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Current: 1708 University Village Apartment #204C ~ East Lansing, MI 48823 Permanent: 403 California Avenue ~ Royal Oak, MI 48067 Phone: (248) 404-7693 ~ Email:

Objective: Goal oriented professional seeking to engage myself in both the Criminal Justice Community, and in the United States Army. Seeking Independent study opportunities or a possible Internship for Geographic Information Systems.


BA Criminal Justice
Minor in Geographic Information Systems Michigan State University 3.67/4.0 Overall GPA Commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant into the United States Army Study Abroad: Natural Science in New Zealand: Spring 2011

Expected: May 2013 East Lansing, MI Expected: May 2013

Work Experience:

Army ROTC Cadet United States Army y y y y y y

(January 2010 - Present) East Lansing, MI

y y Additional Experience:

Began enrollment in MSU Army ROTC in January of 2010 Fully contracted as a Cadet in December of 2010 Attended basic training and AIT (advanced individual training) during the summer of 2010 at the US Army Infantry School in Fort Benning, GA Qualified as an MOS 11B (Infantryman) Drill monthly with the 1-125 Infantry Battalion in Flint, MI Put in leadership roles within the 1-125. Perform roles that a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army would perform in a unit regularly: o Writing Operations Orders o Conducting risk assessments for training o Supervise and run firing ranges in the field o Participate in leaders meetings with unit Officers and enlisted NCOs Assume different roles in leadership within MSU Army ROTC during 2 week leadership rotations. Attend Military Science classes assist in preparation for Commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant. Spring 2007 through Fall 2008 Fall 2008 through Fall 2009 Fall 2009 through Spring 2010

Bus Boy: Supermarket Stock: Spartys Caf (Crew Lead):

Skills & Activities:

Member: Alpha Sigma Phi - National Criminal Justice Society (September 25th, 2011 - Present) Member: American Criminal Justice Association (ACJA) (September 18th, 2011 - Present) Volunteer: Flu Shot Clinic (November, 2009) Computers: Proficient in all aspects of Microsoft Office Suite, Internet, experience n using Esri ArcGIS, Proficient in some aspects of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Dreamweaver and minor HTML experience. Skills: Physically Fit, score 290-300 (maximum score) on every Army Physical Fitness Test, Some Mixed Martial Arts experience. References Furnished Upon Request

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