Types of Subjects Physics 1 ETTI 1G 2011

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Types of subjects Physics 1 ETTI 1G 2011-2012

1. Cartesian and polar coordinates. Velocity and acceleration in both systems.

2. Newtons laws. Presentation and discussion.

3. The theorem of the energy variation. Conservation of the energy.

4. Bertozzi experiment.

5. Movement of a charged particle in a constant electric field. 6. Show that a free electron can not emit or absorb photons.

7. Principles of SR.

8. 1D attenuated oscillation: equation, solution, discussion.

9. Michelson-Morley experiment.

10.Composition of perpendicular oscillations.

11.DAlembert solution of the wave equation. Demonstration, simple examples.

12.Relativistic dynamics: mass, momentum, energy.

13.Perfect elastic collisions

14.Coulomb Force

15.Gauss theorem in electrostatics.

16.Energy in elmgn fields.

17.Electromagnetic waves. Equation.

18.Electromagnetic waves. Characteristics.

19.Electromagnetic waves. Polarization.

20.Electromagnetic waves. Reflection and refraction.

21.Electromagnetic waves. Fresnel relations.

22.Electromagnetic waves. Total polarization.

23.Electromagnetic waves. Classical theory of dispersion.

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