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If you have read my previous articles you can see that there are several problems with an expanding universe, at least in my opinion. I will list them briefly here. For more detail, read the other articles. 1. Expansion due to inertial motion, created by an explosion, can not create an homogeneous universe. 2. Motion of the moving objects would cause problems with viewed distances that observations do not indicate. 3. Red shift would not occur in all directions, as it would be due to the objects' motions relative to space, not relative to us. Absorption would have the same nature, relative to light's speed as it enters the clouds in space. 4. All motion would be traceable back to a single central point, not to just any point, as observations seem to indicate. 5. The background radiation would not be equal distance from us nor would it be moving at equal speeds in all directions, unless we had not moved from the center of the Big Bang. The background radiation is simply the matter that fills so-called empty space. 6. If a big bang occurred, it is long past and expansion has halted. Due to the lack of antimatter, if an explosion created the visible universe, it was an exploding black hole that contained little or no antimatter. According to my theory, antimatter has never existed. 7. Galactic collisions would not occur in an expanding universe, especially one that is expanding outward from every point within it. It could only happen in a universe expanding due to pressure. This would indicate something outside the expanding universe for it to expand into. What created it? 8. A universe that is expanding due to pressure would indicate an ether within space that is under pressure. I believe this ether does exist, but expansion that does not cause the problems already mentioned can't occur. It is my belief that the combination of gravity and the ether within space has created a somewhat stable universe. This ether isn't only in space but also within all of the universe. This ether creates gravity and inertia, as explained in 'GOOD VIBRATIONS a guide to the universe'. This is nothing new. Scientists today refer to it as Dark Matter. Scientists during Einstein's day, and even before, simply called it the ether. Their problem was that they thought it was only in space, and that the earth must plow through it in its motion through the galaxy. That does not happen due to frame dragging. Just as a person on top of the Empire State Building doesn't plow through the atmosphere, the earth and the solar system drag the ether with them. This ether is made up of individual particles. Stationary electrons, photons, and protons are locked in position by surrounding particles. They spin and vibrate, depending on their energy levels. They occupy an area equal to twice their magnetic fields, and they occupy every point in space, at least for a brief period during their vibration. It is the vibration of these particles that pushes larger atoms, molecules, planets, etc. around. Larger objects affect the vibration of particles around them, and it is the variations in these vibrations that create gravity and inertia. All matter vibrates and the more massive, the slower the vibrational frequency. For more detail, read 'GOOD VIBRATIONS a guide to the universe'. If you study the density of the atmosphere of the earth, you will see that if gravity acted as scientists believe, the atmosphere would be only 8 km thick. While surface gravity should fall off by a factor of 4 at an altitude of 6000 km, the density of the atmosphere falls off by more than a thousand times.

Actually, these numbers are wrong, since scientists are only aware of the atoms and molecules they can measure, and these are few and far between at higher altitudes. But they don't just spread out and exist in nothingness. The ether makes up the rest of the density. According to Einstein, gravity accelerates all objects toward earth at the same rate, regardless of the size of the object. Of course, bouyancy plays a part. Just as objects that will not float in air will float in water, the atoms and molecules, if hot enough, will be light enough to float in the ether. Nothing will float in a vacuum within a gravitational field, unless there is something heavier directly below it. Now, let's look at the reasons scientists mistakenly believe that objects are moving apart in space and space itself is expanding. 1. Stars are creating solar winds faster than gravity is creating new stars. This continually adds to the ether, both within the solar systems and also within interstellar space. 2. A denser ether causes light from distant objects to dim slightly. This makes them appear more distant. 3. The ratio of stars burning compared to stars being created is ever increasing, due partly to the extreme lifetime of the stars. And when stars do die, they add to the ether even faster. This makes the rate of expansion seem to increase. 4. The ether itself does not condense back into star building material. The supply of hydrogen and helium is being depleted. Only the final death of stars replenishes this supply, but never to previous levels. The expansion of space, according to the Hubble Constant, is 70 km/s over a distance of 3,260,000 light years (30,841,981,332,200,000,000 km). This amounts to an increase of

about .000,000,000,000,000,226,9 % per second.(100% over 13.975 billion years).

5. Scientists believe that objects 13.5 billion light years away are travelling away from us at 10 times the speed of light. This means an object 3,260,000 light years away would be moving at 1/414 the speed of light (724 kms.). This amounts to an increase in distance of only about .

000,000,000,000,002,193 % per second.(933.64% over 13.5 billion years.) The solar winds consist of .01% of the sun's mass each year. The sun's mass is 98% of the mass for the entire solar system. This amounts to .000,000,000,317% of the mass of the solar system each second. Do scientists just believe that all of these electrons and protons simply evaporate? As the solar system gets foggy, the distance objects get dimmer. The sun, over a period of 100 years would appear to be 6.4 miles farther away. Scientists believe that the galaxies are moving apart faster than space is expanding. However the expansion of space is exactly that required to account for the suspected size of the visible universe(13.975 billion light years). The universe should be almost 10 times larger based on the suspected speed of the galaxies. Even the slower speed, the expansion of space, creates significant problems with the speed of light. Objects at the edge, traveling at the speed of light, would emit light that would be stationary, relative to us, as the light emitting objects move away from the photons and us at the speed of light. I know Einstein said that light would travel away from these objects at the speed of light and would also approach us at the speed of light. That could only happen if the medium of space was stationary. It was Einstein's belief when he first developed the theory of relativity that the universe was not expanding.

Light only moves at the speed of light relative to the medium it passes through. If that medium is moving relative to use, light does not move at the speed of light, relative to us. Since scientists do not see these problems with speed and distance, the universe is obviously not expanding. The earth is surrounded by the Van Allen radiation belts. They stretch from 65 degree north latitude to 65 degrees south latitude. All observations of the solar system and the plane of the milky way are made from light that passed through these dense radiation belts. Even Hubble, it's low earth orbit inclined about 30 degrees relative to the equator, must peer through this fog. The particles that make up these radiation belts are the very particles that make up the solar wind. Are we to assume that the solar wind is not increasing the density of these belts by 1 % every 135 million years. That, plus an increase in the rate of increase of .1% every 135 million years is all that is required to explain astronomical observations. Galaxies and solar system still have their individual rotating motions and some are moving relative to others due to gravitational forces. The entire universe may be rotating. Red shift can still be created by the loss of energy of the photons as they travel great distances, allowing different bands to be obsorbed as they pass through various clouds along the way. The surface of stars would only emit long infrared photons that would later become less energetic photons in the short infrared to ultraviolet spectrum. Another problem with massive objects traveling at or beyond the speed of light, relative to space, is the fact that relativity says that they would shrink to infinity, obtain infinite mass, and time would stop. I don't believe this for a second, but they can't have it both ways. Either they are wrong about the expansion, or Einstein was wrong about relativity or as I believe, they are wrong about practically everything.

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