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Edinburgh Marriage



Mowbray (Moubray, Mowbrey),


o ^




John, merchant Stevinsone John, merchant Mary Frank John, skinner Agnes Colvell Margaret John Morisone, tailor Margaret John Stoddert Margaret William Innes Marion; Gavin Scot, skinner Marion Thomas Somervell, skinner
; ; ; ; ;

Mary; John Malcolm

Mr. Patrick, writer Helen Crightoun Mr. Patrick, writer Sarah Maxtoun Rachel George Gairdner, tailor
; ; ; ; ;

Elizabeth 24 Nov. 1653 7 Mar. 1662 13 July 1609 23 Aug. 1660 2 June 1674 12 Sept. 1675 21 Feb. 1622 12 Sept. 1632 17 June 1692 26 Apr. 1665 24 Aug 1668

Nov. 16 13




Robert, armourer Isobel Weir 27 July 1609 Robert, silk weaver Agnes Smyth ,, 7 July 1674 Robert, in Cramond Elizabeth Saars, d of the deceased Robert S., litster in Ayr 17 May 1696, m. 12 June 1696 Thomas, wright Mary Tweedie ,, 15 July 1675 William, merchant Nicolas Broun ,, 14 Nov. 1654 William, silk weaver Elizabeth Jackson 19 Sept. 1667 William, skinner Margaret Burne 18 Dec. 1628 William, skinner Helen Jacksone 18 Dec. 1634 William, tailor Margaret Law 14 Nov. 1672 William, wright in S. Leith parish Margaret Forrest, d. of James F., bonnetmaker in Leslie 12 IVIay 1700, m. 20 June 1700 Mowtray (Moultrey, Moutray, Moutrey, Mowtrey) of Res; ;
; ; ;




Scott, married

by Mr. William

Annand, Dean



Jan. 1681






Alexander, stabler Margaret Alane 12 Aug. Alison John Sawers, painter 2 July Andrew, timber sawer Eupham Watsone 4 Mar. David, merchant Catherine Henrysone 5 July David, merchant Marion Bordland 13 Jan. Elizabeth James Skeene, writer 13 Sept. George Janet Stark 31 Mar. Helen John Robertsoune, merchant 19 May Helen; Robert Smart, merchant i Oct. James, husbandman Jean Hunter 17 .\ug. James, wright Bessie Waugh 18 Aug. Janet Robert Killpatrik, writer 5 Oct. Janet Patrick Tullus 25 Sept. mason Catharine Dewar John, 2 Aug. John, mealmaker in Lasswade parish Christian Garnock, d. of Andrew G., farmer at Kinross 9 July 1699, m. at Liberton Kirk 11 Aug.
; ;

1629 1647

1635 1655 1671 1601


1652 1682 1669 1681 1683



James Chalmers Mary Andrew Shearer, mason Sophia John Fish

; ;

19 Nov. 1618 14 June 168


Moyes (Moyse), James, candlemaker Agnes Wilsoun Michael, cooper Helen Grahame Moysant, Stevin, Frenchman Janet Moore Moyses, Bessie William Walker, dagmaker

Janet; Walter Ross ,, Moysie, Agnes William Gudlad, litster Alexander, bonnetmaker Isobel Spanker James, "bloksmyth"; Janet Imbrie Janet Patrick Stirling, bonnetmaker Janet Alexander Elder, brewer Margaret Patrick Haistie, weaver J, Mary Jollie Thomas, blacksmith Walter, tailor Janet Wilsoun ,^

29 Jan. 1678 29 June 1649 9 Jan. 1627 15 Nov. 1655 22 Nov. 1626 21 Apr. 1680 29 Dec. 161 30 Nov. 1647 10 June 1658 8 Apr. 1624 24 July 1673 27 July 1643 4 Dec. 1663 17 June 1656


^^dinburgh Marriage Register.



Muckall, Marion John Fiaser, stabler Muckarsie (Mowkersie, Muckassie, Mukcarsie, Euphain Thomas Lawrie, writer

22 July 1681 Mukcasie), 16 May 1609 Henry, merchant Agnes Broun 17 Aug. 1655 Henry, soldier Marion Vaitch 8 Apr. 1652 Henry, stabler Janet Inglis ,, 29 Apr. 1673 Janet James Mash, weaver 12 Dec. 1628 ,, Muckle, Margaret James Caldwells, wright 11 Nov. 1692 Mudie, Archibald, apothecary Marion Masterton 9 Apr. 1600 Charles, writer 28 Oct. 1692 Christian Campbell ,, James, litster, indweller Elizabeth Reid, d. of Alexander ,, Reid, deceased, writer in Edinburgh 24 July 1698, m. 18 Aug. 1698 William, wright Marion Gibsoune 18 Oct. 1598 William Marion Edmistoun ,, 7 July 1596 See also Moodie. Muig, Mr. John, merchant Margaret Meason. 24 Oct. 1679 Mr. John Elizabeth Hamilton, married by Mr. William Annand, Dean, by warrant from S. A. upon the 23rd instant 24 Jan. 1678 Muild, John, bookbinder Margaret Breadfoot 20 Sept. 1638
; ; ; ;

Muir (Muire, Mure) of Munkwood, Robert



Barbara Barclay, of the deceased Sir Robert B. of Perston 2 Aug. 1696, m. 14 Aug. 1696 Agnes; Hew Jamesoune, tailor 15 Sept. 1601





,, ,,

1605 1608 1677 1679 1696 Alexander, husbandman Isobel Good 5 Dec. 1616 Alexander, merchant Marion Dykes 23 Aug. 1598 Alexander, musician Christian Hempseed, d. of deceased John H., indweller 6 Mar. 1698, m. 22 Mar. 1698 Allan, flesher Agnes Nicolsoune 10 Mar. 1602 Andrew, maltman Janet Caldum 23 Dec. 1606 Andrew, merchant Janet Mertene 18 June 1600 Mr. Archibald, preacher of the gospel Elizabeth Liddell, d. of deceased Mr. David L., minister at Glasgow 6 Aug. 1699, m. 21 Aug. 1699 Archibald, merchant; Jean Kennedy 21 Oct. 1675 Barbara; Patrick Nicolson, husbandman 15 Mar. 1667 Bessie; Andrew Stewart, maltman 13 Dec. 1598 Bessie James Wricht, stabler 6 Feb. 1600 Bessie Alexander Smith, tailor i Dec. 1602 Catharine John Rob, workman 15 June 1666 Catharine John Elder 6 July 1683 Christian Walter Keir, cordiner 25 Oct. 1667 Claud, writer Grizel Dawine 7 Dec. 1666 Cuthbert, furrier Alison Home 23 Feb. 1609 David, armourer Margaret Dowall 8 Oct. 1669
; ;
; ;

Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

John Sommer, wobster John Pollert, wright Robert M'Millan, flesher John Constable, flesher Walter Waddell, maltman

23 July 19 May 6 July 28 Mar. 10 May


David, bonnetmaker ]\Iarion Mure 26Junei6io David, candlemaker Elspeth Weir, married 17 day 16 July 1668 David, coriar Jean Harper 25 July 1673 David, flesher Isobel Adamesone 18 Nov. 1606 David, indweller; Janet Semple 8 Dec. 1664 Elizabeth Andrew Sheirer 25 July 1690 Eupham Edward Wallace, writer 19 Apr. 1682 George, indweller Marion Duncan 29 Nov. 1661 George, smith Jean Anderson, married by Mr. John M'Queen 9 July 1682

1 1 51





3 Jan. 1679 14 May 1595

Muir (Muire, Mure), Gideon,



Christian Pottinger

Giles Grizel

Richard Bowmaker John Brand

9 Dec. 1692
17 Sept. 1669

Helen Helen Helen

James Childers,


Robert Murray, wright

Thomas Boyd
; ;

Henry, flesher Helen Willson Henry, maltman Alison Guthrie of deceased George 20 June 1697, m. 5 Aug. 1697 G., farmer at Cranston Hew, cordiner in S. Leith Catharine Haddingtoun, widow of John Man, indweller in West Kirk parish Mar. 1698 30 Jan. 1698, m. 21 Mar. 1673 Hew, merchant Marion Gray Isobel James Allane, stabler 5 June 1608 Isobel 16 Mar. 1679 James Park, cordiner James, glover Margaret Hodge 5 July 1664 16 June 1665 James, indweller Margaret CrawJames, mealmaker Jean Bone 23 June 1692 10 Nov. 1664 James, merchant Jean Hopper James, merchant Margaret Hamilton 24 Oct. 1676 6 Sept. 1610 James, skinner Elspet Grahame James, skinner Catharine Greenlaw 9 July 1 69 James, indweller, skinner his widow. See Katharine Greenlaw. 16 Nov. 1647 James, vintner Isobel Rynd 2 Nov. 1688 James Robert Robertson Janet Robert Murheid 13 Apr. 1595 28 July 60 Janet John Cunnynghame, workman 16 Feb. 1609 Janet Patrick Bell, cooper 21 Jan. 1613 Janet Robert Andersone, tailor

23 June 1674 20 Mar. 1690 I Nov. 1667

Janet James Levingstoun, stabler Janet James Adamson, baker Janet Andrew Inglis, tailor Janet John Kinloch, wright Mistress Jean Gavin Rallstoun, younger, of that Ilk Jean Robert Adinstoun, skinner Jean William Eliot, cordiner
; ; ;

Sept. 1613
7 July


13 Dec. 1672 18 Feb. 1679

9 Mar.


Aug. 1668

4 Jan. 1672

Jean Andrew Chrystie, baker 25 June 1674 Jean Patrick Hunter, mason 14 Dec. 1676 Mr. John, writer Jean Weyms 8 Mar. 1666 Rachel Maxwell, married by Mr. John, indweller William Annand B. 27 Apr. 1674 John, merchant Janet Miller 1 Sept. 1610 John, stabler; Anna Halyburton 17 June 1670 1 John, tailor Janet Huntter July 1605 Margaret Levingstoun John, workman 3 Aug. 1613 Katharine Robert Johnestcun 3 Oct. 1599 Margaret Richard William sone, merchant II June 1612 Margaret John Cuninngham 2 Apr. 1699 Marion David Mure, bonnetmaker 26 June 1610 Marion John Gibsone, baker 29 May 161 Marion James Brysoun, workman 3 Apr. 1617 Marion William Litster, brewer 7 Aug. 1674 Marion William Fenton, merchant 14 July 1680 Marjory Michael Jamesoune, mariner 27 July 1609 Martha David Logane, writer II Apr. 161 Isobel Brokhous Nicol, workman 19 Aug. 1606 Ninian, merchant Janet Fleming13 May 1600 Marion Junkison Patrick, wright 23 June 1682 Marion Flencher N. K. 24 July 1690 Patrick, wright Robert, glover Margaret Deans 21 July 1671 Robert, indweller Rachel Dickson 16 Apr. 1663


Edinburgh Marriage




Muir (Muire, Mure), Robert, indweller


Mary Robertson

Robert, skinner Grizel Hodge Robert, stabler Isobel Broun Robert, tailor Agnes Bryson Robert, viollmaker Christian Arbuckles Robert, weaver Alarion Logan Rolland, candlemaker Mary Mow
; ;

i Dec. 1663 20 June 1684 19 Jan. 1669


Mar. 1675
Mar. 1681 Nov. 1664 Dec. 1690

18 Feb. 1676


,, ,,



,, ,, ,,

Sara Duncan Magibbon Susanna John Sharp Susanna James Aird, merchant Thomas, baker Margaret Raith Thomas, merchant Sibilla Thomesoune Thomas, merchant Marie Kerr Thomas; Helen Blaikburne William, brewer Margaret Knight William, candlemaker Margaret Anderson William, candlemaker Isobel Huison William merchant Margaret Burnet William, merchant Catharine Pursell
; ;


Janet Hill Catharine Smyth wright, son to David M., gardener in Merchis,, Christian Hoge, d. of John H., wright in Kelso 14 July 1700, m. 16 Aug. 1700 William; Elspeth Stoddart 5 Nov. 1595 William; Margaret Cuninghame 10 Apr. 1663 ,, William Margaret Blair 25 Aug. 1671 ,, William Margaret Haistie 16 Jan. 1673 ,, See also Moore. Muirhead(Moorehead, Mooreheid, Mureheid, Murheid), Agnes James Broun, chirurgeon 15 Oct. 1618 Agnes Andrew Lowthiane, merchant 3 Jan. 1622 Alexander, baker Janet Tait 6 July 1683 Alexander, merchant Agnes Broun 5 Sept. 1616 Alexander, stabler Margaret Grahame 29 June 1603 Andrew, merchant Sibilla Andrew 19 Nov. 1600 Bessie Robert 'Andrew, brewer 29 Dec. 1608 ,, Bessie David Barclay, cook 2 Dec. 1624 ,, Catharine; James Guyler, wright 23 Nov. 161 Christian; Archibald Hutchesone 9 July 1633 Claud, litster Catharine Daviesone 27 July 1647 Elizabeth James Anderson 16 July 1691 Eupham Alexander Wright, merchant 9 Nov. 1615 Eupham Andrew Lightoun, merchant 24 Feb. 1625 Eupham Richard Dobie, merchant 6 Sept. 1627 George, merchant; Jonet Danielstoun 15 Dec. 1596 ,, Mr. Francis Ruthven 30 Apr. 1672 Helen Helen Alexander Padzien 31 Oct. 1690 Henry; Margaret Wilsoune 26 July 1598 Mr. James; Jonet Danielstoun 15 Sept. 1596 James, surgeon Janet Murray, married by Mr. William
; ;


William, William, William, William, William, ton






Apr. 1675 29 Apr. 1680 15 Dec. 1608 9 Feb. 1603 10 July 1690 20 Aug. 1595 28 Dec. 1666 2 Nov. 1683 12 Sept. 1690 2 July 1601 11 Sept. 1617 25 Aug. 1676 vide 5 Aug. 1680 4 Sept. 1674 23 Nov. 1665

25 22 19 8

Annand, Dean


Sept. .1683

James, tailor; Janet Fairlie Janet John M'Mychaell, merchant Janet; Archibald Stuart, merchant John Janet Armour John, hatmaker Janet Sicvin John, hatmaker Elspet Thomsone John, merchant Rebecca Dicksone

24 Nov. 1642 20 July 1609 12 Nov. 1628 19 May 1596 4 Nov. 1624 9 Feb. 1626 22 Nov. 1638


EdinbiLrgh Mai^riage Register.


Muirhead (Moorehead, Mooreheid, Mureheid, Murheid), John, merchant Catharine Jousie, by warrant of my Lord Primate to Dr. Gardyn 29 Dec. 10 May Margaret Miller John, workman 28 Nov. John Agnes Duncan Margaret James Russell, marikin-dresser 7 Aug. Margaret Adam Gairdin, tailor 17 Feb. Nov. Margaret Harry Duncan, tailor 2 Nov. Margaret David Peter, writer 16 June Margaret Robert Pearsone, candlemaker Margaret Thomas Cowan, merchant 4 Apr. Margaret James Duncan, merchant 19 July 22 Sept. Margaret George Johnstoun, wright 2 June Margaret Robert Hunter 12 Nov. Marion Andrew Ker, glover 22 Feb. Marie Mr. George Barbour 1 1 July Mary William Somervell, brewer 22 Apr. Mary John Lowryston Paul, workman 12 Mar. Agnes Ireland Mr. Robert Elizabeth Nicolson, after proclamation by

687 644 617


634 648 654 676 678 678 693 658

631 672

686 612
601 608

16 Dec. Dr. Monro in the N. K. 1 1 Nov. Robert, merchant Janet Davidsone Robert, merchant Elspeth Townnes 4 Feb. Robert, writer Martha Lindsay, by warrant of B. Edin. to Mr. John Ferquhard 9 Mar. Robert Jonet Mure 13 Apr. Samuel, merchant Janet Myller 19 Jan. Sybilla Michael Patoun, candlemaker 2 Apr. William, cordiner Isobel Bawtie 17 Sept. William, merchant Barbara Cant 29 June 10 Oct. Muirhouse (Mewrhouse), Bessie William Wood Mule, John, tailor Bessie Pringill 24 Mar. Muller, Margaret 18 May John Bigholme, cordiner Isobel Tod Mullikin (Mulligine), Abraham, husbandman 14 June 22 June Andrew, merchant Janet Newtoun


603 664 605 609 684 602 648



Margaret Christie Catharine James Calendar, merchant Christian James Andersone, skinner David, tailor Elspeth M'Intosh


24 July
10 Oct.
14 Jan.

620 616 633

632 675 693 618 600

Mr. George, minister

Gilbert, tailor
; ;

Janet Janet John, tailor Margaret Broun Marion Rutherfoord John, tailor John, tailor Christian Lowdiane Isobel Blaikader John, workman Robert, vulgar schoolmaster Margaret Broun
; ; ; ;

Elizabeth at Bouden Beatrix Bishope Thomas Mullikin, merchant James Ramsay, skinner


June June 25 Mar. 4 Nov.


14 Oct. 8 Nov.

Rachel Gibsone Thomas, merchant Janet Mullikin Thomas, tailor Susanna Bavtleman William, tailor Margaret Hill


22 Apr. 14 July 5 Sept. 10 June 25 Mar. 27 Nov. 26 Apr.

629 624 632 646 676 656 630 600 656 650

See also Milligan.

Mungall (Mongall, Mongle, Mungell), Anna

William Rodger,
8 July 28 June 3 July 18 Jan. 12 July

mason Anna David



Barbara John Smyth, drummer James, merchant Margaret Beg James, weaver Helen Archebald James, weaver Margaret Whytlaw James, weaver Bessie Smyth

1673 1689 1645 1649


June 1627

25 Jan. 1638

1 1


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


['595- 1700.

Mungall (Mongall, Mongle, Mungell), John, merchant

John, merchant Jean Tailyefeir Munn (Mun), Duncan, bookbinder Bessie Watsone Duncan, bookbinder Janet M'Aulay Duncan, younger, tanner Catharine Nicoll Jean John Kirkland, gardener John, tailor Janet Hutchesone John, tailor Bessie Grieve Bessie Crightoun John Murchie, Agnes Archibald Hutcheson Quentin, footboy Margaret Young

; ;
; ; ;

Agnes Glas
2 July 1630 9 Aug. 1655 17 Sept. 1639 4 Feb. 1657 19 Mar. 1646 4 Jan. 1667 14 July 1642 22 Feb. 1650 7 Jan. 1668 26 Feb. 1667 19 Dec. 1638

Murdoch (Mordoch, Murdo,

Norie, baker

Murdow), Agnes

14 June 1666 7 Apr. 1 67 23 Jan. 1600


John Howdoun,
; ;


Atexander, tailor Alexander, tailor Alexander, tailor


Eupham Johnnestoun
Margaret Jack Marion Gairdner

9 June 1664
17 Sept. 1674 12 Nov. 1595


Alexander Helen Clerk Alison John Laucheland, tailor Andrew, marikin-dresser Catharine Murdo Barbara John Watsone, merchant Bessie John Patersone, shoemaker George Reid, workman Bessie Bessie Archibald Willson, flesher Bessie George Low, gardener Catharine John Hair in Lesmahagow Catharine Robert Tweedie, tailor Catharine Adam Jolie, weaver Catharine Alexander Forbes, tailor Catharine Andrew Murdo, marikin-dresser
; ;
; ; ;

24 Feb. 1601 2 June 1 63 30 Aug. 1632 4 June 1635 13 Mar. 1657 3 Dec. 1675 6 Dec. 1677 15 Feb. 1610 22 June 1620 12 Aug. 1624 21 July 1626
2 June 1631 19 June 1633 22 July 1684


Catharine James Mounth, tailor Catharine David Hardie, cordiner Catharine Robert Dobie David, cooper Margaret Gilgour Richard Little, ropemaker Elizabeth George, weaver Elspet Matthisone
; ; ; ;


June 1690 26 July 1649


June 1681 25 Apr. 1626


James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James,

Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet

James Gall cordiner Elizabeth Mairtine cordiner Christian Grahame Margaret Lyll cordiner
; ; ;

tailor tailor
; ;

Agnes Denholme
Margaret Clerk


Eupham Thomesoune

Janet Wilsoune

Eupham Dowgall John Scot, workman Robert Howiesone, printer in the Mint house Robert Wilsoun, merchant John Wilsoun, merchant William Anderson, carpenter James Crocket, merchant James Constable John Smith Jean James Miller, soldier Mr. John Janet Dundas, by Dr. John Robertson John, apothecary Anna Stuart, married by Mr. John M'Queen

Dec. 1688 30 July 1658 25 Apr. 1661 20 June 1678 17 Dec. 1629 30 June 1676 18 Nov. 1606 16 Feb. 1596 2 Apr. 1657 18 Dec. 1606 5 Nov. 1647 4 Mar. 1652 29 Mar. 1660 19 Nov. 1674 21 Aug. 1684 19 Apr. 1687 21 Dec. 1688 5 Oct. 1679 22 Feb. 1687

B. 6 Jan. 1676

John, cook Christian Finlay John, shoemaker ; Marion Tailyefeir Katharme Fogow John, tailor

6 July 1666 27 June 1637 24 July 1604


Edinburgh Marriage



Murdoch (Mordoch, Murdo, Murdow), John,


Isobel Dickson
7 June 1677 14 Oct. 1629 3 July 1685 8 Nov. 1649

John Margaret Listoun John Isobel Mathie Margaret John Pow, merchant Margaret Alexander Home, messenger Marion Thomas Adame, workman Marion Thomas Patoun, tailor Marion William Chirrilaw, writer Neill, apothecary Helen Courtie Nicol, maltman Helen Christie Rachel John Pittillo Robert, merchant; Agnes Balfour
; ; ;

29 Apr. 1684
19 Mar. 1605 17 Oct. 1622 3 Sept. 1646 8 Apr. 1647

Robert, writer

Elizabeth M'Dougall,


Uthrik M'D.,

Thomas, Broun Thomas, coriar Marion Phinnie Thomas, marikin-dresser Janet Pearsone William, chopman Isobel Wilsoun
; ;

late bailie " coriar ;" Agnes


20 July 30 Nov. 18 Dec. of the deceased Sept. 1696, m. 3 Oct.

1620 1686 1634


7 Jan. 1641

19 July 1642 19 June 1623


William, William, William, William, William,


coriar ; coriar coriar; Jean Mofifett tanner, son of the


Janet Job Alison Rentoun Margaret Moffet


Mar. 1620 Nov. 1639

i July 1641 16 June 1659 7 Dec. 1677



deceased William M., Barbara Hutton, d. of dein

ceased James H., maltman

27 Feb. 1698, m. i Apr. 1698 16 Nov. 1643 19 Oct. 1641 19 July 1660 16 Dec. 1636 i Jan. 1658 n Sept. 1698 18 Oct. 1610

Murgone, Edward, mariner; Grisel Lathrisk Murisone, Duncan, litster Sara Patersone Isobel James Miller, stabler





Murker, Alexander, tanner Janet Scott Murkland, Hanna Mr. Alexander Leslie Jean Robert Wilsoun, cordiner
; ;

Murray of Arthurstone, John, fiar Anna Hamilton, married by Mr. William Annand, Dean 13 Aug. 1678 of Blackbarony, Sir Alexander, younger Dame Margaret Wallace, by warrant of Abp. of Glasgow to Dr. William Gardyn 28 July 1687 of Boge, Gideon Elizabeth Logan, by warrant of my Lord Bishop of Edinburgh to Mr. Charles Forrester

10 Oct. 1684 of Carlaverock, Mr. Mungo Isobel Swintoun 31 Aug. 1670 of Deuchar, James Elizabeth Thomsone, widow of Robert Watsone of Grange, W.S. pro. 27 Oct. 1700 of Dolary, Patrick Helen Grahme, by warrant of B.
; ;

Edin. to Mr. Alexander Ramsay 31 Aug. of Haddin, William, younger Margaret Gladstains, lawful dau. of the deceased G. of that Ilk, married 4th July, without proclamation, by Mr. John Langlands, late minister at Hawick 28 July of Murraywhat, George; Christian Forrester 12 Jan. of Penniland, James Elizabeth Wilsoun 24 Oct. of Pitlochie, Andrew Anna Menteith 17 Sept. of Philiphaugh, James Anna Hepburn, married by Mr. John Robertson 24 Apr. of Stainhope, Mr. David Lady Anna Bruce 16 Apr. of Temple, James, younger Mrs. Anna Ker, married by Mr. Patrick Trent, minister of Temple 28 Oct. of Wester Livylands, Mr. Robert Elizabeth Jousie, dau. to John J. of Westerpanns 13 Feb.


1693 1693 1661 1657 1678 1684



Murray, Adam,

,, ,,

Edinburgh Mm^riage
tailor; Janet


[1595- 1700.


3 Sept. 1663

Edward Marchbanks Agnes; Thomas Kinnisman, tailor Agnes Thomas Gray, tailor
Mrs. Agnes
; ;

Agnes; Mr. Richard Douglass, advocate Agnes William Hopper, litster, from South Leith Agnes Thomas Storie Agnes, widow of Mr. John Eleis, younger, advocate

4 Apr. 1685 23 Nov. 1618 6 Jan. 1635 13 Mar. 1673 9 July 1674 6 July 1677


Daliell of


18 Apr. 1682

Captain John Stirling 29 Jan. 1691 Alexander, son to Sir Alexander M. of Blackbarony Susanna Dowglass, dau. to the Laird of Maines, after proclamation in Edellston and Easter Kirkpatrick, were married by Mr. Annand, Dean 23 Dec. 1684 Alexander, glover Grizel Clerk, married by Mr. William Annand 3 Aug. 677 Alexander, messenger Eupham Stuart 2 Feb. 649 Alexander, tailor Marion Bailyea 4 Aug. 629 Alexander, tailor Isobel Forrester 19 Jan. 641 Alison John Home, skinner 30 June 601 Alison 12 Oct. 615 James Tailyeour, cordiner Andrew, merchant Jean Mowet 650 15 Feb. Andrew, merchant Margaret Tait i July 659 Andrew, weaver Agnes Bird 8 July 647 Anna Henry Dennistoun, stationer 9 Dec. 652 Anna Mi-. Robert Mortimer, minister 21 Dec. 669 Anna George Steill, baker 22 July 670

Anna Anna; Anna Anna

William Whyte, merchant John Marjoribanks, merchant Robert Cudbert Robert Rutherfurd

7 Jan.

17 Apr. 18 Apr. 18 Aug.

676 679
692 692 683 680 660 634 643 680

Mr. Anthony Catharine Little Barbara Robert Sandes, indweller Beatrix James Letham, baker Bessie William Meaklejohnne, glover Bessie James Duncan in Bonitoun
; ;

23 Aug. 25 Nov.
12 July

15 July 21 Sept.


Andrew Smyth


4 June 8 Feb.

Bethia Archibald Hamilton, bailie 26 Oct. Mrs. Catharine Mr. John Murray, tutor of Stormonth i Jan. Catharine James Cooke, workman 23 Sept. Catharine Thomas Murray, tailor 13 Oct. Catharine John Bisset, chirurgian 29 July Catharine Robert Penman, writer 27 July Catharine James Edmondstoun, writer 9 Oct. Catharine Patrick Service i Dec. Catharine John Robertson 28 Feb. Catharine James Russell 22 Nov. Charles Houstoun, married bv Mr. John 'Queen 6 Oct. Charles by warrant of B. St. Andrews
; ; ; ; ;
; ;


678 673 629 646 647 665 673 687


687 609 616 690


Mr. Alexander Ramsay


17 12

Dec. Dec.

Christian David Oswald Christian James Ross, flesher Christian Robert Stronoch Daniel, grenadier in the town guard of deceased James M. in Moffat, N. N. K. parish

19 Oct.

Mary Moffett, now residenter



6 Oct. 1700, m. 22 Oct.

1 1

David, cook Alison Oswall David, cordiner Janet Tumble David, cordiner Helen Rutherfuird
; ;


18 Apr.
1 1

700 636 662 663


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


1656 1609 1632 1642 1643 1644 1604

Murray, David, gentleman Margaret Heriot 26 Feb. David, merchant Marion Sandelandis 2 Mar. ,, David, merchant Sara Thomsone 13 June David, merchant Agnes Broun 30 June ,, David, merchant Barbara Fowler 19 Sept. David, merchant Catharine Hilstoun 5 Nov. David, skinner Agnes Broun 24 July David, skinner Janet Wood 8 Aug. David, skinner Bessie Mackie i July ,, David, tailor Janet Scot 24 Feb. ,, David, violer Grizel Anderson ,, 13 June David, violer Janet Anderson, by order of the Bishop
; ; ;

1624 1620 1675

19 Sept. 1679

David, weaver Margaret Baxter 24 Apr. David Bessie Hadden 27 Jan. Donald, cook Magdalene Ewart 21 Nov. Mrs. Elizabeth John Auchmutie 13 Feb. Mrs. Elizabeth William Don of Littlwood 13 Nov. Mr. George Leslie, minister at Holyroodhouse Elizabeth
; ; ;

1685 1665 1671 1677 1698

19 Aug. 1640 Elizabeth John Andersone 8 Mar. 1659 Elizabeth James Murray, brother-german to the Laird of Philiphaugh 17 Mar. 1664 Elizabeth Thomas Bell 3 Dec. 1680 Elizabeth John Huison, m.erchant 14 Mar. 1697 Elizabeth Robert Murray 28 Aug. 1698 Elspeth Andrew Reade, stabler 25 Aug. 1608 Elspeth George Blaikie, baker 1 June 1646 Elspeth Thomas Smyth, gardener 24 June 1669 Elspeth William Crightoun 18 Aug. 1670 Emilia Alexander Belshis 9 Feb. 1696 George, bower Jean Ker 17 Mar. 1676 George, brother-german to my Lord Elibank Elizabeth Arskine, married by Mr. Archibald Turner B. 13 Feb. 1670
; ; ; ;
; ; ;

George, gentleman Helen M'Gill, .married by Mr. William Annand 22 June George, ship carpenter Catharine Gordon 5 June George, soldier Isobel Fouller 4 Apr. Gideon, merchant Bessie Schaw 13 Aug. Gideon, merchant; Anna Schaw 13 Dec. Gideon, merchant Margaret Cockburn, d. of Richard C. of Clerkington 6 Feb. 1698, m. 25 Feb.
; ; ;


1676 1644 1659


,, ,,

Grizel Grizel

John Baillie, merchant John Lowis Mrs. Helen Patrick Murray, son
; ; ;

10 July 1677 14 Nov. 1682

to Sir

James M. of


June 1681

Helen Helen Helen Helen

Caddell, silk weaver Alexander Layng, indweller John Miller



18 Sept. 1668

27 Aug. 1669
21 Sept. 1676

Daniel Shaw, weaver Mrs. Henrietta Sir John Dalyell Henry, indweller Barbara Stalker Humphray, horseboy Catharine Buchan Isobel; Ninian Lainrik, cordiner
; ; ;

Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel


John Stuart, merchant Francis Arneill, merchant Robert Leitch

Peter Kincaid, flesher Henry Wyllie Mr. James Margaret Stevenson, married by Mr. Robert Bruce 29 Apr. i68t
; ;

22 Nov. 1692 17 June 1686 13 Nov. 1690 22 Dec. 1646 30 Nov. 1613 12 Aug. 1628 ro July 1660 22 Feb. 1666 2 July 1680 13 Jan. 1686

1 1 1


Edinburgh Marriage Register.




Isobel Sympson Murray,^] ames, brewer 17 Nov. James, brother-german to the Laird of Philiphaugh Elizabeth Murray, married by Mr. John Robertson 17 Mar. James, clerk to his Majesty's guard of horse Magdalene Johnstoun, married at Halyruidhouse by Mr. John B. 23 Jan. M'Queen James, commissary-clerk of Dumblane Agnes Callen der, d. of David C, writer to Treasury and Exchequer 15 May 1698, m. 22 June Isobel Blow, d. of James, litster, burgess of Edinburgh deceased John B., baker in Edinburgh 23 Jan. 1698, m. 4 Feb. II Dec. James, mason Giles Lightbodie James, merchant Bethia Maull 9 Sept. 16 Nov. James, merchant Elspeth Hunter 31 Jan. James, merchant Bessie Toddoch James, merchant Jean George 4 June Anna Johnstoun, married by Mr. James, merchant 6 Apr. John Robertson 2 June James, soldier Elspeth Home Feb. 1 James, tailor Bethia Stevinsone James, tailor Agnes Lin 29 June James, tailor Margaret Murray 3 June James, workman Susanna Alane 25 June James, wright Marion Cochren 27 June James, wright Catharine Fleeming 13 July 13 Nov. James, younger, writer Catharine Martine 9 Mar. James, younger, writer Jean Stark James Helen Somervell 7 Jan. 27 Feb. James Janet Thin Janet James Dobie, flesher 9 May 22 Nov. Janet Thomas M'Corne, merchant Janet Nicolas Veillant, servitor to the Earl of Kinghorn





1698 1668
1 60 1630 1638 1658

1682 1668 1613 1660 1673 1612 1637 67 1639



1617 1666 1604 1608

21 Jan. 1619

Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet

William Smyth, candlemaker

John Weenies George Purdoun, stabler Robert Aikman, merchant George Suitie, younger, merchant Dougall Cameron, tailor

17 July 1632 12 Nov. 1635

Edward Brockie
James Muirhead, surgeon William Ker of Newtoun James Cranston David Plenderleith James Watsone, merchant James Dalgleish, baker

Jean Jean Jean Jean


20 Feb. 1649 9 Feb. 1667 24 Aug. 167 27 Dec. 1677 23 Nov. 1682 5 Sept. 1683 24 Nov. 1670 14 Jan. 1687 8 Mar. 1696 5 Aug. 1613
27 Oct. 1641 27 Oct. 1641 31 Dec. 1657 5 Mar. 1661

Thomas Henrysone, advocate

Jean Jean Jean Jean Jean Jean Jean Jean Jean Jean

George Milne, tailor John Ivie, silk weaver Robert Smarte, cordiner James Clerk, writer


Pryde, soldier

William Ross, indweller Alexander M'Kinnie Archibald Fisher John Anderson, wright Andrew Eatingar Andrew Martine Alexander Low, glover

1669 1669 1670 1674 25 May 1679 24 June 1680 8 Dec. 1682 24 Aug. 1686 18 Apr. 1691 23 Nov. 1693

June June 3 Nov. 27 Aug.



Edinburgh Mar7nage Register



Murray, Jean Mr. Robert Whyt, advocate 14 Feb. 1697 Mr. John, advocate Mrs. Jean Scott 27 Apr. 1694 Mr. John, advocate Jean Scott, d. of Sir John Scott of Ancrum 5 Feb. 1699, m. 20 Feb. 1699 Mr. John, junior, advocate, brother-german to Patrick M. of Livingstone Martha Douglas, eldest lawful
; ; ;

dau. of


D., writer

pro. 4 Apr. 1697


Mr. John, tutor of Stormonth Mrs. Catharine Murray, married by Mr. John I Jan. 'Queen John, cook Agnes Greinhead 17 Aug. 17 Nov. John, cook Marion Alisone I Oct. John, cooper Agnes Elphinstoun 20 Sept. John, glover Margaret Bowie 28 Apr. John, indweller Isobel Clerk

673 648 654 605 632



John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John,


Isobel Fouller

mason mason

Catharine Hoode Jean Wright merchant Sara Nicolsoune merchant Janet Lawthian merchant Janet Dainzell
; ; ;

27 Feb. 13 Sept. 21 Mar.

21 Apr.

merchant Margaret P2dyer merchant Jean Whyte, married upon the 28th instant John, tailor Margaret Fender

4 Jan. 10 Oct. 20 Oct.


679 633 679 608 610


673 672 647 630 647 666
631 647



27 Oct.

Marion Johnstoun Wright Christian Lowis writer Margaret Bennet John Barbara Udwart John Margaret Hill John Jean Jarden, by Mr. John Ferqhard John Jane Crookshanks Lilias Robert Broun, tailor Lilias Alexander Sinclair Magdalene Alexander Douglass, writer Mrs. Margaret Captain John Whyt Margaret Robert Hakket Margaret William Malloche, baker Margaret Henry Lauder, wright Margaret John Kirkland, weaver Margaret John Daviesone, tailor Margaret Alexander Wilsoun, flesher Margaret Mr. John Gilmour, advocate Margaret Alexander Andersone, baker Margaret Andrew Grier, merchant Margaret Walter Montgomrie, sievewrignt Margaret William Scott, tailor Margaret John Moffett, merchant Margaret Doctor Michael Young Margaret George Hannay, merchant Margaret James Murray, tailor Margaret Andrew French Margaret John Leirmonth, writer Margaret Mr. Robert Pitcairn, writer Margaret Thomas Douglass Margaret Laurence Donn, tailor Margaret James Clerk, cordiner Margaret Thomas Edgar, surgeon Margaret; William Baptie Margaret; John Robertson Margaret Thomas Cook

John, John, John, John,




June Aug. 14 Dec.



14 July

27 Apr. 24 Nov. 26 June

12 Nov. 18 Sept.

Mar. Nov.

686 688 657 698 665 687


2 July 8 Dec.




30 Dec.
15 Sept.



12 July

22 Dec. 13 Jan.



6 Aug. 10 Jan. 23 Nov.

3 June
5 5

607 629 635 640 648 653 655 657 659 661 668

June Aug.

670 670 673 674

675 675 677 678

3 Dec. 16 Feb.
1 1



685 685

9 Sept.
17 21



4 June


Edinburgh Marriage Register.

James Paterson Marion Patrick Somervell Marion George Dinmure, flesher Marion James Marshell, weaver Marion Alexander Laurence, horseboy Marion John Anderson, younger, baker Marion James Scot, writer Marjory James Donaldsone, cordiner Mary; Alexander Cockburne, wright Mary James Clerk, feltmaker Mary David Ramsay, sediler Mary; John Cuninghame of Enterkine Matthew, writer Mary Lindsay Mr. Mungo Agnes Johnstoun
; ; ;

[1595- 1700.

Murray, Margaret




Nicolas Gilbert Neilsone of Craigcaffie, advocate Nicolas; Mr. Kenneth Mackeynyea Mrs. Helen Patrick, son to Sir James M. of Skirling 2 Murray, married by Mr. William Annand, Dean 11 Patrick, cordiner Janet Weir Patrick, mason Janet Hutoun 30 10 Patrick, merchant Janet Jamesone
; ; ; ; ; ;

3 Apr. i6g8 28 Jan. 1596 4 Sept. 1617 25 July 1622 30 Aug. 1636 16 July 1669 25 Sept. 1686 24 June 1635 16 Dec. 1652 21 Dec. 1660 17 Dec. 1674 i June 1677 17 Feb. 1665 8 Apr. 1652 18 May 1641 10 July 1661


Patrick, merchant Eupham Barde Patrick, parishioner in Fowlis Elizabeth Makgill Patrick, tailor; Jean Watson 25 Oct. 1671 Patrick Margaret Ogill, by warrant of B. Edin. to Dr. " Strachan 16 May 1686 Philip, tailor Christian Henrysone 31 July 1617 Rachel William Richard, merchant 26 Sept. 1667 Raynold Elspeth Hutchesoune 10 Nov. 1596 Richard, son of Sir Alexander M. of Blackbarony Mary Broun, married by Mr. John Paterson 16 Sept. 1670

June Nov. June June 15 Mar. 20 Dec.


1658 1676 1630 1655 1654

,, ,,




,, ,.

merchant, burgess of Edinburgh Elizabeth Murray, d. of deceased Sir Alexander M. of Blackbarony 28 Aug. 1698, m. 15 Sept. 1698 Robert, porter Helen Gilphillen 8 Aug. 1650 Robert, tailor, burgess his widow. See Marion Scott. 27 Oct. 1700, m. 22 Nov. 1700 Robert, wright Agnes Bennet 23 July 1646 Robert, wright Helen Muir 23 June 1674 Robert Jean Cochran, by Mr. John Hamilton in the N. K. I July 1686 Robert Catharine Swanston, by Dr. Gairnes in N. K. 2 June 1687 Ronald, merchant Janet Miller 29 July 1669 Ranald, merchant Marion Robertson 29 Apr. 1675 Sibilla Henry Wisheart, notary public 30 Apr. 1640 Thomas, cordiner Marion Palmer 13 July 1643 Thomas, cordiner Janet Morison 28 Apr. 1670 Thomas, locksmith Janet Pringle 9 Aug. 1667 Thomas, merchant Janet Hutchesone 26 Jan. 1643 Thomas, merchant Marjory Whyte 13 Sept. 1649
; ; ;

Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert,

chirurgian Janet Smyth glover Christian Kincaid

; :

merchant merchant merchant merchant merchant merchant merchant

Marion Thomesone
Catharine Young Elspet Thomsone

11 Jan. 22 Dec. 9 Oct. 27 Nov. 17 Apr.

1649 1693

Margaret Stuart Alison Abercrombie Janet Menteith



13 July

27 Aug.
4 June

Anna Hay

1628 1638 1638 1641 1644 1646

Thomas, merchant; Helen Hill Thomas, merchant Bessie Watson


2 Oct. 1651

Nov. 1668


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


13 Oct.

Murray, Thomas,


Catharine Murray






Thomas Thomas



Walter, a

Mary Grier 25 dragoon Mary Lands, married by Mr. Alex;

6 July Jan.

646 647 609 689



ander Malcolme Walter, merchant



1 Sept. of Robert K., W.S. 29 Jan. 1699, m. 13 Feb. Walter, merchant Janet Paterson, d. of Robert P., pro. 30 July commissary clerk of Peebles





Walter, shoemaker Marion Smyth Walter, tailor Bessie Christie



Walter Mary Ker Mr. William, writer Catharine M'Call William, baker Elspeth Yair William, glover Agnes Tod, by warrant of Mr. Alexander Ramsay

Aug. Mar. 10 Dec.


27 Oct.
7 -^ug.

638 602 668 614 633

B. Edin. to 21 Apr.

10 June William, indweller Isobel Yooll William, merchant Jean Cranstoun 8 Dec. i Dec. William, tailor Jean Johnstoun William, wright Isobel Ha^gine 17 June Wi]liam,writer; Janet Orr, married by Mr. John iNI'Queen 7 Jan. William Katharine Wallace 9 July William 8 July Margaret Robertsone 10 Dec. William Janet Milne i Dec. William Beatrix Vernour ,, William Isobel Lasoun Halyruid, 19 Nov. William Marion Hunter 30 Nov. Mrs. sister to Blackbarony John Scot of 8 Apr. Sinton 6 June Gilbert Eraser, merchant ,, Murriell, Agnes 20 July Robert Fala, tailor Janet John Glasfoord, slater 15 July Walter, slater Bessie Scot 17 Apr. Walter, slater Alison Donaldsone 24 June Musgrave (Mosgrave), Elizabeth William Campbell 14 Aug. t. Mushart, Marjory Hector Craig, cordiner 25 June Mushet (Muschet), Adam, merchant Janet Kinneir
; ; ;

686 670 625 635 658 683


662 663 668 673

686 622
615 619 605 617


[lege 1665), 19 Jan.



John Watson,


John Christian Hutcheson Thomas, flesher Christian Hamilton Mustard, Agnes John Dowglas, husbandman James, mariner Janet Alane ,, John, weaver Agnes Dicksone Mutter (Mutar, Muter), George Isobel Alexander Isobel James Marline, smith ,,

George, glover Jean Limpetlaw Isoljel Alexander Milne, flesher James, baker Marion Hammilton Janet George Easdale, slater Janet Walter Smith Janet Thomas Stivenson John, baker Janet Hutoun
; ; ; ;

24 Oct. 6 June 22 Mar. 29 Dec. 14 July

664 679 650 678 653


Dec. 7 Apr. 19 Nov.




18 July 16


688 700 646 675 690 613


Aug. 6 Aug. 28 Nov.

1 1

31 Jan.


; ;

Thomas, Myben, John

Small, smith smith Isabel Barbour Janet Chrichton, married at

; ;

29 Feb.
16 Jan.


29 July

Myles, David, tailor Helen Cameron David, tailor Elspeth Lamb David, tailor Helen Reid ,, Gilbert, mason Bessie Patoun
; ;


22 June pro. 2 July 29 Apr.

618 644 626 644 606 686 675 680 699



Edinburgh Mar^Hage



Myles, Patrick, tailor Margaret Uick Robert, tailor Alison Davidson William, brewer Janet Pillmour See Janet Pilmuir. William, workman ; his widow.

24 Sept. 1656 4 Dec. 1673 14 July 1676

Nairn (Nairne) of Mukcarsie, Mr. John Barbara Cant 25 Feb. 1647 of St. Fuird, Alexander Elizabeth Hamiltoun, widow of pro. 10 Apr. Mr. James Lyon of Balhall



John Cowpland, merchant


Bessie John Flint, merchant Catharine John Denholme, merchant Catharine George Young, mealmaker William Richardson, merchant Christian David, gardener Janet Tod
; ;


Joseph Young

Elizabeth Stevenson, married by Mr. John


John Lindsay, wright, indweller Laurence Barnes, merchant Elizabeth Tode James, merchant James, merchant Anna Watson James, tailor Janet Calder James Margaret Eccles ,, Jean James Stuart, coriar Jean William Noble Marion Tod John, merchant John, merchant Janet Maxwell ,, John Elizabeth Hog Mr. Alexander Carmichael Judith Margaret James Learmonth, skinner Marion Patrick Robertson, brewer ,, Naismith (Naesmyth, Naismyth, Nasemith, Nasmith, Naysmith, Neasmyth, Nesmith), Agnes Robert Persell, merchant




Andrew M'Dowell

of Leftholl

Anna Anna

George Gallbraith, merchant Mr. George Robertson, minister of West

John Callender of Craigforth merchant Janet Johnstoun Margaret Mein Arthur, stabler David Boyd, merchant Elizabeth Elizabeth John Watson, cook Elspeth James Broun, merchant


Elspeth Elspeth

Helen Helen

William Porteous, mason Alexander Mein, mason Thomas Alane, merchant

John Clerk, writer Robert Hutton, weaver Isobel William Buchanan, merchant William Edmonstoun Isobel Mr. James Dame Jane Steuart, Lady Gordinston, by Abp. Glasgow, married loth April 30 Mar. 1688 Mr. James Isobel Loch 7 Jan. 1664 James, merchant Christian Boyde 19 Jan. 1615 James Catharine Broun 13 Oct. 1608 Janet Mr. Thomas Chalmers 4 Apr. 1616 Janet John Rutherfoord, merchant 4 Nov. 1641 Janet Robert Fleming, tailor 22 July 1679 Janet James Rait 17 Feb. 1693 Helen M'Mathe John, chirurgeon 26 Mar. 1600

29 July 1658 Aug. 1664 6 Apr. 1681 Calder 2 Oct. 1685 28 Aug. 1693 4 Aug. 1625 20 May 1624 20 July 1654 29 Aug. 1677 i Mar. 1 597 7 July 1642 4 June 1646 17 June 165S \ Aug. 1639 13 Oct. 1685 13 Dec. 1655 23 July 1699

1 1


Edinburgh Marriage



Naismith (Naesmyth, Naismyth, Nasemith, Nasmith, Naysmith, Isobel Paterson Neasmyth, Nesmith), John, mason 26 Nov. 3 Dec. John, wright Agnes Gow 4 Dec. John, writer Margaret Neilson 'Queen in the Tron Kirk John Margaret Bell, by Mr. John 17 June 22 Feb. Margaret Alexander Walkinshaw, wright Margaret Ale.xander Mein, mason 25 Jan. 26 Dec. Margaret; Michael Andison 6 Dec. Marion John Dowglas, wright 13 Oct. Marion Thomas Hamilton, mason Marion Haistie Michael, merchant 31 Aug. Michael, merchant Janet Cummyng 30 June Rachel; Andrew Harlaw, weaver 17 June Robert, burgess of Haddington Janet Gi-aham, d. of ,, pro. 21 Apr. deceased James G. of Leetston 12 Dec. Helen Anderson Robert, smith 11 June Robert, tailor; Janet Corss Robert, tailor Janet Law, d. of deceased Robert L., skipper in Dysart 4 Sept. 1698, m. 30 Sept. William, weaver Janet Pitie 24 Nov. 2 Nov. William, weaver Janet Dick Napier (Naeper, Naeper, Naiper, Naper, Neper, Nepper), Agnes
; ; ; ;

1674 1674 1673

1687 1610 1661 1682 1649 167 1648 1653 1670

1700 1679 1668

1698 1642 1648

,, ,,


James Ferrie, litster Agnes Alexander Coustine, peuterer Agnes William Leving'stoun, wright Agnes Thomas Hamilton Alexander, mealmaker Susanna Glen


Alexander, merchant Anna Balcanquall Alexander, soldier Philippe Nesse Andrew, apothecary Catharine Henrysone Archibald, embroiderer Marjory Gray Archibald, embroiderer Marion Somervell Archibald, peuterer Mary Merchinstoun Archibald, workman Catharine Gloover Archibald Agnes Thomson Archibald Elizabeth Forebess Barbara John Seatoun, attirer
; ; ; ;

Thomas Craig, stabler Beatrix Samuel Speirs Bessie John Nisbet, weaver Catharine James Tailyeour, merchant
; ; ;


Alexander Thomsone, merchant



Patrick Bannatyne, mariner David, plasterer, indweller Johanna Huison,d. of George H., mason in Prestonpans 23 May 1697, m. 11 June 1697 10 Sept. 1612 Elizabeth John Owstaine, tailor 21 Dec. 1632 Elspeth William Mackeynyea, cook Elspeth Robert Bowman, merchant 24 Jan. 1643 22 Dec. 1653 Elspeth John Porteous, schoolmaster Helen James Whyte, writer 10 Jan. 1650 10 Nov. 167 James, baker Grizel Henderson 20 Sept. 1610 Patrick Hepburne, apothecary Janet Jean Robert Bruce 30 May 1692 i June 1643 Mr. John Rachel Burnet 2 Apr. 1669 Marion Aikman John, maltman John, peutherer, son of deceased Archibald N., peutherer, burgess of Edinburgh Janet Houstoun, d. of deceased James H., farmer in Sandvvick in Orkney 28 Apr. 1700, m. 4 June 1700


Edinburgh Marriage Register.



Napier (Nseper, Naeper, Naiper, Naper, Neper, Nepper), John, 1 1 Jan. 1604 Helen Pyet tailor Mr. John Brisbain, Judge Advocate to Mrs. Margaret
; ;

his Majesty's Fleet

16 Sept. 1675
15 Oct. 1685


Margaret John Donaldson, soldier Mary William Gordoun, merchant Patrick, baker Elspet Young Patrick, baker Margaret Scot
; ;



Margaret Turnet Thomas, tailor Margaret Younger Margaret Burd William, stabler Margaret Fyfe, William, workman
; ; ; ;

Robert, wright Robert, wright

Janet Corsbie

1620 1657 19 Nov. 1639 5 Aug. 1679


24 Oct. 8 Apr. 20 July 16 July

661 1611 1624





William Nas, Barbara



Jan. 1699, m. 20 Jan. 1699

II Mar. 1687 28 Nov. 1639 27 July 1688

Jean Watt

John Reath, weaver Nicolas Porringer, by the Dean Nauchley, James Nawse (Nauss), Anna David Wood Robert Hadden, wobster Janet Neave (Neaue), Jean Alexander Baxter, tailor



June 1681 19 Oct. 1602 16 July 1661


See Kniblo.



Elizabeth Maitland, Tron kirk Alexander, bookseller Janet Johnstoun Alexander, merchant Janet Sincler Alison Robert Gill Catharine William Gilchrist David, tailor Agnes Hutsone Elizabeth William Ker, stabler




31 Dec. 1 Jan. 21 Nov.


in the

22 June 23 July
15 Mar. 21 Jan.

686 647 622 603 699

641 642

,, ,,




George, merchant Sara Fergussone George, messenger Janet Whyte George, smith Christian Vaitch George, tailor Christian Williamsone Robert Young Janet Janet James Clerk, flesher Janet Patrick Adam, janitor Janet John Baird in Tranent John, mason Janet Bell John, merchant Janet Sheill John, tailor Jean Thomsone John, tailor Elspeth Broun Rebecca Lavvson John, tailor Margaret Nicolson John,
; ; ; ;
; ; ;

22 Apr. 2 July 29 Dec.

19 June 19 Apr. 21 Apr.

624 634 670 623


26 Aug.
10 Dec. 19


24 Aug.
19 Dec. 21 Apr.




Malcolm Elizabeth Gray Margaret William Young, meilmaker Margaret William Bowie, skinner Margaret James Semple, wright Margaret John Gilgowre, tailor Margaret Robert Forrest of Bankhead Margaret Adam Alane, tailor Robert, cordiner Margaret Vaws

28 Jan. 25 Apr. 19 June

5 Feb. 20 Aug. 23 Apr.



26 Apr.

30 Nov.

Robert, cordiner Isobel Allerdyce 27 June Robert, smith Susanna Fyfe 9 June Robert, writer Isobel Measlet 25 Jan. Thomas, cordiner Grisel Gaffe 2 Aug. Neilson (Neillsoun, Neilsone, Neilsoune) of Craigcaffie, Gilbert,

643 647 674 673 676 637 659 676 684 610 607 612 639 644 647 660 609 637 682 644 603
625 641 673 606 601


Lucres Dawling

of Craigcaffie, Gilbert, advocate Nicolas of Maxwood, Alexander Jean Neilson



19 18

May May

22 Aug.
19 June

Adam, Agnes


Elspeth Boyd John Quhyt, cutler


30 June


Edinbiu'gh Marriage Register,



Neilson (Neillsoun, Neilsone, Neilsoune), Agnes

,, ,,

Henry Grundie
21 Feb. 1661

Alexander, merchant Alexander, merchant


,, ,,


,, ,,

,, ,,

Helen Patersone Grissell Campbell Barbara Alexander Deuchar, writer Catharine; John Sharp, tailor Christian Andrew Groser Christian Gavin Stenhous, baker Cornelius, indweller Susanna Cassie Cornelius, merchant Sibilla Stevin Cornelius, merchant Margaret Reith Cornelius, merchant Helen Scott David, tailor Barbara Boyek Edward, miller Isobel Yellowleyes Elizabeth Andrew Clerk, merchant Elspeth William Henrysone, flesher Elspeth Andrew Steill, weaver Elspeth; Walter Crookshank, cordiner
; ; ; ;




22 Apr. 1652 6 Nov. 1654 23 Mar. 1677 13 Aug. 1672 i6 June 1596 22 June 1648 27 Aug. 1669 16 Aug. 1659 11 Jan. 1672 30 Apr. 1674 24 June 1647 30 Nov. 1643 10 Dec. 161 11 Feb. 1608 12 Feb. 1635 11 Dec. 1638 Elspeth Thomas Cesfoord, stabler 8 Dec. 1657 George, seaman in North Leith Jean Hamilton, d. of deceased Hugh H., baker, burgess, 20 Oct. 1700, m. i Nov. 1700 Helen Matthew Barnis, merchant 22 July 1619 Helen John Pollock 25 Feb. 1686 Hew, apothecary Isobel Guthree 20 Nov. 1657
; ;
; ;


Hugh, merchant


Isobel Montgomry, by Mr. William Baine, minister of Torphichen 23 Aug. Isobel John Young, flesher 3 July Isobel David Makgill, merchant 29 Oct. Isobel John Cotchwith, smith 4 Dec.
; ; ;



,, ,,

James, James, James, Janet

; ; ;








20 July Janet 31 Aug. Janet 3 Oct. 20 Nov. Janet Janet 27 Apr. Janet 23 June 22 Aug. Jean Jean 19 Nov. John, 25 June John, 23 Dec. Grisel Adamsone 28 Apr. John, flesher John, gardener Isobel Ethingtoun 25 May 20 Apr. John, hatmaker Janet Dow Margaret Scotte 26 June John, husbandman 2 Dec. John, merchant Jean Crightoun i Nov. John, merchant; Mary Bruce John, servitor to the Laird of Maner, in Abercorn parish Catharine Meldrum, d. of deceased John M. in Leuchars (test, from Linlithgow) 26 May 1700, m. 14 June 26 Aug. John, soldier Isobel Leslie Helen Auld 17 Dec. John, tailor Marion Thomson i Nov. John, workman 27 Dec. John, writer Jean Linn John Agnes Galdbreath, by Bp. Hamilton, Lord Dunkeld, in the N. K. 30 June Margaret John Morisone, tailor 15 Feb. Margaret; John Smyth, smith 15 Feb.
; ;

Helen Lethem Margaret Crawfoord slater Rebecca Currie Alexander Walker, painter John Schaw, tailor William Moore, husbandman Robert Harvie, locksmith William Sibbald, flesher Alexander Gray Alexander Neilson of Marwood David Mershell cook Elspeth Bosuall cordiner Agnes Henrysone
; ;
; ; ;


14 Jan.

25 June

1689 1645 1647 1655 1640 1634 1646 1609 1609 1643 1673 1683 1687 1673 1699 1647 1652 1626 1626 1615 1638 1652 1670

1700 1673 1599 1672 1692

1687 1621 1644

Margaret Alexander Ferquhar Margaret; Mr. Robert Blaikwood, merchant


10 Jan. 1660



1 1


Edinburgh Marriage Register.







4 Dec. 1673

Nasmyth, writer Margaret'; John Sumerville


7 July 2 July Porteous, tailor Margaret Clerk Peter, goldsmith 4 Mar. Robert, packman Marion Campbell 13 July 11 Dec. Robert, tailor Isobel Greig Isobel Broun, d. of deceased George B., Robert, writer 26 Feb. 1699, m. 24 Mar. bailie in Haddington



1700 1663 1652 1637 1679

William, cutler Janet Makkeun Christian Whann William, gardener William, stabler; Jean Milne ,, Neish (Neisch), David, indweller Christian Stalker Elizabeth Alexander Coutes, cordiner ,, Elspeth John Udward, mason ,, Elspeth Malcolm Broun, skinner James, baker Margaret Bisset Janet John Broun, mealmaker ,, Janet William Walker, tailor John, baker; Margaret Stuart ,,


Thomas, coalhewer Margaret Andersone Thomas, litster Margaret Whyte William, cutler Alison Broun
; ; ;

1699 26 Feb. 1652 8 Nov. 1632 28 Jan. 1619 19 Jan. 1637 28 Nov. 1673
15 Sept. 1671 17

June 1670

13 July 1666

6 Feb. 28 Mar. 20 Nov. 9 Nov. 24 July


1606 1650 1623 1624 1673 16 Nov. 1643

i Oct. 161 9 Dec. 1647



Robert Pollock,


Neil, draper




See Nimmo.

Nesfield, Elizabeth

Helen Grahame John, maltman Nesome, Laurence, walker Margaret Wilsoun Agnes Hume, Ness (Nesse), David, merchant
; ; ; ;

8 Sept. 168 27 Nov. 1656 2 Dec. 1619 widow of Robert Cockburn, merchant 2 Jan. 1698, m. 20 Jan. 1698 David Violet Hume 27 Jan. 1629 Philippe Alexander Najper, soldier ,, 7 Mar. 1650 Nevoy, Isobel Harry Crawfurd, younger of Seaton 9 July 1680 Margaret John Lyon, merchant 24 Jan. 1662 Robert, cook Mary Douglas, in N. K. by Mr. George Wilson I Nov. 1688 Newall (Newaill), Catharine David Norie, tailor 21 Oct. 1613 Euphani John Wilsoun, tailor 10 Nov. 1641 Elizabeth ]\Iaxwell, married by Mr. James, merchant William Meldrome 24 Dec. 1677 Patrick, tailor Agnes Blaikie 11 Sept. 1609 ,, Robert, slater; Agnes Mitchell ,, 15 Nov. 1667 William, writer in AUoway Marjory Auld, d. of deceased ,,
; ; ; ;

Gavin Hodge, writer






Mar. 1696, m.


Mar. 1696

Newberrie, Joseph
; ;

Janet Arnot Newbie, Helen Harry Young, vintner Helen William Wallace, brewer James, tailor Jean Birnie James, tailor his widow. See Jean Birnie. Thomas, tailor Elspeth Henrie ,, Newbigging (Newbigane), Helen John Symson, tailor Janet; Alexander Quhyt, calsemaker
; ;

10 Apr. 1677 22 Nov. 1649 18 Nov. 1652


Nov. 1676

16 June 1653 8 Dec. 1642 21 Dec. 1603

John Helen Moresoune Mungo, workman Janet Henry Robert, feltmaker Agnes Bowie Newlands (Newlandes), Bessie; Andrew Gray, locksmith Bessie Alexander Vert Bessie; James Craig, wright

; ; ;




Carneduft", tailor

10 Dec. 1595 17 Apr. 1605 9 July 1691 i July 1673 i July 1676 28 July 1676 23 Sept. 1613


Edinbuj'gh Marriage Register.



Newlands (Newlandes), David, merchant James Bischop, skinner (added) Isobel George Barclay, mariner


15 Dec. 1640 12 Aug. 1641 16 June 1647

Margaret; George Dowglas, merchant Margaret; Walter Dowglas Marion Peter Gibsoune, stabler Marion Robert Hamilton, mason Robert, skinner Chrystine Alane Newton (Newtoun), Christian James Ker, tailor Elizabeth; George Wood, gardener
; ;
; ;


Francis Hopkirk, chirurgian

Dec. 1628

21 July 1642




Aug. 1671

28 Apr. 1668 June 1605 i Dec. 167


Francis, son of .Andrew N., farmer in Stans Margaret Whyt, d. of deceased John W., maltman in Falkirk 22 Nov. 1696, m. 10 Isobel George Hog, merchant 31 Janet Andrew Millikin, merchant 22 Mr. James Hodge, doctor in the High School 29 Janet Janet James Pringle, tailor 6



Nov. Dec.

696 639 620 638 652



Jean William Gardiner, flesher Margaret Thomas Graham, litster Margaret Thomas Willson, litster Marion John Milne, tailor Robert, merchant Isobel Robesoune Robert Janet Johnestoun
; ; ;


19 July

30 Nov. 9 Dec.
16 Feb. 5 Sept. 17 Oct.

Thomas, indweller Agnes ]Morison Thomas, tailor Catharine Whyte Thomas, tailor Christian Johnstoun
; ; ;

654 667 649 600 602 672


1 1


Margaret Gleghorne William, cutler Margaret Bennett Nicol (Nicoll), Agnes George Tailer, writer Agnes David Frier, merchant Agnes Patrick Morison ,, Andrew, merchant Isobel Nicoll Andrew, tailor Agnes Guyler Andrew, tailor Jean Syd Anna; James P'entoun, tailor ,, Archibald, slater Marion Weir William Gray, writer Bessie Bessie Robert Miller, weaver
; ; ;


Feb. 3 Dec.

10 Nov.

9 Mar.


18 Jan. 21 June

29 June



Duncan Mun, younger, tanner


Dec. Feb. 16 Aug. 14 June 19 Mar.

2 11

628 596 667 646 666 689 655 632 669 628 672 657 677 646 638

Allan Fergussone, minister at Straeblain


Christian Walter Strachan, Christian; John Sharpe Christian Robert Scott

; ; ;


10 Oct.

,, ,, ,,


David, merchant Margaret Mortoun David, tailor Bessie Loue 30 Sept. David, tailor Agnes Clunis 18 Dec. Elizabeth Mr. John Semple 7 Oct. Elizabeth; William Porteous, workman 12 Nov. Elizabeth John Lawson, stabler i Feb. Elizabeth James Mein, son to Robert M., master of the Letter Office 26 Jan. Elspeth Thomas Cook, tailor 26 Oct. George, cook Jean Symsoun 6 Jan. George, merchant Janet Reid 9 Mar. George, tailor Margaret Robesone 30 Dec. George Sara Abercrumbie 26 May George Elizabeth Bennet, towards evening in the Isle of the old kirk by Mr. Ferquard 12 June George Janet Knight 3 May

Aug. 25 Mar. 9 June


679 683 646

641 691

669 674

643 620 643 658 6i8 688


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


[1595- 1700.

Nicol (Nicoll), Gilbert, merchant his widow. Sec Margaret Forsyth. Harry, writer Christian Leishman, married by Mr. John Robertson 28 Dec. 1677 Helen Thomas Symsone, mason 19 June 1632 Andrew Nicoll, merchant Isobel i8 Jan. 1655 Isobel James Innes, writer 17 Feb. 1663 ,, Isobel James Fairlie, writer 17 Dec. 1668 Isobel John Greir, cordiner 7 July 1671 Isobel John Crightoun, indweller 29 Feb. 1672 ,, Margaret Robertsoune 2 Aug. 1598 Mr. James 10 July 1623 James, cordiner Jean Drummond ,, 22 June 1625 James, " cordnie" Margaret Thomsone 16 Mar. 1596 James, merchant Marion Stevinsoune James, merchant Bessie Lawrie 27 July 1609 Bessie Park James, merchant 27 Apr. 1631 ,, James, periwig-maker, indweller Janet Stewart, servitrix to Gilbert Stewart, merchant, burgess, 17 Nov. 1700, m. 5 Dec. 1700 Isobel Broun 18 July 1656 James, surgeon ,, 6 July 161 James, tailor Janet Bordland 20 June 1627 James, tailor Agnes Elder ,, 12 Nov. 1635 James, tailor Elspeth Bell ,, James, tailor Anna Andersone 15 Sept. 1642 22 Aug. 1644 James, weaver Beatrix Scheill 2 July 1595 James Katharine Lowrie Janet James Johnstoun, bailie of Water of Leith 3 June 1619 William Dowie, workman Janet 31 Oct. J638 26 July 1649 Janet John Makgill, merchant 20 July 1652 Janet John Measour, flesher Robert Young, brewer 26 Nov. 1657 Janet Janet John Broun, writer 27 June 1662 16 June 1665 Janet John Tod, indweller William Inglis, cordiner Janet 7 July 1670 18 Aug. 1682 Janet Robert Nicoll, writer Janet Thomas Chapman 5 June 1690 10 July 1681 Jean Mr. John Borthwike, goldsmith i Aug. 1684 Jean James Dickison, cordiner 23 Apr. 1691 Jean Walter Glendinning 6 Sept. 1683 John, carter; Margaret Greir 8 July 1670 Elizabeth Thomson John, cordiner 13 Apr. 1683 John, cordiner Elspeth Anderson John, glover Helen Greig 3 July 1674 18 Dec. 1623 John, merchant Rebecca Walker 22 Dec. 1625 Janet Walker John, merchant Lilias Miller 22 July 1647 John, merchant Bessie Gray John, stabler 4 Dec. 1679 Christian Bordland 12 May 1618 John, tailor 15 Feb. 1644 John, tailor; Margaret Young Janet Mow John, workman 9 June 1642 10 Sept. 1647 John, workman Alison ]3rysoun Mary Campbell 30 Dec. 1653 John, workman 21 Oct. 1606 John, writer Bessie Thomesoune 12 Dec. 1627 John, writer; Magdalene Hutchesone 14 Aug. 1633 John Janet Kingyean Lilias Alan Logan, writer 13 Jan. 1668 Margaret John Fisher, tailor 31 July 1636 16 Oct. 1656 Margaret John Cranstoun, tailor 18 Feb. 1664 Margaret Andrew Steven, merchant Margaret George Grahame, fiar of Inchbrakie 17 Mar. 1665 Margaret James Fergusson, tailor 14 June 1667 Margaret James Broun, cordiner 31 Jan. 1675 Margaret James Wauch 17 Nov. 1684 ^ :.
; ;
; ;



Edinburgh Marriage Register.


29 Oct. 1699 o Mar 1647 ,7 Au^-. 1666 g Jufy 16-^9 --i June 1640 "3 ^^i^y 1698

Nicol (Nicoll), Margaret

; ;


Patrick Bessie in the S. Richard, merchant; Janet Lowes Robert, flesher Isobel Campbell Robert, tailor; Elizabeth Grenelaw Robert, writer; Janet Nicoll ,8 Au" Thomas, cordiner iMargaret Wickedschaw 5 Jufv Thomas, cordiner Margaret Wardlaw 5 July Thomas, cutler Catharine Lightoun 17 j^ne Thomas, merchant Katharine Gibsoune 21 July Thomas, merchant Marion Tindell 25 Jan. Thomas, workman Janet Bryson 30 June Thomas, wright Margaret Dudgeone 10 Nov Mr. William, indweller Elizabeth Mitchell Oct. Mr. William, schoolmaster Janet Young 18 Aug! William, cordiner Agnes Thomsone 26 Nov. William, cordiner Elspeth Fyfe 28 Apr! William, cordiner Elspeth Gray 14 June William, cordiner his widow. See Elizabeth Gray. William, maltman Bessie Reid 30 Dec. William, shearsmith Margaret Yealtoun 21 July William, workman "7 Oct. Marion Denham William, writer; Margaret Pryde 21 Apr! William, writer Margaret Sym, widow of Thomas Aird,

.,_,.,, Anderson,

Robert Paintland Marion Richard Somervell, merchant Marion Robert Shankes, tailor Marjory Robert Kae, baker Marjory; Thomas Sweetoun, baker Marjory John Mershell Mary George Young Nmian, writer Janet Liddaill Patrick, merchant Bessie Rantoun Patrick, merchant Marion Sutie Patrick merchant Isobel Heriot, married
; ;



U\\y 15-,



Apr. i6;7 at the West Kirk 20 Dec. 16159 K. bv Mr. M'Gill 7 Jan. 1690 7 Sept 16^4 26 Nov' 1644 "14 Peb" i^gS


1608 1608



1669 166; 1630 1681


1606 i66s 165^


stabler, clandestinely

married 17 instant




w'll'^"' William


Hamilton Jean Reid


Elspeth Wardlaw jy^g ,538 Nicolson (Nicollsone, Nicolsoune) of Kemnay, Thomas, younger Mrs. Margaret Nicolson, by warrant to Mr James Lundie 1*7 T l\r T AQ5 Agnes Archibald Nobill, merchant -.-. jan 1601 Agnes Allan Mure, flesher icTMar! 1602 Agnes John Wilsone, brasier 13 jjec' 16^8


3 3 i-

Mar! 1663

James Childers, town-officer Bessie James Dasoun, skinner Bessie George Gilchrist, hind Catharine John Duncan, weaver
; ;
; ;


27 Apr! 1684 20 Aug! 1611 20 June i6-'8



William Denham, cobbler




Christian George Turner, tailor Daniel, writer Jean Landes, married M'Math, minister at Lasswade

26 Mar! 1646 4 July 167-7

by Mr. John
12 Oct. 168''

David, candlemaker Margaret Dowglas David, merchant Marion Polloke


Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth

Elspeth Elspeth

George Wyseman, merchant William Scharp, fiar of Howstoun William Orr Mr. Robert Muirhead Alexander Listoun, baker


Fisher, tailor

ioJulyj6-'8 i Aug. 161 10 Feb. 16^9 13 June i6;o 14 June 167-' 16 Dec. 1688 30 Jan! 1606 25 June 1658



Edinburgh Marriage


[1595- 1700.

Nicolson (Nicollsone, Nicolsoune),

Francis, candlemaker Francis, candlemaker


Makrone, merchant
8 Oct.

Margaret Tweedie I June Agnes Moysie 20 Aug. Mr. George, advocate Margaret Haliburton, married 23 Apr. Gilbert, merchant Christian Weetfoote 9 Feb. Gilbert, poultryman Margaret Foresyth 20 July Gilbert, writer Barbara Seaton, married by Mr. JohrrM'Queen
; ; ; ;

Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel

Patrick Hervie, maltman Adam Nisbet, writer

10 Apr. 22 June
31 Dec. 8 June

James Duncan, tailor David Kay, weaver







Patrick Somervell

June Aug. 25 Nov.


James Dunbar of Mochrum John Watson Mr. James Elizabeth Rig James, merchant Janet Gourley, married by Mr. bald Turner James, tailor Agnes Austiane James, writer Agnes Cleland Gavin Williamsonne Janet
; ;





7 Feb.

13 Feb.

Janet; Josias Riard, "croseletmaker Thomas Hockat, weaver Janet, "test, to the p." Janet William Bell, shoemaker Janet John Haistie, weaver Janet Thomas Wilkie, merchant Janet John Smyth, tailor Janet Andrew Finlay, maltman in Portsburgh Janet Joseph Smith Jean James Fergusson, \\-orkman Margaret Nicolsone John, cooper Barbara Yoole John, creamer Isobel Cuninghame John, flesher John, janitor of the college Elizabeth Borthwike, married by Mr. Andrew Kynneir


Helen Bell John Tallour, merchant Lybra James Duncane, butterman Mrs. Margaret James Hamilton of Bancrief Mrs. Margaret Thomas Nicolson of Kemnay Margaret Simon Corbat Margaret John Nicolsone, cooper Margaret Mr. Da\id Dunmure Margaret Robert Goodfellow, baker Margaret James Chalmers, writer Margaret Archibald Edmondstoun, cordiner Margaret James Stevenson, flesher Margaret Rorie Gunn, indweller Margaret John Lawson Margaret John Neill, workman Margaret John Moor, brewer Marion George Hay, fiar of Balhousie Marion John Boyd, baker Mary James Reid, indweller Patrick, husbandman Barbara Muir Isobel Falconer Patrick, mariner Margaret Brysoun Patrick, tailor Elizabeth Broun Patrick, smith


Patrick, wright

Anna Lamb


Edinburgh Marriage Register



Nicolson (Nicollsone,
; ;


Nicolas Wilsoun
22 Nov.


Mr. Robert Blaw Sara John Murray, merchant Susanna James Eleis of Southsyde Richard, merchant Bessie Tailyeafeir Robert, mason EHzabeth Johnstoun
; ;

8 June 21 Apr.

20 Oct. 30 July
4 Sept. 9 Jan.

Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert,

mason mason mason mason



Helen Hay Helen Milne



24 Mar. 10 July by Mr. Fercjuard 28 June

694 608 664 639 657 662 664 674


Mr. Thomas, advocate Susanna Fairholme 2 June 633 Mr. Thomas, King's Advocate Rachel Burnet 24 July 649 Thomas, merchant Marion Ramsay >ec. 598 Thomas Janet Curry 25 Mar. 606 Mr. William Elizabeth Trotter, married 17 instant 18 Dec. 668 William, cordiner Janet Woode 608 5 June William, cordiner Helen Lockie 15 June 631 William, hatmaker Bessie Spens ]6 Jan. 605 William, mason Margaret Dick, dau. of John D., mer chant in Straven 9 May 1697, m. 4 June 697 William, merchant Grisel Wilsoune i Dec. 601 William, younger, merchant Janet Tailyefeir 8 Oct. 618 William, tailor Grisel Mortoun 23 Nov. 609 William Elspeth Wilsoune 19 Feb. 601 Niddry (Nidrie, Nidry, Nithrie), Andrew, merchant Margaret Ainslie 10 June 634 Andrew, weaver Catharine M'Farland 17 Dec. 680 Helen Walter Strachan 21 Apr. 693 Janet John Mitchel, husbandman i Dec. 631 Robert, tailor Janet Edmistoun 23 Aug. 636 Thomas, merchant Janet Ramsay 20 July 615 Thomas Margaret Anton, by Mr. Burgess in the S.K. 24 Dec. 689 Nimmo (Nemmo, Nemo, Nemok, Nimoke, Nymmo), Agnes Alexander Pyot, writer 13 Dec. 1598 Agnes John Ross, tailor 24 Feb. 1620


Neil Steuart

2 Oct. 1688 8

June 1630 9 Apr. 1667 i May 1666 21 Mar. 1675 22 Dec. 1612 Bessie James Duncan 10 Dec. 1686 Christian John Forbes, workman 9 June 1652 Elspet James Bryce, workman 11 Aug. 1612 Gilbert, cook Elspet Matthiesone 9 May 1616 Grissell David Wood, maltman 6 June 1605 Helen Thomas Greive, litster 30 Jan. 1680 Agnes Cochran, d. of John C, candleJames, tailor maker, burgess 18 Dec. 1698, m. 12 Jan. 1699 in Canongate 21 July 602 Janet James Edmestoun, tailor Janet William Moncreiff, servant to Doctor Suter 4 Oct. 655 Janet David Whyte, cordiner 13 July 676 18 July 622 Jean Walter Gibsoun, tailor Jean James Ker, tailor 23 Dec. 662 10 Nov. 693 John, farmer in Inglistoun Agnes M'Keldounie John, husbandman Jean Gairdner 17 July 632 John, indvveller Christian Boyd 17 July 660 John, weaver ; Margaret Broun 29 June 660
; ;
; ; ; ;

weaver Andrew Christian Hamiltoun Mr. Bernard, schoolmaster Jean Ham^ay Master Bernard Catharine Grahame Bessie James Noble, merchant




Edmbu7'gh Marriage Register.



Nimmo (Nemmo, Nemo, Nemok, Nimoke, Nymmo),

,, ,, ,,


weaver; Agnes Wylie Margaret Jamison John, writer Margaret Robert Maxwell, writer Margaret John Adamesone, tailor Margaret John Clerk, mason Margaret David Bennet, glover Margaret James Menteith Margaret John Law, wright Marion James Barbour, tailor Marion George Ker, tailor

19 July 8 Aug.

20 Nov.


13 Nov. 17 Apr.

20 Apr.


9 Apr.


Patrick, tailor Patrick, tailor

Isobel Pook Isobel Forrester


13 Dec.

27 Apr.
15 21

Dec. William, tailor Catharine Maistertoun 13 June William Jannet Paris, to be married by Mr. William Annand, Dean. [This entry is on a slip of paper 12 Feb. inserted here.] Nisbet (Nesbeth, Nisbett, Nisbit, Nisbitt) of Dalzell, Robert, younger; Rachel Nisbet. 31 Dec. Mrs. Jane Bennet of Dirleton, W^illiam 29 Mar. ,, Adam, lawful son of Sir Alexander N. of West Nisbet ,, Janet Akinhead 24 Mar. Adam, husbandman Margaret Mitchell Adam, writer Isobel Nicolsone Mrs. Agnes John Home of Nynwells ,, Agnes Adam Turnet, tailor ,, Agnes Mr. George Lasoun, writer


Thomas, merchant Marie King Mr. William Marion Donaldsone

; ;




Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes



,, ,,

Mr. Robert Levingstoun Mr. Alexander Heriott Mr. Archibald Douglass William Steven Alexander, candlemaker Alison Thomesoune Alexander, mason Marjory Lourie Catharine Porterfield, married Alexander William Annand, 10 November 1665 Andrew, candlemaker Agnes Binning Anna Colin Falconer Barbara James Chalmers, tanner Barbara David Aikinhead Bessie Thomas Wilsoun, tailor Catharine Alexander Baxter, wright Catharine John Pearsone, flesher Catharine George Watsone, writer Catharine William Chrystisone, clothier Catherine Walter Riddell, merchant
; ;



Patrick Clerk, maltman


,, ,,


Catharine George Mershall, tailor Catharine W^illiam Broun in Chirnside Catharine James Walker Beatrix Broun David, baker David, baker Magdalene Scotte Agnes Home, married by Mr. John David, merchant

Marion Spotte Edward, writer Margaret Williamsone Elinor Mr. Alexander Swintoun Elizabeth John Riddoch, indweller Elspet John Cochren, turner Eupham George Glendinning

B. 3



10 Apr. 26 June 29 Mar.






2o Dec.


Edinburgh Alarriage



Nisbet (Nesbeth, Nisbett, Nisbit, Nisbitt),

P'orrest, glazier


3 Aug. 1669 24 Jan. 1697 6 July 1647 18 Jan. 1659 12 Jan. 1647 20 Apr. 1673


Mr. David Blair

Gavin, cordiner

James Matthie, workman Grizel Hedderweek


,, ,,

Gavin Margaret George, indweller



Elizabeth Ogilvie

Gilbert, apothecary, burgess his widow. See Sara Heriot. Gilbert, writer Christian Law, d. of William Law, cordiner, burgess of Edinburgh 7 Aug. 1698, m. 26 Aug.


Helen Helen

John Thomesoune Robert Mackairter, gardener


,, ,,

Mr. Henry Grizel Riddell Henry, merchant Janet Maistertoun Henry, wheelwright Janet Orr
; ;

Feb. 16 Apr. 9 Feb. 1 1 Dec. 24 July



Isobel Matthew Byres, merchant Isobel; David Robertsone Isobel Harry Morisone, porter Isobel Mr. John Wilson
; ;

8 Oct.


13 Feb. 12 Nov.

698 603 657 657 633 679 612 634 645 699


,, ,,








,, ,,

Mr. James, advocate Catharine Gray James, candlemaker Isobel Young James, bookmaker Catharine Wise Margaret Montgomerie James, mason James, messenger Bessie Boog James, stabler Margaret Heegie James; Rachel Galbreath Janet William M'Math, merchant Edward Gillespie, merchant Janet Janet Gilbert Pendreigh, merchant Janet Thomas Symson, clothier Janet William Gillchryst, merchant Janet William Caldwells David Kedie Janet Mrs. Jean William Scott, younger of Harden Jean Patrick Hudsoune, tailor Jean James Bailie Jean John Sincler, vintner Jean John Nisbet, maltman Jean David Coul, stabler Jean Thomas Bairnesfather, sleader Jean John Broun, mason
; ; ; ;

23 Aug.


23 Jan. 20 Nov.

Nov. June


27 Oct. 9 Mar.


16 July

23 Dec.
27 Nov. 15 Sept. 16 Mar.

6 July 27 Apr. 12 Feb. 18 July 8 July 4 Nov.

5 Dec. Jean Alexander Bruce 8 Apr. Mr. John, commissary Helen Hay 16 June Mr. John, writer Agnes Riddell, by warrant of B Edin. to Mr. John Ferqhard 28 Sept. John, bookbinder Jean Glen 24 Aug. Elizabeth Montago John, bookbinder 23 Dec. Isobel Baird John, bookbinder 3 Mar. Barbara Hay John, collector 2 Dec. John, husbandman Jean Ramsay 5 Dec. Isobel Andersone John, husbandman 18 Sept. John, maltman Jean Nisbet 18 July Margaret Young John, merchant 12 June Elspeth Dobie John, merchant 8 Nov. John, merchant Phillis Hope 19 Oct. John, merchant Jean Robertson 6 July John, weaver Agnes Tailyeour 30 Nov. John, weaver Bessie Napier 17 Sept. John, writer Jonet Ballendyne 19 Feb. John Rachel Nisbet 1 1 Aug. Katharine Alexander Mowat writer 1 1 Apr.

646 679 623 655 643 689 607 649 650 680 680 690 692 673 603 609 624 633 634 647 662 686 653
686 660 669 682 6ig
637 638 633 627 649 658 673 613 623 597 646 604


Edinburgh Marriage


[1595- 1700.

Nisbet (Nesbeth,






22 Dec. Margaret; James Hanimiltoun, mason 26 Apr. Margaret James Breadie, millwright 16 Jan. Margaret William Paterson, writer 14 Sept. Margaret John Veatch 10 Dec. Marion John Yoole, workman 26 June Marion James Orem, merchant 14 Mar. Marion James Johnstoun, merchant 30 Nov. Marion David Milne 3 Apr. Robert Adamsone, writer Mai"ion i June Marion James Thomson, one of the clerks of Exchequer


1641 1655 1662 1665 1699 1638

1643 1643 1649 1660

Mr. Robert Kirton 30 May 16 June Mr. Patrick, advocate Jean Arthure Philip; Elspeth Thomsone 10 Jan. ,, Rachel Robert Nisbet, younger of Dalzell 31 Dec. 1 Aug. Rachel John Nisbet Rebecca John Webster, mason 23 Feb. ,, Margaret Foord Robert, candlemaker 24 Feb. ,, Margaret Melvill Robert, cordiner 30 Oct. Margaret Pringle Robert, cordiner 29 Dec. Marion Flockart Robert, cordiner 4 Mar. Robert, cordiner Bessie Baird 27 Nov. ,, Eupham Drybrugh, Robert, gardener in S. Leith parish servitrix to widow Wallace 2 July 1699, m. 21 July Robert in Tarbolton Elizabeth Cuninghame 4 Aug. Christian Thomson 21 Dec. Thomas, mason Catharine Hill William, tailor 27 Jan. Margaret Allerdyce William, weaver 27 June ,, William, weaver Janet Johnstoun 25 Feb. William, writer Janet Rankin 23 Dec. i July William Agnes Levingstoun Niven (Nevene, Neving, Niving), Helen William Miller, baker 26 Nov. Hugh, servitor to Sir William Bruce Janet Auldcorn ,, 14 Dec. 19 Oct. James, merchant Margaret Bannatyne ., 7 Oct. Janet James Irone, stabler 4 Aug. John, indweller Mary Mitchell 6 June John, mason Agnes Duncan


14 July 1674 1691

1608 1639 1616 1646 1694 1631 1651 1654 1659 1679

1699 1657 1693 1643 1643 1646 1692



1669 1618

,, ,,



Margaret Henry Miller, husbandman Margaret Robert Somervill, indweller Margaret James Wast Marion Robert Broun, browster Thomas, weaver Christian Johnstoun William, cook Margaret Haddok William, weaver Margaret Christie

5 July 6 July 1 1 July 29 Nov.

June 24 Nov.
21 Jan.
11 July ]o Feb. 25 Oct.

15 12


Nixon (Nicksone), Hew, mason Janet Porteous Noake, Elizabeth Robert Henderson Noble (Nobill), Agnes William Hutsone, skinner Agnes Robert Hepburne, cordiner Alexander, merchant Katharine Smyth
; ; ;

,, ,,

29 Nov. Alexander, merchant Jean Arthour 30 Jan. 30 Nov. Anna Aulay M'Aulay, flesher 22 Jan. 1601 Archibald, merchant Agnes Nicolsoune t. 27 Feb. 161 Elspeth Baxter Archibald, merchant Mary Willson, by order of the Bishop George, seaman 3 July 1679 24 Aug. 1679 Henry, merchant Jean Grub Isobel James Craw, baker 13 July 1666

1693 1679 1644 J 666 1690 1598 1614 1606 1634 1645 1697 1625 1627 1663 1645 1683


Edinburgh JMarriage Register


22 Dec.


Edinburgh Marriage


[1595- 1700.

Normingtoun, Edward



25 Oct. 25 Dec. 28 June 10 Sept. Margaret James Smyth Mary Sir David Falconer of Newtoun, senator of the 16 Feb. College of Justice Catharine Hodge 26 May Noter, Robert, feltmaker 22 June Noteman, Agnes Alexander VVricht, wobster Katharine; James Bradfute, merchant 15 Feb. ,, Robert, merchant " Flurische" Johnestoun 24 Jan. 11 July Thomas; Helen Duncane Noyer, Isobel Guy Saunegrain, Frenchman 15 Mar. Isobel Andersone 8 Feb. Nuttell, William, soldier

Susanna Steven Norstoun, Magnus, soldier Norwell (Norvell, Norweall), Bessie Robert Sands, tailor Elspet William Doode, workman Janet Andrew Fithie, cordiner
; ; ;

26 Sept. 24 Feb.

Oback, Edward, messenger Rebecca Colvine Ochiltrie, Agnes John Robesone, fishmonger Agnes George Guyler, workman Archibald, weaver Esther Scotte ,, Archibald, weaver Elspeth Craig ,, Elspeth John Laurie, skinner George, farmer Janet Grant James, workman Janet Henrie John, weaver Anna Glen Margaret Green Ochterlonie, Andrew Barbara Thomas Kirk, flesher James, brewer Bessie Gowans

29 Nov.


See also Auchterlonie. Oconoquher, Mary Duncan Campbell Margaret Guthree Ogill, George, \vriter Margaret Patrick Murray
; ;

Ogilvie (Ogilbie, Ogillvie, Agnes Scott

; ;

Oglevie) of Channelie,



7 Feb. Mr. Alexander Margaret Stewart 17 June 21 Jan. Alexander, cordiner Grisel Stuart 21 July Catharine Rennie Alexander, cordiner Alexander, son of James O., cordiner, burgess Catharine FuUertoun, d. of deceased Arthur F., wright in Aberdeen 30 Apr. 1699, r"- 2 June 21 Nov. Andrew, maltman Janet Bell 23 Dec. Mrs. Anna Thomas Fothringhaine Mr. Arthur, preacher of the gospel Margaret Couper, 28 Nov. by Dr. William Annand Bessie John Moodie, flesher 15 July 8 Feb. Mr. Patrick Reid Bessie Catharine John Rid, workman 27 June 17 Sept. Catharine Patrick Tough, weaver 2 Feb. Catharine Robert Swintoun, tailor 6 Feb. Catharine William Douglass 20 Apr. George Nisbet, indweller Elizabeth 13 Sept. Elizabeth John Auchenleck, bookbinder 23 May Elizabeth John M'Clearin, horse hirer n Feb. Mr. Robert Kello Elizabeth 21 Sept. Elspet James Reid, tailor 1 1 Mar. Elspeth John Moore, wright Eupham John Brench, mason 9 Dec. 8 Feb. George, cordiner Christian Watson 14 Dec. George, sievewright Marion Galbreath i Nov. George, writer Helen Bruce 27 Apr. Mrs. Helen Mr. Robert Lauther

1 1


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


24 Feb. 1653 18 Feb. 1607 15 June 1676 8 Dec. 1682

Ogilvie (Ogilbie, Ogillvie, Oglevie), Helen




William Blythman, tailor Alexander Layng, merchant Thomas Simeontoun, tailor Mr. James, son to Lord Boyn Mrs. Anna Arnot, by warrant to Dr. Monro 9 Feb. 1688 James Margaret Wallace 8 Feb. 1676 Janet James Grahame, merchant 19 Jan. 1630 Patrick Spence, merchant Janet 5 May 1646
Isabel Isobel Isobel

John, baker, servant Christian Rae 14 July Ludovick Janet Smyth, married at Dudingstoun, ditto die 30 Apr. Mrs. Margaret Robert Keith of Reidcloack 2 Mar. Margaret John Smyth, cooper 21 Aug. Marie Alexander Douglas 4 Feb. Marion John Ker, workman 16 May William, mason Margaret Willson 14 July William, mason Margaret Watt 6 May William, merchant Helen Douglass 20 July William, writer Catharine Hog, married by Mr. Joshua Meldrome upon the 21 of July 1665 27 July
; ; ; ;


668 1680 1646 1690 1697 1670 1680 1669



William; Magdalene Rutheven Ogrie, William, merchant Sibilla Hodge Ogstoun, Alexander, bookbinder Martha Stevenson Thomas Hartley, feltmaker Jean John, Wright Isobel Turner " Old, Alarion John Beane " cive-wright


June 1600

6 Oct. 1608
16 Apr. 1680

24 Feb. 167 10 July 1679 20 Sept. 163


Oliphant (Olephant, Olyphant) of Hitlcairnie,





26 Jan. 1669 Apr. 1672 8 Nov. 1649 Archibald, apothecary Anna Drummond 19 Aug. 1669 Barbara Mr. James Gregorie 4 Sept. 1698 Bessie Jacob Stolence, pasment-weaver 2 Dec. 1624 Bethiah Patrick Tailyefeir, merchant 29 Apr. 1638 Catharine; James Stirling 21 July 1668 Catharine; William Lidgertwood, writer 15 May 1694 Charles; Barbara Kinloch 10 July 1662 Elizabeth Maclohn Broun, skinner 26 Sept. 1678 Elizabeth Mr. Henry Burden 9 Feb. 1687 Mr. George, son of the deceased Mr. James O., minister at Saline Elizabeth Baillie, widow of James Armour, merchant 9 Oct. 1698, m. 27 Oct. 1698 Henry, writer Margaret Bartane May 1605 Henry, writer Sara Colein n Oct. 1614 mason Jean Hamiltoun James, 21 June 1649 Janet; William Fleeming, merchant 11 Dec. 1651 Jean John Scot, wright 14 Dec. 1619 Mr. John, clerk to H.M. wardrobe Agnes Scot 18 Dec. 1617 Mr. John Elizabeth Smyth 28 Nov. 1662 John, merchant Janet Courtesse 3 Aug. 1643 John, merchant Janet Drine (?) 12 Mar. 1646 John, merchant Jean Steell 6 June 1690 John, merchant his widow. Sec Jean Steele. Mr. Laurence Janet Cheap 7 Apr. 1643 Laurence, wright Barbara Finlay i Dec. 1664 Margaret James Gray, shoemaker 9 Nov. 163 Margaret George Crightoun, peuterer 25 Aug. 1664 Margaret Thomas Borthwike, writer 10 Mar. 1676 Marion; Wilham Dowglas, hatmaker 2 Dec. 1636
; ;

Chisholme Agnes; Claud Hamilton, wright Anna William Walker, litster



Edinburgh Marriage Register.


[i 595-1 700.

Oliphant (Olephant, Olyphant), Patrick, writer


3 Mar. 1625 8 Aug. 1690 10 June 1692

Rebecca Robert Tydie Thomas, workman Isobel Hamiltoun


27 Apr. 161 28 Feb. 1643 sic. duplicate 14 Mar. 1643 23 Apr. 1678 ,, Oliver (Olifer, Olipher), Bessie 28 Sept. 1680 John Reid, indweller David, woolcomber Christian Glen 15 Dec. 1665 ,, George, stabler Alison Dowglas 24 Oct. 1633 Janet Andrew Alexander, merchant 4 July 1650 ,, John, brewer; Janet Aitkin 23 Nov. 1631 Dorothy Scotte 26 Apr. 1626 John, merchant 6 Sept. 1692 John, merchant Jean Helliburton 11 Mar. 1642 Margaret David Ramsay, servitor to Innerpeffer 2 June 1653 Margaret James Campbell, merchant ,, 11 Apr. 1672 Margaret; John Dick, indweller in North Berwick ,, Marion Robert Knox, merchant 13 July 1649 26 Jan. 1653 Nicolas James Thomsone, merchant ,. not married, 28 June 1660 Robert, soldier; Jean Ringstead ,, 22 Aug". 1622 Orchartoun, Andrew, tailor Elizabeth Robertsone Agnes Gordon, married by Mr. Ord, Alexander, W.S. William Annand, Dean 28 Aug. 1679 Orkney, Janet Patrick Blaikburne, merchant 29 Oct. 1640 Marion Bowstein Robert, candlemaker 14 July 1640 ,, 21 Aug. 1620 Orme (Orem, Orme), Agnes William Alane, tailor 28 June 1677 Alexander, cordiner Catharine Pollok ,, Elizabeth John Barker, merchant 30 June 1657 George Cargill, printer 12 Feb. 1663 Elspeth 8 Sept. 1619 James, merchant Agnes Scot 14 Mar. 1643 James, merchant Marion Nisbet Ormiston (Ormestoun, Ormstoun), Agnes John Scotte, chirurgian 21 Apr. 1642 Agnes John Galloway, writer 30 Nov. 1647 Agnes John Adamson 14 Dec. 1671 Alexander Dunlope, tailor Christian 4 Dec. 1623 George, lockman Jean Mason 15 July 1692 Marion Lightbodie, d. of deceased George, lockman Alexander L., bookbinder, indweller iS Sept. 1698, m. 28 Oct. 1698 Patrick Pucken, walker Janet 5 Oct. 1643 Jean William Fergusson, gunsmith 4 July 1671 ,, 11 Jan. 1644 Margaret; Robert Ormstoun 12 Jan. 1625 Marion Andrew Finlaysone, smith Margaret Ormstoun 11 Jan. 1644 Robert, smith Robert, smith Jean Miller 29 July 1647 William, tailor Janet Boyd ,, 5 Jan. 1669 20 Dec. 1631 Orr (Or, Orre), Agnes John Kid, coachman Agnes James Borland, writer 25 Nov. 1670 ,, Hew Crawfurd, coppersmith 29 June 1694 Agnes 20 Jan. 1639 Beatrix James Glen, merchant ,, Catharine Robert Johnstoun, merchant 4 Dec. 1633 Christian; William Brysone, merchant 30 Sept. 1643 Claud, cordiner Bessie Speir 9 Jan. 1623 Elspeth James Schaw, merchant 15 Aug. 1638 ,, 22 Jan. 1628 Isobel James Campbell, merchant ,, 10 Oct. 1643 Isobel John Broun, weaver ,, 17 Sept. 1612 James, traveller; Janet Blythman 25 Nov. 1638 Janet William Scotte, merchant 6 Feb. 1668 ._ Janet Andrew Johnstoun

Mr. William Janet Mauld Mr. William Margaret Goldman Mr. William Margaret Goldman William, tailor Mary Dewart
; ;



Edinburgh Marriage


24 July 1679 7 Jan. 1683 24 Oct. 1697 27 Apr. 1620 6 Mar. 1666 29 Dec. 1674 8 Dec. 1629 16 July 1672 24 Dec. 1674

Orr (Or, Orre), Janet Henry Nisbet, wheelwright Janet William Murray, writer


Janet James Wood Helen Hervie John, tailor Laurence, indweller Catharine TuUoch
; ;


Margaret John Bell, litster Marion Laurence Scotte, writer Bessie Mitchelson Robert, baker Margaret Gow Robert, dagmaker
; ;
; ;

Robert, portioner of Little Blaikburn



22 June 1676

Robert Margaret Dobie, by warrant of B. Edin. John M 'Queen Mr. Thomas Anna Montgumrie


Thomas, marikin-dresser Janet ^Nloodie Thomas, merchant Bessie Dickson Thomas, packman Margaret Andersone

Margaret Arnot William, flesher Janet Whattin William Elizabeth Nicollson Orrock (Orok, Orrok), Agnes David Dickson Alexander Tumble, merchant Elizabeth William Findlayson Elizabeth

; ; ; ; ;


Adam Patersone, husbandman Isobel Isobel; Alexander Robertson


John, mariner Janet Williamsone Lavisa Hunter John, Wright

; ;

William, husbandman Elspeth Alison William, wright Elspeth .Mitchell Bridget Bold, by warrant to Mr. Andrew Cant Orton, John

Marjory William Gairdner Mark, husbandman Janet Broun Matthew, wright Agnes Duncan
; ; ; ;

18 P>b. 1686 22 Apr. 1647 12 Aug. 1630 22 June 1666 15 P^eb. 1647 10 Jan. 1688 13 Dec. 1610 14 June 1672 Dec. 1700 in Montrose 5 Dec. 1665 26 Apr. 1681 i July 1652 11 Feb. i6go 5 July 1644 25 Apr. 1690 28 Apr. 1646 26 July 1614 17 Nov. 1693 8 July 1669 Sept. 1676
i i

23 Oct. 1688 10 Sept. 161 Bessie Fotheringhame Orwall, George, gardener Osburn (Oseburne) of Peppermilne, Henry Margaret Ramsay, married by Mr. Alexander Ramsay, at St. Cuthbert's B. 3 June 1675 Harry Janet Blair 23 June 1642 Hew; ]\Iargaret Alexander 30 June 1596 30 June 1642 Janet John Dickiesone 30 Aug. 1696 Jean William Ross, merchant 4 May (609 John, cordiner Janet Hewat Margaret John, writer, son of Heury O. of Peppermilne Broun, d. of Captain John B., merchant in S. Leith 12 Apr. 1696, m. 27 Apr. 1696 10 Feb. 1620 Margaret Thomas Wilsoun, saddler ,, i July 1652 William, Lieutenant-Colonel Agnes Cunninghame ,, Helen Boze William, tailor 5 Nov. 1669 Thomas Trotter, cordiner Ostler, Barbara 5 June 1665 Oswald (Osewald, Osswald, Oswall, Oswell) of Fingletoun, Sir James Dame Janet Wallace, widow of Sir Henry Guthrie of King Edward 15 May 1698, m. i June 1698 i Aug. 1616 Agnes Thomas Jack, cordiner Agnes George Schaw, tailor 4 Oct. 162 28 Oct. 1636 Agnes John Reid, wright 16 Dec. 1652 Agnes Robert Hutchesone, feltmaker i Dec. 1647 Alexander, cordiner Margaret Hammiltoun 11 Aug. 1636 David Murray, cook Alison i June 1676 Alison William Eckfuird, candlemaker 14 Oct. 1652 Mr. Andrew, advocate Isobel Symsoun
; ;


Edinburgh Marriage



595-1 700.

Oswald (Osewald, Osswald, Oswall, Oswell), Mr. Andrew Barbara Mowet 7 Oct. 1647 28 June 1626 Andrew, merchant Isobel Denholme





Andrew, merchant Margaret Cummyng Anna; William Smyth Bessie James Leitch, weaver Catherine John Mather, workman David Christian Murray David Janet Inglis Elizabeth John Rollok Elizabeth Robert Varrie, writer William Stewart Isobel James, merchant Janet Charters Isobel Russell James, merchant James, wright Anna Wallace Janet James Hepburne, cook [anet John Doue, cook Jean William Calder, flesher

16 Apr. 1640

June 1677

9 Nov. i Oct. 19 Oct. married, 23 Dec.

1655 1607 1609 1663 7 Aug. 1656 25 Aug. 1672 9 Sept. 1692

13 Sept. 1667

28 Aug. 1690 10 Mar. 1665 17 Nov. 1630 12 Sept. 1639 11 July 1638

Rachel Weir, John, skinner Port John, weaver Giles Weir John Jonet Mossman
; ; ;


of (George




N.K. 26 Apr.

1696, m. 26 8



June 1643

28 Sept. 1597

Robert Tweedie, merchant 4 Oct. 1649 Mr. Andrew Thomson 17 Mar. 1692 beltmaker Margaret Drysdale 5 June 1679 Catharine Blaikwood stabler 27 July 1648 Margaret Cuthbert William, cook 25 July 1678 ,, Catharine Mertene Otterburne, John, merchant 4 Feb. 1608 Oustiane (Oustin, Owstiane, Owstein), Alexander, merchant 21 July 1602 Katharine Lichtoun Margaret Tod George, merchant 23 Nov. 1609 ,, Roger Dunkesoune, merchant Isobel 27 Jan. 1601

Marion Rachel Thomas, Thomas,

; ;



,, ,,

David Craig, cordiner Janet John, tailor Elizabeth Naper Lilias John Dobie, flesher Marion William Wyllie, writer Marion James Inglis, goldsmith Mary James Bruce, tailor Richard, carver his widow. See Agnes Archibald.

21 July 1642

10 Sept. 1612

Aug. 1629

27 Dec. 1598 2 Jan. 1605 20 June 1632

22 Aug. 1632

James Kennewie, writer Thomas Janet Alexander Outersyde, Bessie James Doull, cordiner David Wilkie Bessie

30 Dec. 1606
7 Jan. 168 24 Oct. 1690 8 July 1670



Bessie Fergusson

Pacok. See Peacock. Padene, Ninian, wright

Padie, Janet
; ;

Margaret Gourlay

Edward Eddislaw, merchant


Padyeus, John, smith Margaret Wilsone Margaret Robert Dowglas, candlemaker ,, Padzean (Padgen, Padzen, Padzien), Agnes James Paton Alexander, tailor Helen Muirhead Alexander Elizabeth Baird, by Mr. M'Queen on 19 Nov.
; ;

27 July 24 Aug. 16 July 4 Dec. 13 Feb.

1609 1609 1644 1634 1690 31 Oct. 1690

James, writer Janet Boog Janet Alexander Bannatyn, writer Janet John Findlayson, tailor his widow. See Janet Loudoun. William, mason Pagan, Hew, workman Janet Heriot Page (Paige), Christian John Hedderweek, baker Helen Young David, wright ,,

; ;
; ; ;

18 Nov. 1686 23 Nov. 1666 8 Jan. 1663 22 Feb. 1677

6 Apr. 1638 29 June 1643 i July 1653

2 1

1595- 1 7oo]

Edinburgh Marriage Register.





(Paige), Isobel Adam Weir, baker John, walker; Isobel Forrest


Margaret Watson Samuel, merchant, son of William



2 Dec. i66g 10 June 1679 13 Dec. 1689 baker, burgess of

Cupar in Fife merchant

Mary Howe,


of deceased



Pain, James, servitor to the Duke of Hamilton Robert, merchant Christian V^allenge ,, Painter, Marjory William Mitchell, soldier Paip (Paipe, Pape), Isobel William Sincler, writer Isobel Alexander Tailyfeir, litster Mr. John, writer Marion Pjassinden ,, Mr. John, younger, advocate Bessie Mowbray

pro. 6 Nov. 1698 [sic.) 20 Apr. 1647 24 Feb. 1620

2 Mar. 1671 8 Sept. 1608

Nov. 1670
1598 1626 1654 1675

Elspeth Hadden John, merchant Walter Elspeth Kae Paisley (Paislay, Paslay), James, tailor John Helen Aitkin ,,
; ;

Isobel Matthison

4 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 May 23 Dec. 20 July

Margaret Andrew Ker Thomas, cook Bessie Wat Pait, Elspeth John Baxter, tailor Palmer, Agnes James Lockheart, horseboy Bessie David Gairdin, workman


13 June 1604 31 Jan. 1678 9 July 161

7 July 1631 2 June 1636



Aug. 1632
1631 1661

Catharine; Quentin Moore, notary 18 Mar. Isobel John Halyburtoun, merchant ,, 19 July Margaret Henry Spyce, soldier 4 Nov. ,, Marion Thomas Murray, cordiner ,, 13 July Marjory; Michael Bannatyne 21 Nov. Marjory Archibald Vyle, flesher 20 June ,, Robert, cordiner Bessie Armour 13 Nov. ,, Panton (Pantoun), Alexander, workman Margaret Adamesoune

1656 1643


27 July 1609

Margaret Margaret

Christopher Eleis Alexander Forbess


Mar. 1676
1686 1673 1666

William, W.S. Papley, John Jean


Marjory Halyburton


Isobel Wylie Pargillies (Pargiileis, Pergillis), Agnes


Magnus, merchant

28 Feb. 6 Jan. 26 June 4 Aug.

Robert Clerk, merchant

4 Sept. 1655


7 June 1659 27 Dec. 1667 12 July 1626 James, skinner; Alison Lowthiane ,, John, indweller, son of Abraham P., workman Elizabeth ,, Girdwood, d. of Alexander G., workman at Colinton 17 May 1696, m. 18 June 1696 Jean Fergusson John, merchant 19 Aug. 1670 Margaret Rynd John, merchant 8 Dec. 1682 ,, John, skinner Elspeth Aytoun 8 Dec. 1607 Marion John Jack, mason ,, 31 July 1683 Sibylla Auchmowtie Nicol, tailor 28 Oct. 1629 Robert, furrier Janet Alane 24 June 1659 Robert, furrier Janet Mitchell 28 Nov. 1673 ,, Margaret Wood Robert, skinner 20 Nov. 1639 Robert, skinner Janet Andersone 22 Apr. 1652 Thomas, skinner Janet Young 8 Sept. 1619 William, skinner Janet Patersone 6 Aug. 1646 ,, William Jean M'Gill 21 Nov. 1671 ,, Paris (Pareis, Parise, Paerise), David, baker Jean Fullertoun 8 Dec. 1646 Christian Mitchelsone 30 Nov. 1630 Edward, workman

Andrew Johnstoun, town-officer Henry, workman Agnes Waker Isobel Andrew Gray, glover James, merchant Mary Forbess



14 June 1667



Edinburgh Marriage Register.




Paris (Pareis, Parise, Paerise), James, baker

Marjory Dobie 23 June 1636

20 Sept. 1670 12 Feb. 1684 23 Sept. 1670 13 Nov. 1638 4 July 1637 21 July 1642 14 July 1630 12 Dec. 1661 20 Apr. 1676 9 Jan. 1606 20 Apr. 1626 27 Apr. 1631 22 Apr. 1686 26 Apr. 1696 8 Dec. 1629 9 July 1699 19 Nov. 1612 20 Sept. 1633 5 Oct. 1665
1670 1632 1634 1636 1681 1693 1653 1679 1644

Janet James Duncan, writer Jannet William Nimmo Isobel M'Farland John, tailor Lues, litster Agnes Ronald Margaret; James Burne, maltman ,, Susanna; Richard Wilsoun, wheelwright Park, Agnes John Rob, cooper Agnes James Robertsone, tailor

,, ,,

Andrew, Barbara Barbara

; ;




Bessie Bessie Thomas Melvil Catharine John Bennett David Margaret Porteous Elizabeth Air. Archibald Stobo Elspeth Dunneis Inglis, workman Elspeth John Scheepherd, workman George, blind man Margaret P^leeming George Elizabeth Anderson, married by Mr. Robert Mortimer
; ; ; ; ;

Margaret Bruce David Wilsoune, tailor Gilbert Williamsone, merchant Nicoll, merchant



Grisel Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel


James, James, James, James,

3 June 20 Dec. John Dennie, shoemaker William Gairdin, merchant 3 June John Cowper, tailor 9 Sept. Alexander Frissell 7 Jan. John Henrie 27 Apr. cordiner Janet Martine 29 Aug. cordiner Isobel Muir 16 Mar. writer Elspeth Hair 24 Dec. writer Jean Scot, married by Mr. Robert Mortimer 23 Aug.
; ; ;


James James





20 ]\Iay 1616 Janet Janet William Porter, merchant 27 Jan. 1625 Robert Pearson Janet 17 July 169S Barbara Mein Mr. John, minister at Mochrum 29 Oct. 1646 Isobel Finlay John, maltman 13 July 1643 Margaret Wilkie John, workman 30 Sept. 1640 Katharine John Cowane, cordiner 9 Aug. 1598 Margaret James Richardson, cordiner 24 June 1684 Patrick, oy [grandson] to John Park Isobel Mitchell 28 Oct. 1658 Walter, stabler Margaret Boyck 6 Aug. 1647 William, stabler; Mary Reid 3 Apr. 1632 William, writer Isobel Lambe 6 July 1655
; ;

Agnes Henry Helen Clerk John Baxter, officer

18 Jan. 1604 6 Mar. 1606

13 June 1605 29 Feb. 1644 17 Oct. 1616 Isobel Nicolas Jcirgensone, goldsmith 12 Sept. 1639 ,, 12 June 1662 John, cordiner; Janet Blair Parkin, John, tanner; Janet Mowet 2 June 1653 Parrie, Andrew Agnes Kingdome 30 Jan. 1645 Parrot (Parret), Margaret Walter Skadowie, "chopman" 31 July 1610 Thomas, Englishman Janet Clunie 30 June 1657 ,, Paskey, Catharine John Roe 5 June 1690 Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), Abraham, skinner Jean Kello 4 July 1661 Abraham, skinner; Janet Symme 15 Oct. 1678 Adam, "cramer" Elspeth Watsoune 13 Mar. 1605
; ;
; ; ; ; ;

Marion Watsoune Parker, Elizabeth William Craig', cordiner Henry, tailor Margaret Smyth


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


Dec' 1670

Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), Adam, husbandman




Agnes Agnes; Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

Catharine Johnstomi

Bessie Davidsone

Andrew Maiden, Andrew



Patrick Reid, pewderer Childe, weaver


George Bosuall, weaver William Elder, cordiner Ia jui Alexander Dobsone, "coriar" ^ June Alexander Provand, maltman 10 Nov Mr. Alexander, merchant; Anna Dennestoun ^i Aug Mr. Alexander, merchant Margaret Louthian, married

^7 JuK, 16.6 10 Dec 1640 -, Dec' 1641

15^^ 16;^ i6;4 1667


William Duncan, currier Allan, mason Elspeth Johnstoun



at Libertoun 28 Apr Alexander, apothecary (ypotcare) Sara Balcanquell Ts x\ov.' Alexander, baker Christian Scott, married by Mr. George 27 Apr. Ai'^'^^^^'u, ., Alexander, baker Bessie Reed, by warrant to Dr. Strachan 23 Dec. M J ^ Alexander, baker Catharine Hadowav, d. of Thomas H., farmer Castelstead pro. 25 July Alexander, bonnetmaker Margaret Stuart c Au^ Alexander, workman Isobel Gun o June Alexander, writer Marion Cowts 14 June Alison William Wallace, tailor 7 July Ahson Henry Alisone, cordiner 28 Apr Alison John Dicksone, hatmaker 7 July Ahson; George Merschell, tailor 2 fan

1607 1683

1686 1697 1670


16^7 160^

i6"J 16^-

Allan, skinner




Anna; Anna; Anna ^""^'


candlemaker Isobel Young candlemaker Margaret Jameson cook Janet Staines weaver Elizabeth Anderson wright Jean Lamb wright Isobel Young, married upon the 29th instant 30 June 1676 \ Ai J Anna Alexander ^, Thomsone, tailor 26 Apr 166; Anna; James Dick, merchant 21 June 1666

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew,



Janet Sibbat

20 Aug' 1640 14 June 1640 17 Mar 1676 10 Aug.' 1608 10 July 16^8 24 June 1681 3 july 1660 19 Nov 1668 ^5 Apr' 167-'


Lesk, stabler Grinley, locksmith George Porteous, painter



jujy 1670

Dec 1674


^^" a"1^i' F/"'^' u^ . Archibald, merchant Janet Maxwell Barbara Robert Porteous, merchant Barbara John M'Farland, indweller Bessie Robert Logane, merchant Bessie Adam Watsone, merchant Bessie John Thomsone, tailor Bessie John Wilsoune, merchant Bessie John Brysoun, weaver Catharine David Stanehous, wright Catharine William Pennicook, gardener Catharine Patrick Staines, tailor Catharine Andrew Kipper Catharine; Robert Lawson Christian John Burgon Christian John Bell
; ;
; ;

19 Apr' 1678 28 Nov! 1679 3 Sept. 1699 13 July 1577 o Dec 164^ 23 June 1676



1641 lo jan' 16427 Apr 164^ 26 May 164^ 19 Feb. 1618 27 Nov' i6^q 4 Nov. 1641 10 Oct' 1684





21 July i6o->


Edinburgh Marriage


[1595- 1700.

Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), Christian

Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian

John (iawie, mariner


Dec. Apr. Apr. Mar. Feb.

John Henrysoune,


Thomas Halyday,
James Watt


Gavin Glen, indvveller William Archibald, feltmaker

Mr. Walter Smith David, merchant Jean Pringle David, quarrier Janet Gilpatrik 7 Mar. Elizabeth Robert Phinnick, tanner 28 Apr. Elizabeth Robert Erskin, burgess of the Canongate 13 June Elizabeth Alexander Blaikwood, tailor 10 June Elizabeth William Eraser 19 Dec. Elizabeth Mr. James Thomson 2 Feb. Elizabeth Robert Winram 22 Oct. Elspet John Johnstoun, tailor t. 13 Oct. Elspeth James Robesone, writer 14 Mar. Elspeth William Crightoun 25 Apr. Elspeth Bartholomew Eraser, candlemaker 3 July Eupham Patrick Russell, gardener 29 Oct. Eupham John Bagray, baker 25 Jan. Gavin Anna Blaikburn 14 Dec. George, baker, indweller Janet Gray, d. of deceased John G., maltman at Torie 9 Oct. 1698, m. 27 Oct. George, cordiner Janet Pringle 3 June George, indweller Jean Paterson, d. of John P., brewer, burgess of Edinburgh 8 May 1698, m. 3 June George, mason Elspeth Bell 4 Nov. George, mason Agnes Salmond 27 Oct. George, tailor Agnes Ross 25 June George, tailor Helen W^ilson 8 Dec. George, tailor, indweller Margaret Arthure, d. of deceased William A. in Sorn 25 Apr. 1697, m. 4 June George, whipman Agnes Young 18 Apr. George, wright Agnes Broun 28 Apr. George Janet Scot 24 Dec.

20 24 4 23 20 Aug. 11 Dec.

Helen Helen Helen Helen

Hector, cordiner

Helen Crichton, by the Dean Margaret Milne Mark Smyth, coppersmith James Patersone, tailor Alexander Neilsone, merchant James Ker, brewer
; ; ;

10 Oct. 5 July

23 Feb.
15 Sept.

22 Apr.
1 1

Henry, husbandman Isobel Steill 11 Hugh, apothecary Margaret Paterson, by warrant of B. Eclin. to Mr. Alexander Ramsay 18 Hew, surgeon-apothecary, burgess of Edinburgh Marion Cleghorn, eldest lawful dau. to William C, merchant, burgess there 4 Hew, weaver Janet M'Mariage 29 Hew, weaver Janet Morisone 3
; ; ;

Aug. June

Sept. Sept.


Mary Scott, married upon by Mr. Robert Mortimer Isaac, tailor; Christian Hutchesone William Haistie Isobel Isobel John Latrik, wright Isobel Robert Broun, weaver Isobel John Cock, baker Isobel Patrick Hammiltoun, tailor Mr. James Broun, writer Isobel

Hew, Hew,

writer writer

Elizabeth Ker

10 Aug. the 7th instant B. 8 Apr. 21 June


28 July 23 Nov. 9 July

17 June 13 Dec. 16 Sept.


Edinburgh Man^iage


Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), Isobel


John Fergussone, cook







Gilbert Rankin, brewer Isobel 29 July Isobel John Barrie, merchant 14 Feb. Isobel Robert Bruce, merchant 8 Apr. Isobel John Riddell, wright 17 Dec. Isobel 26 Nov. John Naismyth, mason William Ross, gardener Isobel 25 Nov. Isobel Andrew Braidwood 20 June Isobel; John Mitchell 14 Aug. James, baker, indweller Margaret Wast, d. of William W., farmer in Dalmeny 24 May 1696, m. 18 June James, brewer Elspeth Whyte 7 July James, brewer Janet Hill 13 Sept. James, brewer Janet Paterson, married by Mr. Alex;

643 652 668 669 669 674 675 682 690

671 677


,, ,,











,, ,,


ander Ramsay 18 July 16 July James, flesher Alarion Bartlemew James, gardener Janet Black, d. of deceased Robert B., writer 29 Oct. 1699, m. 7 Dec. Margaret Murray, widow of James James, indweller Wood, farmer at Tranent 3 Apr. 1698, m. 19 Apr. Mary M'Neill, d. of deceased John James, indweller M., mariner at Rosa [Rothesay] in Bute pro. 19 May 26 July James, mariner Jean Fairlie 2 June James, mariner Marion Carmichael 21 Dec. James, merchant Bessie Field 28 Sept. James, saddler Agnes Whyte James, skinner Janet Hill, married by Mr. John Robertson I Nov. James, stabler Catharine Norrie 24 June 10 Nov. James, stabler Marion Coustine James, tailor Helen Patersone 15 Sept. James, tailor Margaret Schaw 23 Sept. James, tailor Margaret Stocks 23 Sept. 6 Feb. James, tailor Jean Jarden 10 June James, weaver Elspeth Broun 28 June James, wright Christian Forrest Marie Broun, James, wright, burgess of Edinburgh lawful dau. to George B., deceased, farmer at Stenops Mills 6 Mar. James in Hawick Elizabeth Rintowell 13 Mar. James Janet Paterson 29 June James Margaret Killpatrick 23 Oct. James Helen Moore 19 Dec. Jane Robert Bennet 29 Jan. 21 June Jane; John Adamson Janet William Melrose, wright 3 Oct. 8 Dec. Janet James Dawsoune, smith Henry Hume, candlemaker 2 May Janet Janet John Brysoun, tailor 19 Feb. 18 Sept. Janet; Matthew Dempster, woolfiner Janet James Logie, writer 7 Sept. lo Aug. Janet John Maiden, tailor 8 Feb. Janet Robert M'Keane, glover 5 Apr. Janet Robert Mackrae, servitor to my Lord Yester 26 Apr. Janet John Cuninghame, tailor Janet James Harwar, bookbinder 9 Oct. 6 Aug. Janet William Pargilleis, skinner 16 Nov. Janet Andrew Halyday, skinner 28 June Janet William Greg, in Corstorphine Janet Adam Murray, tailor 3 Sept.

679 618 699

700 642 657 615 649

677 647 670 617 652 664 679
681 681

691 694 682

684 684 689 689 599 602



627 632 638 638 639

646 647 654 663

1 1


Edinburgh Marriage




Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), Janet

John Paterson, cordiner

15 July




Janet James Paterson, brewer Janet Peter Watson, tailor Janet James Paterson Janet George Huton Janet Thomas Mitchell Janet John Clark, writer Janet Walter Murray Jean John Blaikie, weaver Jean John Finlaysone, packman Jean William Burnet, chirurgian Jean James King, mason
; ; ; ; ; ;
; ;

18 July 1679

9 July 29 June 26 Jan. 24 Feb.




,, ,,

Jean James Leith, flesher Jean James Black, weaver Jean James Moffett Jean George Paterson Mr. John Isobel Scheill John, baker Janet Tran Isobel Storie John, brewer John, brewer Marion Ross John, candlemaker Margaret Hillstoun John, cook Isobel Stirling Sara Smyth John, cook John, cordiner Helen Wilsone John, cordiner Isobel Crawfoord
; ;


John, cordiner John, cordiner John, cordiner


Agnes Charters

Janet Paterson Helen Kynneir, married at Holyrood


8 July 30 July 9 July 10 Mar. 15 Oct. 8 Oct. 10 June 1681 15 Aug. 1697 21 Nov. 1697 8 May 1698 I Mar. 1625 4 Nov. 1658 27 Feb. 1623 22 Feb. 1677 10 Aug. 1666 12 Sept. 1637 21 June 1642 30 Nov. 1597 31 July 1662 29 Apr. 1669 15 July 1669

1680 1682 1686 1687 1692 1699 1634 1642 1647 1 66

house by Mr. Robert Scott Elizabeth cordiner, freeman Couper, deceased James C, flesher at Perth


25 of




1698, m. 2

John, flesher Catharine Ramsay 17 Dec. John, litster Agnes Favvla 4 Jan. 21 June John, maltman Elspeth Sibbat Rachel Spence 26 Apr. John, maltman John, merchant Mawse Galbreath 30 Apr. Christian Hunter John, merchant 13 Oct. John, shoemaker Bessie Murdo 4 June 28 Mar. John, skinner Jean Thomson 21 May John, smith Agnes Merschel John, tailor Agnes Reid 4 June 2 Jan. John, tailor Elspeth Cowen 2 July John, tailor Margaret Watt Agnes Colvill lege 1665, 19 Jan. John, tailor 20 June John, vintner Jean Chalmers 22 Nov. John, weaver Agnes Robesone 2 Jan. John, writer Magdalene Blair 6 July John, writer Christian Carmichael John, writer Isobel Johnstoun 23 Sept. 8 Apr. Johne Nicoll Patersone, son to John Patersone John Christian Fleeming 19 June Agnes Charters, married by Mr. Alexander John


1656 1603 1653 1616 1642 1635 1678 1646 1600 1640 1663 1664 1656 1610 1612 1647 1675 1658 1666

Malcolme John Mary Blair, by Dr. Strachan in the N.Kirk Katherine David Lion, merchant Lucrece John Corstoun, flesher Margaret John Archibald, meilmaker Margaret Alexander Hardie, maltman Margaret Thomas Dicksone, maltman
; ; ;

5 Oct. 1683 16 Sept. 1686 18 May [603

27 Feb. 1612 14 Dec. 1602 21 May 1612


June 1614


Edinbiirgh Marriage Register.



Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), Margaret


Thomas Ronald, tailor 19 Dec. Margaret Thomas Hay, butterman 14 Oct. Margaret Thomas Calderwood, merchant Dec. Margaret Patrick Wilsoun, piper 15 July Margaret John Bailyea, baker 30 July Margaret Nicol Campbell, stabler 19 Dec. Margaret James Cranstoun, mariner 4 Oct. Margaret Robert Matthie, woolfiner i July Margaret James Fergussone, woolfiner 20 June Margaret David Thomsone, wright 7 Dec. Margaret John Hunter, litster 3 June Margaret John Wilsoun, flesher 25 Jan. Margaret George Hay, cordiner Dec. Margaret Patrick Rae, merchant 4 Nov. Margaret Patrick Thomson, maltman 27 Feb. Margaret Mungo Carmichael, tailor 28 June Margaret; Alexander Chisholme, soldier 17 Sept. Margaret Thomas Tod, baker 18 July Margaret John M'Lourg, indweller 4 Aug. Margaret John Campbell, workman 22 Nov. Margaret Mr. Robert Blaw 27 July Margaret Mr. John Watson 21 Aug. Margaret Hugh Paterson, apothecary 18 Dec. Margaret; Archibald Duncan 18 Nov. Marion John Turnebull, gentleman 22 Feb. Marion John Hunter, weaver 2 July Marion James Porteous, merchant u June Marion Robert Hutchesone, feltmaker 9 Mar. Marion George Matthi, candlemaker 19 June Marion John Law. wright 15 July Marion James Annardale, stabler 6 Jan. Marjory David Gray, cutler i Sept. Martha Francis Hamilton in South Leith 16 Dec. Mary William Frazer 18 July Matthew, tailor Mawse Gray 13 Dec. Mause Henry Towert, weaver 21 July Mause Patrick Andro, cook 7 July Mause David Durie, cook 7 Feb. Nicol Marie Wallace 8 Apr. Nicoll, sone to Johne Patersone, baillie of the Canongate

616 625 630 634 635 636 632 642 643 643 647 648 656 658 666 663 667 671 671 678 679 681 685 692 610 635 646 649 673

682 608 669 697

631 641

642 643 658

(deleted), 8 Apr. Nicolas John Hammiltoun, barber 2 June Mr. Ninian, minister of Dalserf Margaret So.mervell 31 Aug. Ninian, merchant; Christian Adamesoune 12 Nov. Patrick; Marion Denholme 11 Dec. Mr. Peter Jean Melvill 8 Nov. Peter Janet Machen 20 May Rebecca Thomas Pryde, tailor 23 Dec. Rebecca Thomas Fisher, tailor 12 July Mr. Robert Mary Traill 16 Feb. Robert, baker Isobel Stubles 23 June Robert, brewer Janet Jameson 17 Apr. Robert, cordiner Giles Alisone test. 8 Mav Robert, cordiner Margaret Butterwith ig Dec. Robert, cordiner Jean Douglass 31 Dec. Robert, cordiner Catharine Alane 10 Dec. Robert, cordiner Janet Alison, married on Friday,

6;8 653 668 600 606 670 606 628 632 694 663 677 610 673 674 676 694 643 683


Robert, husbandman Isobel Whyte Robert, skinner Margaret Conquergood

S.E. 15 June 5 Jan. 10 Aug.


Edinburgh Marriage Register.




Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), Robert, stabler


Agnes Gilchryson
16 Apr. 27 Dec.

Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert,


Helen Blythman workman Marion Miller

; ;


wright wright

Bessie Wood Janet Henrie Janet Hart


,, ,,

Robert Marion Chesnie Robert Margaret Smith Sara David Corsbie, cordiner 14 Sept. Sara James Rae, merchant 7 Mar. Sara Duncan Murisone, litster 19 Oct. Mr. Thomas, minister at West Kirk Christian Pitcairn, d. of Mr. David P. of Dreghorn 19 Nov. 1699, rn- 29 Nov. Thomas, baker Margaret Pryd 1 Nov.

28 Sept. 19 Nov. 25 Mar. 9 Aug. 9 July



,, ,,


Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas,

Janet Tait cordiner Isobel Goldman glover Isobel Cowts glover Catharine Dennistoun mason Bessie Gleghorne mason Helen Miller mason Isobel Moore

bonnetmaker candlemaker candlemaker


Isobel Broun Christian Bishop

3 Feb. 9 Aug. 30 July 6 Dec. 24 Aug.

29 Mar.


11 Jan.

mason mason

Mary King
Janet Philp Janet Hunter

26 July 29 June
10 Jan. 6 Apr. 9 Jan. 27 June 29 Oct. 24 Aug. 7 July 28 Feb. 25 Aug.

peuterer skinner
; ; ;

Isobel Martin

Sarah Bennett

Agnes Abercrombie tailor Helen Wilsoune Catharine Reade tailor workman Margaret Dobie
; ;


Margaret Smith

Violet; James Watt, tailor Walter, tailor Margaret Forrest Walter, writer Anna Inglis


30 Dec.


16 Sept. Walter; Mary Brock Walter Janet Logie, married by Mr. George Trotter 4 Sept. Janet Kinloch Mr. William, minister at July Alice Hamilton, married by Mr. John Mr. William 26 Jan. Paterson, 28 instant, at Halyruidhouse William, baker Agnes Gledstaines 7 Mar. William, candlemaker Margaret Ross 19 July 22 Apr. William, cobbler Janet Trinch 12 Apr. William, cobbler Marion Finlayson Marion Haistie 6 Aug. William, cordiner Margaret Aytoun 6 Feb. William, cordiner


William, William, William, William, William, William, William, William, William, William, William,


Alison Bell

merchant merchant merchant


Agnes Macheu



Jacjuelene d'Voucht

Marion Matthisone mouldmaker Janet Willson Margaret Watsone stabler


28 Apr. 24 Aug. 21 Feb. 18 Apr.

12 June 18 Feb.



tailor tailor

Isabel Dischingtoun Margaret Crichtoun Anna Mackie

23 Jan.

Mar. June

Janet Hutoun

18 July


Guildie, married at

28 Aug.

upon the 20 instant William, tailor Margaret Kennedy




Edinbttrgh Marriage Register.



Paterson (Patersoune, Patirsone), William, taiIor,burgess Jean Houstie, d. of deceased John Houstie, farmer in Dyck in Canongate, 24 Oct. 1697, m. 25 Nov. in Moray William, workman Agnes Clerk 29 Nov. Margaret Nisbet William, writer 14 Sept. Paton (Patoun, Pawtoun), Agnes William Dorat, wright 5 July
; ;

,, ,,


Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

Alison Alison Alison

John Young, tailor William Dalyell, husbandman James Maklurg, merchant

18 July

6 Oct. 5 Apr.

Thomas Ewing
John Williamesone, merchant David Clerk, tailor George Johnstoun, merchant

20 Nov. 4 Aug.
13 Oct.

,, ,,


Andrew, tailor Agnes Coltheard Anna James Lindsay, wright Archibald, merchant; Agnes Scotte

June Nov. 27 Mar.


15 Jan.





Bessie Gilbert Myles, mason Catharine Thomas Cleghorn, goldsmith Elizabeth John Cuninghame, writer Elspeth Thomas Smyth, weaver Elspeth James Wilsoun, cordiner Elspeth Thomas Barclay, skinner Alexander Baxter, tailor Grisel

29 Apr. 30 Mar. 29 Jan.





James Broun, cordiner David Drumtnond, silk weaver James, baker Agnes Waist

Helen Helen

Andrew Makclen, pewderer

Dec. 28 June 26 June 4 July 24 Nov.

19 Sept.


6 July
14 Dec. 14

,, ,,




James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James,

Margaret Alexander candlemaker Margaret Balk cordiner Alison Wright indweller Margaret Carlylle locksmith Marion Sandelandis merchant Agnes Padzien


4 June 16 Sept. 30 Nov. 13 Feb.


skinner; Catharine Coutie


Marion Andersone smith Margaret Weir workman Marion Kedie

; ; ;

6 Sept.


,, ,,



,, ,,


,, ,,


Catharine Thomson Janet James Cuthbertsone, baker 17 Aug. Janet Robert Scott, indweller 8 July 1681 Jean John Binnie, tailor 3 Dec. 1680 Margaret Dunmuir, married at South John, coachman Leith by Mr. James Waugh, per license, St. Andrews, upon 5th day instant month 3 Jan. 1684 Marion Hunter 18 May 1647 John, cordiner Isobel Hutcheson John, indweller 26 Feb. 1674 John, merchant Alison Courtie 6 Sept. 1603 Isobel (deleted) Janet Black John, merchant 15 Jan. 1633 Margaret Smyth 21 Nov. 1626 John, skinner John, tailor Margaret Broun 12 Oct. 1655 John, traveller; Alison Lithquow 4 Dec. 1617 John Isobel Anderson, married by Mr. George Trotter 17 May 1683 John Christian Reid 17 Nov. 1684 Margaret John Levingstoun, ploughman 17 June 1628 Margaret David Marti ne, blacksmith 23 Feb. 1636 Margaret; William Scotte, workman 16 July 1646 Margaret; Thomas Gray, baker 27 Nov. 1651 Margaret George Mosman, merchant 3 Nov. 1658 Marion ; David Thomsone, tailor 29 Aug. 1627 Marion Peter Wallace, merchant 4 Oct. i66o


22 Sept. 29 Apr.

1697 1636 1665 1603 1616 1629 1659 1673 1625 1636 1649 1634 1673 1631 1681 1694 1657 1647 1654 1678 1638 1661 1692 1682 1666 1676 1672 1674 1664 1660 1690 1690 1655 1635 1665 1687 1643


Edijiburgh Marriage Register.




Paton (Patoun, Pawtoun), Marion Marion Alexander Watson


John Cuninghame

Oct. 1677



,, ,,

Patrick Houden Matthew, skinner Bessie Hume Matthew, skinner Christian Porteous Michael, candlemaker Sybilla Muirhead Michael, candlemaker Catharine Mossman Robert, indweller Helen Dalgleish Robert Margaret Strauchan, married on i8th

7 11

Aug. Aug. 13 June 19 June

12 Apr.

11 Oct. 14 Dec. 17 Nov.

1698 1693 1622 1639 1664 1667 1665 1687

Thomas, maltman in Glasgow Helen Scott, proclaimed in Glasgow and married here 20 Oct. 1698 Thomas, tailor; Marion Murdo 17 Oct. 1622 Thomas, workman; Jean Blaikie Feb. 1684 WiUiam, indweller in Canongate Janet Moor, d. of Ale.^iander M., cordiner in Aberdeen

17 May 1696, m. 2 June William, servitor to the Duchess of Lauderdale Elizabeth Johnstoun 21 June William Anna Gay, married by Mr. William Annand ,, 30 Dec. Isobel Finlay, by Mr. Malcolm in S. K. Paul (Paule, Paull), James 25 Oct. 16 June James Bell, bookbinder Janet ,, 21 June Jean Lyon Forrest, indweller ,, Marion Thomas Kellie, cordiner 5 Dec. Marion John M'Ronnald, writer 4 Apr. Matthew, tailor Lilias Cleland 9 Sept. 21 July Thomas, tailor Elizabeth Findlayson ,, William, bath stove keeper Jakline Shevalier 7 Alay W^illiam, merchant Isobel Campbell 27 Dec. ,, 28 June Paxton (Paxtoun), Alexander, merchant Elspeth Watt Alexander, tailor Elspeth Learmonth 19 June James Jean Burnett, both of the parish of Baro, were ,, 22 Nov. 1696, m. in N. K. 18 Dec. proclaimed there Elizabeth Cochrane John, merchant 4 Nov. Margaret Thomas Smith, merchant 15 Aug.

1696 1694 1680 1689 1659 1683



1676 1679 1674 1669 1610 1650 1666

1696 1600 1605

Margaret Robert Makcune, writer 31 May Peacock (Pacok, Paecok, Poecok), Agnes William Bartrum, merchant 25 June Agnes William Hume, merchant 23 Mar. 28 June Agnes John Adam Mr. Alexander, writer Margaret M'Gill 19 Jan. Barbara Robert Henrysone 7 Oct. Barbara Walter Douglas, feltmaker 31 Dec. Edward, farmer Jean Shoreswood, married per license, Edinburgh 29 Feb. Edward, feltmaker Catharine Straitoun 17 Feb. 21 Apr. EHzabeth John Bordland, litster James Broun, tailor Elspeth 3 June 24 Aug. Eupham John Wauche, bovver Margaret Glen 18 Apr. George, merchant George, writer Marion Whyte 9 June 18 Dec. Helen George Falconer, coriar Helen Robert Mercer, tailor 5 July Henry, tailor Margaret Maklewreath 17 July i June Edward Cock, soldier Isobel 27 Apr. Isobel James Peacock Isobel Peacock, married 4 March 27 Mar. James, cordiner 8 June James, tailor Margaret P^alconer 28 Nov. James, weaver Jean Grainger
; ;


,, ,,

1646 1660 1680 1630 1647 1668 1684 1682 1629 1647 1602 1650 1640 1668 1677 1628 1658


Gabriel Bigger, tailor

1691 1691 1693 1671 6 Sept. 1598


Edinburgh Marriage Register.



Peacock (Pacok, Paecok, Poecok), Janet


oun, tailor



Hew Trotter, merchant John Roger, pewderar Richard Lauthiane, merchant David Aitkine, cordiner Barbara Archibald John, marikin-dresser Agnes Scot John, merchant

Jean Jean Jean


John, stabler Janet Weir Alargaret Stevinsone John, tailor Laurence, schoolmaster Bessie Mathie


,, ,,



David Morison Margaret James Lands, merchant Margaret George Lawson, smith Margaret John Burn, tailor * Margaret John Laing, writer Marion Michael Crawford Mawse William Tannihill, tailor Rachel John Bruce, feltmaker Robert, merchant Janet Stevinsone Thomas, cordiner Janet Makaulay Thomas, cordiner Janet Chalmers Thomas, skinner Isobel Stevinsone Thomas, stabler Janet Porteous William, seaman Jean Greig William, stabler Marion Eliot

William, stabler William, stabler

Elspeth Craig Jean Bigholme


Pears (Pearis, Peers, Peires, Peiris), Agnes man, baker Robert Rutherfoord Christian George, " coriar " Elizabeth Mowbray James, indweller Isobel Reid


John Fullerton, cordiner Margaret Robert Dowglas, cutler Margaret John Dunlop, merchant Margaret William Lyndsay, baker in Leith William, cordiner Helen Henrysone Pearson (Pearsone, Peirsone, Person, Persoune), Mr. merchant Isobel Edyer Agnes Robert Symson, cordiner Mr. Alexander, advocate Christian Rig Alexander, merchant Margaret Gledstaines Alexander Margaret Mitchell ,, Alexander Catharine Dick Alison Clement Ronald, candlemaker ,, Andrew, silk weaver Jean Campbell Beatrix Mr. George Honyman Bessie James Pearsone Bessie Alexander Smyth, flesher George Russell, merchant Bessie Catharine William Robesone, silk weaver Catharine Mr. Robert Burnet, younger Catharine Mr. Thomas Veatch, advocate Catharine George Thomson Christian Walter Jamesone, flesher ,,







Christian Christian Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth

Thomas Thomas

Mershell, wright Balvaird, tailor

James Broun, merchant David Lyndsay, fiar of Kirkforther Peter Wilson


Edinburgh Marriage Register.



Pearson (Pearsone, Peirsone, Person, Persoune), Elizabeth

Elspet Thomas Cleghorne, goldsmith Elspeth Patrick Forsyth, candlemaker Elspeth James Broun, indweller George, stabler Janet Moseman George, stabler Isobel Pearsone Helen Daniel M'Pherson, indweller
; ; ;

John Blair



Alexander Johnstoun
flesher flesher writer writer

James, James, James, James,

George Pearsone, stabler Bessie Diksoune Bessie Broun Janet Geechen Margaret Hay

Janet Janet

Bessie Pearsone Thomas Murdo, marikin-dresser

Daniel Walker, cooper

James Hall, wright James Bellshis, indweller John, candlemaker Janet Couper
Jean Jean
; ; ;

John, John, John, John, John, John,

Catharine Nisbet See Agnes Law. his widow. indweller merchant Margaret Byres younger, merchant Eupham Baxter post Jean Purdie Bessie Andersone stabler

John Margaret Layng Margaret David Creigh, merchant Margaret John Liddaill, merchant Margaret Thomas Burnet, writer Margaret John Jameson, soldier Margaret William Young, indweller Margaret Robert Campbell, merchant Margaret David Sanderson, timber heel-maker Margaret Moorehead Robert, candlemaker Robert, candlemaker Agnes Chatto Robert, candlemaker Janet Park, d. of deceased John P., maltman at Glasgow 17 July i(' Walter, flesher Margaret Ewing Mr. William Margaret Levingstoun
; ;

William, corcliner Giles Thomsone Margaret Gilleis William, tailor William Elizabeth Fyfe, married by Robert, Bishop of Brechin 6 Jan. 1677 Christian Sheapheard, bringing a testificate William from Mr. Willson, minister of the Elie, that they had been thrice lawfully proclaimed there, were married by Mr. John Ferquard, who keeps the said testificate 24 June 1686 Peat (Peatt, Peit, Pet), Bethiah Charles Crawfoord, tailor 9 Dec. 1652 16 July 1669 Alexancler Johnstoun, weaver Isobel 28 Feb. 1639 Margaret John Hammiltoun, tailor Margaret Thomas Johnstoun, weaver 13 Aug. 1675

Margaret James Bruce Mary Robert Gadie, blewgown Mawse John Straquhen, shoemaker Margaret Sturgeon William, tailor Pedder, Janet John Blainchill, glover Peddie (Peadie), Jean James Young, cordiner

John, tailor Catharine Waugh Peden (Pedan, Pedden), John, silk weaver



5 July 1687 6 Nov. 1668 4 Dec. 1634 17 Feb. 167 3 Dec. 1669 20 Jan. 1648 18 May 1671 8 June 1677


Edinburgh Marriage

8 Dec.
1 1

700 652 688 683 650
601 621

20 June William Peebles (Pebilis, Pebils, Pebles, Peblis), Bessie M'Caall, merchant 24 Nov. Catharine; Sir John Hammiltoun of Trabroun, knight 7 Aug. Catharine John Jonkine, colsbler 3 Apr. ,, 2 July Catharine John Wylie, cobbler 6 Nov. Patrick Govan, merchant Christian 20 Oct. Mr. David Margaret Heriot David, merchant Janet Purves 24 Feb. ,, 12 Apr. Mr. George Crukshank Elizabeth ,, George Smeebert, merchant Elizabeth 23 Dec. Mr. Hugh, writer Elizabeth Thomson 3 Nov. ,, Hew, writer Bessie Browne 19 July
; ;

Peden (Pedan, Pedden), Agnes Matthew Mair Bessie John Grahame, drover ,, John Mary Low Pedison, Isobel John Buchanan Dorothea Green Robert, cordiner
; ;


3 July 2 Dec.

638 646 606 642 620

658 676 610 613 614 657 678 660 686 664

John Henrysone, writer 5 Jan. 26 July Margaret John Knowis, writer 1 1 Dec. Margaret Robert Watsone, weaver 12 Feb. Margaret; Robert Watson 21 Aug. Mr. Patrick, indwcller Christian Makadonie Peter Castile Peel, Margaret 27 July William Pollike, skinner 8 July Peirie (Peerie, Perie), Barbara William Thomson, servitor to Sir William ThomGrizel ,, son, town-clerk 27 Nov. Henry Katharine Gilgour 7 July James, wright Elspeth Craige 7 May Agnes Moderwall, d. of deceased .AlexPatrick, tailor 21 July 1700, m. 16 Aug. ander M., tailor in Portsburgh 26 Nov. William, brewer Margaret Burnet Pencie, Helen John Scott, brewer 23 June Marjory Robertsoune Pender, James, merchant 5 June



663 602



Janet Janet

Thomas Craig Andrew Cuninghame, barber





Jean John Sheill, mason Margaret Robert Burrell, baker Margaret; John Jack, indweller

20 Oct. 21 July 27 June



700 668 700 606 666 670 614 599 677 650 660

Pendreich (Pendreigh, Pendrigh, Pendroch), Gilbert, merchant Janet Nisbet 7 Feb. 28 June James, merchant Agnes Andersone ,, James Mary Clepen 4 July Penicuik (Pennicook, Pennicuke, Pennycook), Agnes James .\lane, merchant 9 Dec. Mr. John Richardson Alison 29 Dec.
; ; ;



22 June Andrew, husbandman Margaret Haddome Anna Alexander Campbell, merchant 23 Nov. Anna Roger Gordon of Be-Whyn [PTroquhen] 24 Aug. ii Oct. Eupham Thomas Andersoune, skinner Agnes Liddell Gilbert, candlemaker 4 Dec. Margaret James, son of Alexander P. of Newhall Deans 7 Aug. James his widow. See Margaret Deans.
; ; ;

613 674 625 668 688


679 606 605 623

Matthew Aytoun, skinner Margaret; John Grahame " spargener " Marion; Hew Makrone, workman Marion John Sinnight, cordiner Thomas, baker Margaret Schort William, gardener Catharine Patersone ,, Penman, Alexander, wright Jean Brown

23 Jan.



11 Sept.


10 July 29 June 27 Nov. 13 July





Allan Campioell, tailor

15 Oct.




Edinburgh Marriage


616 654 606

Penstoun, Janet Nicoll Rynd, tailor i8 July Christine Donaldsone i6 June John, merchant William, tailor Elizabeth Wilkesoune i8 Feb. ,, Marion Pentland (Paintland), Robert, carter at Westport Cockburn, d. of deceased William C. in Spittlehaugh

Robert, smith

Margaret Nicoll,


N., tailor in


17 Oct. 1697, m. 18 Nov. of deceased Thomas 29 Oct. 1699, rn. i Dec.


Pepper, John, flesher Alison Warrander 19 June Pergillis. See Pargillies. Peribau, Theophilus Anna Cochran, married by Mr. John

699 656

Robertson 13 Nov. Perkins, Robert Jean Hay 4 Feb. Persell, Robert, merchant Agnes Neasmyth 29 July Persones, George, English soldier; Marion Fairbairne 21 Mar. Peter, Alexander, perfumer Agnes IM'Clellan, married by Mr. William Annand, Dean 12 Apr. Alexander, tailor Helen Schearer 14 Jan. David, writer Margaret Moorehead 2 Nov. James, stabler Janet Weir 2 June James, wright Margaret Manson 10 July James, writer; Agnes Rig 11 Mar. ,, John, tailor Janet Schand 13 Dec.
; ;

679 657 658 654


636 648
625 673

65s 609 676 629 629 691

John, writer Janet Mylne Nicolas William Wilkie, skinner Richard, wright Margaret Liddaill ,, Petersone, Alexander, shoemaker Helen Ainslie Pether, Janet Norman Denun Petite, Peter, Frenchman Elizabeth Geddess, married Mr. John Hamilton Petrie, Alexander Jean Lindsay, by warrant of B. Edin.

19 Oct.


23 Sept. 26 June 10 Apr.


686 674 645 645 663 673 672 665 692





Mr. John Robertson Barbara Adam Broun, cordiner Catharine William Craighead, baker Catharine William Robertsone Catharine Alexander Home, violer Elspeth John Tod, weaver James, indweller Eupham Langwill James, maltman Margaret Kennedie
; ; ; ; ; ;

3 June 16 July

9 Jan. 24 July 9 Jan. 19 Dec. 26 Apr.

8 June

John, clothier Agnes Hogg 16 June John, cook Jean Wilkie 8 Dec. ,, -Margaret John Boog, tailor 19 Sept. Margaret John Kello, locksmith 12 July ,, Robert, glover, indweller Isobel Brouster, d. of John B., in Muthill parish 7 May 1699, m- 6 June Robert, merchant Ann Edmondstoun 28 Sept. ,, Robert Christian Anderson 18 Mar. William, merchant Elspeth Duncan 8 Nov. Petticrue (Pettincrue, Pettingrue, Petticroove), Alexander, merchant; Catharine Haistie 13 Feb. Alexander, writer Margaret Samuell 3 Feb. Alexander, writer Marion Warrander 1 3 Oct. Elizabeth James Hunter, stabler ,, 19 June James, writer Dame Giles Moncreiff 24 June
; ;

665 666

699 652 673 655

662 665 668 673 658
671 68 1 688



Jean David Stansfield John Margaret Russell Margaret Hugh Somervell Robert, poultryman Barbara Allerdice Sophia Thomas Caddell Thomas Grizel Norie

14 Mar.

29 July
17 Jan.
3 Dec. 29 June

13 Nov.

657 694 677







Peuterer (Peuterar, Peutherar), David, cook

Catharine Midltoun
25 July 1672 27 Nov. 1677 10 June 1679

James, tailor; Agnes Colvill James, violer Margaret Davidson Robert, skinner Margaret Young Robert, skinner Isobel Hopkine William, chapman Marion Ritchie,

Dec. 1676




18 Oct. 1678 R.,



Nov. 1699, m. 8 Dec. 1699

Phaikney, Giles Laurence Halie, husbandman 2 July 1639 Phares (Pharees), Janet Robert Morison 23 Oct. 1698 Marjory Knolls clandestinely, 29 Oct. 1691 John, indweller See also Farias. Philip (Phillip), Bessie Thomas Bie, wobster 28 Apr. Bessie William M'Mirrie, tailor James, tailor Catharine Lawson Janet James Quhyt, baker Matthew Robesoune, walker Janet Janet Andrew Rynd, tailor Jean Thomas Fairlie, weaver Grizel Jackson John, cordiner Agnes Robertsone John, merchant Marion Coutis Leonard, walker Margaret Alexander Struthers
; ; ;
; ;

John Schaw, merchant Barbara Bartane Isobel Kerse Philips, Thomas, soldier Helen Haistie Phillen, John, chopman Mary Gibb, d. of John G. of Pow Philp of Ormiston, John

Robert, writer


Agnes Robert Fleming, merchant Agnes Jasper Gumming, merchant Agnes John Mitchell Andrew, skinner Bessie Mote
; ;



Hay, gentleman John Cumlok, merchant Catharine Walter Speir, in Leith Catharine Robert Wisheart, cordiner Robert Sincler, brewer Christian David, merchant Margaret Bruce Helen John Carstorphine, silk weaver William Symsoun, cordiner Isobel Mr. James Jean Corbett, married by
Bessie Bessie
; ;



James, skinner Rachel Hepburn James, tailor Isobel Alane James, writer Janet Fleming James, writer Bessie Hepburne ,, James Alison Walker, by Mr. Alexander Ramsay ,, Janet Andrew Corbrek Janet Thomas Paterson, mason ,, Janet John Hunter, flesher Margaret John Kneblo, merchant ,, Margaret James Colquhoun, merchant Patrick, merchant Jean Ramsay Margaret Monteir Stevin, merchant ,, Richard Wray, English soldier Phin, Elizabeth Walter, merchant Catharine Henrysone William, litster Agnes Hamilton Phinlay, Gavin, weaver Agnes Marjoribanks

Phinnick (Phynnick), Lilias

See also Finlay. Patrick Crafurd


Edinburgh Marriage



Phinnick (Phynnick), Robert, tanner Margaret Kincaid 7 Nov. Robert, tanner Elizabeth Patersone See also Fenwick. Phinnie (Phinie, Phynnie), Agnes Robert Christie, chirurgian 4 Aug. Agnes William Randale, litster ,, Barbara Thomas Mitchell, barber ,, Catharine David Leslie, tailor
; ; ; ;


John Watson,




David, workman Margaret Tailer Elizabeth James Fyfe, tailor Mr. George Margaret Spynie Isobel Edmond Scot, baker James, husbandman Jean Weak Margaret Allerdyce John, cordiner John, tailor Helen Grahame
; ;


Margaret Thomas Binnie, tailor Margaret Edward Carmichael, skinner Margaret James Broun, smith Margaret Adam Richie, tailor Margaret John Main Marion Thomas Murdo, coriar Marion Walter Gledstaines, tailor Marie Francis Weir, tailor William, tailor Christian Johnstoun

See also Finnic.



James Somervell, pewderar


Piccard (Pickard, Pickart), James, miller Jean Clerk Janet Archibald Inglis, baker ,, Bessie Loch John, miller Picken (Pikken), Andrew, tailor Catharine Bathcat Christian George Bell, marikin-dresser Janet John Cock, baker ,, Janet James ^Lakaulay, stabler ,, John Katherine Davidsoune Margaret Andrew Cowen, wright Peter, walker Isobel Schaw ,, Marion Currie Piew, Rolland, wright Pigeon, Patrick, tailor Rachel Christisone Pigeons, John, tailor ALarion Henrysoune Piggen, Catharine Thomas Smyth, merchant Pigott (Piggot, Piggat, Pigget), Agnes Gilbert Mackie Isobel Gilbert Crawfurde, tailor ,,



Edward Mauchen,


Margaret Mr. John Goodaill James Bryce, cadger Pilget, Margaret Mr. Robert Lidderdale Pillan (Pilan, Pillon), Helen Marion John \'erth, maltman ,,
; ;



Thomas Garven, merchant


Sara Thomas Crawfurd, cordiner Pillans (Pilans, Pillones, Pilones), Anna


John Cunningham, bookbinder Beatrix George Craig, cordiner Elspet Symeon Symsoun, cordiner Isobel John Crawfoord, cordiner Mr. James, regent in philosophy Helen Hepburne Mr. James Marion Johnstoun ,, Janet John Futhie, shoemaker Margaret Thomas Brand, cordiner Marion James Calder, indweller Pilmore (Pilmour, Pilmuir), Elizabeth James Stark, messenger
; ; ; ; ; ;





EdinMii'gh Marriage Register.




Pilmore (Pilmour, Pilmuir), Elizabeth George Grahame, soldier i Oct. Henry, maltman Janet Donaldson 29 Jan. i July William Smyth, farmer Isobel 12 June James, weaver Jean Milrie 26 Feb. : James Helen Rae ,, Janet William Myles, brewer 14 July 28 Jan. Janet Alexander Haistie ,, Isobel Gourley Pindar (Pindor), John, cook 25 Apr. Pincarton (Pinckertowne, Pinkartoun), Allan, mason Eupham Bell



1684 1686 1676 1700


12 Jan. 1677 20 Nov. 1684 31 Dec. 1699 7 July 1671 ,, 20 Nov. 1646 ,, 11 Aug. 1664 John, skinner Janet Mitchell ,, Isobel Davidson, by warrant of Robert, trunkmaker 10 Aug. 1687 Archbishop of Glasgow William Bo Pirie (Pirhie, Pirrhie, Pirrie), Bessie 13 Apr. 1684 I Aug. 1679 Catharine John Thinn, litster ,, 21 June 1637 James, husbandman Jean Law ,, Margaret Rob at W. K. 5 Feb. 1674 John, cordiner ,, i Aug. 1656 John, slater Catharine Courtie 1 1 Aug. 1671 John, writer Barbara Purss John, writer; Anna Clerk 7 Mar. 1676 2 Oct. 1670 Thomas, writer Elizabeth Dundass ,, See also Peirie. 2 Mar. 1648 Pirnie, Thomas, merchant; Marion Dawling Margaret Hay, in the He of Pitblado (Pitplado), Alexander the N. K., by Mr. Dean 30 July 1685 Margaret William Jack, piper 29 Oct. 1667 ,, Pitcairn (Pitcairne, Pitcarne), Alexander, merchant Janet Sydserfif 4 July 1650 2 Feb. 1672 Christian John Calendar, merchant Mr. Thomas Paterson Christian 19 Nov. 1699 ,, Mr. David, writer Mary Anderson ,, 4 June 1678 Elizabeth John Justice, merchant 27 Apr. 1677 ,, Mr. George Eupham Dempster 4 June 1687 26 Dec. 1670 Mr. James Elizabeth Ruthven ,, Janet William Wallwood 3 Dec. 1699 Elizabeth Ramsay 20 Apr. 1620 John, writer ., Margaret; John Dalzell 15 Jan. 1699 Mr. Robert, writer Margaret Murray, married by Mr. ,, Robert Mortimer 3 Dec. 1675 Alison Knox Pitcathlie (Pitkethlie), David, cordiner 7 Jan. 1681 Thomas Archebald, sawyer 12 July 1636 Pittie (Pitie), Isobel James, stabler Bessie Spence 14 May 1646 William Nasmyth, weaver Janet 24 Nov. 1642 ,, Mary Matthew Reid, weaver 30 July 1646 Robert Cranstoun, tailor 28 June 166 Pittilloch (Pitillo), Agnes Alexander, tailor Jean Dicksone 6 June 1622 Francis Craw, wright Bessie 14 Nov. 1672 William Thomson, feltmaker Christian 26 June 1668 John Rachel Murdoch 30 Nov. 1686 Margaret James Hammiltoun, mason 28 Apr. 1659 ,, ^Margaret James Waderstaines, tanner 17 Dec. 1674 ,, 16 Dec. 1675 Margaret George Maither, skinner Margaret Mr. William Hog, writer in Chancery 25 Aug. 1677 Margaret James Pringle 28 July 1686 Mary Chrystie Robert, wright 15 Apr. 1675 William M'Clean, writer 29 June 1683 Pittendreich (Pettindreich), Anna John, tailor Susanna Wharrie 19 June 1655

Janet Janet

Robert Edgar, peutherer William Miller Jean John Broun, mason John, skinner Janet Arbukles
; ; ;





27 Oct. 23 Apr. 4 May 15 July 21 Jan.

630 609 677 679

Plain (Plaine), Elspeth John Dun, seaman John, hatniaker Isobel Turneble William, stabler Catharine Savage ,, Plant, Stephen, Frenchman Estienette Beauqueine Stephen, dancing master Sybilla Gourlay

Plenderleith (Plenderleyth, Plenderlith) of Blyth, David Marie Geddes, sister-german to James G. of Kirkurd, was lawfully married upon the 3d day of Aprill, 1691 29 Oct. of Blyth, David Marie Geddis, sister-german of James G. of Kirkord ^ Apr. of Blyth, David Janet Murray, d. of deceased Walter M. of Halmyre 8 Mar. 1696, m. 21 Mar.



David, merchant Margaret Hog David, writer Marion Levingtoun Edward, cooper Bessie Lethem Helen William Lytle James, cooper Margaret Richardson James, cooper Isobel Aitkin James, merchant Margaret Main James, tailor Barbara Moore James, tailor Janet Ritchie, d. of deceased farmer in Drumquhan in Perthshire

9 Dec. i Apr. 26 June 1 Jan. 9 July 16 Dec. 18 Jan. 6 May


696 652 668


633 669 692 672 652




Patrick Johnestoun, tailor


Jean Greg Robert Christian Willson ,, Plumber, Isobel George Weir, tailor Plunket, Christopher, indweller Barbara Lethem Poecok. See Peacock. Pollert, John, wright Jean M'Gill
; ;


9 June 1700, m. 27 June 21 July 22 May


700 614 623


18 31

June Aug.

661 598


13 Sept.

John, wright Agnes Mure ig May Katharine William Symountoun, saddler 6 Sept. Margaret John Stuart 30 May Pollock (Pollick, Pollike, PoUok, Poock, Pook, Poog, Pooge), Agnes Robert Steill, baker 2 Dec. Agnes John Edie, slater 9 Feb. Agnes Alexander Dallass, cordiner 7 Aug.

; ;

598 599



David Drummond


Alexander, indweller
Allan, merchant






Margaret Pollok Anna John Seaton of St. Germans Arthur, tailor Janet Knightsone Beatrix George Watsone, messenger Bessie James Pollock, baker



Sibbald, carter



John Duncane, flesher Robert Pollok, baker John Duncan, flesher William Henrysone Alexander Orme, cordiner William M'Kie, indweller Christian William Wat David, tailor Margaret Henrysone Elspeth William Goddie, tailor Elspeth Harbert Dunn, writer
; ; ;

Catharine Catharine; Catharine Catharine Catharine Catharine



Elspeth Archibald Dun Elspeth James Strachan, baker Hew, wright Isobel Harper, widow of Mr. Walter Stains
; ;

613 679 684 700 5 May 693 5 Jan. i Mar. 642 8 July 686 22 Oct. 638 3 Nov. 629 15 July 612 22 June 67 19 Jan. 6.5 14 Dec. 620 22 Apr. 624 23 Nov. 648 28 June 677 10 Sept. 686 15 July 686 8 June 643 26 June 606 7 June 614 622 7 Mar. 4 Apr. 672

16 Apr.

Isobel Isobel

John Alexander, cordiner



8 Jan.

692 618


13 Dec.


Edinburgh Marriage


[1595- 1700,

Pollock (Pollick, Pollike, Pollok, Poock, Pook, Poog, Pooge), Isobel James Vernour, skinner 3 Dec. William Warrok, skinner Isobel 31 Dec. ,, William Cleland, tailor 6 Feb. Isobel ,, Isobel James Cleland, tailor 25 Apr. ,, Isobel John Boyde 29 Dec. Mr. James, writer Agnes Inglis 9 Aug. ,, James, baker; Bessie Pollock 15 July 21 Nov. James, baker Bessie Scotte 19 May James, cordiner Agnes Davidsoune 19 Feb. James, cordiner Agnes Wat 20 June James, cordiner Janet Loudoun 8 July James, cordiner Catharine Glassfuird









,, ,,




17 Mar. James, merchant Margaret Glen James, skinner, burgess Jean Tennant, d. of Thomas i Dec. 1700, m. 19 Dec. T., stabler, burgess 20 Nov. James, tailor Jean Traquare Janet Thomas Crystesone, tailor Janet Duncan Campbell, shoemaker Janet John Heads, cordiner Mr. Patrick Andersoune Jean Jean Mr. Robert Balcancjuall Jean David Barclay, merchant Jean Peter Symson, slater Jean Jeremiah Robertson John, baker Janet Reid Barbara Hewet John, baker Isobel Miller John, baker John, cooper Bessie Lyndsay John, cordiner Margaret Howisone John, cordiner Marion Rutherfoord Barbara Murame John, Mary Scot John, glover John, skinner Jean Chrystie Isobel Barclay John, skinner Marion Weir John, Wright Isobel Williamson John John Helen Neilson Margaret James Mowet, writer Margaret Allan Pollok, merchant Margaret John Greirson, wright Margaret John Mitchell, younger, merchant Margaret Edward Cuninghame, surgeon Marion Archibald Bauld, messenger Marion David Nicolsone, merchant Marion Robert Moore, merchant Isobel Smeall Peter, wheelwright Rebecca John Hunter, locksmith Margaret Sincler Richard, baker Isobel Huntter Robert, baker Catharine Pollok Robert, baker Mary Legat, by warrant of B. Edin. Robert, baker Mr. John Robertson Robert, cordiner Elspeth Waugh Marion Stainhouse Robert, flesher Robert, gardener Anna Bowman Robert, gardener Elizabeth Broun

Helen Frank Robert, shoemaker See Helen Fyfe. Robert, weaver his widow.



William, baker

Margaret Thomas Margaret Baillie

1 1


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


Pollock (Pollick, Pollike, Pollok, Poock, Pook, Poog, Pooge), William, deacon of the skinners Margaret Lockart, was married on the Lords night befor, after sermons by Mr. John IVIacqueen, in the Colledge Kirk, they were 2 Dec. proclaimed 18 Mar. William, drummer; Dorothea Greene 20 July William, furrier Margaret Strang William, skinner 8 July Barbara Peirie William, tailor Helen Courtie 4 June 10 Dec. William, weaver Janet Cramond Poison (Pollson), Charles, cordiner Agnes Young, married by

1684 1647 1669 1664 1657 1634

2 Aug. 1683 Mr. John Fercphar 28 Nov. 1678 William, tailor Helen Anderson Polwarth (Polwart), Lord Patrick Madam Elizabeth Home, m. 2d December 1697, by Mr. George Meldrum, wit; ;




nesses, Patrick, Earl of Marchmont, Chancellor, his father. Sir Alexander Home, advocate, Mr. Andrew Home, advocate, sons of the Chancellor, Sir James Hall of Dunglas, baronet. Sir Patrick Home of Lumsden, solicitor, George Home of Kimmergem, Patrick Home of Reston Bessie Adam liennet, tailor 9 Dec. 1658 Catharine John Menzies, lieutenant of horse 24 Dec. 1646 Elspeth John Sellers, baker 13 July 1641 16 July 1641 Elspeth William Young, tailor Margaret Robert Bruce, gentleman 2 Dec. 161

Robert Law, wright John Mar, brewer Pomphrey (Pomfray). See Pumphrey. Pont, James, merchant Janet Lowsone Margaret George Dickson Poog. See Pollok.


Margaret Margaret

24 Aug. 1631 23 Oct. 165

30 Nov. 1626 23 Dec. 1685

Pook. See Pollok. Poole (Pool, Pooll, Poull), Catharine David Lytle, merchant i June 1647 Elspet Robert Dunlope, merchant 30 Jan. 1612 ,, Emilia George Beetch, perfumer i Nov. 1666



,, ,,

Janet Edward Hill, merchant Janet John Manson, cook Janet Thomas Davidson John, perfumer Jean Horner Margaret Peter Wat, merchant

17 July 1673 18 Dec. 1685

15 July 1692 17 Oct. 1679 18 Apr. 1616

merchant Margaret Thomson Porringer, Nicolas James Nauchley Porteous (Porteus), Adam, weaver; Janet Traill Agnes John Gray, officer Agnes Andrew French, baker
Popiltries, John, tailor;
; ; ;

Mary; George


June 1650

July 1670 27 July 1688 18 Nov. 1681

7 Dec. 1597
5 Aug. 1658 22 Feb. 1659 16 July 1669 23 June 1635 14 July 1642 2 Jan. 1606 2 Apr. 1672 20 June 1673 3 Dec. 1607 16 Aug. 1610 25 June 161 3 Feb. 1646 21 Mar. 1622 25 Nov. 1624 17 Nov. 1625

Agnes Agnes

Patrick Borthuik, goldsmith

Robert Wallace, baker Alexander, messenger; Margaret Durkie Alison Patrick Sincler, stabler Andrew, tailor Alison Tod
; ; ;

Andrew, weaver Marion Lasoun Andrew Agnes Sympson Beatrix Master William Stuard, niacer [mager] Bessie Michael Libbertoun, meilmaker Bessie James Haistie, merchant
; ; ;


Bessie Patrick Wilkie Catharine Bernard Lyndsay, stabler Catharine Robert Gibsone, hoi^sboy Catharine Patrick Meldrum, weaver
; ; ;


Edinbiu'gh Mari'iage Register.


[1595- 1700.

Porteous (Porteus), Christian Thomas Crichtoun, merchant 3 Dec. Christian Matthew Patoun, skinner 19 June ,, Christian 8 Sept. John Gibson, writer ,, David, merchant Agnes Ramsay 12 Nov. ,, David, merchant Elspet Martine 1 1 July David, meixhant Janet Alane 14 Oct. ,, David Margaret Johnnestoun 30 July ,, Elizabeth Robert Scharp, in Dunfermline 3 Feb. ,, Elizabeth Andrew Allan 25 June ,, Elspeth Robert Aikman, merchant 26 Oct. ,, Eupham Thomas Littiljohnne, baker 15 Jan. ,, George, painter Grizel Couper 17 June ,, George, painter Anna Paterson 19 Apr. George, writer Isobel Anderson 29 Oct. Gilbert, cordiner Margaret Balcanquall 9 Sept. Helen Thomas Barroun, tailor 30 Sept. Isoljel George Alesoune, mason 24 Sept. ,, Isobel John Glasgow, whipman 30 June ,, Isobel Alexander Elphingstoun, merchant 26 Feb. ,, Isobel George Sandry, indweller 12 Dec. ,, Isobel David Alane, skinner ,, 3 Jan. Isobel Daniel Gair i Dec. 28 Nov. James, baker Helen Balcanquall ,, James, glover Giles Stevin 4 Dec. 18 Nov. James, maltman Margaret Yoole ,, James, maltman Janet Moore 5 July 11 June James, merchant; Marion Patersone ,, 16 July James, tailor Margaret Reid ,, James, wright Agnes Williamson, married by Mr. John Robertson 4 Apr. 22 Sept. James, writer Margaret Hering James Elizabeth Wicketshaw 27 June ,, James Janet Stewart, by warrant to Dr. William Annand, Dec ,, 12 Dec. 16 Dec. Janet Thomas Duncane, locksmith George Carno Janet 24 Nov. 22 Nov. Janet Alexander Mowat, weaver ,, Janet John Makmirrie, traveller 9 May Thomas Dowglas, hatmaker Janet 30 Apr. William Borthuik, husbandman Janet ,, 9 June Richard Bennet, hatmaker 20 Nov. Janet Janet; William Trotter, tailor 31 Dec. ,, Janet Alexander Waterstoun, husbandman 27 Aug. Hew Nicksone, mason 21 Jan. Janet ,, Janet James Grege, tailor 27 Nov. Janet James Hervie, pewderer 15 Apr. 20 Jan. Janet John Gray, coachman Janet Thomas Peacock, stabler 14 Nov. 18 Dec. Janet James Swann, blacksmith ,, Janet John Easson, tailor 23 Dec. Mr. W'illiam Greinlaw 28 Jan. Janet 22 Nov. Janet John Gordon, indweller i June Janet James Kid, cook Jean George Seatoun, baker 27 Feb. Jean George Dewart, baker 3 Sept. ,, 10 June John, baker Jean Young John, cordmer Helen Symsone 7 Jan. ,, 20 Sept. John, hatmaker Elspeth Dalyell Giles Vaitch, married upon the i8th John, indweller



day, instant moneth, 1675

John, maltman

Agnes Grahame

28 Jan. 29 Sept.


1595- 1 700.]

Edinburgh Marriage



Porteous (Porteus), John, schoolmaster Elspeth Nteper 22 Dec. 1653 John, servitor to Sir Robert Baird Margaret Ruther


foord, at the West kirk 23 John, son of Michael P., in Fulton in Tindall parish ; Catharine Heriot, d. of deceased Archibald H., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh 29 Oct. 1699, m. 16 John, stabler, indweller; Elizabeth Blaikie, d. of deceased

June 1687

Nov. 1699
1696 1609 1647 1684 1696 1690
165 165 1602


Thomas B., farmer in Glenholni 25 Oct. 1696, m. 27 Nov. John, tailor Christian Ros 23 Feb. John, tailor Christian Learmonth ig Aug. Margaret Smyth John, tailor 4 July Margaret Mason, widow of William Cairns, John, tailor mariner, N. K. 19 Apr. 1696, m. 19 May John, at Calder Anna Achenlek 8 July Bessie Ker John, in the West Kirk 29 May John, vulgar schoolmaster Barbara Tod 18 Dec. Leonard, merchant Katharine Thorbrand 9 Feb. Lilias John Wilsoune, tailor 27 Nov.


John Thomesone, merchant 4 July 1626 Lilias John Broun, merchant 17 Nov. 1654 Margaret John Grahame, skinner 11 Nov. 1606 Margaret Harie Foster, tailor 23 Apr. 161 Margaret James Wight, cordiner 27 Jan. 1625 Margaret David Park 8 Dec. 1629 Margaret James Daviesone, mason 10 Aug. 1643 ,, Margaret William Heatlie, servitor to Lord Yester 15 Apr. 1652 Margaret Thomas Kedie, cordiner 12 Oct. 1666 ,, Margaret William Ferrie, tailor 15 July 1670 Margaret William May 13 June 1690 Margaret John Sanderson 19 May 1700 Marion Alexander Vawse, merchant 3 Jan. 1598 Marion Henry Ray, tailor 17 Oct. 161 Marion James Layng, husbandman 22 Mar. 1653 Marion Thomas Laurie, merchant 27 Apr. 1671 Marion William Scott 24 Dec. 1680 Mary Colonel James Brymer 28 Oct. 1677 ,, Matthew, litster Christian Spens ,, 9 July 1674 Patrick, cook Helen Studeman 19 June 1604 Patrick, cook Janet Scrimgeour 29 Sept. 1607 Robert, embroiderer Isobel Alane 5 Oct. 1639 Robert, merchant Bessie Creigh ,, 25 Oct. 1636 Robert, merchant Barbara Patersone 9 Dec. 1642 Robert, merchant Catharine Miller ,, 15 July 1653 Robert Margaret Ketchen, married by Mr. John Ferquhar ,, 14 June 1683 Sara Robert Softley, tailor ,, 19 Jan. 1637 bookbinder Catharine Gordon Thomas, ,, 30 Nov. 1609 Thomas, merchant ALarion W'ilsone 25 Apr. 1633 Thomas, servant to the Laird of Mortoun Janet Wairdrob







Thomas, skinner Margaret Maxwell Thomas, smith Bessie Matthie Thomas, smith Helen Jamesone Thomas, stabler, burgess Rebecca Edmonstoun, deceased John E., in Currie

14 Oct. 1658 29 June 1666 25 June 1618 18 Dec. 1623


7 Oct. 1698


from Colinton) 28 Aug. 1698, m.

,, ,,

Thomas, tailor ALary Neilson Thomas, weaver Christian Achison Thomas, woolfiner Elspeth Mair

Thomas Thomas

Anna Guthrie Janet Cunningham

July 1663 July 1675 4 Nov. 1658 vide 15 July 1680 19 Apr. 1688



Edinbu7'gh Marriage Register.










James C, smith

17 July 1698,


5 5

Aug. 1698
Dec. 1609
Sept. 167

7 July 1642 23 Apr. 1634 6 June 1638 12 Nov. 1674 workman Elizabeth Nicoll ,, William Janet Wilsoun ,, 9 Oct. 1634 Porter, Andrew, tailor; Agnes Ethingtoun 13 July 1609 Andrew, tailor Janet Smyth 7 Mar. 1622 ,, Helen; George Rame, baker I Dec. 1614 William, merchant Janet Park 27 Jan. 1625 William, tailor; Janet Conchie 13 May 1647 ,, Porterfield (Porterfeild), Alexander, cordiner i July 1675 Janet Gordon 2 Nov. 1641 Catharine John Maxwell, soldier Catharine Alexander Nisbet 16 Nov. 1665 ,, Isobel Peter Bishop 23 July 1699 Robert Cairnecorse Janet 23 June 1596 ,, Bessie Dick 18 Aug. 1602 John, merchant 10 June 1606 John, merchant Elspeth Cant 10 Feb. 1648 John Mary Johnstoun 11 Sept. 161 Lilias Patrick Somervaill, merchant Mr. Walter; Catharine Cant in Duddingston 17 July 1645 William, cook Elspeth Bell 28 July 1614 William, cook Janet Lambe 19 May 1625 ,, Sec also Poterfield. Elizabeth Miller, by warrant of B. Edin., to Postlay, James Dr. William Annand 29 July 1686 Poterfield, Lilias James Somervell, merchant 19 Feb. 1597 Lylias John Lands, tailor ,, 7 July 1642 Barbara James Coltheart 17 Sept. 1683 ,,

William, William, William, William, William, William,


Janet Huntter indweller Agnes Irwing mason Elspeth Nasmyth

; ;


Helen Hunter workman Agnes Broun

; ; ;

See also Porterfield. Christian Thomson, married by Pott (Pot, Potte), George 8 Jan. 1682 Mr. Alexander Ramsay Isobel Robert Gilgour 24 June 1645 Margaret Thomas Watsone, cordiner 19 Aug. 1647 Potter, Bessie Alexander Cairnes, mariner 6 Jan. 1642 Bessie John Cunynghame, tailor 30 Nov. 1655 Bessie John Steven, workman 15 Jan. 1667 Catharine Alexander Edgar, writer 5 Jan. 1679 18 Nov. 1606 David, wright Agnes Mylne ,, Hector Aitoun, printer 26 June 1683 Elizabeth Adam Morisone, mariner 16 Apr. 1628 Isobel ,, Alexander Duncan, fishhook-maker Isobel 5 Dec. 1648 ,, 26 Apr. 1694 James, baker Jean Russell Marion Robertsone James, workman 19 Nov. 1635 ,, James, wright Catharine Wauchop 19 Aug. 1606 ,, James, wright Margaret Fyfe 14 Feb. 1684 8 Sept. 1641 Margaret David Heart, mariner Margaret; James Goran 15 Nov. 1667 Margaret Walter Lennox, indweller 4 Aug. 1672 Margaret; Andrew Johnstoun, stabler 15 June 1677 ,, 22 Feb. 1689 Marion Andrew Hay Margaret Mercer Peter, wright 23 Nov. 1652 Margaret Miller Peter, wright 29 Apr. 1656 ,, Helen Carmichael i Sept. Richard, English sergeant 1657 William Eupham Robertson 30 Sept. 1684 18 June 1669 Pottie, Alexander, baker; Isobel Caddonhead 12 Feb. 1669 Mause Patrick Penman, cordiner
; ; ;

595- '700.]

Edinburgh Marriage


1679 1681 1648 1681

Pottinger, Christian

Pow, Barbara

Gideon Muir, tailor 3 Jan. Mr. James Kniblo 19 July 23 Nov. Elspeth John Toshok, baker 28 Oct. Elspeth Edward Salter, mariner 8 Nov. John, merchant Margaret Murdo Margaret John Chieslie of Carswell 7 Mar. Catharine Russell, married by Mr. William Robert 12 June Annand, Dean 28 July Power (Pouer), Gilbert, merchant Janet Henrysone John, son of the deceased Gilbert P., merchant Agnes Deans, married by Mr. John Robertson, upon the 30

1649 1697
1683 1653

Powes (Powse),

day, instant moneth Robert Laurie, tailor Isobel Robert Gemmil, lorimer Janet

31 Jan. 1679 18 June 1641 21 Nov. 1634


Francis Daviesone, tailor

John Grahame,


13 July 1647 1608 31


Robert, tailor; Janet Hudesone Powrie (Pourie), Andrew, druggist his widow. Isobel John Arnot, tailor William Penman, indweller Janet Pratt (Prat), Christian John Meldrome, tailor James, locksmith Nicolas Wood

; ;

29 Dec. 1608 See Elizabeth Smith. 6 July 1609 23 Oct. 1674 8 June 1597 6 July 1671 James, workman Marjory Thomson 21 Jan. 1700, m. 8 Feb. 1700 i June 1660 Isobel Schaw John, mason ,, 28 June 1694 William, indweller Margaret Galloway Prentice (Prentize, Printeis), Alexander, cordiner in W. K. parish Anna Wallace, d. of deceased James W., pro. 2 Apr. 1699 cordiner in W. K. parish 29 Aug. 1644 James, workman Janet Cock Jean Alexander Cairnes, smith 19 June 1651 Bessie Courtie John, perfumer 13 July 1675 John, smith Janet Con 5 June 1606 vide 28 Nov. 1673 Robert, mason Elspeth Gibson Christian Tirie Prentoch, James in Canongate 29 Jan. 1675 Prescot, Mary William Godwin, silk weaver 4 May 1686 Pressburdie, Samuel, combmaker Janet Ferriar 25 Aug. 1665 Preston (Prestoune) of Kirkfield, James Grizel Fletcher, d. of deceased Sir John F., H.M. advocate 17 Mar. 1700, m. 9 Apr. 1700 26 Sept. 1609 David Bessie Diksoune 12 Dec. 161 Catharine John Ray, merchant Catharine James Cochren, merchant 30 Sept. 1629 Dame Elizabeth Colonel John Follertoun 25 Feb. 1645 Robert Adair, merchant Elizabeth 31 Aug. 1667 2 July 1607 William Fergusoune, bonnetmaker Janet ,, Janet Andrew Barnes, bonnetmaker 4 May 1609 Margaret Archibald Gleghorne, cordiner 27 Dec. 1 598 18 May 1613 Margaret Patrick Eleis, younger 12 Mar. 1675 Mary Robert Prestoun, merchant in Glasgow i July 1624 Robert, mason; Janet Grahame ,, Robert merchant in Glasgow Mary Prestoun, married in the W. Kirk, by Mr. John M'Math, upon the twentie sixth day of this instant moneth, necessitie 12 Mar. 1675 occasioned the delay Thomas, tailor Sarah Gairdner 15 Feb. 1666 ,, 12 Apr. 1690 Thomas Margaret Sydserf Pricken, Margaret John Makgachen, wright 15 July 1641 Primrose (Primeroise, Primros, Prymroise) of Dunipace, George Mrs. Janet Cunningham, eldest lawful dau. of the deceased Sir John C. of Caprinton, advocate 3 Apr. 1691 Agnes Alexander Menteith, merchant 19 June 1638
; ; ;
; ; ; ; ;


Edinburgh Marriage



Primrose (Primeroise, Primros, Prymroise), Alison George Heriot, jeweller to the King's Majesty 24 Aug. 1609 Archibald, merchant Christian Gillaspie 23 June 1608 Archibald, writer Katherine Andro II Oct. 1598 Bessie George Mackmoran, merchant 17 July 1623 Catharine Mr. David Heriot, younger 29 Nov. 1655 Mr. David, advocate Marion Purdie 5 June 1608 Mr. David, advocate Christian Ros 15 Apr. 165 Mr. Gilbert Janet Fowlis 21 June 62 Mr. Grizel Lord Francis Semple 30 Apr. 68 Helen Henry Broun, merchant 8 Sept. 1608 Hew, glover Jean Limpetlaw 26 June 1644 Janet John Milne, master mason II Feb. 1647 Jean James Chrystie, writer 26 Oct. 1648 John Eupham Hencilwood, by Mr. John F'erquard 26 Apr. 1686 Magdalene George Robertsone 28 Mar. 1644 Mrs. Margaret George Home 26 Mar. 1691 Margaret Matthew Crisp, carpenter 8 Jan. 1656 Margaret William Chisholme, flesher 5 July 1660 Margaret Sir John Foulis, fiar of Ravilstoun 5 Sept. 1661 Margaret James Brotherstains, flesher 24 Mar. 1664 Margaret Robert Clerk, glover 30 July 1668 Marion Alexander Clerk, merchant 22 Mar. 1597 Patrick, merchant Susanna Kello 15 Aug. 1604 Rachel David Howiesone, merchant 20 July 1654 Sara Robert Malcolme, skinner 14 July 1625 Sara Harry Howstoun, litster 29 Sept. 1626 Prince, Magnus, merchant Isobel Gourley Apr. 1672 Pringle (Pringill) of Craigend, John Eupham Carmichaell 22 Mar of Symonton, Robert Anna Rutherfoord, m. at Gingle kirk, by Mr. John Langlands Dec. 1687 Agnes John George, merchant P"eb. 1626 i Agnes James Thomsone, merchant 6 Feb. 1627 Agnes Alexander Dowglas, writer 30 June 1629 Agnes; Robert Watsone, cordiner 16 June 1631 Agnes John Walker, cobbler 19 June 1632 Agnes; Harry Dick, weaver 17 Dec. 1639 Agnes Robert Logane 10 Feb. 1642 Agnes Robert Distoun, stabler 12 Dec. 1643 Agnes James Rae, master porter to the King 20 Oct 1653 Agnes David Drover, weaver 20 Oct. 1665 Agnes Thomas Campbell, tailor 22 Dec. 1665 Agnes Thomas Laurie, tailor 30 Aug. 1678 Agnes John Hislope, wright 20 Jan. 1681 Agnes John Borthick 5 Sept. 1684 Alexander, cordiner Marion Lasoun 13 Aug. 1612 Alexander, flesher Agnes Mein i July 1647 Alexander Janet Walker 16 Dec. 1687 Minister Andrew Janet Scotte 29 Dec. 1648 Andrew, litster Marjory Chalmers 8 July 1634 Andrew, merchant Margaret Smart 26 Nov. 1644 Andrew, tailor Margaret Wilsone 24 May 1621 Andrew, tailor Sarah Henderson 24 July 1674 Andrew, tailor; Eupham Smith 11 Dec. 1690 A^ndrew, wright Alison Gradin 27 May 1619 Anna John Broun, writer 5 June 1677 Bessie John Mule, tailor 24 Mar. 1602 Bessie John Straetoun, merchant 12 Oct. 1648 Bethia James Deans 22 May 1698 Christian Adam Thomson, cook 21 Jan. 1681 David, chirurgeon Alison Merstoun 29 Apr. 1606
; ; ; ; ;

1 1



Edinburgh Marriage Register



Pringle (Pringill), Uavid, surgeon Janet Cochran 17 Jan. 1665 Alarion Maxwell, married David, surgeon-apothecary 20 Apr. 677 by Mr. Archibald Turner David, younger, chirurgian Janet Heriot 25 Aug. 629 David Mary Waitche 30 June 596 ,, 16 Oct. 657 Elizabeth Joseph Hawell, flesher ,, i Apr. Elizabeth Colin Campbell 677 ,, Elspeth Adam Andersone, flesher 25 Feb. 640 ,, Eupham Thomas Henderson, cordiner 29 Apr. 683 George, baker Jean Haddin, d. of deceased Charles H., ,, baker in Pencaitland 15 May 1698, m. 7 June George, candlemaker Margaret Bell 24 June 619 16 June Cjeorge, flesher Janet Duncan ,, George, litster Jane Borthick, by warrant of B. Edin.

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Anna Levingstoun George Teneta Wood, by warrant to Helen George Holmes Hew, tailor Agnes Purves



16 Nov. 10 Feb.



29 Oct.




Robert Ker Bernard Finlaysone, gardener James, litster Eupham Kincaid James, merchant Agnes Armstrang James, tailor Sybilla Bell James, tailor Janet Newtoun James Margaret Pitillo, by warrant of
Isobel Isobel

23 Apr. 21 July

659 685 683 607


June Aug.

29 July
31 3 Sept.

624 634 677 612


B. Edin. to Dr.



28 July

,, ,,



Janet Gilbert Rutherford Janet William Whyte, merchant Janet Thomas Murray, locksmith Janet Mr. James Gellie, writer Janet George Paterson, cordiner Mr. John Lawson Janet Janet George Mitchell, indweller Jean John Gibsoune, writer Jean Robert Meaklejohnne, skinner Jean Alexander Foster, merchant Jean David Patersone, merchant
; ; ; ;

30 June 21 Feb.
9 Aug.
14 Mar.



650 667 678 680


Apr. 23 June


11 July

12 Dec.



,, ,,

David Farmour, writer Mrs Jean John Buchanan of that Mr. John Janet Byres
; ;


10 Nov. 13 July




John, John, John, John, John, John, John,

,, ,,

2 Sept. Janet Pursell Beatrix Dalgleish litster 14 Aug. 22 June merchant Elspeth Makbeath merchant Janet Leslie 3 Sept. 26 May Agnes Wylie post wright Alison Cokburne 14 Dec. wright Janet Whigholme 2 June John Marion Ramsay, by warrant of B. Edin., to Mr. John Hamilton 4 Apr. Malcolm Beatrix Hay 23 Apr. 6 Dec. Margaret John Achinwall, post 26 June Margaret David Gordoun, tailor
; ; ;


693 608 622 632 656 664 677 633 630 679 643 644 646 627 642





Margaret Margaret; Margaret; Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret; Margaret

; ;

John Henrysone Laurence Aberneathie, writer Richard Wilsoun, brewer John Halyburtoun of Moorehouselaw Robert Nisbet, cordiner
Charles Hamilton, writer William Hepburn, merchant Alexander Monteith, merchant

3 Jan.
15 15


625 628 639 642



24 Nov. 29 Dec. 2 July 17 July 23 Jan.

653 654 674 679 682


Edinburgh Marriage Register.

John Stiachan, carter Rachel; John Jamison of Balmuir Rebecca Reuben M'Rabbin Robert, flesher Agnes Davidson


Pringle (Pringill), Marion

i8 Dec. 1673
11 Oct. 1696 31 July 1691 21 July 1671

Robert, tailor; Isobel Rutherfuird Robert Bessie Inch


17 July 1677


,, ,,

Susanna; Homer M'Gachan, writer Thomas, merchant Catharine Waker Thomas, tailor Margaret Laurie Thomas, W.S. Rebecca Hay, d. of deceased Mr. Thomas H., one of the clerks of Council and Session pro. 2 June 1700 Violet Mr. James Scotte, writer 18 Aug. 1630 Mr. Walter, advocate Rachel Deans 23 Mar. 1669
; ; ;

20 Mar. 1684 15 Aug. 1679 24 Dec. 1657 8 June 1649

Mr. Walter, advocate

Jean Deans, by Mr.




Scott upon 21 or 22 21 Sept. Mr. Walter, advocate, son of the deceased Sir Robert P. of Stitchell, baronet Mrs. Helen Aitoun, d. of Sir 8 May 1898, m. 2 June John A. of that Ilk William, glover; Elizabeth Symsoun 13 June William, merchant Elizabeth Gray, d. of deceased Walter G., merchant 27 Nov. 1698, m. 16 Dec. William, stabler Margaret Robertson 6 Jan. William, wright in Duddingston parish Margaret Hog, d. of deceased James H., currier in Fisherrow
; ; ; ;

1698 1656 1698 1670

,, ,,




1700, m. 21

June 1700

William, in Middletoun
; ;

Mary Bannatyne

William Margaret Andersoune William Janet Frazer, married 25th April 1689 Profit, John, son of the deceased John P., indweller Jean Sympson, d. of deceased Alexander S., litster, burgess

16 June 1659 24 June 1607 14 Apr. 1689

18 July 1697, m. 19 Aug. 1697 Prok, Janet; William Inneis 10 Jan. 1598 Provance, Janet Robert Crightoun, weaver 7 July 1693 Margaret Thomas Wight, baker 23 Oct. 1691 ,, Provand (Provane, Proven, Provin), Alexander, maltman Agnes Patersone 10 Nov. 1654 George, tailor; Bessie Robesone 11 Jan. 1610 Janet; John Wilkie, cooper 21 Jan. 1685 John, barber Jean Broun 24 July 1690 Margaret Gilmuir 26 Apr. 1694 John, tailor ,, Patrick Agnes Clunie ,, 25 June 1607 Provest, William, indweller; Catharine Mount 26 Mar. 1663 Pryde (Pride, Pryd), John Margaret Steuart 8 Aug. 1689 Margaret William Nicoll, writer 21 Apr. 1671 ,, Margaret; Thomas Paterson, baker 11 Nov. 1679 ,, Margaret John Dickson, tailor 2 Dec. 1681 Mungo, soldier Jean Murray ,, 3 Nov. 1670 Thomas, tailor Rebecca Patersone 23 Dec. 1628 Pucken, Margaret William Stevin, soldier 11 Nov. 1646 Margaret Patrick Halyburtoun, merchant 24 May 1650 Patrick, walker Jean Ormstoun 5 Oct. 1643 Patrick, walker Janet Grahame ,, 5 Mar. 1646 Pudzeon (Pudgeane, Pudzen), Andrew, tailor Janet Bower 7 Feb. 1598 Bessie Thomas Cuthbertsoune, tailor 4 Feb. 1608 Janet Thomas Eraser, horner 22 Apr. 1606 ,, Patrick, tailor Catharine Henrysone 26 July 1610 William, bonnetmaker Isobel Matthisone 5 Dec. 1639 Pudyens, Janet John Harkes, stabler 7 July 1642 Margaret Young John, walker 24 Feb. 1625 Puer, John, merchant; Catharine M'Nacht i Oct. 1607

7 7


Edinburgh Marriage




(Pomfray, Pomphray, Pumfray, Pumphray), Catharine Walter Scot, ballmaker 14 June 1610 Grisel Stevinsone John, cook 16 Nov. 1613 Isobel Meason John, tailor 15 July 1681 Marion; Peter Yair 2 July 1595 ,, Michael, merchant Janet Weir i May 161 ,, Punton, George, farmer in Cramond parish Elizabeth Rutherfurd, d. of William R., late bailie of Jedburgh pro. 2 Oct. 1698 Purdie of Brighouse, Walter Janet Law vide 27 Dec. 1672 Agnes James Stewart 12 June 1698 Alexander Alison Thomesoune 26 May 1596 Andrew, tailor Janet Reid 8 Dec. 1659 Bessie William Lauristoun 19 July 1672 Christian John Wylie, indweller 2 Nov. 1676 Christian John Bartleman 22 Oct. 1680 Daniel, baker Margaret Mathie 13 Jan. 1607 Dorathy James Cummyng, cook 22 June 1643 Elspeth Ninian Makmorane 23 July 1595 William Bailyea, cordiner Elspeth 22 Feb. 1642 William EUote, cordiner Elspeth 5 July 1642 Gilbert Jean Kae 26 July 1638 Isobel Thomas Selkirk, wright 15 June 1648 Isobel James Doul, tailor i Aug. 1697 Margaret H^egie James, flesher 2 July 1646 Margaret Broeken James, merchant 5 Jan. 1654 James, writer Jean Marshell 4 Aug. 1691 Janet Thomas Auld, skinner 17 Feb. 1682 Jean John Pearsoun, post 3 June 1647 John, merchant Janet Somervell 21 Nov. 1626 Margaret Fisher John, merchant 23 Apr. 1657 Katharine Andrew Smyth 4 Feb. 1596 Margaret Peter Hay 17 Apr. 1610 Margaret Patrick Hannay, stabler 21 Jan. 1647 Margaret Walter Mackindow, tailor 29 July 1647 Margaret John Wilson 23 Feb. 1665 Margaret George Davidson 29 Jan. 1678 Marion Mr. David Primros, advocate 5 June 1608
; ;
; ;
; ;







Mr. Robert Marion Denhame 23 Dec. 1662 Robert, weaver Margaret Reid 17 Nov. 1630 Robert, weaver Marion Dalgleish 20 July 1648 Samuel, skinner Janet Broun, married by Mr. William Gairdine 26 Apr. 1678 Simeon, brewer Barbara Hog n July 1644 Thomas, merchant Catharine Sandersone 11 Sept. 1623 Thomas, wobster Katharine Lyell 14 Apr. 1601 Walter, saddler (sediler) Bessie Broun 16 Dec. 1613 Purdoun, George, stabler Janet Murray 20 Feb. 1649 Purse (Purss), Barbara John Pirrie, writer 11 Aug. 1671 Pursell (Purcell), Bessie Patrick Lowrie, merchant 28 Aug. 1623 Catharine William Mure, merchant 11 Sept. 161 Cuthbert, mealmaker Janet Ramsay 8 Sept. 1635 David, merchant Janet Thomesoune 24 Oct. 1599 George, cordiner Grissell Henrie 5 Dec. 1637 Helen John Crawfurd, flesher ,, 27 July 1615 Isobel James Wood, baker 19 May 1601 Isobel William Symesoune, mason ,, 3 Dec. 1607 Isobel David Mitchell, writer 8 Feb. 1632
; ;
; ; ;



John Symsoun, merchant John Pringle, horseboy

Sept. 1641

2 Sept.



Edinburgh Marriage


[1595- 1700.

Pursell (Purcell), John,

Margaret Robertsone

Thomas Thomson

8 Aug. 1626 10 Mar. 1693

Margaret Walter Corstoun, mariner 6 Feb. 1628 Marion James Melrose, merchant 16 Dec. 1635 Rebecca Gilbert Smyth, cook 19 Sept. 1626 Robert, merchant Marion Lawrie 19 Feb. 1597 William, tailor in Musselburgh Margaret Thornton, d. of deceased James T., farmer at Haltoun of Essie, in Angus 16 May 1697, m. 8 June 1697 Purves (Purvess, Purvis) of Purveshaugh, Andrew Marion Aikman







Agnes Thomas Uiksoune, meilmaker Agnes Hew Pringill, tailor Agnes Robert Lindsay, wheelwright Andrew, cordiner Lilias Jack Andrew, merchant Marion Crawmound Andrew, merchant Isobel Wilkie Andrew, writer Margaret Hodge Andrew Helen Slewnian Anna Robert Cuninghame, apothecary

22 Dec.

23 Apr.
16 Dec. 10 Dec.


25 Jan. 20 July



Patrick Miller, farmer


Barbara Barbara
; ;


,, ,, ,, ,, ,,


,, ,,

Bessie Bessie Thomas Fettes, tailor Arthur Straetoun, younger Bessie Bessie John Greinleyes, lorimer Catharine William Main, gardener Laurence Robesoune, writer Elspeth George, brewer Janet Pennie Harry, chirurgian Margaret Thomsone Isobel Adair Hector, merchant Hector Isobel Vinerame Helen John Wallace, cook Isobel James Thomesoune, armourer William Willokis, tailor Isobel Daniel Young, baker Isobel George Fairlie, tailor Isobel James, schoolmaster Isobel Tait
; ;

John Richardsone, merchant James Kyle, cordiner David Fergussone, tailor


19 Oct. 17 July 1 1 Jan.

3 7

9 26 30

Feb. Dec. Dec. Apr. June Dec.

20 July
25 July 12 Oct.

23 Apr. 5 Feb. 22 Jan. 16 Feb. 10 June

18 12






10 Jan. 9 Dec.


,, ,,




David Peblis, merchant Janet 24 Feb. William Dawling Janet 4 May Patrick Scotland, stabler Jean 4 June Marjory Christie 12 Jan. John, baker John, brewer Janet Borrowman 29 Jan. John, flesher Agnes Norie, widow of William Anderson, 21 Feb. 1697, m. 18 Mar. flesher Agnes Archibald, widow of Richard John, flesher Oustin, carver 24 July 1698, ni. 12 Aug. Marion Broun 8 Mar. John, gardener Elizabeth Stacy 1 Apr. John, wright Christian Clerk 17 Oct. John, wright 12 June Magdalene; James Broun, glazier Margaret Mr. James Harlaw, writer 23 Apr. 8 Dec. Margaret Gilbert Miller, workman 28 July Margaret George Cuming, tailor Marion Thomas Watsoune, candlemaker 25 Feb. Marion William King, tailor 25 Nov. Marion Glaidstains Robert, litster 27 June Margaret Dowglass 22 Oct. Robert, merchant Sibilla 9 Dec. James Matthiesone, portioner of Brightoun
; ; ;

12 Dec.


Edinburgh Marriage Register.



Gilbert Purdie 26 July 638 Rae, Jean Jean James Young 9 July 686 22 Dec. 700 Jean William Cousland Isobel Eleis Mr. John 12 Apr. 642 Janet Scotte John, jailor in Leith 25 Oct. 626 16 Aug. 614 John, merchant Janet Aitkin Marion Miller John, slater 15 July 675 8 Oct. 612 John, tailor Bessie Lethem 29 Apr. 631 John, tailor Jean Beane 13 Nov. 638 John, tailor Marion Blaikader Marion Gray John, writer 25 Feb. 659 Marion Louthian 2 Mar. 676 John, writer Isobel Seatoun, married by Mr. Alexander Ramsay John, writer 28 Apr. 681 Margaret John Craw 3 Dec. 640 i Jan. 686 Margaret Thomas Lessell of Rigs 21 June 655 Marion Alexander Glasse, merchant 16 Nov. 648 Michael, cordiner Janet Wilsoun Marion Robesone 28 Apr. 646 Michael, soldier 1 1 June Patrick, chapman Jean Castillaw 669 Barbara Smaill Patrick, cordiner 27 ^lay 613 Annabell Vas Patrick, cordiner 13 June 650 Margaret Patersone Patrick, merchant 4 Nov. 656 21 Jan. 675 Penelope John Anderson 10 Dec. 646 Sarah Reid Robert, merchant Sarah Gilbert Gourlay, writer 15 Apr. 685 Thomas, indweller Mary Balk 3 Dec. 669 Thomas, tailor Mary Young, married by Mr. William
; ;

Annand, Dean

673 652 646

William, goldsmith Jean Rutherfuird, married by Mr. B. 1 1 Dec. John Paterson Christian Barcley 1 May William, merchant William, tailor Bessie Leckie 27 Oct. See also Ray. 27 Apr. Raeburn (Reyburn), David, staffman Janet Willson 28 Mar. David Gray, flesher Raffe, Catharine 21 Nov. Peter Gray, tailor Raffell, Agnes 2 June Rainy (Rainie, Rany), Andrew, tailor Christian Wallace 16 Sept. Catharine James Douglass 27 Dec. Isobel John Carmichael, tailor ,, Marion Rait (Raite, Rate), Alexander, provost of Dundee 11 Aug. Watson, by Mr. Alexander Malcolm
; 1 ;

611 678 601


1 Aug. John Raite, indweller Margaret Young, married by Mr. Andrew Francis 26 Sept. Kynneir upon the 25th instant 17 Feb. James, merchant Janet Nesmith James Margaret Brown, by Mr. Alexander Ramsay 23 Oct. 11 Aug. John, indweller Anna Raite Mary Drafan 15 June John, merchant 28 June John, tailor; Marion Glasgow Raith (Reath), Andrew, son of the deceased Hew R., farmer and Janet Daling, dau. to George Daling, at Niddrie


687 674

679 693 685 674 694 659


writer at Leith Andrew, cook, burgess of Janet Dalin.

19 Feb.





28 Nov. 15 Dec.

John, weaver

Barbara Vas


Thomas Mure, baker

639 608

Ralston (Rallstoun, Ralstoun) of that Ilk, Gavin, younger Mistress Jean Muir, married by Mr. William Colvill 9 Mar. 26 Oct. Agnes John Bosewell, glazier Thomas Carmichall 23 June Christian
; ;

682 700


Edinb u7''gh Mar7iage

Helen Durie


Ralston (Rallstoun, Ralstoun), James, chirurgian

Jean Robert Lauristoun, workman Ramage (Raramage), Agnes David Hog, tailor Cathanne Alexander Hamiltoun, cordiner Christian Alexander Ker, footboy Edward, mason Katharine Bramiche (Branieche) Henry Robertsone Eupham
; ; ;

James, glazier Margaret Hoye James, schoolmaster Margaret Tailefer

; ;



June 1666


George Trinch,

8 Tulv i6(;2 8 Feb 11:07


Aug! 1640

jo Tulv 1674 9 Mar 1647 ^o Tune 164:! 9 June 1642


6 Au'- 1640 Janet Gray Robert, workman 04 June 16^8 John, tailor (test, from Musselburgh) Jean Shittlingtoun, d. of William S., glover at Dumfries

John Catharine Malcombe Sept Margaret Archibald Rule, merchant 14 Tue Marion Thomas Young, husbandman oq June Rame, George, baker Helen Porter i Ramsay of Blakecraige, Robert, writer Susanna Dundass ^gc by order of B. Edin., to Mr. William Gardyne 20 [an of Lethame, David, W.S. Eupham Elphistoun, eldest

T John, tailor





Sec Jane Suthlinton.


19 Sept. 1697, m. 15 Oct. 1697



16^7 1614


f n/r .u, of Murthlee, Mr. David C. ofBurnbank of Whythill, John, fiar

; ;

lawful dau. of deceased Michael Elphistoun of Quarrell ' Falkirk, where she lived, 30 June ' 1"^^^^^"^%

Jean Campbell, dau. of








8 July 1681 Agnes,- B^' Stivenson William J-^^^' 30 Aug. 696 Alexander, merchant Jean Laurie 14 Mar 166-' Alexander, smith Isobel Androw, S.E. -7r July i6qo Alexander, woolcomber Marjory Tofts 7 Dec 1676 Alison Patrick Thomsone, cooper 07 june i6''6 Andrew, merchant Janet Tailer "2 Feb 1649 Andrew, servitor to the Earl of Crawford (test, from St. Andrews) Barbara Jerden, d. of deceased James J gardener 26 June 1698, m. 29 July 1698 Andrew, tailor Jean Cuthbertson -'^ Nov 1676 Andrew Janet Craw ;^ j^^; ^^ Anna Peter Dick, servitor to Mr. Andrew Dick 7 Dec 1649 Anna George Crui^ks, wright 29 juiy 1670 Annabel James Admstoun 8 Feb 1616 Archibald, tailor Jean Broun 22 July 1628 Bessie John Barbour ,^ ^ /_ ^^^^ Bessie David Robertsone, bookbinder 11 Sept 1628 Bessie Charles Sympson ->! Nov' i68q Catharine, Lady Kethick William Steuart of Balleid 10 Auff' 168? Catharine John Patersone, flesher 17 Dec 161 Catharine; James Hutchesone, merchant 16 Dec' i6m Catharine James Chaipland, slater 11 Jan' 1620 Catharine ; James Kinneir, brother of the Laird of Kinneir

Abraham, wobster Sibilla Wricht Agnes William Ramsay, painter Agnes Hew Lyndesay, goldsmith Agnes Duncan Campbell Agnes David Porteous, merchant Agnes William Buchane, tailor Agnes David Johustoun, husbandman Agnes Henry Wright, tailor ^g"^s ^^^^^e''
; ;
; ;

Auc/ 2 Dec' 6 Tune ,^\^,,


1606 160; 1608





31 jan! 1640

L^^^ jgj,




Aug. 1623

i N

5 1 1


Edinburgh Marriage




Ramsay, Catharine Henry Loch, merchant Catharine John Bichat, bonnetmaker



Catharine Catharine Catharine Catharine Catharine

Christian Christian Christian
; ;


Baxter, chirurgian

William Symountoun John Lytlejohne, merchant William Scot John Shed, smith William Adamsone, flesher

2 Feb. 20 Sept. 18 Nov. 30 Mar. 12 Aug. 21 Mar.

1629 1632



Christian GlaidColin, stanes, d. of deceased Gilbert G., merchant, burgess


John Hammiltoun, sediler John Wilson commissary to H.M. artillery


24 Nov. 29 Aug.
25 Oct.

1649 1652 1686 1692 1625 1662 1696

11 Aug. 1700, m. 13 Sept. 1700 of Edinburgh David, litster Isabel Wilsoune 9 Jan. 1606 David, litster Agnes Whyte 25 Aug. 1629 David, sediler; Mary Murray 17 Dec. 1674 ii Mar. 1642 David, servitor to Innerpeffer Margaret Oliver David, stabler Marion Makmorane 2 June 1646 David Mary Broun 7 Feb. 1667 David Margaret Hamilton, married by Mr. John M'Queen

Aug. 168

Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth

tailor; Isobel Clerk


15 Apr. 1618


Charters, merchant
Pitcairn, writer

Mr. James Borthwick of Lochill

Patrick Starrock, maltman John Denholme, wright

13 Sept. 1598 16 Sept. 1600

Thomas Blaikburn

Elspeth Elspeth Elspeth

John Wallace Gilbert Geddes Gavin Harper, tailor


Thomas Daviesone, husbandman

William Davidson, farmer
; ;

Lady Eupham John Hay Eupham John Somervell, Eupham John Lamb


Gavin, cordiner Janet Steill Gavin, cordiner Beatrix Moore Gavin, cordiner; Sarah Mitchell George, candlemaker Agnes Stuart George, fishmonger Christian Ker Christian Thomsone George, husbandman George, merchant Agnes Ewing George, post Catharine Gib George, post Janet Fleeming George, tailor Janet Calzoun Catharine Mounth Gilbert, cutler Grisel John Haitlie, wright Mr. .A.lexander Irwing, minister Grizel Harry, wright Jeals Scobie
; ; ; ;

20 Apr. 1620 7 Nov. 1644 28 Aug. 1674 22 Oct. 1682 28 July 1686 29 Apr. 1687 24 May 1608 23 Nov. 1643 30 Nov. 1671 11 Sept. 1679 10 Nov. 1646 15 June 1683 i Nov. 1649 26 June 1656
21 July 1671 29 May 1606 26 Nov. 1637 3 Mar. 1614 23 Oct. 1623 20 July 161 18 Nov. 1619 25 Feb. 1607 5 Aug. 1669 4 Jan. 1610 20 Dec. 1672 27 May 1613 14 Aug. 1604 30 Nov. 161 i Mar. 1667 23 Oct. 1667 17

Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen

James Stuart David Skowgald, mason Mr. John Lyon, writer James Aikinhead, apothecary John Whyte, cordiner William Young, merchant
Patrick Callender

Nov. 167

Isobel; Alexander Broun, cordiner Isobel Andrew Fotheringhame Isobel


Andrew Denholm Andrew Dalrimple, wright

29 July 168 28 July 1693 7 May 1699 23 Oct. 1617 2 Sept. 1652 13 Oct. 1700

7 5 1


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


Ramsay, James, baker; Isobel Dowglas



14 June Potterrow Catharine Falconer, widow of Edward Robertson, currier, burgess of Edinburgh 29 May James, merchant Janet Ramsay 27 Aug. James, merchant Marion Boig 24 Nov. James, minstrel Christian Jamesoune 8 Sept. James, skinner Janet Mullikin 4 Nov. James, soldier Agnes Hutton, by warrant from my Lord Primate his Grace to Mr. Alex. Ramsay 26 Apr. James, stabler; Margaret Johnstoun 21 July James, weaver Margaret Stevenson 8 July James, weaver Margaret Watson 18 Nov. James, writer Elizabeth Ambrose 11 Dec. James, writer Anna Campbell, d. of Mungo C. of Burnbank pro. 31 Mar. 1700, and 7 Apr. 1700, and m. 22 Apr. James Jean Davie 12 Aug. James; Agnes Sprott n Dec.

James, indweller


1698 1607 1626 1601 1629

1685 1625 1670 1692 1638

1700 1619 1668

1597 1604 1604 1607 1607

Janet Janet Janet; Janet Janet Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet Janet Janet; Janet Janet Janet; Janet; Janet Janet Janet Janet;
; ; ;

Agnes Thomson
John Broun, stabler

21 July 1671





Finnie, tailor

Laurence Williamesoune,

James Ramsay, merchant John Rankene, merchant John Aslowen, writer


Nidrie, merchant Patrick Makaulay, stabler

4 Jan. 4 Jan. 27 Aug. 27 Aug. i Oct. 20 July



John Alexander, skinner John Chancellar, merchant

Cuthbert Pursell, mealmaker James Finlaysone, baker

June 1620 16 Nov. 1620

27 May 1628 8 Sept. 1635 17 Dec. 1635
17 Mai'. 1636



1645 1647 1669 Mr. Arthur M'Gill of Kembak 1675 Abraham Gray i Dec. 1683 William Mitchell 13 Aug. 1686 Patrick Ramsay 22 Dec. 1689 Jean Alexander Rid, merchant 29 June 161 Jean ; Andrew Brown, merchant 16 Jan. 161 Patrick Philp, merchant Jean 11 Nov. 1634 Jean ; Walter Baxter, quarrier 13 Nov. 1634 Jean John Nisbet, husbandman 5 Dec. 1637 Jean Patrick Ramsay, weaver 28 Oct. 1647 Jean John Harper, cordiner 22 Dec. 1665 Jean Alexander Thomson, wright 17 Nov. 1674 Jean Richard Armstrang 29 Mar. 1696 Captain John Janet Boog, per license directed to the Dean, yet married by Mr. James Mercer, minister at Pennycuik, upon the 22d instant 23 Nov. 1682 Mr. John, sheriff depute of Perth Mrs. Catharine Sydserff, by warrant of Archbp. St. Andrews to Mr. David Anderson, minister of Perth, but married here by Mr. Alexander Ramsay i Sept. 1685 John, advocate Margaret Bruce 6 June 1648 Margaret Ritchie, by an order of my Lord John, baker Bishop to Dr. Strachan in the Tron 30 Nov. 1684 Elizabeth Cushnie, widow of David John, cordiner Scott, cordiner, indweller 16 July 1699, m. 4 Aug. 1699 John, flesher Janet Blaikie 5 Sept. 1634

James Hoode, shoemaker Henry Stenhous, merchant James Mitchel, workman Mr. John Lauder, advocate

16 July 22 June 21 Jan. 6 Apr.


Edinburgh Marriage Register.




Ramsay, John, husbandman Marion Fisher Helen Laurie John, maltman John, mason Jean Smyth ,j John, merchant Bessie Stevinsone Helen Wallace John, merchant ,,




18 July 1637 25 June 1680 18 July 1684 3 Feb. 1625 13 July 1666


I June John, peuderer Christian Storie John, smith, indweller Isobel Henderson, d. of Patrick 12 May 1700, m. 6 June H. in Haddington 14 July John, stabler Margaret Matthisone 17 Feb. John, stabler; Janet Man 14 Nov. John, workman Bessie Tarvess John, writer Janet Aitkenhead 14 July


John Jean Hog 7 June ?7 Oct. John; George Shaw Katharine John Hog, baker 5 June 26 May Margaret; Robert Robesoune 10 July Margaret Alexander Hay of Pitgonie Margaret James Breadfoot, younger 25 Jan. Margaret Archibald Gilchrisone, merchant 30 Sept. Margaret Thomas Smyth, cordiner 14 June 21 Nov. Margaret; Andrew Aedie, skinner 2 Mar. Margaret Patrick Grant, violer 26 Nov. Margaret Thomas Doule, weaver Margaret Robert Dove, cook 15 June 10 June 165 Margaret Robert Malpise, barber 6 Dec. 1652 Margaret; Andrew Rutherfoord 15 Feb. 1670 Margaret John Lauder, late bailie Margaret, Lady Fingask Alexander Sutherland of Kilminnity
; ; ; ; ;

1700 1636 1646 1678 1633 1659 1700 1606 1596 1623 1638 1640 1642 1644 1647 1647 1648

25 Jan. 1672

Margaret Henry Oseburn of Peppermilne Margaret Robert Trotter, merchant Margaret John Taylor Marion Thomas Nicolsoune, merchant Marion Robert Lochen, candlemaker Marion John Tailyefeir, merchant Marion Robert Thomsone, weaver Marion John Hamiltoun, merchant Marion John Pringle Marion Robert Cockburn, baker
; ; ; ; ;

3 June 1675 21 Oct. 1683

9 July 1699
13 Dec. 1598

Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary

James Fraser, fiar of Knock John Kirkcaldy, fiar Patrick Horssburgh

Mr. Charles Litljohn, minister at Largs John Baird Marie James Denholm Mr. Matthew, indweller Catharine Louthian Michael, merchant Janet Halliday
; ; ; ;

6 June 1605 23 Oct. 1623 2 June 1625 6 Jan. 1648 4 Apr. 1686 16 June 1692 19 Feb. 1628 27 Feb. 1663 23 Nov. 1676 19 July 1684 3 Jan. 1688
11 Nov. 1690 20 Sept. 1670 27 Oct. 1602 16 Feb. 1631 15 June 1630 26 Nov. 1668 28 Oct. 1647 11 Nov. 1670 22 Dec. 1689 26 Apr. 1687 23 Mar. 1682

Isobel Smyth Nicol, writer Elspeth Fairlie Patrick, flesher Isobel Broun Patrick, maltman
; ; ;


; ;

Patrick Patrick

Jean Ramsay Janet Banks, married


at S. Leith





James Selkrig John Anderson, indweller


Mr. Robert, minister at Salt Preston Elizabeth Penman, lawful dau. to Mr. William P., late minister of Morebattle, by warrant of 1>. Edin., to Mr. John Robertson 12 Nov. 1685 Mr. Robert, provost of St. Salvator's College, St. Andrews, son of Major-General Sir James R. of Logie Chris;


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


tian Russell, d. of deceased Andrew R., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, late merchant at Rotterdam 14 Aug. 1698, m. 31 Aug. Ramsay, Robert, baker; Janet Ferguson 30 Mar. Robert, cutler Helen Clepan 23 June Robert, indweller Marion Willson 23 July Robert, indweller Helen Wishart, d. of John W., tailor 23 June 1700, m. 19 July in Anstruther Sara; John Dowglas, merchant 15 June t. 30 Jan. Mr. Symeon Elizabeth Stevinsone Thomas, cordiner Margaret Christie 9 May Thomas, flesher Janet Whyte 9 Feb. Mary Scott 9 Mar. Thomas, indweller Marion Meik 30 July Walter, stabler 8 July Walter, tailor Catharine Drysdale ,, 26 Nov. William, coriar Christian Miller 10 Dec. William, merchant Catharine Cowper 2 Mar. William, merchant Janet Clyd 6 June William, painter Agnes Ramsay William, stabler Christian Mytchell 13 Feb. 21 July William, tailor Jean Ridpeth ; William, tenant in Carington Carnes Marjory Barnes, by warrant of B. Edin. to Mr. Andrew Cant, younger 29 July 11 Jan. William, writer; Jean Hay 21 Aug. William Helen Creichtoun William Janet Reid 14 Dec. 21 Dec. Ramsbothom, Joseph, writer Margaret Cairncroce Randale, William, litster Agnes Phinnie 7 June 16 June Randie, Alexander Sarah Reed
; ;

1698 1688 1664 1672

1700 1624 1612


1638 1682 1646 1681 1668 1657 1674 1605 1605 1626

1685 1690 1596

1666 1666 1670 1596


2 June Helen John Gallbraith, cordiner Thomas, husbandman Janet Mortoun 3 Dec. Marion Morepeth Rankeilor (Rankelour), James, weaver 27 July Ranken (Rankein, Rankene, Rankin, Rankine), Agnes Robert Hammiltoun, merchant 30 Jan. Agnes William Gregorie 4 June

1640 1609



Bessie Thomas Marchell Bessie Thomas Winrame, merchant Andrew Sibbald, baker Bessie Catharine Alexander Binnie, merchant Eliazbeth William Calderwood Elizabeth Alexander Henderson Elizabeth Captain Charles Dimbreak Mr. Gabriel Elizabeth Measone

1691 4 June 1595 28 Nov. 1626 10 June 1628 8 Apr. 1634 17 Sept. 1657 18 Apr. 1690

Feb. 1699

Gabriel, merchant Gabriel, merchant


Margaret Somervell Rachel Johnstoun

16 Aug. 1632 28 Feb. 1622 14 Sept. 1669


Gilbert, Gilbert,

George, farmer Bessie Miller brewer Isobel Patersone brewer; Agnes Richie

George Young David Ferriar, tailor Henry, merchant Beatrix Broun Henry, merchant Janet Dunlop Henry, merchant Jean Rutherfoord, by warrant of
Helen Helen

26 June 1623 29 July 1652 3 Oct. 1661 24 Mar. 1596 12 Dec. 1679 21 Dec. 1643 6 Nov. 1660

Edin., to Dr. Strauchan James flesher Isobel Whyte Janet James Alisone, merchant Janet John Clerk, tailor

29 Oct. 1685
15 Feb. 1684

14 Feb. 1622 18 July 1622 14 Apr. 1629


Janet Janet Janet

; ;

James Liddaill, merchant James Walker, merchant

Feb. 1642

Hance Fox,


25 Mar. 1652

1 1


Edinburgh Marriage Register.



Ranken (Rankein, Rankene, Rankin, Rankine), Janet


17 Dec. 1663



Herring, indweller Lewis Johnstoun, merchant Janet Janet David M'Gill, merchant Janet Andrew Baines, locksmith Janet James Arnott Janet William Smelholme Janet John Adie Janet John Leslie Janet William Nisbet, writer Janet John Gray

Aug. June 9 June 11 Dec.


21 Apr.
7 Jan.

24 Apr. 23 Dec.
21 Jan. 25 Nov. 8 Dec. 23 July 21 Nov.


Jean James Lauriston, gardener John, baker Janet Glasse Margaret Baptie John, baker Margaret Daunie John, brewer John, fiesher Jean Finlaw, d. of William
; ;

1670 1673 1676 1677 1685 1687 1687 1692 1700 1658 1631 164 1678


gravemaker Isobel Arnott merchant Janet Ramsay merchant Bessie Dalrimple merchant Margaret Rankin merchant Janet Glen merchant Margaret Tailyefeir smith Catharine Wilsone smith Helen Vertew stabler Margaret Hadden

3 Sept. 1699,

John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John,

gardener - ^3 Oct. 1699 9 Mar. 1694 27 Aug. 1607 1 1 Oct. 1610

9 July 1635 24 Feb. 1642 19 Apr. 1649 6 Dec. 1621

June 1641


Katharine Kylle

Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret

John Lyntoun, broydisher John Ferier, tailor James Donaldsone, weaver Thomas Leishman, merchant John Rankin, merchant Thomas Johnstoun, merchant William Bryce Alexander Braidwood, smith John Young, tailor Marion Henrie Patrick, writer

Patrick, writer


Agnes Tailer

Robert Jean Bow, married by Mr. John Robertson Sara Mr. William M'George Thomas, wright Elizabeth Crightoun Walter, merchant Janet Watsoune

William, tailor Isobel Lennox Rantoun. See Renton. Rany. See Rainy. Rattray (Raterey, Ratray, Rattrey, Rotray), Barbara Robert Davidson, merchant 8 Dec. Catharine Thomas Drummond, workman i June George, merchant Margaret Grahame 13 Mar. 26 Apr. George, tailor Janet Fischer John, soldier Janet Bell, married by Mr. John Hamilton
; ;

6 Dec. 1598 21 Dec. 1603 27 Apr. 1597 7 Sept. 1603 21 May 1618 15 Dec. 1629 9 July 1635 3 Feb. 1646 21 Dec. 1660 10 Oct. 1665 7 Mar. 1679 15 July 1629 15 Feb. 1631 4 Nov. 167 16 May 1697 20 June 1656 25 Aug. 1602 28 June 1598

1668 1643 1679 1598 1683 1689 1607

William Lyndesay, armourer Robert Kedie Margaret Archibald Lowthiane, tailor Margaret Yellowleyis William, chirurgeon Rawlinson (Ralinone), Ralph, carver Sara Devise Rawson (Rasoun, Rawsone), Andrew, tailor Agnes John, writer Magdalen Wylie Margaret James Wardlaw, merchant


Giles Austin, in the

Tron kirk by Mr. Malcolm

Nov. June Dec. 22 June 29 Nov.


7 15


1665 1636 25 May 1613 20 Aug. 1622 22 July 1653 2 Jan. 1642 14 Jan. 1623


Edinburgh Marriage

27 Nov.


Rawson (Rasoun, Rawsone), Margaret

; ;

Edward Elder Ider

William Walker, husbandman Robert, writer Margaret Wylie

Magdalene Lyndsay Elspeth Andersone Ray, Adam, merchant Katharine Moresoune Adam, merchant Helen Scot Andrew, candlemaker Katharine Henrysoune
Robert, writer Robert, writer


Elizabeth Codiner Hector, merchant Elspeth Broun Henry, tailor Janet Leitche Henry, tailor Marion Porteous
; ;
; ; ;

James, merchant Isobel Davidsoune Janet John Home Master John, schoolmaster Janet Slowen John, gardener Eupham Scot Helen Gourlay John, merchant John, merchant Catharine Prestoun Katharine Edward Johnestoun, merchant Margaret Robert Ai-buthnet Marion Hutcheon Roseburgh, tailor Margaret Aitkin Robert, marikinmaker Robert, marikin dresser Bessie Burne William, merchant Christian Maistertoun William, merchant Catharine Inglis See also Rae. Raynold, Andrew, baker Christian Dundas Elspeth Robert Malcombsoune, tailor Isobel Charles Arnot, baker Samuel Eleis, merchant Janet John, lorimer Margaret Rule John, meilmaker Bessie Slowane

Marion Coke John, tailor Thomas, workman Marion Syme



See Reynolds.

Reade (Read), Adam, stabler Jean Andersoune Agnes William Hunter, workman Andrew, stabler Elspeth Murray Bessie John Fiddes, baker
; ;

Catharine Thomas Patersone, tailor Katharine Wood John, merchant


Robert Andersoune, gardener Marion Dicksoune Robert, merchant


See also Reid. Readie, Eupham David Marlyeone, tailor John, gardener Margaret Storie See also Reddie.

Reame, Margaret John Dicksone, mealmaker Reatie, Agnes David Cowper, workman Reddick (Readick), Agnes James Brysoun, bookbinder Jean John Thomsone, glover Robert Monteith, silkweaver Reddie, Elizabeth Janet Robert Anderson, slater Margaret Patrick Moffet, tailor
; ; ;

See also Readie.

Redland, George, merchant
Blair, tailor

Eupham Waugh

Redpath (Reidpaith, Reidpeth, Ridpeth), Alison

Achilles Dick, weaver Alexander Makilwraith Edmond, merchant Agnes Maggot


11 5 1


Edinburgh Marriage
Dicksone, mariner George, tailor Jean Weir




Redpath (Reidpaith, Reidpeth, Ridpeth), Elspeth


II Sept. 161

16 Dec. 1652

George Fisher, merchant 9 Jan. 1612 8 July 1628 Janet James Lyndsay, stabler 21 July 1626 Jean Wilham Ramsay, tailor 17 Mar. 1686 Jean John Johnston Captain John Mary Brog 3 Nov. 1639 12 June 1634 Margaret Archibald Johnstoun, tailor 26 July 1683 Mary Lachlan M'Pherson 10 Jan. 1622 Isobel Waterstoun Stevin Trymour, husbandman Helen Stevinsone 4 Aug. 1653 Reid (Red, Reed, Rid, Ridde), Adam, merchant Helen Wastoun II June 1646 16 June 1596 Agnes Daniel Haistie ,, Agnes John Patersoune, tailor 4 June 1600 Agnes David Thomesoune, cordiner 24 Oct. 1605 Agnes John Campbell of Canzecleugh 17 June 1606 28 Aug. 1610 Agnes James Brysoun 12 Sept. 1627 Agnes James Lockie, tailor Agnes Adam Young, merchant 7 Nov. 1648 6 June 1650 Agnes Robert Thorn sone, wright Agnes Bryen Cairter, tailor 7 Aug. 1660 Agnes John Straquhen, baker 14 Feb. 1662 11 Sept. 1666 Agnes John Sympson, merchant Agnes John Irwing, gardener 25 July 1671 12 Aug. 1675 Agnes James Scott, merchant 26 June 1690 Agnes Alexander Reikie Marion Barnet Alexander, butterman 5 June 1633 of Alexander, flesher, indweller Margaret Johnston, Robert J., gardener at Restalrig in Canongate, 20 Oct. 1700, m. 15 Nov. 1700 Alexander, goldsmith Agnes Meakle 14 June 1621
; ;

Isobel Inglis, married Alexander, younger, goldsmith 10 June at North Leith, by Mr. James Craig 22 Jan. Alexander, hatmaker Jean Broun Alexander, merchant Jean Ramsay 29 June Alexander, merchant Janet Foster 23 Oct. Alexander, merchant Janet Tod 25 Jan. Helen Reid Alexander, merchant 27 Sept. I Feb. Alexander, skinner Janet Schavv Agnes Jamison, d. of Alexander, smith, indweller deceased William J. in Haddington 5 Jan. 1696, m. 7 Feb. 10 June Alexander, weaver Jean Gibbiesone 11 Nov. Alison Alexander Balmanno, writer 10 Dec. Alison William Thomsone, merchant Andrew, indweller Jean Young 9 Aug. Andrew, merchant Helen Gourlay 24 June 20 June Andrew, tailor Elspeth Young Andrew, tailor Helen Broun 31 Dec. Andrew Christian Donaldson 30 Aug. Anna James Crichtoun, slater 29 July 8 Sept. Anabel Thomas Cant, cordiner Barbara George Lowrie, weaver 31 July 10 Apr. Barbara Thomas Hardie, cook Barbara Alexander Vaitch, tailor 14 Dec. 20 June Barbara James Greinscheils, merchant
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

68 1647

1617 1626 1659 1 62 1696 1613 1613 1618 1666 1679 1604 1646 1687 1680 1602
1621 1638

John Milne, bower Beatrix John Wallace, tailor Bessie William Nicoll, maltman Bessie Alexander Guthrie, cordiner

15 Nov. 15 Feb.

30 Dec.


1643 1648 1672 1621 1606 1613

1595- 1 700.]

Edinhurork Marriao-e Register.



Reid (Red, Reed, Rid, Ridde), Bessie


James Richardson, cordiner



Bessie Alexander Paterson, baker Catharine John Fawsyd, workman Catharine John Crightoun, cooper Catharine Mr. Robert Lundie Catharine James Wood, cordiner Catharine James Turpie, weaver Catharine Thomas Kyle Charles, gardener; Janet Cuthell, married 9 June,
Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian

2^ Dec. 26 June
3 June 8 Feb.

9 Nov. 23 Dec.


19 Aug. Kirl

683 686 644 662 670 676 681 685

20 June 693 Mr. John Scharp 7 Dec. 597 George Gardiner, maltman 18 Feb. 607 Alexander Howat, cook July 613 Robert Miller, merchant jo Jan. 622 Daniel Bryce, weaver 7 June 627 David Wright, merchant 30 Apr. 633 John Hyndshaw, cutler 14 Aug. 633 James Book, smith 5 Nov. 635 James Lasoun, weaver 22 June 637 John Makbeath, tailor 19 Mar. 646 John Balfour, steward to my Lord Burleigh 26 May 646 John Cellars, weaver 20 Oct. 646 James Crookschank, workman 16 Sept. 647 John Bower, merchant 30 Mar. 649 Robert Smyth, tailor 16 Nov. 649 Hew Makcullo, gardener 26 July 650 James Wharie, mason i Dec. 659 Henry Maider, messenger 25 June 675 John Gillgour, weaver 19 June 677

Patrick Mershall, indweller

6 Jan.
21 July 17 Nov.

Andrew Dempster,
John Paton


681 682

; ;

David, gardener David, weaver Janet Bowie David, writer Grizel Dickson,

Kilpatrick, tailor Isobel Johnstoun


14 Feb. 28 Jan. 28 Oct.


684 697 664

of Peell

Donald, brewer Elizabeth Robert Henrysone 26 July Elizabeth James Dundas, son of Patrick Dundas of Preistmilne 29 Mar. Elizabeth John Robertson, merchant 18 Aug. Elizabeth William Hill, cordiner 4 June Elizabeth John Thomson, gardener 18 Dec. Elizabeth Walter Glendinning, wright 29 June Elizabeth John Hall 21 July Elizabeth William Stirling, tailor 10 June

of deceased Robert D. 4 Apr. 1 700, m. 30 Apr. Janet Whythead 25 Nov.

700 653 636

660 665 674 679 680 687 692

Elizabeth James Mudie Elspeth David Durie, cook Elspeth Thomas Wilson, vintner Elspeth James Kinneir, writer Emmie George Robertsone, weaver Eupham James Keame, cordiner Francis, baker Helen Weir Gavin, wright Bessie Johnstoun George, gardener Giles Danskin

24 July

644 646 614
655 694 668 646 649 669 641 653

26 Nov. 29 Dec. 28 June 10 Feb. 20 Apr. 24 Dec. 14 July


George, George, George, George,


merchant merchant

Margaret Goode Janet Shankland Marion Creigh Rebecca Dowgall


9 July 4 Mar. 7 July


Edinburgh Marriage Register.



Reid(Red, Reed, Rid, Ridde), George, merchant Janet Blair 4 Nov. George, merchant Elizabeth Robertsone 30 Nov. George, miller Alison Smyth 29 Nov. ,, George, printer Margaret Maxwell, by order of the B. ,, Edin., to Mr. John Ferquard, but performed by Mr. Alexander Ramsay 23 Aug. George, weaver Janet Scotte 2 Nov. George, weaver Barbara Anderson f2 Sept. George, workman Bessie Murdo 13 Mar. George, wright Isobel Kein 12 Dec. George, wright Catharine Demster 28 June George, wright Margaret Lockheart 2 Aug. George, wright Catharine Goodlett 1 1 Sept. George Margaret Hamilton, by Mr. M'Queen in the Tron Kirk 24 Sept. George Christian Gillies 10 Dec. Helen Adam Wilsoune, cordiner 18 Oct. Helen Thomas Welsh, workman 12 Nov. Helen William Symsoun, tailor 6 June Helen Nicol Trotter, goldsmith 17 July Helen John Grege, cook 27 Apr. Helen Alexander Reid, merchant 27 Sept. Helen John Ker 8 Jan. Helen George Bossuall 20 Sept. Helen John Dewer, gardener 26 Jan. Helen David Myles 2 July Henry Christian Rob i Dec. David H arret, shoemaker Isobel 7 Mar. Allan Rentoun, merchant Isobel 17 Aug. George Moore, weaver Isobel 2 Aug. William Reid, merchant Isobel 7 Mar. Isobel James Pears, indweller 14 June William Litster Isobel 3 July Robert Goodone, wright Isobel 13 Nov. Henry Hutton, cordiner Isobel 17 June Mr. James, son of the deceased Bailie William Reid Elizabeth Bannerman, married by Mr. William Annand
; ;


1 1


James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James,

baker; Christian Kinninmonth bookbinder Janet Davidson Katharine Andersoune cooper cooper Margaret Reid cooper Isobel Johnstoun cordiner Lilias Fergusson cowkeeper Agnes Younger Margaret Howstoun flesher Margaret Gleghorne flesher gardener Jean Makalpine Mary Nicolson indweller Margaret Grierson, indweller

23 June 10 July


6 Jan.
19 June 16 June

28 Feb. 24 Feb.
14 Jan.



of Robert

15 Jan. G.,

1698, m. 14 June 28 Feb James, litster Helen Wilsoun James, merchant Janet Miller 4 Jan. Mary Brisbaine, married by Mr. James, merchant Andrew Cant, elder 5 Mar. James, painter Susanna Annand 4 Jan. 28 Jan. James, soldier Isobel Thomsone 13 Dec. James, soldier Sarah Sharpe Catharine Carmichall, d. of James C. James, stationer of Grangehall 9 Apr. 1699, m. 28 Apr. 1699

writer at




Edinbui'-gh Ma7^7'iage Register.


632 649 657

Reid (Red, Reed, Rid, Ridde), James, tailor Giles Leitch 29 Nov. James tailor Elspet Oglevie 21 Sept. James, workman Janet Weylands 27 Nov. James, writer Catharine Broun, d. of the deceased James B., mariner in Dundee 19 Jan. 1696, m. 13 Feb. James in Ratho Margaret Reid 5 Nov. Janet John Forrest, cordiner 14 Nov. Janet John Lowtfoote, tailor ,, 5 Aug. Janet Thomas Dun, workman 9 Oct. Janet Thomas Tait, gardener 17 Dec. Janet James Hardie, tailor g Dec. Janet; John Tullo, tailor ,, 21 June Janet George Nicoll, merchant g Mar. Janet Edward Crawfoord 16 Sept. Janet John Horner, writer 4 May Janet John Book, baker 16 June Janet James Geddes, tailor ,, Jan. Janet John Calderwood in Musselburgh 12 Apr. Janet Andrew Burdie, tailor 8 Dec. Janet Andrew Dickiesone, goldsmith 10 Jan. Janet William Ramsay 14 Dec. Janet Florence Wauchop, workman 30 Aug. Janet Robert Coutes 20 June Janet John Haikney, brewer 26 Nov. Janet Alexander Smoutt, coachman g Dec. Janet Beter Blaire ,, 14 Apr. Janet William Wilson 22 Dec. Robert M'Clearie Janet 3 May Jean; John Ronald, workman ,, n Apr. Jean Thomas Dasoun ,, 2 Aug. Jean James Fergusson, tailor 10 Dec. Jean William Wight, baker 20 June Jean John Lauder, surgeon-apothecary 8 Feb. Jean William Nicol ,, 3 Nov. Mr. John, minister at Lochrutton Catharine Rome, lawful dau. of the deceased Thomas R. of Cluden 3 Mar. Mr. John Anna Inglis, married by Mr. William Annand, Dean, Castle u Oct. John, baker Janet Tullo 24 July John, brewer's servant Margaret Craig 7 June John, cook Catharine Burgone 27 Auo'. John, cook Catharine Gilmour 16 Nov. Mary Cuninghame John, cook 25 Aug. John, Cramer Alison Eleis 24 Auc. gardener Agnes Laurie John, 28 Feb. John, gardener Anna Thomsone n Nov. John, hatmaker Christian Thomsone 24 June John, husbandman Elspeth Matthisone ig Aug. John, indweller Isobel Hunter 23 Feb.


622 630 632 633 634 637 643 647 648 648 652 655 659 662 666 667

674 680 687 68g 6g6 638 672 675 678 684


677 633 694

636 646 615 633




John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John,

indweller Bessie Oliver litster Isobel Davidsone litster Isobel Daviesone merchant Christian Walker merchant Janet Andersone
; ; ; ; ;

28 Sept. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 18 July

3 Dec.

merchant Margaret Makcale merchant Catharine Mitchelsone printer Margaret Edward printer Anna Halyday, by warrant
; ;

27 Jan.
1 1


12 Oct. to

629 658 669 680 653 653 604 646 648 652 675

Mr. Andrew Cant

2 July John, printer; Agnes Bowie, widow of John Currie, merchant pro. 6 Sept.



Edinburgh Marriaoe Register.



595-1 70a

Reid (Red, Reed, Rid, Ridde), John, smith




John, John, John, John, John, John,



30 Oct. 30 May tailor Janet Young 13 Feb. tailor Eupham Duncane 25 July tailor Helen Sterling 21 Dec. tailor Anna Hutoun 6 July tailor, indweller Elizabeth Richie, d. of Gilbert R., mariner at Peterhead 5 Nov. 1699, m. 24 Nov. John, weaver Maiy Arbuthnet 27 Aug. John, weaver Helen Henrysone 20 Dec. John, weaver Agnes Stirling 27 Nov. Catharine Oglevie John, workman 27 June 2 Feb. John, Wright Elspet Jamesone 28 Oct. John, Wright Agnes Oswell John Christian Gillaspie 7 July



John John John

Sara Moderell Margaret Wallace Barbara Young Lidias, merchant Marion Binnie Magdalene Walter Meaklejohnne, servitor

June June

14 Feb.
17 7

George Bruce
15 Jan.

Magdalene Magdalene
Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret

M argaret M argaret
Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret

John Duncan, brewer Alexander Willson, weaver John Hunter, merchant Robert Purdie, weaver James Reid, cooper William Sands, merchant James Reid, in Ratho Samuel Kein, clothier Robert Crightoun, slater William Courtie, tailor William Todrig, tailor Finlay Ewing, workman James Porteous, tailor David Calderwood, merchant Walter Ronnald James Broun, sediler

16 Jan.
7 3 17

Dec. Nov.

6 Jan.
12 Jan.

Feb. Feb.

8 Sept.

16 Jan.

22 July 16 July 1 1 Apr. 30 June 16 Nov.

2i Aug. 12 Sept.


Davise, printer

Margaret Margaret Margaret Thomas Allan, workman Marion John Yallowlies, pursuivant Marion David Dowglas, mealmaker Marion James Sturgeon, mason Marion Walter Scot, goldsmith Marion Alexander Chancellour Marion Robert Broun Mary William Park, stabler Mary Matthew Young, hursbandman Mary James Hutchesone, merchant Mary Robert Henderson, cordiner Mary Alexander M'Adam, indweller Mr. Matthew, minister at Staplegordoun
; ;

John Brounhill, wright James Gibson, tailor William Walker John Gray Robert Douglass Andrew Cowie Robert Williamson

19 July i Sept. 17 Sept. 27 Sept. 16 Sept.



28 June
25 Aug. 24 Apr.

June June 23 Aug. 28 Nov.

19 18
3 Apr. 18 Nov. 17


4 June

i June Margaret Crightoun

6 Jan. 1665



Edinburgh Marriage



Reid (Red, Reed, Rid, Ridde), Matthew, baker, burgess of Edinburgh Agnes Steell, widow of John Broomfield, baker in Canongate m. 11 Feb. 1697 in Canongate, 20 Dec. 1696 23 Apr. 1668 Matthew, cobbler Jean Herries 30 July 1640 Matthew, husbandman Esther Fleeming 22 June 1615 Matthew, weaver Isobel Beanes 30 July 1646 Matthew, weaver Mary Pitie 24 Sept. 1657 Mungo, stabler Jean Eliot Mr. Patrick, student in theology Elizabeth Gordoun 11 Feb. 1647 26 Sept. 167 Mr. Patrick Margaret Ballfour 8 Feb. 1687 Mr. Patrick Bessie Ogilbie, by Mr. Ferquard Sec Jean Watson. his widow. Patrick, barber in S. Leith Isobel Ethingtoun Patrick, cooper 24 Jan. 1621 Isobel Struthers 30 Sept. 1634 Patrick, gardener Agnes Patersone Patrick, peuderer 27 July 1636 Isobel Cuthbert Peter, wright 3 Sept. 1605 17 Feb. 1642 Rachel; William Hall, writer 21 Mar. 1654 Rachel; Simeon Tennent, merchant 19 Mar. 1661 Ralph, cordiner Janet Cleland Robert, brewer's servant Jean Livingston, widow of ,, Andrew L., tailor in S. Leith 5 June 1698, m. 30 June 1698 Robert, horseboy Janet Mullikin 9 Oct. 1627 Robert, merchant Agnes Borthuik 17 June 1619 16 Mar. 1694 Isobel Dumbar Robert, saddler 20 Oct. 1665 Robert, tailor Catharine Heslope 16 Jan. 1668 Robert, tailor Janet Fergusson t. 6 June 161 Samuel, husbandman Marion Skirvin ,, 16 June 1596 Sarah Alexander Randie 10 Dec. 1646 Sarah Robert Rae, merchant Susanna Laurence Mitchell, weaver 7 Dec. 1632 20 June 1643 Susanna David Crookeschank, cooper 15 Nov. 1644 Susanna; Robert Edgelay, packman Susanna; William Cuninghame, soldier 9 Apr. 1671 ,, Thomas, bookbinder Janet Wilkie 17 July 1644 21 Sept. 1603 Thomas, cordiner; Margaret Hamiltoun Thomas, merchant Grisel Ros 13 June 1645 Thomas, merchant Marion Richardson, married at Borthwick 30 July 1675 Thomas, porter Grisel Bosuall 31 ^lay 1636 26 May 1601 Thomas, skinner Margaret Henrysoune Thomas, stabler Jean Weir 14 June 1631 Thomas, tailor Helen Balanie 25 Nov. 1624 Thomas, tailor Rebecca Cowstine 15 Jan. 1669 Thomas, workman Isobel Bartan, d. of the deceased George B., mariner in Queensferry 10 May 1696, m. 12 June 1696 Thomas, wright; Bessie Moffet 5 Aug. 1642 Geils Leitch 4 Nov. 1652 Thomas, wright 26 Nov. 1663 Walter Young, younger, merchant Violet Elizabeth Jamieson, d. of Walter, merchant, burgess 8 Dec. 1700, m. 30 Dec. 1700 Thomas J., tailor, burgess Walter, vulgar schoolmaster Janet Strang 14 July 1636 Mr. William, minister of Dinning Margaret Fermer 13 July 1694 William, baker Isobel Hodge 4 Oct. 1666 William, baker Elspeth Whyte 5 July 1678 William, cordiner Agnes Wallace 3 Jan. 1622 I3essie Grahame 17 June 1681 William, flesher 24 Nov. 1693 William, gardener Janet Wilson 10 Oct. 1599 William, merchant Janet Cochrane William, merchant Catharine Fullertoun 25 Mar. 1,658 v... .- ;;..-,7 Mar. 1661 Isobel Reid William, merchant
; ; ;


; ;


Edinburgh Marriage Register.




Reid (Red, Reed, Rid, Ridde), William, merchant



29 June 1665 William, merchant Margaret Johnstoun, married by Mr. James Lundie lo Aug. 1677 William, merchant his widow. Sec Margaret Johnstone. William, younger, merchant Catharine Rae 15 Sept. 1636 William, tailor I3essie Uowglas 23 Nov. 631 William, tailor Margaret Beg 23 July 1634 William, tailor Margaret Flaebairne 19 Nov. 1634 William, tailor Marjory Gray, d. of deceased Gray, mariner in Burntisland 14 May 1699, m. 2 June 1699 William, weaver Mary Riddoch 18 Nov. 1647 ,, William, woolcomber Elspeth Cairnie 7 Nov. 1672 ,, William, workman Marion Boyd 11 June 1607 William, workman; Isobel Clyd 11 May 1632 ,, William Janet Bruce 3 Feb. 1671 William Margaret Williamson 27 Nov. 1677 Reidhead, Matthew, cobbler Margaret Wood 10 Aug. 1677 Reikie (Reekie, Reeky, Rikie), Agnes George Miller, tailor 11 Dec. 165 Alexander, tailor Agnes Reid 26 June 1690 Anna William Reikie 26 Nov. 1680 Isobel 28 Nov. 1679 James Giffuird, armourer Isobel Gay, widow of William Walker, John, tailor ,, tailor II July 1697, m. 6 Aug. 1697 Patrick, tylor Marion Heron, by warrant of B. Edin. 7th May 29 Apr. 1689 William Anna Reid 26 Nov. 1680 Rein, Agnes Alexander Berrie, mason 24 June 1692 Reith, Alexander, merchant Isobel Caddell 17 Aug. 1671 Alexander, tailor Margaret Broun 16 Feb. 1609 William Clerk, merchant Elizabeth 6 Aug. 1647 Hew, miller; Jean Hunter 11 July 1650 John, merchant Jean Broun 30 Dec. 1647 Margaret John Boyd, merchant 27 July 1652 Margaret; Cornelius Neilson, merchant 11 Jan. 1672 Sara Robert Steidman 30 Jan. 1698 ,, Reiths, Elspeth George Bovver 15 May 1679 David Hamiltoun Rendall (Rendaill), Margaret 13 Mar. 1694 Mary Charles Broun, wright 25 July 1679 William, litster Janet Glass 30 Sept. 1690 Francis Broun, Rennie (Rannie, Reanie, Renie), Agnes merchant 2 June 1636 Agnes Thomas Stuart, workman 27 July 1665 ,, Agnes Robert Stalker, indweller 3 Oct. 1697 21 July 1670 Catharine Alexander Ogilvie, cordiner David, wright Helen Henderson 28 Nov. 1678 Ninian Tinto, workman 3 Aug. 1626 Janet 21 June 1638 Janet; James Dunneden, workman 9 June 1643 Janet John Moderell, weaver Jean James M'Math, tailor 9 Nov. 1665 Margaret James Moore, glover 27 Sept. 1655 Margaret William Thomson, armourer 5 Aug. 1669 Patrick, cordiner Jean Wilson 14 Dec. 1665 Margaret Chalmers 12 July 1670 Patrick, cordiner Renton (Rantoun, Rentoun) of Lamberton, John Cicill Gibson, 6 Apr. 1676 married by Mr. Archibald Turner i July 1641 Alison William Murdo, coriar Isobel Reid Allan, merchant 17 Aug. 1624 Patrick Nicoll, merchant i Mar. 1597 Bessie Mary Cochren 22 Nov. 1661 Charles, sediler Mary Killpatrike Charles, sediler 24 Aug. 1665


Edinburgh Marriage

Catharine Scott 29 June
10 June 9 July 4 Nov.


Renton (Rantoun, Rentoun), George, baker



George, barber Marion Watt George, husbandman Rebecca Dowglas Harry, wright Jean Wod Helen John Andersone, slater Helen William Scott
; ;

658 641 647


Henry Goodlet, skinner


James, cordiner Isobel Turner Janet Alexander M'Quhan, stabler John, cordiner Margaret Lawsoune Marion James Willson Marion Alexander Davidson
; ; ;

26 Nov. 17 July 12 Dec. 11 July 23 Feb.

13 12

Nov. June

21 Oct.

668 686 679 613 605 685 692

Renwick (Reanick, Rennick), Arthur, mason


Bessie Tranent
13 July 29 June 27 July
8 Sept. 8 Sept.

Thomas, armourer
; ;

Grizel Scotte

William Helenor Coleinwood Reoch, Janet John Reoch, mason John, mason Janet Reoch Margaret Ker John, tailor

680 649 648 693 693


6 Dec.






William, wright

Jean Fiddes

4 Dec.

689 679

Retail, Bessie

John Smythe,

See Rule. Rewcastle, Grizel John Jameson, slater Margaret Bishope John, cooper

16 Nov.

20 Jan.

26 Jan. Margaret Angus Walter, carrier of Hawick Abigail Lamb 3 July 22 Jan. Marion Cleghorne William, merchant ,, 21 June Rewet, Jean William Makley, wright Reyburn. See Raeburn. 19 Oct. Reynolds (Rainolds), John, apothecary Janet Kennedy Christian Kerss, married by Mr. AlexJohn, in Leith ,,


675 682 686 694 628 650


ander Malcolme Rhind (Rind, Rinde, Rynd), Andrew, tailor Janet Philp Barbara John Balfour, tailor Robert Fowlis, merchant Catharine Catharine Thomas Walker, writer Catharine Robert Scougall, husbandman Christian John Smyth, tailor Debora William Leitch, merchant
; ; ;


2 Sept. 16 May 8 July

611 645 634 653 673 610 641 642 647

26 Aug. 4 Aug. 6 June 12 Apr.

Isobel Isobel


Baikbie, tailor Mure, vintner


James, merchant Barbara Clappertoun Janet James Wricht, writer John, merchant Bessie Seatoun John, merchant Janet Makcale Margaret James Sandelands, tailor Margaret John Pargillies, merchant Marion Robert Wat, tailor Nicoll, tailor Janet Penstoun
; ; ; ; ; ; ;

June June 16 Nov. 8 June

3 2

27 Jan. 16 Feb. 10 Dec. 18 July

8 Dec. 26 Oct. 18 July 17 July

630 602 614 634 643 682 652 616

663 673 607 612 691 597 688 674 666

Christian Anderson Elizabeth Richen Janet Nicolsoune Riard, Josias " croseletmaker " Riccard (Ricard, Riccart), Janet Andrew Henrysone,
Patrick, glover






Alexander, tailor Giles Robertson Elspeth Smyth Josias, crosletmaker Priscilla Jones Rice, John, silkweaver Richard, George, indweller Helen Whyte Janet James Bald, cordiner

20 Jan. 16 June 20 Apr. 25 Aug. 16 July 3 July


Edinburgh Marriage




Richard, Thomas, merchant ; Janet Tait William, merchant Rachel Murray Richardson (Richardsoune, Rychardsone)



Robert Eupham Skene Agnes John Meggat, cordiner Agnes Thomas Girdwood, tailor

Francis Forrest Alexander, cordiner Marion Dickson Alexander, cutler Katharine Cummyng Alexander, cutler Janet Clerk Donald Baine, bower Beatrix Richard Aitkin Bessie Bethia Alexander Leyis, gardener Catharine John Mounteath, merchant Catharine James Stainhouse, baker Christian John Willson, baker David, cutler Margaret Bichat Bessie Riddell David, merchant David, tailor Catharine Wood David, tailor Christian Melvill David Sara Bynning David Abigail Ferker Duncan, cutler Margaret Yetts Elspeth James Rae, maltman Esther James Smith Eupham Thomas Broun, merchant
; ; ; ;

Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

Andrew Harlaw Andrew Baillie, merchant WiUiam Dickson, writer

Alexander Speirs, weaver

Frances George, Helen Helen Helen

; ; ;

Isobel Isobel

James, James, James, James, saddler AHson Clerk James, saddler Janet Dryburgh James Margaret Arther Janet Patrick Wardrop, armourer Janet Patrick Govein, merchant Janet William Calendar, glazier Jean William Dowglas, tailor Jean John Campbell, cook Jean John Innes, brother-german to Sir Robert Innes

William Destinbrieue, Frenchman brewer Sarah Buchanan David Aitkine, cordiner David Hog, baker Thomas Smyth, wright William Lytlee, merchant James Cockburn Bessie Raid cordiner Margaret Park cordiner merchant Helen Lawsoune
; ;

of Moortoun

Jean Robert Thomson, baker Jean David Mitchell, baker Mr. John, writer Alison Pennycook, married Andrew Kynneir
; ; ;

John, John, John, John, John, John, John,

Helen Broun merchant Helen Hutchesoune merchant Elizabeth Aitkin merchant Barbara Purves merchant Jean Dowglas Margaret Aitcheson, d merchant William A. in Haddington

cutler flesher

Bessie Gilchrist


Edinburgh Marriage




(Richardsoune, Rychardsone), Christian Fullertoun



Marion Scotte John Sarah French, by Mr. John M'Queen in the Tron Kirk 17 Dec. Margaret Nicol Yuill, merchant 21 Aug. Margaret David Lindesay, merchant 17 Feb. Margaret James Plenderleith, cooper 9 July Margaret James Tod, vvright 13 July Marion George Young, weaver n July Marion Thomas Reid, merchant 30 July Marion James Vaitch, wheelwright g July Marion Thomas Inglis 8 Jan. Martha Robert Straiton 23 Aug. Mary James Henderson, macer 22 Aug. Priscilla James Dalmahoy, beltmaker 10 July Mr. Robert, writer Margaret Cuninghame 24 Nov. Mr. Robert, W.S. Margaret Law, married by Mr. William Annand, Dean, upon the 30th of August

John, weaver John, weaver

Jean Grange

13 July 1654 30 Alar. 1624 28 June 1655

1686 1606 1626 1669 1675 1644 1675 1680

1691 1685 1681 1668 1670


,, ,,

June 1665 29 July 1670 Robert sic. 30 July 1675 Thomas, tailor Janet Dorrett 26 May 1682 William, baker Christian Streatoun 25 Nov. 1659 Helen Sinclair William, coppersmith 23 Jan. 1668 William, merchant Christian Nairne i Dec. 1642 William, merchant Elizabeth Thomson, by warrant of Edin. to Dr. Alexander Monro B. 24 July 1686 William, writer, son of Adam R., schoolmaster at Dyce

1678 Robert, indweller Margaret Burrell Robert, stabler Agnes Couper

; ;

I i

Sept. 1678

Jean Burnett,



of deceased Alexander B., merchant pro. 17 Sec also Richieson.




Richen, Elizabeth Thomas Rind, tailor Richieson (Richesone, Richiesone, Richisone,

June 1673

25 June 1646
3 June 1652 19 June 161 18 Feb. 1631 17 Dec. 1629



Alexander, flesher

Barbara Barbara
Bessie Bessie Bessie

Alexander Moftet, merchant Margaret Fleeming Andrew Thomesone, cooper James Smyth, tailor


James Stirling, mason James Johnstoun, tailor George Small, packman



Catharine William Trotter, merchant Catharine Gilbert Forrest, cordiner Catharine John Robesone, tailor David, cutler Catharine Strang Elizabeth Walter Innesse, feltmaker Elspet Alexander Huntley, merchant
; ; ;

19 June 1634 8 Nov. 1642 16 Jan. 1623

David Elder, maltman James Twaddell, tailor James Makgarvie, husbandman John Finlawson, tailor James, indweller in West port Margaret Gibson

Isobel Isobel Isobel

9 Dec. 1647 Aug. 1652 26 Oct. 1627 16 July 1658 29 Nov. 1621 30 Aug. 1632 18 Feb. 1634 20 July 1647 19 Sept. 1697 15 June 1693

James, soldier his widow. See Catharine Butle. James, tailor Christian Tullo Janet John Morphie, tailor Janet John Tait, merchant Jean James Whyte, husbandman John, cooper Janet Thomsone
; ; ; ;

19 Oct. Jan. 20 Sept. 18 June

1615 1644 1655


John, merchant

Elizabeth Stuart

June 1630 19 Mar. 1657





Edinburgh Marriage



Richieson (Richesone. Richiesone, Richisone, Ritcheson), John, workman Christian Slowan 25 Aug. 22 Dec. Marion James Barten, weaver 6 Jan. Sara Gilbert Hering, stabler Helen Scheill William, baker 23 Nov. 30 Sept. William, baker Janet Symsoun 11 Sept. Helen Melvill William, cutler 2 July Bessie Haddo William, weaver See also Richardson. Richman (Richeman), Andrew, cordiner Margaret Glendunning 16 Dec. 26 Mar. Bessie James Black, gardener 25 Apr. James, smith Christian Fleabairne Richard Boyd, flesher 15 June Janet 20 Feb. Margaret William Achesoune, mason ,, Richmond, Bessie Robert Walter, precentor 3 Dec. Margaret M'Clean, d. of David, merchant in Machlan ,, farmer in Dairy parish, 17 Mar. 1700, m. 4 Apr. Robert Alison Bannatyne Rickart, William, workman 7 Nov. his widow. See Riddell of Friershaw, Mr. William, advocate Elizabeth Riddell. Christian Stoddert, married by of Newhouse, Walter ,, Mr. George Trotter 30 Apr.
; ; ; ;


1659 1620

1646 1634 1646

1647 1646 1637 1649 1605


1700 1672

1684 1699 1686 1652 1608 1658 1678 1683 1696 1700 1657 1677 1668 1677 1607 1639 1655


of that Ilk, Sir


Margaret Hepburn, Lady Rosehill

pro. 13 Aug. 28 Sept. 23 Sept. 16 June 26 Nov. 14 Nov. Martins 19 Feb.
2 3 15

Agnes Mr. John Nisbet, writer Andrew, workman Janet Johnstoun David Richardsoune, merchant Bessie
; ;

Catharine Catharine Elizabeth Elizabeth



John Anerdaill, tailor William Scott, merchant Mr. James Dollas, younger of Patrick Thomson, merchant


James Ellis Mr. Henry Nisbet


Aug. Nov.

9 Feb.

Nov. Robert Dudhope, weaver 14 Aug. 14 Sept. James, late bailie Marion Blythman ,, 12 Nov. James, merchant Bessie AUane 15 Oct. James, merchant; Elizabeth Fowlis James, merchant Jean Andersone 5 Apr. Anna Hume, lawful James, merchant in Edinburgh dau. of Alexander H. of St. Bathans 31 Mar. 1692 11 Nov. 161 James, skinner Margaret Lowrie Robert Laurie of Maxeltoun 7 July 1674 Jean George Cuthbertson, cordiner 4 June 1678 Jean Margaret Logane 9 Oct. 1639 John, merchant Isobel Paterson 17 Dec. 1669 John, Wright Margaret; Archibald Ker 15 Apr. 1680 Robert Forrest, shoemaker 2 Dec. 1628 Marion Marion William Stuart, merchant 28 Oct. 1652 Alexander Tinsley, glover July 1656 Marion 17 June 168] Marion John Handisyde, merchant 2 Dec. 1634 Robert, woolfiner Catharine Crombie Janet Wat 26 Aug. 1652 Robert, workman Susanna Thomas Rutherfuird 25 Feb. 1681 Thomas Bethia Gibson, by warrant of B. St. Andrews to Dr. Strachan 10 June 1687 Walter, eldest lawful son of Sir John R. of that Ilk, Margaret Watt, lawful dau of Mr. knight, baronet 18 Apr. 1692 John W. of Rosehill 30 Sept. 1652 Walter, merchant Catharine Nisbet


Thomas Gordon, merchant




Edinhirgh Marriage

25 Feb. 12 July 25 June 9 July

670 610

Riddell, William, advocate




William, baker

Agnes Gourley

William Masie Burnet 595 William Jean Tailer 682 Riddoch (Ridoche) of Lagan, John Jean Drummond, married by Mr. John Hamilton upon warrand from my lord Bishop of Dunblane 15 Aug. Eupham Weems 12 Jan. 694 of Laggan, John Catharine Edward Makcure, merchant 9 Sept. 651 Catharine John Willson, candlemaker 8 Sept. 676 James, indweller Elspeth Forrest 3 July 666 Janet William Anderson, coppersmith 28 Apr. 676 Janet Mr. George Jellie June 690 Jean John Annand, tailor 8 Dec. 654 Margaret Davidson John, candlemaker 18 Jan. 684 Elizabeth Nisbet, married by Mr. John, indweller William Annand, Dean 21 Mar. 680 John, mariner Beatrix Hodge 20 Nov. 640 John, merchant Agnes Meakejohne 30 Nov. 648 John, servitor to my Lord Mar Grisel Andersone 28 Mar. 611 John, writer Agnes Gillmour, married by Mr. John Robertson ,, 29 Mar. 682 Margaret; Richard Gibsone, tailor 21 June 655 Margaret Alexander M'Clearun 22 June 693 Marion Robert Gib, cordiner 15 Nov. 666 Marion William Mitchell 7 Aug. 690 Mary; William Reid, weaver 18 Nov. 647 Rie, James, husbandman Anna Hume 22 Nov. 636 Rig (Rigg) of Rigsland, Mr. Thomas, advocate Mrs. Anna Cunningham, d. of deceased William C. of Enterkin 18 Feb. 1700, m. 4 Mar. 700 Agnes William Buchanan, writer 6 Dec. 621 Agnes Mr. John Rig, advocate 19 Feb. 633 Agnes James Peter, writer 11 Mar. 670 Alison Master John Skene, advocate 29 June 603 Catharine William Rutherfurde, merchant 14 July 614 Christian Mr. Alexander Persone, advocate i June 615 Elizabeth Mr. James Nicolsoune 7 Feb. 609 Elizabeth John Levingstoun, merchant 20 Apr. 626 Helen Mr. George Halyburtoun, advocate 30 July 612 Hew, tailor Jean Flek 27 May 606 Isobel John Howstoun, woolfiner 7 Aug. 610 Isobel; Gilbert Kennedie of Arrowland 31 Mar. 642 James, chirurgian Bessie Gledstaines 4 July 622 19 Feb. 633 Mr. John, advocate Agnes Rig Isobel Maxwell 25 Nov. 677 Mr. John Robert, meillmaker Marie Crightoun 2 July 616 Sarah James Loch, younger, merchant 24 Jan. 667 William, elder, merchant Margaret Donaldsone 12 Feb. 618 ,, William, younger Sara Inglis ,, 9 Jan. 612 Ringan, John, workman Margaret Watsone 18 Nov. 623 Ringstead, Jean Robert Oliver, soldier 28 June 660 Rintoul (Rantoule, Rentowle, Rintowell), Elizabeth James Paterson in Hawick 13 Mar. John, mariner Margaret Henderson 23 Nov. 674 10 June 641 John, stabler Janet Andersone Catharine FairfouU, married by Mr. Rippertoun, John Andrew Cant, younger 8 Feb. 684 Marion Dicksone Risk, John, writer 30 Apr. 658 11 Jan. John Jean Low, by Dr. Robertson in the N. K, 687 ,,

8 5


Edinburgh Marriage Register.




Ritchie (Richie, Rychie, Rytchie),

,, ,,


Agnes; William Blair Agnes Thomas George, merchant Agnes John Crightoun, workman Agnes Gilbert Rankin, brewer
; ; ;

Margaret Phinnie 26 Nov. 1647 19 Nov. 1595

21 Dec. 1648

Aug. 1654
1691 1647 1678

3 Oct. 1661






Marie Lyll, married disorderly 27 Mar. Alexander, cordiner Mause Henrysone Alexander, flesher 4 June Alexander, mason Alison Wylie 9 Aug. Alexander, mason Margaret Anderson, married by Mr. 20 Aug. John F^erquhar Barbara Mr. Robert Levingstoun 17 Sept. 2 June Barbara John Hamilton, wright ti June Bessie James Christie, embroiderer Robert Johnstoun, maltman Bessie 27 Nov. Catharine James Forret, skinner 29 Aug. 28 June David, merchant; Janet Waddell Elizabeth Andrew Cowie 4 Nov. Elizabeth John Reid 5 Nov. Elspeth John Thorntoun, maltman 5 July 16 Apr. Eupham John M'Farlan, W.S.
; ; ; ; ;
; ;





to Aug.


2 Jan. Alexander Cowie, wright Patrick Dennistoun, cordiner 29 June James, maltman Dorothy Fairlie 29 July ,, 10 Dec. James, merchant Margaret Johnston James, tailor, indweller Agnes Gavelock, d. of deceased 10 May 1696, m. 9 June James G., baker 27 Apr. James, writer Janet Makaulay 30 Apr. James Barbara Anderson 11 July Robert Miller, husbandman Janet ,, 16 Jan. Janet John Stuart, merchant June Janet; Rorie M'Donald 3 Sept. Janet James Jameson, flesher 23 Dec. Janet; William Bromhill Janet James Plenderleith 9 June ,, Mr. John Mary Inglis 30 July Grissell Cairnes 17 June John, merchant ,, 11 June John, merchant Janet Mowbray John, merchant Janet Cuningham, by warrant of B. Edin.

Isobel Isobel Isobel Isobel


Bell, tailor

James Bouckle, moold maker


Nov. Nov.

1682 1661 1670 1647 1656 1632 1621 1687 1699 1677 1680 1602 1632 1638 1639 1654 1664 1689

,, ,,

1696 1643 1686 1639 1645 1677 1680 1687 1700 1647 1600

John, John, John, John, John, of


Bessie Firth weaver Catharine Aisoune

; ; ; ;

29 Jan. 1686 14 Dec. 161 4 Feb. 1608

Margaret Alexander writer 5 June 1628 Mary Borthwick writer 9 Dec. 1692 Elizabeth Kincaid, lawful d. writer in Edinburgh

deceased Walter K., merchant



pf'o. 25

Aug. 1700

John John


Margaret Young Margaret Greg Katharine David Wauche Margaret; James Wood, merchant Margaret; John Fultoun, shoemaker Margaret Robert Russell, weaver Margaret John Ramsay, baker Marion William Swane, writer Marion William Peutherer Rebecca John Symesoune, bookbinder Sara Hew Duncane, smith

9 June 1596 25 July 1689 21 May 1595



May 1628 30 June 1668 30 Nov. 1684 25 Apr. 1604 19 Nov. 1699 10 Aug. 1602

28 Nov. 1632


Edinburgh Marriage



Ritchie (Richie, Rychie, Rytchie), Tiiomas, weaver in S. Leitli Elizabeth Knight, d. of Alexander K. in Drumblait in Aberdeenshire m. at S. 'L\i\\^ pro. 13 Dec. 1696 Walter, merchant Janet Thomesoune 5 Jan. 1609 William, saddler Alison Drysdaill 30 June 1634 William, shoemaker Janet Johnstoun 9 June 1635 Robb (Rob), Agnes Thomas Wilsoun, saddler 11 June ]6i6 Agnes Thomas Houlatson, glazier 9 Dec. 1674 Agnes William Scoon, glazier 27 Aug. 1686 ,, Alexander, groom to the Earl of Roxburgh Agnes ,, Veitch, d. of deceased John V., glover at Caltoun 697 7 Mar. 1697, m. 23 Mar. Alexander, tailor Jean Cuninghame 6 Apr. 627
; ; ; ;

Marion Steill tailor Margaret Tweedie Charles, brewer Janet Crawfurd Charles, brewer Janet Dalrymple Charles, servitor to Argyll Marjory Robertsone Christian James Smyth, tailor Christian Henry Reid George, cooper Marion Mitchell Jean Andrew Baillie John, cooper Agnes Park
; ; ; ;

Andrew, Andrew,


3 J^iiy

14 Aug. 22 July 13 Sept. 27 Feb.



8 Nov.

14 July

Margaret Sandelands, married by Mr. 20 Apr. James Lundie Margaret John Pirrhie, cordiner 5 Feb. Marion John Henderson, combmaker 23 Dec. Thomas, tailor Grizel Robertsone 18 Sept. William, calseymaker Janet Trowp 13 Apr. William Jane Annand 15 June Robin (Robein), Isobel John Andersone, glover 5 July 16 Oct Robins (Robeines), John, soldier Catharine Finlay Robertoun, Catharine Thomas Stark, merchant 14 June James Isobel Hamilton 13 Apr. i May Robert, wright Isobel Wilsoun Thomas, mason Margaret Crawford 19 Oct. 12 Dec. Robertson (Robertsone), Agnes John Philip, merchant
; ; ;
; ;

John, John, John, John, John, John, John,

feltmaker Isobel Chrystie smith Jean Horsbrook tailor Catharine Rae


per licence, 9 Nov. I July 20 July

4 Aug.

667 677 606 619 649 623 688 634 680 630 682





Wright Wright

Catharine Muir



Christian Horsburgh

13 Jan.

677 674 679 635 637 688 642 657 619 671 632
631 611



Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes; Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes




20 July

David M'Kindoe, tailor Gavin Heriot, merchant John Breadfoote, merchant John Johnstoun
Alexander Thomsone

Mar. 2 Aug. 4 June 3 Mar.


613 618

12 July
2 July 29 July 23 June 9 Mar. 4 Feb. 3 July

Agnes'; Alexander
; ;


,, ,,

Andrew Mortimer Andrew Jacksone, shoemaker Andrew Gairdner, carter Thomas Dunbar Mr. Alexander, brewer Margaret Young Mary Maklewrath, by warrant Alexander, armourer
; ;

628 633 638 640 642 653 660 692 673

685 667 679 676 671


B. Edin.

25 Jan.

Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander,




Scott Alison Gladstaines


June 22 Aug.


Catharine Aitkine Bessie Clerk

6 Apr. 20 Apr.


Edinburgh Marriage



Robertson (Robertsone), Alexander, gunsmith Helen Gray 8 May Alexander, maltman Agnes Davidson 30 Nov. ,, Alexander, smith Helen Finlaysone 10 Oct. Alexander, soldier Elizabeth Melvill, married by Mr. Andrew Cant, younger i 5 Feb. Alexander, tailor Agnes Binnie 9 July Eupham Gentle 8 Feb. Alexander, tailor Alexander, tailor Jean Glendunning 10 Mar. Alexander Marion Wilkie 23 Oct Alexander Margaret Morison, by Bp. Hamilton, Lord ,, Dunkeld, in the N. K. 30 June Alexander; Isobel Orrock 11 Feb. Alison Hew Kennedie 17 Aug. Allan, tailor Barbara Levingstoun 27 June Andrew, cook; Giles Cornewell 18 Dec. Andrew, gardener in Kelso parish Elizabeth M'Calaw, d. of deceased James M. at Boudoun 10 July 1698, m. 3 Aug. Andrew, weaver Margaret Barroun ,, Andrew, writer Janet Grant Andrew, Lord Tweeddale's steward ,,
; ; ; ;


Andrew Janet Dairny Anna John Edwards, litster Anna John Threepland, goldsmith Anna John M'Pherson Archibald, merchant Isobel Grahame
; ;


Archibald, weaver Janet Grein Archibald, writer Helen Methven Barbara James Schang, wright
; ; ;

Barbara Barbara Barbara

George Hommill

Thomas Young, merchant


Nicolas Jan Hew Lyndesay, goldsmith Beatrix Beatrix John Johnstoun Bessie Robert Scotte Bessie James Gooven, brewer Bessie John Creise, weaver Catharine Thomas Guthre, merchant
; ;

Catharine Catharine Catharine


David Steill, tailor James Anderson

Andrew Fuird

Charles, brewer Charles, vintner

Helen Logan Margaret Logan, married by Mr. John

June Nov. 4 June 12 June

Charles, writer Janet Wallace Marie Robertson Charles, writer Charles Janet Achison


Marion Harroway

Archibald Ethingtoun, cordiner Christian Christian John Mitchel Christian John Coule, mariner Christian John Mount, glover Robert Whyte, barber Christian Christian John Tailer, tailor Christian John Ross, wright Christian John Lowson, tailor William Waker, flesher Christian Margaret Gilgour Daniel, cordiner Daniel, embroiderer Jean Cuninghame,

Mr. Alexander Ramsay


Edinburgh Marriage Register.


Robertson (Robertsone), Daniel, merchant; Jean Law, widow of Robert Dickson, tailor 27 June 1697, m. 7 July 1697 Daniel, merchant, burgess Katharine Bioune, widow of William Brown, skinner, burgess pro. 13 Oct. 1700 Christian Dron 3 July 1690 David, baker David, bookbinder Bessie Ramsay ,, 11 Sept. 1628 David, fermorar Christian Hay 4 Feb. 1641 David, glover Elspeth Maether 26 Feb. 1648 Helen Whyt, dau. of Robert W., flesher David, glover in Linlithgow , 2 June 1692 Mary Duncan, widow of Robert David, indweller Sherly, baker in St. Ninians Row pro. 10 July 1698 Martha Cunninghame David, meilmaker 30 Nov. 1609 David, merchant Elizal)eth Haitlie 5 Dec. 1679 David, seaman Elizabeth Milkim 25 Feb. 1676 David, tailor Isobel Nisbet 15 Aug. 1634 David, tinker; Agnes Huntter 3 Nov. 1608 David, Wright Barbara Dudgeon 9 Dec. 1624 15 June 1676 David, writer; Janet Sutherland David, writer Elizabeth Bining 28 July 1676 David, writer Helen Carstairs, d. of deceased John C. of Cassengray 5 July 1696, m. 30 July 1696 David, writer Isobel Farquhar, d. of deceased Alex ander F. in Dundee 22 Oct. 1699, m. 23 Nov. 1699 Edward,^ currier, burgess of Edinburgh his widow. See Catharine Falconer. Elizabeth Andrew Orchartoun, tailor 22 Aug. 1622 Elizabeth George Reid, merchant 30 Nov. 1660 Elizabeth Alexander Mennizies 30 Nov. 1682 Elizabeth Jasper Meinzies, tanner 28 Mar. 1697 John Lauther Elizabeth u June 1699 Elspeth George Broun 2 Dec. 1600 Elspeth George Cowstoun, cook 24 June 1607 Elspeth John Heriott, seaman 29 Apr. 1675 Elspeth George Stuart, wright 7 Sept. 1682 Walter Hutoun 14 Dec. 1648 Eupham William Potter 30 Sept. 1684 Eupham Eupham David Mitchell 4 Nov. 1687 Eupham William Dempster 25 Sept. 1698 Gavin, cordiner Marion Horsburgh 21 Feb. 1667 Mr. George, minister of West Calder Anna Nasmith, by warrant of B. Edin to Mr. John Robertson 2 Oct. 1685 George, baker Janet Merchinstoun seinell procl. 30 Jan. 1677 George, baker Janet Wright 30 Apr. 1682 George, brewer Jean Moncrief 6 June 1678 George, brewer Jean Ross 13 July 1682 George, gardener Sara Dovvglas 25 Feb. 1636 George, goldsmith Janet Traquair 9 Jan. 1616 George, goldsmith Magdalene Primrose 28 Mar. 1644 George, tobacco spinner Helen Taylor 18 Nov. 1692 George, weaver Emmie Rid 28 June 1614 George, workman Catharine Andersoune 31 May 1608 George, writer in Dunblane Isobel Maitland vide 8 Nov. 1672 George; Anna Blaikie 31 Dec. 1685 ,, Gideon, tailor Isobel Moore 21 Nov. 1643 Gideon, town officer Janet Geddes 25 Sept. 1662 Gideon; Christian Alane 24 June 165 Gilbert, maltman Elizabeth Forrest 27 Feb. 1679 Gilbert; Elspeth Fiddes 30 July 1595 Giles Alexander Riccard 16 June 1691
; ; ; ; ; ; ;


Thomas Rob

18 Sept. 1635


Edinburgh Marriage



Robertson (Robertsone), Grisel Moyses Clerk Grizel Patrick Coldcleugh ,, Harry, servitor to Earlston Christian Lyndsay

23 Dec. 1641 19 Feb. 1691




,, ,,

Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Henry, Henry, Henry,

19 Sept. 1656, duplicate 26 Sept. 5 July Thomas Fiddes, flesher 31 May Adam Stuart, poultryman 2 July George Christy, poultryman 12 Dec. Patrick Carfrae 31 Jan.

Robert Deanes,




23 June
19 Sept.







,, ,,




6 Aug. 4 Apr. flesher; Christian Ross 7 July 11 Oct. Henry; Janet Stainhous Isobel, test. John Thomesone in Leith 5 July Gavin Martine 16 Dec. Isobel William Smyth 22 Jan. Isobel William Davisone Isobel 4 June 1635 2 Apr. 1644 Isobel John Johnstoun Isobel John Borelands, weaver 13 June 1667 William Dalgleish, flesher Isobel 24 Dec. 1672 Andrew Coats, smith Isobel 15 Dec. 1692 Margaret Rutherfoord James, blacksmith 7 June 1627 James, cordiner Elspet Johnestoun 14 July 1614 11 Jan. 1644 James, "cowener " Jean Demster 23 Nov. 1665 James, flesher Helen Bird James, flesher, burgess of Edinburgh Christian Stewart, pro. 18 Sept. 1698 d. of deceased Alexander S., indweller 8 Dec. 1665 James, gardener Agnes Dalmahoy 16 Jan. 1673 James, indweller Jean Hepburn 17 Oct. 1639 James, merchant Elizabeth Turneble 24 Feb. 1654 James, merchant Bessie Lendores 10 July 1668 James, merchant Helen M'Kaig 18 Jan. 1672 James, merchant Janet Gray James, merchant Eupham Warrander 13 July 1675 15 Dec. 1625 James, shoemaker; Janet Campbell 2 June 1678 James, surgeon Christian Gemmill 10 Feb. 1607 James, tailor Janet Penstoun 12 Dec. 1661 James, tailor Agnes Park 24 Nov. 1691 James, tailor Helen Scott 21 Dec. 1626 James, weaver; Catharine Adamsone 11 Feb. 1630 James, weaver Janet Cosh 6 Dec. 1638 James, weaver Janet Barten 27 Jan. 1671 James, woolcomber Janet Sheill James, workman Margaret Grahame 3 Oct. 1609 James Janet Aikman 7 Jan. 1662 28 Apr. 1670 James Helen Crightoun 29 Nov. 1603 Janet William Campbell, tailor 9 Aug. 1610 Janet James Gechen, merchant 18 June 1618 Janet John Lukeup, wright 9 Oct. 1623 Janet David Dalrymple, wright 21 Oct. 1624 Janet; Robert Robertsone, cordiner 9 Nov. 1631 Janet John Blair 10 Mar. 1648 Janet John Meakle, tailor 28 Dec. 1648 Martin Camerone Janet 23 Nov. 1660 Janet Andrew Sym, slater Janet James Clyd, merchant 4 June 1667 13 Aug. 1669 Janet James Ker, cordiner 8 Apr. 1670 Janet John Bole, flesher 31 Aug. 1670 Janet; Patrick Johnstoun, merchant

Thomas Grant cordiner Eupham Ramage flesher Anna Tirie

1656 1650 1678 1678 1686 1690 1690 1697 1640 1675 1682 1632 1610 1628 1629


Edinburs'h Marriao^e ReHster



Robertson (Robertsone), Janet Robert Turnbull, indweller 15 Nov. 672 Patrick Robertson, indweller Janet 678 29 Jan Robert Russell, writer Janet 3 Nov. 681 Edward Bunkle Janet 13 Aug. 699 Jasper, baker in Canongate Elizabeth hn is, d. of deceased James I. in Wemyss pro. 23 Oct. Jean Patrick Mershell, stabler 22 Apr. 613 Jean Donald Makdonald 18 Dec. 623 Jean James Russell 24 Sept. 629 Jean John Broun, merchant 8 Jan. 657 Jean Thomas Sandelands, wright 1 1 Nov. 659 Jean James Kincaid, gardener 23 Feb. 664 Jean John Laurence, tailor 3 Apr. 668 Jean George Adam, tailor 20 Jan. 670 Jean James Johnstoun, baker 20 Oct. 671 Jean John Nisbet, merchant 6 July 673 Jean John Threepland, goldsmith [I Jan. 677 Jean William Chapman, writer 5 Dec. 678 Jean David Douglass, wright 14 Mar. 679 Jean John Edgar of VVedderlie 27 Mar. 679 Jean Hugh M'Beth 14 Nov. 684 Jean Robert Drummond 1 1 June 699 John Agnes Arnot 28 May 595 John Margaret Cleland 15 July 612 John Alison Fiddes 19 Nov. 675 John Agnes Anderson 29 June 679 John Anna Stuart 8 Dec. 681 John Margaret Chrystie, semel., Mr. John Hamilton 15 June 684 John Isobel Davidson 3 June 686 John Grizel Stevenson 25 June 686 John Catharine Hackit 23 June 687 John Agnes Caldwell 9 Dec. 687 Catharine Murray, in respect of her being with John the minister of Beth was married there by him, Mr. George Gray 28 Feb. 689 John Margaret Murray 21 June 689 Jeremiah Jean Pollock, by warrant of B. Edin. to Mr. Trotter 22 July 686 John, cook his widow. See Jean May. John, cutler; Agnes Stevinsone 15 Auf^ 622 John, flesher, indweller Agnes Chatto 2 May 693 gardener Margaret Tailer John, 26 Nov. 629 John, gardener Anna Scott 19 June 646 John, indweller Marion Gemble 12 June 691 John, litster Anna Burn 18 Dec. 668 John, mariner Janet Geddes [8 June 618 John, mason Anna Scott 25 July 684 John, mason his widow. See Martha Fyfe. Helen Mowtray John, merchant 19 May 601 Isobel Mitchell John, merchant 5 Dec. 626 merchant Janet Leishman John, 31 Dec. 644 John, merchant Janet Salmond 30 Sept. 658 Elizabeth Reid, married at DudingJohn, merchant stoun upon the 17th of August instant 18 Aug. 665 Margaret Salmund, d. of the deceased John, saddler Peter S., portioner in Whitburn 24 May 1696, m. 24 June 696 John, schoolmaster in Liberton Helen Craik 12 June 656 John, skipper in Queensferry his widow. See Barbara Simpson.' John, stabler Agnes Hardie 4 July 622 Isobel Snype John, tailor 30 Nov. 624 John, tailor Margaret Bailyea 6 June 1627
; ; ;
; ; ;


Edinburgh MariHage




Robertson (Robertsone), John,

,, ,,
; ;

Marion Sowter





John, tailor Janet Inglis Katharine Schaw John, wobster Bessie Tweddell John, wobster John, weaver Grisel Johnstoun John, workman Marion Makgill John, workman Janet Mitchell John, wright Jean Meatland Katharine Archibald Lokhart, meilmaker Katharine Gilbert Heslop, workman Laurence, weaver Agnes Logane Lilias David Willson, weaver
; ; ; ; ;


James Hay

Malcolm, cook Janet Smyth Margaret Mr. James Nicoll Margaret George Downie, mariner Margaret Alexander Logane, wright Margaret William Hunter, mason Margaret John Buchanan, baker Margaret John Pursell, shoemaker Margaret Thomas Hood Margaret James Duncan Margaret John Menzies Margaret James Haistie Margaret James Burne, merchant Margaret George Nicoll, tailor Margaret William Murray Margaret William Pringle, stabler Margaret John Ballcanquall Margaret Thomas M'Maines, woolcomber Margaret Laurence Broun, glover Margaret Donald Grant Margaret Robert Mowatt, cordiner Margaret John Smyth, tailor Margaret Andrew Kirktoun, merchant Margaret Robert Douglass, merchant M argaret Michael Crombie, flesher Margaret John Hay, soldier Margaret John Foreman Margaret James Grier Margaret William Sympson Margaret John Aikman, maltman Margaret George Dennistoun Margaret Robert Houggin Margaret Gilbert Ruthven Margaret Robert Tait Marion William Weir, sheathmaker Marion John Balfour, baker Marion George Jamesone, post Marion James Potter Marion Ranald Murray, merchant Marjory James Pender, merchant Marjory David Martin, tailor Marjory James Spence, marikin-dresser Marjory Charles Rob Marjory John Adamsone, merchant Mary Robert Muir, indweller Mary John Hutoun, weaver Marie Charles Robertson Marie William Bernard, writer Mary Richard Forrest
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;


Edinburgh Marriage Register


616 639 669 678 616 678 635 620

Robertson (Robertsone), Mawse William Haistie, mason 12 Sept. Mause William Dunkiesone 18 July Mause Robert Lindsay, tailor 31 Dec. Patrick, brewer; Marion Nairn 15 Nov. Patrick, husbandman Margaret Alexander 21 Nov. ,, Patrick, indweller Janet Robertson 29 Jan. Patrick, merchant Susanna Kello 3 Sept. Richard, tailor Margaret Law 2 Nov. ,, Robert, baker in Edinburgh Margaret Litster, d. of ,, pro. 29 Nov. deceased James L., portioner in Dirleton Robert, cordiner Janet Robertsone 21 Oct. ,, Robert, cordiner Marie Crumbie, 16 Sept. 1690 married 24 August Robert, merchant Janet Tod 16 Jan. Robert, merchant Janet Urie, married by Mr. William
; ;

696 624 690 640






Robert, wheelwright Helen Waistoun 14 Dec. Robert, writer Barbara Young, d. of William Y., baker, burgess 13 Sept. 1696, m. 23 Sept. Robert Isobel Makgill 5 May Robert, West Kirk Marion Welsh 15 Aug. Robert Isobel Kelltie, married by Mr John Robertson

696 646 657

Robert Robert

Janet Gilles

Jane Muire merchant Janet Dowglas,


Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas,

Alison Spittall flesher Bessie Gairdner gardener Christian Roger gardener Janet Glendinning

indweller indweller

Isobel Isobel


Janet Smyth


Jean Anderson merchant Marion Tindell


680 687 2 Nov. 688 14 June 638 27 Oct. 626 16 Dec. 624 30 Jan. 605 6 June 643 8 June 665 13 July 666 691 5 June 22 June 683
2 Oct.

14 Dec.

19 l)ec.



Eupham Wilsoune
Thomas R

walker Marion Gibsoune Janet Samuel Thomas, eldest son of the deceased

29 Dec. 6 July



608 609 687

687 600 600 605 697 647 659 680 682 681 642 628 675 676 663

29 July

Elizabeth Hepburn William Moresone, tailor Violet William Moresoune, tailor Violet

Aug. 19 Aug. Margaret Brounfeild Walter, flesher 21 Nov. Agnes Wilson, widow of William Ml'. William, writer Rule, indweller 5 Dec. 1698, m. 23 Dec. Mr. William Janet Scotte 11 Mar. William, brewer Catharine Breatch lo June William, carter Anna Reikie 26 Nov. William, carter Elspeth Moncrief 23 June

William, William, William, William, William, William, William, cook, William, William, William, William,


Agnes Gray

16 Sept.

28 Apr. Janet Thomsone gardener Christian Heart 9 July goldsmith Janet Brounlie 6 July goldsmith Mary Logie 24 Mar. indweller Jean Young 9 Apr. indweller Jean May, widow of John Robertson, S.E. 3 May 1696, m. 5 June merchant Agnes Traquair 4 Oct. merchant Christain Liddaill 20 Oct. merchant Alison Mein i Dec. merchant Margaret Broun 24 Aug.


625 625 665


Edinburgh Marriage Register.



Catharine Girdwood 26 Sept. 1665 William, merchant Margaret Mitchell i6 Apr. 1667 ,, William, messenger Jean Howdoun 28 Jan. 1675 William, skipper Catharine Sibbald ,, 19 Jan. 1615 William, soldier Giles Hay, by order of B. Edin. to Mr. George Trotter 8 Mar. 1685 Margaret Gairdner 12 July 1667 William, stabler William, tailor Violet Cowen 23 Oct. 1634 Catharine Fetrie William, tailor 24 July 1645 William, tailor Lilias Moore 17 July 1662 William, tailor Helen Mershell ,, 13 Dec. 1667 William, tailor Jean Dalrymple 1 Feb. 1672 ,, William, tailor Sarah Daliell 16 Apr. 1674 William, weaver Christian Manderston 12 June 1615 Margaret Waker William, weaver 5 June 1662 William Jean Campbell 3 June 1658 William Janet Grahame 26 Dec. 1679 William Janet Baxter, married per license directed to Mr. Alexander Malcolme 20 Sept. 1683 William Isobel Ewing 3 July 1687 William Barbara Gay 14 Dec. 1688 ,, See also Robeson. Robeson (Robesoune, Robison), Agnes John Patersone, weaver 22 Nov. 1610 Alison Thomas Stevinsone ,, 14 Jan. 1612 Catharine Henrie Allan, lockman 2 .Apr. 1646 Andrew, workman Margaret Williamsone 9 Dec. 1619 Archibald, baker Barbara Johnstoun 15 Feb. 1649 ,, Bessie Craig Archibald, weaver 4 Dec. 1617 ,, Bessie; Cuthbert Mathesoune 10 Dec. J595 Bessie; William Makkersone, pursuivant 2 May 1599 21 Apr. 1608 Bessie; Alexander Sleich, writer 11 Jan. 1610 Bessie George Provane, tailor ,, Bessie James Strugeon 24 Feb. 1631 John Johnestoun, hatmaker 29 Dec. 1608 Christian James Andersone, baker 25 Aug. 1614 Christian Charles Blaikie, stabler 28 Sept. 1620 Christian Christian; James Thomson 13 Mar. 1698 ,, David, baker Janet Masoune 25 July 1604 David, tailor Marion Sharp, d. of deceased John S., ,, 18 June 1699, m. 11 July 1699 farmer in Pleasance 16 May 1599 Elspeth James Scheill ,, Elspeth John Holme, workman 15 June 1655 George, gardener Catharine Buchan 13 Dec. 1637 ,, George, merchant Janet Merlioun 23 June 1608 Giles 14 Nov. 1604 John Brown, mariner ,, Steven Wilsone Grisel 24 Nov. 1642 Helen George Collyns 27 Dec. 1632 6 Oct. 1635 Helen Thomas Andersone Helen Henry Watoun, coriar 24 Dec. 1658 ,, Robert Newtoun, merchant Isobel 9 Dec. 1600 Robert Leyis, flesher Isobel 7 Mar. 1622 2 July 1622 Nicol Bailyea, miller Isobel
; ; ;

Robertson (Robertsone), William, merchant

William Glen, merchant 14 July 1625 James, maltman Janet Williamsone 13 June 1637 2 May 1632 James, merchant Christian Christie James, tailor; Christian M'Kenzie, d. of deceased Rorie pro. 28 Apr. 1700 M'Kenzie in Fraserburgh 15 Nov. 1637 James, workman; Christian Dalyell 20 July 1649 James, wright Elspeth Stenhous
; ; ;


Edinburgh Marriage

Pater14 Mar.


Robeson (Robesoune, Robison), James, writer


sone James Elspeth Fairie Janet; Henry Fergusoune, merchant Janet John Speadie, flesher Janet James Crawfurd, cordiner


Nov. Nov.

27 July


Janet Janet Janet

Jean Jean
John, John, John, John, John, John, John,


James Andersone James Gordon Andrew Rae, shoemaker John Bird, workman I'homas Auld fishmonger Agnes ^chiltrie meilmaker Janet Weir

22 Nov. g June i Apr.

622 598 598 615 6)8 631 642


30 Nov. 10 June
21 16

June June Aug.

620 634 618



Margaret Gilgour
Catharine Richiesone



; ;


See Marion Cassillis.

28 Sept.


642 652 649


Bessie Hill

24 June
10 Jan.


John John




Margaret Finlawsoune Helen Congletoun Laurence, writer Elspeth Purves Margaret John M'Caall, workman Margaret William Stratoun, goldsmith Margaret John Gray, wardroper Margaret Andrew Ker, footboy to Traquair Marjjaret John Andersone Margaret John Henrysone Marion John Adamesoune Marion William Hamiltoun, workman Marion Michael Rae Marjory Nicol Bachop, poultryman Marie Andrew Mein Mary Daniel Whyte, cook

22 Feb. 20 July 7 Sept.

18 Apr.

610 602

23 Apr. 10 Feb.
25 Oct.

26 June
25 June

612 625 638 646



28 Apr.


2 Dec. 8 Dec.

613 646 614 629 642

651 611


James Blackball, cordiner



Matthew, tailor Elspet Howstoun Matthew, walker Janet Philip Patrick, cook Elspeth Smyth Patrick, cook Catharine Bisset Richard, meilmaker Catharine Freir Robert, meilmaker Katharine Coupland

23 Oct. 29 Oct. 27 Apr. 23 July 17 Feb. 29 July 27 Dec.

21 Sept.


,, ,,

Robert, wright Agnes Myllar Robert Margaret Ramsay Ronald, weaver Margaret Davidsone Ronald, weaver Eupham Maxwell

609 607 614 613 603 603

596 613 638 599 616 625 628 644 651 655

26 May 23 Sept. 6 Dec.

2 May 31 Dec.



Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas,

Sadlar Catharine Scot post Catharine Tindell workman Bessie Waterstoun





Agnes Syme

Marion Cleghorne William, maltman Margaret Layng William, merchant, son of John Robertson, barber in Enderleithen Christian Ferguson, d. of John F.,


6 Jan. 4 June 28 Nov. I July 22 Nov.

tanner, burgess



1698, m. 2

June 1698
Auo^. 1619

William, silkweaver Catharine Pearsone William, stabler Bessie Corstoun ,, William, weaver Janet Carmichael WiUiam, writer Jean Scot See also Robertson. Robson (Robsone, Robsoune), Archibald, merchant Breadfoote Janet Patrick Thomesoune, browster

; ;

8 July 1634 13 Apr. 1630


Dec. 1608



June 1628 9 Aug. 1598


Edinburgh Marriage





Edinburgh Marriage

15 June 8 July 17 June 14 Feb.

649 673 692 643 664 690 676 692 604 659 677

Rodger (Roger), William, mason Agnes Andersone William, mason Anna Mungall Giizel Mitchell William, merchant

Catharine Cleghorne William, saddler William, sediler Agnes Waker Catharine Paskey Roe, John, coachman Rogers, Mr. William Elizabeth Blair Rolland, John, baker Jean Gibb

; ;

9 Sept.


26 Apr.
1 1

Rollie, Patrick

Aug. Marjory Leslie 7 Nov. Helen Mercer 2 June Rollo, Mr. Andrew, minister at Dunning 27 Feb. Annabell David Drummond of Invermay Archibald, litster (test, from Yetholm) Janet Campbell, 29 Nov. 1696, m. 14 Jan. d. of Patrick C. in Blackness David, merchant Bethia Laurie, married in the Kirk of Halyruidhouse by Mr. James Lundie 13 Sept. 31 Mar. Elizabeth James Rule, stabler Mrs. Emilia; William Irwin 7 Aug. ,. 26 Apr. Henry, writer Margaret Horn Christian Justice Rollock (Rollok, Rolloke) of Pitmudie, Mr. John

668 692 698 674

607 613 632 683 624 656 649 649
611 685





Catharine James Blaikie, stabler Laurence Scotte, merchant Elizabeth James, weaver Elspeth Easmonth, bis. per Dean Mr. John, writer Susanna Broun John Elizabeth Oswald Margaret John Barbour, tailor
; ;

8 Jan. 9 Dec. 26 Jan.



29 Apr.


27 Apr.

Walter; Jean Davidson, by Mr. Alexander Burgess 15 Romanes, Edward, merchant Catharine Lowthiane 19 21 Romanno, Marion James Walker, mariner Edyer Rome (Roome) of Clowden, Thomas Margaret 5 Mr. John Reid Catharine 31 Mr. George, writer; Jean Lyll, married by Mr. William
; ;

Marion Patrick Forsyth, candlemaker Margaret Neish Robert, tailor




Dec. June Mar.

623 649 645 692


Annand, Dean
Sarah Robert Guthrie, writer Ronald (Ronnald), Agnes Lues Parise,

22 Apr.






; ;

Storie, wright

23 Oct.









Donald Andersone, maltman Catharine Robert Fairholme, tailor Catharine Catharine William Thomsone, baker Catharine Patrick Smyth, wright Clement, candlemaker Alison Pearsone Elizabeth Edward Kincaid, younger Elizabeth William Bartell Elspet John Matthisone, cordiner Elspeth Adam Lasoun, writer George Fuird, litster Elspeth Eupham William Meinyeis, cutler Elspeth Andersone George, barber chirurgian Henry, tailor Grissell Wilsoun Henry, tailor Jean Bathgate Hew, skinner Jean Miller Patrick Makgie, servitor to Sir John Preston Isobel t. Alexander Grieve, cordiner Isobel Alexander Logane, baker Isobel Isobel James Johnstoun, baker Janet Andrew Forsyth, messenger Janet William Gibsone, workman Florence Johnstoun, weaver Janet
; ;

29 Apr. 5 July 16 Apr. 23 July

25 Jan.
2 July 10 Dec.



30 Apr. 29 July 26 Jan. 19 Apr. 9 Oct. 31 Dec.





Dec. 7 Nov.

7 Sept.

4 Feb. 16 Dec.

28 June

665 6^8 628 692 628 644 647 647 650 618 668 619 635 664 626 649 632 646 621 611 617 622 630 613 623 637

Janet Janet Janet John, John, John, John, John, John,

Edmburgh Marriage




Ronald (Ronnald), Janet


David Christisone, merchant James Willson John Couper, tailor John Sklait, cordiner flesher Helen Thomsone flesher Jean Goold flesher; Marion Finlayson merchant Helen Hutsone packman Marion Hutchisone
; ;

14 July 1646 8 July 1669

workman Jean Reid John Rachel Schaw Margaret Paul Ronald, writer Margaret David Lyel, tailor Marion John Makcale, cordiner Marion James Miller, tailor Margaret Ronald Paul, writer Rebecca Andrew Borthuik, miller Thomas, tailor Margaret Patersone Walter Margaret Reid Margaret Cromertie Ronaldson, Alexander, indweller Jean William Sympson ,, Thomas, baker, burgess of Canongate Janet Aitkin, ,, of deceased George A., mason at Corstorphine

; ; ;

26 Nov. 1669 20 Dec. 1677 7 Aug. 1638 15 Sept. 1646 13 July 1666 14 Nov. 1622 29 Jan. 1634 11 Apr. 1638 29 Jan. 1646 10 Dec. 1612 28 June 1642

June 161

23 Nov. 10 Dec. 29 Apr. 19 Dec. 30 June

1637 1612 1635 1616 1676 10 June 1670 13 F^eb. 1672




Rorie (Rourie, Rurie), Alexander


Agnes Clerk

1700, m. 14 June 1700 12 Sept. 1678

Christian John Rorie, tailor Thomas M'Adam, skinner Isobel Isobel John Young, workman John, tailor; Christian Rorie
; ;

Margaret Francis Cockburn, vvright Rorieson (Rorison), David, apothecary, burgess Sara Heriot, widow of Gilbert Nisbet, apothecary, burgess 26 Mar. 1699, m. 12 Apr. Margaret John Eastoun, candlemaker 24 Nov. i Feb. Rose, Matthew, skinner Christian Miller Roseburgh, Hutcheon, tailor Janet Henrysoune 5 June 16 June Hutcheon, tailor Marion Ray ,, John, cook Janet Wylie 5 Sept. Bessie Gourlay Robert, mariner 30 June See also Roxburgh. See Margaret Hepburn. Rosehill, Lady. Ross {Ros), Master of, William Mrs. Agnes Wilkie, married by Mr. John M'Math, minister at Lasswade, by ordour of St. Andrews, primate 7 Feb. Mrs. Margaret M'Kenzie, by of Clava, Alexander warrant of my Lord Primate to Doctor Monro 15 Dec. Helen Ross, lawful dau. of John R. of Mornich, George ,, 20 June of Blackhill, upon the 15th instant Agnes Scougall of Nuik, Andrew 27 Oct. Mrs. Margaret Sandelands, by of Neuck, Andrew ,, warrant of my Lord Primate to Mr. William Man, who married them in the Cathedral Church 7 Nov. Adam, servitor to Lord Hopetoun; Margaret Measoun 29 Nov.

3 June 1669 26 June 1666 14 Sept. 1677 3 June 1669 9 July 1675

1699 1634 1610 1604 1608 1599 1608

1687 1693 1671

Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

George Patirsoune, tailor James Drummond, merchant James Clerk, stabler Robert Baird, husbandman
Robert Whyt John Snodgrass



4 June 25 Feb. 8 June

19 June 22 Mar.

1687 1659 1607 1616 1646 1648 1688 1696

Alexander, lawful son to Alexander R, of Holm Clappertoun, married by Mr. John M'Queen

10 Oct, 1679


Edinburgh Marriage


-4 July 1670 June i68-

Ross (Ros), Alexander, indweller Isobel Stuart Alexander, stabler Rachel Barron

Alison; Patrick Fairlie, wobster Alison John Gairdie, pewderer Andrew, apothecary Agnes Montgomrie
; ;


Nov. 1601





Anna; William Gowie, wright ^""a; Geo'ge junkison, wright

Archibald, baker Archibald, baker Barbara Gilbert

Andrew, tailor Agnes Wright ,0 fan. Andrew, tailor Helen Scotte 4X110Andrew, tailor Elizabeth Ikuce 20 OcT Andrew, writer Margaret Gellie, d. of deceased Patrick G., merchant in Aberdeen 15 Jan. 1699, m. 9 Feb Angus, brewer; Catharine Kaig 3 yuiy Mrs. Anna John, Master of Balmerino 12 June
; ;

1660 16-16-6
1646 1609 i5yj 1687

17 ]jec

Marion Brounrig Marion Lyllie





Bessie Bessie George Dudingstoun Bessie Richard Ros, baker Bessie James Wier Catharine John Calder, wright Catharine Mr. James Gilchrist Catharine Henry Hamiltoun Christian John Porteous, tailor Christian Andrew Fish, skinner Christian John Johnestoun, merchant Christian James Barnis, merchant Christian David Crightoun, mealmaker Christian Mr. David Primrose, advocate Christian Archibald Tod, old provost Christian Henry Robertson, flesher Daniel, litster Isobel Wilson, both
; ;

Thomson, locksmith Mr. James Bruce Thomas Knowes, baker


9 Jan! 1679 16 May iqqq 6 Dec. 16 10 ^c f>b 1670 4 Dec! 1690


June ^97 Oct 1608


31 Oct! 1661

.5 .^y^


Dec 16^3

6 June 1697 29 Sept. 1700 "23 Peb 1609 28 June 1610 22 June 161 c 29 Nov. idA. 22 Dec' i6-'4 15 Apr' i6;i 5 Nov 16^1 7 July 168-'

Holyrood9 May 161 9 June 1668 ' I^ec. .686 --S Feb 1688 18 June 1688 21 Oct 1681 "7 jan 1676

T. Daniel,

^'T^ writer

Marion Dickson
?;/'^'^' Allan




^T'i u^%'P''i Jilizabeth David

' ; ;

Elizabeth James Aikman Elspeth John Hunter, flesher Eupham Alexander Hay, wright Francis Mary Willson, married by Mr.


Andrew Cant


Gavin, writer; Jonet Myller George, litster Janet Chalmer George, merchant Sibilla Denholme George, merchant Catharine Kinloch George, tailor Janet Bog George Catharine Donaldson, married



31 Au<^


June 164;


Dec 1616



13 July 1612


bv Mr. John

Janet Graham Thomas Reid, merchant


Harry, merchant
; ;

Aug. 1681 18 Apr. 1690 13 June 164;


Elizabeth Kinloch

Helen David Drummond, baker Helen George Ross of Mornich Ensign Hew, son of deceased Robert R. of Aldy Cunningham, d. of deceased Mr. William

June 164^

i6qQ 20 June 169^ Jean C. of

j, j^^^g ,g


Hew, Hew,


writer; Sara




widow. See Margaret Torrence


Anna Hepburn.
B.'s order, 4

Aug. i6^^ ""^

Apr. 1682

3 1

Ross (Ros),

Edinburgh Marriage Register.

baker Agnes Dick John Whyte, gentleman Gavin Wood, mason Mr. James, writer Agnes Stevinsone Mr. James, writer Sarah Ross James, baker Bessie Wilsoune James, brewer Margaret Sheirer James, flesher Christian Murray



Isobel Isobel

4 Nov. 1619 i6 Oct. 1656

26 July 24 Dec. 24 Dec. 17 Apr.


1681 1658



James, indweller Alison Scot James, merchant Elizabeth Stuart James, skinner Margaret Gray James, tailor Marion Wilsoun James, late town treasurer of Dumfries
; ;
; ;

Aug. Dec. 13 June



16 Apr. 8 ]3ec. 12 Dec.


1666 1605 1690 1616 1665 1600 1629 1661



14 Mar. 1671 16 Dec. 1692


Nicolas Johnstone. James, vintner Janet Fairbairn James, writer Barbara Cameron
; ; ;


26 Nov. 1685 James Eupham Ainslie James; Elizabeth Henderson, by Mr. Alexander Malcolm
31 Oct. 1686

,, ,,


by the Dean Jane Moodie, by Mr. Burgess in the Janet George Sutie, flesher Archibald Aikman, pasment-weaver Janet Janet William Hacket, cordiner Hew Mackie Janet Hew Craig, merchant Janet Janet; David Balfour, tailor Janet Walter Leith, sediler Alexander Crombie, indweller Janet

James James

Grizel Bain,

11 Sept. S.



,, ,,




,, ,,



,, ,,

Janet; Daniel Stewart, indweller Jean James Learmonth, tailor Jean James Bale George Robertson, brewer Jean Jean Adam Todd, glover Jean David Spence William Dick, candlemaker Jessie Isobel Cleghorn John, brewer John, candlemaker Elspeth Young Bessie Jill John, merchant John, merchant; Agnes Milne John, merchant Anna Hamilton, married at Dudding8 June 1679 ston by Mr. Charles Lumsden, elder 24 Feb. 1620 John, tailor Agnes Nymmo 14 Oct. 1624 John, tailor Isobel Dalgleish Margaret Borthuik 21 June 1637 John, tailor John, tailor Agnes Gastoun 25 Nov. 1652 Margaret Laurie 20 Nov. 1674 John, tailor 11 Apr. 1678 John, wright Christian Robertson John, writer Janet Kellie 7 Sept. 1602 test. 17 Apr. 1610 John Helen Cuninghame 31 Jan. 1650 John Catharine Collace 20 Nov. 1627 Magdalene John Sands, tailor Magdalen William Davidson 17 Jan. 1697 Mrs. Margaret John M'Kenzie 29 Dec. 1700 6 June 1599 Margaret; Mungo Burrell, lorimer Margaret Patrick Andersone, cobbler 23 Feb. 1644 26 June 1679 Margaret James Melvill, candlemaker

1687 24 Dec. 1689 4 Mar. 161 30 Apr. 1622 16 Oct. 1640 3 Feb. 1646 29 July 1652 21 Feb. 1662 21 Aug. 1662 11 Feb. 1670 11 Apr. 1697 9 June 1664 15 July 1680 13 July 1682 9 July 1691 29 May 1698 30 Dec. 1670 28 Apr. 1693 22 June 1648 8 .Sept. 1636 17 Dec. 1675

Margaret Thon^.as Hostler, weaver Margaret; William Paterson Marion Henry Harper, merchant Marion John Hunter, cobbler

10 June 1681 19 July 168

24 Dec. 1618 4 Mar. 1629


Edinburgh Marriage



Ross (Ros), Marion Robert Braidwood, smith Marion John Paterson, brewer Mary James Lunn Mawse William Ellote, maltman Mungo, baker Margaret Watsone Mungo, merchant Elizabeth Carmichaell Mungo, merchant Janet Monro Mungo, younger, merchant Margaret Cuninghame Peter, baker Marjory Boyde Richard, baker; Bessie Ros


June 1666

Feb 1677


Apr i6ig

Sept' 161^ ^9 Jan 1664 4 June 1669 29 Oct. 1640 37 May 1616
31 Oct. 1661



Thomas, indweller Isobel Curall Thomas, shoemaker Margaret Meik Thomas, tailor Janet Young Ihomas, wigmaker and barber; Isobel Henrie,
; ;

Mr. Robert, writer Elizabeth Storie 28 Dec! Robert, land-labourer Elspeth Lindsay 30 Dec Robert, writer Janet Dalrymple, widow of William Mitchell, baker 5 Sept. 1697, m. 24 Sept. Kobert Elizabeth Achison, by a licence direct to Mr. Andrew Kynneir Mr. Ja. Lundie, 11 Jan. Sarah Mr. James Ross, writer -.4 Dec Sophia John Alexander 26 June Ihomas, baker Helen Duncane 24 Sept. Thomas, cook Bessie Levinstoun 30 June



1678 1666 1690 1600 i6;9 18 Sept 1679


Nov 16


24 June 1658 of

deceased Robert H., candlemaker, burgess of Edin

Tu Thomas Thomas


A Agnes .. Malloch

2 ^^oWalter, tailor Christian Rae 10 June Walter Janet Moyses, married by Mr. John Robertson -' Apr. T>. T,T r, Mary Stewart \\ alter 11 Feb. William, cordiner Bessie Gray 30 July William, cordiner Marion Dougall 3 Nov William, gardener Isobel Paterson 25 Nov William, indweller Jean Murray 27 Auo-! William, maltman Elizabeth Kinloch 28 SepT William, merchant, son of Mr. Robert R. of Ennernethie Jean Osburn, d. of Henry O. of Peppermilne
; ;

Marjory Meinzies, B. John M'Queen


'697, "1. 4 June 1697 25 July 1677 order directed to Mr.





1680 1686 1647 1676


1674 1648

30 Aug. 1696, m. 29 Oct. 1696 lUiam, servitor to the Earl of Haddington (test, from Leslie) Grizel Watson, d. of deceased Colin W^, fanner in Dyke parish in Murray, 15 May 1698, m. 10 June 1698 Wilham, servitor to the Duke of Queensberry Katharine Aitkine, widow of Alexander Twaddell, walker, burgess

I Dec. 1700, m. 17 Dec. 1700 ., ^ ^ William, tailor; Agnes Symsoun 8 j^n. 16-^^ ^^ William, vintner Janet Maitland, d. of deceased Alex ander M., bailie of Haddington, and widow of John Smith, clerk there pro. 6 Dec. 1696 Wilham, workman Margaret Fultoun 9 July 1606 William, workman Janet Tanniehill 24 Dec. 16-^9 W^illiam, writer Marion Greir g June 165-^ William, writer Christian Burd 4 Auo-. 1692 W'illiam Mary Sincler ,, c Y^. i6;o Rough, Marjory Thomas Bird, tailor 24 July 1656 Roughead (Rochead, Rocheid, Rouchead, Rucheid) of Whitsumhill, Thomas Elizabeth Bruce, by Dr. Monro in the -N. K. 18 Dec. 1687 of Whitsomhill, Thomas \c Feb. Jean Couper 1694



Edinb7Lrgh Mari^iage Register.




Roughead (Rochead, Rocheid, Rouchead, Rucheid), Mr. Alexander Dick

James, merchant Janet Trotter Mrs. Janet Mr. David Dalrymple Robert, merchant Isobel Letham William, flesher Jean M'Donald Marion Fairholme Rouse, De la, Peter, printer Margaret Brounfeild Roust, Alexander, wright Routledge, Margaret James Deans, litster

; ; ; ;
; ; ;

14 Apr.

22 June 4 Apr. 8 Sept.



21 July 21 Nov.

Row, Anna

,, ,,

16 Feb. Dr. John Montgomerie 17 Sept. Archibald, merchant Margaret Layng, d. of deceased William L. in Glass in Banffshire 22 Jan. 1699, m. 18 Feb. Charles Christian Anderson, by Mr. William Gairdyns i July
; ;

Gaspert Shambone, Frenchman James Bruce, merchant Margaret Whyte James, merchant James, merchant EHzabeth Ker, married
Grizel Isobel
; ;

16 Aug. 6 Apr.


at or

near to

13 Apr.

John Elizabeth Keith Margaret Matthew Birsbain, writer Margaret William Martine, writer Robert, brewer his widow. See Anna Logie. Thomas, merchant his widow. See Janet Hardie. William, lawful son of Mr. James R. Janet Skene Rowan (Rowan), Agnes William Baillie, wright Catharine James Donaldson, tailor Catharine John Donaldsone, tailor David Isobel Anderson Laurence Vallenge, cutler Isobel Janet Thomas Symsoun, butterman Janet John Foster, bookbinder ,, Janet William Faries, merchant ,, John, cordiner Janet Smith Margaret Duncan John, tailor Margaret John Ewing ,, Margaret Broun Robert, husbandman ,, Isobel Kirk wood Robert, merchant
; ;
; ;



Robert, tailor

Elspeth Milne


Thomas, merchant Janet Wardrob Thomas, skinner Helen Lewis Thomas, writer Isobel Thomsone
; ;

William, miller Christian Lai ng Rowatt (Rowat), Alexander Jean Symer Roxburgh (Roxborough), Agnes David Watson, tailor Helen Miller David, cook James, apothecary Jean Steill Janet Archibald Henrysone, tailor Andrew 'Clare Janet John, cook Agnes Schaw John, cook Agnes Sandelands John, merchant Christian Sword ,, Margaret Robert Cameron, feltmaker Marion William Arnot, timberman See also Roseburgh. Roy (Roye), Alexander, gardener Anna Findlay Alexander Janet Inglis Janet Thomas Broun, smith Richard Lock Janet Margaret William Purves ,, William Jean Smith, they were married the 2d instant, 6 by order from my Lord Bishop by Mr. Trotter



Edinburgh Marriage Register.


1689 1622 1657 1618 1636 164S
1694 1669
1692 1652 1632 1699 1607

Roy (Roye), William Isobel Stevenson 22 Dec. Ruddoch, John, merchant Margaret Noble 28 Nov. Rule (Reule, Reull), Agnes Patrick Fyff, merchant 23 Dec. Alexander, lorimer Margaret Cor Dec. Alexander, lorimer Marion Alexander 26 Apr. Alexander, merchant Elspeth Wallace 10 Feb. Mr. Andrew, advocate Agnes Birnie, widow ofTbomas Hamilton of Ridhouse June Archibald, indweller Christian Johnstoun 25 June Archibald, merchant Margaret Ramage, widow of John Campbell, younger, tanner, late bailie of Portsburgh 14 June Barbara James Greg, merchant 17 June Bessie Robert Stevinsone, sievewright 7 June Elizabeth Mr. Thomas Anderson 5 Feb. Helen Thomas Scot, messenger 26 Mar. James, mason Jean Armstrang 2 Mar. James, stabler Elizabeth Rollo, dau. of the deceased Patrick R. in Longforgan parish 31 Mar. Janet John Anderson, blacksmith 24 Dec. John, dagmaker Isobel Malcolme 10 Dec. John, merchant Bessie Broun 9 Feb. John, merchant; Agnes Davidsone 28 May weaver Marion Heslop John, 26 Nov. Margaret John Raynold, lorimer 30 Apr. Margaret Thomas Weir, mason 6 July Marion; David Brakinrig, merchant 10 June Ninian, skinner; Janet M'Clane 12 Nov. Rachel Patrick Blaikader, tailor ig Nov. William, cooper Anna Lyon 24 June William, indweller his widow. Sec Agnes Wilson. Runsiman (Runseeman, Runseman, Runshiman), Alexander,


1692 1669 1629 1647 1652 1618 1607 1609 1600 1600 1629 1658




Apr. 1678

Alexander, stabler

Margaret Grieve

8 Feb. 162

Alexander; Agnes Scot Isaac Christian Pennie Isobel John Mather, merchant James, wright Martha Ferriar James, wright Elizabeth Gray,

20 Aug. 1595 u June 1607 16 Sept. 1669 9 Feb. 1683


Nicoll, cordiner

of William 22 Oct. 1699, m. 24 Nov. 1699


William, maltman Janet Cadie Russell, Agnes Alexander Turner, tailor

; ;



John Gordoun

Alexander, poultryman Elspeth Smyth Alexander, weaver Barbara Hamilton Alexander, weaver I>arbara Wilkie, widow of William
; ;

6 July 16 Oct. 27 June 22 July


1606 1683 1698 1604


Corse, weaver Alexander, wright,

16 July 1699,


Aug. 1699

freeman Elizabeth F'yfe, deceased William F., merchant of Aberdeen








Andrew, coriar Margaret Aitkin Andrew, poultryman Elspeth Cleland Anna James Douglas Bessie; Thomas Cuninghame, wea\er Bessie James Boog, smith Bessie John Wodderspoon, wright Catharine John Edyer, merchant Catherine Robert Bannatyne, pewderer Catharine James Ker, merchant Catharine; James Clerk indweller Catharine James Allstoun, writer

Catharine; Robert


30 June 1699 Nov. 1643 31 Aug. 1648 8 Jan. 1699 '9 July 1633 3 June 1636 19 Dec. 1648 29 June 1620 3 Nov. 1625 12 Aug. 1641 22 Oct. 1672 25 Apr. 1673 12 June 1683


Edinbtirgh Marriage Register.



Russell, Catharine

Alexander Christie


Christian; John Ker Christian John Harlaw, apothecary Christian Mr. Robert Ramsay
; ; ; ;

24 Mar. 8 July 7 Apr.





,, ,,

Clement, workman Marion Burne Elspet John Hodge, flesher Eupham William Laurie, tasker Florence Robert Grieve, stabler George, bookbinder Chrystine Moore George, butterman Margaret Breadfoot George, husbandman Janet Kirkwood George, indweller Isobel Dewar George, merchant Bessie Pearsone

23 Dec. 25 Aug. 10 July 22 Apr. 22 May 14 Dec.



14 July 3 Aug.



Helen Wauchop 13 June Hew, lorimer Marion Campbell 11 Jan. Isobel Walter Scotte, clerk to the Society 26 June Isobel 28 Aug. James Oswall James, marikin-dresser Margaret Mureheid 7 Aug. James, son of deceased Andrew R., merchant in Rotterdam Mrs. Marion Home, d. of -Sir David Home of



Corsrig, senator of the College of Justice James, officer Margaret Barrie James, stabler Margaret Russell James, stabler Isobel Moffett
; ; ;

pro. 23 Oct. 24 Oct.



10 June

,, ,, ,,




James, tailor Bessie Templetoun 29 June James, writer Margaret Lindsay 14 Oct. James, writer Jean Robertsone 24 Sept. James, writer, son of the deceased James R. of Kingsyd Catharine Murray, d. of deceased James M., writer in Edinburgh 22 Nov. 1696, m. 9 Dec. George Schaw, merchant Janet 28 Sept. 8 June Janet Alexander Dicksone, litster 21 Feb. Janet James Hay, bower 21 July Janet; Patrick Clerk, skinner Janet; James Craig 13 Nov. Jean John Ballantyne, writer 3 July i July Jean John Eleis, husbandman 26 Apr. Jean James Potter Jean Andrew Wardrop 5 Apr. Mr. John Marion Carmychell 17 Nov. John, husbandman Agnes Whyte 4 Nov. 11 Sept. John, litster Catharine Cowan John, litster Janet Scot g Feb. Isobel Wood John, mason 14 Dec. Marion Young, John, merchant, burgess of Edinburgh d. of deceased James Y. of Meadop 26 Nov. 1699, m. 14 Dec. Marion Inglis, dau. of the deceased John, skinner 2 June James I., skinner in Edinburgh Catharine Aitoun John, Wright 13 June Margaret Fuird 21 July John, writer John, writer, son of the 'deceased James R. of KingsMarion Russell, third daughter of Andrew R., seat deceased, merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, late merchant of Rotterdam 7 Aug. 1698, m. 29 Aug. 30 July John Helen Miller Laurence, merchant Agnes Campbell 15 Jan 20 July Laurence, merchant Janet Baptie 16 July Margaret James Watsoune 16 Nov. Margaret Alexander Johnestoun, flesher 2 Jan. Margaret Alexander Watsoune, writer
; ; ;

1698 1618 1629 1666

1595 1603 1606


Edinburgh Marriage


ig Feb. 1613 30 Mar. 1627 12 June 1634 6 June 1655 27 Nov. 1666 18 Nov. 1664 29 July 1681 19 Nov. 1689 25 June 1618 i June 1626 5 June 1633 7 Aug. 1698 15 May 1606 26 May 1614 29 Apr. 1679 28 Apr. 1636 24 June 1624 29 Oct. 1605 8 Dec. 1607 30 June 1668



Margaret Robert Andersone, flesher Margaret Peter Uavidsone, flesher Margaret James Gillespie, stabler Margaret Hew Alane in Cramond Margaret James I mbrie, graveniaker Margaret; James Russell, stabler Margaret John Pettincrue Margaret Duncan Yates Marion Patrick Wilkie, lorimer Marion George Pyote, tailor Marion Robert Smyth, maltman Marion John Russell Marjory George Schankis, mason Marjory William Grinla}-, mariner Mary; George Maxwell, pirriwigmaker Mause Thomas Harwar, merchant

Michael, flesher

Agnes Fairbairne

dub. 3 Nov. 1681 28 June 1610 Thomas, flesher Marion Thomesoune 6 Feb. 1600 Thomas, miller; Margaret Stuart 28 June 1677 William, workman Catharine Wilsone 30 June 1636 William, writer Catharine Leslie ,, 19 Aug. 1668 William Janet Scot ,, 5 Oct. 1687 Rutherford (Rutherfoord, Rutherfourd, Rutherfuird, Rutherfurd) of Caphope, Robert Alison Ker, d. of deceased John K. of Shaw 19 Nov. 1699, m- i Dec. 1699 of Hunthill, Andrew, fiar Margaret Levingstoun 4 Mar. 1647 Adam, potter; Agnes Suann 24 Sept. 1630 Adam Janet Lindsay, married by Mr. John Hamilton 3 June 1684 Agnes Thomas Laurie, workman ,, 30 May 1650 Agnes Matthew Bailyea, tailor 17 June 1656 Agnes Archibald Symn, glover 23 Apr. 1674 Agnes Hugh Ker, tailor n Oct. 1677 Agnes John Sommervell, skinner ,, 23 Feb. 1696 Alexander, blewgown Helen King 26 Apr. 1683 Andrew, smith in S. Leith parish Margaret Thomson, d. of deceased Frederick T., farmer in Saughtonhall

Eupham Patersoune Phinlaw, meilmaker Giles Scha\\Robert, weaver Margaret Richie Robert, writer; Janet Robertson Thomas, cordiner Janet Aesone
Patrick, gardener
; ;




Andrew Margaret Ramsay Anna Alexander Syme Anna Robert Pringle


1698, m. 27 May 1696 6 Dec. 1652


Barbara John Scotte, cordiner Barbara; James Smith Barbara John Scrimgeour, brewer Adam Hewet, tailor Bessie


Robert Millne Catharine Mr. James Stuart

; ;

Bessie Bessie

James Jacksone, vintner


David Vaitch, merchant



David, cooper Helen Biger Elizabeth James Broun, indweller Elizabeth George Punton Esther; Adam Tinling, tailor Gabriel, cordiner Christian Goseling Gilbert Janet Pringill Grizel John Grinlay, mariner Helen David Murray, cordiner

1629 1687 1646 1685 1638 21 July 16^0 24 June 164'; 8 May 1698 17 Dec. 1675 26 July 168'' 26 Apr. 1655 29 July 1670 2 Oct. 1698 18 Nov. 1670 9 Au<^-. 1660 30 June 1596 30 July 1618 11 Dec. 166"

30 July i Dec. 12 Feb. 3 Apr. 24 Apr.


Edinburgh Marriage Register.

[1595- 1700.

Rutherford (Rutherfoord, Rutherfourd, Rutherfuird, Rutherfurd), Helen George Weir, tailor 8 Dec. Robert Watsone, husbandman Isobel 27 Nov. ,, Isobel John Arbuckle, tailor i\ July Isobel Robert Pringle, tailor 17 July James, cordiner Isobel Henrysone, {sic. duplicate as 21 Oct.) ,, 28 Oct. 28 July James, cordiner Christian Locheid 11 June James, husbandman Elspeth Alane James, mason Jean Montgomerie, proclaimed at Tranent
; ; ; ; ;


Janet; Janet Janet Janet
; ; ;



8 P^eb. 21 Oct.

,, ,,

,, ,,




,, ,,

stabler 11 Dec. 16 Nov. Alexander Gill, workman 10 Dec. James Young, brewer Gilbert Kirktoun 2 Aug. 11 Dec. Jean; William Rae, goldsmith 29 Oct. Jean Henry Rankin, merchant John, merchant Janet Naesmyth 4 Nov. Janet Fergussone 25 Nov. John, merchant Christian Scott 17 Nov. John, servitor to Dr. Pennicook Margaret Sandelands John, tailor 23 July 10 May John, tailor Janet Hollow 10 July John, wright Jean Storie 16 Feb. John Jean Buchann Margaret James Robertsone, blacksmith 7 June Margaret Thomas Whyte, armourer 24 Oct. Margaret George Wright, tailor 17 June 10 Nov. Margaret John Wilsoun, smith Margaret Alexander Durhame of Largo 31 Oct. 12 Sept. Margaret David Eliott, writer in Haddington Margaret George Forbess of Corss 30 Apr. Margaret John Porteous 23 June 16 Dec. Margaret Charles Scot Margaret William Currie, glover 27 Sept. 12 Feb. Marion John Charteris, merchant Marion Peter Haichill, workman 3 Aug. 8 Nov. Marion John Mullikin, tailor 8 Jan. Marion Gavin More, wright i Oct. Marion William Bowes, workman 10 Mar. Marion John Pook, cordiner Mary George Cunninghame, merchant 30 May 6 Feb. Mawse James Chalmers, bookbinder 28 Dec. Rachel James Campbell Robert, brother-german of the Laird of Edgerstoun, and 18 Aug. Anna Murray, widow of the Laird of Whitebank Robert Christian Peers 4 Dec. 24 Mar. Mr. Samuel Jean Makmath c. 31 Mar. Thomas, wright Margaret Taylor Thomas Susanna Riddell, married by Mr. John Ferciuhar
; ; ; ; ; ;

James Walker,

25 Feb.

Marion Clarke William, merchant Catharine Rig Christian Weir William, merchant Marion Mitchell William, merchant Ruthven (Rutheven), Alexander, tailor Janet M'Andrew Anna George Calderwood Barbara Captain Walter Stuart Clara John Baxter, jeweller


4 June
14 July

June June 28 June



12 Jan. 19 Apr.

9 Nov.


Clara Mr. Clara; Mr.


Andrew Dick, advocate Andrew Dick, advocate


12 Oct.


Edinburgh Marriage



26 Dec. Ruthven (Rutheven), Elizabeth Mr. James Pitcairn Mr. Francis Helen Muirhead 30 Apr. ,, Margaret Robertson, d. of Gilbert, merchant, burgess 17 Nov. 1700, m. 3 Dec. Charles R., glover in Kelso 10 May Janet James Scotte, writer Magdalene William Ogilvie 17 June Marion Archibald Softley, armourer 13 Jan. Geils (iraham Patrick, gentleman 4 Feb. Ryburne, John, wright Janet Ualrymple 9 Jan. Rymour, Mary David Montier, merchant 9 Oct. Ryssie, Isobel Alexander Agnew, tailor 9 Feb.

1700 1640 1600 1648 1657 1648 1680 1632

Sadler (Sadlar, Saidler),



Thomas Robesone,

2 May 1599 9 Nov. 1677

Janet Weir See also Sediler. Sage, Janet Andrew Mitchell Archibald Jameson, stabler Said, Agnes Salisbury (Salisburie), Foulke, periwigmaker

James, cordiner

June 1685 26 Oct. 1666 Anna Darling I Aug. 1678 Salmond (Salmund), Agnes Peter Dick, workman 19 June 1655 Agnes George Patersone, mason 27 Oct. 1659 ,, Andrew, indv/eller Janet Hood 15 Jan. 1682 Beatrix James Tailyefeir, merchant 9 Feb. 1643 11 Feb. 1645 Catharine; Adam Chisholme, workman ,, Isobel M'Breck David, mason 9 July 1674 Grisel 15 Feb. 1631 John Moore, merchant Alexander Caithnes, tailor Grissel 14 Jan. 1645 ,, i Dec. 1625 Janet Gilbert Moore, merchant ,, 30 Sept. 1658 Janet John Robertsone, merchant ,, 16 Oct. 1698 Janet Robert Abercrombie ,, 22 Nov. 1631 John, cook Janet Holme 16 Sept. 1629 John, merchant Isobel Wylie ,, 2 Aug. 1672 Margaret Patrick Mather, baker Margaret James Warden 30 Apr. 1686 Margaret John Robertson, saddler 24 May 1696 28 Oct. 1681 Salter, Edward, mariner; Elspeth Pow Harry Wilsone, tailor Salton (Saltone, Saltoun), Agnes 24 Nov. 1625 21 July 1665 Agnes David Milne, tailor ,, Christian Mr. John Hardie, writer 13 Jan. 1682 Elizabeth John Inglis, younger, merchant 15 Sept. 163 22 Dec. 1625 Margaret James Stevinsone, merchant ,, 20 June 1686 Salvage, John, brewer Janet Mitchell 26 Dec. 1690 Margaret William Short, wright Samson (Sarapsone, Sampsoun, Samsoun), Catharine (jeorge 21 Nov. 1662 Lawrie, workman i Dec. 1636 Catharine William Downie, hatmaker ,, 22 Apr. 1646 Catharine William Bowes, workman ,, 12 July 1655 Helen; William Lydgate, cordiner



Margaret Whyte

Oct. 1671



10 July Janet William Gillchryst, weaver Katharine Knox John, cordiner 19 June t. 29 Nov. John, cordiner Catharine Bird John, son of John S., portioner of Newbigging in Enderask, Catharine Mayn, d. of deceased John M., cordiner 30 July 1699, m. 18 Aug.

1679 1606 1610

Margaret George Kilpatrik, printer Margaret; John Edgar, writer Margaret William Gray, blacksmith Marion William Main, shoemaker Nicolas Edward Broun, brewer
; ;



Sept. 3 Dec.

22 Jan. 6 Nov.

1699 1610 1663 1675 1652 1668


Edinburgh Mari'iage Register.



Samson (Sampsone, Sampsoun, Samsoun), Nicolas



12 July 26 Oct.


William Bishop, shoemaker Susanna John Black, baker




William, shoemaker Bessie Lovvthiane 17 Nov. Samuel (Samuall, Samuell), Agnes James Miller, brewer 7 July Alison Andrew Heart, weaver 14 June ,, Barbara William Andersone, merchant 10 Oct. Bessie John Andersoune, merchant 5 July 6 Apr. Uavid, baker Giles Steven David, weaver Margaret Weir 17 June George, baker Bessie Wilkisone 27 June ,, George, baker Elizabeth Kerr, married 19 December clandestinely by Mr. George Young 27 Nov. George, merchant Elspeth Sybbald 30 Sept. ,,
; ;


Giles John Ivie, silk weaver William Stevinsone, walker Isobel


27 Nov. 14 Feb.


Janet Janet

Marion Henrysoune James Gray, baker


16 Oct.

,, ,,

Thomas Robertson George Douglass, vintner Marion Cokburn, d. of William John, baker Margaret Alexander Pettingrue, writer



June June pro. 23 June


Richard, baker Agnes Gibison Robert, maltman Janet Watsoune Walter, merchant Elspeth Kello
; ;

3 Feb. 19 Apr. 22 Sept.

27 July
13 Mar. 13 Dec. 18 Mar.


Margaret Miller

Sanders, Bessie James Dairg, writer Bessie John Aitkin

William Thomson Isobel ,, Janet James Lethem, baker Robert Smith Janet Marmaduke, mariner Helen Seatoun ,, Margaret Donaldson Patrick ,, Sanderson (Sandersoune), Agnes Alexander
; ;

22 July

June June

16 Feb.

30 July

merchant 7 Nov.
15 July 29 Aug.



John Cunninghame, tailor Mr. John Wilkie of Broomhouse Katharine Gillaspie Alexander, merchant Patrick Campbell, skinner Alison

Agnes Agnes



15 July



Andrew Ker, skinner Edward Carmichael, skinner Bernard, writer Jean Durhame Catharine Thomas Purdie, merchant



Catharine John Wels, clothier Margaret Pearson David, timberheelmaker George, wright Marion Auld George Barbara Lowrie
; ;

10 Jan. 14 Mar. 11 Sept. 10 Aug.


William Learmonth, merchant Robert A.ndersone, weaver William Thomsone, clothier James, indweller Margaret Gillholme 23 June James, merchant Rachel Menteith James in Earlston Margaret Glen, by warrant of B. 8 Feb. Edin. to Mr. John M'Qaeen 2 Dec. Janet Alexander Thomsone, merchant 21 May John Whyte, merchant lanet 25 Mar. John, tailor Christian Duas 28 Mar. John, tailor Jean Watsone Catharine Drummond 25 July John, wright 4 Apr. John, wright Agnes Crawfurd


Isobel Isobel

6 June 9 Aug. 2 July 19 Dec. 25 Apr. 19 Feb. 19 Feb.


Edinbiirorh Marriao-e Reoister.


Sanderson (Sandersoune), John, wright, indweller Margaret Porteus, d. of deceased John P., farmer at Biggar 19 May 1700, m. 28 June Margaret Patrick Crightoun, tailor 15 Jan. Margaret James Stevenson, tailor Aug. Marion James Harper 23 July Marion Alexander Gordon, tailor 1 Dec. Mary Hew Chrystall, weaver 22 Mar. Patrick, tailor Elspeth Bowie 26 Jan.



Isobel Cliisholme 5 Jan. William, husbandman Janet Bowo 7 Sept. William, woolcomber Elspeth Mair 27 Nov. Sandie, Isobel Henry Basillie, timberman i Sept. Sandiesone, Catharine 21 Jan. John Beatoun, embroiderer Sandilands (Sandelands, Sandelandes), Agnes John Blytheman, flesher 3 Dec.


677 678 644 602


668 640 647 607 630 642 657 670


Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

John Roxburgh, cook John Lyone, tailor Alexander Sandelands Mr. Matthew INI'Naile, merchant James M'Gill, indweller Alexander Agnes Sandelands Alison John Alexander, baker Bessie George Hall, litster
; ; ;

19 Oct.

24 Feb. 29 Jan. 5 July

16 Sept.

29 Jan.

Dec. Aug.

Bessie Henry Tait, tailor Bessie Archibald Wisheart, clerk to the brewhouse Bessie Lewis Somervell, merchant Mrs. Catharine David Drumond of Coltmalundie Catharine George Mortoun Christian James Smyth, tailor Elizabeth John Fairlie, merchant

4 Jan. 28 Apr.


29 Apr. 16 July 19 Dec. 25 July

14 Nov. 1 1 July



Magdalene Trent Marion Thomson






8 Jan.

John Makaulay, tailor George Cuthbertson, baker James, baker Marion Fairlie
Isobel Isobel

S Mar. 30 Nov.

657 614 613 640 653 666 689 672 636 605 665 672 60 628 667

James, gardener Isobel Measone James, gardener Marion Scotte James, tailor Margaret Rynd Janet George Duncane, meilmaker Jean William Crawfurd, tailor John, merchant Alison Stevinsone John, merchant Elizabeth Lorimer John, tailor Helen Grieve Lilias James Gray, baker Mrs. Margaret Andrew Ross of Neuck
; ; ; ;



18 July 14 July 30 Nov. 4 May 19 Jan. 3 Aug. 3 Nov.


630 638 643



609 620 683 613 646 687

596 598 642 646 672 677 685 689 694 606

Margaret; John Lambe Margaret; John Myller, merchant Margaret James Whyte, cordiner Margaret John Rutherfoord, tailor Margaret Patrick Spence, tailor Margaret John Rob, wright Margaret William Grant, goldsmith Margaret Andrew Grahme Margaret James Spence, merchant Marion John M'Gill, writer Marion David Murray, merchant Marion Mr. John Eleis, advocate Marion James Patoun, locksmith Marjory James Macklenmn (M'llmun), husbandman

18 Feb. 19 Apr.


23 July 28 Nov. 20 Apr. ]o Dec. 14 Apr.



6 Aug.
21 Feb.


30 Nov.
16 July

660 633


Edinbtirgh Mam-iage Register.


[1595- 1700.

Sandilands (Sandelands, Sandelandes), Marjory


James Fin25 July 5 Sept.


laysone, merchant Patrick, coppersmith

Christian Crawfurd


Rachel Rachel Rachel

Alexander Montethe, merchant


Thomas Spence
John Hamilton

2 Jan.

19 Oct.

Robert, merchant Robert, merchant

Mause Weir
Elizabeth Calendar



Marion Somervell



Stevin, husbandman Beatrix Forrest Thomas, baker Margaret Bishop 25 June Thomas, baker Marjory Davisone 20 Nov. Thomas, tailor Agnes Ireland 22 Dec. Thomas, wright Jean Robertsone Nov. Thomas, wright Catharine Thomson, married by Mr. 28 Apr. James Lundie William, baker Janet Sched 10 Apr. W'illiam, baker 10 Oct. Jean Sands

29 Dec. 24 Mar. 3 Mar. 2 Dec.

1 1

William, merchant Janet Clerksoune William, merchant Margaret Henrysone William, merchant Jean Stuart William, weaver Janet Scot ,, Sandill, Mr. Patrick, minister Marion Aikinhed Sandrie (Sandry), George, indweller Isobel Porteous George Lilias Forbes, by warrant to Dr. Annand Sands (Sandes), Andrew, mer'chant Margaret Fleeming Bessie Thomas Watson, mason Christian Alexander Dickson, pewderer David, wright Janet Calder David, wright Agnes Thomsone ,, David, wright Catharine Cowie

15 July


10 Dec.

22 Apr. 4 Jan. 23 July

12 Dec. 29 June 26 Jan. 17 Dec.

25 Nov. 8 May 14 Aug.


John Moodie, merchant William Hutchesone, merchant James, tailor Helen Smyth
; ;

Eupham Eupham

9 Dec. 25 Jan.

26 June 24 Mar.

James, wright Mary Duning 5 Sept. James, wright Catharine Holsteid 3 June Janet Thomas Maun, weaver 30 Dec. Janet Andrew Allan, cordiner 15 June 10 Oct. Jean William Sandilands, baker ,, 20 Nov. Magdalene Ros John, tailor 22 Apr. John, tailor Margaret Kyle 6 Aug. Margaret David Barclay, tailor ,, Margaret John Kennoway, clerk of Culross 7 Feb. ,, Robert, indweller Barbara Murray 25 Nov. ,, Isobel Hutchesone Robert, merchant 17 Dec. ,, Robert, tailor Bessie Norweall, d. of deceased William ,, pro. 25 Oct. N., baker in Culross i Aug. Margaret Duddingstoun Robert, wright 12 Jan. William, merchant Margaret Reid ,, 26 Nov. William, wright Margaret Johnstoun i Dec. Sangster (Songster), Elspeth Thomas Drummond, smith Gavin, tailor Marjory Lyle 3 Feb. Alexander Ferguson Isobel 4 Mar. 16 July Jean Mr. Lewis Dick ,, 15 Aug. Jean William Christie 2 May Jean Edward Smith Margaret John Welsh, mealmaker 29 Nov. Mary Thomas Thomson, mason 13 June Mary Andrew Scheai'er, mason 14 Feb. ,, 28 July Robert, workman Agnes Hay Robert Tait 20 June Saphley, Catharine Isobel Noyer Saunegrain, Guy, Frenchman 15 Mar.

; ;




Edinburgh Marriage Register.


4 May 1609 24 Feb. 1642

Savage (Sovage), Catharine William George Margaret Whyte


Plaine, stabler

John, brewer

Elizabeth Boig,



of deceased Thomas B., 16 Oct. 1698, m. 2 Nov. 1698

(Saars), Elizabeth Robert Moubray 17 May Elspeth Joseph Stctcy, painter 7 June Marion Vass John, mealmaker 4 Oct. John, painter Agnes Home 30 Jan. ,, Alison Mowtray John, painter 2 July Joshua, workman Janet Moffat ,, 27 Jan. Sayer, Elizabeth Thomas Freer, tailor 19 Sept. Sayers, Jacob, soapboiler Eupham Baillie, married by Mr. Andrew Kynneir 15 Mar. Scaills, John Anna Allardyce 3 Apr. Scailler, James, merchant Catharine Wilsoune 14 July Scaithemure, James, chirurgeon Doratie Brusse 6 Mar. Scarlet, Helen James Fischer, merchant 24 Jan. Scatarbie, Patrick, tailor Jean Godskirk 27 May Scathowie. See Schathowie. Scavage, James, tailor Margaret Broun 18 Aug. Schalendar, Janet John Bichet, bonnet maker 16 Mar. Schang, James, wright Barbara Robertsone 12 Nov. Schathowie (Scathowie, Skadowie), Walter, "chopman";


1696 1650 1631 1606 1629 1625 1693 1678


1608 1605 1609 1662

1629 1647

Margaret Parret 31 July Walter, merchant Isobel Archibald 6 Oct. William, brewer Helen Galbraith 6 Mar. Scheill. See Shiel. Schethrium, Helen James Baxter, wright 26 Feb. Schevez. See Chives. Schod, James, flesher Agnes Trunche 3 f>b. Schola, Edward, feltmaker, indweller Marjory Knowes, widow of John Fairies, merchant burgess 29 Sept. 1700, m. 12 Nov. George, feltmaker Isobel Arbuthnot, d. of George A., mariner in ward of Cruden 23 Aug. 1696, m. 2 Oct. Schoneir, Mr. Martin, doctor in medicine Christian Gibsoune


1610 1608 1605

1663 1602

1700 1696


Aug. 1601

Scobie, Jeals

Harry Ramsay, wright John Alison Crawfurd Margaret William Cochren, tailor ,, Scoon (Skune), Isobel James Binks, milner James, smith Janet Broun John, tailor Margaret Lowthiane Thomas, locksmith Janet Sibbald William, glazier Agnes Rob, by warrant ,, ander Malcolme

27 26

May May

20 June 13 July
21 Oct. 18 July

1613 1612 1626 1676 1648 1630 1628

Mr. Alex27 Aug. 1686 27 Mar. 1691 4 June 1668 11 Feb. 1690


William, glazier;

Anna Boyd, married



Scotland, Patrick, stabler Jean Purvess Scott (Scot, Scotte) of Alton, Walter Helen Fisher of Ancrome, Sir John; Elizabeth Bennett, married by ,, Mr. Alexander Ramsay upon the 2d day of December last past I of Ancrum, Patrick Anna Wallace 14 of Bauclero, Walter Bessie Mosman 6 ,, of Breadmeadows, Robert Agnes Kello, dau. of the de ceased Hew K., merchant 29 of Harden, William, younger Mrs. Jean Nisbet, married
; ;
; :

Feb. 1684 Oct. 1675 Feb. 1621

Apr. 1692



by Mr. John M'Ghie 16 Mar. 1673 Headshaw, John, younger Jean Hackett, married by Mr. Alexander Malcolme upon a testimonial of orderly proclamation at Askirk subscribed by Mr. Archibald





Dec. 1683

Scott (Scot,

Edinburgh Marriage





of Heychester, Gideon Lady of John, Earl of Melfuird 18 Feb. 1700,

; ;


28 Feb. 1700

of Rennaldburn, John

Margaret (larwen, married per

hcense by Mr. Thomas Paterson, now minister at Borthwick, upon the 14th of this instant month 26 June 1683 Mrs. Elizabeth Eleis, married on of Scotstarbit, David the 12 of November instant 1691 27 Nov. 1691 Mrs. Murray, sister to Blackof Sinton, John barony, after thrice proclamation in their respective churches were married here by Mr. Alexander Malcome
; ;
. . .

8 Apr. Mrs. Elizabeth Ker, lawful dau. married by Mr. to Sir Thomas Ker of 'Queen per license Arch. Glasg. 17 Aug. John of Whitsleid, Robert Jean Hay, married by Mr. William Meldrome upon the 9th day of this instant moneth 1 Aug.


of Todrig, Walter, fiar


Adam, Adam, Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

2 Nov. merchant Jean Wilsoun messenger Agnes Scheill 23 Dec. 20 Aug. Alexander Runseman Mar. 1 John FairfouU 29 Dec. John Pacok, merchant Mr. John Oliphant, clerk to H. M. Wardrobe 18 Dec. 8 Sept. James Oren, merchant
; ;

Agnes; Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes

Andrew Miller, cordiner Thomas Scot, pewderer

Archibald Patoun, merchant John Andersone, baker


26 Sept. 9 Aug.
15 Jan. 2 Sept. 17 July 27 July 4 Sept.


Tailer, soldier

Patrick Adair, soldier

John Hall, merchant John Sinclair, cordiner James Halyburtoun, apothecary Andrew Bruce, merchant



18 Jan.


Ogilvie of Channelie John Watson, peuterer

14 July

James Broun, tailor Mr. James Grant Mr. George Whithead Alexander, goldsmith Agnes Wauchope Alexander, indweller Jean Tunnoch
; ; ; ;

8 Apr.


29 July 29 Nov.

Alexander, miller Eupham Galloway Alexander, skinner Janet Sheill Alexander, weaver Jean Sharp Alexander Elizabeth Grahame, married by Mr. Cant, younger, upon the 8th instant Alexander Helen Matthie Lues Hill, cutler Alison Andrew Lasoun, miller Alison Alison James Ross, indweller Robert Wallace, writer Alison Andrew, bookseller Janet Brysoun Andrew, bookseller Elizabeth Currie Andrew, chirurgeon Margaret Laing Andrew, gentleman Elizabeth Hodge


27 Nov.

9 Dec. 30 Nov. 26 Apr.
18 13

June June June

15 Sept. 18 June

13 May 12 July

Andrew, maltman in St. Monance Isobel Jervis 23 June Andrew, tailor Violet Forrest, d. of John F., sievewright 19 June 1698, m. 15 July 4 Oct. Andrew, workman Beatrix Alexander 19 June Anna John Robertsone 14 June Anna Alexander Robertson, brewer
; ; ; ;


Edinburgh .Marriage Register.


3 Apr.

Scott (Scot, Scotte),


George Drummond, merchant


zAnna, eldest dau. to Sir William S. of Ancrum Scott, eldest son of Walter S. of Reyburn


Anna Anna

John Robertson, mason Archibald Douglas Annabell John Sweeper, Englishman Anthony, tailor Margaret Ed)er Archibald, merchant Janet Warrock Barbara James Kynneir, cloth draper Barbara Mr. Archibald Stevinsone Barbara William Drummond of Hathorndane Barbara Mr. Laurence Charters, advocate
; ;

Thomas Spens, baker Walter Murriell, slater William Symontoun, painter John Broun, merchant James Pook, baker William Moore, maltman James Monteith, wright Walter Stewart Catharine James Geddes, tailor Catharine James Lauchland, merchant Catharine John Andersone, workman Catharine Thomas Robesone, maltman Catharine Alexander Law, tailor Catharine Thomas Hardie, brewer Catharine Alexander Clerk, apothecary Catharine Robert Scott, violer
Beatrix Bessie Bessie Bessie Bessie Bessie Bessie Bessie
; ;
; ; ;

Catharine James Somervell, writer Catharine James Willson, tailor Catharine William Inglis, merchant Catharine George Rentoun, baker Catharine James Dewar, tailor Catharine Alexander Home, merchant Charles Margaret Rutherfoord Mr. Charles Ker, son to the Earl of Lothian Cicill


John Stuart, writer John Kerr


Mrs. Christian James Minzies Walter Scot Christian Christian John Kinnaird, maltman Christian James Masoune Mr. Alexander Grahame, agent Christian Christian John Andersone, merchant Christian John Jamesone, merchant Andrew Slaughter, stabler Christian Alexander Sutherland, violer Christian Thomas Cairnes, cordiner Christian George Leslie, merchant Christian Christian John Crafurd, writer Gideon Scott, indweller Christian David Cockburn, merchant Christian Henry Eorrester, gentleman Christian Christian Alexander Brand, younger, merchant Donald M'Kerie, indweller Christian Christian James Sinclair Christian Alexander Paterson, baker Christian John Rutherfurd David, cordiner, indweller his widow. See Elizabeth David, mariner Christian Lentroun
; ;

David, merchant




Edinburgh Marriage




Scott (Scot, Scotte), David; Catharine Drummond Dorothy John OHver, merchant Edward, baker Isobel Phinie ,, Mrs. EUzabeth, sister to the Laird of Spencerfield ,,
; ;



26 Apr.

18 Oct. Sir

657 626 608




John Shaw of Greenock 9 May 684 EHzabeth WilHam Binning, merchant 26 Dec. 662 EHzabeth John Shaw, writer 30 Apr. 670 Ehzabeth John Bailhe, apothecary 24 Apr. 681 11 Oct. EHzabeth James Ker, merchant in Kelso 683 Elspeth James Kay 17 Sept. 595 Elspeth John Scot, merchant 19 May 608 8 Aug. 616 Elspeth John Hunter, baker Elspeth James Foresyth, tailor 24 Jan. 668 Elspeth James Davidson, wright 27 Feb. 674 18 June 675 Elspeth John Whyte, wright Esther Archil^ald Ochiltrie, weaver 9 Sept. 652 Eupham John Ray, gardener 9 Feb. 603 22 Nov. 608 Eupham John Driffe, weaver Eupham William Ker, merchant 27 Jan. 648 Eupham George Morisone, writer 29 July 652 Eupham William Borthwike of Hallheriot 13 Dec. 670 Dec. 688 Eupham David French Mary Ballfour, Mr. Francis, minister at Tweedsmuir married by Mr. George Forbes per license B. Edin.
; ;





Francis, writer

Marv Hepburn, married by Mr. John Hamilto

27 Sept.

683 686 622





by Mr. G. Trotter



Tron Kirk
16 July


,. ,,


Marion Mowbray 21 Feb. Gavin, skinner Mr. George Elizabeth Maxwell, married by Mr. William 8 Dec. Annand upon the 7th of this instant George, goldsmith, burgess of Edinburgh Jean Hutcheson, d. of deceased George H., merchant 14 Aug. 1698, m. I Sept. George, husbandman Janet Aras 30 Aug. Barbara Steill George, mason 4 Feb. Eupham Smyth, married in the Canongate George, merchant 23 Feb. Mary Chaip, married by Mr. John George, writer 28 Dec. Hamilton, St. Andrews George Marion Govan 5 Dec. Gideon, indweller Christian Scott 30 Apr. Gideon, merchant Jean Auchinmowtie 17 Sept. Gilbert, wobster Janet Lokhart 17 Aug.

698 655 647

658 683 609 668
661 602

Grissell Grizel


Andrew Law, merchant Thomas Reanick, armourer Harry Eupham Campbell Henry, locksmith Eupham Brown
; ; ;





Henry, tailor Bessie Twedie Helen Steven Fran, writer Helen Andrew Young, merchant Helen Adam Ray, merchant Helen Robert Fischen, tailor Helen Archibald Waterstoun, furrour Helen Andrew Ros, tailor Helen John Balfour Helen John Broun, flesher Helen James Johnstoun, flesher Helen; Cornelius Neilson, merchant Helen Alexander Lamb

29 June i July 7 Apr. 16 Dec. 30 Jan. 13 Dec. 3 July



9 Dec. 4 Aug. 6 May 8 Mar.

603 649 628 653 600 600 603 606 607 628 636

Dec. 30 Apr.

29 July

644 667 674 680



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