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UbD Stage 2 Template Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence

Title of Unit What is a biography? Grade 3rd Level

Stage 1 Identify Desired Results

List the understandings of your unit: Content Standards: ELA3R3 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text. The student a. Reads a variety of texts for information and pleasure. b. Makes predictions from text content. c. Generates questions before, during, and after reading. d. Distinguishes fact from opinion. e. Recognizes plot, setting, and character within text, and compares and contrasts these elements between texts.. n. Identifies the basic elements of a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry). o. Uses titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information quickly and accurately and to preview text. p. Recognizes the authors purpose. q. Formulates and defends an opinion about a text. r. Applies dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings.

Essential Questions
Overarching Questions: Topical Questions: What is a biography? Where are biographies located in my library?

Stage 2 - Evidence Performance Task(s)

Be sure to indicate: Goal: Students will have a clear understanding of what a biography is and where to find this type of book in the library. Role: Encourage students to read non-fiction books to gain factual information. Audience: 3rd grade students Situation: Product Performance and Purpose: Standards and Criteria for Success:

Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)

Media specialist will read a biography about Martin Luther King, Jr. (in conjunction with MLK Day). Media specialist will explain what a biography is and point out that it is considered a non-fiction book and what that means.

Other Evidence
(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)
Classroom teacher will give a quiz to assess student knowledge and understanding. Students will be observed during poem discussion and asked to share their answers during the lesson.

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

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