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Shared Reading: This week we have been studying Jan Brett. We have learned all sorts of interesting things about her, for example she has a pet hedgehog!! This week we read: The Mitten Armadillo Rodeo Beauty and the Beast Comets Nine Lives The Three Snow Bears The Hat Honey, Honey Lion We had a great time learning about Jan Brett. We are even trying to write books like her in our writing center.
Theme This week we began our study of the blue morpho butterfly. We have been learning about the life cycle of the butterfly. We are each going to sign up to make a stage of the blue morpho butterflies life cycle. We also wrote research questions. We are answering our questions and teaching them to the class. We will then put together a blue morpho butterfly book. Math In preparation for first grade, we have begun to phase out rest time. In place of rest time we are participating in math center. There are four center rotations that must be completed by the end of the week. This week our rotations included: an addition problem for our math journal. Five-by-Five. In this game the children rolled a dice and placed that many counters on the board. Then they filled in a sheet that said I have ___ I need ____ more to get to twenty. This helps the children realize all the different ways they can get to twenty.
Habin and Cooper in the puppet center, reading and acting out a story.

Digit to Dot Concentration: The children played concentration matching the digit to a card with the same number of dots on it. This helps the children develop a stronger understanding of the amount that correspondences with a number. War: This allows the children to compare number quantities. This allows them to work on the concept of more and less than. It also allows them to work on their negotiation skills because they must come to an agreement on whose card is worth more.

Journal This week we wrote about: Deondre got a new bike. Blake rode the Tower of Terror. Addison went to her brothers basketball game, Free Choice Friday Important Dates: January 17: Brick Oven Pizza Night January 27: Class Picture Day February 7: Chick Fil A Night Happy Birthday to Kaiden!!!!!!!!

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