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Definitions and basics

Trigonometric circle and angles

Choose an x-axis and a y-axis (orthonormal) and let O be the origin. A circle of radius one centered at O is called 'the' trigonometric circle or 'the' unit circle. Turning counterclockwise is the positive orientation in trigonometry. Angles are measured starting from the x-axis. The units used to measure an angle are 'degree' and 'radian'. A right angle is an angle whose measure is exactly 90 degrees or pi/2 radians. In this theory we use mainly radians. Each real number t corresponds to exactly one angle, and to exactly one point P on the unit circle. We call that point the 'image point' of t.


pi/6 corresponds to the angle t and to point P on the circle. -pi/2 corresponds to the angle u and to point Q on the circle.

Trigonometric numbers of a real number t

The real number t corresponds to exactly one point P on the unit circle.

The x-coordinate of P is called the cosine of t. We write cos(t). The y-coordinate of P is called the sine of t. We write sin(t). The number sin(t)/cos(t) is called the tangent of t. We write tan(t). The number cos(t)/sin(t) is called the cotangent of t. We write cot(t). The number 1/cos(t) is called the secant of t. We write sec(t) The number 1/sin(t) is called the cosecant of t. We write csc(t) or cosec(t)

The line with equation sin(t).x - cos(t).y = 0 contains the origin and point P(cos(t),sin(t)). So this line is OP. On this line we take the intersection point S(1,?) with the line x = 1.

It is easy to see that ? = tan(t). So tan(t) is the y-coordinate of the point S.

In an analogous manner we find that cotan(t) is the x-coordinate of the intersection point S' of the line OP with the line y = 1.

Basic formulas
With t radians corresponds exactly one point P(cos(t),sin(t)) on the unit circle. The square of the distance [OP] = 1. Calculating |OP|2, using the coordinates of P, we find for each t :
cos2(t) + sin2(t) = 1 sin2(t) 1 + tan2(t) = 1 + ---------cos2(t) cos2(t)+sin2(t) = ----------------cos2(t) 1 = ----------- = sec2(t) cos2(t) In the same way : 1 + cotan2(t) = 1/ sin2(t) = csc2(t) cos2(t) + sin2(t) = 1 1 + tan2(t) = sec2(t) 1 + cot2(t) = csc2(t)

Usage examples:

sin2(t) = 1 - cos2(t) cos2(4t) = 1 - sin2(4t) 1 + tan2(t/2) = sec2(t/2) csc2(t2) - cot2(t2) = 1

Related values supplementary values

t and t' are supplementary values <=> t+t' = pi. With the help of a unit circle we see that the corresponding image points are symmetric with respect to the y-axis. Hence, we have : If t and t' are supplementary values then
sin(t) = sin(t') cos(t) = -cos(t') tan(t) = -tan(t') cot(t) = -cot(t')

Usage examples:
sin(t + pi/2) = sin(pi/2 - t) tan(2t + 0.2) = - tan(pi -0.2 - 2t) - tan(pi -t) = tan(t)

complementary values
t and t' are complementary values <=> t+t' = pi/2. The corresponding image points on a unit circle are symmetric with respect to the line y = x . Hence, we have : If t and t' are complementary values then

sin(t) = cos(t') cos(t) = sin(t') tan(t) = cot(t') cot(t) = tan(t')

Usage examples:
tan(pi/4 +3t) = cot(pi/4 -3t) cos(3pi/2 -t) = sin( t - pi) = sin(-t + 2pi) = sin(-t) cot(3x - pi/2) = tan(-3x + pi ) = - tan(3x)

Opposite values
t and t' are opposite values <=> t+t' = 0. Now, the corresponding image points are symmetric with respect to the x-axis. Hence, we have : If t and t' are opposite values then
sin(t) = -sin(-t) cos(t) = cos(-t)

tan(t) = -tan(-t) cot(t) = -cot(-t)

Usage examples:
cos(-pi/2 + x) = cos(pi/2 - x) = sin (x) sin(6x - pi) = - sin(pi - 6x) = - sin(6x) cot(-x + 4pi) = cot(-x) = - cot(x)

Anti-supplementary values

t and t' are anti-supplementary values <=> t-t' = pi. The corresponding image points are symmetric with respect to the origin O . Hence, we have : If t and t' are anti-supplementary values then
sin(t) = -sin(t') cos(t) = -cos(t') tan(t) = cot(t) = tan(t') cot(t')

Usage examples:
tan(5a + 3pi) = tan(5a + pi) = tan(5a) cot(t/2 + pi/2) = cot(t/2 - pi/2) = - cot(pi/2 - t/2) = - tan(t/2) sin(x + 3 pi) + sin(x) = -sin(x) + sin(x) = 0

The right-angled triangle

Let the right angle of a triangle ABC be labelled A. The distances |AB|, |BC| and |CA| are usually denoted by c, a and b. Choose point B in a suitable way as center of a trigonometric circle (see figure).

Now sin(B),cos(B) and 1 are directly proportional with b, c and a.

sin(B) cos(B) 1 ------ = ------ = ---

b =>

a cos(B) = c/a tan(B) = b/c

sin(B) = b/a

and since the angles B and C are complementary angles cos(C) = b/a sin(C) = c/a tan(C) = c/b

In each right-angled triangle ABC, with A as the right angle, we have

sin(B) = b/a cos(C) = b/a cos(B) = c/a sin(C) = c/a tan(B) = b/c tan(C) = c/b

Area of a triangle

The area of the triangle is a.h/2 . But in triangle BAH, we have sin(B) = h/c . Hence the area of the triangle is a.c.sin(B) /2. Similarly, we have that the area of the triangle = b.c.sin(A) /2 = a.b.sin(C) /2 The area of a triangle ABC =(1/2) a.c.sin(B) = (1/2) b.c.sin(A) = (1/2) a.b.sin(C)

You can also use Heron's formula to calculate the area of a triangle.

Let s = half the circumference of the triangle = (a +b + c)/2.

The area of a triangle ABC = ______________________________ V s (s - a) (s - b) (s - c)

Sine rule
The area of a triangle ABC = a.c.sin(B)/2 = => a.c.sin(B) = b.c.sin(A) = a.b.sin(C) b.c.sin(A)/2 = a.b.sin(C)/2

dividing through by a.b.c, we get

a ------ = sin(A) b c ------ = -----sin(B) sin(C)

This formula is called the sine rule in a triangle ABC. Let R be the radius of the circle with center O through the points A,B and C. Let B' be the second intersection point of BO with the circle. The angle B' in triangle BB'C is equal to, or supplementary with, A. In the right-angled triangle BB'C we see that a = 2R sin(B') = 2R sin(A). Thus, the fractions in the sinus rule are all equal to 2R. In any triangle ABC we have
a ------ = sin(A) b c ------ = ------ = 2R sin(B) sin(C)

Homogeneous expression in a, b and c Note: A relation is called homogeneous in a, b and c if and only if this relation remains valid when we replace a, b and c by a multiple r.a, r.b and r.c (r not 0). If an expression between the sides of a triangle is homogeneous in a, b and c, we obtain an equivalent expression by replacing a,b and c by sin(A), sin(B) and sin(C). Example: In a triangle
b.sin(A-C) = 3.c.cos(A+C) sin(B).sin(A-C) = 3.sin(C).cos(A+C)


Cosine rule

In any triangle ABC we have

a2 b2 c2 = b2 = c2 = a2 + c2 + a2 + b2 - 2 b c cos(A) - 2 c a cos(B) - 2 a b cos(C)

Proof: We'll prove that a2 = b2 + c2 - 2 b c cos(A) If the angle A is a right angle, then the proof is obvious. Now, suppose the angle A is an acute angle.

a2 = h2 + p2 b2 = h2 + q2 = h2 + (c - p)2 so, h2 = b2 - (c - p)2 (*) and (**) + p2




a2 = b2 - (c - p)2

= b2 - (c2 - 2 p c + p2) = b2 - c2 + 2 p c = b2 + c2 + 2 p c - 2 c2 = b2 + c2 + 2 c (p - c) = b2 + c2 - 2 c (c - p) = = b2 + c2 - 2 c q b2 + c2 - 2 c b cos(A)

+ p2

Now, suppose the angle A is an obtuse angle.

The proof proceeds in the same manner as above. Draw a new picture and work this out as an exercise. This cosine rule can also be proved using the dot product of vectors. See Proof cosine rule

Special values
Let V be the image point corresponding with the angle pi/3 on the unit circle and let E the intersection point of that circle with the positive X-axis. The triangle 'OVE' is equilateral. Hence cos(pi/3) = 1/2.
sin2 (pi/3) = sqrt( 1 - cos2 (pi/3)) = sqrt(3)/2 So, sin(pi/3) = sqrt(3)/2 and cos(pi/3) = tan(pi/3) = sqrt(3) 1/2.

Let V be the image point corresponding with the angle pi/4 on the unit circle. From this, it is obvious that cos(pi/4) = sin(pi/4) and tan(pi/4) = 1.
cos2(pi/4)+sin2(pi/4) = 1 So, cos (pi/4) = tan(pi/4) = 1 => 2cos2(pi/4) = 1 => cos (pi/4) = sqrt(1/2)

sin(pi/4) = sqrt(1/2)

From properties for complementary angles we have: cos (pi/6) = sqrt(3)/2 and sin(pi/6) = 1/2. tan(pi/6) = 1/sqrt(3).

Solving Triangles
Case SSS
Three sides. Substitute all the sides in de Cosine Rule to compute the angles. Example: a=4 b=5 c=7

The Cosine Rule gives

58 = 70 cos(A) 40 = 56 cos(B) -8 = 40 cos(C) A = 34.05 B = 44.41 C = 101.53

Test : A + B + C = ...

Case ASA or AAS

Two angles and a side. Calculate the third angle and then the sides with the Sine Rule. Example: a=4 A=34 B=45 The third angle is C =101 From the Sine Rule
4 sin(45) b = -------------- = 5.06 sin(34) 4 sin(101) c = ------------- = 7.02 sin(34)

Test : draw a figure of the triangle

Case SAS
Two sides and an included angle. Use the Cosine Rule. Example: b=5 c=7 A=34.05 From the Cosine Rule
a2 = 25 + 49 - 70 cos(34.05) => a = 4

The other two formulas of the cosine rule give 40 = 56 cos(B) -8 = 40 cos(C)

B = 44.41 C = 101.53

Test : A + B + C = ...

Case SSA
Two sides and a non-included angle. Draw a figure. There are three cases. 1) no solutions 2) one solution 3) two solutions 1. A=60 b=5 a=1 From a figure we see that there are no solutions. 2. A=60 b=5 a=7 From a figure we see that there is one solution. We use the Sine Rule.
7 5 c --------- = -------- = --------sin(60) sin(B) sin(C)

So, sin(B)= 0.6186 and this gives us two supplementary solutions for B. But from our figure, we know what value to choose. B = 38.21. Then C = 180 - 38.21 - 60 = 81.79 and c = 8 3. A=60 b=5 a=4.5 From a figure we see that there are two solutions for B. We use the Sine Rule.
4.5 5 c --------- = -------- = --------sin(60) sin(B) sin(C)

So, sin(B)= 0.96225 and this gives us two supplementary solutions for B. B = 74.2 of 105.8 First choose B = 74.2 and first compute C and then c with the Sine Rule. Then choose B = 105.8 and first compute C and then c with the Sine Rule. Check the results using your figure.

Trigonometric functions

The sine function

The function defined by :
sin : R -> R : x -> sin(x)

is called, the sine function. The images are bounded in [-1,1] and the period is 2.pi . We see that the range of the function is [-1,1].

The cosine function

The function defined by :
cos : R -> R : x -> cos(x)

is called, the cosine function. The images are bounded in [-1,1] and the period is 2.pi . The range of the function is [-1,1].

The tangent function

The function defined by :
tan : R -> R : x -> tan(x)

is called, the tangent function. Now, the period is pi and the images are not defined in x = (pi/2) + k.pi The range or image is R.

The cotangent function

The function defined by :
cot : R -> R : x -> cot(x)

is called, the cotangent function. The period is pi and that the images are not defined in x = k.pi The range or image is R.

Related functions and period

We can submit previous functions to all kinds of transformations. We obtain related functions. ( see Influence of a transformation on the graph of a function ) Example 1 y = sin(4x) The graph of this function arises from the graph of sin(x). We compress the graph of sin(x) towards the y-axis with a factor 4. From this it follows that the period of sin(4x) is pi/2. The function y = sin(ax) has a period 2.pi/a. Similar rules apply to the other trigonometric functions. Thus the period of tan(x/3) is 3.pi.

Example 2 y = sin(x+5) The graph of this function comes about by moving the graph of sin(x) five units to the left. The period does not change. Example 3 y = tan(x)+5 The graph of this function is obtained by moving the graph of tan(x) five units upwards. The period does not change. Example 4 We start with y = tan(x). We compress the graph towards the y-axis with a factor 3. The new function is y = tan(3x). We move the graph two units to the right. The new function is y = tan(3(x-2)) . Finally, we move the last graph two units downwards. We obtain y = tan(3x -6)-2. The period is pi/3. Generalization: The period of A sin(a x + b ) is 2 pi/|a| The period of A cos(a x + b ) is 2 pi/|a| The period of A tan(a x + b ) is pi/|a| The period of A cot(a x + b ) is pi/|a| The period of A / sin(a x + b ) is 2 pi/|a| The period of A / cos(a x + b ) is 2 pi/|a| The period of A / tan(a x + b ) is pi/|a| The period of A / cot(a x + b ) is pi/|a|

Period of a sum of two functions

If the function f(x) has a as period and g(x) has b as period, then f(x)+g(x) has a period c if and only if there are strictly positive integers m and n such that c = m.a = n.b Examples sin(2x) has pi as period and cos(3x) has 2pi/3 as period . Now, c = 2.(pi) = 3.(2pi/3). So, 2 pi is a period of sin(2x) + cos(3x) sin(pi x) has 2 as period and tan(2 pi x/7) has 7/2 as period. Now, c = 7.(2) = 4.(7/2). So, 14 is a period of sin(pi x) + tan(2 pi x/7) sin(sqrt(2) x) has pi.sqrt(2) as period and cos(2x) has pi as period . There are no strictly positive integers m and n such that m.(pi.sqrt(2)) = n.(pi). So, sin(sqrt(2) x) + cos(2x) has NO period!

sin(x) has 2pi as period and cos(pi x) has 2 as period. There are no strictly positive integers m and n such that m.(2pi) = n.(2). So, sin(x) + cos(pi x) has NO period!

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The arcsin function
We restrict the domain of the sine function to [-pi/2 , pi/2]. Now this restriction is invertible because each image value in [-1,1] corresponds to exactly one original value in [-pi/2 , pi/2]. The inverse function of that restricted sine function is called the arcsine function. We write arcsin(x) or asin(x). The graph y = arcsin(x) is the mirror image of the restricted sine graph with respect to the line y = x. The domain is [-1,1] and the range is [-pi/2 , pi/2].

The arccos function

We restrict the domain of the cosine function to [0 , pi]. Now this restriction is invertible because each image value in [-1,1] corresponds to exactly one original value in [0 , pi]. The inverse function of that restricted cosine function is called the arccosine function. We write arccos(x) or acos(x) . The graph y = arccos(x) is the mirror image of the restricted cosine graph with respect to

the line y = x. The domain is [-1,1] and the range is [0 , pi].

The arctan function

We restrict the domain of the tangent function to [-pi/2 , pi/2]. The inverse function of that restricted tangent function is called the arctangent function. We write arctan(x) or atan(x) . The graph y = arctan(x) is the mirror image of the restricted tangent graph with respect to the line y = x. The domain is R and the range is [-pi/2 , pi/2].

The arccot function

We restrict the domain of the cotangent function to [0 , pi]. The inverse function of that restricted cotangent function is called the arccotangent function. We write arccot(x) or acot(x) . The graph y = arccot(x) is the mirror image of the restricted cotangent graph with respect to the line y = x. The domain is R and the range is [0 , pi].

No period
The inverse trigonometric functions have no period!

As with the trigonometric functions, we can create related functions using simple transformations. y = 2.arcsin(x-1) comes about by moving the graph of arcsin(x) one unit to the right, and then by multiplying all the images by two. The domain is [0,2] and the range is [-pi,pi].

Sum formulas
cos(u - v)

We prove this formula using the concept of dot product of two vectors. (See theory about vectors) With u corresponds one point P(cos(u),sin(u)) on the unit circle With v corresponds one point Q(cos(v),sin(v)) on the unit circle The angle, corresponding with the arc QP on the circle, has a value u - v . The dot product P.Q = 1.1.cos(u-v) . But using the coordinates we also have P.Q = cos(u).cos(v)+sin(u).sin(v). Hence, cos(u-v) = cos(u).cos(v)+sin(u).sin(v)

cos(pi/3-2x) = cos(pi/3)cos(2x) + sin(pi/3)sin(2x) = 0.5 cos(2x) + 0.5 sqrt(3) sin(2x)

cos(u + v)
cos(u + v) = cos(u - (-v)) = cos(u).cos(-v)+sin(u).sin(-v) cos(u + v) = cos(u).cos(v)-sin(u).sin(v)

cos(x + x/2) + cos(x - x/2) = cos(x)cos(x/2) + sin(x)sin(x/2) + cos(x)cos(x/2) - sin(x)sin(x/2) = 2 cos(x)cos(x/2)

sin(u - v)
sin(u - v) = cos(pi/2-(u-v)) = cos( (pi/2-u) +v ) = cos(pi/2 - u).cos(v)-sin(pi/2 - u).sin(v) sin(u - v) = sin(u).cos(v)-cos(u).sin(v)

sin(x - pi/4) = sin(x) cos(pi/4) - cos(x) sin(pi/4) = (sin(x)cos(x))/sqrt(2)

sin(u + v)
sin(u + v) = cos(pi/2-(u+v)) = cos( (pi/2-u) -v ) = cos(pi/2 - u).cos(v)+sin(pi/2 - u).sin(v) sin(u + v) = sin(u).cos(v)+cos(u).sin(v)

tan(u + v)
sin(u + v) sin(u).cos(v)+cos(u).sin(v) tan(u+v) = ------------ = --------------------------cos(u + v) cos(u).cos(v)-sin(u).sin(v)

Dividing the dominator and denominator by cos(u).cos(v) we have

tan(u) + tan(v) tan(u+v) = ----------------1 - tan(u).tan(v)

tan(u) + tan(pi/4) tan(u) + 1 1 + tan(u) tan(u+pi/4) = -------------------- = -------------- = ------------1 - tan(u).tan(pi/4) 1 - tan(u) 1 - tan(u)

tan(u - v)
In the same way, we have
tan(u) - tan(v) tan(u-v) = ----------------1 + tan(u).tan(v)

sin(2u) = sin(u + u) = sin(u).cos(u)+cos(u).sin(u) = 2sin(u).cos(u) sin(2u) = 2sin(u).cos(u)

sin(x) = 2 sin(x/2).cos(x/2) sin(4x) = 2 sin(2x).cos(2x) = 4 sin(x) cos(x) cos(2x) 12 sin(8x) cos(8x) = 6 sin(16x)

cos(2u) = cos(u+u) = cos(u).cos(u)-sin(u).sin(u) = cos2 (u) - sin2 (u) cos(2u) = cos2 (u) - sin2 (u)

tan(u) + tan(u) -----------------1 - tan(u).tan(u) 2 tan(u) ----------1- tan2(u) 2 tan(u) --------------1- tan(u)tan(u)

tan(2u) =


1 cot(2x) = -------tan(2x) 1 - tan2(x) = ------------2 tan(x)

Carnot formulas
1 + cos(2u) = 1 - cos(2u) = 1+cos2 (u)-sin2 (u) = 1-cos2 (u)+sin2 (u) = 2 cos2 (u) 2 sin2 (u)

1 + cos(2u) = 2 cos2 (u)

1 - cos(2u) = 2 sin2 (u)


From the carnot formulas, it follows that : The period of cos(2u) = the period of cos2 (u) = the period of sin2 (u) Factorize the expression 1 + 2 cos(x) + cos(2x)
1 + 2 cos(x) + cos(2x) = = = = = 2 cos(x) + ( 1 + cos(2x)) 2 cos(x) + 2 cos2 (x) 2 cos(x) (1 + cos(x)) 2 cos(x) 2 cos2 (x/2) 4 cos(x) cos2 (x/2)

Since 2 pi is the period of (1 + 2 cos(x) + cos(2x)), it follows that the period of cos(x) cos2 (x/2) is 2pi.

Find the period of tan2(4x) The period of tan2(4x) is equal to the period of 1+tan2(4x). The period of 1+tan2(4x) is equal to the period of 1/ cos2(4x). The period of 1/ cos2(4x) is equal to the period of cos2(4x). The period of cos2(4x) is equal to the period of 0.5(1+cos(8x)). The period of 0.5(1+cos(8x)) is equal to the period of cos(8x). And this period is pi/4.

In triangle ABC the sides a, b, c are such that 3a = 7c en 3b = 8c. Find tan2(A/2) without calculating A or A/2. Solution: About the three edges we know :
a b c --- = --- = --7 8 3 Since similar triangles have the same angles, we can use

a = 7 , b = 8 and c = 3 as edges of the triangle. From the cosine rule we can write b2 + c2 - a2 cos(A) = ------------------ = 1/2 2 b c Now we use the Carnot formulas 1 - cos(A) 2 sin2(A/2) ---------- = -------------- = tan2(A/2) = 1/3 1 + cos(A) 2 cos2(A/2)

From the Carnot formulas we have
cos(2u) = 2 cos2(u) -1

2 ------------ - 1 1 + tan2 (u) 1 - tan2(u) ------------1 + tan2 (u)

We know: tan(2u)= Hence, sin(2u) =

2 tan(u) ------------1 - tan2 (u)

2 tan(u) ----------1 + tan2 (u)

Let t = tan(u) , then 1 - t2 cos(2u) = --------1 + t2 sin(2u) = 2t -------- ;

1 + t2 tan(2u) = 2t ------1 - t2 ;

These 3 formulas are called the t-formulas.

Simpson formulas
We know that
cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u + + v) = cos(u).cos(v)-sin(u).sin(v) v) = cos(u).cos(v)+sin(u).sin(v) v) = sin(u).cos(v)+cos(u).sin(v) v) = sin(u).cos(v)-cos(u).sin(v)

and from this, we have

cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u + + + + v) v) v) v) + + cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u v) v) v) v) = = = = 2.cos(u).cos(v) -2.sin(u).sin(v) 2. sin(u).cos(v) 2. cos(u).sin(v)

Let x = u + v and y = u - v then u = (1/2)(x + y) and v = (1/2)(x - y) Now we have

cos(x) cos(x) sin(x) sin(x) + + cos(y) cos(y) sin(y) sin(y) = = = = 2 cos((1/2)(x + y)) cos((1/2)(x - y)) -2 sin((1/2)(x + y)) sin((1/2)(x - y)) 2 sin((1/2)(x + y)) cos((1/2)(x - y)) 2 cos((1/2)(x + y)) sin((1/2)(x - y))

Simpson formulas
x + y x - y cos(x) + cos(y) = 2 cos ------ cos ------2 2 x + y x - y cos(x) - cos(y) = -2 sin ------ sin ------2 2 x + y x - y sin(x) + sin(y) = 2 sin ------ cos ------2 2 x + y x - y sin(x) - sin(y) = 2 cos ------ sin ------2 2

cos(2x) - cos(2y) ----------------cos(2x) + cos(2y) = -2 sin(x+y) sin(x-y) -------------------2 cos(x+y) cos(x-y) - tan(x+y) tan(x-y) tan(y+x) tan(y-x)

= =

Period of the product of two related functions

We know that
cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u Thus cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u or 2.cos(u).cos(v) -2.sin(u).sin(v) 2. sin(u).cos(v) 2. cos(u).sin(v) = = = = cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u + + + + v) v) v) v) + + cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u v) v) v) v) + + + + v) v) v) v) + + cos(u cos(u sin(u sin(u v) v) v) v) = = = = 2.cos(u).cos(v) -2.sin(u).sin(v) 2. sin(u).cos(v) 2. cos(u).sin(v) + + v) = cos(u).cos(v)-sin(u).sin(v) v) = cos(u).cos(v)+sin(u).sin(v) v) = sin(u).cos(v)+cos(u).sin(v) v) = sin(u).cos(v)-cos(u).sin(v)

The period of cos(u).cos(v) is equal to the period of cos(u + v) + cos(u - v) The period of sin(u).sin(v) is equal to the period of cos(u + v) - cos(u - v) The period of sin(u).cos(v) is equal to the period of sin(u + v) + sin(u - v) The period of cos(u).sin(v) is equal to the period of sin(u + v) - sin(u - v) Examples: The period of cos(2x).sin(x+3) is equal to the period of sin(3x+3) - sin(x-3) and this period is 2 pi. The period of cos(4x).cos(x/2) is equal to the period of cos(9x/2) + cos(7x/2) and this period is 4pi

Trigonometric equations
Base equations
cos(u) = cos(v) With the help of the unit circle it is easy to see that
cos(u) = cos(v) <=> (u = v + k.2pi) or (u = -v + k.2pi)

sin(u) = sin(v) With the help of the unit circle it is easy to see that
sin(u) = sin(v) <=> (u = v + 2.k.pi) or (u = pi - v + 2.k.pi)

tan(u) = tan(v) With the help of the unit circle it is easy to see that
tan(u) = tan(v) <=> (u = v + k.pi) on condition that tan(u) and tan(v) exist

cot(u) = cot(v) With the help of the unit circle it is easy to see that
cot(u) = cot(v) <=> (u = v + k.pi) on condition that cot(u) and cot(v) exist

Reducing to base equations

Example 1
cos(2x) = cos(pi-3x) <=> 2x = (pi-3x) + 2.k.pi or 2x = -(pi-3x) + 2.k'.pi <=> 5x = pi + 2.k.pi or -x = -pi + 2.k'.pi <=> x = pi/5 + 2.k.pi/5 or x = pi - 2.k'.pi

Example 2

tan(x-pi/2) = tan(2x) <=> (x-pi/2) = 2x + k.pi <=> -x = pi/2 + k.pi <=> x = -pi/2 - k.pi ( for these values tan(x-pi/2) and tan(2x)) exist)

Example 3
cos(x) = -1/3 <=> cos(x) = cos(1.91) <=> x = 1.91 +2.k.pi or x = -1.91 - 2.k.pi

Example 4
sin(2x) = cos(x-pi/3) <=> cos(pi/2 - 2x) = cos(x-pi/3) <=> pi/2 - 2x = x - pi/3 + 2.k.pi or pi/2 - 2x = - x + pi/3 + 2.k'.pi <=> -3x = - pi/2 - pi/3 + 2.k.pi or -x = -pi/2 + pi/3 + 2.k'.pi <=> x = pi/6 + pi/9 + 2.k.pi/3 or x = pi/2 - pi/3 - 2.k'.pi <=> x = 5pi/18 + 2.k.pi/3 or x = pi/6 - 2.k'.pi

Example 5
3 sin(2x) = cos(2x) <=> 3 tan(2x) = 1 <=> tan(2x) = 1/3 <=> tan(2x) = tan(0.32) <=> 2x = 0.32 + k pi <=> x = 0.16 + k pi/2

Example 6
tan(2x) . <=> tan(2x) = <=> 2x = x + <=> x = pi/2 cot( x + pi/2) = 1 tan( x + pi/2) pi/2 + k.pi + k.pi (on condition that tan(2x) and cot( x + pi/2) exist)

But cot( x + pi/2) does not exist for x = pi/2 + k.pi !!!!!

So, tan(2x) . cot( x + pi/2) = 1 has no solutions ! The expression " on condition that ...." is not redundant!

Using an additional unknown

Example 1
2sin2 (2x)+sin(2x)-1=0 <=> 2t2 + t - 1 = 0 <=> t = 0.5 <=> sin(2x) = 0.5 <=> sin(2x) = sin(pi/6) <=> 2x = pi/6 +2.k.pi or 2x = pi - pi/6 +2.k.pi or 2x = -pi/2 +2.k.pi or 2x = pi + pi/2 +2.k.pi <=> x = pi/12 + k.pi or x = 5pi/12 + k.pi or x = -pi/4 + k.pi or x = 3pi/4 + k.pi or sin(2x) = sin(-pi/2) or sin(2x) = -1 or t = -1 (let t = sin(2x) )

Sometimes it is convenient to view these solutions on the unit circle. Example 2

cos 10x + 7 = 8 cos 5x cos 10x - 8 cos 5x + 7 =0 1 + cos 10x - 8 cos 5x + 6 =0

<=> <=> <=> <=>

2 cos2 5x - 8 cos 5x + 6 =0 cos2 5x - 4 cos 5x + 3 = 0


t = cos 5x t2 - 4t + 3 = 0

<=> <=> <=> <=> <=>

t = 3 cos 5x

or = 1

t = 1

cos 5x = cos 0 5x = 2kpi x = 2kpi / 5

Examples In the same way, the following equations can be solved using an additional unknown.
tan2 (3x)+tan(3x)=0 sin2 (x)(sin(x)+1)-0.25(sin(x)+1) = 0 cos(2x)+sin2 (x) = 0.5 tan(2x)-cot(2x) = 1

Check your results by plotting graphs.

Using factorization
Example 1
3.sin(2x)-2.sin(x) = 0 <=> 6sin(x)cos(x)-2.sin(x) = 0 <=> 2.sin(x).(3cos()-1) = 0 <=> sin(x) = 0 <=> x = k.pi or x = 1.23 + 2.k.pi or x = -1.23 + 2.k'.pi or cos(x) = 1/3

Examples In the same way, the following equations can be solved using factorization.
tan(x)tan(4x)+tan2 (x) = 0 sin(7x)-sin(x) = sin(3x) cos(4x) + cos(2x) + cos(x) = 0

sin(5x)+sin(3x) = cos(2x)-cos(6x)

Check your results by plotting graphs.

The equation a.sin(u)+b.cos(u) = c

First Method First we'll show that a.sin(u)+b.cos(u) can be transformed in the form A.sin(u-uo) or in the form A.cos(u-uo) .
a.sin(u) + b.cos(u) = a( sin(u) + (b/a) cos(u) ) Take uo such that tan(uo) = - b/a = = a( sin(u) tan(uo) cos(u) )

(a/cos(uo)) . ( sin(u).cos(uo) - sin(uo).cos(u) ) Let A = (a/cos(uo))

= = =

A . sin(u - uo) A . cos(pi/2 - u + uo) A . cos(u - uo')

3 sin(x) - 2 cos(x) = 3( sin(x) - (2/3) cos(x) ) Let = 3( sin(x) = (3/cos(uo)) ( tan(uo) = 2/3 ; take uo = 0.588

tan(uo) cos(x) ) sin(x) cos(uo) - cos(x) sin(uo) )

= 3.6055 sin( x - 0.588) of ook = 3.6055 cos( x - 2.1598)

Plot the graph of 3 sin(x) - 2 cos(x) and the graph of 3.6055 sin( x - 0.588) With this method we can solve the equation a.sin(u)+b.cos(u) = c Example

3.sin(2x)+4.cos(2x) = 2 <=> sin(2x) + 4/3 .cos(2x) = 2/3 Let tan(t) = 4/3 <=> sin(2x) + tan(t) .cos(2x) = <=> sin(2x)cos(t)+cos(2x)sin(t) = 2/3.cos(t) <=> sin(2x+t) = 2/3.cos(t) <=> since 2/3.cos(t) = 0.4 2/3

sin(2x+0.927) = sin(0.39) <=> 2x + 0.927 <=> .... = 0.39 +2.k.pi or 2x + 0.927 = pi - 0.39 +2.k'.pi

Second Method Using the t-formules Example

3 sin(2x) + 4 cos(2x) = 2 Let tan(x) = t <=> 2 t 1 - t2 3 ------- + 4 -------- = 2 1 + t2 1 + t2 <=> 6 t + 4 - 4 t2 = 2 + 2 t2 <=> 6 t2 - 6 t - 2 = 0 <=> 3 t2 - 3 t -1 = 0 <=> t = 1.26 or t = -0.26 <=>


tan(x) = 1.26 x = 0.9 + k pi

or tan(x) = -0.26 or x = -0.26 + k pi

Homogeneous equations
An equation is homogeneous in a and b if and only if we obtain an equivalent equation when we replace a and b by ra and rb (r is not 0). Example: a3 x2 +5 a.b2 x +3 a2.b = 0 is an equation in x which is homogeneous in a en b. Now, we have in view the equations which are homogeneous in sin(u) and cos(u). Procedure 1. Reduce the equation to the form F = 0. If possible, use factorization to the left hand side and solve the simple parts. 2. Divide the remaining equation through by a suitable power of cos(u), such that tan(u) appears everywhere. 3. Let t = tan(u) and solve the algebraic equation. 4. Return to tan(u) Example
2.cos3 (x)+2.sin2 (x)cos(x) = 5.sin(x)cos2 (x) <=> cos(x).(2.cos2 (x)+2.sin2 (x) - 5.sin(x)cos(x)) <=> The simple part cos(x) = 0 gives us x = pi/2 + k.pi = 0

In the second part, we divide both sides by cos2 (x). Then we have 2.tan2 (x) - 5.tan(x) +2 = 0 <=> 2.t2 <=> t = 0.5 <=> tan(x) = 0.5 or tan(x) = 2 <=> or t = 2 Let t = tan(x) - 5 t + 2 = 0

x = 0.464 +k.pi or x = 1.107 +k.pi

Trigonometric inequalities
k is an integer. '=<' means equal or less than '>=' means equal or greater than


sin(x/2) > 1/2 We draw the solutions for (x/2) on the unit circle.

Now, we see that:

sin(x/2) > 1/2 <=> pi/6 + 2 k pi < x/2 < 5pi/6 + 2 k pi 5pi/3 + 4 k pi

<=> pi/3 +4 k pi < x <

For each k, we have an open interval with solutions. The solution set V is the union of all these open intervals.

V = {

U k

(pi/3 +4 k pi , 5 pi/3 + 4 k pi)

k in Z }

tan(2x) < 1/3 We draw the solutions for (2x) on the unit circle.

Now, we see that:

tan(2x) < 1/3 <=> -pi/2 + k pi < 2x < 0.32 + k pi <=> -pi/4 + k pi/2 < x < 0.16 + k pi/2

For each k, we have an open interval with solutions. The solution set V is the union of all these open intervals.
V = { U k (-pi/4 + k pi/2 , 0.16 + k pi/2) | k in Z }

tan(2x + pi/5 ) < 1/3 This is a variation on the previous example. The figure is the same as the previous one, but now it gives the solutions for (2x + pi/5). Now we have :

tan(2x + pi/5 ) < 1/3 <=> -pi/2 + k pi < 2x + pi/5 <=> -pi/2 -pi/5 <=> -7 pi/20 < 0.32 + k pi + k pi

+ k pi < 2x < 0.32 - pi/5

+ k pi/2 < x < 0.16 -pi/10 + k pi/2

The solution set V is:

V = { Z } U k (-7 pi/20 + k pi/2 , 0.16 - pi/10 + k pi/2) | k in

2 sin2(x) - 3 sin(x) + 1 = < 0 Let t = sin(x) .

2 t2 - 3 t + 1 < 0 <=> 2 (t - 1)(t - 1/2) < 0

A sign study of the left hand side gives <=> <=> 1/2 1/2 =< =< t =< 1 =< 1


Draw the solutions for x on the unit circle. We see that: <=> pi/6 + 2 k pi =< x =< 5pi/6 + 2 k pi

The solution set is

V = { U k [pi/6 + 2 k pi ; 5pi/6 + 2 k pi] | k in Z }

Another method to solve 2 sin2(x) - 3 sin(x) + 1 = < 0 One can also factorize the left hand side directly and investigate the sign in a period-interval.
2 sin2(x) - 3 sin(x) + 1 <=> 2 (sin(x) - 1)(sin(x) - 1/2)

We take a simple period-interval [0,2pi). We investigate the sign of each factor.

x 0 pi/6 pi/2 5pi/6 pi 2pi --------------------------------------------------------------sin(x)-1 - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------sin(x)-1/2 - - 0 + + + + + + 0 - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------product + + 0 - - - 0 - - 0 + + + + + + + + + + ---------------------------------------------------------------

The solutions in the period-interval are pi/6 =< x =< 5pi/6 The solution set is :
V = { U k [pi/6 + 2 k pi ; 5pi/6 + 2 k pi] | k in Z }

cosec(x) < sec(x) We investigate first the inequality in the period-interval [0,2pi). The values 0 ; pi/2 ; pi ; 3pi/2 are no solutions . We investigate the other values of x in each quadrant.
o o o o o o o o o

First quadrant
cosec(x) < sec(x) <=> 1/ sin(x) < 1 / cos(x) now we have <=> sin(x).cos(x) > 0

cos(x) < sin(x)

The solution set is ( pi/4, pi/2 ).


Second quadrant Now we have cos(x) < 0 and sin(x) > 0. There are no solutions.

o o o o o o o

Third quadrant
cosec(x) < sec(x) <=> 1/ sin(x) < 1 / cos(x) now we have sin(x).cos(x) > 0

o o


cos(x) < sin(x)

The solution set is ( pi , 5 pi/4 )


Fourth quadrant Now we have cos(x) > 0 and sin(x) < 0. The solution set is ( 3 pi/2 , 2pi)

The solution set of the given inequality is the union of all the intervals
(pi/4 + 2 k pi , pi/2 + 2 k pi ) (pi + 2 k pi , 5pi/4 + 2 k pi ) (3pi/2 + 2 k pi , 2 pi + 2 k pi ) with k in Z

First transform, then solve.

cot(x) + 1 ------------- > 0 sin (x)

cot(x) + 1 <=> ------------- > 0 sin (x)


sin (x) not 0


cos(x) + sin(x) ------------------- > 0 sin2(x)


sin (x) not 0


cos(x) + sin(x) > 0


sin (x) not 0


sin(x) + sin(pi/2 -x) with

> 0


sin (x) not 0

Simpson's formulas

<=> <=>

2 sin(pi/4) cos( x - pi/4) > 0 cos( x - pi/4) > 0 and sin (x) not 0

Using the unit circle we see that

<=> 0 <=>

-pi/2 + 2k pi < x - pi/4 < pi/2 + 2k pi -pi/4 + 2k pi < x < 3pi/4 + 2k pi and


sin (x) not

sin (x) not 0

The solution set V is the union of the open intervals

V = { U (-pi/4 + 2k pi , 3pi/4 | k in Z } k + 2k pi ) | k in Z } \ { k


Cyclometric equations
All equations are solved using the same method. We replace the equation successively by a necessary condition. This means that the values that we find are not necessary solutions. Afterwards, we have to test these values against the initial equation. The false or parasitic values must be deleted. Example 1
arcsin(2x) = pi/4 + arcsin(x) <=> / arcsin(2x) = a | arcsin(x) = b \ a = pi/4 + b / sin(a) = 2x | sin(b) = x \ a = pi/4 + b / sin(pi/4 + b) = 2x \ sin(b) = x (1)



sum formulas


/ cos(b) + sin(b) = 2x.sqrt(2) \ sin(b) = x / cos(b) = 2x.sqrt(2) - x \ sin(b) = x (2x.sqrt(2) - x)2 + x2 = 1 .... x = +0.4798 or x = -0.4798


=> => =>

We test these values against the initial equation. The only solution is 0.4798. The other x-value is false or parasitic.

Example 2
arctan(x+1) = 3.arctan(x-1) <=> / arctan(x+1) = a | arctan(x-1) = b \ a = 3 b => / tan(a) = x + 1 | tan(b) = x - 1 \ a = 3 b => / tan(3b) = x+ 1 \ tan(b) = x - 1 but 3 tan(b) - tan3(b) tan(3b) = -------------------1 - 3.tan2(b)


3(x-1) - (x-1)3 x+1 = -------------------1 - 3 (x-1)2

=> (x+1) (1 - 3 (x-1)2) = 3(x-1) - (x-1)3 => ... => x = 0 or x = sqrt(2) or x = -sqrt(2)

We test these values against the initial equation. The only solution is sqrt(2). The other x-values are false or parasitic. Example 3
arctan(x) + arctan(2x) = pi/4 <=>

/ arctan(x) = a | arctan(2x) = b \ a + b = pi/4

=> / x = tan(a) | 2x = tan(b) \ a + b = pi/4 => / x = tan(a) \ 2x = tan(pi/4-a)


1 - tan(a) tan(pi/4-a) = ---------------- since tan(pi/4) = 1 1 + tan(a)


1 - x 2x = ---------1 + x ... x = (-3+sqrt(17))/4 or x = (-3-sqrt(17))/4

=> =>

We test these values against the initial equation. The only solution is (-3+sqrt(17))/4. The other x-value is false or parasitic. Example 4
arctan( (x+1)/(x+2) ) - arctan ( (x-1)/(x-2) ) = arccos( 3/sqrt(13) ) / <=> | | \ / => | | \ arctan( arctan( arccos( a - b = (x+1)/(x+2) ) = a (x-1)/(x-2) ) = b 3/sqrt(13) ) = c c

tan(a) = (x+1)/(x+2) tan(b) = (x-1)/(x-2) cos(c) = 3/sqrt(13) a - b = c tan(a) - tan(b) tan(a-b) = -----------------1 + tan(a) tan(b) and after calculation

but one finds


/ | | \

-2 x tan(c) = ---------------2 x2 - 5 cos(c) = 3/sqrt(13) tan2(c) = 4/9

From the last equation it follows 1 + tan2(c) = 1/cos2(c) = 13/9 => There are now two cases First case : => / | | -2 x tan(c) = ---------------2 x2 - 5

\ => => ....

tan(c) = 2/3

x = 1 or x = -5/2

Second case: / | | \ .... x = -1 or x = 5/2 -2 x tan(c) = ---------------2 x2 - 5 tan(c) = - 2/3


=> =>

We test these values against the initial equation. The only solutions are 1 and -5/2. The other x-values are false or parasitic.

Calculation with inverse trigonometric functions

________ | 2 \| 1 - p = ----------p

Show that Say


b = arcsin(p) ,then sin(b) = p with b in [-pi/2 , pi/2]. and ________ | 2 \| 1 - p ---------

So, cos(b) = sqrt( 1 - p2)

cot(arcsin(p)) = cot(b) =

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