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Sec.8.1 Sequences A sequence is an ordered list of numbers.

An infinite sequence (or sequence) of numbers is a function whose domain is the set of integers greater than or equal to some integer n1. (n1 is usually 1, so in this case, the domain is the set of all positive integers). Notation: {an} or {an }n =1 = a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, , an,

EX 1 Given the nth term of a sequence, an = ( 1)

n , find the first 4 terms terms. (This is an alternating n +1


EX 2 Given the sequence,

2 4 6 8 , , , ,... , find a formula for the nth term. 2 3 4 5

Lets consider the graphs of these two sequences.

e xa mp l e 1


0 0 -0.5 2 4 6 8 10 12

-1 n

e xam ple 2
2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 n 8 10 12

The nth term test for convergence of a non-alternating sequence: A sequence {an} has the limit L, written lim an = L , if we can make the terms an as close to L as we like

by taking n sufficiently large. If the limit exists, the sequence converges. Otherwise, the sequence diverges.

All of our limit rules hold. Please see the text page 506 for a list of these. May also use the Squeeze theorem.
The nth term test for convergence of an alternating sequence: If lim an = 0 , then lim an = 0 . If this limit does not equal 0, then the sequence diverges.

EX 3 Determine if the sequence converges or diverges. If convergent, then find the limit. 2n (1) bn = n +1

(2) an = ( 1)

n n +1

(3) an = ( 1)

1 n +1

A sequence is increasing if an < an+1 for all n greater or equal to 1. It is decreasing if an > an+1 for all n greater or equal to 1. It is monotonic if it is either increasing or decreasing. A sequence {an} is bounded above if there is a number M such that an M for all n 1. It is bounded below if there is a number m such that m an for all n 1. If it is bounded above and below, then it is a bounded sequence. Every bounded monotonic sequence is convergent.

Recall (from 1206) that the following limit forms are indeterminate: 0/0, /, 0, - , 1, 00, and 0. EX 4 (1) an =
n! ( n 2 )!

(2) an =

ln n ln 2n

(3) an = n sin(1/ n)

(4) an =

cos 2 n 2n

(5) an = (n + 1)

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