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January 29, 2012 True Vine Baptist Church Sermon Notes Title: Just as You Are Text: Judges

15:14-20 Judges 13:1-5 Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord found 6x in the book of Judges delivered them into the hand of the Philistines Samson means the sun or the power of the sun Believed to have strength of 100 men Born from a barren mother v.2-3 I God does the preparing Judges 13:5 a Nazarite (separate or consecrated) unto God from the womb - God has already prepared your future according to His plan. - David Ps.139:1-14 4 windows of consciousness: 1. 2. 3. 4. I Know you dont know I Dont know you know I know you know I dont know you dont know Only God knows

II. God does the equipping - Judges 15:14 "The Spirit of the Lord cam mightily upon him" Our weaknesses and struggles limit our service, but God does the enabling. Paul 2 Cor. 12:8-10 Galatians 5:1 You don't need to be a superhero possessing supernatural powers in order to perform great things for God. A. A worthless thing - a garbage, just lying around - It turned to be deadly weapon, (It killed a thousand Philistines) B. A Simple thing We don't need extraordinary tools to serve the Lord. What you have is all God needs! C. A wondrous thing A bone with stored water The water was preserved inside that jawbone God provided even before he needed it God's way of providing is sometimes AMAZING What is in you might be simple, but God can do great things out of it. Let Him use you as you are.

God prepared Samson for the job. He was born at the right place, at the right time, with the right parents. No accidents or coincidences with God.

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