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CE 560.

760 Structural Stability- Fall 2007

COURSE INFORMATION (last updated 9.4.07) Course Description: Concepts of stability of equilibrium, stability criteria. Work, energy and variational methods. Elastic buckling of columns, beams, frames, and plates. FE implementations of stability and Introduction to inelastic and dynamic buckling. Assoc. Prof. Benjamin W. Schafer Office: 203 Latrobe Hall (Phone 6-7801) e-mail: Office Hours: by appointment No formal TA for this course, Several of the grad students from Schafers group in Latrobe 309 have taken this course in the past and are available for assistance. Mon. & Wed., 2:30 4:00, 304 Shaffer Hall Chen and Lui, Structural stability: theory and implementation (we will use this book for the first of the class.., the book is available online at several sources in softcover format, older hardcover format from used bookstores is OK too) Cheung and Tham, Finite Strip Method Bazant and Cedolin, Stability of Structures Chajes, Principles of Structural Stability Theory Allen and Bulson, Background to buckling Bleich, Buckling strength of metal structures Chen and Lui, Structural stability: theory and implementation Galambos, Guide to stability design criteria for metal structures Timoshenko and Gere, Theory of Elastic Stability Professor Schafer will provide copies as needed. Grading: Homework 30% Midterm 30% Take-home Final or Project* 40%
*the whole class will either do take-home final or a project we will need to discuss this and decide a course of action later.


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