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Physics 212

Lecture 19
LC and RLC Circuits
- Oscillation frequency - Energy - Damping

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 1

Who is the Artist? A) B) C) D) E) Stephane Grappelli Pearl Django Mark OConnors Hot Swing Trio Miles Davis Cassandra Wilson Why?? In honor of: Wynton Marsalis 50th Birthday Absolutely Incredible Album !! Mark OConnor Wynton Marsalis Jane Monheit fiddle trumpet vocals
Physics 212 Lecture 3

Some Exam Stuff

Exam Tomorrow Wed. night ( Oct. 26) at 7:00
Covers material in Lectures 9 18 (through last Thursdays lecture) Bring your ID: Rooms determined by discussion section (see link) Conflict exam at 5:15 should have signed up in gradebook by now If you have conflicts with both of these, contact Prof. Park

Physics 212 Lecture 18, Slide 3

Your Comments
You know whats going to be really scary on Halloween? Seeing my

grade for this upcoming physics test!!!! can you just give all of us A's on the test
Really? I just took a Diff Equ exam today on damping. They were

horrible enough to through on an under-damped example. Now you are making me take an exam on Wednesday, and then I have to continue my learning about this stuff? EVIL!!!!!
Oscillators are everywhere you will keep seeing them!!!!!!

How does the current not remain constant in just an LC



Can you show the solution of the differential equation for RLC circuits? The prelecture only mentions it, and it would be nice to solidify what is shown in the textbook during lecture. WILL DO! InDuctOr aNd capaciTors stiLl stInK and arE difficulT wHen solvIng circuitS.
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 4

LC Circuit

dI VL = L dt
+ Circuit Equation:

VC =


Q dI +L =0 C dt
d 2Q Q = 2 LC dt
d 2Q dt 2 = 2Q

dQ I= dt


1 LC

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 5

d 2Q dt

= Q

1 LC

d x dt 2

= 2 x

k = m

F = -kx a

Same thing if we notice that

1 k C



Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 6

Time Dependence

++ C --

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 7

Checkpoint 1a
At time t = 0 the capacitor is fully charged with Qmax and the current through the circuit is 0.

What is the potential difference across the inductor at t = 0 ? A) VL = 0 B) VL = Qmax/C C) VL = Qmax/2C

The entire voltage drop is through the capacitor as the inductor stores no charge. Since the capacitor and inductor are in parallel the voltage across the inductor should be equal to the voltage across the capacitor. time constant has 2.
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 8

Checkpoint 1a
At time t = 0 the capacitor is fully charged with Qmax and the current through the circuit is 0.

What is the potential difference across the inductor at t = 0 ? A) VL = 0 B) VL = Qmax/C C) VL = Qmax/2C

since VL = VC

The voltage across the capacitor is Qmax/C Kirchhoff's Voltage Rule implies that must also be equal to the voltage across the inductor


Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 9

Checkpoint 1b
At time t = 0 the capacitor is fully charged with Qmax and the current through the circuit is 0.

What is the potential difference across the inductor when the current is maximum ? A) VL = 0 B) VL = Qmax/C C) VL = Qmax/2C
no voltage in the inductor when current through it is maximum because it acts like a wire the current is at a maximum so the potential is the same as that across the capacitor when its charge is a maximum Since there is no energy in the capacitor, the potential difference acroos the inductor will be Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 10 maximum.

Checkpoint 1b
At time t = 0 the capacitor is fully charged with Qmax and the current through the circuit is 0.

What is the potential difference across the inductor when the current is maximum ? A) VL = 0 B) VL = Qmax/C C) VL = Qmax/2C dI/dt is zero when current is maximum
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 11

Checkpoint 1c
At time t = 0 the capacitor is fully charged with Qmax and the current through the circuit is 0.

How much energy is stored in the capacitor when the current is a maximum ? A) U = Qmax2/(2C) B) U = Qmax2/(4C) C) U = 0
The basic equation for the energy stored in the capacitor when the current is max is U = Q^2/2C. The capacitor will have an equation along the lines of one half Q^2/c. Plugging in for the capacitor results in an coefficient of 4 When the current is at a maximum, all of the energy should be stored in the inductor.
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 12

Checkpoint 1c
At time t = 0 the capacitor is fully charged with Qmax and the current through the circuit is 0.

How much energy is stored in the capacitor when the current is a maximum ? A) U = Qmax2/(2C) B) U = Qmax2/(4C) C) U = 0 Total Energy is constant ! ULmax = LImax2 UCmax = Qmax2/2C I = max when Q = 0
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 13

Checkpoint 2a
The capacitor is charged such that the top plate has a charge +Q0 and the bottom plate -Q0. At time t=0, the switch is closed and the circuit oscillates with frequency = 500 radians/s. What is the value of the capacitor C? A) C = 1 x 10-3 F B) C = 2 x 10-3 F C) C = 4 x 10-3 F w = 1/sqrt(LC) C=Lw C=q/v
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 14

++ C --

L = 4 x 10-3 H = 500 rad/s

Checkpoint 2a
The capacitor is charged such that the top plate has a charge +Q0 and the bottom plate -Q0. At time t=0, the switch is closed and the circuit oscillates with frequency = 500 radians/s. What is the value of the capacitor C? A) C = 1 x 10-3 F B) C = 2 x 10-3 F C) C = 4 x 10-3 F L = 4 x 10-3 H = 500 rad/s

++ C --

1 LC



1 (25 10 4 )( 4 10 3 )

= 10 3

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 15

closed at t=0

Checkpoint 2b
+Q0 -Q0

Which plot best represents the energy in the inductor as a function of time starting just after the switch is closed?

Energy in inductor starts and 0 and oscillates as a sin function

The energy will be a cos graph and oscillate negatively and positively.

The energy in the inductor is initially zero and then oscillates but never falls below zero.
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 16

closed at t=0

Checkpoint 2b
+Q0 -Q0

Which plot best represents the energy in the inductor as a function of time starting just after the switch is closed?

1 2 U L = LI 2
Energy proportional to I2 U cannot be negative Current is changing UL is not constant Initial current is zero
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 17

Checkpoint 2c
When the energy stored in the capacitor reaches its maximum again for the first time after t=0, how much charge is stored on the top plate of the capacitor? A) B) C) D) E) +Q0 +Q0 /2 0 -Q0/2 -Q0
closed at t=0

+Q0 -Q0

Without a resistor none of the energy is damped, that is the charge should not lessen with each oscillation. the charge has to go down some after the initial time, but not all the way The induced current by the inductor will charge the bottom plate with positive charges, and the negative charges will be on the top plate. Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 18

Checkpoint 2c
When the energy stored in the capacitor reaches its maximum again for the first time after t=0, how much charge is stored on the top plate of the capacitor? A) B) C) D) E) +Q0 +Q0 /2 0 -Q0/2 -Q0
dQ dt
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 19

closed at t=0

+Q0 -Q0

Q is maximum when current goes to zero


Current goes to zero twice during one cycle

Physics Truth #1:

Even though the answer sometimes looks complicated

Q(t ) = Qo cos(t )

the physics under the hood is still very simple !!

d 2Q dt 2 = 2Q

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 20

Add R: Damping
Just like LC circuit but energy and the oscillations get smaller because of R

Concept makes sense

but answer looks kind of complicated

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 21

The elements of a circuit are very simple:

VL = L dI dt

VC =

V = VL + VC + VR


dQ dt


This is all we need to know to solve for anything !

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 22

A Different Approach

Start with some initial V, I, Q, VL Now take a tiny time step dt

VL dI = dt L dQ = Idt
(1 ms)

Q VC = C



Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 23

The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is opened. What is QMAX, the maximum charge on the capacitor? Conceptual Analysis
Once switch is opened, we have an LC circuit Current will oscillate with natural frequency 0 V R L C

Strategic Analysis
Determine initial current Determine oscillation frequency 0 Find maximum charge on capacitor

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 24

The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is opened.

What is IL, the current in the inductor, immediately AFTER the switch is opened? Take positive direction as shown. (A) IL < 0 (B) IL = 0 (C) IL > 0

Current through inductor immediately AFTER switch is opened IS THE SAME AS the current through inductor immediately BEFORE switch is opened BEFORE switch is opened: all current goes through inductor in direction shown
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 25

The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is opened.
V R IL(t=0+) > 0 IL L VC=0 C

The energy stored in the capacitor immediately after the switch is opened is zero. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE
BEFORE switch is opened: dIL/dt ~ 0 VL = 0 BUT: VL = VC since they are in parallel VC = 0 AFTER switch is opened: VC cannot change abruptly VC = 0 UC = CVC2 = 0 !!


Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 26

The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is opened.
V R IL(t=0+) > 0 VC(t=0+) = 0 IL L C

What is the direction of the current immediately after the switch is opened? (A) clockwise (B) counterclockwise

Current through inductor immediately AFTER switch is opened IS THE SAME AS the current through inductor immediately BEFORE switch is opened BEFORE switch is opened: Current moves down through L AFTER switch is opened: Current continues to move down through L
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 27

The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is opened.
V R IL(t=0+) > 0 VC(t=0+) = 0 L C

What is the magnitude of the current right after the switch is opened? (A) I o = V C

(B) I o = V 2


(C) I o = V

(D) I o = V


Current through inductor immediately AFTER switch is opened IS THE SAME AS the current through inductor immediately BEFORE switch is opened IL IL L IL R VL=0 C V = ILR
Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 28

VL = 0

BEFORE switch is opened:

The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is opened. Hint: Energy is conserved
V R IL(t=0+) =V/R VC(t=0+) = 0 IL L C

What is Qmax, the maximum charge on the capacitor during the oscillations? (A) Qmax = V LC R
Imax L C L
1 (B) Qmax = CV 2

(C) Qmax = CV

(D) Qmax =


Qmax C

2 1 2 1 Qmax LI = 2 2 C

When I is max (and Q is 0)

1 U = LI 2 2

When Q is max (and I is 0)

2 1 Qmax U= 2 C

Qmax = I max LC =


Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 29

The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is opened.

Follow-Up 1
V R Imax =V/R IL L C

Is it possible for the maximum voltage on the capacitor to be greater than V?


(B) NO

Qmax =


Qmax =



V L = R C

Vmax can be greater than V IF:

L >R C

We can rewrite this condition in terms of the resonant frequency:

0 L > R OR

1 >R 0 C

We will see these forms again when we study AC circuits!!

Physics 212 Lecture 19, Slide 30

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