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Environmental Assessment Report

Summary Environmental Impact Assessment Project Number: 42933 January 2009

India: Jhajjar Thermal Power Project

Prepared by Jhajjar Power Limited for the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The summary environmental impact assessment is a document of the Borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADBs Board of Directors, management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 30 December 2008) Currency Unit Re1.00 $1.00 = = Rupee (Re/Rs) $ 0.0205503 Rs. 48.661


atomic absorption spectrophotometer Asian Development Bank Aravali Power Company Private Limited Aravali Thermal Power Plant biochemical oxygen demand build, own, and operate calcium carbonates Central Coalfields Limited Clean Development Mechanism coal handling and processing CLP Power India Private Limited carbon monoxide carbon dioxide cycles of concentration chemical oxygen demand demineralized dissolved oxygen environmental impact assessment environmental protection electrostatic precipitators fluoride forced draft flue gas desulfurization ground level concentration hydrocarbon Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited Haryana Power Vitaran Nigam Limited Indian Administrative Services induced draft Indian Standard (Bureau of Indian Standards) industrial source complex short term Jawahar Lal Nehru Jhajjar Power Limited Jhajjar Thermal Power Project liquid natural gas MECON Limited (formerly Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) Limited) a Government of India public sector undertaking under the Ministry of Steel


Ministry of Environment and Forests National Ambient Air Quality Standards oxides of nitrogen potential of hydrogen plant load factor particulate matter Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook reverse osmosis respirable particulate matter summary environmental impact assessment safety, health, and environment sulfur dioxide suspended particulate matter special purpose vehicle submerged scrapper conveyor total suspended particulates total suspended solids WEIGHTS AND MEASURES

C dB(A) GWh ha kcal/kg km m m3 m3/hr m/s m3/s mg/kg mg/l MPa mtpa MW ppm ppt t tpd tph g/m3 S/cm

degrees Celsius decibel acoustic (A-weighted) gigawatt hour hectare kilocalories per kilogram kilometer meter cubic meter cubic meters per hour meters per second cubic meter per second milligrams per kilogram milligrams per liter megapascals metric tons per annum megawatt parts per million parts per thousand tons tons per day tons per hour micrograms per cubic meter micro Siemens per centimeter

NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government and its agencies ends on 31 March. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year starts, e.g., FY2008 ends on 31 March 2009. In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.



I. II.

INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Project Facilities B. Design and Construction C. Power Plant Operations D. Land and Right-of-Way Acquisition E. Project Schedule and Contracts F. Project Management and Operations DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT A. Physical Environment B. Biological Environment C. Socio-cultural Environment ALTERNATIVES A. With and Without Project Alternatives B. Alternative Project Locations C. Alternative Fuels D. Alternative Boiler Technologies E. Alternative Cooling Systems F. Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems G. Alternative Water Resources ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES A. Physical Environment B. Biological Environment C. Socio-cultural Environment D. Induced Development E. Cumulative Impact F. Impacts of Associated Facilities ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT A. Project Costs B. Project Socioeconomic Benefits ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Objectives and Scope of Environmental Management B. Organization for Project Environmental Management C. Mitigation Measures D. Monitoring and Evaluation Program E. Occupational Health and Safety Management F. Afforestation Program G. Ash Utilization Plan PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE CONCLUSIONS

1 2 2 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 26 26 28 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 34







APPENDICES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Main Design and Operational Data of the Power Plant Methodology and Data for Ambient Air Quality - Summer Season Applicable Indian Ambient Air Quality Standards and World Bank Guidelines Summary of Noise Quality Observed and Applicable Indian Noise Standards and World Bank Guidelines Summary of Groundwater Quality Observed and Applicable Indian Standards Operating Conditions for Calculation of Emission Rates Results of Prediction of Ambient Air Quality for the Project Results of Prediction of Ambient Air Quality for the Project and the Aravali Thermal Power Project Summary of Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation Program Occupational Health and Safety Management Ash Utilization Plan Summary of Public Hearing 35 36 38 39 40 41 43 45 47 53 55 61 64



1. Jhajjar Power Limited (JPL), a 100% subsidiary of CLP Power India Private Limited (CLP PIPL), which in turn is a 100% subsidiary of CLP Holdings, is developing the Jhajjar Thermal Power Project (JTPP). Under a reform program, the Government of the state of Haryana divided the electricity business owned by the Haryana State Electricity Board into three components: generation, transmission, and distribution. To meet the growing power and energy deficit, the Government of Haryana promoted the Project and subsequently awarded it to CLP PIPL through competitive bidding under the Electricity Act 2003 1 and standard bidding guidelines issued by the Government of India. 2. The Project comprises the construction of a supercritical 2, coal-fired power plant with a total capacity of 1,320 megawatts (MW). The plant will consist of two 660 MW units that will run on coal supplied by rail from Indias North Karanpura coal fields, which are operated by Central Coalfields Limited (CCL). The Project was awarded to CLP PIPL on a build, own, and operate (BOO) basis. Equipment sourcing through various packages has been finalized with suppliers and construction will commence in March 2009. The plant is scheduled for full commercial operation in April 2012. 3. The Project is located near Khanpur village in Jhajjar district in the state of Haryana. The site is close to the Jharli railway station on the DadariRewari section of the North Western Railway (Map 1). The project site covers 494.1 hectares (ha) of low-yield agricultural land in the villages of Khanpur Khurd, Khanpur Kalan, Wazidpur, and Jharli. The project area includes 214.5 ha for plant and equipment, and a switch yard, coal handling system, and related plant; 109.3 ha for ash disposal; 137.0 ha for the greenbelt and water storage facilities; and 33.2 ha for the township. The project site is located on JhajjarMatanhelKanina district road, which is 38 kilometers (km) southwest of Jhajjar town. 4. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the Project was completed by MECON Limited (MECON) in January 2008 based on terms of reference approved by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) on 7 October 2007. As part of the EIA process, a public hearing was held on 29 October 2007 and further consultations were subsequently conducted in local villages. The Project received environmental clearance from MoEF on 24 April 2008 based on the EIA. An application for the alteration of the MoEF environmental clearance has been submitted to MoEF to permit the use of supercritical boiler technology. All other key clearances and permits from national and state authorities required for construction and operation have

An Act promulgated by the Government of India to consolidate laws relating to the generation, transmission, distribution, trading and use of electricity and generally for taking measures conducive to development of the electricity industry, promoting competition therein, protection of interest of consumers and supply of electricity to all areas, rationalization of electricity tariff, ensuring transparent policies regarding subsidies, promotion of efficient and environmentally benign policies, constitution of Central Electricity Authority, Regulatory Commission and establishment of Appellate Tribunal and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The boiler technology options available for large, pulverized coal-fired power plants are subcritical, supercritical, and ultra-supercritical. Subcritical plants operate at steam pressure of less than 19 megapascals, where the steam is a mix of liquid and gas, and drum-type boilers are used. Supercritical plants operate at steam pressure of more than 22.1 megapascals and use once-through boilers. The steam at 22.56 megapascals and 374.15C is said to be in a critical state. Ultra-supercritical plants are about 2% to 3% more efficient than supercritical plants. These plants operate at even higher steam pressures of about 30 megapascals and steam temperatures of about 600C. Supercritical technology is becoming standard practice in the power industry in developed economies for large coal-fired power plants due to a higher efficiency than subcritical technology. More than 400 supercritical plants are operating in the United States, Europe, Russia, and Japan.

2 been obtained. The preliminary design was completed in November 2008 and established all of the plants major design parameters. Detailed project design has commenced. 5. This summary environmental impact assessment (SEIA) was prepared by JPL for use by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in accordance with ADBs environmental and social safeguard policies and information disclosure requirements for environmental category A projects. 3 This SEIA summarizes and consolidates the major findings and recommendations presented in the EIA. The EIA is available for public review at JPL and ADB offices upon request. The SEIA will be posted on ADBs website 120 days before consideration of the requested loan by ADBs Board of Directors. II. A. Project Facilities PROJECT DESCRIPTION

6. The main project facilities consist of two coal-fired 660 MW units, a power house, and auxiliary facilities that include a switch yard, raw water reservoir, water pre-treatment system, demineralization plant, cooling water pump house, coal handling plant (stockpiles and unloading system), ash handling and disposal system, and a residential township for project staff. Other project facilities that will be constructed by JPL include: (i) a railway siding for transporting coal from the Jharli railway line of the North Western Railways to the power plant, and (ii) a 14 km long water supply pipeline from the Jawahar Lal Nehru (JLN) feeder canal to the project site. 7. Power transmission lines for the evacuation of power from the Project will be built, owned, and operated by Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL), a Government of Haryana-owned enterprise. The transmission lines will connect the Project to substations at Sonipat (approximately 70 km to the northeast) and Mahindergarh (approximately 50 km to the southwest). The JLN feeder canal will be raised along a 70 km section to increase its capacity to meet the Projects water supply requirements. 1. Facilities to be Constructed by Jhajjar Power Limited

8. Power Plant. The power plant consists of two 660 MW units. Both units will have steambased, pulverized coal-fired boiler units and steam turbines and generators. Each boiler unit will comprise a boiler proper, regenerative type air heaters, and forced draft (FD) fans and induced draft (ID) fans. The boilers will have steam conditions of about 25.4 megapascals (MPa)/571C for main steam and 569C for reheat steam. Low oxides of nitrogen (NOx) burners will be used. In addition to coal, light diesel fuel oil will be used for start-up as well as flame stabilization and during low-load operation. The main plant consists of three interconnected structures: (i) boiler structures, (ii) turbine building, and (iii) an integrated control and electrical building. Figure 1 illustrates the process flow of the Project. 9. Electrostatic Precipitators. Each steam generating unit will be provided with an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) with parallel gas paths. Each path will consist of a number of fields in a series for the collection of fly ash. The ESPs will have a dust collection efficiency of not less than 99.91%, while firing coal with the highest ash content (34.00%).

As per ADBs Environmental Assessment Guidelines, projects in environmental category A are those that could result in significant adverse environmental impacts. An EIA report includes (i) description of the Project, (ii) description of the environment, (iii) anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures (iv) alternatives, (v) economic assessment, (vi) an environmental management plan that includes institutional requirements and an environmental monitoring program, (vii) public consultation and disclosure, and (viii) conclusion.

Figure 1: Process Flow Diagram

4 10. Flue Gas Desulfurization Units. Each generating unit will have one limestone-based flue gas desulfurization (FGD) unit, including a booster fan, three de-aeration fans, four slurry recirculation pumps, one absorber tower, one emergency slurry tank (for both units), and three air compressors (for both units). The gypsum produced as a by-product of this process will be stored on site and sold to vendors for use in building materials. 11. Coal Handling and Processing System. The coal handling and processing (CHP) system will consist of two fuel streams, one operating conveyor, and one standby conveyor. Each stream will have a guaranteed capacity of 1,600 tons per hour (tph). The complete CHP equipment will be designed for simultaneous operation of both fuel streams at a capacity of 1,600 tph each. Coal will be unloaded at the plant using a wagon tipper system. Two spur rail lines with a total length of approximately 2 km will be constructed from two points on the Jharli rail line. The lines will meet and then run parallel to the JhajjarMatanhelKanina district road. The CHP system will have a crusher house with two crushers, two crushed coal storage yards, two stacker reclaimers (for crushed and stored coal reclaiming), and inter-connecting conveyors. The coal bunkers for each unit will have 16 hours aggregate storage capacity. The CHP system will also have a dust suppression and extraction system. All chutes will be lined to ensure the smooth flow and discharge of coal, and the longer operating life of the chutes. All junction towers and the crusher house will have floor cleaning chutes. 12. Cooling Water System. The power plant will have a closed-circuit cooling water system using water from the JLN feeder canal. The Projects total water requirement is 120,000 cubic meters per day (m3/day). The cooling water cycle of concentration (COC) will be maintained at five to maximize water reuse. Chlorine or hypochlorite dosing will be undertaken to curb organic growth. Hardness stabilizer dosing will be performed to maintain the high cooling water COC. Water use by the plant will mainly consist of cooling tower make-up water, amounting to about 81,840 m3/day. 13. Water Supply Pipeline. Water will be drawn from the JLN feeder canal about 14 km from the project site. This water will be reticulated to the plant through a 2 meter (m) diameter underground pipeline, with a pump station located near the canal offtake near Akeidi Madanpur village. The underground pipeline will be established within a 20 m wide right-of-way (10 m on either side of the centerline), traversing agricultural land owned by landholders in Akeidi Madanpur, Sunreti, Sasroli, and Jharli villages. The pump house will be located close to the JLN feeder canal. 14. Water Treatment System. Water to be consumed in power plant processes will be clarified before being used. Clarified water will mainly be used as cooling water. The balance of the clarified water will be further treated in the filtration and demineralization plant for steam raising, auxiliary cooling, service, and drinking purposes. The Project will require about 4,800 m3/day of demineralized (DM) water, 9,600 m3/day of service water, and 1,800 m3/day of drinking water for the plant and township. 15. Wastewater Management System. Most of the wastewater produced will be in the form of blowdown from the closed cooling water system. While fly ash will mainly be collected in dry form and does not normally require any water for handling, some amount of cooling tower blowdown may be used in the bottom ash handling system. A suitable recovery system is proposed to recover ash water from the ash handling system or from ash pond overflow. The recovered water will be recycled and reused. Wastewater with fine suspended particles from different areas and other effluents, such as boiler blowdown and DM plant regeneration effluent, will be neutralized and collected in a central monitoring basin. All effluent collected in the central

5 monitoring basin will be treated in the clarification plant. Clarified water produced from the waste treatment plant and/or any cooling water blowdown not used for ash handling will be further treated in an ultra-filtration cum reverse osmosis (RO) module. Permeate from the RO plant will be taken to the clarified water system for reuse. Wastewater generated from the RO system will be used to irrigate the project site. 16. Access Roads. The proposed plant site is located on the JhajjarMatanhelKanina district road. The main plant access road will be about 1 km long and built from the district road to the plant. A second site road about 1.5 km in length will be constructed further south to provide access for heavy vehicles between the district road and plant. Two rail line crossings will be constructed on the district road and a local village road where the Projects rail line crosses these roads. 17. Ash Disposal System. Ash generated by the Project will be in form of fly ash, coarse ash, and bottom ash. Fly and coarse ash will be collected in dry form and conveyed to silos for storage, then transferred in enclosed trucks for secondary use by local industries. Bottom ash will be collected in wet form and also be stored in silos for subsequent secondary use by external users to the greatest extent possible. Ash dykes will be provided on-site for the temporary storage of ash. 18. Residential Complex. During plant operation and maintenance, the Project will employ about 325 people consisting of 275 JPL staff and 50 outsourced staff. A housing complex consisting of 250 units of family accommodations and field hostels will be developed on 36.8 ha of land to provide accommodations for most company staff and some outsourced staff. 19. Site Drainage. Rainwater runoff from the plant area will be directed through lined drains, channels, and culverts into a harvesting pond. This runoff will be used for spraying the coal stockyard and landscape irrigation. Any excess rainwater during the monsoon season will overflow into a local drain. 2. Associated Facilities

20. Canal Upgrading. The JLN feeder canal upgrading works will consist of raising the bund walls by 30 centimeters (cm) over a distance of around 70 km. This will increase canal capacity by approximately 8.5 cubic meters per second (m3/s), or 300 cusecs, providing sufficient additional capacity to supply both the Project and the adjacent Aravali Thermal Power Plant (ATPP). 21. Transmission Lines. As per the power purchase agreement, 90% of the power generated by the Project will be sold to two distribution companies owned by the Government of Haryana for distribution in the state of Haryana. The balance of the power will be sold outside the state. HVPNL, the Government of Haryana-owned enterprise responsible for power transmission, will build, own, and operate the transmission lines that will connect the Project to the electricity grid. The power plant will feed electricity from a 400 kilovolt (kV) switchyard via two separate 400 kV transmission lines to the nearest feeder substations located at Sonipat and Mahendragarh. The right-of-way of each transmission line will be 35 m wide (17.5 m on either side of the centerline) and 120 km in length.

6 B. Design and Construction 1. Design

22. The Project is being designed in accordance with international standards for supercritical steam power plants. The design of support facilities and associated works is in accordance with appropriate national and international standards. The plant design will cope with local seismic conditions. The Project is located in seismic zone III 4 as per IS: 1893 (part-I):2002, for which a basic horizontal co-efficient of 0.04 is considered. 23. The plant site ranges from relatively flat to slightly undulating and will require nominal filling and grading to achieve the proposed final level of about 226 m above mean sea level. Fill material will be derived from excavation of the on-site, raw water reservoir. 24. The design life of the plant will be at least 30 years. Civil works, structures, and foundations will be designed for a life exceeding 45 years. Equipment for units 1 and 2 will be arranged in a slide along configuration and not in a mirror image. The station layout and the operability of equipment will require a station operation and maintenance staff team of around 275 persons, excluding contracted laborers. 25. The general arrangement and layout of the plant has been designed to ensure convenient access to the equipment for operation and maintenance. All valves, gates, dampers, and other devices will be located and oriented in such a way that they are easily accessible from the operating floor level wherever possible. Platforms and walkways with access ladders will be provided to facilitate access for operation and maintenance. The main plant will include a turbine house, de-aerator bay, bunker bay, and boiler house. The rating and frame size of the equipment will be consistent with plant requirements and will provide sufficiently-redundant plant and design margins in accordance with industry best practices. Appendix 1 provides a summary of the main design and operational data of the Project. 2. Construction

26. The site requires filling and grading to establish the final landform. Site soils consist of sandy to sandy loam topsoil and subsoil, which will require that excavation be undertaken with bulldozers and excavators. Site leveling will use all excess soil produced from excavation with no additional soil brought onto the site from outside sources. 27. Civil works will involve construction of the main power plant and auxiliary facilities and buildings, the water supply pipeline from the JLN feeder canal, two plant access roads, and two rail lines. Mechanical and electrical works will include both on-site and off-site fabrication, assembly, installation, and erection of power plant equipment, pollution control equipment including FGD units and the chimney structure, demineralization plant, control system, power system, and various utility systems. 28. Construction will require between 2,000 and 4,000 skilled and unskilled workers. Construction workers will be engaged by contractors responsible for different construction packages. The power supply for construction will be provided by a single 33 kV distribution line

An area classed as seismic zone III can experience earthquakes of such intensity that structures and or buildings of good design and construction suffer slight damage, while poorly designed or built structures or buildings suffer considerable damage. The intensity of an earthquake on the Modified Merecalli Intensity is VII for seismic zone III.

7 of about 6 MVA rating from Bahu substation, which is located about 3 km from the site. Construction water will be sourced through authorized vendors and from groundwater sources prior to the operation of the plant water supply pipeline. C. Power Plant Operations

29. Coal Supply and Transport. Coal will be supplied from the North Karanpura coalfields in Jharkhand state. These fields are owned and operated by CCL, a subsidiary of Coal India Limited, which is a Government of India-owned enterprise. Coal will be transported from the coalfields to the plant in open-top coal wagons by Indian Railways. Coal handling will be designed to operate throughout the year from CCL. As per MoEF guidelines, the coal will have a maximum ash content of 34%. The average gross calorific value of coal is expected to be 3,800 kilocalories per kilogram (kcal/kg). Daily coal consumption, based on average gross calorific value, is estimated to be 16,164 tons (5.9 million tons per year at 87% average plant load factor [PLF]). 30. Fuel Oil Transport and Storage. The light diesel fuel oil that will be used for boiler startup, flame stabilization, and low-load operation will be transported to the site in road tankers from refineries in either Panipat or Mathura. The light diesel fuel oil will be pumped into storage tanks at the plant using unloading pump sets. Annual light diesel fuel oil consumption is estimated to be 20,000 m3. 31. Ash Transport and Storage. The ash handling system will be designed for a coal consumption load of 857 tons per hour (t/h). This volume of coal usage will produce up to 291 t/h of ash based on an ash content of 34%. The ash will consist of bottom ash (20%), coarse ash (10%), and fly ash (70%). The ash handling system will have 10% additional capacity in excess of the anticipated maximum ash generation rate to provide sufficient capacity to handle a higher load. 32. Bottom Ash. A submerged scrapper conveyor facility will collect and transfer bottom ash from the furnace via a conveyor to the storage silo. Bottom ash will be dewatered then provided to off-site users or transported by covered dump truck to the ash yard for disposal. 33. Fly Ash. The ash handling system associated with the ESPs will collect fly ash from the economizer hopper and ESP hoppers. Fly ash from these separate locations will be transferred to the fly ash silo by a dry pneumatic vacuum. Suitable capacity will be provided to store the fly ash in dry form. Stored dry fly ash will either be loaded into the covered trucks of off-site users or watered and transferred to the ash yard for disposal. 34. Water Abstraction and Irrigation. About 120,000 m3/day of water will be drawn from the JLN feeder canal and pumped to the site via the 2 m diameter underground pipeline on a 16-day cycle. Water will be stored in the 1.50 million m3 raw water storage tank on site, which will be adequate to supply the plant for 20 days. Cooling water blowdown will be treated and partially reused in plant processes, with the remaining portion used to irrigate the greenbelt and other onsite plantings. D. Land and Right-of-Way Acquisition

35. The Project requires 494.1 ha of land for the main plant area, ash disposal pond, and residential complex, plus an additional 27.8 ha for the water supply pipeline and rail line right-ofways. Table 1 summarizes the land areas required for project implementation and the current

8 owners of this land. Land acquisition is occurring in accordance with the Land Acquisition Act 1894 5 and is due to be finalized in December 2008. Table 1: Project Land Areas and Ownership
Facility Main plant area,* ash pond, and residential complex Village Khanpur Khurd Khanpur Kalan Jharli Wazidpur Sub-total Jharli Railway line to plant JLN feeder canal to plant Area (ha) 258.1 172.0 51.0 13.0 494.1 3.8 24.0 521.9 Ownership/ Type of Land Private (revenue & Panchayat land) Private (revenue land) Private (revenue land) Private (revenue land) Private (revenue land) Private (revenue land)

Rail line easement Pipeline easement Total

*Transmission line right-of-way for the power evacuation from the project site will be the responsibility of HVPNL (a Government of Haryana-owned enterprise) JLN = Jawahar Lal Nehru, ha = hectare. Sources: Section 6 Notification released for the Project under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and the Census of India, 2001; Consultations with representatives of project proponents and the community.


Project Schedule and Contracts

36. The design and construction of the Project will involve a number of contract packages implemented by reputable international and local companies with proven experience. The contracts will be negotiated on a fixed-price, time-certain basis. The first unit is scheduled to be commissioned 42 months after the issuance of the letter of intent, which was issued on 23 July 2008, while the second unit will be commissioned within 46 months from the same date. 37. Construction management will be the responsibility of JPL. The project management company will be supported by the owners engineer and other consultants in finalizing the design and overseeing construction. F. Project Management and Operations

38. JPL will be responsible for ensuring full implementation of the environmental management plan (EMP) during project construction and operation, while each contractor will be responsible for complying with the EMP. During construction, the Project will have a Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) Department consisting of experienced engineers and staff whose primary responsibility will be to facilitate a culture of safety and environmental concern among the Projects workforce. Professionals within the SHE Department will establish a management system that includes regular checks to maintain safe working conditions at the site. Drills will be carried out to check the preparedness and adequacy of the SHE management system. Regular reports will be produced highlighting SHE statistics and activities to promote responsible workplace management.

The Land Acquisition Act (1894), as amended, enables the State to acquire private land for public purpose and has provisions for acquisition for industrial purposes. The Act ensures that no person is deprived of land except under law and entitles affected persons (landowner, tenant or licensee) to a hearing before acquisition, with due and adequate compensation made thereafter. The Act deals with cash compensation and provides several methods of valuing compensation.

9 39. The station manager will be responsible for the power station during plant operation. He will be supported by three general managers. The head of the SHE Department will lead all SHE initiatives. He will be supported by experienced engineers, chemists, and other staff. Safety engineers will conduct risk analysis and regular checks and drills to ensure safe working conditions for all activities undertaken at the project site. III. A. Physical Environment 1. Overview of the Project Area DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT

40. The Project is located on a flat-to-gently-undulating rural site. There are no settlements on the site, although a number of villages and larger rural communities are situated within 10 km of the site. (The Project study area is defined in the EIA.) The nearest villages are Khanpur Khurd, Khanpur Kalan, Jharli, and Wazidpur. The site is far from major towns, located 38 km from Jhajjar and 90 km from Delhi. The site is also distant from sensitive sites such as national parks, biosphere reserves, and historic and cultural sites (Table 2). The nearest sensitive site is the Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary, located 18 km to the northeast. There are no reserve forests located within 10 km of the project site and nearest protected forest is located about 9.5 km southeast of the site. Table 2: Significant Local and Regional Sites and Features
Significant Feature Location Sariska National Park Keoladeo National Park (World Heritage site) Sambhar Lake (Ramsar site) Bindawas Wildlife Sanctuary Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary Jahazgarh Fort Qutab Minar (World Heritage site) Humayuns Tomb (World Heritage site) Red Fort, Delhi Fethpur Sekri (World Heritage site) Agra Fort (World Heritage site) Taj Mahal (World Heritage site) Tank at Surajgarh Sahibi Nadi (river) Aravali Thermal Power Plant, Jhajjar (3 x 500 MW), under construction Navada Koh combined cycle gas plant, Badkhal, Faridabad (3 x 360 MW), under construction Indraprastha Power Plant Badarpur Power Plant Panipat Power Plant Shheetla Devi Mandir, Gurgaon Lal ki Masjid, Hissar Chattarpur temple, Delhi Distance (km) 120 183 200 18 55 20 90 95 95 190 220 220 16 45 1 90 90 95 120 55 60 80 Bearing from Project S SE SW NE E NNE E ENE ENE SE SE SE NE E E SE ENE E NE ESE NW ENE

National Park Wildlife Sanctuary

Cultural or Historical Site

Reservoir Irrigation Tank

Power Plant

Nearest Major Religious Site

E = east, N = north, S = south, W = west. Source: JPL research (unpublished).




41. The climate of the project area, based on meteorological data from the Indian Meteorological Department station at Gurgaon, located 60 km east of the site, is categorized as sub-tropical, semi-arid monsoon with four distinct seasons: (i) summer from March to June; (ii) wet monsoon (southwest monsoon) from July to September; (iii) post-monsoon from October to November; and (iv) winter from December to February. Temperatures during the year vary from 1.1C in January to 45.8C in May. 42. Rainfall comes primarily during the southwest monsoon (from July to September). The mean annual rainfall at Gurgaon is 743.4 millimeters (mm), with an average of 34.8 days of rain occurring each year during the period 19651980. The predominant wind directions are from the west and northwest, with calm conditions prevailing 22% of the time. Seasonal prevailing wind directions are: (i) summer - west, northwest, and southwest; (ii) monsoon - southeast, east, west, and northeast; (iii) post-monsoon - west, northwest, and southwest; and (iv) winter - west, northwest, and southwest. 43. Local climatic conditions were monitored at Sasrauli village for three months from April to June 2007 (Table 3). The predominant wind directions during the monitoring period were from the west and northwest. Winds from the east and southeast increase in prevalence during the night. Calm conditions are more prevalent during the night than during the day. Table 3: Wind Speeds and Temperature at Sasrauli Village
Parameter Wind Speed (m/s) Temperature (C) Relative Humidity (%) Rainfall (mm) Number of Rain Days Maximum 9.0 47.0 95.0 42.0 15.0 Average 2.1 35.4 42.0 Minimum 20.0 15.0

O C = degree Celsius, m/s = meters per second. Data represents summer season (April to June 2007). Source: EIA/EMP Report for 1,320 MW Thermal Power Plant, Jhajjar, Haryana. January 2008.



44. The drainage pattern in the project area is poorly defined due to flat terrain and a sandy upper layer of soil. The area grades towards the northeast in the direction of the Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary to form part of the Sahibi river basin. The elevation of the project site varies between 220 m and 232 m. The highest point in the project area is at an elevation of 241 m to the north of the site, with the lowest point being 220 m on the southern side of the site. 4. Geology and Hydrogeology

45. The area forms part of the Indo Gangetic alluvial plain and is capped with aeolian deposits. These deposits have led to the formation of sift layers that act as caps on the formations and reduce the permeability of the soil. Soils in the region, including the Jhajjar and Bahadurgarh blocks, are sandy loam in texture, while soils in the study area mainly consist of silt and kankar (gravel).

11 46. The area can be categorized as recent aeolian deposits comprising clay, sand, and kankar-mixed formations. Groundwater occurs in an unconfined aquifer at depths of between 3.0 m and 31.5 m, depending upon surface elevation and the level of groundwater harvesting. The groundwater gradient is towards the east. 5. Ambient Air Quality

47. Ambient air quality was monitored at ten locations within the study area (within a 10 km radius of the project site) during AprilJune 2007. Sampling sites were selected based on the outcome of the screening model, MoEF guidelines pertaining to upwind and downwind sampling, topography, local habitation, and site accessibility. The location of sampling sites, the sampling method, and results are summarized in Appendix 2. Air quality values for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and respirable particulate matter (RPM) exceeded the norms for residential, rural, and other areas at all locations during the summer monitoring period (Table 4). High SPM and RPM levels occurred due to strong winds that generated dust storms during the summer sampling period when airborne dust levels are usually highest. Strong winds and dry soils during summer are common in this northern part of India, leading to localised high levels of particulate matter prior to the onset of the monsoon. The significant agricultural activity and harvesting season that precedes the monsoon also contributes to air borne dust. In addition, sampling occurred when major earthworks were underway on the adjacent ATPP site, thus contributing to the high levels of SPM. Accordingly, the average SPM level over 12 months is expected to be considerably lower than the levels recorded during the monitored period. Levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and NOx were well within the norms for residential, rural, and other areas as per the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and World Bank guidelines (Appendix 3). Background air quality monitoring will be extended across all seasons to provide more comprehensive baseline data, involving monitoring air quality at the original sampling sites for one year, commencing in February 2009. Table 4: Summary of Ambient Air Quality (April to June 2007) (g/m3)
Value Minimum Maximum Average Range 98 Percentile Range 95 Percentile Range
th th

SPM 105.0 385.0 212.8309.0 283.5384.5 281.5381.6

RPM 58.0 153.0 89.0123.0 112.9148.6 112.8146.7

SO2 1.0 9.3 2.04.0 3.58.2 3.46.7

NOX 4.0 38.0 11.223.4 16.633.9 15.033.0

CO = carbon monoxide, NOX = oxides of nitrogen, RPM = respirable particulate matter, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, SPM = 3 suspended particulate matter, g/m = microgram per cubic meter. Source: HPGCL baseline data as collected by MECON Limited for summer season 2007; EIA/EMP Report for 1,320 MW Thermal Power Plant at Jhajjar, Haryana. MECON Limited, 2008.



48. Ambient noise monitoring was carried out at five locations surrounding the plant site. Noise levels were measured using a precision noise level meter on an hourly basis for 24 hours. The monitored average noise levels on rural and residential areas around the project site varied from 46.8 to 54.4 decibel acoustic (dB[A]) during the day and 40.1 to 43.6 dB(A) at night. Monitored noise levels were within the NAAQS prescribed limits for locations near villages, except near the Jharli Railway Station. Recorded day time noise levels near the station averaged

12 60 dB(A), which exceeded the prescribed norm of 55 dB(A), while night time noise levels averaged 46.1 dB(A), which marginally exceeded the prescribed limit of 45 dB(A). These high noise levels were attributed to train movements and other commercial activities near the station. The monitored noise levels for residential areas were within the NAAQS prescribed limits as indicated in Appendix 4. 7. Water Resources

49. Surface Water. The area surrounding the project site has no surface bodies of water except branch irrigation channels from the JLN feeder canal. The only surface water sample collected was from the JLN feeder canal, which is the proposed water source for the Project located more than 10 km east of the project site. 50. Groundwater. Nine groundwater samples were collected from the villages of Mohanbari, Khanpur Kalan, Jhamri, Khorra, Bahu, Sasrauli, Lilah, Goria, and Jhanswa. The results were compared with Bureau of Indian Standards for Drinking Water as specified in code IS:10500, 1991 (Appendix 5). Analysis results of the groundwater samples for total hardness, dissolved solids, chloride, total dissolved solids, calcium, magnesium, sulphate, and nitrate exceeded the desirable levels and permissible limits at Mohanbari (3.5 km from the site), while values for these parameters also exceeded the desirable limits at Khanpur Kalan (1.5 km), Khorra (2.5 km), and Goria (4 km). The pH of all groundwater samples exceeded the desirable alkaline limits. The values for other parameters for the collected samples were within the prescribed norms. 8. Land Use

51. Land use on the plant site and within a 10 km radius of the site was assessed based on satellite image interpretation and site visits (Table 5). Land use in the local area is dominated by agriculture. The project site is mainly used for grazing due to the poor soils and limited rainfall. The occasional crop is grown on small areas of the site when rainfall permits. The major crop grown in the area is wheat, with pulses, guvar, bajra, and gowar making up most of the remaining cropping. The main crops grown on the project site are bajra and gowar. The main type of livestock raised include buffaloes, goats, and sheep. No major industry exists in the study area except the adjacent ATPP, which is under construction. Table 5: Land Use Classification
Project Area Land Use Class Agriculture and fallow land Open land Plantation, kikar, scrub Classified forests Built-up area (settlement) Body of water Proposed industrial use (ATPP) Total km2 2.50 2.30 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.94 % 50.6 46.5 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 Area Within 10 km Radius km2 191.29 104.64 5.14 0.24 4.29 0.29 9.03 314.92 % 60.7 33.2 1.6 0.1 1.4 0.1 2.9 100.0

ATPP = Aravali Thermal Power Plant, km = kilometer, km2 = square kilometer. Source: ERM India Private Limited (ERM).

13 9. Soil

52. Soil samples were collected from five locations near the project site: southwest, northeast, and at Khanpur Kalan, Goria, and Jhamri villages. The pH of these samples varied from 7.0 to 7.6 (neutral to slightly alkaline). Electrical conductivity varied from 832 to 2,154 micro Siemens per centimeter (s/cm), with the samples from the Project site between 2,140 and 2,154 s/cm. Organic carbon content in the soil varied from 0.20% (low) to 0.55% (medium). Nitrogen varied from 193-688 kilograms per ha (kg/ha), in the range of low to high. The higher level of nitrogen appeared to be due to fertilizer application. Available phosphorus was medium to high, while available potassium was low to medium. The micronutrients copper, zinc, and iron were in the range of 0.32 to 0.43 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), 0.51 to 0.65 mg/kg, and 4.62 to 5.55 mg/kg, respectively, which indicates that the area is adequate for plant growth. B. Biological Environment 1. Terrestrial Environment

53. A survey of the local biological environment was conducted in the summer in 2007 and supplemented by an additional survey in early September 2008. The area has a dry to semi-arid climate with a few scattered trees and sparse shrubby vegetation. The nearest protected area is the Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary, located approximately 18 km northeast of the project site. The Nahad Protected Forest is located about 9.5 km southeast of the site. 54. Flora. According to the Champion and Seth Classification System for Indian Forests 6, native vegetation in the area is Desert Thorn Scrub (Type 6B/C1). Forest and scrub patches are dominated by thorny, hard-wooded tree species, mainly Acacia, with relatively short boles and low, branching crowns that rarely meet to form a canopy. Trees and bushes tend to occur in clumps, with bare areas of ground in between. The most common tree species included Acacia senegal and Prosopis cineraria. Other forest species included Acacia jacquemontii, Acacia leucophloea, Acacia nilotica, Azadirachta indica, Balanites aegyptica, Calotropis procera, Capparis sp., Crotalaria burhia, Holoptelea integrifolia, Salvadora oleoides, Tephrosia purpurea and Zizyphus nummularia. Common herbs associated with grasslands included Abutilon indicum, Achyranthes aspera, Boerhaavia diffusa, Cassia obtusifolia, Chenopodium album, Corchorus species, Crotolaria medicaginea, Indigofera species, and Vernonia cinerea. 55. Fauna. The most commonly-sighted bird species in the study area was the Eurasian collared dove. Green bee-eaters and common mynas were seen at many locations. Red-wattled lapwings were sighted around most bodies of water, while rose-ringed parakeets and ashy prinias were sighted around forested areas. The Indian peafowl, a Schedule I species 7, was also frequently spotted. 56. Rhesus macaques, squirrels, mongoose, and garden lizards were sighted in the study area. Desert cat, caracal, Indian wolf, desert fox, chinkara, blackbuck, Indian pangolin, and ratel, which all fall under the Schedule I category, were also reported in the study area. Black-naped

Forest types of India have been classified by Champion and Seth (1968) in six major groups based on climatic factors. These major groups have been further divided into 16 type groups based on temperature and moisture. A few of these type groups have been further divided into several subgroups and ecologically stable communities. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 as amended in 2002 provide protection of wild animals, birds and plants and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto with a view to ensuring the ecological and environmental security of the country. The Act covers six schedules. Schedules I to V provide protection for animal species, while Schedule VI provides protection for plant species.

14 hares, Neelgai, and deer were reported by villagers to be present in local fields. Insects observed at the project site included varieties of butterflies, grass yellow dragonflies, and damselflies in a range of micro-habitats. C. Socio-cultural Environment

57. Population. The four villages of Matanhel tehsil, where land has been acquired for the Project, have a total population of about 8,000 and a combined area of 29 km2. The average household size is six and the population density is 275 persons per km2. The majority of local people (75%) belong to the Hindu Jat community, followed by Brahmins, Scheduled Castes, and the Backward Class. There are no Scheduled Tribes in these four villages or in Jhajjar district. The female literacy rate (28%34%) is much lower than the male literacy rate (60%65%). Most youth are educated up to Class X or XII level, but very few take up higher studies or vocational education. 58. Social Infrastructure and Services. The electricity supply in local villages is poor. The local drinking water supply is adequate with respect to volume, but the quality of the water is poor. Most villages rely upon bore water for domestic supply, with some small towns reticulating water from canals for domestic use. Basic social infrastructure and servicesincluding schools, health and medical services, access roads, post and telephone services, and public transportationare all accessible within 3 km to 5 km of the villages. The settlement pattern in nearby villages is guided by the caste system. There are separate settlements for higher (Jats, Brahmins) and lower (Harijans) castes. Facilities are better in the higher caste settlements compared to lower caste villages. Most local dwellings are pucca houses (i.e. brick and cement mortar walls with a concrete roof supported on reinforced cement concrete columns or girder and roof slabs). 59. Economy and Employment. The main source of income and livelihood in the local area is agriculture, principally cropping. Major agricultural crops grown for consumption and sale are wheat, pulses, guvar, bajri, and jowar. Livestock rearing is also an important activity, primarily for household consumption, with buffaloes, goats, and sheep being common. Employment opportunities outside agriculture are limited, with no industry in the immediate area apart from around 100 brick kilns in the broader locality (within the local airshed, defined as a 25 km radius from the project site). Landless Harijans mostly work as agricultural laborers on land owned by Jats. The local wage rate was reported to be in the range of Rs135150 per day. However, work is only available for 56 months per year during the agricultural season. During the remainder of the year, laborers mainly migrate to the nearby industrial areas of Bahadurgarh, Najafgarh, and Delhi for employment in industry (e.g., factories and brick kilns) and construction. 60. Historic and Religious Sites. No major historic or religious sites are located on or in the vicinity of the project site. Small temples are located in most villages near the project site, but these features are not regionally significant. Jahazgarh Fort, an important tourist site and the venue of an annual cattle fair, is located about 20 km northeast of the project site. IV. A. ALTERNATIVES

With and Without Project Alternatives

61. The without project option would see a continuation of the current power supply shortage in the northern region. While Indias generation and distribution capacity grew significantly over the last decade, many parts of the country continue to suffer power shortages,

15 both in terms of unmet demand during peak periods and an overall energy shortage. This has largely been the result of high economic growth and the subsequent demand it places on the power supply. The annual deficit in peak power demand for the northern region was 3,040 MW as of August 2008. 8 The total installed generation capacity available in the state of Haryana was 4,668 MW 9, of which 2,188 MW was provided by the Panipat and Faridabad thermal power plants, and the Yamuna Nagar hydroelectric station. The available capacity varies between 2,500 MW to 3,300 MW during different seasons depending upon the river flows at hydropower plants and the planned and forced outages of generators. Some generating capacity is relatively old and realized plant load factors are on the low side. Electricity demand varies from 2,800 MW to 5,000 MW across different seasons and during peak and off-peak hours. Demand in Haryana is increasing at more than 14% per year due to industrialization, and greater consumption by the agricultural sector and the national capital region. Power availability from the above-mentioned projects is not sufficient to meet demand in the state of Haryana, particularly during the peak paddy and rabi crop seasons. 62. The Project seeks to close the electricity supplydemand gap. With the installation of the 1,320 MW power plant and the adjacent 1,500 MW Aravali project (assuming that 50% of the power produced by this project is supplied to Haryana state and 50% is supplied to Delhi), there would still be an electricity supply shortfall of about 1,250 MW in the state of Haryana in fiscal year (FY) 2011. The alternative without the Project is undesirable since an even greater power shortage would further constrain economic growth and reduce the rate of poverty reduction. B. Alternative Project Locations

63. The Government of Haryana selected the Projects location based on a range of factors. The underlying prerequisite for plant sighting was locating the Project in Haryana state to help meet local demand and minimize the cost of electricity production. The grid system in India is mainly owned and operated by state governments and integrated at the regional and central levels. The transfer of power from one state to another is done at a significant cost. The Project was conceived to avoid these costs and provide stable base load power, and to ensure that the Haryana state grid has additional capacity to meet electricity demand and sustain independent operations. 64. The Jhajjar locality was selected for the project site based on its proximity to load centers, availability of the transmission grid, ease of coal transport, land quality and availability, setback from major urban centers for air quality purposes, and a reliable longterm water supply. 65. The plant needs to be located as close as possible to regional demand centers to reduce power losses during transmission and to stabilize the grid. The availability of the transmission grid system in proximity to the plant allows for the cost-effective export of energy from the plant. Two substations located at Mahenderharh and Sonipat, 50 km and 70 km from the project site, respectively, provide close grid connection points for power evacuation. 66. Coal deposits in India are mainly located in the southeast, in the states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh. The northern states are generally removed

8 9

Source: Power Scenarios at Glance, September 2008 by Central Electricity Authority ( Source Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited (

16 from coal deposits and ports for imported coal, which results in coal having to be transported over long distances. Indian Railways has major trunk routes for the movement of raw materials, including from the coal-bearing regions of the southeast to the northern states, which will provide a cost effective means of transporting coal to the Project. Accordingly, the Project needs to be located in close proximity to an existing rail line to ensure that coal transport is economic. 67. Lower-quality agricultural land is preferred for the plant site so that land use conversion does not substantially reduce local agricultural production. Lower-value land is also more likely to be available for purchase. A reliable, large-scale water supply is essential for the Projects operation. Water from the state of Haryanas quota has been allocated to the Project, and the existing JLN feeder canal will be upgraded to provide additional capacity to handle the additional water supply. 68. Four alternative project sites were considered in the selected locality: (i) near Khanpur Kalan, Khora, and Jhamri villages, 5 km from the Jharli railway station; (ii) near Khanpur Khurd, Khanpur Kalan, Wazidpur, and Jharli villages, 1.5 km from the Jharli railway station; (iii) near Jhanswa, Ladain, Humayaupur, and Jamalpur villages, on the left-hand side of the JhajjarBahu JholriMohindergarh state highway, within 10 km of the Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary; and (iv) near Slawas Amboli, Bithla, and Bhurawas villages, within 10 km of the Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary. Site (ii) was selected because it is removed from major settlements, consists of lowquality agriculture land with almost no tree cover, is located only 1.5 km from an existing rail line, and is 18 km away from the Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary. Sites (iii) and (iv) comprise higher-quality agriculture land, while site (i) is 5 km from the rail line. 69. At present, there are no operating power plants located near the project site, although the adjacent ATPP is under construction. The project site is removed from major urban areas: approximately 40 km from Rewari, 55 km from Bahadurgarh, 80 km from Gurgaon, and 90 km from Delhi. C. Alternative Fuels

70. Large scale baseload energy production in Haryana state requires a conventional mode of power generation. Large scale hydropower sites for baseload power generation are either under development or being considered. As a result, new sites are not available in the state. Wind energy is location-specific and cannot provide reliable baseload power or large scale supply. Natural gas and oil use entails cost and supply reliability issues. Natural gas transport requires a large capital investment in infrastructure. For example, the recent natural gas discoveries in Andhra Pradesh would require over 1,500 km of pipeline to supply the Project, which would make a dedicated pipeline uneconomic. In addition, significant demand exists for gas from other consumers located close to the source. The option of importing liquid natural gas into India, including re-gasification and transportation to site, would be cost prohibitive as the site is located more than 1,100 km from the nearest sea port. 71. The only other feasible fuel options are coal and nuclear energy. Coal is preferred to nuclear energy due to its shorter gestation period, lower cost, and relative safety. Large scale nuclear power generation is not present in India as this sector faces strategic and fuel availability issues. Coal is the more cost-effective fuel for generating electricity even though it has a higher pollution potential than alternative fuels such as natural gas, hydropower, and nuclear.

17 D. Alternative Boiler Technologies

72. The boiler technology options available for large, pulverized coal-fired power plants are subcritical, supercritical, and ultra-supercritical. Subcritical plants, considered business-asusual in India, operate at steam pressure of less than 19 megapascals, where the steam is a mix of liquid and gas, and drum-type boilers are used. Supercritical plants operate at steam pressure of more than 22.1 megapascals and use once-through boilers. The steam at 22.56 megapascals and 374.15C is said to be in a critical state. At a critical point, the density of water and steam are the same. Further latent heat at this point is zero, which means there is no steamwater mixed phase and boilers operating under critical parameters do not have a boiler drum that separates steam from water. Ultra-supercritical plants are about 2% to 3% more efficient than supercritical plants. These plants operate at even higher steam pressures of about 30 megapascals and steam temperatures of about 600C. 73. Supercritical technology is becoming standard practice in the power industry in developed economies for large coal-fired power plants due to a higher efficiency than subcritical technology. The lifecycle costs of supercritical plants are lower than those of subcritical plants. A supercritical plant costs about 2% more than a subcritical plant to install, while fuel costs are considerably lower due to the increased efficiency and operating costs. Supercritical plants have lower emissions than subcritical plants per unit of electricity generated. A 1% increase in efficiency reduces the specific emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulates, and carbon dioxide by 2.5%3.0%. More than 400 supercritical plants are operating in the United States, Europe, Russia, and Japan. 74. The use of ultra-supercritical technology is also an option for the Project and would provide the highest coal combustion efficiency and lowest emission rate of the three alternative boiler technologies. Ultra-supercritical plants have been constructed in countries such as Denmark, Germany, Japan, and the United States to utilize high-quality coal. The installation of ultra-supercritical plants has not been widespread in developing countries, and as yet no such plants operate on low-quality coal similar to those found in India. The use of this technology in India is constrained by: (i) higher capital costs; (ii) limited suppliers for the boiler-turbinegenerator package, which restricts multi-company sourcing and the availability of spare parts; (iii) lack of local experience with the required technology; and (iv) reliability issues with respect to using Indian coal with a very high ash content. 75. Based on the above considerations, the Project has adopted supercritical boilers with a rated super heater outlet steam pressure of 25.4 megapascals, rated super heater outlet steam temperature of 571C, rated reheat steam pressure of 4.2 megapascals, and rated hot reheat steam temperature of 569C. These boilers are at the high end of supercritical technology. This technology, more expensive than subcritical plant, becomes economically viable when compared to subcritical technology if Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol carbon credits are granted for the reduction in CO2 emissions that will result. JPL is currently preparing the necessary documentation for CDM project approval to offset the additional capital cost. The cost saving gained from the reduction in coal consumption delivered by the use supercritical technology instead of subcritical plant will be fully passed on to the customer. E. Alternative Cooling Systems

76. Two cooling system alternatives were considered: (i) a closed or recirculation system and (ii) an open, or once-through, system. The closed system cools the cooling water in cooling towers before recycling it. The system discharges a portion of its water to maintain cooling water quality and requires make-up water to replenish discharged water and evaporation losses. The

18 closed system will discharge about 16,400 m3/day of cooling tower blowdown when operated at five COCs, requiring about 81,840 m3/day of make-up water out of a total plant water requirement of 120,000 m3/day. The once-through system discharges the entire volume of warm cooling water into a receiving body of water, requiring 2.4 million m3/day of make-up water. 77. The closed system was selected because it has a lower lifecycle cost, is more reliable, and will meet all regulatory requirements. The closed system is also preferred because (i) in accordance with the Central Pollution Control Boards guidelines, new thermal power plants using water from rivers, lakes, or reservoirs are required to install cooling towers irrespective of location and type of plant, (ii) five COCs will be attained, which will require considerably less water than a once-through system, (iii) cooling tower blowdown effluent will be recycled and/or reused on site after treatment, and (iv) the intake pump is much smaller since it only has to handle about 5,000 m3/hour, which is less than 7% of the volume required for the once-through system (2.4 million m3/day). F. Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems

78. The Project will generate wastewater from cooling water, boiler blowdown, water treatment plant backwash, and regenerated wastewater; and runoff from coal stockpiles and oil catch pits. The wastewater treatment options are: (i) limited treatment to meet state and national quality standards and discharge wastewater from the site into a watercourse or drain; (ii) limited treatment to meet state and national quality standards and use treated wastewater for on-site irrigation; and (iii) selective treatment of wastewater with major treatment processes to recover a large volume of treated wastewater for reuse in plant processes and for on-site irrigation. 79. Off-site discharge is not desirable because there are no established drains or welldefined watercourses. As a result, the large volume of treated wastewater that has to be discharged would cause inundation in the local area. The only option available is to reduce, reuse, and recycle wastewater within the project site. 80. The large volume of blowdown wastewater that will be produced by the Project is far greater than site irrigation requirements. To reduce the volume of wastewater and to ensure that it is of acceptable quality for irrigation, treatment will include clarification, ultra-filtration, and RO. This will recondition a major portion of the wastewater and allow it to be reused in plant processes, which will reduce raw water requirements. It will also reduce the residual volume used for irrigation to 30%, which will allow for all treated wastewater to be used on-site. G. Alternative Water Resources

81. The large scale water supply required for project operation (120,000 m3/day) could come from either of two sources: (i) groundwater, or (ii) a perennial surface water source. However, the volume of water that could be supplied by local groundwater would be inadequate to meet project operational requirements. The JLN feeder canal is the only perennial surface water source in the area, supplied from the Western Yamuna canal network. The Government of Haryana has allocated an adequate volume of water to the Project on a 16-day cycle from this source. JPL is funding improvements to the existing canal to increase capacity. Water supplies to existing users will not be altered by the allocation of water to the Project. The canal will be used alternatively for irrigation and project supply on a 16-day cycle. The Project will construct a large, on-site water storage facility with sufficient capacity to supply the plant for 20 days.

19 82. The Project will treat plant effluent and collect rainwater during the monsoon season as a secondary water source. This water will be used to establish and maintain the greenbelt and other vegetation at the project site. V. A. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Physical Environment 1. During Construction

83. Project construction has the potential to create a range of environmental impacts common to major construction sites. These impacts include air pollution, noise, runoff water quality decline, traffic, and waste generation. The majority of these impacts are short-term and restricted to the construction site. Construction environmental impacts will be minimized by implementing good management practices. 84. Air Pollution. Potential sources of air pollution during project construction are (i) dust emissions from soil disturbance and vehicle movement on unpaved roads, and (ii) exhaust emissions from diesel generators, heavy construction equipment, and vehicles. The constructions impact on air quality will be minimized through (i) dust suppression by regularly spraying water on roads and work sites, wetting or covering stockpiles, the proper location of material stockpiles away from habitation, and covering loaded trucks during the transportation of material; (ii) use of low-emission vehicles and, wherever feasible, construction equipment powered by electricity; and (iii) maintenance of engines and use of vehicles with Pollution Under Control Certificates 10. Contractors will be required to strictly implement these measures. 85. Noise. Construction activities will generate noise from vehicle movement and the operation of heavy equipment and machinery for site preparation and facility erection. Typical noise levels produced by different sources during construction are earthmoving equipment (70 100 dB[A]), material handling (7598 dB[A]), and impact-based equipment 81105 (dB[A]). Noise levels will be reduced by installing acoustic enclosures and noise barriers, and not permitting high noise activities and the movement of vehicles at night. Construction workers will be required to wear ear muffs in areas exposed to excessive noise levels. Local villages are unlikely to be disturbed by plant construction noise as they are located at least 1 km from the plant site. Some villages are located within 500 m of the water supply pipeline and railway line corridors. These communities will experience raised noise levels during pipeline laying and rail line construction, but this disturbance will be restricted to the short term and to daylight hours. 86. Traffic. The main access route to the project site is a sealed two-lane district road. Most plant equipment and construction materials will be transported to the Project along this road, with the number of loads estimated to peak at 500 per day during the 3.5 year construction period. Traffic volume on this road is currently low (about 300 vehicle movements per day). Projectrelated traffic will substantially increase the volume of road traffic, but the total volume will not be excessive. 87. Oil and Chemical Spills. The contamination of soil and groundwater from accidental spills of oil, fuels, and hazardous chemicals will be prevented by storing these materials in sealed


Pollution Under Control Certificates are normally issued to vehicles that satisfy the emission norms set out in the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 and amendments.

20 areas with a holding capacity of at least 150% of the capacity of all liquids being stored. Measures will also be provided for fire suppression and the neutralization and collection of any spilled material. 88. Runoff. Earthmoving and other ground disturbance activities will raise the risk of erosion at the project site, primarily during the monsoon season when the majority of rainfall is received. Soil at the project site is sandy and silty, and erodes easily. Off-site sedimentation will result from soil disturbance unless appropriate measures are implemented. Erosion control measures will be implemented during construction, including the installation of temporary banks or drains to control overland runoff and the early installation of drains for rainwater. Most excavation, backfilling, and site grading will be undertaken during the dry season. Sediment will be trapped on-site using sediment fences and traps and basins, and by preventing the off-site movement of coarse material. 89. Construction Waste. A range of waste materials will be generated from construction activities, including inert materials such as metal and concrete, and hazardous materials. These waste materials will be collected, stored, and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Recyclable or reusable materials will be utilized wherever possible. Inert materials that cannot be recycled will be disposed of in a suitable landfill. Waste oil will be sold to authorized vendors approved by the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. Hazardous wastes including used or waste oil will be stored on-site in a designated area for disposal through authorized vendors. 90. Excavated Spoil. Approximately 2 million m3 of material will be excavated to create the plants water storage. This material will be used to fill and level the main plant area, raising the lower areas by up to 4 m, with no material being taken off site. 91. Sanitation and Hygiene. Project construction activities will engage 2,0004,000 workers. Unskilled and semiskilled workers will primarily be sourced from the local area, while other workers will come from outside areas depending upon the skills required and those available locally. Outside workers will reside at the project site. Toilets with septic tanks will be provided in the workforce camp for the disposal of sewage. Solid waste generated by the camp will be segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials. All biodegradable kitchen waste will be collected and used for secondary purposes such as animal feed or composting for use as manure. Other biodegradable wastes will be collected and disposed of in on-site pits for subsequent use as manure. Cleanliness and hygiene will be maintained in the workforce camp, kitchens, and canteens. 92. Historic and Religious Sites. No major historic or religious sites are located within 20 km of the main plant site, proposed water supply, or rail easements. Local temples exist in most villages in the vicinity of the Project. Jahazgarh Fort, a historically-significant site that is a tourist destination known for an annual cattle fair, is located about 20 km to the north-northeast of the project site. 93. Other sites. Water reticulation, via the subsurface pipeline from the JLN feeder canal, requires a 20 m wide easement from the pumphouse to the plant. This easement crosses agricultural fields, minor watercourses, and the rail line. No houses exist along the proposed route. Pipeline construction will involve the removal of vegetation (mainly grasses and crops), trenching, pipe-laying, and backfilling, which will disturb about 24 ha of flat-to-slightly-undulating land. Construction activities will create a minor erosion hazard that will be controlled by minimizing vegetation clearance and site disturbance, saving and reusing topsoil, and progressive site rehabilitation to return the land to its prior agricultural land use.


94. The two spur rail lines will meet at the plant boundary and then run parallel to the MatanhelJhajjar road within the project site. A 20 m wide easement is required for each line outside the main plant site, covering a total of 3.8 ha of land. The rail corridors do not cross any settlement areas. One of the lines will cross the local road where a level crossing will be constructed. Construction of the rail lines on this flat terrain will create ground disturbance, but the net impact of the civil works will be negligible. 2. During Operation

95. The main potential environmental impacts of project operation relate to air quality decline, greenhouse gas production, liquid waste effluent quality, thermal pollution from the discharge of spent cooling water, and ash disposal. The EIA assessed environmental impacts and prescribed appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that the Projects environmental performance meets or exceeds national standards and international guidelines for coal-fired power plants. 96. Emissions. Coal combustion produces emissions of the following major pollutants: SO2; NOX; particulate matter (PM), including particulates smaller than 10 microns that are referred to as respirable particulate matter (RPM); and CO2, which is a major greenhouse gas. 11 The Project will minimize the emission of these pollutants by using advanced technology and control measures. An FGD plant will be installed to reduce SO2 emissions by approximately 90%, while coal with a low sulfur content (not exceeding 0.35%) will also help minimize these emissions. Dry-low, NOx-type coal burners will be installed to reduce NOX production. SPM emissions will be reduced to acceptable levels by the installation of ESPs with a minimum efficiency of 99.91%. The FGD unit will also help to reduce SPM emissions. 97. The Projects emission rates will be within the limits prescribed in World Bank guidelines. SO2 will be limited to 200 milligram per normal cubic meter (mg/Nm3) and 24.5 tons per day (tpd), which are well within the World Bank guideline limits of 2,000 mg/Nm3 and 450 tpd. NOx emissions of 650 mg/ Nm3 will also be less than the limit of 750 mg/Nm3. The ESPs will limit PM concentrations in flue gases to less than 50 mg/Nm3. The expected emission rates of the plant are summarized in Table 6 and the prediction calculations are presented in Appendix 6. Table 6: Expected Emissions of the Power Plant
Parameter SO2 NOX PM Expected Emission1 200 mg/Nm3 24.5 TPD (141.9 g/s per unit) 650 mg/Nm3 (461.2 g/s per unit) 50 mg/Nm3 (35.5 g/s per unit) Indian Limit2 700 TPD No standard 100 mg/Nm3 World Bank Norm3 2,000 mg/Nm3 450 TPD 750 mg/Nm3 50 mg/Nm3

mg/Nm3 = milligram per normal cubic meter, NOX = nitrogen oxide, PM = particulate matter, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, TPD = tons per day. Sources: JPL, unpublished; Ministry of Environment and Forests, 1998. Environmental Standards for Power Plants, MoEF New Delhi Notification G.S.R. 7; World Bank, 1998. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook. Washington, DC.


The amount of CO2 generated by burning 5.9 million metric tons per annum of coal with 41.2% carbon content would be about 28,400 tpd.


98. Ambient Air Quality. The Project will discharge gases through a 275 m high stack containing two flues, in compliance with the emissions requirements of MoEF. Ambient air quality was predicted using the Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) model 12. The prediction was based on the emissions data in Table 6, an assumption of coal with 0.35% sulfur at 100% load and 100% conversion of sulfur into SO2 and emissions, and local meteorological conditions. The ambient air quality predictions for individual pollutants that will be emitted by the plant are given for the worst case scenario in Table 7 and in more detail in Appendix 7. The predicted incremental increase in ground level concentrations of each major pollutant is within the stipulated maximum amount indicated in the World Bank guidelines. The overall impact of the Project on ambient air quality is expected to be low. Table 7: Overall Worst Case Predicted Ground Level Concentrations In the Study Area from the Project (g/m3)
24 Hour Concentration Baseline 98 percentile monitored concentration (maximum) Predicted maximum incremental GLC Overall GLC during worst case scenario NAAQS limit (rural and residential) SO2 8.3 11.0 19.3 80.0 NOX 33.9 35.8 69.7 80.0 SPM 384.5 2.8 387.3 200.0

GLC = ground level concentration, mg/Nm3 = milligram per normal cubic meter, NAAQS = National Ambient Air 3 Quality Standards, NOX = nitrogen oxide, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, SPM = suspended particulate matter, g/m = microgram per cubic meter. Source: ERM, 2008. Calculated using USEPA ISCST3 air dispersion model (2000).

99. Ambient air quality in the Project airshed will remain below the prescribed standards for SO2 and NOx. SO2 concentrations will be low due to the installation of an FGD unit. Baseline levels of SPM are high during the summer primarily due to the high content of fine sand in the local topsoil and agriculture activities that create soil disturbance prior to the onset of the monsoon. As a result of these existing conditions, the ambient air SPM levels will be above the prescribed limit during Project operation for at least part of the year. 100. Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The supercritical boilers will generate CO2 emissions of 8.05 million tons per annum (at a rate of 0.86 kg/KWh net at 87% PLF), while the estimated baseline CO2 emissions from business-as-usual technology is estimated to be 8.90 million tons per annum (at a rate 0.95 kg/KWh net). Accordingly, a saving of 0.85 million tons per annum CO2 emissions is estimated. 101. Carbon Capture Readiness. Carbon capture from the plant, based on carbon dioxide separation and underground storage, has the potential to substantially reduce the carbon emissions of the Project. The technology for post-combustion carbon capture is under active development and may be available soon. An analysis has been carried out to identify the issues that need to be considered by the Project for carbon capture readiness (CCR) in the event that


Ambient air ground level concentrations (GLCs) were predicted using the United State Environment Protection Agency Industrial Source Complex Short Term Release 3 (ISCST3) model (version 2000). The model is capable of accepting multi-point emission sources and hourly meteorological data including mixing height, stabilities and terrain features to define the conditions for plume rise for each source and receptor combination for each hour of input of meteorological data sequentially, and calculates short term averages up to 24 hours.

23 reliable technology and suitable storage options become commercially viable. These considerations include allocating space in the plant layout to install post-combustion carbon capture equipment, producing clean and desulfurized flue gas, and providing a sufficient electrical and steam supply to operate the capture system. 102. The Project has sufficient space for the installation of carbon capture equipment. The Project has a major advantage over other Indian coal-fired projects because it will have an FGD unit from the outset, which may be a precondition for carbon capture. The necessary electricity and steam supplies for the carbon capture system can be made available. It is envisaged that ongoing research will identify CO2 storage areas within reach of the Jhajjar site. Accordingly, it is concluded that the Project has the necessary features of CCR. 103. Noise. Significant noise levels can result from the operation of turbines, compressors, transformers, the coal handling plant, coal conveyor movement, blowdown of excess steam, and steam venting from safety valves. The transformers in the switchyard can also generate noise. The noise levels emitted by operating machinery will be 90100 dB(A). The steam turbine generators will be housed in closed buildings to reduce noise transmission to the outside environment. Acoustic enclosures, hoods, laggings, and screens will be provided at all highnoise generating areas. All measures will be taken to keep noise levels at the plant boundary within stipulated limits. Maintenance and operating personnel working in the plant will be provided with adequate personal protection against noise. The inlet air and exhaust gas streams will be provided with silencers for noise reduction. All equipment in the plant is designed and will be operated for noise levels not exceeding 75 dB(A) measured at a distance of 1.5 m from the equipment. In addition, other measures will be implemented as necessary to ensure that noise at the plant boundary does not exceed stipulated limits. The maximum background and predicted noise levels are summarized in Table 8. Table 8: Maximum Background and Predicted Noise Levels
Site 1 2 3 4 5 Sampling Station Near plant site Khanpur Khurd (1.5 km south) Jharli (2 km east) Sasrauli (5.5 km northeast) Railway crossing (2 km northeast) Day (Leq dB[A]) Baseline Predicted 52.9 52.9 54.4 54.4 49.8 49.8 46.9 46.9 60.0 60.1 Night (Leq dB[A]) Baseline Predicted 40.1 40.8 43.6 43.6 42.2 42.3 40.3 40.3 46.1 47.5

dB(A) = decibels (acoustic), Leq = equivalent continuous noise level, day = 0600 to 2200 hours; night = 2200 to 0600 hours. Source: baseline - EIA/EMP Report for 1,320 MW Thermal Power Plant, Jhajjar, Haryana. January 2008; predicted JPL.

104. The monitored average noise levels at rural and residential areas around the project site varied from 46.9 to 54.4 dB(A) during the day and 40.1 to 46.1 dB(A) at night. The minimum distance between the Projects major noise sources (power block and cooling towers) and the outer periphery of the Project will be approximately 400 m. Based on computer modeling, the maximum cumulative impact of all noise sources at the Project boundary in the direction of each nearby village is predicted to be less than 10 dB(A). After adding the predicted values to the background values through logarithmic addition, the increase in noise levels are predicted to remain within the prescribed norms at nearby villages, with the nearest village predicted to receive a net increase of 1.41.7 dB(A) above background noise, which is within the World Banks guidelines of a maximum increase of 3 dB(A) over background noise.

24 105. Coal Dust. Coal will be received in open-type railway wagons and unloaded at site using tippers. The coal will then transported by conveyor to the crusher house. Crushed coal will be sent to either the bunker for storage and onward feeding to mill, or sent to the coal stockyard for temporary storage. Coal will be stockpiled in the yard and reclaimed on a regular basis. Coal dust emissions will either come from point sources such as crushing equipment and transfer points, or from fugitive sources such as stockpiles. 106. During coal unloading and onward transfer to the crusher, dust will be suppressed by spraying water. A dust extraction system will be installed at the crusher house on the feeder floors. Dust emissions from the coal stockpiles and from coal reclamation to the bunkers will also be controlled by spraying water. The coal dust extraction system is designed to suck dust-laden air from confined areas such as screening and belt feeders and at transfer points. The trapped air will be subjected to washing with the help of water sprays, and the clean air will be vented back into the atmosphere. Water containing coal dust will be taken to a settling pond for the removal of dust particles. 107. Coal dust suppression in open areas will consist of a fine spray of water to wet the dust particles, causing the particles to agglomerate and settle. The dust suppression system consists of swiveling-type, wide-angle, full cone-type nozzles. Drainage from coal yards will flow into a settling pond for the removal of coal particles. 108. Water Use. The water allocated to the Project for plant operation is in addition to the water currently allocated and used for other purposes such as irrigation, industry, and domestic use. Accordingly, the water supply for existing uses will not be reduced by the Projects allocation of water. Canal upgrading will increase the existing capacity of the JLN feeder canal from 84.7 m3/s (2,990 cusecs) to greater than 93.2 m3/s (3,290 cusecs), which will ensure that the 8.5 m3/s (300 cusecs) of water required to operate the two thermal power plants is provided without reducing the capacity of the canal to supply existing water users. 109. Effluent Water Quality. The plant will generate wastewater from the pre-treatment plant, demineralization plant, cooling tower blowdown, boiler blowdown, wastewater from ultra filtration and RO unit, decanted water from ash dykes, and service and wash wastewater from different sections of the plant. On-site wastewater will be treated to achieve maximum reuse and recycling. Leftover wastewater will be used to irrigate on-site vegetation throughout the year except during the monsoon. In accordance with World Bank guidelines, wastewater will be treated to the levels prescribed in Table 9 or better. Treated effluent will also meet irrigation water quality standards (Table 10). Table 9: Thermal Power Plant Standard for Liquid Effluent
Source Parameter Free available chlorine Suspended solids 1 Boiler Blowdown Oil & grease Copper (Total) Iron (Total) 2 Cooling Tower Blowdown Free available chlorine Zinc Concentration not Exceeding (mg/l, except pH) 0.5 100.0 20.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0



Parameter Chromium (Total) Phosphate Other corrosion inhibiting material pH

Concentration not Exceeding (mg/l, except pH) 0.2 5.0 Limit to be established on case by-case basis by the Central Board in union territories and State Boards in states 6.58.5 100.0 20.0

Ash pond effluent

Suspended solids Oil and grease

Note: mg/l = milligram per litre, pH = potential hydrogen. Source: Environmental (Protection) Act Notification (SO no. 844 E) dated 19 November 1996.

Table 10: Applicable Standards for Use of Water or Liquid Effluent for Irrigation
General Standard for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants for Irrigation** 5.59.0 200 10 100 0.2 0.2 90% survival of fish after 96 hours in 100% effluent

S.N. pH


Unit - s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

Bureau of Indian Standard* 6.08.0 2.25 1,000 2 500 2,100

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Conductivity at 25C, Sulphates (as SO4) Boron Chlorides Total Dissolved Solids Suspended solids Oil and Grease Biochemical Oxygen Demand (3 days at 27C) Arsenic Cyanide Bioassay test

Note: mg/l = milligram per litre, S/cm = microseimens per centimeter, pH = potential hydrogen. Source: *Bureau of Indian Standards code IS: 11624:1986; **Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 and amendment 1993.

110. Ash Disposal. The Project will generate ash at a rate of about 291 tph from coal combustion, based on coal with an average ash content of 34%. Ash will be utilized off-site for secondary uses as per the ash utilization plan as detailed in Appendix 12. Ash will be handled in dry form, using a closed circuit pneumatic mechanism, and directly loaded into enclosed trucks through ash silos. 111. Fly ash will be collected in dry form. Fly ash generated from the plant will be commercially utilized to the maximum extent possible in industries such as cement and ash brick manufacture,

26 road construction, pavement laying, and fly ash aggregates production. Fly ash will also be used for the construction of the ash pond dyke and the reclamation of low-lying areas. Additional options for ash use will also be considered. Full fly ash usage will be achieved at a rate faster than prescribed in the provisions for the notification on fly ash utilization issued by MoEF in September 1999 (and the subsequent amendment to the notification), which requires usage prior to the ninth year of project operation. Unutilized fly ash will be transferred from the silo in wet form and stored in the ash pond until suitable users are identified. Bottom ash will also be collected in wet form and stored in the ash dyke until suitable users are identified. 112. The ash dyke will have a capacity of at least 4 million m3. The sub-strata soil has permeability in the order of 10-5 m/sec. The Project will line the pond in order to prevent leakage. A detailed ash leaching study will be undertaken to determine a suitable lining. B. Biological Environment 1. During Construction

113. The project site has limited agricultural capability and is low yielding. The area is dry to semi-arid, with ground cover consisting of a few scattered trees, sparse shrubby vegetation, and grasses. Clearing the site will result in the loss of habitat for some small animals. This loss of habitat cannot be avoided but it will have a limited impact on the fauna and flora of the area. Small mammals and avifauna will experience the most impact. The influx of labor may increase the demand for fuel wood, which in turn will put pressure on local natural resources. Construction contractors will be instructed to avoid tree cutting wherever possible. Contractors will also be required to supply fuel to the work camp to avoid any impact on local resources. 2. During Operation

114. The potential impacts on the ecology of the nearby area from thermal power plant operation include the deposit of fly ash on vegetation, disturbance to wildlife by noise, and loss of aquatic fauna at the water intake point and in the treated effluent receiving body. The impacts of the Project on the biological environment will be limited by the implementation of mitigation measures. The installation of ESPs will substantially reduce the SPM levels of flue gases, which will prevent ash from settling and damaging vegetation in the vicinity of the plant. The implementation of noise control measures will minimize disturbances to fauna and avifauna in the area. The Project will establish a greenbelt around the plant and at several locations within the plants premises and the water reservoir, covering a total combined area of 137 ha (approximately 30% of the entire project site). The greenbelt will provide a habitat for some species. 115. The water supply pipeline intake point from the JLN feeder canal will be provided with sufficient screening to filter out larger aquatic organisms (e.g., fish, frogs, and toads) and foreign matter, preventing this material from being drawn into the pumps. The Project will not discharge any treated effluent off site and there will be no thermal impact on nearby bodies of water. C. Socio-cultural Environment 1. During Construction

116. Loss of Land and Livelihood. Private land is being acquired for the Project under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. Land compensation rates have been agreed to by the Government of Haryana and affected households. The agreed rates were higher than the prevailing market prices at the time of negotiation in 2007. Land compensation consists of a cash payment plus a

27 deposit that will yield an annuity for 33 years. The deposit is designed to provide long-term livelihood support for each affected household. 117. The project site is uninhabited and there will be no displacement of households. However, the Project will have an impact on livelihoods since agricultural activities will be affected by land acquisition and restricted access to public grazing land. The 33-year annuity will help to offset this impact. In addition, JPL will work closely with communities to develop alternative livelihoods for those requiring new economic activities. Agriculture and ancillary activities form the mainstay of livelihoods in the immediate vicinity of the Project area. Single crops of bajra and gowar are reported to be the main crops grown on the affected land, while those landowners with a private irrigation water supply cultivate a second crop of wheat and mustard. Villages like Khanpur Khurd, Khanpur Kalan, and Jharli have agricultural land at scattered locations on both sides of the main road. Although agriculture is practiced on the plant site, the productivity and incomegenerating capacity of this land is low. Associated impacts from this loss of land and production include: (i) loss of opportunities for agricultural laborers; and (ii) decrease in economic participation and loss of opportunities for women who work this land, primarily for sourcing fodder. 118. Community access to grazing land will be lost with the establishment of the Project. A range of private assets are located on this land, including tube wells, pucca/kutcha sheds, water supply pipelines, open wells, trees, and submersible pumps. A total of 98 assets were recorded on the plant site by the District Revenue Office, of which Khanpur Khurd had 53, Khanpur Kalan had 35, Jharli had 5, and Wazidpur had 5. Each asset has been valued and the owners are being provided compensation at above market prices. 119. Social and Cultural Conflicts. The influx of workers from outside the area has the potential to create conflict with local people and increase the risk of communicable diseases such as HIV 13 , tuberculosis, and cholera. The Projects construction workforce will comprise 2,000-4,000 persons over 40 months (Table 11). To minimize conflicts between construction workers and local villagers, workers will be recruited from adjacent villages to the greatest extent possible, and the necessary social infrastructure will be provided for the workforce. Workers and professional personnel from outside the area will stay in temporary accommodations on the project site. Increased traffic in the project area during construction will be controlled on and off the site to minimize safety hazards. Table 11: Number of People to be Employed
Period Construction Operation Company Employees 50 275 Contractor Employees 2,0004,000 50 Total 2,0504,050 325

Source: JPL and EIA/EMP Report for 1,320 (2 X 660) MW Thermal Power Plant Project. Jhajjar, Haryana. MECON, 2007.


During Operation

120. The completion of construction activities will see a reduction in job opportunities in the project area that could create local resentment. During project operation, about 275 people will be employed. Employees and their families will reside in the plant residential site, where they will


human immunodeficiency virus.

28 contribute to demand for local food and services. Project operation will spur the local economy by providing indirect business opportunities in the area. D. Induced Development

121. The demand for food and services that will be created by the Project during construction and operation is likely to induce development in the local area around the project site. With an increase in employment opportunities, people will be encouraged to take up skills development and technical training. The level of literacy is expected to rise over time as a result. These changes will vary in intensity at different locations. The greatest impact is likely to occur in the immediate project area at Khanpur Khurd and Jharli, with less impact in the surrounding areas of Bahu-Jolhri and regional centers such as Jhajjar and Dadri. E. Cumulative Impact

122. Apart from the Project, the only major existing or proposed industrial activity in the Project airshed is the 1,500 MW coal-fired ATPP that is currently under construction on the eastern side of the Project. This plant is being developed by Aravali Power Company Private Limited (APCPL), a joint venture company between the Government of Haryana, Government of Delhi, and NTPC Limited, which is the central Government utility company. The plant will consist of three 500 MW units. The primary environmental impact of the Project and the coal-fired ATPP will be a decline in air quality. The flue gas emissions of both projects are summarized in Table 12, with projected ATPP emissions based on the environmental clearance issued by MoEF. Table 12: Predicted Emissions from the Project and ATPP
Parameter Project Emissions per Unit* (660 MW x 2 units) 200 mg/Nm3 24.5 TPD (141.6 g/s) 650 mg/Nm3 (460.2 g/s) 50 mg/Nm3 (35.5 g/s) ATPP Emissions per Unit** (500 MW x 3 units) 1,315 mg/Nm3 188.85 TPD (728.6 g/s) 650 mg/Nm3 (360.1 g/s) 50 mg/Nm3 (55.4 g/s) Indian Limit* World Bank Norm 2,000 mg/Nm3 450 TPD 750 mg/Nm3 50 mg/Nm3


700 TPD Low NOx burner prescribed 100 mg/Nm3

mg/Nm3 = milligram per normal cubic meter, NOX = nitrogen oxide, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, PM = particulate matter, TPD = tons per day. Source: Jhajjar Power Limited. *Ministry of Environment and Forests. 1998. Environmental Standards for Power Plants, MOEF New Delhi Notification G.S.R. 7. ** The expected emissions for Aravali Thermal Power Plant are based on assumption of 0.5% of Sulfur in Coal, SO2 emissions are without FGD in place, PM emissions with a limit of 100 mg/Nm3 and NOx limit of 650 mg/Nm3.

123. The combined effect of emissions from the Project and ATPP on air quality was assessed using the ISCST3 air dispersion model. Table 13 summarizes the predicted worst case ambient air quality resulting from the combined projects, while the cumulative predicted air quality at each monitoring location is presented in Appendix 8.


Table 13: Overall Worst Case Predicted Ground Level Concentrations for the Cumulative Emissions from the Project and the Aravali Thermal Power Plant (g/m3)
24 Hour Concentration Baseline 98 percentile monitored concentration Predicted maximum combined incremental GLC (JTPP and ATPP) Overall GLCs during worst case scenario NAAQS limit (rural and residential) SO2 8.2 67.4 75.6 80.0 NOX 33.9 45.2 79.1 80.0 SPM 384.5 5.8 390.3 200.0

GLC = ground level concentration, mg/Nm3 = milligram per normal cubic meter, NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality 3 Standards, NOX = nitrogen oxide, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, SPM = suspended particulate matter, g/m = microgram per cubic meter.

124. The cumulative impact of the two coal-fired projects on air quality in the local airshed (within a 25 km radius of the project sites) will not be excessive. However, the existing high SPM levels will further increase as a result. High SPM levels occur in the area largely due to windgenerated dust coming from land that has been disturbed by agriculture and other activities, as well as the seasonal burning of crop residues, particularly during hot summers. The Project and ATPP will emit a maximum PM flue gas concentration of 50 mg/Nm3 and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively, producing a cumulative increase in ambient SPM levels of around 5.8 g/m3. Each project will also emit maximum SO2 and NOx flue gas concentrations below the World Banks limits of 2,000 mg/Nm3 and 750 mg/Nm3, respectively, resulting in ambient air quality levels remaining within acceptable limits. 125. The cumulative noise impact from the two plants is predicted to be minor as the main noise-generating equipment at each plant is separated by over 1 km and both plants are installing noise control measures. In addition, the residual impact will be minimal. 126. A cumulative increase in road traffic will occur during the overlapping construction phases of each project (over a 1.52 year period) and during plant operation. This impact will be managed by widening the main approach road that leads to both plants to accommodate the combined traffic volume for project operation and by controlling traffic entering and leaving each site. 127. Large volumes of fly ash will be generated by the two projects. Both projects are seeking to utilize as much ash as possible off site. The residual ash will be disposed of in on-site ash dykes. The ash dykes for each project are approximately 2 km apart. Each project has to ensure that its dyke is suitably sealed to prevent ash effluent leaching. No cumulative impact on groundwater is expected. The cumulative impact of airborne fly ash from ash handling is expected to be minimal as dust suppression control measures will be implemented on both projects. 128. The two projects will have a positive impact on local employment and small-scale business growth. Local facilities and infrastructure are expected to improve, including arterial roads and communications. F. Impacts of Associated Facilities

129. Canal Upgrading. The canal upgrading works will involve raising the existing earth bund walls by 30 cm over a distance of about 70 km to increase canal capacity. The earthworks will

30 disturb this man-made landform, but the erosion hazard created will be in the short term only as the bund walls will be progressively stabilized and re-vegetated. 130. Transmission Lines. The transmission lines required to evacuate power from the Project will be connected to the Sonipat and Mahendergarh substations, requiring a 35 m wide corridor along a cumulative right-of-way length of about 120 km. The route selected for each corridor will avoid ecologically-sensitive sites such as forests, national parks, and other protected areas, as well as settlement areas and historic and cultural sites. The routes will also be designed to minimize adverse environmental impacts associated with terrain, land use, and vegetation cover. VI. A. Project Costs ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT

131. Financial Cost. The total Project cost is estimated to be approximately $1.3 billion. Annual operating and maintenance costs are estimated at approximately $30 million at 2008 prices. 132. Environmental Cost. The environmental cost of the Project primarily relates to: (i) 521.1 ha of land use conversion, (ii) 120,000 m3/day freshwater supply, and (iii) the discharge of flue gases into the atmosphere. The environmental cost of the Projects impact on the land is low as the project site is predominantly used for grazing, with a small amount of opportunity cropping present. The environmental costs associated with water supply and air pollution are difficult to quantify. B. Project Socioeconomic Benefits

133. The principal economic benefit of the Project will be the generation of 10,059 GWh of electricity per annum. Ninety percent of this amount will be used to support economic and livelihood development in Haryana. Other socio-economic benefits of the Project will include (i) employment, (ii) the payment of corporate income taxes to the central Government over the Projects life, and (iii) indirect taxes during construction. A separate and detailed economic analysis will be undertaken for the Project. VII. A. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

Objectives and Scope of Environmental Management

134. Environmental management will be an integral part of project implementation during construction and operation. The objectives of environmental management are to minimize the Projects adverse environmental impacts and provide full and cost-effective compliance with the relevant environmental laws and regulations as stipulated by national and state authorities, and project financiers. A project-specific environmental management plan (EMP) will be prepared prior to the commencement of construction that will be aligned with the JPL corporate environmental management policy. The Projects EMP will follow the concept of continual development, incorporating systematic monitoring, reporting, and corrective action as an integral part of environmental management. Staff will be adequately trained and the Project will seek accreditation from a recognized international certification body to constantly improve upon the Projects safety, health, and environmental performance. 135. During the construction and operation phases, contractors will be liable for implementing specific impact mitigation measures as prescribed in the EMP and the construction contracts.

31 Operation contracts will include performance bonds or similar binding conditions. JPL will monitor and audit the environmental performance of contractors as part of its project implementation role. JPL will prescribe effective corrective actions to be implemented by each contractor as required to ensure full compliance with relevant environmental standards. During plant operation, environmental management measures will be implemented by JPL. B. Organization for Project Environmental Management

136. JPL will establish its SHE policy and a SHE Department in line with parent company standards. The SHE Department will promote and supervise site safety and environmental management. JPL will recruit an experienced manager to head the SHE Department and report directly to the Projects head. The manager will be supported by adequate staff at the managerial level (e.g., safety officer and environment officer). An occupational health center will be established to maintain heath standards and provide medical emergency services. Separate professionals will be appointed to manage social responsibilities. 137. The SHE Department will incorporate a separate environment division that will work closely with the plant Operation and Maintenance Department. It will be headed by a senior qualified technical staff at the managerial level, who possesses practical experience in the environmental management of large power projects. This division will have around 10 staff, consisting of environmental engineers, chemists, horticulturists, safety specialists, and pollution control specialists to ensure that ongoing measures are effectively implemented. JPL will ensure that all staff are adequately trained prior to commissioning the SHE Department and its environment division. C. Mitigation Measures

138. The major environmental impact mitigation measures that will be implemented during project construction and operation are summarized in Appendix 9. D. Monitoring and Evaluation Program

139. The plant will incorporate online monitoring of flue gases, ambient air quality, and wastewater quality, allowing operations staff to recognize an issue and take immediate corrective action. An automatic continuous emissions monitoring system will be installed on the stack as part of the main plant package, to measure emissions of SO2, NOX, and SPM. An automatic continuous ambient air quality monitoring station will be installed within the plant site, while periodic air quality monitoring using a high volume sampler will be conducted at other sites. The installation of additional continuous air monitoring stations in the Projects airshed will also be undertaken, subject to the availability of local infrastructure that includes a power supply. Key wastewater quality parameters will be continuously monitored. Pollution control monitoring equipment will be calibrated as per the manufacturers recommendation. Any faulty instruments will be repaired on a priority basis and manual sampling and analysis will be conducted until the equipment is repaired and reinstated. 140. Periodic monitoring by manual sampling will be undertaken as per the conditions of consent to operate, supplementing online monitoring. An environmental laboratory will manually analyze air, water, and wastewater samples from the site. Specialized analysis such as the heavy metal content of wastewater will be conducted by specialist laboratories in Delhi. The Projects monitoring program is summarized in Appendix 10. The environmental engineer and chemists will advise operations staff on any corrective actions needed to achieve the required levels.

32 141. The consent to operate requires the monitoring of environmental activities by an MoEFapproved agency. The assigned agency will undertake monitoring and produce monthly, quarterly, and annual reports for plant construction, operating statistics, and emissions data for submission to the Pollution Control Board and MoEF. In addition, the Project will submit an environmental monitoring report to the ADB every six months, summarizing EMP implementation during construction and operation. This report shall present monitoring data and findings, describe any significant events or incidents that occurred, and indicate how these events were managed. Each report shall be posted on the ADB website for public disclosure purposes. 142. The total investment in pollution control facilities is estimated at $150 million. The annual cost of operating and maintaining these facilities is estimated at $4 million, excluding the cost of significant additional power consumption by the ESP and FGD units, and related staff costs. The implementation of other measures contained in the EMP is estimated to cost an additional $0.35 million per year to be used to fund environmental management staff, greenbelt establishment and maintenance, and environmental monitoring and related activities (Table 14). Table 14: Estimated Annual Cost of Environmental Management Plan Implementation
Heads Greenbelt establishment and maintenance Environmental management team staff SHE Department monitoring, reporting, and statutory compliance Accreditation and continual development External monitoring support Environmental management training and staff development Public awareness campaign Water cess and other statutory environmental charges Total
SHE = safety, health, and environment. Source: CLP PIPL, 2008.

Estimated Cost ($) 100,000 100,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 350,000


Occupational Health and Safety Management

143. JPL will implement a SHE program during project construction and operation. A comprehensive safety health environmental management plan will be developed to address all major safety, health, and related environmental issues. Risks associated with project construction and operation will be identified and suitable mitigation measures will be proposed. Well-established corporate occupational health and safety measures will be applied and strictly implemented, and all national labor laws and applicable International Labor Organization conventions on workplace conditions will be followed (Appendix 11). Regulations related to occupational health and safety management will be issued and strictly enforced, and all personnel will receive training in occupational health and safety practices. Safety drills will be periodically carried out. Safety manuals, a disaster management plan, and other handbooks will be prepared for the Project as required. F. Afforestation Program

144. The Project will establish a greenbelt around the plant on the project site. A range of tree species native to the area will be planted. They will be suitable for the local soil types and climate, and will be able to thrive in the conditions of project operation. A nursery will be established to support the afforestation program, with some species sourced from existing local nurseries. The greenbelt will cover approximately one-third of the entire project area. Horticultural services will

33 be deployed in MoEFs Environmental Management Department to implement the afforestation program. G. Ash Utilization Plan

145. The combustion of coal will generate about 2.0 million tons per annum (t/a) of ash, consisting of bottom ash (0.4 million t/a) and fly ash (1.6 million t/a). The management of ash will focus on the utilization of ash in cement, building materials, and construction industries, as outlined in the ash utilization plan summary in Appendix 12. In addition, an ash dyke will be constructed on 109 ha of land, creating adequate storage capacity for about 12 months of ash production. As previously described, the plant will be designed to collect fly ash in dry form and bottom ash to facilitate the handing over of the ash to prospective entities at the point of ash generation. A number of regional cement manufacturers are planning to install ready mix concrete production capacities to supply Delhi. JPL will approach these prospective ash users and seek arrangements to supply ash. The ash dyke will be used as a temporary storage to handle ash utilization supplydemand gaps, at least in the initial stage of project operation while demand is still developing. VIII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE

146. Informal public consultations were initially held during the preparation of the EIA when the Project was introduced to local residents who would potentially be affected by the Project. Their perceptions of the Project were obtained and the overall view expressed was that the Project would have a positive impact on the local area, with the major benefits being increased power supply and employment, and improvements to local infrastructure. Some people expressed apprehension that the Project would lead to increased pollution and crime, and decreased groundwater. 147. A public hearing for the Project was held on 29 October 2007 in compliance with of the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification (14 September 2006). The public hearing was announced to the public in a local-vernacular daily newspaper and an English-language daily newspaper in August 2007. Prior to the public hearing, the EIA was made available locally, covering all main proposed Project works. Concerns in writing from interested stakeholders were received at this stage. 148. The public hearing was chaired by the additional deputy commissioner of Jhajjar and attended by the sub-divisional magistrate of Jhajjar; officials representing HPGCL, the Haryana State Pollution Control Board, and District Revenue Office; and 127 people from villages surrounding the project site. The meeting discussed the Project, its potential environmental and social impacts, land acquisition, mitigation measures, and monitoring programs. The main issues raised by meeting participants were the effects of gas emissions, wastewater treatment and disposal, ash disposal, the provision of project jobs, and the construction of local facilities (e.g., hospital, girls school, and sports stadium). HPGCL officials commented that there would be zero discharge of wastewater from the site and that sewerage would be fully treated. HPGCL officials also noted that SO2 and NOx emission levels would be lower than the applicable MoEF and CPCB limits, and that SPM emissions would also be at acceptable levels due to the use of high efficiency ESPs. The HPGCL officials indicated that ash would be utilized in off-site industries and construction as much as possible, with the remaining ash stored in lined dykes on site. The additional deputy commissioner of Jhajjar responded that the issues of project jobs and the construction of various facilities would be forwarded to the Government of Haryana for consideration. A summary of this consultation is provided in Appendix 13.

34 149. Further consultation and focus group discussions were conducted, commencing in early September 2008 as part of an additional social assessment. This consultation started with discussions in the four Project-affected villages about the concerns and expectations of the people, with further profiling of the socio-economic characteristics of these communities also conducted. This consultation process is continuing and aims to cover most project affected people. The main issues raised by affected people have been land acquisition and Project employment opportunities. JPL indicated that it is committed to maximizing Project benefits to local people, particularly directly affected people, during construction and operation by planning and implementing community development programs. The final report on this consultation will be published in March 2009. IX. CONCLUSIONS

150. The JTPP is a development initiative launched in accordance with the Government of Haryanas energy policy. The large scale, 1,320 MW coal-fired plant will generate 10,059 GWh of electricity per annum, which will make a significant contribution to reducing the electricity supply demand gap and promoting economic development in the state of Haryana. 151. The plant will use supercritical steam technology, which will provide greater efficiency than conventional subcritical coal-fired power plants and require lower coal consumption. Coalfired thermal power is the most cost-effective form of baseload power generation available for this locality. 152. The Project is adopting best technology and design practices to minimize the Projects impact on air quality. This involves the use of low NOx burners, high efficiency ESPs, and FGD units. Flue gas emissions will meet national standards and World Bank emission guidelines for new thermal power plants, with the net impact on ambient air quality predicted to be low in the Projects airshed. The Projects water use will be minimized through utilization of a closed cooling system that will operate at five COCs; and wastewater treatment that will be based on maximum reuse and recycling, and zero off-site discharge. These measures will limit the Projects water use to 120,000 m3/day. The provision of this amount of water to the project site will not affect existing local water users. 153. The project site is located on low-yield agriculture land and the conversion of 522 ha to house project facilities will not substantially reduce local agricultural production. The Project will not have any major ecological impacts as it will be constructed on land that is neither ecologically- nor culturally-sensitive. 154. The Project will not displace any households. Private land is being acquired for the Project by the Government of Haryana based on the Land Acquisition Act and the Haryana Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy. The impact on the livelihoods of households selling land is expected to be minimal due to the low production value of the land and the Projects mitigation measures. The adverse impact on the livelihoods of affected households is being mitigated by the payment of higher-than-market-value rates for the land, as well as the establishment of a 33year deposit for part of the payment to provide landowners with an annuity. In addition, livelihood improvement programs will be developed and implemented as necessary. Public consultations have been undertaken in line with state and central government requirements. 155. JPL will establish an environmental management system for the Project based on a project-specific EMP. This will be overseen, monitored, and audited by JPL and implemented by each contractor. The Project will comply fully with all relevant national laws and regulations regarding the environment, health, and safety.

Appendix 1


MAIN DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL DATA OF THE POWER PLANT Table A1.1: Main Design and Operational Data of the Power Plant
ITEM Annual average operational time Annual average plant load factor Average thermal efficiency (gross), LHV Net heat rate Power generation capacity Annual net power generation Plant design concept Technology Number of boilers and steam turbines Number of stacks Gross heat rate, LHV Types of fuels Main fuel Start up and stabilization fuel Water system Water intake Source Cooling system DM water and filter Domestic water (plant & colony) Service water Ash volume - fly ash - bottom ash Power transmission - number of transmission lines DATA 8,100 hours per annum per unit 87% (of installed capacity) 41.62% 2,066 kcal/kWh 660 MW/unit 9,336 GWh Supercritical, pulverized coal-fired power plant Two units 1 stack of 275 m height 2,066 kcal/kWh Pulverized coal, with fuel oil for start-up Indian sub-bituminous coal, average calorific value 3,800 kcal/kg, 5.9 million tons per year at 87% PLF Light diesel oil: 25,000m3 during entire construction phase and 20,000 m3/annum during operation phase 120,000 m3/day JLN feeder canal with on-site treatment system 81,840 m3/day for closed circuit type 4,800 m3/day 1,800 m3/day 9,600 m3/day 133,730 metric tons per month 33,440 metric tons per month Four outgoing feeders each of 400 kV (to be developed by HVPNL)

GWh = gigawatt hour, ha = hectare, kcal = kilocalorie, kg = kilogram, kV = kilovolt, kWh = kilowatt hour, LHV = Lower 3 Heating Value, m = meter, m = cubic meter, MW = megawatt. Sources: Jhajjar Power India Limited. 2008. Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for 1,320 MW Coal Based Power Project by MECON, Ranchi. Note: About 30% of the land will be developed as green area.


Appendix 2


1. Samples were collected over a 24-hour period twice a week for 12 weeks from April to June 2007 to monitor suspended particulate matter (SPM), respirable particulate matter (RPM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and oxides of nitrogen (NOX). The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is based on the ambient air quality data collected for during the summer of 2007. 2. Each sample was collected on a 24-hour continuous sampling basis. The analysis and methodology used for monitoring was based on the procedure specified in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) provided by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). 3. The methods of analysis and measurement used for ambient air quality monitoring are summarized in Table A2.1. Table A2.1: Ambient Air Quality Analytical and Measurement Methods
Pollutant SPM RPM SO2 NOx Method High volume air sampler (HVAS), Gravimetry HVAS with cyclone separator, Gravimetry HVAS with impinger tube Spectrophotometer Improved West and Gaeke method HVAS with impinger tube Spectrophotometer Jacob and Hochheiser method Reference Environment (Protection) Act (EPA) notification 11 April 1994 EPA notification 11 April 1994 EPA notification 11 April 1994 EPA notification 11 April 1994

HVAS = high volume air sampler, NO2 = nitrogen dioxide, RPM = respirable particulate matter, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, SPM = suspended particulate matter. Source: EIA/EMP Report for 1320 (2x660) MW Thermal Power Plant Project. Jhajjar, Haryana.



4. Monitoring locations with respect to distances from the project site and the maximum, minimum, daily average, and 98 percentile monitored values at each location are shown in Table A2.2. The monitored ambient air quality at all ambient air quality monitoring stations was compared with the NAAQS for residential and rural areas. Table A2.2: Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area for Summer Season (AprilJune) 2007 (ground level concentration, g/m3)
Village Minimum Khanpur Khurd (A7, 2.0 km to S) Jharli (A3, 4.3 km to E), Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Average SPM 203.0 306.2 385.0 384.5 123.0 212.8 RPM 88.0 112.9 150.0 148.6 58.0 100.1 SO2 1.0 2.6 5.7 5.6 1.3 3.3 NOX 9.0 18.2 33.0 32.5 13.0 23.4

Appendix 2


Village Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Khorra (A8, 5.5 km to W) Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Mohanbari (A5, 5.2 km to SE) Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Bahu (A6, 5.0 km to S) Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Goria (A9, 5.7 km to SE) Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Dhalanwas (A10, 6.2 km to N) Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Jhanswa (A4, 7.5 km to E) Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Sasrauli (A2, 6.0 km to NE) Average Maximum 98 Percentile Minimum Nuagaon (A1, 10.0 km to NE) Average Maximum

SPM 309.0 301.1 176.0 263.6 340.0 338.2 188.0 309.0 377.0 375.2 182.0 274.5 342.0 332.8 176.0 242.1 323.0 320.6 225.0 294.4 333.0 330.6 105.0 225.8 285.0 283.5 169.0 260.8 373.0 352.8 230.0 296.6 323.0

RPM 131.0 129.7 65.0 112.6 153.0 144.3 85.0 123.0 150.0 146.8 88.0 117.0 149.0 148.1 65.0 89.0 145.0 137.2 97.0 114.4 129.0 129.0 62.0 99.6 123.0 122.7 82.0 118.4 149.0 147.2 88.0 101.5 113.0

SO2 4.4 4.4 1.2 2.9 6.3 5.9 1.0 2.0 3.5 3.5 1.6 4.0 9.3 8.2 1.0 2.7 5.4 5.1 1.0 2.6 4.7 4.7 1.6 4.0 6.4 6.2 1.1 3.2 4.8 4.8 1.6 2.8 5.1

NOX 34.0 33.6 4.0 11.2 18.0 16.6 6.0 13.5 32.0 29.7 7.0 18.4 38.0 33.9 6.0 12.3 21.0 20.8 8.0 16.6 24.0 23.6 13.0 23.1 34.0 33.6 4.0 12.7 25.0 21.8 9.0 15.0 24.0

98 Percentile 322.8 112.9 4.9 22.9 A1 to A10 = ambient air quality sampling location codes; km = kilometer, N = north, S = south, E = east, W = west, SPM = suspended particulate matter, RPM = respirable particulate matter (PM10), SO2 = sulfur dioxide, NOX = 3 oxides of nitrogen, g/m = microgram per cubic meter. Source: EIA/EMP Report for 1320 (2X660) MW Thermal Power Plant Project. Jhajjar, Haryana and HPGCL provided baseline data as collected by MECON Limited for summer season 2007.


Appendix 3

Pollutants Time-weighted Average Annual average1 24 hours

SO2 (g/m3) NO2 3 (g/m ) SPM 3 (g/m )

Concentration Residential, Sensitive Industrial Rural, & Areas Areas Other Areas 80 60 15 120 80 120 360 500 80 60 80 140 200 60 100 0.75 30 15 30 70 100 50 75 0.50

Method of Measurement Improved West and Geake method and ultraviolet fluorescence Jacob & Hochheiser modified (Na-arsenite) method Gas phase chemi- luminescence High volume sampling, (average flow rate not less than 1.1 3 m /minute). Respirable particulate matter sampler AAS method after sampling using EPM 2000 or equivalent filter paper

Annual average1 24 hours Annual average1 24 hours2

1 2

RPM Annual average (less than 10 24 hours2 microns) (g/m3) Pb 3 (g/m )

120 150 1.00

Annual average1

24 hours2 1.50 1.00 0.75 Ammonia1 Annual average1 0.1 0.1 0.1 (mg/m3) 24 hours2 0.4 0.4 0.4 Non-dispersive infrared CO 8 hours2 5.0 2.0 1.0 3 spectroscopy (mg/m ) 1 hour 10.0 4.0 2.0 AAS = atomic absorption spectrophotometer, CO = carbon monoxide, EPM= Electromagnetic Process Materials, NO2 = nitrogen dioxide, Pb = lead, RPM = respirable particulate matter, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, SPM = suspended 3 particulate matter, g/m = microgram per cubic meter. 1 Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year taken twice a week, 24-hourl continuous sampling at uniform intervals. 2 24 hourly/8 hourly values should be met 98% of the time in a year. However, 2% of the time it may exceed, but not on 2 consecutive days. Notes: National Ambient Air Quality Standard determines air quality with an adequate margin of safety to protect public health, vegetation, and property. Whenever and wherever two consecutive values exceed the limit specified above for the respective category, it would be considered adequate reason to institute regular and/or continuous monitoring and further investigation. The standards for H2S have been notified separately vide GSR No. 7, dated 22 December 1998 under Rayon Industry; for details please see Sl. No. 65 of these documents: S.O. 384 (E), Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, dated 11 April 1994 and EPA Notification: GSR 176 (E), 02 April 1996. Included vide Notification SO. 955 (E), Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 dated 14 October 1998. Source: Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications issued thereunder, Pollution Control Law Series: PCLS/02/2006 Central Pollution Control Board, January 2006.

Table A3.2: World Bank Standards for Ambient Air Quality in Thermal Power Plants (g/m3)
Pollutant RPM TSP NO2 SO2 24-Hour Average 150 230 150 150 Annual Average 50 80 100 80

NO2 = nitrogen dioxide, RPM = respirable particulate matter, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, TSP 3 = total suspended particulates, g/m = microgram per cubic meter. Source: World Bank. 1998. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook. Washington D.C.

Appendix 4


Village Near project site (N5) Khanpur Khurd (N3, 1.5 km to S) Jharli (N1, 2.0 km to E) Sasrauli (N3, 5.5 km to NE) Railway Crossing (N3, 2.0 km to NE) Equivalent Noise Level (dB[A]) Day 52.9 54.4 49.8 46.9 60.0 Nigh 40.1 43.6 42.2 40.3 46.1 Applicable Standards (dB[A]) National Day 55 55 55 55 65 Night 45 45 45 45 55 World Bank Day 70 55 55 55 70 Night 70 45 45 45 70

dB(A) = decibel acoustic (A weighted), day time = 0600 to 2200 hours, night time = 2200 to 0600 hours; Source: EIA/EMP Report for 1320 (2X660) MW Thermal Power Plant Project. Jhajjar, Haryana.

Table A4.2: National Ambient Noise Quality Standards and World Bank Guidelines
Receptor Industrial area Commercial area Residential area Silence zone4 Day time1 Limit in dBA (Leq)2 National World Bank 75 70 65 70 55 55 50 Not available Night time3 Limit in dBA (Leq) National World Bank 70 70 55 70 45 45 40 Not available

dB(a) = decibel acoustic (A weighted). 1 Day time is from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 2 dB(A) Leq denotes the time-weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on scale A which is relatable to human hearing. 3 Night time is from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. 4 A silence zone is defined as an area not less than 100 meters radius around hospitals, educational institutes, and courts as declared by the competent authority. Note: mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above mentioned categories by the competent authority. Source: Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications issued thereunder, Pollution Control Law Series: PCLS/02/2006 Central Pollution Control Board, January 2006; World Bank. 1998. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook. Washington D.C.


Appendix 5

Parameter pH Total dissolved solids, mg/l Total hardness (as CaCO3), mg/l Alkalinity, mg/l Chloride (as Cl-), mg/l Calcium (as Ca), mg/l Magnesium (as Mg), mg/l Fluoride (as F-), mg/l Summer 2007 Result 7.18.2 11610016 1163950 75.03180.0 34.03879.0 22.0509.0 15.0651.0 0.041.02 Indian Standard Desirable Permissible Limit Limit 6.58.5 No relaxation 500 2,000 300 600 200 600 250 1,000 75 200 30 200 1.0 1.5

CaCO3 = calcium carbonate, mg/l = milligrams per liter, mho = conductivity unit, pH = potential of hydrogen. Source: EIA/EMP Report for 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant at Jhajjar, Haryana. January 2008.

Appendix 6


OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR CALCULATION OF EMISSION RATES This appendix summarizes ground level concentration values at the ten monitoring stations for sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and particulate matter as a result of the Jhajjar Thermal Power Project. The 24-hour and annual average values are given. The data used for the Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) model are given in Table A6.1 for the Jhajjar Thermal Power Plant and Table A6.2 for Aravali Thermal Power Plant, which is included to determined cumulative impacts on air quality. The major assumptions are (i) a power load factor of 87% and (ii) a sulfur-to-sulfur dioxide ratio of 100%. Table A6.1: Operating Conditions Used in ISCST3 for the Jhajjar Thermal Power Plant
Parameter Calorific Value of Coal Sulfur Content Ash Content Coal Firing Rate/Project Coal Firing Rate/Boiler Stack Parameter Stack Height Stack Number Exit Temperature Volumetric Flow/Stack Heat Input Heat Input Heat Input Normal Flue Gas Flow Emissions/Stack SO2 NOX SPM SO2 NOX SPM 141.9 461.2 35.5 200* 650 50 g/s g/s g/s mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 1.28E+09 1.48 709.5

Value 3,800 0.35 34 16127 335.98 275 2 (1 + 1 flues) 80 840.47

Unit kcal/kg % % TPD for 1320 MW TPH for 660 MW m Number


m3/s kcal/hr GJ/s Nm /s (dry, 6% O2)1

ISCST3 = Industrial Source Complex Short Term model; kcal = kilocalorie; kg = kilogram; g = 3 gram; mg = milligram; Nm = standard normal cubic meter; TPD = metric tons per day; TPH = metric tons per hour. * 200 mg/Nm3 of SO2 emissions are post Flue Gas Desulfurization Plant. 1 Based on unitized normal flue gas flow = 350 Nm3/GJ (dry, 6% O2) as per IFC guidelines.


Appendix 6

Table A6.2: Operating Conditions Used in ISCST3 for the Aravali Thermal Power Plant
Parameter Calorific Value of Coal Sulfur Content Ash Content Coal Firing Rate/Project Coal Firing Rate/Boiler Stack Parameters Stack Height Stack Number Exit Temperature Normal Flue Gas Flow Emissions/Stack SO2 NOX SPM SO2 NOX SPM 728.6 360.1 55.4 1310 650 100 g/s g/s g/s mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 Value 3,800 0.5 34 18890 262.37 275 3 (1 + 1 + 1 flues) 1390 554 Unit kcal/kg % % TPD for 1500 MW TPH for 500 MW M Number o C Nm3/s (dry, 6% O2)1

ISCST3 = Industrial Source Complex Short Term model; kcal = kilocalorie; kg = kilogram; 3 g = gram; mg = milligram; Nm = standard normal cubic meter; TPD = metric tons per day; TPH = metric tons per hour. * Based on unitized normal flue gas flow = 350 Nm3/GJ (dry, 6% O2) as per IFC guidelines.

Appendix 7


RESULTS OF PREDICTION OF AMBIENT AIR QUALITY FOR THE PROJECT Based on the plant operating data in Appendix 6, air quality predictions from the Projects emissions are summarized in Tables A7.17.3. Table A7.1: Predicted 24-hour Maximum Ground Level Concentration of Sulfur Dioxide (Summer 2007)
Distance and Direction 24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile SO2 Concen. (g/m3) 5.6 4.4 5.9 3.5 8.2 5.1 4.7 6.2 4.8 4.9 Incremental SO2 GLC (g/m3) 1.7 4.8 3.7 2.0 4.8 8.2 3.2 7.4 6.6 2.5 Total SO2 Predictive GLC (g/m3) 7.3 9.2 9.6 5.5 13.0 13.3 7.9 13.6 11.4 7.4


Khanpur Khurd Jharli Khorra Mohanbari Bahu Goria Dhalanwas Jhanswa Sasrauli Nuagaon

2.0 km, S 4.3 km, E 5.5 km, W 5.2 km, SE 5.0 km, S 5.7 km, SE 6.2 km, N 7.5 km, E 6.0 km, NE 10.0 km, NE

E = east; GLC = ground level concentration; N = north; NE = north east; S = south; SE = south east; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; W = west. Source: EIA/EMP Report for 1320 (2X660) MW Thermal Power Plant Project. Jhajjar, Haryana; HPGCL provided baseline data as collected by MECON Limited; Based on recent air dispersion modeling by Jhajjar Power Limited.

Table A7.2: Predicted 24-hour Maximum Ground Level Concentration of Oxides of Nitrogen (Summer 2007)
Distance and Direction 2.0 km, S 4.3 km, E 5.5 km, W 5.2 km, SE 5.0 km, S 24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile NOx Concen. (g/m3) 32.5 33.6 16.6 29.7 33.9 Incremental NOx GLC (g/m3) 5.4 15.5 17.1 6.6 11.0 Total NOx Predictive GLC (g/m3) 37.9 49.1 33.7 36.3 44.9


Khanpur Khurd Jharli Khorra Mohanbari Bahu

44 Appendix 7
24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile NOx Concen. (g/m3) 20.8 23.6 33.6 21.8 22.9


Distance and Direction 5.7 km, SE 6.2 km, N 7.5 km, E 6.0 km, NE 10.0 km, NE

Incremental NOx GLC (g/m3) 26.6 10.4 24.0 21.4 8.0

Total NOx Predictive GLC (g/m3) 47.4 34.0 57.6 43.2 30.9

Goria Dhalanwas Jhanswa Sasrauli Nuagaon

E = east; GLC = ground level concentration; NOx = oxides of nitrogen (monitored as nitrogen dioxide); N = north; NE = north east; S = south; SE = south east; W = west. Source: EIA/EMP Report for 1320 (2X660) MW Thermal Power Plant Project. Jhajjar, Haryana; HPGCL provided baseline data as collected by MECON Limited; Based on recent air dispersion modeling by Jhajjar Power Limited.

Table A7.3: Predicted 24-hour Maximum Ground Level Concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter (Summer 2007)
Village Distance and direction 2.0 km, S 4.3 km, E 5.5 km, W 5.2 km, SE 5.0 km, S 5.7 km, SE 6.2 km, N 7.5 km, E 6.0 km, NE 10.0 km, NE 24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile SPM Conc. (g/m3) 384.5 301.1 338.2 375.2 332.8 320.6 330.6 283.5 352.8 322.8 Incremental SPM GLC (g/m3) 0.4 1.2 1.3 0.5 0.8 2.0 0.8 1.8 1.6 0.6 Total SPM Predictive GLC (g/m3) 384.9 302.3 339.5 375.7 333.6 322.6 331.4 285.3 354.4 323.4

Khanpur Khurd Jharli Khorra Mohanbari Bahu Goria Dhalanwas Jhanswa Sasrauli Nuagaon

E = east; GLC = ground level concentration; N = north; NE = north east; S = south; SE = south east; SPM = suspended particulate matter; W = west. Sources: EIA/EMP Report for 1320 (2X660) MW Thermal Power Plant Project. Jhajjar, Haryana; HPGCL provided baseline data as collected by MECON Limited; Based on recent air dispersion modeling by Jhajjar Power Limited. Note: worst case maximum incremental ground level concentrations of SO2, NOx and SPM are presented in Table 9 in the main report.

Appendix 8


RESULTS OF PREDICTION OF AMBIENT AIR QUALITY FOR THE PROJECT AND THE ARAVALI THERMAL POWER PROJECT Based on plant operating data in Table A6.2, the predicted air quality from the cumulative emissions of the Project plus Aravali thermal power project is described in Tables A8.1-8.3. Table A8.1: Cumulative Total Predicted 24 hourly Maximum Ground Level Concentration of Sulphur Dioxide Project and Aravali Thermal Power Project (Summer 2007)
Location Khanpur Khurd Jharli Khorra Mohanbari Bahu Goria Dhalanwas Jhanswa Sasrauli Nuagaon Distance and direction 2.0 km, S 4.3 km, E 5.5 km, W 5.2 km, SE 5.0 km, S 5.7 km, SE 6.2 km, N 7.5 km, E 6.0 km, NE 10.0 km, NE 24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile SO2 Conc. (g/m3) 5.6 4.4 5.9 3.5 8.2 5.1 4.7 6.2 4.8 4.9 Incremental SO2 GLC (g/m3) Cumulative 38.4 13.6 32.3 28.0 35.3 14.3 33.9 35.7 9.4 28.9 Total SO2 Predictive GLC (g/m3) 44.0 18.0 38.2 31.5 43.5 19.4 38.6 41.9 14.2 33.8

NAAQS Limit (Rural and Residential) for SO2 is 80 g/m3

E = east; GLC = ground level concentration; N = north; NE = north east; S = south; SE = south east; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; W = west. Source: HPGCL provided baseline data as collected by MECON Limited; based on recent air dispersion modelling by Jhajjar Power Limited.

Table A8.2: Cumulative Total Predicted 24 hourly Maximum Ground Level Concentration of Oxides of Nitrogen Project and Aravali Thermal Power Project (April to June 2007)
Location Khanpur Khurd Jharli Khorra Mohanbari Distance and Direction 2.0 km, S 4.3 km, E 5.5 km, W 5.2 km, SE 24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile NOx Conc. (g/m3) 32.5 33.6 16.6 29.7 Incremental NOx GLC (g/m3) Cumulative 19.0 19.8 30.5 14.8 Total NOx Predictive GLC (g/m3) 51.5 53.4 47.1 44.5

46 Appendix 6
24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile NOx Conc. (g/m3) 33.9 20.8 23.6 33.6 21.8 22.9

Location Bahu Goria Dhalanwas Jhanswa Sasrauli Nuagaon

Distance and Direction 5.0 km, S 5.7 km, SE 6.2 km, N 7.5 km, E 6.0 km, NE 10.0 km, NE

Incremental NOx GLC (g/m3) Cumulative 26.7 26.6 20.2 37.4 21.4 19.2

Total NOx Predictive GLC (g/m3) 60.6 47.4 43.8 71.0 43.2 42.1

NAAQS Limit (Rural and Residential) for NO2 is 80 g/m E = east; GLC = ground level concentration; N = north; NE = north east; NOx = oxides of nitrogen (monitored as nitrogen dioxide); S = south; SE = south east; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; W = west. Source: HPGCL provided baseline data as collected by MECON Limited; Based on recent air dispersion modelling by Jhajjar Power Limited.

Table A8.3: Cumulative Total Predicted 24 hourly Maximum Ground Level Concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter Project and Aravali Thermal Power Project (April to June 2007)
Location Khanpur Khurd Jharli Khorra Mohanbari Bahu Goria Dhalanwas Jhanswa Sasrauli Nuagaon Distance and direction 2.0 km, S 4.3 km, E 5.5 km, W 5.2 km, SE 5.0 km, S 5.7 km, SE 6.2 km, N 7.5 km, E 6.0 km, NE 10.0 km, NE 24 hourly Baseline 98 Percentile SPM Conc. (g/m3) 384.5 301.1 338.2 375.2 332.8 320.6 330.6 283.5 352.8 322.8 Incremental SPM GLC (g/m3) Cumulative 2.9 1.9 3.4 2.2 3.3 2.0 2.8 4.0 1.6 2.5 Total SPM Predictive GLC (g/m3) 387.4 303.0 341.6 377.4 335.1 322.0 332.4 287.5 353.4 325.3

E = east; GLC = ground level concentration; N = north; NE = north east; S = south; SE = south east; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; SPM = suspended particulate matter; W = west. 3 NAAQS Limit (Rural and Residential) for SPM is 200 g/m Source: HPGCL provided baseline data as collected by MECON Limited; Based on recent air dispersion modelling by Jhajjar Power Limited. Note: worst case maximum incremental ground level concentrations of SO2, NOx and SPM for cumulative impacts on air quality are presented in Table 12 in the main report.


Activities Site preparation (grading, filling)

Construction Phase
Significance of Residual Impacts after Control Noise and emissions Air pollution within the Minor, as the activities of vehicles and heavy construction site will be site specific construction and there are no equipment and fugitive habitations close to emission site Potential Issues Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsible Parties B

Vegetation clearance to prepare site for construction

Road transport of Traffic congestion on construction materials approach road to the and plant equipment project site Fugitive dust, noise, and emissions

Construction of Fugitive dust, noise, associated facilities-- and emissions access road, spur rail lines, water pipeline

Construction of civil works and fabrication and installation of plant equipment

Noise, fugitive dust, and emissions of vehicles and heavy construction equipment

Provision of mitigation measures (e.g., water spraying of dusty areas, good engine maintenance minimize sound, speed control, and workers to wear noise and dust protective equipment). All mitigations to be prescribed in the construction contract for their implementation by the contractors. Ecological impacts Minor, as the site was Avoid removal of any trees (if necessary low in agriculture transplant in the greenbelt area) and develop activities and greenbelt to improve ecology of the area. vegetation, and mitigation measures will be in place Potential public Minor, the traffic load Traffic management and transport scheduling. inconvenience on district road to For movement of heavy loads, local project site is minimal administration will be informed in advance. Public disturbance Minor, as road Spraying of water in the construction area on along the road corridors are free from unpaved roads. Trucks carrying friable material corridors habitations to be covered with tarpaulin sheets; vehicles will have good engine maintenance and speed control. Air pollution along the Minor, as the Spraying of water during excavation, protection road and rail and construction activities of top soil for reuse in greenbelt, cordoning off water pipeline will be away from of the easement area for safety, provision of easement areas inhabited areas and security and project personnel for keeping mitigation measures people away from the corridors for their safety; will be in place ensuring access to the across area, path, and road are not hindered. Pollution at the Minor, as the issues Same as above construction site will be confined to the construction site

A and C

A and B

A and B

Appendix 9

A and B



Potential Issues Accumulation of construction wastes and excavated materials

Impacts If disposed of inappropriately, construction wastes could have significant environmental impacts. Hygienic conditions at the construction workers camps and cultural issues with local people

Significance of Residual Impacts after Control Minor, as most wastes will be not toxic and hazardous construction debris, apart from used oils


Mitigation Measures Contractors will be responsible for disposal of construction debris, spent oil, or chemicals, if any, in a safe and environmentally-acceptable manner. This may include handing over materials to authorized disposal agencies. Excavated material will be fully used to fill low areas. Setting up of construction camp within the project site, away from villages. Hygienic conditions will be maintained (e.g., provision of drinking water, toilets, washing and bathing facilities, proper drainage, sewage treatment, daily cleaning, and garbage collection and disposal). Facility for shopping for daily needs and some recreational facilities will also be maintained on-site to restrict movement of workers outside and avoid any cultural conflicts. Removal of plant and machinery as per best safety practices. All areas under temporary use will be rehabilitated. All wastes will be removed, segregated (for their hazardous and nonhazardous characteristics) and disposed off as per the requirement of Haryana State Pollution Control Board. Security personnel will be briefed on restraining themselves from entering into any argument with local people, not using any influence of armed devices, and, if necessary, resolving issues with local people by involving local administration and police.

Responsible Parties B

Appendix 9

Construction workers camps

Setting up of camps for migrant laborers

Minor, as the construction workers camps will be set up within the project site and mitigation measures will be in place

A and B

Decommissioning of Noise, fugitive dust construction activities and emissions from vehicles carrying decommissioned equipment and machinery Security of construction material and equipment Security personnel deployed outside the project site

Pollution at construction site

Minor, as mitigation measures will be in place

A and B

Potential conflict with local people

Minor, as mitigation measures will be in place

JPL = Jhajjar Power Limited. A = to be implemented by local traffic officials in coordination with contractors and JPL, B = to be implemented by contractors under supervision of JPL.


Activities Potential Issues Fugitive dust and noise Impacts Air pollution and public disturbances Significance of Residual Impacts after Control Minor, as fugitive dust and noise will be confined to the rail corridor Mitigation Measures Responsible Parties B

Rail transport of coal from railway line at Jharli

Coal unloading and transport within the power plant Coal storage

Fugitive dust

Fugitive dust

Contaminated leachate and runoff

Spontaneous combustion

Water will be sprayed to suppress dust during unloading and transfer. Water spraying of coal stockpiles will be optimized to minimize air flow through the stockpile. Coal stockpiles will be mechanically compacted as required to minimize air ingress and the potential for autoignition and loss of volatiles. Stockpiled coal will be regularly used and rotated. A greenbelt will be established along the rail line route and around the coal stockpile yard to reduce wind speeds. Air pollution and Minor, as fugitive dust Water spraying to suppress dust, use of public disturbances will be confined to the enclosed conveyor system will be adopted. power plant site Dust extraction system will be provided wherever necessary. Air pollution and Minor, as amount of The storage yard will be covered and frequently public disturbances fugitive dust will be sprayed with water to suppress dust. small and confined to the power plant site Ground water and sub Minor, as rainfall is Leachate and drainage from the coal storage soil pollution low yard will be collected and drained into the storage pond for reuse in spraying the coal storage yard and treated to remove the particles before reuse for horticulture. Emissions, fire hazard None Spontaneous combustion of coal stock will be prevented by continuous compaction of coal stock to avoid the air passage. The coal stock height will be limited to 6 meters. Timely reclaiming and replenishing with new stock

Appendix 9


Activities Coal combustion and power generation

Potential Issues Dust, noise, and heat in the power plant

Impacts Health impacts on workers

Air Quality

Increase in SPM, SO2 and NOx levels in ambient air

Air pollution and public disturbance

Ash generation

Fugitive dust

Air pollution and public disturbances

ESP with very high efficiency will be provided to capture the fly ash generated in the combustion process. The flue gas will be exhausted at 275 meters (m) to ensure that the effect of gaseous emissions is minimized. Major moving equipment will have the necessary shield and placed in house to control the noise. Exposure of worker to any noise at the local area will be minimized by restricting access and the use of protective equipment and adequate training in safety and occupational health. Minor as the Use supercritical technology to increase mitigations proposed thermal efficiency, thereby reducing emissions will minimize impacts per unit of output. Provision of 99.89% efficient on air quality. ESP. Use low-sulfur coal (0.35%) and Emission will comply installation of flue gas desulfurization system to national and the (for 90% removal of sulfur dioxide and World Bank standards particulate matter). JPL will ensure that emissions of particulate matter will be less than 3 3 50 mg/Nm and SO2 of 200 mg/Nm . Use of low NOx generating burners to minimize NOx emission to less than 650 mg/Nm3. Provision of 275 m high stacks to minimize ground level concentration of SO2 and air pollutants through wider dispersion of remaining air pollutants. Minor, project will Closed pneumatic system will be provided to have closed system extract and transfer dry fly ash from ESP to ash for dry ash handling silos; Enclosed trucks will be used for transportation of ash from project site to secondary user industry; ash dykes for temporary storage will be provided; water spraying on top layer of ash in the ash dykes will be conducted.

Significance of Residual Impacts after Control Minimum health risks to workers


Mitigation Measures

Responsible Parties B

Appendix 9

Activities Ash storage in ash dykes

Potential Issues Potential leachate

High noise generating Noise equipment

Provision of acoustic enclosures, barriers, or shields to reduce noise; Provision of green belt all along the Projects boundary for further attenuation of noise; Implementing restricted access, and provision of protective equipment such as earmuffs and earplugs for personnel working in high noise generating areas. Abstraction of water Use of water resource Changes in irrigation Minor, as the water Withdraw water from the JLN feeder canal as from JLN feeder canal from irrigation canal water availability will be provided by the per the allocated time period cycle. Government Haryana Provide rainwater harvesting system on-site for based on a 16-day recharging of groundwater by collecting water availability cycle rainwater from rooftop and green areas on-site. for the Project and existing users water supply will not be altered as irrigation water supply will be maintained on alternate 16-day cycle. Disposal of cooling Increase in the Significant if the Minor, as the heat in Collection of cooling water blowdown in a pond tower blowdown ambient water temperature rise is too the cooling water will for treatment, recovery using reverse osmosis water temperature high dissipate quickly. treatment and recycling in will minimize any discharges and hence the concern of increase in ambient water temperature. Disposal of process Contamination of soil Pollution at the project Minor, as process Wastewater will be treated for removal of oil wastewater and/or water site wastewater will be and grease and it is likely to be re-used on-site treated on-site and for horticulture. Any oil and grease sludge used in horticulture skimmed out from the treatment process will be collected and handed over to recycler as per local law.

Significance of Residual Impacts after Control Pollution of sub soil Minor, project will have impervious lining system for protection of any sub soil pollution Occupational hazards Minor, as mitigations and high noise in will be in place ambient air Impacts

Mitigation Measures Impervious lining will be provided for ash dykes with leachate collection and treatment system.

Responsible Parties B

Appendix 9


Activities Sewage disposal

Potential Issues Contamination of soil and/or water

Significance of Residual Impacts after Control Pollution at the project Minor, as the sewage site will be treated on-site Impacts


Mitigation Measures On-site sewage treatment plant to remove pollutants like, suspended solids, pH correction, oil and grease and biochemical oxygen demand. Treated sewage will be disinfected before its use in horticulture. Development and maintenance will help in ecological improvement, attenuation of air pollutants (SPM, SO2 and NOx), reduction of noise (source to receptor pathways) and use of treated cooling water bow down and plant effluent. Greenbelt development will include use of effective mix of local species and support of expert horticulture professionals from the local area. Security personnel will be briefed on restraining themselves from entering into any argument with local people, not using any influence of armed devices, and, if necessary, solving issues with local people by involving local administration and police. Mitigations will be as per the best available practices and disposal options for plant and machinery. Mitigations measures will be worked our based on prior environmental impact study and discussion with the local administration.

Responsible Parties B

Appendix 9

Greenbelt development

Ecological improvement

Positive impact on ambient air and ecology

High, green belt will improve air quality, ecology of the area

Security of plant and machinery

Security personnel deployed at entry to the project site

Potential conflict with local people

Minor, as mitigation measures will be in place.

Decommissioning upon the plant attaining its designed life of 45 years

Removal of equipment Potential air, water, and machinery noise, soil and ecological impacts

Minor, as mitigation measures will be in place

A, B and C

ESP = electrostatic precipitator; JPL = Jhajjar Power Limited; NOx = oxides of nitrogen, SO2 = sulfur dioxide; SPM = suspended particulate matter; pH = potential of hydrogen. Note: A = to be implemented by local traffic officials in coordination with contractors and JPL; B = to be implemented by contractors under supervision of JPL; C = State Government.

Appendix 10



Air and emissions monitoring will include monitoring ambient air quality, stack gas emissions, occupational exposure, and meteorological conditions as per Table A10.1. Table A10.1: Air Quality Monitoring Schedule
Parameters SPM RPM SO2 NOx SPM, SO2, NOx SPM, SO2, NOx Stack emission Occupational exposure Twice a month for 24 hours at selected monitoring locations High volume respirable dust sampler Purpose Ambient air quality monitoring Frequency Continuous Equipment On-line ambient air quality monitor Monitoring Locations At least four locations, to be agreed to in consultation with the State Pollution Control 1 Board


Once a month

In-situ continuous monitors Portable spot detectors

Twice a month

Stack monitoring kit Portable Noise sampler Noise level meter


As above

Once a month

Noise level


Once a week

Wind speed, wind direction, and solar radiation Relative humidity and temperature Rainfall

Meteorologic al investigation As above As above

Continuously on hourly basis

As above As above

Anemometer with data logger and printer facility Thermo hygrograph Rain gauge

Installed on suitably-located sampling ports on each flue on the stack For personnel working in coal handling areas, ash collection area, ash dykes, and boiler house Monitored at the sampling port in the exhaust duct or stack as designed For personnel working in areas like coal unloading, boiler house, and turbine house At least at four selected locations along the periphery and nearby villages from the project site On-site at 10 meters (m) above ground at suitably selected location As above As above

NOX =oxides of nitrogen, RPM = respirable particulate matter, SO2 = sulfur dioxide, SPM = suspended particulate matter.

1 - subject to infrastructure availability, JPL will also install online ambient air quality monitoring stations at four locations to monitor the impact of emissions on the ambient conditions. These locations will be agreed to in consultation with the State Pollution Control Board. Manual sampling and analysis of stack emissions and ambient air quality will be undertaken twice a month by an external agency to supplement the online monitoring results.
Source: Jhajjar Power Limited.


Appendix 10


Water Quality Monitoring

The water quality monitoring program consists of monitoring parameters prior to on-site re-use. The monitoring schedule for treated water generated from various sources, and the parameters to be analyzed, are summarized in Table A10.2. Table A10.2: Water and Wastewater Monitoring Schedule
Wastewater Source Boiler blowdown Water effluent treatment plant Ash pond effluent Cooling water blowdown Groundwater Frequency of Analysis Weekly Daily Weekly Parameters of Examination Temperature, suspended solids, oil and grease, total dissolved solids, copper, and iron. pH, suspended solids COD, BOD, total dissolved solids pH, suspended solids; oil and grease; total dissolved solids; metals like chromium, zinc, iron, manganese, aluminum, nickel, and phosphate For irrigation water quality For drinking water (as per IS:10500) parameters for samples to be collected at selected locations in vicinity of ash dykes

Weekly Six monthly

BOD = biochemical oxygen demand, COD = chemical oxygen demand, pH = potential of hydrogen. Source: Jhajjar Power Limited.


Soil Quality Monitoring

The soil quality monitoring program will include investigation of soil for monitoring of physical and chemical parameters, including organic content and heavy metals. Soil sampling and analysis will be carried out on annual basis at selected locations near the ash disposal site and on-site hazardous waste storage areas. D. Ecology

Annual monitoring of the impact on ecology of the greenbelt and surrounding area will be undertaken.

Appendix 11


OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT 1. Jhajjar Power Limited (JPL) will develop a site-specific, safety, health, and environment (SHE) policy to complement the CLP group policy. JPL will ensure that the management of SHE issues will have highest level of priority at all times. 2. The separate SHE Department will be headed by a qualified and experienced manager who shall report to senior management at site. Senior management will participate in all major SHE events, activities, and meetings to demonstrate to ensure progress in this area. 3. During construction, the SHE team will work closely with all major contractors. Also, major contracts will have the provision of health safety management support team to ensure that work at the site is conducted as per the SHE policy of the company. The JPL SHE team will interact with the SHE officers of the contractors to ensure compliance. 4. Rigorous checks and corrective action will be undertaken, as required, to ensure that erected equipment is safe for long-term operation. Mandatory Safety clearance certification will be implemented to ensure that installed plant components handed over by the contractor for project operation meet all safety standards required for safe operation. 5. As the Project moves towards the operation phase, major activities will be identified, a comprehensive risk assessment will be carried out, and a mitigation plan will be prepared and agreed to prior to the commencement of construction. The personnel protective equipment such as eye and ear protection devices, dust protection devices, safety shoes, aprons and gloves for handling chemicals, boiler suits, and isolation devices for electrical safety, will be provided and made compulsory for different types of work. These will be additional or complementary measures taken to make the work place safe and healthy. 6. A comprehensive SHE management system will be progressively developed. During project operation, management control procedures and work instructions or equivalent controlled documents shall guide SHE management associated with major activities. 7. A registry for legal requirements and compliance procedures shall be maintained.

8. Safe working conditions shall be established before any maintenance is undertaken. The permit work system will be enforced at all times for plant-related work to eliminate or minimize all SHE hazards before work commences. 9. Technical staff will be trained in specific competencies and shall have defined safety roles. Training will be provided in specialist areas of expertise, including risk assessment, inspection of confined spaces, noise monitoring, scaffold inspection, tools and tackles inspection, dealing with radioactivity, and control of hazardous substances. All staff and contractors shall be provided with general SHE management training to ensure that a SHE culture develops among the staff. 10. A computer-based maintenance management system will be developed and the activities of reporting defects, work planning, issuing of permits, release of equipment of safe use, and procurement of material and services will be integrated so that full management control is exercised and SHE goals are achieved. Wherever necessary, a manual system will complement an automated system to achieve comprehensive management.


Appendix 11

11. The Project will have an Occupation Health Center (OHC) for first aid and emergency treatment in the event of an accident. It will be headed by a doctor and supported by a trained nurse and other paramedics. The OHC head will lead occupational health issues as they related to project operation. All job applicants being considered for project staff positions shall undergo a detailed medical examination before commencing work. Annual medical tests will be carried out to ensure that staff are maintaining good health. Arrangements will be made to ensure that contractor staff undergo medical tests to ensure that they are healthy and fit for work. 12. A system to report near misses and the compulsory reporting of incidents and injuries will be developed. These will be investigated and corrective measures shall be implemented. 13. Audits and reviews will be integral components of the SHE management system. Recommendations will be reviewed at the highest levels, action plans will be agreed upon, and closeout monitoring will be conducted. 14. Interactions with international power stations and other companies with good safety management systems will be pursued to assist with continual improvements at the project site. 15. A number of health and safety issues such as ergonomics, traffic management, safe drinking water, house keeping and hygiene, manual handling, and waste segregation and disposal, will be dealt with at site through proper procedures and systems. 16. Table A11.1 describes some potential physical, mechanical, electrical, and health safety hazards of the Project and the mitigation measures proposed to counter these hazards.

Table A11.1: Potential Occupational Hazards and Mitigation Measures

S.N. 1 Hazard Type Physical Sub Hazard High temperature and pressure Fire and explosion Location Boiler house, generator area Storage tanks, boiler house, testing, coal handling area Mitigation Measure Provision of steam pipes with thermal insulation. Provision of air conditioning system in turbine and other control rooms. Strict follow up of work permit system for all hot and other hazardous works (including electrical, working at height, working in area of hazardous substances storages and confined spaces); De-energizing and inspection prior to start of any repair and maintenance of the electrical equipment. Periodical training of all the operation and maintenance staffs and associated contractors to achieve safety from the system. Preventing storage of combustible material near electrical equipment and distribution panels. Proper earthling of electrical equipment and storage of high-speed diesel storage area. Minimize escape of dust from process equipment and ventilation systems. Develop and implement a dust inspection, testing, housekeeping and control program to avoid any dust explosion. Keeping ignition sources and heated surfaces away from coal handling areas. Minimizing coal storage times and storing coal in compacted piles to avoid air pockets in the coal piles to prevent or minimize likelihood of combustion. Using spark-proof electrical equipment and wiring to prevent any short circuiting in coal handling and combustible storage areas. Provision of fire and smoke detectors at potential sources of fire and smoke. Provision of dedicated fire-fighting system that is available at all times to fight any fire as per the disaster management plan, which will be available at times for the security and plant personnel, and local administration. Provision of handrails, toe boards, and non-slip surfaces in all elevated platforms, walkways, stairways, and ramps. Use of fall protection devices, including safety belt to prevent fall hazards for work at height. Working at height subject to prior work permit. Regular safety training and provision of safety and warning signage near potential location of slip trip hazards. Regular training of drivers and crew members on road safety. Provision of road safety signage on roads and loading and unloading areas.

Fall hazards due to working at height (i.e. slipping and tripping)

Entire plant area

Appendix 11

Road and rail accidents

Receipt and dispatch sections, loading and



Hazard Type

Sub Hazard

Location unloading areas, and outside the plant areas All confined spaces within the plant area

Mitigation Measure

Appendix 11

Working in confined spaces


Failure of boilers Failure of safety devices, including pressure relief valves and interlocks Hazards associated with moving and rotating machinery Hazards due to heavy equipment, including cranes Potential exposure to electricity (receiving and distribution)

Boiler house Boiler, turbine, generator and associated areas

Ensure adequate engineering measures to eliminate adverse character of any confined space in the plant. Any unavoidable work in confined area will be dealt with using special care. Prior risk assessment will be carried out and a safe working plan will be prepared before getting on with the work. Provision of protective equipments, such as self-contained air respirators, will be provided to maintenance workers and cleaners who enter enclosed areas for cleaning fuel, oil residues, or coal ash dust. Any work in confined space will be subject to strict work permit system and monitoring personnel will be available outside for any needed rescue. Workers responsible for cleaning boilers will be provided with special footwear, masks, and dust-proof clothing. Ensuring pressure relief valves and interlocking arrangements as per the standard design of equipment. Regular inspection and periodic safety certification of all safety devices. Compliance with required rules and regulations for safety systems. Provision of shield guards and guard railings along belts, pulleys, shafting, gears, or other moving parts. Guards will be designed and installed in conformance with appropriate machine safety standards. Follow up of standard operating procedures and regular training on electrical safety. Regular inspection and periodic safety certification of all cranes and lifting equipment. Follow up of standard operating procedures and regular training on electrical safety. Ensure suitability and adaptability of electrical equipment with respect to classified hazardous areas and protection against lightening protection and static charges. Adopting preventive maintenance practices as per testing and inspection schedules. Ensure all maintenance and repair jobs with prior work permit system. Use of personal protective equipment and ensuring compliance of the Indian Electricity Rules, 2003. Ensure all electrical circuits designed for automatic, remote shut down.

Pump rooms, workshops, belt conveyors for coal handling Mechanical workshops and other maintenance areas Entire power plant, specifically the generator area, distribution panel, and control rooms



Hazard Type Health

Sub Hazard Exposure to toxic and corrosive chemicals

Location Boiler House, water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, chlorine dozing area, chemical storage areas, and laboratories

Mitigation Measure Provision of secondary containment system for all liquid corrosive chemicals fuel and lubricating oil storages. Constructing storage tanks and pipes for toxic chemicals and fuel oil as per the applicable standards. Inspection and radiography will follow to minimize risk of tank or pipeline failure. Provision of protective equipment such as protective clothing and goggles, safety shoes, and breathing masks for workers working in chemical storage and handling areas. Provision of emergency eyewash and showers in the working area. Installing adequate lateral ventilation in enclosed storage areas to reduce concentration of methane, carbon monoxide and volatile products from coal oxidation by air, and to deal with smoke in case of any fire. Provision of acoustic enclosures in high noise generating areas to keep noise levels lower than 90 dB[A]. Areas close to equipment generating high noise will be restricted entry. No person will be allowed to enter without appropriate ear protection. Provision of protective equipment such as ear muffs and ear plugs for all workers working in high noise generating areas. Provision of wash rooms and sanitary facilities as per the standard practices. A separate lunchroom will be provided outside the work area. Periodic monitoring of work environment for suspended particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and carbon monoxide to avoid excessive exposure. Annual health check up will be carried out. A medical center with a head nurse and support staff will be established to provide emergency medical care. Arrangements with the nearby well-equipped hospital will be made to provide full medical attention and additional treatment when needed. Periodical SHE training of staff and contractor. Ensuring special training to develop competent persons to manage specific issues such as safety from the system, risk assessment, scaffolding, and fire protection, Training will include the proper use of all equipment operated, safe lifting practices, the location and handling of fire extinguishers, and the use of personal protective equipment. Ensure good housekeeping practices (e.g., keeping all walkways clear of debris, cleaning up oil spots and excess water as soon as they are noticed, and regular inspection and maintenance of all machinery). Daily collection and separate storage of hazardous and non-hazardous

Exposure to dust, smoke and other poisonous gases and liquids Exposure to noise

Unloading areas, conveyor system, coal handling area, ash dyke area, an spent oils Turbine, generators, rooms, workshops, and other high noise generating areas

House keeping and general sanitary conditions

Entire plant area

General Safety

Appendix 11



Hazard Type

Sub Hazard


Mitigation Measure waste. Arrangement will be made to collect the waste in a segregated manner at the point of generation. The end user will be identified for the collected wastes for handing over as per the approval of Haryana State Pollution Control Board. Compliance with mandatory requirements for general safety and health of employees. Provision of adequate signage in Hindi and English languages for all hazardous and risky areas, installation, safety measures, and escape routes, safe working zones. Provision of adequate lighting in all working areas. Efforts will be made in most of the areas provided with natural lights supplemented with artificial illumination to promote workers health and safety. Emergency lighting of adequate intensity will be available in the plant to ensure safe shut down and evacuation in case of power outage. Plant will be automatically activated for lighting upon failure of power source.

Appendix 11

dB(A) = decibels acoustic (A weighted) ; SHE = safety, health and environment; Note: the above mentioned mitigation measures are not exhaustive, JPL will continue to update the required measures as part of the standard operating procedures for effective implementation during project implementation.

Appendix 12


ASH UTILIZATION PLAN 1. The Project will generate a considerable volume of ash as a by-product of coal combustion. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has issued mandatory guidelines on ash utilization that all coal-based power stations in India must adhere to, as summarized below. A. Legal Requirement

2. For coal-fired power plants, MoEF has issued notifications under the Environmental (Protection) Rules, 1986 for restricted ash content (as per Notification 1997) and disposal of fly ash (as per notification of 1999 as amended in 2003). These notifications require the following: 2. Ash Content

3. The notification of 1997 for ash content generated by thermal plants is governed by use of coal with ash content not exceeding 34%, with effect from June 2001 (the date later extended to June 2002). This applies to all thermal plants located beyond 1,000 kilometers (km) from the pithead and any thermal plant located in an urban or sensitive area, irrespective of the distance from the pithead (except any pithead power plant). The Project will fully comply with this regulation as it will use coal with a maximum ash content of 34%. 3. Disposal of Fly Ash Notification (14 September 1999 and amendment 27th August 2003)

4. The main objective of this notification is to conserve topsoil, protect the environment, and prevent the dumping and disposal of fly ash discharged from lignite-based power plants. The salient feature of this notification is that: Every construction agency engaged in construction of a building within a radius of fifty to one hundred kilometers from a coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall use fly ash bricks, or blocks, or tiles, or clay fly ash bricks, or cement fly ash bricks, or blocks or similar products or a combination or aggregate of them in such construction as per the following minimum percentage (by volume) of the total bricks, blocks and tiles, as the case may be, used in each construction project, namely: 25 per cent by 31st August 2004; 50 per cent by 31st August 2005; 75 per cent by 31st August, 2006; and 100 per cent by 31st August 2007.

5. For thermal power plants, the utilization of fly ash is governed by the following requirements: (i) Every coal- or lignite-based power plant shall make available ash for at least 10 years from the date of publication of this notification without any payment or any other consideration, for the purpose of manufacturing ash-based products such as cement, concrete blocks, bricks, panels, or any other material, or for the construction of roads, embankments, dams, dykes, or for any other construction activity.


Appendix 12


In respect of construction of buildings within a radius of 50 kilometers from a coal or lignite based thermal power plant the following minimum percentage (by volume) of use of bricks, blocks and tiles shall apply: 50 per cent by 31st August 2004; 100 per cent by 31st August 2005.


The provisions of sub-paragraph (1A) shall be applicable to all construction agencies such as Housing Boards and those in the private sector builders of apartments, hotels, resorts and cottages and the like. It shall be the responsibility of the construction agencies either undertaking the construction or approving the design or both to ensure compliance of the provisions of sub-paragraph (1A) and to submit such returns as may be called for and compliance reports to the State Government or Union Territory Administration.


Quantity of Ash Expected to be Generated

6. The power plant is expected to consume about 5.9 million tons of coal annually. The ash content of the coal is expected to be 34% maximum. Therefore, the power plant is expected to produce approximately 2.0 million tons per annum (mtpa) of ash. Out of this total, 80% (equivalent to 16 million mtpa) will be fly ash and balance 20% will be in the form of bottom ash (0.4 MMTA). C. Ash Collection Facility

7. The Project will collect all the fly ash in dry form, enabling the delivery of 100% fly ash to the user industries from the first year of operation onwards. The fly ash collected from the pollution control equipment will be pneumatically conveyed to the silo storage system. The ash will then be directly transferred to covered trucks of the user industry, such as cement plants. In the event of lower offtake by the user or a lack of demand, the ash collected at the silo will be wetted by spraying water and transferred into covered trucks for final dumping in the ash dyke. 8. The bottom ash discharged from the furnace will be collected by the scraper-conveyor in wet form and stored in the nearby ash silo. If there is demand for re-use, bottom ash will be supplied directly to customers from the silo. Alternatively, dump trucks will transport ash from the silo and deposit it in the ash dyke. 9. The ash dyke will have sufficient capacity to temporarily store the fly and bottom ash that cannot be handled when produced. The site has sufficient land to expand the ash dyke if required. D. Potential Users

10. Fly ash generated from the proposed power plant will be commercially utilized to the fullest extent possible. Recently, the prominent bulk consumer for fly ash has been the cement Industry. Fine quality dry fly ash has been a major ingredient in cement. The Projects ability to directly deliver firm, quality fly ash is expected to attract potential cement manufacturers in the vicinity. Since Delhi is close by and major construction activity is occurring in and around the city, the demand for cement and fly ash is expected to be high. Another major use for ash is expected from the construction of national highways and roads. Brick manufacturers along the JhajjarDelhi route that currently use soil from nearby areas are expected to be another

Appendix 12


potential user of fly ash. Apart from these uses, fly ash can be used for the construction and expansion of the on-site ash dyke. Ash could also be used for reclamation of low-lying land. E. Disposal

11. As the Project moves forward, further interaction with user industries will be needed to reach agreements on the commercial supply of fly ash and bottom ash. JPL will explore all potential opportunities to ensure that the ash is fully utilized. Efforts will be made to exceed the ash utilization target set by MoEF. 12. A more comprehensive ash utilization plan will be developed before the commencement of plant operation, setting out quantities of ash to be utilized by different users and other operational details.


Appendix 13


1. As per the environmental impact assessment (EIA) notification S.O. No. 1533(E) dated 14.09.2006, public consultation has to be conducted by the State Pollution Control Board for new thermal power plants to receive environment clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF). Through the public hearing, the Haryana State Pollution Control Board invites suggestions, views, comments and objections from the public regarding the Project. The Project proponent applied for the public hearing to the Haryana State Pollution Control Board for the establishment of 1,320 MW, Jhajjar Thermal Power Plant at Khanpur Kurd, Khanpur Kalan, Wazidpur and Jharli villages. 2. In line with the above statutory requirements, the notice of public hearing was published in various leading newspapers. The public hearing was conducted under the chairmanship of Mr. Ajit B Joshi, IAS (Indian Administrative Service) Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Jhajjar. The list of officers who conducted the public hearing is provided in Annexure-A below. About 127 persons from surrounding areas attended the public hearing. 2. EIA and Project Summary

3. The executive summary and copy of the rapid EIA were made available at the project site by the Projects proponent and copies were distributed to the public. The public hearing started with an introduction by Mr. S.P, Rathi, Regional Officer (RO), Bahadurgarh, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, explaining the provisions and requirements of EIA clearance from MoEF under the amended EIA notification dated 14.09.06, which prohibits the establishment of the Project without prior environmental clearance from the Government of India. The project proponent was requested to explain the Project, including details about proposed pollution control measures and the EIA study. 4. Dr. Balbir Singh, representative of the proponent M/s Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited (HPGCL), explained the Project, its cost, raw material, plant capacity, pollution control measures and other arrangements to manage environmental impacts, along with details of the EIA. He assured the attendees that HPGCL would abide by all relevant rules and regulations of the Government and Board. He explained that the law (Electricity Act 2003) had authorized HPGCL to set up a 1,320 MW coal-based thermal power plant in Jhajjar district for which 1,220 acres of land was required. The total project cost was estimated to be $1,090 million (IRs.53,000 million) approximately. The estimated capital cost of environmental control measures was $59 million (IRs 2,870 million) approximately. The first unit is likely to be completed within 36 months and the second unit is likely to be completed within 42 months. The main source of raw water for the plant will be JLN feeder canal, located about 12 km from the site. The plant will be a coal-based thermal plant, with the main source of air pollution from the plant being the boilers and the coal handling plant. To control suspended particulate (SPM) emissions from the stack, electrostatic precipitators will be installed with an ash trapping

Summarized from minutes of the public hearing conducted on 29 Oct 2007 by Haryana State Pollution Control Board.

Appendix 13


efficiency of 99.89%, limiting the SPM concentration of emissions to 100 milligrams per normal cubic meter (mg/Nm3). Dust emissions from coal and ash handling would be minimized by a dust extraction and dust suppression system. 5. He further informed that the effluent generated by the plant will be treated in the effluent treatment plant and most treated effluent will be recycled and used for on-site plantation irrigation. Fly ash generated by the plant will be stored in properly lined ash ponds and will be disposed of and utilized in an environmentally safe manner. The greenbelt and raw water reservoir will covering about 329 acres of the total plant site as per the guidelines MoEF and the Central Pollution Control Board. 6. Mr. S P. Rathi, Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Bahadurgarh invited questions and comments from attendees. These questions and comments, and the responses to them are summarized below. 3. 7. Questions and Answers

Question No.1.

Mr. Mehtab Singh, Bahu Johlary village, and Mr. Randhir Singh, Badani village: What will be the effect of plant operation on ambient air temperatures in the surrounding area?

An HPGCL representative replied that most heat generated by the plant will be utilized for electricity generation, with most of the remainder emitted via a 275 meter (m) high stack, thus the plant will not affect local temperatures to the dispersion of emissions. 8. Question No. 2

Mr. Dayanand, Jharli village What effects will plant emissions (i.e. sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOX)) have on nearby residents? The need for a hospital in the area for proper medical checkups and treatment of villagers, workers and laborers. The need for a nearby veterinary hospital. An HPGCL representative replied that the levels of SO2 and NOx will be lower than the limits fixed by MoEF and CPCB. However, the level of SPM is a major concern and this will be controlled by installing ESPs with an efficiency of 99.89% to control the level of particulate matter in emissions. The ADC Jhajjar commented that the request for health facilities for local residents and veterinary facilities will be conveyed to the Government for further necessary action. 9. Question No.3

Mr. Rattan Singh, resident of Khanpur Khurd village Suggested that the name of the plant should be Khanpur Khurd as the majority of the acquired land is from this village. Also suggested that local facilities should be built (including Kanya Vidhalya [School for Girls] and a sports stadium) and that jobs should be provided to the villagers whose land had been acquired for the Project.


Appendix 13

The ADC replied that these issues will be forwarded to the Government for consideration. 10. Question No. 4

Mr. Inder Singh, Khanpur Kala village Suggested that if more land has to be acquired f o r the Project then land f r o m village Khanpur Kala should be considered. Mr. Satyender Duhan, SDM, Jhajjar and Mr. Balbir Singh, HPGCL representative, responded that all required land had been finalized. However, if more land is required then Khanpur Kala land will be considered. 11. Question No.5

Mr. Maahavir Singh, Khanpur Khurd village Suggested that the kuccha (unpaved) approach road passing through Khanpur Khurd village be made a pucca (paved road) to reduce the dust created by traffic. The ADC Jhajjar appreciated the suggestion and provided an assurance of necessary compliance. 12. Question No.6

Mr. Ram Chander, Khanpur Khurd village Asked for quicker settlement and award of compensation to the villagers whose land has been acquired for the Project. Mr. Khalil Ahmed, the District Revenue Officer (DRO), replied that the delay in compensation was mainly due to disputes between the owners and claimants and the Government, with court cases pending or in progress. The disbursal of compensation shall be made as soon as this is resolved. He suggested that concerned claim holders should approach the concerned Patwaris 2 to seek a faster resolution of these matters. 13. Question No. 7

Mr. Ajit B. Joshi, I.A.S., Additional Deputy Commissioner, Jhajjar Asked what arrangements will be made for safe and proper disposal and storage and treatment of the fly ash generated from the thermal power plant, which is the main wastage from the plant. Dr. Balbir Singh, an HPGCL representative, stated that three types of fly ash will be generated by the plant: bottom ash, economizer ash and fly ash from the ESPs. Ash will be re-used in cement plants, for manufacturing bricks and tiles and as per the directions of MoEF. Facilities for the storage of fly ash will be provided for next 1015 years in the form of ash dykes and silos. Various options will be kept open for the regular use and consumption of fly ash by different agencies for road making and as per the guidelines issued by MoEF.

An official of local government, who keeps records of the ownership and transfer of land.

Appendix 13



Question No. 8

Mr. S.P. Rathi, Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Bahadurgarh Asked what effluent treatment facilities will be provided for wastewater management and sewage treatment, including zero discharge from the plant. An HPGCL representative replied that the plant has been designed for zero discharge except during the monsoon season, while a sewage treatment plant will be installed, with treated water to be used for on-site greenbelt irrigation. Asked if the ash pond will be provided with an impervious lining.

An HPGCL representative responded that an impervious lining in the ash dyke will be provided. Asked about the final disposal of treated water during the monsoon season.

An HPGCL representative replied that treated water would be disposed of via a pipeline to a drain next to the JLN feeder canal. 15. Question No. 9

Mr. Munshi Ram, Ex-Sarpanch, Khanpur Khurd village Asked about the sale of standing crops on Project-acquired land. Mr. Satyender Duhan, SDM Jhajjar responded that farmers are permitted to cut their crops before the commencement of project construction. 16. Question No. 10

Mr. S.P. Rathi, RO, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Bahadurgarh Asked about the plantation (greenbelt) in the project site. An HPGCL representative responded that a range of vegetation species will be planted during and after plant construction, with 25% of the main project site to be developed as a greenbelt. B. CONCLUSION

17. The officers and public commented that the project proponent should provide proper and adequate arrangements and pollution control measures to improve the local environment on the plant site and in the surrounding area, and should adhere to all commitments that were made during the public hearing. 18. 19. The public hearing ended with thanks to the Chair. Annexure-A List of officers who conducted the public hearing: (i) (ii) Mr. Ajit B Joshi, IAS, Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Jhajjar; Mr. Khalil Ahmed, District Revenue Officer (DRO), Jhajjar;


Appendix 13

(iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Mr. Satyender Duhan, Sub-divisional District Magistrate (SDM) Jhajjar; Mr. S.P. Rathi, Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Bahadurgarh; Mr. Shakti Singh, Assistant Environment Engineer (AEE), Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Bahadurgarh; Mr. Satinder Pal, Assistant Environment Engineer (AEE), Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Bahadurgarh.

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