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To achieve personal wealth or business success is indeed very difficult To succeed alone, virtually impossible! - Professor A Powell PhD, JP

The GO Group: MONEY MULTIPLIER CLUB [along with its associates and affiliates: S-N-G; GO GROUP; A.P.S.A.; A.P.U.C.C.; 3AST; MTP; I2ITEAMING INSTITUTE; IP LABS; WEBWORX; & others] (hereinafter referred to as MMC)
and: .. having PastPort Number: (Member) (hereinafter the parties) AGREE

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Effective Date; Disclosing Party and Receiving Party: The Effective Date is: 1st 2012 Either or both parties may be either a party disclosing information (a Discloser) or a party receiving information (a Recipient) or both. Definition of Confidential Information: Each Recipient shall have an obligation to protect Confidential Information disclosed to them by the Discloser, and the parties together acknowledge that a party may be both a Discloser and a Recipient. Confidential Information shall mean and include all information (whether or not in a material form) disclosed by the Discloser to the Recipient as a result of or in the course of any business or potential business transaction or relationship between the parties, and such Confidential Information includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, financial, client, prospect and customer information, partnering contacts and relationships, details and lists, trade secrets, know-how and confidential information and details of business solutions, products or services made or supplied by the Discloser, including, products and product strategy, business solutions, publications, software, webware, courseware, HTML, programs, tools, principles, practices and procedures, and the application of any or all MMC solutions, practices and processes to, with, for or in the Members personal and/or business systems, activities and/or requirements, whether or not there is any gain. The parties agree that this Agreement and Terms are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION and they replace any & all preceding agreements and shall form the prime basis of all contracts between us. Exclusions: Recipient shall have no obligation with respect to information that: (a) was rightfully in Recipients possession before receipt from Discloser, however all prior knowledge must be disclosed in writing within 5 working days; (b) is or lawfully becomes a matter of public knowledge through no fault of Recipient; (c) is rightfully received by Recipient from a third party without a duty of confidentiality; (d) is disclosed by Discloser to a third party without a duty of confidentiality on the third party; (e) was independently developed by Recipient without use of Disclosers confidential information; (f) is disclosed by requirement of applicable law or competent legal authority, provided that the Recipient shall immediately notify Discloser of such required disclosure and provide all reasonably requested cooperation to Discloser to obtain protection of such information via protective order or similar measures; or (g) is disclosed by Recipient with Disclosers prior written approval. Confidentiality & Non Disclosure Period: This Agreement protects the Confidential Information that is disclosed between the Effective Date and the date of termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 5. Recipients duty to protect Confidential Information covers all Region/s of activity and expires Twenty-five (25) years after the date of termination of this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause, upon written notice to the other party; however, all obligations of confidentiality shall survive termination of this Agreement. If a Member, fails to remain Financial then this Agreement terminates forthwith, however, upon termination the Recipient is responsible for the prompt return of all Confidential Information received from the Discloser, together with all copies, or will certify in writing within 7 days that all Confidential Information has been destroyed, as is now requested by this Discloser. Coordinator: The coordinators for disclosure and/or receipt of Confidential Information are for MMC: Kozy Puckit and for Member: .............................................

Country: 1 ~ Australia; 2 ~ NZ 3 ~ UK; 4 ~ Europe; 5 ~ USA; 6 ~ Canada; 7 ~ India; 8 ~ Asia; 9 ~ Africa; 10 ~ M.East (Selected Country shown in Red ~ All other regions Excluded) Territory: ................................ City: ....... County: ................................
Use of Confidential Information: Parties receiving Confidential Information under this SINGLE USER LICENSE AGREEMENT shall use Confidential Information only for the following purpose(s):

a. MMC: To establish MMC NFP Community Programs; Member benefits; commercial activity beneficial the MMC Synectic-Team, S-N-G, GO Group, all Associate parties b. Member: Exclusively Personal Business Use; to enhance Personal Success, while remaining a financial MMC Member or through MMC or GO Group commercial activities 10. Care of Information: The MMC incorporates and provides access to many SECRET products, principles, practices, systems, services and tools (IP) and the Member shall not disclose this Confidential

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Information (IP) to any person, except to other Financial MMC Members, within a relevant team, or to approved associates and affiliates who have a need to know the Confidential Information and who have agreed to receive Confidential Information under terms at least as restrictive as those specified in this Agreement and only for the purposes authorised by the original Discloser under the terms of this Agreement. All Recipients shall protect the disclosed Confidential Information by using the same degree of care to prevent the unauthorised use, dissemination, or publication of the Confidential Information as Recipient uses to protect its own confidential information, & certainly by not less than the degree of care as detailed in & intended by this agreement. Warranty: Each Discloser warrants that it has the right to make the disclosures under this Agreement. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NO OTHER WARRANTIES ARE MADE BY EITHER PARTY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. Any information exchanged is provided AS IS and each party disclaims any and all warranties, expressed, statutory or implied, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, title or fitness for any particular purpose. Title of property is retained/withheld by the supplier - despite location of the goods/services/solutions - until payment of the total account is made in full and until clearance of all funds completed. Rights: Neither party acquires any intellectual property rights under this Agreement except the limited rights necessary to carry out the purposes as set forth in this Agreement. Neither party shall be precluded from independently developing technology or pursuing business opportunities similar to or in competition with those contemplated by this Agreement, provided that neither party shall provide any service or make, have made, use or sell for any purpose, any Product, Service or other item using, incorporating or derived from any Confidential Information of the other party. Neither party shall reverse engineer, decompile or export any of the other partys Confidential Information in any way or for any market whatsoever, unless authorised to do so on letterhead by an authorised member of the other party. Indemnity: Each party acknowledges that a breach of this Agreement will damage the other party. Each party indemnifies the other party against all claims, actions, demands, losses, costs or expenses as a result of any breach by that party of its obligations under this Agreement. Members who breach any term suffer immediate termination of all MMC Membership benefits. Furthermore, each party acknowledges that improper disclosure of Confidential Information will cause irreparable harm; therefore, the injured party is entitled to seek recovery of all costs, equitable relief, including injunction and preliminary injunction, rights of ownership including right to reclaim owned or proprietary properties, in addition to any and all other remedies for which authority from the offending party is hereby given. This Agreement imposes no obligation on either party to purchase, sell, license or transfer any technology, service or product; or enter into any business relationship; it expressly excludes the renaming or redistribution of MMC claimed proprietary knowledge, information, intellectual property, copyright materials, etc. adapted or applied in any & all forms, for any purpose, commercial benefit, or otherwise. Both parties shall adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and rules relating to the export of technical data, and shall not export or re-export any technical data, any products received from a Discloser, or the direct product of such technical data to any proscribed country or person under such applicable laws, regulations or rules. This Agreement does not create any Agency, Teaming or Partnership relationship. This Agreement shall not be assignable or transferable without the written consent of GO Group, and any assignment in derogation of the foregoing shall be null and void. Agreement Updates will happen without notice, Members have access via MMC Team + Website. The Current Agreement is binding on all parties. This Agreement forms a contract made under and construed according to, the laws of England, UK without regard to rules on conflict of laws. The covenants and agreements made by each of the parties in relation to the Confidential Information shall bind all related parties, including all persons, companies or entities which have a stockholding, stakeholding or shareholding in each or either of the parties, or are a spouse, director, partner, joint venturer, employee, or are an agent, associate or affiliate of each or any of the parties, including related parties as defined by Common Law & Corporations Law. The undersigned Member accepts and commits to the Rules of Association and Principles that unite and bind all Members of the MMC, they include: having an OPEN-MIND; Committing exclusively to WIN-WIN Practice; a belief in ABUNDANCE; and being willing to SHARE, with LIKE-MINDED INDIVIDUALS EACH MEMBER HEREBY PROMISES TO UPHOLD THE COVENANT FORMED BY THIS DOCUMENT AND TO CONFORM TO THE ESSENCE + INTENT OF POWELLS SEVEN SECRETS FOR SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS embracing the Fundamentals: CLARITY9 + PASSION9 + COMMITMENT9 + LOYALTY9 + TRUST9 + INTEGRITY9 + COMMUNICATION9. Value Statement: All information, advice and recommendations whether spoken or written, demonstrated or inferred, made or presented in this and/or any other MMC document, meeting or workshop are made by MMC in good faith. Member accepts that open understanding + committed conformance to the application of the unique personal + commercial practices offered are a prerequisite to Success. Where a Member has made such application3+, substantial results have followed: >93% of Graduates who commit to understanding3+ and conforming3+ to the principles + apply the practices have achieved >92% income growth within years following Graduation. Exceptional Members exceed 500% annual Commercial-Growth; while others have Doubled-Incomes, year on year, for several years. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Member acknowledges & accepts that No Result is Guaranteed or Promised by MMC and by signing below Member agrees & accepts it is Members total, absolute & exclusive responsibility + liability, without recourse to MMC in any way whatsoever, to interpret, use + apply [or not] information, recommendations + activities made, or offered by MMC, as the Member sees fit. Waiver: Excepting that alternative session arrangements may be offered [at the exclusive discretion of MMC HQ], MMC as a NFP can provide no refunds or credits of any kind, for any reason whatsoever. Individuals, Registrants and Members indemnify MMC from Any and All claims: Neither MMC nor its staff [OFFICERS, ASSOCIATES, AFFILIATES OR AGENTS] can be held liable in any way whatsoever. Nor can they be blamed or accept responsibility, or be held accountable, in any legal; professional; civil or any other manner possible, as an Enterprise or as Individuals for any claim for loss, damage or other consequence, as a result of guidance or support or advice offered [or not], or the negligence or otherwise of said staff, even if it is found to be, or believed to be, due or partially due to their action [or inaction]. Member confirms an absolute commitment to demonstrate Due Deference to Masters; Leaders; and all Senior Staff, including Mentors and Coaches, involved or otherwise for the life of this agreement. All MMC information is Copyright - USE IS RESTRICTED Except for limitations permitted by this SINGLE USER LICENSE, MMC DOES NOT OFFER OR PROVIDE ANY TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP, SHOP RIGHT, OR EXTENSION OF RIGHT TO USE. Member hereby accepts and confirms a total commitment to reference S-N-G + MMC [as EXCLUSIVE GLOBAL LICENSE HOLDERS] when making any and all allowable comments. Member also commits to employ the following acknowledgment in any allowable statement they produce: Copyright 1969-2012 S-N-G + MMC All rights reserved + a relevant web address + this contact point: - Fair dealing exceptions for: private study, research, criticism or review purposes, whereupon prior to publishing copy must be sent to MMC + text must incorporate this reference, as permitted by Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced in any form or by any process without the express written permission from the license owner/operator: S-N-G + MMC. This document when signed constitutes an enforceable Agreement between both parties whether or not Financial Membership is sought or undertaken. REGISTRATION IS FREE! MEMBERSHIP HAS ADVANTAGE. ONLY Financial MMC Members are offered INCOME-GENERATION and/or REVENUE-GROWTH services + support. This application subject to GO Group acceptance and a 12 month Probationary Period.
Sponsor Name: Member Level: Witnessed by Team Coach: APPLICANT - First Name: Mob: +44 (0) Authorizing Adult Name: City: Family Name: e-mail: Adult Signature:

MMC Sponsor PastPort #: For GO GROUP - Name: Authorized Adult Relationship:

Copyright 19692012 S-N-G all rights reserved
MMC RevenuesX APP+MNDA+SUL UK-MASTER 12-01-01 08a.pages



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