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One dollar and eighty-seven cents

On Christmas Eve(in ajunul craciunului) a poor girl named Luisa went for a walk. She didnt have many friends. Only a dog named Sheldon and a cat named Fluffy. They were both living in a box, next to her house. She had a father that was working in a toothpaste factory, and her mum that was working as a nurse in the nearby hospital. They were both earning 100 dollars in a month and they werent capable of maintaining their life properly. Luisa was eating a chocolate in a year. She didnt even taste a real chocolate bar because it was too expensive for her family to afford. She only afforded some chocolate chips that didnt have any taste. They only had a small decoration role. That day, when all that was around her reminded of Christmas goodies,(in acea zi cand ceea ce o inconjura ii amintea de bunatatile craciunului) she found a dollar on the pavement. She also had 87 cents in her pocket she went to the nearest shop. Once she entered, she asked the shop assistant to give her some chocolate chips. The shop assistant told her that with that money she could buy all the chocolate she ever dreamed, because it was the day before Christmas.(vanzatorul i-a spus ca, cu acei bani poate cumpara toata ciocolata pe care a visat-o vreodata pentru ca este ziua dinaintea craciunului) Everyone expected her to buy a lot of chocolate, but she bought just two: one for her mother and one for her father.That night the girl prayed: I wish we could put some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it in every month. (toata lumea se astepta ca ea sa cumpere foarte multa ciocolata, dar ea a cumparat doar doua: una pentru mama si una pentru tatal ei. In acea seara fetita s-a rugat: As vrea sa putem pune putin din spiritual craciunului in borcane si sa deschidem cate unul in fiecare luna) THE END

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