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Assembler directives are instructions to the assembler concerning the program being assembled. They are not translated into machine code or assigned any memory locations in the object file.



DESCRIPTION The next block of instructions or data should be stored in memory locations starting at 1000h. End of assembly. HLT instruction may suggest the end of a program, but does not necessarily mean it is the end of assembly. start is the label at the begining of the program. The value of the term lookup is equal to 00FFh. The value of lookup may be referred by name in the program. The value of the term stackb is 00FFh. This may be the memory location used as the stack base. Initialises as area byte by byte. Assembled bytes of data are stored in successive memory locations until all values are stored. The label is optional and may be used in the program as the memory location of the begining of data. Initialises an area two bytes (one word) at a time. Reserves a specified number of memory locations. In the example, 15 memory locations are reserved for table. The label may be used in the program as the memory location of the begining of the memory block.


END start

EQU (equate)

lookup EQU 00FFh

stackb EQU 00FFh

DB (define byte)

data: DB 64h

DW (define word)

data: DW 016Ch

DS (define storage)

table: DS 0Fh

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