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Primary Sources Sheppard, E. T. (1900, 6, 6). The Crisis in China and the Causes. The Sanfransico Call.

Retrieved from http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1900-07-06/ed-1/seq-6.pdf In this article the author talks about his experiences in China, and the levels of destruction he has seen the Boxer's cause. The author also notes that the Boxer's motives behind there rampage where to rid China of foreign powers, and remove the religion of Christianity from China. This article helped me understand what The Boxer's intentions where for their rebellion. I think this article can help others understand how find the motives for one actions. Unknown. (Photographer). (1900). Destruction in the streets around the foreign legations in Peking. The Boxer Rebellion. 198. [Print Photo]. This is a photo of Peking, China after it was attacked by Boxers, shows what the Boxer rebellion did to the environment and how it affected the peoples lives there. This photo helped me comprehend what sort of destruction the Boxer's caused, and how it affected the lives of the people living there. It also explained what living conditions many natives had after being attacked by Boxer's. This relates to my topic cause it gave examples of geographical influence. Unknown. (Photographer). (1900). Japanese doctors attending their wounded after the battle of Tientsin, China. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3c03012/ This photograph of wounded Japanese soldiers now being healed after the Battle of Tientsin, China displays a form of geographical influence on the people fighting against the Boxers. This photo displays the the conditions of many fighters and what sort of battle they where subjected to. What I learned from this photo is that many soldiers where left in horrid conditions, and how the battle had hindered peoples lives because of the destruction.

Unknown. (Photographer). (1900). Native Christians fleeing from the "Boxers" - Chinese refugees being taken away from Tientsin, China. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3b24380/ [Web Photo] This photo of Native Christians fleeing from their homes and churches in attempt to escape the Boxers is an example of cultural issues in my topic. This photo helped me understand what religions, or ethnicity's where affected during the Boxer Rebellion. I think this photo could help others understand how certain religious practices influenced people's lives. Unknown. (1900, 6, 17). Germany has little faith in the dowager. San Francisco Call. Retrieved from http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1900-06-17/ed-1/seq-14/ This is an article on Germany's thoughts on the situation arising in China. This article is and example of Ideas and Values. This article really helped me understand what other countries thought of the Boxer Rebellion and How The Dowager or China's government was handling the situation. This article could help others understand how people observing this situation thought of it. Unknown. (1900, 6, 17). Empress is against boxers. The Omaha Sunday Bee. Retrieved from http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1900-06-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf This article talks about what other countries thought about the Boxers motives and what they where trying to accomplish. This article helped me recognize others ideas on the Rebellion. The article also presented new ideas and values the Boxers might have had, ones that didn't relate to foreign powers or Christianity. This article can help others expand their ideas on the Boxer Rebellion.

Unknown. (Photographer). (1900). Boxers on trial before the high court, china. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3b21754/ This is a picture of two Boxer's on trial before the High Court. This picture displays a form of Social Issue within my topic. This picture helped me understand that anyone affiliated with Boxers or is one, would suffer consequences if captured by Chinese or Japanese troops. This picture can help one understand how relationships or ties with groups can affect someone. Unknown. (1900, 8 11). Japan could settle Chinese muddle. The Honolulu Republican. Retrieved from http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047165/1900-08-11/ed-1/seq-8.pdf This article represents Cultural Issues within my topic. The article helped me understand some influences foreign countries had in China, and how they helped or damaged the situation in China. The article also displays Ideas and Values other countries had on China's muddle, and ways to resolve it. This article can help others identify influences from others in a situation, like the Boxer Rebellion. Unknown. (Photographer). (1900). One of the modes of punishment in china - a boxer prisoner, Peking, China. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3c37105/ This is a photograph of a Boxer who was captured by Japanese troops and now being punished; This was one form of punishment for Boxers (humiliation.) This photo gave me an idea of what punishment a Boxer took after being captured. This photo also shows Social Issues with in my topic. For example being a Boxer or being affiliated with the Boxers you where punished for influencing or taking part in their crimes.

Unknown. (Photographer). (1900). French missionaries and a former comrade--victim of the "boxers" (from photograph taken after rescue), shanghai, china. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3c03015/ This is a photo of a foreigner who was a victim of the Boxers. In this photo there is a man in a box who was beaten, beheaded, and burned. This photo gave me more ideas on Boxer's different methods of punishment for their victims. This photo also displays Cultural and Social Issues within my topic, the issue being if you where a foreigner you where in danger of the Boxer's. Secondary Sources Unknown. (2009). The Boxer Rebellion. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/1900/peopleevents/pande25.html This article is a summary on the Boxer Rebellion, and how they gained enough power to cause so much destruction. This article talks about the Dowager Empress and her support of the Boxers. It also talks about after the war, and the amount of debt China was in because It gave countries who had contributed in fighting over 300 million dollars in trades. This article helped me understand what the Boxer Rebellion was and gave me simple summary on what had occurred. Unknown. (2011). Jun 20, 1900: Boxer rebellion begins in china. Retrieved from http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/boxer-rebellion-begins-in-china This article is about the day the Boxer's officially declared their fight against foreign influences in China. This article helped me understand how the and why the Boxer's began the war against

foreign powers, and helped me find out when this occurred. This article is somewhat a representation of Cultural issues within my topic.

Unknown. (2010, 12 30). Boxer Rebellion. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxer_Rebellion This article is about the confusion and chaos the Boxer Rebellion caused. In the beginning Boxer struck by going on a killing rampage, and attacking foreign missionaries and Christians. This also gave me insight on what many average people thought of the situation (I.e Where the Boxers anti-imperialists or futile opponents of inevitable change?) This article can help others identify ideas from others, and realize the Boxers main motive. Eye Witness to History (2008). A Prisoner of the Boxer Rebellion, 1900. Retrieved from http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/boxer.htm This article is another but more detailed summary of the Boxer Rebellion and the events that took place within the Boxer Rebellion. This article helped me understand what truly ignited the war between Boxers and Foreigners. The article also helped me identify some major events within the Boxer Rebellion. This article can help others identify major events on history and in situations. Preston, D. (2000). The Boxer Rebellion:The Dramatic Story of China's War on Foreigners that shook the World in the Summer of 1900. (pp. 22-33). United States: Walker Publishing Company. This chapter within the book was about the Boxers, and the motives, or the cause of their actions and what they wanted. It also tell you about the Boxers background and that they where recorded as anti-imperialists and anti-Christians. This article helped me learn about the Boxers,

and who they where and everything about them.

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