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orals 17th jan - trasitype of ships done container , bulk , car type of eng : MAN BnW mcc, 12rta

, 8 uec fn 3 : 1 ) reactivity sub hazard:(chem tker)told him reactivity with itself (i.e polymerisation),reactivity with other chems reactivity with tank coatings...x ques started cudnt ans much as knew very little 2)water padding ??for what chems??3) dicharging procedure as per ibc code ?? donno 4)mepc 62nd ?i started tat it took place b/w 2011 july 11th to 15th ..he stopped me here shook his fucking topi n told ---"DURBAN" dec ...i fought back tat u asked 62 nd session n tat took place in july only ... also told him tat i visited the official site ... somehow cudnt satisfy d old hag ... i tried to convince him a lot but in vain because few days back old mother fucker used to ask mepc 63rd session which is yet to take place n which accordinmg to him was the durban dec climate conference....also asked me abt the climate conference i told him only seemp , ghg , eedi new chapter in annex 6 n all aksed me more i told i donno ,he asked it was in front page of TOI - i said i subscribe "asian age "!!!! :)5)emergency steering n auxiliary steering regulations ?then asked did i hav aux steering in my ship ? i said "no"asked me why not ? i said reg says if two identical power units provided not necessary.Q - so what arrangment is there if not required?a: i said 100% redundancy is there , duplication of system right frm telemotor to steering motors so auto change over n all still he kept pesterin i got pissed donno wat he wantedQ) follow up n non follow up - i gave wrong ans Fn 4bQ) stroke to bore ratio of all eng i worked on Q)conversion frm mcc to meb ... told him all conversions necessary in the end he asked abt how reversing takes place in terms of starting air ... i told him in meb thru solenoid vvs- but how -- he wanted how it is initiated - donno forgot one more question fun 6) Q)rta fuel pp timing? gave full except tat i told him tat i will put a sleeve taking out vit iQ) he told tat i missed fo to do c/o locking of vit in "zero" position --- i shot back tat i mentioned abt d do c/o but only missed zero pos--- he shouted "no u didnt!!!" i said i did -- he tells tat we r listneing to wat u ppl dont say rather than wat u say !!!!!!!!!Q)air comp safeties? took atleast half n hr here!!!!!!!started by saying bursting disc --tats it ..he stopped me n wer? how? why ?startedi told him tat it is directly mounted on jacket he gave me a baffled looki told him with a straight face tat i am very sure abt this n in "spherre" only one bursting disc n in "tanabe" it doesnt even have a bursting disc at all (d model i worked on had a relief vv instead on d jacket inlet pipe ) - both serve their purposehe asked me wat abt aftercooler safety ... i told d same bursting disc saves both since even tho inter n after coolers banks r diff..their jacket is intelinked pressurising of even one side will cause d disc to burst ... he asked me to draw ,u hav manual ? bla bla bla Q)finally nailed me by asking " during manouverin tube leaks n bridge not giving frequent kicks..u hav sufficent bottle pr so one stdby is enough , 4th eng has already stopped d compressor water vvs r already closed so how will u go n rectify leak??

answer : i went blank :)(instead of blanking d tube ha ha :) }

fn 5 : Q) d same fucling oc sc test n values -- mainly values ... gave him d values even tho he was already moving on to next questTA DA !!!!!here s wer i got short cktedQ)ur standing in ECR facing engine side n u hav a " FIR tree " arrangement !!!!!(wtf by this time i was convinced of a washout ) so even b4 he could finish d question i boldly told him there is no such arrangement ..he shouted saying "u hav done all modern engines how come its not there ,then how u know which pp is running or not" -------- i told "exactly sir i hav done modern eng in they hav two crt screens manouvering panel n stuff n pp running can be seen in d crts n also by just having a look at d msb at d back ..he argued tat i am lying n bullshitting ... i finally gave up with disgust n told him to go ahead n ask d questionQ) one of the green light not glowing ur action?told him will change d bulb---he told bulb is OK..(may be he wanted to listen lamp test)i told him i willcheck d card behind d panel as a last resort he gave a sadisctic smile n told me to wait outside washout

orals first attempt on 17th jan 2012Mr Trassi took the orals Function 3: 1) what types of ships sailed on: crude oil tankers and LPG/CWhat cargoes on LPG? Propane and ButaneWhat type of pumps for discharging on LPG? Deep Well pumpsWhat is the difference in densities of Amonia cargo and Butane or Propane? Don't no2)What are the Hazards of Chemical tanker? 3) Different types of floors? Draw Bracket floor. I drew one diagram that was not actually correct. he asked which book i refered? i said reeds he said you think you can pass class 2 by studying reeds? Function 4: 1) Types of engines worked on? 7S60ME-Cany other? any other?2) conversion of MC-C engines to MEB engines? I told him as much as i knew but wanted somethning more.3) Ship arriving at safe anchore in 2 days you have to carry out timing check of RTA engine how will you proceed? told him all the safeties but fumbled the answers by saying disconnect the high pressure pipe. Function 5: 1) Which chapter of SOLAS will you refer to find out ESB safeties? Chapter II-1.Tell me ESB safeties as per SOLAS. told him all the things i knew. He accepted the answer.2) MCB safeties: i confused it for miniature circuit breaker. he was probabely expecting safeties of main circuit breaker. told him only overcurrent trip and and undervoltage trip but forgot reverse power trip.3) Insulation test of wires between alternator and MSB. Told him as described by kartik. accepted the answer. Function 6: 1) Motor not in use for many days and want to put back in use what will you do?Told him to check if the motor is free. then described the whole SC test OC test thing. he accepted the answer.2) SDR valve orerhaul. what will you do if the bonet is not coming off? gave him few answers but he didn't accept any of those.3) types of threads used in rngine room. told him about metric and witworth threads. BSP threads and NPT threads. then he was shocked to hear NPT. and asked me where was this used? i told him py own experiance onboard. then he accepted. asked me about the type of threads used on the freon bottles. told him BSP didnt accept that.told me that i had cleared function 5 but have to repeat remaining functions.

Orals-2nd attempt- 16/01/2012DG shippin- taken by mr. Badwal and mr. mukherjee 1st attempt washoutFunc 3Draw keyless n keyed propeller- explain how propeller is removed and fitted bak?Xplain n draw hw stern tube is sealed n lubricated ?Co2 bottle amendments and hw master valve is activted..?( asked me to draw d master v/v )Lifeboats capacity- any change??Yes-- 4m 75 to 82.5 kgs weight had been increased..nxt- so how many person shld a capacity of 30 pple lifeboat wil now carry..ans is leas thn 30 i.e. 25-26 pple n not 30 !!! Func 4bn 6C/case inspection ?Fuel valve diagram n wat prevents needle to lift up fully ?Piston ring n piston clearances ?If piston coolin oil temp of a unit has decreased n it's JCW temp had increased..thn why it it happenin ?? - piston coolin oil is getting short cycled n not reaching to top thereby increasing temp arnd piston crown n dissipatin it's heat to JCW ..eventually leadin to increase i'n JCW temp !!!Startin air diagram n local maneuverin procedure ??Draw types of scvangin ??( really dnt knw wat he wants i'n a loop scvangin ????????? )Draw power card n xplain what change wil occur is fuel v/v is leaking..?? Func 5How electricity is produced onboard? He wants to hear faradays law..flemin right hand rule..lens law !!!Difference b/w ac and dc generator wrt to it's field and emf..??Ans- field in ac generator is given to rotor and emf is taken out 4m stator n vice versa i'n dc generator( included commutator n brushes i'n dc generator) !!!Draw n explain syncroscope ?? Armature reaction n how to reduce it ??

orals first attempt 16/01/2012dgshipping by Mr Mehrotra and Mr Bagga wese my oral was postponed frm 11th to 16th i was cursing them then....wese kehtein hain ki jo hota hai acche ke liye hota hai..and hua bhi..but it could have been better then what i got anyways my oral started smthing like this:-he asked what i have prepared best i said elect and then 4b and 6 and then safetyso he asked from electricalfunction 5:1. jobs you will carryout during drydock on MSB.ans..i started with busbar and then i dont know why and how i said smthing bout to check condition of busbar and check for any deformation and i was fucked over this real nice over cross questioning i told him sir let me explain other expects but he didnt wanted to go further....overall i fucked up this ans.2. you are taking over a ship which is laid down and dead for two months you are taking over as second engg you start gen and no voltage seen what check will u do?ans..i told him firstly i will check whether we have excitation in the alternator as due to...not running for long time hence no hysterisis...he stopped me as i startedand told me not give him theoritical funda only what check...and then he asked how will u check whether excitation is present or not...then he added and where will u check for excitation current....i told him its in

the junction box near alternator or we can go to msb where we can check frm AVR but he got bugged up on this and shouted on me asking where exactly is the exciter located inside the confidence was gone...i tried to show him the diagram but he told me he didnt wanned to see any electrical diag. just purely locate the exciter ....i got scared as there was a good chance i could have been thrown out...the atmosphere was such...wel i said sorry sir couldnt ans this then thre was one more question which i again fucked up and here go my function 5function 4b &6 1.what engines done answered and thats it no specs nothing 2. what checks will you do on a liner once all is cleaned opened3. why to take calibration only in f-a and p-s direction only why not in between fwd and port between or any other oreintation....4. limits for liner wear and ovality...5. checks on thrust pad...i told him and drawn him fig fo one pad he asked for end view and then he said my end view is not correct and i said okay he crossed the ques i kept telling him all i can say in matter of 2 mins regarding thrust pad....before cut my ans....i dont know he accepted it or not... 6. t/c starts surging after three days when u started trans atlantic voyage...wht checks u do...7. boiler funnel sparks coming out got a call frm third engg in night wht will be your instruction to him as second engg.8. MSW pump opened up for o'haul wht check on the shaft i told him and he stopped me before i could tell him bout impeller etc.9. then asked me wht is job of steering gear on ship i told him then when started telling him the P-S movement angle and time i dont know wht happened and i said 32deg from one side to in 22 sec or some shit like tht then he smiled and said okay leave this....and moved to next questionfunction 31. asked me nox and sox emission limits told him2. types of is longitudinal framing it same for all along the lenght of ship if not then what distance etc. my ans was not pretty convincing but he accepted 3. then he asked me tht u are doing a comprehensive survey of a 20 yr bulk carrier designed to carry high density cargo...wht checks will u do on cargo hold tank tops...i said dont know sir4. then he asked me you have 20 water type...20 foam type, 20 dry powder and 5 co2 extinguishers how many spare you should have......i told him that for co2 100% and for onboard rechargable extinguishers 5 % then he said im bullshitting which i think i was....then said its very imp to know this as second u can't say i read it but cant recollect now....5 then he asked me bout PMS on wht basis maintenance done....checks on fixed CO2 sys and thats it told me wait out side call me back told me got function 4b and 6 i dont how and why my performance was not upto mark and question were like could have taken all four but wht can say i was not prepared this postponding and stuff neways got two and satisfied with it....i hope all us should get such externals....

Orals on 12-01-12, DGS Bannerjee,Datar..only Function 4B 1.What is latest type of engine?.....GME-C TII-9...Gave all designations..2. Which type of engines worked on?....SMC-C...what is Specialty of these engines?...gave sufficient points.3.In RTA engine if clearance in X head bearing has increased will you sail?...Yes....Why? RTA X head Press. 16 bar..Load always acts in downward, oil enters from downward.4.Difference between thick shell and thin shell brg.5.What is power balancing of engine...which one parameter u will monitor to know whether engine is power balanced or not?....MEP.6. whether the load on each bearing is same when engine is power balanced? because of firing order...load on any bearing is dependant of the adjacent units in firing position..7.CCR and CCAI...What is significance of CCR...Max Value as per ISO 8217..How do you calculate CCR...I said by burning unit amount of fuel in controlled atmosphere...He asked what is controlled atmosphere...Burning of fuel in special apparatus with controlled amount of O2 provided...Then Asked what is stochiometric air fuel ratio...How much amount of air is required to burn 1 kg of fuel...14 much we supply...21 kg...What happens to all carbon residue? Does it deposit in engine whole...I said no divides in parts partially on piston and liner some in turbo charger blades...some in egb, some goes away with gas...8.How scavenge air limiter works....limits fuel as per the scavenge air pressure at that particular load.9.Engine top bracings...which type of vibration it restricts....Horizontal component of the downward firing force.10. Liner glazing in which type of engine it is more...reasons...more in 4-s As deposits are more and air enters from top, moisture in air disturbs the lub oil film formed..Remedy...Honing....How to avoid it...Piston cleaning ring.. 11.How VIT works..12.What is ACC in MAN...Alfa Adaptive Cyl. LO control sys...How it works...What is equivalent in Sulzer....Pulse Lub Sys...Load dependant.Finally He said...Thats it, was this the only thing remaing...I said Yes...He said you have cleared it. Cleared Class 2With the immense help from everybody in this group finally was able to achieve this..Special thanks to Ashish kanchan, Shailesh Shukla,Samarth Mahadik, Felix Pinto..And everyone who helped whenever i called them for any doubts...Thank You very much.

DG SHIPPING function 5only two questions 1. HRC FUSE (told him all i knew but didnt accept)2. MSB to alternator cable insulation check? function 3 1.Venting system on product tankers?2.water padding?and cargoes ?and what gases used for inerting?3.Maintainance on deep well pumps?4.Trips on IGG5. Difference betwen IG and IGG6.air lock in gas carries?7.What is listed in IBC code?8.Types of cargoes carried on board in type 1 ,type 2 and 3 chemical tankers?9.static electricity..(told him all three stages)and electic diapole etc then crossquestioning ..finally didnt agree.. function 4b 1)types of engines and which all i have studied other than the ones ive done?told him smc then studied about sulzer..2)difference betwwen rta and smc engines ..3)thick shell and thin shell bearings diff..3)bearing difference betwwen rta and smc4)air compressor safety5 )tyes of windlass? function 6 1)smc main bearing survey..2)hydrophore shortcycling your checks and observations3)bacterial infection of lube oil..your actions and name of biosides4)what all preprations you did on board your chemical tanker before dishcarging..5) chief officer informs you anchor is not heaving up,,your action as 2nd engineer..result got fucntion 6..cld have done bettter ..better luck next time..but for safety he wanted everythign from ibc code so got stuck one so its okie:)

10/01/2012 Mr.TrassiFn31.)Types of Gas carriers?told him A,B,C he accepted.2.)Difference between IBC and BCH?I did not answer this well. 3.)What is water pad?3.)Types of floors?4.)Boiler Survey interval?He asked me if first done in 18months then when next,told him within next 36months,he agreed.Fn4b1.)Difference between SMC and MC-C engine main bearings?i told him only one regarding bearing keeps,he wanted more.2.)Ship at safe area,You are allowed to carry out RTA engine fuel pump overhaul,describe the whole procedure from start of the job? 3.)Stroke bore ratio of SMC and MC engine.Told him SMC 3.82 and MC 4.1,he accepted.4.)Types of Windlass?I did not know this.5.)Gave a situation of Chief officer reports to you that windlass not operating,what action you will take?I started with the checks and see of pump developing pressure,for this he asked me what is the normal working pressure,i did not know.Fn51.)Motor given,what tests will you carry out?Told him open and short ckt test.he started to ask the values on healthy winding,i was not sure about this.2.)Insulation test of Cable going from Alternator to MSB?Got this one ringht.3.)Asked me types of insulations?Told him the types,he then asked what are the temperature values.4.)ESB regulation as per SOLAS?Told him Chapter 2 part D reg 45..........he wanted chapter 2-1 which i could not recollect.Fn61)MC engine bearing renewal procedure?He wants everything from the start.2.)Ship is entering dry dock,why is it brought in with a trim?i said as the stern is the one of the strongest part of the ship,then he said GM is small when vessel has trim,what will you do to prevent it from going negative.I was not sure about this,told him ship is givem supports from sides,did not accept.3.)Types of threads?Result:-Did not clear any of the functions.

DGS 1st attemptsurveyor: dutta and tirassiFn.31.Solas chapter 122.What is sub-hazard of reactivity in chemical tanker3.MEPC(62).4.EEDI formula. 5.Types of floors.Diagram of bracket floor.Fn.4b1.Types of engine u have done...i said mitsubishi 7UEC60LS2.Difference between main bearings of SMC and UEC engines.3.Reversing of RT flex engine.4.Difference between LPG gas compressor and main air compressor.5.Difference in deck pipelines of Inert gas generator and IG from boiler.Fn.51.MSB trips and

their testing.2. Insulation resistance of cable from Alternator to MSB. 3.Static electricity 3 conditions and tell d whole procedure of how spark is generated.4.Types of fuses.Fn.61.Boiler survey.2.Types of windlass.Types of hydraulic pumps on deck.Anchor is not coming up.what are the reasons. 3.What is main boiler and what is auxillary boiler.Cleared function 3 and 4b.thanx all and keep posting.cheers!

11th jan @ dgs function 4b n 61. difference b/w rlb n rta engine2. latest development in tuurbochargers. told him dat variable angle nozzle system.. but couldnt explain him properly as he wants everything with diagram.3. fqs setting.4. fuel pump overhauling n taking lead.5. vit.. draw n explain.6. checks before flooding in dry dock.7. what all things u ll check before taking over from previos 2nd engg.function 31. ism2. isps3. ballast water management...4. bulkhead stool.. wants d diagram of stiffner in lower stool.5. supplement of iopp certificate.function 51. emergency source of power2.avr3. shore supply checks4. cold ironing in electrical there was a lot of cross questioning but somehow managed to clear function 5..

DGS 3rd attempt ,badwal..fn:3 ,4b,6.asked only 6 questions that to of only 4b.1. how torque is transmitted to propeller, and thrust trasmitted to hull,draw how propeller attached to taper of shaft? big discussion on this ,he was not satisfied with my diagram.2. safety valve daigram ? again said something missing here n there....3. maneovering dia of rta n man engine?4. staring air line dia n explain..only question he dint say anything...5. loop n uniflow scavenging? piston skirt size, means which is more ..said more in loop..why? 6. said if u give this ans will give u fn 4 , ask to draw fuel valve? draw then he told me i ask u to draw 2/s fuel valve u have draw of 4/s ..i started drawing he told me no not nw, i am not happy with ur ans u repeat all fn questions regarding fn 3 n 6 ....hard to belive but it is true, before oral frds told me he is good guy but, for me he was d worst, or may b i hav not presented my ans in right way... 2- 3 times he told me, u r not explaining me wat i am asking...

orals 29 december gadkar n dattar.dattar took orals.function 41.fuel pump lead(man b&w)2.rnd liner removal(told did not cross question)3.main engine bracings(y n elaborate)4.chain drive checks,difference from gear drive,which is more advantageous n y.5.ignition lag n its effects.(what will it effect more 2s or 4s)6.thin shell metal bearing composition.n few more.dont remember.function 51 single phasing2ward leonard system3.ip 23.what n where used.4.tpes of motors.then asked induction motor principle.n then slip.5.avr with diagram.thats it.this time i was prepared well and orals were taken nicely . with gods grace and help of this group cleared orals and finished with class 2. best of luck to all those who are giving.

02.12.112nd attempt: gadkar and a new surveyor.. i think mukherjeefn 61. Propeller shaft inspection and survey in dry dock. what are the checks that are to be carried out?2. What all checks to be carried out, and measures to be taken after a scavenge fire.3. Procedure for the renewal of boiler tubes.4. What is wire drawing effect w.r.t. metallurgy?5. Difference between casting and forging. What changes in the intermolecular structure occur in each case?6. What is tempering?7. What are case hardened steel? How do you come to knw whether its case hardened?I performed real bad from question 4 onwards. fn 51. MSB maintenance.2. Alternator maintenance and checks.3. What is the distribution system on your vessel? Why do you use insulated neutral? How do you trace an earth fault? ( questions were derived from my answers)4. Power restoration from deadship condition.5. Synchronus motor functioning and where it is used on board? what's the difference between the synchronus and an inductn. motor.6. What is avr? why is it used? What's the first indication that you will see if your avr is faulty? What do you do to rectify it?cleared fn 5.

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