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"Jesus Jack, we're the only ones left of our whole squad!" "I know, Cody, I know... Fuckin' animals... we try an' help 'em an' all they give us is death" "How the fuck did we get out of there alive anyways, it was a massacre!" "Well the pilot here risked his life to save us, so we should be grateful of him" "This fucking city... I wish all these animals would just- Hey, what's that guy doing... Is that an RPG?..."

Jack got up to take a look; "Whatchu talkin' bout sonny? What's this about an RPG?" Cody pointed out the man. "See that dude right there, he looks like he's carrying one, and aiming it at us..." The man with the RPG took aim and fired at the Helicopter. Cody took a step back. "Woah woah woah! He fucking fired! Brace for impact!" "Oh Christ..." Jack held onto the guard railing as the RPG hit the tail rotor, and sent the helicopter crashing down into a building in the middle of the city.

The helicopter crashed straight into a vacant square in the middle of the city, leaving Jack and Cody stranded. "Ohh you gotta be fucking kidding me..." Cody slowly got up out of the wreckage and took his weapon in his hands. "If all the things to fucking happen..." "Pilots dead. It's just us two. You alright?" Jack got out of the wreckage carrying the pilots dog tags and his weapon. "I'm just fucking dandy, yeah just perfect" Cody pointed to the gaping hole the crash made. "Look at this fucking hole, look at it! It's gonna attract them all! Oh we are so fucked!..."

Jack got out his radio and tried to call command; "Command, come in, this is Alpha 2, come in command... Ah damnit..."

"What are we gonna do!? They're gonna be all over our asses very fucking soon! Command doesn't give a shit about us, we're alone here!" Cody began walking around the room they crashed into in a panic. "Well for starters you can shut your goddamn mouth and calm down; how much ammo you got? I got 6 mags" Cody reloaded his weapon. "5 mags. What are we gonna do Jack? What are we gonna do?" Jack looked outside the hole made and observed the square. "Kay listen to me right now, they know we're in this here building right? So... We need to get to a different building so we can think of a plan to get outta here"

Cody turned around and faced Jack; "We can't risk that! It'd be suicide!" Jack pointed at a neighbouring building. "That one... right there, it looks empty, they won't even suspect we'd be there" "You aren't seriously gonna try that are you?" But before Cody could get a reply, Jack was already running over to the building. "Oh for fuck sake Jack, you're gonna get us killed" Cody began to run at the building too, and they both safely made it inside.

"You're fucking crazy old ma-" "Shut up" He pointed at a door. "Inside, I hear people, definitely hostiles, you got a flash?" Cody pulled out a flash grenade and handed it to Jack and got behind cover. "Don't kill yourself old man" Jack got beside the door and took a deep breath. "Okay, Let's see if I still got the moves..."

Jack opened the door slightly and slid the flash inside; as it exploded shouts of confusion were heard and Jack stormed inside followed shortly by Cody. Jack and Cody quickly got rid of everyone in there and lowered their weapons. "See young'un, I still got the moves" Jack inspected the dead, "All hostiles; okay let's get to the roof, better view there" Cody let out a big sigh. "I'm following your lead old man" Jack and Cody quickly climbed the building and got to the roof without any further contact.

"So what are we gonna do? We can't just waltz out of here and expect them to give us a leaving party" Cody dropped his weapon and took off his helmet. Jack took off his helmet and dropped his weapon too; "We're gonna wait here until help comes, don't like the sound of that idea? You're free to go out there yourself" Jack took out his radio again. "Command, command come in, this is Alpha 2, we are stranded in the middle of the city, please respond" "This is total bullshit, why aren't they replying? What happened to 'No man left behind'?" Cody went over to the edge of the building and got down into cover "Command, come in command, this is Alpha 2-" "Alpha 2, this is Command, what in the hell happened? You're supposed to be back at the base by now!"

"We were shot down sir, we're stranded in the middle of the city, requesting help ASAP" Cody got up and went over to the radio. "Fuckin' finally" He whispered. "We'll send a Black hawk to come pick you up, but you'll need to use flares to tell them where you are Cody got up immediately. "Flares!? That'll attract 'em all! We can't use flares!" "... Understood Command, we will use flares when we see the Black Hawk, out" Jack put the radio back in his pocket and got up.

"Are you fucking stupid! We'll get killed if we use flares!" "Listen kid... It's either we get this black hawk to pick us up, or we die eventually in this city, now I like the first option, so either shut the fuck up, or die" Cody turned away and spoke defensively; "Christ... well, alright... let's do it" Minutes later they heard a Black Hawk come into the airspace and Jack let his flares go, and they heard the screams of the enemy militiants get closer as they reacted to the flares.

Cody saw the militiants approach in the distance. "Tell that damn Black hawk to hurry its ass!" He raised his weapon and started firing pot shots at the approaching crowd, taking down a few in the process" The Black Hawk was right below them and let down its ladder. Jack joined Cody in shooting at the crowd. "Get on kid, I'll give you covering fire as you climb" Cody did as he was told and started to climb the ladder, and made it to the top unscathed.

"Your turn old man! Get your ass on now!" Jack kept firing for a second, then got to the ladder and started to climb. "That s it, come on!" Cody started to fire at the crowd again and took down a few of them. One of the militiants pulled out an RPG and fired at the helicopter. "Woah woah watch out! RPG!" Jack turned around and saw the RPG was coming right at him. "Oh fucking hell..." The RPG hit Jack in the stomach and tore right through Jack's stomach, and knocked him off the ladder and crashing down onto the building they were recently on.

"Jack! Goddamnit!" The pilot yelled out to Cody; "We gotta go now! There's too many!"

The Black Hawk began to move away from the city square and back to the base. Cody threw his weapon out of the chopper in frustration and damned the city to hell. "Rest in Peace old man... You won't be forgotten..."

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