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Singularity formation in vortex sheets and interfaces

Alberto Verga IRPHE Universit dAix-Marseille

T. Leweke, M. Abid, F. Grimal, T. Frisch

Vortex sheet roll-up, and secondary vortex formation,

A vortex sheet is separated from a moving plate. In 2D is shape is described by the Birkhoff-Rott equation:
z (t , ) i d ' = P.V . t 2 z (t , ) z (t , ' )

Spiral vortex sheet

d =U bord dt

(x',t)dx' a x x' =v(x,t)+V(t)


KH instability
A vortex sheet is a tangential velocity discontinuity in a perfect fluid

The sheet is unstable: a periodic shape disturbance will grow:

U /

Experimental setup
& = max r

Time evolution

(( y i y j ), ( xi x j )) dx i = j dt ( xi x j ) 2 + ( y i y j ) 2 + 2 j

z (0, ) = + a (1 i ) sin( 2 )
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and topological transition

Secondary vortex formation

Contour plot of vorticity

Instability growth rate

Three dimensional sheets and vortex breakdown

Using a triangular plate a 3D sheet is generated. The resulting vortex has an axial flow. The appearance of a stagnation point destroys the vortex core. It is also a topological transition.

Vortex core

Axial flow

Vortex breakdown side view

Top view

Drop in a oil-water interface

Driven interface deformation

The interface between two fluids is driven by a fixed dipole Gravity and inertia: Froude number

Fr = / gd 5

Small Fr: wedge formation

Zoom showing the wedge region

Moderate Fr: cavity formation

Strong Fr: Cusp formation

The splash: convergence of a capillary "shock"

Continuity equation

h + (uh) = 0 t x
Momentum equation

u u 3 +u =S 3h t x x

Modulationnal instability: NLS-like behavior

NLS -like

Maximum of the height amplitude showing "almost" recurrence

Modulation of a high frequency wave:

Derivation of a Non-Linear Schrdinger equation. Perturbation expansion:

h = H 0 + h + h
(1) 2 2

( 2)

+ h

3 ( 3)

h(x,t) H0

u = u + u
(1) 2

( 2)

+ u

3 ( 3)


T 1= t ,T 2= t , X = x
Focusing NLS:

iAT + AXX + g A A = 0

Convergence and collapse of a capillary wave front

Similarity solution

Constraints in planar and axisymmetric geometries

Equations in the similarity variable:

= x/t



t t , u u

,U U

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