ in 2 volumes, ‘Lu’ Lu’ wal- Marjan’ in 3 volumes, ‘Mishkat al-Masabih in 1 volume, ‘Riyad as Salihin’ in 2 volumes and ‘Sirat un Nabi’ in 6 volumes, which have: been greatly admired by the readers within and outside the country. The purpose of Publishing important Islamic literature into English language is to give a reach to the original sources to all those who do not understand Arabic by one or the other reason. This book is a sequel to this purpose. We are also thankful to all the persons who Participated in the publication of this book at any stage ‘whose names can not be entered in this page. We have tried our utmost to make the standard of Printing and getup of the book, the best. On our part, we endeavour it possible to print this book without mistakes even then if any one finds out any mistake, please inform us, We will be thankful to him. Arabic text of the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the text of the Ahadith with their translation into English is also given in this book. May Allah Grant us His tayfiq to act upon his commandments and to remain on Sirat-e-Mustagim. The Publishers CONTENTS Introduction .. To Get to Know One's Self. ‘The Hereatter.. Istam and it's Essential Elements. The ‘Ibadat’, Le, ‘Symposium ‘Qudrat’ . Hearing and Sight. ‘Kalam’-Speech . Benefaction (Beneficence). |. Aakhirat: the Hereafter............ The Sirat: the Final Passage Way |. The Prophet se, The Pursuit of ‘lm’: Education... ‘&._ Cleanliness and Purity... seonieinrsee 160 * Namaz: the Prayers Namaz: the Prayers. The Makroohat of ‘Namaz’ Undesirable things in ‘Namaz... oe The ‘Rooh’ i.e., the ee - ‘Nama’ ‘he Prayers.cnrss ren oe sees 195 erraAammMmonRp> wit The ‘Tasbeeh’, ‘Tahlil, Salat-e-Astaghfar and their Benefits... — “Tasbeeh-o-Tahmeed” ........ The Darood Sharif (Salutations, Prayers and Blessings in Reverence to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)........356 * The ‘Astaghfaar’.. se a The “Adaab” of “Dua”... seeeeneenees 360 Some Effective (Dua's) Prayers for Mercy Saying the Rosary: Repertoire Rosaris.....:0.0....374 Rosaries of the Day... The Prayers and Worship at Night.. The Decorum and Manners of taking Food. How to take Food To Eat in Company..... vices ssenreeee OB The Importance of having a Meal with the Friends and the Faithful : 408 ‘The Etiquette of Entertaining a Friend ....-......409 ‘Fazeelate Mezbani’ (Blessedness of being the HOSt) eee 417 Invitation toa Repast and Principles of Accepting it... ee . The Attendance Seeing off the Guests The ‘Nikah’: the Holy Marriage Virtues of ‘Nikah' (the Marriage)... The ‘Aafaat’: Hazards of ‘Nikah’ (Matrimony) .....437 The Wedding Ceremony and its Allied . Matters... 440 ‘The Qualies to Look for in a Woman before Marriage ... 442 Rights and Duties after Nikah. Trade and Vocation for Livelihood Virtues of Trade and Vocation . The Principles Governing the Eaming of One's Livelihood according to ‘Shariat’ Justice and Fairplay in One's Dealings... Being Kind and Considerate in one's Dealings with others .. ‘Shafqat’ Benevolence towards (‘Deen’) Faith in Matters of this World...... To Differentiate between the ‘Halal’ and ‘Hara The Propriety and Blessings of Seeking ‘Halal’ ...514 The Status of Abstinence and Piety in ‘Halal- o-Haram’ How to Differentiate between ‘Halal-o- Haram’ To Pay Servile respects to 2 King and take Daily Allowance and ‘Halal Mal’ from him 526 ‘Amiability and Good Fellowship for Allah .. “The Meaning of Friendship for Allah Fighting Against the enemies of Allah The Code of Conduct in Companionship Love and Companionship The Rights of Muslim Brotherhood, Associates, Neighbours, Assistants : The Rights of the Parents * The Rights of the ‘Children’ a The Rights of the Slaves (both Male and Female)... sessannenssssnnsees Confinement and Solitude... The Harm and Devastation of Solitude. Principles of Retiring into. Solitary Confinement for Worship of Allah... The Decorum of Going on a Journey....... The ‘Niyat’ (intention) of undertaking a Journey and its Purposeful Details... Zahiri ‘Safar’: Normal Travel in Life... The ‘Batini Safar’: the Journey for the Good of the Hereafter... Other Important Aspects of “Safar (Travel Journey)... . ‘Sama’ and ‘ Wei. . Further Details of ‘Sama’ ... s ‘Aadabe Sama’ the Decorum of Sama! aaa “Amre Bil Ma'roof’ and ‘Nahi Anil Munkar’ : to Assert the Right and Oppose the Wrong The Conditions of ‘Ihtisab’: Accountabil ‘The Status of ‘Ihtisab’: Accountability... The ‘Muhtasib’ The Prevailing ‘Munkarat’ (Undesirable 589 591 594 610 618 618 624 632 things)... sro 691, ‘Munkarats of the Mosque 692 “Munkarat’ of the ‘Bazaar’ (Market Place). 694 ‘Munkarats' of the Road Side..... 695,

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