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C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.

mdb Table: tblCategories

31 December 2011 Page: 1

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Description: Categories of Northwind products. GUID: {guid {731575E0-4947-410B9403-848811EF771C}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderOn: False RecordCount: 8

Both FilterOn: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

DateCreated: False 30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

30-10-2000 06:44:04

Columns Name pkeyCategoryID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strCategoryName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: memDescription AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size, Auto-Increment Category ID General False Default 1260 False Number automatically assigned to a new category. Database Default {guid {F9E53B5B-23C7-4D39-A534-912823E92FB0}} 0 False pkeyCategoryID tblCategories Text False False Variable Length Category Name General False Default 1620 False Name of food category. Text Box Database Default {guid {43528DAA-9D74-4484-AB20-37943FC5CF1C}} 1 True strCategoryName tblCategories True Memo False False Variable Length General False 15

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCategories Page: 2 ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 5460 DataUpdatable: False FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {2622E1F5-F517-4357-98A2-918B154155D1}} OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: False SourceField: memDescription SourceTable: tblCategories UnicodeCompression: True olePicture AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: OLE Object False False Variable Length General False Default 1815 False A picture representing the food category. Database Default {guid {F355D656-C986-4FF7-8A08-91E2D61F1F43}} 3 False olePicture tblCategories -

Relationships tblCategoriestblProducts tblCategories pkeyCategoryID


tblProducts g fkeyCategoryID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

Table Indexes Name CategoryName Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: strCategoryName PrimaryKey Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: Number of Fields 1 False 8 False False CategoryName False False True Ascending 1 False 8 False

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCategories IgnoreNulls: False Name: PrimaryKey Primary: True Required: True Unique: True Fields: pkeyCategoryID Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 3

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCustomers

31 December 2011 Page: 4

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Description: Customers' names, addresses, and phone numbers. GUID: {guid {CD146352-DF24-4372BA9A-D703B3E6A078}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderOn: True RecordCount: 91

Both FilterOn: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

DateCreated: False 30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

30-10-2000 06:44:05

Columns Name pkeyCustomerID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: InputMask: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCompanyName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strContactName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Type Text Size 5

False False Variable Length Customer ID General False Default 1305 False Unique five-character code based on customer name. Text Box Database Default {guid {BD33D978-8F74-46CA-A183-9EED07861082}} >LLLLL 0 False pkeyCustomerID tblCustomers True Text False False Variable Length Company Name General False Default 3390 False Text Box Database Default {guid {CA125E0F-8A36-47CA-A0D3-A5CF42D4F211}} 1 True strCompanyName tblCustomers True Text False False Variable Length 40


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCustomers Page: 5 Caption: Contact Name CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 2310 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {9D065AC4-ADB3-47B1-90F6-C2DB022328ED}} OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: False SourceField: strContactName SourceTable: tblCustomers UnicodeCompression: True strContactTitle AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strAddress AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCity AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: False False Variable Length General False Default Text False False Variable Length Contact Title General False Default 2865 False Text Box Database Default {guid {5E6E0FF3-9EFD-468F-B334-5250C91E809E}} 3 False strContactTitle tblCustomers True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 4200 False Street or post-office box. Text Box Database Default {guid {EB9B08F5-037F-41F3-8C6B-B72CE6D65FDB}} 4 False strAddress tblCustomers True Text 30



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCustomers Page: 6 ColumnWidth: 1380 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {17BFF081-3F02-4EFF-829A-F9D6724B141B}} OrdinalPosition: 5 Required: False SourceField: strCity SourceTable: tblCustomers UnicodeCompression: True strRegion AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strPostalCode AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCountry AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1410 False State or province. Text Box Database Default {guid {43C421A3-9442-492E-B216-502EEB73BA66}} 6 False strRegion tblCustomers True Text False False Variable Length Postal Code General False Default 1290 False Text Box Database Default {guid {551D2DD9-6B3A-47F8-8316-806F98FB0471}} 7 False strPostalCode tblCustomers True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1155 False Text Box Database Default 15



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCustomers Page: 7 GUID: {guid {302F9759-EDF4-445D-830B-124C8DE66612}} OrdinalPosition: 8 Required: False SourceField: strCountry SourceTable: tblCustomers UnicodeCompression: True strPhone AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strFax AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1455 False Phone number includes country code or area code. Text Box Database Default {guid {240E90CC-6852-4D95-9D0B-854A2DBE9C27}} 9 False strPhone tblCustomers True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1455 False Phone number includes country code or area code. Text Box Database Default {guid {420EF465-C6D3-4B3A-A305-76DF53800C1C}} 10 False strFax tblCustomers True 24


Relationships tblCustomerstblOrders tblCustomers pkeyCustomerID


tblOrders g fkeyCustomerID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced, Cascade Updates One-To-Many

Table Indexes

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCustomers Name Number of Fields City 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 69 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: City Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strCity Ascending CompanyName 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 91 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: CompanyName Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strCompanyName Ascending PostalCode 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 87 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: PostalCode Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strPostalCode Ascending PrimaryKey 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 91 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: PrimaryKey Primary: True Required: True Unique: True Fields: pkeyCustomerID Ascending Region 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 19 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: Region Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strRegion Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 8

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblCustomers User Permissions admin

31 December 2011 Page: 9

Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblDragListBox

31 December 2011 Page: 10

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Description: Customers' names, addresses, and phone numbers. GUID: {guid {0EF45902-559B-4E36BE9C-4009C9417B91}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderOn: True RecordCount: 20

Both FilterOn: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

DateCreated: False 25-11-2000 07:41:06 False Left-to-Right True

30-10-2000 06:44:05

Columns Name pkeyCustomerID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: InputMask: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCompanyName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strContactName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Type Text Size 5

False False Variable Length Customer ID General False Default 1305 False Unique five-character code based on customer name. Text Box Database Default {guid {70F11B0C-AD96-40D2-BEB1-83626E2750D9}} >LLLLL 0 False pkeyCustomerID tblDragListBox True Text False False Variable Length Company Name General False Default 3390 False Text Box Database Default {guid {8A1EF570-EEE5-4081-89B8-85D7983F7FD7}} 1 True strCompanyName tblDragListBox True Text False False Variable Length 40


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblDragListBox Page: 11 Caption: Contact Name CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 2310 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {55E08B00-E2E1-4508-838B-BC6B996031FB}} OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: False SourceField: strContactName SourceTable: tblDragListBox UnicodeCompression: True strContactTitle AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strAddress AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCity AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: False False Variable Length General False Default Text False False Variable Length Contact Title General False Default 2865 False Text Box Database Default {guid {A50D41AD-F017-4E83-B7AC-1F51F9BEAE77}} 3 False strContactTitle tblDragListBox True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 4200 False Street or post-office box. Text Box Database Default {guid {8F6AEA85-3848-45CC-A6B9-C13D4D589B5C}} 4 False strAddress tblDragListBox True Text 30



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblDragListBox Page: 12 ColumnWidth: 1380 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {6F2FC13B-FC0D-47E4-A603-972D147A9E1C}} OrdinalPosition: 5 Required: False SourceField: strCity SourceTable: tblDragListBox UnicodeCompression: True strRegion AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strPostalCode AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCountry AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1410 False State or province. Text Box Database Default {guid {050A0A07-BD00-42C7-A017-3A8041164886}} 6 False strRegion tblDragListBox True Text False False Variable Length Postal Code General False Default 1290 False Text Box Database Default {guid {A8ED11F3-0AE8-41B1-A5AD-5CB9465E8D59}} 7 False strPostalCode tblDragListBox True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1155 False Text Box Database Default 15



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblDragListBox Page: 13 GUID: {guid {0234362C-D64B-4D92-ABF4-7112363A6E53}} OrdinalPosition: 8 Required: False SourceField: strCountry SourceTable: tblDragListBox UnicodeCompression: True strPhone AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strFax AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: ysnSelected AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1455 False Phone number includes country code or area code. Text Box Database Default {guid {C2F4B644-6D62-4561-B0A5-A362D24B2E56}} 9 False strPhone tblDragListBox True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1455 False Phone number includes country code or area code. Text Box Database Default {guid {30F93824-DFB6-4D7C-A4CE-137B69E124AD}} 10 False strFax tblDragListBox True Yes/No False False Fixed Size General False Default Default False 106 Yes/No {guid {E909A3E5-FBD6-4DB2-903E-FCF0346888A7}} 11 False ysnSelected 24


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblDragListBox SourceTable: tblDragListBox

31 December 2011 Page: 14

Table Indexes Name City Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: strCity CompanyName Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: strCompanyName PostalCode Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: strPostalCode PrimaryKey Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: pkeyCustomerID Region Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Number of Fields 1 False 15 False False City False False False Ascending 1 False 20 False False CompanyName False False False Ascending 1 False 20 False False PostalCode False False False Ascending 1 False 20 False False PrimaryKey True True True Ascending 1 False 3 False False Region False False

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblDragListBox Unique: False Fields: strRegion Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 15

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees

31 December 2011 Page: 16

Properties DateCreated: FilterOn: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

30-10-2000 06:44:05 False 30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

Description: GUID: NameMap: OrderOn: RecordCount:

Employees' names, titles, and personal information. {guid {2301F13E-6F20-453E8420-588993B96681}} Long binary data False 9

Columns Name pkeyEmployeeID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strLastName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strFirstName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size, Auto-Increment Employee ID General False Default 1350 False Number automatically assigned to new employee. Database Default {guid {A313C471-D6BF-4F3F-A91C-A671FFC788DB}} 0 False pkeyEmployeeID tblEmployees Text False False Variable Length Last Name General False Default 1155 False Text Box Database Default {guid {AE5ED1CE-0FCD-4BEB-A343-4D0BFD10553F}} 1 True strLastName tblEmployees True Text False False Variable Length First Name General False 20


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees Page: 17 ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1170 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {D2F0F465-3513-43DC-9E36-D92F76CA96B7}} OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: True SourceField: strFirstName SourceTable: tblEmployees UnicodeCompression: True strTitle AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strTitleOfCourtesy AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource: RowSourceType: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: dtmBirthDate Text False False Variable Length General False Default 2265 False Employee's title. Text Box Database Default {guid {7D046CE5-94C1-4726-A74D-87B2A9CF6D69}} 3 False strTitle tblEmployees True Text False False Variable Length 1 Title Of Courtesy General 1 False False Default 1725 False Title used in salutations. Combo Box Database Default {guid {B109719D-A86C-4285-BA86-3CB3642D2E81}} False 8 0twip 4 False Dr.;Mr.;Miss;Mrs.;Ms. Value List strTitleOfCourtesy tblEmployees True Date/Time 30


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees Page: 18 AllowZeroLength: False AppendOnly: False Attributes: Fixed Size Caption: Birth Date CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1095 DataUpdatable: False FilterLookup: Database Default Format: Medium Date GUID: {guid {EACBBBB1-0556-44CE-8A08-F7EEBBC36AC4}} OrdinalPosition: 5 Required: False SourceField: dtmBirthDate SourceTable: tblEmployees dtmHireDate AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strAddress AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCity AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: False False Variable Length General False Date/Time False False Fixed Size Hire Date General False Default 1065 False Database Default Medium Date {guid {591EA457-C72A-4463-811B-2F00D768C66B}} 6 False dtmHireDate tblEmployees Text False False Variable Length General False Default 2220 False Street or post-office box. Text Box Database Default {guid {892A28AE-B35E-43A8-8144-8AAD4ED17420}} 7 False strAddress tblEmployees True Text 8



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees Page: 19 ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1215 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {D82B5C3D-7D38-4CF0-8C27-8966BA3DC9F6}} OrdinalPosition: 8 Required: False SourceField: strCity SourceTable: tblEmployees UnicodeCompression: True strRegion AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strPostalCode AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCountry AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: Text False False Variable Length General False Default 945 False State or province. Text Box Database Default {guid {4F14957E-AFFF-4E4B-8106-BA3809885E9D}} 9 False strRegion tblEmployees True Text False False Variable Length Postal Code General False Default 1290 False Text Box Database Default {guid {9678F681-E59F-4DB8-BC79-1645B80C4247}} 10 False strPostalCode tblEmployees True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 885 False Text Box 15



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees Page: 20 FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {FC3B6742-76A1-437F-A409-12CAC8D5457D}} OrdinalPosition: 11 Required: False SourceField: strCountry SourceTable: tblEmployees UnicodeCompression: True strHomePhone AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strExtension AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: olePhoto AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Text False False Variable Length Home Phone General False Default 1440 False Phone number includes country code or area code. Text Box Database Default {guid {73894085-4348-4D4B-91E5-B523844F0311}} 12 False strHomePhone tblEmployees True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1080 False Internal telephone extension number. Text Box Database Default {guid {B24AA671-5F01-4B64-827E-BB8C29D465B3}} 13 False strExtension tblEmployees True OLE Object False False Variable Length General False Default 1815 False Picture of employee. Database Default {guid {DB827F7C-60CE-4B27-97A7-A08A06EEC800}} 14 24

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees Required: False SourceField: olePhoto SourceTable: tblEmployees memNotes AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: lngReportsTo AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: ColumnWidths: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: Description: DisplayControl: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource:

31 December 2011 Page: 21

Memo False False Variable Length General False Default 4350 False General information about employee's background. Database Default {guid {20011ED4-0683-4781-9042-93A1CD944EB4}} 15 False memNotes tblEmployees True

RowSourceType: SourceField: SourceTable:

Long Integer 4 False False Fixed Size 1 Reports To General 2 False False Default 2190 0 False Auto Employee's supervisor. Combo Box {guid {C5AF921B-542F-4139-B01A-3BB5E6A5FBA0}} True 8 0twip 16 False SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblEmployees].[pkeyEmployeeID], [strLastName] & ", " & [strFirstName] AS Name FROM tblEmployees ORDER BY [tblEmployees].[strLastName], [tblEmployees].[strFirstName]; Table/Query lngReportsTo tblEmployees


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees tblEmployeestblOrders tblEmployees pkeyEmployeeID


31 December 2011 Page: 22

tblOrders g fkeyEmployeeID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

Table Indexes Name LastName Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: strLastName PostalCode Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: strPostalCode PrimaryKey Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: pkeyEmployeeID Number of Fields 1 False 9 False False LastName False False False Ascending 1 False 9 False False PostalCode False False False Ascending 1 False 9 False False PrimaryKey True True True Ascending

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblEmployees Page: 23 Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrderDetails

31 December 2011 Page: 24

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Both Description: Details on products, quantities, FilterOn: and prices for each order in the Orders table. GUID: {guid {E201451A-7A02-493B- LastUpdated: 954D-DDE048A90625}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderByOn: OrderOn: False Orientation: RecordCount: 2154 Updatable:

DateCreated: False

30-10-2000 06:44:05

30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

Columns Name pkeyOrderID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: fkeyProductID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: ColumnWidths: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size Order ID General False Default 945 False Auto Same as Order ID in Orders table. Text Box Database Default {guid {CC311F39-0FA4-414B-86BB-6AC8794D9E84}} 0 False pkeyOrderID tblOrderDetails Long Integer False False Fixed Size 1 Product General 2 False False Default 3405 0 False Auto Same as Product ID in Products table. Combo Box Database Default {guid {5036EE24-F68C-4113-B84A-CA3FA47A9AE1}} True 8 0twip 1 4

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrderDetails Page: 25 Required: True RowSource: SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblProducts].[pkeyProductID], [tblProducts].[strProductName] FROM tblProducts ORDER BY [tblProducts].[strProductName]; RowSourceType: Table/Query SourceField: fkeyProductID SourceTable: tblOrderDetails

curUnitPrice AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: intQuantity AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: ValidationRule: ValidationText: sngDiscount AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable:

Currency False False Fixed Size Unit Price General False Default 1080 False Auto Database Default $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00) {guid {B3B1AE76-702C-4ECB-BECA-FF5913EBB7E2}} 2 True curUnitPrice tblOrderDetails Integer False False Fixed Size General False Default 945 False Auto 1 Text Box Database Default General Number {guid {5C3211D1-A224-4161-81BC-3F948EC319D9}} 3 True intQuantity tblOrderDetails >0 Quantity must be greater than 0 Single False False Fixed Size General False Default 960 False

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrderDetails Page: 26 DecimalPlaces: 0 DefaultValue: 0 DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default Format: Percent GUID: {guid {F91A0464-2E78-47A8-AD5F-29AD24EA04C0}} OrdinalPosition: 4 Required: True SourceField: sngDiscount SourceTable: tblOrderDetails ValidationRule: Between 0 And 1 ValidationText: You must enter a value with a percent sign.

Relationships tblProductstblOrderDetails tblProducts pkeyProductID


tblOrderDetails g fkeyProductID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

tblOrderstblOrderDetails tblOrders pkeyOrderID


tblOrderDetails g pkeyOrderID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced, Cascade Deletes One-To-Many

Table Indexes Name Number of Fields {CB026082-5B40-4409-A3561 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 77 Foreign: True IgnoreNulls: False Name: {CB026082-5B40-4409-A356-9C0ABAED0D03} Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyProductID Ascending {E0EEE9CD-15E8-4B63-9DDA-59378B1EB737} 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 829 Foreign: True IgnoreNulls: False Name: {E0EEE9CD-15E8-4B63-9DDA-59378B1EB737} Primary: False Required: False Unique: False

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrderDetails Fields: pkeyOrderID Ascending OrderID 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 829 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: OrderID Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: pkeyOrderID Ascending PrimaryKey 2 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 2154 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: PrimaryKey Primary: True Required: True Unique: True Fields: pkeyOrderID Ascending fkeyProductID Ascending ProductID 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 77 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: ProductID Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyProductID Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 27

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders

31 December 2011 Page: 28

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Description: Customer name, order date, and freight charge for each order. GUID: {guid {6B32D059-2E60-474A89DA-1DE177CFB66A}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderOn: False RecordCount: 829

Both FilterOn:

DateCreated: False

30-10-2000 06:44:05

LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

Columns Name pkeyOrderID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: fkeyCustomerID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: ColumnWidths: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource: Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size, Auto-Increment Order ID General False Default 945 False Unique order number. Database Default {guid {633B80D5-1164-45F7-B33A-009D8F2AA1A4}} 0 False pkeyOrderID tblOrders Text 5 False False Variable Length 1 Customer General 2 False False Default 3090 0 False Same entry as in Customers table. Combo Box Database Default {guid {9209F440-3835-43ED-8F50-97AE5C567691}} True 8 0twip 1 False SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblCustomers].[pkeyCustomerID], [tblCustomers].[strCompanyName] FROM tblCustomers ORDER BY [tblCustomers].[strCompanyName];

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders RowSourceType: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: fkeyEmployeeID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: ColumnWidths: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: Description: DisplayControl: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource: Table/Query fkeyCustomerID tblOrders True

31 December 2011 Page: 29

RowSourceType: SourceField: SourceTable:

Long Integer 4 False False Fixed Size 1 Employee General 2 False False Default 1995 0 False Auto Same entry as in Employees table. Combo Box {guid {A5D14FB5-0C70-4204-BF87-50C266B792DE}} True 8 0twip 2 False SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblEmployees].[pkeyEmployeeID], [strLastName] & ", " & [strFirstName] AS Name FROM tblEmployees ORDER BY [tblEmployees].[strLastName], [tblEmployees].[strFirstName]; Table/Query fkeyEmployeeID tblOrders

dtmOrderDate AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: dtmRequiredDate AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly:

Date/Time False False Fixed Size Order Date General False Default 1185 False Database Default Medium Date {guid {CDE34BEA-DA8B-42B3-BC66-27EDBAE0AA23}} 3 False dtmOrderDate tblOrders Date/Time False False

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders Page: 30 Attributes: Fixed Size Caption: Required Date CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1515 DataUpdatable: False FilterLookup: Database Default Format: Medium Date GUID: {guid {589A0AAB-6800-469A-89A1-B197178E0C0A}} OrdinalPosition: 4 Required: False SourceField: dtmRequiredDate SourceTable: tblOrders dtmShippedDate AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: fkeyShipVia AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: ColumnWidths: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: Description: DisplayControl: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource: Date/Time False False Fixed Size Shipped Date General False Default 1440 False Database Default Medium Date {guid {CB6C588A-1668-49BA-8907-02FDD9F7776D}} 5 False dtmShippedDate tblOrders Long Integer False False Fixed Size 1 Ship Via General 2 False False Default 1800 0 False Auto Same as Shipper ID in Shippers table. Combo Box {guid {85A3C945-7EB3-434D-A600-468D6BE78EFF}} True 8 0twip 6 False SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblShippers].[pkeyShipperID], [tblShippers].[strCompanyName] FROM tblShippers ORDER BY [tblShippers].[strCompanyName]; Table/Query 8


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders SourceField: fkeyShipVia SourceTable: tblOrders curFreight AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strShipName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strShipAddress AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable:

31 December 2011 Page: 31

Currency False False Fixed Size General False Default 840 False Auto 0 Database Default $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00) {guid {5F075C47-9809-463F-A708-130838CC33DB}} 7 False curFreight tblOrders Text False False Variable Length Ship Name General False Default 2895 False Name of person or company to receive the shipment. Text Box Database Default {guid {59113FF6-532E-4D8A-B605-A9A851F72FEE}} 8 False strShipName tblOrders True Text False False Variable Length Ship Address General False Default 2475 False Street address only -- no post-office box allowed. Text Box Database Default {guid {A1B74B17-BA68-44B1-A656-5BDDB170DA0B}} 9 False strShipAddress tblOrders



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders UnicodeCompression: True strShipCity AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strShipRegion AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strShipPostalCode AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression:

31 December 2011 Page: 32

Text False False Variable Length Ship City General False Default 1395 False Text Box Database Default {guid {86934E32-892E-4F32-BC44-747BADF17EA8}} 10 False strShipCity tblOrders True Text False False Variable Length Ship Region General False Default 1410 False State or province. Text Box Database Default {guid {2EE9D0B2-581C-4402-B862-F0AFF58AD211}} 11 False strShipRegion tblOrders True Text False False Variable Length Ship Postal Code General False Default 1785 False Text Box Database Default {guid {4F35CF70-7F4E-489E-92A4-310AF559FF68}} 12 False strShipPostalCode tblOrders True




C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders Page: 33 strShipCountry Text 15 AllowZeroLength: False AppendOnly: False Attributes: Variable Length Caption: Ship Country CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1380 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {B46A0C98-0B12-4387-A185-4B3432E090F8}} OrdinalPosition: 13 Required: False SourceField: strShipCountry SourceTable: tblOrders UnicodeCompression: True

Relationships tblShipperstblOrders tblShippers pkeyShipperID


tblOrders g fkeyShipVia

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

tblCustomerstblOrders tblCustomers pkeyCustomerID


tblOrders g fkeyCustomerID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced, Cascade Updates One-To-Many

tblEmployeestblOrders tblEmployees pkeyEmployeeID


tblOrders g fkeyEmployeeID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders tblOrderstblOrderDetails tblOrders pkeyOrderID


31 December 2011 Page: 34

tblOrderDetails g pkeyOrderID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced, Cascade Deletes One-To-Many

Table Indexes Name Number of Fields {19D0B381-BA35-4828-A7CC1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 3 Foreign: True IgnoreNulls: False Name: {19D0B381-BA35-4828-A7CC-E8E7FC412AF7} Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyShipVia Ascending {296DD975-746A-457D-BB411 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 89 Foreign: True IgnoreNulls: False Name: {296DD975-746A-457D-BB41-2CC249CA96E0} Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyCustomerID Ascending {6605B969-11F9-4CFE-BC78-C597BE3B05F6} 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 9 Foreign: True IgnoreNulls: False Name: {6605B969-11F9-4CFE-BC78-C597BE3B05F6} Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyEmployeeID Ascending CustomerID 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 89 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: CustomerID Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyCustomerID Ascending

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders EmployeeID 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 9 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: EmployeeID Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyEmployeeID Ascending OrderDate 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 480 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: OrderDate Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: dtmOrderDate Ascending PrimaryKey 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 829 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: PrimaryKey Primary: True Required: True Unique: True Fields: pkeyOrderID Ascending ShippedDate 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 388 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: ShippedDate Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: dtmShippedDate Ascending ShipPostalCode 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 86 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: ShipPostalCode Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strShipPostalCode Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 35

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrders User Permissions admin

31 December 2011 Page: 36

Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrdLineDetail

31 December 2011 Page: 37

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Both Description: Details on products, quantities, FilterOn: and prices for each order in the Orders table. GUID: {guid {EB932AE5-5A34-4ED0- LastUpdated: A312-A0B7FD186CD1}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderByOn: OrderOn: False Orientation: RecordCount: 2155 Updatable:

DateCreated: False

30-10-2000 06:44:06

13-01-2001 23:02:44 False Left-to-Right True

Columns Name pkeyOrdLineDetailID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: fkeyOrderID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: fkeyProductID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size, Auto-Increment General False Default Default False {guid {EE59E029-8FE5-4CB5-BF5E-141160DBDF12}} 1 False pkeyOrdLineDetailID tblOrdLineDetail Long Integer False False Fixed Size Order ID General False Default 945 False Auto Same as Order ID in Orders table. Text Box Database Default {guid {8CE6A591-7D3E-4B2F-A7DE-915733961489}} 2 False fkeyOrderID tblOrdLineDetail Long Integer False False Fixed Size 1 Product General 2 4

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrdLineDetail Page: 38 ColumnHeads: False ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 3405 ColumnWidths: 0 DataUpdatable: False DecimalPlaces: Auto Description: Same as Product ID in Products table. DisplayControl: Combo Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {697363FC-B292-40BA-8566-38F8A386CCA7}} LimitToList: True ListRows: 8 ListWidth: 0twip OrdinalPosition: 3 Required: True RowSource: SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblProducts].[pkeyProductID], [tblProducts].[strProductName] FROM tblProducts ORDER BY [tblProducts].[strProductName]; RowSourceType: Table/Query SourceField: fkeyProductID SourceTable: tblOrdLineDetail

curUnitPrice AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: intQuantity AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition:

Currency False False Fixed Size Unit Price General False Default 1080 False Auto Database Default $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00) {guid {8EA2BB30-2BC3-40F8-AA43-8E9348D60A39}} 4 True curUnitPrice tblOrdLineDetail Integer False False Fixed Size General False Default 945 False Auto 1 Text Box Database Default General Number {guid {3BE1C2C9-70E3-435E-A0EC-4BFB454304B6}} 5

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblOrdLineDetail Required: True SourceField: intQuantity SourceTable: tblOrdLineDetail ValidationRule: >0 ValidationText: Quantity must be greater than 0 sngDiscount AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: ValidationRule: ValidationText:

31 December 2011 Page: 39

Single False False Fixed Size General False Default 960 False 0 0 Text Box Database Default Percent {guid {13CE50A5-2EA2-4B7B-88C9-E2E8F37CD555}} 6 True sngDiscount tblOrdLineDetail Between 0 And 1 You must enter a value with a percent sign.

Table Indexes Name PrimaryKey Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: pkeyOrdLineDetailID Number of Fields 1 False 2155 False False PrimaryKey True True True Ascending

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblProducts

31 December 2011 Page: 40

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Description: Product names, suppliers, prices, and units in stock. GUID: {guid {041F86B0-1922-4E37AEA5-46403A4392AA}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderOn: False RecordCount: 78

Both FilterOn: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

DateCreated: True 30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

30-10-2000 06:44:05

Columns Name pkeyProductID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strProductName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: fkeySupplierID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size, Auto-Increment Product ID General False Default 1140 False Number automatically assigned to new product. Database Default {guid {010F7AA0-7636-4297-B6BE-8A544BFA3A5D}} 0 False pkeyProductID tblProducts Text False False Variable Length Product Name General False Default 3210 False Text Box Database Default {guid {D9678220-397C-4CF9-A0C4-A79FA66D7082}} 1 True strProductName tblProducts True Long Integer False False Fixed Size 1 Supplier General 40

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblProducts Page: 41 ColumnCount: 2 ColumnHeads: False ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 3930 ColumnWidths: 0 DataUpdatable: False DecimalPlaces: Auto Description: Same entry as in Suppliers table. DisplayControl: Combo Box GUID: {guid {75306312-3EA1-4BDB-A17E-D2DE8BFEEBE9}} LimitToList: True ListRows: 8 ListWidth: 0twip OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: False RowSource: SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblSuppliers].[pkeySupplierID], [tblSuppliers].[strCompanyName] FROM tblSuppliers ORDER BY [tblSuppliers].[strCompanyName]; RowSourceType: Table/Query SourceField: fkeySupplierID SourceTable: tblProducts

fkeyCategoryID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: ColumnWidths: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource:

RowSourceType: SourceField: SourceTable:

Long Integer 4 False False Fixed Size 1 Category General 2 False False Default 1635 0 False Auto Same entry as in Categories table. Combo Box Database Default {guid {50CCD912-8D7F-4865-88E6-95DD889D9433}} True 8 0twip 3 False SELECT DISTINCTROW [tblCategories].[pkeyCategoryID], [tblCategories].[strCategoryName] FROM tblCategories ORDER BY [tblCategories].[strCategoryName]; Table/Query fkeyCategoryID tblProducts

strQuantityPerUnit AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly:

Text False False


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblProducts Page: 42 Attributes: Variable Length Caption: Quantity Per Unit CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1860 DataUpdatable: False Description: (e.g., 24-count case, 1-liter bottle). DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {D75860C7-9240-4912-ACD8-B48869FD794A}} OrdinalPosition: 4 Required: False SourceField: strQuantityPerUnit SourceTable: tblProducts UnicodeCompression: True curUnitPrice AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: intUnitsInStock AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: intUnitsOnOrder AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Currency False False Fixed Size Unit Price General False Default 1080 False Auto Database Default $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00) {guid {4F0368E3-EFE4-4454-A1AE-486138E158EE}} 5 False curUnitPrice tblProducts Integer False False Fixed Size Units In Stock General False Default 1440 False Auto 0 Text Box Database Default General Number {guid {990FF355-1E9A-43AF-843D-50D589AB4AD6}} 6 False intUnitsInStock tblProducts Integer False False 8

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblProducts Page: 43 Attributes: Fixed Size Caption: Units On Order CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1545 DataUpdatable: False DecimalPlaces: Auto DefaultValue: 0 DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default Format: General Number GUID: {guid {15CDE175-E3CC-4AF6-8AF2-1E6C88630A45}} OrdinalPosition: 7 Required: False SourceField: intUnitsOnOrder SourceTable: tblProducts intReorderLevel AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: ysnDiscontinued AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DefaultValue: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: Format: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: Integer False False Fixed Size Reorder Level General False Default 1500 False Auto 0 Minimum units to maintain in stock. Text Box Database Default General Number {guid {C7746B62-BF84-4F46-BA38-90F86D4E8476}} 8 False intReorderLevel tblProducts Yes/No False False Fixed Size General False Default 1380 False =No Yes means item is no longer available. 106 Database Default Yes/No {guid {5A72748F-7BBA-4B51-B3C7-85218245CB99}} 9 False ysnDiscontinued tblProducts 2

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblProducts Relationships tblCategoriestblProducts tblCategories pkeyCategoryID

31 December 2011 Page: 44

tblProducts g fkeyCategoryID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

tblSupplierstblProducts tblSuppliers pkeySupplierID


tblProducts g fkeySupplierID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

tblProductstblOrderDetails tblProducts pkeyProductID


tblOrderDetails g fkeyProductID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

Table Indexes Name Number of Fields {C2F9902D-4231-4B81-9063-85E70FF1540D} 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 8 Foreign: True IgnoreNulls: False Name: {C2F9902D-4231-4B81-9063-85E70FF1540D} Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyCategoryID Ascending {C9C3D0F9-ED1B-4A35-BC661 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 29 Foreign: True IgnoreNulls: False Name: {C9C3D0F9-ED1B-4A35-BC66-8E79CA382E48} Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeySupplierID Ascending

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblProducts CategoryID 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 8 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: CategoryID Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeyCategoryID Ascending PrimaryKey 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 78 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: PrimaryKey Primary: True Required: True Unique: True Fields: pkeyProductID Ascending ProductName 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 78 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: ProductName Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strProductName Ascending SupplierID 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 29 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: SupplierID Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: fkeySupplierID Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 45

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblProducts

31 December 2011 Page: 46

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblShippers

31 December 2011 Page: 47

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Description: Shippers' names and phone numbers. GUID: {guid {607C9536-B7ED-44509ADD-421CB8C51387}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderOn: False RecordCount: 3

Both FilterOn: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

DateCreated: False 30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

30-10-2000 06:44:05

Columns Name pkeyShipperID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strCompanyName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strPhone AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: False False Variable Length General False Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size, Auto-Increment Shipper ID General False Default 1155 False Number automatically assigned to new shipper. Database Default {guid {CF7557E0-50FB-4B08-8ED2-6273249474FE}} 0 False pkeyShipperID tblShippers Text False False Variable Length Company Name General False Default 1665 False Name of shipping company. Text Box Database Default {guid {A2AA5427-8344-42EA-8BC9-74234F4F61A1}} 1 True strCompanyName tblShippers True Text 40


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblShippers Page: 48 ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 1440 DataUpdatable: False Description: Phone number includes country code or area code. DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {FDB62453-542B-4F3E-9A39-2D4E3FCF730A}} OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: False SourceField: strPhone SourceTable: tblShippers UnicodeCompression: True

Relationships tblShipperstblOrders tblShippers pkeyShipperID


tblOrders g fkeyShipVia

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

Table Indexes Name PrimaryKey Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: pkeyShipperID Number of Fields 1 False 3 False False PrimaryKey True True True Ascending

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblSuppliers

31 December 2011 Page: 49

Properties DatasheetGridlinesBehavior: Description: Suppliers' names, addresses, and phone numbers. GUID: {guid {82C1EF54-CE03-44879CBA-FD1C4524F2E4}} NameMap: Long binary data OrderOn: False RecordCount: 29

Both FilterOn: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: Orientation: Updatable:

DateCreated: True 30-12-2011 23:12:14 False Left-to-Right True

30-10-2000 06:44:05

Columns Name pkeySupplierID AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strCompanyName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strContactName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: Type Long Integer Size 4

False False Fixed Size, Auto-Increment Supplier ID General False Default 1215 False Number automatically assigned to new supplier. Database Default {guid {33C3C7E0-293D-4925-8761-C2940D038430}} 0 False pkeySupplierID tblSuppliers Text False False Variable Length Company Name General False Default 3735 False Text Box Database Default {guid {2C14A823-7850-49A9-8169-18715DCA636C}} 1 True strCompanyName tblSuppliers True Text False False Variable Length Contact Name General False 40


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblSuppliers Page: 50 ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 2535 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {88FB340E-FC5D-47C3-B405-E0B96A1A3AB2}} OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: False SourceField: strContactName SourceTable: tblSuppliers UnicodeCompression: True strContactTitle AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strAddress AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCity AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: False False Variable Length General False Default 1380 False Text Box Text False False Variable Length Contact Title General False Default 2610 False Text Box Database Default {guid {487201D7-D6ED-4E91-9999-BF3ECFA889C0}} 3 False strContactTitle tblSuppliers True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 2985 False Street or post-office box. Text Box Database Default {guid {D6994032-1DEC-4768-BCAB-606C4574A872}} 4 False strAddress tblSuppliers True Text 30



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblSuppliers Page: 51 FilterLookup: Database Default GUID: {guid {6D68F14D-8D1E-4392-83CF-718C7D69415F}} OrdinalPosition: 5 Required: False SourceField: strCity SourceTable: tblSuppliers UnicodeCompression: True strRegion AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strPostalCode AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: Caption: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strCountry AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: Text False False Variable Length General False Default 870 False State or province. Text Box Database Default {guid {EC2EE234-4178-4E1A-B41B-7C757C4FF987}} 6 False strRegion tblSuppliers True Text False False Variable Length Postal Code General False Default 1290 False Text Box Database Default {guid {1ECA1E8A-C7D9-4F61-AC04-7F3633CE7292}} 7 False strPostalCode tblSuppliers True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1185 False Text Box Database Default {guid {4692438C-03C2-443D-AE42-B43D514E2CC6}} 8 False 15



C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblSuppliers SourceField: strCountry SourceTable: tblSuppliers UnicodeCompression: True strPhone AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strFax AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: Description: DisplayControl: FilterLookup: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression:

31 December 2011 Page: 52

Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1440 False Phone number includes country code or area code. Text Box Database Default {guid {8E0EEA90-FD9D-464C-88F1-9E6107BD3698}} 9 False strPhone tblSuppliers True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 1440 False Phone number includes country code or area code. Text Box Database Default {guid {5C6B4E6D-80FD-46C3-9B69-8541312E4AFA}} 10 False strFax tblSuppliers True



Relationships tblSupplierstblProducts tblSuppliers pkeySupplierID


tblProducts g fkeySupplierID

Attributes: RelationshipType:

Enforced One-To-Many

Table Indexes Name CompanyName Number of Fields 1

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblSuppliers Clustered: False DistinctCount: 29 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: CompanyName Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strCompanyName Ascending PostalCode 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 29 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: PostalCode Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: strPostalCode Ascending PrimaryKey 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 29 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: PrimaryKey Primary: True Required: True Unique: True Fields: pkeySupplierID Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 53

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblTopics

31 December 2011 Page: 54

Properties DateCreated: FrozenColumns: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: RecordCount: Updatable:

30-10-2000 06:44:06 2 23-12-2003 13:20:15 True 30 True

DefaultView: GUID: NameMap: Orientation: RowHeight:

2 {guid {D12A4876-DFA8-40E0A455-058AD3971EF4}} Long binary data Left-to-Right 1470

Columns Name pkeyQNumber AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: GUID: IMEMode: IMESentenceMode: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strArticleTitle AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: GUID: IMEMode: IMESentenceMode: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strTopic AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: False False Variable Length General False Type Text False False Variable Length General False 1 1050 False Text Box {guid {5A190F09-56E9-42D5-9392-E8209C4B58C4}} 0 3 0 False pkeyQNumber tblTopics True Text False False Variable Length General False Default 4200 False Text Box {guid {14737BF3-C327-4DD8-97F1-B35EE5D8FFA6}} 0 3 1 False strArticleTitle tblTopics True Text 75 Size 7


C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblTopics Page: 55 ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 3150 DataUpdatable: False DisplayControl: Text Box GUID: {guid {04F57B53-DCAE-4651-9692-F8EF58B3942A}} IMEMode: 0 IMESentenceMode: 3 OrdinalPosition: 2 Required: False SourceField: strTopic SourceTable: tblTopics UnicodeCompression: True memDescription AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: GUID: IMEMode: IMESentenceMode: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: strSampleCategory AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: GUID: IMEMode: IMESentenceMode: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource: RowSourceType: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: Memo False False Variable Length General False Default 6135 False {guid {68CCCAB7-BF37-481D-963E-88BBBD16FC0F}} 0 3 3 False memDescription tblTopics True -

Text 50 False False Variable Length 1 General 1 False False Default 3075 False Combo Box {guid {B539B932-F607-4E78-8182-517CAEBA1640}} 0 3 False 8 0twip 4 False SELECT DISTINCTROW tblTopics.strSampleCategory FROM tblTopics GROUP BY tblTopics.strSampleCategory; Table/Query strSampleCategory tblTopics True

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class 31 December 2011 Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblTopics Page: 56 hrefURL Anchor AllowZeroLength: False AppendOnly: False Attributes: Variable Length CollatingOrder: General ColumnHidden: False ColumnOrder: Default ColumnWidth: 4665 DataUpdatable: False GUID: {guid {CADF1FAC-779A-4E8B-86F2-390A1F0BDAEF}} IMEMode: 0 IMESentenceMode: 3 OrdinalPosition: 5 Required: False SourceField: hrefURL SourceTable: tblTopics UnicodeCompression: True strObjectName AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: GUID: IMEMode: IMESentenceMode: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: intObjectType AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: BoundColumn: CollatingOrder: ColumnCount: ColumnHeads: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: ColumnWidths: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: DisplayControl: GUID: LimitToList: ListRows: ListWidth: OrdinalPosition: Required: RowSource: Text False False Variable Length General False Default 2295 False Text Box {guid {78CFBD4E-FF3C-494E-84C2-EE76A01E9088}} 0 3 6 False strObjectName tblTopics True Integer False False Fixed Size 1 General 2 False False Default 1470 0 False Auto 0 Combo Box {guid {ECBDDD04-81F6-41CD-9483-525E62056BEA}} True 8 0twip 7 False tblType 50

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblTopics RowSourceType: Table/Query SourceField: intObjectType SourceTable: tblTopics strObjectsUsed AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: GUID: IMEMode: IMESentenceMode: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression:

31 December 2011 Page: 57

Text False False Variable Length General False Default 6000 False Text Box {guid {9DE063CF-668F-4415-83BE-3D020BB40B48}} 0 3 8 False strObjectsUsed tblTopics True


Table Indexes Name PrimaryKey Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required: Unique: Fields: pkeyQNumber Number of Fields 1 False 30 False False PrimaryKey True True True Ascending

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblType

31 December 2011 Page: 58

Properties DateCreated: LastUpdated: OrderByOn: RecordCount:

30-10-2000 06:44:06 28-12-2000 23:39:38 False 4

GUID: NameMap: Orientation: Updatable:

{guid {BF00F271-8482-4C8EBF67-08D0784BBDCC}} Long binary data Left-to-Right True

Columns Name pkeyTypeId AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DecimalPlaces: DefaultValue: DisplayControl: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: strTypeDescription AllowZeroLength: AppendOnly: Attributes: CollatingOrder: ColumnHidden: ColumnOrder: ColumnWidth: DataUpdatable: DisplayControl: GUID: OrdinalPosition: Required: SourceField: SourceTable: UnicodeCompression: Type Integer Size 2

False False Fixed Size General False Default Default False Auto 0 Text Box {guid {88B921A9-2567-4DBC-9007-D6388C5D3A82}} 0 False pkeyTypeId tblType Text False False Variable Length General False Default Default False Text Box {guid {B4AC9B0A-341D-4BB0-AE3F-FC755FAD37D3}} 1 False strTypeDescription tblType True 50

Table Indexes Name PrimaryKey Clustered: DistinctCount: Foreign: IgnoreNulls: Name: Primary: Required:

Number of Fields 1 False 4 False False PrimaryKey True True

C:\ANANDM PERSONAL\Personal Data\Documents\Education\IBS\EWIS\Class Lectures\Sample\FrmSampl.mdb Table: tblType Unique: True Fields: pkeyTypeId Ascending TypeId 1 Clustered: False DistinctCount: 4 Foreign: False IgnoreNulls: False Name: TypeId Primary: False Required: False Unique: False Fields: pkeyTypeId Ascending

31 December 2011 Page: 59

User Permissions admin Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

Group Permissions Admins Users Delete, Read Permissions, Set Permissions, Change Owner, Read Definition, Write Definition, Read Data, Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data

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