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January 14 th 2012.

Countable = contable a=un/an=un , # , few=pocos , many=muchos , some=algunos Uncountable = Incontable Some=algun , much=mucho , a little=un poco

NOTA: some sirve tanto para countable y Uncountable.

Existence There is There are There is para countable. a/an , one #, few, many, some para singular

there are

para plural

significan hay

EXAMPLES: How we talk about the thing we have. (como hablamos de lo que tenemos) There are many students. There is a trash can There are some posters on the window. There is a teacher. There arent any clocks (Hay mucho estudiantes). (hay un cesto de basura) trash can (cesto de basura). (hay algunos poster sobre la ventana). (hay una profesora) (no hay ningn relog)

*any = cero, ninguno. Many = muchos some= algunos

EJERCICIO para la casa 4 cosas de cada uno
What there are in a) Hospital 1.- there are many doctors 2.- there are many sick 3.- there is a laundry 4.- there is an emergency room There are many nurses

few : algo pocos

(hay muchos mdicos) (hay muchos enfermos) (Hay una lavandera) ( hay una sala de emergencias)

b) Bank 1.- there are many customers (hay muchos clientes) 2.- there is a policeman (hay un policia) 3.- there are few seating (hay pocos asientos) 4.- there are many

c) Park

d) School

La pizza en general no se puede contar. There is pizza hay pizza There isnt a pizza no hay pizza Pero si se pueden contar los pedazos ( slice ). Slice of (pedazo de pizza). There is a slice of pizza There are a 3 slice of pizza There arent any slice of pizza

Water en general There is water There isnt water

Container/measures Espaol Vaso Botella Cuarto Litro Gota, gotero Bolsa lata Caja Paquetito Paquetote Barra jarra Docena plato cuchara taza Ingles Glass of Bottle of Quarter of Litter of Drop of Bag of Can of Box of Pack of Package of Bar of Pitcher of Dozen Plate of Spoon of Cup of Oracion There is a glass of water

pizca Pinch of Kilo Kilo of gramo Gram of libra Pound of Puo Handful of Carton de lechi Carton of Estos contenedores y medidas hacen a los incontables contables
Tarea que hay de diferencias entre una ciudad y una playa Beach / city

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