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you start by raising the fsb little by little.....

to a point where the system d oes not boot into windows, unstable while in windows, or even posts. At that poi nt, you want to back up a few notch. Then you can try to raise the Vcore voltage a wee bit... something like .01 volts at a time or whatever your bios will let you in the smallest increments. Once you raise the volts, then try to raise the fsb again. if it doesnt work, back up again and raise the volts again by another notch. Dont excede 1.45v.... It is a trial and error thing. you will notice tha t when you get to a point where nothing you do will help it go any further. Once you have determine that.... back up to a point of last known good settings. There are other settings that may affect your ability to get high cpu overclock and that is your memory timings, ratio, and voltage settings. You can play aroun d with these to see if it helps the cpu. Timings are usually go looser, ratio ty pically go higher, and voltage goes higher. Its all trial and error thing. Overall OC'n will also be determine by the quality of each component. i.e. cpu, memory, motherboard, cpu heatsink, psu, etc.... all play its roll on that reach. And sometimes its just not gonna happen... Good luck.... Your cpu with a good cooler should be able to reach 3.7ghz before you need to increase any voltage..... But on the other hand..... maybe not... I have a P4 650 3.4ghz that I have reached to 3.8ghz... and then after that it nee ded some dosage of voltages... in which I had stopped.... Good luck --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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