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Asset Lifecycle Management Release 12.1 (through 12.1.3)

Prepared by EBS Product Management & Strategy

Last Updated: Version:

July 10, 2010 4.0

Copyright 2010 Oracle Corporation All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

1. 2.

Disclaimer Introduction
Purpose of Document

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New and Changed Features in Asset Lifecycle Management

Oracle Asset Tracking
3.1.1. Overview 3.1.2. Release 12.1.1 Multiple Asset Book Support Graphical Display of Network Relationships Google Maps Integration (Display Assets on a Map) 3.1.3. Release 12.1.2 ATG User Interface Enhancements 3.1.4. Release 12.1.3 ESRI Integration

3 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6


Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

3.2.1. Overview 3.2.2. Release 12.1.1 Asset Move Workbench Miscellaneous Usability Enhancements Express Work Make Item Cross Reference Search Capability Specify Source Supply Subinventory for eAM Work Orders Microsoft Project Integration with Work Order Scheduling Graphical Display of Network Relationships Google Maps Integration (Display Assets on a Map) Work Request Attachments Construction Units 3.2.3. Release 12.1.2 Primavera Integration ATG User Interface Enhancements Supply Chain Web Services 3.2.4. Release 12.1.3 Encumbrance Accounting for Purchase Orders with Shop Floor Destination ESRI Integration Work Permits 3.2.5. Terminology

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Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document



This Release Content Document (RCD) describes product features that are proposed for the specified releases of the Oracle E-Business Suite. This document describes new or changed functionality only. Existing functionality from prior releases is not described. It is intended solely to help you assess the business benefits of upgrading to the specified release of the Oracle E-Business Suite. This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle Software License and Service Agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for the implementation and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all features described in this document without risking significant destabilization of the code.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Purpose of Document


2.1. Purpose of Document
This Release Content Document (RCD) communicates information about new or changed functionality introduced in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 and subsequent 12.1.x Release Update Packs and off-cycle patches. For your convenience, features are organized by product, and then by the release in which they first became available. Release 12.1.1 was the first generally-available release of Release 12.1. Features released in an off-cycle patch on Release 12.1.1, but before Release 12.1.2, are designated as Release 12.1.1+. Features released in RUP2 of Release 12.1 are designated as Release 12.1.2, and so on. Existing functionality in Release 12.0, Release 12.0.x Release Update Packs (RUPs), or prior releases is not described in this document. For a complete overview of all functionality included in prior releases, this document should be read in conjunction with the Release 12 and Release 12.0.x RUP RCDs. These RCDs can be found in My Oracle Support Document 404152.1 Release Content Documents for E-Business Suite Release 12 and 12.0.x Release Update Packs.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Purpose of Document


New and Changed Features in Asset Lifecycle Management

3.1. Oracle Asset Tracking
3.1.1. Overview
Oracle Asset Tracking is an asset lifecycle management application that provides tracking, visibility and control of dispersed assets for capital-intensive companies. Oracle Asset Tracking maximizes asset utilization and return on investment by automatically synchronizing the operational and physical events of assets with the financial updates in Oracle Assets. As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Asset Tracking offers tight integration with other products to provide a comprehensive, reliable and efficient asset lifecycle tracking application. This enterprise-wide integration helps achieve a single source of truth for enterprise assets while reducing the total cost of ownership.


Release 12.1.1 Multiple Asset Book Support This release supports multiple Fixed Asset (FA) Book Types in Oracle Asset Tracking. Users are now able to create assets in appropriate FA Books depending upon the Operating Unit or organization context. The list of FA books that may be available for an operating unit will be automatically filtered. This will eliminate the need for intelligent set up and users will no longer encounter issues like non-compatible chart of accounts. Support for Multiple Asset Books is essential for global rollouts. Graphical Display of Network Relationships This feature enhances the usability of Asset Configuration relationships by providing graphical representation of instance relationships, contacts, accounts, etc which are frequently used by Oracle Asset Tracking users. Asset Tracking supports various types of relationships by way of configuration built across instances. Prior to this release, the configurations were displayed in the form of table, which is filtered based on relationship types. This supports configuration with an alternate view option, which gives a graphical representation of instance configuration. The user interface is also interactive in that you can update the relationships such as add a child. Organizations have complex data stored in databases or web sites, related to organization structure, processes, and other complex relationships. It is important to support visualization and navigation of this complex data, including organizational hierarchies, partner and sales relationships, workflow modeling, and even web site access in order to improve the user experience.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Asset Tracking Google Maps Integration (Display Assets on a Map) This feature addresses the integration with the web based source map viewer of Google Maps. Oracle Asset Tracking instances and Oracle Enterprise Asset Management assets can be geocoded and displayed in the map viewer based on user entered search criteria. From the Asset Tracking responsibility, when the user selects any Asset Tr acking/IB instance icon on the map viewer, details such as Instance Number, Description, Item, Instance Location and Geocodes will be displayed in a pop up. Also, hyperlinks will be provided for performing the following actions: 1. View instance details page 2. View Graphical Asset hierarchy. From the Asset Tracking responsibility, when the user selects any Enter pr ise Asset Management instance icon on the map viewer, details such as Instance Number, Description, Item, Instance Location and Geocodes will be displayed in a pop up. Also, hyperlinks will be provided for performing the following actions: 1. View instance details page 2. View open Work Requests 3. View open Work Orders 4. View Graphical Asset hierarchy The ability to find and view Assets on a map is a key requirement for numerous Asset Tracking and Enterprise Asset Management customers especially those in the Utilities and Public Sector verticals. The prime advantage of the 3rd party mapping tool like Google Maps is that users are familiar with the tool and it comes out with reasonable amount of out-of-box features like map-based services that will help the users service assets more efficiently. Besides this out-of-the-box integration with Google Maps, customers will also have the ability through customization to display assets on any web based map viewer which is based on HTML technology (for example, Oracle Spatial MapViewer).


Release 12.1.2 ATG User Interface Enhancements Release 12.1.2 includes a mandatory uptake of ATG User Interface (UI) enhancements to Oracle Applications (OA) Framework components. These enhancements will increase the usability and end-user productivity of the OA Framework-based applications including Oracle Asset Tracking. Those features applicable to Oracle Asset Tracking include: 1) Configurable Home Page: providing a new look for the E-Business Suite Home Page with space optimization The Home Page has been redesigned using the Configurable Pages feature of the OA Framework. This allows the Home Page to have a very flexible layout and configurable content. The Applications Navigator and the Worklist regions have been modified to have more optimal usage of screen space.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Asset Tracking

2) Slide Out Menus for Navigator and Favorites: slide-out Home and Favorite components for easy cross-application navigation The Home and Favorites menus are now accessible as pull-down, slide-out menu gadgets in the global header area of every OA Framework page. This allows endusers to rapidly choose Favorites of navigate across applications from any OA Framework page. 3) Look Ahead List of Values (LOV): type-ahead Search capabilities in the List of Values (LOV) fields The LOV component has been enhanced to allow type-ahead search capabilities. As end-users type in characters into the LOV search field, the results shall be fetched and displayed inline to the LOV component in real-time. For the majority of users, this will eliminate the need to launch the LOV modal window, to perform a search within the window, and to navigate through the results using Next/Previous links in the LOV window result table, thereby saving a number of clicks and server-side requests, and significantly enhancing end-user productivity. 4) Inline Attachments: ability to enter, view or delete text-type Attachments inline Attachments have been enhanced to allow inline addition and viewing. The two icons associated with the Attachments UI the plus icon and the paper-clip icon will now have mouse-over events defined. On hover-over, an inline window shall appear for rapid attachment entry or viewing of already added attachments. For this release, this feature will support only text-mode attachments to be edited and added inline. These UI enhancements should be transparent to the Oracle Asset Tracking application, therefore, eliminating or lowering uptake and upgrade costs. The profiles for the ATG User Enhancements will be by default disabled. Customers who would like to uptake these features can enable these features as required. The profiles are as follows:


Default Value at Site Level No No No No

Configuration Options

Home Page Navigator & Favorites Menu Look-ahead LOV Inline Attachments

Site level only Site level only Site and Application levels only Site and Application levels only

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Asset Tracking


Release 12.1.3 ESRI Integration This feature addresses the integration with the ESRI map viewer. Oracle Asset Tracking instances and Oracle Enterprise Asset Management assets can be geocoded and displayed in the map viewer based on user entered search criteria. Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information system for storing, analyzing, managing and presenting digital data such as geographic features present on the Earth's surface using spatial references. ESRI is one of the leading vendors in this space. In Release12.1.1, we introduced basic GIS capabilities into ALM products by integrating a map viewer into the application. An out of the box integration was provided with Google Maps, whereby Assets could be geocoded and located in a map viewer such as Google maps. Users can view the asset information on map and perform basic actions such as initiating work request, creating work order, etc. Many customers use ESRI as their preferred GIS solution. This release (12.1.3) seeks to extend the existing GIS integration capabilities of ALM to provide an out of the box integration using ESRI map viewer. Assets can be spatially located on an ESRI map viewer and the users can perform various actions As with the Google Maps Integration, using the Asset Tracking Super user responsibility, the user will be able to select any instance icon on the map viewer and see details such as Instance Number, Item Description, Item Address, and Geocodes displayed in a pop up. Also, hyperlinks will be provided for performing the following actions: 1. View Instance details page 2. View Open Work requests (for eAM Assets) 3. View Open Work Orders (for eAM Assets) 4. View Graphical Asset hierarchy This project has provided the framework by which users can easily build integration with other 3rd party GIS systems and map viewers. There is a white-paper available that will guide users interested in integrating with 3rd party map viewers. The ability to find and view assets on a map enabling users to service assets more efficiently is a key requirement for numerous OAT and eAM customers especially those in the Utilities and Public Sector verticals.


Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

3.2.1. Overview
Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) supports sophisticated, condition-based maintenance strategies for property, plants, and public infrastructure. Oracle eAM's single-instance design ensures best practices and quality compliance globally, eliminates excess and obsolete spare parts inventories, promotes environmental, health and safety policies, smoothes coordination of production and maintenance schedules, and improves both the responsiveness and accuracy of contracted maintenance.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management


Release 12.1.1 Asset Move Workbench This new feature, Asset Move Workbench, provides a user-friendly way of leveraging the Asset Move feature that is currently supported in Release 12. The Workbench allows users to transfer an asset and its child assets from one maintenance organization to another as a single unit while preserving the parent-child asset relationships. The following entities move along with the asset as of Release 12.0: Activities (assuming the Activity Definition is assigned to the destination organization. If not, you will need to use the Activity workbench to assign an activity to the new organization.) PM Schedules Meters Failure History and Setup

The following entities do not move: Work Orders Routing Cost History Collection Plans

The Asset Hierarchy may have to be manually adjusted after the move and can be done so from the Asset Hierarchy page or the new Graphical Network Page. Prior to this release, the support for this process was cumbersome especially when an asset had a complex asset hierarchy. The asset hierarchy was not respected so a user had to perform a separate transaction for each associated child, otherwise the child asset(s) was orphaned in the source organization. This feature will be limited to support InterOrg Asset Move and Sub-Inventory Asset Move with or without the child assets. Many customers need to move assets from one organization (often a different location) to another organization for different reasons including to replace a failed asset or to borrow an asset for a particular job or project. This is most common in industries such as fleet operations, asset rental environments or where organizations share assets. This feature will enhance the transactability of assets by minimizing the dependency on the Inventory user interface to carry out asset transfer transactions. Miscellaneous Usability Enhancements The following includes a number of enhancements to improve overall usability of the system: Change Dept on WO Operation

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

This feature provides the ability to change the Department on a Work Order Operation prior to Work Order execution. This enhancement will provide more flexibility for assigning resources when scheduling Work Orders. Inclusion of Child Asset Work Orders in Asset Search

The inclusion of Child Asset Work Orders on the Work Order Inquiry by Asset Simple Search screen will provide more flexibility in searching for Work Orders. 'Last Reviewed Date' and 'Reviewer' Added to PM Schedule Definition

Two fields have been added to the PM schedule definition: 'Last Reviewed Date' and 'Reviewer'. These attributes will help support and execute Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) programs.

Creation By and Created Date Added to Work Order Advanced Search

Two fields have been added to the Work Order Advanced Search screen. This feature provides for more flexibility in searching for Work Orders. Generate Next PM Only

This feature includes a new field (check box) on the PM Schedule Definition screen: Next Work Order Only. By checking this box, the PM Scheduler will create the next Work Order only if the previous Work Order has been completed. Some less critical assets may not require creation of more then one Work Order until the last Work Order is completed. Copy Asset Number to Requisition Approver Notes

This enhancement supports copying the Asset Number from the Work Order to Purchase Requisition Note to Approver. This provides additional clarity for the Purchase Requisition approver beyond the Work Order Number and Operation Number which are currently available. Express Work This enhancement provides Enterprise Asset Management users a quick way to report work that has been completed without any planning - often referred to as after-the-fact reporting. Users are able to (1) report and complete an emergency work without a prior Work Order and also (2) report labor, charge time, issue stocked items and complete the work all from a single page. While the aim of a Maintenance Department is to minimize reactive and emergency work, in the real world, maintenance crews are often called upon to perform emergency work that is due immediately. In such cases, no plan or definition of the work exists. The crew completes the work first and only later do they report the work. Some of the most transaction intensive process flows within the maintenance world are performing material and labor transactions against a work order and completing the work order. Prior to this release, users had to navigate to different pages to charge time or material and to complete a work order.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Make Item Cross Reference Search Capability This feature provides users with the ability to search for Inventory Items by Manufacturer Part Number or item cross- reference from the Work Order Materials region and from the One Step Material Issue screen under the Stores tab. Manufacturer Part Numbers can be added to an Inventory Item via Item Master form. Inventory Items are added to an Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) Work Order for planning or issued directly to an eAM Work Order. Prior to this release, users could search for items by Item Number or Item Description. However, users often do not remember the Item Number/Item Description or will pick up items from the shelf. Often these parts do not have an Item Number marked on them and users struggle to find and add the right part required for the Work Order. The Manufacturer Part Number or cross-reference is often etched on the part. This enhancement will make it easier for the planners and the maintenance workers to add and use the right parts for an eAM Work Order Specify Source Supply Subinventory for eAM Work Orders This release allows users to specify a Source Subinventory and Source Locator at the Bill of Materials level or the Work Order Material Requirement level. If Auto Request is set, material allocation will be initiated when the work order is released, and the Source subinventory and Source Locator will be automatically designated by Inventory sourcing rules. If Auto Request is not set, you can specify a Source subinventory and Source Locator for your material when you perform a Material Request or a One-Step Material Issue. For some customers, with multiple subinventories, these locations can be far apart, or even underground. The ability to specify a Source subinventory and Source Locator for Auto-Requested material is a significant need to ensure material is allocated from a subinventory and locator close to the work location and the pick ticket is printed in the correct location. Microsoft Project Integration with Work Order Scheduling This enhancement integrates Microsoft Projects with Work Order Scheduling. The user can search a set of work orders based on various criteria, export it in the commonly accepted format XML, and import into MS Projects either by creating a new Microsoft Project or by adding the selected work orders into an existing Microsoft. On exporting the Work Order into Microsoft Project, the Maintenance Scheduler can schedule the work orders and on satisfactory completion of scheduling, convert the Microsoft Projects into an XML file, which can be imported back to eAM. In maintenance environments, Microsoft Project is one of the most commonly used scheduling tools, which provides flexibility to schedule complex project tasks with ease. The prime advantage of the 3rd party scheduling tool is it comes out with reasonable amount of out-of-box features like reports, printable format, etc that will help the Maintenance Scheduler perform their work efficiently. Graphical Display of Network Relationships A Graphical Hierarchy is now available through Oracle eAM from the Asset screen. This feature enhances the usability of Oracle Asset Tracking Asset Configuration relationships by providing graphical representation of instance relationships, contacts,
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accounts, etc. Oracle Asset Tracking supports various types of relationships by way of configuration built across instances. Prior to this release, the configurations were displayed in Oracle Asset Tracking in table form, which is filtered based on relationship types. This supports configuration with an alternate view option, which gives a graphical representation of instance configuration. Organizations have complex data stored in databases or web sites, related to organization structure, processes, and other complex relationships. It is important to support visualization and navigation of this complex data, including organizational hierarchies, partner and sales relationships, workflow modeling, and even web site access in order to improve the user experience. Often in maintenance there is a need to establish an alternate hierarchy of the organizations assets to see potential upstream and downstream implications of an asset failure. Google Maps Integration (Display Assets on a Map) This feature addresses the integration with the web-based source map viewer of Google Maps. Oracle Asset Tracking instances and Oracle Enterprise Asset Management assets can be geocoded and displayed in the map viewer based on user entered search criteria. From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, when the user selects any asset icon on the map viewer, details such as Asset Number, Description, Asset Group, Owning Department, Asset Location and Geocodes will be displayed in a pop up. Also, hyperlinks will be provided for performing the following actions: 1. View Asset details page 2. Create Work Request 3. Create Work Order 4. View Open Work requests 5. View Open Work Orders 6. View Graphical Asset hierarchy The ability to find and view assets on a map is a key requirement for numerous OAT and eAM customers especially those in the Utilities and Public Sector verticals. The prime advantage of the 3rd-party mapping tool like Google Maps is that users are familiar with the tool and it has a reasonable amount of out-of-box features like map-based services that will help users service assets more efficiently. Besides this out-of-the-box integration with Google Maps, customers will also have the ability through customization to display assets on any web-based map viewer which is based on HTML technology (for example, Oracle Spatial MapViewer). Work Request Attachments Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) now has the ability to add, view, and update attachments from Work Requests. Prior to this release, Attachments were only available from Oracle eAM Assets and Work Orders. A number of eAM customers requested this new feature to associate Attachments with Work Requests. Work Requests tend to initiate the reporting of
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problems and failures in a maintenance environment. As such, it is helpful to be able to attach a photo, document, or reference a manual with that Work Request in order to better communicate the problem. Construction Units This release introduces support for Construction Estimating via the introduction of the Construction Units (often referred to as Compatible Units). Construction Units are standardized, repetitive units of work, which involve labor, material, and equipment that are used to plan different types of jobs, specifically in Utility Transmission and Distribution (T&D) environments. Through this feature users can create templates to be used for estimation and generating Work Orders, with modifications that a particular project might require. This group of new programs will provide a foundation for estimating work, work order creation and asset accounting. Construction units are comprised of multiple Activities, which define both material and labor components. The Construction Unit Search Page will allow user to search for Construction Units, create a Construction Unit, copy a Construction Unit and create a Construction Estimate. The Estimation Workbench will allow the user to build an estimate by referencing multiple Construction Units, automatically exploding the Construction Units into the component material and labor requirements, providing multiple methods of grouping the components (by Project, Accounting Class, and Activity) prior to the creation of Work Orders. The Construction Estimate will provide an audit trail of source transactions and changes during the estimating process, which then can be used as the basis for new Fixed Asset creation. Asset Lifecycle Management customers identified this enhancement as a gap in the Oracle eAM solution. Although this feature appeals most to Utility customers in Transmission & Distribution, similar functionality can be used in other industries such as Gas, Water, and/or Construction and can also be modeled to perform shutdown planning.


Release 12.1.2 Primavera Integration This feature addresses the integration of Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) with Primavera for scheduling of eAM work orders. The previous release, Release 12.1.1, introduced the ability to use the 3rd party scheduling tool, MS Project, to represent and schedule eAM work orders through xml export/ import between the applications. Large eAM customers especially in the Engineering & Construction (E&C) and Oil & Gas verticals use Primavera extensively to schedule their tasks/ Work Orders. This project extends the existing xml export/import capabilities of eAM to provide an out of the box integration with Primavera. The integration allows Work Orders, Work Order relationships (parent-child and end to start dependencies), Operations, Resources, Departments, Employees, Competencies and Competency Levels and Operation Dependencies to be exported in an xml format to Primavera for scheduling. Users will be able to schedule the exported Work Orders in Primavera using resource leveling and other optimization techniques that are native to Primavera. The scheduled Work Orders can then be imported into eAM in an xml format, validated and saved in the eAM system for execution.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

11 ATG User Interface Enhancements Release 12.1.2 includes a mandatory uptake of ATG User Interface (UI) enhancements to Oracle Applications (OA) Framework components. These enhancements will increase the usability and end-user productivity of the OA Framework-based applications including Oracle eAM. Those features applicable to Oracle eAM include: 1) Configurable Home Page: providing a new look for the E-Business Suite Home Page with space optimization The Home Page has been redesigned using the Configurable Pages feature of the OA Framework. This allows the Home Page to have a very flexible layout and configurable content. The Applications Navigator and the Worklist regions have been modified to have more optimal usage of screen space. 2) Slide Out Menus for Navigator and Favorites: slide-out Home and Favorite components for easy cross-application navigation The Home and Favorites menus are now accessible as pull-down, slide-out menu gadgets in the global header area of every OA Framework page. This allows endusers to rapidly choose Favorites of navigate across applications from any OA Framework page. 3) Look Ahead List of Values (LOV): type-ahead Search capabilities in the List of Values (LOV) fields The LOV component has been enhanced to allow type-ahead search capabilities. As end-users type in characters into the LOV search field, the results shall be fetched and displayed inline to the LOV component in real-time. For the majority of users, this will eliminate the need to launch the LOV modal window, to perform a search within the window, and to navigate through the results using Next/Previous links in the LOV window result table, there by saving a number of clicks and server-side requests, and significantly enhancing end-user productivity. 4) Inline Attachments: ability to enter, view or delete text-type Attachments inline Attachments have been enhanced to allow inline addition and viewing. The two icons associated with the Attachments UI the plus icon and the paper-clip icon will now have mouse-over events defined. On hover-over, an inline window shall appear for rapid attachment entry or viewing of already added attachments. For this release, this feature will support only text-mode attachments to be edited and added inline. These UI enhancements should be transparent to the Oracle eAM application, therefore, eliminating or lowering uptake and upgrade costs. The profiles for the ATG User Enhancements will be by default disabled. Customers who would like to uptake these features can enable these features as required. The profiles are as follows:
Feature Default Value at Site Level No No Configuration Options

Home Page Navigator & Favorites Menu

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Site level only Site level only

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management 12


Default Value at Site Level No No

Configuration Options

Look-ahead LOV Inline Attachments

Site and Application levels only Site and Application levels only Supply Chain Web Services As part of this enhancement, web services are provided by exposing business logic contained within Oracle forms through Java APIs. These web services are cataloged in the Oracle Integration Repository and can be browsed though Oracle Integration Repository Browser Interface under respective product family node. By Clicking on the Business Entity in Integration repository, you can view full description, list of web services for that business entity along with the description of the web service, whereas description of parameters can be seen from the xsd definition of the service available via the generated wsdl. The following web services are provided for Oracle eAM: 1) Work Order: Create Work Order, Query Work Order, Update Work Order, Add Components, Add Operations, Add Resources 2) Asset Activity Association: Create Asset Activity Association, Query Asset Activity Association, Update Asset Activity Association 3) Asset Number: Create Asset Number, Query Asset Number, Update Asset Number 4) Purchase Order: Cancel Purchase Order, Create Purchase Order, Delete Purchase Order, Approve Purchase Order, Query Purchase Order and Update Purchase Order 5) Requisition : Create Requisition, Delete Requisition, Query Requisition and Update Requisition 6) Bills of Materials : Create Bills of Material, Delete Bills of Material, Query Bills of Material, Update Bills of Material, Copy Bills of Material 7) Routing : Create Routing, Delete Routing, Query Routing, Update Routing 8) Asset Group/Activity/Rebuildable Item: Create Asset Group/Activity/Rebuildable Item, Query Asset Group/Activity/Rebuildable Item Details, Update Asset Group/Activity/Rebuildable Item Details


Release 12.1.3 Encumbrance Accounting for Purchase Orders with Shop Floor Destination Existing eAM integration with Purchasing has been enhanced to support encumbrance accounting for Purchase Requisitions (PRs) and Purchase Orders (POs) associated with eAM Work Orders. Prior to this release, encumbrance accounting was limited to

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management


Inventory destination and Expense Receiving transactions, but as a feature in this release, it has been enabled for eAM work orders with Shop Floor destination. eAM initiated PRs (e.g. PR created when a work order is released or PR created in iProcurement by navigating from eAM work order) and Purchasing initiated PRs/POs (e.g. PR/PO entry in forms/OA pages first and then associating with eAM work orders) would have the ability to check and reserve funds. PO encumbrances are reversed after PO lines are received into the shop floor destination. Funds checking in advance of Requisition submission will be available from iProcurement and Purchase Requisition Forms. Budget account for such work orders would be derived from WIP Accounting Class on work orders. WIP Accounting Class definition form has also been enhanced, enabling users to enter a budget account. Associating the eAM Organization with an Operating Unit which requires encumbrance accounting will setup this feature. Other setups are similar to those required to enable encumbrance for Inventory destination and Expense POs. All public sector organizations, such as municipal, state, provincial and federal government organizations are required to encumber or reserve funds that have been committed to a supply purchase order. Therefore, prior to approval of any purchasing document, the available funds must be checked and reserved against the available budget for the specified account code combination. This enhancement is key for budgetary control in such environments. ESRI Integration This feature addresses the integration with the ESRI map viewer. Oracle Asset Tracking instances and Oracle Enterprise Asset Management assets can be geocoded and displayed in the map viewer based on user entered search criteria. Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information system for storing, analyzing, managing and presenting digital data such as geographic features present on the Earth's surface using spatial references. ESRI is one of the leading vendors in this space. In Release12.1.1, we introduced basic GIS capabilities into ALM products by integrating a map viewer into the application. An out of the box integration was provided with Google Maps, whereby Assets could be geocoded and located in a map viewer such as Google maps. Users can view the asset information on map and perform basic actions such as initiating work request, creating work order, etc. Many customers use ESRI as their preferred GIS solution. This release (12.1.3) seeks to extend the existing GIS integration capabilities of ALM to provide an out of the box integration using ESRI map viewer. Assets and Work can be spatially located on an ESRI map viewer and the users can perform various actions on these entities. As with the Google Maps Integration, using the Maintenance Super User responsibility, the user will be able to select any asset icon on the map viewer and see details such as Asset Number, Description, Asset Group, Owning Department, Asset Location and Geocodes displayed in a pop up. Also, hyperlinks will be provided for performing the following actions: 1. View Asset details page

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Oracle Enterprise Asset Management


2. Create Work Request 3. Create Work Order 4. View Open Work requests 5. View Open Work Orders 6. View Graphical Asset hierarchy The ESRI integration will also provide the means to locate work on a map and perform basic execution tasks on these work orders. On selecting a work order icon, the user will see details of work order, operations and employee assignments in a pop up. The following actions will be available to the user: 1. Update Work Order 2. Debrief Work Order 3. Assign Employee This project has provided the framework by which users can easily build integration with other 3rd party GIS systems and map viewers. There is a white-paper available that will guide users interested in integrating eAM with 3rd party map viewers. The ability to find and view assets on a map enabling users to service assets more efficiently is a key requirement for numerous OAT and eAM customers especially those in the Utilities and Public Sector verticals. Work Permits This release introduces a new entity: Permits. Permits are used to authorize the maintenance work, which warrant safety precautions to safeguard people, equipment and environment from various hazards. Permits can be created in a standalone mode and then associated with work orders or created from the work order screens to initiate a permit request flow. Permits are then approved based on the user configurable approval hierarchy. This feature allows users to define custom permit types like Hot Work, Confined Space Entry, etc. and define workflows based on permit types, organization, etc. Users can print the permits along with work orders to generate a complete work package. Permits are often a statutory requirements related to safety in work place which are hazardous in nature and are mandated by the regulatory authorities. As such, there are often significant fines imposed when permits are not properly used in such environments. This feature will help users reduce the administrative lead time required to create and manage this aspect of safety management.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management



Term Asset Move Definition Asset Move is one form of sub-inventory transfer of an item. It is a process of moving or transferring between subinventory locations or moving between organizations without violating the rules setup at the organization level. Asset Move can be performed with or without its asset hierarchy. Within a maintenance organization, work is usually defined before it is released to the technicians for execution. The term emergency work order in this document refers to a maintenance job that is never defined in the system and was in response to some kind of an emergency situation. Work is often directly executed in such scenarios and later just reported into the system. A Geocode (Geospatial Entity Object code) is a representation format of a geospatial coordinate measurement used to provide a standard representation of an exact geospatial point location on the earth. For example, the format (4154'12"N, 8737'35"W) indicates latitude, longitude of a unique location on earth. Latitude gives the location of a place on earth north or south of the equator. Lines of Latitude are the horizontal lines shown running east-to-west on maps. Latitude is given as an angular measurement ranging from 0 at Equator to +90 at North Pole and -90 at South Pole. An example of a latitude in DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) format is 4154'12"N Longitude Longitude is the east-west geographic coordinate measurement. Longitude is given as an angular measurement ranging from 0 at the prime meridian to +180 eastward and 180 westward. An example of a longitude in DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) format is 8737'35"W Sub-Inventory Transfer Sub-Inventory Transfer is one type of transfer of an asset. It is a process of moving or transferring between sub-inventory locations without violating the rules setup at the organization level. Asset Move can be performed with or without its asset hierarchy. (e.g.: from Stores to Spares) Enables a certain type of work on the isolated equipment, examples of permits include hot work, confined space entry, hazardous material handling etc.

Emergency or Express Work



Work Permit

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management


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