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PRACTICAL -6 Name:- Kishan Kotecha Branch:- [C.S.] Batch:- [C-1] Roll no.

:-B015 Aim:-use of different constructor

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class area { float l,b,a; public: area() { l=0; b=0; } area(int a,int c) { l=a; b=c; } area(int a,float c=10) { l=a; b=c; } area(area &i1) { l=i1.l; b=i1.b; }

void putdata() { a=l*b; cout<<"\narea of rectengle is="<<a; } }; int main() { clrscr(); area a1(10,20); a1.putdata(); area a2(a1); a2.putdata(); area a3(30); a3.putdata(); getch(); return (0); }


Area of rectangle is=200 Area of rectangle is=200 Area of rectangle is=300

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