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SYLVANIA ‘5°; Ge mwa wate] IDE DTT ala yo AZ) LARGE LAMP Celt Toate] GUIDE aod atin cla ila ot ech at ch dha ° | - Ordering Information 4. Lamps should be ordered by abbrevia- tions and Sylvania iter number, plus the ‘specific voltages desired. Ordering abbre- vations which are complete without include series lamps listed by lumens and ‘amperes, Blacklight, Fluorescent, H ‘and Germicidal Lamps. 2. Technical Data in this Schedule (ie, lumens, voltage, etc) are subject 0 manu- facturer’s tolerances. Current performance Characteristics are published in Engineering Bulletins which are avaliable from your ‘Sy\vania Sales Representativo ‘3. Lamps Listed 115-125 vols (design vot- age 120), 120-190 volts (design voltage 125), 125.130 vots (design voltage 130) and 250- 250 vols (design voltage 240) are intended for tse.on circuits normally varying wihin eso voltage limis. 4. Proper Auxiliary Equipment must be used with Syivania Blacklight, Fluoresoont, H.LD. and Germicidal Lamps to produce ‘ated electrical values. For these types, the wattages are approximate: for total, add auxiliary watts. To obtain Blacklight from Morcury Lamps, an auxiliary glass fit is required. Not available from Syivania, ‘5. Light Center Lenath (L.C.L)is the average measurement for which the lamp is designed, subject to manufacturing tler- ances. The ight center length isthe distance ‘rom the center of light source tothe following Point forthe base used: Screw bases, ‘bottom base contact; Bayonet candelabra ‘and medium bayonet. ..op of base pins; Medium and Mogul Prefocus. . top of base fin; S.C. oF D.C. Prefocus ~ Plane of locating Bosses of Prefocusing Collar. 6. Maximum Over-All Longth (M.0.L,) is the cistanoe from top of bulb to bottom ‘of base, or end to end length on double: fended lamps. ‘7 Class B denotes vacuum lamp. C denotes a8 illed lamp, 8. Lighted Length (LL) on double ended lamps she average length lament or beeen electrodes. 8. Energy Saving Products are indicated by andouerype For information regarding those items not listed, please call your Sylvania lamp ‘istibutor or local Sylvania sales office listed on the back cover. Table of Contents GENERAL [ANSI Code Reference Guide........45 HID Energy Saving Produc ....... 60 Bubb FlamontandBasos...........78 HIDLampolrs. ss. cet Bulb Shape Reference Guide .......78 HID Weighs & Measures s0 Fuoresoen Energy Saving Products..58 Incandescent Energy Saving Products. 2 FuorescentLampCoiors..........59 Incandescent Weighs & Moasures 9 Fluorescent Welghs & Measures.....61 Sales & Distribution Offices Back Cover Feeinotes 80 Sylva Programs Pears Guide to Energy Seving Lamps 67-84 INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT LAMPS 4-36 LAMPS 62-76 Carded toms cee ANGER eee 73 DocorLamps i Te eae a cee ote ——— inet —— 1 oem Ee — | Wed “1001 158 @ 120 —_Insle Frosted 6.68 1000 Hy eee ee ees = : 10086 154 aio ‘Inside Frosted, Traln_ C3 100 mh Ph inicates Energy-Saving Product, SYLVANIA Q INCANDESCENT 618 Decor oS Sy LAMPS sa one Bed Except Volts My. iy aa LoL a 7 Wed ata 110) 7 Tet — st Fo igh — ot ise a e519 — Wt — 10407150 Bd 120__-inside Frosted C3 7000 1h a a a a 135/150 _ 20 a0 Sa a ee oe ‘Decor Beg VBL 120-125 12s White (8) CCA 1500 fast cE Ber mig erst Te Cert c SST Ta emo — E Ch, Data M0) Cc on Ite suaaesr 120916/4N/88 10 Vou hn tery sig rt Bis Sonya Ye ase Der) 0.1K 9, Me Sucar67 Lnesne/m/an/se120as nergy Sov ret ia Ci Wed, Tvs 1SCIT7ae TS -Chear CA 1500 + val _— abt -12 sa esa t ‘ee Tas Ceo t Er Sins eet + a ei, Baar We Dee 7 a a 0 zi oe tx he THI A ‘B16; Cond. 616 156160, 120-125 24 Crear, Decorative 3 1a TO se z 13709 SGI6AC AM 12024 Clear, Decor + 3 13706. eee 1224 White, Decor & z TE Bay a wm ais Tea or Ta Bei) Teh — ap ass 0 1a) Cee alr Benim ts, Cand T0403 15811 T2130 120 -Decorative - Clear BCIA_ 750 nz EA eas ag ee Dest Tato Set =Ca iia x —as Tiss sora Ped gator i issti/iajet 120 Clear, Refrigerator Be Si” Wed 1727 15816 ‘HT Crear, Locomotive Cab_ 1000 wy Tet — 9a aie Hb 109 iis uw IO ‘inside Frosted, Locomotive Cab, 6, C-9 1000 WM Mh eel Tro TSsie7eL_ ‘130120 Giear, Ruggedized Sign B09 3000 my Tass Ta — 1 fags Si 8-30) — 1a) 2b — 9h S16 Cand. ‘18037 _ 1576 12080 Clear B,C-7A_2000 ne Ey sti Tt Ce ao te Sutetbond ioe i Ra — I ——3. i807 1516 560 Char B,C-TA_2000 1 Bis 17 —we yale iste a no Z ‘180081 15-125 60 Clear BIA) fe ‘a1 soe — "TB Cera Eee 7% E TS Tie Fst Een —@) 1s ——#¢ © Indicates Energy-Saving Product SYLVANIA U INCANDESCENT 1B EB sed sone LAMPS See = Cag ame pa tie ‘eth Wattsnom sae _sfene Besos Destin fi" Whew cee moe 15 Ty DG. Bay | te2i2 IST70C/B 1512560 lance, Blue 3 CTA 1000 2h fone ise Fess, GLB 8. 7A To Bi ‘Appliance Cand. e185 STC 5-125" 60 Car BCTA GB) 15, EA me ia 3.7 Ton % ‘ae st Tis 60 — Oe 3m OT ian 1s 60k TA TD 17 —tad ese Tess ar ca an {tsa wo i Inter. 16350 15T8N_ T2019) 60 Dear BCIA T5012 Tet Te 60a 3.0830 We sn sc by ios ustist 1 RO ay Sip), i kao med 69m 63. iit at 08 a0 20 si wed ae ayy Fasting Se -lar ___—0.09 00183, Pasig Sia @) tao) — THe Gah 1ST eRHC/aNS 2021 cOmr, Sipe aor) CTA over ie EHC Wau 10 one, Spt Dear CCI : SIS AHE///SS Ia) somo Fe, Sipe DSH, CTA OH a 70 ey a a a Inter: TENS 2076 /CF 12) 8) Ent Lamp Ceramic Frost aca ay @ Th Bas Med. ‘10125 255 15125 _120__ Inside Frosted, Refi 80-9 1100 Th Hh, 1018 SAREE eo, Sp cr" 9 — aT Wed T0417 SALT RS Ts T20 TF. Train, Rough Service 3.3 i060 a Th Wed 1th “iat rs cae) 872, ie se rates 5) 35h sean Sieh Fan & ony Hore a ne es tae tt To od 58,9 isa 34a) se Fst Ta 3) 583 — Fe ie Tats Fst Ta a Th et 1527 sae © indicates Energy-Saving Product SYLVANIA INCANDESCENT sn moc 18 0S LAMPS — eae mE Ta oa etl es SE ye, Watts oun sae gram Gap Wats Wots_he Sesion fete es ck man Bhs Med. Wi 6 n aa a Tat mI =a ia Ta : uA i ie ae Tats Fst Seo) — so — frat 61) iot — at — Tatar labs Fe i 1 j Ce io aa ‘C-C:17 100025 2 B,C-17 1000 1363 scsC/We Me SucGeSr soeb¥cin/4u/ss 120 tots. he Enry Sang rot Decor 1s BORE I) soma ont ow ¢ ) 0 CTR 3, we. 20CO¥C/CF/AM/SS 120 Vos. hn Enrg Sang Produet Tas tia, St To [oka % 136 i Tass iar St To5-) C7180 a i Wile, St Ton ems wh rr Wie Bode () © CTA 500 EA 0 bus Tails 12 Wie eva) TDD Ey ohne ©CTk 180 a ae en B78 ae GTO Bie Bead 8) = E7180 CH Gant 1 Car, Spur-Go, Far Wrapped @)_C_C-TA_\o00 A Doser Sanh, || See ‘Spun-io, Fer Wrapped 8, CTA #000 7 CH Wel essen TOSI 369 eg isa ate oC 6 er 18126 2576 1560 -Chear 000247 wh iar i ato ‘a7 ——# ee ee ine oe aa io a sil 256% 180 «Corame Frost C8 1000 Ft LA oo ee coe ers ——— esr — 2 In sree ot — — CF Sa — ‘18129 25T6OC 12% 80___Clear Scale Muminator 1000 28 Ey ‘18106 —257640C 130 60—_—Clear Seale muminator C8 1000 282 wh TS Cand 182892578 T5125 60 -Clear, Home Appliance @. Bs i. a i os ti 200 — I tet sR esc) ts 9h — oy ea tao, Or o—s iste ed = iat Tat Wane pa Cr — ‘e307 2570 20 60 Home Appliance, Clear cr a ‘We31L_ 25Te0C/eL_ 12024 Gear, Biistor Pack eee ee ine en a 1 ame — eT ee S—=—— ita sme — Ista —1F as —— i9308_ 25T8/0C/8 120 _ 60 Applance Bue, Home Appl 8. CTA) — EA 1S a a — imo an oe st ina = 33 steven imam a — ini ar io Sasa a ‘503 2sT1070F Tal 60 sCeraie Fest 8,68 100! 755 oh ‘sees zsr10/0F/6L Ta aie Fost B08 _on 78 rf 5002 868100) 735 BA i o_o. 8,68 ow 78 3 {507 2510/68 ri _60 Cea, Eat Ua BC 8000 3 86825107 TH__60__-Felector ©) 681000 Sh 1863 STO, TB 6 stefector 6) 6, 66.8 100 EA ___ tees THO sfefector 6) ©. 0081000 he _ 22 Wei 1794 som B20 6 Robot, iht UF C03 m0 % 0 © indicates Energy Saving Product SYLVANIA Q e INCANDESCENT AS 8S 1S AS taniioe nic Ocoee LAMPS ee | | Eee | | | i 3 Re Med, i i 1 Reteetor, Light UF C9 2000 185 I i i fc, Tas, Be TS), 9300 Pi i mc ati, Trans (10 300 = i oc CS) E i 5a a0 1 os gL Rll, ough Sex C-i7_ 500 wi S_0e by i er Ta Narr i) COM 500 S01, i are ST i wD a_i ee i Ea Be Wy, lume i Tis Be Wh i Hs. im Wy WA KoTact 0 Fs Mo me Burang (105) 1018 135 So Wie, Tae Way, Uae, OC TO — 0 Burning c,108) 1015 1313 A wed i a Clg. Repent oo a i aa: GSC Uy. Repowment C9 Ss CY Cand, ——“N35LESCMNC/AM/SS 12024 aClar, SuperSaver Decor (8) 6, CTA Me S 12514 S096C/W/AM/SS T2024 Wil, SoperSrer®Deow (8) GCA Pe S 13815326946 /0F/aM/SS 024 sCorame Frost, Soper" Deer CCA Me = ©. SM ms wes aD NSS Yaa 120 siside Frost, Supersuver® Coco im Oh oS raat owns 130120 slide Fost, SupwSaer® 008 ISN KID So tos _eova¥/ssxL Ta _Tosie From, Speier (3) 6, OO BOD eT : O< ine anaHssRt 1301 side Fost, SoperSaer XL (3) BAD ‘har, St Wy. Hesse Wats canteed 342 © «FH Gems rARENGR «2s Navow St Tagen Maou G8 ™% few Conse s Tern. 55100 SGPAROEQINGP 122s Vay Narow Spl Tungsten @) 080 % om Haagen Cpe ° am S061 S6PARBEQTWRL—~—«R~S*R~—= Wi Fle, Tungsten Wogen 6,600 ™% Caps s Bi HMRI fone Sn Tet ako CC ™ © S508 S6PARGEQTWFL/B—~ ‘2+ Bue Swe, Tongsen Halogen 608 0 % Caps oe S08 SGPARDEQWFL/OW 122 «Be Wile Ste, Tmgsion G06 0 ™% Haagen Cpe Se 58095 SOPARQGQ/WFL/G 1212 Green Silicone, Tungsten Halogen 08 2500 m capsule S 58007 SPARDGQ/WFL/PK 1212 as C6 200 % S 5508 SPARSEQWFLIR ZI? «Re Sco, Timpson Halogen G06 250) m cape Ss 58098 S6PARSGQ/WFLY 1212» Yelow icone, Tungsten Halen C, C-6 2500, ™% Capsule © tnaoates Energy-Saving Product n SYLVANIA INCANDESCENT 1519S Decor LAMPS 3a Tas a awe Se a Cae ‘adn tgp. Watts Bub Base syiiten ns Except Volts Volts Qty. Description Fil ute Lumens LCL MOL. ks wet 1008s 115125 a0 ie Fronted, nbace eco m0 482 %, ‘nit Wats? ———T-185— 28s Ropaes 269 10o a 3 1 niz2 aaa ne a a a 190 1a)~ sie Fetes 7c isw a Pe I SUGGES 40/34/88 120 Vatu, hn Eee Sting Pret 110 aa Ta) a lie ated [oa sa ‘eo ane a © cess sak Taine Frosted Cece isa 24H Me SUGGEST 400/34/6 120 Va net Sng Mott 1s aye 20a) Cet ost 923 WAL 102 ear 2 2 1s aay 130 asthe 6 6000 Me ta 0a sti rae 8, 7 tn Wy 111 ano ds, Dag 6,40 10577 aa RP TAO Soft Wie 6 C500 10985 _40R/W/RP/E 120 «Soft Write CCH 1500 ‘ TSA Soft We ©0410 08 wh {1a aa a sa eB 631s toe ane 129) inide Fred lve CH] C0020 Fy We SUGGEST 40N/24/SSXL 120 Va fn ergy Saving Proc. ‘TOTS 40A/99/xL 130120 inside Frosted Excel-Line (83) CCB 2500 wm mh WE SUGGEST 4Oh/34/SSX. 130 Yo. a Cert Saving rode. TR 4059/CL7RE—— Tad Car xa) A wa Wea ‘T1845 W0A/0_ T5251) Orange Ceramic BC8 1500 vy en og soe ——— Tis “tat Boe Cone be on 2 ‘aaah S195 lato co 3,69 1s Pie Bese Baa 1125-1) ym 5a We TaT TS125__ 1a) “Red Ceramic 8,63 1500, Ly {iba eave — Sd oe Cone ct T12—WOAY ‘T5125 120 Yellow Ceram 8, CS 1500, Fis. ig AAS a fe Sigad CX]. a0 3, ‘12058 WOA/TS 125120 Traffic Signal (11,24) C69 2000 BPs Che {ies sna oReC_— TS tat, Sen. emaaneT—E-es— sor —"— af’ ies Sh, Papsomant 8, C300). ho Ta 15 1 -Oear @) CA Pe 13584 GOCUC/BAG PK 120-125 “500 sClear (8) CCA 1500 Fw ‘TST MOCHC/W/BL_— “120-125 12 White) €, 67h 1500, ‘ser 25 500M) 74500 We ‘er 0nt/OF/eL TnL esa Fro 7A 7 Dear kL oe WE SUGGEST 3209%s0/4NY/S 120 Wats An Eney Sang Product i a I A a We SucoesT S200%C/W/4M/SS 120 Yo, ha Energy Sang Prot ‘T3H2E-GOCoiC/CF AM 12 24 «Ceramic Frost, Decor 4 (8). G,C-7A 4000 Me WE SUGGEST 32C9VAC/CF/4M/SS 120 Vos. An Energy Sarg Product G0 WOCORC/ST_—— 201524 sO, St. Top @) 1, 7A_Ts00 {Sr wow sya — ots tone Sten) eno 15s Wane ST WAL sit, Sk To @) 1 C7A i800 2 ‘THT Gand iss HOCH SG/BL/6 100 — 6 -Chr, Sp, Far Wappad CCA oo eh oi —tguar— cro Tabe5 12 ~ seat y 7100 t bees ‘3 aon OL —— “1ST te 701800 t 1B a ta tee 67m t ‘acl Tate Dee € Cen tor t Oncor ES Wed STs 00 Tt ie. St Forwood OE 1 be 1% FSWT Tae) eae ci ee Tabi I sfile @) 7180 i 5M Poet ocak 500 zt FA RL aos siberWsesentG) e700 Th © indicates Energy-Saving Product 2 SYLVANIA Q () ? INCANDESCENT ee ee LAMPS eo ase fal = oe 0 Watts vu base stm capes Vols Gye Deserta ftw Moe Lee won 4 FE Wot is Morigen pas — tect ep 7k tn Y Bor —— a 21h: Dect aie ea Sai sa cor uo ian ae TH Atte Ha or — CTR TH iar 21s Ca, Dost * Ck at uA my Gal Ta stone — ha com : ‘ea TERI Ato at En bese E a att Baa nr | Tag) at seas Wi oor CLA) — EE + wae te a wig at soe at 7; | Decor a) WW 120-105 26 «te C09 1500 ie See ea ites tsa of wet —— ler 1 fr €ts—ea sa — 6 ian ioe eos —eor ae ‘68s 40600 110 6 ite, Dear Cc EO a5 BY ‘3 Taig Wie eos or | ma yr Test Te Fn Fo 00st —§ ye Sit. — 55 aon — T1513 Tat — Ga ari om Sr Ga ‘Bein Ta imtoo aoe te 58 wsiIN at — Ts — eer Se Sr oh Tae oe, a cer 5 F Tia — tose Ca a of 1a, Sa imi er a shows 1 ta ist ts Feel est tot — 1 so sis —at——Cer te ism s0 ——Tit $58 ists arate Fed 8. 100 — 39 Th ie ay) Tiss We tp ones aa 1206 Fk Ete ef 93z 6, cc6 0 aie a saa TOO] BOT Light re Foster, efector 0, 69 _ Poo), Te inside Frese, efector C69 mood 05 # “ona T1360 -Lehtiside Frosted, Reflector 0, 920000 I RR a) QAR ed 0 enserss 120120 wise Fos, Sopa __—_—C, C08 1006s 2 {impo @O/SR/SSK___120 120 Inde Fost, Spersaver LG) 6,008 500715 4 Iino @AR/SSKL 13020 Fost SuperS ML G3) 0,008 280071534 Me Meda SACLE 12024 Char, Enorgy Pncher™ Cece 1000 Ss io BAER 12) Siete Gonted Bow Food 18), CoS 2000 Tos We 13538 TS — 4 = Sea i 2000 1060 Si TS Si, Coated Bue Wile Food (@7-¢, C8 2000 1080 he i, Pl Fd (27.18) Si ated Pk a 21). + Silene Coated Yelow Fd (2. 1, 5555 TOO/PAR/AL RP” TIS-125 4 Scone Coated Yow ocd (7, —¢, O50) THRO 1 3 “138 ona Clare Feed 8 Too) 10 z ‘as Ton ce seg eee wh Fea eds ost — ee Ort esp Fe — Ha Wed ae Si 2 olF Refit Fond (1) ‘7SER30 120 Vets, An Energy Saving Product — WY S SF Oo muta Mod Sia Prony Se Term LAMPS Et feat teat ieee ) ee eee TO R40 Med. Mm 24 iF, Reflector Flood (19) ,CC-6 2000 oh Wee hans ucla, a ie fe rg rw 5 oe Sia [la is —— sees ee A = snfee 2 19 er oe ce it : ee TOI A23 Med. 13302 101023, 325 120 __L.F., Street Railway (13) GC” 1500 Ca 103 Az Mod 13839103023 12 120 __ Clear Street Lighting (21) 6.09 6000 My Mig a ooo ane — eo TOS Ae Nod, 18083 kus 120 120 Gear St Lig. Krypton (546, 120001100, Bg Bt 15 a) — ar Se sr) — Cesk — ht Bie TOT Aai Med teant_ ammnzits 120120 Gea, Tae Signal i) C8 5000 128 he Wh Seine wmaajts 150d, Trafie Sal 11) ___¢- 08 000 ak 7 TIO Rao Wed, tseas“iioRa0/FL7RS— 120. Racor Foc, RS. (5) C000 oh TIS A23 Med, 15946 115a23/01 Te 120 CL St. Lig, Ge. Rec, 6.09 00 * TG A2l Med. zara n16A2177S 320 120 Gea, Tae Sign 08 a0 By {eet Wishats 51a) Wai Signa) 880 a6 150120 Gear, Wate Sign Cy caso BNP Wh, TAI i ‘Wit, Tale Sigal CO 00 Bs 120 ERA0 Wed —_—‘15165 —120ERA0 12024 LF Epes Rh, (193235) _¢, 00-6 2000105 % 15168 120eR0 13020 LF Bip R, 93238) 0,008 2000105 Th PARS® Mod. Ski. 14000 _120PAR/FL/SS 12 15554 LROPARIFL/EP 1535 LOPARAALISS G06 2000420 Se €.0ce zo00 1420 COCs 2010 - Se © 66 C6060 66 O01 IaPARSR/SS 12912 ces aw wo 15585 R0PANSP/EP a6 + Spt, Ewray Pow ™M72IN) 6, O06 001000 14536 T2OPAR/SP/SS 13012 + Spot, SiperSaver® (27,28 Cocé mo a Mei. Side 16572 TROPARFL/SS 12015 Pod, SuprSawr@(@7.288) C08 2000 10 POE il IAPANASP/SS 1a) 15 Sot, Sauer ZAN) 6.006 am aw REE Ta | EARP WB = Ye Sn CMTC TS Goud oT se 115-15 Gore atl} oils coy ao Wea St TTT 525 hae, 9,8) ——oS000 Th Tags wed ins swe 120129 CL tp, Gr Repee c.¢9 200 hte US Ar wos azasi_isyisyssD_—6)__—cnie Fat Swparsve® 0,008 750A ® {axa SUW/135/88 asa Fost, Spear Ceca am Sh ° {Si OVi6/SSKL_ “GO Fon, SpersaeONL )_0,068 BOD BH), 8h 2. 1316 WOA/15/S5KL_ 060s Fest, Supe aver (8) 068 OOD BH 10 Aa wet TS 50h TH «ise Frost 0008 70 50 WE SUGGEST 150K/135/S5 120 Vols. An En Produet 12H «ise Frost Css) a0 The Te mar ose Fat cea 150 — m0 sins Fst Cte) — aso 3, — Sie We SUGGEST 1508/139/88 130 Von ho Erg Seng Poa Boe te ap a ee 13137 0a Chr C0 150 250 3)h 9% © Indicates Eneroy-Saving Product YOuS eel = Ce Watts ub Base Ee a vets Deen fee ms ven 50 wet Wed, 01 15000 al 12 Sa Wile, Kchn Ute eee eer ere 13102 1087 1s le sSeft Whiten te ©. oes 1501 34 Fe We sini Gated (ty €.cca 15001, a 13 REE 15a sii Contd 2) Cea 1501, a TR os ont) : ri, WM Dar ier © 06a 150201 13) —-Cear €:cea 150710 1%, 7 136) 15970 12) iid Cold Beane W)C, Me SUGGEST 1504/135/S6KL 120 Vola ho Ener Saving Proait bi 0 Oe Cated ete a We Suctes? 1504135/S8H. 130 Vols ka Erp Sanne Praca : Gear Beste 3) [ce i667 TiO 60 Char Ere ine C0850) 2880 0% Ba 1520 1060-1 F, Rough Sova i A 1a — ts) Re snes Carat — 18 1 ms T2060 -Cies, Rough Serves ‘CC 10002105 8% 6 i i Cer, Rough Serie €.C:7_1000 2105 8 inet T5125 60 s¥elow Bugite 06-5000 GA ed CHT T50__ 60 Wade Conte, aT : A ARSE Ned. Skt 5986 “151 Fed 6.065000 He 0 We, 1130 6 _—-White Dear 0.03 B00 ee 7525 Med Iss Tal 60 CL, Hard iss bation, Spottt 0,05 2001130 TH 60 Cl, Hard les Bu i a, 5) AA A a 15010 15072510 “10D Ught iF, ard Gass Buttes, Cc mm 2100 3% Spot io oreo TH Light Hard Gans Bato, COS 10a, Spot ir Se Har ss Bn Ne COST PARE Wad SR 2 Spot (25h) © ccs zon 1740 Se WE SUGGES? 12OPAR/SP/S 120 Vl hn Ere Sexi Poit 15509 ISOPRIVSP/A dG Spt (7288) Ce a ie ‘ME SUGGEST 120PAR/SP/EP 120 Volts, An Energy Saving Prod Soot 28h) ie Toe Teme Tela ope an 000 Te 97, (WE SUGGEST 120PAR/SP/SS 130 Volts, An Energy Saving Product Dt rn me stoa ara 080 1) 07, ‘ME SUGGEST 120PAR/FL/SS 120 Vols An Energy Saving Product i Ae ee vor anit Ca © oes ae We ‘We Succesr 12 120 Vols An Energy Saving Prost TRI 12 «Food G72) 7 00s mas To We ‘WE SUGGEST 120PAR/FL/SS 130 Wot, An Energy Saving Product nO TaAmsyasP Ie) 12s Da dCi, CO HHT Whe 73556) WE SUGGEST SOPAR3B/CAP/2SP 120 Vat An Ei Product, Hess isramena eo TPs Ctl Cro arc CES) — $07, fod 215) WE SUGGEST SOPAR3B/CAP/2FL 120 Vos. An Product Se Isagani Gated tat © CES) a7, Flood (27.3558) aT eR STS TEx Doe Coated Les, Rnb, Spat C- fe 30, 50 TSHPAWYSP/B T5112 + Divot Coated Ls, Bh, Spot 6, O68) 3, — 5%) 9967 TSHPAIVSP7E—_ TIS-T&® 12+ Divo oated Lens, Geen, Spat, O05 ean) 3, 1838) FR TiS1@ 12 «Dil Coated Us, Re Shot —€, C50 We 2135.98) i TSSI® 12+ Devs Coated Us, Yolow, Spat, CEE —Bd Te 98, es Se TT TEETH TE Ce, We Sp ror We Prong 2 © indicates Eneray Saving Product 6 SYLVANIA INCANDESCENT LAMPS se oe See pe vats Gy. Desriton fT es Let mou 12 12+ Gea Wad Fd @ C5100 We TH 12 Cpa St Toso) Tn Te tte sucess 90/0 a, Cony Sng Wt ib T2SIB0__12sConpet Spt G75) ia 5 PARE Ser Tor 15188 1S0PARIG Ta 12 CL, Wine Lea Head Lap C7] —_¢,¢-13 i000 Mm 15190 S50PARAB 1801 CL, ie Lose. Head Lamp c) C33 0a 3, — : 15108, 3212+ CL, Wine Loco. Head Lamp (27) ¢, 008 — 600 Mh el 51575 SAR, TE Narow Spot 7294106), CO-27 ton 1500 7 i i T_T Wed Fos 7 Toe 160 Th i Natron Spot 2710) 00-7 000 1500 The Bed sar TIS__ 60 vise Frosted 2) G08 rel 2500 56% ‘15280 750 12080 inside Frosted (2a) C08 780 2580 54,6 Sant T5__60___-lste Frosted 20) C68 780256051, 6% a_i “13060 —~sinsie Frosted C08 50150051, 6 18276 1S0PSF Fe 60__ isin Frosted 0. 10802075 31, 67 5 160 0, O08 5000 LA s v7 295 PS og.‘ _ 2050805) 120 2 OL St. Lighting Grape. 6) O69 S000 T_T In met — sO Re amt 7 — Sh — Ins asst — 05 ig Re 3 — Sn) WT — 9 — ‘300 PAR-S5 Wog. rd LA9ST_SO0PARSE/NSP 12012» Narow Spot (294,106) 00-13 2000 amo 5 Prone +» Narrow Spot (29.46, 106) ©, 00-3 5 r 5 x Cal 5 1212 Wide lod (294,105) Cal 5 195, T1012 + Wide Pood 78.108) , C013 70 Nog 117 (1a) 6» Deh. Coat ffl, Coot Lax 15 2000 La Pro FA, 2935,456108) eda TS _60__ =Car Coa aoe 15702 Soom ia Dar ¢. 6 15763 300m 15 _60__-Oear Gos 70 e006 1576 300m 130 60+ Dear E037) e006 {S737 Soom 1260 vinse Frost re OY 125 60s Frosted 097s) e006 ins Fested (2 6 ie Frosted, Rough Save z Inside Frosted Exeare (3) —_c, 92800 008 57 ‘Gear Ex-Lie (5) 5, aX T5300 __ Gear Excel Lne (2) A a CY Car 6.71000 6 15800_ 300m 1 60__~Cear 7A 1000 6 ‘og 15881 — sox ccs 1o00 55607 15862 SOK hear ec 560 158833000 0,008 oW 58607 See ee oe ies 2A slnsie Frosted 2) 0.c0s Yolo 58607 1585 S00RKF T5024 sls Fest 6, C04 1000 5560 —T PSS Wed Se 13570— sons aT C09 1000 86857 cc 1202 nside roster 0,8 1000 86557, 9% oT 15024 aoe Frosted 6910008855 Xf 6 Tas Clea, Day 000 Th 9h 12. Inside Frosted, Sver Bow! @O0)_¢ C9 1000 e400 Wh ‘001 _ OWS SBF 12524 inside Frosted, Siver Bow! 2030) C, C9 1000 $40, EA 16118 00S 2 Char C7 1000 «e807 97 162 36S 8 — Co 10-10 — a0 og 15815 300 a 08 ooo eno 9, 155160, 150 Car 09 0o0__€000_—7_ 54, AO OR eer ch 000 5819 Vv ae O weanbesclut 8 a — LAMPS a a= y Watts ou Base sim Expt Vols vos. Dexepton Fie mers Lc Mok. ea ed eee 15939 300/0 W512 24 Clear, Daylight C68 1000, if wh ee eee oe seo eee ee =a Sota tele 15850_0/5/IF 125 130_ 24 inside Fosad. Rough Serve 7 10 300 20 — Gear A100 10307 ‘oa — 300 0A ar COTA 100048307 16088 — 300 heat 07a 000 7 1a — 07 a0 se Fi CTA 10006873 ese BO Gea Eee TA 00 7 F 16230 Ta0__ IF, Dew Ute, Nook Falictr CC. i og 1254 BOS 0 Ta0 A AF, Dre Ue, Neck Rect 0, C1 200 EA Ta Wet — 105 12) 2 Spot, nse Fosed 1833541, C, COAT 20 eh ry eT SRF TSIM Spo Tass Foied COSEAL. 0, CORY 2 % ao efector ia sam Ta Fi ste Fase OAT OO Wr w ‘WE SUGGEST 120ER40 120 Vor hn Energy Saving Product Haat Boer S20 Poa nate oad SERA OC wy ry ‘We SUGGEST 120ER40 130 Von. An Ener Saving Product 1 _ sR/SF Tad 2+, Refltor Spot GES a0) — © COAT POT v7 1202 Fos, ns Ftd 2S5ALA)_¢, Cay a eh 14G10— 308/FL/A_— TR 98__ Ah_Podl Fostd (3235 81,0) 0, O-2V a0 ie “ais sans TO As Spot, FAS 1833.58) 6, OEY 200 air ons TSA wSooi FLAS 83 C02 200 736 Sona 120 Pod, LF LAB 8383 6.0021 200 f sonar — Teaser — eV ap 9 30aFL BO_—_— tei Fend 3) 6.06 B00 Ty TFS Woes zsas 120 Char, SU Lighting G. Reparement 6, 68 e000 7% om ie Sar TA tea 5 Leng Oa EF aT wr eo) HO S35 woe «oie _ rsa TOO AGL, St ig, Gi Repaconent 900 7, iets Sars — 1s — 0S: Ree —E 69 Sot ——}- —F— 370 S40 Won, ‘870 s7OPSA/s0 120 2k Street Lighting 4), C.c8 1500 eH, cari sorsi50 TSA Sit ging 8). 63150061 7 TS Ga wes Sit TS:25 EO oared ids 3.338) 0, 4500-4 5 My AO Wed. Ski IHG STSRAO—_—_— TNS 2528 AF el inrred sal C11 sm0¢ 73° 083535.8.4) ier arm TSS Retr Ife 53S) 0, SOD 00 G30 Weta ames 2d 60__Spoight 1) 05 00 B63 ines 125 60 Sprgt ci) Ces 0063 5, {62 we Iwo th) 63 — nn — too 3 $9 1623 ana FL 125_—@0_— Fodight cy 05 00903 05 F540 Mog 6s eassanjs Tad 2A St Lg. epics (5) 08 300068107 wh. 15 WPS 135 St Lig. Relce. (8) 3 si00 efi), ‘ars ssa 102 — St Lig lacs. (8) C69 300066107 99, FSO Moy 16184 anPsu0 Hd 2A, St tg. Repos 5) 6,69 6000 7% © Indicates Energy-Saving Product a YO. VY mearBscent | } ae sien ee Se ope Watts eu Base nie _Ecept Vols Volis_Ge Deserition fits Gihers Let. Mou. TAB PSA0_Wog. 16185 asa TSM OL St Lig Ge Repos (6,08 00 1% 500.30 Nos. Suture? 5:1 4 Clew, irre indstrat Gent _so00 5 Me Seta Ta) a — St Cts an The 1810 ste67FL 10) A — Peodlgit C68 600 — 5050 4% Te 1st 5000/FL 125 — Feodigit-(y C05 wo 850 4% Th a Woe =Natow 5 fd Prog iT = Narow Spot (5 635,108), C15 7000 650. 6 16552 SOOPAREA/MTL——Ta0__ 6» Medium Feo (540g, 106) ——¢,co-1- 2000 e500 6 1G3t_SOOPARGY/L_— T1306 = Wodum Fond (3,085,108) C019 000 e500 6 . 10535 SOOPAREA/WHL 1206 We Food (29.4856) 6-13 00650 6 14837 SHOPAREA/WHL E5130 6 = Wie Fee (9 48506) 1; O15 2000 00 6 We at OCS 100010600 —T 150 1 — Char oa 100010600784, ea 500 13) Cher cb 1000 1060079 ‘soos =007F isi FRE : 15__&_— ise Fored CCE _1000 1060073. {0 50/07 15) at — isi Fosed cba i000 106007 9. FS Woe Teed 5m T= Cea ©, CTA 100 T_¥h 18880 aaa a gh Seni 3 1000 55 79% 1306 st0 Gea 6.67100 7—w, og Fis SHS 120 Gate Beacon, Car C08 1000 10100 5%, 10%, 622 SPOS 150A — Code Beacon, Gear €€8 100010100 — $y, — 10%, og Tsao 50st 115 Chat ca 1000101007" —¥%, ‘SPS Teo — Cra C3100 101007 #7 oie SoS Cea 8 1080 — 1180 16 son 350. — Git ‘6-8 1100 10100 724, 161 SPST 20 — Inde Frosted 0.081000 10100 —7 161g sro 5h isd Fase ¢ 091000 — 1010079. 161 somrSe0F 130 — inside Frosted 091000 — 10160 —7 9. 1616¢— 50/6 Yad Wie Bow C08 100 W {60 50 /SBIF iad LF. Siver Bow! 2030 8 1000 500 3H ‘ne Svan —— alas on 08 1000 800 wh, ‘Seale soySBF tao LAF C08 100 4 SSR AL ote Pet oe 9) —E- ts 00 — aro — ‘e166 T1907 son 7 12 C3 a, 7 16133 900/99/XL 15-130 24_ Gar Esor Lite 3) c¢9 a0 sio0 7 15877 S07. ad 2 — Gear, ough Sever C8 1000 8575 7. 1567 S/S TEI — Get, ough Seve 08100085757 15300 0__ 0 — Gea R100 82707 16525510 0 — Gow ,07A1000_— #2707 e900 00a Frosted C:07A 10008270 —T ins Fisted TA 1000_—Se10—T 3, 16516 50099717 250250 ate Foted DaarUne 0, -7A_500_— 710 79 1500 500957 2 — Char Exe 15) tC7A00 18107, Fee “Te sto a8P Tals Rater Spt, LF RATA) ——_C. C62 Za00 uA 15 SOF Tad 0s Raletor Food, 1-34) ——C, C02 0 Th Reflector ‘1467 S0O/3FL__ 10s Ratt Food LF. ASA4) COV 0 uA 57 st0R 260__ 24» Rleior Fond, UF 8.448) CCT 20 Tie tio re S002 eet WSL FORD COR a) TOT We a SORE TSI TE ‘Aik Wah Dr OTF CR CTA YTD Wh Pleo 00 SRT ay CTE SE 6 i 04a) io aT BOE faite We BT Ca COT BT 7% a og 5 Sane FL TSF FA We Pad OT TET 0% © indicates Energy-Saving Product SYLVANIA INCANDESCENT LAMPS a ae > 5 . see 500 Ti2 Med Piel. sae ape ee Bat ota Gout cise) eco oO i Spottt (14) ANS! Code DRS) ooh 120 Wea Fr = Dipay Spotight (1), Tosa — sa ‘585 75.40 Mog. 6 | Sessa Ha "24 GL, St Ug Gr Reslen 7) C-7A 3000102878 620 P5.40_ Nog. P6857 _ 620PSA0/P 12024 Clear Aiport, Rep C,C7A 2000 11050 Sj. 10%, 7 150 54 —10 og rt GS Ug. Gr epee) ¢-C 730 r 690 S40 Mog, ‘16864 690PS40_ 12024 __ Crear, Stroat Lighting (47) 6. C7" 6000 7 ise 15a Ga St iii (7) r 700750 og Frees 03307 120 Cosy, Arpt Hrd Gass 0,74 Sy Wis 70 Psst Wn, ie cen C68 too Hid 9% 19% 16347 750, Tit Char C, CCS 1000 16810 9% 134, lea 1a ter 6a loo tei —e7, — 17 1656 7507 068 1000 T6810 — 9} 06-8 1000 Teal 9% SerbSiver Bon LF OO), 7A 1000 Tia ies Tae Char Bre Line 3) CCR B50 THT, TB 6. i2 Gear fxr 3) CCA 00 L/L iL 2 =a C7800) 31 1682 750 Bo Cear aS SE Wot 1908S — > TRO Reo ak By TFTA Ex ia FOE Te 12 Fett ih By TF SANG CTR 200 1% 481) i SUL LF. eT Mig Bay GOST), 7A 200 a elton TE Relotor High Bay Lt 1F. (97050. C7 0 ri 304480) S507 TODD Rector High Bay UL UF (8zO- CABO TEST, 0445) 1505 MEET elieciorWah Bay LT CBN BOO 7 3044s) 15095, Psonsy/3 es. el igh Bay AT) 7A) mum Wed Fr 089 GR iba coo barb) C1 Bg 7 Spatigt CHD(ANSI Code DNT) C.-C Heh B60 F552 Mog Bost (4) O.C7A 3000 153009 19% TG Ste Roe) — Caer = 1000640 New, tae = rssories cy 0,05 a0 2+ Poodignt, Geer Ty C5 a 8 Se D+ Feodigit- Gear} cs 1980 5%, 6 ig F__a805 Spotl, Clear (i) C05 20027500 Te PSST tog, eae 000 5) 12 Cuar ©1000 8100 8, 13 12 Gear 5 COS 10002310085 TH 1628 100 TB_ 12 Cear C8 1000 231009, Ti 16425 — 100 13012 Gear © Ces 100025100915 168 10007 a1 Wee rote 08 loo 23100 —9y, 15 16430 10071 13. Frosted Te te-6 000 5100 — 7, a 1681 F TE, Sher Bowl O30), ‘CCA 1000200 yi ‘ie i00077 i C7800 he 166, 7x Ta 12 ear Bethe CCA 500 1a 91, 13g i 130__ 12 Clear Bre-ne (8) CTA BNO 1800057, 18 i Tags oie =e, Sol Ses Ent PF — 152100 2012 Cea CA 200050 Bi TH 1664 1000 80 tea rt 0 1678 100 7 ear C7000 Ea GO Won 15078 000RSOTRWFL “Tad ECL, Reet Wad. Wid Food BIC: CA 2000 TRIS) — a9, agen © Indicates Energy-Saving Proguct a INCANDESCENT SYLVANIA INCANDESCENT n ae aso LAMPS ar — 3a Tass treatin oe ‘athe Watts bub tise GTrawt Set Valsts Deserpton fw Mos Let wow OOO ooo 15050 IOMRGOVWFL Ig) <6 Foon Ra Voy Wee Feod IW ©, C7A 200018150 1% epee SST RST a WF BT 7m 0% es TE Wel Ta TTR Spotl Can OW) 10 ao) — Bow 9H 10 Cheat 60) 0,070 000 31009, 19 10 Cis 60) 674 tno so BY, Ty 130 Chea 62) 7a 0n0 3900 —9Y, 13 130 Char 0) 074100 5) 9H, 13% 130 Cia 62) CC7A 10 — 39400 —9Y, Ty, 13 hear 2) 67% 060 — S09, 3 107 Cia, seine EO) 710 — 009, Ts, 09 Chea, Le (50) e/a 50017 ine Fost) C6741 39H, 13 1007 Tne Fost (0) 7h no — si) 9, — TY SPS hr, Spec Saves CO] 7 200 400, 1 TSPSS26 1 Gat Sync Save) 07200 29009}, 13, 130 Cia) 7A 200 215094, 1% ‘eso ear) 074200 2750 BY, 1% a0 ter C67 nd — 200 9H 1H Lumen Rated Traffic Signal Lamps WEE orsrng 3a Crary ue Se atten eae ers Bulb Base oy. 1850 P25 wed 3 z z WPS wed oe esas Gear cco mw sos 18H 201/572 —— 1s ate 3200 153 9 Krypton Filled Traffic Signal SuperSaver © Lamps See he ei oe Watts oun tase fram sept Vato ots Gy Deen fet Ws ue mon Street Lighting Lamps (Series Burning) a tars ate cleat uNtsss orien woteD SRE Oden 3 asa ee oe FRE baton Case nde irs Bub Base tur emt Vl AMPS iy Deseinton fee wats Lek Mon 325 _ kaw. Pesta) SS/60/021 45) 120 hier C08 Mw 42 He 1000" r5-25 Mog 1s ames 656 ¢.¢8 mw 829% 7% Ss Wee E500 — Gop Reooment 5) 0, ¢8— sow tio 547% isis T07eeR 55) — tap paar cs sw 87% 2500 75:25 wag —15R06 50/6/5256, Repteaent, Boe Wp) 00a 39 1 Indicates Energy-Saving Product | Q SYLVANIA 74 INCANDESCENT Sede aoe } 0 Street Lighting Lamps (Series Burning)(Continued) uo SS aratin ee I mens Bulb 888 rine Except Volts AMPS Qty. Deseription 2500 75.5 Wepa 6 ¢.c2¥_20 o ss aap Repaeoent WY a 3 __ ai 6 io Resa tease a 00 oss a5 c, Cav_2i00 {See — 8 — Bag Re a ——¢-691 tor — 92> 55 Crop Recor C62 sn B00 FSO Weel es (,cav_a00 ua % t_spec ey ——P-647-ter — 3-0 ee ten Repent Cason 0879 ase cai a Ti Base Up 0027 a Giowp Peper Babe 20H 13812 a6 0 ‘owpRepacoert (8), Base UPC. CV e000. T TOW 540 Mop 15305 lowes G52 coup rpacamart 6.74 9008587 ise $5 Gear) C76) 6579, =m a1 a Ba ep Rpacnert 8), Bate Up aT, ‘15M _PS-40 Mogul 19835 _15M/20R/BU_ 20% _ Group Replacement, Base Up G07 3000 a? EA Lamps Listed by Volts and Amperes (Including Desrgton 510 Resitance Balai GHB 3000 566 Arport Marker) 6.21000 566 Aiport Marker ©, -v_1000 66 1 Aiport 01s $00 5 56 6+ Aepot 6.006 100 4% 2OAW Tt We P1985 BeR/TI/ZP 6572 hepet ark) C013 $00 Pa 9% 00H PAR 6 Se. Tem | 14957 _2SA/PARSE/WEL IR Swing Poo (91 66 1000 7 Carded Items SEES abun Gee i Watts put__saie__ sciorim Except Vals__Vots_Qh Desrpon | 4 cr Cont 1502 aa ses Gear 8.09 a0 26 sc. bay _leato sau 1M ear ce 500 m2 24 ww 86. boy _i6t21_ m/e 6a Cea 06 a0 Ph 40 sii iter, 3598 asON/BL BRS 2a G.C7A 500 Te Tc) cand 13500 7e7/W/BL___ 5-25 ta __—oite 3 3i00 2h 73311 Wed. 18690 TS/OW/BL 11512524 Wie Cre B03 100 2, HT 0c. say igi Isr00/Bt 1202 Oar Bc 18 2h 2 Te 06. bay aati zera00/@t 120 Our BGI) 28 nn Ine, STAB 8 ea tn) 08 2h Decor Lamps 2 cng Can 6 Cheat, Peter, ster Pak C08) Ray Med a 300 LB é Bsr Path ie) 30 . Indicates Energy-Saving Product a INCANDESCENT & SYLVANIA wi INCANDESCENT doers FS LAMPS Decor Lamps(Continued) Eo Ta Tos ma pri ae Sethe top Watts oun so sean eo Wott wats Dacia ft "ees vet. mou. 15 CH; God SUT) SCRE AU TST eer 667m 180 Me {a ses — Tapes Tew EID Be TMTE 19H /ST TH CSL Top TA 1800 Mh I enseT BL eS TOT) Cm mh 1S ScantySt WAL Taa5 10 sWn ST ep CTA Fe THT 50a 120 2 — Con aH {bis cmne/ey/aL— Tabs We sceaie FaT BT CCA 50 3% Te 08i Toa bart Cok a He We Succes? s0e91c/AMyss 120 Vota ha tncgy Saving Product. ine sereMaM Ta) amie osc Coa Wa WE SUCGES? 2009/C/W/AW/SS 120 Vat. Ar Erg Snag Product 1s SOnCyM Ia) 2 staan Fest ioe ¢) 67010 Ine sucGeSr S009 /6/er/au/Ss 120 Wa, ko Perey Snag Poet (eI ORCS TONS see, St Ton a) 15 scene ST/AL_— Tapes esos St Top GY CCA 1500 1155 REST WAL Tootsie —-¥it, Sc Top 7h Te {bias sear Tabs We Bvt) COMI {315 SC WATBLTn-S_—I—swite Breed) aw {te cnn nat Tablas at sir Sod Gy ECT ‘T3446 T50HAC/A/B/BL_ 120-125 12 «Amber Beaded (8), CEA 1500, {BET 20HhC/B/aat— Tab 10S 24 ste Beat) © C7A 100 13447 "250916 /8/8/BL 120-125 12+ Blue Beaded (3) CTA _ 1500, Ci tan TH01 BCHiC/SC/BL6 1206 -Clear, Spun-Gle, Fiber Wrapped @) C, C:7A 4000 BSH BCIIGSG/MVBL/S 120 snrr, Spar, Par Wopea BEA a 2 @. Indicates Energy-Saving Product 9 O99 © menses Decor Lamps(Continued) og we Tag aioe Matis ooh tee Stare Bent Vas Wats Oo econ fe A cee oe Bc ws ® Fd Gand — 36 — 5 TOS -Gar, Dara BCFA Ta i204 ite, Decorative BOTA 3 Fee Ta ar GC 7A_IS00 on 6% Ga, 1, White, Dasor 8. C7A_ O00 3 i Drea, Derr # B.C a Tiny Wed — “Tao 8% 1002528 B68 1500 My ¥ Wi 831800 Phe ite, Sal Grimey Lang 0, 91500 Me ewes TIS alae C.e3 180 Thy a A Wa TO _ MCh Besar ¢ 69000 # i ie, Decor C8 wo Wi ‘ We, 2 sie C900 3h 0 Med. ie, Deer C08 8, [Tata 6 ite, Dacor 9 eS 25640 Taw 0900 a 0800 Hy 161 8002006, Dear e850 rr Hee ee ee et ae Moen 7 Trak Ble Wend 08 B00 La 5 _—sTians. rae ood Go 6.09200 fa 7 sans 08 200 oY eae — Ta tn hee ose 15) 6 Tank Ske Hood C08 5 aE Tank Yalow Hod Go 080 By Hoy, cd nsis eanorauss a0 @__Gc7A_iko Me 151 ROSHC/W/aM/SS ade 6, CTR Phe 12515 S20940/0F/0M/SS 12h sCeanie Fron, SuwSave™®, CTA 1500 he Dae) a TSI 1) _ Orange caves 8.0310 Wh os save — eta a ses esp a ‘ieee 51a — Gren Caras B09 100 iy Te Te. ivy Cras 310 Ta Ted Ceci 2 LA ‘ao— awe se a fos Onan BCom Wi i S125 18 —Yelow Coane B.C — 100 Tha ‘wT — Uae Ce iow oa rie FS C67 = © ineates energy Saving Product a INCANDESCENT SYLVANIA ) gO INCANDESCENT Dec F cS LAMPS Decor Lamps(Continued) Bee aheean oe Sat hae fey Watts Bub Base Serene Except Volts Volts Qty. Description Fi ‘Ue Lumens LCL MOL. 40 0.9% Cand | BBN OCS C/N 120 | 24 Clea, Decor 4 (@) COTA 4000 Me ME SUGGEST S1C9%C/4W/SS 20 va An ety Sing et Sc ap AD TOT We Ire sues? SPC9HC7W/4W/S 20 os, er ong Pot at Me(eI an 2 sonon Fo, be) CTR Fi Ne SUGEST SBC aM 120 aha Ee ng at SB wees mas mts St Top) oT % 1S ash STC Tabes 12 soo ST eT % 359 MOOSAC/ST/W/BL 120-125 12 White, St Top CCT 1900. Me ET taal OMA 6 ow Spin, RT CET % fe — “Ino wea ees 19 Cen i iba well aC Tabs 12s CET z 1a ata Tah MDa Cen : IB WelU L9H, Os Crk ‘ Cs Wed 13738 Weis $6786 1205 -Crar, Spun-Glo, Fiber Wrapped C9000, A 19 WSN Ink —5 cr, Su, Ps Waped #3 v () FS Wed Tet 0F THIS Ciear (8) CTR 1500 Th A ea ase SB wor Tas Haat Cen 1 1B MERE ata — 2 ao Cen th 13885_“40F C76 Ta-1z5 12 iridescent Clear (8) C. CTR 1500 uy 13881905 TTS Ah Ivory, Decorative (&Y ©, CTR 1500 + 13 NWA se Cen Ty 1B ON a ob ce OT] — CE th I WN a sro er, ba) —— CT y ‘C1 Cand. 13702 4061644C_ TOTS A eer 1.4) 6, CTA 1500 3 bar Tabs Aes WT Cen x to Taya, 10 Cem won + is Ta se We (a, De — CE we 3 CS Met 266 TiS Clear C3 _ 1500 Vhs te Tass a_i Cea 0 + Swed ae Ta0-130_ 26 White C69 2500 3h ava — a Taso a 16 tapi) a oe "a i canon a9 1620 T0106 White, Decor C9 2500, 3 By 69% Cand. 60C3'46 BL OA 12 Clear (8), Gy C-7A_ 1800 ‘BOCs BAG PK 120-125 500 -Clear (@) , C-7A_1500 Em GOCE /W/BL 120-125 12 «White (8) , CTA 1500_ iy SHE W/ANE PK 5s) Cem 0 En = a en Es BOCSHAC/CF/BL 120-125 12 «Ceramic Frost (8) CTA 1500 hy ie eer Ie) ah sD Cems me ME BUcees 9c) 120 Vata Ey rg et Dis wee Wri bot Cem om Wa Ie sueer sBeOG/n ans 20 ot. En Sng Prot ‘TMS GOCSHC/ST T0125 4 «Clear, St. Top @) CTA 1500 EA ‘162 SOCSAC/ST/BL 120-12 ‘2 anti 0 Decor Lamps(Continued) Teens orering BG Chass i toe SE Aareratin Ge aad an fap. Watts Bub Gao enorme Except Volts Volts Qy- Desergtion Fite Udmens LCL. MOL. OG) Med. 14403 60630/W 120-130 24s White_ C.C9 2500 Sh a Wes — "iss soca Tabs 6 Or 80516 By iT 15) — 6 a 6s) eae 6s, Ds C5 Bo) a B 6g OW RP a a0 — ie Di ca —m00 ar € aie — sH T_T See Oat hn Fol Gta) To] ——5y,— » Indlcates Energy-Saving Proguct s AN3ZOS3GNVONI les SYLVANIA INCANDESCENT on LAMPS PAR Lamps(Continued) 16D” PARSE Mod Se TOPAR/FL/SS Ta 1594 20PAR/FL/EP___—120——_~6 a Pond, Enrgy Pcbe™@D.20A) —GOC8 2000 1400 The 16635 T2OPAR/FL/SS_—__—1B—«12 = Pond, SuperSaver (@728A) GOS 2000 a0 Tn On —0PAR/SP/SS T2012 = Spot, SupeSaerB CTA) COCR 2001420 Thu 15595 L20PAR/SP/EP___—_120_—*6 Spot orgy Pache™MCZT.Z0A) 6,008 2000 14a oA 16695 T2OPAR/SP/SS 112 Spt, SupersaerOQTAA GCOS 200 1a he © indicates Energy-Saving Product Guide to Syivania Energy-Saving Lamps Sylvania—Leader in energy-saving NEW! SuperSaver* Plus Fluorescents ‘Sylvania research achieves unique breakthrough in energy-saving lighting! This unique lamp has small thermally- activated switches that disconnect the Cathodes in the amp after starts. Result fan addltonal savings of 50,000 watt-hours (GOKWH) over amp Ife compared to ord ‘nary energy: saving fuorescenis. At 82 KWH, each SuperSaver Plus lamp wil ‘save $4,00 over lamp Ite compared to te snopraniaars eueaanemese 4 Sy Corcinary 40-watt types. Rated at 32 wats, nese ‘new lames provide ight levels equal o or beter than convertional 34 watt energy-saving lamps, and are direct replacements for ‘exsting lamps on ‘ingle: and two- lamp rapid-start magnetic bal last meeting ANSI spect- caions Octron’ Fluorescents Maximum efficiency fluorescent lamps. Now available in 3°, 4" and 5’ lengths. Revolutionary Octron fuorescent lamps: with the trim 1" diameter are now available in three lengths, alowing the lignting oe signer to use these advanced lamps in a wider range of ighting applicatons. Overall system periormanoa's enhanced by the sinaller diameter of the Octron lamp (1" vs. 11") allowing improved fixture optics. And 4-fo0t Octron lamp system performance ccan be further improved by using new electronic ballasts, alowing even greater eneray savings than ordinary 4-foot systems. Allthree Octron lamp lengths are available in two popular ccolor temperatures: 3100K (Warm), 4100K (Coo), Both colors have excellent color rendering capabii a / SuperSaver III Fluorescents lamge-In-t. A producto Syvania Dual-Goat Priosphor Technology. The fstgerraligring orca io combing energy savings high igh opuk and improved color rencenig qualnes n he lamp. The Warm Lie Deke (VL) ‘Bhosphor lamp s avlabie for hose appli Eatons wnerea "warm almosoheres Gesrabe Whote a’ coo amogpheres reauited, te Lite White Deluxe CX) jhosprorlamp s eel Boh are avalale Patoo, 4: and Bot Simineand-oot HOtypes. fluorescent lamps ing energy costs by asmuchas 50st Convert every tne amp ina2-and 4 lam 40-wat rap sar fluorescent aster to Thitte 50 or ThrivMate 33 and cut ‘ergy consumpton by 50% or 3398 respectvely. Ligtlevat are abo reckiood proportonaly. TM amps useless nergy than the lamps they replace anc ako redlioe he energy used by ther Com panion lamps. And when ight eves ano nergy consumpiion are reduced by ral rg TrritMate lamps ight ;

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