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B. Giving of Scepter to the Yulitide King and Queen 2o11 King: Hon.

Julie Pabuaya Assisted By: Aida Ansale Queen: Hon. Jhanen Nepa Assisted by: DCW Intermission: Angelyn Villarubia Inspirational Talk: Hon. Reiner Y. Ytom (Barangay Captain) Presentation: All Day Care Parents IV. Royal March and Royal Dance Master Ceremony Analiza Banate Part III. Mouth Work !!!!! Lunch Break Part IV. Parlor Games and Videoke ( 1:00 P.M.) Closing Remark: Gemma BAyano (Vice-President) Exchange Gift: Parents and Children EMCEE: Hon. MArcelino O. Dugos Sr.

Tawog Day Care Center Tawog, Hinunangan So. Leyte oOo

Time: 8:00-5:00 Venue: Tawog Day Care Center Date: December 19, 2011

PART I: 1st Runner-up Invocation: Phil. Natl Anthem: Welcome Address: Tula: 1. PASKO Solo: 1. Christmas Alphabet Dance Group Singing KAGAWAD JANINE NEPA MRS.CRISTINA ACOSTA MRS.MARIBEL SUMAYA (Day Care President) JOHANN EDUARD BUTA GABRIELLE CABALHIN SELECTED DAY CARE CHILDREN SELECTED DAY CARE CHILDREN A Joy To The World (DCC) II. - Gembert Bayano Anjha Raye Casicas

Our Yulitide King and Queen: Ashley Ogang Johann Eduard Buta Pinning of Saches and Giving of Bouquets 5th Runner-up 4th Runner-up 3rd Runner-up 2nd Runner-up 1st Runner-up Boys Nida Terante Quenny Cabalhin Myrabelle Dasig Maribel Sumaya Girls Wilma Boyo Lydia Ogang Lyn Ogang Analiza Banate


Gemma Bayano Ma.Cristina Casicas

Yuletide King and Queen 2011: Leonida Ogang - Queen I. Royal Entrance: 5th Runner-up 4th Runner-up Christopher Terante Wella Mae Buyo Gabrille Cabalhin Joycelyn Ogang Karl Dasig III. Jenny Buta - King

Giving of Crown to the Yulitide King and Queen 2011 King: Hon. Reiner Y. Ytom ( Barangay Captain) Assisted by: Jenny Buta Queen: Hon. Erlinda Tangog Assisted by: Angelyn Villarubia

3 Runner-up


2nd Runner-up

- Ezekiel Ogang Glaiza Jane Banate

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