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Neural Network

1. What is the neural network? Explain its mathematical equation and the practical application of neural network? 2. What are the types of machine learning? Explain the algorithm of inductive learning? 3. What is ID3 process? Explain the entropy in ID3 and algorithm of the ID3 process? 4. Differentiate between overfitting and pruning? Explain the process involves in the pruning? 5. What is the McCulloch/Pitts Neuron? Explain its algorithm. 6. Explain the Hebbian learning with algorithm. Illustrate it with suitable raining inputs. 7. Explain the learning rule in the Perceptron. What are the limitations and how can you improve it? 8. What is a Backpropagation? Explain its algorithm with suitable example. 9. What is a Hop field Network? How can you construct this Network? 10.What is Genetic Algorithm? Explain the components of Genetic Algorithm. What are the applications of Genetic Algorithm?

2062,Jestha : Attempt All :FM=60, PM=30, Time=3hrs. 1. a) How can you contrast human brain with comuters? Define and explain mathematical equation and the practical application of neural networks. [5] b) What are the major components in a learning system? Explain the algorithm of deductive learning. [7] 2. a) What is a decision tree? How can you represent decision tree? Explain the process of producing the best decision tree. [6] b) What is an overfitting effects? How can you avoid overfitting? Explain the process involved in the overfitting. [6] 3. a) What is an unsupervised learning? Explain the simple unsupervised learning algorithm. [5] b) Explain the process of Hebbian learning. Write its algorithm. Explain with suitable practical example. [7] 4. a) What is an Adaline network? Explain its algorithm with suitable practical example. [5] b) What is a Backpropagation? Explain its algorithm. Why Backpropagation is considered to be best algorithm in the neural networks? [7]

5. a) What is Hetroassociative Architecture? How can you construct this Networks? Explain along with weight matrix. [6] b) Explain about Genetic Algorithm. What are the components of Genetic Algorithm explain along with its applications? [6]

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