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Commitment Tools Activity

When the Lord told Nephi to build a ship,Nephi made his own tools. Circle the tools Nephi might have made in those days.(Friend, March 1988)

Family Thought Questions

Ax: What can you axe out of your life to make your family better? Bellows: a device that produces a stream of air through narrow tube when its sides are pressed together: used in pipe organs, for blowing fires,

etc. (YourDictionary) How can you improve the atmosphere of your home?
Chisel: Sculpting detail work from stone using a chisel is an example of to chisel. ( life beautiful? Mallet: kind of hammer, usually with a heavy wooden head and a short handle, for driving a chisel etc. ( How can I help others do their part in the family? Rope: Families can be like ropes. When only one person is working hard and doing what is right, the family will not be as strong as when everyone is putting forth the effort to help each other. How can I make my family strong like a rope? (see Establishing a Christ Centered Home by Richard J. Maynes) Wedge: In a general conference talk, President Monson told of a tree destroyed by a metal wedge that had become hidden inside it. He then explained how hidden wedges of anger or resentment can destroy our lives unless we learn to forgive. (April 2002 Conference) Is there someone in our family I need to forgive? How can you make your family and home

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