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NAME: Guerra Amn Mara Jos COURSE: 5th FM2

Hello, well Im taking about the things that I like doing In my free time. I enjoy spend a lot of time chatting because on that way I can socialite with another person s that I like meet, I love draw some specials drawings for my friends, this art helps me to express my ideas and feelings, and another thing that I love doing in mi free time is swim, because this activity relax me. I spend time with my family, I love talk with them about the activities that we did on the day, I love to spend time in a shopping center with my fiends because I like innovative things that the society show us day by day, and another thing that I love doing in mi free time is swimming, because this activity relax me, and remove the stress. I really hate spend money in unnecessary things, I prefer save that money to spend it in some necessary or in things that I love to use , for example earrings, necklaces and make up. I spend my money in some beauty articles, because that is necessary for a woman; I spend my money buying food in my high school, I only spend my money in necessary things.

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