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Garca newsletter

4th Grade Dear parents

September 30, 2011

Finally the snow came!

In Science we have done with pollution in the air. We made an articial lung, to check how important is the practice of physical exercise (connected with their PE standards) and to preserve a good environment by protecting our planet. We are going to start our third book Changes in the Earth.

We have nished our reading number 18 called los pajaros de nuestra cosecha. We are very focused now in the correct use of verbs. We have one of our stations dedicated to it. As well, we are using our own software for Smartboard stressing the use of articles, adverbs and prepositions. Students did an awesome job with our Christmas song Mi burrito sabanero.

Social studies
We did the test about locating the states. We are going to start now studying more about Independence War. We are almost nished with the Northeast Region. The class average has been 96%!!! Students are working hard in our locate states contests with the Smartboard.

4th grade

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