Nursing Care Plan D-C

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Student Nurses Community

NURSING CARE PLAN Dilatation and Curettage ASSESSMENT SUBJECTIVE: DIAGNOSIS INFERENCE PLANNING After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will identify relationship of signs and symptoms related to surgical procedure and actions to deal with them. INTERVENTION Review effects of surgical procedure and future expectations. Discuss resumption of activity. Encourage light activities initially, with frequent rest periods and increasing activities or exercise as tolerated. Identify individual restriction like avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activities. Identify dietary needs like high protein and additional iron. Review incisional care when appropriate. RATIONALE Provides knowledge base from which patient can make informed choices. Client can expect to feel tired when she goes home and needs to plan a gradual resumption of activities. EVALUATION After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to identify relationship of signs and symptoms related to surgical procedure and actions to deal with them.

Knowledge deficient Dalawang araw regarding na ako dinudugo, condition, hindi ko alam prognosis, ang gagawin ko treatment, self (I am bleeding for care, and the past two days, discharge what should I do?) needs related to as verbalized by unfamiliarity the patient. with information resources. OBJECTIVE: Confusion Request for information. Fear V/S taken as follows: T: 37.4 P: 75 R: 22 BP: 100/70

Dilatation and curettage, also called as D&C, is a common surgical procedure done on women to scrape and collect the tissue from inside the uterus. The cervical passage in a women leads to the uterus. Dilatation is a widening of the cervical passage. This is done using smoothly conical and tapered, graduated metal rods of various sizes and these are appropriately called the dilators. The gradually large metal dilators lead to widening of the tight cervical passage slowly. Curettage ("C") is the second part of the procedure and is done to scrape

Strenuous activity intensifies fatigue and may delay healing.

Facilitates healing or tissue regeneration and helps anemia if present. Facilitate competent selfcare, promoting independence.

Student Nurses Community

the inside contents of the uterus. For this, a sharp spoon-like instrument called curette is used. The procedure is usually performed under general or regional anaesthesia. Stress the importance of follow up care. Provides opportunity to ask questions, clear up misunderstanding s, and detect developing complications. Early recognition and treatment of developing complications such as infection or hemorrhage may prevent life threatening situations.

Identify sign and symptoms requiring medical evaluation.

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