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DNA Structure :
3 parts per nucleotide:

Phosphate group: one phosphate bonded to few oxygen atoms. Deoxyribose: sugar in DNA Nitrogenous base: Purines or pyrimidines. Purines: have 2 rings in nitrogenous base adenine guanine PYrimidine: have only one ring in nitrogenous base thYmine cYtosine Watson and Crick proposed a model, 1953, of DNAs structure. Double helix: 2 nucleotide chains wrapped around (spiral) Hydrogen bonds b/w the bases (AT & CG) form between a hydrogen atom and either oxygen or nitrogen. C&G form 3 hydrogen bonds A&T form 2 hydrogen bonds Complementary base pairs: DNA nucleotides pair in the AT and CG combinations. Base pairing rules: describe the pairing behavior of the bases Adenine + Thymine,,, Cytosine + Guanine. Replication: 2 nucleotide chains unwind/uncoil into 2 separate (no longer connected) strands of nucleotides Helicase: the enzyme that does the uncoiling and separating Breaks down hydrogen bonds between the bases. The point where the two chains are separated is called the replication fork. DNA Polymerase binds to the separate chains of DNA. So, other individual strands of nucleotides form hydrogen bonds with the old strands.

DNA polymerase uses individual strands that are floating around the surrounding medium. REMEMBER THAT THE DNA POLYMERASE STILL FOLLOWS THE BASE PAIR RULES! Covalent bonds between the deoxyribose and the phosphate groups. Example of strand: A----T C----G C----G T-----A DNA replication does not begin at one end and go to the other; however, DNA polymerase begins replication at many individual areas on the DNA molecule. E.g. replication is initiated at 6000 sites in Frut fly DNA Process of DNA replication occurs with an accuracy oof only 1 mistake/ mutation per 10,000 paired nucleotides. Mutation: a change in nucleotide sequence that may have serious effects on cells. Enzymes are there to proof read DNA errors. DNA may be damaged by agents like: Chemicals U.V. rays *Look in Bio book on page 188 at diagram.

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