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Our Candidate


Bilingual Involved in Environmental action groups Active participant in Model UN Community Outreach for Music Educator of children Member of the Law Society Believes in helping you

CSD is for a brighter tomorrow

Lower interest rates on university loans Higher government funding for Universities and Colleges Restructure the French immersion program

Rid minimum sentences More rehabilitation centres Legalize marijuana

Canadian Social Democrats

Equality for All
Candidate: Elizabeth Tudor Jonathan Amelia Daniela Alex Kathique

Foreign Policy
Renegotiation of NAFTA Increase foreign aid More involvement in UN Peacekeeping

Mission Statement
Canadian Social Democrats believe in helping individuals and small businesses. Social democrats believe that social programs are necessary for the development of Canada

Social Programs



Building a Unified Canada

Government subsidized daycare National transit strategy Fix equalization payments

Encourage the cultural mosaic that defines Canada Give immigrants professionals easier access to jobs Fund independent housing for immigrants

Healthcare CSD a greener Canada

Tax breaks for 0 carbon emissions Promote hydro and geothermal energy Better regulation of nuclear plants and waste y

Making Canada a Leader in Healthcare Research

Federalize healthcare Create more teaching hospitals

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