Church of Christ: Lebanon Road

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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Volume 60, No.05

January 29, 2012

Memorizing Scripture
The comments I received after last Sundays sermon were very encouraging. It was a joy to simply take the words of Jesus and present them as He did: as a sermon. While I know for certain that I did not do the Sermon on the Mount justice, my prayer is that you found it to be encouraging. Many of you spoke to me later and said that you didnt know how I memorized all that. To be honest, much of Jesus famous sermon is familiar territory. Passages such as you are the salt of the earth, ask and you will receive, and judge not that you be not judged are quite familiar to most of us. Making sure we have these sections in order can be a challenge, but I truly believe most of us know more verses of the Bible than we might initially think. (If nothing else, we sing dozens of verses regularly!) However, I do want to share a few tips with you, if you wish to memorize Scripture. These should be especially helpful if you are wanting to commit longer sections of the Bible to memory. 1. Start with familiar passages. If you have not read the book of Colossians recently, it probably is not wise to start there! Gain-

Adam Faughn
ing confidence by memorizing familiar passages will encourage you to move to more unfamiliar sections. 2. Break it up. By this, I mean in both time and passage. Dont say, Im going to sit down for 3 hours and memorize this. Very few of our minds can concentrate on something like this for that long. Also, break the passage into sections. If you are wanting to memorize a 25-verse passage, for example, memorize it as three sections of 8,8, and 9. Then, just put it together! 3. Use off times. Once you have the passage basically memorized, take time to think it through when you are waiting in line, driving, or doing other things where your mind can be free. 4. Review, review, review. It is easy to memorize 10 or 12 verses, then just forget them. Why not make it a habit to say those verses every few weeks? The point of all this is more than just showing off our Biblical knowledge. It is also more than just rote memorization. The point is what David said in Psalm 119:11, when he wrote, Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against You. What section of Scripture will you memorize over the next few weeks?

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990

Or Current Resident

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

News from Ephrata

We definitely had our share of adversity the last quarter of 2011, but we recently had two baptisms and that is always a great thing. A couple moved here in May/June of last year and started meeting with us in Ephrata. The wife had been a friend and acquaintance of one of our members and employed by another one of our members. Often a number of us studied with, talked to, or spent time with the couple. The past couple of months Sam set up a weekly study with them and really got into a study of salvation. The wife, Cindy Snyder, was baptized the week before Christmas. Her husband, Dennis, was baptized last Monday night. So, please keep Dennis and Cindy in your prayers as they begin new lives as Christians. As always please keep the work here in your prayers for growth. Weldon Winebarger for the Ephrata Church of Christ

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: The Perfect Storm (JD Buckner; Acts 27:18 - 28:11) PM: (Jakobe Reed and JD Buckner)

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Bertha Garcia is at Donelson Place following a hospital stay earlier in the week.. No Visitors Please. Ronnie Oakley has serious health problems. Please keep him in your prayers. Estelle Pirtle is recovering at home. No Visitors Please. Blake Rader is at home and will begin treatments this week. No Visitors Please.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 357-0804 ) Opening Prayer: Scotty Studer Read Scripture: Sonny Gossett Closing Prayer: Lynn Wright Sermon: JD Buckner Song Leader: John Smith Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Marion Schow 1 Jim Sawyers 2 Jay Baker 3 Joe Adams 4 Philip Denny 5 Harry Middleton 6 Tim Mullican 7 Tracy Fitzgerald 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391 ) Opening Prayer YMS Closing Prayer: YMS Read Scripture: YMS Sermon: Jakobe Reed/JD Buckner Song Leader: YMS Serving Lords Supper (Room) Earl Flynn 1 Johny Baker 2 Wednesday, February 1st (Contact: Tim 883-4343 ) Read Scripture: John Thomas Baker Opening Prayer: Alan Witt Speaker: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Announcements: JD Buckner - Joe Adams Nursery Attendant: Jennifer Clay

by Harry Middleton
It was called to my attention last Lords Day that someone had left part of a recent copy of the Christian Chronicle on the table in the foyer. One of the articles in the Chronicle was Churches with instrumental services return to directory. This was referring to The Directory of Churches of Christ in the United States. Someone, I assume the person that left the paper on the table, had penciled in a question which read, Does that include Pitch Pipes? I thought to myself, this would not have been one of our teenagers, for they would have asked the question of J.D. So, I assume it was an adult who was just too ashamed to ask someone such a simple question or either it was someone just wanting to be sarcastic. Whatever the purpose, here is the answer: It is entirely in order to use a pitch pipe or tuning fork to obtain the proper pitch for a song about to be led, but this is prior to the beginning of the worship in song and not in it. This, significantly, is the difference between a pitch pipe, a tuning fork and a piano in relation to the worship; the pitch pipe or tuning fork knows when to quit---before the worship starts! (Questions and Answers; Vol. II-Guy N. Woods, page 104) Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth! (2 Timothy 2:15)

Letter Writing Ministry

Greeting cards have been made available to the entire congregation with the intention of encouraging our letter writing. There are a variety of cards available including: get well, thinking of you, sympathy, birthday wishes and 9currently)Valentines. The cards are in the room to the left of the pulpit (opposite the World Bible School room). Feel free to pick up what you need for the week and send out those encouraging words.

JDs Jargon
Hello everyone, I am very much looking forward to worship this Sunday and the following weeks. Brother Joe Adams will begin a series all about the religion of Islam which will last for four to five weeks. I know brother Joe has studied and prayed a long time to prepare for this class and I strongly believe we will benefit greatly from attending it. We should all be aware of the other religions around us and it seems in our current climate, especially Islam. Let us pray for brother Joe and a spiritually beneficial study! Also, please pray for me as I preach this Sunday morning. I am looking forward to our time of study together. The young men and I will also be leading worship on Sunday evening so please be mindful of us. The annual Freed-Hardeman Lectures will be February 5-10. Adam and I will be attending this very valuable time of study and spiritual growth. I look forward to this event every year as it helps to revitalize my work in the church. Our young people have been doing an exceptional job in class in forming their own faith. Please pray our youth will always be firmly grounded in the word of God and ready to withstand the "wiles of the devil!" Thank you very much! --JD :)

Islam vs. Christianity

Class begins today and will be held in the auditorium.

Bulletin Board Bash

Monday, January 30th 6:00 - 9:00 PM Come spruce up the hallways and classrooms Ideas and supplies will be provided. Or, bring your own. Snacks will be furnished.

Mark Your Calendar...

At various times throughout the year the Donelson congregation schedules visits to area congregations for the Sunday evening worship. They have chosen to visit us at Lebanon Road on Sunday evening, February 12th. Please make sure to welcome them.
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Today: VBS Planning Committee meeting 4:45 Monday: Bulletin Board Bash January 31: Ladies Bible class at 10AM February 8: Song/Prayer Service February 12: Valentines Brunch February 19: David Lipscomb Chorus February 24-26: CYC

The Record
Wednesday Night 01/18: Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Contribution:
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190 292 201 207 $10,610.50

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