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Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

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Jery Bog Nature Reserve

Reserve inf ormation

Location 6 miles south-west of Malton. Malton North Yorkshire Map reference SE 762 666 Best time to visit Jun - Aug Get directions Find out here Public transport Find out here Opening T imes Open at all times

Several species of butterf ly, moth and dragonf ly can be seen and there are some spectacular ant hills in the reserve

Species and habitats

Habit at s Grassland, Wetland, Wo o dland Spe cie s Siskin, Kingfisher, Marsh-marigo ld, Pignut, Yello w Iris

Nearby nature reserves

Wharram Quarry Nat ure Re se rve
6 miles - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Size 3.00 hectares Access Public and permissive f ootpaths. T he Centenary Way passes through the reserve skirting the river. Please keep all dogs on leads. Contact the Trust f or disabled access inf ormation Walking information Public and permissive f ootpaths. T he Centenary Way passes through the reserve skirting the river. Please keep all dogs on leads. Parking Parking is limited at the roadside please be caref ul not to obstruct either of the f arm tracks. Dogs Dogs must be on lead

St re nsall Co m m o n Nat ure Re se rve

8 miles - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Calle y He at h Nat ure Re se rve

11 miles - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

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Grazing animals Yes - cattle graze the pastures during the summer

Reserve manager Yorkshire Wildlif e Trust Tel: 01904 659570 inf

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Love Yorks hire, Love Wildlife

Yo rkshire Wildlif e Trust is re gist e re d in England no . 4 0 9 6 5 0 and is a re gist e re d charit y no . 210 80 7

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