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Emotion: - Physiological Changes - Cognitive Processes - Affective Responses - Behavior James-Lange Theory: - stimulus physiological arousal and behavior

affective experience - Limitations? o physiological response for each emotion o affective comes before physiological Cannon-Bard theory: - Emotion starts in the brain - affective often comes before the physiological Role of Cognition: - Interpreting our physiological arousal - Interpreting the stimulus we encounter Schechter and Singer: Two-Factor Theory - Global physiological response - Important: our interpretation - Arousal label= emotion - Dutton & Aron (1974) Capilano Bridge Study Cognitive Mediational Theory - Cognitive appraisal of situation determines emotion Emotions: emoticons

Child Development - Developmental Psychology o physiological, social, and cognitive changes across the lifespan - Prenatal Development: o 3 Stages:  Germinal stage: y fertilization: sperm fertilizes egg y zygote (egg): 100 cells (blastocyst), travels down fallopian tube and implants itself in the uterine lining and becomes an embryo  Embryonic stage: y lasts until 8th week after conception y 2nd to 8th week: o testosterone secreted if genetically male  Fetal stage: y final stage o teratigens: agents that are harmful to the fetus:  radiation

 toxic chemicals  smoking  alcohol (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: smaller heads, mental retardation)  drugs o Infancy: Motor and Perceptual Development  motor reflexes: automatic behaviors  grasping  sucking  rooting - Perceptual Development - visual: - very nearsighted - 20/20 by 6 months - depth perception - hearing: - recognizes mothers voice - prefer soft, rhythmic sounds - voices - touch: - react to pain - stimulates development - Language: - basic sounds= phonemes - cooing 6 weeks (prelinguistic speech) - babbling 3-6 months (prelinguistic speech) - canonical (7 months) - 2 word stage - morphology: Superordinate Basic Subordinate Reasoning

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