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Talley 1

Rosalyan Talley Mrs. Johnson/ Ms. Alton LNG 332 1 February 2010 The Dark Side of Love For he had gone away and he could never go back any more. The gates were closed, the sun was gone down, and there was no beauty but the gray beauty of steel that withstands all time (Fitzgerald, 16). The relevance of this quote depicts the effect of emptiness that proves the dark side of love. Dexter, the main character, introduces his American Dream throughout the novel through Judy Jones, his child love. After years of hurt and betrayal, Dexter finally comprehends at the end of the story that the love he once felt was only a figment of his imagination. The truth, when it finally comes out, left Dexters heart cold, lonely, and last but not least empty. An emptiness feeling that most would say be because of during his early ages he grew up as a middle class resident and others may argue that it can possibly be because during his mature years he grew to request higher standards. The author, Fitzgerald, displays to the audience that love isnt always as rich as people try to make it seem and he proves this point through the story. I. Fitzgerald past and attitude towards love II. Early Childhood development of love A. Mother was an Immigrant

Talley 2

B. Young Caddie C. College Life III. Mature Adulthood Desires A. Pursuit of the upper class woman (Irene Scheerer) B. Business Enterprise C. Social Status

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