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Team Learning Goals.

Learning Goal Resources (where you will find the info) y y y y y y y y y y Books Videos Websites Journals Books Videos Websites Journals Books Videos Planned How you will Completion monitor your Date learning 03/02/2012 Keeping a log and taking notes until work/research is complete. 03/02/2012 Keeping a log and taking notes until work/research is complete. 03/02/2012 Keeping a log and taking notes until work/research is complete. 03/02/2012 Keeping a log and taking notes until work/research is complete. Complete? Yes/ No


1. To describe and public including examples.

2. To describe and investigate digital PS certificates and authorities JD LT 3. To explain spoofing websites this including the term sniffing with examples.


PS 4. To explain the term public and symmetric DL encryption including examples.

y y y

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