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Wrong Marriage Combinations Can Ruin Couples for Life

Arushi Murder Case : An Analysis

Posted on January 6, 2011

NAME NUMBER: Arushi is name number 4. Name number 4 do

if their name starts with alphabet no. 1(A) then it becomes very goo

persons are great thinkers & good organisers. As per Arabic Numer numbers 4 & 8 as they are very easily lured to sexual fantasies. For 4 please read the books, My Name My Future My Destiny & The Shortest Cut

are sexually frustrated. Parents must keep a close watch on their gir

COMBINATION: Rajesh Talwar, Arushis father is name no.1 and her mother Nupur is n

combination usually remains issueless and if they do have then 90% cases they have a da

son, which is one in a lakh chance, then they are doomed for life. If they have a child then

for long. Here I am talking about 3-4 years. However, Arushi, who had a very good name same name number was Smt. Indira Gandhi.
Posted in Case Study | Tagged Arabic Numerology, Arushi, baby Names, Child naming, Criminal Mind, Murder case, Name Relationships | Leave a comment

because of her name. Hemraj, their servant, was name number 7. Another great persona

Child Naming : How Important It is?

Posted on December 25, 2010

This is the first stage. Nature has given us 9 planets. These planets rule the people as per their names. We spend our life as per their effect on us. Here, you may wonder how they

is born parents just give him a name that they fancy the best. This is the time when ignor life.

child at the mercy of a particular planet, not knowing its qualities, chemical formation an


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