Wave Shaping and Swiching Circuits

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Ql What is difference between linear and non-linear waveshaping circuits.

Q2. What is meant by lower 3-db frequency of high-pass circuit?
Q3 What is meant by fractional tilt?
Q4 Why is double differentiation circuit is also called a rate-of-rise amplifier.
Q5 Why do resistive attenuator need compensation.
Q6 What are ringing circuits.
Q7 What is miller effect.
Q8 What is low frequency short circuit CE current gain.
Q9 Why is RC coupling is most widely used coupling between two stages of a cascaded
QI0 Why the overall gain of multistage amplifier is less than product of gain of
individual amplifier.
Q l 1 Why does R-C coupling give constant current gain over mid-frequency gain.
Q12 Why does response of amplifier does not remain flat at all frequencies.
Q13What are distributed amplifiers.
Q14 Explain condition of RC circuit to work as differentiation.
Q15 Why RC circuits are preferred over RL circuits for large time constant applications.

Q16 What do you mean by a linear network?

Q17 What do you mean by Linear Wave Shaping?

Q18 What is a Attenuator? Explain the applications.

Q19 For a long time constant RC high pass circuit with a symmetrical square wave input,
find the tilt.

Q20 Integrators are preferred over the differentiators. Why?

Q21 Draw the circuit of Double Differentiator.

Q22 Why RC circuits are commonly used as compared to RL circuits?

Q23 A step input of 10V when applied to the Low Pass RC circuit produces the output
with a Rise time of 200 micro sec. Calculate the upper 3dB frequency of the circuit if the
circuit uses a capacitor of 0.47 micro F, Determine the value of the resistance.

Q24 A pulse of 5 V amplitude and pulse width of 0.5 msec is applied to a High pass RC
circuit consisting of R=22 K ohms and C= 0.47 microF. Sketch the output waveform and
determine the percentage tilt in the output.

Q25 A pulse of 10V amplitude and pulse width of 1msec is applied to low pass RC
circuit. R=30Kohm, C=0.2 microfarad. Sketch the Output waveform.
Q26 Prepare an RC differentiator circuit for pulses of 1ms repletion and 10V
amplitude. The trigger pulses are to have 8 V amplitude. The source resistance is 50ohm
and load resistance is 500ohm.
Q27 In an uncompensated attenuator the circuit components values are
Rl = 10Kohm, R2=2 Kohm, Cl=120pF,C2=30pF.Calculate:
(i)Rise time when CI is not connected
(ii)For avoiding overshoot calculate the exact value of CI

Q28 Why is silicon preferred over germanium in the manufacture of semiconductor

Q29 Name the devices that can be used as switches.
Q30 What is effect of temperature on the reverse current of P-N junction.
Q31 Why is germanium more temperature dependent than silicon
Q32 Mow does transition capacitance vary with junction voltage in a P-N junction diode.
Q33 What is hard saturation.
Q34 What is meant by storage time.
Q35 When a perfect square pulse is applied to transistor base, the transistor does not
switch on immediately. Why?
Q36 What is delay time?
Q37 What is fall time?
Q38 How an electronic switch is better than mechanical switch.
Q39 Explain the difference between ideal and real diode.
Q40 What is transition capacitance?
Q41 What is diode reverse recovery time?
Q42 What is Schottky diode? How Schottky diode is used for reducing storage time of
diode switch?
Q43 How does a diode act as a Switch?
Q44 What is an ideal diode? How does an actual diode differ from an ideal diode?
Q45 What do you mean by Storage time in a transistor? How storage time can be
Q46 Find the approximate value of maximum switching frequency for a transistor
having time intervals td=10 nsec, tr =35 nsec, ts=90 nsec and tf= 35 nsec. Assume
transistor is alternatively saturated and cutoff.
Q47 The forward voltage across diode is 0.4 V and forward current through it is 10nA at
temperature 27 degree Celsius. For forward voltage of .42V the current through diode
becomes twice. Calculate the value of I0.
Q48 Define Diode Forward Recovery Time.
Diode Reverse Recovery Time.
Q49 Explain Avalanche Breakdown.
Zener Breakdown.

Q50 Why does comparator differ from clipper.

Q51 What is draw back of having diode as series element in clipper?
Q52 What is draw back of having diode as shunt element in clipper?
Q53What is the difference between regenerative and non-regenerative comparator.
Q54 What is difference between output from clipping and clamping circuit.
Q55What is meant by time base.
Q56What is linear time base generator.
Q 57 Which amplifier is used to generate Miller sweep.
Q58Which amplifier is used in miller time base generator.
Q590 Which amplifier is used in miller bootstrap time base generator
Q60 What are sweep generators?
Q61 What is slope error in sweep generator?
Q62 What is transmission error in sweep generator?
Q63 What is displacement error in sweep generator?
Q64 List application of voltage and current sweep generators?

Q65 Distinguish between Clipping Circuits and Comparators?

Q66 What are Comparator circuits? List its applications.
Q67 State and prove Clamping Circuit Theorm.
Q68What do you mean by Sweep time
Restoration time
Q69 Explain the Clipping above and below the reference voltage in a basic parallel
Q70What do you mean by : One Way Clamp
Two Wave Clamp
Q71 Draw the circuit which transmits that part of sine wave which is below +6V.
Q72Draw the circuit of a positive clamper which clamped 50V peak square input wave
at 15V.sketch the output waveform
Q73 A +-25V square wave is to be negatively clamped at 10V.Draw the circuit and
output waveform.
Q74 What do you mean by Triggering circuits?
Q75 What are the applications of Monostable Multivibrator? Why a Monostable
multivibrator called a "Delay Circuit".
Q76Define the term Recovery Time for Astable Multivibrator.
Q77 What are the other names of Astable Multivibrator?
Q78 Under what conditions binary is said to be in stable state.
Q79Design a diode Clamper circuit to clamp the positive peaks of the input signal at
zero level. The freq of the input signal is 500 Hz.
Q80 What is a Multivibrator? How multivibrators are classified?

Q81 What do you mean by Blocked conditions in Astable Multivibrators.

Q82 What are the advantages and disadvantages of symmetrical and unsymmetrical

Q83 What do you mean by Storage time in a transistor? How storage time can be
Q84 Discuss the Self Starting feature in Stable multivibrator?

Q85 If fT=500 MHZ and hfe=100 for a BJT, What is its fB.

Q86 If hic=1000,re=9.5 ohm, hfe=99,what is rb of BJT?

Q87 A BJT is found to have fT=500 MHZ, hfe=100, rbb=100ohm, rbe=900ohm and Cb’c =
5 pF. It is used as a CE amplifier with Rs=1 Kohm and RL=500 ohm. Determine the
amplifier gain and upper 3-db cut=off frequency.

Q88 Why response of amplifier does not remain flat at all frequencies.

Q89 A CE connected amplifier has Ccb=5pF,Cbc=12pF,hfe=100,hie=1.5 kohm Determine

input capacitance to the circuit for the circuit collector resistance of 12 Kohm

Q90 Why an astable multivibrator is also called square wave generator?

Q91 Explain Hysteresis exists in Schmitt trigger circuit?
Q92 Why op-amp is used mostly as an integrator than a differentiator?

Q93Define Compensation. Derive the expression for Shunt Compensation and Low freq

Q94 Why response of amplifier does not remain ilat at all the frequencies?

Q95 What do you mean by Bandwidth of an amplifier?

Q96 What is the effect of Coupling Capacitors on the bandwidth of an amplifier?

Q97 What are the different types of compensation

Q98What are the Distributed amplifiers? Explain with the help of diagram.

Q99 Explain the Shunt compensation used with basic amplifier.

Q100 Explain the low freq. compensation in detail.

Q101 Derive the expression for the CE short circuit current gain Ai as a function of freq.

Q102 Derive the expressions for gain bandwidth products for voltage and current.

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