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Recruitment Management System

USERS: 1) RMS user 2) Admin 3) Other Users

M ENUS 1) Hiring Request a. Add request b. Assign request c. View request d. Edit/Close request 2) Candidate a. Add Candidate b. Edit candidate c. Schedule interviews 3) Admin a. Add Users b. Edit Users c. Reports. M ENUS AND RIGHTS Options Hiring Request Add Request Assign Request View Request Edit/Close Request Candidate Add Candidate Edit Candidate Import Resumes Schedule Interviews Add RMS users Edit RMS users Reports RMS User Other users RMS Admin

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P AGES:  Add Request  Should allow to specify candidate information  Fields:  Request Name  Department  Specialisation  Experience  Salary level range  Opening count  Preferred Round 1 Interviewer  Preferred Round 2 Interviewer  Preferred HR Interviewer  Assign Request  RMS admin can able to Assign hiring request to their team.  Should list the Request details and RMS users.  Edit Request  User should able to view all request raised by own.  Managers should able to view their department requests.  Should allow cancelling and closing the request.  History tracking should happen.  Request Status:  New  Approved  Assigned  In progress  Closed  Cancelled.  Add User  Should allow to add an Aspirian  Should allow specifying the roles.  Roles:  Campaign Control  View Report.  Export Report  Export Candidate info.  Edit User  Should allow to made the user Inactive  Should allow edit specify the roles.  Reports  Request raised and its status in a period of time.  Candidate based Report.

 Candidate added in a period of time.  Candidate interviewed.  Candidate Selected.  All report count should have hyperlink to view the respective data.  Add Candidate  Should allow adding candidates.  Fields:  Name*  Email*  Phone*  Degree  Specialist in  Experience  Expected CTC  Resume upload option*  Referred by  For any hiring request  Last interview attended at Aspire.  Edit Candidate  Should allow searching candidate based on phone, email name and specialist in.  Should list all active candidates with edit icon.  Should allow editing the candidate information.  Schedule interview  Should allow specifying the recruitment schedule.  Should allow updating the schedule after the interview.

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